#maybe w some extra points if he's sleeveless
tokidokifish · 2 years
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i can’t ship anzu’a and g’raha tia bc it would be too powerful and also might kill that tiny catboy. imagine him showing up for a date and seeing this.
he would die! he would just fuckin expire
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no-heart-no-soul-t · 4 years
Mechanic!San x Reader
I finally did it after thinking and talking about it for so long lamo. It’s not good, maybe rushed? or something idk. But please have fun reading it!
Pairing: Mechanic!San x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff, some angst, applying of smut
Warnings: brief mention of death, drinking, some cursing
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You and your friend thought it would be an amazing idea to go on a road trip. Emphasis on amazing, since she didn’t get her car checked before the trip, if it can handle a four hour drive to the beach. You packed your things, throwing it all to the trunk of the car and drove away. Two hours already passed and you decided to take a nap, two more hours of driving awaiting you and Jade. You were awoken by Jade, shaking the Hell out of you. “Y/N, I think the car broke down,” you looked at her with widened eyes, “Please, be joking and tell me that only the gas ran out.” You had some reserve gas back in the trunk. She shook her head and pointed at the front. You came out of the car, instantly looking at the smoke coming from the hood. You looked at her in disbelief, “I told you to get it checked before the trip,” “But! In my defense, that car shop I am always going to, is closed down because of renovations,” she answered with a small pout. “You know, you could go to another one right?,” “Nooo~ in this they always give me a discount,”  you shook your head, knowing there’s no point in arguing. Closing the hood, you take out the phone searching for nearby car mechanics. You found one, an hour away, called “Satan’s Room.” ‘Welp that sounds friendly,’ you thought while dialing the number. Just after few rings a deep, older voice answered, “Hello, this is Satan’s Room, Mr. Choi speaking, how can I help you?,” you were surprised by the professionality in the voice, not gonna lie. “Ah, yes hello, can I ask if you could come to the 34D road? Our car broke down and it showed that only you are the nearest,” you asked nervous waiting for a reply. You heard some shuffling around the room and slamming of the door, “Yeah, it’s not a problem. We are on our way,” Mr. Choi said and hung up. “So? What did they say?,” Jade asked while looking around the road. Having your car broken on the road where there was forest around didn’t seem too appealing to her. You shrugged walking back to the passenger's seat, “He said it’s no prob and be here ASAP,” you said while putting your legs on a dashboard. “HEY! Put them down! I swear you’ll be cleaning this car,” and you slowly put them down, smiling innocently.
Forty minutes passed by since the call and you decided to go look around, still having extra twenty minutes. “Where are you going?,” Jade asked you from the open window. “Just want to check that apple tree over there. I am craving apples,” you said going over to that place. When you got to the tree it indeed had apples on it, so you went up and took some. You were mesmerized by the view from the tree. It wasn’t tall but you could see a beautiful meadow with a mountain in the background more clearly. Smiling to yourself, you just sat on the branch, enjoying the view. totally forgetting about the time. “Y’kno, in this place, stealing apples is a crime,” you heard from below you. You looked down and saw a guy not much older than you. He was wearing black sleeveless tee, black sweats and was smirking at you. Rolling your eyes you were slowly going down, but you slipped and were preparing for an impact with the ground. But it never came. Opening your eyes you saw the mysterious hot man looking down at you, holding you, smiling. You were taken in by his looks, seeing his dimples coming through. Admiring him whole, you realized he was looking right back at you with some feeling, you couldn’t pinpoint what it was, in his eyes. Coughing and blushing you quickly came down turning away. “Your friend, Jade, said you were somewhere here so I came looking for you,” he said while standing in front of you. “How do you know Jade?,” you asked confused, he just chuckled and pointed to his tee where it said “Satan’s Room” and realization hit you like a truck. “Sorry….” looking down, you went ahead not looking if he was following you. “Cute” San said to no one but himself and looked up at the sun, smiling. “Hey! My name is San, what's yours sweet cookie?,” you looked at him shocked because of the nickname but answered nonetheless. “Y/N, nice to meet you, San,” you still smiled tho, even through the shock that came over you of his choice of the nickname. “Mmmm, not only your appearance and voice are sweet, but also your name,” winking at you, he was going down the road back to the car. You stood there still shocked, but moved when you heard your name. Jade couldn’t talk. Still processing the words of Mr. Choi and San. “W-what?,” “I am sorry Jade, but that car will need at least two weeks of reparation,” Mr. Choi said apologetically. She just sighed, looking all distressed, “How much will I have to pay you?,” “Well, normally it would be two thousands of dollars,” she screeched at the price already panicking, “but, we will do it for five hundred dollars, since you are not from around here and looks like you two are just a students on the trip,” “That we are,” you confirmed. “Wait, you’ll just give me that big discount? Are you actually angels in disguise or what?,” still shocked she looked at them with big eyes. You found her very cute at the moment and thought San found it cute too. That sparkled a small pang of jealousy in your heart. Wanting to look at him but at same time you didn’t. Anyways, you looked up seeing him smile at Jade with his dimples. Instantly, you looked away and asked a question, “But, where will we be staying? Since it’s for two weeks…,” Jade coughed, seriousness back in her voice, “Yeah, maybe there's a motel around,” the two of you looked at the father and son duo if there’s really something around. San looked at you apologetically, smile disappearing, “Sadly… there’s nothing like that around,” “But you can stay at our place with us. We have extra room,” Mr. Choi quickly added, “Don’t worry, we are not serial killers,” he joked and you two eased a little bit. After agreeing, they took you to their house. On the way there you learn that San’s mother died three years ago and it’s only the two of them. There’s also a younger son, JongHo, but he left for another city to study. Also you learned that neither of them cooks and are only eating delivery food, so you made it your task to cook for them for these two weeks, since they gave you a big ass discount and are letting you two stay there. 
It was already morning, you went downstairs finding only note on the table in a very messy kitchen saying, ‘We are at the workshop, see you two later. You can do anything you want to - San,’ you sighed, going back upstairs to wake up Jade. You both got ready, “So what are we gonna do today?,” she asked while sipping on her coffee. “How about cleaning this messy kitchen and living room, go buy groceries and make them real food?,” you answered, looking around. She agreed and went to clean at least half of the dishes before you went shopping for groceries and stuff for cleaning. It took you two at least four hours to clean the whole house. Satisfied you went to the now clean kitchen to prepare some chicken breasts with potatoes and vegetable soup. Simple, because you had zero strength at this point, after all the cleaning. Bathroom took you a very long time to get rid of the oil stains. Jade sighed saying she will take a shower first and you just nodded, chilling on the sofa. After five minutes you heard that the washing machine was done with washing the clothes so you went and took them out to get dry. Humming you were hanging the clothes to dry in the backyard. “Oh! Hello? Are you San’s new girlfriend or something?,” you heard from beside you. Turning around you saw an old, lovely lady, looking at you fondly. “Ah, Hello. No I am not, me and my friend are staying here. Our car broke down and they said it will take at least two weeks so they are letting us stay here,” you answered with a small blush. She smiled, “These guys are sweet. And sorry for quickly assuming you are San’s girlfriend. He wasn’t dating anyone since his mother’s death. All the time helping his father at the car shop,” she answered looking at the house, something like memories flashing through her eyes. “It’s good you are helping them, at least for this short amount of time. I was always cooking for them, but these last three months they are saying they don’t need it, saying they are cooking for themselves,” she added and you chuckled, “If hundred boxes of delivery food is cooking by themselves, then yeah, they are cooking,” she looked at you shocked, “I will smack them! Living so unhealthy, tsk,” you again chuckled at her fondly. She waved you off going back to her house mumbling about how she will smack them and make them real food.  You went inside and found Jade baking brownies, “What? I mean they might want some? If not, I am surely craving some after that cleaning,” she pouted and you laughed, going to the shower. 
You were singing a song called ‘I miss you, I’m sorry’ by Gracie Abrams. Memories from the last relationship coming back to you. “You said, "forever," and I almost bought it
I miss fighting in your old apartment
Breaking dishes when you're disappointed
I still love you, I promise
Nothing happened in the way I wanted
Every corner of this house is haunted
And I know you said that we're not talking
But I miss you, I'm sorry” You sang brokenly, still not over it.  You finally got out of the bathroom, only to slam into something, well, someone. “Hey, you okay?,” San looked down at you, worry in his eyes. You didn’t understand why and then you realized you were crying. Memories had really hit you hard in the shower while singing that song.  “Yeah, yeah, just got some shampoo in my eyes… Did you eat?,” “No, I am gonna take shower first, then dad and then we are gonna eat,” you just nodded, going downstairs to find Jade and San’s dad laughing about something. “Y/N! Mr. Choi said they will paint my car pink!” she jumped up and down, all happy about the new color. “Oh, wouldn’t it cost more thought?,” “We will only take one hundred dollars more, otherwise it’s a lot more,” he answered kindly. “Also, thank you. For the cleaning and the food,” he softly smiled, his small dimples showing. ‘Ah, so San’s dimples come from his dad, cute’ you thought, smiling softly at him. “Dad, you can go now! They even cleaned up the bathroom. Never seen it this clean,” San laughed. His dad patted him on his back and went to the bathroom. “While cleaning we found this,” Jade handed San a photo frame where he, his dad, his younger brother and his mom were on the photo. “We were looking for that for a year now,” he smiled sadly, caressing the photo, “Where did you find it?” he looked between you two. “Y/N found it in that pile next to the sofa,” Jade pointed to the now empty spot. He looked at you and softly smiled, “Thank you,” you just nodded your head and went to heat up the food.
After the simple dinner, you four were talking on the porch, looking at the sky. Jokes were coming back and forth. Also Jade telling San’s dad about your school lives. “Y/N, are you single?,” that random question from San surprised you. “Yeah.. I had a pretty bad break up a few months ago,” you scratched your neck nervously. “I see,” he smiled at you and winked.  After these small talks you went back inside. “San fell in love with you on the first sight it seems,” she smiled at you, “No. he didn’t. I saw how he was looking at you the whole day,” you answered, faking a smile. “But he asked you if you are single,” she looked at you confused, “Maybe courtesy, I don’t know, let’s go to sleep,” turning the light off, you let the darkness consume you.
These two weeks you enjoyed yourself. Having fun with Mr. Choi and San and Jade. It was time for you two to go, car already done. Time flew by quickly. San was always talking to you about anything but also nothing. You thought he was just nice to you because he wanted to be with Jade. You always saw him in sleeveless tees or only in pants. He was really toned and you couldn’t think about some things. Sometimes when you visited their workplace you would find him leaned above the hood, repairing something. You knew, these images wouldn’t get out of your head for a long time.
“Well it’s time to say goodbye,” Mr. Choi said, handing Jade the keys. “Yes, promise us to eat home cooked food and not delivery. Maybe we wil be going around again sometime soon and we will need help again,” Jade laughed, hugging both of them. You just stood there on the side, looking down. “Hey, give me a hug, princess,” San said while crushing your bones, smiling at you, “Don’t worry, sweet cookie, I know we will meet again some time soon,” he winked at you and kissed your cheek. You blushed, looking him in the eyes, “Why,” with small voice you looked back down, “Because I like you,” he casually said and hugged you again. Your brain was frozen, not understanding.  Then it hit you, that he meant it in a friendly way. You just smiled and went inside the car. Three months came by. October is already here. Your head was just full of school, part time job and San. You just couldn’t stop thinking about him. “Let’s go to the club tonight, we need some chill,” Jade grunted while jumping on your bed. “You know, I hate clubs,” rolling your eyes, you continued on with your homework. “C’mon, it’s been so long since we went somewhere,” she pouted, getting in your face. You sighed, agreeing. “Also, maybe, you will meet some cute guy there,” she winked and went to get ready.
You wore leather high waist pants, with harness around your left thigh, black, long sleeves V neck and some choker. Jade said if you didn’t want to wear a dress, you are going in this. You just shrugged, taking the second option.
“Well, you look so hot,” she whistled and checked you out.
Finally at the club, the two of you went straight for the bar, each taking a shot of tequila. Jade dragged you to the dance floor. You enjoyed yourself, you couldn’t lie. All the stress and thinking went away. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone sneaking their hands around your waist, pulling you into a chest.
“Hey, angel, long time no see. You look really hot,” you recognized the voice. Your ex, Jaehyun. Turning around quickly, you looked up at him in shock,
“What the hell do you want here, Jaehyun?,” Jade screamed at him, pulling you away.
“Came by to have some fun, like you,” he winked at you, licking his lips.
“Just leave, you hurt her more than enough,” she tried to take you away but he held your hand saying you are not going anywhere.
“Leave me alone!” you screamed and hit his chest.
“No, angel, you are mine. Bet you are still virgin, wanna have some fun?,” he laughed, pulling you into him. All of the sudden you were taken away from him. When you looked up, you saw San beating up your ex on the floor.
“San! No! Stop!,” you just went to him and back hugged him,
“Let’s just go, he is not worth it,” San relaxed and took your hand, going out of the club.
After some running, you got to your apartment. It was nearby and you ran there without thinking, San following you. When you got in and closed the door behind you two, you looked at him shocked.
“What are you even doing here? How did you know we would be there?,” millions of questions coming from your mouth.
“Hey, chill. I will answer one by one,” he put his hands on your shoulders, to calm you down a little bit.
“I am here, because I wanted to see you. And Jade texted me that you will be in that club, earlier today. So, here I am.” You looked at him still confused. ‘He and Jade have exchanged numbers?’ you thought to yourself, all the happiness from seeing him going away.
“I see…” you took your shoes off, ignoring him and going to the living room.
“What’s wrong?” he asked while back hugging you, nuzzling into your neck.
“This is wrong! You and Jade had each other's numbers this whole time! And here you are, hugging me and nuzzling your face into my neck!,” you yelled trying to get away.
“What are you implying?,” he turned you around looking into your eyes. You swear he could take your soul away by just his looks.
“That. You are here playing with my feelings? And not with Jade? What am I even to you, Choi San? Just a small fun before you will ask Jade out? Or what?,” you said brokenly, tears coming from your eyes.
“Those two weeks, I really liked you. Scratch. I like you even now. Couldn’t stop thinking about you this whole time. And now,” you looked away, sighing. You weren’t prepared for this. He took your face into his hands and smashed his lips onto yours. The kiss was hungry and full of passion. No words needed.
