#maybe a background if im feeling feisty
Took my adderall for the first time since January I'm normal again and kaladin means nothing to me now
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toorumlk · 6 months
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oh man, i oscillate between really liking hinny one day and feeling completely indifferent towards them the next.
hinny might be the relationship i like the most for harry, and it's all because because of the family aspect. through marriage w ginny, harry officially became a weasley family member. and, of course he always was one, but he actually is a weasley on paper and i think having that in writing would mean a lot to harry. and my golden trio heart can't not mention that by hinny being married - ron and hermione are literally harry's brother and sister (in-law) now and !!!!! that just makes my heart melt (i know those two were always harry's family but bc of the aforementioned reason, etc. you get it)
so right off the bat, when i try to organize my more positive thoughts on hinny, i'm mostly focused on how the relationship best serves harry, and only harry. and this is where my frustrations with the ship begins: it's so hard to think the other way around because ginny's narrative purpose is just to be harry's ideal love interest, instead of being a fully fleshed character. i really love ginny with all her spunk and feistiness, but she's so underutilized. she had a cute crush on him in the start of the series which was adorable, but her character was inarguably just "ron's younger sister". and after she gets possessed by volde/gets saved from the CoS by harry, she still continues to have a puppy-love crush on harry until OoTP!!! GAAHHHH!!! Apparently joanne said hinny were always meant to be soulmates and i think if these two had a consistent "invisible string" motif throughout the series, it would've been so good (and almost as good as romione's slow burn). So...
here's how i'd fix hinny (lmao):
i wouldve made the ginny a much more prominent character in PoA and beyond.
we get to see hinny actually have heart-to-hearts about the incidents of CoS - for ginny to play such an IMPORTANT role in the titular plotline of the second book, then to just have her blend into the background afterwards just boggles my mind - that was the perfect oppurtunity to make ginny an invaluable character in the cast. she has this huge experience in common with harry - being personally victimized by voldemort - that harry doesn't have w ron or hermione at that point and it would've been so nice to see harry find an equal, a confidant in ginny from then on - like, dont let the readers forget that harry and ginny have this huge thing in common, have it be with us in the back of our heads the whole time!
start the hinny romance subplot fr fr in GoF
the potential of ginny being a maybe date for harry to the yule ball, harry feeling jealousy towards neville for getting to dance and spend time w ginny and harry being like "wait a minute! i'm supposed to crush on cho! im jealous of neville??" that wouldve been FUN - again, they couldve been a less insane version of romione hello
having the hinny subplot unravel in tandem with harry's crush and relationship with Cho in ootp
in ootp, you can argue that the story attempts to make a foil between cho and ginny's characters but if that were the case, it could've done a way better job of it
with harry's relationship w cho - harry likes her bc she's cool and pretty but she wants to connect with him through their connection via cedric and his death, which is off the bat a hugely touchy/traumatic topic for both of them and cho couldn't possibly fathom what it's like to be in the presence of voldemort/tom but guess which other character does ehehe...
now we're at hbp and this is where the good stuff starts bc if i'd had it my way, we'd have gotten their friendship in poa and two books of solid romantic build-up up until now
i honestly had a such a fun time with hinny in hbp, ginny in her OWL year being so cool and harry's hugeass crush on her- harry being a hormonal teenager was hilarious to read like its implied that harry is having increasingly inappropriate thoughts about her throughout the novel and theyre just intercut with "BUT RON-" that's some good shit
my one gripe w hbp's hinny is that i wish we actually got to see their dates sneaking around hogwarts, finding the perfect hideaways for makeout sessions, etc etc i know hp wasn't a romance fantasy by any means but imagine how swoony it wouldve been if we got to actually see these sunset dates instead of just being told about them - it wouldve been cathartic to actually see harry actually live the life of a normal teen boy before everything fell apart lol
if we got all these invisible string moments between them throughout the series, harry thinking about ginny and how good it felt to kiss her lips before he walks to his death in DH would've felt so much more earned
from a storytelling perspective, the case with hinny begs the question of if you can have a love interest for the jesus figure of your narrative? can you make a believable, grounded and balanced love story for the chosen one? i honestly think so but then you'd have to put equal amounts of effort and work into creating two nuanced characters and unfortunately we don't see that effort be put in ginny's character and that's why harry's endgame falls short for so many people. earlier, i said that this is the ship i like most for harry, but honestly that isn't saying a lot - i think with an almost saint-like character like harry, its hard to imagine a satisfying love and partnership for this kid. i like tomarry as a ship for when im feeling a bit insane but other than that, my main harry ship is him with a lifetime of peace and healing.
