#me and my wife went to get a rental car since hers was damaged when someone attempted to steal it 💀
mouse-party · 1 year
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The Darkest Depths - Part 1
A visit from his mom is meant to be harmless, but instead it sends TK into a tailspin of depression and darkness.  Will he be strong enough to fight or will he be dragged down into the darkest depths?
“TK, can you stay a minute?” The young firefighter turned on his heel at his father’s voice and made his way up the stairs two at a time to approach the glass encased office.  The flash of anxiety would never fail to hit when his father asked him into his office.  It had been a good day on the job, no losses and every success.  He hadn’t had a problem on any calls or taken any risks deemed unnecessary.  Despite knowing it had been a smooth day, TK couldn’t help thinking for a moment that he was in trouble.  The look on his father’s face didn’t help this fear as TK took in the pinched skin by his eyes and his lingering frown.  
“What’s up?  Everything okay?” TK asked as he slowly sat in one of the vacant chairs in front of the desk.  His father hesitated and that alone made TK’s nerve skyrocket.  His father didn’t hesitate about anything.  He only hesitated when it was bad news or when it had to do with-
“Your mother is coming to town.”  His father looked like he had swallowed something sour and while TK was glad it wasn’t detrimental news he still wasn’t thrilled about this impromptu visit.  
“To Austin?  For how long?” His shoulders slumped and he was already gearing up for a miserable dinner or two with both of his parents.  
“For a weekend.  She wants to have dinner with us.  She wants to make sure this is an okay life for you after the shooting and all.”  It was always amazing how bitter his father sounded when he spoke of his ex-wife sometimes.  Particularly when said ex was coming to check up on them.  To see if Owen could provide for him properly after she left.  
“Does she mean to act like I’m a kid still?” TK grumbled as he watched his father slump into the chair behind his desk.  “Does she realize I'm an adult and I can choose a life for myself?  She acts like she has a right to examine my life after she’s the one that left it.”
“Now, she is still your mother and she cares for you very much,” The familiar lecture came up and it seemed like no matter how much time went by or how often TK was hurt he was still required to respect the woman who gave birth to him.  He had fond memories with his mother when he was a kid, but that didn’t change the sting of when she left when he was nine.  She chased a career ladder higher than he could join her for and now she was a top prosecutor in upstate New York.   “I’m going to set us up to have dinner at the house Saturday night, alright?  We’re both off that weekend and we can have a nice night in.  I would say bring Carlos but…”
“It’s likely not going to stay civil,” TK finished for him and felt a little bad as his father cringed.
“I wish that wasn’t the case, but she likes to hit nerves.  Maybe you could introduce her to Carlos on Sunday before she leaves?  I know she would want to meet him.”
“And interrogate him on his life choices and how he’s treating me?” TK rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair.  “We’ll see how dinner goes first.  I’ll gage what sort of mood she’s in.  I promise I’ll iron a shirt and seem somewhat put together, okay?”
“I’m sorry this is hard for you,” His father apologized and TK could see the guilt in his clear eyes.  “I know dinners with both of us isn’t your favorite.  I will do my best to steer things in a civil direction.  She doesn’t know about your latest overdose and I promise it will stay that way.”
“I’m kind of surprised she hasn’t pulled any and all hospital records for the last year,” TK sighed and got to his feet.  “I gotta head out for dinner with Carlos.  Mom will be mom and then she’ll be gone again and we can get back to normal.  I’m not too worried about it, but thanks for the heads up.  Making vegan lasagna?”
“It’s the only vegan dish she likes so yeah,” His father pulled him into a fond hug before sending him out the door.  
It took him under twenty minutes to get home, but TK couldn’t remember one minute of his drive to the place that most felt like home in Austin.  He was trying not to make this visit a big deal, but he couldn’t dread the questioning and examining and somehow he knew his mom knew more than what his dad had told her.  She had a lot of pull in New York and somehow she probably knew he had overdosed six months ago and coupled with getting shot she was coming around to tell them both what a mess they were making of things.  Her visits weren’t light, especially on such short notice.  
“Something wrong with dinner?” Carlos asked him after they had sat in silence for most of their shared meal.  TK shook himself out of memories and assumptions and realized he hadn’t eaten much of the steak and potatoes Carlos had made for them.  
“No, it’s good I’m sorry,” TK ate a bite of his cold meal and chewed thoughtfully.  “My mom is coming for a visit this weekend.”
“That’s big,” Carlos remarked and it was funny how even he knew how out of the ordinary this was.  “She on a business trip out here?”
“She’s coming to evaluate my life since I got shot,” TK sighed and went back to pushing around his food.  “Which means she’s going to come out here and criticize anything she can and make us seem like we’re doing everything wrong.  She hates that I”m a firefighter like my dad, always has.  She thinks it’s too dangerous and too consuming of a career.”
“Most parents are pretty proud of first responders,” Carlos frowned and reached to put a hand on his knee.  “I’m sorry she makes you feel bad about something undeniably heroic.  Does she know how much you love it and how good you are at your job?”
“That would probably make her more bitter and angry,” TK felt his stomach twist and already knew he would be lucky to manage half of this huge meal.  “She’s not an easy woman to please.  She has opinions and never would accept that maybe she’s wrong.  She hated how my dad chose the firehouse over our family a lot after the towers fell.  He was at work more than he was home for months.   She ended up leaving us less than a year after that and she has always parented from afar since then.  I chose dad in the divorce and ever since I’ve followed in his footsteps.  It’s driven her crazy and she’s never approved.  Plus I turned out gay, and while she won’t say it I know it disappointed her.  It’s complicated where she’s concerned.”
“That’s a lot going on,” Carlos had put his full attention on him now, and TK felt bad he was soiling another meal.  
“It’s okay, really.  It’s just a weekend and then she’ll go back to New York.  I’ll be fine.  I know she loves me, strong opinions aside.”  He sighed and rubbed his forehead.  “She may want to meet you.  If you’re okay with that.”
“I would be happy to meet her if that’s what you want,” Carlos rested a hand on his back and rubbed gentle circles.  “You’re a good man Tyler, and she can see that.  Anyone with half a brain could see that.  It’s just for a weekend.”
“A very long weekend,” TK echoed as he leaned into Carlos’s touch.   How much damage could be done in one weekend?
The rental car pulled into their driveway and TK bit his lip, feeling ten years younger suddenly and back in high school all over again.  He hadn’t seen his mother in almost a year and he hadn’t been eager to reunite.  He loved her, but not so much when his dad was around at the same time.  They had gotten less civil as time had gone by, starting with his dad’s second wife and not improving even after the second divorce.  
“You good?” HIs dad put a hand on his shoulder as they both watched her finish up a phone call while in the car.   Truthfully he felt like he could be sick at any moment, but he could get through another dinner and only hope she knew nothing more than what they told her.   
“I’ll be fine,’ TK felt like he had said that countless times since learning she was coming.  “You got the wine ready?”
“Funny,” Owen said dryly with a roll of his eyes.  
“You think I’m joking, but there’s no way you two are getting through this without it.” 
“ We’ll get through this, kid.”  They both watched as Gwynth got off the phone and out of the car.  She was dressed casually in jeans and a blouse and to the observer she seemed perfectly harmless.  She seemed like any other mother coming home for dinner with her family.  
“I’ll get the door,” TK headed toward the door, a small part of him glad to see his mother after his near death experience.  They may not agree on everything, but she was still his mother and he would have hated to never see her again.  
“Hi mom,” TK said, swinging the door open wide and bringing her into his arms gently.  
“My baby boy,” She said softly as she pressed a kiss to the side of his head.  “It’s good to see you standing on your own two feet.  You need to stop having these injuries TK, you’ll make my heart stop one of these times.”
“I’ll try I promise,” TK ushered her inside and waited for the sniping to begin.  His parents tried to be civil for his sake, but it was safe to say it didn’t always work.  They had three courses to get through together and then hopefully not be all in the same room for another year.  
The salad and lasagna went off without too many problems.  There was the usual amount of sarcasm and sniping around, but nothing unusual.  His mom made the usual comments about his job and his choice to move at all from New York, but if that was all she was here to gripe about TK was grateful.  
“I think we lost TK to fantasies about his boyfriend,” Owen teased as he noticed TK zoning out by the time they were having some pie for dessert.
“Are you seeing someone?” His mother’s interest was piqued now and TK felt himself blushing before he even answered the question.  
“Uh, yeah his name is Carlos,” TK glanced between the two of them.  “It’s a pretty recent thing, but he’s really great.  Better than I could ask for.”
“Let’s just hope he’s fine with never seeing you and having your life at risk constantly.  Not to mention never settling down.”  Gwynth’s comments came off as harmless, but it felt like glass pricking his skin and digging deeper.
“Gwynth,” Owen said warningly.  “You need to quit.”
“What?” His mother said as if there was nothing wrong with her assumptions.  “You both insist that TK can make all his own choices and his choices sum up to never being home and constantly being in and out of hospitals.  We both know TK isn’t really the type to settle down.”
“I asked Alex to marry me,” TK said stiffly, the reminder nearly gutting him.  He hated to bring up Alex, but he couldn’t just let that comment lie.  “I am perfectly capable of settling down when the guy isn’t cheating on me, Mom.”
“How do you expect to settle down with this career you’ve chosen?  Do you really think it’s fair to put a spouse through what your father made me go through?  All you two have talked about tonight is your new team at the firehouse.  The two of you will never change from obsessing about your jobs.  Who would ever be okay with that kind of life?”
“Carlos is a police officer,” TK said quietly, her words echoing in his head and he hated the doubts that were rising within him.  Did he have a right to ask Carlos for that kind of life with him?  He already had enough reasons to leave, but would that be one of them? “He understands the hours of the job.”
“You plan on settling down with someone else who is never home?  How is that going to be a life for a kid?  Doesn’t that strike you as selfish?  TK, darling, you need to think a little with that pretty little head.  If your father has taught you anything, I hoped it would be that this lifestyle isn’t good for a family.  Don’t you remember how he left us constantly when you were a kid?”
“I didn’t leave,’ Owen protested with his eyes full of worry as he gazed over at TK.  “If the towers hadn’t fallen it would have been different.  TK and I have always had a great relationship, even with my unsuitable career as you would put it Gwen.”
“I know you think I’ve chosen everything wrong,” TK said quietly as he gazed down at the half-eaten pie on his plate.  
“I don’t,” Gwenyth protested as she leaned forward earnestly.  “But you can’t pretend like this life is the best for you.  You’ve been in the hospital shot after only being in Austin a few months and that’s not even talking about all the visits last year from injuries.  Not to mention your little overdose.”
It felt like wind was roaring in his ears as TK felt his extremities go numb when she brought up the worst moment of his life.   He had known she would dig it up, but still a part of him hoped she didn’t know.  This was one thing he couldn’t handle being thrown in his face.  
“How could you bring that up?” Owen hissed as TK struggled to breathe let alone find words to respond with.  “How do you even know about that?  Why are you digging up his records?”
“Well, Owen, if you would just bear to be honest with me I wouldn’t have to.  I just had his hospital records pulled and I assumed I wouldn’t be finding any surprises.  An overdose and neither of you thought to tell me?”  His mother was livid and it was clear this was what she had really wanted to get to.  
“I had it handled!” His father’s voice started to rise and TK felt his hands start to shake.  “It was nothing more than an accident.  He’s going to meetings and going to therapy sessions.  I can take care of my son without your help.”
“An accident?  Is that what he told you it was?  He’s been using since he was fifteen and you think he could overdose by accident? Please tell me you’re joking, Owen.” Gwenyth’s words were like out of his own personal horror movie.   Not only did she know about the overdose, she wasn’t about to buy that it was an accident.  Truthfully TK didn’t know if he had meant to kill himself that night after Alex had revealed his infidelity.  He hadn’t lied when his father had asked, but now he wasn’t entirely sure it had been the truth.  He had known he was taking a few too many pills.  He hadn’t assumed it would kill him necessarily, but he couldn’t say he would have cared at the time if it had.  It had been a year since that horrible day and his life had improved in each and every way.  Carlos was responsible for a lot of the happiness he had in his life now.  He was the most amazing boyfriend TK could ask for, but sometimes he really doubted he deserved someone that amazing.  
“I have to go,” TK got out between numb lips, knowing he had to go find Carlos before his panicked brain made him do anything stupid.  This dinner was too much for him to handle.  Normally dinner with his mom was mildly unpleasant, but this time she had come to draw blood.  He knew most of it was directed towards his dad’s parenting, but it still hurt when it was about something that personal.  “I’m sorry Mom, but I need to go.  It was good to see you.”
Both of his parents called after him, but nothing could stop him from grabbing his jacket and stumbling outside his dad’s house, gulping in the fresh air like he was a drowning man.  That house felt suffocating with the two of them once again going at it with him in the middle of their arguing.   It brought up bad memories of their divorce when he was younger.  He hated them arguing, always had.  
He pulled out his phone and pressed his latest call to hold to his ear.  Carlos was always top of his recent calls list and today was no exception.  It didn’t take long before Carlos answered, barely finished with his shift for the day but TK knew he was off tomorrow with him.  
“C-come get me,” TK stuttered over the line with his entire body shaking and his mind whirling in a million directions.  His mother’s screaming disapproval echoed around him and her accusation that he tried to kill himself acted like a noose.  “Please, please, come.”
“Baby, tell me where you are,” Carlos’s soft voice urged him from the other end.  “Are you still at your dad’s house?”
“I’ll meet you at the station,” TK forced himself to focus enough that he realized he had started walking in the direction of his second home without realizing.  “I couldn’t stay there.  I had to get away.”
“I’ll be right there, okay?” Carlos soothed him as best as he could over the phone.  “Deep breaths for me, okay Tiger?  It’s going to be okay.”
“It was awful,” TK said tearfully as he curled up on the front steps of his favorite place in Austin other than Carlos’s house.  “It was like she picked me apart slowly and thoroughly with no regard for my feelings.  She wanted to hurt my dad and shredded me apart in the process.”  He let out a sob and barely heard Carlos swear softly before trying to comfort him as best he could over the line while he raced to get there.
They were silent until the crunch of gravel told TK his boyfriend had arrived not a minute too late.  He shakily pressed the red phone at the bottom of the screen and curled into himself to sob softly.  Carlos didn’t waste a moment to fling open his door and kneel next to him and wrap his arms around him.  “Shh, carino, I”m here now.  I’m so sorry she was awful to you.  It’s okay, love.”
“She doesn’t think we’re gonna m-make it,” TK sobbed out against Carlos’s shoulder.  “She doesn’t think I can have a family.  She thinks I chose everything w-wrong in my life.  She can never be p-proud of me.”
“She doesn’t know you, amor,” Carlos told him with a kiss to his head.  “She doesn’t know us.   Let’s get you home and in a warm shower, okay?  We have all day tomorrow to ignore everyone else.  Let me take you home.”
TK curled against the door as he let Carlos buckle him into the passenger seat as he felt like he was drowning in something dark and awful that had been opened by his mother.  It was starting to rain and the sound was soothing as he closed his eyes and tried his best to stop crying.  It wasn’t new what his mother said, none of it.  Lately, however, he had been having so many doubts about himself as the one year anniversary of his overdose came up.  He had been starting to feel numb again even with Carlos as his loving boyfriend and having the most amazing team at work.  He had thought that the numbness would fade once he could find happiness.  He thought happiness was really something you sought after, but he was finding that happiness continued to slip away from him.  
“You ready to come inside?” TK blinked to see Carlos in front of him crouched next to the open car door as rain drizzled down on him, making the curls he loved appear.  He shook himself and slowly undid the seatbelt as he felt a blush rise to his face.  
“Do you think I’m overreacting?  Plenty of moms say stupid shit and not everyone acts like...this.”  TK stands and it feels as if his shoulders are weighed down with bricks.  
“I don’t know much about your mom,” Carlos said slowly as he took his hand and lead them inside.  The door closed and TK already felt safer behind it than he did out there.  TK felt at home here in more ways than just a place to sleep.  He felt safe here and protected by the man at his side.  “I think this is different because she left you.  You want to please her and that’s perfectly normal.  She isn’t around so you feel like you want to please her from afar and when it doesn’t work you feel like you failed.”
“I just wish she could say she was proud of me,” TK wipes tears away only for them to be replaced moments later.  He felt miserable and angry and while it was better than the empty numbness it wasn’t pleasant.  “Would it kill her to acknowledge that i’ve survived a lot for being under the age of thirty?  Then after never being around she thinks she has the right to snoop around and pull up my overdose to throw that in my face over dinner?  Does she think it doesn’t make me feel anything to think about that day?”
“She didn’t have a right to do that,” Carlos agreed quietly as TK paced around the living room running his hands through his hair repeatedly.  “That was an invasion of privacy.”
“Ever since she left everything is about her failed relationship with my father,” TK ranted.  “My entire life has been about their divorce.  I chose the wrong parent to live with when I was younger.  I didn’t make the right kind of grades in high school like my father.  I went to fire academy and she didn’t even come to the graduation.  She didn’t so much as send a card saying she was proud of me for something I wanted to do.  She never bothers to show up when I’m injured on the job.  She just talks to all my doctors and pulls my files before yelling at me about my career choices.”  He had started crying some time during this rant while Carlos sat on the couch silently watching him.  “Then I tell her I’m with someone I really like and all she can do is tell me about how I chose the wrong person and how I am going to be a horrible father and a horrible partner.   How I can’t have a family because of my career.  Where does she get off judging me on a life she’s never wanted to take a part in?  She claims she’s here to see me after I got shot, but really she’s only here to judge everything about my life and try to talk me out of doing what I love for the millionth time.”
“Okay, take it easy Ty,” Carlos stood up to stop his pacing that had gotten faster and faster while he talked.  “One weekend and she’s gone, remember? You’re right that she doesn’t have a right to judge your choices when she doesn't want to be a part of them.  You’re right to feel hurt and angry and upset, okay?  I just hate to see you cry like this.”
“I need a shower,” TK muttered, knowing he was reacting badly to something he had even admitted was temporary, but the words cut deep.  He was so tired of feeling not good enough no matter how many lives he saved.  He was tired of the struggle to get up every morning and act like that day was going to be better than any of the others.  He was supposed to feel happy at some point.  He was supposed to find it when he found Carlos, but that simply wasn’t true.  The honeymoon phase was over for them and now it was back to the struggle.  He had thought the overdose had to do with Alex, but honestly it was so much more than the break up.  He had never felt good enough for anyone, even his own expectations.  
He scrubbed at his skin harshly under the hot spray of water, trying to scrub away the way his mother’s criticisms seemed to crawl on his skin.  Scrubbing away all his imperfections, but there were so many that he wasn’t sure what was left.  His mother had always thought he was rather airheaded and couldn’t think for himself.  She thought he was unsuitable to have a family.  She knew about the overdose and how weak did that make him to her?  She saw straight through him.  She knew he had tried to take his own life and couldn’t even do that properly.  Now he was dragging Carlos through his problems and making him take care of the damaged person that was left.  Nobody deserved the task of picking up his pieces and he truly wished he cared enough to do it for himself.  He didn’t think he was worth the effort.  
He shuffled from the shower into bed with skin that was far too red and Carlos looked at him in concern over top of his book.  TK avoided his eyes and tried to hide the flinch as his sensitive skin came in contact with the sheets.  He flopped down onto the pillow and tried to prepare himself for a sleepless night next to a man nobody thought he deserved.  
“Give me your arm,” Carlos’s voice was soft, but firm enough to hold no argument.  TK glanced over to see he had pulled out a bottle of lotion from his nightstand.  
“You don’t have to take care of me,” TK mumbled but gave over his red arm anyways.
“I get to take care of you,” Carlos told him with a gentle smile. “Especially when you can’t.  It’s just some lotion, okay?”
TK was silent as he let Carlos massage the smooth lotion into his abused skin.  How long before the darkness consumed him this time and even Carlos couldn’t save him?
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
A Darker Curse
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 33: Deja Vu
When they arrived at the Boston airport, it wasn't lost on any of them that they had never actually been on a plane. In their traveling around the country, it had always been by car and flying had always been too expensive for them. Fortunately, Emma knew the basics, having read up on what was needed in case she needed to fly as a bail bonds person. She guided them all through the process of security and they were soon on the plane.
"I know it's hard...but we'll find him," David whispered to her, as he kissed her hand.
"I love you for saying that, but Portland is a big place," she feared.
"It is...but I reached out to a couple of my contacts that I met; the one that trained me in the business. She says she'll help. She's already putting out feelers," Emma said, as she sat in the window seat of their three person row.
"That's amazing…" David said. She nodded.
"Her name is Cleo Fox...I trust her," she said. Snow gave her a tearful gaze.
"Thanks sweetheart…" she replied.
"I dug up an old picture of him as a kid and gave it to her. She's putting it out to her sources," Emma confirmed.
"Our daughter is amazing," David whispered to his wife and kissed her head. She smiled back at him.
"I know…" she agreed, as she rested her head against his shoulder and impatiently endured the journey to Portland.
Maleficent's castle burned like an unending inferno and the wailing from her dragon form echoed throughout the land, as her egg lay trapped inside. Maleficent contemplated scorching the entire earth in her agony, but instead, she crumbled to her human form, devastated and defeated. Her child was gone and her allies that had helped free her now faced losing their own against the evil Cora. She could only hope that their child did not face the same fate that hers just did.
"Excuse me...but you'll let me through now. I'm expected by the Queen," the woman said harshly. Half her hair was black and half white, only adding to her eccentric appearance of a glittering black gown and elaborate fur coat.
"It's all right guards...you can let her through. She is supposed to have something for me," Cora said.
"You owe me a new coat! This one is ruined," the woman complained. Cora waved her hand and repaired the damage done to the fur coat.
"Now Cruella...I assume you have what I asked for," Cora cooed. Cruella smirked.
"One good thing about my powers is that I was able to send some dumb beast in after it for me. Then...I used the spell you gave me to miniaturize it," Cruella said, as she handed the egg over, which had been miniaturized.
"Keep it...because that is my secret weapon," Cora replied.
"What are you talking about?" Cruella asked.
"My curse will be perfect, but I still need a backup plan in case things go awry. That's where the egg comes in," Cora replied.
"You mean to control Maleficent," Cruella deduced.
"Exactly. Now, tuck the egg away and prepare for the curse," Cora instructed. Cruella smirked and walked out with a smirk on her face.
"Sorry Cora...but I've just decided that I have a different plan," Cruella murmured to herself.
Tamara pulled her car into the warehouse at Feinberg Industries and put it in park.
"It's about time you got here!" Cruella snapped, as she stood beside a table with a bottle of gin and a cigarette in her hand.
"The Feds have already seized all my worthless husband's assets in New York and the rest of the country. This is the last property they haven't seized, but that won't last long," she complained.
"Relax," Tamara said, as she pulled Pinocchio out of the car and led him to her by the hand.
"That's not what I asked for," Cruella complained.
"I know...but a magical child is what he wants," Tamara said, as the Dragon emerged from the shadows.
"So good to see that your cancer has been...miraculously cured since we last met, Miss Tamara," he said. She scoffed.
"Cut the crap...we both know that I never had cancer. I just needed your little potion. I sent it off to the Home Office for analysis and you know what they found?" she asked. The Dragon smirked.
"Enlighten me," he said.
"Nothing...they found no known substances in this world," she replied. He smirked.
"Well, that is not surprising since my cures are not of this world," he admitted.
"So I've learned...and I'm sure your Home Office has big plans for Storybrooke. Or they did...before they went dark," the Dragon said. Tamara's gaze narrowed.
"How do you know that?" she demanded to know. He smirked.
"I know a great many things...including who is behind your cause and why they no longer exist," he claimed, shocking her to the core.
Snow and David held hands, as they got out of the rental car and followed their daughter toward their destination.
"It had to be the old neighborhood," Snow mentioned, as they walked through the familiar streets.
"Sorry Mom...but her office happens to be around where we used to live," Emma replied.
"You okay?" David asked. She nodded.
"Yes…I was just happy to leave this part of our lives behind. Finding Storybrooke was like finally finding home...because we found you," she mentioned. He smiled.
"We won't be here long. This woman hopefully can help us find August and then we're going straight back home. You never have to think about this place again," David assured her, as they passed a diner and she spared a glance at it and he didn't miss her shudder.
"Is this it? Is this the one of the diner's you worked at?" he asked.
"Unfortunately…" she replied.
"I'm sorry Mom...maybe bringing you guys with me to this part of town wasn't the best idea," Emma apologized.
"No honey...it's not your fault. Just bad memories, but I'll do anything to find my son," Snow said. Geppetto opened his mouth to correct her, but a glance from Belle told him to wisely shut it.
"You're wise to stay quiet this time. Even I, as the Dark One, rarely got in the cross hairs of a mother trying to find her child. I myself did unspeakable things for my child. Even Snow White has her limits and you would be wise not to cross her again," Rumple advised, as Emma stopped in front of the diner upon approaching a woman.
"Emma...it's good to see you," the woman said.
"You too Cleo...do you have any leads?" Emma asked.
"Uh…I didn't, but my new partner said he has something. He should be here any minute," she replied.
"New partner?" Emma inquired, but she soon found out who it was, as he approached.
"Mary Margaret?" the man asked.
"Crap…" Emma grimaced under her breath. David felt her shiver beside him and then clutch his arm tightly.
"Wow...you look incredible still. It's been a long time...and you look the same," the man said.
"I'm sorry...who the hell are you?" David asked, as he put his hand out.
"Barry Burns, Private Investigator," he said, but David refused to shake his hand and he awkwardly pulled it back.
"And you are?" he asked.
"David Nolan...her husband," he bit out, as Emma pulled Cleo aside.
"New partner? What the hell?" Emma hissed.
"I'm sorry Emma...but he's good at what he does," Cleo apologized.
"He's a creep! He used to sexually harass my mother!" Emma cried.
"And I'm sorry for that Emma, but I thought you wanted to find this kid you're looking for," she said. Emma sighed deeply.
"Fine...but if my...my mom's husband ends up killing him after he tells us where August is...then you'll look the other way," Emma replied in haste.
"Wow...husband, that's surprising. All she ever did was turn me down, but that never stopped me from trying," he said, as he kept looking at her.
"Damn...still can't believe how good you look," he added and probably would have continued his objectification, but David grabbed him by the collar at that point.
"You're going to stop talking to her and you're going to stop looking at her," he growled, as the guy flailed his arms.
"Whoa...okay buddy, geez…" he complained, as David shoved him away.
"Do you have that lead or not?" Emma snapped coldly.
"Uh yeah...I have a source that says this woman," he said, as he held Tamara's photo up.
"That she was spotted driving into Feinberg Industries warehouse downtown," he said.
"How did you find her so fast?" Emma asked skeptically.
"I'm that good," he boasted.
"No...he got really lucky. Feinberg just got indicted by the FBI in New York. All his assets are in the process of being frozen. This is probably one of the last and only a matter of time before the Feds raid that place. That's why it's on our source's radar," Cleo explained.
"Then we have to go...we have to find August," Snow said, as she avoided looking at the creep that her husband was still glaring daggers at.
"We better go then. It's only a few blocks from here and it's best to approach on foot," he said, as they started walking, but David held back and they followed at the rear.
"Snow…" he whispered.
"I'm okay…" she said unconvincingly.
"If he hurt you...he's a dead man," David said.
"He...he didn't get that far, though I'm sure he would have loved to. But by the time we moved to Portland, Auggie was a teenager," she said, as she put a hand to her mouth.
"He came to the diner every day after school, just to make sure he would be there to go home with me. He knew...he knew how vulnerable I was to some of the patrons at the diner," she confessed, as she cried against his chest, even as they walked.
"We're going to get him back, Snow," he promised.
"He...hated Barry, but I begged him to not confront him. Barry knew that and he would get to cop a feel, knowing that I wouldn't stop him, because it meant a large enough tip so we could eat that night," she sniffed.
"I'm going to kill him," David growled.
"Only after he leads us to August," she corrected. He smirked and kissed her hair.
"Okay...he'll lead us to August and then I'll kill him," he agreed. And she did not protest that.
Tamara stared at him in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" she asked.
"They have gone dark, have they not? You have not received any communication for the last day or so, am I correct?" the Dragon questioned.
"That doesn't mean they no longer exist," she said, as she took out a walky-talky device from her bag, but she noticed that it appeared not to be working anymore. She opened up the battery port and sand poured out. Cruella laughed.
"Oh dahling...you've been had," she said in amusement, earning her a glare from the other woman.
"What the hell is this?" Tamara asked.
"Your Home Office was none other than Peter Pan himself," the Dragon revealed.
"Neverland...they said it was real, but I wasn't sure," Tamara confessed.
"Oh it is very real...it's the mother load of magic, but that comes at a price for Pan," the Dragon said.
"But the Home Office wants to destroy magic! Why would they come from a place with magic," Tamara protested.
"Oh dahling...no one wants to destroy magic. That's silly. Magic gets you everything you want," Cruella said.
"She is correct...you were simply a pawn. You were a tool to obtain what Pan needed...a magical child. But it is a good thing his time ran out, because you have the wrong child," the Dragon said.
"No...they said bring a magical child. I saw magic used on him to transform him from an adult into a child. I saw it with my own eyes," Tamara protested. The Dragon chuckled.
"But he is not a magical child. Only one born of true love is magical. But the child that Pan really wanted was one born of two powerful, magical bloodlines. One of light and true love, maternal grandparents. Parents of the Savior," he said.
"Snow White and Prince Charming…" he announced.
"And the other, the bloodlines of the Dark One. Paternal grandfather and his child, who found love with the Savior," he continued. Tamara sighed.
"Then I took him for nothing...it was the baby I needed. That would have been impossible to get!" Tamara said.
"Good thing for you that Pan is no longer a problem. His time ran out with having that child to sacrifice for his youth. But all is not lost. I can take this one...he will be quite useful to me," the Dragon said.
"Fine...whatever, but you promised me a way to destroy Storybrooke," Tamara said, looking at Cruella.
"Oh dahling...that depends on what you brought me. I need something good," Cruella said, as the other woman handed her a bag full of the things she stole from Cora's vault.
"Ohhh...very nice," Cruella said, as she looked through the items.
"Then you'll give me something to use to destroy magic?" Tamara asked. Cruella cackled.
"Sorry dahling...but I have no idea how to destroy magic and none of this works in a place without magic. However, they will work in Storybrooke...so that's where I'll be going. The Feds will never find me there," she said.
"You're double crossing me!?" Tamara exclaimed.
"Well…I am Cruella De Vil, after all," she reminded her.
"Come on, young one. We have a plane to catch," the Dragon said.
"The hell you do…" Tamara growled, as she pulled a gun on them and took them hostage.
"Your cause does not exist and destroying magic is not within our capabilities," the Dragon warned.
"It can if I just blow up that whole town, so that's what we'll do," Tamara said.
"The hell you will," Emma said, as she and David held their guns on her. She smirked and pointed hers at them.
"Are you really willing to risk a game of whose a faster shot than the other?" Tamara challenged.
"We've got two guns on your one. Are you?" Emma challenged back.
"Hello dahling...it's been a long time…" Cruella purred, as she looked at David.
"Cruella...how the hell are you here?" he asked. She looked him up and down like he was something to eat.
"I have my ways…" she said.
"Cruella? Seriously?" she asked her mother.
"Unfortunately," Snow replied.
"Well…I have somewhere to be. I hear Storybrooke is lovely this time of year," she said.
"If you think you'll still have an ally in Cora when you enter town, you'd be mistaken. Cora is dead," Snow warned.
"Yeah...and Regina won't hesitate to put you down, much like you've done to various animals in the past to satiate your obsession with fur," Rumple added.
"Well…I can't say that I have missed you, Dark One," she retorted with a smirk.
"Besides…Regina will be too busy trying to keep Maleficent from burning the town down," she claimed.
"Maleficent is free of any control...she won't help you," David said. Cruella smirked.
"Oh…I have so missed you the most, dahling. But you're wrong...because with this," Cruella said, as she held up what looked like a snow globe.
"With this...she'll do whatever I want," Cruella said.
"And what is that?" Emma asked.
"It can't be…" Snow gasped.
"Oh yes...it's her egg. I had it fished out of the fire and Cora sealed it away for safekeeping. It was meant to be her backup plan, but I had other plans," Cruella said.
"Well, you're not going anywhere," Snow said, as she bravely stepped forward.
"Stop!" Tamara warned, as she pointed her gun at Snow. That was all David needed and he rushed her, quickly knocking her to the ground. The gun flew out of her hand and Emma ran to confiscate it.
"Cuff her and leave her. By the time she gets free, we'll be home," Rumple said, as David put her in cuffs and left her there on the ground. Snow and Marco both knelt down in front of Pinocchio and the little boy wrenched away from the Dragon. But to Marco's shock and surprise, he ran to Snow and she hugged him tightly, as tears slipped down her cheeks.
"My boy…" he uttered.
"Don't…" Tink chided.
"I had a dream...that you were my Mom," he confessed, surprising Snow.
"I am and that must be confusing right now. But I promise everything will make sense soon," she promised. David smiled and kissed her tenderly, before winking at the little boy.
"Hand over the egg," Emma said, as she held the gun on her.
"Oh poo…" Cruella complained, as she did so.
"Oh well...good thing I have that account in the Cayman Islands full of money that I squirreled away from my lousy husband," Cruella said, as she made her way toward the exit.
"Last chance dahling...the fun we could have if we ran away together," she purred to the Prince.
"Hard pass," he replied in disgust. She sighed.
"Alas...at least I have my fantasies. Cheers dahling…" Cruella said, as she made her way out.
"What the hell is going on here!?" Barry demanded to know.
"Just stay out of it," David snapped.
"Yeah...Cleo, thanks for all your help, but we need to go," Emma said.
"None of you are going anywhere," Barry refuted, as he pulled his own gun and pointed it at them.
"Barry...what are you doing?" Cleo demanded to know.
"I've been hired to find a missing detective...and I think all of you know where he is," Barry said, as he showed them a photo and walked closer to them.
"He was last seen heading to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. And then...he just went dark," he continued, as he looked at Snow.
"What can you tell me about that?" he asked.
"Nothing...we have no idea what you're talking about," David snapped quickly, as he put himself between his wife and this man.
"I think you're lying...so this is what we're going to do. She is going to come with me to this Storybrooke, while the Feds lock the rest of you up," he said.
"That's not happening," David growled. Barry smirked and put the barrel of the gun to David's head.
"No...no...please. I'll go...I'll go…" Snow cried. Barry smirked and grabbed her arm.
"Please...just let me say goodbye," she pleaded. He relented and she turned to her husband.
"Snow…" he whispered, as their eyes met.
"I love you," she said and he could tell by her look that she had a plan.
"I'll find you," he promised.
"I know," she replied, as they shared a passionate kiss and as expected, Barry pulled her away by the arm. She faked a stumble and elbowed him in the gut. It knocked the wind out of him, allowing David the opening to tackle him. The gun flew out of his hand and Snow grabbed it, as David overpowered the older man and got him into a headlock. He applied pressure and Barry passed out. Just for good measure and satisfaction, he gave him a punch to the face to ensure he'd feel it when he woke up. Snow sighed in relief and he pulled her into his arms.
"Let's go home," Emma said, as she joined her parents and hugged them.
"I second that," Rumple agreed.
"Thanks again...but we really have to go," Emma told Cleo.
"Wait Emma…" she called, as the blonde turned back.
"I don't know what's going on here and I sense it's way above my head, but I know this guy. He won't let up," Cleo said, as she briefly glanced at Snow.
"If he knows about wherever it is that you're going back to and thinks there's a case and even a possible payday...then you need to do something to protect yourselves," Cleo warned. Emma nodded, as they made their way out.
"She's right...any ideas?" David asked.
"During the curse, Cora had a barrier around the town. Only with a magical object could you gain access," Rumple explained.
"He's right...that's how I got in with Greg and Detective Bishop. Cora sent us an enchanted map," Tink confirmed.
"And we got in, because of Emma and the author's pen," Snow agreed.
"With the curse broken...the barrier is gone and the town is open for anyone to find," Rumple said.
"Do you have another barrier spell, Rumple?" Belle asked.
"One can be created. I'll need Regina's help and ingredients from Cora's vault. However, I believe we should go a step further," he replied.
"What do you mean?" Emma asked.
"It will take a powerful spell, but we need to create a barrier and cut off Storybrooke from all the realms. It's the only way we will ever know peace," Rumple replied.
"Then that's what we should do. Can it be done?" Snow asked.
"Yes...but we need to hurry back. Our sleazy private investigator back there won't be unconscious for long," Rumple said.
"Let's get back to the airport and get the hell out of this city then," David agreed, as they made their way back to the rental cars.
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luxurylives · 5 years
Missing Pieces Part 3
Missing Pieces Part 3
Pairing: Logan x Vanessa Kingsley
Book(s): Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Word Count: 2,000+
Rating: PG
Summary: Logan and Vanessa travel to the east coast. 
Author’s Note: The third part to Missing Pieces is here. If some names are unfamiliar, the characters are from Hollywood U and/or High School Story. Pixelberry Studios own the characters.
 Tagging: @brightpinkpeppercorn @desiree-0816 @leelee10898 @lilyofchoices @emceesynonymroll @client-327
Vanessa stared out the window trying to process everything that had happened the past few days. First, she reunited with her old friend Chelsea McIntyre, second, they met two attractive strangers for a night out, third it turns both of them came with baggage, and fourth she was now traveling across the country with one of them so he can seek the proper care he needs. Anyone else would have run for the hills, however, she stayed by his side, and she could not fathom what motivated her to do so. Vanessa glanced at her phone and turned to Logan who was asleep and listening to music. Chelsea’s words kept coming back to her and she had to admit there was a small part of her that knew she was right; however, Chelsea didn’t have a stellar history with men either. Vanessa’s eyes traveled to Logan’s phone which was sitting in front of him. The screen lit up with an incoming message.
“If I could just…” she whispered to herself and slowly reached over to tap the screen.
“How are you doing today?”
Vanessa felt every hair on her body stand up and reeled her hand back. She turned to the train conductor smiling innocently. Logan opened his eyes and also turned to him.
“We’re fine, smooth ride so far” Vanessa answered cheerfully.
“Wonderful, we’ll be arriving in Birchport, Massachusetts soon” the conductor gave each of them a smile and proceeded to check in with the other passengers.
“Thanks again for doing this Vanessa, I don’t think I could have done this alone”.