“I didn’t give you my number, because I needed to focus on something. It was a big project for a very rich and dangerous man. And I know you would distract me. But I am sorry, princess. I gave my number to Jade just in case you, Y/N,  would need me,” his eyes telling you that he said the truth. You kissed him softly on his lips, hoping for a good reaction. He kissed you back, lifting you up. Locking your legs around his waist and hands around his neck, you deepened the kiss.
“Where’s your room?” he asked with heavy breath and you just pointed to the door, kissing his neck and making small galaxies. Grunting he opened the door, your attack on his neck making him more aroused.
“Baby girl, calm down,” he chuckled, putting you down on the bed and getting on top of you.
You blushed, realization hitting you,
“San… there’s a thing,” he caressed your cheek humming for you to continue, “I- I am still a virgin,” you blushed looking away. After few seconds he turned your head back to him and smiled,
“And? You think I wouldn’t want you because of that?” nodding you tried to look away again but he held your face, looking at you fondly.
“Princess, that doesn’t matter. I want you,” he finished with a soft kiss that turned to a passionate one really quickly. Finally you pulled away, taking a breath. His eyes were so dark and dilated, you lost yourself in them. He smirked, taking his shirt off,
“Baby girl, I won’t hurt you,” kissing your neck, “but I might later on. In a good way,” taking your shirt off, “also this choker is staying on your neck throughout this whole time,” he finished with a searing kiss. The night was filled with moans and soft breaths, the moon making it more magical.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/niceguyroasti | 175k followers | Just here for a bit of fun 🤹🏽‍♂️! They don’t call me the brown handstand king for nuthin, mate 🎪🤸🏽‍♂️
(23) 25 (26) years old
From Wolverhampton, England
Before you ask...no he’s never met Liam Payne but Rohan’s sure he’s a great lad. (He was asked this question in one of his lives, he secretly thinks it was talia from one of her secret burner stan accounts lol) He’s got a nice tune with a boogie w da hoodie that he likes??
Anyways...he’s of Pakistani heritage
His mother used to work for a printing press company until she along with 15 other employees were laid off back in Sargodha
She was out of work for months becoming a stay at home mom (which his father initially wanted) 
While his father continued in ironwork
They uprooted their family to the uk two years later after Rohan’s father also got laid off
Rohan was about 7 years old when they moved to Wolverhampton
he picked up on the English language faster than his parents
Always a quick learner
He has two younger brothers
Who are really his cousins/friends of the family that his parents brought home from Pakistan after their parents passed in a tragic accident
he was eleven years old when he met them at the airport and was super excited to have sibs! & even encouraged his mom to let him buy them something they would like sort of like a ice breaker which they seemed to appreciate 😭
His parents wanted him to major in software engineering or any form of engineering really but that quickly became a “hell no” vs “hell yeah” after those courses started to rot his brain?
So what does he do? He decides he’s gonna major in psychology instead!
That seems more of his speed? Kinda? As long as he’s not dealing with that hardware shit then that’s cool with him tbh
Psych held more of his interest since he doesn’t have a issue with the whole science aspect tied into it but it’s deff lengthy and can be draining sometimes too
He doesn’t psychoanalyze everything like our girl marisol does
marisol will be like “hmm...you’re distributing narcissistic behavior based on your superego more than your ego ya know?”
but Rohan will either think it or think nothing of it and just continue to go with the flow lol. He’s that kinda guy
Why was he majoring in this in the first place? Just to say he had the degree in something maybe?
He’s 50/50 thinking he’ll just get the degree he’s halfway there but he really wants to be part of the circus
And now has circus themed tatts that he’s proud of thank u
Always had the obsession with all that comes with the circus, he had his paternal grandfather to thank for that
His grandfather used to juggle along with other forms of entertainment but mostly juggling on the street back in Pakistan to earn $ since there were a lack of jobs
The atmosphere there also was what got him into doing handstands cause why tf not
You can absolutely guess that the acrobats, trapeze acts, and tightrope entertainers are his favorites to watch
His parents just assumed it was a hobby of his and never took him serious even tho he openly said growing up that’s something he would like to do in life
He now understands the purpose of “freak shows” even tho he can honestly say those parts of the circus used to terrify him until he learned that not everyone is the same and there should be no shame in that
He will train on the side until he finishes his degree to make his parents happy but he knows he truly belongs in the circus and that’s where he will be someday whether his parents approve or not— after all this is his life
Lives on campus and is currently looking for a flat off campus to share with a roommate or two (he thought about asking jake & Tim but decided against it FOR NOW)
Mostly had temporary and odd jobs to get by each semester, has not had a steady job due to fully being a full-time student
He’s tried to be a full time student and full time employee (working as a package delivery man) just to burn himself out and never attempted to be a part time employee. It was not something he could handle sorry
His mother spoils him...he’s a bit of a mama’s boy
When it comes to relationships, it never seems to be what he thinks it is? One moment things are going great then the next he’s in the friend zone so he’s never quite sure where he stands with his significant others?
Which is why he thinks it’s safe to always start off in the friend zone or unintentionally puts those who have interest in him in the friend zone because that’s what’s comfortable to him
however if he’s really into you & you’re showing that you’re into him but it’s causal dating or whatever u want to call it? & you up and decide to pick the other over him catching him off guard he’s gonna be in his feelings about it 100% ex.) how he picked erikah over mc the 2nd time around and felt some type of way when erikah hopped on reeses dck
he wants communication even if it’s hard
and he wants someone to love unconditionally and for them to love him back
Definitely likes to sweep his loves off their feet
Especially when he’s kissing! The whole dipping you while you kiss, hand on the small of your back, or hands gripping your waist while he’s pressed up against you. Probably likes to bend you over things or have you pressed up against objects as well—Sign me tf up
I feel like he’s always warm and his hands are surprisingly soft with how many handstands he does in a damn day
He purchases hand moisturizing gloves
can always hold his own weight
enjoys core exercises
Will carry you on his back or his shoulders if you need to see better at festivals/concerts
He’s sexually fluid
It’s canon/hinted that something went on between him & jake when mc walked in that we missed by a few seconds or even a minute but I do think he’s attracted/was to jake and it’s canon that jake is bi bby
Plus he got excited when mc suggested that he’d date jake if jake doesn’t find someone in the villa so BOOM 🤗
Always active as a kid trying to do flips and shit likes he’s doing parkour much like Bobby ending up with bruises, scrapes, and surprisingly no broken bones? Well maybe scratch that last bit out...He did crack his head open a little bit once giving his mother a heart attack but his mother doesn’t dare speak of it — haram!
Loves his sleeveless shirts and silver thick chains
Keeps a five o’clock shadow + might grow a little stubble here and there, feels like it’s part of his signature look
Won’t grow a full beard due to the racism/prejudice he witnessed his father, grandfather, uncles, and cousins go thru!
Will spend coin on some aftershave, none of that cheap shit when it comes to that! Sorry he takes pride in his facial area
probably went thru a mild case of cystic acne when puberty hit & had some insecure moments when it comes to his appearance & still has moments where it’ll hit even tho he beat it thanks to some remedies but tries his best not to let it get to him
He knows how to manage his $ but can splurge every now and then but will never showcase what he has — that’s v corny to him to be overly flashy. He’s looking at y’all @/leggy @/jasper/@/miles
Doesn’t take high quality photos of himself, it’s always zoomed in or extra zoomed in photos—yup he’s got that type of feed
Regrets putting mc in the friend zone & wishes he put more effort in making things work with erikah
But slowly learned to be happy that she’s with Reese even if he wasn’t at first. He really thought there could have been something for him & erikah
he secretly thinks their “relationship” is superficial & based off of shallowness and lust. What else do they have? Nothing that he could have given her but what’s the point in being bitter over this?
Reese is a shit stirrer that thinks he can get anything he wants because of the way he looks & if he knows outside info that he can use again you, he WILL
& erikah? He doesn’t know where her head is at majority of the time. She likes to throw rocks then acts like she didn’t mean to do it but why do it in the first place if you didn’t mean to? + she seems to lose interest fast if they don’t fit her standards besides their physical appearance...yeah Rohan caught all of that
So did she even genuinely like him or want to besides what he brought to the table physically? Who knows
He just thinks people deserve their chance at happiness and he possibly could have had it if he wasn’t standing in his own way...and he absolutely won’t stand in anyone else’s way if they don’t see potential happiness with him
He’s cool with cherry but deep down he knew there wouldn’t be anything long term between him & her after some time. She’s a beautiful/hot girl but she wasn’t his type + he didn’t like how she portrayed herself in the villa even tho she claims there was more than what meets the eye when it comes to her
she proved that to him which she didn’t HAVE to!!! outside of the house and they actually remained friends unlike the now growing distance he has with erikah
I cannoned that him and Hannah give it a go. I think they’d be cute together? She told him from the moment they met at a festival that they were now dating after they ended up holding hands but he didn’t take her seriously since she was a little drunk?
She messaged him two days later asking him when they were going on their date and that was enough for him to give it a go
They only lasted for a couple of months since they outgrew each other slowly but surely. ‘Not all things are temporary,’ he had to remind himself
It was no bad blood thankfully and they continued to be friends with him wishing her well on her new relationship with Carl. He was genuinely happy for her as he always was for his friends
Cannot cook for shit but makes the best coffee with cinnamon & cardamom
once tried to make Aloo Chaat but with a twist! With the use of Potato Skins instead! for a family dinner party and his mum almost sent him home due to the insults his father spewed at rohan trying to fool them all that it was his wife who prepared such a thing
It is evident that his father only enjoys his wife’s cooking
he still makes it for himself when he’s starving despite what his father thinks
Is fluent in Urdu, English came second
Never ashamed of his culture although his father thinks he is...
His fav shows are misfits + the IT crowd and he is currently watching & enjoying truth seekers + mr. selfridge since Tim recommended it to him ofc
his fav American show is the challenge
when asked what his fav American movie is, he got dragged since ppl assumed it would be the greatest showman but he can’t take all the singing...musicals aren’t his thing sorry
But he’ll bust out a rap only if Tim & jake are around, he rarely does it alone
Even looked into producing music for fun but never took THAT seriously
closest with jake & Tim, doesn’t have much of a relationship with the other lads 🤷🏽‍♀️ but there’s no real beef with anyone he knows how to let shit go
But you’ll never catch him having a chat with Reese or following him back on ig. What they had to say to each other was already said and done so?
If erikah agrees to get engaged to Reese, he’s happy for her but cordial to him
if she doesn’t end up with Reese, he’ll be her shoulder to lean on if she needs it
his love language is physical touch with a splash of acts of service
Commonly sleeps curled up, his mum says he was like that in the womb as well—(same dude)
He’s probably a good 5’9 - 5’7 on bad days
Is he a Pisces? Idk
His signature cologne is probably Antaeus by Chanel which is described to have notes of: lemon, lime, coriander and sage w. A blend of thyme, basil and rose
Loves black pepper, specifically garlic, onion, black pepper, and sea salt all mixed together
has a vitiligo spot on the right side of his lower spine that is commonly covered with the waistband of whatever bottoms he has on
has a pogo stick
Wants to go skydiving next, has gone bungee jumping—which was such a adrenaline rush!!!
probably knows a few tips on how to survive in the wild or if the apocalypse hits...you can never be too sure
If he ever gets a pet he might get something like: Satanic Leaf tailed Gecko, Kinkajou, or a Pac-Man frog. He likes being different okay
he actually enjoyed season 3 despite the negative remarks made about it. It was “different” basically drama free which was a shocker knowing how production likes to take things take a shot every time ro explains his decisions/opinions as such lol
BUT he won’t go as far to say he liked it better than his season yet he did enjoy keeping up with it. He def has a crush on iona, aj, vieve, Camilo & tai
Yasmin actually joined one of his lives, which he doesn’t do too often but he couldn’t sleep one night and thought he’d give it a go. She’s quite nice & quiet but he ultimately felt calm around her + they bonded over bohemian lifestyle & his love for the circus + a little about their cultures
Long term goals? He doesn’t have a set timeline of when he wants everything to happen because pressure is not fun
but he wants to be in love and loved back, wants to be married, wants to have kids, wants to try out the circus for awhile and if that doesn’t work out he can always fall back on his psych degree—he just wants to be happy and share that with someone, that’s one of the biggest adventures he can possibly have
His anthem = Blxst, “No Love Lost”
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fieryanmitsu · 5 years
Operation: No Curry | A3! Week 2020 – Day 3 (Tsumugi/Izumi)
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The rest of my A3! Week entries are very late! But here’s my piece for Day 3! It’s just something light and silly this time, but please enjoy~
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PROMPTS: Summer|Dorm Life/Roommates|Confession
CHARACTERS: Tsumugi Tsukioka, Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Tsuzuru Minagi, Tenma Sumeragi, Banri Settsu, Taichi Nanao, Hisoka Mikage
PAIRINGS: Tsumugi/Izumi
My fanfic masterpost: Here
AO3: Link in my Blog Menu
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“Hot… it’s so hot… I’m going to meeeeelt!!” Taichi lamented from his spot on the floor of the Mankai Company’s lounge. The redhead was already wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt, but sweat still covered his entire body.
“Damn Sakyo! I can’t believe that cheap old man won’t let us turn on the aircon!” Banri growled from his spot at the table, fanning himself desperately with a paper fan. “And I can’t believe I have to use this stupid fan!”
The fan was one of many that Sakyo had asked Sakoda to prepare for them. The kanji for “Simplicity. Frugality. Temperance.” were emblazoned on the plain white fans in Sakoda’s calligraphy. They had only cost 800 yen for a pack of 20, and Sakoda’s labour was free.
“Well… Sakyo did say he would turn it on when it hits 35 degrees at least…” Sakuya replied, looking up from the script he was reading with one hand – the other also limply held a fan. Even the ever-chipper Spring Troupe leader sounded less enthusiastic than usual.
“It’s freakin’ 34 degrees!! We’re only one degree off, but he still won’t turn it on!” Tenma cried, lifting his head up from where he had laid it on the table. After his outburst, he immediately dropped it back on the table, all energy drained out of him. “Banri… fan me too… I can’t move…”
“Maybe we can ask him to count the humidity level… It’s 87% humidity after all… that’s got to count for an extra degree, right?” Sakuya suggested with a chuckle.
“I’m going to dieeeeee, it’s too hooooot!!” Taichi wailed.
“Shut UP, Taichi!! You’re making me feel even hotter!!” Banri snapped.
Suddenly the door to the lounge slammed open and Tsuzuru practically collapsed into the lounge.
