#maybe I might change her eyes to be the same colour as red clover flowers.. that would be really pretty..
..It may have taken me this long to realise that Clio’s name is accidentally a pun
since.. clover. clio-ver. and she wears a clover crown.
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stormgardenscurse · 4 years
10 with riddle 🥺 please
I, uh... apologise in advance for the length 😅 I've got no clue how it grew this much, but I can't say I'm particularly mad about it either (10: Summer Love)
It’s one of those summers where his mother is super busy and never stays at home very long because of work
But it’s Riddle’s mom so she probably had a time-table written out for both her and Riddle and pinned it on the wall before he even got home for the holidays
Which means he knows exactly when she won’t be around to notice if he goes to see Trey or Chenya during his breaks
Though on his way to the Clovers' bakery Riddle happens upon you in a park, leaning over something with your phone in hand, face steeled in focus.
You can’t blame him for being curious about this, right?
He’s careful to keep his footsteps light and soundlessly approaches you. Upon closer inspection it turns out that you were taking a picture of a flower! Not only that, there was a butterfly resting atop it, surprisingly staying in place as if posing for you.
Setting aside the beauty of what you were photographing, Riddle was surprised by how captivating your eyes were when you looked up and met his gaze. 
It was electrifying, and he isn’t sure if it was from nerves (he did kind of sneak up on you after all) or being caught by your smile when you realised he was curious of what you were doing.
Instead of asking him who he was or if he needed anything, you instead told him about how you found yourself here. Riddle’s surprised by the lack of awkwardness in the air. Your friendly disposition helps him relax enough to keep up the conversation, and before he knows it it’s almost the end of his break.
(Don’t tell anyone, but he let himself cut into the next study session a bit. Riddle wasn’t sure if he might meet you again, after all, and he doesn’t want the interaction to end just yet.)
In his defence, he did perform a few demonstrations (harmless and entertaining ones, like the colour-changing spell) when you asked. Riddle’s surprised to learn that you weren’t very experienced with magic (your family never really integrated it into your everyday lives) but finds your intrigued expression very cute charming.
He’s used to people being impressed by his ability, but something about you in particular causes the slightest of blushes to dust his cheeks when you compliment him.
You guys coordinate certain days and times to meet up again, and before Riddle knows it almost two weeks have flown by. He’s not even sure how much of it was real (he’s half-convinced that the fun you two had was some delusion from working too much. These kinds of things don’t normally happen in real life!)
One day he’s with Trey and Chenya and they notice he's a bit distracted from his strawberry tart, which certainly sparks question marks with them: Was it his mother again?
Nope, (thankfully) it was just him wondering what you might be doing right now. Just a few days ago you mentioned a hobby of yours and was very enthusiastic while explaining it to him - he still can’t get your cheerful expression out of his head.
He’s not exactly smiling like an idiot while thinking this, though (this might change in the future). To the others he just seems very deep in thought.
Ah... Summer break's going to end eventually. There was still next holiday, of course, but maybe you guys could exchange numbers…? Magicam might work too, but he’s not as fluent as Cater with the app...
Wait, he realizes. Why in Wonderland would he want to be like a smartphone addict in that respect?
This time the momentary puzzlement shows on his face, which finally pushes Trey to ask him what’s up.
Oh, how amused the two will be when Riddle finally tells them.
Chenya teases Riddle about how it didn’t seem like a friend-ship, from how his cheeks were starting to heat up. (The pout he had when asking for advice at the end was very adorable, though. Trey kinda wished they recorded it.)
After a bit of smirking and boys being boys they do try and offer some ideas to him about how to end the summer on a good note. (Bring some confectionaries as a gift or etc… Though Chenya’s bit about dragging you to NRC was an obvious no-go - “Hrmm… Then how about I take them to RSA and we visit throughout the year?” “Absolutely not.”)
After this you do end up meeting Riddle’s friends, and it’s an enjoyable rest of the holiday for you all.
The time for returning to school is slightly bittersweet, but you guys exchanged numbers! You have Trey and Chenya’s too, but only Riddle’s contact has emojis beside it (a heart and crown). You can bet he finds himself red in the face when Trey points this out (does this mean he has to do the same for you?? What symbols should he even put?)
Poor Riddle is new to… whatever this is (it’s love, you fool). But he can’t say he’s annoyed about it by any means. In fact, it’s a little exciting, albeit his heart feels like it might stop at some moments.
And maybe… Just maybe, you might see each other sooner than you thought? Who knows, the future can be unpredictable…
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