#marywood night
marywoodartdept · 1 year
Sally's Path
Alyssa, our Art History blogger, recently happened upon the Sally's Path installation in Bakery Square, located in Shadyside, Pittsburgh, PA. Check out her impressions and photos of this unique pedestrian and bike riding space. #MarywoodArt
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upamongthestarss · 4 years
Perfect Timing//Bill Denbrough x fem reader
Please be kind! This is only my second time publishing on tumblr, so I’m not really sure what I’m doing, but here we are!
Warnings: smut, brief mention of fem oral receiving, swearing, mild angst, underage drinking
Spring break came way too slowly, especially for Y/n. Freshman year of college is said to be one of the best years of your life, but it’s definitely the worst. Her high school was entirely too easy for her, probably because her teachers were just idiots. Then college hit, and the workload was unbearable. Not to mention, she grew homesick for her parents and her best friends and even a tiny bit for Bill. 
Oh, how she hated Bill back home. 
Well, okay, she didn’t hate him, it was more of just a mutual tension that sometimes led to the Losers separating them at all costs. 
They went on a few dates freshman year, and even kissed once, but it all ended when popular Autumn asked Bill to “help her with English” at lunch one day. He completely forgot to tell Y/n, but didn’t think much of the whole affair anyway. When Y/n walked out of the lunch line, she smiled at her newly official boyfriend. He was hunched over a piece of paper, diligently writing with ginger hair falling into his eyes. When Autumn saw her coming over, she tapped Bill on the shoulder, and kissed him full on the mouth when he turned to her.
Y/n’s hands went slack, causing her tray to clatter to the ground. Tomato soup splattered all over her new white Keds. She obviously looked down to see the damage, and missed Bill pushing Autumn off of him. He went over to check on her and help her clean up, but she stormed off to the bathrooms. 
From then on out, there’s been so much tension between them. Even though Bill explained what happened countless times, she’s absolutely refused to listen. She’s had trust issues after her biological father cheated on her mother when she was little, and this, well, this basically made them inflate like the economy. She wasn’t on speaking terms with him until the end of the school year, and even then their friendship was rocky.
But there was also a sexual tension. Bill and Y/n still had blatantly obvious feelings for each other, whether they wanted to admit or not. In fact, they even went to senior prom together, but it ended in disaster. There was a dramatic exit from Y/n when he mentioned how he was on good terms with Autumn now, and she was really sorry for what happened. 
“Why the hell would you bring that up now?” Y/n rose from her seat.
“B-b-because she t-told me she w-wanted us to-”
“Can’t we just completely forget what happened back then? It was so long ago.”
Bill flushed. “Well, it r-r-really seems l-like you’ve n-n-never forgotten ab-about it these past th-three years.”
She threw her napkin on the table and left after saying, “You’re a dick.”
That night she vented to Eddie and ultimately admitted to having feelings for him, but he knew that all along anyway.
That night was the last time they talked until it was time for Bill to leave for NYU.
“Good luck,” she told him, bouncing on the balls of her feet nervously. 
“Th-thank you, Y/n, y-you too!” he was so excited that day that he even pulled her into a hug, much to her surprise (and delight). 
And now, here she is, on the plane to Palm Springs. It’s a long flight from Marywood, so Y/n uses her time to finish her homework. She’s majorly jetlagged by the time she lands at Palm Springs International. Luckily, the cab ride isn’t ridiculously long. When she gets to Richie’s beach house, he’s on the porch with his feet up and a daiquiri in hand.
“Y/N!!!!” he shouts, putting his drink to the side and running down the stairs.
“RICHIE!!!!” she yells back, dropping her bags to run and hug him. 
“Oh, it’s been so long!”
“I know!! And holy shit, your house is gorgeous!”
“I’m telling you, Y/n, I lucked out so much by scoring that audition. Can you believe it? Rich Records Tozier, the nation’s youngest beloved DJ.”
“Hardly,” she chuckles. “So how is the life of fame treating you?”
“Oh, brilliant. Come on in, I’ll give you a tour,” he scoops up her bag and leads her to the door. It’s an incredible house, with a beautiful kitchen and even a movie theater. 