“It’s an emergency!” the older boy exclaimed, his face pale and dripping with sweat.
“Tsuzuru?! What happened?”
“The director… I just saw her walking back from grocery shopping with Tsumugi. And I overheard that… that… that she’s making extra spicy curry for dinner tonight!!”
The lounge was silent for a moment as the gravity of what Tsuzuru just uttered sank in. Then, the room immediately erupted into a flurry of panicked voices.
“E-extra spicy curry?!”
“GYAAAAH!! It’s too hot for curry!!”
“NOOOOOO! We’re going to dieeeeee!”
“GUYS! Pull it together. We just… we have to stop her!” Tsuzuru interrupted, hauling himself back onto his feet.
“How do we do that?!” Taichi moaned.
“Don’t panic! I have a plan!” Banri replied, his brain already churning. “Taichi! Go get Omi! Make him take over dinner duty to make something normal to eat! Sakuya, you and Tenma intercept the director and distract her while she’s putting away the groceries. Make sure she doesn’t start prepping those ingredients! Tsuzuru, you’re with me! ‘Operation: No Curry’ officially starts right now!”
“You’re the boss, boss!” Taichi responded, jumping to his feet with a salute. Despite having been glued to the floor in exhaustion mere moments ago, it was as if the thought of eating hot and spicy curry in the heat had shot energy through his veins. A second later, he was dashing out of the lounge to hunt down his roommate.  
Almost immediately afterwards, Izumi and Tsumugi walked through the door, hands weighed down with numerous shopping bags.
“We’re back!”
“D-Director! Let us help you with those groceries!!” Tenma exclaimed, scrambling off his chair.
“You should sit down, Izumi! You must be tired!” Sakuya said, taking the grocery bags from her arms and passing them to Tenma.
“H-Huh? Oh, you don’t have to do that—Whoa!” Izumi started to protest, but a moment later, Sakuya had already forcibly pushed her to sit down on the couch.
“TSUMUGI! We need to talk to you!!” Banri jumped in immediately.
“Th-That’s right! It’s urgent!” Tsuzuru added, taking his cue from Banri. He took the bags from Tsumugi and dropped them on the table before joining the Autumn Troupe leader in pushing Tsumugi into the hallway.
“W-Wait, what’s wrong, you two?!” Tsumugi exclaimed in confusion as the two younger boys jostled him out of the lounge.
As soon as they were in the hallway, Banri and Tsuzuru cornered Tsumugi against the wall.
“Tsumugi…” Banri’s voice lowered as he stared intently at the older man. “How could you betray us?”
“B-Betray?” Tsumugi gasped, looking back at Banri with wide eyes.
“You went grocery shopping with the director. It was your duty to stop her from buying ingredients for curry,” Tsuzuru added in an equally grave voice.
“Huh? Is this what this is about?” Tsumugi said with a chuckle.
“This is no laughing matter! It’s so DAMN hot!! How could you let her make curry for us in this heat?!” Banri responded, shaking Tsumugi by the shoulders.
“Ahaha, er, well, she was really gung ho about it. Saying how the best way to beat the heat was to overpower it with more heat. Something about sweating would cool your skin off?”
“We’ll die, Tsumugi. If we have to eat extra spicy curry in this heat, we’ll literally die,” Tsuzuru responded bluntly, his eyes already looking half-dead.
“Look, Hisoka’s already dead from the heat – we’ll be next,” Banri stated, suddenly pointing down the hallway. Sure enough, Hisoka was splayed out face down on the floor in the middle of the corridor.
“H-Hisoka?! Maybe we should check on him?!”
“No, we’ll take care of him later. You have something more important to do,” Tsuzuru replied, waving his hand casually.
“I do?!”
“You need to get Izumi out of the dorms so that she can’t cook dinner,” Banri responded. “We need her far and away from here. Distract her for the next two or three hours while we get Omi to cook instead. He isn’t a curry freak and will make us something normal to eat.”
“But, why me? I’m actually fine with eating curry—”
“No, it’s your responsibility. You have to atone for your crime.”
“What crime?!”
“Let’s go!”
And in another whirlwind of limbs, Tsumugi was suddenly shoved back into the lounge and pushed in front of Izumi, still seated on the couch where Sakuya and Tenma were bombarding her with (fake) questions about the script in Sakuya’s hands.
“Izumi!” Tsuzuru hollered.
“Tsumugi has something to tell you!” Banri announced, clapping Tsumugi on the shoulder with an iron grip.
“Hmm? What is it, Tsumugi?”
“Uh… Umm… I… I…” Tsumugi stuttered – what exactly was he supposed to say?!
His eyes flickered from Izumi’s face to Tenma’s, and then Sakuya’s, and then landed on a magazine on the coffee table before them. Flustered, Tsumugi snatched up the magazine and pointed to the cover without really reading it.
“Th-This! I-I need to go here. With you. Right now!”
Everyone froze as they all stared at the front of the magazine. It was a bridal magazine, probably Yuki’s for costume design inspiration if the bear-shaped sticky notes sticking out of the pages indicated anything. The front-page splash was a photograph of a church with bright and bold words written across that read: ‘Top 10 Churches in Tokyo to Hold your Summer Wedding!’
No one seemed to know what to say. A cold bead of sweat dripped down the back of Tsumugi’s neck. Finally, after what felt like ages, Tsuzuru was the first to recover.
“Th-That’s right! This is for that… that guest performance that you have tomorrow right, Tsumugi? You were telling me about how you had to play a groom!”
“Y-Yes! I… I just realized that it would be good to get in some last minute practice! I figure this would really immerse me in the role – being at an actual church!” Tsumugi ad-libbed, working off of Tsuzuru’s line.
“H-Huh? B-but why do you need me there?” Izumi asked, stunned.
“Well, it would be better to practice with an opposing actor, wouldn’t it?” Banri replied.
“In that case, I should definitely not go with you – you know I can’t act,” Izumi dismissed breezily. “If Tsumugi needs someone to practice with, why don’t one of you go? It’ll be good practice in case any of you play a female role in the future! Anyway, I need to get started on dinner—”
Banri suddenly elbowed Tsumugi in the ribs and the older man, literally spurred into action, fell to his knees and grabbed Izumi’s hands in his own. Suddenly, it looked like a switch had been turned on, and his expression changed completely.
“No, it has to be you, Izumi,” Tsumugi said softly, his face serious and intense. His hands grasped hers tighter, gently drawing them closer to his chest, and he leaned his upper body closer towards her. “I want to make my practice as realistic as possible – to be as immersed in the scenario as much as I can. I could only do that with you as my practice partner. As my bride. After all… you’re the one I love, Izumi.”
For the third time within the past ten minutes, the entire room fell silent. They had all unconsciously been drawn into Tsumugi’s performance, and his sudden confession had been so heartfelt that every one of them had stopped breathing. Izumi could only stare back at Tsumugi with a slack jaw, wide eyes and bright red cheeks.
“Won’t you come with me, Izumi? Won’t you be my bride?” Tsumugi asked softly, one hand reaching up to cup her cheek tenderly and his eyes looking up at her imploringly.
“O-Okay,” Izumi answered, half out of shock.
“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, Izumi! Let’s go then – the boys will take care of dinner,” Tsumugi replied with a wide, toothy grin.
He gently tugged Izumi to her feet, intertwined their fingers and swiftly led her out of the lounge by the hand. As the door closed behind them, the remaining actors could only look at each other in disbelief.
“Tsumugi… He was acting just now, right?” Sakuya asked.
“Wow, he seriously is a pro when it comes to those subtle emotions – He hooked me right in…” Tenma responded with a shake of his head.
“No kidding… But, well, that’s that! Let’s go check on Taichi and Omi and get this non-curry dinner started! I’d say ‘Operation: No Curry’ is a grand success,” Tsuzuru added, clapping his hands together.
“Of course it was a success – I was the one who came up with it, after all,” Banri boasted, already heading towards the dorms.
“Hey! Somen! I want somen! Do you think Omi would make somen tonight?!” Tenma exclaimed excitedly.
“Oh yeah, someone needs to go check on Hisoka… I think he’s still sleeping in the hallway,” Banri remarked, suddenly remembering the older man.
“Uh, I hope he’s just sleeping…” Tsuzuru muttered, causing Sakuya to whip his head to look at him in alarm.
“Wait, what?! What happened to Hisoka?!”
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Outside of the Mankai Company, Tsumugi led the still-dumbstruck Izumi up a side street, distinctly aware of the feeling of her hand held tight in his. They proceeded in silence for a few minutes until they arrived at a nearby park, where Tsumugi finally slowed down their steps.
“Izumi, let’s take a quick break here,” he said, sitting her onto a bench under the shade of a nearby tree.  
“Oh! Ah, sure, sounds good,” Izumi responded, finally recovered from her stupor.
“I’ll be right back!” Tsumugi said, before he quickly jogged over to a vending machine. Pulling out his wallet, he counted out a few hundred yen and bought a bottle of cold green tea. Returning to Izumi, he suddenly dipped himself into a bow and proffered the bottle to her.
“I’m sorry, Izumi! I tricked you just now! I don’t have any guest performances tomorrow – I don’t need to practice anything! Please accept this drink as an apology!”
Izumi stared owlishly at the drink floating in front of her face. A moment later, after Tsumugi’s words sunk in, she let out a laugh.
“Oh man, you really surprised me earlier! We had just been together too, and you didn’t mention anything about a guest performance, so I was so shocked when you came out of nowhere and said all of that!” she replied, taking the drink out of his hands. “And, of course you’re forgiven – though there’s nothing to forgive, really. But, why did you trick me anyway?”
“Ahaha… Well, I’m sure it’s obvious in hindsight, but Banri and Tsuzuru asked me to do it. Er, well, maybe that’s not quite right. Rather they asked me to distract you and get you out of the dorms,” he responded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
“Huh? Why did they want you to do that?”
“Errr, something about wanting to make dinner… or something,” he responded evasively, his eyes glancing away briefly before returning to her face and crinkling into a mischievous smile. “But, well, since we’re already out here, why don’t we honour their wishes and go enjoy ourselves for a bit? We could go somewhere with aircon, since we don’t have it on at home.”
“Oooh, that’s actually a great idea! Let’s go to the shopping mall, then! I haven’t had a chance to browse around for a while!” she replied.
“That sounds good to me,” Tsumugi agreed, falling into step beside her as they started walking again. They were only a few inches apart, and Tsumugi felt his hand twitch, wanting to reach across the short distance to grab a hold of hers again.
“But you know… you never cease to impress me with your acting, Tsumugi,” Izumi said suddenly, turning her head to give him a smile.
“Oh?” Tsumugi prompted. He could feel his heart rate quickening.
“When you grabbed my hands and confessed that you loved me… I couldn’t tell you were acting at all – it felt so real. You seriously made my heart beat so fast! My face felt like it was on fire! I’m so embarrassed!” Izumi responded, looking away shyly. She held the bottle of tea up to her face, trying to cool off her flushed cheeks.
“Ah, that’s probably because I wasn’t acting…” Tsumugi muttered quietly, half hoping that the woman next to him heard.
A second passed by without a response. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Izumi continued to walk without having missed a step – still smiling normally as she held the bottle to her cheek – and he knew that his words had been drowned out by the call of the cicadas.
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This ended on a much more wistful note than I had intended, haha. But, maybe that’s just how it was meant to go since I was working with Tsumugi! Precious Tsumugi is my second favourite A3! boy, so I’m happy to write something where he gets a bit more of the spotlight! I also had a lot of fun writing the silly, overdramatic Mankai teenagers (and poor Tsumugi who got roped in), so hopefully you all had fun reading!
A3! Week 2020 is almost over at this point, but I will still be putting out content for the rest of the prompts that I haven’t gotten to yet! Please stay tuned if you’re interested, and likes and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you~
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sunnomnoms · 5 years
Hey could I maybe request a mini-fic where Tokoyami and his male s/o are sleeping together (no nsfw!) and just to making it extra fluffy could I request his male s/o being 220 cm plz
You absolutely can!!! I’m glad people are asking for Tokoyami and such, I like writing for characters who need a lot more love :D Sorry for the wait by the way, I had a writers block due to school work and drawing a lot. Maybe I’ll post my art one day? Who knows? Not me! Anyway I’m rambling, here you are!
Warnings: nothing much, fluffy fluff, Kirishima teases you, so does Mina and Kaminari, this fic is short I am so sorry, I went a little off topic, Mlm relationship? Does that need to be a warning? I don’t think so but I know some of you guys may be female/nb and I want y’all to know this is male coded instead of gender neutral like usual.
Tokoyami sleeping with his tall, male S/O
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The two of you were absolutely exhausted.
The day had been one that felt it would never end. Training had been especially treacherous that day, and it didn’t help that you two had gotten pretty messed up from all the sparring. It was just a few bad bruises and some cuts, but there was aching all over. After a quick shower and some food, you headed back to your dorm. You walked the halls towards your room, wearing just a sleeveless shirt and sweat pants. You sighed, you were just ready to sleep.
“Did pretty rough out there huh gentle giant?” You heard Kirishima tease you from down the hall, headed the opposite way as you. It wasn’t a truly mocking tone, he was just messing around. You laughed at the remark.
“Ah- shut it pebble.”
“That is BOULDER to you sir!”
The two of you laughed as you got to your dorm room door. Kirishima gave you a wave and wished you a good rest, and you wished him the same.
Upon entering your room, you found a familiar figure in your bed.
“Oh, hey Fumi.” You called you your boyfriend, Tokoyami. He groggily picked his head up and looked at you, giving a sleepy smile.
You put your stuff down by your desk, tossing your dirty clothes into your laundry basket before crawling into bed yourself.
“You feeling okay?” You asked the smaller boy. He huddled up into your chest, wrapping his arms around your much larger stature.
“I’ll be okay with some rest.” He muttered softly into your chest. You chuckled a little, gently running your fingers through his feathers. You pulled him close, your body basically engulfing him due to your height differences. You placed a small kiss on the top of his head.
The two of you dozed off, not waking until about three hours later when Iida had knocked on your door informing you that dinner was ready.
Tokoyami was the one who woke up, you being still sound asleep.
He whispered.
“[Y/N], wake up, foods ready.”
You stirred a little, holding on a little tighter to Tokoyami. He blushed a little as he pushed off of you.
“No, no, [Y/N] get up, we have to go eat.” He said, starting to giggle a little at the situation.
