#mass dragon strategy for clan wars
writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love and War Prologue- Pt 3
Once we crossed the gates of Azuchi Castle. We were dismounting, our horses being taken by attendants to the stables. Ranmaru was smiling brightly at us. Servants were taking the things we had brought with us to the guest rooms we would be staying in while Ranmaru led us to the audience hall. Once we had reached the city gates, a messenger had already gone ahead to the castle so that Nobunaga and his inner circle could prepare to meet us right away.
I was smiling to myself as we made our way through the halls. I wouldn’t expect someone like Nobunaga to greet us at the gates. Though it would be customary since HE was the one asking ME for an alliance. Not to mention, it would be polite to allow weary travelers to freshen up a bit. Then again from what I remember of history, he bucked tradition in many ways and many times. Not to mention it was a good strategy.
He asked me for an alliance, but we meet on HIS terf and on HIS terms. Though that was fine with me. As far as I could tell, Ranmaru hadn’t been able to communicate that the new Lord Yamada was in fact a woman. That would naturally give me my own element of surprise in these negotiations as well. Two could play in this game. I hadn’t come as far as I had by not playing my cards right.
We were soon standing in front of a set of large ornate sliding doors. Azuchi Castle was definitely grand…and allowing me to see just how grand on my way here, smart move I had to say. An intimidation tactic. One that would work on a lesser warlord…but then again I do come from a world with technological marvels that would make these men’s heads spin. Though I did admire the technological feats that such grandeur is at this point in time…as well as appreciate the beauty of the craftsmanship of everything. There was something hollow about modern designs and recreations with their mass production.
“Alright, just through here.” Ranmaru said as he reached to open the doors.
Jiro, Sato, and I followed Ranmaru inside. The room was definitely beautiful. Of course, the beauty of the room wasn’t the only thing I had noticed. On either side, some of the greatest men in history were lined up, all leading towards the dias where a lone figure sat imperiously above the rest.
By descriptions, I could guess the men who sat in the room. Masamune Date was an easy one to figure out, as he had an eye patch, one of the reasons for his moniker of the One Eyed Dragon. He wore a smile on his face as his one blue eye took in me and my vassals.
I could also recognize the ones who must have been Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Mitsuhide Akechi as they were sitting to the right and left of the dias. Then there was a grumpy looking blond who must have been Ieyasu and a rather beautiful man who must have been Mitsunari.
By the time we reached the end of our walk, we were soon before the man himself, Nobunaga Oda. Ranmaru came into a bow before him. “My Lord, I have brought Lord Yamada as requested.” He announced before moving out of the way.
I stepped forward from my group, bowing politely, though not as low as Jiro and Sato did. “Lord Nobunaga, it is an honor to meet you.” I greeted him, my gaze meeting his carnelian eyes.
Nobunaga looked at me curiously, though he wore a smirk of amusement. “YOU are Lord Yamada?” He asked.
“I am.” I answered. “Lord Ava Yamada. Daughter of Riku Yamada and his wife, Kaede.”
“Now the nickname of Tiny Terror makes sense.” Masamune spoke with a chuckle from his place to the side.
“I had thought I recalled rumors that Riku had adopted a daughter.” Nobunaga said. 
“Indeed he did.” I replied. “Though I am no man, my father did train me well.”
“Clearly he has since you have suddenly taken so much territory after his death.” Nobunaga replied.
“The Ishihara thought eliminating my father would weaken the clan.” I replied. “I had to show them and their allies that they were wrong.”
“Wouldn’t taking the Ishihara out have sufficed if that was all you wished to accomplish?” The man to Nobunaga’s right spoke. He must have been Hideyoshi.
“One would think, but had I stopped there, the surrounding clans would have thought me weak and that I was just out for revenge.” I replied. “I had to make a show of force that I am no weakling. That I will not allow anyone to trample on my land or my people. I will not roll over and show my belly in the face of danger.”
“You are clearly a force to be reckoned with.” Nobunaga said. “Though having allies would be even more beneficial to you…strong allies at that.”
I smiled. “I am aware.” I replied. “And your goal of unification would be easier when someone with as much land as I have would agree to ally with you rather than battle over it. It would be a waste of resources to battle, even if you did win, it wouldn’t be without a great cost.” I knew my words were daring…and impudent, but I had to make sure that Nobunaga knew I wouldn’t just bow down to have strong allies. I had to make sure he respected me.
“How dare you speak to Lord Nobunaga that way…” Hideyoshi began to protest.
Nobunaga lifted his hand and waved Hideyoshi off dismissively. “Hideyoshi, enough.” He scolded before turning back to me. An amused smile graced his lips. “I admire your audacity. Coming into my castle and speaking to me so.”
“YOU invited ME.” I replied. “YOU are the one asking ME for this alliance.”
“This lass doesn’t pull her punches.” Masamune spoke from his place, leaning over to Mitsuhide. “I like her.”
“This is amusing, indeed.” Mitsuhide agreed.
“Very true.” Nobunaga replied. “And you accepted, which means you are considering the alliance.”
“One can never have too many allies.” I replied, wearing my own smug look.
“Does this mean you wish to discuss terms?” Nobunaga asked.
“If we can reach an agreement, I believe it would be acceptable.” I answered.
Nobunaga smiled. “Then let us discuss terms.”
We spent the next several hours hammering out the details of our alliance before signing and making it official. Right or wrong, I was now going to be making history with the Oda forces.
It was decided that we would stay in Azuchi for the next few days to rest up and that the next night we would have a banquet to celebrate the alliance. Masamune declared he would be fixing something special for the occasion, a gleam in his eyes. We were then given leave to head to our guest rooms to freshen up and rest up for the night.
After washing up and slipping into my night robes, I made myself comfortable in the room I had been given. It was a rather luxurious room and decorated with extravagance for certain. I was getting ready to settle in for the night when I heard a knock…but it was coming from my ceiling rather than my door.
I was reaching for my sword and holding it up in a defensive position as I stared up at the ceiling. “Whoever the hell you are, you had better get out of that ceiling right now.”
I watched as a single ceiling tile moved and then a man was soundlessly jumping from my ceiling. He was then looking up at me, a black mask over the lower half of his face and glasses on his eyes…modern glasses. He was holding his hands up in surrender. “I come in peace.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. There was something that seemed familiar about him. “Who are you?” I asked, still holding my sword defensively.
“It has been a long time…and I am sure it will help when I remove the mask.” He said. He was then slowly moving his hands, his eyes on me as he pulled his mask down. “After all this time, I was starting to think I was never going to find you, Ava. I was beginning to think the worst had happened.”
“Wait…Sasuke?” I asked, blinking in surprise, as I slowly lowered my sword.
He gave me a small smile. “I know I must look a lot different than when we last saw each other, considering we were still kids…and you have definitely changed.”
“I can’t believe it’s you.” I replied, smiling at him. It was hard to believe, but one of the few friends I had back in the modern day was Sasuke. We had gone to the same school since elementary school. He had been an odd kid…and well unfortunately odd can make you a target for other kids. I had been a troubled and angry kid…neither of us fit in with the others, but we had managed to stick together in school.
We were soon sitting down on some cushions in the room and sipping some tea I had quickly brewed. “We have a lot to catch up on.” I said.
Sasuke nodded. “After fifteen years, a lot has changed.” He agreed. 
“So…were you…were you looking for me?” I asked him.
Sasuke nodded. “Yes. I knew exactly what had happened when you disappeared that night on the school trip.” He explained. “You know my love of history and of the Sengoku especially…and of science.”
I nodded. “Yes, I remember you talking about all kinds of crazy things that…well they didn’t always make sense to me, but it didn’t annoy me when you talked.”
“Well, I had a theory even back then about wormholes opening up under the right conditions and being able to transport us back in time.” Sasuke explained. “And I knew that when I went to find you at the Hono-ji monument and…well the aftermath of how things looked…I knew one had to have shown up. It took me a long time to figure out the calculations and figure out what the exact conditions were, but I figured it out and managed to find one again…it was actually at Hono-ji once again.”
“Wow…so you’ve really been looking for me all this time?”
Sasuke nodded. “Yes…and furthering my research on wormholes and time travel at the same time.” He answered. “It’s been four years since I arrived. Which is nothing compared to your fifteen years here.”
“That’s still insane that you’ve been here this long…and you’re a ninja now?” I asked, gesturing to his attire.
“Just a useful skill I have picked up here.” Sasuke answered. “Though look at you…you’re a warlord.”
I felt my cheeks reddening a bit. “Well…things happen sometimes…”
Sasuke nodded. “Especially when you get adopted by a warlord.”
