#mcl Claire
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camkuroyama21 · 11 months ago
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Claire: again with the hair? we aren't kids anymore, you know.
Thomas: you're still cute, tho.
Who could've thought? Erika's sister is all grown up now and will romance a coworker who is the brother of her sister's best friend. they grow up so fast! *cries*
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year ago
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@starlitrainbowhat drew Alana!
Guys, Clair is a VERY old friend of mine who loves doing commission work. This is proof of what they can do for me and my MCL OC. I paid $30 for this.
If you wanna commission them, please feel free to do so!
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idolcandy · 2 years ago
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @melodyalanaroster thanks so much! I love these things
3 ships: Mari and Moe (Samurai Flamenco), CasLys (MCL) and Claire/Frank (House of Cards) - look I haven't thought about that ship in a long time because Kevin Spacey... but it's my favourite example of an evil people in love ship. I don't care about whatever happened in the last season because I didn't watch it and it doesn't count because they had to write Frank out.
First ever ship: OMG I don't know? I guess I thought Jack and Rose from Titanic were great when I was a kid?
Last song: Zero by The Smashing Pumpkins, so says Spotify.
Last movie: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery. I finished it like an hour ago and it was great! It lived up to the first one.
Currently reading: We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families by Philip Gourevitch. It's a book about the Rwandan Genocide and I'm not very far in, but it's informative so far.
Currently watching: Nothing but I'll find something to watch over the Christmas period
Currently consuming: There's pepsi max by my side.
Currently craving: Indian food. I can't justify takeaway when there's so much Christmas food in the house though
I tag @magic-belodie and @mrs-veilmont to do this if they want to!
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mcl-luce · 6 years ago
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Episode 8 illustrations! 🙈
~ Cas is beautiful, although I'm Rayan's stan. ~ Rayan...  I could cry knowing what's behind this hug.  ~ Hyun, despite the previous episodes I didn’t like much, this time I have to think again! it’s still very sweet anyway. ~ Priya, I have nothing to say ... it's always perfect! ~ Nath continues to show his sweet side only to us, but this thing of secrets and mysteries I don’t like at all.
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crystalcrystalcrystal · 6 years ago
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I’m coming for you tegan 
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kanraandchrome · 4 years ago
MCL LL Chapter 10 Answers/Walkthrough
Here are my answers (in French, but Google translation works wonders for this) for chapter 10 with how much love increased/decreased, where to find Auntie and the outfits for the 3 illustrations. Everything is under the cut, I hope it can help ♥
UPDATED ! All good answers have their lovo next to it now. Have fun !
Cost :  1156 APs (1106 APs if you refuse to see Marina)
LI : Nathaniel
Auntie seen : Yes.
Outfits :
Stripped shirt : Nina
Black outftif : Dan
Purple top : Eric
Qu’est-ce que c’est que ce plan… ? J’espère que… Oui, j’espère qu’il n’a rien fait de trop impulsif… Il avait pourtant l’air d’aller bien, la dernière fois que je l’ai vu. -5 avec Alexy Ne t’en fais pas, je suis sûre que tout va bien. Il y a sûrement une bonne explication à tout ça. +5 avec Alexy
Vous seriez surprises du nombre de rencontres qu’on peut faire en un mois, avec cette appli… Ça ne tourne pas trop en rond ? Je ne doute pas que c’est amusant, mais une vraie relation ne te manque pas ? -5 Du moment que vous êtes tous clairs sur le fait que vous n’êtes pas exclusifs, tu as bien raison de t’amuser un peu. +5
... Mais je ne serais pas surprise que Rayan ait quelque chose à se reprocher. Je ne suis pas certaine qu’il connaisse les limites… Parce que, pour l'instant je n’en sais rien du tout ! Comment je pourrais me permettre de juger alors que je n’étais pas là ? +10 Mais je ne peux pas croire que Rayan soit coupable de ce dont on l’accuse. -5 Rosalya
"Si ça t’agrée, passe quand tu veux, je ne bouge pas de chez moi, de toute façon. Rayan" (Le pauvre, il doit être au trente-sixième dessous. J’aurais dû l’appeler moi-même. Mais je n’osais pas…) → Aller chez lui. (Je n’ai pas forcément envie de le voir en ce moment… Et puis qu’est-ce que c’est que cette histoire de service ?) → Passe la scène.