i also want to argue that hinny was never meant to be a primary romance in this story - the main romance/love story in the series is ron and hermione's and i think joanne's romance prowess all went into romione and i'm so thankful for that because i think it makes for better story (also i'm totally biased)
i also cant not mention the freudianess of it all with hinny, right? like god freud would Love hinny bc what do you mean they look identical to jily, what is going on here. that and the fact they had their first kid at 22/23 years old like my god, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING you should be at the club!!!!! i do dig the failmarriage vibes they were serving in TCC, also.
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year2000electronics · 8 months
Evil brozone incorrect quotes:
Shimmer, stretching: My butt hurts from sitting down all day.
John dory:, wiggling their eyebrows: I could make you feel better.
Shimmer: Why did god give you a mouth?
John dory: I haven't wanted anyone this bad in a long time.
Shimmer: I hate that I have to ask this, but do you mean that in a romantic or violent way?
John dory: Both
Shimmer: are you even a villain or a toddler?
John dory: I can be your significant other instead if you just give me a chance.
John dory: Shimmer, Babe, are you feeling alright?. You haven’t tried to stop my evil plans for a while, and im getting worried :(
Shimmer (concerning their relationship with John dory): I have been slowly going through the five stages of grief one by one.
John dory: *does some crazy dumb shit in the background*.
Shimmer: And I am finally at acceptance.
Shimmer: I'll break your neck if you kiss me like that again!
John dory: ohh, feisty. That's what I like.
Last one tomorrow I'll do more or maybe the other couples
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 28th-February 3rd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from January 28th, 2019 to February 3rd, 2019.  The chat focused on Poco Adventures by Bryan Climer.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Poco Adventures by Bryan Climer~! (http://pocoadventures.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until February 3rd to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Will Nigel remain on Poco’s side, or will he eventually turn evil because of the lich dagger? How will Nigel’s evil traits coming to light affect Poco’s belief in trusting people until they prove her wrong?
QUESTION 4. Will Sun’s status as an elvish princess earn her pursuers in the future? Do you believe Sun will continue to remain with Poco, or will duty eventually compel her to leave?
QUESTION 5. Do you believe Poco will continue to avoid a relationship with Sun, or will she eventually confess? Do you think Sun will reciprocate? How might the event affect their relationship, whether for good or ill?
1) my favorite scene is probably all the stuff that happened once poco got back to HQ. it was nice getting to see the little community poco has built, figure out everyone's place in it, and meet a bunch of new characters. just in terms of exposition, it really helped ground me and finally feel like there were stakes and bad things that could happen. 2) Poco. I just like how she's balanced. She can be fun and goofy but can also be immensely caring to those around her. as recent events show, tho, she isnt perfect. She rash and more than willing to chase after revenge and be the monster everyone thinks she is. I just think she's got a good dynamic and i enjoy seeing her adventures. 3) I think Nigel is kind of doomed for the evil. Not by choice, but I mean...it's a lich dagger. There's nothing more evil than a lich. And I just feel regardless of what Nigel wants, the odds are stacked against him. I think the more evil he becomes, the more Poco's gonna have an internal struggle about trust and whether it's worth it. Which I think in turn will play into the struggles about whether she should be better than the monster she's assumed to be or be the monster she should be anyway. 4) I think Sun won't be compelled by duty, but I do think some pursuers are gonna come eventually. Lack of heirs is how kingdoms collapse, so it's not something that can be shrugged off. Especially now that she's used it as leverge I kind of think she's asking for it. Cause ya kind of don't get to abandon your kingdom but then use the fact youre a princess without consequences. 5) Poco is definitely gonna confess, because those are the sorts of feelings that just come bursting out after the bottle gets too full. I think Sun will reciprocate eventually, but probably not at first. I think at first Sun is gonna be surprised and confused.