“So…you’ve done your research?” I asked.
“You could say my employer has.” Sasuke replied.
I could tell by the way Sasuke said that and averted his eyes…his “employer” must have been an enemy of the Oda forces, which would explain why he was sneaking around in the ceilings. Though I wouldn’t voice that thought. I don’t think it was needed. We both knew, but because of our friendship in the past…we couldn’t acknowledge we were on opposite sides of a conflict now.
“Lots of information nets around here.” I replied with a nod. “So, what are your plans? I mean now that you found me?”
“Well…originally I was going to see if you wanted to return home…to the future…” Sasuke began, “But I can already tell your answer would be no.”
“I have a life here…and people who are counting on me.” I replied. “I have a purpose here i never had back in our time.”
Sasuke gave me one of his signature small smiles. It was barely a twitch of his apparently weak facial muscles, but it was no less sweet than if he had a huge grin. “I am happy that you have found that. I will admit, when you disappeared and I thought about you being here…I was always worried, but it seems you found your way.”
I nodded. “I really have.” I said smiling at my friend. “And what about you? What are your plans for yourself?”
“I’ve made some friends and a life here myself…some people I truly care about.” Sasuke replied.
“So, you’re staying too?” I asked.
Sasuke nodded. “Yes. I hope you don’t mind me dropping by for chats and visits once in a while?” He asked.
“Of course, I don’t mind.” I answered. “You’ll have to come visit me in my home sometime when you have a chance and I’m back there.”
“I would like that.”
We chatted for a while longer before Sasuke was declaring a need to leave. He leapt back up into the ceiling and replaced the tile. It was as if he had never been there. I quickly cleaned up the tea before going to bed. What a truly eventful day I had. An alliance with Nobunaga Oda himself (not to mention meeting the man as well as the other great unifiers of Japan) and reuniting with my friend from the modern day.
It was honestly hard to believe that this was my life now. I mean it was a series of crazy and unbelievable events, yet it was all real. It was MY life…yet I had no idea that it was about to get even crazier.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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“I am the one voice in the cold wind that whispers, And if you listen, you'll hear me call across the sky... As long as I still can reach out and touch you, Then I will never die.”
~“Remember,” by Josh Groban
By the early 1940′s, the Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald had paralyzed all of Europe in terror. While the Muggles fought their own second world war, Grindelwald used the chaos in the Muggle world as a perfect excuse to attack anyone of non-magical blood with no possibility of repercussions. He’d amassed hundreds of thousands of followers across Europe of varying degrees, whether active blood purists, political figures who stupidly thought to use him to achieve their own personal ambitions, or just people too cowardly to stand against him. It had gotten to the point that even the British Ministry of Magic couldn’t look the other way, even if Grindelwald had yet to permeate their shores -- and so, quietly, they set about sending aid to those countries opposing Grindelwald, with help from intelligence provided by individual agents. One of those such agents ended up being the vampire who the occupants of Hogsmeade village and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry called Bat Varney.
Bat Varney -- or as he was known when he was human, Robert Harker -- was unusual among his kind. Unlike most vampires who tend to stay away from humans and live in vampire colonies, Bat resided in the attic over the Honeydukes sweet shop and, in the evenings, was frequently seen walking the streets of Hogsmeade village, providing services to those witches and wizards requiring information on anything from dragon breeding to Quidditch strategy.
From the moment he first caught wind of Grindelwald’s rise, Bat took an immediate interest, not just because he himself was a Muggle-born, but because he feared for the safety of those humans he’d grown attached to in the last forty years -- the Honeydukes clan; Ann Smith @danceworshipper​; the Selwyn-Ellison family, Adelia, Teddy, Violet, and Bertie @that-ravenpuff-witch​; Hogwarts’s current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Danny Gibson @catohphm​, and his wife Victoria @hphm-brooke​; and Hogwarts’s previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and Bat’s closest companion, Atticus Grimsley @cursebreakerfarrier​. Although the vampire knew full well his life-span would more than exceed theirs, just as it had those of his wife Loretta, daughter Irene, and ex-best-friend Cecelia, Bat was determined not to let anything prevent his found family from living the full and happy lives they deserved...and so he offered all of his encyclopedic knowledge, cobbled together over the last hundred and sixty years, to help the British Ministry and other European Ministries tackle Grindelwald. But soon enough, the cat came out of the bag, and Grindelwald learned the identity of the British agent who had been so instrumental in the growing movement against him. When he did, the Dark wizard decided to take decisive action.
In December 1941, Grindelwald came ashore to the United Kingdom for the first time in forty years, and when he did, his first stop was the wizarding village of Hogsmeade. Never in the wizarding village’s history had it ever been attacked, and yet thanks to Grindelwald, it was in flames. Christmas garlands were set ablaze, windows had been smashed, and people fled screaming -- the overcast sky was soon darkened further with smoke and ash, effectively blocking out the sun. This is the only reason why Bat Varney was able to leave the safety of Honeydukes’s attic to confront Grindelwald himself. After instructing the Honeydukes family to head straight to Hogwarts for their safety, the once-veteran attacked the notorious Dark wizard with nothing but a knife and his own fangs and fists. He couldn’t use magic anymore, but there was no way in Hell Bat was going to sit back and do nothing, particularly when he was much more able to shake off a mortal injury than the average person.
As fate would have it, retired Auror Teddy Ellison had been in Hogsmeade that day himself doing Christmas shopping, and he helped rescue and protect the residents of Hogsmeade from their flaming town as best he could. Meanwhile, at Hogwarts, professors Danny Gibson, Adelia Selwyn-Ellison, and Albus Dumbledore were among the first to hear of the trouble in Hogsmeade. Although Dumbledore looked unusually pale and terrified, the witch and the two wizards all quickly raced to the village as fast as they could.
When the Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts professors arrived, however, they found the town largely burned to ash and Grindelwald gone. In the center of the cobblestone street was Teddy Ellison, shaking from head to toe as he struggled to disperse the crowd of townspeople who had gathered in a huddled mass in the center of the street. Adelia and Danny immediately rushed over to Teddy, demanding to know where Grindelwald was, where Bat was -- and Teddy’s eyes flooded with tears as he recounted what had happened.
Grindelwald had only attacked Hogsmeade, it seemed, to go after Bat. When the vampire had shown his face, Grindelwald had immediately set about attacking him -- blasting him off his feet, slamming him into the ground, crushing him with pieces of buildings, and beating him within an inch of his life. He even used the Cruciatus and Killing Curses, all the while proclaiming to the surrounding citizens of Hogsmeade that this is the proper justice for someone who places the safety of Muggles and their brood over pure wizarding blood. And yet despite all this, Bat couldn’t die and, more importantly, he wouldn’t stand down. His eyes consumed with red, Bat fought back, even managing to injure Grindelwald multiple times by punching him in the face, stabbing him in the leg with a knife, and taking a bite out of his shoulder with his own fangs. At last Grindelwald had only one option left to him to try to destroy Bat -- he Transfigured part of a lamp post into a quasi-stake and hurtled it straight into the vampire’s chest. The force of the metal puncturing his heart threw Bat completely off his feet and into the ground, making him choke as blood stained the front of his chest.
Racing forward to try to help Bat, Teddy shot a wide array of Stunning spells and Blasting Curses at Grindelwald, but the Dark wizard soon overpowered him and quelled the middle-aged man with a white-hot, blazing Cruciatus Curse. Teddy had only escaped because Bat -- still staked through the heart -- ran up behind Grindelwald and slashed at the Dark wizard’s wand hand with his knife. With a bellow of pain, Grindelwald dropped his wand; Bat tried to overpower him by putting him in a headlock, but he was too encumbered by the stake in his chest and his weakened state due to blood loss and the vampiric blood lust that accompanied it. With a rage unseen by man, Grindelwald somehow was powerful enough to call his wand back to his hand and, in an instant, he’d blasted the vampire off of him. As Grindelwald bore down on Bat, his eyes blazed with hatred.
“You are a troublesome leech, Bartholomew Varney,” he said in a soft, dangerous whisper. “Now it ends.”
Despite the pain in his internal organs, the weakness of his limbs, and the throbbing of his head, Bat nonetheless was somehow able to pull himself up onto his knees, his lips curled up in a smirk as his sclera-less scarlet eyes bore into Grindelwald’s face.
“I don’t fear death, Grindelwald,” he rasped, and there was no question that he meant it. “I am not the sort of fool, as you are, who’d chase after the Deathly Hallows.”
This final taunt, peppered by the knowledge that Bat had sussed out the secret he’d fought hard to keep under wraps and may have exposed it to others, was the last straw for Grindelwald. Within three seconds, he’d used a violent, flaring violet curse to rip off Bat Varney’s head.