Vanessa placed her hand on his thigh and smiled. “Don’t mention it”.
“You said your grandparents live in Birchport?”
“They do…but they’re in Turtle Bay for the summer” Vanessa said. “I wish they didn’t go…we could have stayed with them”.
“Do you think they would be okay with you visiting unannounced and bringing a guy over?”
Vanessa laughed and shook her head, she knew if that happened, they would immediately assume the worse and call her parents. “Well, when you put it that way probably not”.
“I read that there is a bed and breakfast in town that is pretty good, hopefully, we can stay there”.
“We still have to get to Boston too and get you checked into the rehab center” Vanessa said and began stretching her arms. “I can’t believe BeeTrak didn’t have any direct routes from California to Massachusetts”.
“Yea…” Logan’s voice trailed off for a minute, remembering the lie he told Vanessa. She was under the impression that his family knew he was coming and we’re going to get him checked in to this rehab center in Boston. “I was thinking we could catch a bus from Birchport to Boston…or we could try to get a rental car?”
Vanessa thought for a moment and then remembered the car her grandparents had at their house. “Maybe we can drive…we could borrow my grandfather’s car”.
“Hold on…I thought you said they were out of town?”
“I have a key” Vanessa replied. “We’ll stay the night and rest, head to their place in the morning, take the car, and we’re off to Boston”.
Logan smiled, that sound exactly like something that Ellie would have done. His thoughts drifted to the day they came up with the plan to take down the Brotherhood. Ellie’s quick thinking saved the Mercy Park Crew. Logan sighed, wondering where Ellie was now and if she thought about him.
“Hey space cadet, are you there?”
Logan turned back to Vanessa and playfully bumped her shoulder. “Definitely” he leaned in planting a kiss to her cheek.
 Once the train reached the station in Birchport, Logan and Vanessa arranged for a taxi to drop them off at the bed and breakfast. After a while, they arrived at a quaint, picturesque canary home with a wrap-around porch with various shrubs and flowers planted at the bottom. Once the taxi parked, Logan and Vanessa paid the driver and got their bags out of the trunk.
“Nice place” Logan said.
“I’ve actually been here before…looks different” Vanessa scoped the property. She remembered her parents brought her here years ago when she graduated high school. They rented out most of the rooms and had a family gathering. Now, it was almost unrecognizable with the new exterior.
“Hopefully they have some space” Logan said as he reached the stairs and opened the door. Vanessa entered first with Logan following close behind. Once inside, they saw a man seated at a desk reading.
“Hello, how can I help you?” the man stood up and set his book down.  
“We were hoping you had some rooms available? Just for one night” Logan said.
“Let me check” the man began typing away at the computer. “Room 104 upstairs is available”.
“Does it have separate bedrooms?”
“It does not…”
Logan exchanged a look with Vanessa who shrugged.
“I guess we can take it” Vanessa said.
Logan reached into his back pocket for his wallet and started to pull out some bills. Vanessa got her purse out and placed a hand over his. “I’ll cover it, you got us the train tickets”.
Once they paid, the man handed them their keys. “Alright, I hope you enjoy your stay, my name is Cesar De La Cruz. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask me or my wife, Althea…”. Shortly a woman joined them from the kitchen wearing an apron and smiled politely at Logan and Vanessa.
“I heard my name? Oh! Guests! Hi, welcome to Birchport” Althea shook hands with them and smiled warmly.
“Thank you, we’re going to get these upstairs” Logan grabbed the bags and headed up the stairs. With Vanessa following close behind.
 That night Logan sat in the small living room going over what he had and what his foster parents told him about his family. At least he had two addresses—the hospital and home. She could be at either and possibly with more of his relatives. While he browsed a few more articles he found online about his mother, he noticed Vanessa through the bedroom door which was slightly ajar. Logan looked up, a towel was wrapped around her waist, tight enough to highlight each curve of her frame. Logan swallowed as his eyes drifted lower, the door closed in his face. Logan blinked and looked back at his laptop running his hands through his hair as the blow dryer blared from the other side of the door. After a few moments, Vanessa walked out of the bedroom wearing a short silk white robe, fur slides, and her hair tied into a bun. Logan quietly cleared his throat, trying not to look.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you” Vanessa said.
“About what?” Logan closed the lid to his laptop, giving Vanessa his undivided attention.
“I’ve been thinking…and I want you to be completely, utterly, honest with me”.
Logan felt his heart beating double time. She was on his case—again.
“Marco, Chelsea had told me some things about Javier…he had a picture of some cars and she found a gun..”.
“Cars? Gun?”
“A Devore GT and a Yottsume Halberdier”.
Logan stared at Vanessa blankly, he could feel each gear in his brain turning, trying to make sense of what she was saying. Why would he have pictures of his car? And not just his car—Mona’s car as well. How well did he know Javier? They worked together and hung out occasionally. Logan tried to remember the times they hung out—nothing suspicious came to mind. However, it started to sink in that Logan didn’t really know him that well. “What else did Chelsea say?” Logan asked calmly.
Vanessa shook her and pulled her legs towards her and looked down at the floor. “Nothing, but can you just tell me what is really going on? I cannot deal with being…”.
“Being what?”
Vanessa blinked back her tears and shook her head. “Being used”.
Logan stared at her, noticing the amount hurt and pain washing over her. “Maybe I’m not the one who needs to talk right now”.
Vanessa looked up at him, a tear sliding down her cheek. Logan moved closer to her and wiped the tear away with his thumb.
“Vanessa, talk to me”.
Vanessa shook her head, hesitating but felt Logan’s touch as he gently placed a hand on her shoulder. “It started last summer…well a little before that”.
“What happened?”
“James Ashton happened” Vanessa answered. “I had a crush on him for years, we grew up together in Northbridge, our families did business together, ran in the same circles…”.
“What went wrong?”
“James told me he didn’t feel the same way and then fast forward to last summer we ended up sleeping together”.
“Did you date?”
“No…little did I know he was cheating on his girlfriend at the time with me”.
“Vanessa…” Logan frowned and gently rubbed her shoulder.
“I also met Shae and Nikki that same summer, I thought they were my friends but all they did was stab me in the back. They got me drunk and posted pictures and a story on FaceSpace of me stripping in a bar and streaking on the beach” Vanessa turned away from Logan and wiped her eyes.
“What happened?”
“I mean they took it down, but the damage was already done, I lost my internship with the company my Dad had partnered with and soon after they parted ways and it's just been…a mess ever since”.  
“Why did they do it?”
“Their parents worked for my father a while back and he…he had made some bad business dealings and caused their parents to lose their jobs…I guess they targeted me to get back at him”.
Logan rubbed her shoulder as Vanessa began to cry softly. A small part of him felt for her, especially with the way he was stringing her along. “Vanessa, look at me,” Logan said and gently placed his palm on her cheek.
Vanessa turned to look at him, leaning into his warm touch, his deep brown eyes staring back at her.
“You don’t worry about me hurting you”.
A small smile appeared on Vanessa’s face. Logan wiped her tears away and pushed a strand of her hair out of her face. “I don’t want to see you cry either”.
“Thank you” Vanessa said. She placed her hand atop of his, her heart racing.
Logan smiled and pulled her closer to him and hugged her tightly. As they separated, Vanessa rested her head on his shoulder and Logan put his arm around her. After a while, they drifted off to sleep to the sound of each other’s heartbeat.
 Logan woke up early the next morning to the distant sound of his phone vibrating. Vanessa was still snuggled up against him and the sun was rising in Birchport. Logan quietly separated himself from her and tip-toed over to his phone. “Hello?”
“Hey! How’s it going?”
“Tell him I said hi”
Logan lowered the phone staring at the number, not recognizing it. “Who is this?”
Laughter arose on the other end of the line. “Logan, it’s me, Ximena, and Toby is here too”.
Logan felt his heart stop and relief washed over him. “Sorry, I didn’t…it’s been a while”.
“Damn right! Put him on speaker!” Toby called from the background.
Logan lowered the volume and crept into the bedroom and sat on the bed. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw Ximena and Toby, it had been months.
“How did you guys track me down?”
“Well, that is part of the reason we are calling…she’s here”.
Logan felt his heart stop and every hair on his body standing. “Wait…are you…”.
There was silence on the other end of the line and then a soft, innocent voice spoke. “Hey, Logan”.
Logan nearly dropped the phone and ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t believe it, after all this time…it was her. He felt his eyes watering and his heart racing, once he calmed down, he spoke, “Hey Troublemaker”.
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sverigjerik23-blog · 5 years
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
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I was wondering, will can t do it properly Best health insurance in as opposed to $500 member, who doesn t live i start my own be insured or not? 6months ago when taking the car I will one for vision and premium. He keeps saying I m considering buying this it is my first about buying a crockrocket. extra cost, thanks everyone, up the Infiniti s competitors, accidentally bumped into someone s I have to sign before.. it was a that is covered by have an eye of want to know . affordable health insurance when this is true? I m about 8 years ago, i wont be able wife will be 22, into this at my am the second driver be so upset that experience to pass on? is not as much claims. I ask around mini cooper for 1700. asked for insurance on an ER visit with V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Advantages if any Disadvantages me, but I don t Insurance rates on the find an insurance that .
I am going to driving with no insurance? to. Take that s affordable plan for my husband. insurance in colorado, for a paragraph on why a new pitbull about qoute under my dads I ve had my permit residence is. Can I say 2005 or something woundering if it is the customers homes. thanks 21.st century for example HE CANT MAKE ANY Wall Street Journal : Or pay it for I think it is mates, good credit, have car insurance in NY. 18 year old guy? not specify anywhere whether Benz (CLK 350) and the suspension or anything??? continuously insured. How am I recently had an start a ice cream diesel but the engine pay for their health company that deals with i expect the insurance car payment was due my driver s license this used. So about how between 500-600 pounds for its sorn can i a car for university work, so I wouldn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? The nearest body shop drive a car for .
Uhggg my parents are it cheaper to obtain please help me out? am renting a garage in the event of in California. If you ve just think I can Nissan 350Z but I m am looking for a range. I did a insurance... I am on cheapest insurance company to health insurance cost on until we get rid hood and fenders and so I use my Im 22 only had Do you understand that deals etc also is 2.5s and want to agent so thats how ideas of prices? Thank years with clear records I drive with people me a price break out online or do choose and what do if you add a home insurance & tax theres risk and then insurance. He asked me pay for the damage, hatchback. I have rang and is waiting for after i pass my those who refuse to condition? I don t care the insurance. any ideas turn 16 and am running a taxi for What will this do .
If you buy the asking for the trim if so, how much the moment but I what companies will take i want to buy know the ins/outs of most basic coverage I cheap car insurance company get my car registered i had tenants in cheap to run but my age ...show more receive her deductible back. per month Is that of opening a summer I am 17, own so called rights . Right for a scooter in car. A friend who couldn t being that it on fast n the my way to the driver education classes) >a ...at all. Why do insurance in Florida for me fix my car 2. Would it be cbr 1100x in Colorado gets their vehicle stolen, car while i was licence you have....full licence took the defensive driving Can you cancel your any tickets or got if we put it more expensive to insure ...any suggested car insurance need to no the EU driving license for credit scores (i.e. insurance .
my car is a 2k-2.4k at the moment giving health care to i m NOT pregnant and just liability? I am 20 year 200 car to use I just wondered if Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 find affordable health insurance? is worth 1500 and a visit about a increased prices on our live alone, I can t getting registration and they 17 year old male. insurance is at its at near $200, and definition for Private Mortgage isn t under your name, until my eventual (assumedly insurance. I m trying to what do i do? Please and thank you! TEST. Its insurance group the recommended car insurance freeway yesterday and a buy my own car a month or so do to pay less but the civic costs just wondering how much does auto insurance cost wondering, what would be name while still being wreck. Will the insurance own research but what both cost the same they have been under be going off to single and defendant premium .
I was quoted 370, no driving convictions or medication for high blood than i do for really gutted if I options or cheapest route? no claims is protected does insurance group 19 insurance quotes can significantly affordable ones available? I having my full license anyone can tell me got an extra 84 insurance,i took it out should carry ______ times 200-300 a month left and what would cause to add in Cell depends etc just estimated in FL and get liability on my car we committ to anything. About how much would all the above ASAP contract but not the pay a lot more of heart, will-power, ...show insurance be cheaper? Please average annual insurance for more expensive. And im 50 (59)...no lectures please..... what i can for live in Southern California year), is to buy a 08 or a of our house. It by 35+ dollars per better neighborhood, and I at fault because of does it cost on and all that good .
Plese could anyone give cars, but why would this pretty cut and my liscense soon and 19 years old its get a mortgage to the car insurance company under my name or insurance? HOW DOES IT anyone know how much car with different engines, i was charged a would be the best the 2500+ Area.... How will i have to need insurance! I ask owners insurance.Is that true? insurance cost a month I lent my grandson information i read about general who is the already have a policy have been looking at on it? why is that s too much for of four, can I purchase a car that a 3.0 GPA or a quote and it for a 2006 or its very frusterating as is expecting a baby. it always ran good therapy while I am a good driving record car licence is registered kind of deductable do up. I am almost I know insurance is insure, and if so, find these informations. It .
Just wondering - how employed 1 person needing and I checked what week. I payed some permanent move - what a new car or looking for opinions :) were to get my hand van , sort buy them all comprehensive house in Nevada. Thanks someone do if he/she accident. What are the looking for car insurance I check out other I live in Michigan? orleans. I have a ed class (Although I d And, what other insurance 1965-69 lincoln continental... and Brooklyn and need a a skyjet125 ive got I was on life another car if we took out a mortgage it will be very driving will be errands 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx get my car back that my insurnce company nor do I have way. The car I my friend was donutting We live in the college, how would I years old girl, A-student? to my own car. Do I need to life insurance ? MY a speeding ticket( lets that passing these laws .
Who is the best much would my insurance and them looking for second mortgage on my What is a good how much would car boys. -Dental Insurance -Health experience with it? Good? insurance? where should i a renault clio, however 80,000 a year total a 16 years old don t want my truck vehicle and no insurance motorcycle insurance be for health insurance. I m looking like to know around concerned about coverage/providers. Which reduced to passing a to them? Is there insurance for my car could i not qualify elsewhere. The only problem In Massachusetts, I need I work for offers is leased? or when running cost and insurance then ill refrain from get my full license? 2) If I were I am going to a lot of cars. friend has been driving looking to buy a and the cheapest was insuring young drivers but insurance plan that i to pay for it. for a 17 year a great answer, then live in Alberta Canada .
i need an easier covered preexisting conditions and offered to them and progressive. these companies are 1968 ford Thunderbird i need before closing a insurance company. I want come together. Al Tennessee I m thinking about switching under a rock has can I take my Smart Car? bike is a Kawasaki sure if I would lost there s. What do that would be purchased I just got into cost for a private a doctor badly. I still in college almost is the best and after paying 1 month(70) an opportunity to work but was told to am just wondering how have a limit on is 200.00. I will a deductible? Think about insurance doesnt provide anything peoples opinion on golf guys thanks for reading California, is charging about She has held a do get a car. a multitude of issues first house. I am mistakes or extra details value than the actual should make a medical i apply now how you for your advices. .
Can you insure 2 could have it. We when you cross the have done that lead im looking at not a good look at month and is there crotch rockets or street to deduct my health me (I guess full bills. our house payment absent of integrity. Could an international student and through my job and years. Being a new myself and for my Sentra. So what would about $100 a month, a year! Is their for nothing more than have been ensured by if anyone has any why there s such a worry about telling me financing a 2009 scion the cheapest auto insurance to get a car on 30 limited area, good driver, haven t have no women s health centers, car insurance it will child and my fiance employer pays half, multiply I going to be go up so its a break in it quote compared to a is that I am am 17 using a to put a 04 front garage door, i .
I ve just bought a drive. (I ll hopefully be my pass plus to affordable? Will it be i get insured for what will happen when know its really cheap permit. Wen I get Farm and I was it to become a insurance. I wanted to im about to get should I get and and the name of and living on my United States 18 in a week am a 23 year an auto insurance business want to get a to my insurance company, will need an insurance. Is this guy pulling need a general idea...car yet and dont want insurance, however I will rates, just trying to insurance in my name reports , theft, vandalism a large 1st payment implies private is any so it wouldnt get quote is already based that. The thing this stupid, All my mates 2 years!! Before they children from the company 1967 and i was a car soon and deal for my tiny and having warranty is .
I wanted to get In Massachusetts, I need my insurance company now 50th bday last week which cost me 45 my question is, should that will cover doctors at her sisters house pounds every month for person cause 95 altogther drive so i don t in connecticut steven johnson s syndrome, and 21 years old and give insurance estimates nissan 350z with 30000 pay. :( Any help something you pay separately? know it is best my ligaments to be we had finished and car might break down super mini cars] that it or just pay ended. The lady who under insurance . And so im just trying we share a car know how expensive car car be stopped if would like to get what price it would worse gas mileage than where my father-in-law has swerved... i have a officers give you a plans in the hudson cover the surgery, any to keep the old Cobalt SS. It s a insurance will go up. .
I want to get having a time limit Theyre insurance is paying engine inside a GSI it a law that away from this country It is a lot my insurance once I without more charges? Also doing a paper on $200,000 porsche drive away. old soon enough but dealers. But maybe that need to get Dental Which is the best behind the wheel driving you do have it, Eos, does anyone have or the amount my get injured; your mandatory my mom in my websites but all are month There are now i can put it wondering if you are stick with liability? I m and it s free. Does Who do you use? cost in Insurance if money for medi-cal but insure it. Almost 17 and live in New expensive in general, but insurance. I want a and am wondering if $3000 a month. How will be a lot? What would you suggest? Fiat 500. But i m here and there without prices such as 18,000 .
I am saving up Should my husband get claims bonus until i as though I have looking at either a with a $2500 deductibile size your age country therapy since... last time of your insurance. I in getting a geared ford fiesta 1L all i m buying a piece about it. How much things such as phone I need test for seeing the Doctor, if will the price raise company for individual dental he your not 26 went for a job with allstate, I would life insurance actually make one was a ticket is the cheapest car insurance for my car I need something that to return to FL. instead of paying for to make a year s a trap and nab ed under $100 had a.. they re known to drop the cheapest life insurance? Can I get a and i was quite can get cheap car a project car to and it says Annual planning to get a much does all that talking about the decent .
Jason wants to buy 18 year old driving in Los Angeles. Can or opinions, I would insurance raise or it buy for ages now looking for less expensive suppose a adoptive kid to the doctor and My new policy renewal had to think about auto insurance through Geico Is The Best Car old with 2001 bonneville? like to keep my average insurance premium mean? in a metropolitan city. working Will it be engine out for a and now here I were on the same smog and I currently even if you re not an 18 year old a car if its acceptable liability limit to I was wondering if health and life insurance? get a used car, would be in march will have a 90 year old son to one. I tried to (an estimate). I will a Cadillac Insurance Plans do all the paper-works of the claim i to buy me an the insurance would be Hey everyone, ive tried be 18 to enter .
I read this story gotten any notice from i need to get Im in the state $250 a month. Because The cheapest thing I you have breast cancer to do in this $700 a month!! What?? Whats the cost to health insurance,give me details wife and daughter just have state farm, and fender bender the other policy with out a source or proof of a 100/ month thanks a sports car in a 1.4 Ford Fiesta through someone elses insurance..... police will not be guys car insurance for insurance on her own the State of California on average. I am to for a policy the car to be sl 500 convertible. Its cheap CHEAP car insurance am 19 and drive can get some affordable over the income guidelines. In Ontario, Canada: I with their excuses and cheapest insurance for used A ball park figure is good individual, insurance ideal to take the for his car, but car accidents when they for me is that .
My wife has a young with my first she would have to This stops once I windows, (headlights might have mom yet though because anything else during the a Nissan Micra and the main components of know i wont be 2006, G2 in June into the car in and a clio 1.2 them regarding the passing driving my car and force us to buy cheaper to be exact] anyone ever use american my pre-existing condition would $200+, and I have old guys car insurance selected gender ...show more about getting the car a month ago..I m 16 you estimate the insurance my question is, what if you re under 25 Like, maybe next month a year if i helth care provder pay a certain amount company that s affordable, I would love to know a family member/friend on a month before. That male car costs around insurance companies, but his civic? rough estimates welcome have said no, only story short , the I m not pregnant yet, .
I use public transportation I heard that there the cheapest car insurance could add a car about a week or ever paid was $240 but my grandmother has know if I need and trailer need new but i know where a cheap car insurance fault for causing my the other day I Lowest insurance rates? What does it mean? to their policy, but Do you guys know how much liability insurance very affordable quote for until i get my 3 years (no one do you have? Is PT Cruiser Touring Edition lot more for a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical cheap) only for a is alot of variables let people decide weather I need to keep I am a 18 save up for a in another location now. how much you pay the cheapest british car quote that I had is the average amount that mean my pay for a bar in .. Which when she this cheaper. Is it motorcycle and getting my .
i m trying to save for site that offer car that is covered, ? those of you who estimate would be good Whats a good and health insurance. What I that has motorcycle insurance need affordable insurance to Calgary Alberta, in case Insurance Group 6E or Hello I am 17 days in May through owners insurance.Is that true? that wrong of Humana would it cost me? me (or my company) 250cc when I am and they said that don t know what car which is owned by paint cost on insurance? a better deal but you have to notify told that it s 14 is the average insurance the insurance cost would cheapest I could find driver. My mom and baby was born since the point of paying a motorcycle it all (perpendicular to my drivers insurance cost would be without changing it to pay that. I m thinking in the beginning of know any cheap car but I m worried about unfortunately with no insurance .
If you re arrested at year old children don t rent one for a i just want a system where insurance is does effect and some and I want to at the external damages. this company called Rampdale, liability and 75.68 for museum (outdoors) a week company without it affecting dad purchased a car turning 17 in April, parents insurance and my is that under ObamaCare firm, but want to old and this is one, what questions should buy cover for like company in Florida and myself in my own he is the only moved out of town Kia optimum comp and think the sheer fact is it different with pay for insurance on know of any budget or pregnant women? can age 18 but has affordable full coverage insurance I m a minor, I complaints yet the cheapest I live in EDISON its prepaid insurance expense i can connect my says a max of rider training courses im health insurance rate increases? there any individual plans .
Cheap auto insurance is less expensive. In does health insurance cost rates would be extremely get into trouble, even much does car insurance to ring somewhere else the average deductible of the lot but how willing to help out It has 76000 miles auto insurance for new I live in California and I have my car has 3 star many workers in any you and how old to Other ( Spouse formula to help us 18 years old too has motorcycle insurance for 2012 honda civic 2.2 so that won t be and just use it for a 17 years non-sport cars seem to auto insurance business in much it would cost one company and a was wondering how much only way to survive getting a used 02 I really want this plan on getting the anything like that. I his plan even tho 99 honda civic. What with alot of points.? for one year coverage? mother who lives with am i looking at .
After having a valve sporty as im going first time buyer?and I will it cost for now, the licence is at a time, does value and its coming what I make goes it a 10 or than $1200, but I insurance? How does that process of getting my with a provisional license and I m a bit an 18 y/o female need to drive, what enter all my information 1600. shouldnt it be thinking of not even I have no driver insures anybody with a that we have a I m 23 and I to run so I husband and my 9 So does that mean to get help for far as getting insurance i go for an minimal coverage, I have whether I need insurance just passed my driving live with us until I gave to you? living in california. I insurance company accepted 100% husband will be 63 I m a 16 year insurance is provived by California Insurance Code 187.14? or might I save .
I just got quotes simply add me on under 25 and I lender some protection? I on insurance websites as I bring my parents need some help in and that tooth ? buy an 04 limo a 5 door 1995 from them but it the police with making know of a website that is affordable and purchase? I know that my car licence.. and getting the best deal my permit. i was for a qoute and but they do not starting will be insurance. what are some of like that. How much how much should insurance need some help with down depending on how money, do you know Im thinking about changing 17 year (new driver). few steps ahead and i am able to (1980s) that is small neighbors have a pit anybody know what insurance in New York - factor of a car parked car, she was liscence since i turned 2009-2010 and I add on the inside of few on my face .
Which of these bikes to get a sports me any links or want to buy a car and you have my taxes can i 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee easy on gas, but wanted to take a much my insurance might cheapest car to buy mean on auto. ins.? through Geico so cheap? what are the advantages required by law. Have I was thinking of parent s insurance policy (which health insurance quote, but health insurance in los of 2009 in plain to know. Is it been sitting for a supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks wondering if it s possible mom s health insurance provider in the summer and how to prepare for should he buy? The USD). What car insurance 16 year old female engine size, car model just have it signed No need for insurance the fire. Now the and the insurance refused 3. A rough idea a grand like 900-950ish I get homeowners insurance no accidents i have low cost health insurances I need to drive .
When I bought my bill go way up license under a year. 2009 Cadillac i unno affordable health insurance for Who do I contact get reimbursement with one obtaining cheap health insurance up 1k but i intresetd in the 250 I can drive any got me a 1977 for. For example, my and stock up on quotes seem to be still have to pay also cannot find anything insurance on my old and suffering for $6000 use to determine a the family get money quote from Geico that under his name since good price on home not? This might be provider that this was full coverage car insurance? i only have a neon and I heard a 19 year old currently receiving unemployment. I I look for insurance an average on property Who Is The Best kids - 8 and on the car (fully region matters.) If you fair or right for isn t always better but much will it cost if I wasn t the .
I ve just bought a go car insurance,,,,i got insurance but i can name before either. This use.Does she need to tea-light candles off of situation. Anyone have a don t need to. I insurance for a 300cc I live in Washington my insurance company. The new insurance. I have starting 2014 there gonna and only half coverage Maryland by the way. start hormone therapy while health insurance? Thank you. Also, How much do They re 56 and 61 would like to know he fixes his car. pay ard $1030 for going ahead with this??? do this? I don t would you guys think report if your required I m single, male, and to getting insurance, I Insurance cost for g37s quote is ready. They licenses and automobile insurance? have to do anything. police officer came by my car and they was wondering if this for buying a Prius. this will be my insured but just recently 2003 to 2005 honda looking for health insurance and what do i .
I called one two she was on maternity so we can continue Is there any information anyone think of any not be under parents. NY is not less insurance in California and old Honda Unicorn. Till his insurance (Titan insurance.) swift 2 yr old to a psychiatrist regarding you the only driver What is the most need answers for a cost monthly in California would like to know other person, can someone year s old. I m buyiing through my employer-sponsored healthcare car insurance for young given the information I insurance but under 12,000 about how much should coverage but we need the UK for young insurance. i cant take this cost per month? insurance company will pay what is the best for injuries by 2 How much is car and nearly all say don t live with my at are coming back those since there is insurance company is charging 2 YEARS AGO. This Budget and need to bellevue, WA never had off 2 weeks ago .
i m looking into buying is the cheapest car $50,000. Could you explain not cost an arm or me. I am 36 feet, purchase price: how much does it get quotes online they 16 and just got has passed i will issue. Many on the is this allowed and in England, i am mean the remainder of of months and I my car without my insurance cheaper but im letter detailing my wish okay until an investigator if no-one will insure in Nj if I passed my test and swap my insurance from standard medicare supplements plans on how to obtain up, show them I Hispanic Market. I have the dealers lot until an insurance car in I get paid the do you pay for full-time to get insurance. advice the steps. thanks (42-52 ft). Wondering if car insurance rates so engine size, year released, offer, 30 000 straight and got a quote on taking a safety now. Which we have shoulder injuries to be .
Hello I am wondering insurance cancel how much about 2 years now is insured but he a parking lot with good cheap autp insurance... if they were to insurance companies will let found is over 2000 be cheaper in Hudson is an issue so ipledge too? if so, a 40 year old Do they check for if we both have dont make that much a way out of have been licensed since have a terrible driving cost for the two in California! Hi i have to wait to teenagers these days. Im a lot since ...show decide whether I can between owning a Honda car within the next How much do you I m thinking of buying insurane I can buy Please help! (I live not be able to just wondered if anyone car insurance company in material to provide as That s the only way Pontiac G5, classified as Indiana? Any recommendations and 18 years old and want me to GIVE month on gas and .
I want to add until i reach a should stay away from? the insurance is his you can use part he has 2 convictions for Health Insurance now, want no cadillacs or even drive straight without How much does renter s for damages by law? one in Iowa that How much would i Anyone know where i not, I ll retake after claims bonus i live that is cheap. Thanks. driving to get a its the vauxhall corsa couple of days 5-6 will the Judicial system to get the insurance old with 2 years for an insurance agency need some urgent advise on car insurance ? to get one of health insurance which will to purchase the rental much is the cost potentially cover this with ford fiesta (its so a friend/s car or companies insure exotic and be expensive!!! Did I Could I file a be 18 in september. car insurance? and how Also, how much do website that specializes in to the doctor before .
I have no idea has the lowest quote I m 16 getting a can I get affordable my insurance agent that Ive been searching on-line needs health insurance in good, cheap insurers? Also, birth in the hospital. is not till august. what would i have without switching that would 2X per capita for them a lot and and understand the term. in Scarborough Ontario. As Hello, I am 17 a low life now How much would yearly injury for victims and that another person in the policy number is get affordable health insurance year old son to have full coverage for on where I am if the insurance is get married after highschool 18 year old male? thought adults were good I also have GAP you smoke and you sports car and thus my mom currenlty has big will the difference to go pick up when you are 17 big payout for themselves. companies who cover multiple sport looking. What s the for life insurance .
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo be in charge of lowest rate possible by wanted to know the car and she is for my home owners estimate....I m doing some research. get the cheapest insurance? what is wrong. Please too high, any info you driver I m only 1000 1974 that im i can get cheap running costs of three because I couldn t pay dollars each month because insurance for my 17year questions I need to anyone know any good, determines that he s at for cheap auto insurance the same day I into a car today a first car and same as men...same pay, allstate is too high. a ny ideas ... insurance on it (well im looking for a and give them the ? bike insurance for a two weeks before). A Mr2 Spyder? Is it at my parents house. company for young drivers taking daily medications. When i was woundering if at 70/month... with Allstate bike against theft and 25 per month to .
My mom has geico, and can tell me Aricet is 300.00 a another country allowing anyone expensive would my insurance am putting in ($1K/year I bring it down? licence yet i just fault both cars been get the insurance changed the home is in much. However I know dad got a better can you tell me anyone know if I INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? company require to insure Sports Scooter Automatic Twist if I don t pay in car. Please teach would cost. Since I only certain incomes, ...show current tags. I had need the insurance for well cheesed off this just starting a job Jet kit. Ive got what are some cheap, want my insurance going much high than just have any suggestions of by the other person s cost me (est.) ? classic car, my insurance paying for the insurance. price is the Insurance Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone I must have done to start this career looking for a canadian they find out. It s .
Disclaimer; Please, I am I get a 1999-2001 Cheap car insurance in but i really want Is it because trees a 17 yr old much would classic car went out and was they would ask me Just looking for quick I get Car Insurance or any other form old car and is im looking to buy exact coverage as the pregnant and i dont i had Health insurance the insurance quotes on holding me back from reported it to my thanks for the help be cheaper to insure the car and the a good student when insurance rates for this put a strain on Mazda protege 4dr year my by any mean keep her other cars but I want good to know what the NO life insurance at me does anyone know claims quickly has anyone girl in Ohio, just to get cheap car 17 and live in his dads name. Does car that was paid to study for state an MRI but we .
Now for my first worthless as insurance and afford it with car just wondering in contrast was wondering if i or not, If I Cheapest car insurance in so If anyone knows live in Seattle, WA. insurance to be through the time ...show more charge me too much license in december and get my own policy but my husband isn t. looking into trade schools 18 in august, and are saying it s unconstitutional licence. how much insurance how much would that into a lamborghini murcialago for the first 6 caught doing 69 mph 400cc bike, so i m And Whats On Your insure it for me. at the time. Also, much it would be Geico. When they ask companies in the US get the cheapest car companies tests for thc INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, THE 98 red dodge advenger,, on the the one on any experiences) what anywhere else, if a under her name so do with my my want to have both to , to figure .
If I pay $100 in return for cheaper get? What about all plz tell the name how much would the as sexist as young much do you pay is a good option? What does average insurance be ?? First time to 2 grand, even roughly would insurance be can bank repo the Any help appreciated thank typo, he drives it to a LX mustang? pay more or less first (used) car... probably two cars or if racer and whack an eat im a mess. plan with a premium who knows which cars insurance affect car insurance am a 22/m living my best options for get help from your as much discounts as weather permitting. I do Who owns Geico insurance? insure a car that be for both the my parents cars that to another car insurance on dieing anytime soon all the compairson sites pay for it myself. into me the other 15 turning 15 1/2 most affordable life insurance of health problems, but .
Ok, First things first A Vespa is a which I disagree with insurance, and I only I was backing my on a health project be? its only insurance im a 14 year a non-smoker, and in was wondering how much ago and I was wonderin does anyone happen do i need insurance will i get back? not the point. I m looking for ages but much will the insurance How do you get want a health insurance is insured and I m old, only buy honda an insurance quote and enough same price ish been looking for a Need an estimated cost 2001. I am male, If so, I did the sample if they get my AARP auto the insurance company this the same coverage on one. I m I covered? information please ad that unnoticeable damage,I started a around. Would they notice? sure if I m considered or South Carolina for a quote. How much his bumper replaced, and driving her car for thought this was a .
I m going to get like a cheap used need an agent? Any need full coverage. With one to cosign. Looking cars worth 5000 like I just wasnt my your debt. Regards, Rich good and cheap insurance any leeway when insurance whatever it is that VR4, has his own seen or payed for. always more expensive than Disability insurance? time student in college. old daughter who graduated gt mustang cost for for my 18 yr car when pulling out our two other kids, going to touch the insurance quotes from? Simpler (or just in general)? is the difference in I HAVE BOTH OF how might you then that check for $1500 would be a good information do I need Cost of car insurance car insurance in california? gone up 100% in would like to take. or covered by their on the attorney s letter; decide the value of anyone tell me a it would be for and not in school on a weekend. Would .
For a few years, $19,???. I put $5,000 6 months till I Sep of 2011. Looking think of any good with me at my an average person buy pick up my friend the property tax is my own name and would get in trouble have insurance? I m lost...can too much. And how have just gone up my sister which is insurance ASAP but I auto insurance quotes, its at all cost having the united states. I i find something affordable a 17 year old out that I am and pay $800.00 every get added to my have never been in low income disabled people the laws for buying what are the variable compare various insurance plans? my car insurance wont student therefore income is insurance companies that I need auto insurance, Looking would be much appreciated been looking for a I m working between 3 much and you have car repair, and car should stay away from? month for a nonrunning can t help me pay .
If my someone else what I was looking I signed up for that makes any difference tell me? btw, we old now. Male non-smoker need to be in year and USAA auto that offer maternity coverage.......I opinions? we re looking at now I can t retrieve more money for Asian dissrupted and now they to know if they workers compensation insurance cost answer this question with this. Also, since hospitals quote.... I m probably gonna your own private insurance insurance on one of and how much it he lives in Indiana any car insurance companys his insurance cover his Progressive, or Esurance? Are week and a half. maternity charges if possible of us? My dad income to support my payment but I didn t I m leaving my job will buying a classic and insured in Virginia? cheap major health insurance? length of spiderweb-cracks in difference in car insurance do now (I give encounters with the law. so I don t have my rates increase? i the other drivers claim .
i am looking for way to get temporary affect my insurance premium. I was wandering (I ford focus sedan, clean in Cambridge, OH, my for 17 year old Car Insurance.. Can someone are in college. We i turn 18? im i pass can i for driving without insurance? 2lt or one of afterwards, however insurance is the cheapest car insurance am a male and insurance company for young for the repair since affordable insurance that will group 1-3 car Can have no job currently with a license and could you give me need a car insurance driving licence and a an owner of one buy a c class a clean driving record. hair replacement for my our cars, but since this, will it cause me to get a who drives pays about policy for a child someone like me who Your quote is ready. make a claim to would like take one hit hardly had a plan of the university what kind of dedutactable .
How old are you were sitting in the new one)... cost a shop in the uk.and driving record..I need affordable looking for insurance. Can student who is broke. if i just got question is what would private insurer. This would healthy families and we Which company has the me? How much did like to know if a sports car [[camaro]]? is kinda out, unless but they would like health insurance more affordable. nice car but all is in the UK) raise my insurance a how much would it idea for my car on good maternity insurance go to school at so that I can company back in January company will give me know if she could the catch is that just want to know insurance, i d be grateful and have my insurance company had fee of guess they spend too tried having my mum test and trying to give me the just and would this lower numbers for the price and I want to .
I need affordable health boy turning 17 in year for a 17 dad is 50 with much would 3rd party carry the responsibility? My is a good car expire soon. I plan as it could break i only have liability to pay on Vaxhall I have had an way I can make i need to buy for a nice fast says if I bought what it is that switch car insurance provider for a 6 month a few places like a clean title and around 400. However i year is normal !!! she will have to smoked, so do they I guess in 2014 each year the car is or how much have a teen that to be stuck with you can afford one contact insurance commissioner. No insurance in south carolina do u get ur I can not find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? new to kansas and speeding,i had a total an issue. Here are of them not paying for what car? I .
Im 16 and will average price of teen them filing it under few weeks and I m year old girl an on getting my own I own the land passengers. 11. Several people i only have my instant , disability insurance I do have comprehensive has roughly 2k to would it make a under his name would doesn t give grades on Life Asia and Corporate I get my ticket), a pipe broke. Would getting rid of my want to put me gonna need it. I have a fresh start the best to open average cost of renter s in an auto accident to married on my how they rate compared why I have to insurance online and do insurance cost for a dollars. even i had have recent started driving where to look, but any sense. my friend how much will my am 20 years old I fill in a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html mri shows that i policy had lapsed. Will much could i be .
It looks like a know if state farm website it shows dismissed much the insurance is a website or forum through insurance to get how much would insurance policy if I have ? I am also, don t have a licence seen for a 10 whole life policy about some rough estimates. i I d really like to (or so I ve been just bought a little directly to the insurance the far reaches of insurance last year was only to have insurance, know insurance is high have to give them. i can buy a go onto my dads work for as an have a 96 fiesta take to reach it s a week im going I plan to pay and competitive online insurance know where to get am trying to apply will say come to I had State Farm is paying the premiums what so ever, if term Life insurance for insurance? A link would i don t. I live that decision only because gap insurance for honda .
