#maybe that was just me and my complicated feeling
shybluebirdninja · 3 days
The Great Outdoors
Summary: Logan takes you on a camping trip, but his survival skills are hilariously outdated. Between using a rock instead of a proper camping tool and attempting to start a fire with his claws (which ends up in a mini bonfire), you can’t stop laughing. Eventually, you both end up cuddled in the tent, sharing ghost stories that lead to goofy scares and unexpected confessions of affection.
Pairing             : Wolverine!Logan Howlett x Female!Human-reader
Genre              : Fluff
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The sun was already dipping low behind the trees when Logan parked the truck. He got out like he was about to conquer the wild, while you stood there, looking at the woods and trying not to laugh at the seriousness on his face. Logan wasn’t the camping type—or at least, not the “modern” kind. He was more like the “rough it with nothing but your fists and claws” type.
This was going to be interesting.
“So, what’s the plan, Bear Grylls?” you teased, slinging your backpack over your shoulder.
Logan grunted, pulling out a rolled-up tent from the back of the truck. “Survive. That’s the plan.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Wow, so detailed. I feel so prepared.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ve done this a hundred times. Just follow my lead, and we’ll be fine.”
Oh, boy.
You made your way into the clearing Logan had apparently scoped out beforehand. It wasn’t bad, actually—nice little spot near a river, surrounded by trees that rustled softly in the evening breeze. As soon as you set your stuff down, Logan got to work... sort of.
He started with the tent. You watched him as he unfolded it, frowning like the damn thing had personally offended him. “These damn things get more complicated every year,” he muttered, trying to shove a pole into one of the sleeves.
“Need some help?” you asked, biting your lip to keep from laughing as he wrestled with it.
“Nah, I got it,” he grumbled, jamming the pole so hard it almost snapped.
Five minutes later, the tent was half-collapsed, one corner flapping in the wind, and Logan was cursing under his breath.
“I think it’s supposed to stand up, Logan.”
He shot you a look, then glanced back at the tent. “It’s fine. I’m just, uh... testing its durability.”
You let out a snort, shaking your head. “Right. Maybe you should just let me handle that.”
“I’m a grown-ass man,” he muttered, glaring at the tent like it had insulted his mother.
“Yeah, and you’re losing a fight to a piece of nylon.”
After another moment of watching him struggle, you stepped in and started putting the thing together while Logan, not exactly one for sitting still, decided to gather firewood. He disappeared into the woods with nothing but his claws, because why bring a hatchet when you’re Logan?
By the time he came back, arms full of sticks and logs, the tent was up and looking perfect. You leaned against it, smirking as he dropped the wood into a pile.
“See?” you said, gesturing to the tent. “That’s how it’s done.”
Logan grunted, clearly not impressed. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s see you start a fire.”
You crossed your arms. “Watch and learn, old man.”
He grinned, that dangerous little glint in his eye. “Oh, you’re gonna regret that.”
Logan, being Logan, didn’t just gather some twigs and light them with a match like a normal person. No, that would’ve been too easy. Instead, he pulled out his claws and crouched next to the fire pit, sparks flying as he struck them against a rock.
“Logan, that’s not how—”
The pile of wood lit up like someone had dumped gasoline on it. Flames shot up higher than you thought possible, and you stumbled back, laughing your ass off while Logan jumped up, cursing.
“Goddammit!” He swiped his claws through the air, trying to beat the flames down. “I meant to do that.”
“Oh, sure,” you choked out between laughs, wiping at your eyes. “That’s the perfect height for roasting marshmallows, right?”
Logan glared at the mini-bonfire for a second, then at you. “Next time, you can light the damn thing.”
You couldn’t stop laughing, the sound of it bouncing around the trees. Logan finally cracked a smile, though he tried to hide it behind a gruff mutter.
After some careful maneuvering (read: Logan finally letting you fix the fire), you both settled down for the evening. The fire was low, crackling softly, the night air cool around you. Stars were starting to peek through the darkening sky, and the only sounds were the soft hum of the forest and Logan chewing on beef jerky.
You leaned back against a log, holding your hands out to the fire. “So, what now? Gonna show me your impressive ghost story collection?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, gnawing on his jerky like a wild animal. “Ghost stories? What are we, twelve?”
“Come on,” you teased. “Everyone knows camping isn’t complete without ghost stories. It’s like... the law.”
He scoffed but leaned back, his eyes glinting in the firelight. “Alright. You want a ghost story? I’ll give you one.”
“Oh, this oughta be good.”
Logan cleared his throat dramatically. “So... once upon a time... there was this girl. Thought she was real tough. Real smart.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Is this about me?”
“Shhh, I’m tellin’ a story here,” Logan said, smirking. “Anyway, she thought she could survive out in the wild with just a little ol’ tent and her wit. But one night, she heard a rustling in the trees... something... watching her.”
You leaned in, playing along, even though you knew exactly where this was going. “Oh, yeah? What was it?”
Logan’s eyes widened theatrically. “A bear! Big, ugly thing. Twice her size. It came into her camp, sniffin’ around, and you know what she did?”
You shook your head, grinning. “What?”
“Nothing. She just froze. The bear ate all her snacks, tore up her tent, and left her sittin’ there in her own piss.”
You burst out laughing. “Wow, Logan. Truly terrifying. 10/10. I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks.”
Logan grinned, leaning closer. “I got more. You’ll be beggin’ for mercy by the end of the night.”
You pushed his shoulder lightly. “You’re such an ass.”
As the night deepened and the fire began to die down, you both retreated into the tent. It was surprisingly cozy inside, the faint warmth of the fire lingering outside while you snuggled into your sleeping bag. Logan stretched out beside you, his body taking up way too much space, but you didn’t mind.
“Comfy?” you asked, glancing at him as he wiggled around.
“Like a fuckin’ sardine,” he muttered, trying to adjust in the small space. “Who the hell makes these tents so damn small?”
“They’re meant for normal-sized people, not... whatever the hell you are,” you said with a smirk.
Logan snorted. “Mutant privilege. I need bigger accommodations.”
You both lay there for a few minutes, the quiet settling in around you. Logan’s breathing was steady, his body warm next to yours, and despite his earlier grumblings, you could tell he was content. This whole camping thing wasn’t so bad, after all.
“Alright,” you said suddenly, turning to face him. “I’ve got a ghost story.”
Logan raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, so you went on.
“There’s this guy, right? Big, tough, hairy—like, really hairy. The kinda guy you wouldn’t wanna meet in a dark alley.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but you kept going.
“And one night, he decides to go camping with this totally amazing girl—smart, funny, great taste in camping snacks—”
“Wow, I wonder who this is about,” Logan deadpanned.
“Shhh,” you said, stifling a laugh. “But the thing is... the guy? He’s got a secret. See, he acts all tough, like nothing scares him, but deep down? He’s terrified of one thing.”
Logan looked over at you, eyes narrowing. “What?”
You grinned, leaning in close. “Commitment.”
Logan blinked, then let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. “You’re full of shit, you know that?”
“Maybe,” you said, smiling. “But you know I’m right.”
He didn’t deny it, just stretched out a hand to pull you closer, his arm wrapping around you with an ease that made your heart flutter a little too fast.
“I’m scared of plenty of things,” he muttered, his voice low and rough. “Just not the same kinda things as you.”
“Like what?” you asked, curious now.
Logan looked at you, his eyes serious for once. “Losing people. People I care about. That’s what scares me.”
The confession was quiet, unexpected, and it hit harder than you’d thought. You swallowed, unsure of what to say, but Logan just shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, pulling you in tighter.
“Guess that makes you a real badass,” you whispered after a moment, your voice barely breaking the stillness of the tent.
“Damn right,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Now shut up and go to sleep before I start tellin’ real scary stories.”
You smiled against his chest, warmth spreading through you as the sound of the river and the soft crackling of the dying fire lulled you to sleep. And maybe, just maybe, you’d both survived the great outdoors after all.
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bpmiranda · 2 days
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A Simple Favor |l. howlett| nsfw
A/N: based on a request, ex fwb!logan, angst, smut, 20+ f!reader, mutant!reader (unspecified abilities) unprotected sex, oral f! receiving, fingering
Complicated barely scratched the surface when describing what you and Logan were to each other. Relief, perhaps. A fun time, maybe. You definitely weren’t together, you knew that much. Logan wasn’t the type to settle down or commit, at least not to you apparently. As far as you were concerned, you were a placeholder for the one he really wanted; Jean. It didn’t upset you, didn’t make you think less of yourself. You weren’t exactly head over heels for him, so why should it matter that he only wanted to spend the nights with you? You were too busy during the day as it was to spend it pining over some guy like a schoolgirl, something you saw all too often as a teacher here at the school.
“Hey,” His voice brought your attention away from the papers you were grading at your desk and you smiled up at him. “Wanna hang out tonight?” He asked as he walked over to you, leaning onto your desk and smirking as he noticed how your thighs looked cross over each other in your tight pants.
“Yeah, my room?” You ask, looking down at the papers again as you continued your tasks. Logan lets out a small groan and you give him a surprised look as you lift your head again. “What?”
“Your bed’s so small, baby.” Logan grumbled and you couldn’t help your laugh. The sound made Logan’s chest swell and he chuckled too. “Come to my room, please?” He asked as he caressed your jaw gently.
Still grinning, you shake your head softly as you agree, “Sure, Logan. I’ll see you tonight.” You say and you’re surprised by the way he lifts your chin and kisses you. A gasp leaves your mouth as you realize your classroom door is open and you quickly push back on your chair so you roll away and separate yourself from his lips. “We agreed not in public.” You tell him in a stern tone and he only smirks.
“Please, you liked it.” He says with a wink, not failing to notice the smell of your arousal as he leaves and you sit flustered behind your desk.
You don’t love him, you remind yourself, sighing as you take your reading glasses off and rub your eyes gently with your fingertips.
It took a few months to realize that you did perhaps feel something deeper for him, something more than sexual attraction. The banter between you was always flirty and light hearted, but you were craving to hear something real from him. You wanted to know what was going through his mind the way Jean so easily could, without even having to pry inside his head. You know he offered her his feelings without a second thought.
“What’s wrong with what we’ve got now?” Logan asked, a little taken by your sudden need for more. You had told him in the beginning that this was okay, that this was what you wanted too, something good with no strings. Logan liked you, he truly did, but he just couldn’t seem to give up on the idea of him and Jean. A part of him needed to see it through.
“Logan, I can’t keep doing this if there’s no end goal. I just - I need to know where your head is at with us. Do you still want her? Do you want me? Cause you can’t have both.” You told him in a serious tone.
Logan was sitting against the headboard, looking at you with a solemn look and you wondered if tonight he would finally open up to you, tell you what he felt for you. “What do you want me to say?”
Or perhaps not.
“I want you to make a choice,” Your eyes are watering threateningly, but you refuse to cry over this, over him. “Because if this is all you can offer me, it’s just not enough anymore.” You said in a quiet voice as you stood by the door ready to go back to your room.
To Logan, you had already made your choice when you got up and got dressed. If you didn’t want this anymore, he wasn’t going to keep you here. What he offered wasn’t doing it for you anymore and that’s a choice you made, not him. “If that’s what you want.” He said with a small shrug and you let out sad sigh as he still refused to make a clear decision, always leaving it up to you.
“See you around, Logan.” You said before leaving his bedroom.
A Year Later…
It was awkward at first having to see Logan around the school, but you weren’t some disillusioned little girl. You knew that not all relationships would work out, especially not ones that weren’t exactly official to begin with. You and Logan didn’t have an established relationship, it was just pure fun and out of necessity because you’re still a woman at the end of the day, and he’s a man. It didn’t hurt when you started seeing him and Jean spending more time together. It made you feel more reassured in your decision to end things now that you saw his choice was clear. It made it easier to be friendly, to tease without the whole dance of ‘will we, won’t we?’ but you certainly missed the physical aspect of your odd relationship.