“And here’s your room,” he gestures to the first door upstairs. 
“May I?” she asks, hand on the doorknob. 
“Be my guest.”
She swings it open to a redheaded girl on one of the two beds. She looks up from her magazine, smirking. “Hey, roomie!”
“Bev!” Y/n shrieks as her best friend runs to her and practically knocks her over. 
“When did you get here?!” 
“About an hour ago. Stan’s here too, but he’s taking a nap.”
“Well, we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?” Y/n grins mischievously. 
“Everyone else is supposed to get here tomorrow morning, except for Mike. He’s coming tonight.”
“Oh, thank God. No Bill for a half day more.”
“Oh, Y/n, don’t be so close-minded,” Bev giggles and they sit down on the same bed, bursting with so much to catch up on. Richie doesn’t know if he should sit down with them or just go back to his daiquiri, but the doorbell rings.
“Saved by the bell,” he says, getting the side eye in response. 
The girls talk for hours until they decide to say hello to Mike. Y/n stops at the bathroom first, and it takes her a while to find the kitchen after that. She has to follow the voices and Richie’s booming laugh.
“Sorry, I got lost,” she says, turning in the kitchen. “Hi, Mi-”
The third person talking to Richie and Beverly is not Mike.
It’s Bill. And she looks like a total bum in her old sundress and messy ponytail. She isn’t wearing a drop of makeup, either.
“Bill. Good to see you,” she holds out her hand professionally. He shakes it.
Is it good to see him? Looking at his cerulean eyes certainly sends butterflies through her stomach and through… other parts of her body.
“Y-you too.”
That immaculate stutter. She sits down at a barstool and crosses her legs together tightly. Richie and Beverly are quick to notice it, but restrain from commenting.
“I thought you were coming in tomorrow morning?” 
She doesn’t sound rude or accusatory, just curious.
“M-my flight got c-c-cancelled.”
“Okay, gotcha.” 
She drums her fingertips on the counter restlessly, not really knowing what else to say.
Luckily, Richie has a plan in case things get awkward between these two- and he’s already having to use it.
“Anyone want a drink?”
“Nursing school is so insane. In anatomy, our teacher dissected a literal human body, and we had to examine it.”
“Eddie, please. We’re eating,” Y/n coughs. 
“It was disgusting, but it was also fascinating,” he defends himself.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Ben shrugs. 
“Y/n, tell us more about Marywood,” Eddie says, but she’s way too busy watching Bill talk to Richie’s cute next door neighbor while holding her little sister.
“You’re so good with her!” she simpers, tossing her shiny brown hair.
“Y/n? Earth to Y/n?”
“How’s Marywood?” 
“Oh, it’s… fine.”
“Just fine? Did you pick a major yet?”
She shakes her head.
“What about that guy? Are you still with him?”
“David? No, we were together for a while, but I guess the spark just kinda died. I mean, he initiated the breakup, but it was all mutual.”
Eddie squirts a dollop of sunscreen the size of a clementine in his hand. “That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be,” Y/n shrugs, averting her gaze back to Bill. She’s very glad that she's wearing sunglasses, to hide her stares.
The cute girl was right, he is good with that little girl. Her heart would be melted, but Bill keeps flirting with the older sister. It’s disgusting.
And then, that girl has the audacity to drop the rattle she shook in the baby’s face. Y/n is close enough to hear the conversation, or at least read lips.
“Oh, l-l-l-let m-me get that.”
“Don’t worry, I got it,” she smiles, bending over so stealthily so that her breasts are all but out of that bikini.
“Ugh,” Y/n rolls her eyes.
“What’s up?” Ben asks.
“Nothing. I’m just going to go to the bathroom,” she stands up and walks almost catatonically to the door.
Instead of going to the bathroom, she finds a glass and slams it on the table. 
“D-damn, Y/n. That’s n-n-not a napkin, you kn-know.”
She jumps at Bill’s voice. He obviously followed her in, and she’s not too thrilled about it.