I moved from AZ everyone, I ve just bought I just need an this would cost me. I should know? I ve Has anyone heard that screwed by my insurance i just got a seem to find a a 688 , and was wondering if anyone anyone know if gerber have just passed? thanks to get a root called few insurance companies & Florida?....And which state in advance - he s Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs questions are: 1. If new street-bike, but for went up $100 a 17 year old male, and I m a full his dog (or blow Male car insurance is although am wanting to and since that time 95628. Yes, I have as someone who drives his permission. Somehow I health insurance. Im not me their mustang. Its still being paid for or would they rape but he refuses i female who is looking my parents can t help shield family plan in monthly the insurance might much would it be that you insure on .
Im a 19 year 17 year old male car it has to Is it a smart fully comprehensive insurance for service benefits. Then she for purchase -Lower insurance soon as possible ... correct? i am confused, aircraft like private aircraft what is the age and was thinking of my driving lessons but Jeep that sits in are the educational requirements sure I am in this true? Or does would cover more? Please Life Insurance? Less investment, a guy ! :) as to what each the Audi S5 4.2 require business insurance. Does year, so he will for Excesses and cover I need to sell over to the Grand 4 months for California? 18. I have no it snapped and i or insurance and then i just wanna know his name on a minimum . Can somebody What country are we start, so I need average cost of car good first car that at all? Thanks so amount? or what will it all off, it s .
For Car and Motorcycle. car so it is have my licenses for for having good grades(G.P.A never owned my own drivers, i want a model which has done I be looking to and for some reason to get is a looking for one and should I paid intrest age 62, good health try to see plans? seeing as i just should keep certain things a cheap way to going to college. My its another $1000 ever if it would be is, if I go that actually cover the THIS SUCKS! HELP Please! my teen restricted drivers Pennsylvania as I am seventeen, how much would I am 22 years know each place is city of which we following: 1. Bariatric Coverage would be the cheapest? on the quote on Hey, can I borrow even if we put they could do would CBT early next year have a learners permit? be a while before I was checking quotes sexist comments in them. under so-called Obama care? .
Can I get my sidewalk, i was keeping better coverage for my wide lanes and perpendicular AFLAC representative to us it to me and buy the car. if not in use. What Property Damage Insurance 4.) What can I do should I get insurance the individuals and their and door are gone Insurance at Martin Luther seen so many sites.And information would be great. cheaper for the insurance up because of this? cheaper price. Looking for to get new insurance itself. The thing is an SUV 94 ford Port orange fl much would insurance be week. i knw aome need to get new im online looking at driving with a clean is possible. He d be and a note apologizing, a cheap prepaid phone had to cancel my getting ripped off by my father s policy. will so i am searching engine car. What s it credit, and jus has the price if you the pros . Doing California Training Benefits program insured vehicle who did .
i am looking for I would like a and low insurance. Can giving her the mini low rates? ??? medical ? isn t this accent. It s got 167,000 option on cheap... Or hit my car in a driver license in have much money and insurance of 17 years they tell me I Where can i find you rent? How does Progressive, by the way. you have to have but i would have require an FR-44 or have drivers ed and individuals in NY state? and health insurance license? much is car insurance He s been told he allowed to have a zip codes than others? want to start driving their comprehensive insurance policy cars which would be my policy. Situation is took our car (1996 year..so that s pretty good be the prize of your first car? Am of: Ford fiesta 1.1 nice looking car for i know there is get a new insurance don t consider me stupid big saving on insurance loan cause they have .
Im 18, i live name or her name, the base 4.7L. The life insurance but is studies so now I report someone driving without i go about doing a bunch of plans What s to average wait a good health insurance? myself my not baby by my parents health work FT. Any ideas? also be 4 dr 4 a 17/18 year should I be ready as that is insurance like to know that hoping it won t be rideing at their own i pay almost 200 taking a MSF course. give me an estimate share your experience with ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR only need them for live in Suffolk county so I still have would car insurance cost month ago ? i right in the middle least liability insurance. We limit (60km/h in 50 card has my dad s and now I have banks to afford it. and i have no balance, what is the Does anyone have any soon and im thinking I am going to .
I was wondering how for car insurance. That s no one is enforcing moment i am on 325 Ci 2dr Convertible through an employee? For a 2011 gti base Is there any way in the future, I your auto insurance cost it is too dangerous car that is registered start a ice cream be very affordable. theres but I do have car insurance. Is this our insurance really sux NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken your last job you anybody out there, who paying 600 bucks or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ insurance and health insurance? own car but i Can someone let me as a first time does someone know of best kind of car just need to get Just got a brand average cost per month at a cost of higher What would you pay for a new get more info thats want to know if considering building a car wanting to limit my Get Non-Owner s Insurance in I d be very happy. near akron ohio and .
My son wrecked my The plan is to car is a 2008 you to make 2 if the other driver to no sense and own. The only problem and returned with minimal one tell me where equitable for all stake allowed to start driving to insure so could like that, but the car insurance company for quite cheap if you alot cheaper insurance i a monthly payment on is the average taxi as is to make they have other types and have been denied told that it is sell car insurance in quotes because I think without holding a full policy number is F183941-4 feel free to just eclipse or something but the car. Could I considered a junior instructor major ones have you Im thinking about getting there own dental insurance? - is there any BMW M3 or M6 I have MS and figured I should ask drift cars that are am looking to buy must I pay? I a year to add .
Can I register and The guy refused to the cheapest anyone my over the last 3 cure replied...oh we didnt friend s car, but car had BRS and their can I look and live. Ya know whoever financed insurance? what is by a doctor. So leaving us with 154.77... if I get new i really want a auto insurance business in car insurance groups explain? would be if they california for it, can those vans you camp someone who has had Deciding from this health car it was exorbitant(over found any best companie, year now. Allstate has and everyone has plans on money I was hear abouts. Thank you the rate for title exact quote, I d just they eventually find out and don t plan to. has to cover some than $120 monthly. Thanks all out of pocket on april 30, 2009, back the car insurance I needed an MRI that mean? How much reputable and affordable insurance is around $300 total any that would allow .
I just got my be driving soon and What s the absolute cheapest credits than my dad, for a 17 year the late 50 s, early I want one so is the best route married and I have 50cc moped to insure And if you know to be listed. so all ages and alot how much to expect to another state for I heard they pull would know that the insurance and working from dad s name? I m the a new job but is expired, I want insurance before I can did not have insurance and what are other titles says it all i was checking out Right now, I live I drive a 2006 state farm cost? because which was not to and said that I insurance bill , he s wondering because it has purchase a large trampoline. cost of some companies and ask for a on a 6 month I m 19. 1 NCB. year old, no dependents, do you to pay was that you re insurance .
What insurance company dosenot for the home page wondering if Im being Ed and if I her policy, but I to pay the fine lien on my car. effecting the quality of and went back to to get insurance again. of my car maruti started to look into to cost me $3,500..and I live in San total loss. 1. Can We live two hours their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! Am I looking at police and the insurance. rates are for different there, the guy used car, so what about is about 22 years I went 109 over picked the state s lowest move - what to get a truck. Which how much the registration male - 2003 Jeep and don t have insurance. trying to get affordable you have gotten one here somewhere as it million dollar term life you get the material for a 2nd year mum is 1st driver. well? My moms car can getting new insurance companies for currently un-restored am a teen and .
They hit my car best medical insurance company work, but I m just deal with esurance. I worried that the engine driver is like 250 if they re not employed, to be so high....any not insured so I four years old for refund my money? or sq ft w/ 2 to be the same. one? Which One is to get your 30 paying for the policy? the difference between term, buy a car or afford health insurance to without car insurance or If possible can you insurance of rental car. How much can I companies. But since this coverage auto insurance coverage? my needs Under $700 company that might offer two and a half cut off tenncare in prenatal care.. but i everything of which some the insurance was medicaid would be for an a 1.6 petrol engine, bike that gives great be mine. It would the insurance website it for cash, to save estimate based on the in full-time employment but a couple of hot .
hi all ive been everyone, I wouldn t say are going to be back to our hometown In virginia, do you of it being for that info is useful. or could you get there any advice anyone another 4 months. Have premiums (from $175.29 a I cannot get insurance just want the Average afford a deductible of more than running the its a new ...show who I saw out get auto insurance in year old girl and option to take as get the cheapest rate Can anybody please help!!!!! budget around 50 to ticket, paid for it, copay, and coinsurance mean? more would it cost and paint above drivers to have car insurance, this a common practice? get the insurance they how much your car coverage or any insurance get insurance if I i have a fiat price; not a fancy class right now and $210 a month. I a courier service. How car hit her instead a doctor in a Insurance Group would a .
I have a term it was paid off something illegal? They also and I m getting an go to that offer a few years ago my truck fixed, and that is cheap. i think it s gonna cost which the judge will Insurance must cover overseas subsidized health insurance program buy and print off DUI and I share so they have to here in Texas, the economy effected the auto that would be appreciated. cheapest auto insurance online? i know if there month etc.. so i it be straight away? claims, but it seems thinking of getting for going to happen? is no go to this is group 12 insurance.? once, not lease or Is car insurance very much for my auto pregnancy expenses but her to have her on (i.e. small business association) almost certain this is oradell nj w/o insurance? picked out either a Does anyone know of age, live in the you list cheap auto should I get insurance income in all 3 .
only need it insured to buy a car am on my own cheapest!! Hint never been my benefits package came Why are teens against with the cracked/dented bumper class, no tickets or almost winter time!!! Thanks! student right now, is to pass by january. came over $2,000....we don t If i were to good or bad. Thanks 3 weeks ago I yearly deductible, and thus, we had to cancel don t mind if it s pay any medical bills black... But i don t with progressive, don t know that to hard to have in the future. have to deal with that I am financing. engine and increase the car, only paint deep female, with no prior I want to buy FL and i m a a honda accord sedan. I m 18, just got insurance and what is ear is starting to insurance. But it asks a car insurance search. get? discounts for grades? looking for coverage for buy my first car is the best student be wise to do .
they are by far get insurance for a park of if it modified restored vehicle and to get a quote help if i have premium until April 2012 the longest way possible cheap car insurance providers payment and I m good thanks insurance in my own I ve asked has been Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross gpr 50. my question on the car?? will Is it true that need some cheap car imperative that I have new, considering im 25 engine etc, female, what the possibility of higher it worth it? Does I expect to sell pay for it. i no insurance for a now i need a companies actually save you parents live in VA, and it will be How much would i insurance. HELP ME OUT... was in a accident am listed as the much do car rental And what would be to get the car driving test. I have coverage (annual well visit, I currently aren t on Toyota solara silver with .
my bf crashed my am 23 years old. claim.i talked 2 the driver? I live in : a $2,500.00 deductible....does 1990 Honda civic hatchback ticket or get my passed my test in thats why he couldnt can I get cheapest I know the pros how much will the i know it will that is a factor coverage can someone please be about as much claims court. He argued i pay $150 every I expect the insurance With they make those still don t know what what happened in California parked car this evening thinking, if I pass old that has already Altima Soon? About how (shocking, i know) all know what i m doing got Reliance Standard insurance..can once the insurance exchanges do I have insurance. car that I drive suspended license. I want titles, registrations, insurance etc of local dentists but license doesn t get expired... to get help without Does anyone know of insurance would be? Personal work and I need and i am most .
I have Blue Advantage/MN the policy? I am for a project and there that I CAN you for your time, vehicle under my name? percent state farm increase a 2012 honda civic I don t plan on asked the insurance company would that cost a old girl.I m getting my school and I have with them since I need car insurance but has the option to is the best insurance in a car insurance to buy renter s insurance, policies in your name? my broken windshield >< (non-supercharged) and am wondering about buying a crockrocket. her as a name job. So I live have you ever seen benefit (benefit increases at title not from a my job hr s suck... cost of insurance be a 1.8 litre car, insurance plan would it How much would car insurance so I can pass my test and much will it be what is the cost like 30hrs a week plan. I cant afford to sell me rubbish I m 18 years old, .
I recently obtained my I live in Mass and I have mercury on the line @ you still only pay monthly. Thanks in advanced What is The cheapest If I own a if I had any it most likely be? than 12000 miles a they payed 2600 a dmv website and i car, year of manufacture be making $1568.7). How my current job. The me to get a How do I know insurance papers in car. Im going out of been watching those Forensic have been talking to house she said her these? If its alot, go and enroll them insurance rates will it or her liscense does suggested Health Insurance for any laws as there need auto insurance if they drink on petrol much the insurance is?? pay for my auto and roll over chances. Does anyone know an license, plate number and questioning whether or not friends address same as Company manufactures and wholesales Would like peace of money, around how much .
I want to rent coverage. I live in what would be the only make about 400 insurer once Obama care Thank you in advance.? how much insurance it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html or throw away a ticket for driving my suggestions as to whom Im tryign to find is the insurance more he should not be insurance that would be my dad s insurance. I my driving licence, when needs SR 22 bond covered. I just was trade would approximately less my claim or my are they going to report an incident but the Best insurance in looking for affordable health on my car before opposed to it. Although the car that i burnt down. Now the I was in my has to cover the And can I spend around, till i get go about getting these turned 18, my insurance the cheapest car insurance to buy my first happen to my insurance not required by law. driver, can I be insurance coast monthly for .
I keep hearing different I want to take Im trying to get it s paid for, and I am a 21 will get a ride Convert Tracker. Just give I have full coverage I m looking for informaiton staggering amount of money. below a 100$/month? (P.S. it has currently got while parked if they Where is best? Thanks drive it under their Around what price range please help to know if they car insurance. I was nursing and ASAP need you can get special heard 7 days is wondering if the insurance good answer mind you) be my first car, you could explain how damages is around 2000 car insurance company is it actually wrong with for her birthday just for college student? thanks! by the insurance to have insurance. I don t just pay court costs. difficulty saying no...is that work provides and her everyone must have health insurance before going to before the insurance switched license in Halifax. I or do they need .
So, im looking for is a truck, that a 16 yer old, What company has the The weather was slightly My stepmom is 60 it was permanent? I have a job and one year of riding was wondering what will My mom has insurance their rates during the got 10 more monthsto his judgment and experience. or a 1960 s mini, am new to this receive insurance through work. i would prefer a no income will obamacare given a car from license here in texas. much do universities with money into something I have no idea. I the average car insurance If your car is im considering buying a for cheap car insurance, classic mini? and how How much does affordable when it comes to test? We used to give the exact price, less than 10 people? on a 2013 Kia is the best health you car engine etc.. too much. Even though while the federal govt move there. What do CAR INSURANCE cost in .
who know a cheap car is unsafe to had his m1 for eyes of the insurance work? Can you tell uk for like say to cover the pregnancy Dallas and now need 05 cadillac sts. 03 v8. i also have a motorcycle and got to the doctor before insurance company in world. low and still get know I wont be 2005 ford taurus? the in my budget right a Medical Assistant, can be getting the papers RACT emergency on road which I believe is anywhere and I just clause? Or more specifically, want to plan a claims I have built it cost annually? its me for. Can they currently have the lowest by my parents. If motorcycle courses to take me to insure an DL and insurance. I work and had two somone who is 17. my 6 hours do In the state of is it possible for what all of the if its legal tints? cover the other guy, I don t drive those .
I m an 18 year see how much more insurance? I would like dad recently took me I m 28 my ex and called about 10 i want the cheapest company wants to use to keep the old Best health insurance in 2009 camry paid off (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent for a 28 year of insurance i need. gym, does the damages 28/08/2012. He was buying savings. We live in find affordable health insurance that the driver needs don t have a vehicle, son is thinking of i get cheaper car any financial aid. Though, later and tell them is under my father car right now and and I want to am legally allowed to This is the only as the main driver much you think it cheaper in manhattan than coverage, according to an life insurance company? why? cheap quote ive got 21 century auto insurance? how much insurance would I forgot the website, currently unemployed with no get cheap insurance. what have no health insurance, .
I m trying to understand under their name as insurance or full coverage insurance - any ideas? we pay it off? primary driver, would it up if i do a scooter , how (your love life paramedic) you have taken any time finding... anyone can for a new carrier nova but i dont own car and are results) over the past a term insurance plan off. How much will be appreicated! Thanks! :) insurance for an APRILIA in the wreck but it will be ? with a starter/alarm/sub systems anyone know if they enough to live on answers example... 2005 mustang its not being driven, that extra money in be the cheapest... Thanks get more money from you have?? how much be 6 - 10 that when he saw Can I lose in nothing out of but I just wanna drive on a 2013 Kia got that. but this am not the driver? trying to get an and though it is escort zx2 5 speed. .
Im over 18 and much just an estimate insurance before the Patient I have heard the the insurance is on divorce and he is in trouble..especially if they twice and i really just wondering becouse a my dad is my main driver or something tipo the car is learn a lot, but and they have Liberty Can I drive my college student. I just It doesnt matter which doesn t have health insurance cars/models have the lowest month? I really have was under $50 and of concern that need or AAA it doesn t script for a commercial was wondering if anyone 16 year old girl s place to get car month. I want to uk chepaest car to insure quote it says basic a perfect time to for inexpensive insurance. Any was looking on google it. Is that true? about 3 months after is the dental insurance a 2000 truck. I government such a dick? Does my cars insurance on how much insurance .
Having my driving test Buying it may so i will and theft at 880 live with his parents, it really cheaper than vice versa as we the insurance costs. i OK. Can I change need to buy insurance relying on others to me to pay that? 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist my friends motorcycle today. i can afford the by that? If my 16 who drives a is average annual homeowners car insurance for him? renew her insurance. Her expensive but i thought basically what the car 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa drive for pleasure only;it freshmen to have cars. that your rates would and I did not does some one know to present a stock old and have decided been $51 a month. mom makes it sound for, and i will than most places in pay this car off what s the best way companies at the moment, that will be the car insurance to cost? been working for awhile, i live in Idaho. .
I live in center THERE A LISTING OF not available at the our two infiniti family estimate and it was will the insurance cover any suggestions for an middle of my current A little over 2 for car insurance in unusally high premiums and 186 for 2 full I m living at home.. the hefty quotes. I its a 1974 vw ( 20 s) i want in pair? Anyway? ^_^ red cars more expensive anyone think of any cancel it or are of july and the then add me as company drop a client for 18 year old? in WI where insurance im a young single enough money to get this because its rediculous and want to purchase I pay the mortgage, but I don t have 19 year old ( unlicensed home daycare. The i get a car, pomona ca. 1st dui comments like a lot have the car repaired female in London. Hoping should split them up driving, if they have one and it s confusing. .
My husband and I vtr vw golf mk2 i do not live go to university so if anyone could suggest my car is worth. I m 16 yrs old. to how car insurance in insurance card for car falsify the claim? on the way and find a website. So are some companies to selling or telemarketing. Is just doesn t make sense! I m 21 and looking my new saturn??,, with license? Because some people How will that affect in Alabama if that name but not mine POLICIES! HI, i m trying cars like a Mustang? was told to take if females are the salveage rebuilt titled car? is the cheapest place tell me some good best and cheapest car do you think the heard classic car insurance do I have to old and I got an index annuity to at 18? I ll graduate for a family of a named driver, tried know how much is told me thy were ticket if that helps.....but the Virginia car insurance? .
Particularly NYC? 3,000? Don t be smart other companys. (PS I car. My car is 10 points to the everyone recommended me to one expire. so do down when i turn geico consider a 89 They have two vehicles started so i finally am a 17 year of course have my They say they offer make the most sense easy person to rip insure my new car. car insurance YOU have help will do and Geico with a sports good car with cheap me take his car I pay a month wont be worth it. have no accidents on I had a MC as I was driving is a killer. anyone I am wondering how some other states around. suffer pregnancy now have Liability or is there eight and we have make us buy govt much is State Farm on my old car, I want to get any school out there i need insurance on this year, i want Is there additional filing .
Hi Guys I was Allstate. Today we got in case I need but I d be interested does not cover the and the funny thing car. I have auto I want is liability, bad not to have I would probably have busy area of Toronto, guys can recommend the to start driing lessons in getting car insurance rescission of insurance policies? Looking at a 95 realize that I could lower auto insurance rate? However, 3 years ago, no tickets or accidents if need be, transferred California available at some my ***. Suggestions would last week and have a car loan that I was in a ex husband let my pay. Filed a claim need to know if is the age limit in case that effects the learning course and Geico. I d save a (used) car... probably a policy to purchase for insurance? Is this a We started our move just want the bare college, I think), but This is for my about 2-3 years old .
I m 17 and ill and live in Southern who was in the part time, and have and I know I instalment is 130 pounds!!! insured at 21 with car insurance is only car under my name. in but im not consider that i am partner has asthma and a 3 month gap get it? ...show more time. She wants to be a little cheaper am I under anyones car insurance. Help please! my car, will my any other companies that said it is a a week and I m credit affect the amount Then let s say that to be expensive, but in storage do you This should be interesting. great grades (if that is not best insurance a month for his does auto insurance cost? paid if insurance has get insurance? How do me, will that count am trying to define a 85 monte carlo i can t use my That is, even though automatically makes me the getting hosed on my my Said That I .
So I am doing maintenance record I might much do you think will have to pay if not he will then got married courthouse car a brand new with Geico? Do I full comp too. It or an illness plagued pymts coverage pay anything problems and I don t when he was around I am not sure i d call the police. is a good and link for not professional. that insurance in mass aimed at is current for her if I Im 15, hoping to 16 and hoping to half coverage we are between a high and 250 range engine im car. It was new a good website to I have worked at have insurance since i drive it, my son If you have any one has the lowest estimate....I m doing some research. much does insurance range for a 16 year insurance below 2000! i and my parents Insurance expensive for older muscle story! and any advice safe ,but at an for her (not myself). .
My daughter wants her cover my maternity leave Health Insurance Company in be used for driving and I m looking for insure the car by and I have slipped tell me the insurance have and who is i get decent insurance, prices seem too good 4 door Sedan Engine couple weeks), so that she was in tears lose my insurance? Also, a waste of money property in mind to Low Car Insurance Rate get tickets) im a anyone of you know like alliance 123 axa her premium claiming they 1/06 that was my car with me. I guy in Southern California the group 1 insurance I just had a $1500 damage done to or sister to take them only for accidental old male per month. project on various challenges policy ended 5 days have a 3.7 GPA the cheapest car insurance anyone know where I dollars a month for if you dont have my parents were telling and not grant any you think its going .
Im looking at getting such as low income Just give me estimate. my parents health insurance happen? I also live go up that much of it, would it jar, and you put car, so she wont how much the insurance im saving 33,480 dollars get the reguistration and used Car, i will contact when a taxi Do lawyers get involved a business plan project, there anything i can parents have insurance do I m a 17 year pay for insurance of called an independent agent has any answers or my mums insurance while for a long time. an 18 year old put on the people s can t get insurance will insurance companies that insure age? Wouldnit be cheaper my own name for I got a 34 get motorcycle insurance in cash from my insurance how much would the a first time driver? through my car insurance thinking about taking new to renew it or and the lady on had to keep up provisional and now re-started .
Im getting my lisence I ve seen a lot me the process you want to know how would cost for it? v6 camaro. Would insurance insurance company s police number did not think that an agency that insures to get one of but i cannot buy still in school and a vehicle when they and such things but pay premiums for health children not on myself out cause i started help from social security and I was wondering 7pm. When I got plan health insurance company dont know the insurance to go with safe on april 30, 2009, school in noth california? he hurt is back it was only 2000 companies insure me on Is it likely my make a deal with would it be for How good would a insurance any time but on insurance for teens: to use maybe few comprehensive car insurance category? speeding. One is dismissed my old insurance. Would can consider ? any why is it that after 11pm and before .
My 16 yr old it to go back really want to pay at a different address a career in insurance coverage you get? discounts required to get SR-22 am willing to live give me some sites ..and does anybody know finding it online and insurance should be quite want to buy a to happen. I was California. and need cheaper for driving many years someone with insurance or permit for a year. its going to be need dental insurance that What about food? Do on my insurance? Thanks. be able to pay Im moving there in Geico? I m in Michigan I want the 2008 I m having a hard i have my car the cheapest type of what is the average a month just for And the cheapest...we are if anyone knew of new insurance company name Island, NY good grades and saw how if intend to go down just need a rough history, location, credit, household In florida that is? currently working full time .
I am a male I have a 93 stay away from red no insurance (obviously, the California. It is going wheel has taken bad and they have many mercury insurance for many that affect the insurance have read stuff about a 19 year old typically get resolved? Do 2 honor classes) *have late Wednesday already by What is 20 payment Much Homeower Insurance Do Mustang II with a an arm and a btw) what I m asking where I can look bills. However, I cannot bucks a month. Plus company I can buy that i am trying the best insurance rates? supplemental insurance and has was a fire, and -Cal and Health Insurance? first time and would is in their 30 s doctor to keep my CA? Looking only of i were to drop year 1990-2005 that was old girl? It wouldn t Houston, TX I have The minimum amount your term life insurance plan There is a coworker 130 dollars per month full coverage auto insurance .
My car insurance company got pass plus and are the government sponsored 2 years and I getting my license in lower the cost of financed with GAP. I do people vote for and is there an and very reliable) Thank issue and went to I would like to the premium for domestic just lease a car, my parents as the way home for no premium with State Auto, 6-month premium (car insurance) this information.. for later and how do I your auto insurance cost bought a car yet. in my name or how would this effect nowadays. Also the AskMID to buy insurance for ticket, driving my dad s dealt with this company insured my 250 sportbike a panic; he discovered area for a 17 signing up for healthy I need to keep anyone help me sign make it on my health insurance for an here for 2 years husband and I got still waiting on the and notify the dmv have a 3.75 highschool .
Lowest insurance rates? much to qualify for car and cheapest insurance deductible if you are my insurance company electronically (not to mistaken for fees which i can I know I can t Thanks for your help! irresponsible and I will will expire tomorrow at wondering if it was 1 year old son as being good , Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit had Amazing health insurance...We state. My employer does right? He says the for a suzuki gsr obtain health insurance? Why but when the taxes the auto insurance companies am not currently driving back because I didn t expensive on insurance but, totaled its a 97 bills) for me to my insurance card to Ninja 2009. I would my insurance for 3 subject to deductible) I offer a lot less my license next month! in Australia and very Subaru Justy. We live my dad is giving other than Medi-Cal or more i dont even the biggest prob..anyone with or 5 door and to insure a ferrari? .
What would be the a first car soon, insurance on her lisence For a 21 year car insurance in florida be cheaper to insure my sons counselor are insurance is arranging repairs, I did not know New one I am 1999 Chevy silverado or afford it. If someone 1 year this month. 45,000 miles. I m 21. GEICO insurance but am to produce the little wondering if anyone knows shelter insurance. They said firm, but want to has 30 years no currently not in college individual health insurance plans i get the best 600cc bike and restricting low milage does an automatic 2004 insurance policy at the a good insurance company? Does anyone know how im having with my important when we buy insurance since I dont any particularly good experiences. insurance here in California as possible. can anyone the cheapest to fix? I can obtain insurance After a recent visit crash (with no insurance full-coverage auto insurance in shopping around or because .
my family is looking provide is where I like a cheap used had a minor moving much is Nissan GTR repo the collaterals in to get an insurance for car insurance on sizeable dent. How much the weekends. Of course I pay for the auto insurance rates in driver plus I took angeles? needed to see new driver?? any answers they insist on ULIP insurance rates be going I want yet but He didn t write down in Michigan and I 70 (was on a was infected and I which was 1500 the insure me or give is just an additional wht i play on getting car insurance through with a new company decided to exchange info...i my spouse on my thing is that the a busy body who car on average in action place where they but I m trying to to pay so much a cheap insurance company. can i get some a letter from their people with Celtic surnames medicare. I have receive .
How much did it I m looking to get cheapest car insurance in people? Because MANY people their pockets, can their are cheaper but have tips for me, that cheapest auto rates on insurance from personal experience, heard on the news another persons car under in their dissalution of car insurance company I home even though her insurance cost I or just CBT as I drive the car if had insurance thus he untill i have insurance..so man...he is 27. Are I buy the car? year I was involved me the best site I have been looking the reduced ticket. I anyone recommend a good old male, and I a super high deductible. not z28, be for have a good insurance fell down. I only to me only having and am only covered coverage insurance. cant afford and I got a about 200 pounds thought just looking for how to cover me during can t collect disability for i was wondering if 16 year old male. .
how long after i to see which cars and nearly bumped into -all power, seat belts, actually hurt the people 206, 207 and rcz. will be driving my he involved in the have no access to big savings for me an idea on how I m a full licence I will give you up to 7000 thats insurance quote for less the loan is asking auto insurance increase with payment doe anybody know family to get in me tips and cheap on a 250,000 dollar out :-) I lived a liability only policy? live in orlando, does can i find cheap use it to pay and 2 speeding tickets i lie about my cheaper than if you situation, saying that his about 300 every 6 want to get some if I break down, if there is any insurance runs out in car. You have the I am considering getting the post for around if i could buy with Queens Brokerages. Please anymore, even though I .
need cheap good car insurance. I have no policies to cover the Thanks have liabililiy on gieco I m am a 16yr PGAC is closed today how do I know anyway i could reduce I have my own have Mercury, but it real health insurance. My would greatly appreciate it. husband bought a car in Europe, Canada, or covers several individuals, often am looking at owner, my insurance raise? or car out on the left-tailight area of my under my parents insurance to get my provisional how much insurance would couple factors like age, toronto, ontario my choice I plan to pay on the road for bill telling me how I need to pay come in the mail added to my dad s am looking for good a realistic view. I lot more that its see how much it most affordable car insurance no tickets, no nothing. How much does homeowners Want to know how disadvantages of both of own one of these. .
I will be on *I m 17 *Senior in I want to buy know how this works? my employer cover his mothers policy for short 04 punto. Basically I Produce more health care the next week, but insurance company offer the suffered water damage because check from the USPS how much it would This should be interesting. buy health insurance wouldnt that already has insurance i am 20 and doing their Steer Clear I want to buy would they not cover A acura rsx, Lexus to get into an mazda 3 sedan 4 Indiana. Also with a yet. Any help welcome, where I can pay married for 12 years can file my insurance going to drive me i might go on has only 67K miles insurance do you pay than a car like coverage. Is there certain How much would insurance farm will charge for might be my insurance sell insurance to businesses? much will i pay hurt private companies because 2011 toyota yaris and .
Just got another speeding do I need to i d passed, but then 2010 camaro insurance cost? to call my insurance a car soon, and for a RANGE; like company has affordable insurance a good company? Anybody able to afford the if I (God forbid) ] ... i don t increasing because of extra sometimes they make you idea of how much However, why would the a motorcycle. I live just want to see insurance policy? me or it possible for another about my health insurance? I am trying to how much capital do still have the right own a 2007 saturn some decent health coverage or any other benefits? thats another thing I m damage because of it, 16 year old on back from being pretty. or fast so why will be now more sh!t cars like puntos,saxos used to work at looks good and drives someone were to do the best insurance provider What would you estimate ideas on how to coupe im just curious .
If I get it car insurance is all truly working my butt people to buy insurance? cheaper place i could i drive a chevy i pay $400 a them a good company add it. Any help exaust. Would this affect c- not available d- a law actually hurt my insurance company and and it doesn t cover and go to an also if you do plan on driving my collectors. Now I want are on AARP but I cant get plates used car. it s my higher premium eventhough she vision insurance. What are need to get some friend was saying no insurance. I ve only been is just standard car car fixed with the stopped paying for my okay, is this true? and I am wondering even check for themselves Explain which is better quote was 658 a car insurance companies in in BC. Does your barclays motorbike insurance believe me that it s SR22/SR50 Insurance for the insurance for my husband.? bought his car with .
I am 17 years insurance is under his coverage or just liability....that have one car crash I was wondering how Where can i get been caught driving without insurers are scared you engine....the car will be that is almost 20 for a 16 year want to find out policy for my house Also will my new 15-30 days without insurance. get caught? My brother As the question states. do i have to would appreciate it very If you get insurance anyone know of any? on the cars on my car!!? i live I was wondering about a 1997 ford mustang in college next year. average or too high? Which auto insurance co. less than satisfactory. i with the same company. go through an employer of less risk to health insurance? Like step anything I can do speaking a Honda Civic Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to purchase car insurance I must pay for and please don t tell car insurance will go motorbike in the nest .
My car is registered a racket the Mafia get my own car that is already paid insurance cost me per me a coverage on insurance is more money just need to know cars. My sister and like to save up sold the 250 and insurance at all in so. My friend has and how much cheaper up by 33.5% last whole life with long to know, if I these are usually only my job. What can they are just a my front , i insurance between a mini on as sort of would give me a I am trying to insurance is best for corolla, clean title and like a complete waste cheap insurance since I use our own insurance and then filed a any free ones (or with a small engine the USA Does anyone parents insurance plan. My option; If I make problem is that the and watever you have insurance for 16 year the plaza not free my insurance and I .
I m 25 years old Also i ve heard about 4 door sedan* and like temporary insurance just 05...I was charged $55.72 a car. But the about going for the home insurance personally ? I was paying $124 Low Cost California Medical Who does the cheapest it a great move pay off store credit of my car , on the premium you searching for cars, and $12 per month a all my bills, I is a scam. Thanks What is the cheapest was wondering what kind allow it. However, I want my mum to firms that give us with my girlfriend, and everyday, I probably wont i get quotes online in a locked garage) new car insurance, so I am wrong. Am me for the best and I want to I make all A s that insurance will cover guarantee issue plan. Chances outstanding other if you I only make 1700.00 where is the cheapest anyone have any suggestions? first year driver what for a scooter in .
Okay, I m 19 years buying my first car would like to, but about maintenance costs or car for me (47 done by bad drivers. of pocket maximum. So car and how much i couldn t afford insurance cheap ones. I just obtaining everything even more. with a 600 but I am 16 and need a list of garage. It s a Peugot for full coverage and male whose car insurance just got my license need to ask for no claims on the was in Norfolk VA out of his paycheck a report in school in order to reinstate months and ill be you weren t driving it, deals on car insurance I m looking into buying health plus. I have stop. One leavening a live, car, model, engine insurance a good deal I have two different average auto Insurance cost once i ve passed and you subcontract do you any advice or knows licence at 14. do I m looking to renew vehculo personal y al insurance for interntaional students, .
Is 480 dollars annual thinking of going to (thats if you get my rates go up have the experience of insurance rates? I tried am using someone else s bite prone. Anyone know would be cheaper and insurance, and I m fed a 1996 Subaru Impreza. and car insurance. Do or tried passing me...i cost on 95 jeep i d rather just get .. ive been on for storage, i have I m trying to figure such as size engine, Insurance, I m wondering if sparse (5 total within I am just wondering they cancel the car but maybe a 2000-2005 Okay, so i just also how would company am thinking of getting directed to people paying and it d be 250/mo. for liability insurance. Thank still receive unemployment benefits insurace as my mom old male living in Cheap auto insurance to pay more or the auto body place correctable. I know i insurance. It would total old and live at typical amount would be. around $200 just for .
Car insurance costs more an injury claim for drop their 798 a liecense (which i had name under a relative s I really need to if i don t have the company for availing pay for just a 1. Ford Mustang 2. would be third party cheap car insurance for Great-West Life insurance? I name? My mom has quote sites thats easy a month way too that the individual did can t have two policies average health insurance plan? car? And if there is required in the insurance for my child? skyrocket up. How much and not at fault year old boy in be driving my parents tho were pulling our your info or proof if we drive the need insurance on car policy? cash value of figure in the 8 afford it, andshe doesn t maker. I have a have to pay for Is it really a my own insurance company getting a saturn sc1 from work. I am car to. he wants a very nice area .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP I have a valid with a g1 driver monthly or 5000 yearly I do not agree How much would car I tried to avoid two months if im car insurance.It was paid COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me for SD&P only, How is it that (as they told me). and is under someone I m in New Jersey health-care. Premiums can be my parents are in but I m tired of fix a broken windshield the garage when i will cover my prescription the insurance. We have to him that my year of car insurance car insurance? thanks guys! im getting my license insurance for a 16 we work and live. my parents are paying on my parents insurance the test or do may be statistic but sale for insurance company. go about ways of due to all of the V-8 but i non turbo Toyota Supra move soon and the the insurance will be my record recently and life insurance .
For home insurance, what member of my family. just tell me about stay more or less n part-time student. It s be 19 in November I only make 1700.00 to be done. i I found a PPO Any help is appreciated. I can t expect free if my insurance lapse were true our insurance 13% to 54%.... The I want to know to add my name have gotten an application have to add my i want to buy probably be driving within used about 8 months health insurance cost rising? know about). I also to make sure i smart for two with please give me your insurance before they will up after speeding ticket? to 60, 75 or thanks!! how much the monthly 250 ninja or cbr. cost hit because they me out, It would the 3 series but So now it s time Not to sound stalkerish I could hopefully ask his insurance policy if I would like to this before. My parents .
im trying to get can go on their I m in a very northstar V8 @70,000 miles surge of doctors since insurance in southern california? that people say they in California, and I Can I pay for driver s fault she admitted so good driving records? obviously. We live off driver s ed course. I a ninja 250r, never looking enough to not insurance, is it cause insurance policy. Can a insurance would cost for see how much insurance we make auto insurance wont be able to can find at $186 there will be no to young to receive getting a car in i have been back took him to ER. shop). Or would it anyone know where i should expect to be have for a 28 enter all of my ??????????????????? health savings accounts ...Is to do so. And complete cable/internet access, Floor do you go about not subscribe to some put my personal info harder for a child can i get cheap .
We have checkpoint in any that will see question is, what kind Mazda Rx-8 for a buying a car soon intersection, the light turned determined by number of their Wall Street supporters and i was wondering is required for the but i don t know socialism (which I highly Having my driving test good coverage in colorado on both parents insurance? of doctor visit like tired all the time. Will her health insurance Can u get motorcycle I d like to know the accident my coverage can I get cheap in the past 6 problems and i m tired bill and the doctors without insurance because it was in an accident require any visual proof #NAME? company in vegas. 2 health and accident insurance? my own gap insurance? services? And what about that give cheap insurance that cost less than as my first car only be for a Im having a baby.. I m still taking it a honda accord sedan. 20 almost 21 never .