1/ (Optionnel) Va retrouver Rayan chez lui : Aller dans la Rue des Magasins.
"Si ça t’agrée, passe quand tu veux, je ne bouge pas de chez moi, de toute façon. Rayan" (Le pauvre, il doit être au trente-sixième dessous. J’aurais dû l’appeler moi-même. Mais je n’osais pas…) → Aller chez lui. (Je n’ai pas forcément envie de le voir en ce moment… Et puis qu’est-ce que c’est que cette histoire de service ?) → Passe la scène.
Elle ne recule vraiment devant rien… Et elle est en train de réussir son coup, je dois dire… Ce n’était pas exactement ça. En fait, elle voulait que je témoigne contre toi, lors de ton futur procès. → Neutre. Oh… Rien de précis… Elle voulait juste me mettre au courant avant tout le monde, étant donné qu’on se connaît. → Neutre.
Est ce que tu t’es déjà sentie agressé par mon attitude ? Rayan… Je crois que tu ne te rends pas compte de certaines choses. Tu ne vois peut-être pas le problème… -10 Non. Certes, tu n’avais rien d’un prof… conventionnel. Mais personnellement, je n’ai jamais eu de problème avec ça. +10
Non le pire, c’est les gens que tu pensais être des amis et qui ne veulent plus t’adresser la parole. Murielle, par exemple… Rayan… il faut que je sache. Et sois franc avec moi. On est d’accord que tu n’as rien à te reprocher, hein… ?  Mon pauvre… Tu ne mérites pas ce qui t’arrive ! Tu n’es pas un pervers, je le sais. → Neutre.
Et je ne l’ai pas vue depuis… C’est Culann qui m’a mis au courant de l’accusation plus tard… Je… je ne comprends pas… Rayan, tu m’as aussi dit que tu allais "régler ça à ta manière"… Je t’avoue que je ne suis pas sûre de vouloir comprendre ce que ça impliquait… -5 Hum, oui, pourquoi pas témoigner, après tout. C’est vrai que je peux attester que tu n’avais même pas réalisé ses sentiments. +5 Rayan… Je ne peux pas juger ce qu’il s’est passé… Je n’étais pas dans ton bureau avec vous… → Neutre.
Je reste persuadé que ses avocates lui ont monté la tête. C’est tellement un beau coup de pub, pour elles ! Non, Priya n’est pas comme ça ! Tu l’as bien vu quand on a aidé Castiel… elle veut faire les choses bien. → Choix additionnel. C’est… une accusation assez lourde. Mais c’est vrai que, pour elles, c’est une aubaine, cette affaire… → Neutre.
Choix additionnel : Non, non... bien sûr. Ce n'est pas ce que je voulais dire. Mais sa patronne... Cette Renata Dautzenberg... Hum, c'est vrai qu'à moi non plus, Renata ne m'inspire pas trop confiance. J'ai du mal avec elle. Non, je ne crois pas non plus. Elle est dure. Mais Priya l'admire pour son intégrité. Et moi, je crois Priya.  
Je ne peux plus mettre les pieds sur le campus, et comme elle te connaît, peut-être qu’elle t’écoutera. Je suis désolée, mais il n’est pas question que je me mêle de ça. Tu m’en demandes trop, là. Et c’est vraiment une très mauvaise idée. → Passer la scène. Hum… Je vois ce que tu veux dire. Et si tu dis vrai, ça permettrait peut-être de mettre fin à tout ça sans heurts. Je vais essayer. → Voir Marina.
