#me looking yami dead in the eyes as i type this:
leechysmile · 8 months
I’m curious what’s ur favorite joey ship? Feel free to go on a rant about Them I wanna hear it
Hi anon! So, I have a few favorites really! Some more problematic than others, fair warning. It's a decently wide range. So I'll list a few and give a short summary!
Do note that I like many more besides these though 💞
Puppyshipping- Seto/Joey:
This is the first Joey ship I fell in love with and the one you'll see a lot of on this blog. Both because I love it and because it undeniably has a lot more fanart/fics than the others. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers and love the wide range of potential here. Be it something extremely toxic or a slowburn as long as I can see it happening I'm in 👀
Wishshipping- Yugi/Joey:
These two are so sweet together and right now I am particularly vibing with Omegaverse AUs with Alpha Yugi and Omega Joey. I don't really see a lot of Omegaverse with them in general, let alone in this way.
This ship I generally see as on the "wholesome" side, though I use that word loosely. It's mostly sweet, but there is a fair bit of untapped potential regarding just how quickly Joey jumped into "I would literally die for you" territory. While that may sound sweet on the surface to some people, it also suggests an arguably dangerous level of attachment. Because what happens to Joey if for some reason Yugi leaves, dies, etc? Potentially, he could fall apart.
Puffshipping- Ryou/Joey:
I've seen this one get more popular lately and I am SO here for it. I think it'd be really fun to explore a scenario where they're both lost alone in the woods or something. I can also see Ryou taking things he finds fun too far and scaring the shit out of Joey. I like to headcanon Ryou with a fear kink, whether it's being scared or scaring others.
Irateshipping- Marik/Joey:
How can I see Marik calling Joey his doll and NOT ship it? I don't care if it's toxic, I love it. I'm not going to turn down more wholesome forms of it, but I DEFINITELY lean toward the toxic/abusive angle for them. Or, in the case of several roleplays I've done, it starting pretty chill and then entering darker territory because of x reason.
Fadeshipping- Yami Marik/Joey:
Listen, do you know how much potential is here? A lot. I could totally see Yami Marik coming back in some way and deciding Joey is his victim to kill after failing to with the Winged Dragon of Ra. That's a great jumping-off point that can go in many directions.
Brightshipping- Mokuba/Seto/Joey:
Alright, I already lost a mutual over talking about Tabloidshipping, but here's a worse one I like 💀
So, since I like Riskshipping (Mokuba/Joey), Tabloidshipping (Seto/Mokuba), & Puppyshipping... it shouldn't be too terribly surprising that I enjoy combining all three. For this one, I generally see it as most likely that Mokuba would come onto Joey or it's a Season 0 vibe where Seto and Mokuba use Joey as a plaything.
Gangshipping- Hirutani/Joey:
There is a lot of untapped potential here, particularly for the level of toxicity. I honestly could see Hirutani still coming after Joey again. The guy seems like the type who'd sooner drop dead than accept a loss. And he did lose Joey—Twice. Both when Joey left the gang and when he tried forcing Joey back into it. Also, the look he gives Joey in one of the manga panels looks like bedroom eyes to me.
I don't know, I really love angst and this ship is perfect for that. I also love rescue scenarios... which this ship can also lead to. At the very least Yugi and Atem would help Joey once they know there's a problem.
Alright, so I didn't really go into specifics, but that's because I couldn't decide on just one and I can write essays on any of these. Feel free to send asks if you're curious about a specific ship, be it these ones or others!
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valtoswife · 2 years
Nacht tilted his head at the giant white building he was about to enter, observing just how pristine it looked from where he stood. Such an awfully nice place to be, especially for those types of people...
He used his magic to travel through the shadow of the building and get inside, then wandered through the halls to find the people he was there to talk to. His usual sardonic smile formed as he did so, thinking about all the things he saw from them secondhand with his Shadow Magic. It was certainly going to be interesting to actually meet them.
He eventually found the place he was looking for, and knocked on the door labeled Magic Tool Research. A blond man in a white lab coat and goggles answered. He took off his goggles to show his wide, confused eyes, and said, “Um, hello. What can I do for you?”
“Hello. You must be Dr. North. I’m Nacht Faust, Vice Captain of the Black Bulls Magic Knight Squad. I’d like to speak to you and your friends here on an important matter.”
“My friends?” he asked. “Oh! You mean—“
“Yes, them. Are they available to talk?”
“Yes! Of course!” He widened the door to let Nacht in, and offered a seat from one of the lab tables. When Nacht didn’t sit down, he cleared his throat awkwardly and then rushed across the room to open a door from the other side and yelled, “Guys, come down! The Vice Captain of the Black Bulls has come here to talk to us!”
In response, out came an exasperated groan from one person, while simultaneously, another voice asked, “Is this about that explosion last month, Makusa? I told you, it was an accident this time, I swear!” However, the first person to arrive was dead silent as he entered the room through a pitch black portal on the ground. His gray hair covered one of his strange eyes with black sclerae, as well as one of the two symmetrical lines on his face. Not long after, the two sources of noise came down: one with long purple hair and an eye patch, and another with short black hair and red glasses.
“Ah, so you are the people that caused quite a bit of trouble for my teammates and kingdom while I was gone.” Nacht’s smile widened and his cold blue eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“What do you want?” snapped the man in the eye patch.
“So brusque,” Nacht commented. “I hate people like that.”
“Does it look like I care?”
Nacht ignored him and turned to face Makusa as he spoke to the four of them. “What I’m about to say is confidential information, so don’t go around letting this slip and causing a public panic.” He closed his eyes. “Captain Vangeance of the Golden Dawn and Sukehiro of the Black Bulls have been kidnapped by the Spade Kingdom.”
“What?! How?!” Makusa asked.
“Two members of the Dark Triad invaded our kingdom and attacked those two squads. And one of them used Spatial Magic to take the captains away for a little plan of theirs.” Nacht gave the man with the lined face the quickest glance before turning back to Makusa. “They want to use the captains in a ritual that will transport the underworld’s devils into our world.”
Makusa was too shocked to respond. All he could do was stare at his visitor in horror.
“So what are telling us this stuff for?” the patched man asked.
“I’m gathering a team to go to the Spade Kingdom and rescue the captains before their ritual is completed, and I’d like for you,” he said to Makusa, “to make some sort of magic item that will help us infiltrate the Spade Kingdom undetected.”
“Of course!” Makusa nodded. “Sally and I will begin right away!”
“Use Sally if you must,” Nacht sighed.
“Trust me,” Makusa said. “Sally should be the one leading this kind of project.”
“Very well, but I also have another job for her, Valtos, and Rades Spirito.” He looked at Sally. “You three have been chosen as part of the team that will be sent to rescue Yami and Vangeance.”
“Alright.” Rades lifted his head, suddenly interested. “How much time are we talking?”
Nacht raised an eyebrow at him. “In the Spade Kingdom? Well, once the ritual starts it would take seven days—“
“No, I meant off our sentences,” Rades clarified.
“Who said anything about shortening your sentences?” Nacht asked. “Given the nature of your sentences, if you ask me, I think you’ve all been let off too easily anyways.”
Rades let out a burst of laughter. “Then what’s in it for us if we do take this job?”
“What’s in it for you?” Nacht’s smile widened to a point where it was unnatural, unsettling to look at. “How about by taking this job and playing your part in stopping the ritual, the world as you know it doesn’t become a literal Hell on Earth for everyone, including yourself. Is that not enough of an incentive to help?”
Rades glared at Nacht, but could not think of anything else to say, so Valtos shared, “Well, I don’t mind if our sentences don’t get lowered, even if we do help. Like you just said, it is a matter bigger than all of us. Besides, this would be a good opportunity to keep atoning for my sins.”
“Shut up, Valtos!” Rades yelled.
Nacht let out a low chuckle at Valtos. “You? Atone? After everything you’ve done? Well, whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose.”
He turned to Sally. “What about you? What do you have to say about this arrangement?”
“I’m just curious.” Sally tilted her head at Nacht. “Who else is going to be on this team?”
“The captains of the other squads, or the vice captain if not the captain. Well, besides the Purple Orcas. They’ll stay behind to keep things in order here while we’re gone. And...one of my teammates is also coming along.”
Sally’s eyes widened. “Is it Asta?! It has to be Asta! You can’t go into a place like the Spade Kingdom without any abilities like his!”
Nacht sighed. “You’re right. It’s him. But don’t you dare think that means you’ll get to bother him at any point during this mission. You’re going to be tasked with a different job from his. While he helps defeat the Triad, you’re going to evacuate the Spade Kingdom civilians.”
Sally shrugged and said, “Okay, I guess!”
Nacht scoffed. “‘Okay, I guess’?”
“Well, what did you want her to say?” Rades asked.
“This is a serious mission. The world is quite literally at stake here. So how about ‘Of course’ or ‘I’ll do my best’?” Nacht let out an exasperated sigh. “But what else would I expect from you guys other than to be the types of people I absolutely despise?” He looked at Rades. “Those who only care about their own suffering and don’t think of others.” He turned to Valtos. “Those who did evil things for the longest time but then think they can turn over a new leaf all of a sudden.” He glanced at Sally. “Those who don’t take devil business seriously.
“In all honesty, I hate that you three are even alive right now. With my Shadow Magic through my teammates, I’ve heard you,” he gestured towards Sally, “talk about you’ve been killed by your old leader, but thanks to your magic,” he turned back to Rades, “you all came back to life. You three don’t deserve any second chance to live. Not when so many others would be far more worthy of such a thing.”
Rades pointed a finger at Nacht, daring to look him in the eye even when Sally and Valtos couldn’t, and said, “Listen, I don’t care who you are, that you’re the vice captain of a magic knight squad, you need to shut your mouth! What makes you think you can talk to us like this?! You don’t know us! You have no idea what it was like for us! You have no right to judge us!”
“I’d say I know enough about you three. What I know is that only after you’ve lost everything was when you decided to repent, if at all. How ridiculous. How pathetic. How selfish.” Valtos and Sally exchanged glances as they noticed Nacht shivering.
Nacht took a deep breath, and he stopped shaking. “Still...I know I need to put aside my feelings for the sake of this mission. I hate to admit it, but you all have skills that would be incredibly useful.” He grinned at Rades, who was frozen in complete rage. “So, will you three do it?”
“I’ll do it!” Everyone turned their heads to see it was Makusa who spoke.
“What?!” Rades exclaimed.
Nacht blinked in surprise. “You weren’t one of the people selected for this. You don’t have to actually go on the mission, just help make the magic item I requested.”
“Well, you said yourself what’s at stake here. I don’t want to be stuck here while these three and the others are out there, knowing the fate of the world hangs in the balance.”
“Are you sure?” Nacht asked. “I’m only bringing mages of the highest skill, and you’re not even a magic knight. Will you be able to keep up with us?”
“I have a spell that’s perfect for the evacuation effort if things gets messy in the Spade Kingdom,” Makusa replied. “My Snow Magic will be able to hide us from the enemies if they start to gain the upper hand.”
Nacht’s smile faded and he nodded. “Very well. If that’s the case, I would be glad to have you on the team.”
“What?!” Rades repeated, staring wildly at Makusa. “You’re doing this?!” Makusa stayed silent as Rades processed what just happened.
“Sally, don’t tell me you’re joining too!” Rades gave a desperate grin to her.
“Sorry, but I am.” Sally shrugged. “I could never miss an opportunity like this to see so many different things.”
Knowing it was slim chance, he still turned and whispered, “Valtos?” who simply nodded at him in response.
Rades silently scratched his head in frustration before finally yelling, “Fine! I guess I’ll come along too...” and letting out an even louder groan than before.
“Excellent.” Nacht’s eerie smiled returned. “We’re all going to meet up in three days’ time right before the mission. Until then, do what you can to get ready.” And with that, using his Shadow Magic, he slid away, leaving the four to their own devices. They all looked at each other.
“Why is everyone in that squad so damn infuriating?!” Rades asked.
“Calm down, Rades.” As he spoke, Valtos stared at the shadow Nacht went through, the one of the chair Makusa had offered Nacht. “Don’t let him bother you.”
“Well, we may as well get started on that magic item now,” Makusa suggested. Sally nodded, and the two made it over to a lab table to begin planning.
After such an unpleasant encounter and hearing such disturbing news, they were all surprised to feel less dread and more anticipation for what was to come. Whether they liked it or not, they now had this responsibility to help prevent the ruin of the world, including the land three of them had tried to ruin themselves not too long ago, which they were sure this mysterious Black Bull would not let them forget about as long as he could help it.
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sesshy380 · 2 years
Crackfic part 4
This one was written just before the holiday. Enjoy! (Also, sorry about the lack of clickable link to AO3. Too many Kudosbot attacks.)
Title: Talking with Myself...'Kiss Miss' edition https://archiveofourown.org/works/43486522
Summary: ♪ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day...I've got a jar of dir-rt! I've got a jar of dir-rt!
[Yami Bakura sitting in random space, giddily coloring with his red crayon while humming the tune of ‘Jingle Bells’]
Author: Whatcha doin?
[Yami Bakura continues his scribbling without looking up]
Y.Bakura: Letting the fat man know what I want for this ‘Kiss Miss’ thing. I’m all for hot chicks, but I prefer a new knife…and maybe some more red crayons. Seriously, just order a warehouse full next time. I go through a lot.
[Author tries not to laugh]
Author: Noted. So…besides a new knife and crayons, anything else you want? Something maybe someone other than Santa Clause can get for you?
[Yami Bakura lifts his head up and give the Author a dead-pan stare]
Y.Bakura: Hate to break it to ya, but his name is ‘Satan Claws’. No wonder you can’t write anything good. You obviously have that thing where the words are jumbled up.
Author: You mean dyslexia?
Y.Bakura: I’m pretty sure that’s the name of the device you shout at to Google things.
Author: No, that’s Alexa.
Y.Bakura: I guess you can hire someone named Alexa to do that for you…but you gotta make money off your work first. Spoiler alert: You can’t make money with fanfiction. I’m tellin ya, my stuff is Pulitzer material. No copyrights or trademarks, so you can earn all the coin from the publications.
[Author nods her head while still attempting to keep a straight face]
Author: You know what, I’ll just throw some candy in a stocking. I don’t know anyone that would pass up free candy.
[Yami Bakura is visibly confused]
Y.Bakura: But if you are the one putting the candy in the socks…then does that mean there’s no Satan Claws? Who’s gonna make sure all those people die from beatings?