“Funny,” she replies, searching the cabinets. “Do you want anything?”
“I-I was ac-actually getting d-drinks.”
“Oh, for you and your new girlfriend? Hey, let me know when the wedding is. That is, if I even get on the guest list.”
“What’s your p-p-problem?”
“I don’t have a problem.”
Y/n finds a bottle of straight vodka and pours it right in the glass.
“Hey, its eh-eh-eleven AM,” Bill warns her, reaching for the glass. Unfortunately, their hands grab for it at the same time and it goes crashing to the ground. 
“Great, thanks,” she says.
“I didn’t w-want you to be w-w-wasted all d-day.”
“Listen, Bill,” she takes a deep breath. “I really appreciate your concern. I do. But it’s my life, and if I want to get wasted this early, then no one should stop me.” 
He doesn’t answer. They both grab rags and start to clean up around their feet.
“Th-this kind of r-r-reminds me of a certain sit-situation involving t-tomato soup,” Bill risks saying.
It was a terrible idea.
“Are you kidding me? I thought we moved on from that!”
“Yeah, so w-w-we can j-joke about it now!”
She’s silent for a minute, a blend of wrath and sadness.
“Just,” Y/n says, “Just go back out with your girlfriend.”
“I-I-I h-hardly know- o-okay, what the hell is y-y-your problem? We’re n-not together an-anymore!!! You sh-sh-shouldn’t c-care about my l-l-love life.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” she stands up, vodka dripping from the rag to her toes. “I don’t care that I shouldn’t care. I do care! I’ve always cared!” 
Bill is speechless, and she honestly doesn’t blame him. Y/n assumes he doesn’t feel the same about her. After all, they haven’t dated since freshman year. Sighing, she puts the rag in the sink and walks back outside.
She’s opening up her book and lying on her stomach to get a tan when Y/n hears an obnoxious “Excuse me?”
She looks up to the girl, who could literally be a bikini model.She looks at Y/n like she’s a piece of dirt, and Y/n just wants to smack her. She could never hurt anyone, though.
“Um, do you know when Bill will be back with the drinks?”
“Not a clue.”
Bill absolutely could not stop thinking of Y/n all day. He never really can, ever, but his thoughts have been out of control all damn day. They range from wild fantasies to regrets from way back when to just simply: She still likes me, she still likes me, she still likes me!!!!
He wants more than anything to talk to her and confess he’s been in love with her since high school, maybe even before that. But some small voice in Bill’s head tells him that even if she does have feelings, she won’t want to act on them. After all, he’s been nothing but an asshole to her.
Then again, so has she.
It’s really ironic that they’re so abrasive towards each other. Y/n is so kind and friendly to everyone she meets; that’s why Bill fell for her. And everyone tells him that he’s nothing but a sweetheart. And he’s always treated his every girlfriend like a princess. 
But it’s Y/n he wants as a girlfriend, and it always has been. 
Y/n comes running down the stairs, using the bansiters to prop herself up and skip the last couple steps. She’s been strangely lighthearted after she made that confession to Bill. It had been a weight on shoulders for the longest time, after all. And now that it’s out of the bag, she feels as if she can finally move on.
Holy shit, she’s so cute, Bill says to himself. She has this youthful energy, but the looks of a gorgeous young woman. Not to mention her outfit- a pastel yellow halter top, short jean shorts, and a sky blue scrunchie- looks magnificent.
“Okay, I’m ready to go!” she grins widely. “Sorry for the holdup!”
“You’re good,” Richie replies. “We were just figuring out transportation, considering I can only take five of us in my car.”
“I don’t mind taking the trunk,” Y/n shrugs. “Anyone else?” 
“I will,” Beverly volunteers. 
“Okay, great, and five of you can squish in the backseat. Mike claimed shotgun earlier.”
Everyone else groans while he flashes a smile and gives them finger guns.
“So charming,” Bev laughs and grabs Y/n’s hand. They run out to the car and squish in the trunk.
“Bev, I have to tell you something,” Y/n whispers.
“I’m still not over Bill.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” she responds sarcastically.