2/ (Optionnel) Trouver Marina sur le campus : Aller à la bibliothèque universitaire.
Et je ne tiens pas plus que ça à revenir sur ce qui s’est passé. Ce n’est pas facile. Ça ne t’a pourtant pas gêné, quand il s’agissait de faire suspendre Rayan, non ? Et je pense qu’on sait toutes les deux pourquoi…  Je comprends… Et je ne veux surtout pas remuer le couteau dans la plaie… +5
Crois-moi, moi aussi j’aurais voulu que les choses se passent autrement. J’imagine bien que tout ça ne doit pas être facile à vivre. Je sais très bien comment peut être Rayan. Mais je sais aussi qu’il n’a pas mérité ça. -10
Je voudrais qu’on arrête cette conversation ici. J’ai du travail… et beaucoup de mal à me concentrer. Il voulait seulement parler en terrain neutre. Il est complètement détruit, et il aimerait comprendre d’où viennent ces accusations. Oui, je comprends. Je voulais simplement tenter de comprendre et aider d’une façon ou d’une autre. → Neutre.
Disons que c’est mon interprétation. En tout cas, tu es courageuse de t’être lancée comme ça. +10 Je comprends que ce soit douloureux, mais tu ne te sens pas un peu soulagée, quand même ? → Neutre Il aurait pu avoir plus de tact quand même ! J’ai bien envie d’aller lui dire deux mots…
3/ Va au magasin de vêtements de Leigh.
Tu crois que je retrouverai l’amour un jour ? Mais bien sûr ! Raphaël ne te méritait pas, voilà tout. Tu l’oublieras plus vite que tu crois. -10 Mais, Nina… ce n’était pas de l’amour, ça. C’était un coup de cœur à sens unique. Ça n’a rien à voir. +10
→ Tata est au studio d'enregistrement après avoir validé l'objectif.
4/ Rentre au Cosy Bear Café.
5/ Rentre chez toi.
Et tu es toujours aussi magnifique, avec toutes ces rides ! J’en ai, de la chance. Tu crois vraiment que c’est le moment de plaisanter ? Je n’ai pas envie de rire, moi ! Je suis tellement heureuse de te retrouver que je veux même bien faire semblant de trouver ça drôle… → Neutre ou Positif.
... Je te préviens, je ne suis pas certaine d’être là à ton retour, la prochaine fois que tu me fais un coup pareil… -10 Je ne veux pas que tu y retournes. J’ai eu bien assez peur pour toute une vie !
6/ Rentre dans le café.
7/ Va retrouver Dan dans la rue générale.
À ce sujet, dites-moi… Vous ne vous sentez pas à l’étroit, parfois, entre les murs de votre café ? Non, le Cosy Bear me va bien comme il est. Je ne l’imagine pas autrement. C’est vrai que c’est un peu petit. Mais j’aime à penser que ça fait partie du charme. +5
Vous savez que, dans les affaires, j’accorde beaucoup d’importance à l’instinct ! Je suis désolée, Dan… mais c’est un peu soudain. Et je crois que les choses me vont bien comme elles sont. -20 Et bien… OK, bingo ! Allons-y, Dan ! Vous avez raison : ce monde nous appartient, prenons-le ! +20
8/ Retourne au Cosy Bear Café.
J’aurai assez de preuves pour le foutre à l’ombre pendant quelques siècles… Je serai contente de savoir que tu en as fini avec toute cette histoire, en tout cas… -5 Et qui te dit que ce n’est pas toi qui vas tomber dans un piège ? Je n’aime pas ça… 
... Sans compter que le timing n’aurait pas pu être pire… Je me réjouissais vraiment de notre sortie de ce soir. Enfin… tu as intérêt à me revenir entier, parce que je n’ai pas renoncé à notre soirée spéciale ! +10
9/ Va au restaurant avec Eric.