[Author’s turn to be visibly confused]
Author: What???
Y.Bakura: You know…all the people eat a bunch of candy from a sock and end up with the curse of ‘die from beatings’.
Author: You mean diabetes?
Y.Bakura: That’s what I just said. Oh. My. Gods. You’re deaf too?! CAN. YOU. HEAR. ME? I. ONLY. KNOW. ONE. SIGN.
[Yami Bakura proceeds to flip-off Author]
[A tear escapes from the corner of Author’s eye as she still attempts to not fall on the floor in laughter]
Author: Don’t worry. There’s still a ‘Satan Claws’. I was just going to throw some non-cursed candy in your stocking. I’ll leave the cursed stuff for the fat man. You’ll know which is his by all the glitter. And I think I’ll give you your gift early.
[Author hands a copy of the future chapters she’s been working on]
[Yami Bakura quickly glances through them, a smile slowly forming across his face]
Y.Bakura: Murder? I get the opportunity to kill someone?!?!
Author: You’re welcome.
[Yami Bakura jumps up and enthusiastically hugs the Author]
Y.Bakura: It’s a Kiss Miss miracle!
Author: Riiight…by the way, it’s pronounced Christmas.
Y.Bakura: Author, since you were so nice, I’ll ask Satan Claws to give you some writing talent. Maybe some hearing aids too, so you can hear things properly. Maybe that’s your problem? You hear everything wrong so you don’t know how it should be spelled, which in turn makes it so much harder for you to be a good writer.
[Author shakes her head in amusement and walks away]
[Yami Bakura sits back down and starts scribbling on a new sheet of paper]
Dear Satan Claws,
First off, I am a huge fan of your work. Can I ask a favor from one great killer to another? Can you bring Author one of those puppies for disabled people? I’m sure you can find one that can type. Don’t worry if it can’t spell, Author can’t spell either. Spell check does most of the work in that area. It just needs some talent when it comes to writing plots. I’ve tried to help, but Author is just too nice of a person and doesn’t want to steal credit from someone as amazing as me.
Murder Fluff Thief King Bakura
P.S. I’m all for free candy, but I’m already bound to a cursed object. Can you bring me some non-cursed candy? Author said she would leave me some, but double would be better.
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augustheart · 7 years
the mood today is manuel and barry taking beatings for each other after manuel implies/states that he sees romance as being able to take a beating for someone else 
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Request from the DMs: An AU where Noelle dies, and Nozel meets Yami and Asta at the graveyard, visiting Noelle’s grave
Characters: Silva siblings, Yami and Asta
Fanfic type: Oneshot
Genre: Angst
Length: ~0.6k
Warnings: MCD (Major Character death), angst, the theme of death and loss
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It still seemed so unreal. So, surreal… Like a bad dream. A nightmare.
It had been a month since the funeral, but it felt much, much longer. It felt… timeless. The flow of which couldn’t be grasped. Simultaneously it was as if Noelle had been there just a day ago, but in another way it was as if she had been gone for years, perhaps even decades. The memories were so distant, and only a few of them were… pleasant. At least to Nozel, Nebra and Solid.
But still… it seemed so wrong. Because it was wrong.
They might not have had a lot of happy, family memories with her, but this was not what they had ever wanted. In any shape or form. To be standing by her gravestone a month after the burial.
None of them wanted to be standing by her grave in the first place. Just… looking, without a word. Because there was nothing to say. Nothing to make it better; tolerable.
And yet they stood there for a time the length of which had escaped them, until their feet begun to take them away, one by one.
Solid was the first to take a step back, Nebra following right behind, and Nozel waited for a step, or two, before turning around and walking away; without a word. It was that silence, that horrid silence.
‘Dead men tell no tales’ they say, but it is a lie. The dead do tell tales, but they speak with horrid, frost covered silence. And that silence accompanied them down the path towards the gates of the cemetery. But other pairs of steps walked up that same path, only that those steps carried black capes.
“Hey brai-… Nozel,” Yami uttered with a quiet tone. His voice was low, but the tone of it made it seem even lower.
Asta was with him, but instead of stopping to greet any of them, he just walked past, up the path, and towards the grave.
Nozel’s reply was inn the form of a nod, the rest of the Silva’s making their way closer to the gate.
“How are you holding up?” Yami asked, looking down at the man with silver hair, whose head was lowered, looking into the depths of the earth.
But he stayed silent, wondering how to answer. Because how was he really holding up? What was there to say?
“She shouldn’t be… there…” he finally uttered, dodging the question.
Yami blinked, looking down at him; waiting for a few passing seconds. And then his eyes turned up to look at the boy, barely grown, standing by the gravestone. “Yeah… the kid feels that too y’know.” He kept his eyes on Asta, but could hear the subtle ruffling of clothes that came with Nozel turning to look.
“Look…” Yami started, rubbing the back of his head, “I’m not the greatest at this, but you should talk to someone.”
“Like I would cry on your shoulder,” Nozel scoffed, beginning to walk around Yami, but before he did, Yami continued.
“I didn’t say me, but you should talk to someone… Just a friendly suggestion…”
Nozel carried on with his steps, and Yami continued to look at the boy with ash grey hair, standing by a grave. A breeze blew past, making the strands of silver, black and grey sway with it, but it brought no comfort with it.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
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My dumb brain pressed the post button instead of saving to drafts! Hope you find this Anony that requested this 🥺 please give me a holler if you do!
Okay, this is a fucking cute one Anony. I can imagine y/n snickering and trying to paint their nails without waking them up. (Usually I accept 4 characters per request I’ll close an eye and squeeze the maho tei in okay! 😇)
Yes you’re not the first to tell me “the BC boys” sounds like a 90s boy band hehe, they’ll be hell of a band 🤘
Julius | William | Fuegoleon | Nozel | Yami
Julius Novachrono
He was easy to do because he’s tired and sleeps soundly at the end of the day. You did them quietly and nicely and went to sleep.
Doesn’t even realises until he steps into office and signs with his feather pen.
He smiled so hard thinking about you and your antics. It made his day much better. He started thinking about how to get back at you when he got home.
He wore his socks in the dark because he didn’t want to wake you up. So he didn’t even know his toes were even coloured.
When he got home and saw his toenails he laughed. “Oh honey, immaculate work.”
You burst into laughter. “They match the magic stones honey!”
“Well honey, it is really nicely done,” the wizard king had to admit.
William Vangeance
You’ll have to be really careful not to wake him, he’s a light sleeper.
This man is meticulous as hell so the moment he woke up he notices his toes. And then his hands.
“Y/n?” He’ll call out to you. “Is this your work?”
“Hehehe!” You’ll start giggling and he smiles at your cute giggles, “it’s golden like your team colour! Isn’t it cute!?”
“Am i supposed to go out in these?”
“Yes! You’re rocking in those”
And he did as you wished and although his members teased him for it, he’s a good sport as always and brushes it off, happy that it puts the smile on people’s faces.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
If you do it while he was sleeping, you’ll get away with it.
He doesn’t really notices and if he doesn’t go to his office and has outdoor errands / training , he absolutely has no clue until someone pointed it out.
“Why are your nails painted red bro?!” Leopold would shout. He looks at his nails and his shocked expression is priceless.
His first thought would be that he was bleeding but he realised it was nail polish he was slightly embarrassed.
“Is this your doing y/n?” He’d ask you, “why did you decide to paint my nails and when?!”
“It actually looks good on you Honey! All red and fiery! Matches you!” You’d beam at him, trying to avoid the question.
He’d really be distracted, “why thank you honey, red is my colour”
Nozel silva
Extremely light sleeper so you had to give him a drink or two to be able to pull this one off.
Notices immediately when he wears his sandals. This man is observant and meticulous.
But he was impressed that you got it on without him noticing it.
“Take these off please,” he’ll tell you.
“But you absolutely slay the colours darling.” You pouted.
“This is unbefitting of a royal.” His brows would furrow giving you his signature annoyed look.
“Okay fine,” You removed the polish and gave him nails a simple manicure, trimming his nails and removing some dead skin.
He loved that and would request you doing it for him for often.
Yami Sukehiro
Absolutely has no idea because he sleeps like a baby. Nobody in the team dares to question the captain. (They just figured he lost a bet.)
He attended a captain’s meeting and everyone was staring as his black nails.
“What? I’ve got something on my face?” He’d question all those looks.
“You into some curse of witch magic type of shit muscle head?” Jack would tease him
“The Fuck you talking about string bean” Yami would retort
“What you paint your nails black for?”
“Huh Wha-?” He looked at his hands. He burst of laughing so loudly, shaking his head, “that lil brat of mine gon get it from me” realising it was you immediately.
“What ya paint my nails for baby?” He asked when he got home.
“It represents your squad! And you look good in them! I painted your toes too!”
He kicked his shoes and socks off then he realises them.
“Sweet geez you did a fine job didn’t ya baby?”
“Didn’t i!” You beamed at him proudly.
He’ll be thinking of a way to prank you back soon.
I’m sorry the length were all pretty different! It depends on how fast they found out as well so..
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Yami Sukehiro Birthday Headcanons!
Yami has been one of my favorite BC characters from the start so I wanted to write a little something for his birthday. Enjoy!
Yami is definitely the type to keep the date of his birth a secret from everyone. It's not because he WANTS it to be a secret, he just doesn't think it's important enough to mention to anyone.
Of course, there's a few people who know. But none of the Black Bulls (except for Nacht) have any idea what the significance of September 17th is.
Yami starts the day early, just as the rest of his squad starts to stir. He walks out in front of the base, drawing in the fumes of the day's first cigarette
The sun is rising in the east, and he can't help but stare out at the horizon. Because, in the east, across the sea, is his home
He remembers what it used to be like. His family was humble, living off of fish, but his mom and dad always managed to put together some sort of celebration for their son.
They probably think that I'm dead, Yami thinks to himself. I wish they knew that I'm alive, and turning another year older today.
But that's all the thought he really puts into it. For the rest of the day, he goes about business as usual. The Black Bulls were as rambunctious as ever, getting very little work done along the way.
At one point, Yami heads out to town, to a solitary bar by the capitol. There's only one thing he will do today to celebrate his birthday.
"Ke ke! You look more tired that usual! Exhausted from another day of doing nothing?" Jack turns at the bar, a drink already in his hand and a smirk on his narrow face.
"Hey. It's hard work having the lowest-ranked squad, I tell you," Yami grumbles, sliding into a stool. He motions to the bartender. "The usual, please."
Jack narrows his eyes, a question popping into his mind. "Yami, I don't know if this is a coincidence... but you always ask to go get a drink with me every year on this date exactly... what's up with that?"
"Nothing. Definitely just a coincidence," Yami said. Jack rolled his eyes. "OK weirdo."
Yami took a sip of his drink. He wasn't sure why he did this either; he told himself again and again that he didn't care about his birthday. Maybe he was traumatized; Back in the Grey Deer, Julius always managed to throw a big embarrassing party for him. He didn't want to go through that again, but maybe he still yearned for some kind of celebration, some kind of peace on his birthday.
"Cheers." Glasses clink, and the two captain drink in silence.
It's late by the time Yami gets back. He yawns, ready to stop by the toilet then get in bed. However...
Yami froze as the lights suddenly burst on. Fire and lightning crackled in the air like sparklers, illuminating the room. A giant banner was hung on the wall, reading "BIRTHDAY!" and the whole squad rushed towards him, holding presents.
"Huh? Whats all this?" Yami blinked, still processing the surprise.
"We're throwing you a surprise party!" Vanessa said cheerfully. "You've been such a great captain and mentor to us, and we wanted to give you this gift!"
"I wouldn't get to fight so many people if it weren't for you!" Luck giggled, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"You wouldn't get to fight ME if he hadn't chosen you!" Magna grinned at Luck before turning to Yami. "Thank you for believing in me! In all of us!"
Finral opened a portal and pulled a cake out . The icing job was a little rough, but it looked good. "Charmy taught me how to bake! We made this for you!" Charmy nodded, eyeing the cake ravenously.
Yami blinked slowly, still in disbelief. But every one of his squad members was smiling up at him, their faces bright and genuinely happy. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't find the words.
"A surprise birthday party? How fun! You deserve it, Yami."
Yami shrugged. "It's more of a distraction... but we had fun." He was walking with Julius a few days later after a Captain's meeting. "There's one thing I don't understand, though... how did they find out it was my birthday?"
His brow furrowed, his feet shuffling to a stop as he thought about it. "They might have gotten their hands on some official paperwork... or someone from the Grey deer told them... but who would go out of their way to-"
Suddenly, it occurred to him. Slowly, Yami looked back up at Julius's face, to see a suspiciously innocent smile on the older man's face.
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lyranova · 4 years
Hey hey. I see you're request is open! Can we get more yami x charlotte? seriously, we need more content of these two. do you mind if i'm going to be specific in this one? like one where they're in public and something big and serious happened, and yet yami just simply shows some affection even though charlotte is uncomfortable with pda? i want to see how you write this one out, and maybe i'll try to draw it???
Hi Hp~! Yep my requests are open hehe I opened them recently (i think?) anyway of course we can have more Yamichar! Yes we really do need more content with these two and I love writing for them so much 🥺💗! I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted I kinda went big with the affection part instead of simple i’m so sorry 😅! Ooh if you do draw it please let me know so I can see it 🥺💕!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,395
Warnings: Language
It was the night of the annual Star Festival, and Charlotte was currently waiting for her boyfriend to finish work at his stall, she couldn’t help but laugh slightly, it was still very weird to call Yami Sukehiro her boyfriend. She had had a crush on him for a while and didn’t really think this would ever happen, so when it did she was pleasantly surprised. She was currently sitting at a small dining table watching him give orders to his squad. He finally walked over to her and sat down with a sigh.
“ I’m surprised,” Charlotte started taking a sip of her tea, she wasn’t going to have a repeat of the one time she decided to drink and actually missed the Star Festival. Yami raised an eyebrow before she continued. “ you’re actually letting them run the stall by themselves. Are you feeling alright?” She asked him, he scoffed before shaking his head.
“ Of course I’m alright, and they’re not actually running the stall by themselves. I trust them but not that much, which is why I’m sitting here watching every single move they make.” He told her with a smirk, she shook her head at him.
“ Will you ever trust them with anything?” She teased before taking another sip of her tea, she watched as he shrugged a shoulder.
“ I trust them with a lot of things; but that stand isn’t one of them.” He told her before grabbing a cigarette and putting it in his mouth but not lighting it yet. He looked at her glass and frowned. “ Aren’t you going to get something a little stronger than that?” He asked.
