#me and my obsession with Loki’s comics will beg to defer
ru-inn · 11 months
You don’t like Marvel or loki? Stop watching! Dear god, you are all so annoying!
Ok, I like Loki I’ve always liked him since 2012. I just disagree with character choices they made recently… and a lot of the wasted potential we saw with the show as a whole. It’s a great concept but they dropped the ball with it and rushed so many plot points. The character exploration in season 1 was interesting and they dropped it all in the last two episodes. The plot of episode 2 in season 2 was so obviously rushed and held so little emotional value. I honestly love the character of Loki, love Tom’s portrayal of it. Although, I will always see how his character gets dramatically changed in writing for every project he’s in. But, I’ll keep watching cause a part of me will always hold on to this character.
I mean Marvel recently admitted that they will just NOW start using show bibles??? Admittedly they been rushing out shows and haven’t thought about the overall story. It’s so obvious with the way they handled Multiverse of Madness and WandaVision. How does one write a direct sequel to a character’s storyline without actually watching the previous instalment? How is that good story telling?
So yeah I have a lot of criticism about Marvel and until they stop mass producing content I always will. I appreciated Marvel for everything that built up to endgame, it was ground breaking. But, I am allowed to be critical of them. If you don’t wanna see it block me.
Anyway peace and love ❤️
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