You opened your eyes groggily, slurring a small “wha..?” He have you a soft smile, before pointing to the door. “Dinner is ready. I’d imagine you wouldn’t want to miss it.”
You sat up in your bed, yawning and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“Nope, not for the life of me. Especially not after today.”
You stretched, unaware of the slight stare Tokoyami had. He blushed a little. You looked nice in sleeveless shirts, okay? It gave him a chance to see your muscles, you know? God, he had it bad for you.
“Fumi?” You called to him, noticing his stare.
“Ah!” He exclaimed, embarrassed that he had been caught.
“I-um- dinner. let’s go eat.” He fumbled over his words as he averted eye contact. You laughed at his embarrassment, he was just so cute. You stood up from the bed, stretching once more. You threw a T-shirt on over your sleeveless shirt, then turning to yourself boyfriend.
“Do you want a hoodie?” You asked him, handing him one from your closet. “It’ll be big and cute on you. Plus, it fits your aesthetic.”
Tokoyami blushed as he took the oversized black Nirvana hoodie from your hands. He put it on, the large hoodie basically engulfing him. you chuckled at him, to which he shot you a playful glare.
The two of you walked out towards the dormitories dining area, which was buzzing with some chatter and some people grabbing food and filling their plates. Momo greeted the two of you as you entered.
Kaminari took notice to the two of you almost immediately.
“Woah! Tokoyami, you’re wearing [Y/N]’s clothes!! Wait!! did you two-”
“NOPE nope no, do not finish that sentence.” You interrupted his train of though, a small blush on your cheeks. He laughed, Ashido joining in as well.
“You totally did, didn’t you?” She pries, speaking towards Tokoyami.
“N-no! I’m just wearing his hoodie, w-what’s the big deal?” He hid his flushed face, too embarrassed to look her in the face.
“That blush tells otherwise!”
“Ah come on, leave him be. Nothing happened, we were too tired after training anyway. We just slept.” You said, hoping to ease your boyfriends nerves, and give a response that satisfied the two of them.
“So you slept with him!!”
“NO!! Well, yes- I mean-!! uh- Shut up!!”
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lilaswordsandthings · 6 years
That’s What Friends Are For Ch.2
A/N: It looks like this fic is going to end up being longer than I initially thought, and that is ok with me. *If You Like This Fic, Please reblog it/comment. We Fanfic writers need to help each other out. I’m Tagging all the usual suspects 
@illegalcerebral @dontshootmespence @reid-effect @stunudo @ultrarebelheart   
Chapter 2: A Thousand Questions
 A new case came in a few hours after Reid and JJ left for the airport. As Matt, Tara, Alvez, and Rossi filed into the conference room they couldn’t help but notice that two of their teammates were conspicuously missing.
 “Ok, now that everybody’s here, let’s get started,” Emily said.
 “Wait a minute, we’re not all here.” Tara pointed out.
 “Yeah, she’s right.” Matt agreed. “Where are Reid and JJ?”
 “They won’t be joining us. Reid was just notified of the death of an old friend, also the fact that this friend gave birth shortly before her death. It’s a long story and I promise I’ll explain everything to you guys later but right now, we need to get started.”
 “First the fiasco a few years ago, then he was abducted and almost sacrificed by a cult, now this…” Tata said.
 “Yeah… that’s why I sent JJ with him. I didn’t think it was a good idea for him to go alone. That’s said, it’s important that the rest of us hold down the fort while they’re gone, so let’s get started.”
 Sensing that was her cue, Garcia grabbed the remote, stood, and began the briefing.
 “Alright my pretties, this time you’re jetting to Beatty Nevada. It’s a smaller city about two hours northwest of Las Vegas. In the last two weeks, three women, all with dark hair in their early twenties to mid-thirties, were found. They were all stripped naked, bound, strangled, severely beaten, and sexually assaulted. They were all dumped on side streets or in allies, basically lightly traveled public places. It’s still pretty early out there so the latest victim was only found a half hour ago.”
 “And as soon as they were sure she was connected to the others, they called us,” Emily added.
 “Right off the bat, it’s pretty obvious we’re looking for a male offender. Men get off on this kind of violence, women don’t.” Tara said.
 “He could’ve chopped them up and/or buried them, even just dumped them in more isolated areas. It wouldn’t be hard in a city surrounded by desert, but he chose not to. It’s important to him that they’re found quickly, and in as compromising a state as possible. He’s getting off, not just on the violence, but on humiliating these women” Rossi theorized.
 “And once and Unsub like this gets started, it only gets worse. Wheels up in twenty.”
 Meanwhile, JJ and Reid were in the air, flying to Las Vegas. Reid was sitting by the window, JJ was in the seat to his right. She watched as he stared hopelessly out the window. JJ could only imagine what must be running through his mind.
 “Spence, it’s gonna be ok.” She said.
 “How JJ? How, when we don’t even know how Becca died?” He asked.
 JJ couldn’t think of what to say, so she just looked at him, trying to appear reassuring. Finally, she asked: “How close were the two of you?”
 “We were best friends, she was pretty much the best friend I ever had outside of our team. What I don’t understand is why she never told me she was in trouble you know? The social worker said that based on the letter, Becca knew she was dying, but I talked to her the night before. She seemed fine. She didn’t mention anything about being in trouble, or that she’d just had a baby. I had no idea she was even pregnant. Now all of a sudden, when it’s already too late to help her, she asks me to raise her daughter? None of this makes sense.”
 “Well, I don’t know her, but I do know you. The fact that she chose you to adopt her baby, Spence, mothers, especially mothers of newborns, she’s trusting you with the one thing, the one person she loved more than life itself. She asked you to do this for her, for a reason. So I have to believe that whatever was going on, there’s a reason she didn’t want you to know but it wasn’t that she didn’t trust you.”
 “I just… I need to know what happened, and I need to make sure that nothing happens to Becca’s daughter.” He replied
 Just like that, his mind drifted back to the last time he’d seen her.
 3 years earlier
 When Spencer walked into the dimly lit dining room of Thompson’s Restaurant Grill, it looked empty at first. The sign on the door had said open but there didn’t seem to be anyone there.
 “Hello? Becca?” He called out.
 Suddenly, Becca popped out from beneath the bar. She was wearing a red tank top with a black, sleeveless leather vest over it. Her black hair was cut at shoulder-length and heavily layered, and her blue eyes were framed by thick black eyeliner. She had a glass in one hand, and a dishtowel in the other.
 “Well, if it isn’t one of my favorite people.” She said with a smile. She walked out from behind the bar and wrapped him in a tight embrace. “Where have you been? It’s been forever! We miss you around here…” she told him as she squeezed before letting him go.
 “Becca, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who still lives here who actually misses me.” He replied.
 “Dude, if I’m your only friend, that’s just sad. I don’t say that to insult you, I mean if that’s true, then that just proves what I’ve thought for years, that ninety-five percent of the human race sucks.”
 He chuckled. “You might be right about Las Vegas, but fortunately you’re far from my only friend.”
 “Good. I was about to ask you whose butts I need to kick.” She said as she set the glass down on the counter with a thud. “So what brings you back to town anyway? Your mom?”
 “Yeah, actually I’m in the process of moving her to a different facility. I came down to get the rest of her stuff. I thought I’d come say ‘hi’, before I left town.”
 “Well, I’m glad you did, want something to eat?”
 “Let me guess, the usual?”
 “How’d you know that?”
 “Spencer, I’ve known you since I was four. You’ve ordered the exact same meal every single time you’ve come in here for the last twenty years. You, my friend, are a creature of habit if there ever was one. The only variation is whether you want a soda or something with alcohol.”
 “How about water?” He asked.
 “Really? Are you changing things around just to disprove my theory?”
 She smiled. “Alright, coming right up, do want an orange slice?”
 “Isn’t it usually lemon?”
 “Not here. My house, my rules, and the first rule is…” she paused for dramatic effect, “weirdness is a good thing.”
 He smiled.“Alright then. Yes, put an orange in it.”
 “Way ahead of you.” She replied, filling a tall glass with ice water and getting an orange out of the cooler to her left. Before slicing it she turned to the kitchen door behind her, opened it a crack, and yelled into the kitchen. “Hey Pop, I need a turkey club with fries, extra sauce no cheese.” Then she finished what she was doing and handed Spencer his water.
 “So, how’s everything going?” He asked.
 “Great, I’m teaching graphic design as an adjunct professor at Alta. I only still moonlight here to help Pop out, since Mama can’t.”
 “That’s great!” he exclaimed. “I know you loved it when you were a student there.”
 “I did indeed.” She said. “Don’t think I don’t know the real reason you’re asking Spencer. It’s better now that I have my own place. I’m only here about twenty hours a week, almost all of which is spent down here and not up in our old apartment so, I hardly ever see her these days.”
 “You just told me that things are great, but you just said that like it’s a bad thing.” He pointed out.
 She sighed. “I guess, if I’m honest with myself, I kinda feel guilty about how much happier I am not being here as much.”
                                                    Present Day
 “Spence? You ok?” JJ asked, drawing him back to the present.
 “Y-heah, I’m fine. W-why do you ask?”
 “You’ve been staring into space for the last half hour like you were somewhere else. What were you thinking about?”
 “The last time I saw her. It was when I was moving my mom from Bennington to Houston. I went to look for her at her family’s restaurant. Even after she graduated from college, she still worked there part time helping her dad out. She was there, we talked, I had dinner. She seemed fine, happier than I’d ever seen her. Actually, it was like the life she wanted was finally coming together. Now I’m just wondering what changed.” He said, glancing over to meet JJ’s eye.
 She knew that look. Help me understand.
 “What do you mean?” She asked.
 “I mean, she’s fine, her career’s finally headed where she’s always wanted it to go, she’s cut almost all ties with her abusive mother and then…this… Even with the letter, social services wouldn’t have even notified me about the baby if they knew who the father was, so she either didn’t know herself, or doesn’t want him in daughter’s her life for some reason. I’m guessing it’s the latter. Becca was… a little rough around the edges but sleeping with and getting pregnant by someone she didn’t know just doesn’t fit. Then she gives birth, immediately abandons her child, and dies suddenly of no apparent cause on the steps of a church? None of it makes any sense to me.”
 “I asked Garcia to look into the last few years of your friend’s life so we can try to figure out what happened to her,” JJ told him. “We should have some answers by the time we land.”
 “Thanks for coming with me JJ.” He said.
 “Of course.”
 “Really…I… I don’t know how I’d get through this without you…”
 “I’m right here Spence. Whatever happens, I’m always on your side.”
 “You’re the best.” He replied, smiling for the first time since hearing the news.
 “So, you think she knew who the baby’s father is?” JJ asked.
 “Yes. Which means there must be another reason why social service can’t find him, I don’t think she wanted whoever he is to know about the baby.”
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kyvir · 6 years
“God you look good.” “Are you just gonna state?” For A Walk in the Park sasusaku please?
Thanks for the request anon! Writing for our A Walk in the Park sasusaku made Kana and I very happy! XD
Uchiha Family
I was putting on my cufflinks as I walk across our bedroom. Sakura was in the bathroom fixing her make up for our date despite me telling her she didn’t need any, she was just as beautiful as the day I met her. It had only been a year since we were married, a short and wonderful year. The first weeks after the honeymoon were filled with picking out furniture and paint colors to make the house our own. I found that married life wasn’t too different except for moments like these when I just stopped and looked at her.
She pulled back her long pink hair into a clip, a few strands falling against the nape of her neck. Her lips were a strawberry red and only one of her eyes wore mascara. A long sleeveless, black dress hugged her upper body and flowed down from her hips. She hadn’t put on her heels yet and one foot peaked out, tapping in frustration.
“Ugh. This clip is not working.” She groaned before pulling the clip out and running her hands through her hair in exasperation.
I silently watched as she plugged in her curling iron next, letting it warm up as she finished her mascara. The whole scene was so domestic that it hurt. Married life only made me weak to moments like this and a smile would find my lips before I realized it. I crossed my arms over my white button up and leaned against the door frame.
“We don’t have to go out tonight.” I told her. “I’m more than happy having dinner here.”
“We are most certainly going out tonight. This is a very special occasion. We have dinner here every night!” She huffed before turning to look at me, a bit more emotional than she normally was. Her eyes softened the instant she took me in and she sighed. “I will be ready in half an hour, I promise. Go… go get the car ready.”
I raised an eyebrow at her, a smirk tugging on my lips. “Sakura, love, the car is already ready.”
The responding look she gave me then had me holding up my hands and backing away from the bathroom. I learned long ago that that look was not to be messed with, however it seemed to be making an appearance more than usual. Her behavior couldn’t be blamed on the fact that today was our one year anniversary, she’s been acting a bit odd for a while now. Her moods changed at the drop of a hat and she looked stressed. This past week she has been a lot less talkative and I wondered if whatever was causing her stress was getting to her.
I had asked her more than once what was wrong, but she would smile and insist it was nothing. I didn’t want to press the issue tonight, not when we should be celebrating, but I would get her to talk to me. Sometimes if was best if I let her tell me on her own, but I was impatient.
Perhaps tomorrow afternoon I would have her sit down for a chat. I went over to the closet and grabbed my black suit jacket. I put it on and glanced in the mirror, making sure there were no wrinkles. All that was left was my tie. I picked it up from the dresser and quickly tied it with practiced ease, buttoning my jacket after.
Sakura came out of the bathroom a moment later, her beautiful hair hanging in loose curls. Her makeup was done perfectly and she seemed to be in a lighter mood now. She looked me over, eyes softening as that sweet smile pulled her lips apart to reveal her teeth.
“God you look good.” She breathed, eyes traveling over me greedily. She didn’t move or say anything else for a while, she just continued to take me in.
“Are you just gonna stare?” I asked, purposely moving closer. “Come on, we’re going to be late.” I reminded and gave her a chaste kiss.
“Fine. I’ll do my staring on the way there.” She muttered, grabbing her purse and then my hand.
“Shoes.” I told her.
“Damn it.” She huffed, releasing my hand and dropping her purse to sit on the bed and reach for her heels.
My hand beat her to them and I got on one knee. “Let me.”
“Sweet ass.” She giggled then and watched as I put on her heels.
I helped her stand and she grabbed her purse once more, finally ready. She took my hand again and we made our way outside to the car and I opened the passenger door.
“After you, Mrs. Uchiha.”
“Why thank you, Mr. Uchiha.” She grinned as she got in before giving me a suggestive look.