“ No I’m fine with this for now, I will not have a repeat of the last time I drank.” Charlotte told him with a small shudder at the memory, causing Yami to chuckle before taking the cigarette out of his mouth, deciding against smoking for the time being.
“ Hey I thought you were pretty cute when you were drunk after just one mug of that ale.” He teased causing her to blush and avert her gaze, she still had trouble getting used to his open flirting, wait, was he flirting or was he teasing? She couldn’t quite tell since they were nearly the same thing.
“ Uh Captain! Asta’s burning the food and might burn the stand down!” Finral suddenly yelled, the two Captains could hear Asta’s screaming as a huge ball of fire could be seen inside the food stand.
“ Dammit. I knew I couldn’t trust them with this much responsibility!” He stood up and looked over at Charlotte with an apologetic look. “ Sorry Prickly Princess, I’ll be right back, after I teach those punks a lesson.” He muttered as he stalked over to them, she shook her head as she giggled softly.
Yami talked a big game but Charlotte knew he actually cared for all of the members in his squad, sure he was tough on them, and yelled at them a lot. But he genuinely cared about them and would risk his life to protect theirs, it was actually very sweet. Charlotte felt the same about her squad; they were like her sisters or daughters, she loved and cared for them, was strict when she needed to be, and would also risk her life to protect theirs.
“ Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A young man spoke, Charlotte looked up at the voice and instantly her eyes narrowed. He didn’t even wait for an answer and sat across from her, she crossed her arms.
“ Actually yes that seat is in fact taken. So if you don’t mind-.” She began but the man quickly cut her off.
“ Funny, I don’t see anyone here.” He told her while looking around, she could tell this man believed he was the gods gift to women, and it made her roll her eyes.
“ Well he’s busy at the moment but he will be back shortly.” Charlotte told him as politely as she could, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed he currently had Asta by the top of his head and was holding him in the air. She sighed, was that boy ever not in trouble?
“ I think you’re just trying to get rid of me!” The man laughed, he really was full of himself wasn’t he? “ But it’s not gonna work.” He added, causing Charlotte to roll her eyes once again.
“ Well you don’t have much of a choice; you can either leave willingly, or I can make you leave.” Charlotte said, she was very annoyed by this man and wanted him to just go away. But apparently he didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
“ Really? A delicate little thing like you is going to make me leave? I’d love to see that!” He told her smugly, Charlotte glared at him and stood up, she was going to show him how delicate she was when she suddenly felt a presence behind her.
“ I’ll admit I’d love to see that too, especially since I know she’ll kick your ass three ways to Sunday.” Yami said as he came up behind Charlotte and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “ Now, if I were you, I’d listen to this strong and very beautiful woman and leave before she makes you. Because once she’s done kicking your ass, I’ll start kicking it and it’s going to be a very bad time for you.” Yami added as he straightened up, using his full height to his advantage. The young man paled instantly and quickly got up from his seat and ran for the hills.
Charlotte shook her head before turning around, her face serious, almost comically so. Yami frowned and scratched the back of his head.
“ Really, Yami? I could’ve handled that by myself.” She told him deadpan, they both knew she was more than capable, but for some reason Yami felt the need to come over there and back her up.
“ I know you could have, I just wanted to make sure that punk knew after you were finished with him your boyfriend was going to make sure he was, y’know, good and dead.” He muttered the last part under his breath. Charlotte tilted her head a little bit as a sudden thought popped into her head.
“ Yami Sukehiro, were you jealous?” She asked, she watched as Yami blushed and looked away. That confirmed it. She had never really seen him jealous before and it was quite surprising to see.
“ Nah I wouldn’t say jealous I would say...more like…” He struggled, he couldn’t find a different word to describe what he was feeling. It wasn’t that the kid was better looking than him or anything, although, he guessed that kid did look more like the type others thought Charlotte should be with instead of him. He shook his head when she suddenly walked up to him.
“ It’s ok if you were, sometimes jealousy can be good for a relationship, I’ll admit I’ve been jealous myself a few times.” She admitted with a bashful laugh. “ But, let’s not make a habit of it ok? I am yours, and you are mine, and no one can separate us.” She told him softly. She noticed a strange look in Yami’s eyes and she frowned a bit before he surprised her.
Yami cupped her face between his hands and leaned down to place a soft yet very passionate kiss on her lips. Charlotte’s eyes widened in surprise, she may have looked calm on the outside but on the inside she was freaking out! He knew she wasn’t very into PDA, but then again neither was he, and yet he felt the need to kiss her right here, right now, in front of all of these people! She was a blushing mess, but when she realized she didn’t actually care what other people thought she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
The two parted after a moment and she was surprised to see a soft gentle smile on Yami’s face instead of the cocky one he usually had. She smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers.
“ Took the words right out of my mouth Prickly Princess.”
Again I apologize if this wasn’t exactly what you wanted 😅! I had a couple of other fic ideas from your request if you’d rather I try one of those if you didn’t like this one? But i hope you guys maybe enjoyed this and if not I apologize! I hope you all have a good day~!
Taglist: @eme-eleff
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kuronanox · 3 years
Admit it - Yami Sukehiro
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"WHO TOOK ALL THE TOILET PAPER!" Yami yelled as the base shook from the vibration of his loud voice. (Your Name) groaned as she opened her eyes, it was so early in the morning and most of the members were still probably asleep.
"Will you shut up!" She screamed throwing the toilet roll in his face and spraying lavender scent around the area as she covered her nose. She scrunched her nose as Yami laughed.
"Did I wake the sleeping beast?"
"Oh shut it, you're lucky I got you paper rolls, I would have let you wipe your ass with your hands nasty."
"Tch, rude women." He says and slams the door in her face.
"I'm off then!" She says walking down the hall to freshen up for the day.
Yami was a few feet behind her as she made her way to exit the base. He was smoking his cigarette and yawning. "Where you off too?" He gruffly says kicking Asta out of his way.
"Ahhh! Yami Taicho!" Asta yells as he got kicked again.
(Your Name) gives Yami a stern look and helps Asta up. "I'm visiting Julius, I haven't seen him in a while. You should go with me, just like the old times."
Yami sits on the couch and opens a wine bottle waving his hand off. "There was never old times."
She shrugs and takes her leave before he knits his brows.
"Yami Taicho something wrong?" Asta asks innocently across from the older men as Yami stares blankly into space. "Hey kid, clean this up." He says before taking his leave.
Yami was not a jealous man but he went through a period in his life where he was actually jealous of someone. He was jealous that he couldn't get (Your Name) affection the way she felt for Julius and it started way back during his time in the Grey Deers.
(Your Name) and Yami were the inseparable duo when it came to combat, they were the beast on the field but she reject on ever becoming a captain and decided to follow Yami when Julius became the wizard king. Which surprised the man a bit.
"Tch, this unlike me letting small things ruin my day." He says dropping his cig and went for a little training.
"Julius!" (Your Name) yells and gives him a big hug which the Wizard King gladly returned. She took a seat across from him as he set his 'work' down.
"Don't tell me you came here again because of him?" Julius smirks slightly and she rolls her eyes and prob her feet on his desk. "So." She sang slyly.
"I believe I told you, there's nothing wrong with your feelings for Yami. He's a bit oblivious to others emotion but I know him as well." Julius warmly tells (Your Name) as she sighs and pouts a bit. She had followed Yami to the Black Bulls hoping he would understand her feelings.
"You have a devious plan don't you?" Julius says with amusement. She smirks and gives him a eye.
"Let's make him jealous!"
"You know Yami is not a jealous type."
She crossed her arms and walks over to Julius giving him puppy eyes. "Why not ex captain Julius, not even for your favorite student!"
Julius shakes his head and finally agrees to help her for a little push into the relationship.
Yami makes his way into the office to find a site he quite didn't like.
"No it's like this."
"I'm pretty sure it's like this (Your Name)." Julius laughs as she giggles a bit. "No! You are doing it wrong!"
Yami breaks the door open to find her on top of Julius as they both blush a bit and rush back up. "What are you doing here?!" She screams as he cracks his neck.
"Question is what are y'all doing." He says a bit angry almost like a warning.
She cleared her throat "it's nothing, let's go home." She tells him as Yami dead pans and walks off a bit irritated of her attitude right now.
"I think we made him jealous without really trying." Julius whispers to her as she sighs and runs after Yami.
"Yami!" She yells catching up to him, he was avoiding her eye contact. "We weren't doing anything really."
"Uh huh, I thought I was walking into something PG but it seemed Rated R to me."
She blushes and punches his arm. "What's into you?"
"It's nothing, let's go home." He says avoiding the topic.
She felt an uncomfortable tension between them as they made their way to the base. "Fine I did it to make you jealous!"
"Huh?! Me?! Jealous?! Never!" He shouts almost embarrassed for her. She gives him a look as he looked away clearing his throat now.
"So you were jealous?"
"Fine, I'll just go back."
"Oi don't push it now."
She grins and jumps in front of him. "So you were jealous?"
Yami rolls his eyes and pushes her out the way. "If I said I was would you stop nagging me."
"Maybe." She tells him as they walked side by side now.
"Fine I was, just for a second though."
She smiles to herself, this was a good sign. Jealousy isn't always a bad thing. "So you admit it then?"
Yami just wants to go home and take a shit again but seems like she had different plans. "Admit that you are the women I want or I really need to poop?"
(Your Name) slaps him in the chest as he caught her hands. "Yes I want you." He admits.
"Really?!" She gasps surprised of him being so open about it.
"Do you want me to take it back!"
"No." She quietly says and hooks her arms around his. "I'm just scared if this gets out to you know who."
Yami shrugs and laughs, the blonde lady will be furious.
"Ehh, come on let's go home. I'm tired of all this relationship stuff."
"Yami, you do know that we are a item now right?"
"Yeah so? Doesn't mean it has to be the honeymoon stage first."
(Your Name) walks ahead of him with some attitude as he laughs and chases after her. "I'm joking!"
"Yeah whatever, you stink, go take a shower!"
He grins at her as she softly smiles back. This is how they liked it. Nothing changed but now they know it's what they want and they have each other now.
(Author note: just a cute little story! I love Charlotte I promise you! Also is it dancho or Taicho. Idk correct me if I am wrong.)
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 36 S4: Seto Joins Dragon Wife in Hell
So I dunno about you guys, but 2020 aged me like a lot in just these 8 months, so I figured it was time to embrace the feeling of being on death’s door and I decided to learn Mahjong. So I could truly embrace the ancients and vibe in their natural habitat.
Anyway, once I learned some Mahjong lore, some parts of Yugioh just open up. Namely--Seto’s dragons. Like a whole lot of stuff about early Seto Kaiba that confused me at the time just makes so much more sense now.
But unfortunately, he dies this episode, and he never pulled out his Blue Eyes White Dragons, and it’s just like...
...but my Mahjong deep cuts...
Like every episode I’m just rubbing my palms together in anticipation that someone will die, but like...I never get to talk about how in Mahjong, there’s only 4 white dragon tiles, but if you have 3, you can steal the fourth white dragon from another player’s discards, and that when you that, other stuff happens...I don’t get to talk about that because Seto’s hella dead.
So lets just get to the death. Dartz decides to make all of our soldier frenemies attack Pharaoh--because that’s all he needs to raise the Leviathan. Like Dartz doesn’t even really need to finish this game. He just needs Yami.
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Seto picks up that these friend (and Pegasus) soldiers that Yami refuses to kill are probably going to end the world very quickly so he decides to do something about it. If this were a blog where I talked about cards instead of Mahjong, then I’d dive into the intricacies of what that even was.
But, we’re not, so lets just talk about Pegasus.
(read more under the cut)
This guy harnesses some psychic energy he’s got leftover from S1 and communicates directly to Pharaoh’s mind.
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So, hey, what was that about Pegasus not having powers anymore? Like? He’s still doing this? He’s still psychic and he very clearly can still make blank cards so like...I guess you can take out the eyeball and make him nicer, but you can’t take out some of the effed up magic side-effects. (like there was a comment I didn’t respond to (which, sorry about that, been a little nuts over here in California), but apparently there was a movie in between seasons where Pegasus saved their lives--so he’s legit good now...there was a DLC where character arcs happened.)
Which kind makes you wonder about Marik, but we’ll probably never see him again so o well, save it for the fanfiction.
PS Yami is totally fixating on that eye we can’t see, right? Like...it never outright tells us, but does this spiritual Orichalcos manifestation of Pegasus still have the golden eye? A human eye? Or no eye at all? Just skin?
Not like it matters because Seto does some sort of card shenanigans that undo the whole friends that are soldiers thing like it never happened.
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MMMMM I don’t like these weird legs on Yugi. Don’t like the thighs it gave to Joey. No! I’m seeing like this skin-tight silhouette of half an ass right now and I really don’t like it.
Along with other card things I won’t go into that consumed most of this episode, Seto finally got hit by a...well, I mean you can clearly see it in the next cap.
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So, in Mahjong, there are 3 types of dragons: a white dragon, a red dragon, and a green dragon. I used to think it was really lazy that we’re just calling monsters straight up “white dragon” or “red dragon” in this show, but now it makes more sense because this whole time it was probably baby’s first Mahjong reference but I’m too Western to know that.
Anyway, the white dragon is funny looking because it’s a white tile--just a completely blank white tile. I thought it was a wild card at first but nah--it’s a white dragon in a snowfield--which is a very funny Dad joke from 200 years ago we’re still doing today. But, often, instead of a Dad joke, they’ll just make the white dragon tile a drawing of a blank card, like this:
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Kind of funny that the guy who’s shtick is white dragons, ended up with his soul in a blank card. Was that a mahjong reference? Probably not, but I noticed it.
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And mahjong aside, the show paid it’s respects to Seto dying and so he took his sweet time passing on. It’s still not that much respect. We aren’t gonna get that amazing Joey death sequence from S3 that took like half an episode of scene-shredding for our mains to recover from, but like...Seto was very determined to keep going, despite not having a soul.
He even finished his turn of cards, as if to just spite Joey Wheeler for that one time Joey hella died before killing Marik.
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Shippers rejoice, it’s a Yami and Seto Kaiba death sequence. If you squint really hard, it might even be an embrace. I mean they both have very sharp duel disks on, and if Yugi’s closes for whatever reason, it’ll snap Seto’s head clear off, but what other “hugs” do we really get on this show?