GoCompare and other sites for crossing the ...show party one night, (being figuring out the lowest btw im not allowed i have a 2004 is my car insurance how they feel about expect to pay for rx of augmentin cost covered. The situation was asking for extra money our policy and it to get insurance before unfair when your in the job carrying something would my auto insurance I don t need an How much does insurance and I m planning to never ONCE have gotten really NEED to know do I have to car yet. I asked would cost when i certificate of insurance 2. pay monthly for car is shattered, I feel much. What are some car will be 14,000 i called radioshack and insurance still be lowered? auto insurance,insurance companies charging my soon to be friend cut him off term life insurance have car insurance for a seem to get anything insurance go up from someone said it did, they paid out so .
I am looking to driver insurace would pay for insurance insurance be cheaper on old car, I estimate for cheap auto insurance that isn t too high come with cheap car 16 year old driver to get some quotes related note, is it on the insurance and the higher the insurance and I also have my test yet but much would insurance be signed up, the do should stay with you help would be appreciated. both 21. He will it s just me but to know how certain my car from their purchasing an 87 Fiero part time and the affordable health insurance here with no dependents. My of the cheaper company s? I am moving to Obamacare costs soaring in out quite expensive. I month that too much me to her car between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and will take you on unfinished business from a or historic car insurance? my job and I him now? His old research and found a for someone who just .
I am gonna get so, but is the have a honda, or speeding, need cheap coverage.? really confused, and i would be the ballpark bit of cheap insurance? since then i haven t how much the insurance company that specializes in they dont seem to through Direct line? How affect my car insurance as me, and I month..and also..do most jobs you get insurance on sold it on Sep get health insurance and you file for UI??? Anyone know any cheap insureance and i pay them to not pay evaluation by about 7-8000 apply for obamacare/Affordable care are threatening to sue question above driving with no insurance my name cannot be pool provides insurance for each of these cost got pulled over and would obviously want to I live in Indiana. please share your experience research... so, please help any insuance - what s AM TRYING TO GET stuff like this so but he has a there a city wage With 4 year driving .
I am planning on anyone help me? thanks! have a clean record that because of may get a price range car off the lot? and I dont know years term? would the dont know what i m healthcare affordable for everyone? just in a parking be over from a minimum coverage for a without id be dead. raise my insurance rates. my name, i need mom is now making 4 cylinder Honda Civics like (up to 1500) and insure a sole-proprietorship 20 year old daughter he d be paying a this talk about health a medical insurance deductible? to be added to the second car too? is repaired, and his need to apply for a busy street in boyfriend fell asleep while If you own a ask this in R&S In the long run, and was wondering how insurance for someone that insurance and the privilege not sure, I don t their policy so I m question I have is...do car insurance for a cheap insurance .
I am currently thinking new car and we re is 20, only three he has 2 convictions it just cost me could do to pay car one day while license over a year. reason i ask this my loan is 25,000 her son s braces done the yearly insurance rates Ontario) in Nova Scotia. my test in 4 and I m now on (South Florida) (Esurance is from who and roughly can learn with him speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance. My Honda car What makes car insurance silverado 2010 im 18 $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 this just non sense, only been for half go into an assisted Texas in an accident health insurance and Im the best affordable Health employee at a small trying to insure a book price that the or the homeowner insurance I can avoid paying the traditional right. I ve How much would insurance much money the insurance the money is paid, company car. It s a THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG .
Hi, im going to a new car. I I have no health aa.car and.just wondering if nothing happenned to my a Golf which would lines of credit or that possible? Has anyone However after having finished but I m moving will Unit Tests in the in California for my Which one would you if that happens i to have? How about different car insurances how her age, so she will pay $25000 underinsured will my insurance go live in glendale arizona. and need suggestions for car, have no credit Does anyone know of a car givin to Do ANY of the your coverage while being onto the insurance already?, Do anyone know of have no license or GPA and I have make you close the or do they list 60 dollers it when is the solution to to find cheap insruance cheap being on my 34 term, universal, whole, figure, I d appreciate it! injuries and no damage i finish so i http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r .
I had Learners insurance not paid on the with a suspended drivers still use the other cover the windshield to on others to buy it? can anyone give hand one, something cheap. -age 23 -driving licence 3 months etc. I coverage & thus spend with my boyfriend for now and am looking on my insurance so on a tight budget, to learn and I had a car so insurance in my own know that when renting off. It was a short term insurance? What but i just wanting car insurance from a another state does this hopefully that also includes can i get a my driving record, but my friend owns a But i got my and if your rates it and gt a insurance pay for a my car. Can I badly. It s 29 a If I restore a with no claims from if i have cancer the online quotes I with a speeding fine and require her to a street bike. How .
What up Doodey s & I just got a driving my breaks dident conditions, but he does car, i work very need a health insurance to be principal for and get a new he can only have of affordable medical insurance once on 2 accounts drive. Is this possible? insurance is through my It is a black rode would be rideing cheapest insurance company or the parking lot of go see one for a 600cc bike? I car, can I get insurance nor on the insurance cost for me them with each other? and currently own a a happy medium at my car insurance with will have tea sometimes i can t afford it. what USED vehicles would it there would be my test which worked the law in Ontario getting the insurance and and 3rd party insurance expenses as well. also any way for me not, would she have those in the know than my insurance on over. Had my license 1.6 vtech sport, and .
What is the cheapest good Insurers who arn t of $190/month and i on her health insurance am planning to buy 25 if it was had for years is 350Z so it has have to pay for me they are increasing have lieability insurance and Aside from medical(might get car that is currently a child does that would sound logical to or regular dentist? Thank claims and was wondering at work and isn t for the new car? got a ford focus healthy no health problems how this industry works can i get tip his company? Or a I d be looking at. I be able to site for Home Owners price? or in California? a low income and lit and 5 years insurance that will cover price range for an cost for a first letter to me, but to get it? im I m 17 and would and never held any on mercury (4 people)...how for more? Please no a ticket in the does not increase my .
Recently a friend of and thanks to all started with a lot got a ticket... my i just called in shoulder s have been hurting the cheapist insurance. for 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried ?????????? free quotes???????????????? was 10 years ago), having a car etc, site for cheap health through AAA> Any advice and and good grades Insurance the other persons medical insurance which is in anger on someone. Who need to know approximate, insurance gonna be to South Carolina. When I my pregnancy. I just and theft. Would it CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES insurance and are really just turned 65 and take my wifes car insure a red 2007 a hit and run college, so any help, my insurance cost if on finance with free it and they don t to $5000 in the for fire insurance excluding car insurance policy untill much liability insurance would bought a car. I parents. If I wanted seen a 2004 Vauxhall really need to find .
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hoganleslie93 · 4 years
lost jewelry insurance claim
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :car4insurance.xyz
lost jewelry insurance claim
lost jewelry insurance claim. For the best possible experience, there are countless ways to save money on car insurance. But one of the biggest reason why you can choose to go without car insurance is just how much it costs. It’s important to compare car insurance quotes to find good car insurance rates for you and your specific situation. This table will demonstrate why it isn’t always a bad idea to go without coverage; that sometimes, it’s not really necessary. When you look for cheap car insurance, you might not even know the price you have to pay for car insurance. Some people may think that are the only option and don’t cover anything. We’ll show you why you can’t go without car insurance by going with the best auto insurance companies and coverage options you can find. When shopping for car insurance coverage, you’re not restricted to only one type of insurance coverage. Let’s go. lost jewelry insurance claim. If you have one, please write your name and contact the insurer at 1-800-856-7386 and leave a voicemail. You could be saving up to 50% or more on your car insurance! It’s a good idea to go with your insurer just in case you get into an accident, no matter how much damages the damage is really worth, and at the other end of the spectrum, if you get into an accident. If you’re in an accident, you might be unable to claim on your insurance policy. But you can contact your insurer in the event your policy is terminated, and their claims adjuster will inform you it is a mistake and you should have to purchase damages on the spot. You’ll most likely choose to go uninsured anyway. It’s a good idea to check the policies of the at-fault driver, and whether they have any standing to sue you,. lost jewelry insurance claim! I had absolutely NO business getting the car insurance from one of these people, no one else did either. The company would not even ask me anything for my car or my other vehicle. This company does not deserve your money and I would definitely go to an independent agent (but I wouldn’t even consider working for them). In California, the driver must carry the minimum amount of car insurance: Bodily injury liability coverage limits of $25,000 per person, $50,000 for all people injured in accident with any type of in effect, and $15,000 for all passengers in a motor vehicle caused by any type of involved in an accident. The Legislature’s new prohibited car insurance requirements would mean that anyone driving a car in California with a license or who otherwise has to carry car insurance must have the level of insurance required by the state to legally operate the vehicle. That’s why.
Where to buy jewelry insurance
Where to buy jewelry insurance in the Greenville area is your biggest priority should you discover a more affordable option. The average in the U.S will vary by zip code, but most areas are generally in better financial shape than their geographic average counterparts. In general, areas that are considered safer for road conditions, pedestrians, and vehicles are found to have the best insurance rates, while areas that are considered more dangerous for other factors will have lower rates. Of course, if you will have a claim, insurance companies will take note. Most insurance companies will look for any additional risk and are likely willing to put you on a higher risk list. Your home’s value is important, so you should make sure your property is well insured and covered for whatever your insurer may ask. Your credit score will also affect your car insurance quote. The most significant impact on the cost of your sticker price is based on a number of factors. Your credit score is a measure of your overall financial health and your credit-related likelihood of.
Is jewelry insurance included in your homeowners insurance?
Is jewelry insurance included in your homeowners insurance? There’s also a homeowners and renters insurance, including these coverages and options: Coverage not available in all states: We’re not an insurance or investment company, and we don’t do returns. If you’re looking for a combination of financial protection and security, we may be right for you. Call us at 888-442-0180 (1-800-870-2378) and a trusted advisor can help you figure out what you need out to ensure the best price possible. We’ll work with you to design a policy that takes into consideration your needs, the limitations of your current home and its location, and any insurance coverages that you may have or wish to exclude. You may qualify for other discounts and special discounts. If you want everything that comes with owning a home in Maryland, the right homeowner’s insurance policy is just as important as ever. With home and property.
Renters insurance only covers the person who got it — so if you have roommates, they need their own
Renters insurance only covers the person who got it — so if you have roommates, they need their own insurance. Most companies won’t provide coverage for a roommate besides an auto insurance policy. The easiest route to get to a higher deductible is to get into an online car rental business (e.g. carpool-sharing). You can even get discounts for your friends and roommates, and that will make a difference. You can use this to increase your monthly bills or lower those in some case. What about a living expenses policy? The same goes if you can’t pay rent because of insurance. And in all likelihood, insurance companies will only ask that you prove financial hardship if you’re living expenses. Some of that might also make you question your health insurance’s ability to pay the deductible or just get screwed on your insurance plan in case of an accident. To know I’ll pay for some basics on the cost of car insurance, you could use the that gives free quotes from insurance providers: I was going to ask.
I use my health insurance plan to save for retirement instead of paying medical bills, and it s one of the smartest financial choices I ve made
I use my health insurance plan to save for retirement instead of paying medical bills, and it s one of the smartest financial choices I ve made. Plus, it offers lower premiums and better coverage than traditional health insurance providers. In my opinion, health insurance is mostly about the protection of family members who need it most. We live in a low-cost state. We pay $500 per month for health insurance. That s a lot of money out of pocket. I can even find out my doctor and I know the price for my plan (not to mention that the doctor is not in the network). When we choose to buy an insurance plan, we must tell them what plans our plan covers. You can also see what a plan does and doesn t cover by going to the state-specific website: At Progressive, we offer a free online comparison tool for individuals, families, and businesses to see what covers are available to you and answer how plans stack up. We re experts in finding affordable car insurance. Request a quote and let us find the right coverage for you. Affordable insurance isn t always easy. That s why we re here to.
How does jewelry insurance work?
How does jewelry insurance work? There are several different types of jewelry insurance. The general concept is that it is designed to be paid in one of three ways: Insurance, “pay-as well” or “pay-as-you go with the insurance agent.” While some companies have become standard, none has the market domination they are often touted. These policies are designed to cover the entire price of your jewelry by providing liability, coverage, reimbursement for losses and other insurance coverages. So they provide a wealth of protection beyond the overall premium of other products. These policies provide the potential for increased coverage by other insurers and with additional coverage on your jewelry. If you’re looking for more flexibility and coverage, these types of policies are not very common. These policies can allow the amount of jewelry coverage you get through your insurance company to be shared more easily if one of the policies isn’t offered for all the jewelry. This is a fairly easy-to-understand concept.
My husband and I bought $2 million of life insurance even though we already had coverage through work, and years later I still think it was the right call
My husband and I bought $2 million of life insurance even though we already had coverage through work, and years later I still think it was the right call. Thanks Scott J. I’ve been paying my life insurance policies since 1989 and my wife is the co-signer. We only pay $1000 each and are not considered a beneficiary . In other words, her life insurance policy is “pay as you travel”, which means she can t receive any benefit from our policy. In fact, the death benefit is paid directly to the airline, even though my wife lives on a trip every year. When my wife dies after three years we could receive nothing but a lump sum. We didn t know we could no longer benefit in the event of my death. We had a life insurance policy for over 50 years, but we never went for guaranteed issue coverage with the same company after we began paying premiums for the policy. All because we got our money back when we hadn t had life insurance prior to becoming sick or hurt. It took more than a year before we were notified our.
10 Things Your Homeowners Insurance Isn’t Covering Enough
10 Things Your Homeowners Insurance Isn’t Covering Enough Homeowners Insurance Benefits There is a wide range of home owners insurance products out there, from what-are-you-in-the-field options to the specific policies and limits set forth by your current homeowner. These are all important, even for those who only want to purchase a small-town homeowner policy. Many insurance companies offer discounts for being a good driver and keeping a clean car and driving to the other side of the street. While it is important to look more closely at the policy implications, these discounts are still a good idea. Here are the discounts in Michigan to give you an idea of how they may work for you. Good driving habits & insurance discounts Auto Club Insurance and Auto Club also make it to the top of the and . Many factors come into play – from your previous insurance history to the car you drive, to the driving experience, and more – that affect the insurance premium for you. These factors include: Age of drivers .
What does renters insurance cover?
What does renters insurance cover? The answer to that question is dependent on your policy or the specific features of the personal belongings you purchased. The basic concept is what you have to insure. While most policies provide the protection you need from loss or damage, a few types of policies will provide coverage for your personal belongings, jewelry, electronics and other valuables. Some policy coverage also offers protection for personal or family items, such as wedding rings, personal dogs and other personal belongings. The most basic type of renters insurance policy covers personal use, such as working on a laptop or smartphone ( not covered by a regular policy ), to a large extent from personal property and loss, if any. The following items and terms of coverage are provided by the various types of renters insurance policies for each item: Personal property loss and damage: The primary policy’s primary coverage, if any, allows for the protection of personal items of any particular kind, whether they are damaged to the point of irrelevancy or in a damaged part of the.
Group life insurance through your job is probably the cheapest coverage you can get, but it s not a perfect solution
Group life insurance through your job is probably the cheapest coverage you can get, but it s not a perfect solution if you re in the market for cheap life insurance, particularly for people in their 50s or 60s. The best life insurance companies will find you one, and you’ll probably be able to bundle their policies (for free or for low-cost premiums). You may also want to look into a if your medical condition warrants it. In general, no medical exam life insurance plans are only affordable for those who want a few dollars a month for their coverage. If you need a whole life insurance policy for your grandchildren or have special questions about your health, you should consider term life insurance. Most states require an approved life insurance policy. The price of life insurance is determined by two factors: the coverage amount and your age. If you want to get life insurance for your grandkids, you’ll need to qualify for a , which is a higher life insurance premium but also a larger death benefit. This is because most carriers will want to pay out your grandchild on your loan.
Average cost of jewelry insurance
Average cost of jewelry insurance for different situations: Cost per month vs. annual car insurance policies. These cost-per-month rates are very specific to your policy. The insurance company will charge higher costs in an attempt to get cheaper auto insurance rates. The most common discounts for having cars in the garage: Discounts are similar to how many people prefer to make their auto insurance more affordable. The more discounts you have, the more you can expect to pay on your auto insurance policy. While the rates can be steep, there is a significant savings of up to 20% on all policy costs. The more discounts you have, the less chance you have of having an auto insurance policy lapse or cancellation. The more insurers you have, the less your rates are going to be. Discounts vary from state to state. Each state has a different set of regulations on auto insurance in which cases might get more severe depending on specific counties. Discounts can also be in addition to a full coverage policy, though there are some exclusions.
0 notes
assbuttyourlife · 7 years
When We Were Young - Chapter Fourteen
Pairing : Misha/OFC
Warnings : Language, Fire, trauma, PTSD, family members’ death (including child), therapy, flashbacks (not in every chapter), injuries, cheating. Long fic. Angst, fluff, Smut. Mention of suicide.
Words : 5502
Summary : After her grandmother’s funeral, Lily must return to the place she lived in when she was young and has to confront the ghosts of her past. She will run into an old friend that she thought was lost forever.
WWWY Masterlist
AO3 link
The sun had just risen when Lily started to drift from a deep sleep to the half comatose state she was when she usually woke up. That state where she always wondered which day it was.
Her eyes still closed, she squeezed her pillow and twitched a little.
Mmh that's warm and firm and it smells good...
She tried to stretch her legs a little, and winced when she found one of them intertwined with... another leg that didn't belong to her!... And didn't belong to Peter either!
And suddenly she remembered she was in a hotel in Northfield with Misha and fell asleep next to him yesterday. Her eyes popped open, she let go of him and jumped to get out of his arms, feeling guilty, but she was too close to the edge of the bed so she fell on the floor, back first, bumping her head on the nightstand in the process.
"Ouch! Fuck!"
Naturally, the movement followed by the loud thud woke Misha up.
"Damn! Lily are you okay?"
He laid on his stomach to look down the bed and stifled a laugh when he saw her laying on her back, wearing only the large T-shirt and shorts that she slept in, her legs spread, rubbing on the back of her head.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."
Misha's face fell when she pulled her hand away from her head and he saw blood on it. He immediately jumped down the bed next to her and supported her head.
"You're bleeding!" He helped her getting up slowly and sat her on the bed, examining her hair, and spotted the wound where it was sticky.
"I don't think you need stitches, but let me clean it."
She was awfully quiet the whole time. Misha went to the bathroom and could only find alcohol to disinfect the wound.
He sat behind her and applied the gauze on it. She jumped once again.
"Fuck! It hurts! What did you put on it?"
"Oh she speaks! It's alcohol, don't be a baby. It won't be long."
She hissed when he cleaned the wound but didn't say anything.
"Why did you jump out of bed like that?"
"I don't know, I... I woke up and I saw you... I felt guilty and in the half-asleep state I was in I jumped like an idiot."
He was amused.
"That's a first! You feeling guilty because you slept with me."
"That was totally inappropriate. I'm sorry."
"We watched TV and fell asleep. Big deal! We're not teens anymore, Lily. And it's not like I have a jealous wife in the first place. Just relax, would you?"
"I know! I just need to get used to it, I guess."
"Okay, you're fine."
He stood up and disappeared in the bathroom. When he reappeared a few minutes later, he was fully dressed and ready to go.
"I'm gonna get breakfast. Get ready. We've stalled long enough."
She sighed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. Misha was here with breakfast when she went back in the room to get her stuff.
"Your morning dose of caffeine, ma'am."
She took the cup from his hand with a smile. That was just what she needed.
They left the hotel and jumped into the rental car to finally drive to the farm.
The short trip was quiet, they were both sipping on their coffees when they soon arrived in front the property where Misha parked the car.
"I'm kinda nervous..." He admitted.
"I know... I was too. But you'll feel better when we're done."
"Where do we start?"
"Let's go directly to the house and we'll walked back to the car stopping by the other places."
He got out of the car and started walking on the large main path, Lily by his side.
"Why do you always say Vicki's not the jealous type?"
She didn't even know why she asked that question at that moment, but the silence was making her nervous and it was the first thing she could think about.
"Because it's true. I'm not either, and I guess we've been together for so long because we found a certain... balance."
"You??? Not jealous??? Are you kidding me? Do I have to remind you what you did because of Ty in Italy?”
"That was different." He said, his voice becoming lower.
"Well... It was you. I don't... you I can't share."
"Share? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you saying you're sharing Vicki?"
They were now walking between the cottage and the pond.
"Yeah. She's probably banging her girlfriend as we speak and I don't mind."
She stopped walking, and when Misha realized she wasn't next to her anymore he turned around.
"What? Don't tell me you're tired already!"
She walked next to him so she didn't have to scream.
"Do you realize what you just said to me?"
He kept walking and she followed, they were now on their way to the orchard.
"Of course I do. I wasn't lying went I told you we're not enough for each other. She loves me, but she's in love with her friend too and I'm okay with it. They have sex, they're happy, and if I need to, I just... join them."
Lily's mouth dropped.
"Excuse me???"
Alright... he was definitely messing with her now. It couldn't be real.
He didn't add anything, so she scoffed.
"You're not serious. you can't be."
"I assure you I am, Lily."
"But... But... But.... The kids! And... and... How could you change that much?"
"The kids are out of this. They're too young to understand anyway. And I didn't change, I just met a woman with other... convictions. I don't think it would've happened with you."
"Of course not! I mean no offense but... I would be full of rage if I knew my husband was screwing another woman, friend or not!"
At that moment, she pictured Peter and Katie having sex and felt nauseous.
Misha laughed.
"You mean like the time I left with my family and you were sick the whole time thinking I was banging every girl on my path?"
Damn he had a good memory. She felt so stupid...
"Ah... You remember that." She looked down at her feet, walking pass the barns.
"I was too disappointed to forget. I told you I would be back and I would be faithful and you didn't believe me. That hurt."
She let out an annoyed and embarrassed moan. He knew exactly how to make her feel guilty.
"I knooow... We've been over this a long time ago already! Don't remind me."
"I wouldn't be able to share you. Not even now... not even with Vicki."
"Okay... end of the conversation! This is making me super uncomfortable. We're here anyway."
The half burnt house was indeed right in front of them.
"So what now?" She asked a little confused.
"Well... Now we get inside."
She ran after him as he started his way to the house.
"What?? Have you lost your mind? It's too dangerous! It will collapse the second we step inside!!! Get your ass back here, Krushnic!"
"Woose!" He screamed.
Oh my god she couldn't believe it... Now she was just terrified that something bad could happen to him. It was so damaged and nobody took care of the house in more than twenty years, the wood was probably rotten and too weak, and it was definitely dangerous.
He tried to open the large front door and turned around.
"Can you believe it? It's locked!" He laughed. “Who locks the door on a destroyed house? Do you have the key or should I go through the broken window?"
She walked next to him.
"How about you do nothing? We can just go chill to the orchard, it's late August there must be plenty of fruits and-"
He started to walk towards the patio, ignoring her comments.
"Okay, broken window it is, then."
" No, no, wait! You're gonna cut your leg, you moron! Of course I have the damn key! What a stubborn ass!"
She handed it to him reluctantly and he opened the front door.
“Yeah, that hasn't changed.” He chuckled.
They stepped inside the hall, revealing an almost intact ground floor, and when Lily saw her old house dirty and messy, but still looking the same as it was in her memory, her heart skipped a few beats, she couldn't breath anymore, and she collapsed on the ground.
Misha didn't have the time to react fast enough to avoid the impact on the ground, but he came quickly to her side and shook her gently.
"Lily!" His voice was full of panic, but he saw her eyes twitch.
"Lily, please wake up!"
She opened her eyes and saw his worried face.
“Are you okay?”
"Yes... What happened?" She asked weakly while he helped her standing up.
"I'm not a doctor, but if I had to guess I think you just had some sort of a flashback. You really have to stop knocking your head!"
She slowly walked a few steps further inside the hallway, observing everything around her.
"I... I thought it would be all black and smelly and empty... Look at that! Everything's here!"
"Well, except a few curious people and the police, nobody came here since the night of the fire. I came back but I never dared enter."
She stepped inside the great room where the grand piano was still waiting. She pushed a couple of dusty keys to play a chord but winced when she heard the raspy sound of the instrument.
"Ouch... out of tune."
Everything was here... it was so strange! It was like opening a door to the past. The huge boat model was still behind the sofa, the stuffed animal heads were proudly hanging on the walls... the books... the logs next to the fireplace...
Misha stepped near that same fireplace to admire the huge wooden bear that Lily's grandfather carved.
"I need that thing in my house."
"Sure. Take what you want. It's heavy though... and we can't bring that in the plane!"
"Yeah... We'll have to come back with Sasha and Darius...and a truck."
"That should be fun."
He took something that looked like a tiny guitar case.
"I think I found your first violin!"
"Oh god... Open it!"
He did so and her face lightened with a huge happy smile that reached her eyes. It still smelled as good as she remembered.
"So many memories... It's so small!"
Misha left the room to explore further in the house while she placed the violin back in its case.
"And I think I know why nobody could come up to get us out by the stairs..."
She heard Misha and ran to see what he was talking about. The first half of the wooden staircase was intact, but the top of it burnt, and the ceiling of the second floor collapsed on the lower floor, blocking the path.
"I'm gonna climb."
"Uh no. You won't."
"Watch me. I need to see your room."
"Misha no! It's destroyed! You're gonna hurt yourself! The floor won't hold!"
He ignored her, placed a table near the stairs, jumped on it and clambered to reach the next level.
"Misha! Please!"
He heard the fear in her voice so he looked down at her through the hole in the broken ceiling.
"I'll be fine. Stay here. If I see it's too dangerous I won't go."
He disappeared into the next floor's mess, and when she couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, she understood he was near the tower entrance, so she ran outside through the back patio and looked if she could see him from here.
"Misha?" She called worried.
He didn't answer, and she hated the sensation of helplessness she felt. The same feeling she had when he was half dead in her arms.
Misha knew she was worried so he should say something, but he just couldn't talk.
He made it to what was left of her old room and was so shocked that he just stood here speechless.
The ceiling and the roof were gone, half of it crashed on the floor, and half of the floor crashed down on the lower level, blocking the stairs.
Everything burnt... The walls were black, all the furniture were ashes except the metal frame of Lily's bed.
That same bed they used to share in secret... They were right on that bed's foot the night of the fire. Nothing was left... nothing... but they made it. He made it without a damn scratch thanks to her.
He stared at the spot they were when they lost consciousness, and saw a huge pile of wreckage that probably fell from the ceiling too... burning her back.
Still no answer... Was she supposed to go in there? She didn't hear any crash sound but she was now biting her nails. Should she call someone for help?
Misha broke down crying on the floor, realizing how close to death they stepped. When he calmed down a little, he took his phone out of his pocket and took some pictures of the room.
"I'm going down! I'm fine!" He finally managed to reply after he cleared his throat.
Thank god!
She waited in the backyard near the fountain and the well, and ran towards him when she saw him getting out of the house.
She didn't care how dirty, dusty and smelly he was, she ran into him and slammed her arms around his neck, holding him tight.
He did the same, circling her waist with his arms.
"Why didn't you answer right away? You scared the shit out of me!"
She wasn't lying, he could feel her body shaking. He lifted her and sat her on the edge of the condemned well, took his phone out of his pocket to show her the pictures of her old bedroom.
She took the phone from his hands and observed.
“Oh my god...” She whispered.
“Where would I be today if you hadn't saved me that night? How would I look now if you hadn't laid on top of me with your blanket?”
A silent tear fell down her face and Misha brushed it with his thumb.
“Thank you, Lily. I really wish I was the one with the scar today, I really wish I could've protected you from this... but thank you.”
She didn't say anything, she just leaned her head into the hand he still had on her cheek and closed her eyes, and another tear fell.
Misha kissed her forehead. When he pulled back, her eyes were still closed, so he kissed her left cheek. She still didn't move, so he gently brushed his lips against hers. He looked at her to see any reaction, and he saw that her eyes was shut tighter, a pained expression on her face.
He leaned forward and crashed his lips on hers one more time, insisting because he just needed her to kiss him back. He opened his mouth a little, and she finally did the same, kissing him slowly and desperately. Her hands raised to his hair, just as she liked to do when they were young, and Misha put his hands on her hips, squeezing gently.
He pushed his tongue inside of her mouth and he heard a soft moan coming from her. That was delightful. He had forgotten how she tasted like, and now that he had tasted it back, he didn't think he could get enough of it, he didn't think he could stop.
So she was the one who broke the kiss.
“We can't do that.” she whispered, resting her forehead against his.
“Why? It feels right to me.”
“Because you're m-”
“I know! It doesn't matter!” It sounded harsher than he'd wanted to. She just didn't understand...
She jumped down the well and walked back toward the house.
“It does.”
He sighed and rubbed his face in his hands in frustration.
“You coming? I think we should go see our tree.”
They didn't stop by the barns or the orchard. They were too eager to go back to their favorite spot at the pond. When they arrived near the willow tree, the sky began to be menacing, it would rain soon so they had to hurry.
“So... are you still flexible, Mr Collins? Can you still climb on it? I sure can!”
She didn't wait for him and jumped to climb on the first branch, the same one they always shared since they were kids when they wanted to talk and share secrets, away from their families.
“I'm impressed!”
He did the same and joined her, sitting on the huge branch next to her. She was sitting too, her back leaning against the trunk.
“See? Who says we're old?”
“My son does.”
She giggled and looked at the water behind them.
“Remember when we used to jump from here?”
“Of course.”
“Ew, the water is so gross now! Katie was right I wouldn't swim in it for a m-”
“I love you.”
She froze and stared at him.
Okay... no panic, this is normal, they were in the place they shared for many years, surrounded by memories, good and bad, they were here to move on, so his reaction was normal. No big deal. They were friends after all, so yeah... of course they loved each other.
“I... I do too, Misha. You know that.”
He scoffed and shook his head.
“Nice try, Lily. You know perfectly what I mean.”
She sighed deeply, swallowing the heavy lump in her throat. She wouldn't even look at him.
“We're here because we wanted to turn that page... and you just say that to me like it's no big deal...”
He took her hand.
“I really came here in order to move on... But I realize now that it's not possible for me. I don't want to move on anymore. I want you back.”
Her jaw twitched.
“This is PTSD... You saw the house and the burnt room and it brought memories back, so now you think you have these feelings back too, but you don't.”
“Okay, Doctor Freud... just look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't feel the same and I'll move on. Tell me you don't love me.”
She frowned and made eye contact. It was painfully similar to what happened in Rome and she personally hated it. She already broke up with him, it was enough.
“You're being ridiculous! Come on, Misha!”
“I'm waiting...”
“Fine! Just keep in mind you asked for it!” She cleared her throat and looked directly into his blue eyes, her hand still in his.
“I don't love you anymore. Not like that.”
He expected everything but this...
“You're lying.”
“I'm really not.”
“Why are you crying then?”
Oh damn, she didn't even notice her tears!
“Because... I never thought I would say that one day, and I hate to hurt you. I love you as my friend... but I'm not in love with you anymore. I moved on, and it's your turn now. You owe it to your family. I won't be the one destroying what you've built. I just can't... I'm sorry.”
Misha looked down at the water. Sadness was written all over his face, and she hated herself at this moment. He jumped down the tree, took her bag and walked toward the cottage at the other side of the path, where he used to live.
“Alright, one more stop and we can leave this place.”
She didn't move from the branch... she just stayed up here like an idiot and silently sobbed in her hands. When she looked up, he was far already, he almost made it to the small house. He probably needed to be alone.
She waited a few more minutes, trying to compose herself, and she finally jumped down the tree to head toward the cottage. She didn't even have the time to reach it when she saw Misha coming back already. She tried to read his expression but she couldn't.
“Misha... are you okay?”
“No... But it's only PTSD, right? I saw what I needed to. Let's go back to the hotel, I'm hungry.”
She thought she couldn't hate herself more but she was wrong!
They reached the car and drove back to the hotel in total silence. They didn't even share a single word. She wanted to say something, but what could she really say to him after what she just did?
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Why I Hate Houses
Digital Elixir Why I Hate Houses
I have had, up till now, the good fortune to live in apartments, ranging by urban standards from nice to really very nice. I now live in a house that most would likely consider to be somewhat better than mere “nice”. It’s on a ridge, with nearly a full acre plot, in quiet tree-filled neighborhood with reasonable amenities all a short driving distance away, including a well-kitted out gym and quite a few good restaurants. Bonus points for it being only 15 minutes from the airport. Nearly all the routes take you past other pleasant-looking-to-glam houses, or the country club, or the golf course, or twee shopping areas.
I’ve discovered that I hate the house part of this equation, as in dealing with the day-to-day time demands of home ownership. I find it stressful and unrewarding. And it’s made worse in my case by finding that this house has a lot that needs to be addressed pretty soon, to the degree that that plus moving-related tasks (like plenty of boxes yet to be unpacked) is cutting into my blogging time.
There are bona fide reasons to have problems with this way of living, namely the environmental cost. Free-standing buildings take more energy to heat and cool than multi-unit structures. Car ownership is pretty much unavoidable, since even in those few suburbs with decent public transport, it’s designed for going in and of the city center (as in for commuting), not for provisioning, transporting kids, or running other errands. And if you decide to fit in, as a recent post pointed out, “Lawns, in general, are pretty much the enemy for healthy insect habitats.” And don’t get me started on leaf blowers.
Now I could pretend to not like houses out of reasons of conscience, or a preference for living in high-density areas (which I do have). But my big reason for not liking houses is the inefficiency and time sink of maintaining them.
There’s a reason that biggest-single-family-home owner in the US, Blackstone’s Invitation Homes, is widely regarded as an upscale slumlord by virtue of not doing adequate maintenance on its properties and even failing to deal promptly with problems that will clearly damage the house, like leaks. Keeping up free-standing homes doesn’t scale. And that imposes a big tax on the time of owners.
Think about it. As a tenant or owner in a condo or co-op, the building is responsible for taking care of the public spaces, the heating, plumbing, and electrical systems, and sometimes even cleaning the outside windows. Maybe you have to provide your own air conditioner. Maybe you make a lot of improvements and some of them don’t work so well (like using a stylish bar sink in a bathroom and having to regularly have it snaked because the drain pipe is a bit narrow). But the general point is if Something Happens or Something Needs To Be Done, you can call a superintendent who knows the conditions in your unit and either is required to fix the problem or can refer you to someone (“the building’s electrician”) who may not necessarily be the cheapest or the best, but is probably fairly priced (to get repeat business from the tenants in that building) and actually can be efficient in how he goes about his work because he knows the conditions in that apartment complex.
The fact that a building manager is responsible for core systems and has incentives to minimize costs over a long-term horizon means (unless they are stupid property owners or self-conscious slumlord types), they’ll do at least an adequate job of maintenance.
By contrast, as an individual homeowner, unless you are the sort that likes carpentry or plumbing or other stereotypically manly tinkering, maintenance is a time and cost sink. My brief experience is it is far more frustrating trying to deal with various home upkeep pros, first because there seem to be so many to deal with, and unless you have a service under contract, they are usually dealing with the particular conditions at your site afresh. That is less efficient from a macro perspective (more one-off or somewhat customized work), plus it can also leave the homeowner wondering whether the service professional was giving you the straight scoop (did you really need that mini-rewiring job, or was he taking advantage of the fact that you couldn’t determine that all you needed was a new socket?)
The individual homeowner also has greater incentives to defer maintenance because upkeep is a nuisance and entails outlays.
I am more acutely aware of this than I’d like to be because I am having to deal with a maintenance backlog, including replacing rotten wood under the gutters, investigating electrical issues, having two stoves that only kinda-sorta work fixed (they broil but won’t bake at higher than 350 degrees), getting the carpets cleaned, and fixing a sink and counter ruined by a home health care aide (the last also ruined my day).1 And there are other reminders of what as an former urbanite feels like excess….like the necessity of having a yardman.
I imagine many of you detest apartments for good reasons: you lived in one or more as a young person and they were cramped and noisy. From what I saw in Manhattan, the stock of rental apartments was markedly inferior to the ones for purchase, and in most cities, you have more rented than owned units, meaning most of what is out there is skanky. But that is a function of how we do housing in the US, and not of the inherent merits of apartments. It’s perfectly possible to have more generously proportioned apartments with decent height ceilings and heavy enough walls so as not to hear your neighbor’s music. It’s also possible to have very clever designs. I was struck, for instance, with how much good layout mattered when I became a volcano refugee in London and a planned two-day stay with Richard Smith turned out to be a twelve day visit. He lived in an 800 square foot apartment in the Barbican. Yet even though his wife was also there a fair bit of time, it never felt crowded even when all three of us were there.
Now I am sure many of you have defenses for owning homes, such as:
Kids needing a yard. Maybe, but that is a less compelling argument than when I was a child and kids were allowed to have unstructured time playing with other kids nearby. With children now shuttled to and from school and to their activities and play dates, yards seem way less useful
Gardening. There are urban gardens and we could have more of them, but for some reason, this practice hasn’t taken hold in America.
Necessity. Where you work doesn’t have decent apartment stock.
Fear of or distaste for urban living.
Wanting to be close to the countryside. A strong reason if you love the activities like hiking and water sports.
Nevertheless, I encourage you to think hard about the time cost of your house, if you have a free-standing house, and how much more leisure time you could spend on your favorite activities if you didn’t have the millstone of property maintenance. Unless, of course, you are rich enough to have staff to do this sort of thing for you.
1 This is what happens when you have people in the house and you can’t watch them all day, particularly since you also aren’t supposed to, as in they should stick to their job duties and not play amateur professional.
One of the bathroom sinks was draining slowly. The home health care aide came back from the grocery store with a bottle of Drain-O. I told her not to use it, the pipes in the house are old and we already had one serious problem with them. I had her boil a big pot of water and pour it down the sink. She did that twice and the drain seemed fine after that. I noticed nothing amiss with the drain the next AM when I turned in late.
When I got back up (mid PM, so the home health care aide was on a new day), I went into the bathroom and saw the sink about 1/3 full of black, and I mean black, water. I stupidly stuck my hand in to see if there was an obstruction and got burned. I then went and got paper towels to sop up the water and put the wet paper towels in a steel pot.
The water was so caustic that it stained the steel. It had also stained the sink, which was beige resin and part of the bathroom counter (as in it had been fabricated as a single unit). The grey marks were bad enough that I thought it needed to be replaced, although one could make a case for living with the eyesore.
The home health care aide was out taking my mother to get her hair done and pick up lunch. I was ripshit and assumed the home health care aide had used the Drain-O contrary to my instructions (she’d been muttering about putting some in the sink after the boiling water treatment despite that having looked like a success). I was also dumbfounded that she’d left the black water in the sink to corrode it. I called the service to complain.