I kept my eyes locked on hers as I got into the driver’s seat. “We only have fifteen minutes to get there. What will you do if we don’t make it?” Her charms weren’t distracting me from the time.
She let out a laugh that I felt vibrate through me. “Come on now, we don’t have to worry about that. This is you driving. Or did you forget?”
“Hn.” I agreed. “You make a compelling argument.” I said and started the car, taking in her smug expression. It only served to flatter her and even though I loved it when she wore pink, there was just something about seeing her in back that drove me crazy. “Have I told you how beautiful you are tonight?”
“Not tonight.” She sighed, smiling happily at me as I got on the road. “But you told me this morning.”
“Did I?” I asked, returning her smile. “It’s as true now as it was then, love.”
Needless to say we arrived in time and were shown to our seats by the hostess. I ordered some wine along with a bowl of sweet rolls. Sakura was in a good mood and I wanted to keep it like that, distracting her from whatever was on her mind. I wanted her to focus on us and relax, she deserves to enjoy herself– especially tonight.
Having dinner with Sasuke tonight on our anniversary was very important to me, for more than one reason. I had been stressing all day long about tonight being as perfect as it could be. Though I had a wardrobe, hair and makeup malfunction, we had made it to the restaurant on time. Sasuke had made our reservation over a month prior and there was no way I’d let us miss it.
We didn’t go out to nice places like this often, but we didn’t have an anniversary every day either. Though this was only our first anniversary, it was extra special. Sasuke had been working as much as I had lately and we hadn’t had enough time together– even if we were together every second that we weren’t working.
Things hadn’t changed much in our relationship. We still went to the park everyday with Luna. We went and had dinner with my parents on occasion, and we visited Itachi as often as we could. Sometimes, our family would visit us. Which was nice being that our home was our home and we could have people over… it was just that we didn’t take well to unexpected visitors because we were all too often holed up in our room.
We’d long ago demanded everyone to call ahead of time if they planned to come to our home.
It may have been a year, but we were still enjoyed the newlywed life. The way Sasuke and I felt about each other, how we could never get enough of each other had never changed… it would never change. We were both hopelessly in love and it wasn’t often that we wished to share each other with other people– if we didn’t have to for something like work.
The wine and rolls arrived as I watched Sasuke from across the table, my mind spinning with many things. There was something important I had to tell him tonight and he was completely oblivious. Or at least, he seemed to be. I asked for a water as well and finally looked away from him to study the menu. I’d only been to this place once before so I wasn’t familiar with it.
“What are you having?” I asked him as I skimmed through the entrees and appetizers.
“The steak and bagna cauda … I thought you liked this wine?” He asked, confused at my order of water.
I blanched a bit at his observation but quickly waved him off. “Oh I do, you know that. I just wanted to have the water with my food.” For all he knew, I could be extremely thirsty. I really hoped he wouldn’t push the issue.
Sasuke nodded in understanding. “I’m going to start without you, though.” He warned, taking a sip of his glass.
“That’s fine.” I smiled, wanting him to enjoy himself as much as he could. “I really don’t know what I want… I’m thinking shrimp maybe.”
“The shrimp fra diavolo is good.” He suggested, leaning over to point to it.
“Sounds fancy.” I grumbled. Fancy places were nice, but I was such a simple girl. I had to be annoying Sasuke by now. “Well I’ll just have that. But I want a salad first.”
He leaned back in his seat. “Alright. Mind if I steal your tomatoes?” He asked, watching my reaction carefully.
“I already planned to give them to you.” I admitted sheepishly just before the waitress came with my water and to take our order. Sasuke ordered for both of us thankfully. I didn’t even want to think about trying to pronounce the fancy named food.
“One steak and bagna cauda, shrimp and fra diavolo and a salad with extra tomatoes.” He said, not bothering to look at the waitress.
She took our menus and left then, leaving me to think over how and when I was going to talk to Sasuke about what had been on my mind so much recently. I sighed as I thought about it and knew he was watching me. I knew he wanted to know as badly as I wanted to tell him… but I was a bit fearful of his reaction.
“Sakura, relax.” He chided with a chuckle. “Although, I’m flattered that a date with me can still give you butterflies.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his words, they were true enough but it wasn’t just that tonight. “There’s something I need to… talk to you about.”
“What is it?” He asked, expression turning concerned. “What’s wrong?”
Honestly, I didn’t know what the right words were– or if there were any. I was nervous, even thinking about not telling him right now… but I’d been putting it off for almost two weeks. That was far too long to hold a secret from my husband.
“You remember when I got sick a while back?” I asked first, trying to remain calm and gauging his every reaction.
His eyes widened a bit and he lowered his voice. “You aren’t sick again, are you?” He asked, voice filled with worry.
“Well no…” I trailed off, cleared my throat and stared at my water.
“Tch.” Sasuke huffed before sighing in relief. “Don’t scare me like that. You know how I am when it comes to your health.” He lightly scolded.
“There is something though…” I admitted, still not able to just blurt it out.
“What is it?” He asked, not having a clue. “Is it something bad?”
“That’s just the thing… I’m not really sure.”
Sasuke furrowed his brow. “You’ve lost me … what are you trying to tell me here?”
I shifted in my seat before meeting his eyes and letting the words fall from my lips. “I’m pregnant.”
Sasuke’s body froze and his gaze dropped to my stomach, his eyes widened in shock.
“When I got sick, they put me on antibiotics and I did know they could affect my birth control, but we used other precautions for a couple weeks. You know that. But… somehow… I still got pregnant.” I explained, watching his shocked expression and becoming more worried by the second.
Sasuke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he returned his gaze to my stomach, reaching a trembling hand over to grab mine. “You … You’re pregnant?” He whispered, holding my hand tightly.
I nodded, trying not to cry. He wasn’t mad or even disappointed. A bit shocked, but that was understandable. “I am. We’re going to have a baby.”
“We’re going to have a baby.” He repeated, finally looking into my eyes. “We’re going to have a baby.” He said again, breaking out into a grin.
I couldn’t help it then, tears brimmed in my eyes but I grinned just as broadly as he did. “I love you.” I whispered, my heart feeling even fuller now than he’d already made it feel since I’d met him.
He brought my hand to his lips, just holding it there, and looked at me with all the love he could muster. “God, Sakura, I love you.” He whispered, breath hot against my hand. “I can’t believe it … I’m going to be a father.”
“I know… I still can’t believe it.” I giggled then, beyond thrilled that he was this happy. Once again he gave me more reasons to love him.
“Of course, the wine.” He said, almost to himself. “How hadn’t I noticed, this is why you’ve been acting strange. Damn it, my hands won’t stop shaking.”
“I’m sorry… I’ve been thinking of the perfect way to tell you and I felt tonight would be best. Another reason to celebrate as long as you weren’t upset by the news. I’ve been full of nerves too but… I’m so excited to start this new chapter in our lives– together with you. I mean, there’s a part of us growing inside me. It’s crazy, isn’t it?”
Sasuke brought my hand down and held it firmly between his, shaking his head. “I never thought … I never thought I would find someone to love, much less have children. You’ve given me so much and now we’re going to be parents? I– thank you, love.”
“No, thank you… You’ve made me the happiest woman in the world.” I sniffled, wanting to throw myself across the table and into his arms but I wouldn’t cause a scene.
“You make me the happiest man in the world.” He returned and then suddenly pulled out his cell phone. He dialed a number and the other line picked up. “Itachi? You better get your act together because I don’t want my child picking up any of your bad habits… . Yes, you heard right, Sakura and I are having a baby… … Yes … . I know … … One second.” He said and handed the phone over to me. “He wants to talk to you.”
It was nice knowing Sasuke was excited enough to call Itachi immediately, but I hadn’t been expecting to discuss my pregnancy with anyone else so soon. I cleared my throat before greeting Itachi over the phone.
“Hello, Itachi.” I said, unsure of what his reaction would be.
“I’m so happy for you, little sister.” Itachi told me. “This is wonderful news, another Uchiha being brought into the world. I’m certain you will be a magnificent mother.”
“Thank you so much.” I said, unable to form any other words for fear of breaking into serious tears.
“I can’t wait to see the little one, you musn’t let Sasuke stop me from babysitting. I fully intend to spoil this child and pass on all of my great habits.”
I laughed and shook my head just thinking about how Sasuke and Itachi would be when the baby was actually born. “Well, I can’t wait to see how it goes.” I knew Itachi would love our baby deeply, so I certainly would trust him babysitting. But, I wouldn’t be worrying about a babysitter right away. If he wanted to stay over, I wouldn’t argue but for the first few months, my baby wouldn’t be leaving me.
“That is good enough for me.” He said. “I have much more to say, but I am well aware of the date. I’ll let you two get back to your anniversary dinner.”
“Thank you, I’ll let Sasuke tell you bye.” I said before handing the phone back to Sasuke.
He put the phone to his ear and looked at me fondly. “Itachi… .Yeah, I will… … I’ll see you then.” I thought that was the end of it, but he called Naruto next, the blonde screaming on the other line.
Naruto was thrilled that Hinata and I were going to have children around the same age. She’d announced her pregnancy a couple months back. Well, Naruto had done most of the announcing. I was happy to be pregnant along with her as well, but Sasuke and Naruto… well, they were on another level.
I could hear Naruto’s booming voice on the phone from across the table as he told Sasuke he was coming over to celebrate. Sasuke looked like he was going to agree. This news had obviously made him forget what today was.
“Of course, but not tonight, dope.” Sasuke said. “It’s my anniversary.” He ordered and hung up the phone.
Yet again, my love for him grew.
The remainder of our night out was spent in complete happiness. We ate, we laughed, Sasuke eventually moved over to my side of the table and held me as we made promises to be the best parents we could be. We hadn’t been expecting it and we were still young, but we would love this child as much as we loved each other. We would put them before anything else– always.
Things wouldn’t always be easy… maybe they never would be… but we were both eager to have this new member of our family. 
Thanks for reading! This will also be posted on FF under the completed A Walk in the Park story, as will any oneshots written for this story. 
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peachyzens · 6 years
car washer! junhui au
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car washer! junhui au
genre: fluffffff summary: the thought of working in the blazing sun all the day made you dread coming to work, but not if there was someone there to make everything better (2,363 words) a/n: i know i originally planned for jun to be a barista…but the thought of this was too good to pass but anyways idk if there’s a technical term for this job so !!! series masterlist can be found here!
alright so junhui
when he moved to seoul from china he needed a job that required little to no conversation with people since he was still learning the language
so he ended up finding a job as a car washer!!!
it was more labor intensive than what he preferred but it was something he could do
not to mention it was a great arm workout
so anyways, junhui would be THAT person out in the sun, wearing sleeveless white tanks, have his hair messily slicked back, while rocking a pair of aviators
we all know what happens to white clothes when it gets wet! it becomes see through
so needless to say, junhui brought in a lot of business LMAo
people would be driving down the street and then when they see him holding and waving around a sign for a car wash with a little smirk on his face, they are intrigued
like why is this model guy out here??? washing cars and not walking down a runway???
good question
junhui would ALSO be that guy that when he reaches over the windshield, he flexes
he knows the people inside are watching and probably drooling
so he just has that knowing smirk on his face
people would give him quite the generous tips, in which he responds with genuine smiles
who would’ve known that a job as a car washer could pay so well! only if you’re junhui
so anyways
you too were looking for a part time job
and after countless applications to restaurants, stores, basically anywhere
the only place that called back was for a car washing job!!!
you were honestly very tempted to turn it down, considering you applied not even thinking they would get to you
but luck works out in mysterious ways!!!
so you say screw it and go for it
and you got it!!!!! much to your despair!!!!!!
let’s just say you are not much of an outdoorsy person, you prefer to be in a nice air conditioned room rather than outside in the smoldering heat
but a job is a job, and you needed money
plus this was one of few jobs that would take tips so!!! extra $$$
so on your first day, dread filling your system, you walk up to the little kiosk that is your new workplace
where you are greeted by none other than the man!!! wen junhui!!!
and you were kinda starstruck for a moment because w o w he is a beautiful man
but then he kinda just gave you a small smirk and nod before he was off
snapping back to reality
you go in and greet your boss, who was expecting you
“y/n you’re here!!! oh, did you see junhui on his way out?? that’s going to be your new coworker!” he spoke enthusiastically to you
so now you had a name to the cute face
but then you realized he said coworker and you almost flipped
that means…you would be seeing that model man for the entirety of your career there
maybe it wasn’t that bad of a job after all heheh
so yeah your boss talks you through the basics
often referring to junhui as he was in the middle of washing a car right now
basically you were going to be his assistant lmao
so without further ado, you start working!
you and junhui developed a system where you would soak the lower parts of the car that you could reach, while junhui would take on the higher parts to flex
and by the time you were done with your first car, you were ready to take a break
but of course!!! another car pulls in
and you just have a done look on your face and you hear junhui chuckle a bit at you before nodding his head towards the car, a sign of him telling you to join him
so you do
and this is how the rest of your first day goes
you and junhui actually didn’t share any words at all, you thought he couldn’t talk until you heard him thank the customers that would come out to give him a tip
but you heard the little bit of an accent in his voice so you pieced all the puzzle pieces together
he was a foreigner unfamiliar with the language, not an unsocial butterfly!!
so the next day, you gathered up your courage to finally introduce yourself to him!!
“i’m y/n, by the way”
“i know”
“oh ok”
and that was IT
literally you cringing internally at that conversation
but you convinced yourself he would eventually open up to you!!!
so after that, you guys only did share the smallest talk
“hi how are you”
“good how are you”
the more you went to your job the more you didn’t mind it, you just wished you and junhui would talk more so you aren’t bored out of your mind
when it would be really slow, you both would go out to the sidewalk with your signs and just wave them around, gathering more attention
and even though junhui was smiling and putting on a show for the crowd, it was dead silent between you two
basically you thought junhui hated you and you were ready to quit
but one day, one day finally
junhui ACTUALLY started a conversation with you!!!
and you kind of just stared at him with a look as if he just saved the earth from global warming
and he just blankly stared at you back
“what brought you here?” he asked
and after an short and awkward staring contest, you finally snapped out of it to respond
“i needed a job”
“me too”
and it was silent again
but nope, you gathered your courage to continue a conversation he actually started because who knows when this would happen again!!!