And as for Mokuba, he was quite tragic this episode. I mean it’s Yugioh, so it’s not like you’re gonna cry or anything, but Mokuba just doesn’t really have anything else going for him without his brother so it is legit like...man Mokuba gets a lot of crap thrown his way and even when he’s happy, he still has to live with Seto so just...Mokuba...
Again we get this bubble effect of other people trying to enter the Orichalcos which happens just a Hell of a lot this season. Like Dartz probably has never had a single person WANT to go in the green zone in 10,000 years and then these bizarre children happened and they just want to bounce off that thing like a jello pudding.
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I think it took over 5 minutes for Seto to die, and he was very, very, VERY angry the entire time. Just fueled by literally nothing but rage. Could probably go a couple more episodes if he had taken a nap in the KaibaCopter, but alas, even Seto Kaiba eventually runs out of fumes.
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Anyway, another Mahjong fun fact. The dragon tiles are considered an “honor tile” and how many times have we heard Seto--who is such a scumball--go off about his honor? It can be hard to use honors tiles because their rate of success is lower, so when Seto’s like “I have to live up to my dragon’s honor or I can’t keep these in my deck” could he be like...making a Mahjong pun as well as a literal reference to whatever he defines as honor?
...Again, just a Mahjong reference I noticed, but probably not what they intended at all. Which is Good Enough for this blog.
After he tragically passed on, and Yami delicately put his body on the ground, -- Dartz decided to make this moment very funny for me, instead.
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Not as good as Yami the both times his body was chucked casually across the screen this season--but a very good toss, nonetheless.
I have made so MANY clips of this season!
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Tristan and Tea kinda just stood there this entire episode while this was all going down and like...I know they can’t really do anything else at this point but like...can someone give Mokuba a hug???
I can’t believe Valon was the only guy in this entire show about friendship who knew how to hug people. He was in prison since he was 9, and then was raised by freakin Dartz, why is he the only hugger?
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PS, apparently Seto’s yummy soul was enough to make the Leviathan open a single eye-ball in curiosity.
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Mokuba out there flinging so many insults that he got everyone else banned from watching devil cards. It’s like sports competitions in Middle school with that one kid who won’t stop cussing. That one kid who is the reason everyone else has to sit through a boring ass assembly about sportsmanship? That’s Mokuba.
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Now that everyone is ‘passed out’, we can get to the juicy stuff only the olds talk about--which sounds a lot like I’m about to do another segway into talking about Mahjong again, but I’m actually all out of the Mahjong juice. Again, I’m ass at Mahjong.
(and like...the peanut gallery died in the original version, right? I know to never trust a “they’re just sleeping” line in Yugioh.)
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Dartz telling me he dragged that ass length blue hair across Egypt?
I would say that it must’ve really thrown people, but then again, their Pharaoh looked like...that.
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So Dartz ended up wandering the earth for 5000 years, cursed to live immortally, unable to revive the great Leviathan, wallowing in his failure. Sentenced to suffer the entire existence of humanity that he never wanted to see survive anyway, unable to die himself.
That’s an interesting plotline that I wish I saw more of. I really like the idea of a supervillian who is already past his prime, who’s already burnt out, who’s so far removed from what happened that he’s fully accepted his demise and is just wandering around out of habit. But, most importantly--that changes my math. That’s like...5000 years he wasn’t slurping no souls because he was too damn depressed. So I’ll append the Deathcount. One second.
OK so we can just subtract 7.3 million from what we had, leaving us with: 7,805,844,047. Barely even made a dent but...eh...when you got the current population of the Earth in there it’s really hard to make a dent in that thing.
PS I still have that google doc where I keep track of the deaths, we have 55 lines of entries, haha.
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Yugioh is interesting because you do have some racial stuff going on here where Yami is SO OLD that he doesn’t remember not only his own name--he doesn’t remember what he looks like. He’s even seen it a few times in hallucinations but like...Yami legit doesn’t know what it is to be an ancient Egyptian anymore. It’s been a hot minute, and he still sees himself as a pale skinned Yugi clone when he spiritually manifests in the show. Because the modern day, set in Japan, through Yugi’s eyes--that’s all he knows about life.
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Dartz was so impressed by Pharaoh’s magic powers that he knew--he just KNEW that this Pharaoh with the worst hair would be the yummy soul for the Leviathan tummy. But unfortunately...
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This is a show that has had so MANY overlapping apocalypses that I did have to sit back and kind of count off on my fingers which crazy person this would be about.
Honestly? Either Seto or Bakura...guessing Bakura because we haven’t finished his storyline yet and I know that he’s the big bad of S5. But man...Dartz was just like “oh...no thanks to that guy. I’ll just take a nap for 5000 years, BIG no thanks.” and it does make you wonder...
...oh...so that’s why you didn’t bother Bakura in this timeline.
It also helps make Bakura even more of a threat. Again, Bakura is great because he’s just constantly leaving nuggets of what a threat he is and then just...disappears for seasons on end. The Bakura we’ve made in our head is probably way more awful than what he may end up being.
But for now, it’s fun to just fill in the gaps instead.
anyway that was it for this episode, I’m off to pretend it’s Thanksgiving week and will look forward to drowning my anxiety in a 16 lb turkey shared between four people.
Anyway, I brought up the cat that falls asleep on metal rods so I have to do this:
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And for those that are new, this is a link to read these in chrono order: https://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
How to Play as Yugi Muto in DnD 5e
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A long time ago, I made a build for the Dark Magician (I’ll leave a link [here].) At the time, I’d considered trying to make a build for Yugi, but since Yugi lacks any real powers of his own, there wasn’t really enough to go off of. But with new UA spells that prioritize summoning and new UA subclasses, the time has finally come to give Yugi his proper build. For this build, we are considering Yugi and the Pharaoh to be one character. We will also be treating this build as though Yugi has the Dark Magician as his Deck Master, a special feature used in some side content and video games where the Deck Master actually assists their duelist. So Yugi’s spell list will merge two primary conditions: summoning creatures to fight on his behalf, and spell effects of cards in Yugi’s deck, including one-off cards and less famous cards he’s used to fill out his Wizard Spellbook.
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Yugi is an anime character. In the past, my general rule for anime characters is to make them Variant Humans. This is primarily because Anime Characters are stronger than normal humans and often have magical powers that make them not quite human. I’ll be using the Variant Human option, however Kalashtar also works due to Yugi’s split minds and resistance to psychic mind games. Halflings aren’t my favorite race to play, but Yugi is abnormally short, and the Pharaoh is uncannily lucky, so it can definitely work for their build. As a Variant Human, we’ll pick up the Lucky feat and give ourselves +1 INT and +1 DEX.
The Pharaoh is willing to kill Kaiba to win a children’s card game. Yugi is not. They average out to Neutral Good.
The Pharaoh was the King of Egypt. Obvious Noble Background is obvious.
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Heart of the Cards
WIZARD    Order of Scribes. This ended up being a perfect storm. Firstly, the new UA batch of summoning spells primarily landed under the Wizard umbrella. So, this gives Yugi a nice variety of summoning options. But it gets even better once you look at your subclass abilities. The Wizardly quill is about the only thing that doesn’t really fit for Yugi, but everything else will. Awakened Spellbook grants the pages Yugi summons from a level of sentience. In Yugioh the cards house duel monster spirits, and Yugi’s grandfather taught him to value the Heart of the Cards, the very idea that Yugi’s deck is a sentient thing. This subclass technically talks about a bound book, but Yugi’s still channeling his magic and spells through his cards, so I’d consider Yugi’s deck a reflavor of his spellbook, thus he’s able to use it as his spellcasting focus. Yugi’s able to alter the damage type of a spell he casts. You could flavor this as classic season 1 Yugioh where nobody played by the rules, or as Yugi pulling a card out of his deck that he’ll never use in any other duel, which tended to be a common deus ex machina for him. Master Scrivener can allow Yugi to copy a card onto a scroll and pull it out of his butt whenever he wants. a fun cheeky way to mock his plot armor. It also casts at 1 level higher, meaning Yugi is one again breaking the rules because he’s the King of Games. Manifest Mind is where the Deck Master concept becomes more clear, as you can create a tiny spectral form of the Dark Magician fighting beside you, and really lets you fully embrace the partnership between Yugi and the Dark Magician in combat. Since this feature does specify using a tiny specral creature, Kuriboh is another good Deck Master monster for Yugi. Finally, One with the Word allows Yugi to swap places with the Dark Magician to avoid one or both of them from being killed. Yugi can also destroy some of the cards in his collection to bring him back to life if Dark Magician is on the field and his spellbook has the resources. This also motivates Yugi to want to collect as many cards/spells as he can, even if he doesn’t prepare them all or use them in his deck. If you really want to play up the roleplay aspect of this build and commit to the gimmick of playing as Yami, you could write spells on sheets of paper and treat them like an actual deck of cards. It’s really just for roleplaying purposes, and could make the game needlessly challenging, but it could also be a fun challenge to hope you draw the spell you need right when you need it. This could be as vague as just having a card that says “3rd level spell”, or as specific as having say as many copies of a specific spell as you have spell slots to cast it. As it’s just flavoring and roleplaying mostly, come up with your own fun ways to incorporate the deck aspect into a mechanic for gameplay and tell me your ideas. I’ll bet there’s many fun ways to make this character work in an inetersting way. 
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King of Games
Find Familiar Flock of Familiars Spirit Shroud Summon Fey Spirit Summon Lesser Demons Summon Shadow Spirit Summon Undead Spirit Conjure Minor Elemental Summon Aberrant Spirit Summon Elemental Spirit Summon Greater Demon Conjure Elemental Infernal Calling Summon Fiendish Spirit
Brain Control // Dominate Person, Dominate Monster, Enemies Abound Change of Heart // Charm Person, Charm Monster Lightforce Sword // Banishment, Plane Shift Magic Jammer // Antimagic Field Burning Land // Blight, Abi’s Horrid Wilting Magical Hats // Blur, Mirror Image Raigeki // Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning Trap Hole // Circle of Death Magic Cylinder // Counterspell De-Spell // Dispel Magic Heavy Storm // Whirlwind Spellbinding Circle // Hold Person, Hold Monster Swords of Revealing Light // Imprisonment Thousand Knives // Power Word Kill Mirror Force // Prismatic Wall, Wall of Force, Wall of Light The Eye of Truth // True Seeing Yami // Darkness Makiu, the Magical Mist // Fog Cloud, Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud Cursebreaker // Remove Curse Dust Tornado // Dust Devil Premature Burial // Animate Dead, Create Undead Ragnarok // Melf’s Minute Meteors General Magic // Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield Setting a Trap Card // Glyph of Warding Anime Protagonist Plot Armor // Wish
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As a Wizard, our most important stat is going to be Intelligence for casting. Our Manifest Mind feature gives our Dark Magician our AC, so we’ll want a high Dexterity modifier to improve our Armor Class. Yugi is pretty hard to fool, so that’ll give us a good Wisdom score. Yugi is pretty good at destiny speeches and turning enemies into allies. We’ll give him a pretty decent Charisma score so he can persuade people to adopt his philosophies, or send people running into the shadow realm with his Intimidation. Our build prioritizes amassing strong minions between us and enemies, so we can neglect our Constitution a bit. That leaves our Strength stat to be ignored. Lifting all those small thin pieces of paper doesn’t exactly get Yugi ripped.
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Name: Yugi Muto  Race: Variant Human Background: Noble Alignment: Neutral Good Class: Order of Scribes Wizard (20)
Base Stats:
Strength: 8 (-1) Dexterity: 20 (+5) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 20 (+5) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (0)
Saving Throws:
Strength: -1  Dexterity: +5 Constitution: +1 Intelligence: +11 Wisdom: +8 Charisma: 0
Combat Stats:
HP: 102 AC: 18*  Speed: 30 Initiative: +5 Proficiency Bonus: +6 Passive Perception: 14  Dark Vision: 0 feet
Acrobatics (+5) Animal Handling (+2) Arcana (+11) Athletics (-1) Deception (0) History (+11) Insight (+8) Intimidation (+6) Investigation (+5) Medicine (+2) Nature (+5) Perception (+2) Performance (0) Persuasion (+6) Religion (+5) Sleight of Hand (+5) Stealth (+5) Survival (+2)
Spell Slots
1st (4) 2nd (3) 3rd (3) 4th (3) 5th (3) 6th (2) 7th (1) 8th (1) 9th (1)
Yugi’s Deck
Cantrips    Firebolt    Frostbite    Lightning Lure    Message    Mind Sliver
1st Level    Charm Person    Find Familiar    Fog Cloud    Mage Armor    Magic Missile    Shield
2nd Level    Blur    Darkness    Dust Devil    Flock of Familiars    Hold Person    Mirror Image
3rd Level    Animate Dead    Counterspell    Dispel Magic    Enemies Abound    Glyph of Warding    Lightning Bolt    Spirit Shroud    Summon Fey Spirit    Summon Lesser Demons    Summon Shadow Spirit    Summon Undead Spirit
4th Level    Banishment    Blight    Conjure Minor Elementals    Summon Aberrant Spirit    Summon Elemental Spirit    Summon Greater Demon
5th Level    Conjure Elemental    Dominate Person    Hold Monster    Infernal Calling    True Seeing    Wall of Light
6th Level    Chain Lightning    Circle of Death    Create Undead    Summon Fiendish Spirit
7th Level    Plane Shift
8th Level    Antimagic Field    Dominate Monster
9th Level    Imprisonment    Wish
Arcane Rociety. covery. Regain 10 or less level 5 or lower spell slots on a short rest.
Awakened Spellbook. You can alter spell damage type and cast a ritual spell instantly once per long rest.
Lucky. 3 lucky points, add a d20 to rolls before you know the outcome.
Manifest Mind. Your spellbook projects a tiny spectral construct. Its HP is your INT + your Wizard Level and it uses your AC and saving throw die. It has darkvision at a range of 60 feet, sheds dim light at a range of 10 feet, and can pass through solid objects.
Master Scrivener. Copy a 1st or 2nd level spell from your spellbook onto a scroll. Use the scroll any time, and the spell is cast as being one level higher.
One With the Word. When you would die while Manifest Mind is active, purge spells from your spellbook whose level adds to 3d6. They can only be restored with a Wish, and are otherwise lost to you.
Position of Privilege. You belong in high society. People bend over backwards to accommodate you, and you can get an audience with other nobility.
Signature Spells. cast Summon Fey Spirit and Summon Undead Spirit once without using a spell slot.
Spell Mastery. Cast Mage Armor and Hold Person without spell slots.