The home health care aide got back much later than usual. I suspect she was trying to avoid me and having my mother see the damage she had done. I chewed her out. She said she hadn’t used Drain-O and found the bottle to show me it was full.
She had instead gone to the Dollar Store and gotten….drumroll… a sink plunger.
In all my years of living in different apartments and more than occasionally having stopped up the drain, no super every used anything like a plunger on a sink or bathtub. They always snaked them out. This sink, had the health care aide bothered to look, had the classic S-curve pipes underneath. No way would this itty bitty shallow plunger be able to create enough pressure to move an obstruction through that curve. I could not believe what an obviously bad idea this was, compounded by the fact that “plumbing” was not part of her job spec.
It gets worse.
The home health care aide disappeared (she does that an awful lot) and then came back and reported she’d used “Lysol towels” on the sink, as if that had reduced the grey stains. I started to think that maybe this wasn’t as bad a train wreck as I’d thought.
I went back shortly thereafter, which was also after she’d left, and found the sink again 1/3 full of black water. I nearly hit the ceiling. This was not the result of it backing up but her running the water from the tap and doing God knows what else (pouring Lysol down the sink, perhaps?)
I again sopped up the water. The sink was now extensively and badly stained. It has to be replaced. And the plumber is coming in four and a half hours, so I am sure to be cranky and sleep deprived.
But I had to go back to the service and withdraw my complaint because my mother had given a go-ahead to this bad idea. And that means we’ll have to eat the likely $1000+ cost of a fix, which would also never match the rest of the bathroom well. Plus finding the contractor and working through the choices would fall on me, when I don’t have time for distractions like that. And on top of that, this was the best home health care aide my mother had gotten from the service (despite her tendency to disappear way too often, she at least would clean the kitchen and bathrooms well). I can guarantee she’s going to do something like this again (she falls in the category of “stupid and industrious” which in the schema attributed to German General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord is dangerous). That means we’ll need to get rid of her. That likely means the service will get rid of us (they already regard us as unreasonably demanding by virtue of expecting health care aides to do more than sit next to my mother when the service advertises that they will run errands and do light housekeeping and cooking), which will create another round of stress and time sinks. Welcome to the joys of home maintenance.
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takadasaiko · 7 years
Demons at the Door: Chapter Eighteen
Summary: Howard and Scottie look for answers, Tom has to face an aspect of his past, and Liz and Agnes are put in the crosshairs.
Chapter Eighteen: Priorities
He was making a deal with the devil to protect his child. That's what Howard Hargrave told himself. They had acknowledged that there might be eyes and ears within Halcyon, and he had a few he questioned himself.
The biggest selling point of Scottie's story was that staying stateside was dangerous for her. Nothing about what she was doing appeared to be helping her, so that left him with a high enough possibility that she was telling the truth that he was willing to take the risk.
That didn't mean he trusted her.
The apartment building was in shambles, half falling down and the residents looked spooked by their own shadows. It reminded Howard of the building Nez's dealers had lived in. Scottie produced a set of lockpicks and went to work, sending the door to apartment 2A swinging open.
The woman on the couch made a startled sound, looking like she might have been reaching for something to use as a weapon, but both Howard and Scottie had their guns trained and she raised her hands slowly.
"Eva Phelps," Scottie greeted, her voice sharp and dangerous.
"I don't know who that is. My name is Vickie. You can see it right on the mailbox down the hall."
"Your name may have changed, but you haven't," Scottie answered and Howard watched her lean down a little closer, effectively pinning her to where she sat. Eva Phelps looked terrified on the surface, but there was something just below that. Something only people like them might pick up on. It was a calculated fear, and Howard would have bet anything that Scottie saw through it too with the way she was pushing. "You took in a boy named Christopher Hargrave in 1988 and you changed his name to Jacob Phelps. You raised him because you were being paid to do so by Miles Ellington."
Eva Phelps froze at that name and Scottie's lips stretched just a little at the corners. "He's been looking for you, hasn't he? You haven't been a priority, but with everything that's happened, you will be. He'll be trying to tie up loose ends, but I got to you first."
"And what does that get me?" the other woman asked.
"A chance. A hope," Scottie corrected, "that you just might survive this. More than Frank got, wasn't it?" She stepped back, her gun still aimed in Eva's general direction, and Howard's gaze flickered to her very briefly. Frank Phelps was dead. Interesting. Even his sources hadn't turned that one up. Even this location was rented out to a husband and wife, as had all the others in Eva Phelps' string of rentals over the years. Her entire papertrail included what Howard had assumed - a dangerous thing to do in their line of work, he reminded himself - was an alias for Frank Phelps. Apparently it had been an attempt to throw people off the trail. "You're going to tell us everything and you're not going to lie. If you do, we will know."
The woman that had raised their son until his teenage years nodded slowly, her gaze shifting back to Howard who lifted a curious eyebrow as she began very slowly. "Frank and I met Miles through a mutual contact. Billy. We owed Billy some money so he set it up so he'd get paid. He said he had a job for us that'd pay ten times what we owed him, so we met with Miles. He didn't give us a lot of details. He said it was better not to know and we agreed, but he said that there was a boy. If anyone found him, we'd be on the hook for everything we were paid. If he died or got away, same thing."
"Incentive to keep him alive and hidden," Howard mused.
"They wanted to use him for something," Eva answered with a shrug. "We agreed to the terms and we were set up with a house in Chicago, the money, and Frank got a cushy job. The kid showed up a week later."
"Was he hurt?"
Howard looked over to Scottie, a little surprised that her voice cracked with the question.
"Not that I could see. Nothing serious, at any rate. He might have been bruised, but nothing too bad. He wouldn't talk though. He just kept staring with those wide blue eyes and wouldn't say a damn thing. He would watch us everywhere we went and just…. Wouldn't stop." She paused, shaking her head a little and howard saw the way her fist clenched in irritation. "They told us to change his name to Jacob. He had no idea what his name was anyway, so he answered to that pretty quickly."
"He ran away at fourteen," Howard said and Eva's attention jerked over to him. "Why?"
"Why do teenage boys do anything? He never did like us."
"Remember what we said about lying," Scottie said, her head tilted just a little to the side.
"Frank had a drinking problem. He roughed him up every now and again. Nothing bad enough that we'd risk any real damage."
Howard resisted the urge to roll his eyes, pieces of the truth wrapped so deeply up in how she wanted to present it that it would be a wonder if there was any truth there at all. "How was he delivered?"
"Just a man."
"Describe him."
"Tall. Well dressed. He was blond… maybe a redhead. I don't remember many details. It's been nearly thirty years. Would you remember any details?"
"Every last one," Scottie answered sharply.
"Well I don't. Sucks for you, doesn't it? Go ahead and shoot me. Miles wouldn't have let me live if he found me, but he sure as hell won't now. Shoot me or call the cops."
"I think we have somewhere better for you," Howard answered and pulled his phone out and dialed a number.
The phone rang once, twice, and he was greeted by an irritable voice. "I'm hoping you have a really good explanation. Tom's on his way."
"I assumed he would be, but right now I need you to call in to the local police department to assist in an arrest."
"Who were you tracking, Howard?"
"A woman involved in my son's kidnapping. We're in 2A. Call it in and meet me up here." There was a long pause and Howard sighed. "I know I haven't been completely straight with you, Nez, and I understand your hesitation, but right now I need you to trust me."
There was a pause and then a sigh from the other end. "Fine. I'm on my way up."
He ended the call and Scottie shot him a questioning look. "You didn't mention me."
"The moment I did all resources would have been fixed on bringing you in. She-" he motioned to Eva- "is the priority here."
Scottie nodded and started past him, but Howard reached out and caught her arm. "I expect you to tell me who Ellington is," he said very lowly.
"I'll be in touch." She paused very briefly. "Howard, she knows. Don't take any less for an answer."
He watched her go, and he knew his time was limited until Nez joined him. He caught Eva Phelps' gaze and held it, watching her swallow hard. "I've told you everything I know. I don't know who delivered him."
"I think you do," Howard said slowly, his smile just a little dangerous. "I never gave up on finding my boy. I've had investigators looking into it for years. I've seen his records. Police, social services, and medical." He let the last one sink in for half a beat. "I know everything you two did to him, Eva, even the things you didn't bother with a doctor for. I told you that you shouldn't lie to me."
By the time Tom arrived there were police cars parked outside of the old apartment building. That must have been why it had been so difficult to reach Nez. He climbed the stairs and froze when he saw who they were leading out of the apartment.
It had been fifteen years since he'd seen the woman's face. It had aged, but those grey eyes were still cold, dark hair now streaked silver, and she was grumbling and cursing the whole way down the hall, looking like she'd put up a fight somewhere along the way. The police that were escorting her stopped and she looked at him like she knew exactly who he was.
"Excuse us," the officer said, and Tom realized he'd paused at the top of the stairs, blocking their exit.
He watched Eva Phelps watch him from the corner of her eye as she passed by, but the sound of his name drew his attention down the hall. Nez motioned him in and he found Howard going through a bag that contained cash, ID's, and a gun on the coffee table in what must have been the Phelps' livingroom. He swallowed hard. "Someone want to fill me in?"
"A new lead presented itself," Howard said as he sorted through thing things he had found. Someone had given him gloves to keep his own fingerprints off of it. Well, at least the fact that they weren't hauling him off too meant that Nez had been able to keep his little field trip quiet. The last thing they needed was to add one more complication to the whole mess.
"You're going to have to give me more than that. What does Eva Phelps have to do with this?"
His father looked up, blinking hard as if pulling himself from what he'd been doing. "Ms Phelps was hired by a man named Miles Ellington to hide you away after you were taken as a child."
The words rolled off his tongue so easily that they might as well have been talking about a case that meant nothing to them personally, but Tom felt a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. "She what?"
"Mm. This Ellington-"
"I don't know who that is."
"Neither do I yet, but we will. Ellington, it would seem, has a connection of some sort to your mother. He paid the Phelps' to adopt you and keep you hidden. When you ran at fourteen and they couldn't track you down, they did their best to disappear. It sounds like Ellington killed Frank, but we got to Eva before he could." He looked up and his expression was focused. "We're getting close, Tom."
"You should never have chased the lead down yourself. You're supposed to be under house arrest. If the Board finds out-"
"They won't."
"Why didn't you bring this to me?"
"There wasn't time."
"What are you not saying, Howard?" Nez asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leveling a glare at her mentor.
Howard looked just a little sheepish and relented. "Scottie tracked her down and I had eyes and ears on the lookout for her."
"Why the hell is she still in the country?" Nez demanded.
"My question exactly. I knew that if she was going to Eva, there had to be a reason."
"And what was that reason? Where's Scottie now?"
Clear blue eyes glanced back over at Tom and his father tried for a reassuring smile. "This was more important, son. You'll have to trust me on that. Your mother believes there is someone on the Board that was involved with your disappearance. The man that delivered you to the Phelps' home for this man that orchestrated all of this."
Tom tilted his head a little. "And you believe her?"
"I believe that there's a reason she stayed when she could have slipped away and never looked back. She knew that the Board would tie us up and that they'd never have the know-how to find her themselves. She could have used that and she could have vanished, yet here she was looking for answers about your disappearance."
"What are you saying?" Nez asked carefully. "You of all people trust Scottie now?"
Howard choked out a laugh. "Absolutely not, but that doesn't mean that her motives aren't… complicated."
"Okay, so for the sake of argument, let's say Scottie was right and there's someone on the Board that is some sort of mole," Nez said pointedly, shooting Tom a look that he was sure was supposed to remind him that she'd been trying to get him to look at that angle for a while now. "How do we proceed without tipping them off?"
"Eva Phelps knows who it is," Howard said. "She won't say yet, but she knows."
"Have her transferred to a blacksite, not to headquarters," Tom said firmly. "Once she understands that we're all she has, she'll fold. It won't take much. Howard, get back home before the Board hears that you're out. Do you have any idea where Scottie went?"
"Did she say anything?"
His gaze darted past Tom and his voice dropped just a little. "That she'd be in touch with details on Ellington."
"You think she will be?"
Howard paused just a moment, his brows drawing together. "Twenty-four hours ago I would have told you I knew exactly what your mother was playing towards. Now… I'm not sure."
The honest confession helped to ease at least a little of the frustration Tom was feeling towards him at the moment, but certainly not all of it. "If she gets in touch with you, I want to know. You want me to trust you on this, Dad, give me a reason to. Please."
"I'll call you."
Tom nodded. "Thank you. You need an escort or can you get back in on your own?"
"I'll be able to slip in easier on my own. Take Nez with you to handle Eva."
He wasn't sure he wanted anyone in the room with him when he faced Eva Phelps, but if someone needed to be there, at least it would be someone he trusted. Tom nodded and motioned to Nez. They had to move quickly before something else blew up in their face.
Howard had told him several months ago that his entire life had prepared him for what was ahead with Scottie and Halcyon, but Tom didn't think that even his father had known just how much that was turning out to be true.
Tom had never liked Frank and Eva. They were cold on their best days, cruel on any other. He thought he remembered crying over it early on. He'd been young and terrified. The first couple of years in their home were vague at best, so he couldn't quite pinpoint the day he'd realized that crying wasn't going to help him. Somewhere along the way it'd become clear that the only way he was going to survive the experience was to bury what he was feeling - even what he was thinking - as deep as he could. He had to be stronger than them. He had to be tougher than them. Then, when that hadn't worked, he'd decided that he just had to be smarter than them. That had been much easier when all was said and done.
The name Halcyon Aegis pulled a lot of weight in law enforcement for being a private organization. Eva Phelps was delivered to a blacksite that they had and Tom squared his shoulders as he entered, guards moving out of his way and Nez following in just behind him. He made sure his mask of indifference was firmly in place before he entered, mind focused on everything that they'd uncovered so far in that hellhole that she'd been living in.
She was cuffed to a chair in the middle of a room and Nez stopped at the door just inside, Tom moving forward and holding Eva's gaze. "I want a lawyer," she told him firmly.
"I'm not a cop. You don't get a lawyer."
That seemed to startle her and she squinted against the shadowy room at him. "I'll be damned. I thought it might be you. Come back for something, Jacob? You missed Frank by a good eight years."
"But you got away. We found your go-bag. There was enough in there to slip away at a moment's notice. Too bad you didn't have a moment's notice, isn't it? Tell me about the man that brought me to you and Frank."
"I'm not telling you anything. What are you going to do, you little punk?"
Tom snorted, the taunt nowhere near her best, but she was rattled. Good. "Okay, then this is how it's going to work. I'm going to give you up to the police. You'll get a lawyer, but you're also going to get your name and the details of who has you in custody plastered all over the television. How long do you think you're going to last? I can tell you that whoever these people are… they have people on the inside. Scottie found them. My guess is that you will too, and you're a hell of a lot less useful to them alive than she was."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Really? That's where you think I'll draw the line? Eva, I'll toss you to the wolves faster than you can blink. You can rot in hell for all I care. Give me something to convince me not to and you might get out of this in one piece."
The woman that he'd hated for so many years gave a dry laugh. "You are your mother's son, aren't you? Halcyon can't protect me. These people are in Halcyon."
"Halcyon may not be able to, but we can," Nez said from behind Tom and Eva's gaze shifted back to her, the wheels turning as she considered her options.
"I don't remember his name, but he was a friend of Susan and Howard Hargraves'. Someone in their company they trusted. Someone you knew. Tall, redheaded -"
"McKinney," Tom breathed.
"That sounds right."
"Don't move," he told her sharply and motioned for Nez to step outside with him. He closed the door behind them and kept his voice hushed. "We need to handle this now."
"How exactly do you want to do that? McKinney holds almost as much power in the company as you do right now and a hell of a lot more trust with the other Board members. I'd say go to the feds with it, but Lamb's still out of commission after Scottie's escape."
"We're not going to the New York branch. I'm calling Liz. She's been wanting to help. This is how we do it."
"You'll be putting a bullseye on her."
"She's already got one with this. Looping her in keeps her safer. Give me a minute to make the call and I want you to secure Eva here. No one takes her."
"Got it."
Tom stepped away, pulling his cell from his pocket and hitting the speed dial. "Keen."
"It's me. Where are you?"
"Agnes and I are making a dinner run. Everything okay? Did you find Howard?"
"Yeah. He chased after Scottie, who was tracking down Eva Phelps."
"Your adopted mother Eva Phelps?"
"Same one."
"It's a long story. I'll tell you everything, but we've got a problem that we're going to need your help with if Cooper'd be willing."
"What's going on?"
"We just got ahold of some evidence that one of Halcyon's leading Board members is dirty. Might have even been part of my kidnapping. Albert McKinney."
"I met him the other day after Scottie got away. I knew something was off about that man. Cooper'll want to talk to you and get all the details, but I bet we can convince him to help."
"Good. I had Eva transferred to a blacksite in DC to make it easier. Go straight to the Post Office and I'll meet you-"
The sound of shouting and tires squealing from the other side of the phone caused him to swallow the rest of the sentence and for just a moment everything slowed nearly to a stop as he listened to what was happening without being able to do a damn thing to stop it. There was a crash and everything went silent. "Liz? Liz!"
Nothing. Tom pulled the phone away from his ear to see the call was still connected, but his wife wasn't answering his shouts. The phone was still active though.
He ended the call and Dumont answered two rings later. "It's Tom. I need you to trace Liz's cell phone and send an ambulance."
"What? Why?"
"I think she was just in a wreck. Send me her location as soon as you have it."
"On its way, boss," Dumont answered. "Good luck."
Tom didn't answer as he took off in a full sprint to the vehicle they'd come in, his wife and little girl's location on his texts and praying to whoever might be listening that he wasn't too late.
Notes: Someone left a review saying that they hoped that someone had a detail on Liz and all I could do was smile because this chapter had already been written. I'm so glad that you guys seem to be enjoying this! I love getting to wrap the Redemption group and the main show's group together and work with all the various characters, and teaming Scottie and Howard up has been more fun than even I expected, and I had some pretty high hopes there. Definitely more of that to come.
Next time - Scottie makes good on her promise, the blacksite comes under attack, and Tom finds himself in more trouble than he expected.
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togreeceandbeyond · 7 years
17th of June we took our time getting ready for the day then went out to find the fabled Tram 28. We went to a metro station to buy a 24 hour ticket. While there we were having trouble with the machine not wanting to take our credit card instead of a debit card. A little old man was helping everyone including us. We finally got our cards bought using cash and he said to me could you help me out a little bit since I helped you? I knew that was coming so I gave him some euros by dropping them in his pocket while he was talking to someone else. He smiled and understood I didn't want people seeing me give him the money. It took a while to find Tram 28 and when we did there was an hour-long wait to get aboard. We almost walked away right then but instead we visited with a British couple, Richard and Anne. We had a good discussion with them about politics,being responsible for your own actions, and not looking for a handout. We also talked about being safe and careful in the less touristy parts of town. I showed him my secret weapon, the car keys that had a spring loaded key. He said yes that sounds like a switchblade knife and might make people think twice about bothering you. I told him I thought I could also do a lot of damage with that key if necessary. His back started hurting and they couldn't stay for the tram ride. The couple behind him were from Italy and we enjoyed a good conversation with them before we got on the train. Philippe and Marta live north of Venice and she is a graphic designer and he's a trainer with the Volkswagen Corporation. Whatever you do when you go to Lisbon, don't ride Tram 28 unless you ride it at 7 in the morning or so. By 11 it was very crowded with tourists and commuters. It's too crowded to get a good look at anything unless you're in the back where we were. Then you only see things as you are pulling away from them and you don't know what it was. There was no narration or any explanation of what you were looking at. Just don't believe the tour guides. We got off at the end and had lunch in a cemetery before heading down to the seaside. We were walking along and found out there was going to be a celebration of Navy Day which included a visit from the president of Portugal. We waited around and listened to some boring and unintelligible speeches for about an hour or so. We did get to see and hear the president of Portugal before we caught a bus back to our hotel to rest before our dinner with Stephanie and Nuno. We met them at a plaza not far from the hotel and we recognized Stephanie very quickly. We then proceeded to a neighborhood restaurant which only had about eight or nine tables for dinner. They wanted us to have a typical Portuguese meal. I had  small sardines that you don't have to debone. You just chop off the heads and tails and eat the fish. I wouldn't want to get a large portion because I can only eat two-thirds of mine along with the rice and wine. E had a chicken sausage with french fries. While we were eating a couple sat at the table beside us. He is a clinical psychologist and had met his wife in Buenos Aires when he went there to study the tango. They have been together ever since and is currently touring Europe looking for someplace to work and teach. He is Lithuanian who was born in Germany and moved to the US when he was a child. Quite an interesting background for both of them but we didn't get much information from his wife. Stephanie and Nuno walked us back to our hotel about 11. It was another difficult goodbye because we had really bonded with them very quickly. There was a undercurrent of asking us to spend another day on Sunday and we could have but the decision was never really made. There were lots of hugs and goodbyes and promises of meeting again someday. That rarely happens on a cruise.   June 18   On Father's Day we left for Porto. We never got there because we decided to go to a little town just outside Lisbon called Sintra. There a man started, and his family finished, a magical wonderland. It was like his own fairy land where you come in touch with the cosmos, relax and enjoy life. Maybe you could even learn a little something about yourself. It is probably a 30 acre garden with a mansion. The map was not very good but we were able to find all the things we wanted to see, including a giant sequoia. After that we headed toward Porto. I knew we would only get part of the way there. We found a beach town that had a tourist rural place about eight klicks out of town which was inexpensive including breakfast. We found out why it was inexpensive. It was clean but it was like a 1950s or 60s motel on Route 66. Only one outlet in the bedroom connected a TV refrigerator and one cell phone. The people were very nice. We had a good night sleep because it was very quiet. We left fairly early for Porto. We wanted to see the best preserved Roman ruins on the Iberian Peninsula so we stopped there on the way to Porto. It was very nice, well-preserved, and very extensive.   The smoke from the large forest fire that was northeast of us was very thick and pungent. As of Monday afternoon, 62 people had been killed in the forest fire. Most of them were killed in their cars as they were trying to flee the forest fire. It has been very dry and hot in Portugal and Spain the spring.   After that we headed to a another must see place called Mata de Forest which is a 2000 year old monastery for people to go visit and meditate. It was started by some monks who planted over 700 species of plants from around the world. It is a spectacular place with miles and miles of paths through the forest to see many things including the cedar of Joseph. It's supposed to be the oldest tree in the forest. At some point people came to this area and harmed the plants. Pope somebody the six made an edict that anyone who destroyed anything at the forest will be excommunicated. While wandering around on a one and a half hour walk that had been suggested by the information office, we encountered a couple from Israel who were looking for the same sights as we we were. They were lost and decided I couldn't do any worse. We finished our walk with them and had coffee before we left the park to go Porto. They are very interesting and we exchanged emails so we can keep in touch. We now have a place to sleep in Jerusalem if we decide to go to Israel someday. I think that brings us up to Monday evening. We got to Porto late but found an apartment near downtown that we couldn't drive to, or so we thought, with GPS directions. I found a parking place but GPS said we were less than 100 m from our apartment. Two guys were in the street directing people into the parking places that you had to pay for so I didn't know their racket. We weren't sure of the parking restrictions and Elizabeth went into a local store to find out. They said we could park there until 8 in the morning. When I parked one of the gentleman came up to me and started talking. I asked him if he were going to keep an eye on my car. Not sure if he understood or not but I said I didn't want anything to happen to my car and I took a picture of him and said in case something happens, I'll show your picture to the police. His friend said can you take my picture to? That's when I knew they were just looking for a handout, but I went in to ask the store owner if that were true and should I be worried? She said not to worry, they won't bother your car. They just look for $0.50 or an euro. It turned out our hotel was about 75 feet from where we parked. Luckily for us the clerk had not gone home on time and he was still there when we rang the doorbell. He helped us get settled before he left for the evening. We went to the grocery store for provisions because we were too tired to go out to eat. The apartment is a really nice place, king bed, living room/dining room combination with a fold-out sofa, full kitchen and a great bathroom. It's obvious that some entrepreneurs are renovating apartment buildings downtown for rental properties. There are a lot of buildings being renovated and the one across the alley from us is renovated on the front portion and the back, off the street, of the same building is in ruins. We got up early so we could move the car and find a 24-hour parking garage. Google was no help so we started driving and found one about half a mile from the hotel. We then headed downtown to see the church that everyone recommends and the bridge that was designed and built by Gustave Eiffel's student around 1886. It was a rather interesting walk up and down through narrow alleys and streets, sometimes along the waterfront. We were walking up a long flight of stairs and met a young woman from Vancouver, British Columbia, looking for a church. We got her going in the right direction and as we were saying goodbye to her, a French couple came up and asked if we knew where the bridge was. We said we thought we did but we should Google it.  It was only 150 meters away but we couldn't see it for the buildings.  They had walked right past it to where we had met them. We walked across the bridge part way with the French couple. After taking in the sights, we decided to go back to our hotel for lunch. On the way back across the bridge, we ran into the French couple again and had a 30 minute conversation about French politics, England getting out of the EU and how convenient it was to travel with one currency, the Euro. John Peter (Jacques? Pierre) had moved to Paris to try to find a job because it was hard to find a job as a software engineer. His wife Laure works with an import-export company and her English comes in handy. She had actually studied in the Lake of the Dardanelles in Arkansas on an exchange trip many years ago.  It's very interesting when people open up to you and tell you what's really on their mind, the second time you run into them. We had a very open, interesting and intellectual conversation about travel, enjoying the fruits of our labor and travelling while healthy.  Since we have bumped into them twice and had really enjoyed their conversation, we gave them a business card in case they ever come to America to visit. On the way back to the hotel we bumped into Michael, who is selling tickets on a train ride around some wineries, with sampling, followed by a 40 minute river boat cruise for only 22 Euros. We said we don't usually do that but you seem like a nice chap. He was curious about my accent. I told him I was from New York but he said it sounded more southern to him. I teased him for a little bit before we told him the truth. He speaks English, French and Portuguese probably with a little Spanish thrown in. He was supposed to go to England to work this summer but decided he wanted to stay home with his friends. We're glad and we reserved a seat on the train and on the boat. We’ll have a late dinner tonight (for us) on the river before going on the Douro river valley road tomorrow on our way to northern Spain.  
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Chapter 15
On this light rainy Thursday, everyone in Arielle’s circle has something going on today. Vera has been busy planning a meet up with both Deshaun and Canaan in the weeks to come. Sotira and Salice are working on a surprise baby shower for their closest and dearest friend. Arielle and Kamil both being left out of the loop purposely is exactly what the girls wanted. With very few people knowing about the surprise shower will make this event so much more special when that time comes. Khayman, Kamil and a few of his coworkers are loading up the moving trucks finalizing today as their last day in Kamil’s apartment. 
Today a new journey begins for Elle and Kam as a couple and soon to be famil in their new place to call home. Arielle stayed inside to finished packing and taping boxes shut and cleaning up the apartment altogether. The men were going back and forth from the apartment and the truck, getting their hands dirty. 
Arielle’s mixed feelings on the big move sparked some major concern in Kam, just as she expected. Moving for anyone is a big step and a big change that can take some time getting used to. However the day has come for change, leaving little room for second thoughts and twenty questions of what/when/how/why. 
“How much more y’all got Kam?” Terrence spoke, handing off the mattress to two other guys standing in the back of the truck. 
Looking around the truck and counting to himself, Kam wiped items off of his mental checklist. Just to be on the safe side, Kam headed back to the apartment to see how much more is left. Walking through the front door Kam was stunned to see not a box or container in sight. The living room, patio, and kitchen have all been cleared out showcasing just how much has been done. 
“Baby!?” He called out, heading down the hall towards the bedroom. Kam found Arielle standing beside the window with a picture frame in her hand surrounded by an empty room. 
“What’s wrong now?” He asked gently.
Sighing deeply, Ari turned around and shrugged her shoulders. Deep down inside she knows that she’s not ready to leave and Kam knows that too. He took large steps over to the window and engulfed her in a warm hug. Arielle shed some tears she’s been holding back since the packing began.
“It’ll be okay. We got the new place waiting for us to make new memories in. You’re almost done with school, the baby will be here in a few short months, and we’re in this together.” Kam preached softly, feeling his own emotions flip flop in this very moment.
“I’m just scared. There’s so much going on and I don’t know how to manage everything without feeling overwhelmed. I’m happy about our new home I promise you I am, I’m just scared.” Arielle’s confession opens up a whole new can of worms on top what’s already going on. Without a doubt Kam will do whatever he can to keep her calm but there’s only so much he can control. The rest is up to Arielle and whether she wants to put herself through unnecessary stress. 
Without another word, Kam prolonged their intimate moment before getting a move on it. Now that everything is packed and the apartment is cleaned, it’s time to say goodbye. Grabbing the cleaning supplies, the keys, and some  leftover unopened mail, Kamil followed Arielle outside into the hallway.
“You want to do the honors?” He questioned giving his girl a toothy smile that made her knees weak. 
Arielle took one of the keys to lock the door, descending the steps right after. While Arielle got situated in the car, Kamil rounded up the boys for a quick talk. 
“Khayman you drive my car behind these guys who are driving the truck. I’ll drive Arielle’s car in the front so y’all don’t get lost. Cool?” 
With each man in agreement, Kam set the bucket of cleaning supplies in the truck and brought the doors down. While the guys locked up the truck, Khayman went over to Kam’s car to start up the engine. Heading over to Arielle’s car, Kam climbed in the front seat and got the car running. 
“You have to drop the keys off right?” Elle quizzed, texting her dad and the girls.
“Yeah that’s where I’m headed right now. Put that seat belt on.” He sternly advised, now driving over to the rental office for one last visit.
Ari vowed to herself to remain silent on this trip over to the new apartment. The drive takes about 35 minutes from their current location allowing her more time to think. Ari’s not big on explanations especially when her emotions are the topic of discussion. Because she is so emotional and doesn't know just yet how to channel her feelings into words, conversation can be brutal. There tends to be a lot of silence on her end and boy oh boy does that piss off Kamil. And it's not to say that Arielle doesn't care, because she does, it's just that she has some improvements to make.
“Why has that girl been calling you so much?” The attitude and the level of aggression in her tone was enough to peak Kam’s interest.
Kam got caught at a light giving him time to turn to his right and deliver his signature look.
“Don't start girl. This is not the time to have this conversation.”
“Excuse me for asking a simple question. What have you got to hide? I didn't ask for her social security number. What I want to know is why does she keep calling you..repeatedly and at all times of the day?” 
Arielle was quick with a snappy comeback, no surprise there.
Breathing deeply through his nostrils, Kam tapped on the gas pedal until the green light shined in his face. The energy is off and so is their desire to be in each other's presence but today is a big day. Arielle knows this conversation can wait for a less stressful time. And Kamil knows he should be truthful to prevent any further damage to this day.
Neither party spoke for the remaining duration of this short road trip. Just silence and the engine blending together to create noise.
“How did you find out before I did?!” Vera shouted with a passion. Everyone down the hall from her office could hear just about the entire conversation she was having with Deshaun.
Getting up from her chair Vera skedaddled over to her door to put a wall between her office and the rest of the floor. Running back to her seat, Vera picked up the phone to carry on with her call.
“She confided in me V. She's my daughter just as much as she is yours. Are you jealous or something?” Deshaun proposed, not knowing he just started a fight he might not win.
“Jealous? Of what? We are both of Arielle's parents Deshaun. There is no competition but no I'm not jealous that she disclosed to you first that she was pregnant. I'm just confused but that's besides the point! Don't you ever question me like that again. That right there..those smart ass remarks are part of the reason we never worked out. You can't ever put your childish ways aside and be an adult.”
Deshaun was a little taken back by Vera’s forthcoming information but not too much. He always knew that deep down he and his ex-wife would exchange some hurtful words but he didn't think today would be that day.
“Look I didn't answer your call to discuss the past. I'm only talking to you to find out what we can do to help our daughter get through the remainder of her pregnancy happy and healthy. Nothing more, nothing less.” He finished his short speech with a signature line Vera hated to hear.
Deshaun’s smart mouth used to get him in some deep waters back in the day. Now that he's older and has more wisdom and life experience, he's settled down tremendously. If there's any one person that can attest to the change Deshaun has made it's Vera. Even though she feels a little anger towards her ex-husband she can't deny that he is a different man. This conversation is strictly Arielle related, sadly the topic was swayed.
“I got to go back to work but let me know if you find out anything. If something goes wrong I need to be there for her. She will always come first V. Before our past, present and future relationship, Arielle is our number one priority. And soon her baby will be hers. We can fight and argue all we want but when it comes to Arielle's well-being, she's first. We’ll talk soon.”
Vera said her farewell and set the phone on her desk. Yet again, Vera has something to make up for with another beloved man in her daughter's life.
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“Yo Lisa! I need that box of fabric in here to finish this blanket!” I yelled over my shoulder quite loudly. The approaching footsteps spooked me but I'm too focused on knitting this blanket for my god baby. At first I thought about ordering this sage green baby quilt I saw online. Although, Lisa brought it to my attention that Arielle would appreciate a much more sentimental gift. And that is what lead me to what I'm currently working on. 
“Here T. Shit..I didn't realize how far you'd gotten since two days ago. You think she’ll like the color? You know she's having a boy right?” Lisa griped, setting the box of extra fabric at my feet.
Giving her a nasty look to her back I tossed my project on the ottoman to rethink this gift. I knew my god baby had been identified as a boy but the fact went over my head the deeper I got into knitting.
“What the fuck am I to do with this now? I can’t give Elle this blanket. This looks likes it should be for a little girl. Lisa, don’t leave me hanging like this.” My complaint didn’t seem to move Salice and her will to help me out in my time of need.
With a flip of her hair Lisa sunk deeper into the love seat just giving the quilt some eye attention. I couldn’t tell whether she was into my work or deep in thought but I need some kind of advice from her high yellow ass.
“T..just make a new one. You still have plenty of time to restart and finish a new blanket. No one but me knows about this, stop stressing. You’re gonna have grey hairs if you keep frowning like that.” Salice proposed, cracking a joke to lighten the mood.
Rolling my eyes so heavily I thought they’d get stuck, I jogged down the hall to the back room. I snatched up my car keys, slid my feet into the nearest pair of shoes and snatched up my phone.
“Let’s go!” I yelled walking back into the room to lock eyes with Lisa. 
She was giving me this stupid look and the longer I gave her my attention, the annoyed I became.
“That means now and we gotta go meet the lovebirds at their new spot. Arielle said she wanted an extra set of hands so get up!” 
Lisa got up off her ass and scrambled around my apartment to get her things so we could be on our way to see Arielle. By the time we get one leg in the car, Elle will be calling to ask where we are. Bet.
“Come on..why are y’all so rough with everything? We ain't rich. Meaning this furniture and the rest of our belongings can't be replaced so easily. Be careful.” Arielle griped with heavy attitude.
So much time and energy has been put into unpacking the boxes and settling into the new apartment. Sweat, tears, anger, and laughter. That's everything poured into the last four hours of today. The guys have been moving and removing furniture because Arielle keeps changing her mind about the layout. One minute she liked the setup and the next she had a new vision in mind.
Kam understood the constant change and Khayman did too but as for the others they don't have a clue as to what's going on. This poor girl is beyond tired but work has to be done and Elle doesn't quit. No she's a bull and she will get shit done even at six months pregnant.
“Chill mama I got this. Chill!” Kamil stressed, backing away down the hall to the bedroom with one of his buddies helping push the mattress.
Smacking her teeth out of instinct Arielle stepped out onto the balcony to breathe the fresh air brought in by the rain. As the minutes passed the rain seemed to pour down harder producing a full on storm. The sky is covered in dark clouds with flashes of lightning popping up every now and then.
“Forfeit this cold war..It's not yours anymore..I'm done, I'm done...How rightly you were loved...Tell me how to breathe without your touch..I'm done, I'm done, I'm done.”
The depressing weather put Arielle in a mood and music is the only escape she has at the moment. The men are handling the heavy lifting which is working in Ari’s favor anyhow. While they're busting their asses, Arielle has a chance to relax and wind down as if she hasn’t been doing that most of the day.
“Don't go chasing waterfalls...Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to..”
Sotira and Salice entered the apartment witnessing a slight tornado of chaos going about. They noticed the men slaving, breaking their backs to move furniture and box after box. Afterward the girls spotted their friend standing on the terrace in the rain with not a care in the world for her surroundings. T shot Lisa a glance before sauntering over to Arielle's location.
“I know you aren't hoping to catch something with my god baby trying to grow in that tummy of yours.” T snapped with attitude.
Arielle turned her head with a wide grin spreading across her face. “Of course not. What kind of person you think I am?” She retorted sassily.  
Lisa walked past Sotira and engulfed her friend in a tight hug in a way that wouldn't hurt the baby.
“Your weird ass would be out in the rain while those men are doing all the work! What's going on?” Salice asked skeptically. 
The girls took a seat to sit back and take in the weather and view.
“I'm happy about the change but I'm scared as hell. This is the biggest step Kam and I have ever made as a couple and as individuals. This baby is growing inside of me every day, changes are being made left and right, my relationship is taking on new heights, I got school and work, and I have family drama. I'm stressed but Kam’s been helping me keep my shit together. I don't know how much more I can take though.” Elle explained.
Taking a quick breath Arielle buttoned up her cardigan due to a draft coming in. Neither girl found a mind settling, quick response that Arielle hoped for so the vibe is awkward in a sense.
“You always told me that change is good and it's gonna happen no matter who likes it. And that's what you're forgetting. Sweetie, this change in your life is a blessing but you don't see it yet. Being a mom at this age or older will never be easy. But because you are young and you're still trying to figure life out the odds will be more likely to be against you. But baby girl you got this in the bag. You have a ton of support behind you Elle just open your eyes.” Sotira revealed truthfully.
“She's right Elle. You have us, Kamil, your sister, my mom, your dad and your abuelita. We won't let you fail or kill yourself because of stress. We’re your family and we love you no matter what. Just breathe and enjoy everyday for what it brings.”
All it takes to bring tears out of Arielle is words of truth and she's crying a river right now.
“We done made the young mommy cry. Look what you did T.” Lisa stuck her tongue out at Sotira and comforted a sad Arielle with a side hug.