“what brought you to this job?” you asked him
he kind of just stared at you with a blank look as he was processing your words
“i needed a job with no talking”
you nodded in understanding
“where are you from?” you asked, shocked at how you guys were ACTUALLy having a conversation after weeks of working together
“china” he responded, and you nodded in understanding
that ended up being the last of your conversation but its ok!!! that’s enough progress for a day
so the next day, junhui greets you with a smile that is bigger than his small little smirks he used to always give
and this time, he’s initiating the conversation with you!!
he’s asking you more questions about yourself, like about your family, your preferences
and you guys are actually having a good time talking to each other!!!
you noticed how much he improved in speaking his newly learned language confidently, and you told him that
to which he actually responded with a sheepish smile
“i’m sorry i didn’t talk much at first, i was nervous”
“it’s alright!! i understand, it’s hard learning a new language, but you can always ask me for help!!” and he thought about your offer with a smile!
and he really did take you up on that offer, because the next day at work he would ask you some questions he had about the korean language, and you would gladly answer
you even taught him more vocab!!
this would happen basically every day at work, junhui’s korean abilities grew while your friendship with him grew!
it grew to the point where you guys would even hangout on your days off!!!
junhui once mentioned how the only places he goes to are work and his apartment, which made you a lil sad
so you promised to take him out to some of your favorite spots!!!
even though you were inwardly panicking at yourself for suggesting what might seem like a date, junhui wholeheartedly agreed!
and that is how you guys found yourselves at one of your favorite barbecue places on your days off
you honestly thought it would be awkward, but it was not!!!
junhui has gotten way more confident in conversing with you
“by the way, i never got to thank you for helping me and my korean, also for encouraging me! so thank you” he said one day over a meal
you were honestly melting and your cheeks were probably blushing, but junhui was too focused on his food to notice
“no problem, i’m glad i could be a help!!!”
you two practically became best friends, mainly since you guys saw each other basically every day
now you looked forward to going to work, since you now had a good friend that made time go by way faster!
junhui would teasingly splash water on you, causing you to splash some back
and it ends up in a water fight that ends when your boss comes out to see the both of you drenched
and of course, junhui is in his white tshirt and you try to ignore the outline of his abs but you can’t help but take a few peeks
“are you checking me out?” he would call you out with a smirk
“w-what no!!!! i thought there was something on your shirt” you stuttered as you suddenly found an interest in the rocks in the pavement
“it’s alright, since it’s you i’ll let it slide” he spoke smoothly
and you were just cursing inside your head like when did he become so smooth!!! is this what you taught him????
“um yeah oKay then let’s get to washing cars a ha!!!” you said as awkward as possible as you just ran to the new car to avoid his knowing stare
junhui just chuckled at you
he has noticed you taking some sneak peeks of when his white shirt would get soaked
but he wasn’t in the position to say anything when he admired how you would run your fingers through your hair at times
you both harbored a tiny lil crush on each other but you both were too afraid to damage your friendship that neither of you acted on it!!!
until oNe day
when an old friend of yours came into town
you were just so excited to see him that you cancelled all your plans with junhui on your guys day off
“what am i going to do without you i’m going to be so bored and locked up in my house :(“ he would whine to you when you told him
you would just roll your eyes back at him
“jun i think you can speak enough korean to go out and about no problem”
“you don’t know that!!!”
“i DO know that since i taught you something like everyday for the past months”
“well still, i’m going to sit at home and wait until you come back :<“ he pouted
and your heart just melted
not only at his adorable little face but because of his WORDS
you have noticed that junhui would speak to you in flirty ways sometime but you would just brush it off, thinking it’s just his personality
meanwhile junhui..is questioning your density
he is wondering why you haven’t questioned him about anything when he has been so blatantly trying to make a move for the past weeks now
it did take him a lot of thinking of whether or not he should go for you or not, but he is determined that y’all are soulmates so he wasn’t backing down now!!!!
and when he was finally fed up with it, he kinda just confessed to you in a casual way
it all started on a day when you both were washing a car
and today you were more noticeably in a good mood
“why are you so perky today it’s so weird” he asked you from the other side of the car
“shutup and let me live, i know you love me” you retorted sarcastically
and this was where normally junhui would be like “gross no stay away from me” as apart of your guys friendship,,, but he just
“yeah i really do” he just stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world it was
and you were so ready to retort something sassy back when you were just like “wait what”
he just stands up from his side of the car and looks at you straight in the eye
“i don’t know if you noticed but i really do like you, i’ve been purposely flirting with you for the past month to get you to notice but you never did so i give up and i’m just saying it now”
noticing your reddening cheeks, he just smiled that happy smile that always came out when you were around
you couldn’t believe what you just heard so you just began cleaning the lower part of the car to avoid his adoring eyes and smile that made you melt
“s hutup and get back to work” you would say through the midst of your burning cheeks and beating heart
you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize junhui made his way over to your side
“so is that a yes?”
you yelped and fell on your butt, not expecting him to be there and put his face SO CLOSE TO YOURS
“oh my god i hate you!!!! and yes to what??” you smacked him as he bursted out laughing at your clumsy self, before rolling his eyes at you playing dumb
“to my confession, what else did i ask you in the past five minutes?” he stated nonchalantly, helping you clean your side of the car
and just when you thought you calmed down your heart and cheeks, it started to race again
“yeah i guess” you stated, trying to be nonchalant like him
junhui just looked over to you with an amused smirk and raised eyebrow
but when he saw your burning cheeks, he knew that you felt the same way
so with a quick kiss to your cheek, junhui ran off back to the other side
and you both were smiling like the little lovestruck dorks you were ❤️
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My Demons (Chapter 13)
Fandom: Naruto (Anime)
Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, FLUFF
Pairing: Gaara x OC
Rated: T
(First) (Previous)
I'll be the angel by your side I will get you through the night I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own 'Cause when you're down and out of time And you think you've lost the fight Let me be the angel The angel by your side
- Angel By Your Side - Francesca Battistelli
 “You wanted to see me, Kazekage-sama?” Rin asked holding her hands in front of her.
“When do you turn 13?” he asked.
“Next week sir.” Rin said with a curious frown. The Kazekage nodded and took something from his desk.
“Here.” He said holding out a scroll.
“What is it?” Rin asked as she stepped forward to take it.
“A summoning contract.” The Kazekage said. “You must use your own blood to sign your name and place your fingerprints.When you want to summon the creature you’re contracted with you need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand you signed the contract with, mould your chakra with hand seals – Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram – and then plant the hand you signed the contract with at the location you wish to summon the creature. The amount of chakra used during the summoning determines how powerful the summoned creature can be. It is possible to summon a group of the same contracted animal, as opposed to a single individual.”
“W-Why are you giving me this?” Rin asked.
“You’re going to the Leaf with my children in a few months.” he said. Rin nodded. “Since you will not participate in the chunin exams this will be your task.” Rin tilted her head. “When you return you’ll be assigned to a team; they recently lost one of their members so you’ll need to be strong enough to join them.” Rin nodded.
“Um, if I may ask, sir, why wasn’t I assigned to a team from my class?” Rin asked. The Kazekage took a moment to answer.
“When the teams were made you were an extra.” he said. “It happens sometimes.” Rin frowned but nodded. She wanted to stay with Gaara. “You’re dismissed.”
“Thank you sir.” Rin bowed before leaving the room.
“He gave you a birthday gift?” Temari said.
“I think dad’s lost it.” Kankurō muttered. “Maybe he’s sick.”
“He looked fine to me.” Rin said. “And it wasn’t a birthday gift… he just asked when I was gunna be 13 before giving it to me.
“What is it?” Gaara asked looking at the scroll.
“A summoning contract.” Rin said.
“For what?” Temari asked. Rin shrugged.
“Do it.” Kankurō said. Rin rolled out the scroll on the coffee table. “How do you do it?” Kankurō asked.
“I’ll show you.” Rin said. She bit down on her thumb and Gaara’s eyes widened.
“Why’d you do that?” he asked.
“You have to sign with blood.” Rin said as she did just that. She touched her thumb to her other fingers before putting down her fingerprints.
“Now what?” Kankurō asked.
“Now I do the jutsu.” Rin said. “I, Inu, Tori, Saru, Hitsuji.” She put her hand to the ground and a symbol appeared on the floor. She took her hand away and there was a small puff of smoke. The four ninja leaned in to look. The smoke cleared and a white kitten looked up at them. It meowed and Ai, who was lying on the couch, instantly shot up in alarm.
“Of course it’s a cat contract.” Kankurō said with a chuckle as she shook his head. “Dad’s got a sense of humor.”
“I don’t think Ai likes it that much.” Temari said pointing to the black cat, who was walking around the white kitten, that was a third of his size, warily. Rin picked up Ai and put him in her lap before petting him. There was another puff of smoke and the kitten was gone. “Guess you’ll have to work on that.”
“Mhm.” Rin hummed.
“Well we’ve got a month before we have to leave. Hop to it.” Kankurō said. Gaara glared at him. “Or, ya know, you could not.” he said with a shrug.
“Rin.” Gaara said as he stood from the couch. Rin stood, holding Ai, and followed him with a smile as he left the room.
“You’re all packed?” Mrs. Hayashi asked with a small smile as Rin ate breakfast with a pack on her back. Ai was on the floor eating his breakfast. Kenta walked into the room and frowned when he saw her but walked up to her.
“Here.” He pushed a large hat onto her head. “Don’t want you catching heatstroke before you get there.”
“Thanks bro.” Rin said holding it with a smile. Kenta patted her on the head with a small smirk.
“Good luck.” he said. Rin grinned.
“Hey guys!” Rin called waving as she approached the sand siblings and Baki by the entrance of the village.
“Finally.” Kankurō said with a smirk. “I was beginning to think you’d chickened out.”
“I’m not that late.” Rin said with pout. Kankurō chuckled and flicked her hat making it tilt.
“I’m just teasing you, twerp.” he said. Rin continued to pout as she fixed her hat but then smiled.  
“It’s a three day trip and we won’t be stopping unless absolutely necessary.” Baki said.  He tossed a small pouch to Temari, Kankurō and Rin. “Use these solider pills if you get tired.” The three nodded. “Let’s go.”
“Getting tired yet?” Kankurō asked turning his head to look at Rin as they ran.
“Nope.” She said turning her head to look at him. “You?”
“Nope.” he said with a grin. “How ‘bout you Temari?” The eldest sibling rolled her eyes and didn’t answer.
“You good, Gaara?” Rin asked with a smile as she turned her head to him. He glanced over at her and nodded. “Hey, I see the forest!” Rin said with a big smile.
“It’s only another day’s journey.” Baki said.
“Can we stop yet?” Rin asked with a frown.
“We’re almost there.” Baki said. “We should be coming upon the village gates any minute now.” As he said, a few minutes later they had reached the gates.
“Finally.” Kankurō groaned.
“We have to check in, then you can… explore while I get us rooms for our stay.” Baki said. The four nodded and walked up to the two ninja behind a counter.
“Halt. State your purpose.” One said holding up a hand.
“We’re here for the chunin exams.” Baki said.
“Only teams of three genin can compete.” The other said.
“I’m not competing.” Rin said. “I’m just here to cheer them on and provide medical support.” she added with a smile. The two leaf ninja looked at each other before looking back at Baki and nodding. Baki handed them papers which they stamped before the five were allowed enter the village. “Whoa this village is so different.” Rin said.
“Of course it is.” Kankurō said. “If they were all the same that would be so boring.” Rin nodded in agreement.
“The exam isn’t until tomorrow.” Baki said as he handed the four their IDs. “Don’t cause any trouble.” he added before he left.
“I wanna meet some leaf ninja.” Rin said looking around.
“Why?” Kankurō asked with a frown.
“Cause it’s fun to meet new people!” Rin said with a little jump. Kankurō shook his head.
“Let’s drop our stuff off at the inn first.” Temari said. “I don’t know about you but I don’t want to lug this around all day.” she said pointing her thumb at her pack. Kankurō and Rin nodded before the four headed to the inn.
“What’s taking you so long?” Kankurō asked as he knocked on the door of Temari and Rin’s room.
“Give us a few more minutes.” Temari said.
“They’re taking forever.” Kankurō groaned.
“Shut up.” Gaara growled. A few minutes later Kankurō knocked on the door again.
“Done yet?”
“Yes! Jeez.” Temari opened the door and gave her brother a look.
“What took you so long?” Kankurō asked.
“We had to alter a few things.” Temari said before smiling. “Are you coming out or what?” she asked looking back in the room. Gaara glanced over for a second before turning to stare as Rin walked out. She had her hair tied up in a high ponytail, a white shirt that only went a few inches below her bust, under that was a fishnet sleeveless shirt that covered her neck and didn’t cover her stomach. Her sleeves were unattached to the rest of the shirt because Temari had cut out two sections so Rin’s scar would show. She wore white pants that were a bit baggy but ended just below her knees and ninja boots that covered the rest of her legs. Her hitai-ate had a black cloth and was tied around her waist just above her belly-button. Kankurō whistled pulling Gaara’s attention from Rin to glare at Kankurō.
“Whoa.” Kankurō said.
“What do you think?” Rin asked with a light blush as she held her hands behind her back.
“You look like a real ninja, twerp.” Kankurō said with a smirk. Rin rolled her eyes at him. Temari looked at Gaara.
“What do you think, Gaara?” Temari asked. Gaara glanced at her for a moment before looking at Rin. Rin turned to look at him and smiled. Gaara looked at Kankurō and Temari who got the hint and left the room quickly.
“Well?” Rin asked.
“You look great.” Gaara said. Rin smiled. “But…” Rin tilted her head. “You…” he was looking at her hitai-ate. Rin looked down too.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Why is your stomach showing?” he asked with a frown.
“Huh?” Rin looked up. “Well, I thought it looked cooler. Temari said it looked okay. Is it that bad?” Rin asked with a frown.
“No. I mean it looks fine.” Gaara said shaking his head. He looked a little higher. “When did you…?” He blinked and looked up to meet her eyes. “Sorry, nevermind.” He cleared his throat. Rin giggled.
Rin and Gaara were walking through the village. Gaara had his arms crossed and Rin was holding her hands behind her back.
“I can’t wait to see you fight.” Rin said. Gaara glanced at her. “I mean you know I don’t like fighting and violence but to see you in action would be amazing!” A small smile came to his face. “I heard that people can get really hurt in the exams.” Rin said with a frown. “I hope Temari and Kankurō will be okay.”
“They’ll be fine.” Gaara said.