Wizardly Quill. Less time and money copying spells into your spellbook.
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A major downside to this build is that all of his summoning spells require a gold cost, but if you’re fortunate, your DM will be generous enough with the gold to support the costs of this build. Technically, this build really could work for any duelist, and there’s plenty of other yugioh cards that could translate to DnD spells, but we were focused on Yugi’s canon spell and trap cards. We’re also extremely reliant on summoning, so if Yugi can’t summon, he’s going to have a bad time, and the build won’t be so useful.
236 notes · View notes
blackcloverdatabase · 4 years
English Translation of Novel 1: Chapter 3 – Your Dream Will Come True (Part 2 of 2)
Here’s the second half of Yami’s and Magna’s teaching adventure! As a recap, third period is about to begin for these students, and Yami just told them he’ll do a Q&A session with them. However, the students will have to land an attack on him if they want him to answer their questions.
Also, the Diamond Kingdom spy gets revealed. Did you guess their identity correctly?
--- Your Dream Will Come True (Part 2) ---
Elude and the other students certainly had a bad feeling about the lesson Yami devised, but they didn’t think they’d have to lay their lives on the line for a Q&A session.
“Ah, when I say finishing blow, I just mean hitting us with an attack strong enough to make our asses hit the ground.”
“No, that’s not the problem here! W-what’s up with those rules!? That’s no Q&A session I’m familiar with!”
Elude couldn’t help but protest. ‘There’s way too much fighting involved in his lessons!’ he thought. He went out of his way to warn Allison, but it looks like it doesn’t matter whether somebody provokes Yami or not.
“Quit complainin’. Information’s not usually somethin’ you get for free.”
‘That’s why we’re paying money to go to this academy…….’ they all thought. It didn’t seem like this terrible teacher’s rampage would end anytime soon. Elude had to choose his words carefully.
“…… Um, even though this school is in the Common Realm, we’re on the very border between the Common and Forsaken Realms, you know? There’s not a single person here aiming to become a Magic Knight. That’s why, even if you teach us as thoroughly as you’re doing now, none of us are going to be able to use any of that. I think you would be wasting your time by doing this, Yami-sensei.”  
Just as he finished talking, he prodded two of his followers with his elbows, and the two continued where Elude left off.
“T-that’s right. Maybe you’d find students willing to fight you at a school closer to the Royal Capital, but at a school like this……?”
“P-plus, we used up all our physical and magical stamina in the last lesson…… we can hardly move anymore.”
After hearing out their opinions, Magna created a fireball in the palm of his hand.
“Alright, I’ve heard your questions!! If you want me to answer them, then come at me!”
“No no no! You have us wrong! Those weren’t questions! Those were our opinions!”
“Shut up! Stop complaining and attack already! Or do you want me to attack first, huh!?”
‘…….Are these guys……. serious!?’
They were sweating buckets as they looked at Harris-sensei for help. However……
“Ah, I’m so useless! He’s making a bloodbath of my students, and all I can do is watch!”
“You can stop him! There’s still time to stop him! Go rescue your students already!”
“Lets goooOOOOoooOOOoo!”
While Elude was going off at his teacher, Magna prepared to throw his fireballs, but……
“……Ahh, that’s enough. You can stop there.”
Yami said coldly, catching Magna’s hand.
“Huh!? Is it really okay if I stop!?”
“Yeah. After all……”
Yami looked at the students who looked like they wanted to run away, and with his usual apathy,
“Since the beginning, these guys have been making up one excuse after another. They’re the types who run away from the things they need to do.”
He said something like that.
……Without a doubt, Yami was the one in the wrong here. Saying that they had to fight him if they wanted him to answer their questions was just an excuse to harass them, right? It was an unreasonable request, and they had the right to refuse it.
“I was thinkin’ I could light their fighting instincts by riling them up a bit, but no matter what I try with these guys, it looks like that’s not happenin’. They have a point. I’m wasting my time with this lot.”  
Each and every word stabbed deep into their chests. Attending a school at the border of the Common Realm was quite the social handicap. Even if they wanted to learn, there was only so much they could learn at a school with as few resources as this one. There was nothing they could do.
They were already physically and magically exhausted, so they had plenty of reason not to fight him. On top of all that, their opponent was a Magic Knight Captain. There was no way they would be able to land even a single hit. They would just get beaten up instead. There was nothing they could do.
There was nothing they could do. There was nothing they could do. There was nothing they could do.
How many times have they told themselves there was nothing they could do? And how many more times were they going to tell themselves this in their lifetime?
“Actually, I knew this the second I stepped into this classroom. None of them looked like they were aimin’ for anythin’. They all had a dead look in their eyes.”
The problem they were trying not to look at was now swelling forth in their hearts, crushing them with all the important questions they’ve been trying to avoid.  
For some reason. Yami’s careless words made them all feel that way.
“Alright, then let’s return to the classroom. The rest of the day can be study hall.”
He added for good measure before turning around and walking back toward the school building with Magna in tow.
He’s gone.
However, they found themselves unable to move. All the times they thought “there was nothing they could do” had accumulated together and was weighing down their feet. They had accumulated a dozen years’ worth of questions, but that wasn’t enough to destroy what little self-esteem they had left. And yet……
……And yet!
A fireball flew over their heads as they stood immobilized by their troubles. That fireball blazed with terrifying speed toward Yami’s back, and was just about to strike him, but,
“Looks like we got one.”
He deflected it with the back of his fist, causing it to form a large crater several meters away in the ground. After he did so, the students could see a black mist-like mana covering his right hand.
“Looks like my conversation skills are awesome enough to light someone’s fighting instincts, after all.”
“I was planning on doing this from the start. I was just waiting for the perfect timing.”
That attack was amazingly powerful, but the fact he was able to deflect the attack with his bare hands was also amazing.  This is what the rest of the class thought in stunned amazement as they watched Yami and the person who launched the attack – Allison.
“This is my first question – why is your personality so warped, Yami-sensei?”
She said with a belligerent smile. When she saw that her first shot missed, she quickly entered a stance so that she could launch an attack up close.
“That wasn’t a finishing blow, but I’ll make a special exception and answer you. It’s because, naturally, a cute boy like me was spoiled by everyone around me growing up.”
Yami turned toward Magna and handed him his Magic Knight robe. He then covered his entire body with a black mist.
“Magna, keep watch so that we don’t destroy the school building with our magic. This kid’s pretty strong even without her grimoire.”
After speaking with Magna, Yami smiled ferociously at Allison. As she generated magic for her second attack, she took a deep breath, and then yelled,
“You’re not cute at all!”
“Shut up! I’m a soft and fluffy Virgo!!”
With that, a third period class where they absolutely had to land their attacks began.
 “……Huh, we’re gonna fight the students directly?”
“How bad is your hearing, anyway? We can just tell them that it’s combat training.”
This conversation occurred right before the third period class from hell began. At that time, the students were all heading toward the water fountain while Yami and Magna spoke in private.
“So far, the spy hasn’t made any movements that make them stand out. It seems like they’re tryin’ to get through this day quietly.”
Yami checked one more time to confirm that nobody would hear him before continuing.
“That’s why, I think that nothin’s gonna to happen if we continue our current strategy of shaking them up and seein’ what happens. With just this strategy, we’ll be giftin’ our spy a huge chance to act.”
“……And that chance will come by……. fighting the students in a combat training exercise?”
“Yeah. There’s no better chance to watch a Magic Knight fight from up close. I think they would be more than willing to participate in the fight if it means collecting even a little bit of information.”
If they are greedy enough, they might even attack Yami and Magna with the intent to kill. Yami was pretty sure that they wouldn’t expose themselves like that, but it would be interesting…… er, rather, it would give them definitive proof of the spy’s identity if they did. At the very least, he could look forward to a different reaction than what they’ve been getting so far.
“But, if we do that, won’t everybody who attacks us look just as suspicious?”
“Oh? That was sharper than I would expect from you, Magna.”
“Heh heh, stop that! You’re making me embarrassed!”
“…….Uh, well, that wasn’t meant to be a compliment, but I’m impressed by your positive attitude.”
His positive attitude was amazing, but he wasn’t praising him.
“I’ll make that judgment when the time comes. I already have my aim on somebody, and I’ll know what their intentions are by watching their movements and breathing as we fight.”
Their gaze, their breath, the way their muscles move – all of those are signs composed through the energy emitted by all living things. Yami’s homeland called this energy “Ki”.  What that person wants to do, what their psychological state of mind is, whether they’re in good or bad condition – if he reads their Ki, he can perceive all sorts of information about them. He can’t read what they’re actually thinking, but he can read what their general intentions behind their attacks are. No matter who they are or what attack they use, he should be able to discern the identity of the spy by reading those intentions.
“That’s Yami-san for you! ……Wait, huh? Then, shouldn’t you have just read their Ki from the start……?”
“Yeah, if we did this lesson from the start, I probably would have been able to identify the spy in one go.”
“But if we tried to make the students do that at the start, their dissatisfaction with us wouldn’t have been as large as it is right now.”
After luring them in by answering their questions, forcing them to run a marathon, and making them compete in death matches against each other, the students’ malcontent has been gradually reaching its limit. Yami could tell because of their Ki.
“Don’t you think a more interesting battle will happen if we get them riled up first, rather than if they fought us with no emotion at all?”
“……Umm, sorry, Yami-san. I think, like before, I’m a bit too stupid to follow.”
He knows they’re going to fight them, but…… like before, he’ll have to get Yami to say it in simple terms.
“So my job is to find the spy, right?”
In response to Magna’s question, Yami looked happily at the students who were returning.
“Well, while we’re at it.”
‘While we’re at it……. What?’ Magna thought.
“…….Well, whatever! You must be thinking about something super deep! But if it’s to catch the spy, then you can tell me what you’re thinking, right!?”
“No way. Your face would give my plans away.”
“No, please don’t underestimate me! By the time the spy notices my face, I’ll beat the crap outta them!”
“Don’t try to exceed my expectations please…… well, still, if you don’t move when the time comes, that would be a problem for me, so I’ll give you a hint.”
At the time, Allison had come back early and was sitting properly a few feet away as she waited.
“……The spy is a person who is not very good at hiding their emotions.”
‘…..That’s not much of a hint at all,’ Magna thought.
And thus, the “Instructor-lead combat training” Yami so hoped for began.
 “You’re not soft and fluffy at all! Try saying that after you shave off all that hideous stubble from your face!”
“I’m a soft and fluffy young man with stubble! My messy lifestyle is what makes me charming, damn it!”
Allison unleashed her attacks in rapid succession, but Yami knocked them all away. As he punched all her attacks away and closed the distance between them, Allison skillfully ran from place to place, firing her magic so that she could escape his grasp. As Magna watched their rather showy battle, Magna became convinced that she was the spy. After all, she was simply oozing anger and hostility.
‘……But Yami-san looks like he doesn’t want me to move yet. Why…….?’
Yami will give him a signal the moment he wants him to use his ropes. After being with him for all these years, Magna had no doubt in what he was seeing.
‘Does he still want me to observe the situation……? Or does he want me to guard the other students……?’
He stole a glance at the other students. It didn’t look like a stray attack would hit them. They just watched the two fight it out at a safe distance. None of them made any moves that would suggest that they would enter the fray as well. However……
“……Don’t think you can get away with this……!”
…...Magna heard a small whisper.
“Don’t think you can get away with saying whatever you want!”
A lone boy, Elude, screamed.
“What do you mean we have ‘dead eyes’! Get your eyes checked, you blind bastard!”
“T-that’s right, damn it! You came in looking like you just killed a man!”
“You said you were trying to motivate us, but all your ideas are hot garbage!”
Elude’s two followers continued where he left off as they got ready to fire an attack at Yami as well.
Because of them, the other students started glancing at each other, and,
“D-don’t go deciding our futures for us!!”
“That’s right! We’re all doing our best, too!!”
One after another, they joined the battle.
“We’re not running from what we have to do! I-I’m doing my best to learn magic here so that I can get a job at the castle town and support my Mom!”
“I want to open a flower shop in the Royal Capital when I grow up, so I wanted to ask you so many questions…….  How dare you say it would be a waste of time! You’re horrible!”
Before even ten seconds had passed, the entire student body unified against Yami and started a concentrated attack against him.
‘This situation’s out of control!’
The whole spectacle was making Magna sweat. This was what Yami was aiming for, but Magna had no idea where he should be looking. He looked toward Yami, who was now the target of 22 different attacks, for guidance, but,
“Ha ha! No way. You couldn’t hurt cute little me before, and you sure as hell can’t now! If you give up now, I’ll teach you how to be as cute and fluffy as me!”
‘He’s having fun with this!’
‘…….It looks like it’s up to me to observe the situation on my own.’
“We don’t care about that! Teach us more about the Magic Knights!”
Allison managed to close the gap between her and Yami thanks to all the support her classmates were giving her. She fired an attack at close range, but,
“I refuse~ So, why are you so interested in learnin’ about the Magic Knights anyway?”
He asked as he easily countered her attack with a right hook, making the gap between them large once more. Just as she was about to step back,
“Don’t hold back! We’ll get him with one more shot!!”
Elude fired at Yami, leaving his chest defenseless for just a moment.
Allison boldly leapt toward Yami, and put all her mana into her right hand.
“Because I want to join the Magic Knights!!”
She launched an attack at nearly point-blank distance into his thick chest, throwing his huge body several meters back.
“Yami-san!? Are you alright!?”
“……Of course I’m not. Some of my stubble got burnt off from that attack. That was my charm point.”
Magna rushed up toward Yami with tremendous speed, but Yami stood up right away. It didn’t look like he took any damage, but the attack certainly sent him flying, and it certainly made his butt hit the ground. In other words……
The students were in a daze, until somebody whispered in shock,
“We…… did it……”
“We did it……. Ha ha, alright! We actually did it!”
“You’re amazing, Allison!!”
“You’re awesome! You’re really awesome!! You actually landed an attack on a Magic Knight Captain!!”
The others gathered around Allison as they cheered. However, Allison’s face was flushed red as she stood up.
“……D-did I j-just say I wanted to enter the M-Magic Knights?”
“Yeah! You yelled it for the whole world to hear! That explains why you’re so strong!”
Sheila said as she pat her shoulder and back, but Allison replied belligerently,
“Nope, I never said that!!”
“You really don’t want to admit it, do you! You don’t have to hide it, you know!? I think that’s really cool!”