QUESTION 6. How might Nigel’s backstory as a betrayed prince affect future events? Do you believe Poco will understand and accept him keeping it secret? Also, what is Nigel’s hand up to during all the story’s events?
Just caught up on the archive and gaaahhhh another comic with a sapphic lady knight! My one weakness!
For some reason, the scene where Poco gets to the top of the mountain only to find out there were stairs all along made me giggle a lot. Of course Poco chose the hard way. Of course!
Sun is cute (aforementioned lady knight weakness) and I'm intrigued by her past and how it's going to catch up to her, but Poco is probably my favorite so far because she's been given more nuance at this point in the story. She's feisty and competent, and that's always fun.
I gotta agree that Nigel's chances don't look great. He's already lost a bit of control and I suspect reuniting with that rogue hand is going to make him lose it entirely. This comic hasn't been shy about murder, so I suspect after some deliberation, Poco's gonna pull the knife on him. Maybe if we're lucky he can be necromance-d back without too much fuss.
QUESTION 7. Why do you think Ryker killed Poco’s parents and the other goblins? Was it just non-human racism, or was there another reason? Do you believe Poco will actually manage to kill him this time, or are they destined to face off again?
Yeaaaah, I might be wrong about this, but Ryker doesn't seem That Deep. I'm assuming he's just a racist violent dude and he murders a lot of people because he thinks humans are superior, and Poco's family were some of the few that effectively fought back and scarred him/stopped him for a while. I don't think she'll kill him yet. They'll meet again.
(the archive for the chat on Helsirvente is now up! @khkddn https://comicteaparty.com/post/182467247440/january-21st-january-27th-2019-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Given the massive human slaughter, what backlash might the Outrunner Outpost face for their actions? In general, how do you think Poco and company might affect humans’ views on non-humans?
@Delphina I have been ultra worried about that rogue hand. I can't decide whether I should find it more light hearted or more ominous of things to come. Cause he seemed fine when he had it but maybe he won't be fine because of the severing. Not to mention Nigel will probably have to realter his outfit or something.
6) I really do hope Nigel's background comes into play. I'm really curious about this random fact he's a prince and it seemed a significant point to bring up. And I mean...if he does get taken over by a lich very easy to show up to the old kingdom and go "i am the rightful heir" or something. I think that's a secret Poco would understand that, since its not like she doesnt already keep royalty in the pocket. 7) I'm a bit torn. I kind of think it's a mix of both. Like one goblin did something bad, but then Ryker was a racist and said he couldnt tell them apart and just genocided them. I don't think she's gonna get to kill him anytime soon. Ryker is super not done being the ultra dick of this story. 8) I think there's gonna be bounties on them for sure. I don't think the humans are gonna take kindly. Although I think the one dude Sun save might try to say something but then meh out. For the time being, I think Poco and them aren't really gonna change anything about people's viewpoints. Partly cause Poco herself is kind of ready to be the villain they want her to be. Her bro is really the one who has the chance of changing viewpoints, and right now hes in no condition to be all heroic.
Yeah, Poco's core tactic seems to be "gather up all the non-human folks into our own little commune". I'm curious if they'll take the healer in, because he's the only human that's expressed a desire to not murder anyone, but I suspect if that happens, it's just going to be a matter of "well, you're one of us and you'll have no contact with humans from here on out". While Ryker might send MORE people after them, I don't expect the plot to move beyond skirmishes.
I guess there's also the possibility if Nigel somehow assumes a position of authority over the humans as his birthright and Sun goes back to her position of authority over non-humans as her birthright, they could politics their way out of hostilities, but it's a long shot and would definitely take a tone shift over what we're seeing at this point in the story.
QUESTION 9. Overall, what other adventures and mishaps do you think Poco might get up to in the story? Also, what role might the pacifist Miller have to play in future stories?