“I wonder where they are anyway.”
“That’s it, drop him now or I take you apart! You got that, fool?!” Someone shouted.
“Huh?” Rin stopped walking and turned her head towards the source of the shouting.
“You’re the fool! Making threats isn’t going to help, Naruto!” A girl shouted.
“You’re annoying.” Kankurō said.
“Hey it’s Kankurō.” Rin said looking around corner. “What’s he doing to that boy?” she asked with a frown noticing the young boy Kankurō was holing by his scarf. Gaara sighed.
“All of you. I don’t like runts or any other scrawny weaklings.” Kankurō continued. “So when a wimp like this starts shooting off his mouth. I just wanna break him in half.” Temari sighed.
“Fine, I’m not involved in any of this, okay?” She said.
“First I’ll take care’a this little squirt then I’ll waste the other one!” A blond boy ran forward with a yell as Kankurō pulled back his fist. Suddenly a rock hit Kankurō’s hand making him drop the boy he was holding. The rock rolled on the ground and Kankurō held his hand in pain. He turned and looked up to see a black haired boy in a tree throwing a rock up and catching it.
“You’re a long way from home and you’re way outta your league.” The boy said.
“Sasuke!” The pink haired girl fangirled.
“Naurto!” The younger boy ran over to the blond.
“Shouldn’t we do something?” Rin asked looking back at Gaara but found him to be missing. “Huh?”
“Oh great another wimp to tick me off.” Kankurō said. Sasuke caught the rock he was throwing and crushed it in his hand letting the dust fall.
“Get lost.” Sasuke said.
“Ah! So cool!” Sakura exclaimed.
“How come you’re not cool like that, huh?!” The youjng boy asked Naruto.
“What’d ya mean? I coulda taken that guy out in two seconds flat.” Naruto said crouching in front of the boy. Kankurō looked up at Sasuke.
“Hey punk, get down here.” Kankurō said.  “You’re the kinda pesky little snob I hate the most all attitude and nothin ta back it up.” He took the buddle off his back and stood it up in front of him.
“What? Are you gunna use the Crow for this?!” Temari asked.
“Kankurō, back off.” Gaara said. On the opposite side of the tree where Sasuke was, Gaara was standing upside down with his arms crossed. “You’re an embarrassment to our village.” Kankurō suddenly looked nervous.
“Uh- I- Hey Gaara.” Kankurō said.
“Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way here?” Gaara asked.
“Uh I know.” Kankurō said. “I-I mean they challenged us.” Kankurō chuckled nervously. “They started the whole thing really. See here’s what happened-“
“Shut up.” Gaara said. Kankurō flinched.  “Or I’ll-” Gaara stopped when he saw Rin jogging up to them.
“Uh right.” Kankurō said knowing what Gaara was going to say. “I was totally outta line. I- I’m sorry Gaara, I was totally outta line.” Gaara turned his head to look at the Naruto and the others.
“I’m sorry for any trouble he caused.” Gaara said. He and Sasuke looked at each other before Gaara teleported with sand to stand by Kankurō, Temari and Rin. “Let’s go. We didn’t come here to play games.” The four started to leave.
“Alright, sure, I get it.” Kankurō said.
“Hold on!” Sakura said. Kaminari sighed. The four ignored her. “Hey!”
“What?” Temari asked without turning.
“I can tell from your headband that you come from the village hidden in the sand.” Sakura said. “Of course the land of fire and the land of wind are allies but no shinobi can enter other’s village without permission. So state your purpose and it better be good.” Rin raised an eyebrow as the group turned back.
“Really? Have you guys all been living under a rock or what? You don’t know what’s going on do you?” Temari asked.
“We’re here for the Chunin exams. Duh.” Rin said.
“So we have permission.” The Temari held up a passport like ID they’d gotten from the two ninja at the gate. “Of course you’re correct, we are hidden sand genin; our home is the land of the wind and we’re here for the chunin exams.”
“The chunin exams, what’s that?” Naruto asked.  “Well I’ve never heard of any chunin exams, believe it.” Naruto said.
“I believe it alright, that you’re totally clueless.” Temari said.
“Hey boss those are the exams that genin’s got to take in order to graduate to being a full on chunin.” The young boy said.
“Oh well why didn’t you say so? I am so there!” Naruto said excitedly. The four turned to leave. Sasuke jumped down from the tree.
“Hey, you!” He called. “Identify yourself.”
“Hm?” Temari stopped to look back. “You mean me?” she asked with a smile.
“No him, the guy with the gourd on his back.” Sasuke pointed. Kankurō stopped and Gaara turned around.
“My name is Gaara of the desert.” He turned to fully face him. “I’m curious about you too. Who are you?”
“I am Sasuke Uchiha.” Sasuke said with a smirk.
“Hi there! I bet you’re dying to know my name, right?” Naruto asked.
“I couldn’t care less.” The three turned around but Rin smiled.
“I wanna know!” She said jogging over. Naruto smiled.
“You have blue hair!” He said pointing. Rin blushed and touched it.
“Mhm.” She hummed with a nod.
“That’s cool.” he said with smile. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki!” He said pointing a thumb at his chest.
“I’m Rin Hayashi.” Rin said with a small bow.
“Rin.” Gaara said. Rin turned to look at him for a brief moment before looking back at Naruto with a smile.
“I’ll see you around!” she said with a small wave.
“Yeah!” He watched her run back to the sand siblings. Gaara glared at Naruto but Naruto’s eyes were on Rin.
“That boy was cute.” Rin said as she kicked her legs on one of the inn beds.
“The black haired one?” Temari asked as she put a few things away in the dresser of the room. Rin shook her head.
“No, the blond one with the really bright eyes.” Rin said with a smile. Gaara frowned as he sat beside Rin.
“Really?” Temari asked. “The loud blond?” Rin giggled and nodded. She noticed Gaara trying to glare a hole in the floor and leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“Don’t worry; I still think you’re cuter.” She said before pecking his cheek. He turned his head away as his face went pink which caused Rin to giggle.
Rin came out of the bathroom in her PJs and sat on Gaara’s bed. Baki, who was sitting at the desk in the room, sighed.
“You room with Temari.” Baki said to Rin pointing to the door that joined the rooms.  
“But I wanna stay with Gaara.” Rin said.
“Gaara doesn’t sleep.” Baki said.
“I know but…”
“She stays with me.” Gaara said. Kankurō, who was sitting on the other bed, opened his mouth to explain but knew better. Baki sighed with a hand over his eyes.
“You’re not kids anymore.” he said. Rin blinked.
“We’re still friends though.” she said.
“That’s not the point.” Baki said. “Tell me one of you,” he looked to the other two sand siblings. “gave him ‘the talk’ at some point.”
“Are you kidding?” Temari asked.
“Well?” Baki asked.
“I did last year.” Kankurō said. Temari sighed and noticed Rin and Gaara’s cheeks were pink and they avoided looking at one another. Baki turned to Gaara who glared and got into the bed.
“Rin.” Gaara said. She looked over and blinked before she smiled and slipped in with him. Baki shook his head and left the room. Kankurō and Temari shrugged. Temari left the room and Kankurō got into his bed. Rin cuddled up to Gaara who put his arms around her and pulled her closer. She rested her head on his chest and her hair brushed against Gaara’s chin.
“Good night, Gaara.” Rin whispered. Gaara inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.
“Good night, Rin.”
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spectroamer · 7 years
SERVERTALE Chapter 18: More time
Frisk and Chara are brought back to the last save point. It felt weird, traveling back in time. Frisk: Did we just... go back through time? Chara: I’m not sure. It feels more like we erased time. Sans: wait, you did a reset? why? Frisk: Flowey beat us. Sans: prove it. Frisk: Seventeen. Sans: oh. damn it, i didn’t expect him to be so fast. Frisk: Well, at least we’re alive. Chara: Now we’re alive, after resetting our death. Frisk: Don’t remind me, my whole body is sore just from the memory. Sans: how good do you two remember the last timeline? Chara: Perfectly. Frisk: And you? I thought monsters can’t see the stars and remember resets. Sans: most monsters don’t. but i’m one of the few that can remember. tho i only see the past timelines in my dreams, so i’m not really useful now. did he get asgore as well? Chara: ...yes. Sans: sorry about that. next time, we’ll be more prepared. you go to undyne’s house and try to befriend her, and i’ll setup the guards at the souls. Frisk: Sounds like a plan. Chara: Then lets get going. Sans: See you later. Frisk and Chara start walking away and Sans doesn’t move nowhere. After a few seconds, when Frisk looks back, he isn’t there anymore. Sans went through one of his teleports and ended up in the throne room. He sees Asgore watering his flowers. Asgore: Dum dee dum… Oh? Is someone there? Just a moment! I have almost finished watering these flowers. After a few seconds, Asgore looks at Sans. Asgore: Sans. What brings you here? Sans: you need to transfer the guards. Asgore: What for? Sans: ...a reset happened. Asgore: You already know? Sans: i got some help, but yes, i do. Asgore: How much serious was it? Sans: pretty serious, that’s why i need your permission to order undyne a new position for the guards. Asgore: And where would that be? Sans: the souls room/ Asgore: Oh my... I cannot imagine what happened last time... Alright, i will write the order. Sans uses his console to create the paper and a pen and hands it to Asgore. Asgore: I just need to know one thing... How many casualties? Sans: ...only you. are you still sure that you don’t want to know what happened? you never wanted to know before. Asgore: And I still do not. Your father warned me about messing with timelines. One of his wishes was to leave the knowledge of the past timelines to you. I know that it is a hard burden, but I can’t trust anyone else with it. Sans: i know. Asgore signs the paper and gives it to Sans. Sans: thanks. Asgore: I hope we meet for a more calm reason next time. Sans: wish that i knew. Sans creates another portal and travels to the inside of Undyne’s house. As Undyne was walking into the kitchen, she sees Sans popping in. Undyne: SANS WHAT THE HELL? You can’t just get in my house without announcing yourself! His smile widening, Sans gives Undyne the paper. Sans: i’m not here to chat, captain. Undyne realizes that Sans is being serious and on the job. Undyne: Oh. S-sorry Judge, I didn’t know business brought you here. Sans: yup. you are to follow all of the orders that are written here. Undyne: Yes, Sir! Sans turns around, creates another portal, ready to get out, before remembering something else to say as well. Sans: oh, and undyne... don’t harm the human. Undyne is firstly surprised, but then, in rage, she crushes the paper. Undyne: WHAT? Sans: that is a direct order. Undyne: That’s not written here! Sans: it is a personal order. Undyne: Oh yeah? By who. Sans: by me and my judgement. Undyne: And who is to say that your judgement isn’t wrong? Sans turns back to face Undyne, the white sparks in his eyesockets disappearing, while the uncompleted blue ring appears in his left eyesocket. He answers her in a voice cold as ice, his eye piercing right through her confidence. Sans:  l e t s  j u s t  r e m e m b e r  w h o  s t i l l  h a s  b o t h   e y e s  a f t e r  t h e   i n i t i a l   j u d g e m e n t. Sans walks through the portal and closes it behind him. Undyne sighs. Undyne: I can’t believe this. After some time of walking, Frisk and Chara finally reach Undyne’s house and they see Papyrus waiting in front of the door. Chara: Damn, we really kept him waiting. Frisk: At least, this time we showed up. Chara: Doesn’t really fix the situation. Frisk walks up to Papyrus. Papyrus: OHO! THE HUMANS ARRIVE! ARE YOU READY TO HANG OUT WITH UNDYNE? Frisk: Sure. Chara: Do you have any tips? Papyrus: I HAVE A PLAN TO MAKE YOU TWO GREAT FRIENDS! Frisk: Lets hear it. Papyrus: OKAY! STAND BEHIND ME! Frisk moves behind Papyrus. She can’t see anything in front of him because of his big armor and cape.  Papyrus quietly shows Frisk a golden bone. Papyrus: MAKE SURE TO GIVE HER THIS! Chara: How do you even make that? Papyrus: SHE LOVES THESE! Frisk takes the bone. Papyrus knocks on the door. Seconds later, they hear footsteps from inside the house. The door splits up and opens, revealing Undyne in a sleeveless shirt and jeans. She isn’t even nearly as big as she was in her armor.  Chara: No wonder she couldn’t move fast in that thing, it’s double her size. Undyne acts like she hadn’t spoke with Sans just a few minutes ago and acts happy. Undyne: Hi, Papyrus! Ready for your extra-private, one-on-one practice? Papyrus happily replies. Papyrus: YOU BET I AM! AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND! Papyrus moves aside, Undyne still following him with her good eye. She starts introducing, before she even looked at Frisk and realized who she was talking to. Undyne: Hi, I don’t think we’ve... Undyne suddenly freezes, confused. She looks at Frisk, before looking back to Papyrus. They both don’t say a word and keep looking at each other. Undyne recovers and tries to behave kind. Undyne: Why don’t. You two. Come in? Papyrus steps on the welcome mat a few times, cleaning his boots, before he comes in the house. Frisk does the same. Undyne’s house looks small, with only one more door leading away from the current room, which looks like the kitchen, apart from the giant sword and the piano.  Papyrus: HERE, UNDYNE. MY FRIEND BROUGHT A GIFT FOR YOU, ON THEIR OWN! Frisk cautiously hands the bone to Undyne. Undyne: Uhhh... thanks. Undyne: I’ll, uh, put it with the others. Undyne opens a drawer full of golden bones and adds the new one to the pile. Undyne: So, are we ready to start? Papyrus quickly tries to think of an excuse. Papyrus: WHOOPSY DOOPSY! I JUST REMEMBERED! I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!! YOU TWO HAVE FUN!!! Papyrus jumps through the window and lands with a perfect roll, before he continues running away. Chara: Well, that was unexpected. As soon as Papyrus gets out of their line of sight, Undyne drops the smile as she turns to Frisk. Undyne: So why are you here? To rub your victory in my face? To humiliate me even further? IS THAT IT? Frisk: No, that is not the reason why I’m here. Undyne: Then why are you here?  After a second of thinking, Undyne realizes that Frisk got to her house with Papyrus, which means only one thing. Undyne: Wait, I get it. You think that I’m gonna be friends with you, huh? Right??? Frisk gives an honest answer. Frisk: Yup. Undyne laughs. Undyne: Really? How delightful!! I accept! Let’s all frolick in the fields of friendship! ...NOT! Why would I ever be friends with you!? If you weren’t my houseguest, I’d beat you up right now! You’re the enemy of everyone’s hopes and dreams! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR FRIEND. Frisk hears Papyrus sneaking back up to the window and smirks. Frisk: Oh, haven’t you heard? Undnyne ignores Frisk. Undyne: Now get out of my house! Papyrus looks through the window and starts his plan, with a big grin on his face. Papyrus: DANG! WHAT A SHAME... I THOUGHT UNDYNE COULD BE FRIENDS WITH YOU. BUT I GUESS... I OVERESTIMATED HER. SHE’S JUST NOT UP TO THE CHALLENGE. Papyrus runs away. Undyne: CHALLENGE!? What? Papyrus! Wait a second! Papyrus ignores her and runs away. Undyne: Darnit! He thinks I can’t be friends with you!? Undyne laughs with confidence. Undyne: What a joke! I could make friends with a wimpy loser like you any day! I’ll show him! Chara: Thank you, Papyrus. Undyne: Listen up, human. We’re not just going to be friends. We’re going to be... besties. Chara: Okay, maybe the plan worked a little bit too much. Frisk silently agrees. Undyne: I’ll make you like me so much... You won’t be able to think of anyone else!!! Fuhuhuhu! It’s the PERFECT REVENGE!! Why don’t you have a seat? Frisk listens to Undyne and sits on the chair. Undyne: Comfortable? I’ll get you something to drink. Undyne takes some of her stuff out of the fridge and the drawers. Undyne: All set! What would you like? Frisk starts to get up to choose what will she drink, but Undyne stops her, by throwing a spear into the table right in front of her. Frisk: Ohmygod okay! Undyne: HEY!!! DON’T GET UP!!! YOU’RE THE GUEST!! SIT DOWN AND ENJOY YOURSELF!!! Um, Why not just point to what you want? You can use the spear! Frisk carefully grabs the warm spear. It’s made out of water, but it is completely solid. She points the spear at the teabox. Undyne: Tea, huh? Coming right up! Undyne starts preparing the tea. Undyne: It’ll take a moment for the water to boil. After a few seconds of waiting, the water boils. Undyne does the rest of the work and gives Frisk a cup of tea. She goes to sit at the other end of the table. Undyne: Careful, it’s hot. Frisk just looks at the tea, not being able to judge the temperature since her suit is heat resistant. Undyne: It’s not THAT hot!! Just drink it already! Frisk takes a sip of the tea and regrets her decision. She feels her tongue burning, but doesn’t say anything, so that she doesn’t offend Undyne. At least, the taste itself is good. Chara: I feel it on my tongue. How is it so hot? Undyne: It’s pretty good, right? Nothing but the best for my ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS FRIEND!! ...Hey. You know... It’s kind of strange you chose That tea. Golden flower tea. That’s Asgore’s favorite kind. Actually, now that I think about it... You kind of remind me of him. Frisk: How do I remind you of Asgore? Undyne: You’re both TOTAL weenies!!!  ...sort of. Y’know, I was a pretty hotheaded kid. Chara smirks. Chara: Was? Undyne: Once, to prove I as the strongest, I tried to fight Asgore. Emphasis on Tried. I couldn’t land a single blow on him! And worse, the whole time, he refused to fight back! I was so humiliated... Afterwards, he apologized and said something goofy... “Excuse me, do you want to know how to beat me?” I said yes, and from then on, he trained me. One day, during practice, I finally knocked him down. I felt... bad. But he was beaming... I had never seen someone more proud to get their butt kicked. Anyway, long story short, he kept training me...  And now I’m the head of the Royal Guard! So I’m the one who gets to train dorks to fight! ...like, uh, Papyrus. To be honest, at the beginning of his training, I didn’t know if I could ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard. It’s not that he’s weak. He’s actually pretty freaking tough, even like me! It’s just that... He looked to innocent and nice. I thought that he would never change. But he did. He showed determination to fight. But, sometimes, I still doubt at him. I still have the feeling that he isn’t prepared to do what’s needed to be done. Frisk: Then why did you let him in the royal guard at the first place? Undyne: He was strong, and, well, lets just say his lousy brother forced me to. But he isn’t cold enough. I mean, look, he was supposed to capture you... And he ended up being friends with you instead! I’m not sure if he is prepared for a real battle. Frisk remembers the Flowey battle and how Papyrus did most of the work on damaging Flowey. Frisk: Well, you can’t know until that real battle comes. Undyne: I guess you’re right... Wait a second. Papyrus... HE WAS SUPPOSED TO COOK WITH ME RIGHT NOW!! And if he’s not here to have it... YOU’LL HAVE TO HAVE IT FOR HIM!!! Undyne jumps on the cooking table, knocking everything down. Undyne: That’s right! NOTHING has brought Papyrus and I closer than cooking! Which means that if I give you his lesson... WE’LL BECOME CLOSER THAN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE! Chara: I don’t feel safe. Frisk: Are you sure that’s a good idea?  Undyne: Fuhuhu!!! Afraid!? We’re gonna be best friends!!! Undyne jumps to Frisk, grabs her and jumps back. Undyne: Let’s start with the sauce!! Undyne stomps on the floor and the ingredients fall on the table from above. Undyne: Envision these vegetables as your greatest enemy! Now!! Pound them to dust with your fists!!  Chara: Don’t tell me we’re actually doing this. Frisk shrugs before she turns her hand into a fist and crushes the tomato. Undyne seems pleased. Undyne: YEAH! YEAH! Our hearts are uniting against these healthy ingredients!  Frisk’s suit cleans itself from the tomato juices by releasing a small shockwave which separates the juices and other dirt from the suit. Undyne: NOW IT’S MY TURN! NGAHHHHH!!! Undyne punches the tomatoes with full force, crushing all of them. Undyne: Uhh, we’ll just scrape this into a bowl later. But for NOW! Undyne stomps again, making pots and spaghetti boxes fall down. Undyne: ...We add the noodles! Homemade noodles are the best! BUT I JUST BUY STORE-BRAND! THEY’RE THE CHEAPEST!!! NGAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ...Uhh, just put them in the pot. Frisk does as told and starts stirring. Undyne orders her to stir faster. Frisk increases speed, but, since Undyne wasn’t satisfied, She summoned a spear and used it to “stir” better. They start cooking. Undyne turns up the heat all the way until it overheats and the whole stove catches on fire. Frisk: Okay, time to move back. Undyne takes a few steps back. Undyne: Don’t worry, it’s just a small fir- The whole oven explodes, sending bits of fire flying everywhere and setting the whole house on fire. Frisk and Undyne both fall from the explosion, but they soon recover, with only minor injuries. Chara: This is bad. Frisk: We need to get out. Frisk runs to the door and tries to open it, but it’s jammed. Undyne throws a spear that barely misses Frisk and hits the door, destroying it. Frisk quickly jumps through the small opening and lands outside of the house. Frisk: Good thing, we got away. IT was getting dangerous out there.  Frisk looks back and sees Undyne walking out with a new spear in her hand. She realizes that the new spear is probably meant for her. She has a menacing grin on her face. Undyne: Who am I kidding. I’ve been defeated... My house is in shambles... I failed to befriend you. That’s it. I don’t care what Sans says anymore. Chara: Sans? What has he got to do with this? Undyne: One final rematch! All out on both sides!!! IT’S THE ONLY WAY I CAN REGAIN MY LOST PRIDE!!! NOW COME ON! HIT ME WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT! NGAHHHH!!! Undyne is letting Frisk attack first. Chara: We can’t outrun her now. And i know that you won’t actually fight her. What else can we do? Frisk walks up to Undyne and lightly taps her on the arm with her light stick. Frisk: I’m done with my attack and I’m not going to do anything else, like it or not. Undyne first looks confused at Frisk, but then sighs. Undyne: You just can’t muster any intent to hurt me, huh? Heh, you know what? Undyne drops her spear. As it hits the ground, it turns into normal water and is left on the metal floor. Undyne: I don’t actually want to hurt you either. At first, I hated your stupid saccharine schtick, but... The way you “hit” me right now, It... Reminded me of someone I used to train with. Now I know you aren’t just some wimpy loser. You’re a wimpy loser with a big heart! Just like him... Listen, human. It seems that you and Asgore are fated to fight. But knowing him... He probably doesn’t want to. Talk to him. I’m sure you can persuade him to let you go home. Eventually, some mean human will end up here... And I’ll take their soul instead. That makes sense, right? Fuhuhu. Now let’s get the hell out of here! Ne is looking through the cameras set up on his TV, while Amy is still resting next to him. Suddenly Amy’s phone starts ringing, roughly waking her up. She checks the call number and sees it’s Slasher. Amy: Dom what the hell? I was sleeping. Slasher: Well, too bad. I need you to answer me something. Amy stops lying down and sits up on the couch. Amy: What is it? Slasher: Can you setup a small camera on the back of my helmet and connect it to Ne’s surveillance system? Amy: Sure. I have a small camera that should be able to do the job. You’ll just need to come here so i can set it up. Slasher: Great. I’ll be here in a few minutes. Tell Ne that i found all the weaponry I’m gonna need. Amy: Ok. Slasher: That’s all. See you later. Amy: Bye. Ne: What was that about? Amy: Slasher wants an upgrade and he wanted me to tell you that he found his guns. Ne: Good. Amy: And he’s gonna come her in a few minutes so that I can give him the upgrade. Ne: Okay. Amy looks at the TV and notices a group of people wearing hoodies and bandannas, equipped with crowbars. Amy points at the part of the screen. Amy: Look there. Ne: Well, what do we got here. Looks like I’m gonna get a new video for the blog. Ne gets up, takes his helmet, a recording camera and a tripod for it. Amy: You’re actually gonna make another one of your videos? Ne: Why not? As much as I can see, these guys are gonna take their time trying to get in that place. I have time. Amy: Alright. Don’t have too much fun. Ne: I’ll try. Ne exits the house and starts riding to the small alleyway street. When he reaches his destination, he runs up to the top of the building next to the one the thugs are still trying to break in. He sets up his camera and starts recording. Ne: Hello everyone! It’s been a while, huh? Well that’s because I’ve been occupied with serious crime... Be quickly grabs the camera and points it to the thugs. Ne: Unlike these failures. I’ve found out that they have been trying to break in for a few minutes now, but they can’t do anything. What you’re about to see is what happens when someone is so unlucky, that they have to fight me. Ne sets up the camera on the tripod and jumps down behind the thugs. They hear him landing and turn around, only to see Ne, standing right in front of them. Three of them have crowbars, while the forth one has a pistol. They try to react quick, but before the pistol thug is able to shoot, Ne already dashes to him in less than a second and knocks him out with a punch. Another thug tries to hit him from behind with a crowbar. Ne quickly turns around and grabs the crowbar, pulling it apart from the hand of it’s previous wielder and bends it with his hands, before hitting the thug with a single neon bullet. The last two drop their crowbars and grab their knives from their pockets. Ne raises his hands up and starts talking in a sarcastic voice. Ne: Oh no, tiny knives. My only weakness. What will I do now? Ne drops the sarcastic voice. Ne: Wait, I know. He takes his swords and activates them. Ne: Get baited you amateurs. Ne quickly cuts through their knives with his swords and deactivates them, before returning them in his holster. Ne: Ready to give up? The criminals both agree, full of fear. Ne ties up all of them, gives an anonymous call to the police, before going back to his camera. Ne: And that, my viewers, is why you don’t try to rob places. Or at least, not do it with their level of skill. Ne stops the recording and rides back to his house. When he enters, he sees Slasher Amy messing with Slasher’s helmet. Amy: What took you so long? Ne: You know that I like to play with the bad ones. Slasher: Wait. I can see your camera and a tripod. Did you record it? Ne: You know it. Slasher: Oh, yes! Give me that camera, I want to see. Amy: Hey! wait for me! I want to see as well. Slasher: Fine. Amy finishes connecting the tiny camera to the helmet. Amy: There, the batteries should last a few hours, but Ne can recharge it anytime you want. Slasher: Thank you, it’s awesome. Now, let me see those skrubs.   Prologue Chapter 17  Chapter 19   
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jacrispyretro · 7 years
this movie w Dylan Sprouse is being filmed in my city rn and I signed up to be an extra and tonight I was in a donut shop scene! I didn't know Dylan was in the movie until shortly after I got there and my friend texted me to ask if Dylan was in it and I was like??? Maybe??? so I googled it and google seemed to think he was but then this other extra said she just saw him and I was like OH MAN HE IS
he wasn't in the scene I was in, but as I was sitting next to the door freezing my but off in a sleeveless dress (filmed in snowy syracuse, takes place in sunny LA), I looked up and Dylan walked in and I was like holy shit
his hair was half up in a bun I think and he was wearing a The Who shirt and he came to film a scene where he punched this other guy but we only saw him rehearse it once and then all the extras left
but when I had to go get my coat, he was sitting across from it and I asked the girl sitting next to my coat to get it for me and she did and as I left I looked at Dylan and he was sitting like 3 feet from me, wow
the important part of tonight was me meeting a guy and him asking for my number though, here we go. I typed this up for my friend and I'm too lazy to change it/proofread it. His name is Bradley, he's 21, and he went to high school 15 minutes from me
He was one of the people in the scene with me. He was working behind the donut counter and I had to just point to things and he pretended to tell me about them. I kinda thought he was cute and the way he'd just make small talk with me and how he looked at me sometimes made me wonder if he thought the same about me? So later when we got back, he asked some of the other people if they wanted to grab a beer since the place we had all our stuff at had a bar. Apparently everyone said no. So I got changed and started to leave when I saw him at the bar. And I said to myself "okay alyssa, you have two options: walk out that door and never know his name or ask him and sit with him"
So I walked up to him and said "I don't think I ever got your name" and we shook hands. He asked if I wanted a drink and I said I would but I'm only 20 and then they convinced me to stay for a lemonade. So we sat for almost an hour in a half. We made small talk but half the time the drunk bartender (the restaurant was closed so he was allowed to drink haha) just talked to us but it was fun. And I had noticed he was playing with a piece of paper he ripped off his drink receipt and I was like "yesssss" because I knew he was gonna ask for my number. A little while later, the guy next to him filled out his receipt and Bradley asked for the pen and he asked for my number ☺️ I was nervous he'd lose the paper or I said it wrong or he wrote it down wrong or something (his phone was off because it was almost dead) but I just found him on Facebook (we have 3 mutual since he went to Skan) so if worse comes to worse I can add him on there
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