Allison glanced at Elude,
“Some people here have said……. That there’s nobody here aiming to become a Magic Knight at a school all the way out here, and that anybody who would be aiming to become one must be stupid…. So….”
Everyone glared at Elude coldly, and his two followers quickly put some distance between themselves and Elude.
“……Wait, Elude-kun? Did you really say that?”
“Wow, you’re the worst. Aren’t you embarrassed to say that?”
“You’re the ones who should be embarrassed! It’s not such a big deal, anyway!”
“……Still, I don’t think you’re wrong.”
Allison said sadly.
“This school often doesn’t have the materials required to teach me what I want to learn, and there’s a lot of things our teachers tell us that I don’t understand……. But, I don’t blame the school or the teachers…… In a place like this, if you don’t adjust your dreams to fit within your means, then you’re just going to get sick of it all……”
The smiles that were on the students’ faces disappeared. The exhilaration that everyone felt from what they just accomplished was erased by the unchanging reality that closed in on them. Realistically speaking, the number of people aiming to enter the Magic Knights after studying at a magic academy in the Common Realm was overwhelmingly small. Most people go to school with the goal of landing a job that is at least a little bit better than their parents’ or to learn tricks to make housework easier. Their goals were rooted in their everyday lives. They understood that, for people like themselves living in such a rational environment, it was pointless to aim any higher than that…….
It was Allison who created this atmosphere, but this time, she looked everyone in the eyes as if to erase it.
“If even people like us get serious, I think we can make even the things we thought were impossible come true…… that’s what I believe.”
Allison stared at her right palm. The heat from her magic and the sense of accomplishment she felt at that moment still remained. After reaffirming that fact, Alison turned toward Elude.
“……T-that’s why, even if you make fun of me…….. I’m going to aim for the Magic Knights.”
“……S-sure. I’m not gonna make fun of you for that….”
After that, Allison smiled shyly while Elude gave her an embarrassed grin. As the other students watched them, one by one, they, too, began to smile. Sure, this magic academy may not have the teaching materials and equipment that other schools have. However, they couldn’t let that be an excuse to give up on their dreams and settle on a different goal. They can’t help what they don’t have, but they can still work hard. Even if their environment doesn’t have what they need, they’ll search for what they can do. They’ll always have time to give up later.
“……Well, it’s a little vexing that we ended up doing what that guy wanted.”
After everyone started feeling a little more optimistic, Allison turned around away from the group. She wasn’t sure when they got there, but Yami and Magna were standing there with grins on their faces.
“But still, thank you, Yami-sensei. This is what you wanted to teach us, right?”
While looking at the faces of each and every student, Yami said softly,
“Yeah, that is, uh……. That’s exactly it.”
‘Now’s not the time to act like you were spacing out…….!’ Elude thought, though he was sure that the others were thinking the same thing.
“More importantly, let’s go back to the classroom. As promised, let’s have a normal Q&A session.”
He said as he turned to the right, returning to the school building with Magna. Even though he sounded totally uninterested, looking at him from behind, he seemed to have a gentler atmosphere around him than before. Allison wondered if she was just imagining it.  
“He’s no ordinary guy…… actually, he’s downright strange, but he acknowledged us.”
Allison commented. The other students looked at each other before, one by one, they returned to the classroom. Unlike before, they all followed behind him of their own free will and with a smile on their faces.
“Shut up. Me being spacey earlier was just a technique to make me seem cuter. You know, like when girls act coquettish to get you to fall for them.”
“With a demon-like face like that, that just makes you more terrifying.”
“HUH!? You callin’ Yami’s face demon-like! Don’t screw with me! No matter how you look at him, he has the face of a demon KING, ya hear!”
Then, Yami iron-clawed Magna. At the beginning, the students were terrified by these acts of near-murder Yami would commit in front of them, but now, they were used to it. Some were even laughing. Some were laughing nervously, though.
“Anyway, we’re not doin’ any other dangerous classes today……”
Though the atmosphere was peaceful, Yami turned around carelessly,
“So could you stop following me like you’re gonna fire an attack at me at any moment, Harris-sensei?”
Everyone quickly turned their heads to see where Yami was looking. When they did, they saw that Harris had nonchalantly slipped himself in with the group of students, but…….
They saw that his grimoire was open, in such a way that the others wouldn’t notice.
“……Actually, if you fire your magic from here, some of your adorable little students here will get caught up in your attack and die.”
“……W-what are you saying? I just thought that I mustn’t let anything happen to them while we’re out here, so I have my grimoire open so that I can fire my magic if the situation calls for it……”
“Hmmm, the battle’s over, though. So, do you really have to be that paranoid?”
Yami took one step closer, and Harris took one step back.
Sweat was dripping down Harris’s baby face.
“Or wait, do you have your grimoire open precisely because the battle is over? Were you thinking that just maybe you’d be able to finish me off while my adorable little back was exposed to you?”
“L-like I said, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Besides, it’s not like I just opened my grimoire! My grimoire has been open the whole time we’ve been out here in case something happened!”
“But right now, you’re obviously full of magic power and killing intent. Why?”
“That……..that’s because…….!”
The students had no idea what they were talking about. However, they slowly backed away from the two of them when they sensed the turbulent aura between them.
“Y’know, you’re worse at hidin’ your emotions than you think. From the moment I entered that classroom, I could feel somethin’ murderous leakin’ out from you.”
“……T-that’s enough! Just what the heck are you talking about!?”
In contrast to Harris, who was crying out as if he were in pain, Yami remained calm, but…….
“I’m talking about how you were about to attack me, and how your students would have been caught in the crossfire.”
Yami’s voice was also dreadfully cold.
Harris was silent, as if being pushed down by an invisible spirit. Yami sighed,
“……Anyway, I’m fine with you tryin’ to kill me, but…..”
He then sent a glance toward Magna before continuing,
“But I’m not lettin’ you get these brats caught up in your attacks, you damn spy.”
“Flame Rope Solid Binding Formation!!”
The moment Yami stopped talking, Magna shot a ball of fire at Harris.
However, Harris dodged the fireball and tried to grab one of the students who was in a daze over what was happening – Sheila.
“Watch out!”
Allison shot a fire spell at Harris’s feet and used that moment to take Sheila away from him.
“Nice shot, Alli!!”
Magna was about to fire another spell at Harris while he was stopped, but……
“…….You damn brat! Stop moving around!!”
Before he could fire it, Harris escaped from Allison’s magical blaze and grabbed her by her blonde hair. He then held a knife of ice to her throat.
“You bastard! Just what do you think you’re doing!?”
“Don’t move! If you take even one step forward, I’ll slash her throat!”
To stop Magna’s barking, Harris pressed the tip of his knife against Allison’s throat. Blood oozed from the wound, making the other students go pale as they huddled together. Magna, too, grit his teeth and stopped in place.
“……Hey now, you changed your tune way too quickly. What about your cute little students?”
The only one who remained calm in this situation was Yami. When Yami said this, Harris’s face twisted into an ugly expression.
“Yeah. They are cute. They listened to all my lessons like idiots, without ever suspecting that I was a spy from an enemy nation! The fact they’re even acting as hostages for me makes me so proud of them!”
His personality completely changed.
“More importantly, how did you know it was me? Saying that I seemed hostile is rather weak reasoning on your part, you know?”
“Hmmm……. Really good gut instincts, I guess?”
“Are you kidding me!?”
“Well, also, it was your attitude as a teacher. You weren’t protectin’ your students at all.”
Harris looked at Allison’s face, which was distorted with pain, and cursed.
“If you were a teacher - actually, if you were anybody who took his position as a leader seriously - you would protect those below you from being subjected to unreasonable violence.”
“……You talk a good talk, but I don’t think somebody who uses unreasonable violence on a regular basis should be saying that.”
The snarky comment came from Allison, causing Yami to laugh.
“What the hell’s with you? You’re a hostage yet you’re tellin’ jokes like that?”
“Of course. After all, I’m aiming to enter the Magic Knights. Perhaps the situation itself doesn’t call for jokes, but being used as a hostage by someone as clumsy as Harris-sensei isn’t particularly-Eek!”
Harris pulled at her hair with all his strength, interrupting Allison’s complaints.
“Don’t get too cocky, you damn brat. There’s nothing stopping me from slicing off an ear or two.”
He tore a few strands of hair off her head, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy him. His face distorted hideously.
“Your parents are fallen nobles, right? They lost a power struggle and were driven into a remote area like this. That’s why you transferred here halfway through the school year. Am I wrong?”
She glared at Harris with all the hate she could muster, but Harris paid no attention as he continued,
“At this rate, neither of your parents will be able to get a decent job, so you decided that you’re going to do your best and enter the Magic Knights, right? …….What a foolish brat you are. You can’t crawl your way up from a sub-par school like this one!
“You bastard……!”
Magna couldn’t bear standing by and doing nothing, so he was about to move, but Yami gave him a look that kept him in check. Allison’s snark was now gone, and she was now staring at her feet as she endured Harris’s verbal abuse.
“Well, you were such a try-hard that you even helped me organize my documents, so I appreciate that side of you. But, too bad. Even if you did all that, it’s not going to be showing up on your report card!”
“Shut up al-
“I’m fine with that. To be honest, when I did that, I secretly looked at those documents so that I could study. That’s how I knew that a Magic Knight was coming to teach today.”
The same time Magna started yelling, Allison admitted this as she looked at Yami. All the anger disappeared from her face, replaced with……
“Also, you talk too much. Thanks to you going on and on, everything’s ready.”
……A sneer.
“……Huh? Ready, you say?”
“Yes. Did you really think I would face off against you without a plan, Harris-sensei?”
She spoke as if to punctuate every word she uttered, causing the color to drain from Harris’s face.
“……What? What did you do!?”
“Look at your feet. They look like they’ll burn up at any moment now.”
Harris did as she said and looked down. At that moment,
“That was a lie.”
She used the gap she created to slip out from his hands,
“This is legit, though.”
Yami closed in on Harris at tremendous speed and struck Harris in the face with a lariat of dreadful momentum.
Before he even had time to defend himself, Harris was struck by Yami’s attack and bounced off the ground.
“Flame Rope Solid Binding Formation!!”
This time, Harris’s entire body was bound in Magna’s restraining magic.
“You damn spy! Doin’ terrible things to “the young three leaf clovers that will carry the future of this country”. I hope you’re ready to have just as terrible things done to you!”
“Magna, don’t shake him up too much. There’s an order to these things.”
Yami kicked Harris as he said this and then rushed over to Allison.
“You alright?”
“I’m fine…… though, it was a bit scarier than I was expecting.”
She sank to the floor, replying with a wry smile as her hands continued to tremble.
“Is that so……? Well, good job toughin’ it out through a scary situation like that. That was a nice feint you gave him.”
Magna was about to move, but Yami gave him a look that stopped him dead in his tracks. Then, Yami noticed that Allison was staring at her feet, occasionally glancing up at him as if she had something she wanted to tell him.
“The amount of eye-contact you’re makin’ is also perfect. After all, there are some things that can only be understood maiden to maiden.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but…… I’m glad everything turned out okay.”
Allison saw Yami and Magna sending signals to each other with their eyes, so she was trying to imitate that. She just wanted to get them to do something with her eyes.
Reading someone else’s eyes accurately and putting it into action at the perfect time – that had absolutely nothing to do with being maiden. She chalked it up to just another of Yami’s oddities.
“Well, anyway, you did a great job. We won with our maiden powers.”
As usual, she had no idea what he was talking about, but it felt good when he put his hand on her head, so she smiled.
“……So, how’s our little spy who was leakin’ private information to other kingdoms? You dead?”
“He’s still kickin’! Should I finish him off!?”
Yami left Allison to Sheila and lumbered his way toward Harris.
“……Shit……Shit! I can’t believe I got caught by a bunch of clowns……….”
Harris was barely conscious, incoherently muttering to himself. Of course, given the state of his jawbone, it would be hard for anybody to speak clearly.
“You’re the clown here, though.”
Yami grabbed Harris’s head and lifted it up to his own.
Yami then released a ridiculous amount of mana from his body. This mana was much sharper and heavier than the mana he was releasing when he fought the students. They simply weren’t comparable. Its sheer volume and density were overwhelmingly coercive.
Exposed to such a concentrated amount of mana, Harris trembled with fear. The students shivered as well. They could only imagine what Harris was feeling at this moment.
‘So this overwhelming feeling is Yami’s – is a Captain of the Magic Knight’s – true power……!’
“The only ones decidin’ what these kids will become when they grow up is the kids themselves. There’s not a single thing you can decide for them. Next time you go off spoutin’ nonsense like that, I’ll really give you somethin’ to cry about.”
“……I…… I’m……. sorry………”
That was all Harris could muster before losing consciousness.
 “So, the truth is, we were dispatched here to look for the spy that snuck his way in here. Sorry for gettin’ you all rolled up in all this.”
They already had Harris escorted to the Magic Knights Headquarters.
After they all returned to the classroom, Magna and Yami bowed once more.
“……I mean…… even if you apologize for all this…….”
“……Yeah. I’m not really sure how to react to it all……..”
Elude’s followers said as the rest of the class made a stir. Two people who were supposed to be guest lectures were actually here to investigate a spy, who turned out to be their homeroom teacher, who ended up getting escorted away by other Magic Knights……. That was a lot to take in. It was no wonder that they reacted like this.
“Well, fortunately, there’s nothing to suggest that that Harris bastard was givin’ you guys any weird lessons to gather information for him, and the guys comin’ from headquarters are the ones who will have to deal with the aftermath, so life will return to normal for you guys soon. You’ll be better off writin’ this day off as just a little weirder lesson than usual and worryin’ about what you’re havin’ for dinner.”
‘That’s a lighthearted way to look at it……’  Allison thought, but, admittedly, it was not something they needed to think deeply about. She won’t be able to ignore what happened today as much as Yami suggested, but it might actually be better not to dwell on it.
“That said, it was completely our fault that you all got caught up in this mess. I shouldn’t have gone for the more ‘interesting’ way of…… No, I was being negligent. Sorry.”
‘He basically admitted it out loud…..’ they all thought. Well, it wasn’t as if they sustained any injuries from the ordeal. It was certainly a scary experience for them, but it wasn’t traumatizing or anything. As they continue living their day-to-day lives, the events of today will gradually fade into a distant memory.
“I should apologize to you in particular, Allison. After all, you were used as a hostage. I’m truly sorry about that. Are your wounds okay?”