... Et j’essaie de me mettre en retrait parce que je sais que, lui comme toi, vous ne ménagez pas votre peine. Mais ce n’est pas toujours facile. +10
Mais tu peux comprendre que parfois, j’en ai assez et je voudrais avoir la priorité, non ?
De fait… ça fait des années que je n’avais pas honoré un resto chicos de ma présence… Je suis désolée pour toi… Je comprends, c’est pareil pour moi, toutes mes pensées sont fixées sur quelqu’un d’autre ce soir. Je vois… En tout cas, je suis bien contente que notre soirée ait pris ce tournant surprenant. Profiter du présent, c’est ce qu’il y a de plus important, non ? +10
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my-arlington-academia · 5 years ago
Sweet Elite... MCL style remake because I love suffering
Look, I know we all have trauma because of MCL but I've decided to transform that trauma into comedy because RIP MCL tbh.
Okay so uh. First things first, Tadashi VS Axel, right? They hate eachother but they secretly really love eachother and respecc eachother that's obviously why Axel decided to help when Tadashi's father was being a 🤡 Their hatred becomes bromance but then when Sweet Elite University comes around they'll hate eachother again to go back to their initial dynamic because... fuck development amirite?
Oh and Karolina? A complete bitch, she'll hate Scholar only because she finds them ugly and she hates poor people. No other reason at all. She bullies Scholar by blackmailing her and locking her up in basements. Neha is just mindlessly following her because she's her lackey, not her friend and she just really needs Karol to model for Rao designs. They don't actually have a genuine bond or anything. And Neha is a migrant btw. She's fleeing from the Indian government because her parents said "YOLO" and tried to save Indian women from all the bullshit they have to go through. Also, Neha is pansexual and secretly a lawyer.
Later we'll find out that Karolina's twin brother, Tegan, was being abused by their father but Karolina never noticed because... she thought that it's normal to be harsher with sons than with daughters...? And the reason why the father was doing it is because he lost his job, and the person who took his place reminded him of his son too much so out of frustration he let it all out on Tegan. Totally makes sense, right?
Oh and, Claire? You love Claire, right? She's so kind and cute and all? Well GUESS WHAT?! She almost dies!!! Yes that's right! She'll get in a traffic accident because she forgot to look both ways before crossing the road and then when she awakens in the hospital it turns out that she lost her memories!! She has amnesia!! Oh but she still somehow remembers that she had a crush on her best friend: Raquel. They have a heart to heart then Claire's memories come back because uh... whatever. They just come back okay?
Then um,... Tyler! You like Tyler huh? He's so funny and cool, he's a good dude and all. Well GUESS WHAT?? He was adopted because everyone knows that James Cameron doesn't have black children obviously 🙄 Oh but Tyler really wants to know what happened to his real parents!! So he asks Tegan to use his hacking skills instead of asking his adoptive parents for answers! But oh boy! They find that Tyler's parents are dead and he only has an older brother left! But that older brother was one of Raquel's close friends when they were younger so Raquel really idolizes him and tries to copy his toxic behaviour! Thankfully Scholar helps Raquel to get her back to normal. Raquel just had self-confidence issues all long but it's fine now 👍
Then um. Alistair... he has really loving parents but they decide to get divorced because they don't love eachother anymore! Alistair is heartbroken because he feels really bad for his younger siblings and he has the feeling that they'll never be happy again... but whatever! He sucks it up because who cares about his feelings!
Getting back to Axel tho, let's say that he had a toxic ex and she came back to Arlington! He listens to everything she says in hopes that maybe she'll get back with him... because fuck Scholar amirite? All this time they spent together? Gone. He only trusts his ex unless there's solid proof for uh... whatever bad thing she did in the past.