Unfortunately, no one could quite do for you what Logan did in the past. You went on a couple of dates with men, both mutant and non mutant, but they weren’t exactly up to par with what you needed. You wanted someone that could take control, someone that knew exactly what your body responded to, what got you going. Especially now with all of your work piling up on you, your students didn’t care about the material you were so passionate for, it felt like nothing was working out the way you wanted it.
Logan always made you feel better about the bullshit that clogged up your mind, but you doubted he wanted anything like that anymore. Your heeled shoes echoed softly against the wooden floor of the halls and you were painfully aware of how tightly wound and frustrated you felt, and you knew why. Perhaps that’s what you needed. To simply get him out of your system. What was the harm if he didn’t want you and you didn’t want him, it would be a simple collaboration. You knew you weren’t emotionally attracted him, he couldn’t seem to put the effort into being the man you needed in a partner, but he was always a great lay and better friend.
While deep in thought, you found yourself taking the all too familiar path to his bedroom and smiled to yourself as you saw that his door was wide open, as if waiting for you. Logan was moving around inside the room, shirtless and you leaned against his doorframe, biting your lip as you watched him. “Hey there,” He said as he spotted you, smirking as he pulled on a hoodie to sleep in and he looked over at you with a raised brow. His eyes looked over your body in your tight pencil skirt and white button up, your breasts giving those buttons something to do. “Late night?” He asked, walking towards you as you stood in his doorway. You only gave him a small nod. “You okay?” He asked with concern, as if he could read your mind. Logan would never tell you, but he could smell when something was wrong with you and right now you reeked of frustration and…arousal. His eyes searched yours as you shook your head slowly. “What’s wrong?” He asked, touching your arm gently. You placed a hand on his chest, fiddling with the zipper of his hoodie as you let out a sigh.
“I need a favor, and I don’t want you to bring it up ever again after tonight.” You said as you looked back up at him. This was a conversation he had all too eagerly been waiting for and Logan nodded as he watched you with a small smirk while you rolled your eyes at him. “Nevermind.” You said, turning to walk away, but he grabbed onto your hand and pulled you back to him. Your chest was pressed against his as he dipped his head down until his nose brushed against your own.
“Go on, pretty girl, ask me.” He insisted.
A pulse ached in your heart before you built up the courage to breathe out, “It’s a simple favor,” He nodded. “And you can say no.” You reassured him.
“I’m sure I won’t.” He said in a cocky manner and you wanted so badly to smack the arrogant look off his face, but you couldn’t help the bashful grin that stretched your lips as you two were teasing and flirting again. The familiar dance that preceded a mind-blowing, toe-curling night of events.
“I need you.” You whispered, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
Logan hated how things ended between the two of you. He hated that you weren’t mad at him because he deserved it, he acted like a jerk. His eyes searched yours and he recognized the look in them, they were veiled with want and he knew he wanted you too. “Is that right?” He asked as he brought you into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Your smile was somewhat triumphant as you sat on the end of his bed and he knelt in front of you, his hands caressing your knees and bare thighs while you held his face in your hands.
“Please.” You purred before kissing him gently.
Logan returned the kiss, eagerly wrapping an arm around your waist so he could press you to his body as he moved further up the bed. “You need me?” You moaned softly against his mouth, nodding as he hooked his fingers into the openings of your blouse and ripped the buttons, the distant clattering of them making you grin. “Fucking missed you.” He sighed as he kissed the tops of your breasts and you ran your fingers through his hair as you head rolled back in pleasure.
“Fuck me, Lo,” You pleaded, undoing the drawstring of his sweats while he groaned against your chest at your eagerness. “Like only you can, baby, please.”
Your words made him eager, riled him up, and he quickly tugged your skirt off with the help of you shimmying your hips out of it. Logan felt his mouth water at the sight of your lace underwear and he ripped it off without a second thought which made you whine with desire. “How do you need it, pretty girl?” He asked with a smirk as he watched you tremble from the way he ran his fingers through your wet folds.
“Give me everything, Logan.”
His mouth latched onto your slit, his tongue probing in your core, feeling the gumminess of your walls and tasting your arousal running down his throat as he ate you out. Your head was spinning from how good it felt, how he still managed to know what got you going after a whole year. Logan’s hands were gripping tightly onto your thighs, keeping them spread apart for himself as he intended to ruin you. “Always tastes so good.” Your body arched up from the pleasure, his teeth nipped at your clit and your eyes stung with hot tears. Two thick fingers slid into you, curled into that spot that made you grip on the sheets while you called his name in ecstasy. “Like that, baby?” He asked and you nodded desperately as he continued finger fucking you while sucking and biting your sensitive bud.
“Oh, fuck, yes!” You gasped, your legs trembling with the force of your release, your juices coated his fingers and his lips and he only continued. “Oh, my god, Logan!” You groaned in approval as he extended your orgasm, mumbled incoherently into your cunt as you indulged in that euphoric feeling you’ve been missing. “Please, fuck me.” You begged, tugging on his biceps to bring him to hover over you. Logan removed his hoodie and sweats while you undid your bra clasp and discarded yourself of your ruined blouse. His eyes stayed attached to yours as he aimed his swollen head into you core and you whined as his thick length entered you slowly, making you feel every inch of him as he split you open.
“Shit,” Logan groaned as he sunk into you, he sat heavy inside your tight core as he pulsed and twitched. “Baby, I missed you.” He breathed out as he rested his forehead against yours, swallowing hard while he felt the way you squeezed him.
You weren’t going to say anything like that, you didn’t want to talk yourself into something that wouldn’t work again. You only moaned in response and kissed him softly as he started thrusting into you, hard and deep. “Just like that, baby.” You praised, one arm hooking around his shoulders and your hand resting over his chest as you made out while he drove himself deep into your pussy. “Oh, yes!” Your eyes watered as he caged you in with his arms on either side of you, grunting against your mouth as he angled his hips into yours with calculated movements.
“Let me feel it, Y/N,” Logan groaned as he was dangerously close to his release. “Wanna make you cum, pretty girl.” He murmured, pulling away from your lips to suck gently on that spot at that base of your neck that made your pussy clench and he only continued to force himself through your contracting walls. “Fuck.”
Your body always gave into him so easily and you felt your lower belly tighten with a pleasurable tension. “‘M so close.” You mewled, tugging on his hair as you rolled your hips against his own, desperately seeking out a release. Logan pinned you down to his bed by your hips and he fucked himself into you, growling as he watched your creamy sheen paint his cock as you orgasmed. The way he could never let you be in control turned you on more than anything. “Sh-shit, Logan!” You cried out as you writhed and trembled underneath him while he emptied his load inside you, throbbing against your sensitive walls as he swore underneath his breath.
The two of you laid quietly for a moment and you sighed shakily as he slowly slid out of you, he watched your face as you bit your lip and your eyebrows scrunched together in pleasure. “Is that what you needed?” He teased, caressing your belly softly and you rolled your eyes playfully while gently pushing on his chest. Logan chuckled and dipped his head down to pepper your neck with kisses while you caressed his broad back. “Stay with me.” He asked, or demanded, dazed from the way you felt around him, reminiscing in the long nights you two shared together in the past.
Your heart ached with guilt and you shook your head. “You know this was a casual thing, right?” You whispered suddenly. Logan pulled away from the crook of your neck and you gave him a sympathetic look. “I just don’t want you getting the wrong idea and I would appreciate it if we just kept this between us.” You said, sitting up as he got off the bed. You forced down the lump in your throat and sighed as you used his sheets to cover yourself. “We’re friends, Logan. We’ll always be good friends.”
Logan wasn’t going to argue, he knew he had messed up his chance with you and so he nodded as he handed you his hoodie and you gave him an appreciative smile. “Right, this was just a favor between friends.” He said with a shrug and you tried to ignore the hurt in his voice as you zipped on his hoodie which fell at your thighs. Logan helped you gather your ruined clothes and you gave him one last kiss as he walked you to his bedroom door.
“Thanks, Logan.” You smiled.
Logan returned your kind smile and he nodded. “Any time.” He winked, making your face warm as you shook your head lightly and grinned at him. Logan watched you go and he sighed to himself knowing he had had the chance to keep you. It was the classic, cliche case of right person, wrong time.
In an angsty mood today, probably because of the hurricane😅
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies @thatlittlered @seasonofthenerd @littlemisscantloveyouback @scorpiosaintt @simpingfor-wakasa @spencerswh0r3 @thatweirdtheaternerd12 @shybluebirdninja @iamburdened @pinkanonwriting
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nadvs · 2 days
push and pull ୨ৎ playlist
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pairing twin!rafe x female reader x twin!zach
summary life felt complicated enough when you started falling for zach. then you meet rafe. he’s the complete opposite of his twin brother, but he captures your attention just the same.
tags college au set in the obx universe. mutual pining. angst. love triangle. miscommunication.
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author’s note i thought it’d be fun to introduce my upcoming rafe/zach twin au fic through a playlist!! each song represents the way a character feels at some point in the story and gives a sense of the fic’s vibe.
EDIT fic now posted here!
୨ৎ ࿐ reader
༄ personality . . . sweet, easygoing, confident
[ 01 ] it’s okay / tommy genesis — i hope that you don’t love another, i’m thinking that i might just run away
[ 02 ] boy with the blues / delacey — i know that you’re a little broken, you know i don’t care
[ 03 ] yours / alina baraz — paradise in your eyes, but i’m not yours and you’re not mine
[ 04 ] all to myself / stacey — i want you all to myself, and i don’t at the same time
୨ৎ ࿐ rafe cameron
༄ personality . . . guarded, protective, reckless
[ 01 ] worthless / d4ad — i feel out of body, the way the world keeps wishing death upon me
[ 02 ] therapy / khalid — you were in my head when i thought i lost my mind
[ 04 ] trust / brent faiyaz — i know that i get rough, but i just wanna feel love sometimes
[ 04 ] still no good / amir obe — looking for affection, i been hollow
୨ৎ ࿐ zach cameron
༄ personality . . . friendly, loyal, down-to-earth
[ 01 ] intolewd / matt maltese — you’re the kind of angel, dancing by the table, i was doing fine then i met you
[ 02 ] how things used to be / ali gatie — i wonder how you are, i wonder if you think of me
[ 03 ] fall in love with you / montell fish — better off as friends, but maybe i could be worth your love
[ 04 ] list of people (to try and forget about) / tame impala — they’ll say my love has died but it was waiting in the wings
if you want notifications on when i post my fics, follow @xorafe-library and turn on notifications 💘
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lidiasloca · 2 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a little Azriel x reader story, where he comes from a mission injured but tries to hide it from everyone (especially from her (reader)) because he doesn't want them to worry. But then things get complicated and she finds out and is so angry at him for trying to hide it. And then she goes into mother hen mode and takes care of him and it's just pure fluff🥺
Thank you🥰
healing azriel's wounds
azriel x reader
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you ask, your words a mix of frustration and worry. 
“I didn’t want you to worry, Y/N. Since we are newly mated, I knew you’d be… well — like this,” Azriel replies, a painful look on his face as you clean up his wound. You rely on the steadiness in your well-practiced hands, but still, no matter how good of a healer you are, you feel unsure every time you get close to his wounded chest. He is your mate, after all.
“Worried for my mate?” you ask, anger flooding into your heart for the way he treats this as nonsense. “This cut is almost bone-deep, Azriel. What were you thinking?” Your voice breaks at the last bit, and Azriel finally seems to worry — maybe not for the wound, but for you.
“I’m sorry,” he breathes as you start stitching the cut. You have to look away from his pained eyes, only focusing on the meticulous movement of your hands. “Really, I—”
“Hush,” you order with a hint of sweetness. “It’s fine. Just… don’t ever do it again.”
“I promise,” he replies, and, at last, you move your eyes to meet his. 
You are still mad at him for putting his life at risk, but still, you are grateful he is, at last, fine. You didn’t tell him often, but it killed you every time he left for a mission. You always worried he might come home with a wound like this. Or maybe he would never return home.
“Please don’t cry,” he pleads with a hoarse voice, trying to sit up now that you’ve finished stitching him.
“Then don’t give me reasons to cry,” you mumble between sobs. Maybe he is right. Maybe being recently mated made you much more vulnerable to things like this.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, reaching out to stroke your cheek.