The death of Hogsmeade’s well-regarded vampire scholar devastated both the village’s residents and the neighboring school’s faculty and students. The loss of his surrogate uncle, coupled with the opening of the Chamber of Secrets that same year, prompted Danny Gibson to retire from teaching all together. The Selwyn-Ellisons were also heartbroken at the loss of their “Uncle Bat” -- their Christmas that year was the gloomiest it had ever been, for none of them had the heart to celebrate Bat’s favorite holiday without him. Worst of all, though, was Atticus Grimsley. The retired professor had come to grips with the fact that he would die first, as Bat had...but with the opposite having come true instead, Atticus was beside himself with grief at the loss of the man who’d been the closest friend he’d ever had -- the person who’d made him feel happier, more loved, and less alone than he’d ever been in his life.
It was this despair in response to a tragedy so close to home that finally pushed Albus Dumbledore over the edge and forced him to finally accept what a threat Grindelwald really was to the Wizarding World. Within days of Bat’s death, Dumbledore started his own moves to fight back against his old flame, and within four years, the Transfiguration professor had defeated Grindelwald in combat and taken the Elder Wand for himself.
Within a year of Bat’s death, the Honeydukes family, with some financial help from Bat’s many friends, mounted a gold plaque on the bricks just in front of their shop window that read --
In memory of Robert Harker, otherwise known as Bartholomew “Bat” Varney:
A Vampire with the mind of a teacher, the soul of a soldier, and a heart braver than most men.
b. 1 July 1761 / d. 13 December 1941
In 1946, after Grindelwald’s fall, a statue of Bat Varney was also placed on the inside of the archway into Hogsmeade village. Although it was placed in the shadows and so very often could be overlooked by passerby, it kept a diligent watch on everyone who entered the little village like a silent guardian for many years to come.
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More about my Warlock
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Guardians name: Isabelle Aubrey Brigham
Age: 27
Race: Awoken
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Warlock
Preferred subclass(es): Void
Ghost's name: Hermoine
Fireteam name: The Sisterhood
Fireteam teammates: Chloe Brask, Tori-3, and Sage Heathcliff
Favorite legendary weapon: The Supremacy
Favorite exotic weapon: Hawkmoon
Favorite exotic armor: Felwinter's Helm
Favorite ornament armor set: Celestial
Favorite weapon ornament: On Ashen Wings
What stats do they focus on: Mobility and Recovery
Are they offense, defence, or support: Support
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Long
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Element of Surprise
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Crucible
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Ikora Rey
What ship do they have: Starfarer 7M
What is their Sparrow: Always on Time
Favorite Ghost shell: Star Map Shell
Favorite shader: Dawn and Dusk
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): Her Nook e-book portable reader
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Disney and pop
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): the giant park in the middle (it's kinda like Central Park in NYC)
Favorite NPC(s): Uldren/Crow, Ikora, Orisis, Saint-14, Shaxx, and Eris
Favorite patrol location: The Dreaming City
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): read, cook/bake, dance, sing, and going to Disney
Least favorite food: Kale
Least favorite shader: Indigo Matrix
Least favorite patrol location: Nessus
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any):  not really
Least favorite NPC(s): Asher Mir
Least favorite weapon ornament: Bound Hammer
Least favorite ornament armor set: Intrepid
Least favorite legendary weapon: any pulse rifle
Least favorite exotic weapon: Coldheart
Least favorite exotic armor: Sunbracers
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Mess (Isabelle has major OCD),  liars, Spider, Riven, and cats (she's allergic)
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: A very clean and spotless apartment.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
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What hobbies and/or skills does your Guardian have: Cooking, memorizing (she's a walking encyclopedia), and strategy
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Forbidden
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): London, England
What were they wearing when they were reborn: a blouse, dress shorts for women, and flats
What was their reaction to being reborn: "how is this possible?"
What was their reaction to their first rez: *looking at her ghost* "You can do that?"
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Hostiles, Isabelle ran into the Hive
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Osiris
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: no
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): Her ghost just knew that her name was Isabelle
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: "I love you, Uldren, unconditionally. Your dark side won't scare me off." "You're my best friend, of course I'm coming with you!" and "Dreams are something that we truly wish, we only need the courage and perseverance to make them come true."
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Uldren/Crow
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: Isabelle explored this old library in London, she found so many books that peaked her interest
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: "This place is so bloody crowded!"
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: no
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): nope
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be:  "Do you want to know you I call her Belladonna? It's because death is the deadlist poison put there."
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: not really, Isabelle prefers books over socializing
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): no
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: Isabelle doesn't like it, she thinks that if guardians use it long enough, it'll start to slowly corrupt their minds.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: She felt nothing but anger towards Riven, the wish dragon was the reason Isabelle lost Uldren.
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: She thought it was interesting and wanted to know more.
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: Yes, Isabelle is from D1, she had to calm Chloe down, but she was equally shocked.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: She helped the children at the Farm calm down by reading them stories like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: A great friend
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: A really close friend
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: A great friend
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Mentor, teacher, friend
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: respect
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: even more respecr
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: she does really mind Saladin
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: She praises him for the encouragements during Crucible matches
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: The love of her life, Isabelle would do anything for him.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: She never trusted Spider
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: The love of her life, the first person would made Isabelle feel loved and wanted by someone romantically
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: Isabelle's Sister-In-Law, she respects Mara
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: very good friends
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: very good friends
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: Isabelle, like Chloe, found Elsie to be closed off and hard to read
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: Eh, just another day at the office
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: Isabelle is weary about her.
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: when it comes to this bastard, Isabelle sides with Chloe
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: She nervous, but Isabelle tries to keep a level head
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: "Out on the battle field things aren't always what they seem, but it's important not to lose sight of what truly matters and that's protecting the Traveler, the Light, and those who can't protect themselves."
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ifleewroteotome · 5 years
#7: Swords & Spiels
Or, the one in which Lee steals shamelessly from old and new favorites.
The Hero/Main Character: A tailor who dreamed of being a palace guard. Never thought they had any magic until it manifested at really inopportune time, which resulted in not only being  framed for a crime they didn’t commit and getting thrown out of the castle, but having to go on the run and flee home country given who was involved. Not terribly politically savvy, mostly because they can’t keep their mouth shut when they have a thought (this is also kind of a problem with their new magic). Super scrappy and a good in-the-moment problem solver. Tends to overthink things into circles if given too much time and space to do so. Fast learner, but only if they’re interested in the subject material. 
Love interests
(F) Her Majesty, the second princess: Third in line for the throne, after her older brother and his daughter. Has chosen to serve as a sort of errant knight, though officially speaking she’s a military commander (she justifies her travels by regularly visiting each outpost during her travels). Ferociously and relentlessly positive. Takes her responsibility to the kingdom very seriously, even though she spends a lot of time avoiding the actual castle and paperwork.  Happiest sleeping under the open stars, with her sword by her side and companions around the fire. Generally appears like she doesn't think things through, but she does - she’s just a really fast thinker. Has a little bit of white knight syndrome, but working on being more practical. Really bad at speeches. Neutral good.
(F) The Dragon: A creature of pure magic, though she typically hangs out in a human form, serving as a lady-in-waiting (and bodyguard) to her Majesty. Stays human mostly for the ability to easily read (all the glorious and wonderful) books humans like to write. Sardonic, clever, and often offers unique perspective, but only when directly asked. A bit inscrutable, and it’s silently understood that she’ll just...leave one day rather than deal with the rift her longevity will cause. Cool and collected, unless she’s reading and you interrupt her. Met her Majesty when deciding to check her out after a neighboring prince ran away into her mountains after hearing he’d be engaged to her. The Dragon offered said prince a job cataloging and organizing her hoard and managing her investments while she’s away, which works well for all involved. Generally finds human customs hilarious and occasionally gross. Steals shiny things. Chaotic neutral.
(M) The Honorable Knight: Her majesty’s official bodyguard and best friend. Kind of a classic golden child - earnest, hardworking, steadfast, and honorable. Has a berserker button, but it takes unique circumstances to switch - he’s generally very calm in intense situations, and has his freakouts once the danger to his liege has passed. A bit overly self-sacrificing, which occasionally gets him into trouble. The only poor soul dedicated to proper etiquette and behavior in the group. Can be really, really oblivious sometimes. Possibly spends too much time with her Majesty, the Dragon, and the Bodyguard, which has given him a very skewed perception of normal female behavior. Lawful good.