And Ellie... uh... OMG! I have a great idea guys!! She's a drug dealer! Who gives a damn about making some dumb robots? She gives up on her dreams and hard work to sell drugs because at one point she really loved smoking 'em. But oh no! She's so gangsta that the police is after her! Oh but actually nevermind, she was working with the police to send the drug dealers to prison. Too bad that they stabbed her and she lost a lot of blood! Thankfully Tegan had the brains to call the ambulance instead of listening to her saying that "Ohh 🙄🙄 it's just a small cut, it's gonna be totally fine guys! 👌👌"
Now let's quickly wrap up Sweet Elite so we can make Sweet Elite University! So uh. Your crushes? You love them? You spend years trying to woo them? Well forget that lol because we don't actually give a shit about our customers' feelings. You break up with all of them and we'll bring back only 4 of the main 10 because we need 6 new characters! So uh. Let's just say Tadashi, Axel, Karolina and Claire make it into Sweet Elite University because they won in the popularity polls so they're basically our pikachus, we can't throw them away!!!
And for the new main 10 uh... Let's add a teacher, yeah? That's hot right? Everyone knows that y'all wanted Coach D's d so let's just say his wife died in a terrorist attack or something, sounds good? Cool! Now you can date someone who's like 15 years older than Scholar. Oh and, since it was too painful for him to stay in Arlington after his wife's death Coach D got like, into a really emo phase so now he's an art teacher in Sweet Elite University. Oh and Scholar is an art student so it'll make it easier for you to frick your teacher. The departments? Oh who cares about that lol. The canon route was the fine arts department, okay? Also you won't get to customize your Scholar anymore, she only has straight long hair because according to the poll that was the most used hairstyle for Scholar! You can only customize her hair, eye and skin colors because oh boy we love diversity!!
Talking about diversity! One of the new main 10 will be a Korean boi because k-pop is really trendy lately. Let's also add another Indian. Bring back Neha instead of making a new character? Oh no, sowwy we don't dow twat hewe 😥
We just really want new players so we're changing everything, sorry if you thought this was an actual continuation of Sweet Elite. Haven't you realized it yet? The OG Sweet Elite is dead, okay? No need to cry though! All the rest of the canceled main 10 are doing fine! They're probably working in a farm after their parents died or something, but no worries! They're happy! They achieved their dreams of uh. Dating you in high school because that's all that mattered to them! Now that you broke their heart they'll just do whatever floats their boat.
Don't be so sad though! You still have Tadashi, Axel, Karolina and Claire! Since you already won them over in high school I'm sure that you can do it again in University 😉😉
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fuhenao · 5 years ago
I have a question for you (but if you don't want to answer it's fine and sorry for disturb you) What do you think of new Sweet Elite ilu? Because...I'm confused and I want to know people opinion.
The news illus have quite a different vibe, more manga-like to me. I really like two of them (Tegan/Tyler and Claire/Ellie). And even tho I wasn't fully convinced by the other two, I think the artist will evolve bit by bit with the game itself and I kinda like that (i liked mcl illus better then mclul for example, cuz those from mclul feel all so polished, with the same expressionless type... idk feels weird. Anyway.).
To be honest, I think the whole fandom should support the artist. Whether you like this artstyle or the other better, encouraging the artist will always help them (and if you dislike the artstyle, then tell yourself that if the artist is motivated, they will do their best !).
So yeah, I globally like it. I personally think the artist can still grow, but I'm quite happy that they found someone motivated to seriously work on the game!
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koba222yachi · 5 years ago
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Thanks for tagging me @mcl-claire-luce !
Here's my malira^^ I haven't think of a clear back story for her yet.
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otomelavenderhaze · 6 years ago
Rayan’s birthday
SO, I WANT ALL THE RAYAN-GALS TO ASSEMBLE IN THIS BIRTHDAY. We all gonna “break” the tag in his birthday!! *evil laugh* It’s in January 8th how kindly @minty-bear reminded us!! 