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
9) im definitely thinking were gonna see some more dungeon diving. cause cant have adventure without dungeons. as for Miller, I do actually think he's gonna wind up with them eventually. maybe not right away, but I think he's gonna express some opinions that the big cheeses arent gonna be fond off and hes gonna be exiled or something like that. 10) im looking forward to seeing nigel's hand arrive cause that could go really badly or be really benign. and until then the tension is building as to how that will all play out.
Yeah, I also want to see what happens with Nigel's hand and see a little more around his and Sun's backstories and worldviews.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Poco Adventures this week! Please also give a special thank you to Bryan Climer for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Poco Adventures, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://pocoadventures.com/
Poco Adventures’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/pocoadventures
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lilystell · 6 years
new anime season
imma be a week behind on everything since im going with free crunchy roll. none the less, my thoughts based on first eps so far. (sadly crunchy doesnt have all the shows I want to watch. But I guess limiting me is for the best)
Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss:  Im iffy on most the character designs but leader boy, and i might be seeing things but part way through the colors went vibrant to slightly muddied and like someone turned down the brightness. BUT i laughed plenty through it and I really want to know what new wacky shenanigans are going to happen. And what happened to the past group. 
Butlers x Battlers: Lots of characters in one go. Designs are alright, some a bit bland. Bit of fun humor, not sure if its tying well with the darker side of things happening. But its only ep one, so we’ll see how it actually develops. Three ep rule, right?
Last Period: The Journey to the End of Despair:  Ok, I see what you’re doing. I love the colors, I like the designs. And I adore the villain group. But there is so little explanation and background. I get its like youre starting a new phone game and what not, but I need a little background on the main chars. Also, this is one I feel like it would be better if it was a shorts series instead of full episodes. 
Caligula: I hate the saturation. It hurts my eyes.  That aside, it got the right kind of fuckery for me in the second half. A lot of characters again, but I want to see where this will go psychologically and if they can escape the matrix and the vocoloid god. 
Yotsuiro Biyori: What a feel good. Super chill. I like the colors. Not a major rush of a million characters. I love the main four chars a hell of a lot. And watching it just gave me nothing but good feelings. Its one of those shows where I feel like I can just have it keep playing while all bundled up with some tea or hot chocolate.
Lostorage Selector WIXOSS: We’re back at it folks. But this season looks like its going to tie the previous ones up. Both past main girls are back in. TAMAS GOING TO BE BACK. Im Half surprise this show keeps going, and also excited to see how it will (hopefully) conclude. 
Magical Girl Ore: Im in all kinds of magical stuff this season. Def not a parody that’s been done yet of the genera. We got magical boy’s yes. Magical girl turning into bara boy with a not super fuzzy animal companion? Its pretty funny.  And the love...triangle...square...knot,  pretty good. pretty good indeed. -and i did watch two eps of this one 
Libra of Nil Admirari: Imma sucker for otomes. Putting that out there.  WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS OPENING. Ok see all the guys and chars. Normal. The party scene though was not what I would have pegged given the shows premise though. Also, theres that color saturation again. It really is hard on the eyes. But oh...oh my the ending. I was digging the music then BAM nearly naked men in ‘sexy’ poses. Not complain, just once again its a little MORE than what I expected.  I am excited to see how this one progresses. I want to meet all the guys and see what the books are all about. Just hope my eyes can stay adjusted to it. 
Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits-: Another genera Im a sucker for. Super spiritual/magical girl is bride to some supernatural....with the risk of being eaten. Also throw in Spirited Away? Hell yeah. And I am fawning over all the characters. Main character is feisty -maybe a little too much....but its nice in its own way. 
Alright. That wraps it up. In order of what I’m most excited about based on first impressions.  Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits Yotsuiro Biyori Magical Girl Ore WIXOSS Libra of Nil Caligula Magical Boys Last Period Butlers x Battlers
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syndianites · 7 years
The Consequences of Your Actions
Ship: Syndianite (Tom x S1 Dianite)
Summary: Vampire AU! Dianite has had many lovers over the years. Some were mere playthings, meant to pass the time. Others were passionate loves, a fire raging until their inevitable demise. Very few were of the immortal variety, most searching for a power grab, others enthralled by his image. One was different, one was special. And he’d be damned if he was going to let him slip away.