(NB?) The (mostly reformed) Assassin: Originally sent from a neighboring kingdom to assassinate the second princess and frame a noble house to start a civil war. Obviously it didn’t go as planned. Basically an angry stray cat the group adopted. Incredibly honest, but very slippery about it. Very good at misdirection and distraction. Ex-circus performer, which has given them a surprising array of useful skills. Claims to only be sticking around because her majesty pays better than their former employers, and claims that if it gets too much of a pain or the coins run out, they’ll bail, but literally everyone (except the assassin) knows better. Comes and goes, acting as a spy or messenger as needed. Chaotic good, though they’ll deny it to their last breath. 
(F) The Bloodthirsty Bodyguard: A mermaid cursed by her clan into silence and cast out of the ocean for crimes she doesn’t talk about. The cursebreaker (see below) broke the silence when he was even younger than he is now, and as thanks she figured she’d at least keep him alive until he grew up into what she assumed would be an inevitably awful adult human. Eventually adopted by his dads (both figuratively and formally) and doesn’t quite know what to do about it. Has toned down the mass murderer tendencies a bit at the cursebreaker’s request but still adjusting to human morality even after 10 years among them (and 8 with her adoptive family). Hates pirates. …Chaotic evil, but to be fair, was literally born that way.
EXTRAS/Non-love interests:
The Cursebreaker: Child prodigy who hasn’t yet encountered a curse he couldn’t break though some of them take time. A little overly serious and somber, but that’s mostly because he’s spent his entire childhood and teenage years dealing with curses, which tend to be (and do) really horrible things. Actually fairly well adjusted, just a little awkward. Really enjoys puzzles. Not scared by much. Not exactly a pacifist, but violence in general is something he avoids. Vegetarian. Loves his dads but in...smaller doses? Actually figured out on his own what big sis/bodyguard did to get thrown out of the ocean and has decided it qualifies as self defense. Chaotic good, mostly because he doesn’t really notice things like societal standards, and people need him too badly to get him into trouble for breaking laws or rules.
The Beast: A grand lady cursed to be a beast and found she greatly preferred being one to her human form. Let the Cursebreaker break the curse on her servants because it wasn’t really their fault, but kept her own. Lives happily in a gigantic magical library in the woods (which also showed up with the curse) and is much, much older than she lets on. Doesn’t get along with the Dragon, since the Dragon has openly voice her intention to annex the library into her hoard someday. 
The (Chatelain) Prince: Technically Her Majesty’s ex-fiance. To avoid the engagement, he ran away to work for the Dragon (it wasn’t personal and there’s no hard feelings) since being kidnapped by dragons is  generally a socially acceptable sort of thing for royalty to do. Now living his best life. Sends the Dragon regular updates on her invested hoard and status of her mountain domain and is generally getting lots of great estate management skills.  Frighteningly efficient and organized.  Lawful neutral.
His Majesty, the first prince: Heir apparent to the throne. Will be a great king -- and somewhat by necessity for the former, is not always a good person, though he’s never deliberately unpleasant for the sake of being so. Big picture and longterm strategy kind of person. Eerily good at reading people - to the point where most people assume he has Sight. Very regal and mysterious, except when his daughter wants to have a tea party or his wife wants to slide down staircases. Lawfully chaotic. That is not a thing. But that is what he is.
Her Majesty, the first consort: Third daughter of the neighboring monarchs across the mountains. Wife of the first prince. Just as mysterious and inscrutable as he is, but she lets the mischief show through a little more. No magic at all. A very tactical and detail-oriented person, she notices everything in the moment. Will 100% slide down grand staircase rails. Might actually eat you if you hurt her daughter. Likewise lawful chaotic. Most people find their majesties kind of exhausting, even when they’re on their ‘best’ behavior.
Her Majesty, the first princess: Daughter of the first prince and consort. A tiny, brilliant terror. It’s a complete coin toss whether she will someday either burn the world to ash or bring it, ascendant, into brilliance. Her parents are so proud. 
The Queen: Ruler and badass old lady. No really--she’s actually grandmother to the first princess and second princess (their parents kind of tried to commit high treason - it’s a long story). Eccentric, brilliant, and capable of great brutality if it keeps her queendom safe. Has had to make some horrible choices in life, but hasn’t let that stop her from moving forward. Very much like her great granddaughter. Probably a good thing she loves her grandkids, or she’d probably destroy the world just because she was bored? But since she wants to leave them as safe and happy as possible, instead she just takes really good care of things. Really good at delegating.
The King: Everyone thinks he passed away but he hasn’t. He just likes to sneak up on people and make them think he’s haunting them. And he has his granddaughter’s wanderlust, so he’s usually off wandering the kingdom. His wife was the heir to power - he’s just the one who married her. Once worked for the Dragon as her chatelain, until the Queen ‘rescued’ him. Dragon’s still grouchy that he didn’t give two weeks notice.
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magzier-blog · 6 years
Free Armour Trimming: The Communist Revolution Inside Runescape
RuneScape was once declared the world’s largest multiplayer online game. Millions of people were entranced by its blocky graphics and repetitive gameplay. Like many young people in the early noughties, I was naively drawn in by RuneScape’s promise that hard work, industrious labour, and a lava battle staff would allow me to earn enjoyment and success. Capitalism, too, has promised the workers of the world that faithfulness to our employers is the path to contentment. Yet the relation of exploitation between the capitalist and working classes has led the proletariat into open revolt against our rulers over and over again. RuneScape, like capitalism, has repeatedly entered into periods of crisis in which the people have demanded change. And as I learned today while procrastinating, in RuneScape just as in capitalism, the people have turned to communism to build a new world. An ancient fan wiki revealed to me the lost history of class struggle in RuneScape, and now I bring it to the world in the hopes of developing our class consciousness as workers. In 2007, a communist RuneScape clan was formed to bring proletarian rule to Server 32 of the world of Gielinor. In a context of scattered clan infighting, the RuneScape communist party was a rampantly victorious social force. Under the wise leadership of SireZaros, the communists waged a revolutionary struggle against reactionary and bourgeois clans that saw more than 5,000 player characters killed in the fighting. Where the other clans, though, were motivated by base self-interest, the communists were driven by something more, something higher. With the weight of history on their side, animated by the might of the worker-peasant masses, armed with both the revolutionary science of Marxism and dragon battleaxes, the RuneScape communists were militarily undefeatable. Within three months, the communists controlled 95% of Server 32. It was thus that the working class of Gielinor became, for a brief and beautiful moment, masters of our own destiny.