It’s his first birthday in the fandom, so let’s make it legendary (or at least, fun and maybe annoying for other ppl, but mainly fun). I’m already up to my thing with someone very special its a surpriseee, but I’m starting to thinking in other things that we could do. For now tho, RAYAN GALS ASSEMBLE: @kurohabl, @dailygila, @itsaeriie, @badgalasuna (if you want to G-G), @solxh, @cintanna-0, @mcl-claire-luce, @saku-chann, @artyukimora and I’m sure that I’m forgetting someone’s name like always but keep tagging Rayan gals and let’s all do something for him in that day! 
Can be something small, but we can’t let his first birthday go by in blank, come onn!!
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meleiys · 5 years ago
20 followers tag
I was tagged by the lovely @tetrakys10 (grazie, non pensavo davvero che qualcuno avesse voglia di conoscermi, lmao. I am trash).
Rules: Tag 20 followers who you want to know better, AND FORCE THEM TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OR BE SENTENCED TO DEATH.
Nickname(s): my name is Sara and you can't really make it shorter, but people often call me "Saretta" or "little girl" (Castiel is shaking lmao) when they try to be cute. On internet I change nick every once in a while: when I make a big change in my life I tend to change my nick too (now that I dyed my hair ginger I am Meleys like the Red Queen from FIRE AND BLOOD, lol)
Gender: Female
Astrological sign: Cancer
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts house: I identify myself as a Ravenclaw but Pottermore says I am a Slytherin, so I guess something in the middle
Favorite animal: Leopard (like my patronus), but I really love all of them (I am actually studying to take a degree in "Wildlife management, coservation and control", so you can see that my love for animals is becoming my job)
Number of blankets: one or two I guess ???
Where are you from: the boring part of Italy, lmao, the very North of the country.
Dream trip: I dream to travel to Egypt since I was a child... but it still didn't become a reality, sigh.
When I started the account: I don't really remember, I was in middle school... I think. 6-7 years ago (at least)
Why I started this account: just for fun, at that time I was really into creepypasta and goth stuff. Guess things change, lol.
It was funny!
I'll tag @faerietale-mcl , @bya203 , @kurohabl and @mcl-claire-luce
Feel free to ignore this, lmao. I swear you won't be sentenced to death 😂
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itsmymindspeaking · 5 years ago
thanks for the tag @impossiblerayanstan💕
here’s Roxane 🖤
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1) https://picrew.me/share?cd=XimwdymcKv
2) https://picrew.me/share?cd=CxE1Z11cM8
I Tag : @vanillaamoursucrethings @sakurina-mcl @nirillyx @mcl-claire-luce @super-moumou2 @faerietale-mcl and whoever else would like to 🖤🥰
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nilsavatar · 5 years ago
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@otome-aeriie I loved so much your idea that I decided to do the same thing with my Candy😁
I’d like to introduce you Nilsa.
Nilsa has changed a lot over the years. Now she’s more confident, more aware of her charm and sometimes even a little bit flirty. She’s no longer afraid to show her emotions, to be a strong, indipendent woman in front of others and to speak her mind, although many of her walls haven’t been torn down altogether yet. She’s determined. She knows what she wants in her life and she’s ready to fight to make her dreams come true.
However, there are things that never change.  The first of them is her love for bright colours, especially hot pink, even if now she has a more refined, well-groomed and mature look. The second is her unforgivable love for Castiel, the only person on Earth who knows her fragilities and love her so much also for them, especially for them.
She can be fickle and have a predisposition to get involved with unwanted suitors, because her heart is perhaps too gentle and often misunderstood, but it beats and will always beat for her true first love only. Castiel knows it, knows that he can trust her, that she got eyes only for him, but, true to his temper, he can’t help but be annoyed by how men are attracted to her, by her naivety and her cheerful smile, even her professor of whom she clearly has an innocent crush. He also knows that because of her nature, he has to share her with all her friends, Nathaniel included, which brings a lot of drama into their relationship, already laden with sparks ‘cause she’s a spitfire.