Chapter: 0/?
AN: I don’t know how long this will be, but it was dying to be written. I will commit to this, even when I have no time in my schedule for it. That’s how bad I need to write this. This chapter is basically angst, filled with some plot and setup, sprinkled with angst. There’s a little super obvious foreshadowing too.
Tonight, there was something amiss in the city. As the residents slept, unaware of the feud taking place beyond their homes, beings of majesty that far outweighed their own were locked in battle. Meriden was ruled by chaos by night, and with each second passing, there was more to go around.
The Lord of the East had assembled his army very carefully. Each warrior had undergone tests, knowingly or not, to abide by certain standards. Their turning was meticulously planned to keep suspicion at bay. His soldiers held a slew of abilities, sorted both on those and their personality. The loyalty of his followers was made certain by the sire bond. His battalions far outnumbered that of the West Lord’s.
The Lord of the West had an army of considerable means. They had assembled of their own dedications, each loyal to him, under the sire bond, or through a will driven by what they saw from him. Despite their uptake as his soldiers, many lacked basic combat skills. Their first thought was not of war, but of being there for their Lord. Only those of higher class, or those of deeper connection, pushed themselves to be ready to protect him at any cost. Unfortunately, the cost was higher than they could have imagined.
It was no secret the Lords were at odds. Despite being brothers, their intents for each other were less than friendly. Though they were always at one another’s throats, itching to fight, seldom did they wage full wars against the other. Their battles never ended with a winner, the damage to both sides gave nothing in return to the Lords. And at the end of it all, they were one of the few who understood each other.
Dianite, the Eastern Lord, had not woken with the intention the starting such a battle. His growing army was not established to destroy his brother’s faction.  Such intentions had not been on his mind for many months now, his thoughts occupied by other events. The lurking threat edging into the city, the mysterious shadows, was but one of these worries. The other of his mortal lover, a human of which he had become rather attached to.
But as the sun fell, and the Lord went to discuss the matter with his brother, he failed to notice something was wrong. Lost in his worries, his keen senses were ignored, the signs bypassed. In the end, this was what let him fall into this trap. His dear brother, Mianite, the Western Lord, had been waiting with much different intentions for his visit. For before him, snarling and forced to his knees, was none other than Thomas Cassel, his beloved human.
Perhaps if he’d have taken a critical eye to the scene, he would have noticed the shadows in the background, how unnatural they were. He could have taken note of the dampened look in his brother’s eyes, how they appeared almost lifeless. Could he have changed the course of the evening with the insinuation this information had given him, what he knew these signs meant? Had it been any other being before the Lord, maybe he could have.
As it stands, he showed a considerable amount of strength keeping himself from launching forward, tearing his brother apart from so much as threatening his lover. He could feel the rage setting in, his body burning with it. Fire jumped from his fingertips, and he forced himself to stay rooted to where he stood.
“My brother,” Mianite called from across the alleyway, the meeting point they had settled upon centuries earlier, placed in neutral ground, “You seem a tad stressed. Have you been keeping up with your sleep schedule? I know when you take human,” he rolled the word distastefully in his mouth, “you prefer to give them the illusion of being one of them.” Tilting his head to the side in mock curiosity, the Lord asked, “Say, did you ever tell this lovely toy of yours what you are?”
Mianite’s hand was dug into the mortal’s bright blue hair, twisting the locks cruelly as he craned Tom’s neck back until he had a full view of his face. “Look at that pretty face,” he cooed, as the human snarled, trying to yank out of the awful grip that was keeping him in place. The Lord continued as though there was no resistance, bending down to brush his lips against Tom’s neck, “So feisty too. It’s no wonder your so fond of him. Though, I must say, I’m rather surprised that you let him keep the blue hair. Not quite your color. Were you considering giving him to me as a gift, painting him my color just for me?” He cut himself off with a soft chuckle, a glint of fangs poking into the open air, “He looks so captivating. I could take him right here. The feel of his skin giving way beneath my teeth, his gasps reaching my ears, his blood coursing down my throat.”