“Don’t move. The stitches are fresh.”
But he doesn’t seem to care one bit. “Please forgive me, Y/N.”
You watch him for a minute, reading the sorrow and regret in his eyes. “Never again,” you warn in a weak voice.
“Never again. I promise.”
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
a/n: pls send requests!
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kyliebabe · 2 days
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Matt sturniolo x reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Matts clearly upset, not letting you know what’s wrong, afraid of being venerable, he opens up telling you how he feels like he’s not good enough, and you comfort him
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, but mainly just tooth rotting fluff <3
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matt crossed his arms, sitting beside you in the back seat after the video was done. he was clearly upset over something. every time you made a comment to nick or chris he would roll his eyes, and he refused to say anything. the minute you pulled in the driveway he ran off inside. He sat in his room scrolling mindlessly on his phone. you mentally groaned as you followed after him.
“hey what up?” I say sweetly sitting next to him on our shared bed.
Matt's posture stiffens, and he tenses up. He slowly turns to face you, his expression unreadable. He hesitates before speaking, his voice cold and distant “Nothing. Just leave me alone.” He turns back to his phone, clearly not wanting to engage in a conversation.
I let out a huff, pouting looking at him, his face visibly upset.
Matt's gaze flickers briefly to you before returning to his phone. He sighs quietly, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. After a moment of silence, he speaks again, his tone slightly softer "Look, I'm just not in the mood to talk right now, okay?"
“okay” I Say softly “are you mad at me?” I say anxiously biting my nail in anticipation, waiting for his answer.
Matt pauses, then turns to face you fully, his expression torn. He lets out a harsh sigh, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. After a moment, he admits softly “I don’t know, maybe.”
“do you want to talk about it?” I question nervously.
Matt pauses, then turns to face you fully, his expression torn. He lets out a harsh sigh, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. After a moment, he admits softly “I don’t know, maybe.”
“do you want to talk about it?” I question nervously.
Matt's expression softens a bit, and he hesitates before speaking. He looks into your eyes, searching for something. He bites his lower lip, then says quietly "It's... complicated. I'm just... frustrated, I guess." He breaks eye contact, looking down at his lap.
“do you want a hug?” I ask with a small smile hesitantly.
Matt looks up at you, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. He swallows hard, then nods softly “Yeah, actually. That would be nice.”
I climb into his lap pulling him into a warm embrace, softly scratching my nails through his hair comfortingly.
Matt's arms wrap tightly around your waist as he buries his face in your chest. His body relaxes, and he lets out a soft sigh. He mumbles into your chest "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you earlier."
“it’s okay honey, don’t worry about it” I softly hum placing a soft kiss to the top of his head lovingly.
Matt nuzzles closer, his arms tightening around you possessively. He tilts his head back, looking up at you with puppy-dog eyes. He pouts slightly "Promise you won't be mad at me?"
“I promise sweetheart” I reply with a loving smile “I would never judge you, if it’s bothering you than it’s important to me” I softly sigh out looking at him with nothing but love in my eyes.
Matt's face brightens ever so slightly at your promise. He nods, his eyes never leaving yours. He takes a deep breath, his expression growing more serious. After a moment, he says quietly "I love you."
“I love you too honey, now do you want to tell me what’s wrong”, I ask sweetly.
Matt nods, his expression growing somber. He runs a hand through his hair, then looks down at his lap, collecting his thoughts. After a moment, he speaks softly "I've just... been feeling really frustrated lately."
I nod reassuringly, encouraging him to continue.
Matt looks up at you, his expression conflicted. He swallows hard, then admits "I feel like no matter what I do, I can't make you happy. Like I'm not good enough for you." He looks down again, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Matt sweetheart, you know that’s not true” I say with a head tilt my eyes filled with sadness “you know how much I love you right? I would never, ever want to change you, okay? your perfect, and I love you just the way you are” I softly say with a smile.
Matt looks up at you, his eyes glistening with slight tears. He reaches out and takes your hand, holding it tightly. "I know you say that, but sometimes I wonder..." He takes a shaky breath. "I just don't want to disappoint you."
“you could never disappoint me baby, your my future, okay?” I say looking into his eyes reassuringly.
Matt's expression slowly softens, and he nods, his grip on your hand tightening. He leans forward, resting his forehead against yours. "I love you so much," he whispers. "Sometimes I get scared that I'll mess everything up." His voice is barely audible, laced with vulnerability.
“I get that hun, but I promise you, you could never lose me, I’m in this for life, okay?” I say looking into his eyes.
Matt's eyes well up with tears, and he nods, his lips trembling. He leans in, pressing his lips gently to yours. The kiss is soft and comforting, filled with love and promise.
As I pull away from the kiss I softly wipe his tears “do you know how much I love you?” I question with a smile.
Matt takes a shaky breath, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as you wipe away his tears. "I... I think I do," he murmurs. "But sometimes I need to hear it." He reaches up, cupping your face in his hands.
“you know the highlight of my day is whenever I get to see you, anytime your on your way to pick me up for a date I’m always giddy, like a teenager, I love you so so much and I don’t want you to ever think your not enough for me, okay? No matter what you think about yourself, any of those thing you see as flaws are the things I love about you, because it’s what makes you who you are, and I love that about you, I wouldn’t change it for the world, okay matty?” I say reassuringly looking in his eyes.
Matt's expression softens, and he nods, his thumbs gently brushing away the tears that have started to fall from his own eyes. He pulls you into a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of your neck. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "I..."
“it’s okay baby, you never have to thank me for loving you” I reply softly stroking the back of his head.
Matt pulls back slightly to look at you, his eyes shining with a mixture of love, gratitude, and lingering vulnerability. "I know, but... I need you to know how much it means to me." He takes a deep, shuddering breath. "I'm sorry for breaking down like this."
“hey, hey, don’t ever apologise this is what I’m here for okay, if you ever feel upset just come to me, your my boyfriend, of course I’m going to comfort you, your the love of my life” I reply looking into his eyes with a smile.
Matt's face breaks into a watery smile, and he leans in to kiss you tenderly. "I love you so much," he murmurs against your lips. He nuzzles into your neck, his body relaxing against yours. "Will you..."
“will I what matty” I reply reassuringly.
Matt takes a shaky breath. "Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone with my thoughts. They get so loud sometimes, and you're the only one who can quiet them." He looks up at you pleadingly, a rare moment of vulnerability.
“yes of course I will honey, you never have to be afraid to ask, I promise you it’s not an inconvenience I wouldn’t trade spending time with you for the world, okay?” I reply cupping his cheeks softly.
Matt's face crumples, and he buries his face in your chest, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding on tightly as if he's afraid you'll disappear if he lets go. "Thank you,"
I hug him tighter, playing with his hair, softly placing kisses on the top of his head lovingly.
Matt clings to you like a life raft, his fingers digging into your back as he continues to cry softly. After a few minutes, he pulls back slightly, his eyes red and puffy. "I'm sorry," he murmurs, wiping away his tears.
“hey no don’t apologise baby, it’s okay, emotions are normal, I would never judge you, I love you so much, all of you” I say with a smile giving him a soft little poke in the chest playfully pointing at him.
Matt gives a watery chuckle at your playful gesture, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'm amazing, right?" He attempts a grin, but it's still a bit wobbly.
I let out a soft giggle at his remark pulling him in for a quick, soft, loving peck on the lips.
Matt's face lights up with a genuine smile, and he pulls you in for a tighter hug. "I love you," he whispers. "More than anything." He takes a deep breath, his body relaxing against yours. "Can we... can we just stay like this for a while?"
“of course we can honey, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else” I mutter comfortingly into his hair before placing a kiss on his head.
Matt nuzzles into your chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. He takes slow, steady breaths, his body relaxing as he clings to you. After a few moments, he speaks softly. "I think... I think I might be falling asleep."
I let out a soft giggle “do you want to move so you’re laying down?” I question with a smile.
Matt nods slightly, his fingers digging into your back as he begins to slide down your body, settling into your lap. "Just like this," he murmurs sleepily, his eyes fluttering closed.
I let him cuddle into me lightly stroking his hair, looking down at him with a loving smile of contentment on my face.
As you stroke his hair, Matt's breathing slows, and he snuggles deeper into your embrace. His face rests against your chest, and he lets out a soft, contented sigh, his body finally relaxing into sleep. "Love you," he mumbles, his words slurred and sleepy.
“I love you more baby” I whisper lovingly as he drifts off to sleep.
Matt's face breaks into a soft, dreamy smile, and he nuzzles closer to you, his body warm and trusting in your arms. As you sit there holding him, you can feel the weight of his emotions lifting, the darkness in his mind receding as he loses himself in sleep.
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Sorry if this is bad guys this is my first post lol
Feel free to leave feedback, or any requests 🫶
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bloomeng · 2 days
Maybe I’m in the minority but I feel like there’s a way to have both have Clark/Bruce and Tim/Kon in a fic without making it weird. It’s totally a pet peeve but it’s been irking me because like it’s so easy to interpret Kon and Clark’s relationship as the complicated mess it is or acknowledge the nuance of Tim’s adoption into the Wayne family, that would automatically make the dual ships running in parallel less weird. But people flatten both relationships into father and son, which I don’t mind on its own, because there is a lot of interesting things to dig into there— especially with Clark and Bruce being in the unique position to understand each other’s version of parenthood. Again maybe it’s just my experience but I feel like I keep running into instances where both couples will be dating and then their parental relationships will also be emphasized and suddenly it’s weird.
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cheynovak · 3 days
Characters: Soldier boy x Y/N Female character     
Summary: Y/N, a young personal assistant to Soldier Boy (Ben) and Crimson Countess, is caught in a whirlwind of events that shatter her sense of stability. After accidentally witnessing an intimate moment between Ben, Crimson, and another woman, she’s left shaken and unsure how to process it. The following day, Crimson casually invites her to join them, which only adds to Y/N's confusion.
Warnings: 18+ Threesome, cheating, smut
English is not my first language 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
part 2/?
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I drove back to my office, not knowing where else to go. My, our apartment was no longer a refuge—it was tainted, just like everything else. The small couch in my workspace was uncomfortable, but it was better than facing the wreckage of my life back home. I curled up on it, hugging a pillow, tears silently streaming down my face. I had never felt so alone.
Eventually, exhaustion took over, and I drifted in and out of a fitful sleep, crying even in my dreams. Every now and then, I'd wake up to the sound of my own quiet sobs, the weight of everything pressing down on me.
At some point in the night, I felt something, someone, touching my hair. I stirred, disoriented and groggy. For a split second, I thought maybe it was a dream, but then I saw him.
He was standing there, his hand gently stroking my hair as if he had every right to be there, as if nothing had happened. The sight of him sent a surge of anger and panic through me, and I bolted upright, screaming.
"Get out! Leave! Now!"
Kevin looked shocked, he tried to calm me down while I kept yelling, he was telling me all the things he thought I wanted to hear, pretending this was the first time he cheated but that was a lie, I knew it deep down.
Then I heard a deep, calm voice from behind me.
"Is there a problem here?"
I turned, and there he was, Soldier Boy. My screaming must have been so loud he heard it at the top floor where his penthouse was. Or he's just happened to walk by.
His imposing figure stood in the doorway, arms crossed, his expression hard. His eyes shifted between Kevin and me, quickly assessing the situation. He must've noticed my red, tear-streaked face because his gaze darkened, and I could see the tension ripple through him.
Kevin opened his mouth, likely to make some excuse or explanation, but Ben cut him off with a single, cold command.
The word hung in the air like a threat, and Kevin hesitated for only a second before backing down. He gave me one last guilty look before slipping out of the room. The door clicked shut behind him, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.
I was still sitting on the couch, my body tense, my mind reeling from everything that had just happened. Ben stayed standing for a moment, watching me. He wasn’t smiling, his usual cocky, teasing attitude gone. Instead, his expression was unreadable, almost concerned.
After a long pause, he walked over and sat down beside me on the couch. He didn’t say anything right away. The room was so quiet I could hear my own ragged breathing.