For sure, in a couple where a common sin is pride you never get bored!
@paradisekissmoon @kurohabl @missdarkness159 @mcl-claire-luce you should share your Candies too🤩
Use this https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383 to show us your HSL and UL Candy evolution!
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mcl-luce · 6 years ago
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A few months ago I created Luce and Claire on Zepeto.
Now I decided to post some pictures... I hope this can become a small interesting column.
If you want add me, this is my code: TFFCIY
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yazexa · 6 years ago
@small-round-and-angry I'm going to reblog your reblog because you are so right and i agree with all your hashtags 👍
I went and gave a try to the new mcl university life.
I hated it.
The new design of the characters and the movements are a very pretty desguise for the awful new AP system, that I was unpleasently surprised also swallowed up the original MCL. I was in ep 26, by the way, because I only recently started playing again after three years of high school, and let me tell you, I don’t plan in continuing.
I was very exited for the new datables, and I was willing to forgive the lack of the originals, but this move they did in trying to suck as much money as they can from us is, putting it mildly, disrespectful of the fanbase they built. Also, the childishness with wich they handled the situation is pitifull.
No amount of hot teachers can hide the dumpster fire that they turned this franchise into. And it will blow up on their faces.
Now as far as protest movements go, I have an idea. Stop logging in on the page entirely. Don’t delete your accounts, just stop accesing the site. They will not only lose the money from the AP we are not buying, but the advertisement money as well.
As profit is all they seem to care about, a stab through their wallets might get their attention.
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tanyasarchives · 3 years ago
Paragraph Profile
Webinar on Student Life during the Pandemic
Good day, wizards and mages! My name is Tanya Claire M. Ofreneo, a 17-year-old Humanities and Social Sciences student from Malayan College of Laguna. I am pleased to have the opportunity to introduce all of you to our precious guest speaker for tonight's event. So sit back, relax, and take a moment to think about what you've learned from this webinar. In these difficult times, every individual is dealing with their own set of challenges and has a unique story to tell about their life journey throughout this pandemic. One of them is Jerome A. Dalde, also known as Jawo as his nickname, an 18-year-old Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science student at Malayan College of Laguna. He is a former Bosconian who has a lot of characteristics, such as being joyful, optimistic, technology with a soul, socially responsible, and born for more incredible things. Even though we are at home, he has done much during the pandemic. He won third place in the Abs-Cbn Pinapa Dance Contest, Sangguniang Kabataan EO Video Making Contest, and MCL Buwan ng Wika Spoken Poetry and Poster Making Contest. Heis also a YouTube creator with 2,390 subscribers, and he enjoys creating educational content that will help him gain more confidence in teaching soon. Tonight, he will be discussing his encounters as a student during this pandemic, and he may even give us some advice on how to manage our time better. Please join me in giving a big round of applause to Mr. Dalde!
Webinar on Thinking and Study Skills
Many students are struggling since they are taking an online class at the same time as the pandemic. Students' thinking and study skills will be put to the test in their new, more typical school environment. It's a common misconception among students that they can't handle the demands of both school and home life simultaneously. However, every one of them has a different approach to managing both at the same time. Our second speaker for the evening is a senior high school student who has difficulty staying in front of her studies because she procrastinates. Her name is Ariane Xyra Tiffany T. Binohlan, an 18-year-old Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) student at Malayan College of Laguna, known by Yan as her nickname. The life-inspiring suggestions and experiences that Ms. Ariane will be sharing with us tonight will help her fellow students to pass the online class and avoid cramming. She'll also talk about her journey from her old self to a new one who is more productive in her studies, as well as her study skills for it. Go get ready with your ballpens and take notes on the effective techniques she will be sharing tonight! Without further ado, please join me in giving a big round of applause to Ms. Ariane Xyra Tiffany T. Binohlan!
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