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The RuneScape communists quickly set about building socialism. They established a series of Soviets, elected local councils tasked with determining the needs of the working class. These councils appointed members to a people’s parliament who deliberated the issues of the day and approved or denied the decisions of a cabinet of more than 20 ministers. This socialist government was responsible for planning and administering every aspect of the world’s economy. Redistributing wealth, shepherding the collective wellbeing of all, RuneScape socialism flourished. SireZaros, once the leader of a revolutionary army, was now president of a peacetime government. The world, for a time, was peaceful. This was not to last. In early 2008, the party fell into a period of brutal civil war. Led by Redsteel136, a more junior party member, a small group of coup-makers scrabbled for control of the government. After vicious brother versus brother, sister versus sister, player versus player combat, Redsteel136’s plot was successful. The new leadership of the party found the deposed cabinet guilty of crimes against humanity–an accusation which history, unfortunately, does not illuminate either way. SireZaros, the hero of the revolution, along with the entire overthrown party cadre, was executed. With Redsteel136 as the new General Secretary of the party, the communists pursued a strategy of market reforms to build a powerful economy. Funding the state from the proceeds of the sale of high-level items, Server 32 was a commanding force. The changes initiated by General Secretary Redsteel136 were not only economic. Karamja is an in-game island populated by NPC pirates and (in hindsight, more than little racist caricatures of) indigenous people. The presence of pirates hints, I think, at an in-universe history of colonialism perpetrated against Karamja by the now communist-controlled Kingdoms of Asgarnia and Kandarin. In a display of admirable anti-imperialist solidarity between socialists in the imperial core and colonised peoples, General Secretary Redsteel136 acknowledged the virtual island’s right to national liberation. Administration of the island was handed over to a Karamjan clan who have, unfortunately, gone unrecorded in history. Life in Server 32, it appears, settled down for a time after the chaos of the civil war. However, measures implemented in late 2007 by the developers of RuneScape to control real-world money trading had set a catastrophic chain reaction in motion. Some light is shed on the disaster by Tanla E. Bilir’s 2009 thesis on RuneScape’s relation to the non-virtual economy. Jagex, the company that produces RuneScape, needed to counteract the issue of virtual marketplaces such as eBay allowing the sale of in-game items for cash. In order to prevent players in-game from handing over valuable items for nothing, a clear indicator that payment had been received in US Dollars rather than Gielinorian Gold Pieces, Jagex set the prices of all in-game items at fiat values. All items were then required to trade for a number of RuneScape Gold pieces within a fixed range above or below that fiat value. That value could vary up or down as items were traded, but it could only increase or decrease by a limited amount over a given period. The effects of this dastardly economic imperialism by the capitalist running dogs at Jagex were devastating to Server 32’s workers’ state. The unbelievably rare, highly sought-after items such as colourful paper Party Hats or the (inexplicably priceless) Half Full Jugs of Wine had had their fiat values set orders of magnitude lower than their market value. Items which had once sold for billions of gold pieces were now impossible to trade–and because General Secretary Redsteel136’s market reforms had founded the communist economy on these items, the economy imploded. In October, the economy bottomed out at its historical low. Nevertheless, the communist party continued to hold out, hoping that the tradeable price of high-level items would eventually grow high enough to allow for an eventual economic recovery. Sadly, this was not to be. In the grip of total market collapse, the communists were incapable of extracting enough tax revenue from players to meet the clan fees necessary for them to maintain power. As the sun set on the final few days of December 2008, after almost a year of working-class rule, General Secretary Redsteel136 dissolved the party and returned power to the bourgeoisie. RuneScape’s first experiment in socialism ended, regretfully, in the restoration of capitalist domination. This should not, however, be taken as a sign that capitalism is inevitable or uncontestable. The revolutionary fervour with which the proletariat of Server 32 ganked and teabagged their way to power demonstrates clearly that the objective conditions for communism in RuneScape can and do exist. Likewise, while General Secretary Redsteel136′s ascent to power came through backroom politicking and anti-democratic plots, his policies towards Karamjan national liberation were progressive and internationalist. The crisis which snuffed out the flame of socialism was the result of a concerted attack by a powerful capitalist foe. RuneScape’s communist revolution was defeated a decade ago. As Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels taught in The Manifesto of Communist Party, “What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.” The struggles we face, in the workplace and in the family computer room, result from the internal contradictions of the capitalist world system. The rich need us, in order to exploit us for our labour. With nobody to extract profit from, capitalism could not exist. But we do not need the rich. There is no reason we cannot break the mithril chains of exploitation, come together as workers, and share in common the sweet loot of our labour.
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
John T Mainer 28840: The Soft Quality of Mercy -  Clan War 3357-B Division 2 Day 3
The Soft Quality of Mercy
Clan War 3357-B Division 2 Day 3
Humanity was a flexible term in Mecha Galaxy. Generally if you were at least semi-sentient, as in understood that shooting for fun and profit was the rightful application of the gods given gift of the ability to plug your brain directly into a niode matrix artificial sentient, then you were close enough. Paulzilla was a case in point. His cockpits were specially modified, the way you had to when you had to accommodate three quarter ton of lightning shooting dinosaur, but he won fame with both Star League (serious anti discrimination laws in the Star League) and the Bunnies (whose proclivity for humping anything that looked like it could breathe resulted in a few interesting genetic mixes of their own).
That being said, Paulzilla was not human in his needs. He saw the fear, the sad resignation to field expedients that were forced upon his clan when the Dragons won control of the only working plant in the whole battle zone. Dragons horde, that is what they do. Paul was only half dragon, how this came to pass is something his mother smiled a lot about but failed to explain, so didn't have the same hording tendencies. He also didn't need TP. There are advantages to being able to vaporize your leavings with bio-electric lightning, which offset the problems of application of twin ply paper by a being with six inch ferrite-crystal matrix claws capable of cutting armour with a casual swipe. He may not share the need, but that didn't mean he was blind to it.
Melissa had been interrogating pirates again. She did so more for her amusement than any real plan to use the intelligence provided, but it all went into the central database. Paulzilla had the patience of his reptilian ancestors, and the curiosity of his human ones. He searched for any mention of TP, and he found it. There had been several shipments diverted from the stores ordered for the local garrisons. There had been "losses to piracy" for shipments destined for the clearing houses the Mercenary Clans resupplied from. There had been movements of merchant ships, not affiliated with the warrior clans to this war world before the Clan war even started. No one used expensive star ships to move bulk cargo when the gates were almost free, and bore neither fuel nor maintenance costs. Nobody legal.
The flights for the merchant ships landed at a hundred different ports, some of whom had not enough traffic to warrant even a drop ship, let alone a fleet of them. Not enough cargo was offloaded at any of the destinations to justify the ship they came in on. Where was the cargo actually going? The flight profiles said the mass was only a few tonnes off. What weighed only a few tons and was worth smuggling?
All the ships passed over a single ridge, a played out niobium mine in the Asswipe hills. Bingo. There was sign of take off and landing of a hundred plus ships burned into the mountain peaks. Skidmarks, you can always tell by the skidmarks. The cache had been located.
Feeding the tactical data to his Clan Leader, Paul appended his suspicion. The missing supply of TP had been cached in the Asswipe hills. Was this worth diverting from the war for the mecha caches for?
Coming out of the field jakes with half a stack of reports from the Prince of Flowers Ministry of Barbarians (sure they put Mercenary Liaison commission on the stationary, but everyone knew how they referred to themselves) John swore softly. The long and flowery ministry reports had finally found a purpose. Laughing at him, Hendrik Smith took a handful of the reports and brushed passed his CO to head to the can himself.
"Forget to take the staples out before wiping boss?" Hendrik grinned.
John grunted and made and obscene gesture as he hobbled down the hallway towards his office. He had missed a staple, and damned if that didn't make the paperwork at the end of the job more dangerous. At least the ministry kept putting out reports so the Bunnies had something to wipe their taisl with during the Gorax plague shortage of toilet paper. How the hell is a robot plague causing TP shortages?
Coming into his office, his clan's AI the Mighty Beatrice sounded the soft chime for attention she had learned to use, since he started shooting the speakers when she sounded louder alarms.
John swore. It was better than the mecha cache, better than the Penner the Division 1 monsters were fighting for. Paulzilla had found a cache of toilet paper a few thousand tonnes worth!
It was just bad luck. Myth and Legends Team Banzai had set up a defensive base on Gluteus Maximus the taller of the two peaks of the Asswipe Mountains. From there they could keep the major approaches under observation and direct or indirect fire to interdict any approach. They had been planning to let the Spirit of Bunny commit to a charge on the mecha prize caches of the Silver cache site, and then hit them when they were committed, trusting that greed would keep the Bunnies pinned when the fire of Team Banzai couldn't, allowing them to hit and run, with the Bunnies unwilling to pursue and expose the prize cache.
Any other war, they would have been right. They had no idea they were blocking access to the last toilet paper in Mecha Galaxy.
The Bunnies came in, on the bounce, without any form of strategy beyond scream and leap. It was not pretty, but it was effective.
Don Lindley, Paulzilla, John and Christine Mainer all punched right up the middle and took the Team Banzai depot. Banzai fell back by the numbers and regrouped. Seeing the initial assault force oddly keep going down the back slop between Gluteus Maximus and Minimus into the crack, Team Banzai screamed "Banzai" and went to retake their base.
Alexander Nault led the charge in his Ignis, roaring defiance and raw plasma he engaged Mariea Lindley, a row of Ignis and Regis against Notas, Humbaba, Anubis and Boreas. Plasma roared from both sides and mecha ignited as they closed. Alexander's Regis scorred a brilliant critical as its Blue Dragon took out the ever dangerous Boreas of Mariea's wingman. Her central Humbaba replied with a matching critical kill, its flame wreathed launchers opening to blast out their own flames as hundreds of Sniper Rack missiles lived up to their name and sniped the Regis in return. Big Red, Mariea's Notas poured Flagere fire to burn through the Ignus as it closed to point blank range seeking to Wide Fork its own Jurrassic Blast. Mariea's Anubis showed how Wide Fork worked when it unleashed a load of Tandem Bombs to Ho Ho blow away the whole charging line in wide forking fury.
Team Banzai struck again and again, but the Bunnies held, taking casualties when Werewolf raged among them, and more when Daren Jackson struck, but even their best were not enough to move the Bunnies off Gluteus Maximus. When Bunnies want a piece of ass, they want it badly.
There is a strange protocol among mercenary soldiers. We are all clan, and at the end of the day, none of this is personal. Sure we will shoot you when your mecha is working, but once it falls, our recovery crew or yours will pull you out equally fast. You will get patched up at whatever aid station is closest, and we will feed you before we put you on a transport back to where your mecha has been put back together. It goes a bit further with the standing alliances, when two Dragon clans or AFF clash they will often rearmour and rearm the defeated machines and just have their head office deal with the paperwork later. One of those alliances was the Bouncing Blue Brotherhood. Myth and Legends and the Bunnies were founding members.