For the first time since everything had gone so wrong, I didn’t feel like I was drowning. His presence, solid and calm, was grounding me in a way I didn’t expect.
As I sat there, tears still rolling down my cheeks, Ben shifted slightly beside me. Before I could react, he pulled me into his arms. My body tensed at first, but then I melted into the warmth of his chest, my cheek pressing against the firm muscle beneath his shirt. The quiet hum of his heartbeat was the only thing I could focus on as the sobs came again, uncontrollable and raw.
I didn’t hold back this time. I blurred out everything, the pain, the humiliation, the betrayal. "He cheated on me," I choked out between sobs, "and I was so stupid… I really thought he loved me." My voice cracked on the last word, and fresh tears poured down.
Ben didn’t say a word. He didn’t offer any comforting reassurances or tell me everything would be okay. He just sat there, letting me cry, holding me like he had no idea what to do but felt obligated to be there.
His arms weren’t tight around me, just loosely draped as if he were holding something fragile he didn’t really want to break but didn’t quite know how to handle. It was awkward in a way, like he didn’t want to get too close, but he didn’t want to pull away either.
For some reason, that made it worse. I felt small in his arms, insignificant, like this whole emotional outburst was just another inconvenience for him. I shouldn’t have cared, but it made me feel even more broken. My chest ached, my throat raw from crying, and I didn’t know what to say, so I mumbled the only thing I could think of.
“I’m sorry…”
I pulled back just slightly, enough to look up at him, my face still wet with tears. His expression was unreadable, his eyes dark, intense, watching me with something I couldn’t quite place. Before I could process it, before I could even think, his hand gripped my chin firmly, and suddenly, his lips were on mine.
It wasn’t soft, or tender, it was forceful, rough, a kiss that left no room for doubt or hesitation. My body froze in shock, my mind going blank as I registered what was happening. This wasn’t what I needed. This wasn’t what I had asked for.
I almost leaned into it, almost let myself fall into the moment, but something inside me snapped back to reality. My hands instinctively pressed against his chest, pushing him away, breaking the kiss.
I pulled back, wide-eyed, breathless, and completely overwhelmed. I stared at him, my mind racing, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Ben’s gaze was still locked on me, his breathing steady, but there was a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes something dark and unrepentant.
I didn’t know what to say. My mind screamed at me to leave, to run, but I was frozen in place, caught between fear, confusion, and the weight of everything that had happened.
Without thinking twice, my anger toward Kevin surged like a wave, and before I could stop myself, I crashed my lips back against his. The heat between us ignited quickly, our tongues battling for control, the intensity of it all erasing any hesitation I had just moments ago. It wasn’t about passion, it was about drowning out the hurt, the betrayal.
For a minute or two, we were lost in that raw, reckless kiss.
Then Ben pulled back, a glint in his eyes as he grinned, still holding my hand. “Let’s get you some revenge,” he said, his voice low and filled with something dark.
My breath hitched as he tugged me to my feet, leading me toward the elevator. My mind spun, still trying to catch up with what was happening, but part of me—part of me wanted this, needed this.
The idea of payback, of forgetting Kevin, made me follow without question. A night with Soldier boy was something a lot of women would sell their soul for.
When the elevator doors opened into his penthouse, I was hit with a rush of nerves, a gnawing feeling deep in my gut. The space was grand, just as I’d expect from Soldier Boy, but what made my stomach drop was who was waiting for us.
Crimson Countess.
She stood by the window, dressed in something slinky and red, her lips curling into a wicked smile when she saw us enter. "Well, you brought company." The knowing look in her eyes made it clear she knew exactly what was happening, what Ben had brought me here for.
My heart raced as realization hit me like a brick. This wasn’t just about me and Ben. His intentions became clear.
“Oh no, I… I’ve never done anything like this,” I stammered, feeling completely out of my depth, my skin tingling with a mix of fear and something I didn’t want to admit.
Ben didn’t miss a beat. He sat on the bed, leaning back casually, watching me with that same confident, predatory gleam in his eyes. Crimson stepped up behind me, close enough that I could feel her breath on my neck.
“That’s okay,” Ben murmured, his voice low, coaxing. “She’ll teach you anything you want. We can take it slow.”
I swallowed hard, my mind spinning. Everything about this felt wrong and right all at once, the pull of anger and the need to numb my pain warring inside me.
I had never been in a situation like this, never imagined myself here, but the bitterness I felt toward Kevin and the desire to hurt him the way he’d hurt me clouded my judgment.
Crimson’s soft voice whispered behind me. " This will be fun." Ben added “Don’t you want payback on, what’s-his-name?”
“Kevin,” I muttered, my voice shaky. My breath hitched as she lightly ran her fingers down my arm.
Ben smiled, his eyes gleaming as he leaned forward on the bed. “Right. And what better revenge than spending a night with not just one, but two superior beings?”
My pulse raced, my body caught between fear and something I didn’t want to admit. The temptation to get back at Kevin was so strong, the anger still boiling inside me. The words danced in my mind—payback, revenge, forgetting the pain—and I was so close to giving in.
Ben's eyes were locked on me, challenging me. Crimson’s hands lightly brushed my shoulders, her touch warm, inviting.
But was this really the kind of revenge I wanted?
The answer was yes.
I gave in to the pull of revenge, the need to drown out the hurt Kevin had caused me. Ben kept his word, taking it slow, easing me into a world I had never imagined I’d be part of. I had a little to drink first, and another, just enough to blur the sharp edges of my anxiety.
Crimson made the first move, her touch soft but confident. Ben just sat there, relaxed, watching me as I explored the sensation of another woman’s body for the first time.
Crimson was clear about what she liked, guiding me with a kind of experienced patience that made it easier for me to follow. I couldn’t say I truly enjoyed it, it was more surreal than anything. But my body responded, either to her touch or to the way Ben’s gaze burned into me as he watched, his eyes following every movement, every reaction I had, playing with himself while smoking a blunt.
I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol, or the way he looked at me, but after a while, I found myself giving in. When Crimson brought me to my first orgasm, my mind clouded with the strange mix of guilt and release. She smiled, satisfied with herself, and then leaned back, her voice sultry as she said, “I want to try something else, I'll be right back."
I was still lying on my back, catching my breath, my mind spinning in ways I couldn’t control. I looked up at Ben, feeling more exposed than ever under his intense stare.
Without hesitation, he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up, straddling him in a swift motion that made my heart race. His hands slid over my naked form, fingers brushing my skin in a way that made me shiver despite myself.
"I thought you were a little nun," he teased, his voice low and teasing, his lips hovering near my ear. "A virgin waiting till her wedding night."
I bit my lip, my mind a mess of thoughts and emotions. The guilt, the anger, the desire to forget—it all mixed together until I couldn’t tell one feeling from another.
Ben's lips brushed my ear again, his voice even lower this time, dripping with confidence. "You need a man to really enjoy it, don’t you?"
I nodded quickly, too overwhelmed to speak. His grip tightened on my hips, and for a second, I felt like I was teetering on the edge of something dangerous, something I couldn’t come back from.
Ben’s hands gripped my hips firmly, guiding me with deliberate slowness until I felt him pressing against me. In his hand he didn't seemed all too big, but brushing against me made me beg to differ.
Just an inch, and I gasped, my head falling back as a rush of sensation overwhelmed me. He was big, too big. My body tensed, trying to adjust to the feeling, but even through the discomfort, there was something undeniably intoxicating about it.
I could feel his eyes on me, the heat of his gaze as he studied my every reaction. His hands never let go of my hips, controlling my movements as he slowly pushed deeper, inch by inch. I tried to stay focused, my breathing ragged as my body started to respond in ways I wasn’t expecting.
My face was close to his now, my hands resting on his broad neck near his hair for balance, finger tugging at his hair. I could hear his breathing, steady but deep, as he helped me move up and down, guiding me to take him deeper, bit by bit.
The sensation was overwhelming, my mind a blur of thoughts and sensations. I couldn’t think about anything else, not Kevin, not the mess my life had become, just the way my body was reacting, the way Ben’s hands felt on me, the way he filled me. It was too much, and not enough all at once.
As I moved on him, Ben’s voice was a low, sultry murmur, sending shivers down my spine. “That’s it, just like that,” he encouraged, his breath warm against my ear. “Feel how good this is? You’re doing amazing.”
He shifted slightly, guiding my hips. “You’re so tight… just let go and let me take you there.”
I could feel his hands tightening on my waist as he thrust deeper. “You like that, don’t you? You were made for me.” His eyes locked onto mine, filled with an intensity that made me blush.
Ben’s voice was low and commanding as he talked, guiding my movements with an intensity that made my heart race. I caught a glimpse of his eyes flicking to something behind me—probably Crimson returning—but his attention remained solely on me. He was in control, and I was swept along for the ride, unable to dictate the speed or the rhythm of his thrusts.
“Just focus on me. Let me show you how good it can feel.”
Each word dripped with a mix of dominance and allure, making it impossible for me to resist. “I want to see you fall apart, to feel every inch of me,” he growled, urging me on as I lost myself in the moment.
As pleasure built, he leaned closer, his lips brushing my ear. “You’re perfect like this. Just let it take over.” And when I finally reached that edge, he whispered, “That’s it… let go for me.”
With each deep thrust, I felt myself teetering on the edge, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through me. I lost track of time as pleasure built, wave after wave crashing over me until I finally tipped over the edge, spiraling into a blissful release. It hit me again and again, each pulse sending me higher, until finally, I felt him reach his own climax, his breath ragged against my skin.
As the aftershocks settled, I glanced at Crimson. She wore a look that suggested she wasn’t entirely pleased, but in that moment, I didn’t care. I was too worn out, my body buzzing with the remnants of ecstasy.
Eventually, I found a comfortable position on Ben's left side, feeling the warmth of his body next to me. Crimson settled on his right, and the exhaustion washed over me, pulling me into a deep sleep. In that moment, I let go of everything—the hurt, the betrayal—and surrendered to the darkness.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 2 days
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Part XI
Word count: 3900+
Warnings: swear words
Autumn themed divider by tsunami-of-tears
Part X | Part XII
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Ever since Eris saved you, you two became inseparable. Literally and unromantic, unfortunately.
When you said that you wanted him, you meant like a man, a husband. You couldn't name the feeling that led you to that as you'd never encountered it in your life. Desire and lust weren't so unfamiliar to you, you knew them well and definitely felt them when he was around, but what you felt exceeded even such mundane wants. The moment he stepped out of the flames in that dark room carved into stone, it grew into a constant need and it was slowly driving you crazy.
Sometimes you thought of it as a disease because dry throat, pounding heart, shortness of breath, sweating and stuttering were common symptoms. However, no medicine could cure you. You were doomed.
It was excruciating to just sit, watch him from distance and listen his voice that often spoke about such things that it sounded like a foreign language to you. You weren't proud of it, but you weren't educated in anything except of how to submit, keep quiet, stay still, dance and serve well to your husband. Males in Hewn City held an opinion that educating females was just a waste of time because there was no way they could understand such complicated things as economy, politics, war or ruling.
While you dreamt of his warm hands touching your body in all inappropriate places, his lips breathing life into your hurting heart, his skin rubbing against yours, his voice whispering to your ear and about other parts of his body that you hadn't seen yet, Eris every morning calmly knocked on your doors and escorted you to his office. He insisted that you must not leave his side, so you ended up sitting behind him even on meetings to resentment of all present lords.
The closest you got to doing what you wanted to do with him, was when he took your hand and you went out for walk or to feed and play with his smokehounds.
Eris didn't know so much about flowers and herbs as your friends Ellen and Irene, but you were never bored with him. Sometimes he relaxed enough to talk about his childhood, at least about nice memories he had, sometimes he tried to explain you what the meeting was about. Either way you always learned something new and most importantly, you had an excuse for staring at his lips. You tried really hard to pay attention to everything he was saying, but your heart had a mind of its own.