A growl ripped from Dianite’s throat, all his instincts screaming for retribution, to rip out the Lord’s jugular, to sever his head, pull his fangs from his jaw. But he knew one wrong move could cost his love hi life. Faintly, he could feel the concern of his fledglings, the unease. This sent his protective urges overboard, made his head spin. “If you don’t remove your hand from him, I will remove it for you,” Dianite seethed, the air between them charged, a heaviness covering the area. “My, my, I don’t believe you are in the place to make such remarks.” He straightened himself back up, letting his nails, slowly extending into claws, scrape against the mortal’s cheek. “I’d hate to ruin such beauty.”
The Eastern Lord knew his brother wanted something, but the object of his desires eluded him. He begrudgingly asked the wretched question, words dripping with malice, “What is it you want?” The Vampire Lord sighed, disappointed with the query. “How boring,” Mianite drawled with an accompanying eyeroll, “Surely you could do better than that? What could I possibly want? What could you offer me that I could not provide for myself? Your part of the city. For many centuries, we have cultivated this from a small, pathetic town, to a true village, to a sprawling city, now capable of being labeled a metropolis. And I want it all. Yours, Ianite’s. Everything.”
The only light shining on this bullshit was from the half moon, climbing towards midnight, and the dangerous glow in Dianite’s eyes. Clenching his hands into tight fists, the Lord grit out, “Give me back Tom, and you can fucking have it bastard.” Mianite’s eyebrows shot up, clearly not expecting the Lord to cave so fast. With a shrug, he pushed Tom into a standing position, before approaching the other Lord. Keeping his left hand curled around the mortal’s neck, he thrust his right hand out. “Let’s make this a true deal. Bound by magic. The only way to break it is to start a new one, or for one of us to kill the other. But” he paused, as Dianite reached his hand forward, “We have to wait at least 24 hours before we can go after each other.” Flashing his pearly whites in a mocking smile, he invitingly placed his hand within reach. Without hesitating, Dianite shook his hand. Tom was worth it.
However, both had a card up their sleeves. Dianite still had his army, full of loyal, trained fledglings, who might as well have been his children, and many allies with them. Mianite, on the other hand, was ready to enact a loophole. Taking his hand back, he shoved it through Tom’s gut in one fluid motion, a fatal blow that would give the two lovers mere minutes together. As the mortal fell towards the Lord, Dianite roared, rage and agony coursing through him. He lashed out at Mianite, but he was gone. “Kill him,” the Lord screeched, reaching out through the link he held with his fledglings, “Tear apart his army and destroy his home. Leave nothing left.” Resounding echoes of rage and war sounded in his head, but he was focused on the body collapsed in his arms.
“Tom, Tom focus,” Dianite struggled to stay calm. His rage burned, fire screaming to be released. He knew the next few moments would be the most important for Tom’s life. Whether he would still have one. “Beloved, do you want to live? Do you want to stay with me?” The human’s glazed over eyes struggled to find him in the gloom, centering on the orange glow emanating from them. He nodded, adding a faint, whispering croak, “Yes. I won’t leave you alone to suffer.” The Lord rest his forehead on Tom’s. “Even if you become a monster?” With the last of his energy, Tom forced out the word, “Yes.”
Biting his lips hard enough to draw blood, the Lord kissed his lover one final time for the night. In all his glory and might, he had only been able to save one of his followers at such a last-minute attempt. The blood flowing out of Tom would speed of the process, as much as it would close the window for the change. Time was of the essence, and it was slipping fast.
(AN: Im tired, i know its the oldest excuse in the book, otherwise id have written more. I left it there for suspence :) but prolly should have gone back and made a lot of few edits, but i think it looks pretty good. I had a weird phase of shifting from detail to actual story, so other than that, i think it flowed. That was mostly set up, but kinda not good set up. It just gives background for the next few chapters)
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