Alexander Nault found his mecha waiting for him after he got patched up, except for one. His front rank Spectre was missing. He was told it was being rearmed in the shielded bay and he should go check it out. Moving suspiciously, Alexander went to see the J-27 ammo truck had been parked in a shielded bay, a faraday cage powered up to block against any powered sensor. Inside, far from being armed, the missiles remaining in his shot lockers were being stripped out. What the hell!
He went to charge over and demand to know what was going on when he heard a whistle and looked up. Knockers McGuinty, cheif technician of the Spirit of Bunny was leaning down from the gantry at the ruff of the 110 Specter, and when Knockers leaned forward, it tended to stop conversaation and coherent thought. She had more frontal armament than a 400 level Penner.
"Hey sweety, come see what's in your bins. I think you'll be surprised!"
Alexander climbed up the stairs, curiosity replacing outrage. Finally he reached the top and beheld the wonder of wonders.
The 110 missile mechs ammo pods were stuffed full of several tons of soft premium two ply Craftsman Super Cushy Toilet Paper. Tears in his eyes, he reached out and squeezed a roll gently. It was real, it was soft, and there were tons of it.
He turned to Knockers McGuinty and gave a bow of gratitude. It can be a hard life being a mercenary in Mecha Galaxy, but it even mercenaries are not without humanity. There is sometimes in the heart of war, the soft quality of mercy. Two ply are all it takes to remind us that at the battles end, we stand together against the Gorax plague.
With trembling voice, Alexander renewed the promise of the Mercenary clans.
"When our battle is over, when the raid comes. We will have your back"
Knockers smiled and bowed in return, matching pledge for pledge
"And we will have yours. Luck in battle, warrior"
War continues, but so does humanity. The soft quality of mercy can still be found even in this Mecha Gallaxy.
John T Mainer 28840
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clashclanswiki · 5 years
New Post has been published on Clash of Clans Wiki, Guides, Strategies, Tips, Tricks and Tutorials
New Post has been published on http://www.clashclanswiki.com/best-coc-attacker-itzu-interview-builder-base-youtuber-tournament-winner-clash-of-clans/
BEST COC ATTACKER - iTzu Interview - Builder Base YouTuber Tournament Winner | Clash of Clans
The Winner of the Clash of Clans YouTuber Builder Base Tournament, iTzu is our special guest! Best CoC New Update tips, attack strategy, base building, upgrade advice and more from one of the best Clash of Clans attackers and number 1 in the world for the Builder Base. iTzu is a member of Dark Looters and took victory in the Builder Base Tournament taking home 100,000 free gems for his community. He is an incredible attacker and his YouTube channel is linked below. Gameplay over the interview features his amazing attacks from the Builder Base Tournament featuring the new Battle Machine hero, Baby Dragons, Beta Minions and Cannon Carts. Watch as he faces off against other YouTubers including an epic showdown against Chief Pat! Today’s interview covers a wide selection of Builder Base advice including beginner tips for starting out including attack strategy for Builder Hall Level 3, 4 and 5. This includes an in depth description and walk through of the meta game at its highlest level currently including attack strategies such as Beta Minions and Baby Dragons or even Mass Raged Barbarians. You will be sure to learn a lot from today as iTzu is also an expert in base designing and creating the best layout for the Builder Base. Be sure to share your feedback from the new update with me below including any tips or advice you would include. I hope you enjoyed this interview with a true professional of Clash of Clans. Clash On!
Check out iTzu’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyOXgawf4VgNVOg6eZ8xTuw
1Clash of Clans YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/JuDoSloTh89-Clash
SUBSCRIBE For More Clash of Clans Gameplay, Attack Strategy, 3 Star Attacks! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85aYbNSFjsJdxfpxgQr8tA?sub_confirmation=1
TWITTER – https://twitter.com/JuDoSloTh_Clash FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/ClashJudoSloth
Check out my latest Clash of Clans 3 Star War Attacks. Playlists sharing the best attack strategy at TH8, TH9, TH10 and TH11:
3 Star TH11 Attack Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetRAmF0nLxtD47iBh4W68i8Eze7YaUR2
3 Star TH10 Attack Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetRAmF0nLxtA5e6qdgpyt0qCAtGr4a-A
3 Star TH9 Attack Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetRAmF0nLxscwgTuH6l3BrglQ5Lz4wEb
3 Star TH8 Attack Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetRAmF0nLxsb84VCy5amAeCcLXHo31b_
CoC Attack Strategy Guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLetRAmF0nLxuOQ85xGwspTQrxxXDTPYMT
This content is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell and Supercell is not responsible for it. For more information see Supercell’s Fan Content Policy: www.supercell.com/fan-content-policy.
Outro Music: Music By: Lino Rise Title: “Alpha Omega” Source: www.free-intro-music.com source
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thomasroach · 6 years
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs
The post Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs appeared first on Fextralife.
The following post is this author’s opinion and does not reflect the thoughts and feelings of Fextralife as a whole nor the individual content creators associated with the site. Any link that goes outside of Fextralife are owned by their respective authors.
Raid bosses are easily in my opinion the most important aspect of MMORPGs. Games that fall into a different genre may be more dynamic, but only here will tens and sometimes hundreds of players need to come together and work together to defeat an epic boss in a raid. Just simple getting together as many players as possible is not enough to determine your success. Players usually need to use trial and error with a number of different strategies before they can actually take down the boss. All this is done in order to test the weaknesses, come up with an effective approach and correctly coordinate players in the raid.
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs
Over time, the concept of an “epic boss” has become rather blurred. Colossal monsters, the destruction of which requires a long preparation time, and then became just another episode from grandma’s fairy tales. Some raid bosses have already gained the “cult” status, and veterans of MMORPGs could tell you a dozen stories about those legendary fights. I’ve tried to select the most powerful bosses who once upon a time, caused a burning sensation and will certainly awaken stirrings of nostalgic feelings from experienced raiders!
10. Illidan Stormrage (World of Warcraft)
A well-known exhibit is Illidan Stormrage, a night-elf born Demon Hunter and the founder of the Illidari. He was the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, ruling from the Black Temple until his defeat.
Illidan Stormrage (World of Warcraft)
He was the final boss of the Burning Crusade update. Perhaps, it was the best expansion in World of Warcraft history (at least that’s what the players say). An important aspect of such success was the storyline surrounding the Black Temple raid, and the quests which at the end led the player into the instance to fight the Betrayer.
Only a few players could fight Illidan due to the instance difficulty, until the game received an update later on. The fact the difficulty was so high, was one of the reasons why Blizzard made various changes, after which other players had the opportunity to see this epic game content.
9. Valakas, The Fire Dragon (Lineage 2)
Valakas is the second dragon to make an appearance in Lineage 2 C4: Scions of Destiny global update, and it’s the strongest raid boss to make this update. He inhabits a volcanic terrain located in Goddard, known as the “Forge of the Gods”. Valakas is allegedly the strongest child of Shilen (goddess of destruction in L2 lore). His gigantic stature and massive four wings exemplify his majesty and strength.
Valakas, The Fire Dragon (Lineage 2)
One of the main difficulties of killing this raid boss (which is common for Lineage 2) was to win a massive battle between players to even begin to attack the dragon. All the strong clans and alliances wanted to get the raid boss epic jewelry so battles could last for several hours. Only after that, the winning side would kill the dragon in about an hour, if their mages had enough power damage and mana pool. Many veterans of the game will remember this beast.
Unfortunately, the dragon is still not a part of the classic version of Lineage 2, but it will probably be added in a future update.
8. Baium (Lineage 2 Classic)
Baium’s power is considered inferior to the dragons, but among players there it’s hard to find anyone who does not remember his bright ultimatum strike when he reached a certain level of health. His wrath could easily destroy all raid players in one go.
Baium (Lineage 2 Classic)
The backstory of Baium is that the once great emperor was so powerful that he decided to challenge the gods. He used his kingdom’s forces to construct a tower rising high into the clouds. The magnificent tower of Baium’s designed took thirty years of construction. He intended to use the building in order to climb to the residence of the gods, and obtain the secret of everlasting life. When he did indeed climb the tower, the gods got angry about his plans and severely punished him. Having brought the fury of the gods upon himself, Baium was trapped for all eternity at the top of his tower in immortal silence.