“……I’m fine. This is nothing. This can hardly be considered a scratch. In fact, I’m honestly happy that I got to experience something out of the ordinary today, so I’ll forgive you……. But, if you feel that guilty about it, I wouldn’t mind getting a little compensation.”
“HUUUH!? Don’t get cocky on us just because we were being humble for a few seconds! Actually, even from the start, I haven’t liked the way you talk to Yami-san!!”
Yami iron clawed Magna and said,
“Yeah, sure. I think you’ll probably get a reward later since you contributed to that spy’s arrest. I’m sure everyone here will be seein’ some rewards later.”
The idea of earning some cold hard cash caused everyone to start grinning.
“Well, I’ll also talk to the other Magic Knight Captains and get somebody who can give you guys a more proper lesson. I’m sure Fuegoleon would-
“But we like you guys, Yami-sensei! Magna-sensei!”
Allison blurted out before Yami could finish his sentence.
“If we’re going to have more guest lecturers, I want it to be you guys!”
“M-me too! I want it to be you guys!”
Shiela readily agreed. Elude, too, raised his hand as he agreed.
“…..Well, I guess I’d like it to be you guys, too.”
“Me too!”
“Your lessons were scary, but they were fun! Please come here again!”
Finally, after Elude’s two followers joined in……
“It felt so awesome when we finally landed an attack on you, Yami-sensei!”
“Leave out the marathon next time, though!”
“What? We hardly ever do marathons like that, so I thought it was kind of fun!”
“The next time you come here, bring some of your other squad members!”
“Yeah! I want to see what they’re like!”
The rest of the class joined in too. Hearing all this and seeing the smiles on their faces, Yami couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“……Well, I’ll think about it.”
 After that, the rest of the day passed very quickly. They had a normal Q&A session while they had lunch. In the middle of their lunch break, some staff from headquarters came to handle the aftermath of the case. After handing things off to them, Yami’s and Magna’s mission was now complete.
“……Oh, also, I think you guys are misunderstanding something about the Magic Knights. There’s plenty of people from the Common Realm in the Magic Knights.”
Just before he left to return home, Yami stopped at the exit and said as if he just remembered,
“Actually, Magna here’s a peasant.”
“Yup! I’m from Rayaka village!”
“Hell, I’m not even from this country.”
Having revealed these facts at the very end, he left the classroom in as much of an uproar as when he arrived. Allison, too, couldn’t help but hang her mouth open in shock. They certainly didn’t look like nobles or royalty, but to think they were a peasant + foreigner combination…… and this peasant and foreigner were actively fighting on the front lines of the Magic Knights.
“And so, you all don’t need to be so self-conscious about comin’ from a magic academy at the edge of the Common Realm.”
Yami looked at all their shocked faces before finally landing his eyes on Allison.
“That’s why attackin’ things head on isn’t so bad now and then. Not that I would know.”
The Magic Knights are an army of mages under the direct control of the Wizard King. They are an autonomous organization within Clover Kingdom, the kingdom’s cornerstone of defense, and the heroes whom the nation’s citizens both honor and envy. Maybe even they will be able to become one someday. By the end of the day, their image of the Magic Knights had changed in this way.
“…...Well, do your best.”
The two who were responsible for this change left the classroom……
“……No, think about it!”
…….Well, just when the students thought they were gone, they lumbered back in.
“We’re supposed to be their teachers for the day, so we still have fifth and sixth period left.”
They had just regained their peace of mind, but now the students’ faces were filled with fear.
“And so, I’m goin’ to make good use of those last two class periods.”
Magna slammed his bat against the floor and Yami had a ferocious smile on his face, making all the students shiver with tremendous speed.
“Shall we do it? Our special Q&A session?”
“Come at us!!”
With that, a fifth and sixth period class where they absolutely had to land their attacks began.
 --- Your Dream Will Come True: The End ---
I guess Fuegoleon was right. Yami’s a pretty good teacher in his own way. His special Q&A session reminded me a lot of Korosensei’s lessons from Assassination Classroom. Nothing to raise your students’ confidence like challenging them to land an attack on you.
Although, those students are going to come home very, very tired after a full day of Yami.
Only one chapter that wasn’t animated left, and that chapter features Noelle!
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uozlulu · 5 years
Black Clover chapter 242 reaction and spoilers
I really love that the chapter cover is Asta, Yuno, and Noelle powered up and ready to fight. It really cements where this arc is heading since we’ve set up Noelle vs. Vanica, Yuno vs. Zenon, and Asta vs. Dante as the endgame battles for the arc. It’s also great to see Noelle join Yuno and Asta as a major key player in the narrative as well. I can’t wait to see what kind of challenges and growth await these three. Also looks like Asta has a second horn now too.
Looks like Dante has two dark horns that look like they’re from the same demon, which raises even more questions about why Zenon has a light colored horn.
I must have missed that Asta has that second horn last week because I can perceive it visually now.
"I saw the crap you're doing to your own people - no way would we ever see eye to eye!" is an interesting sentiment coming from Asta. It really makes you wonder what all he’s seen in the last six months apart from what we saw a few chapters ago. It means to Asta, Dante’s in a category of can’t be reasoned with, must be stopped at all costs, which means Dante’s in a category by himself here because Asta’s usually trying to reason with his adversaries. Although Dante’s the first to come to him with clearly evil intent as well, which sets Dante apart from the rest in that respect too.
"But, I've got a strong heart that can control them [evil thoughts] and do what's right!" This is also insightful into why Asta’s put Dante in a category of must defeat as well. Like with the elves, they were seeking grievances for a legitimate wrong that had been done to them. Asta could pick up on it being something bigger than just here are some people trying to dick around with the kingdom and its citizens. Here, Dante has embraced evil as the end all and be all, which leaves little room for debate and understanding. It also illustrates why Damnatio took a hardline position against Asta at the trial as well because most possessed by devils are like Damnatio rather than like Asta. We’ve seen this in the flashbacks to 500 years ago, the Dark Triad, and their minions. Asta’s really lucky that the devil possessing him was so compatible with him and Licht and that his own heart and sense of what’s right is so strong and firm or he could have been corrupted. Though I think part of it is also that Dante was likely this type of corrupt before possession as well.
I also like the strong heart sentiment because when you’re dealing with daily intrusive thoughts you are your own best defense against them.
Dante, keep your crumbbum hands off Vanessa. Please. Don’t make me meme about this to cope.
Gauche just got a sword through and through his torso. I’m screaming. Pretty sure it’s actually Gauche and not his clone too because he’s bleeding and Vanessa and Grey look properly terrified for him. Kind of can’t wait even more now for Yami to show up and for what Yami vs. Dante is going to be like. I mean I’m not sure Yami can actually win against Dante, but just Yami is going to show up, everything’s going to be in ruins, Gauche is possibly going to be dead, and just that’s going to be a lot of motivation. Since we didn’t get to see Vangeance vs. Zenon I’m hoping we get to see Yami vs. Dante even if it will likely end in both Yami and Vanessa getting captured.
I am extra worried for Gauche thought because like if you had to pick a Black Bull to kill off he makes the most sense. He’s not having a character arc, he’s part of the D team, and it’s going to be emotional when Marie finds out about it. I can’t imagine what that’s going to be like for her, because then she’ll truly have no family left.
Now before Dante stabbed Gauche, he says to Asta, “Now I’ll wake up your true feelings for you.” In the raw he says, “本当 の 感情 の めぎ めさせて あげよう。” 本当 (hontou), according to Jisho means truth/correct/fact/genuine, 感情 (kanjou) is emotions/feelings, which makes sense, that’s not what’s making me curious here. What’s making me curious is what type of wake up is Dante referring to. This took a bit more searching since it’s conjugated, but the infinitive is 目覚める(megimeru), which according to Jisho, means to wake up, to awaken an instinct, “to become aware of, to realize, to come to one’s senses,” so the mother we see after Gauche is stabbed is definitely Asta’s mother, this is a memory Dante has resurfaced, perhaps something buried deep inside Asta that’s been driving him subconsciously throughout his entire life. It makes sense that possibly killing Gauche would make such a memory resurface in that the Black Bulls are Asta’s family. This is the second family member Asta has seen killed in this way. It makes me curious if Dante knows who Asta is or can take an educated guess. I’ve always suspected that Asta was meant to grow up alongside Yuno (albeit probably as a servant or knight not a prince) and that the person who brought Yuno to Hage also brought Asta. I’m also kind of excited because it brings Asta into the same kind of story arc Yuno and Noelle are having about biofamilies and what devils have done to them. It’ll be interesting to see how having all three of them under such similar circumstances will do for their characters and how each other their individual takes on similar circumstances will differ. It makes me really excited for this arc.
Asta’s heightened demonic form is really interesting. It’s taking over more of his body than previous forms. He also seems to have claws on his right hand now. It also looks like he’s gained a third horn. I also like how his facial markings have become a kind of mask. I can’t wait to see what he can do with this form, though I wonder how sustainable it is.
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kuroganeslayer · 4 years
How did you get into RP?
// The villians made me do it. Axel, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Renji, Grimmjow, hichigo, Gajeel, Cobra/Erik, Midnight/Macbeth, and Laxus.
That is hard to remember as it happened along time ago when I was watching yugioh for the first time when WB had it on tv. Then I grew attached and got the japanse ones including the manga books. I noticed a huge difference between the anime dubbed and the oringal. But sometimes I could understand why they change things, but people pointing your fingers at you which were oringally supposed to be guns was really stupid. Then changing the cards, editing the millienium Rod where Yami Maik is holding it in a wiered angle instead of seeing the dagger so stupid and even editing Zork, because he looks like he has a huge cock, but they edited It and made it worse for the dub. Shit they could of created smoke circulated around him and no one would of noticed it.
 That is where I got my inspiration on writing fan fiction, then I hopped on rp on forums on breaks during my internet class. I used to know how to do lots of html stuff, but now am really rusty with it. When I was in the yugioh fandom, they had a forum where you could look up spoilers, but I got into when you could rp with any other anime character you wanted I would rp as Yami Bakura and Yami Maik, as they were my favorite characters in the show even though they actually dueled against each other, but then took out the dueling part where me and a selected group had all of them go adventures and these two villians would cause chaos.
A few times I also rped as Piccolo, but that was hard to pull off. 
Then I got into the Kingdom Hearts fandom on a different site and rped as Axel and then things started to get hectic as me and a friend were harassed personally just because we wrote paragraphs when we rped. However the other group would god mod a lot so it just wasn’t a fun environment anymore Including the site getting hacked by a moderator who erased all the rps so I found my way to tumblr. At first I would just scroll and type things of my interest then I saw people rping and it looked like fun to me. There was another person who I quickly became friends with and she was a Axel rper and we would rp together. Then I found a Reno rper who has a butt load of other blogs as muses and we became friends. I would rp with almost all his muses. Eventually he and my Axel began shipping together. Then he disappeared and said he needed time away from the fandom and I understood that. Then he introduced me to Bleach and that is where I feel in love with Renji, Ichigo and Grimmjow. I currently have an Renji and Ichigo muse to this day, but I only go on there when I feel muse, but sometimes other people complaining about the manga doesn’t help or even the anon hate either. Also there was drama in the Bleach fandom and it started to get toxic.
So I found a different outlet, but it wasn’t until I saw Fairy Tail on Netflix so I watched it because I give anime a chance of at least 8 episodes or more. The story was hilarious and I decided I would keep watching it trying to find a favortie character that came along. Laxus was awesome and I liked him and his attitude, but also Natsu was completely funny and so was Grey. However when Gajeel came onto the screen I just fell in love with this bad ass. He was a villain and I love villains and I have always have in most cases when it comes to lots of animes. I root for them instead of the heros.  Also I have always loved dragons so Fairy Tail became a favorite and him being a dragon slayer like Natsu was pretty awesome. Damn Gajeel was such a bastard dragonslayer and he wanted to kill Natsu. Then I found out that Laxus was a dragon slayer also. I was thinking holy shit how many are there? So yes that intrigued me also. Gajeel being part of Fairy Tail still baffles me. Makarov making it happen by basically trapping him against his will. This really set off Laxus and he wanted to take over the guild because of dark guilds besides the econsidering his guild weak. Then after the Fantasia arc was over and Laxus leaving his thunder legion behind. I went to look for more episodes. I caught up and was a little upset that Gajeel wasn’t in the Oracion Seis arc and I still hate the creator for doing that because it would of been so much interesting in my opinion to see if Gajeel would turn on Fairy Tail or not. I secretly was hoping he would because I never thought he would become a redeemed villain that earily in the series. With how hes treated now as a comedy relief and joke I wish he never was part of fairy tail.
I even thought about boycotting that saga just because it didn’t seem that interesting. However that quickly changed when I noticed the villians. There were two guys that quickly grabbed my attention Cobra and Midnight. It was during the opening So I continued to watch despite the fact I had a problem of Wendy being exposed to a criminal underlord, guild a dark guild. Sorry, but that made no sense to me to expose a newbie with no fighting experience over someone like Gajeel, Juvia who has experience with fighting guilds. I wondered what the hell was the creator thinking. How come Gajeel wasn’t in this saga at all? It would of been right up his ally. So stupid and lame. Then I was thinking he was purposely excluded for some reason. I still feel for that as it wasn’t just a spy for Raven Tail thing because Gajeel already gave Makarov the information for being a double agent for the dark guild Raven Tail. Juvia also wasn’t in this saga either even though she has been with Natsu’s team when they were dealing with Jellal. I pondered this as well, both members part of Phantom Lord, supposedly a rival of Fairy Tail, however to me it never seem like the case. It was more than that especially if you read the japanese portion of the manga and anime (not the dubb) that evil Saint Wizard Jose wanted that guild terminated, everyone dead, jealously my ass. Much like dark guilds hate light guilds. Gajeel and Juvia were a threat to Fairy Tail and Makarov knew it, so he kept them out of it. Probably for the best, but I digress.
So I rooted for the other side, the Oracion Seis wanting them to beat the light guilds. Midnight was pretty interesting especially when he was sleeping on a carpet. The Cobra guy with his monstrous snake definitely had me hooked. There was something about those eyes and those fangs of his that seemed familar and it reminded me of Gajeel’s, Laxus and Natsu. Then his mind ability to hear anything and go through memories through me a loop. Shit I loved this guy kicking Natsu’s ass and it was just fascinated to watch. Then learning he was also a dragon slayer made me think of how well he and Gajeel would have been fun to team up in the series cause trouble loved to have seen especially to see how they faired against Natsu together. Unfortunately Gajeel and Cobra only teamed up in Fairy Tail Gaiden Rhodonite which I hope in the future its gets an anime adaption. It's about the only time Gajeel actually worked with someone (besides Pantherlily his bad ass black panther exceed) who could hold his own in a fight without interference from a third party. And actually respects him.