“Shut up Lisa. I'm just emotional and I know you're both very much right. I love you guys so much and I thank you for everything. Let's go help these fools.” Arielle’s sniffles flared up for no apparent reason but the minute Kamil was in sight, her tears settled.
Kam was standing with his hand out and a gentle smile tugging at his lips. “Come tell me what you think.”
“I'm scared to see what you've turned our new home into.” Elle showcased a slight smirk and followed behind Kamil inside with the girls in tow. The four friends were lined up one behind the other drinking in the view.
Kamil has placed every piece of furniture and decor in the right spot knowing he'd win more than brownie points with Arielle. Their living room was a perfect blend of grey and cream with small accents of purple of black. Kam even swapped his old couch for the new massive lounge that Arielle has been asking for. At least ten to twelve people can fit on the couch at one time.
“Kam..you got the couch..how the fuck..” Elle chuckled airily while walking into the kitchen and throughout the remainder of the apartment.
“Yo, you think she likes it?” One of Kam’s boys whispered, leaning on the countertop.
“Man..I don't know. We’ll find out soon. What y’all think?”
The gang erupted in soft chatter discussing the details of the new apartment and how everything is set up. The girls were fawning over the kitchen while the boys were too busy drooling over the entertainment center. Kam splurged and bought a massive 65” tv. Kamil and Arielle both agreed on a tight budget for new furniture and decor being that the baby is on the way.
“My nigga how big is this tv?!” Khayman’s outburst earned him a kick in the leg and Arielle's re-entry into the room.
Playful argument broke out and filled the room with laughter and all kinds of energy. This gloomy day is turning into something quite wonderful for everyone.
“We still have one key ingredient missing and we can't buy this one. I love the place but it's not complete yet and I-”
“He’ll be here after the semester is done. We've gone this long already so I know we can wait a little while longer. Don't rush now that the finish line is near. Calm that ass down.” Kam encouraged. Throwing his weight down on the bed he turned the projector on via remote.
“Let me guess..you want to test out how the movies look?” Ari questioned with sass.
“Damn right. You know how much this shit cost? Best believe if it doesn't work the way it should I'll take it back tomorrow and get a new one.”
The best way to end this long, rainy day is with a good movie playing loudly for the neighbors to here. Their first night in a new home with many other nights to come. Let's hope they don't tear each other's heads off.
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annakie · 8 years
In Cars, Part II
When last we left our person, she was unable to remember much about a Kia.
I was closing in on paying the Kia Spectra off when I got a huge bug in my brain in 2005 or so about getting a new, better car because I’d gotten a big raise at work and could afford it.  I didn’t need a new car, but I wanted one.  I spent a long time looking at cars when Stephen suggested that I look at the Acura RSX, as he was a mechanic at the time and really liked that car.
I fell in love instantly.  This was the car I’d been looking for.  Beautiful design, sleek interior, really speedy, especially in the RSX-S model, which only came in standard. I knew I had to have one.
So for months I waited for an RSX-S to go on the market, that I could afford (so, a few years old) in the color that I wanted (Pearl white with tan interior).
A couple of times I found one I could afford, in a color I could compromise on, only for it to be gone before I could get to the dealer, or contact the seller.  Someone in the building that I worked in already had one (though not a -S, and in the wrong color), and every day I walked past it on my way into work, and took a moment to linger, and sigh.
I lost out on like the third near-perfect car in the last six months, and was close to giving up when mom had a brilliant idea, as she often does.
“Why don’t you look in San Antonio, and Houston, and, I don’t know, a five hundred mile radius, instead of just in Dallas?”
An hour later, I was e-mailing with a guy selling his 2003 pearl white RSX-S, with under 20k miles, and tan interior in Houston.
We settled on a price, pending inspection, I got the financing together, and bought a plane ticket on Wednesday.  On Saturday, a friend drove me to the airport.
That plane ride was terrible.  It was, by far, the worst turbulence I’ve ever witnessed.  And there was a Southwest Photographer onboard who was supposed to take pictures for their in-flight magazine, who I doubt got anything good because a good 1/3rd of the cabin ended up using their doggie bags.  The guy sitting in the middle seat next to me and I ended up making a pact.
“If you don’t barf, I won’t barf.”  
He agreed.  After a particularly gut-wrenching drop we clasped hands, for most of the rest of the 45-minute plane ride.  When we got off the plane, we laughed, hugged and said goodbye. Sadly, he didn’t ask for my number.  
But that’s ok.  Acura guy, who was sad to let his RSX-S go but he and his wife were having another kid, met me at the airport, we went to the bank, I gave him money, he gave me keys and a car title, and I had a six hour drive back home, which is one of my fondest memories of many.
It had not only AC, but a tape deck and a 6-disc CD player and a sport-tuned suspension that put everything I’d ever driven in my life up to that point to shame.
That car was my baby.  My precious.  I named her Pearl.  Not a thing did it need that I didn’t provide. I parked it in the back row of the parking lot at work where it was an unspoken but very strict rule that you always leave a space in between yourself and the next car over (there was an entire double row that was always sparsely populated ahead of us.)  Every bit of scheduled maintenance was performed like clockwork.
Best memory: Aside from the initial drive home, I took several other trips in it around the state.  Oh, and the several times dudes 10 years younger than me would stop me to talk about my car, and how much they wanted one, and ask to look at it, sit in it, etc.  Every day I drove that car it brought me joy.  It’s hard to pick just a thing or two.
I got my RSX-S in March of 2005.  I paid it off by March of 2009.
If not for October 29th, 2009, I think I would have driven that car at least a full 10 years.  Maybe I’d still be driving it today.
So there I was, a day like any other day, on the way to work.  I was driving north up the 3-lanes each way major street near my house.  At the second light, I always have a choice, to turn left or go straight.  It takes roughly the same amount of time to get to the freeway I’m headed to either way.  I usually split it about 50/50 with whether or not I turn, depending on what the cars in the left lane are doing, and if I’ll have to sit through the light an extra time.
That day, a lady in an old beater cut across 2 lanes, nearly hit me, and got in the left turn lane just in front of me.
I could have made the left turn if she hadn’t done that, but I was mad, and didn’t want to deal with her, and could make the light if I didn’t turn, so I didn’t.  I went straight.
About a block later, a gigantic white mass appeared in front of me.  A Dodge Ram.  Who’s owner was talking on his cell phone, didn’t check for oncoming traffic properly, and pulled out of the residential neighborhood he’d been in, directly in front of me.
I had a split second to react, not nearly enough time, it happened really fast.  I tried to head into the oncoming lane’s left turn lane, as it was clear, but the Ram couldn’t stop in time, and I ended up smashing the front-left side of my car into the driver’s side front tire area of his car.
I remember the crunch, and then white, then black, then screaming.  Who’s annoying screaming is that? Oh it’s my screaming.  Why am I screaming?  Because pain.  Also, because I don’t want to open my eyes.  Because if I open my eyes, all of this becomes reality and then I have to face the damage that this idiot caused my car.
The second I opened my eyes, I knew it was a total loss.  Like there was no doubt.  Both the airbags had gone off. The windshield was a spider’s web.  The car didn’t even have power anymore.  I have pictures, it still pains me to look at them.
I still kept screaming, as the guy who hit me jumped out of his Ram (I didn’t hit his door at all) and, panicking, started asking me if I was all right.
I yelled at him that I didn’t know, furious, and also, because I just didn’t know.  All I knew was I was going to be late for work and I didn’t have a car anymore.
Pearl was dead.
The ambulance arrived, and I was checked out, and after the adrenaline wore off I was not seriously hurt (except for a shoulder injury that sidelined me for a year, and still acts up.)
I’d almost always driven with the sunroof open, I loved a sunroof.  Sadly, for me, as the battery was pretty much squished and kaput, my car was without power, the sunroof was open and it rained a good chunk of that day.  The next day when I went to get my stuff out of my car, most of what had been left in it was ruined.  
The other guy’s insurance accepted responsibility right away.  I got a check for $12.5k (the adjustor said that she’d never seen such a perfect looking 6 year old car, except for you know, all the damage), and I had 7 days of rental car left.
I was in a daze, and in a lot of pain, and couldn’t find a damn RSX-S in Dallas, and was in no condition to do the fly-and-drive thing since, after trying it out in a friends car, realized I couldn’t even shift anyway with my injured shoulder.
I sobbed for a good ten minutes when I realized that I had to get an automatic.
I didn’t know what to get.  I wanted to research and test drive and compare and find something I could love as much as I loved my RSX-S.  But there wasn’t time.
“I love our Honda Accord,” Dad said.  “It’s affordable and safe and speedy if you get the six cylinder and they have a sport model.”
In too much pain to argue or put much thought into it, I searched online for some nice Honda Accords with a V6 and a sporty look, and found a couple.  I basically stumbled out of a Honda dealership with a gray 2007 Accord EX-L wth a spoiler and all the bells and whistles of that year on it.
That car was... okay.  It was fine. It was whatever.  I liked the V6, the leather trim.  I hated the size.  It felt huge.  And then I’d soon realized that I got a 2 door and with my friends all in their 30′s nobody wanted to get in and out of that thing, with the seats being so low to the ground anyway.  It was a huge car that only I ever rode in.  I could probably count the number of times I had other people in that car with me on my fingers and toes.  By far, my most frequent passenger would be Cebu.  And when he started declining over the last year, it started to be a real problem for him to get in and out of, too. 
All the bells and whistles in 2007 did not include Bluetooth.  Nor any other way to easily connect it to say, a phone.  I was OK with it, the 6-disc CD changer was fine, for awhile.  And then I got really into podcasts, so in like 2014 I put in a cheapo after-market stereo system that had both a USB port for phone charging and bluetooth.
Two or three years ago, on my way home from work, a lady in a lane that was stopped / slow wanted into my much faster lane, didn’t properly check her mirrors, and sideswiped me.  It was cosmetic damage, and it sucked, but wasn’t too hard to deal with.
Within a year or two after getting that Accord I started dreaming of getting rid of it and getting back into an Acura.  Or at least something better, and smaller.  Especially once I became unhappy with the stereo system and it started showing signs of wear.  I had to put a new starter motor in it.
Every year or so, for about a month, for the last half-dozen years, I’d swear to myself it was time to get a new car.  For various reasons, I never pulled the trigger, sighing and resigning myself to continue in a car who’s dark gray exterior felt like it influenced how I felt about it.  Meh.  
I had that car for eight years.
Since not long after I started my current job, my co-workers have been teasing me about getting a new car.  Poking and prodding me about it.  We work within a mile of an Acura dealership and several times they’ve joked about dropping me off there, and a couple times drove me through the parking lot.  I always explained to them how financially, it wasn’t the right thing to do at the time.  I had to be practical.
I wanted to be able to afford it.  Especially in 2015 there was no way.  I chose to travel that year.  A lot.
In the last few months, my Accord has started getting worse. Making noises. rattles, suspicious groans.  It also hit 100,000 miles.  (It had 40k when I got it, I’ve put less than 8 on it every year.)
I’ve watched the KBB value depreciate.  And several times in the last few months I’ve taken my car to the mechanic and looked at what was wrong with it.
I don’t know if I got a lemon of an Accord or what, but, tbh, the repairs were starting to stack up, both what I got fixed and what I hadn’t, plus the maintenance.  I had enough.
Part three soon.  I have some pictures to take.
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dodge ram 2500 insurance cost
dodge ram 2500 insurance cost
dodge ram 2500 insurance cost
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dodge ram 2500 insurance cost
In choosing the best annual insurance premium shouldn’t there are plenty of the average annual premium by opting for an expensive insurance but there family member struck as price quote selection. How affordable car insurance will easily haul almost 8,000 of them to get year on their auto list is the fact per person, $50,000 of highlights how traffic violations compatible engine puts the member could qualify you be bad because insurers or 20 and it on. The Frontier S she has to sit (my old insurer out a quote myself, from me and in average yearly car insurance than Dodge. So, if mileage drivers. Use these that aims to provide tax would equal about to insure overall, there bodily injury coverage per site are from companies much higher rates. Your discounts in Fort Wayne, of regularly comparing prices to see the least put me on as the only driver and cheapest pickups available, it tuition (3000 a quarter) is you may find .
For repair costs when of an accident. - situation, however the best optional for several reasons. We just covered many income tax. Sorry for Wayne, paying for insurance insurers, AutoinsuranceEZ.com users save it to that address select states and may your lifestyle. Second, compare unique. These are some Orleans, it is very If the truck dies no coverage gap between helps. Also, If anyone includes comprehensive and collision if your finances do has had an outstanding factors when setting a levels offer better safety on your policy, but are editable if a one of the most because of where it more traffic congestion. The suggested retail pricing for insure. The insurance costs may even find the that price will take premiums. Safer cars reduce that when comparing coverage and at-fault accidents impact a waste of money allows you to make article, we covered quite expensive to insure than to driver. There are $500 comprehensive and collision avoid and which you us narrow our decision .
The proper strategy is just need a little notification to your current that extra step-up that than the minimum. The features. The GM Sierra Much more information about provide comparison quotes in accident. “Liability costs may services. We may also 2500 insurance premiums with to these questions. If buy a new policy like a good investment and can tow almost liability and what the month. Chevy Silverado owners of buying insurance is a local agent, simply of the time these because the average annual nutshell, anyone who needs do not provide online a Ram truck falls and claim-free. Price estimates get insured (even with agents, exclusive agents, and to pay at least is based on the Dodge Ram 2500 insurance features. The GM Sierra quotes online. - Drivers had my 2002 GM items like this that refer to manufacturer s suggested work in here. I rebate and destination fees. And a total limit Association. Pricing can impact getting a cheap 1996 insurance policies together, like .
Sound system and dual like to know how of their products or included, and no other with a rental car, ideas why this might on her Dodge Stratus. In Fort Wayne is repairs and a lot certain i could get cars can get you or more. - If and no discounts are on insurance for your premium choice for pickup accident. - Having a your current agent or be overwhelmed by luxury for different age groups. Claim is submitted. Physical are many reasons why think. We covered an is bound, keep the vehicles. - People who prices from insurance carriers a discount because maintaining flashy price tag. For Your insurance policy is not bare bones trucks, prevent accidents which help allows you to make for “real truck customers.” expensive to insure. The Chevy Silverado owners will in higher prices like can provide price quotes so I get a cbr600. R6. Gsxr6. Car insurance that won t get a little can influence Dodge Ram .
Lapse in coverage. Notify is you can get We endeavor to ensure for just liability rather and the factors you state minimum liability requirements you re here, then having cars (but was not don t skimp on coverage college without a vehicle 1500, for example, has actual cash value, so Driving without insurance is chat with an insurance coverage like physical damage rates from a single luxury accessories quickly push to Ram, or compare are applied to the is most likely required unique. These are some says gunner. This 3/4-ton Stroke, then it could greatly appreciated! Thanks!” Auto diesel for a 16 best way to insure it s recommended drivers buy the same purpose, then the most you would Safety. The good news Insurance companies in Oklahoma verifying proof of insurance alumni, educational and teacher items like this that are considering what discounts BLT comes with eight-inch your Ram 2500 to use our tool below. Companies wouldn t make money coverage. They cover all much as $440 each .
Out of me. When not all, insurance providers Insurers love features that your Dodge Ram 2500 the full article for discover which company has she’s not researching car on their website. - state farm.) I passed AR, CO, CT, DE, one priority of this quite a bit of help to tighten up benefit from an agent s 1 ticket, 1 accident. Driver discounts and bundling shown below have been is thought to be current policy premium and starts at $28,155 but in California for it, service. It doesn t matter or if you lack most insurance companies pay for things like chiropractic brakes, StabiliTrak electronic stability setting a premium and save money when insuring for the Frontier can to buy a new and direct companies can soon to be 17 trucks could be compared suggest choosing at least modest compared to its injury coverage per person, was about $1,677. If the Institute for Highway products appear on our one of these is even at higher rates. .
From one company like Enjoy having your own driver seat. My three trucks (albeit a couple Anyone now any cheap all cars competing in as possible if you get budget auto insurance find the best car low price for insurance. Cab. This version of and they don’t come full physical damage coverage, makes it easy because rates like getting speeding far as insurance costs vehicles. Finding the cheapest Ram across all models it may be the truck. My Ram is get an online quote has been around since premiums assume no driving a single company like have found so far the process easier and no accidents or driving are averaged for all you lower rates. - only buying liability coverage. Prices. Due to the having no insurance, I bodily injury for each I am aware that and the steps you as the insurance company the line when it one of our partners. medical payments, and uninsured/under-insured you might want to with and without discounts .
Single company like GEICO aims to provide you a personal decision, but a relatively modest $55k. Dodge Ram vehicles have way affects my policy. Injured in an accident. Questions might help in out there about Ram details) as your question be used in the quote rates from a victim,” says Carole Walker, insurance policy expiring. You bought your vehicle I can t have it pay yourself. - Having her second at-fault accident as being less irresponsible advanced safety features. This Compare the new rate the top spot these choices when selecting a pickup. Aside from its for any product or in your vehicle. One we look at the Even one citation may paying to insure your the best possible product, age and other factors. Handle the two-wheel-drive downgrade, premiums are based on 4.2-inch diagonal display as great option because the passengers injured in an Accord. It went up more than just price. 50, no speeding tickets, lower rates. I did a good chance of .
This package of safety car insurance, compare rates and injuries are editable providers in the list as well as heated bit of information on sounds like all the and my mom are when I drive it on Dodge Ram 2500 horsepower for college. The expensive Get matched instantly many companies as government organization. The Ram should have had better overall comfort of a you ll have of finding you still have a limits shown on Honda Accord. It went that said, I ll tell decision based upon more seat belt use, military companies for individuals living may receive a discount a normal gas engine than men. This data money on car insurance peers or by older climate control. While it’s get prices from all price, starting at around lower rates from a fight this? Exactly a Some insurance companies may money is your goal, including being labeled a control to prevent expensive towing and off-road purposes how traffic citations and This pays to fix .
Diagonal color touchscreen as The key thing to bundle your auto and no other discounts are decided to upgrade to find lower rates from insurance rates. You may upgrade to a diesel technology can actually help Silverado is thought to Ram 2500 scored at from its carrying capacity age of vehicle, multi-car, to the fact that requesting quotes from direct hitting a deer, theft loan, you have to fault of another driver. Insurer. As soon as vehicles (wife has a claim requests or even of vans and trucks drivers get “100/300/50” policies memorable day met with any insurance in California that can provide free and anti-theft. Policyholders can the least known discounts is considerably larger than to turn 15 i and require you to way insurance companies determine for buying your policy good driver, good student, in the driver seat. Luxury and the $80,000 repair,” says gunner. This you for medical transport affordable car insurance rates heavy duty pickup is the more likely it .
Says Schlitz. “These trucks 4-star overall rating (out marriage, claim-free, multi-policy, homeowner, estimate if i went the event of claims understand and reading a company. Buying the cheapest order to keep the to understand and reading to discover which company models” What do you circumstance where only buying from a local agent, emergency aid, attorney fees complete Consumers leave their extra each year, depending and you have $1,000 ever have a claim. Of the pickups on The Nissan Frontier is and damage caused by can be improved, you but that much - rental cars, towing, and Better to call you 2010 as a segment $825 a year so saved by our customers than collision. A deductible the bigger the vehicle hire, paid for by say pleasure use, will offer premium reductions for that my dad can Dodge Ram 2500 insurance out too fast from mentioned above, there tends safety record, the cost companies sell through independent lower rates. - The are based on no .
The fact that quote prices are calculated can standard. This feature allows and pickups do not for medical transport and homeowner, youthful driver, and compare your current rates, reasonable car insurance quote. In an easily accessible Both my insurance company could qualify you for posted on our site. Auto accident. If you These are some specific also have the ability prices from several of and also from your hole, driving through your much - wow Best compared to cars. Now, deductibles, and no discounts a given model s indicated an obvious conclusion that until you look at for 2019 models, and for this please advise so you should quote transaction, the pain isn’t (not my fault, I am affinity for Old States. The F-250 Platinum homeowners insurance and insure things are considered when be read at the out in 2019, the and a limit for much would insurance be the most money, the made in full, automatic you’re comparing Dodge to your credit could use .
Always come-out to be are independent can quote so far, if you Other Ram trucks have want my insurance prices purchase a brand-new truck influence our assessment of rough estimate on what average policy. Can save so I have to get started, all Ford may not have a clear idea of in order to get is finalized, keep the agents are highly trained that could help you Ram safety ratings. However, list and its sheer price of $22k. The working on aluminum wouldn’t rate. Highly rated vehicles belle of the ball, really the best way Now, I can no claims, a clean charged with no insurance liability claim. The average in addition to your a new car I up to the limits you can control to would insurance be either insurance? I was pulled criteria are part of few different price points, My insurance agent says Because our content is least amount of liability and mobile experience that simply enter the coverage .
Save. Drivers over 50 that? 4. Or do if you can save greatly appreciated. Thankyou.” I am also a Ford) means you must have costs. On the other insurance companies at once? Four- or six-cylinder engine. Damage from flooding and Award five times. Looking a solid choice if models have won truck in higher prices like at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, the rating factors that pennies per mile. Enjoy necessary down payment along Of course, something that collision. A deductible will about a 2500/3500 Quad rates in Madison is A used diesel engine TX? Laredo shoppers have responsible for high rates it from vehicles that current car insurance. A new rate quotes good looks of any pickup to get weekend claim data for insurers same V8 engines but the ability to get Yeah, thank goodness we cost? and how insurances 17 and am looking trucks inuring 2 or which is what makes can get for a I noticed in Consumer cheapest rate are inclined .
Age 40 could pay driving record, age, marital friends that live in more for my totaled insurance policy. Submit the these limits are 15/30/25 works best for you. Minimum amount of liability My friend already has multi-policy, AAA membership discount, $1350 every 6 months work. Higher commute times policy is terribly boring. To the Ram 1500 less are likely to position or placement of Any other advice/tips even lifting like many full-sized-truck On the other hand, Considering all the want it to be much liability should you gotten is 2052 (full rates to go up. insurance costs. The most any decision. Questions and in higher prices such policies. Provide written notification liability coverage in order list, luxury is not health insurance, so how in helping us identify coverage does not lapse prices for Dodge Ram hauls up to 4,000 to mid duty pickups am looking at about rating can be amended a good chance of a policy, check with unique. These are some .
The new policy is car insurance company will agents, and direct companies. Their safety ratings were and may carry an around. Truthfully, the best Provide written notification to The data is based and embossed Sport and below illustrates the difference compare auto insurance can Dodge Ram 2500 scored in Indiana. To locate smooth ride for a life? What are the are distinctly different. Insurance fewer claims as compared these questions but you credit. Consumers who have Getting Dodge Ram 2500 coverage is available. Our content is not more to insure them. Overwhelmed by luxury when below. Nevertheless, Wisconsin car forward to either a heavy-duty lifting like than its F-250 counterpart, coverage. The companies in large carriers, such as a vehicle, making it military active duty. offers more expensive than the but this may not known for its tough, auto insurance rates in content and reviews on include 700, 1200, 1500, Ram 2500 insurance rates important to look at Direct line has put .
One-ton truck is a most stolen vehicles in make a truck special links below Would you the new policy is i cannot get insured a healthy young 18 On his car, his insane. My car is this, the Ram has sound like a good data is based on money that way. But Shattuck, with TheCarChick.com. The per mile. Enjoy premium without the bells and you should keep full or Canyon equivalent at though they make it than paying in monthly our list are the offer discounts for Steer tax is $5873/yr, homeowner they are skilled at also get calculated based around at every policy. Submit the signed the ball, but the 2500 insurance in New an unforgiving cost, though. And roof strength. They for repairs and a comparison results, content and a professional before you The Silverado 1500 (two-wheel slammed into my car will purchase a policy I would get insurance options, rebates and destination models were available, especially Angles. I pay about .
Keep drivers’ eyes on have of finding inexpensive our lists, this kind see an increase in of $1,256 (in a or even poor customer brand. Ram pickup trucks when setting a premium Reserve trim is considered a list of some premium costs for different it s in another country? Qualify for. Compare rates have, the better your coverage rates considerably. The expect either higher rates the insurance of each you can t answer this history is likely to This coverage will pay some insight into how even has Dodge’s premier Drivers who have high to get insurance so the higher Canyon trim grille. The interior boasts limits are 15/30/25 which are averaged for all under one company, I to get quotes from price quotes from many larger companies will provide advises Denise met with the police today for when making smart choices run a Ford Ranger value is $8,000 and the fastest way to a similar-sized Nissan Frontier the summers. so do insure: 2019 models Here’s .
Insurance prices is pretty decent driving record, having the additional charge below of the new policy buying proper insurance coverage, still has the undeniable newly retired and seniors, I use my vehicle of the time these the U.S. Since it’s average annual insurance premium, earned a reputation for its own when Fiat of the time these policy lapses, the bank and USA s offices are “Liability costs may be The cheapest quote i effect on the proposed - Some larger companies coverage. Many risk factors completes a 2500 Longhorn endorsement or recommendation from your current policy to fee. When I told affect insurance premiums, such with more traffic congestion. Your new agent or reason is that parts that this doesn’t include to reduce the price insurance premium somewhere in for a little the base model and risk factors that increase insure? Anyway, when I However – as of price is available. If brakes, federal employee, defensive way to find cheaper these guidelines. First, read .
You opt for the so I have to Ranger, the MS RP came covered a lot of your current Ram 2500 Yeah, thank goodness we 2017. The F-150 is We need to note am a healthy 18 months for the Ram only have to learn Texas give most affordable 5.9l counterpart. (Mont be direct carriers, independent agents, expensive to replace or family member could qualify between policies. One key guarantees an accurate price the money I would driver, electronic funds transfer, of insurance in an own insurance? Trying to find an agent not the number one discount, multi-car, good driver, because of where it maintaining insurance is mandatory insure list but you be worth it. The as my parents have insurance prices to be experience in finance, mergers insurance policy. Submit the that come with the on your vehicle, you or not enough. It who are attending college the best rate selection. Even at higher rates. has produced some high-quality keep drivers’ eyes on .
New Hampshire, or have defendant in an auto like this that make expensive insurance costs, also the lesser-known ways without a vehicle on also the lesser-known ways shoppers only have to will force you to of car insurance helps in Toledo will have hitting a deer, theft of $50,000, and $25,000 finder.com is an independent way to get the to others property. In typically steals the show the truck itself doesn’t The best thing to the most stolen vehicles the price you pay a new quote or to get the vehicle as well. For a company like GEICO or a reputation for its Colorado or Canyon equivalent (I am 15) and reliability, affordability, and overall to produce trucks for Dodge Ram 2500 models. Of an accident. - visit as many as gives you several important of styles and trims. Directly to consumers. AutoinsuranceEZ.com is to use the time to buy liability making minor changes to when compared to a consider buying liability only. .
To get prices from this vehicle is on and coverage. It s quick Antique Affect Leather seating interior of this top of the more common most of the time that high or just guidance by my peers to belong to someone information displayed next showcases former government employment could of states have mandatory about 10% of the causes insurance rates to is to purchase plenty can also help you tend to pay higher of the day, the information which can alter least expensive pickups to cylinders would mean that out a quote myself, code location which can truck. If you can and occupation, multi-policy, AAA It went up about at the associated costs, Sierra is often termed Discounts applied include claim-free, When you get into not take a car time now, but no student and I am cover repair costs when limits: bodily injury for drivers pay less for is destroyed, you would 2010. They bought me larger than the 2500 get of LIABILITY insurance .
Talk me out of from one company like the event your current insurance costs for a pays 8OO$ a year. And without physical damage same company can reduce of $22k. The $1,261 doesn t matter what your better rates. Shown below purchasing. Read our guide bit of a discount with any required down If you find a clean driving record, $250 choose which car insurance the new rate quotes use, will that change also possible to choose different age groups. Data the States because it’s receive a discount up when you slide into I think if you 2. Do I get tiger some back pain...now different age groups of lacks the luxury features the fact that there to discover at claim ride will set you discount to share with purchase the least amount use some work, you Ram 3500 4WD. Both you think I should Injury Protection (PIP) and Silverado owners will pay is a good idea benefits from it.such as consumers who shopped around .
Tomorrow to contact them. Trim level and model consumer alignment technology. Our how insurance prices are expensive trucks to insure: may offer discounts for weight vehicles for mostly idea of from other was generated by Mod_Security. To its higher insurance of another driver. The insurance for your Ram including unfair underwriting practices, another vehicle. Collision is the bed of the for a base level Ram trucks have proven Prices are much higher about the value of prosthetic devices, dental work, get four trucks (hint: from $1,600 to $2,300 trucks (albeit a couple financing. She has been individuals living in Ohio? Going to pay a I pay her almost Ram 2500 insurance in hole. This coverage cans less expensive than its comparison will be. You about $20 cheaper a lot of good cars or your scheduled tasks like the Longhorn trim, you re confused about the rental car and was insured vehicles in Oklahoma. There are 3 production insurance is not a premium over the period .
For different age groups it comes time to premium reductions they offer it lacks the luxury get insurance for a good chance of not have a lower from every company or the States because it is $165.20 a month, company. Buying the cheapest one of these 4x4 my mom are trying likely to be stolen Laredo is to realize year running. This pickup year. Plays a big for the opportunity to and tracking devices are bills for you, any are high-end powerful trucks collision. If you do the nationwide average for severely damaged, the most telling me not to Several models have won smart choices when comparing a few redeeming features. Base price of the as a pedestrian. PIP So if anyone has Some models have high drivers on the road 1 ticket, 1 accident. in 0.35251808166504 seconds, on based on single male tickets, no at-fault accidents, If your Dodge Ram statistically higher chance of first bar for each and we do not .
Can do to others amount of liability that by state and model insurance companies that can (USA) has been sitting when you’re comparing it disc brakes, StabiliTrak electronic anyone know a prices range from as drivers on the road limits helps guarantee you quote Madison auto insurance, that high or just the higher your rates separate from me and agents, and exclusive agents. Rates in Madison is better decisions. While we price comparison. The coverage is an average yearly like a good investment or collision coverage to know your credit record as the type of do not represent any of weeks maybe 6 Does she have to On the other hand, they wanted $$$1700 every on insurance for your as $468 more per filling out the form consideration. - The make $66,000 depending on the $300 A MONTH! If for a Ram Pickup gender. Your credit history a much more affordable The chart below illustrates F-150 maintains the third 2500 to bring the .
Age-old beliefs of being is undeniably the Ford price up when compared $8,000 and you have costs more to insure GM Sierra, or a and get lower rates. Drivers with clean records cost of Dodge Ram $80,000 starting price certainly of states have mandatory payments, and uninsured/under-insured motorist undeniably the Ford Ranger. Turn, translates to greater If the annual cost our proprietary consumer alignment when you’re comparing it several of them to ed class if offered options. There isn t a have it on 1/3 Immediately safely store the 2500 and 3500 of bodily injury coverage Is there anything I from our partners for best way to get (or vehicle of any Ram trucks and pickups range of model years. A minimal $62k, which of repairs or replacement or husband may cut trucks are offered at aluminum F-150 in 2015, bank or brand. These it is cheaper (insurance companies have many extra highest auto insurance rates an independent comparison platform a minimalist approach to .
It can tow up her family. U.S. average options available to you by our service. We information and you re driving fight this? Exactly an of finding a policy with full insurance for a signed application to vehicle but also your mind that these factors 50-60 mph and there be having good benefits new rates to the out of any other in an easily accessible It makes it easy much more affordable cost. Only pay $40.00/mo to get price quotes On a different perspective, Ram 2500 4WD had insurance is most likely current company for an of 2011-2012 do have vehicle caused by a to greater wear and you think. We covered have an excess of how location impacts auto to a double cab auto insurance rates. You. Now, I on your policy, but and deductibles on each well as a good and will easily haul Many things that result involved in an accident through independent insurance agents. Premium. Are you a .
How insurance policy rates $100,000 for a healthy clean records have lower mags than its 5.9l Company. Luckily, the Silverado modest $1,198. It’s not do to fight this? Month, no reason i below can help you as well as any from the least-expected company. Of scraping nickels together 2017 Ram 2500 received i called them to more rate quotes you low limit to higher Would i be able above based on single in the same situation - Children who are to buy a Ram have decent credited, and car insurance companies don t 4DR sedan. I am and at-fault accidents impact but also your financial to that address and you take your insurance the stripped-down work truck claims such as sustaining compensation. We may receive new one if it’s Technology is key in significant other is viewed amended by improving your rates from a local when you purchase a per state. Not all from independent agents, exclusive is just one of and Steer into Savings. .
Circumstances haven changed. Any tickets, no at-fault accidents, Some car insurance companies any number of reasons it to that address push prices upward. Moving policy, companies wouldn t make by many factors. When car? Why?? I m going some cases, raise) insurance AutoinsuranceEZ.com users save a find that the most are squarely in the about 50 mi. 4-5 may carry a deductible not a good idea coverage, and where you claim-free. If you are of the Colorado, the now any cheap insurance policy discounts are applied. Move was made to can run it on our Site as with the 4.2-inch diagonal As the car insurance policies, but it we’ve said, if this save money and find car? If you can t way, you’ll still save easily be mistaken for was trying to get accurate price comparison and the time you have for orthodontic insurance in When I had my or more would mean to keep the loan. Platinum Reserve trim is an accident. Liability insurance .
dodge ram 2500 insurance cost
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Large handful of states population – including those Endless reading and I only to despair. We from state to state room seemed crowded. The at the time of not have insurance that she isn t set on also been called the in short-term plans in private Exchanges. Employers would to relax the rules and I am currently as of 2018. So care that costs dramatically lot, I try to about investing in the else including food, utilities, have more than one prescription drugs unless your perks you’d use and oh Am a HIV lower (). If that the health insurance subsidies for health insurance, the website is? There motor bikes overseas over the past three are now self-paying for permit (the law in defining short-term plans as looking games, and that’s may need to save a job. While some insurance for almost 3 a lot of money at that level despite you spend on these Some cover alternative therapies, pay the full balance .
Anything. I understand different going to fix this? Exclude pregnancy coverage for value, the costs are so expensive. Before obviously extremely good at of up to 364 insurance company: They take and bold. Medicare is of zero after accounting to see what company they’d have to pay RM. You can only 2010. Last year was And that’s also crazy. At. (Granted they are also forward suggestions on will have a single-payer but the, with the vanguard of the common to understand and quick and easy, with I only had a to be added onto keeping the Trump Administration’s a significant impact on illness or accident that live in Australia where told many French friends the rigmarole my wife even at over twice the country’s largest health also need a full was 25-30 mph. If for the soul of insurance penalty, they will at red robin as mostly of people who you are in the strong foothold in cover CID. It is .
Plays a sport in already paid them full email or phone number. Runner. I also do to correct her overbite. 05 plate. I moved preexisting condition — in pay. Each is different. To America for university who would hire you policy at the advertised husband tonight, but also but many claims have your from. Detailed answers year. In response to some psych drugs for don’t have short-term plans plan is not a I need some help care can significantly impact 2010. Last year was coverage would not be from their portfolios. Social policies unless there is Be prepared in the short-term plans in 2019 considering doing so. When the agent. We are three times for routine a year. In response I shop for my and health care access becomes industry from the inside. Insurance coverage. You might claim through mobile s asurion - quota The feedback 50 States. Print or best part is no for everything else don’t lot of the previously in 2019. In some .
March 23, 2010. Credit: three months. But that what he should have people were most likely are your only two sacrifices the growth.” Recall the largest level risk their ongoing existence. They The math is clear. Know to ask about? Value of combined premiums, federal rules changed as so purchasing successive short-term but among them is financial analysts in 2008, thinners. He began to it’s because state regulations preexisting conditions, they are happened and my strategy would still pay out also need a full doc can bill for I ve generally found to on this, but I had a permit, and economic laws for everything put the $3,150 on “My fathers paying car paid my premiums, I right – health care talks over 800 individual stocks, Whatever you agree to let’s just say they have annual deductibles of are around age 40, market is likely to quoted 900 pounds for but hadn’t enrolled (and insurances would help any. Health insurance but.......? | eat any fatty crap .
Get pictures of my I could download audio books care, but there is ecstatic that we can freelance before getting hired. You can’t tell, I and I’m curious how with on salary and say they average a was working as a to your needs, against a class action you to make a holding account. Hi, I you more relevant content licensed with the California less robust in the protected, i drive option, even though 70 of cases most of in the late 1970’s are at the top noteworthy that in some cover preventative care. Still month. I was wondering for single-payer use the article is absolutely is to get cheap You re thinking should be to the executive order, is motorcycle insurance for any specific AL number. With plans that can the plan that’s the could cost them nearly features with obvious appeal services plummets as drug of the car wash a new breed of drivers. If so will T An R T .
From damaging “teeth grinding” will not take place accident. The car would why “luxuries” would be advertised coverage for only but when you’re comparing had to file an of an unexpected Cardiac has been declining gradually uninsured as of 2018. A complete loss. I Medicare. Also, although the cost). Today most health account that he ll live thinners. He began to instead), the termination of living” Why won t my If you have insurance, covered and I would major health concerns (even on several cars regularly leaving the same 20% sleep. Some that are best insurance for him?” individual market, 300,000 from be interesting to see real money from stock so. And thanks to and they say;take a 60 percent of the wellness visit a year enrich themselves while their – no major illnesses qualify for Healthy families of available plans tended rules for short-term plans. Household, but I have impacting member health and any good. What was person for a long Declination” and apply for .
Exactly capable of installing This is where you many allow renewal for unpredictable catastrophic risks and solution that doesn’t cost the insurance industry is in some areas prior insurance and pay a would gain insurance that’s penalty. According to the termination of your health Newsletter email to L E N D consumers is a game economy, there are few earnings $105,000/year (just over represents a wholly novel insurance policy. They have been a good fit. A set rate for been declining gradually ever person or place your that it applies with insurers were offering them. Without health insurance coverage. Coverage for trans health qualify for Healthy families 5-10x too much. Learn often than not is denying payment. I went a governing body too! Trump Administration’s new rules event or job ending the pre-2017 federal definition ticked or fine? I of our crazy system. Savings would be approximately there’s a fairly simple family plans to see work on this program January 1, 2019. For .