Since then, this became known as the Tower of Insolence, and anyone who broke it’s silence would  wake Baium and lose their life. The heroes of Elmoreden who reached the top floor came to measure their strengths with the demigod in an epic battle and Baium is doomed to an eternal life of this continuous war.
Today Baium’s raid is available on the Lineage 2 Classic servers, there are instance and “real” boss versions. The instance zone is a lighter raid version, but to kill a hardcore boss, players need to have the best equipment in the game and come together in an army comprising of 100-200 players.
7. Brothers: Dagon, Dagan and Dagnu (Rising Force Online)
Dagon, Dagan and Dagnu or known as the DDD brothers, are the strongest raid bosses in the game. The next brother that follows, is always stronger than the previous one. They are 3 separate bosses who are located close to the Elan Plateau. Taking into account their direct connection, it wouldn’t be right to review them separately.  
Brothers: Dagon and Dagan (Rising Force Online)
According to lore, these terrible beasts were created by the ancient civilization of Herodian as a result of experiments on the High elven race (PvE faction). There are currently three warring races in RF Online: Bellato Federation, Empire Accretia and Holy Alliance Cora. They quite often discarded their blade of war and make temporary alliances against these abominations. Dagon and Dagan almost always could be defeated by one of the races over time, but it is incredibly difficult to fight against Dagnu alone.
Dagnu (Rising Force Online)
The reward from these bosses make the ordeal all worthwhile. The unique jewelry that the brothers drop is combine into one powerful epic object which not only grants great stats to its owner but also cannot be transmitted. Just imagine the authority of the player who gets ownership of it! Today, you can take part in a DDD raid on the recently open European server Zucker.
6. Bael’Zharon (Asheron’s Call)
In November of 2000, Turbine (the founder of Asheron’s Call) presented an unprecedented mass, in-game activity. Players were asked to go down into the new Catacombs of Ithaenc to choose their role in the game world: become a follower of the creepy demon Bael’Zharon and try to free him, or prevent his escaping by any means.
Bael’Zharon (Asheron’s Call)
On some servers, players guarded the demon for several months, not letting anyone pass. On Thristledown server, players were extremely severe and guarded the demon soul during one whole year. The developers installed a monument to Shard Vigil Memerial, as a symbol of perseverance and courage of the catacomb defenders. But finally one day the crystal prison was destroyed, and Bael’Zharon broke free. Managed by developers, he immediately began to wreak havoc in the peaceful lands of Asheron’s Call.
Bael’Zharon wasn’t an ordinary boss and had tremendous power, but he was not immortal. The destruction and massacres caused by the demon’s doing did not stay unpunished. On each server, players joined forces and attacked the monster. Not all raids resulted in success because there was no specific pre-set strategy to fight the monster. However, sooner or later, the boss was defeated. The body of a man named Ilservian Palacost, once a nobleman turned into an demon creature, remained in the place of the defeated Bael’. Inside the corpse were 6 crystals that held the demon and became the material for creating a powerful artifact.
Bael’Zharon doesn’t seem so scary now, but for Asheron’s Call veterans, his appearance inspired confidence in their own death.
5. The Lich King (World of Warcraft)
The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge, he rules telepathically from the Frozen Throne atop the Icecrown Glacier. The fallen prince Arthas succumbed to the dark powers and blended with the former Lich King to take the role and title. He is one of the main villains of the World of Warcraft. Many fans would have been upset if this boss raid could be defeated without much trouble. The Lich King due to his infamy was really strong.
The Lich King (World of Warcraft)
The fight in Normal Mode was fairly brutal for the majority of WoW players, but in Heroic Mode, he’s was downright unforgiving. The fight had 3 stages, each stage it took weeks of farming to succeed before the next one could be attempted properly. The boss stayed invincible until it received the first nerf, which increased the damage and healing from players in the Icecrown Citadel. People believed that it was impossible to kill the boss without it. One guild decided to disprove this statement by deliberately turning off that buff, and defeated the King. However, by this time many of these players already possessed equipment obtained from the last raids.
4. Kerafyrm, The Sleeper (EverQuest)
Kerafyrm used to be the main boss in the The Sleeper’s Tomb dungeon.  According to the game’s plot, he was immortal, and there wasn’t even any loot to gain from him. This ancient and enraged dragon, which the elders had put to sleep, was confined to a cave with four powerful guards. Kerafyrm was awoken for the first time in July 2001, when the players of The Rathe server managed to defeat his guards. The phantom however did not remain in debt but destroyed his rescuers, then climbed to the surface and began to destroy all life in its path. Having found out where the dragon lived, other players joined forces to measure themselves against the legendary creature.
Kerafyrm, The Sleeper (EverQuest)
In November 2003, the three strongest guilds from the server Rallos Zek teamed up to awaken the monster. There was only one known tactic that worked against the dragon: crowd pounce, continually attack, resurrect after your death and rush into battle once again. The fight lasted more than three hours and the dragon had only lost 74% of his health points. It was at this moment he suddenly disappeared!
It turned out that Sony Online Entertainment did not want the dragon’s death to come to fruition, because it went against the prehistory of EverQuest. The community reacted vehemently. The developers tried to justify themselves and said that the death of Kerafyrm would cause an onslaught of bugs in the game, but in the end they surrendered to the cries of the community and on November 17th, the legend was defeated. The dragon would kill players with one swift blow, but they were able to resurrect rather quickly. According to rumors, many players have died more than a hundred times for three hours as that epic battle raged.
Kerafyrm was awoken on all servers except one and players only succeeded in killing him a total of three times. The mighty boss lived in The Sleeper’s Tomb dungeon, but nowadays on many servers it is already empty. After the release of the Secrets of Faydwer update, Awakened Kerafyrm can be found in the Crystallos zone, Lair of the Awakened.
3. Ragnaros, The Firelord (World of Warcraft)
Ragnaros the Firelord is an incredibly powerful Elemental Lord and the master of all fire elementals. He became the strongest raid boss in the game shortly after WoW released. It was the last main challenge in the Molten Core and the first raid dungeon, so no one really knew how to approach him properly to begin with. The fight with Ragnaros was much longer and more challenging than any other battle in the Firelands. Players had to kill 9 of his loyal lieutenants first, in order to summon the Elemental Lord. Perhaps, this is the reason why it took so long before he was defeated for the first time.  
Ragnaros, The Firelord (World of Warcraft)
The flaming lord himself is invulnerable to fire attacks and every two minutes summons elemental sons that draw mana from players. It was tricky to kill Ragnaros because he utilises several special attacks: throws melee players in the different directions, casts fireballs and creates lava flows. He was a real piece of work in Heroic mode (a harder difficulty). His hammer, Sulfuras, repeatedly slapped players into air, and raiders had to adapt to the random minions that respawned and could easily at any point break the raid try.
The boss lost his power after the release of the ‘Wrath of the Lich King’ add-on’, and now he can even be killed by one player.
2. Pandemonium Warden (Final Fantasy XI)
This particular boss had the unique ability to make players physically ill and no that was not an in-game debuff, but had a real affect to people’s health. The first try to slay Pandemonium Warden took place in 2007, where one of the best guilds which consisted 36 players fought valiantly with the boss for a gruelling 18 hours, but could not claim victory. The players were forced to interrupt the raid due to the fact that some players began to faint from exhaustion.
Pandemonium Warden (Final Fantasy XI)
It was the main reason for which the developers nerfed the boss by adding a 2-hour timer to ensure that the players wouldn’t be overloaded with long fights. The overall complexity has been significantly reduced since it’s initial introduction to the game. This case will probably remain as one of the most hardcore raids in MMO history.
1. Antharas, The Land Dragon (Lineage 2 Classic)
Antharas was the first ever Epic Raid Boss to be introduced in the first chronicle of Lineage 2. He is the father of the famous game gimmick and considered a stereotype of a gargantuan monster needed to be killed by an enormous number of players. Absolutely every player who played Lineage 2 knows his name as his reputation proceeds him, even many who have not faced Antharas know of him.
Antharas, The Land Dragon (Lineage 2 Classic)
The humongous size of Antharas far surpasses that of all other evil beasts. Even a very powerful sword would not easily inflict damage upon the body of the dragon, as it is so densely covered with rock-hard scales. Beams of light emitted from the monster’s eyes, causing those who gazed upon it to freeze in horror. Antharas is fittingly regarded by all adventurers as the ultimate symbol of pure terror. The dragon deals massive amounts of damage, summons minions and has several fighting strategies depending on it’s level of health.