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rainecloud020604 · 5 years
Hey,how many angel/demon ocs to you have? Could you please tell us about them,please? it's fine if not,i understand ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
alrighty take a seat and lemme start with my angel ocs uwu
Universo - so far my fave out of the angels- shush! guys been through a lot and honestly so far other than dealing with a target on his back he and Anthony are engaged now and currently taking care of both Penn and Daisy. (well i mean- guess its Daisy at the moment ROSE)
Damion - Universo’s older brother, kind hearted guy who messes with dreams, currently living with his father and mother along with his fiance, guy aint the fighting type like his brother. more of a healer than a fighter
Nicolas - a small warrior angel who spends a lot of his time running around the place hunting rogue angels and making sure they are removed of their wings, guy is very polite and is really kind and happy for someone who believes he lacks a real purpose.
Josiah - kind guy who used to be in a trio with Nicolas and Christine, nowadays he sticks with Christine out of fear of her turning on him like she did Nicolas, calling him a traitor and is after him. currently stressed and honestly just wants his friends to get along again, hes not really the violent type
Christine - hates, absolutely LOATHES Nicolas’ existence, she wants to cut off his wings for just leaving the group and going on his own,  she thinks he’s helping the enemy and is up to something. She’s currently at risk of losing her own wings and doesnt believe it.
Elizabeth - a gal with a pure heart, ages and ages old. She has a whole bunch of small flaming rock creatures that she keeps close because of an old friend of hers is embodied in them, so she’s never alone, a motherly figure that once she sees you need help, good luck convincing her you dont really need it
Suisei - a blind angel, a certain demon gouged his eyes out and nowadays is terrified of everything, he’s scared of leaving heaven, but who knows, sometimes when you cant see you end up tripping, and falling...
Marrisa - she’s a rogue angel which constantly taunts Nicolas for not being able to do his job right, she still has her wings and goes in the angelic class, she was a guardian angel but....that all changed when she didnt do her job and allowed for someone to slaughter the family she was watching
demon oc time:”D
Lieutenant Hugs - mainly has a human appearance but in reality is a demon that appears to look like black essence, where her extra arms come from at times, she has abandonment issues, behind that smile and open arms is a lot more than sunshine and rainbows
Rainecloud - a staff wielding cat demon who honestly can kick ass! but recently retired as a mother so its rare to find her fighting like she used to, she used to go to other dimensions to fight because she liked it, used to be a heavy drinker as well, nowadays she likes to leave her past behind and keep her friends and family close
Rainie - Rainecloud’s other half so to say, an axe wielding psychopath who enjoys killing, finds it to be a game, very playful gal, a smile that never leaves and grows at the sight of a dead body, she honestly aint one known for showing mercy
Skye - Rainecloud’s sister, this lil pupper gal being sweet as can be and highly energetic and happy all the time, she is very sweet until you cross a boundary, then the sword comes out
Charles - he’s a bit of a hothead, honestly has a past he’d rather just let rot there, hates other demons, after being forced into a war, paying a high price for leaving it, its very clear why, nowadays he spends his days with his husband and daughter as a family, sometimes visits friends in other worlds, pretty rare though
Cheese - a gal who honestly has a personality made to drive you away, has so many wall built up, sold her soul for a complex revenge plan against some people and ended up being cheated out of it, it killing her best friend and the moment she spoke out against it she was turned into a demon, hates her home being inkwell, never wants to go back
Beat - friendly guy, a music demon who is found at bars and stage performances, just wanting to hear what he is tied to, his job is to well, drag people into hell when they play a certain song for too long...
Keith - absolute prick who smokes, past he likes to keep shut, can turn into a monster at the sight of blood, a best friend he pushed away a long time ago because something in him made him try and forget emotions, emotions make one weak you know?
Yami - a super hyper and sweet demon gal who honestly doesnt know what she is capable of, she is about 1′4′’ ands honestly the moment she decides your shoulder is comfortable good luck getting her off, she sticks to everything, super fast, super strong as well! she cant fly yet due to how underdeveloped her wings are at the moment but one day she might be able to, at the moment she is happy with Troy and Artsy, her family now.
Hallie - gals been through a lot, abusive mother, horrible treatment, luckily she’s away from that all now, happy that she’s free! happy she feels safe with Teekee.... smokes occasionally, always wears long sleeves, a kind and happy gal, a bit of a flirt with who she chooses
Trebble - daughter of the devil, sweet as can be and suffered a lot of abuse and neglect from her father, luckily being in a better place with her godfather Anomy whom she likes to call dad, lots of connections with people, kind of heat but you’d be surprised what she does in her free time, just what her dad does you know?
Alphie - this little guy being Tricia’s underboss is known for being that lives off of flesh, Tricia lets his dispose of the bodies and take care of special cases she doesnt handle herself. he honestly hates Rainie, they both have a small fued between each other and when it gets in the way of business it pisses Tricia off
Judith - a drug dealer who has a thing for murdering customers, she has a certain obsession with an ex and detective Milo who put her in prison at one point, unfortunately for Milo she isnt behind bars anymore and is back with her usual business.
Myrina - a formal demon warrior who currently fled home with her son Otoko and went to a place that would be safer for him instead of him being taken from her because he “held her back” according to some demons, she’ll do anything to protect her child so dont try anything.
Otoko - a small bab who is about a year old, bright and cheerful and just loves his mother
Riku - an earth demon tribe leader, currently at a young age and is responsible for leading his small and shrinking tribe. he luckily isnt stressed from is and has time to be a kid but with what is to happen soon, who knows how that could change him
of course there are the kinda demon i guess?? list;
Hood - half demon, basically a host, battling memory loss and fighting for control. she’s a vigilante who is talented as all hell with a bow and arrow, nimble and agile as can be. just back away when she loses control. 
Lime - he aint aware that he’s part demon, his father was a demon, a guy who’s had it tough, hates authority with a passion. and interdimensional thief who has a thing for shinies 
Rob - guy might have angel wings but i promise you those arent his. a demonic shapeshifter. a cross breed, the guy is really sweet and kind, unaware of what he used to be...luckily
Sketch - a demon mimic, gals got a tough past, abused to the point where she forgot how to feel emotions and lost the ability to feel touch and pain. nowadays just trying to find a goddamn job after she stopped working for a gang. 
Tricia - a gang leader who absolutely lacks a heart in the slightest, no redeeming her, a huge dislike for children leading her to abandoning her own child and wanting to kill her niece Trebble. currently trying to get back her test subject Artsy and working with another being Sonya...
ocs that were mentioned but do not belong to me!
Anthony, Troy, Penn and Daisy - @flowerrose14
Anomy - @elementalgod-aj
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Prompt 3 - ghost 
Characters: William Vangeance
Warnings: Major character deaths, graphic description of eternity/endlessness, angst, no happy ending
Fic type: Oneshot
Length:  ~1,7k
What… what happened…? William asked himself as he struggled to open his eyes. It was as if his eyelids felt like lead, even if the rest of his body was lighter than a feather.
That’s… right… There was a battle… A war… and I had to choose… Or we needed to choose… If I died, then Yami wouldn’t need to… A smile crept onto his lips as he thought about it, about the sacrifice he had made for the good of his friend. He gets to live… He thought with a weak, and yet tired smile.
His eyes continued to flicker open to see a bright light as a sense of dread filled him. He had died, right? And what he’d soon see, would be the afterlife, if there really was one. Or perhaps there’d be a transitional stage, after which he’d move on to somewhere else, or simply cease from existing. He did not know. No one knew. But he’d soon find out. And it scared him. It would have scared him to death, had he not been dead already.
But the more his eyes kept opening up, the dimmer it got. The bright light didn’t seem all that bright anymore. It seemed more like a grey sky, a grey, rainy sky. Much like back in the world of the living. And for a moment he questioned if he had just dreamed it, if he had just been reliving a kind of memory that Patri had shown him, even if those memories seemed to have existed a lifetime ago.
The more he regained his senses, the more, however, he was convinced that he didn’t feel the weight of his body anymore. There was just the sense of strange un-being. But it definitely was the sky he was seeing. And it looked awfully lot like the sky, under which he had died.
He sat up and began looking around, coming to the conclusion that he was on the very same battlefield. He hadn’t moved anywhere. No heaven. No hell. No purgatory. All that was, was the same, cold, empty world, even if he couldn’t feel the cold anymore.
There was a group of people in the distance, some knights he didn’t know by name from various other squads, clearly warn out by battle. They were talking about something, and William, he found himself becoming overtaken with a kind of curiosity. He wondered what they were talking about, though the most likely topic was the battle that had ended. And yet, he found a strange pull, almost as if a beckoning to go closer and listen.
“Can’t believe what Captain Vangeance did.”
Ah… they’re talking about me, he thought with a melancholic smile. I hope Yami is alright.
“Yeah, that no good joke of a captain.”
“Mhm. I mean, what was he thinking? Was that his way of ‘becoming redeemed’ of what he did with the terrorist attack? We all know that he was behind it, and he still got to continue as a captain. And now he just decides to jump in front of a spell and die as ‘the big hero’. ‘A martyr.’” The man scoffed.
That’s not what I-
“Yeah! Maybe if he had actually been smart about it, then Captain Yami wouldn’t have died either!”
Wait- he-
“Yeah…” He said glancing to the side for a moment before his eyes fell back down again.
William’s head turned. Slowly and hesitantly. But it turned. As if he was trying to push something much heavier than himself around. Had he been actually there, the creaking of his joints would surely have been heard by the knights. But. No sound broke through the silence. It was all as quiet as the grave, only that the pile of rocks, and a cross crafted out of wood, couldn’t have been a proper grave.
He made his way to it, with hesitant steps, as if walking in the trance that he had felt before waking up. But the closer he came, the more he could swear his throat became dryer and dryer. He could almost feel it, since that state of his couldn’t possibly feel it. A strange combination of presence and un-presence.
And his eyes… they stayed glued onto the piece of wood. He didn’t want to look at it, but he couldn’t look away either. It was as if his gaze gravitated to it by something larger than himself. Perhaps it was the guilt that his very soul still harboured that kept pulling him to it, to the sight… of the make-believe grave for a body… which they didn’t have.
Onto the piece of wood was scribbled a text, carved into the rough surface filled with splinters:
“Here lais the Cap”
But the text was crossed over, and next to it was another sentence, written with much more delicate handwriting:
“In the memory of Captain Yami Sukehiro”
William could feel the non-existent strength of his form failing him as he let his gaze travel down the length of the cross and onto the items that were laid onto the ground. There was a dark pink hat with a pointed tip. There was a gilded earring. A pair of sunglasses. A hairclip. A cupcake. A headband with a black bull’s skull. A doll with a black mask. A picture of a little girl. A red and blue rose. And it was only then, that he realized the cross itself to look as if lightning had struck it.
All he could do, was stare at it. Stare are the grave that held no body, because there was none to bury, as is knees hit the ground. There was no thump, no puff of dust. Nothing. Because he wasn’t really there.
But wait. If he’s dead then he-
“Oh what a pity…”
William’s gaze shot up, looking around, but all he could see was the knights, now making their way away from him.
“Who’s there?!” He shouted, even if no mortal ears could hear him.
There was a sigh that rang loud in his ear, as if he was hearing the voice in his mind, vibrating through his spectral form.
“Oh you are always so concerned about addressing those who speak… But what a pity…”
“What? Who are you? If I am dead, then why isn’t Yami’s ghost here as well? Here. In peace.” He asked, still looking around, but seeing no one. Not even the trees and the grass that had been a moment ago. There was only him and the grave.
“I? Who am I? *I* exist beyond the concepts of ‘me’ and ‘us’. I am me. I am us. I am none and I am many. It is not required for you to understand. And about the soul you, for some reason, seem so concerned about, it is not here.”
“Why?!” William shouted, as loud as he could.
“Why? Isn’t it obvious? His soul has gone into peril. No heaven. No hell. Not this transit state. To put it in a way that you can understand: the soul is demon food.” There was another sigh before the voice continued with a whisper. “Such a pity…”
William’s eyes lost focus as he tried to comprehend the words, the words that surely had to be a lie. The grave. The mementos. They all had to be a lie.
“No. No. NONONONONO!” William insisted. “You… you lie! It has to be. It has to!” He felt as if he was breaking, cracking into pieces even if he couldn’t. There was nothing left of him to break, but his soul and his mind.
“You always say that. You always insist that it all must be a lie. You claim to hear nothing but lies. There is an afterlife. There is a hell, and there is a heaven. But not all get there. Such a pity. That soul would have been a nice addition to the collection. A kind soul. A soul who tried to build people up. A fine specimen.”
“Never claimed so. Never claimed to be this ‘God’ you mortals keep speaking of. So many names. So many titles and things… Death. God. Fate. Voice. Bastard. It’s all the same to me. But what do I care?”
“But so should you have. That is why you’re uninteresting. Doubt the other wants you either. Not that anything is ever said. That is why you’re here.”
“But… I do care!” He yelled again, but this time with a cracking voice, one that broke from him with a sob. “That’s why I gave my life…”
“It added to nothing. And was it for their good, or your own? This is so tedious… Heard before…” Yet another loud sigh rang through the empty air.
Tears streamed down William’s cheeks, tears that weren’t there, but he could feel them. And they licked his skin just as if he had still been alive, burning him like the flames of a crematorium. He sat there, in the nothingness, in the empty space, with nothing but his thoughts. Even the grave had vanished, leaving only him.
“But I-, I tried…” he sobbed while holding himself. “I tried… even if it was for nothing… I tried to fix my mistakes, but I… didn’t know where to begin…”
He curled up around himself while holding his head, feeling nothing but the crushing weight of his own sins, and that what he had failed to do. It was as if he was drowning, and the not. It was as if he was burning, and then not. Freezing? Melting? Heavy? Light? He was all and he was nothing.
“Please… just tell me…”
Just silence.
“Please… God? …Death?... Anyone…?” He whispered through his broken cries, trying to look around, but all he could see…. He couldn’t see.
“Please…?” He tried again, intending to prop himself up. But he couldn’t. His body, his mortal form, what had it been even.
“Plea-…. What am I…? Who… am…”
Even the nothingness began fading away. Crumbling. Turning into ash and blown into the wind of eternity.
And the silence.
More silence.
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