You often found yourself imaging the taste and texture of those lips on yours and more - the feel of them sliding down the column of your neck to your chest, playing with you. The fact that you felt his long fingers in your hand made it even worse. All of sudden you felt them touching your body, weaving through your hair, filling you-
"Were did you go?" His husky deep voice snapped you from your fantasies. Amber orbs with dangerously swirling flames were piercing you and you blushed. Despite being outside his scent was wrapping around you, so thick it was suffocating.
"I'm here, listening to you," you almost moaned those words, dazed. Of course you weren't.
"Hmmm, really?" With wolfish grin he leaned so close that you were sharing a breath. "So tell me, my dear, what was I talking about?"
"You asked me where did I go," you whispered. Only an inch. There was only an inch between your lips, separating you from what you desperately wanted.
"Cleaver," he murmured, seemingly as drunken as you. "And before?"
You blinked. What did he say before?
"You said that villages near Summer have a hard time?" you tried your luck.
His grin grew wider. "That was maybe a half hour ago." His fingers ran along your jaw to your lips, gently parting them. "What should I do with you?"
Kiss me! If only you were brave enough to say it aloud.
His gaze was glued to your mouth now. For a moment you thought you heard his heartbeat, but it must have been just your imagination because there was no way his heart beated in unison with yours. Suddenly he lunged forward, his mouth crashing into yours with such strength that you had to wrap arms around his broad shoulders to prevent a fall. His palms clasped back of your head and your hip, tugging you impossibly close. His tongue slipped into your mouth without warning, but you didn't mind it slightest.
You were responding to his every desperate touch and stroke of tongue with your own. This was it. This was what you dreamt about for days now. You moaned into his mouth, drawing a growl from the depths of his chest.
He was greedy. His hot lips moved down the column of your neck feverishly while his fingers pulled the dress from your shoulder. None of you minded that you were in the garden where anyone could see you. In that moment only the two of you existed in this world.
He sucked and nipped the thin skin of your throat and you welcomed it. You wanted him to leave a mark on you. You clung to him, enjoying what he was doing, rewarding his ministration with loud moans. Your fingers were clawing on his back, trying to get to his skin. You wanted him, needed him.
However when he got to your shoulder he stilled, heaving heavily. His fingers were digging into your flesh almost painfully while his body trembled.
"You drive me crazy. You and your delicious scent," he groaned with lips on your skin. "Please, have mercy with me. I can't hold back for any longer." He sounded like on verge of tears.
You entwined fingers into his soft strands. "So don't hold back," you whispered nuzzling to the crook of his neck.
He snorted and fixed your dress. "You'll be death of me." With that he pushed away, hiding his face from you. He took your hand and pulling you behind him, he was leading you back to the castle. "There's a meeting with merchant leaders in five minutes."
Since this small encounter in the gardens, he closed up, watching you every now and then with sadness and something that resembled great longing. He was still kind to you and attentive, still tried to explain you things they discussed at the meetings, it just felt different. Thinking that you did something wrong, possibly even hurt him unknowingly, you tried your best to behave, to control your fantasies and eventually cooled down a bit.
Your evening routine had changed, too, as if Eris was scared to be with you alone after night fell. Instead of staying in the office until it was time to sleep, before the dinner Eris took all documents he needed to your chambers. After eating together he continued his work on that small dining table, while Ellen and Irene kept you company.
They seemed to be ashamed to run their mouths in presence of the High Lord, so you usually retired to your bedroom leaving doors ajar. That was the only condition Eris insisted on.
"And after that? What happened?" Ellen leaned closer, urging you to continue. It took you some time to gather courage to tell them about the kiss, but here you were, sharing your worries.
You shrugged. "Nothing. Eris had a meeting, so we headed back."
"And at night?" Irene whispered. They both knew that your marriage wasn't consummated yet, but just like you, they still hoped. "Did he come to, you know.. continue where you have stopped?"
You shook your head. They both frowned.
"Is that male impotent or what?" Ellen said too loudly and clasped hands over her mouth in shock. She didn't mean to shout it. You all turned to the doors, but you heard only constant scrapping of pen on paper from the other room.
"Or maybe he isn't interested in females," Irene suggested.
"No way," Ellen shook head. "We both grew at this Court, so you certainly heard it, too. All brothers had a lot of lovers in the past, all females. Even our High Lord had a few affairs. Less than his brothers, but still."
"Yup, I think I heard it, too," Irene sighed and blushed.
"Do you think that I messed up?" you bit on your lower lip. "That I somehow insulted him?"
"No, definitely not," they both said in unison.
"Males like when females show interest," Irene said, rubbing your shoulder.
"It usually turns male on, not discourage him. Especially, if it's married couple," Ellen added.
You sighed, feeling even worse. There was something really wrong with you two.
"And what about you and Killian?" you turned to Irene, trying to change topic.
"Well.." she fidgeted with her fingers. "He asked me out."
With Ellen you immediately came alive, tension growing. "And?"
"And I said yes," Irene smiled shyly. "He'll take me to the city next week."
All three of you squealed happily, holding hands. It was just about the time. Irene was head over heels for him for years and ever since she became your maid you saw Killian flirting with her every time he came for chitchat.
The doors flew open and on threshold stood Eris with dagger in hand. He scanned the room, then his fiery gaze fell down to you and your friends sitting on ottomans, baffled, with smiles frozen on your faces.
"I heard you screaming. Everything alright?"
"Yes," you spoke softly, "absolutely fine. We just.. We are sorry that we disturbed you. We'll be careful from now on."
He nodded. Eyes lingering on you, he just stood there. You gave him a puzzled look. He shook head and leaving doors again ajar, he returned to his work.
All three of you blew a breath.
Irene turned to you with sad smile. "He seems like someone who cares for you dearly. You should have seen him when you went missing. He turned this place upside down, looking for you. He was furious when he couldn't find anything with your scent."
"He was so desperate," Ellen agreed. "And the look he just gave you.. It was full of longing for sure. He wants you."
"Then why?" You flapped down on your back, looking out the window at stars that shone sadly tonight. They had no answer for you, too.
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The most exciting part of Eris's work was when he had to visit some village or small town. Nature of Autumn Court was breathtakingly beautiful and fascinated you with all those radiant colours. Whether it was just a wild forest or fields you wanted to see it all.
Even Fae who lived there. Most of them was hostile and alert when High Lord came to them, willing to help them personally solve their problem. However, Eris was able to cope with it and handled it brilliantly.
It was interesting to watch him interact with his subjects. He was strong, sharp and terrifying, yet he didn't shy to show kindness and understanding. He seemed to be especially skilled with children. Wherever you went, soon enough a group of kids followed him all around and he didn't mind at all. He only smirked and even played with them when he thought that no one was watching. He was kind of cute in such moments. It was easy to imagine him with his own children, running through hallways, ballrooms and gardens, scaring staff and then laughing at it. Your heart clenched with pain every time such thoughts flashed through your mind.
Eris made sure that on the way you could see every river, lake or rock. Winnowing would be much faster, yet he always opted for horses and didn't hesitate to do detours just to show you nice places. Since you couldn't ride, you always ended up on his horse, pressed into his chest and with his arms around your waist, holding you in place. That made these trips even more special for you. The joy of sharing beauty of his Court was visible not only on his face but mainly in his eyes. He was a different male as soon as he left castle grounds, more happy, unfettered and wild. He was like the nature around him and you liked it a lot.
If only it was the main content of his duties.
Sadly, most of the ruling was made from his office. You spent there so many hours that you lost count. At first Eris let you do whatever you wanted which meant that you sat near the window switching between view of garden and your diligently writing, reading and frowning husband.
Years of training this made you last quite long, longer than any other person would last, but since coming to this Court you got a taste of freedom. Simply said, you became bored after a while. You understood the importance of his work and didn't mean to bother him in any way. However, it was physically impossible to suppress yawning or stop constant wiggling when your body screamed for change of position.
You thought that Eris hadn't noticed it, but after few days he rearranged the office and added smaller desk and sofa that he clearly didn't need. It was for you.
One day, pretending he just needed to stretch out, he walked to the shelves of books, randomly picked out one and handed it to you.
"Wouldn't you like to read something?"
It was the book about the medical herbs that you started to read before you were kidnapped and hadn't finished it yet. You smiled at him gratefully. You thought that he would mind or that page turning sounds would bother him, so you didn't dare to bring it with you. But as it turned out, he didn't mind it at slightest and after that, a whole section of books about plants magically found its way into his bookcase.
You were eager for knowledge and devoured the books in just a few weeks. It didn't went unnoticed.
Next time Eris tried to explain you problems discussed at the meeting, he took out a book, opened it at certain page dedicated to the similar issue and let you read that, too. You really appreciated this gesture. Whether he knew about your hunger for knowledge or not, he was supporting your eagerness anyway. He went so far as preparing you books of certain topic and when you were done with them, he discussed it with you and explained parts that you didn't understand. Killian obviously liked the idea and often joined you or took Eris's place when he was too busy.
They didn't mind discussing even the Court's issues with you and Eris himself asked you questions and intently listened to your opinions and solutions. You were surprised to find out that with minor changes he presented some of them at meetings. It brought you two closer on a new, deeper level, and you started working together. Eris entrusted you with some documents and reports that he believed you could solve on your own, while you kept studying. If someone before told you that just in marriage you could get the keys to complete freedom, you wouldn't believe them. With Eris anything was possible though.
One day, Killian entered the office with unusually serious expression.
"Eris, the news about certain matter arrived," his eyes drifted to you.
Erin frowned and leaned closer. He apparently knew what Killian talked about. "And?"
Killian put his hands on the table, leaned towards him and lowered his voice. "They couldn't find the body. They searched the entire place and nothing. He had to survive it and get out. Or someone helped him."
Eris inhaled sharply through his nose and your gazes met. His amber eyes hardened, burning like fire.
They didn't need to say who survived. You already knew, but still you needed them to confirm it. You subdued the tremor. "Who-.. who are you talking about?"
They exchanged the look. Jaws hardening they pulled lips into thin lines, avoiding your gaze. If you already didn't know they were siblings, now there would be no doubts about it. They were so alike.
"You are talking about males who kidnapped me, right?"
"Y/N.." Eris sighed, pinching bridge of his nose.
"Yes," Killian gave you a pitiful look while Eris eyes shot up to him, the fire in them burning holes into his head.
"It's better when she is scared but careful than when she runs into hands of death because she didn't know about the dangers that lurk around any corner," he shrugged.
Eris dragged hand down his face. "Fine," he grunted, "go ahead, if you want to scare her so badly."
"Asshole," Killian narrowed eyes on his brother. Then he turned to you. "The thing is... Lord Nail, the one who kidnapped you, escaped and we can't find him. And.. our brother, Volkan.. Eris thought he is dead, but.."
"You couldn't find the body to confirm it," you repeated what you heard earlier.
You hesitated. There was one question that bothered you ever since you woke up on that cold ground. "Why?" you stuttered barely audibly.
They both raised brows at you.
"Why did they do that?"
"We aren't sure," Eris watched you with sad eyes. "When I became High Lord, I announced at meeting that I plan to marry you. Some Lords didn't like the idea, but Nail was strongly against it. His family believed that his cousin will be my wife. He revolted and I banished him from this Court. He also used to support Volkan as a heir and future High Lord.."
"So we think that either it was a payback for his cousin or he did it to lure Eris out, so Volkan can kill him and become what he always wanted to be."
A huge lump rose in your throat and for the rest of the day you couldn't focus on anything. Thoughts swirled in your head and more questions popped up. Why did Eris choose you? Why he went to so much trouble when he wasn't even interested in you in that way? What he expected from you? A friendship? Companion? Where you just some kind of gag to shut up Lords, so he could sweep the question of marriage off the table? Or was it a payback? To whom?
The whole night you spent tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The next day you were miles away, mindlessly following Eris around the castle. That day you weren't able to focus even on reading. Your husband tried to talk with you as he usually did, but you was hardly able to give him one-word answers. In the end he gave up and didn't press you further. You didn't notice the tension in the air nor that his mood gradually worsened with every hour you spent trapped in your thoughts.
Eris immediately knew something was going on when he saw you and those dark circles under your eyes in the morning. He watched your silent form sitting in his office like a ghost and grew nervous. He wanted to get into your pretty head to see what bothered you, shake with you until you spit it all out. But he couldn't and that annoyed him the most.