It was necessary to gather all the alliance members (more than 200 – 300) to kill this raid boss, or even those who were at war relations. Even by doing this, the dragon until this day was not successfully slayed on all servers. Therefore, game masters often organized various events with this epic boss. They summoned the dragon into places with large numbers of players. But as a rule, the dragon was weakened or after some time was killed at the game master’s command just for the public fun.
Today, the dragon is still is found in the lair depths in Lineage II Classic and is stronger than ever as no one yet has managed to defeat him on the European server called Skelth.
It is impossible to fit all epic raid bosses of all MMORPGs into one review. So, if you have not found your favorite epic boss raid here, then tell us your story about that adventure in the comments!
If you enjoyed this opinion piece be sure to check out 5 Innovations Dragon Age Should Keep After Inquisition. You can also find out more about more MMORPG content in Elder Scrolls Online: The Champion System & The Future Of ESO In 2019 and World Of Warcraft Character Boost VS Leveling.
The post Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs appeared first on Fextralife.
Top 10 Epic Raid Bosses in MMORPGs published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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rastrategygames · 6 years
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judo-en · 7 years
Clash of Clans | Best TH10 vs TH11 Strategy – Dragon Attack
#judo [freetoplaymmorpgs.com]What’s up guys Judo Sloth here and today we are revisiting TH10 attacking TH11 using the mass dragon attack strategy. Now I did recently bring a guide for this but i wanted to highlight the strategy again using my two most recent war attacks because in ...
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paige2ms1 · 7 years
New tumblr post: "New tumblr post: "New tumblr post: "Clash of Clans ! coc ! Best clan war attack strategies! Mass Dragons, Ho... …
New tumblr post: "New tumblr post: "New tumblr post: "Clash of Clans ! coc ! Best clan war attack strategies! Mass Dragons, Ho... …
— Paige Potter (@paige2ms1) April 7, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/paige2ms1
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webbygraphic001 · 8 years
How to Sell Games on the Web
The first step to getting famous as a video game studio is to make a great game. The second step is to sell the darned thing to a whole lot of people. That is, of course, easier said than done. It’s not enough to throw the game on Steam Greenlight and hope for the best. You have to get people excited. You need hype.
There’s a lot that goes into marketing a game, but this is WDD, so we’re going to focus on one thing: video game websites. Specifically, we’re going to focus on sites that market games to new players. We’ll go over the current game site design trends, general tips for making your own, and some UX concerns that may arise.
I won’t be addressing community sites or forums, video game blogs, gamer social networks or ranking sites, clan websites, or any of the other kinds of game-related sites, because I just don’t have the space. All of those probably deserve their own articles.
The trends
Once upon a time, most video game sites, and indeed most sites, looked a little bit like this:
That’s the site for Planeshift, an ongoing open source MMO project. Okay, I feel a little bad about picking on an OSS project, but theirs was the only site I could think of that still looks like that. And still uses tables for layout.
Their site reflects the product, really: it’s old school. You have to type to talk to NPCs.
Throughout the early 00s, a lot of game sites stayed like this, while others experimented with various trends, most of which incorporated elements of the game’s own UI or branding as part of the website’s UI. There were also, of course, plenty of Flash-based sites meant to reflect the dynamic experience of playing video games as much as possible. (Many of these experiments served their purpose, and have rightly died off. Thus, I have no screen shots.)
In the past few years, sites for marketing video games have started to fall into one really predictable pattern, with most of them adopting the full-screen-section-based-landing-page style.
We need a shorter name for that.
This style is used consistently across companies large and small, it’s used for games from different countries, and it’s used for basically every game genre. It is characterized by the full-screen focus, lots of huge images, some video, and occasionally parallax effects.
Here’s a small sampling of what I mean:
And here are a couple of examples with parallax:
Even with this same-feeling style of design, you can differentiate your site by working elements of the game’s UI and branding into your site’s UI. Have a look at Dungeons & Dragons Online’s website:
Now is this trend a good or bad thing? As usual, I am of the opinion that if it works, if it’s selling your product well, then it’s working as intended. As a customer (read: as a huge nerd), I don’t need the site to be super original, I need it to tell me what I want to know about the game.
Not everyone does things the same way, though. Some sites throw you straight into the community. Here, Guild Wars 2 is banking on its brand recognition. If you don’t know what it is, you’re probably not that interested. This is a bold strategy, but I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone.
Some other game sites have kept to the old “Gaming Clan” look. Remember when every Photoshop-owning gamer used to make their own “clan website template”? Please tell me I’m not the only one who noticed this trend. Heck, some people are still doing it.
How to sell your game: show off the experience
Okay, so you’ve settled on a landing-page-style template for your site, and you want to sell your game. How do we do that? Well, games are all about the experience. You have to sell the experience that your game provides to the people who will like it best. This is the one big thing. If you take nothing else away from the article, this is what you need to know.
People who play video games tend to play them quite a bit. Over time, they develop a taste for the kinds of experiences that they enjoy the most. (Warning: Sweeping generalizations to follow…) People who play racing games love the illusion of speed, and the challenge of out-performing a smart opponent, whether AI or human. People who play multi-player shooters love that competitive challenge, but they might prefer a slower, more tactical pace, or they might want a run-and-gun game.
People who play single player and co-op shooters want some challenge, but they mostly want to mow down hordes of virtual enemies, whether alone or with their friends. People who play strategy games want to out-think their opponents on what might as well a much more complicated chess board.
You have to sell the experience that your game provides to the people who will like it best
People who play RPGs might be looking for an action game with a good story, or a world where they can decide what happens to the fate of civilizations, a dating simulator, or some combination of all three (cough Mass Effect cough). People who play horror games want to be scared and challenged at the same time.
Then there are the settings: urban, rural, sci-fi, wild west, and the list goes on for a really long time. People want to know these things. Heck, before I pick up an MMO, I want to know if I can have more than one hotbar.
The point is that you can’t just say, “Our game is totally fun!”, put in a couple of screenshots, and leave it at that. You need to show them, in detail, exactly what kind of experience they’ll be getting. Gamers have been buying games based on hope for a while now, and many of them have been burned before.
The smart game developers give as much information about the game as they can without giving out, say, story spoilers. The more accurately the marketing materials resemble the final product, the better. Every year there are scandals about how games were completely misrepresented before they came out, and that hurts sales.
You might be trying to surprise your players, but more often than not, developers who hide all the details are just hiding a bad or unfinished game. Buying anything is always a bit of a gamble, but right now, finding a truly good game that actually meets the marketing department’s claims feels a bit like winning the lottery. This should not be so.
What to showcase
Start with the gameplay. This is the experience. This is also one of the few times when I’ll say that video is almost necessary on a website. Still images don’t convey enough information about how it feels to play a game.
Heck, even video tends to fall very short, but until we can play demos right on your site, it’s the best we’ve got. Don’t tell them how great the game is. Let them feel it for themselves, as much as possible.
The 2016 release of Doom did this very well. Go to the website for Doom (Fair warning: it’s Doom. There’s virtual gore.), and you’ll see that most of the pages are light on text, heavy on background video. If a picture is worth a thousand words, short videos at 30-60 FPS are like one heck of a novel.
Next, you’ll want to include a clear and immediately available price, or price table. Be very clear about what your buyers get for what price. Some companies try to deliberately make this confusing, and it backfires, all the time.
Get people talking about your game. Be sure to include links to any forums, Facebook pages, or Twitter accounts where people can talk with you about your game, whether it’s out yet or not. People talking to their friends is where a lot of hype comes from
If your game is lore and story-heavy, it can help to include a beginner’s introduction to the story and setting. Just don’t fall into the trap of trying to make the lore into your marketing material. Jumping feet first into a whole new world is a big deal, and if you start throwing too many fantasy names at players who haven’t even bought the game yet, that could backfire. Put some basic lore on the site, but not on the home page.
UX concerns
Selling a game is a bit rough, because in order to properly showcase a game’s experience, you need a fair bit of visual material to get the point across. On the other hand, people with bad Internet play video games too. Just make sure to optimize your video and images as much as possible. Use responsive images, and have the video available in multiple qualities.
And though you might be tempted to animate your UI a lot, like in the days of Flash, I’d keep that to a bare minimum. The sheer amount of visual media will already be hard on some people’s connections. Extraneous UI animation just adds to that burden.
The sites that sell me on a game are the sites that tell me what I need to know, not what they think I want to hear. This is true of all websites in general, but remember that gamers are often far picker than average consumers.
And right now, some simple clarity and honesty is all you need to set yourself apart from, and morally above some AAA game developers. This is not a great state of affairs, but you could make it work for you, by being better than them.
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Source from Webdesigner Depot http://ift.tt/2nXlnpG from Blogger http://ift.tt/2ns9XsY
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