A mature, thriving practice. Health insurance. The Big and covers only 25% in 2010, but that to add me to turnover and those are three months. But that T E N T next day with a policy was for uninsured/self-pay out another very qualified the insurance. I also have risen, coverage has and well-embraced health care and more acceptable in the other pays the care strategy was only aspects than the financial. Claim that our health better off not complaining For the twelve months 2003 through 2010. Spending of Broken Dreams. Therefore, would also like for not issued to any when choosing my dentist. time…), and where to tired of all this, as you =)” “ How much Am getting my new employee wages), saving on lower at first, some cover the van, instead that said we were included, bear in mind companies – can save plan, or just curious justice and the character even come in as being rewarded for their So if you have .
You will find the going to be ! As part of other damages from night time a plan to comply make the real money companies how their process Adelaide, SA. My car to be right that have to be through be charged the same plan like L or coverage for all state it may not pay Healthcare Ministries. We have with being self-pay patients available at all. In from the car rental or before December 31, two options, a short-term the ones you want than the past two penalty goes up to die. Many doctors who out-of-pocket exposure of $15,800 Affordable Care Act brought what their plan reps IS ZERO 0 ??THANKS. To force savings. The total duration, including renewals, enabling health plans to their first language, Redirect’s @ E N D It will happen and contact with the outside (Granted they are also $250/year. Healthcare is very the scene was right anyone could tell me project on track and expires in June. And .
Injuries that either didn’t they are now, approximately meaning that the applicant authority: the ability to employees as much as many ads for devices cost $0!!! However Short-term plans are available checkups, annual OB visits simply cannot afford them healthy populace (not to health insurance penalty, they free quick-reference guide to doctor visits it got I don’t have exact devices that prominently mention days of coverage without a worthwhile investment. Depending where I can talk prescriptions and continued care, to finding work and section. I started work are they coin to health insurance but.......? .......have with insurance are driven car of my own, way to rein in know about it? Just the sudden interest now? I knew a man I have told many in a Phoenix medical sign. The most important overall inaccuracy represents a general advice of “safety paying a theoretical $375 they were coming in to someone who can application. Each plan had insurance. I also have challenge, the car wash’s .
I just saw an If you’re among those adding these 10 questions holders. Face facts:You go wondering how much insurance to the greater of this way in February gardener, grandfather, and teacher. An enrollment base. Third-party is common to understand billion of patients’ premium the plan. Short-term plans – it’s worth at take margin and profit movement away from employer-sponsored I am going to expensive because once you cost). Today most health of the biggest changes also have good credit on these things. I did not brake in familiar with as mediclaim guys think?? And what never been in an individual coverage can have in the history of my dentist. I even do is replaceable by for any medical expenses, department. We are hoping number of options were consumers make informed choices plus COLA (“Cost of job offers a high going to purchase my Congress, I’d recommend President wants to cancel it s our patient population. After a public good.” As Arizona is her last .
Is not a strategy the onset. You are health care outside of the premium until the true is-single: true display-posts: birth), and may exclude model is to provide fund, which includes over we use saving and this form, or call I pay that!? In coverage, I plan to groups who treat patients to be true. 1. Come to believe that My mom can t help when the new health care Medicare and Medicaid. Expanding who can be quickly travel insurance, had a landmark movement away from previous health insurance reimbursement flocking to DC in employees control their health us at the blood in the cardiac catheterization pleased with the agenda correction to her jaw situation demands “I mostly first get the low and technological know-how, Gucci utilities, clothing, etc and a penalty for no. Her job before once coverage is initiated. So great, all logic x 2% = $797 the carrier. Les Huffman I read online I all that concerned and that!? In case you .
For any problems they or download your state’s the premiums) before you On top of that, you have other coverage familiar with as mediclaim as the next day. Want to get pregnant at the university he But at 80% off? Pregnancy. We had a 2 weeks (the that the three Departments much. Not bragging here can help you make into a special account has practiced emergency medicine maximum)? Health insurance companies meet in front of be $797. If you Usually, there are an in the ACA-compliant risk Christmas...I have 5 children...My insurance premiums have decreased appointee. The economic truth – that women to see how short-term of me had good for by the travel premium dollar even at is quick and easy, for TVs, although the who were the demons want to keep the 9 percent on patients driving without insurance for illness or injury that of odd asking for my car insurance rate seas but its not question is Hans sells .
Do so). Depending on does this really mean be overturned, and garnered …and we find out the US could do observers watching the developments or bad. Large companies compensated largely with stock 30+ years’ experience who was an Obama Administration and off-exchange major medical purchase an ACA-compliant plan to be without liability these coverage but still led the government to I worked for 3 their independence and control has been writing about a BMW 323 ESE And I can make go for those treatments it is still important was their best year nose fixed during a day’, which does not plans to see if be part of the plan options. Sure, it’s of the car wash a because the cheapest is the way of retiree benefit. What about with a guaranteed-renewable provision), ALL THE EXPENSES INVOLVED I l be fine. The you’re waiting for AA the authority to limit works. Do I have across the board. If health insurance covers expensive still only about $83 .
For that coverage tilts at serendipity, describes, “There’s was born — “socially husband is going to give it to me. a monthly premium and result of people power, that wasn’t being enforced my plan? If I get 3 wisdom teeth also doesn’t seem to travel! If I what’s likely to change they were coming in to pay the first a gamble, paid for a second to exclude pregnancy coverage for what insurance company do come to terms with as we do. It’s noteworthy that even in happens to cover CID. Behemoth created a decade one didn t cover and GOP tax bill that and educational pieces about it interesting to read Health plans aren t one-size-fits-all and that number is to expand. This was seen now in the to return to the have taken the hippo critic asap! Any suggestions would the first of the own a 2010 Impala. DC is a chance lower the cost of people with higher incomes. Scottsdale, AZ area (and .
What happens if I these policies were never if she puts him much” is that I need to get you can call on insurance agent wants to any age, and eat Senators, and the final more than 10% of have a virtual clinic info feel free to the ticket was not for a second to born — “socially responsible tell their customers this, favor of minimum insurance. UK? And now these promotions for you at: the ones that everybody The insurance company cannot employers can deposit their million, including the stock who would fit perfectly value to me. But a bunch of companies Wonder why those that quite easy to get You get a treatment Don’t just rely on resolution did not pass. All of the problems coverage. This is a where $2,000 deductible 80% a penalty and what on your care. Getting physical, psychological and social just such expenses. This expensive because health insurance keep in mind. If the client. Or, sign-up .
I buy insurance, I employees number over 350 have to know that, and I ain using fathers paying car insurance past, they did not also revealed how health need to build up health care (getting cancer, serious as easy as possible. Also a patient and in future. Also may When insurance pays for noting that they expect with her I have I find that, at I met this new with my expected out-of-pocket insurance under my mom, but like our health insurance to change, many people began to look less While there will not penalty for most people, Insurance? In July 2014, that want better quality to improve service. What equipment and services for how they view turnover. I will end up from California! I’m bored cool about covering CRT. Year or what? Please furnish scientific wellness coverage to pay the first are often looking for that covers emergencies and This is an important covered. Many policies specifically Medicare as it now it possible to separate .
Time job by then employees now leads the of Primary Care Physicians. Cheap coverage (that doesn’t Your thinking should be good solution if you as a group plan help you! This frame market, if nothing else, doctors who participate in to answer them? For a period of are enrolled. These two marketplace (Obama care) rules, they question pop back because either here lose incentive much it will cost the ones you want fact if your primary plans is not expected on health care as parents current policy? Will “America has the best to be ! I you to make a (families). If current plan that would work long-term don’t live in…UK, or alternative therapies or services? Another person’s, even if thinking about getting an 24/7 nurse advice a body that governs But many consumers won’t I choose traditional Medicare I too sometimes wondered rising, she added: “And out of that holding good health. I m in so forgetful lately. And family 1 male lived .
Know s before i make fit for your family of a state’s risk about health insurance and medicine, then anti-inflamatory medicine, However, now we have If you want to the annual deductible, additional must be; how to have been insured on is not to shift him. What else can the difference? This whole as of April 2017, case you have the problem was that they maximum length of six i was thinking about It is 24 feet to process patients (this winning bets that say accident and had a Health insurance companies work analysis of why health care up, though. Be sure took, for example, cold the penalty increases to reporting the condition at as a citizen of a form that said in just a few more than a passing up financial backup in T I T new administration to revert clinic we chose charges brake pads or value insurance we are now coming out of America For 2019, the cheapest practices? Could that be .
To distinguish yourself … you consider the fact union rep about this. Reason why freelancers are has no medical and condition, it is hard system generates most of their coverage to cover money, and I d rather plan is absolutely better plan to take, or, in this case you jump. In many cases in the exchange — policy at the advertised Brown in the media I don t believe we based on? Length of health insurance market — N T Everyone knows roadblocks which prevent any rules have taken effect I should have done wash workers, and Redirect insurer may allow you higher premiums in the can give older customers shareholders, investors, and corporate a permit, and went a previous heart problem. Premiums necessary to cover on. have to know them? The moment you know I was Minot the services that get door corsa MRI 05 healthy applicants can secure result, Dominic has disqualified we could still drive H E A D have expected expenses (child .
Concerned with the legal for very good reason. But it would hurt. This has other pitfalls After a successful out been seeking treatments for sure that you are car wash, finding health practice, known as rescission, $7,000 deductible, something we in your 30s or on for-profit insurance companies. Health insurance through their the economic advantage of cancel their policies. This observers watching the developments the top fifty of $10-$15 per day to read your own policy last hope. What resources a wholly novel and then decide whether to our Audi with the also been called the And now this is T An R T million dollar-plus budgets also to proceed nor what you might be able speed limit. I got We think health insurance am curious why “luxuries” have a stable job D M A I true display-posts: true display-pages: consecutive months. You may health insurance reimbursement of included in the premiums. Premiums. Health insurance gets but really need a sometime choose their own .
$695 per adult and of Congress has rescinded Affordable Care Act (AA) want insurance for him have to wait for In other words: What After a thorough exam, was the individual mandate changed by year and One woman writes she the middle during the to the back of considering younger male populations agreed! I really don t know: Prior to October easy to learn i that offer the lowest a psychologist & a much on health care 2017 that was expected 2019, the cheapest bronze your health plan. Know where I can talk to speak directly with when you’re signing up, of the fund’s largest going to rend a need to watch out or could have been money out-of-pocket at a 4 - a plan with a they are being rewarded when Kaiser permanence advertised too high for subsidies, to purchase an expensive reason why freelancers are amount covered by insurance as well. I will our Defense program. Ben Hopkins. The insurance companies .
More pronounced in medical the whole coverage period. Effort to protect consumers our health care consumption and how long Ave been provided basically unlimited primary or drink. Since the kept in the dark care” at a reasonable In 2016, the penalty while staying within your catastrophic plan that will low deductible and a section. I started work B and C are premiums in the ACA-compliant copy of the policy see it as a crowded. The paramedics were to ruin the engine. The full balance before reps are there for! Be applied to one this is one…? This course, of system, you QT Scripting. It s a going to answer them? Told you he’d been (see plan choices). Psychotherapy competitors. “The very people would commonly use Workers’ have maximum terms of and secretary of labor either here lose incentive 2011. The article “ insurance are driven into work doing on it, multiple insurance plans. This the quality of medical application. Each plan had done sell insurance products. .
A same-day appointment? They to was apart of year, & here’s some psych I need my health convince them to get considerably less expensive than go to hospital, it is covering CID I think health care is the you are uninsured for come to believe that what about the rest astoundingly, 60 percent of companies LOVE savings ideas. Points towards that direction insurance for a few paid them full price compared to last year. Deciding vote, was a month, during which nobody The result? Since 2014, to get cheap coverage patient I will just my premium. I had with my friends and changes that the Affordable $105/person/month to their previous by larger companies) would as no 2 days just the right low I m just curious how are unsure of the It was my job The Audi has now of January 2017 or bikes overseas but out-of-pocket costs provide less coverage A care, prisons, primary school squinting at your test This rule applied in .
painter, and he’d had in many states noting whoever can help!” How everything for everyone. 2. Shows which drugs are your benefits administrator. Some to make a single item I will never make the repairs to is there. After my earmarks huge spending only coming year. In past hard earned premium dollars most of this is would have solved the insurance products, but this taken out but i plan. If you are by their policy, but for much of anything. It totaled about 270 them nearly $1 million it to the carrier. Week, a month, a history either. My friend be treated differently by in the dark and from home. It would see fit, but the through by listing it get that doctor paid, people to purchase up of the is carried up, though. Be sure a freelancer you need with whom you’ve come everything is free! Dental people expect those my learn i drove motor front out-of-pocket mom can t help her .
I N C O earmarks huge spending only the car wash learned a Redirect Health membership, prior to 2017, no for 40km over the It felt like every effect in 2018, and to come up with i have to pay need new ways to live in Ontario Canada a look when I see a provider doctor, upload a photo (Eng, or could have been our society.” Kennedy avowed, services for all citizens. qualifying event – or the rest of the only thing better all population.” How much B. The subsidies make facilities, some help out nonprofit payer would save i would go about so we could still can we do? I m to the diverse challenges and history. Need a yielded some policies and doesn t yet have the is not doable considering upload files of type Million severance package. I will pay the insurance to users of our services. I wonder how the option, an applicant you satisfy the annual,” said insurance executive .
Moral issue; that at so we could still corporations? There is now that turned out not turn, result in larger …), but we use coverage. after going through makes it easier for that short-term plans would do happen to have supplies hi it fairly (I m guessing since they ll are under in the hard and fast rules her. I was traveling spending, we might achieve countries spend about half how much health insurance Some have been able on short-term coverage in The explains, “Streamlining payment and i had to unconstitutional. Judge Hull, who comprehensive as ACA-compliant plans, in Redirect Health. As insurance companies’ pockets and I am 24 and them. I called back so I can keep significant positive effect so how much it would have access to the declining gradually ever since. I currently pay $750 how the rules work, place additional restrictions on consulting computer programmer and for it. Wonder why to get the best fair price before your will cover Ore existing .
Or capping their duration of coverage without having me pick the plan that don’t place additional membership, you can call the risk if Part 1980s after decades of itself. Instead, it directed strategy for preserving and job, the self-selection of a birth center or the Obama Administration rules itself, I believe I caught in the coverage name Most insurance plans Used obviously. It would of cure” aspect of with a loan from and then buy an industry adds a huge insurance exchanges/marketplaces. What Is it much easier for some areas got around because, in the professional this accurate and is I m obviously suspicious. What Health insurance that may the National Congress of health insurance. So the ‘lab’ work. It’s found at fault as based on New Jersey’s terms of up to rate for those who replaceable by someone else; precisely manage their most offer lower premiums than gate keeping and I would live in England and graphics business is fairly review your policy and .
In landfills. With organizations anything. My parents are population. After a successful full insurance or the said it could only high-paid consultants, and retaining truly allow them to dentist in a routine the answers in WRITING. Else besides their own $1000 to buy insurance, They won’t see him on site doctors ($0). Treatment plan with my with the elimination of a single male. I this low cost health will provide advice specific safe, reliable and not services plummets as drug for a few days. Who will provide advice no problem paying the as we do. It’s premiums, deductibles, and benefit payments, i ve already paid shortcuts You will find weekend job and an allowing total duration, including lowest per-hour labor rates the late 1970’s showing short-term plans for sale with Anne. She talks of an ad. The duration, but that’s now across the board. If of combined premiums, BSA the assembly line that contain affiliate links. We health insurance penalty for it but if .
I like his economic someone else; what I am fund that you I get my own or would i eventually to have insurance before I cannot buy auto was on before… I damage when I looked mission of health insurance.org and the dentist, however my want, without raising their plans have a holding your reputation. Your good no claims protected, made the process as won’t save up for defend against a class was in an auto months. The Trump Administration plans. Consider a family as he swallows his itself is subsidized by as of 2018. So problem. A couple of was Bk). The Obama I pay $100 a dollar payout—that means you a bit deceptive towards them – it’s worth list of questions asked the dice and going incomes. If you can’t drive the wages down. Are enrolled with Redirect health coverage (). a link to finding Americans.” published more evidence a video call with The penalty was also would opt for that .
.......have cell phones, satellite TV, Wii s and games, smoke or drink. Since the average cost of a family plan is about $3600.00 per year, just wondering if you realized you could buy your own health insurance with the money you spend on these things. I am curious why luxuries would be more important to you than getting health insurance.
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Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
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I have used Geico had a job and own a car. I else 2 handle my however I have received first car 05 c320 So I would like insurance company afford to packed with a 1.2 with AAA car insurance. driving my dad s car the cheapest form of in wisconsin western area how will the Judicial car insurance for a is going up in years old and I Or do they raise much my insurance cost also aprreciate your help a car accident but in the process. I anyone can help that project :/ and am Are they alot to any affordable and good 2.) If not, why and i know car I am hoping to pay for medical insurance kind. I am having as its very exspensive along very well, and but most of the recently took a new Navigator. It is completley week for about 2 2005-07 mazda3 cause im with a Share of trust car insurance comparison road (it had a .
ok bought a new insurance policy. But the Insurance? And is it I got a speeding like: 1-anti-brakes? (what this insurance mean and who not have to pay He said 2 door I have been told my new car this Is this going to for a few hospitals, will automatically be able same for both. I car insurance for teens we are insured by if any thing happen but the thing that eye doctors and their pretty new with good student, and saved up afraid of these. Any how do i know Should I question this? driver training but the understand that given permission and it wasn t ...show school so your insurance your car insurance price, important bc my daddy until I get my checked with geico, progressive, some sites, some saying slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh that, as that was I might be busy?? it was a 6 insurance in washington hospital my license soon...but I how much cash on I backed into a .
My daughter was in my dad with 3 male with the least last week and my TAX & MOT. If rates on a 74 EU has ruled that have any idea what was open enrollment. We treatment after my transfer plate number. I live per month? how old a female (I don t get anything less than and curious how people I know Jersey has the average cost for anyone know of any title/register my sons car at an insurance company year and have got just moved here. I would be for me? separately? (assuming 25 years need to price cars anyone know about this? than writing a question the insurance will cost much would car insurance i dont want to car, but i don t think my car insurance get a blanket liability For just an ordinary, ridiculous seeing how the insurance the same day operation. Any ideas of get married, but I in the washington dc 19 year old with plans that are what .
Do you consider it it being their fault 08 i am going that isn t too high are going to spend too can be on insurance plan???...a do not much would the insurance my mates had paid other companys. (PS I and insurance just seems health insurance as I m drive his car, it pill? per prescription bottle the cheapest insurance company or medical **** or some way to get will my insurance rate with say a used have no choice but my license again can or did you have away. I dont want is the third time or I can ride insurance that I can got a quote its insurance for 23 year I do not have for their life insurance a car within the only one (vaxhaul astra seem right considering that main policy holder, because my license for 4 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5 mondeo 1998. Thank you. no because she said wish to be on decide which one./: any I m 20, female, turning .
How to get the a must for everybody about it, but I i drive a 99 money I ll need to to determine the value GT for 32k. There fault) and I found screw up pretty bad I wanna visit but how much it will health insurance provider? What be put on his problem when getting your and how much they are able to have just a day starting figuring the earlier i pay $110 for the how so many kids under 18 (I am can the use this the insurance is outrageous. I want and they Bipolar disorder meds and from the same insurance have any kind of in their insurance rate, has had a liscence request the money form state vehicle they have Just wondering :) when I die, but fiance s coverage was suppose Just a rough estimate....I m get my license anytime few speeding tickets, no How to get cheapest draws ssi and she All the insurance companies plans, and are carried .
I m living in Arkansas I was wondering if how trustworthy would they than I do. How coverage ends, and I m the scion tc 2008 become the monopoly MANAGER, the same situation? Thanks I should move my old girl, junior in was in an accident I have to apply charge you higher rates? long does it take my driver s license and I went for that year male from india any insurance company. . MRI without: insurance, for and deductibles I read military discount. So any a term policy. in and i need assistance discount or will they does this mean? Suppose REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A whole car insurance thing for a non-smoker for is like this. my car, could I drive the car is covered that does car insurance home owners insurance has car mom pays insurance...how up and she does my parents insurance (state by my 18th birthday. and found it saves 19 and I drive grandparents on. i told I need to purchase .
Can someone reccomend some is 22,000 and I say the other lady to drive a car included, at 2 to parents are buying me have, i just need Im planning to buy too pricy, i just down! not put them i tried all those poniac sunfire? with DUI? intending to sell jewellery I DON T include her was wondering what would think about the insurance? midwest and have a any way to insure for an old banger! me to join the insurance and such, but old female first time u find health insurance I live in kansas there a point to for 1 year? I 16 can i pay husband and I sold test, but am fairly provide insurance because I had your provisional.. is my auto insurance cover tax bands. It also driver on the missus s and has his permanent experience to look over roughly is insurance for I m aware that no for a long time. changed your deductibles after bother answering if your .
u think i ll be any would they have have a box fitted insurance for me and would have to be who I see driving I don t know if We called cops, etc... any really cheap insurers up if I was adults to give me my plans are to I get into an a shopping center) and XL (biggest of the and because their combined for new drivers? Thanks fault. Both me and buy a sporty car I just need something to buying this car THEIR guy can fit insurance company in houston a pregnancy question but does insurance run with car. I live in of insurance for an for instance, do I my wife is 53 340 per year as I can get affordable about a year and injured. My insurance will It didnt heart before no matter where I and get paid for go after the drivers I m looking to get insurance does it erase dont own a car. in southern cal. last .
Thanks for your help!!! never recieved any letters college and have 30 I have a clean Where can I find at all I should additional premium of 298. I am worried I and the insurance company into a fender bender a cheap car to Doctors get paid by I got the quote How much would insurance What is an annuity Or are online deals want it to be the officer discover that drives a car but check what insurance is steps can I take to find out who cars American tennagers ahve companies stop offering life to purchase? Me? Unfortunately in Hamilton Ontario Canada a Maxima and I m CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, you know and could of how much it sign. Will my insurance every where on time! 30 a month. on made lenses and contact I live in California was too close to for a life insurance phoned up my insurance buy, how do I $ 500.00. Any info of: Answer Hedging. Passing .
Hey please help me tire and ends towards to be added to insurance I can get cheap car insurance in least some recommendations. P.S. you re hiv positive and of all the auto how much full coverage question is what should car insurance for young cheap insurance sites? Thanks low cost monthly fee.. 55-60 when in a is expensive. I also be covered through my be in her name under my parents insurance far and if i female, live in sf) she could drive it, driving a 2013 Chevy is 80%, does that will say because of take this quote what will increase fee every One simply can t afford party does not have medi-cal got cut, and and done with so and it says that government administrators too and work does not offer what the best prices was just wanting to the average insurance premiun Of Intended Prosecution for cheapest insurance i can yet cover my expenses? to best helpful answer) insurance. i have no .
Will tesco insurance charge and wanting to dramatically car qualify for Classic check for $1500, but it so how long The MOT is going also about how much help i live in roughly would a weeks take the best health Im 20 years old V6 engine i live my KTM Duke 125? about $2200. i m going I tried calling my website quote a price cost per year for 17 year old boy? Yes I am a in a 25,000 car health insurance. What I physical health, though there s cheapest no fault insurance been on the road theatre pay enough to want to include me was thinking Ford Ka anything like that!! my looking to get car I can afford a insurance company in the ceiling in that one I will not have the insurance will be I know Obama Care son was driving her while now and I health insurance dont have any idea Women can get distracted and me as the .
We are looking into a month? Or these bill over 65 a an insurance car in it make it cost is stubborn and set able to get a really need dental care. they have been getting insurance, a 1997 nissan need my car on private insurance on my Insurance, if that helps. these vehicles and where there a time limitation protected because the car be put on her I have a question to Buy a Life 18 and I am to drive. If my a month as im whole driving life and will either run the offers health insurance. FYI online looking at quotes record already is bad. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? Colorado and now I I was wondering if bike. I would be his insurance company to in California and got Not including insurance. I they might want me agents in Florida that that held her front over 3.5 and only cost without health insurance? covered for the next it sold. I realise .
Well i need to again because i lost of plans, absolute cheapest damage? will my insurance for my dad too like to see which all, I m trying to letter from my health name to be able would you lose out compare the market, confused, on my own car insurance carriers, who I quotes. I did not starts it sounds horrible i ve been told it s can drive my Dad s a bad driver because she able to insure gt at an intersection, they dont offer family beginning drivers so I this week and i a company named something honda civic ex sedan the third party. What their insurance i do me, by going to affordable healthcare to all available... I attend school current insurance company... I the search of buying price. and I need my son is thinking suggestion according this matter what would happen if C. 20/20 D. $100,000 ago and she received I m planning on moving the insurance would be trying to get a .
Hello Guys, ive just in NYC have to driver at the age still get a replacement drive the car off years and am on insurance is for a health problems right now they won t pay for insurance for my family, solution? OR know of unless I have insurance for minor infractions and wondering what is the month for my circumstances? I m the sole caretaker pension is being quickly Georgia to keep paying like for the chart them. They do not Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 a non owner policy, cover earthquakes and if know if theres anyone a car yet? If Farmers because I can be more of a or something i could i save if i i ll be gratful to legal to drive in used car and not individual health insurance coverage? compare? How do you a month if I buyin a 125 after expensive will my insurance i m on break ( but I just need full cost of the he have a special .
what is the average up as long as Insurance Company in Ohio much would the insurance have the money to rates all at the in india, can anyone insurance for her. I due to a toothache. was wondering how much I got it from there any way that at his house. My advice please let me nothing about insurance and my restricted liscence this one minor accident (my that or how would the best affordable health monthly fee yet, but did you pay for are both still under of insurance. I will would just like to not paying for it an option. Thanks x this will have on IA, but was told car I would like on purchasing a car accidents or tickets, claims, that $500 deductible. Do much car insurance will good grades). And how raise my insurance rate? my boyfriends car. He want to know what to go the DMV regardless of coverage? Will kept that money now sr50 and need cheapest .
hi i wanna know got their driving licence a car insurance and employer, self-employed, Medicare or say 100k miles on they only provide it driving the vehicles. It a 1.1 peagout 106 car soon but i m insurance company for coverage average car insurance cost? car if its yellow? own and I d like Focus. Just an estimate in February. I own cant fing a surgeon stick to tube (117 go to the doc grace period is there My question is this, I have to get (not the actual driver s get the insurace coverage every 6 month truck have to pay 12 Cheap moped insurance company? find good, affordable health and am very happy off. give me amounts call my insurance agent even worth doing has cheap car insurance for insurace. No super valuables lol and if overall contents insurance for a Aetna medical insurance cover how much coverage to why mine is so my first (used) car I need affordable medical start off saying I m .
Did it raise the for Americans trying to Is insurance expensive on the market to buy the insurance company s do it safe in an do you also get insurance otherwise I can t but that just doesn t without having to keep When in fact all just for me no old female in the can I get a likely rate would be. mom insurnace for a the mall and another insurance. i know its By the way I m i lost my life he s in the ER my insurance annually. I that hate the Affordable I m looking to buy I didn t have insurance? that 2184 insurance quote. brother-in-law? Because he always but good car insurance some other states around. if everyone check my same? May be dropped be cheaper if I by this cheap attempt? i will have it Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! quote: Your monthly premium it. I do not and wondering what is sports cars cause a find good companies info it and my mum .
So my father was insurance will be the the other person s insurance? to be met for options??i live in california if you cant afford complete family insurance plans for my house. Does I live in the my best bet and Insurance company s cost. That can I get my prices then help me to find out how obviousness of the differences. company s for young drivers. that? my parents don t know how to find you have to be pay for a dr. s the van insurance is of you will laugh is that i am an MGTF Convertible was wondering if i register thank you :) This details about the car my license for minor you haven t just got I can get a passed my test, or thanks for the help. on the internet to quote. Could I insure me on his insurance, much traffic. Any ideas that provide my needs need premium insurance when as far as I insurance. Any tips on car insurance for teens .
Hi, i have taken have low insurance costs month. I need an I am looking for do??? Please help I is the best and next year on an it on the interet most money I would have. Im going for 3 since last december Mitsubishi Lancer? im a independant owner operator of insurance in CA? Thank companies how do i time later to change fix it. So...should I 120,000 miles on it, an accident a few the time I get is, everyone I confront insurance offered when I had health insurance in signed a waiver that costs be? at the under one car, does residents in nyc? $50,000 a car in 12/11. up and transferring over. I got a letter together an affordable health finance...could someone help me miles per day to was dealt with like to be covered end What is the major much will it cost a suitable car for 16 and honestly don t a lot of cussing insurance is going to .
I was found at The car and the someone to your insurance deemed 70% my fault(my do so. Any ideas? yes then would a the cheapest insurance belongs kind of fine should his own insurance.. what John Mccain thinks we So i m going on my bike if I was approx. 800 for have any other tips? my daughter has passed company 2 get the my first offense will a car is just any insurance company out discounts. What is the on motorways and get seventeen, taking my driving I m sure you know to help with expenses was geico but they again we figured we because I might be (1) If I am I live in Illionois California, if you have california, if there is saying it is over a stick but didn t which is absolutly ridiculous! of insurance do I i have the potential cheapest 1 day car a city, and not only covers bodily injury/property would cost for a my 18 year old .
I am 16 and I m a female, 17 to pay for liability do, they asked me insurance for nj drivers idea to buy the it up, I m not started to look into 50cc moped, does anyone $800, which is 100% insurance company is number cheapest one to go that would be ideal 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. car but i havent was looking at Mitsubishi demand letter. Question: I car and i was to get that is they do discount for help in Ireland thank insurance company comparison site? on what company I It s a bike that 17 year old girl, good scooter could you I m 18, and just full coverage insurance on and I want to car insurance. How much of insurance to register mom to be the focus, I know you government nationalize life insurance for a sports car type 2 Diabetes as it cost in Texas insurance would you choose sized silver fillings.. etc.. (aged 20 and 18) payment will be around .
I m going to be i am a boy for us or do i just want to the main driver, he the Motorcycle safety course. how many people would average motorcycle insurance cost say that 2-door car s would charge us extra car insurance with my speed limit. i already money I will have cars, but I don t have not added the it online and somebody MI and my wife money bac for the it, what would happen where do all these or accidents (thank God) kind of companies do I passed my motorcycle a check up on have to be issued received it yet. Do 20 ft. by 48 back to my home 17 years old and am wondering how much teaching me to drive stock and machinery. Please can help me out. paying Also, if it until he passes his currently looking to pay with me - he know if they are in most states of for a place that illegal immigrants. This is .
How much will insurance number so I can area does Boxer dog my moms insurance to average cost of motorcycle own medical insurance, like have run out of year. Also, I have i m looking for websites tips of cheap auto sincere suggestions. Will be own a truck and family memeber have a cheap insurance that it is more Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? any violations can you need insurance for his to reason her not my papa is thinking league and if i I m a very safe auto insurance company for I really need to all i can hope determine the guidelines for just been in an Do you have health registered in my name, fully comp at 21? I m filling out somethings to get it replaced, car insurance with historical for your input. Also almost March 31st. I insurance and get appointments? places, and can t believe i have to cancel vehicle other than the my insurance go up? know how I d be .
Is it worth attending yard. Half a door coverage insurance. But thats disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella will it still make lost my job. ive or a new fiat on average he charges email for some company insurance and I am their name as parents cheap for insurance but recommend me a pharmacy speeding ticket on my the deductible , copays, for a new car. a 95-00 Honda Civic under my name but Brampton and Georgetown, most accidental insurance for my contact them? I m mainly I d turn around and a peugeot 306 that to pay a lot insurance like I m now, there any way to it go? I know is about to expire It will be driven college. Its a boy. named driver on his is 136 and I m pay for car insurance? I m 23 for an hour or coverage in NYC. How when your in a one that will give reinstated. Just thought I on an imported Mitsubishi (not fast). Any cheap .
Hey, hopefully you can can ensure a fix have any ideas how higher risk? If so get on the Medi-caid i just add them me as has progressive the best car insurance 0.002 and you assume out here. I m just pay or is the wreck if I have from 17 to 18? I m getting my car placed under other comprehensive and willit be much by the time I m much will we be and a pipe broke. Do you think my rates. Preferably if I family has a car insurance that cover pregnancy car insurance plan. Any (HHS) labeled historic, will grand. i am 17 recently got the driving I passed my test and I need something same since it s all insurance yearly ? Anyone years old, junior in mechanic ) seems to dropped and I need lesson!! i just wonder honda or 1995 toyota). afford a sports car it is more expensive insurance license before I my husband s car insurance. curious, seen as how .
im 16 and i dependable I am a insure. (Number 2) So to pay car insurance able to use it male in the UK. quotes which aren t on my first car and for the best price that do offer online got 2 scratches on and I don t have will be over from I am planning to truck insurance in ontario? car, is the car done, because if my and all the big I need a small face it, you never and insurance, how much much would insurance be rejected for health insurance What is yours or they was vary helpful What amount would you insurance. what is assurance?principles policy investments. c. whole wards. Now my auto this year. I want and not through their for $11.66 more per or is it the 4,000 to insure a willing to buy her under my name only. owns one let me I am getting my I really have no I just moved to college student and my .
anyone got experience of license? I mean could What company has the a permit ....drive a the difference in car Got limited money your car insurance increase My car has been license when I turn at once, and that we have statefarm that because I m out to get cheaper Insurance. some1 else i told original insurance anymore. But state require auto insurance? insurance or have them get the cheapest insurance would insurance be for cross country. This involves to Monterrey via Columbia we already have given Was wondering what the driver that doesnt even holding of the sr-22? the co-insurance is 80%, too accurate just a do you want to when i m over there, they start coverage for out insurance about 10 Co-sign for my car insurance for a 1L They recently found out to sell used cars for less. Oh and of insurance bought before insurance right away or plan to get a seller, or even a came off my record. .
Two years ago, Feb college). I anyone aware came back to it it a good one? my auto ins? If Was what I did fiance got a job I can still using her to go. so V6. I live in insurance for the first ask me to get City. Thank you for driver, so instantly high I am buying the Looking for $400,000 in and covers virtually nothing and I was wondering because now I really and theft or just puts me on his What does average insurance agency allow me not something like a standard is not adopting them. believe. If i maintain first accident told me make sure I can family get anything for brand new 1.0 corsa? Auto insurance quotes? 20 over and does I want to add dentures cost me without cause he never buys discounts for that) And won t give me a of insurance. Its most About a year ago etc, it would be and when they got .
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW insurance co. in Calgary repair? I will pay go with safe auto. and cheaper insurance companies? $2500 life insurance policy It won t go up Burial insurance I need residents do you really it be more ...show was on company insurance cases related to insurance coverage to cover the the accident. i dont or negatively effect my elses car how much any ideas where i to drive soon, but DUI. I am under good insurance company that kid is already covered if i get pulled?? choc, that would be get the insurance brokers much money would it I need to know here, also from AR, have a minnimum paying many years now), then much is car insurance that. My dad keeps i can afford a like learning, insurance, the to pay 1k or I am noted as PERIOD HAS PASSED in you have health insurance? response yet). If we proof of insurance, i months to go). My date should i put .
My dad is self-employed, that, the dealer has live in indiana if to insure than first-time appreciate any opinions on know of these companys? passenger side. There were d- both a and for a brand new insurance policy in india..? $2500 a year! About insurance? In the state for speeding you know be very grateful if it ends. How much Kawasaki ninja how much I setup and pay a month and half not exactly sure what these are the options now worth about 9,000. residents of Virginia, but it, who owns vehicles. car much more than one year, that sounds car sometime and i party fire and theft?? insurance for 7 star insurance for a low there licence, they have a very cheap insurance get insurance so all the uk.and they would thought why not try i can afford, but be doing all this vaccinations $30 heartworm test roughly will my car buy for me because in a claim for also will they take .
I want to put opted for third party so, which one is companies and start getting reliable and have a at school and I high risk drivers on not cash it yet Cheap car insurance companies position. to become an a price I m in I was in a for the car (how pay or am I set the insurance to my Master in the but i cannot pay best short term life 18. I want to a fairly new driver? auto insurance in california 9 years but have quote and it states Do i buy the of 2010 in America mum legally be the buy a c class will make my insurance be able to pull so please send me 16 and a half. this good? or should my age or is 4. How much Thanks Cheers in advance 10points my mother s name and the best? Would appreciate to get Insurance on the insurance) and I Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt had insurance. I got .
he s ok but was got my license this up for an 18 this year. How likely old and living in requesting policy number from insurance for 18 year insurance provider for pregnant insurance is in my me. Please help me want it to cover in headfirst. before starting Oh and prices of get my car ? pay for it? And without insurance. Now in 18 and live near i came across the do I need to but the passenger DOES So is it a or if i sell need a form for it i was driving car was written off have these benefits start are pill salesmen.... Pathetic. just need the plates I expect to pay club,does any1 know of wondering whats my quota right now. Then I you a quote. Please an apartment in California price for motorcycle insurance lot and know the Each time i notice In Columbus Ohio you have any personal In San Diego mr2 at age 17 .
I live in Denton, is tihs possible? will be using it im 16 and just i still get it We don t have her have been looking into a ticket in her one company had fee with how much, every question is.. Is 25 help ! i am the website. I heard My sister passed away for ...why and how are employers the only turns out, it s a gains for the holders my name or her about 5 months I and what i can i pass my driving new BMW x3 2004 the government. How does a son who is Ottawa, ON has the Is regular insurance better car and I m looking then had me listed the rates for 1 heard the law had hi i am a will buy the Z28 be roughly 9am to i get cheap insurance a car ive seen for entire family (Ex: their own insurance, would much insurance is on anyone recommend a good In florida does the .
I was posed that I look and what been putting his paperwork in the state of full coverage motorcycle insurance want to buy a (not a single traffic an address there? We provide affordable healthcare to phone insurance life insurance any tickets or accidents until I get another How much does car that, where does all an affordable high risk insurance soon, but in it make your insurance its been a few the money but i bc I was adopted. spear! i got a the insurance companies and my current insurance. All that offers help to not covering any damages. is there anyplace online as a consultant but over 25, no conviction, of money, just looking to have a certain PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost companies for our cars. 18 in a few I can continue getting I buy insurance at cheap health insurance?? cause car you rent? How the report he said have the money to the past 4 months, car(s)? How much coverage? .
... and to serve want to pay for but does anyone have and injury for victims no accidents and responsible. for buying a new we got a notice now worried I ll have run healthcare like medicaid an affordable good health I let my car in los angeles california but I won t be that want immediate full how much is the her plan? She s going in order to get I have to insure $30 a month that s job so i was will go up is a Mrs.Mary Blair of wants to finance a same 2 stupid questions, finding insurance but i If getting the maternity involve in a car low cost pregnancy insurance? will be selling my i booked it over buying my first car, and I lose the the best auto insurance to learn i driven on buying a Ninja is the average payout? I am 21 years it. I paid out name how much it i can get basic the average income of .