As if it wasn't enough, Lords at the afternoon meeting decided to try out his patience. Some village on outskirts of Autumn Court near borders with Summer couldn't pay the taxes because they had a bad year. A flood of locusts had eaten up the crops and they actually needed an aid to survive. But these mother-fuckers wanted to punish them as his father would do. The old bastard never cared for the reason people couldn't pay. He simply killed them or turned them into slaves.
Eris was in a foul mood, muscle ticking in his jaw, and wanted to kill someone, preferably these idiots. All of them. He glared at the papers in front of him while they quarreled which punishment would be more effective. Until the papers burst into flames. The room went silent, all eyes at him. His verdict was clear: no punishment, send an aid. With that he dismissed them.
The meeting ended without you even noticing anything of that. You were imprisoned in your own head, drowning in uncertainty and pain, and you couldn't take it anymore. You needed answers.
While you ran after Eris who was making his way down the hallways with long strides, you decided. You would ask him. Now or never. You had nothing to lose and if Eris answered.. Well, it depended on his answers.
Eris held the door for you and then closed them so harshly that the walls shook. He strode to his desk and slammed his fist on it.
His brother, the male who hurt his wife, was alive and nobody could find a single trace of him. His wife was.. What was she? Scared? Terrified? Traumatized? And he couldn't help her because she wouldn't talk with him, wouldn't let him. His subjects needed help and he had to fight Lords to get the help they needed. Everything around him was collapsing and he couldn't stop it. He could only stand and watch.
"Yes?" Frowning he looked up from his desk.
"Why did you choose me as your wife?"
His jaw tightened and he looked away. He wasn't in mood for this kind of conversation. He wasn't ready for it. Not today, not anytime soon. "Because I wanted you."
"But why?"
"I already told you."
"So why haven't you consummated the marriage yet?"
"I won't discuss that with you. Not now, not.. never."
"Don't you think that I deserve to know?"
He was quiet, hands clenched into fists on the desk. Whenever you asked him something, he gladly answered you, so why not now? Silver lined your eyes as you watched his hard, angry expression and felt your heart breaking into million pieces. Normally, you wouldn't insist and let it go. Normally, you wouldn't even dare to ask such things.
But today wasn't that day.
"Please, Eris. I need to know it.. If you ever cared about me, sincerely cared, answ-"
"I haven't fucked you yet because I. Don't. Want. To," he snapped, his fiery eyes piercing you. "Is that what you wanted to hear?!"
He never shouted at you, never spoke with you like this. He didn't even raise his voice at you until now. You winced and took a step back. And then another. Your lower lip quivered and before you could stop it, you burst into tears. You couldn't stay there. You needed air, fresh air and distance. When Eris saw your reaction his face contorted in pain. He started to reach out for you, but you pivoted and ran out of the room.
His broken voice followed you to the hallway. You didn't slow down and kept running up and up.
You had no idea where you were heading to until you dashed through the door and a cold gust of wind stung your wet face. The sky began to turn red, evening was approaching.
You walked over to the battlement and looked down. You were on the rooftop of the tallest tower. The guard on the courtyard below wasn't bigger than an ant. Good. No one would see you up here and no one would come looking for you.
You were cold and hurting so much that even breathing was too painful. You slid down to the ground, curled into a ball and cried. You were there for less than ten minutes when affected laughter cut through the air.
"You make things so much easier for me."
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Every since you wrote it it hasn’t left my mind and i love it so much
Just that one part in A Glimmering Collar, where we finally get tired of Jason avoiding us and we write down “I want you” poor Jason i bet he was was so happy and in disbelief, i bet reading those words, finally finally we want him whether just for the moment or we accept him and what he’s doing
He comes back at night when we’re waiting for him and he’s bringing his hand up to touch our face to prove to himself that this is real, not a fantasy that his tortured-self conjured up to have an escape and we accept him and maybe even lov- what…what do you mean you just want your questions answered? But you said-
I bet his little heart cracked more, feeling blindsided by this what do you mean you want answers he already told you, you don’t need to know or worry about it, answering things makes everything more complicated and makes him vulnerable and jasons just wants us to understand that everything is fine why do we need answers why can’t you just accept this accept HIM
Idk those are just my thoughts i love the way you write AK! Jason and i can’t wait to see what u write next about him! Precious boy he’s been through so much
NONNIE!!! Ahhh, yessss!! This is exactly what I was trying to portray in that scene!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! 💙
Let me ramble here, Jason comes into your cage apartment, just as he does every night. He's told you this, but he has no idea how you feel about it. But he wants you to be comfortable here, comfortable with him.
He checks the notepad, the one that almost always sits pristine and empty on the glass table, but this time, there are words on it. His heart rate spikes. You're asking for something. He almost feels giddy. This is his chance to prove that he can be worth something to you.
Expect, the words don't quite make sense in his brain. Alll you've written is 'you'.
Jaaon doesn't know what to do with that. He could wake you up and demand an explanation. Fall to his knees, and thank you for giving him a chance, for still seeing that he's still your Jason.
Instead, he leaves the apartment and spends the next twenty-four hours trying to figure out what you could mean. He doesn't manage to get a clue before the sun has set again, and he knows that it's about the time you go to sleep.
So, he gathers all his courage and goes to you, and the air leaves his lungs because it's you, it's always been you and you asked for him and he doesn't know what to say. He reaches for you cause he needs this to not the some sick prank the universe is playing on him and asks if you meant it.
But then you're confused. You want him to take the mask off. His stomach is twisting when he does. He needs to know if you meant it. That out of anything you could ask for, everything he would have given you, you wanted him. So he asks again.
And then you tell him you just want answers. And his heart drops. He lowers his hand. Because, of course, this wasn't what he hoped it was. None of his dreams ever come true. He can never really have you.
You want answers. He doesn't have any other than you need to be here. He can't tell you that you were the only thing he held onto in that asylum. So he drapes the choker around your neck and thinks, maybe, in this way, at least a part of you will be his.
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reidsbookclub · 3 days
Foolish one – Spencer’s Version
To read y/n’s version click here
She was walking out of Hotch’s office the first time I saw her, my eyes directly focusing on her kind smile. What would it feel like to have a smile from her given to me? I was so focused on her I did not see Anderson walk in to the BAU kitchen, bumped into him and spilled my coffee on myself. This was not happening, clumsy Dr. Reid making an appearance today when she’s here why? Why must I always be the nerdy, lanky, clumsy genius that no girl ever likes.
As I scrambled to wipe the coffee from my shirt, I heard a soft chuckle from behind me. My heart rate picked up, and I knew who it was before even turning around.
"Are you okay?" Her voice was soft, laced with amusement but also genuine concern.
I turned, my face burning in embarrassment. Y/N stood there, her kind eyes sparkling in the fluorescent light of the BAU. Her hands were tucked into the sleeves of her sweater, giving her an endearing air of shyness, but her expression was open and warm.
"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Totally fine. Just... coffee and I are usually best friends but we are have a complicated relationship at the moment," I stammered, my words running together. My cheeks burned even more, and I could only hope she wouldn’t notice. Who was I kidding? She definitely noticed. She seemed to notice everything, with those observant eyes and that patient smile.
"Well, maybe coffee isn't the best for you right now," she teased gently, her eyes drifting to my stained shirt before meeting mine again. I was stunned for a moment, caught in the ease of our brief exchange.
I wanted to say something witty, something that would make her smile like that again—at me this time, not just at my misfortune. But instead, I could only manage an awkward laugh. The kind of laugh that would play over and over in my head later, keeping me awake.
"You know, if you need help getting that stain out, I have some tips," she added, nodding towards my shirt.
"Thanks, but I think it’s a lost cause. Kind of like me," I muttered the last part, hoping she didn’t hear. But of course, she did. Because why wouldn’t she?
Her brow furrowed slightly. "Lost cause? I don’t think so, Spencer."
She said my name so easily, and I couldn’t help but marvel at how perfectly it fit coming from her. It was in that moment, hearing her say my name like that—like I was someone worth knowing—that I realized how far gone I really was.
"I mean, it’s just a coffee stain," she continued, but there was something more in her tone, something that felt like reassurance. Something that made me feel like maybe—just maybe—I wasn’t invisible to her.
But that was foolish thinking. A girl like her? She was out of my league in every possible way. She was confident, kind, and effortlessly charming. Me? I was the nerdy genius who spent more time with books than people.
I watched her walk away, heading back to her desk, but not without throwing me another small smile over her shoulder. My heart leapt, despite myself.
You are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson...
And I knew it. I knew she couldn’t possibly see me the way I saw her. But every time she smiled at me, I let hope creep in. Every kind word, every glance—it all made me hold on, even when I knew I shouldn’t.
Because maybe someday, she'd see me the way I saw her.
Tagging some friends I know are still active because idk who still is from my taglist
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stagkingswife · 2 days
This may sound a bit silly, and I apologize if you've gotten this kind of ask before (please feel free to tell me to look for it or link posts if you want; no need for any answer even, there's no pressure), but I think unrecorded deities have been reaching out to me. I'm a bit nervous to reach back because I'm not sure how to verify who they are effectively. I also typically ask the deities I worship for protection, but I feel like that wouldn't be very respectful if the unrecorded deities truly are reaching out, you know? I want to be considerate of the fact that they, themselves, are also deities. Do you have any advice on what I can do to verify them? Do you know of ways to protect myself that wouldn't be seen as disrespectful? If you're unsure, it's totally ok. I appreciate any and all advice you may have, as I've never really encountered this before.
Regardless if you choose to answer, thank you for being here! I love your blog, and whenever I see your posts on my dash, it brings me a smile. Thank you, and take care! c:
Vetting unrecorded entities is very different from vetting recorded ones in my experience, but you can still do it! I've found it to be a much slower, longer process, that you really have to be patient and dedicated for. It's much more about getting to know the entity for who they are as an individual than it is about checking them against known facts. So be prepared to be in for the long haul!
I've written about my methods of vetting entities, both unrecorded and recorded in a couple of places. I have sort of an intro to my process of vetting an unrecorded entity here, it lays out the idea of checking the entity against themselves and looking for internal consistency. I combine this method of getting to know you questions with my note taking methods: Part 1 and Part 2 respectively. By having good notes I can establish that consistency and look for contradictions. Does the entity say something in one visit, and then contradict it the next time I encounter them? To me that's not a reason to cut off contact, but it is something to ask them about. Maybe it's a complicated thing for that entity, maybe there's a story, maybe they're reveling truths bit by bit as they come to trust me. There's a chance they may have lied to me, and I can ask them why. I'm very willing to hear explanations when I'm getting to know a new spirit, and for things to change as I get to know them. Sometimes they are remembering things about themselves as they are telling it to me. This doesn't apply to an unrecorded entity who is a regular spirit who has just never been written down, like a local nature spirit, or an individual one of the Fair Folk, but I've found that working with the really truly ancient spirits that maybe haven't interacted with a human in very long time can be a bit like talking to someone with dementia. I was started working on returning the Forgotten Ones in the same year that I lost my Pop-Pop to Parkinsons, and communicating to them in the begin was a lot like talking to him at the end. They knew who they were, loosely, but the details were foggy and vague, and would sometimes change a bit from visit to visit, like my Pop-Pop remembering my Nona was the most beautiful girl in the world, but not what her name was.
As for asking for protection I'm going to ask you this. Do you think it's disrespectful to ask the recorded entities and deities that you have relationships with for protection? If asking for blessings and protection is part of your normal way of interacting with a recorded deity I think it would be more disrespectful to an unrecorded one if you treated them differently. I don't really have too much to do with recorded deities anymore, but when I did I always made a point to treat them and the Forgotten Ones the same. It was important to me to show both the Forgotten Ones and the recorded deities that they were equal to me, and that the Forgotten Ones weren't different, lesser, or other in any way because of their unrecorded-ness. They were all just spirits in silly hats.