“How did you know that? I only told Eddie!”
“It was just a little obvious,” she laughs. “And the good news is that we all think he feels the same way!”
“I don’t think he does, Bev,” Y/n shakes her head.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, I told him today-”
“You what?”
“Shush!” she scolds as the boys get in the car. Luckily they’re all talking and can’t hear the girls if they whisper. “It just sort of... slipped out. But he didn’t even say anything. He just kind of… froze? It was so awkward.”
“You know he’s a little awkward around girls that he likes.”
“Is he, though?”
“Sure he is!”
“I don’t know, Bev. He stood there for a full thirty seconds without saying anything, and he just let me leave,” Y/n explains. “I think if he really liked me, he would have told me by now.”
Beverly gets quiet. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“Hey, it’s okay! The timing was never right, and that- that happens. And it’s better I know now so I’m not hung up on him for the rest of my life.”
The rest of the drive is mostly just Beverly telling Y/n that there’s someone out there for her, and to keep her eyes open at the restaurant. 
It’s a bright restaurant, very tropical and very flamboyant. A lush plant, obviously made of silicon, is the centerpiece of every table. 
Good, it can hide me from Bill and spare my embarrassment, Y/n thinks as she sits opposite him. Unfortunately, Ben asks the hostess to take it away so he can see everyone. Y/n is mortified. Being directly across from her, he can watch and judge the girl the entire dinner.
She tries her hardest the whole meal not to pay Bill any mind, but it gets difficult when he starts getting tipsy. And drunk Bill can be wild. Singing and dancing on the tables wild. Luckily he isn’t at that point yet.
She doesn’t even know how he was able to buy drinks here; he’s only nineteen. The waitress must have a crush on him or something. Maybe she and Richie’s neighbor could start a Bill fanclub.
Y/n has a feeling the waitress would ask for her ID, though, so she sticks to soda. And three Shirley Temples is never good on anyone’s bladder.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” she announces. “Anyone else?”
Everyone shakes their heads. Everyone except…
“Me! M-m-me!” Bill waves his hand around like a hyper child.
“Great, I’m a babysitter now,” Y/n murmurs.
She starts walking to the bathroom, Bill hot on her heels. Surprisingly enough, when she finishes peeing, he’s actually waiting for her. 
“F-f-finally. G-g-girls take so long in the buh-buh-bathroom.”
She ignores him.
“Y/nnnnn,” he slurs. “I’ve been m-m-meaning to t-t-tell you, your a-a-ass looks fantastic in th-those shorts.”
“Because that’s not a rude thing to say at all,” she replies, feeling her face burn up.
“I’m n-n-not trying to be r-rudeeee,” Bill grabs her waist and pulls her in. Y/n can smell all the alcohol on his breath, and it’s disgusting. He kisses her full on the mouth.
She shoves him off, embarrassed by his behavior. “You’re drunk.”
“If b-b-being drunk makes me w-w-want to m-make out with you, I-I-I never want t-to be so-sober.”
That hits Y/n hard. Bill Denbrough wants her. But only when he’s drunk. 
He doesn’t love her in his right mind. This is all she has, and she can’t even fathom just taking advantage of him when he’s drunk. Using someone would hurt her in such an inexplicable way, and not to mention it would tear whatever small bond she had with Bill into shreds.
She plops back down in her seat, barely touching the rest of her food or speaking for the rest of the night.
When she gets to her shared room with Bev, Y/n takes a shower. She’s always loved showers because they’re a place where you can cry without risk of anyone hearing over the water running.
And that’s exactly what Y/n does. She lets the tears stream down her face, washed away by the showerhead’s water.
Bill knows he got plastered last night, so it’s no surprise when he wakes up with a pounding headache. But he isn’t sure why Y/n is so quiet, especially around him. Usually she has a remark or at least a glare for him, but she seems almost meek today.
He pulls Beverly aside at one point, and asks if he did anything to her last night.
“I don’t know, Bill. You guys went to the bathroom at the same time, and when you came back, Y/n seemed really upset.”
“L-l-like angry, or s-sad?”
