#me when i give every Good Character (tm) a romantic interest of the opposite gender except for the Mainest Bad Guy
2dieavirgin · 2 years
the cobra kai writers have trapped themselves in a queercoded-hayes-code-conundrum with terry silver and it's hilarious
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thewriterwithnoplan · 4 years
Hey! I saw you were interested doing those I ship you with things, could I get a make ship for young justice and throne of glass? I can be an intense person. I’m very passionate, outgoing, and responsible. I feel at home leading and am very ambitious. I’m extremely protective of my friends and family and not afraid to hit back 10x harder. My sense of humor is quite sarcastic and I have a work hard, play hard mentality. Thank you!
I wasn’t sure which gender you preferred to be shipped with, so I figured it was a 50-50. If you would like me to redo it with female characters just comment or send in another request!
Throne of Glass
I ship you with… Dorian Havilliard II
Dorian immediately seemed like a perfect match for you!
You met during the war – you were an adviser to Ansel of Briarcliff, Queen of the Wastes, and travelled with her fleet to meet-up with Aelin and her court during the events of Empire of Storms.
Dorian first notices you during one of the tactical meetings.
At first your presence confuses him (everyone else in the room is either a king, a queen or part of Aelin’s court), but then you start up a witty conversation with Aelin and he realizes you’re not just Ansel’s adviser.
Between the sarcastic jokes and the witty banter, he finds out that you met her as Celaena while training with the Silent Assassins.
When the actual planning starts, you go into work modeTM at first, he thinks your tactics are a little ambitious, but your protective nature definitely translates into creating perfect defence forms.
The two of you don’t really interact much after that – although you did briefly run into each other during the Battle of Terrasen, you saved him from a Valg that tried to sneak up behind him, he healed a small wound on your arm and then you parted ways.
After the war, Ansel sends you to Adarlan as a royal ambassador.
You two definitely bond over your shared passions – especially books.
In fact, the first time the two of you go out its on a Book Date! It’s oddly domestic, considering he’s a king but after all the chaos of the war, you both think its romantic.
Asks you to marry him soon after – life’s too short!
His duties as King are probably very demanding so I think he would really appreciate someone who willingly takes on responsibility.
Even though you don’t mind a bit of hard work, you’re usually the one who has to drag him away from his courtly paperwork to have a bit of fun. And boy do you two have fun.
Definitely likes showing you off – although he keeps you close when foreign royalty is visiting (it’s a long story but one time you punched a foreign Prince in the throat for disrespecting the castle staff)
Overall, I think you two just mesh really well – you’re sort of opposites but also very much alike.
Young Justice
I ship you with… Bart Allen
This one might seem a little strange but hear me out!
Speedsters are known for being passionate, outgoing, and protective.
Also – sarcasm for days! Between your witty jokes and his quick comebacks, you two have an unstoppable stream of banter going at all times.
I feel like you were definitely from his time, the child of someone from the Bat-family maybe?
Which explains your protectiveness towards friends and family – I mean, who’s more protective than the Bat-family?
You definitely wear the pants in the relationship and Bart will openly admit it.
Poor clueless boy just wants to save his family – good thing you have enough ambition and sarcasm to get stuff done.
You two find the perfect balance between work and play – you make sure he gets everything done and he makes sure you take a break every once in a while.
The team immediately trust you, which Bart really admires.
Sometimes you even get to help Nightwing lead the team or you’re put in charge of a Squad on missions.
100% thinks you get hotter when you’re bossing him around.
Calls you babe.
Likes to kiss you on the cheek before speeding off or leave little gifts for you as he flashes past (like coffee if you’re working or just little trinkets that made him think of you).
More than once, you have started your day without any jewellery on, only to be confused when somebody compliments your bracelet or when you go home and have to take off a necklace that wasn’t there before.
Would give up his speed for you in a heartbeat.
You are the definition of opposites, but that’s just what makes you work so well! He’s the peanut butter to your jelly.
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