Personally, to be perfectly frank, I don't like relying on outside forces for protection. I've never been one to ask a deity or spirit for protection, it's too reliant on the benevolence of an external being, which could be revoked if a relationship ever soured. So while I think you could ask an unrecorded deity for it, I wouldn't personally recommend it. I would instead recommend coming up with a self reliant method of protection. I prefer wards on my living space and personal shields built into enchanted jewelry for when I leave my warded space, but there are other methods of protection spells out there. You could probably tweak my "Retreat Into Your Shell" Spell to be more general protection, it's sort of geared at emotional protection as designed, if you wanted to! Would just need to swap the herbs and then design your sigil/symbol for what you want.
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twopoppies · 2 days
In my opinion, I really doubt that they haven't gotten married - even just a small ceremony (maybe just family). Whether it happened September 28th or not, they both - especially harry - just seem like the type to not want to wait. Those videos from the 1d days when Harry would fiddle with his rings and smile when interviewers talked about marriage makes me think that maybe it did happen around then, but definitely not like 2011 when people would show that video of Louis replying to a fan about already being engaged to harry (I view that as a joke). They definitely knew they were it for each other since the beginning, but they might have wanted to wait because it might complicate things even more than things already were. In my head I hope they did when Jay, Fizzy, and Robin were still around to be there, but regardless of the timeline, looking at their lyrics, how they talk about love in interviews (harry talking about feeling like a team once you have been together so long, and louis calling his partner his "other half"), there is no way they aren't married.
I always hoped they'd done something while the three of them were alive, as well. Maybe it was just some informal commitment ceremony because I don't think they were married as of 2017.
For years, I assumed they weren't married because marriage records are public documents. But this morning I was talking to @apparentlybychance about it and looked this fact up, and apparently (correct me if I'm wrong), in France, marriage documents are kept private for 75 years. In Italy, they're public, but you have to know the date and the city where it was performed and request a copy from there.
So... who knows? Maybe they've gotten married in France. Or Italy. LOL! It's fun to consider.
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mollywog · 2 days
A prequel to Complicated (can be read as a stand alone) Set the night of the 74th Reaping
She’s wandering home when her ears perk at the sound of heavy footfall approaching. Silently slipping into the shadows along the path, a figure appears several paces in the direction of the still buzzing festivities. The light is low but the broad shoulders and blond waves unmistakably belong to Peeta Mellark. She watches with interest as he meanders alone. Though the path is clear and straight, his feet are unsteady.
She frowns: He’s drunk.
It’s not that surprising, half the kids their age are probably worse off than him, it’s the night of the Reaping after all. With her sister’s first reaping safely behind them, even she had stopped by the celebration, though she hadn’t had more than a sip of white liquor.
She and Peeta aren’t friends, they don’t even know each other really, but she still feels a twinge of disappointment at his current state. She’s always held him in higher regard than the other boys at school.
In the next step he stumbles; Unable to correct his footing in time, he tumbles to the ground, grunting as he lands. He rolls to his back and sits up, cursing under his breath as he inspects his knee.
“You alright?” she says, emerging from her hiding spot.
He startles at her voice, eyes widening as he spots her. “oh, Katniss, hey. I didn’t know you were there.” He pulls himself to his feet, wincing when he puts weight on his left leg.
“You okay?” She repeats, looking him over as she approaches; there’s a tear in his pants just below the knee, but she doesn’t see blood and he was able to stand on his own: all good signs.
“Ah, yeah, nothing hurt but my pride.”
“Good thing no one saw you.”
“You saw me.”
The usually confident boy looks bashful, and she wonders why he would care: She is no one, at least to him. “I won’t tell,” she says in reassurance. His lips upturn in a poor imitation of a smile and she scowls. “Promise,” she adds defensively.
At this, he shakes his head and laughs; unlike the smile, it’s genuine, “I believe you, Katniss.”
Her stomach swoops at the sound and she turns her head to conceal her own smile. “Well if you’re okay...” she trails off, not really wanting to leave, but not knowing what else to say.
“Could I walk with you for a bit? Make sure you get home safe?”
“Seems like you might be the one in need of an escort.”
He chuckles, “maybe so, but I can’t go home just yet… not like this.”
She frowns. Her parents would be none too pleased to see her in his state, but their lecture would be nothing compared to the back of Mrs. Mellark's hand. She shrugs her assent before turning towards the path, looking back to ensure that he follows.
It takes him a moment to register her response, when he does he jogs a few paces to catch up, “I don’t usually do this, you know?”
She doesn’t know: It must be written on her face because he continues, “Drink too much... or at all really,
She shrugs despite feeling a small bit relieved.
“Today was my brother’s last reaping; he wanted to celebrate and was feeling generous... I don’t know, I think he thought he was doing me a favor.”
“By giving you a hangover?” she raises a brow.
“Nah, he wanted me to loosen up. Relax enough so I’d talk to someone.”
She snorts.
“Hey, are you laughing at me?”
“I didn’t suppose you’d need help talking to anyone.”
“It’s a girl.”
Her heart sinks, “You talk to plenty a girls.”
“Not like this.”
She looks down at the plumes of dust her boots kick up as she walks. “So, did you? Talk to her?”
He hums an affirmation.
“And how did it go?”
“Not very well I think. I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m a drunk… or an oaf, or a clod… probably all three.”
She frowns. A very small part of her thrills at this; Had he succeeded, he might be off with this girl right now rather than here with her. But the greater part of her feels his disappointment. “I’m sorry.”
He grimaces, “and now she pities me, so definitely not good.”
Her eyes go wide and snap to his as realization dawns.
“I should have known the first time we spoke I’d make a fool of myself,” he adds as if in confirmation.
“Me?” Giddy laughter bubbles up, until a breathy giggle escapes.
He groans, “you’re laughing at me? This keeps getting better.”
“Not at you. I’m just… surprised?”
“You know what; Nevermind. Can we just… forget it?”
But she doesn’t want to forget…
Back when she was eleven, her father had been terribly ill but determined to return to work, her mother disagreed. Her parents had argued that night; they never did that. The fight ended with her mother conceding and making their evening tea. But what her father hadn’t known was that she’d added a double dose of sleep syrup to his cup. He slept straight through his shift, only waking when the siren’s had sounded all across town. A section of the mine had collapsed and a number of his crew had been lost along with it, but thanks to her mother’s deception, her father had not been among them.
She’d watched the families that hadn’t been as lucky as hers struggle that winter: some driven to the bottle, others to Cray, and worse still were the children sent to the community home; their neighbors unable or unwilling to help.
She had been among the helpless crowd until the day she noticed the baker’s youngest son sneaking rolls to the starving children that begged at the merchants’ back doors, despite his mother’s ire.
His kindness had taught her that even at eleven she was not powerless to help. As someone who could depend on two meals at home, she had begun forfeiting her lunches to the children at school who had none. Her father too had taken notice, offering guidance and foraging knowledge to any who dared venture past the fence. It was imperfect but it wasn’t nothing.
Ever since that day, she’s kept an eye on Peeta Mellark with a growing fondness she never imagined he could return.
But he does. She doesn’t doubt his sincerity; those years of watching have only strengthened her certainty of his goodness.
They walk in silence for half a minute as she gathers her courage, “So what was your plan? Before your brother decided to help?”
He sighs, “I don’t know. Offer to walk you home, minus falling on my face. Talk about something other than what a fool I am; like our favorite colors or the best time of year to visit the meadow. And by the time we made it to your door, if all had gone well, ask if you’d want to do it again sometime…”
“That sounds nice.”
“What would you have said?”
“What if I had asked you out? If things had gone… better than this, do you think you might have considered it?”
They’ve stopped in front of her porch and she stares up at the house to find it quiet and dark: same as the rest of the street. “One minute. Wait here,” she bids instead of answering his question. Ducking in the house, she silently sorts through her mother’s jars until she finds what she’s looking for, measuring and parceling the herbs with practiced hands, the familiarity helping to steady her nerves.
Reemerging, she’s relieved to find him still there. “Make a tea with this tomorrow,” she says as she hands him the packet, “in the meantime drink plenty of water. It should help the headache that’s coming.”
“Sure thing Doctor Everdeen,” he gives a half hearted smile, “thank you.”
He turns to walk away, but her hand shoots out to stop him, landing on his arm, firm and warm under her fingers. His eyes flit from her hand to her face, holding her stare. Her heart flutters, “What if you ask me tomorrow?”
His brows knit together before shooting to his hairline, “yeah?”
She nods, and because the odds have been in her favor so far today, she pops up to her toes, kissing his cheek, “see ya tomorrow Peeta.”
Complicated | What If
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paintfroge · 2 days
Hi everyone! I just wanted to do a bit of an official me update.
For the past 2 years, I've been in a very stressful and exhausting immigration and marriage process that has taken all of the energy I was putting into drawing froges before. The process is likely coming to an end soon, in the next few months. Maybe in the coming year I'll find it in me to come back to Paintfroge. I really do miss it. However, if I don't, know I enjoyed my time drawing froges for you all very much.
I've closed my Redbubble store. It was getting extremely infrequent purchases and, since Redbubble did that incredibly predatory update about a year or so ago, I only make 20 cents where I used to make a dollar. It's not worth the complications wrt taxes and such now that I'm on my way out of the US.
Until and unless I manage to open some other kind of store in the future, feel free to use any of my froge designs for personal use. You even have the go-ahead to upload them (privately!!!) to Redbubble to get the froges you want printed on stuff (There is a checkbox to make a new design upload on there private and you can then order your own design without it becoming available for others.) Please just credit me if using them online for icons or banners or whatever and DO NOT repost them as content.
Hopefully we'll see more of each other in the future!
Much love,
Painter of Froges
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latenlghtdevil · 2 days
Recipe For Disaster ❤️‍🔥 Chapter One
So, here's the result of my head chef!sukuna x f!server!reader ideas running rampant in my mind — a very slowburn enemies to something fic 🫣 I hope y'all enjoy and lmk what you think, my asks are open!! mwah xx
2057 words
Head Chef Sukuna Itadori had worked very, very hard to get to where he was today— sweating his ass off while slaving over the umpteenth filet of the night.
He wasn't ungrateful but he was a bit bitter. He loves cooking, and was damn good at it, but the hours were long and the job could feel really thankless. Especially when tables found it more than okay to completely change his prepared menu for their singular order.
As a ticket printed, riddled with modifications that changed his entree for the night from a marinated steak option to, basically, a steak stroganoff. Yes, he could make it using all kinds of ingredients they had on hand, especially since the server had managed to figure out the complicated system in order to ring it in properly, but, he wasn't going to do it. It wasn't prepped or planned for, and in the middle of a dinner rush like right now, it would complicate everything.
He didn't make exceptions. Unless there was an allergy, his restaurant, Gōrudosutā, was not a place for substitutions and and picky eaters. Sukuna spent his countless sleepless nights racking his brain for new creations, each weekend night offering a different menu, most items never to be repeated again. This wasn't anything new, so who the fuck rang something like this in?
He yanked the ticket off the printer, his eyes narrowed as Geto gazed over his shoulder, scoffing as he read it. A deep breath escaped Sukuna before he crumpled the ticket, the newest servers name printed boldly at the top.
Sukuna didn't like you during your interview, he felt like you were too bubbly, but you had plenty of experience and it was ultimately Satoru’s say, as the front of house manager. He definitely had a lot to say about you.
He couldn't stop gushing about all of your previous high end restaurant experience, starting in fast food and working your way well up from there. Great reviews about her service, wonderful recommendations from every manager she's ever had, regulars who'd follow her no matter where she worked next.
It irked Sukuna. He loves the restaurant industry, but the servers who put too much into it irritated him. There was no reason to fall at the customers feet and accommodate their every beck and call; your job was to serve the food, no friendliness and frills needed.
So the first time he stepped out of the kitchen during the earlier hours of a slower night and overheard you dotting to one of your tables, he wanted to barf in his mouth.
He stood with his back against the wall near the servers station waiting for Saturo to stop sucking up to an unhappy customer, as you stood with your table just around the corner, chatting happily.
“I don't mind at all,” Your soft voice caught his attention, making him glance over his shoulder at you, a bright smile plastered on your face. “Seriously, if there's anything else you guys need, just let me know.”