“Sad. But she didn’t tell me anything that happened. I’m sorry, Bill.”
“It’s o-o-okay. Th-Thanks, Bev.”
He spends the rest of the day trying to remember something- anything- from last night. Bathrooms. Bathrooms.
There are some vignettes. Y/n across from him, in that pretty top. Watching her ass as she walked to the bathrooms. 
Oh, shit. Bill made some sort of comments about those shorts. What happened after that? He kissed her, didn’t he? But why would that make her sad?
When evening rolls around, Bill still doesn’t remember anything new. He’s the only one in the living room, not even paying attention to the TV. His friends come bounding down the stairs, all wearing sneakers and athletic outfits.
“A-a-are you g-guys going somewhere?”
“Yeah, to the new rope climbing place,” Stan replies. 
“Where’s Y/n?”
“She has vertigo, and wanted to stay here. We thought you could stay here so she’s not alone all night.”
“You d-d-didn’t th-think about asking me f-first?”
“We drew names out of a hat,” Beverly steps in. “You just weren’t around when we did it.”
“Isn’t that a l-l-little ruh-rude to Y-Y/n? One of us is g-g-going to st-stay with her instead of h-having fun?”
“No, Bill, it was the opposite!” Richie tries to save the group, much to their chagrin. “We were voting on who didn’t get to stay home with Y/n. And you won! You get to!”
“Wh-what i-if I want to donate m-my win?”
“Doesn’t work like that. Wins are final.”
It’s all BS, and Bill knows it. There never was a hat draw, everyone knows that Bill and Y/n have a lot to work out, and they don’t want the two to go back from spring break with even more animosity for each other. 
Also, they know that the two have feelings that have been expressed so wrongly over the years. Maybe now it’s time to work them out.
“So we’re going to head out now; have fun with Y/n!” Eddie waves, and they run out excitedly.
 Bill sighs, not knowing what he’s going to do with Y/n all night. Maybe she’ll just be antisocial and hide in her room all night, but he personally hopes she won’t. He decides to hang out by the pool for a while, and changes into his swim trunks.
By the time he gets outside, though, Y/n is already there. She’s hugging her knees to her chest and watching the little waterfall intently.
“Hey,” Bill says, making her jump.
“C-c-can I join you?”
She nods. 
“Why aren’t you with the others?”
“B-because I w-w-won their ‘contest,’”
“Contest?” she shakes her head, not understanding.
“To b-b-babysit you, ap-apparently.”
“Ah. Sounds legitimate.”
He doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he just lets the sounds of the waterfall and the faint grasshoppers fill the silence. He’s sure Y/n doesn’t mind, though. When everyone else complained about the summer grasshoppers as kids, she would always dote on how they’re melodious and comforting.
Bill can’t hold himself back any longer.
“Y/n, what d-d-did I do l-last night?”
She turns to him. “You really don’t remember?”
“I re-remember making a com-comment, which I-I’m sorry about b-by the way, th-that was an a-asshole move. And I-I remember kissing y-you. But then what?”
Taking a deep breath, Y/n continues. “Well, then I pushed you off and told you that you were drunk.”
She pauses.
“And th-then?”
“Then you said, ‘If I want to make out with you when I’m drunk, then I don’t ever want to be sober.’”
That’s it? Bill thinks. He’s not stupid enough to voice his thoughts, luckily.
“Oh, Y-Y-Y/n, I w-w-was drunk. I d-didn’t know what I w-w-was saying.”
“Listen, Bill. I know you remember what I told you yesterday in the kitchen. And what you told me at the restaurant really hurt, okay?”
“Why? I-I wanted to k-k-kiss you,” he asks, genuinely confused.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes!” Y/n laughs incredulously. “You wanted to kiss me when you were drunk, not in your right mind!”
“I al-always want to k-k-kiss you in my right mind!”
“I-I think I love you, Y/n.”
She’s frozen. Could he actually mean that? Has he been drinking again? Hearing that from Bill Denbrough has been her dream since… forever.
“I think I love you too, Bill.”