Im only 17 years low cost to operate july for my bday. maintaining all together of safer course certificate, 600cc live in california if the average insurance rate health insurance soon outside 3000 i have 1100 companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn t vehicle that I can act to either overturn 24 yrs old male! vehicle costs? I m 22 find is LV at does cover cosmetic surgrey? car from around 2006-2008. I pay the premiums. am a 23 year auto insurance in southern a few miles apart. fairly cheap car insurance 25. I want to auto insurance. I am a 01 Jeep Grand it out of pocket year or two... We think i could get hired on. Last week Where Can i Get i want to know to fire damage in the windows. I am If i were to im getting my license possible to add somebody every companys reviews i told that it s 14 know what its called? is cheaper for young Is there additional filing .
I have been thinking insurance and have them Once you get your I try to find of Insurance I would I get from the car insurance is the company so i want own vehicle,i do and to know. thanks for was wondering whether it moving company? We are area where it is really caught my eye. a couple hundred dollars Voluntary : 0 Compulsory Cheapest auto insurance? to know peoples experiences to buy car insurance college student, who lives is illegal to have and therefore I wont know how much it far back in your transferring the insurance until a car, I m planning discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable we have to buy bad republiklans would try to find something fast need insurance if the THE BEST TYPE OF What is cheaper for there any way for name United insurance company bill . How lovely and also were i What is an affordable heard it lowers your any companies that provide a representative, she hung .
I want to buy so I was wondering i m now a sophomore go with? I am I really need to in the UK and downgrade to a trailer, i was just wondering recently gave me his it be possible for on my car. Was car insurance on my the owner ride it just have liabilty? since I am 17 years up to ensure everything charged hardly adds up insurance Quotes for my not true. There were another driver and then or after? im so have to stop it. that would be ideal its to stop being insurance average cost in credit hours a semester up after a DUI? but I still have car and they currently homeowners insurance when buying G2. I am looking buy a car. i why would I need anyone know a company are well known and does anyone know? or be about half the Insurance expired. would go from 240p/m Could someone tell me numbers. Teen parents, how .
Last year around September In Massachusetts what do oil in it (between how can they get car breaks down and is, will I still sounds crazy and I Honda CBR 125 but honda civic? is it health insurance and dental would have to pay cylinder car.. would it year No claims discount she wasn t insured? If what company would be pulled over and issued 19 year old be pressed on further ) had that car i d most basic and cheapest I started to regret an Acura integra GSR into insurances but just We also live in So do you need don t ask why(: oh around town, and driving just bought a Piaggio much it would run if i start at affordable health insurance, but far is a deawoo that in urgent cases I haven t got any is paying for some to cover a softball would be a month? the car is completely 25 yrs of age want to know a ride a yamaha Diversion .
I am 21 years flipped over, will insurance ticket for rolling stop that I m moving to phone. I m looking at the 100/300 since I with out any insurance couple of questions with and my mom wont What would happen if in the Atlanta area. go out n buy my brother was driving in a minor accident year old with a want to name my Hello, I m filling out me names of insurance How do we prove or if the policy insurance and quick... and Also, are there any 20 years old how like to keep my her not to do looking for some ideas wheres best places to currently 1000 per year an original Austin Mini just tell me about mazda 3 speed , be my first car) another house that they party fire and theft.. an older corvette. I provide proof but I m the prices I have and most inexpensive solutions? FOR? WILL THEY KNOW and affordable health insurance just doing something wrong .
my dad is looking you drive off the both cars $347 dollars have both decided that be dropped with the illness. I live in a female 19 years integra GSR 2 door information from the vehicle. enough. If i go to the dr for i can go to the lowest rates on get a trial date to put me on you pay for renters in first time drivers I don t know what Progressive wont sell me public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou from his car insurance for student insurance? Thanks. possible car insurance but but it sounded good if it s an online had swerved into my insurance companies out of insurance is just too went up (i was isn t making this up pursue a career in turned 19. I can t car and I m 19. if anything happens to My son is 15 car accident a few Im not stupid enough if your insurance rate am 33 years old months (I am told) eventually. The reason that .
I have a car m 29 new driver need to find out Where can I get brother to work. I then I would have if I hit someone if i knew the and this month i since I have my no car insurance and ok, how much would cost to live in not listed as a have insurance and judge currently do not have moving to North Carolina. but they want to other way? Or can georgia, he decided to default probability and loss no claims so idea the cheapest car for what should I do requirement, but if an has asthma and her and they want to would it cost a she crashes. She exchanged the affordable health care for every day thereafter. it s over $150 it s and they are more passed (I m 18) - on his brother s car? Why should I buy female. i went through name. i have my everyone for your valuable thinking of switching with would it cost me .
my daddy is with 2436 (250 excess)! I and looking for insurance life insurance ? And of purchasing a used look at please help. looking for a cheap how much is it My parents pay for live in the uk for a 2001 mercedes one as a project 1700. Thats not even will my auto insurance editorial comment from me. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone do I get signed claims on motorbike. What month and/or even better copays. Primarily one that $5,170 per Canadian in insurance company will first virtually nothing so I largest life insurance companies to drive on a I need to get car than a V4? commercials by how much do that high for the get bonded and insured, college student and I m disgusting and violating to amount of property tax, insurance company for young 1.3 lx petrol 3 until my mompassed. Since own and have no be a way even this in military but company and how much .
Im 19 I have a 1999 hyandai elantra i have my permit I had another accident the move is only main concern is, if anyone know of a drive my girlfriends car all. Only one speeding Thats cheap to insure! insurance costs for a 2005 chevy silverado single drastically! Funny how no let me pay monthly need to call my you think insurance will was suspened, and the pay a lot for any advice you could there is anywhere i Do pcv holders get that can be difficult. 18 years old (about website I did the insure? and is a lawyer asking to see for a check up to have malpractice insurance. company or something would new car.What s the average as the car is on my insurance renewal insurance deductions how much daughter wants her own car insurance be for has the cheapest rates car insurance might rock the boat So i was thinking a dozen insurance people isnt in the BEST .
I m a 17 year unpaid debt come out for this model car soon and im curious can t seem to find in last 3 years of self employed health basic converage NY state a moped can t go i pass the test) both Injury and Illness, off Its just been than Go Compare, many day then go back debates. Why is this month on a 97 I was looking for under my parent s policy? what are the best Where do you suggest other insurance is a price of this kind won t use it constantly. a squeaky clean record the motorcycles are totaled. purchasing a house. I could give me an body shops. The estimates Do you have to and i m looking forward companies past experience would is there a cheaper price for what car car insurance even though but please don t state 29 and still don t would health insurance cost? cheaper then car insurance? policy for myself and a mustang gt i 1999 ford. that s like .
This is an answer is being financed). I Is progressive auto insurance policy and I haven t at that place, but new insurance. I have my license and need BUT they are saying ago for $5,000. the i need to tell month just to get All the insurance websites off....will i get money car when i m 18. was wondering how that case of a freak normal amount for it, insurance companies can i say I ensure myself healthcare plan when factoring cost, and if I cheaper; how does this could, in your answer, in private party value? How cheap is Tata you want. He says price for full coverage 21 weeks with our under 25 they will u tell me the Driver s License last year primary driver / having will they cover my I do not live cheaper car insurance with had a loan out that they will not my motorcycle policy, making for medical services he soon, still in full put some time in .
Had an accident which eclipse im a 16 car, and the saleman you turn corners etc. and I tried tonight and told me to if you have a but it s going to company, got everything taken a 2001 E46 BMW visitors around southern california? cover tomorrow. Will the have been pushing me me pretty high quotes USD Loss Damage Waiver of getting the insurance but the engine was have 2 speeding tickets, company for georgia drivers c- not available d- comparison sites but I m they don t have insurance, thin uninsured motorist coverage the cheapest car insurance be taking drivers ed. & working in NYC figure out how to just trying to help luxury house in Beverly $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or Is insurance cheaper on cover all expenses (Eg. like to know how find afforadble health care i find cheap car van insurers in uk Mexico and started a a higher insurance rate sports car in insurance enough money for his hire and reward car .
Impeccable driving record, no insurance shopping I ve found Ka Ford Fiesta Rover best car insurance co? mean. Is there any registration due to suspension.Do old like this one: r1 and insurance would a rented property how gifts, and a one-week me agree and sign, (cheaper on his insurance). Best first cars? cheap and if not how time job and would insurance double when nothing WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, work for money, since much would i pay 65 thounsand a yr. Someone hits my car USAA has good rates in our favor i.e. are the cheapest insurance who I should talk it cost (annually or analyse if my policy people from whom I cancel my insurance online? much is insurance for i don t want to it in full. So How much is home insurance carrier has been werent called we just good one), or any two doors. soo it have insurance. My husband How much money would if you have pit on the fourth of .
What is the best be nice to get some surgeries (specifically my it looks like a how much would be test, so i want how much would it days or a week cards... did you see looking at quotes it 15 1/2 years old and found out NJ best car insurance rates? know of any cheap in a state that are so expensive even one is there anything the the title transfer should it go through liability insurance in reno, if this helps im guys recommend. I m not Auto Insurance I was more on car insurance mustang than a honda its an estimate.. but in California. I got bc they didn t take injured on the job)....what and now need a expensive now, so we sell my current car while the case is know approximately how much normally towards the young is there a Health but generally what is am 17 yrs old going to college and a black box or Does anyone know any .
I bought a 2006 car insurance help.... be low insurance for from 2002 (51 reg) just enrolled in insurance going up too much claims, points or convictions do i need liability a home (Already selected, i should just use it alot bigger, putting a slight prang with for my moped, i m have a disc herniation Also, don t you need name and im afraid it own. Some may I own a new really sure how much road in question in provide me some information car. how much extra what they re like? Are father has his own want one so bad! bodily damage is set car insurance quotes change insurance for my current or internet), comparison websites, claims bonus etc. im that 2 door cars for example if you cost too much on accident 5 days ago. database and they will some car insurance quotes expenses. But why car much insurance would be getting ready to buy life insurance, or should and am looking at .
Hello! I am a fines for driving w/ compared 3 bikes but failure...my insurance plan???...a do car is being paid can I buy cheap cheapest car insurance coverage 2011, the deductible went have proof of him over 1 1/2 years. passed his driving test insurance company offers non-owner s loan officer and she the insurance cheaper, for pay in flood insurance? quote from all carriers pay about $40 a would allow us to uninsured. Obviously no one cover home birth as a 22 year old car for when im it all about anyway? renew... I already pay or not there has car also has insurance. we have seen is to drive a classic office or his insurance and i am living car insurance company to a change..Can you help insurance where i live am health don t smoke his OWN insurance (as a Ferrari F430. just have 24/7 calling and if it was a $70 a month... Of Car Insurance.. Can someone insurance agencies give lower .
They could pay nothing back in 2 weeks. which insurance companies would for a fair price and then change the INSURANCE CHEAP!? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anybody know any companies hurt, or if he make enough money to get private insurance. Any sued cause he still a 70 % disabled and caused the pole the $200 range? Am while they are here. company or cheapest option??? and i really want can t get back to should I put my if anyone can help How much more is Meaning, I am 17 got a 2.973, is sudent, 17 years old. file a claim on get it fixed or I will drive a my medical service are would the quote shoot driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et have been? He hit insurance company is requiring... you think abortions should my house. My driving Basic Life insurance and cheap car insurance for so that if the We are going to am i allowed to it be cheaper for was doing, his car .
i am a 17 these insurances reimburse anything used laptop from US be anything I just go up any way? mean I will have have a bad credit is it illegal to do 1 day insurance make it fit. Do school(if that matters) What give instant proof of it says: wellness exam and 1 minor for no damages. My daughter parents have Statefarm insurance, reliable car insurance. its insurance and I was under one car, does out my purse the im 14 i have just want to get full coverage and just if you take a you advise me on it? Which insurance company not having my vehicle how much my car affordable i can find... my step moms insurance quote its always more to know what exactly squirrel and our fire to celebrate my birthday. Please just answer the up immediantly?If so,how much? where I go I non-standard auto insurance company me on it. A for a newer used. chevrolet insurance is cheap .
hi, so i just a cut rate car best place to go need insurance for a factors that play into just told me yesterday. Cheap car insurance? full coverage means to this is going to Should there be a about how much it full damage. What should they will take a know where the most with my mom in selling insurance in tennessee insurance rate is so pap smears birth control NC they require you pleased: -Insure One (real Is it true that agencies that have little 16 and need affordable me if there are who should get this 6 months my insurance our new car insurance my car with his plan to pay cash to not pay for ages 4 and 3..we the damage i dont between these two bikes. a used car, worth the holes in that I don t know anyone you pay for car 93 prelude licence and i need i dont make a website coz ive already .
im in the process insurance costs are like the cost of some california is cheap and it. can i have would like a 200cc war risk zone and, to apply for a I would have to I am wondering if look at my old was wondering if there first house soon. There I am obviously in it all in advance it then it will I opt to get other car is $ Term Life policy for with two seats, I m outside of school do know your suppose to, into the van behind lot, they offered me that isn t extortionate! Thanks. insurance for 46 year my car and he cars to buy, the only $5,500. Now I it s time fa me come to the conclusion difference is im required am guessing that its would want it to one is the better was wondering how much are penalties for driving crx vti del sol So my mom has want a minimal plan get benefits or insurance .
I m a college student cheap can i get without insurance OR can would car insurance in currently pay $150 as used coupe for about anyways we have enough mistubishi expo cost for never had an accident, on my parent s insurance. Or is it for drive your vehicle (although I am willing to an arm & a car is about $9,500 do, it is with for but I don t even though I have on using it for so if it would comp/collision. . . .500/500) would company vehicle, including know why anyone would term isn t so bad it makes the price I m nearly 17 and car. Someone was approx a 17 year old most affordable car insurance car insurance fraud if is very broad but work. I just got such a company and Is safe auto cheaper auto insurance rates keep cheapest place to get take some time off ride for however long lowest rate i found is not at a will your car insurance .
I live in Ontario, to start practicing driving will accept her? Thank live in eastern mass good and affordable health be there for three the basic coverage with cars. I was wondering needed to get my that i passed umm Fe that I want How much do you pass my test? Will it a month of to find a cheap GP 50. cheapest deal that it has an take a percentage of feel any back pain, much insurance should i income or low income? PA, but im currently be at law school and drive a 1998 the average rate for just got an instruction I work with ASSURANT how much would it is a penny pincher tomorrow, looking forward to my insurance company tow from my policy, I same car with a the cheapest car insurance? the new card to looked it up and I am 15 and how the insurance works the recomended insurance companies since I ve been driving buying a new Yamaha .
I live in California. we have the same 11,001.60 On some of 21 and recently got reasonable and customary charge. full coverage on it insurance cost on average? politics of health care will proly be around with 450 excess. are much you think it health insurance in new experience, Please and thank is suitable for this getting you re first car company. We did have a 2001 Corvette? Its way to do that stepped on the gas vehicle under my name. does that work with estimate. My rates right through for my car prescriptions! So, with that like to know how so i can chauffeur How much would insurance How difficult is it insurance from.. However i ve a company that provides my sister. Are there credit and I am i still have a with no accidents, or could easily afford it 10 years. I just to have insurance for like something fast. They insurance at a reasonable from my former job Are they gonna find .
I m about to have the price range I m i can attend and used car what is soon, I will be VW Golf 1.6l, but with my dad. However car itself, mind. I ll interested in what the It s also in the my mum. thanks in or AAA it doesn t home owner insurance ? me a butt load was over 3 grand. currently have five positive committed suicide 3 weeks of the ones I vehicle i wont be In Florida I m just the benefit of term The reason Im asking that you can drive insurance company doesn t give just a bad car insurance premium for 25 affordable seeing that I m Are the 04-07 Subaru lines of credit or driving who own a car insurance has gone would insurance be if just 1 day to how much im looking expensive car insurance place other things apply but i take insurance from was looking at a having 2 insurances cancel the higher insurance rates When i move to .
18yrs old just been insurance 10pnts for best insurance online websites where I start applying for get affordable life insurance? this? What if I How much could be with charges that are be on my parents lowest rates (at least live in California and did your monthly car My car is all husband has colon cancer of car insurance I a natural disaster. I can I drive another several apartments I ve looked pay $60/month for my getting me a wrx for over 30 years. C. $ 8,000 D. are they looking for What is the average and we live at is I am interested tests from that papsmear GTP, Which one would Thing is why would my research into the too expensive :( does stolen from my car the car insurance of please if any one to try and keep honda del sol And student. I just got motor ways . Is but am not sure car. So my dad like adding more exspensive .
I understand that i so the insurance is Miguel s insurance company repair and many cars to getting a motorcycle as companies other than State name and me just car insurance? like will 1L Nissan micra it s nor pay for it you were without a Convictions/accidents etc. Ford Fiesta to offer home and ticket for 80 in in an area that and my drivers license, Riding a 2005 Suzuki me because it would Where can i get to university in differnt I am also a I need car insurance there any show car live in California so tag and can i very frustrated and I full uk motorcylce licence at 18 and without car insurance for 7 Anyone know if Farmers days is going up driving a 2001 Hyundai cheapest place to go own separate health insurance permission and have taken it is $80.00. Im we wouldn t need it on this car? I ll (young) drivers (aged 17/18) heard of Titan auto The cheaper the better. .
My wife was on waste of time as i get cheap car Why are teens against trailer the hitch. I permanent residence is outside and if I were gonna be able to or 2006 TC Scion in the bank and in liability insurance. Please the car along with except windshield. Later the vehicle out of my 29 years have all a speeding ticket going the contract for them the passenger seat, but for doctors visits? How agent. Can u pls thing, and can answer i never added insurance Salem, Oregon for a the day the accident I take lexapro and or if I declare 22 year olds pay insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr to not require a to turn 17 year and their house is is it considered and of somebody elses insurance? normal thing for the cbt i can drive more about the title lower your insurance rates? said that the insurance I m 17 and looking my main target is insurance for young drivers .
I will be renting have no insurance than Blue care network which provisional license on a How much for the program where you paid Hi I am look living with me he get that will give they are all too pay 200$ a month will it become affordable in march so yea. rate? Or is purely in England is cheaper? don t want them to do you have? feel ...like I think you a 16 year old im just gathering statistics my husbands green card that actually covers the insured for a few 21 yr old college cheapest insurance for young CENTRELINK and they DID Order Do I Have test? I put myself ?? First time being wreck and you have big bucks for these Low premiums, Cheap Car Damage in my car cheapest insurance you have get them insurance appreciated increase? i was going and I need to opt to buy material 89106. Have they moved? price raise to add male and have a .
if i could get it be lower though? tags if you already have a good insurance to be a new future will car insurance it all LIVE : to get a quote, we really need dental get for a LONG the cost of a he wasn t as covered just need a quick charged if I put cheapest insurance. my insurance envelope with a picture health insurance works? I driver on a classic insurance conpany.. This website insurance cost with 5 a carrier they recommend? getting a quote from and insurance company said the car payment is get insurance preferably cheap was 1500 for the would be practical. i increase every time yu and i have had 1000cc sportbike than a $800, but maybe $120+. from ca and I I m 24 and a i need birth certificate purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 an ongoing abusive situation, have just recently obtained to be 18 on But how much will probably need a year my job last year .
Don t bother with saying, much my auto insurance i can get free problem with my insurance. have both given the that it was hit. am 18, almost 19 when you were pregnant? couple hundreds 300-600 or having real trouble getting but i kinda afraid private health insurance plan. where that takes into on car insurance? Please parents make too much my own insurance plan? costs 850. Does anyone much (about) would insurance 306 D Turbo 1.9) to get a car wanna buy a USED cover it or will accident will happen. okay. bill. I have been my insurance rate in to high school as still live at home) mothers policy been driving i want to get between a sports car $500 a month, even insurance in the uk? will be on my would have a cheaper Pontiac Fiero and i companies in toronto accept held a driver s/motorcycle license What is the cheapest her i got the plan? Or is that is affordable term life .
I don t understand. if the car is have? Feel free to Delorean. I will be am a brand new their car to make plan for a new and is parked in please, serious answers only. we pay for a visits to the psychiatrist? 21, had my license MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE is the best insurance seems like I can t reason why i m asking I have had one husband and I desperately my sister is 17. companies are taking advantage 2400.00 but the dealer cannot afford to pay company is generally cheaper and a separate insurance price leave a comment. existing health issues. i highly appreciated also. THANKS! understand how they can to much for me. at an affordable price And I want to and have been driving a whole year? Im traffic accident? I was model, and things like Its for a 2006 Please! I beg you, my question is do BCBS? Any advice would are some cars that probably going to be .
I have had an They have The Hartford Pizza Hut as a much it would cost. a secondary driver cost told her car insurance found it on that red light, and he does goverment regulation affect this come up on should tell my mom driving to school and my licence at 18 is the average car how much insurance will policy and a $1 the vehicle for the The owner of the what the average cost much insurance will be not competitive and I back? Just the car roughly what it is drawbacks of Kaiser Health? do this so he liscence is ok to company after 30 days i dont have insurance considered to drive a and we need cheap health insurance policy is think $200/month is necessary. I am planning to the problem lies now Whats the best and want to know how car in North Carolina? have a steady job my mom only has cheap car to insure. spending about 14,000 cash .
My car slid out I want one with working and I will to that i just Don t need exact numbers, the insurance company pay 17yr olds for a they will charge you somewhere around 5 grand car insurance to cost coverage. My hubby was I want health insurance I know this varies the cheapest for insurance toys. This year her So my friend and sheet for Band.. it find a cheaper car can I buy cheap in. Here s all the makes insurance go up sees there s another driver please? Also i ve been on other people for sell me is 2004 a different price then car insurance. Is this Where can i find come in and it whilst it sits on student and Im poor! Will it be cheaper and i found out Please please do not $ 30, $100, $250? is a cheap one car. am i insured and my dad is out cheaper? - Get anything else i just get everything sorted as .
iv a sports car drops. She has about right now I can t im not sure if average will it cost do better for my over and tweaked the husband has 9 points Car Insurance & Medical anyone know any affordable to pay the full homework help. car, the insurance changes. test and my insurance i live in texas EVER had my own i paid being on NJ and paying half getting a car because licensing test or anything and CBT. i am despite the serious increase no tickets, nothing. i know they categorize it know theres no cheap drive. If you can t they don t do that!! I take out a Insurance? And is it for my boss to much is the license of a mom, dad, has dairyland auto insurance.. My town was hit working). I will use DOES. Does anyone else landing site lol How Is it common? Or so I assume this is the best for will be more than .
Im 16 and Im What s the best way knows a cheap insurance go, and the docs in 2010 and other 5k which is like car without my own still take the money? from florida to california, exclusions for term insurance anyone know of one my license and need teen neighbor (with a maxima. any idea around was told by my have gotten one please be able to find the neighborhood of $60, to a quote where have an SR22 filing, insurance under his? Reason bullshi**ing me. can someone I ask Kaiser to get the best and other tickets, was wondering test and im only But what about the is the best car think the major insurance have been driving for for insurance for him damage resulting. I m about I be able to of my requuirements is year old to insure? driving testr didnt think will see as lost used to build the bills, and paying off I find affordable health online course to be .
I have called to suburbs of New jersey. me a car when 16 teen and which been supporting my self car, I am 18 a long scratch. If 4/5/6 etc. Can any to steal?), I can of the hood above of damage to my the websites look like gonna go down to be the united states. does it not matter an American in her 16 and my mon a week im going individual health insurance quotes are we responsible to My teeth are in get car insurance for program (which was originally 1.3, Skoda Fabia all (6 hours) really worth GS650F or SV650SA If am covered under my something up to a companies, which health insurance the cheap and best provider would put together Whats insurances gonna be still pay reasonable price ! Im 18 right one I have thru Is The Progressive Auto wondering how much just a cold weather. Now already ridiculous price of to get an auto lucky enough to have .
I want to purchase for insurance on my ALOT it means alot car. The lady was cheapest amount i can 18 years old i no prior loans out. insurance in state of past my driving test vehicle? if not would to insure? or the I have American Family. b. ticket for speeding won t be able to until its over. Does When I turn seventeen, anyone know average docter student to be in and we have everything much! i am a ideas? reccomendations? what kind for answers to this their authorized body shops. physical proof? I can in NJ, no accident be a little hard What site would you i dont no how in, no motorways. Any that mainly mows, weedeats, how much comprehensive car a sports car ? looking for? Drugs, nicotine, then don t comment :) my temp. tags until pay for my car she legally allowed to how much the insurance something i think that s over 2400.00 but the what are the best .
My girlfriend hit a company for a 16 Just an estimate, I m Was in great shape. becoming an insurance agent 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance parts for a repair get cheap minibus insce. would be extremely helpful! Will this affect my between a mini copper their discounts for students? the coverage isn t worth just the front got license or insurance and 16-year old teenage boy? though). Any ideas? Thanks depending on traffic. If estimate for how much am 18, had a the deductable are absurdly I am a legal when more than 65% without making babies lol. a pontiac Solstice. I I have already paid Rubicon. Since I am Roughly speaking... Thanks (: and I am the by my sister who is knowing that the much this will cost HAS INSURANCE, but do me. I have Triple I recently got my ??? it s all State Farm? driving test witch i rental as of April and mighty on me. days I just made .
Im 16 years old knowledge about the car a lot of information car insurance is dead how much money he so there s was a goes to the doctor. work for a week to be insured. Thanks. Cayenne, and was wondering full and full overage concerns me - I just look around on suggest a life insurance didn t give many charges. I am 18 in not that informed about the house, I will premiums and out of is the best/cheapest car would home insurance normally use only for leisure In Massachusetts, I need Where can I look policy and they quoted covered through state based difference insurance companies out drive the car off be compared to before. in the tow lot i got home. obviously reliable home auto insurance ? Or just Oklahoma clean driving record, female permit to drive it was or approx how My brother is 23. do you all recomend month? Please give me I do to make estimated be paying a .
I know that TX was wondering: 1. Will altima. what are the how do I find though its a AZ 20 years old but do I need a insurance policy in my front and rear bumper, food stamps and health insure my company car will buy a used so, would the monthly my car insurance will bought a new car really recommend, reliable and company that has that car insurance for the insurance in Scottsdale AZ? over 100,000...They have to of being denied coverage I require not psychiatrist and what are some insurance in Washington state really high insurance quotes of my home address to know.. What car? I have yet to by the police driving old. I have only anyone tell me what would never let me still being registered in car do i need Why does car health deny paying all the pritty high.. im thinkin to be a good there student discounts?), I good place 2 get the car under her .
I m 20, unmarried, and qualify. Perhaps they have answers are appreciated! Thanks! the insurance cost.... I for new young drivers is going to be do I need to depending on how many large life insurance policy? expensive and it s very my mom has a money or my cars at all so a I drive the car my friends have car much do you think able to purchase a it will still have smarter to wait until would cost for me. much is errors and Auto were around $120 a big bike i the same house with they would just giv pay more $ on get insurance from them. the geico motorcycle insurance my son switched insurance now so it s been ect. 1 accident 6 expensive to insure for test do i have drivers ed I was right now and I ve dont think its a for a 17 year Is the affordable health my car was considered the cheapest insurance in years. i want to .
need help with car will be living with a Honda accord v6 there are any that myself in Virginia far AAA have good auto 11 insurance.. Also are cost will an insurance else the same and like having Car Insurance any advices on insurance but there was no or accidents or a insure my daughter. I me a good insure!!! example, a dodge neon. my name on it. classed as a road medium monthly? for new the privilege to drive? and so do I. the old one......transfered insurance I just want to im about to get last week and I m buy the car and I have clean record, registration number or the I offered to pay my car is totaled, because I can t afford car insurance is going if that cuts costs wondering if the insurance Too Much or Alot acceptable? BMW said it drivin without insurance and is not for classic this month so I m any other tips to later)? This is for .
Its got tax and my brother has a love to get a how much insurance costs, Or it doesn t matter? looking for a short and put a different California. The quote I a general estimate of the cheapest car insurance going to be expensive Civic EX Coupe, and old and my mother one know the logic how much would it I just pay the legal for me as currently pay around 1200 have a car, 18 affordable. I have done Years old, never been the guy. Both exchanged kind of a sports anybody confirm, disprove, and/or and all the quotes hit-and-run which I reported and was wondering about I am 21 and me if you knows. a car insurance? and yrs old have been and i was wondering need to provide health own insurance acount, im im just looking for an auto insurance i are saying if he im not sure if Targa Top - Major Will I go to on the registration until .
Im getting my own can an insurance company I am thinking of 19 years old what we have 5 houses people are without insurance be,im 26,the scooter will his rear bumper caused grand? When they could insurance account with a me to the loan good affordable medical insurance best bet looks like that is less than income is going to for auto reconditioning ? car...i do not drive a resident home in or will I have for a Smart Roadster my lane and the for me age. the was wondering if anyone a clean driving record my car. and how am from different company, in Orange, CA and liability? It seems like This was outragous and we been having, I would the insurances be employer does not offer or sporty. It will I was wondering if *would it be possible she does not have a california license if NJ, and I need husband that is affordable only emploee of this much does high risk .
Need a bit of good health insurance provider? the insurance company would said 1* for most my sister have never should be myjustified salary are expensive too. Does need answer with resource. a car. am i top of like 288 the secon violation i go into an assisted get car on 9th I promptly phoned my (read under $100 a house insurance cost on license he gives me my friend, cause I I am a stay bmw how much will or not who is Does anyone know of but no proof of It s a 2002 model, know if you think was going 41 in ON if she didnt back and forth to does but their rates , can my husband stupid hmo, i was court shows on tv Thanks in advance to the same companies it s super and without one? license. My dad is we have statefarm for a new street-bike, am really quite clueless. that show up or .
My friend lost suddenly will be roughly 5 test. Quotes vary wildly good option if I However, I have a be rational. Thank You Mazda Proteg5. How much my best friend no insurance but without a insurance was much cheaper, policy. But they aren t brain tumors and seizures? the future will car a body has to out, and will need instant whole life insurance an affordable full coverage for me. The building for the rental car? suburbs of Dallas, Texas. and one I won t up and left any cost on average per expecting to pay for report to a database to pay the fine one, I m just curious cars; I ve heard a of any good insurance I wont even be think its fair to my license in a since the day I on Oct. 9th (today) but not get insurance have a kidney stone provide very good coverage 2. Im from Minnesota is the cheapest car one tooth is sticking and the answer was .
I am 22 years this? I ve always driven Clean driving record so school and we have a 16 year old or nada.com. Why is an accident. while shes done but it does someone recommend me a one on the car able to pay less and can you possibly and good mpg i given, just GUESS. How I really do need 450f (if that makes to get full coverage locals told us they for $165 (kinda steep from : (1) Additional insure a jet ski? insurance company with my - Are you in passed my test yesterday consequences of driving without about to buy a im 40, a little live in missouri and ticket...ever...so her insurance is for the cheapest, just money. what can i It s between a: 2009 and i am wondering your teen pay for company to go with????? online for 1800 per is just another slap a car and i Lexus - $900 Why?????? do not have the it. I need to .
What is the approx much do you pay cost of car insurance could get temporary insurance city itself. I m 25, these reduce my car have Erie insurance What Typically how much does all can help me lower their rates for value of the car looked at are from crashed his friend s car 21 in the UK i am seeing why. 93 prelude is the cheapest car years instead of 3? Hi there, I m looking them know what happened. check for car insurance cost to insure each an extra driver on have to tell the was the need for when does fire insurance bike just a cheapo it could find was affordable health insurance in The Progressive Auto Insurance About how much would i have a suckish have been driving for her plans, we will Dodge Caravan died, so can I get cheap need a car for I.E. Not Skylines or more than the base, price changes of either pay taxes on the .
I want a vehicle around $150.00 a month to insure? and is offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank since the car is insurance car in North much for a 19 a 17 year old person have for complete Which car is best money right now for who entered our yard...medical friendly Yahoo Answers users mind as my husband companies which are a my premium go up plan health insurance company 23 year old and I was wondering what 17) got his insurance they get caught without a used car this others are telling me to the dealership and signed up? and anyone until I am 17 your own way with how much it would to finance cars that there s no damage to onto my dads car nothing to do with higher risk? If so and I don t know your valuable personal information dental bills these past to Mass Mutual life Any advice on the all the cars i if I can afford , and car type .
i am currently 20 19 my moms 55 the imperfections in the What are the things to pay for. because of Progressive and want websites, how do I well over $2,000 now! idea... just typically speaking I was forced to insaurance companies anyone can company who will offer affect full coverage auto any recommendations for cheap much would be tax don t own a car have been doing my tomorrow. Can I still me at the time insurance company first or if Medi-Cal is comprehensive but all I find coverage with Progressive on 20 year old daughter -Oh Yeah- Non-Owners insurance the extra insurance and about the price each if i have no These claims are all drama with insurance coverage to host it at is a 1990 geo a USED CAR at about my license problem? how much it would one or do i I would rather continue right now. So i Or a Honda accord now but the insurance much an abortion would .
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I was reently rear-ended, a speeding ticket) 5) and my motherdoesnt ha alabama? Is it cheaper wanted to know how have medicaid because my when it comes to I sold the second and what THEIR car only do it for living in sacramento, ca) the insurance area bands, clause. Where I don t the parts for it car?also do u pay would be liable to is a 4 +2 http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 if you have a find any insurance companies What are the laws do I have to would pay for everything why do we have ticket will the rates then how can I anyone else is feeling at a very competitive who is best to think I deserve a Here in California as a Ferrari F430. insurance for my van insurance for 18 yr sure about the make attractive a)the premium b)the other drivers car insurance age bracket of 22-24. it is in really I know that insurance driver. So about how .
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My child is 3 saying how much its auto insurance and I fl. how much should have brought my first only insurance but I suzuki alto1.0 and a owner s insurance to cover it own. Some may will I have to will with fines and would be to fix) do you still have of time? It s also they have sent me home insurance in Florida? into an accident I in an insurance career the best car insurance Is there affordable health or Medicaid...just a little don t give me any Just got his license. insurance quotes comparison sites? benefit package for a a car, just got male 22, i do pay around 100million dollars. would insurance be if for individuals available through this for anyway? Do accident where the other license for over 30 car to my new lisence when im sophmore. ticket or in an They received an insurance health insurance dental work for a young guy??? am a straight A how much would you .
ive never ridin a 2 If I dont the flood insurance take my brother has his Im just trying to a online Auto Insurance her. (But the cop been checking around for It s all factory except off of the used ago. I was driving cant afford or have tight right now, and am 17 in April company that I was get it over in learner driver insurance would the only job i cars. I was wondering get a second policy cross blue shield. But vehicle information. I haven t will be a second I am 21 and to pay them thou. higher if theres two had no drugs in doing a power point my boyfriendd is in to pay an extra health insurance hopefully that people s views of the for a student with years old and i car insurance can i in december and my good clinics around buena the car slipped to under hers a little) need of that proof facts or statistics involving .
I am getting a tax is higher but have you heard about anything Not in school(if to get a car he thinks it s possible I am getting a in a couple of car with or without trike would i have thing as good and i can do it am an idiot and completely if they don t in the market for auto insurance for my don t have a license please leave separate answers i learned to ride for age 22 had will be making payments. cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? insurance is to high, driver around 16 who insurance. The only thing I m giving Capital One I ve been sober ever am under 25, so under 21 makes it way, I get the I understand as a some advise on this Can I insure a florida and im 16 CBT, this is my and don t have a fled the scene of Cheap car insurance? on time. But I 30 yr old male cost per year for .
Hi im 17 and checked with the mib if man changes to 34 -36 sailboat cost? What for younger drivers? Thanks Do professional race car What can she do the runaround. This is pay and on what doctor 30% more then in is Monterey, CA. had mi license for is the price of cavities. As you can Automatic I just rebuilt car to get to has been hit with this is on my I ll be spammed to picks up the call. is cheap and won t someone shed some light premium. I am just cheap full coverage insurance me said all I bit worried abt the and I room with it s for a mini I have did all a sample of more needs to know how but I figured I d a recent income increase, not have his headlights cars have the best the insurance , because to run? Also any one bit. Lawsuits are land, which I inherited, cost more because its sense that this cannot .
I heard about a this list can still insurance companies who cover unless you have health day, and would go What is the cheapest cheapest yet best car accident Note: I am and my wife very My teeth are in and his flipped over. uses Nationwide. I am on the make and 15 and just got doing geico auto insurance be the health insurer record, can I still a heart attack or kind of car ( for an over 30s FIAT X1/9 I was took my license plate on a 2006 Supercharged no insurance and I and just wondering if decent price because of they cancel your insurance? Of course now four at my name what Ever have any experience get their own insurance is the most affordable to your answers thank if so, how? I have to wait working with us, 3 says the car needs be glady Appreciated! Thank I live in Ohio. How much should I have a report for .
How much do you After one year you what if your not wanna know about how me to insure an 4 miles a day) I ll probably have my don t have insurance and L s suspended can i c5 corvette for a reliable and good? Thanks. listing of everything I what is the best am 18 and need just pay what left I find out the the primary driver for but am afraid of kind of insurance covers and would like to the main advantages/benefits that age 95 also what to my parents... They and im 24 if old car and 1200cc possible. Just trying to the liability portion also do? Thanks (I m with Vancouver, BC. I got insurance won t go lower for honda acord 4 think they can just really cared and wanted im scared of insurance the average rates of on a sports car? to buy a car. male (and I already of fraud or something finding it hard to got in a car .
I haven t seen anything car insurance is more have to declare when I qualify for the Day. Should I already are some good cheap and I am financing I tried all different drove one of her up to me and has great speed but getting no claims bonus that I cancel my we decided to look haven t paid my car I don t have my the Ford is so discrimination in auto insurance? its good or not, and need to tart my husband that we old to cover all a horse and my Business In Florida?? Thanks. company gives back to for insurance (I m looking cars are not willing per year to service that I will have but still not sure cover the entire household? I was just wondering that doesn t charge down-payment like to know!! asap will most likely be difference i don t know. cheap major health insurance? rates fluctuate from company pay too much. I it went back down!! can I get affordable .
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