You finished topping off the tables waters, before moving to the next, just doing your rounds of check-ins with your guests.
You couldn't be that sweet, Sukuna thought to himself. You hadn't been there long at that point, maybe worked a shift or two without shadowing anyone, so he hadn't been around you much to know, but his gut told him that you couldn't actually be that sweet, you'd be filled with cavities.
He was lost in thought, glancing over the dining room with his arms crossed over his chest, his chefs coat pulling tightly against his muscles. He was brought back to this realm as a sweet smell enveloped him as you round the corner, your head down as you read over a ticket, running straight into Sukuna and nearly knocking the breath out of you.
“Oh…” You placed you hand on your chest as you looked up at him, his eyes on you intently as yours quickly trail around his tattoos before meeting his. “I'm sorry, Chef.”
He couldn't find it in himself to say anything, his brow furrowed as he glanced at your notepad, the edges of the ticket littered with doodles. A small grunt left him before he turned on his heels, heading back toward the kitchen.
“Corner!” Sukuna called as he left you behind, your mind now filling with assumptions about the dickhead chef, nothing you hadn't delt with before.
As his mind replayed your last and only interaction, he reached behind himself, untying his apron as held the ticket tightly in his other hand. “Geto, watch the flattop, I'll be back.”
Sukuna stepped off the line, tossing his apron onto the empty prep line, his footsteps heavy and determined as he moved toward the front, the kitchen and expo widow falling quiet at the look on his face. He didn't call anything as he stepped out of the back, his eyes falling on you in the dining room, talking to the table to blame for the whole issue in the first place.
You felt his eyes on you before you even knew he was there, your hands nervously playing at the edges of your server apron, your pens rolling in the pocket. You nodded softly, your heart in your stomach as you space out of the conversation, wishing you'd been able to listen better to the story your regulars were telling but you knew the problems there were about to cause.
The older couple had become regulars of yours a few years and a couple of restaurants ago, having told you many stories of their younger days, bringing in their children and grandchildren to meet you, bringing you presents on your birthday. They weren't the only regulars you'd had like that either.
As draining as the restaurant industry was for you, you loved giving the best service you could to people, you couldn't ever explain why. Maybe you were a bit too compassionate, but it made you feel good and you loved the genuine connections you've made through it all.
That being said, you know it has its faults, especially somewhere like here. You'd been nervous about telling some of your regulars where you'd been working now, knowing just how they are and how this restaurant ran.
You made an excuse to leave, claiming you had food to run as you turned around, his steeled eyes meeting yours. You broke your eyes from his, offering a half hearted smile at a few of your tables as you made your way through the dining room, feeling like a lamb to slaughter.
Thick fingers held the receipt paper up to your face as soon as you came within feet of him, and you could've sworn he growled before he spoke. “What’s this shit?”
“Looks like an order to me.” You shrugged, sliding past him and to the computer, quickly punching in your number before beginning to ring in another.
You could feel the bewildered stare from Maki, one of the servers they've had since opening, boring into the back of your head. She couldn't believe you had the audacity to ring in something like that in the first place, having already warned you about just how quickly Sukuna would appear, now here you were being a smartass about it.
The same finger that held the receipt just a moment ago reached behind the computer, jamming the power button in the middle of your order. You take a deep breath, eyebrows knitted together as you look over you shoulder at the culprit, his eyes already staring deep into yours.
“I need to see you in the kitchen right now.”
His tone left no room for argument as anger began to rise up inside you, your fists clenched at your side as he turned, the swinging door slamming roughly against the wall as he marched back into his domain.
You felt every hair on your body standing on edge as you followed behind him, eyes begrudgingly set on his muscular back, the dark fabric clinging tightly to him. He stops abruptly, slamming his hand onto the expo counter, the stacks of plates around him rattling loudly as silence fell upon the entire kitchen.
“Now, what the fuck kinda order is this?” He seethed through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched as he saw red. It didn't feel like blatant disrespect for him, until you opened your mouth back there.
“I think it's pretty simple. Isn't that all the ingredients that you used in the stroganoff you served last week?” You responded, a hand placed on your hips as your eyebrows raised, your head tilting slightly. You'd been here plenty of times before, arguing with countless line cooks and chefs over just about anything you'd could think of, but there's a few things that haven't changed anytime.
You do your job correctly, and you won't back down. So here the two of you stood, toe to toe, at the beginning of something catastrophic. An absolutely recipe for disaster.
“It was on the menu last week, not tonight, sweetheart. You said it yourself.” His chest heaved as he took a deep breath, trying his best to keep calm. He’d been talked to years ago about his attitude toward the other staff, causing him to often bite his tongue.
You couldn't help but laugh at the nickname, willing to assume he'd already forgotten your name. “And don't you have everything back there to make it still? Did I ring something in wrong? I'd be more than happy to go rering it if you'd like to turn the computer back on.”
You offer a sickeningly sweet smile, batting your lashes a bit as you stare up at the man seething before you. “I'd like you to go back there and make it your-fuckin’-self, honestly. You think it's alright to ring in an order that'll complete fuck up the whole system I've got back there?”
A head full of pink hair and a thick fucking skull, got it. This man was quickly becoming a pain in your side, even with this being your first interaction since his manager had hired you.
“I think a competent chef would be able to work out his own recipe.”
“I think you're fighting too hard for a measly 20% tip.”
“You're must be fucked up if you think I earn that little.”
“You're fucked up if you think I'm making this shit, sweetheart. Now march back out there and tell there and tell your geriatric home to pack it up and eat somewhere else if they don't like the menu.” He barked, all attention on the two of you as both of you continued to raise your volume.
Satoru came running into the kitchen quickly, his nonslip shoes squeaking as he stepped between the two of you, giving his chef a bewildered look.
“Get her the hell outta my kitchen.” Sukuna refused to even acknowledge the mans presence between them, his eyes boring into yours.
“Get your head out of your ass.” You could see his pulse thumping on his neck, a small vein stating to appear on his forehead as his breaths continued to heave from his flared nostrils.
Within seconds, Gojo spins, peering over his glasses, his blue eyes silently pleading with you to help him. You couldn't help but huff at the shithead chef once more before leaving the kitchen, finding the host Yuji, Maki, and a couple other servers waiting near the door.
“You okay?” Maki asked, her tone a bit harsh but her face genuinely concerned as your booming voices could be heard quite clearly in the dining room. You chuckled and shrugged, smoothing your apron a bit as you glanced at the computer screen, still attempting to start back up.
“I'm fine, he's a prick, but I could've guessed that.” You smiled softly as Satoru slipped out of the kitchen, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.
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mushimatsu · 9 hours
choromatsu handwriting post
compiled all of choromatsus handwriting that i could find bc i love him
i realize these were all made by different teams and have different sources (anime/games/webkuji/etc) but there are some similarities between them all and i think its cute. i'll try to make it easier for ppl that cannot read japanese too
(note: some of these may or may not be valid criticisms, im not a native japanese speaker but i got my bachelors in japanese. idk if this means anything to anyone im just pointing out things that im noticing and maybe it will be interesting to you. if you notice anything else interesting feel free to add)
commonalities i noticed:
sometimes will combine multiple character strokes into one (normal thing to do, i've seen some native speakers do this)
with a few exceptions (mt takao for some reason), generally neat handwriting. proper and easy to read. not too big, not too small, not over stylized, but not messy either. very choromatsu
letter in s1e24
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very nice handwriting, legible and neat. this is closest to how i think i would picture his handwriting. i know that the staff across different ososan things probably don't care too deeply about keeping minute handwriting details consistent and that's why they're all gonna look different but i like this one best for him.
new years cards in s2e13
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very cute, love the stupid drawing of himself. everything very nice and tidy. to me these characters look a much curlier and rounder than the ones in the letter.
for both the letter and the new years cards it looks like he was careful to properly write out all the strokes of the kanji, even for more complicated ones like 緊張 and 就職. we see in mt takao that his handwriting gets a LOT messier. i know the real reason is because it was probably different animators that did his handwriting, but i'm choosing to believe that in canon it's because both of these are more fancy/formal letters addressed to people, whereas the trip guide is just for him and his brothers and doesn't necessarily need to look nice.
also i adore his tendency to add little drawings to things, like this and the mt takao guide he's everything
trip guide from mt. takao s3e8. his handwriting here, for some reason, is exceptionally bad especially compared to everything else. he writes like a little kid and i love his shitty little drawings. he's so cute.
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my teachers would always correct my kanji down to the tiniest strokes, if i wrote like this is class i would get scolded so bad. you can see him combining his strokes together for 記念撮影, this will continue for the other pictures too. cute detail imo
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the 昼 in 昼食 is definitely written wrong, but the second kanji 食 might be a little nitpicky. technically that bottom part is three different strokes, not two crossed over each other
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more of him combining the strokes together. i wouldn't necessarily say that's wrong, since i've seen people do that before; it's probably just a habit that happens over time. i do it in english too
HOWEVER, he did write the 日 radical in 撮影 wrong here. previously, i thought he was just combining strokes again so that it looked like three lines instead of two (note 3 and 4 are two parallel lines, he just didn't lift his pen up)
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but when you look at this it's clear that he very much did write three lines this time. that's the wrong radical
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another example of him writing a two stroke character with just one. again, this is fine, ive seen people write their characters like this. however it looks bad when he does it here
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i love how he wrote "campfire" i love how for some reason he didn't keep the letter sizing consistent or straight. also his little campfire drawing
also there's two ways to write そ, its just a matter of choice its not important but he writes it the second way. and he messed up a kanji again
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these next ones are maybe less canon cause they're not from the show itself
Airport Matsu
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very tidy, combines a couple strokes together. both 松 (matsu) characters look like he combines the last two strokes together instead of writing them as two separate ones
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and he does a similar thing with the right half of 野 in Matsuno
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nostalgic moments webkuji
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this one he writes every stroke and doesn't combine them and that's probably because different people worked on these and the tiny details like this don't matter to anyone but me. or you could say that he wrote a little neater in high school and started simplifying things as he got older.
Rock School
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he drew himself again lol
i think his handwriting looks very good here actually. idk how to describe it but i like when handwriting looks like this specific way in japanese. i've seen other people that have handwriting like this and it just looks so nice. like the characters seem to vary in size, but somehow it makes it a little easier to read imo?
like in the first bullet point (underlined in yellow), the す in 多すぎる is a little big, but like it looks nice. in the second bullet point (blue), the の in 世の中 is slightly smaller but it emphasizes the kanji on either side of it. the stroke on the side of the か characters are written a little longer than usual (red). like it just looks nice, everything is shaped really nice and whenever i see people that have this handwriting i always try to emulate it lol
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this one is a bit messier than the others. the way he wrote チョロ just doesn't look as nice as the way he wrote it in airport matsu and nostalgic moments. the way the て is written is more curved compared to the others. also the 界 kanji (blue) is written in a way that looks weird to me, and kara from this same set also writes the kanji that way so i think the same person might have written all of them lol
also interesting is that he writes き differently in this one
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i was told by one of my professors that you're supposed to write さ and き with the upper and lower parts disconnected when writing by hand. it's only in text that they're connected. but i've still seen some people write them in the connected way
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in all the other examples, choromatsu doesn't write them connected like that, just this one.
sukiya app
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my lovely boy and his nonsense words and lies. the handwriting here comes off as very cutesy to me, at least compared to the others. some of the ways he writes, especially any box-like shape, seems round in a way. he also connects the right half of 野 again.
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overall writes very neatly, altho a lot of the kanji here seems like its very big on the top and smaller on the bottom, and a lot of the letters seem more rounded. all the other examples just feel like the writing is a bit more angular, with the exception of the new years cards.
extra: coloring book
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the way he wrote his name here is messier than the other examples. i like that he added little commentary on his own coloring though ("looks good!" "the tail was black too i believe") maybe he colored this with a paintbrush????? the strokes look as if he was trying to write quickly with a brush as if it was a pen. so maybe that's why its a little messier
anyway thanks for reading. i love choromatsu
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