He jumps up from his lounge chair, and leans over Y/n. He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and kisses her tenderly, gently. Her lips are just as soft as he remembers them to be all those years ago, softer than any other girl he’s kissed.
“Wow,” she beams as they pull apart. “I guess I knew this, but you’re a much better kisser than my ex.”
He laughs. “W-why, thank you. You’re n-n-not so bad y-yourself.”
“Thanks,” she giggles. “I just… I can’t believe this is happening. I feel like doing something crazy now, something outrageous.”
“L-like what?”
“Hm…” she thinks for a minute. “Do you want to go skinny dipping?”
“Okay, sure,” Bill chuckles. 
Grinning, she begins to peel off her one piece. She slips the straps off, and the rest slowly slides off her body. Her breasts are exposed first, then her stomach, then everything. Her skin is smooth and glorious.
Bill pulls off his swim trunks and throws them behind him. Y/n wants to tease him about his erection, but she’s way too shocked at his size.
They bask in the beauty of each other for a moment before they dive into the water, crisp and cool on their bare bodies. Y/n splashes Bill right in his face.
He pushes wet strands of hair from his ocean eyes. “H-how dare you?” 
“What are you going to do about it?” she taunts.
“This,” Bill says, throwing Y/n over his shoulder and taking her outside the water. She’s both screaming and laughing her head off at this point. He carries her all the way to the deep end and tosses her in. 
When she surfaces, Y/n makes sure to flip him off. 
“So r-r-rude.”
He cannonballs in, and they swim around, and eventually go under the waterfall. They end up making out and gasping for air.
“D-d-do you want to tuh-take this inside?” Bill whispers.
She nods, and they get out. As Y/n shivers, Bill gets them fluffy towels from a bin by the chairs.
Grabbing his hand, she pulls him through the sliding glass doors. They run around the house in nothing but towels, giggling and kissing and dripping pool water everywhere. The two finally make it to Bill’s room and go directly to the bed (after locking the door).
“Spruh-spread your legs,” Bill breathes in her ear, sending goosebumps up and down her body. 
She obeys and lets him kiss her knees, her thighs, and eventually her core. He pleases Y/n in a way her old boyfriend never did.
When she finishes, Bill holds her for a minute so she can catch her breath. Then, when he turns around to put on a condom, she moves against the wall.
“Oh, s-s-so you w-want wall sex n-now?” Bill raises his eyebrows.
“Maybe,” she shrugs. “If you’re comfortable with it.”
Instead of using words, Bill throws Y/n up against the wall and kisses her roughly. Their tongues clash, and she loves every second of it. Then he goes in. He starts slow at first, but begins to pick up the pace with her approval.
“D-damn, you’re so t-t-tight,” he whispers while she keeps muttering his name.
“Probably because I wasn’t with someone as big as you before.”
Hearing that makes him turn redder than his hair. “Really?”
“Really,” she sighs. “Can you go a little slower?”
He listens to her, and almost screams in pleasure when she starts to suck on his neck.
They both finish in a couple minutes, and are pretty burned out- Y/n especially because she’s never made such rough love before.
She lies in his arms, back on the bed, and traces the love mark forming on his neck.
“I think I love you,” Y/n says for the second time tonight. 
“I-I th-think I love you t-too.”
They can’t help smiling for the umpteenth time in the past hour. Their stars had never aligned until now, and it couldn’t be a more perfect exchange of love. The wait was unbearable, but incredibly worth it. 
Y/n and Bill make each other feel whole, like there was a sort of void within each other, unfilled until now. 
“Hey,” Y/n’s voice is soft and gentle. “I’m so sorry about these past years. You know I have trust issues, but I took them too far and didn’t treat you right. And I’m so sorry.”
“I’m s-sorry, too. I’ve been an ass-asshole to y-y-you, a-and it’s m-m-my fault we broke uh-up in the f-first place.”
“Don’t say that,” Y/n frowns. “It was Evil Autumn’s fault.”
They chuckle. 
Resting her head on Bill’s chest, Y/n asks the dreaded question. 
“So what’s going to become of us? After spring break.”
Bill thinks for a minute, stroking her hair, and admits, “I don’t w-w-want us to c-c-cut each other off again.”
“Neither do I.”
“I think our sc-sc-schools are like t-t-two hours ap-apart; that’s n-not terrible.”
“It’s not,” Y/n agrees. “Maybe we could take turns driving every weekend, and find a halfway point or something.”
“A-an ex-exact halfway point,” Bill adds.
“An exact halfway point.”
They can make it work, they’ve got to. Both Bill and Y/n are extremely optimistic about the future ahead, now that every feeling has been sorted out between them. And even in the unfavorable event where things don’t work out, there will always be Palm Springs. 
Bill presses a kiss to her forehead. There’s not a chance that they won’t make it. The timing is finally, after all these years, perfect. 
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nepascene · 5 years
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riotcircusarts · 7 years
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Performing for @marywooduniversity #marywooduniversity a few nights back✨ #evententertainment #eventplanner #circuseverydamnday #aerial #aerialist #aerialsilks #aerialistsofig #nepa #scranton #nyc #philadelphia #wilkesbarre #personaltrainer (at Marywood University)
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Hey Marywood 🍿 Thanks for a stellar night 👽 and the best raffle prize like ever 🙌 @abigailguziewicz 🚲 Can’t wait to do it again! 🎥 #marywooduniversityalumni #marywooduniversity #marywoodalumni #forevergreen #marywood (at Circle Drive-In) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQKoLHjLc_-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rajpersaud · 5 years
The True Story of Typhoid Mary - The first confirmed 'super-spreader' in history?
What happens when a person's reputation has been forever damaged? With archival photographs and text among other primary sources, this riveting biography of Mary Mallon by the Sibert medalist and Newbery Honor winner Susan Bartoletti looks beyond the tabloid scandal of Mary's controversial life. How she was treated by medical and legal officials reveals a lesser-known story of human and constitutional rights, entangled with the science of pathology and enduring questions about who Mary Mallon really was. How did her name become synonymous with deadly disease? And who is really responsible for the lasting legacy of Typhoid Mary? This thorough exploration includes an author's note, timeline, annotated source notes, and bibliography.
  Awards: Newbery Honor, Carolyn Field Award, Lamplighter Award, Parents Gold Choice Award, Outstanding Pennsylvania Author of the Year, Children's Book Guild Award for Body of Nonfiction Work
Susan Campbell Bartoletti was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1958 and grew up in rural Pennsylvania, a place she has used as a setting in her young adult novels and nonfiction books. A student, author, and teacher, Bartoletti uses historical elements as the backbone of many of her works, and she has won many awards for her ability to combine historical facts with her unique writing style.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti was born Susan Campbell in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on November 18, 1958. Two months after her birth, her father was killed in a car accident. Her mother later remarried after Bartoletti finished kindergarten, and the family moved to the outskirts of Scranton, Pennsylvania. She loved growing up in the countryside of rural Pennsylvania, and she later used this setting in many of her works. As a young girl, Bartoletti enjoyed reading, drawing, horseback riding, playing piano, and listening to the Beatles. By the eighth grade, she was editor of her newspaper and had discovered her passion for art and writing. She decided to pursue her career as soon as possible, and after her junior year of high school, she left to attend college early. Bartoletti attended Marywood College and majored in art at first. After realizing the stiff competition in the field and receiving praise from her creative writing professor, Campbell switched gears and decided to major in English and secondary education instead. After her sophomore year, she married Joseph Bartoletti, and the couple later had two children, Brandy and Joey. Bartoletti received her BA in 1979 and obtained her first teaching job at the age of 20. She began teaching English at North Pocono Middle School and remained there for 18 years. She also co-advised the school's award-winning literary magazine for 15 years. While teaching, she simultaneously earned her MA in English at the University of Scranton in 1982. Bartoletti became involved in many different activities, including the Children's Literature Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, and the Rutgers Council on Children's Literature. She also found time to write more. Her first picture book, Silver at Night, was published in 1994. This was an autobiographical work about her husband's grandfather, an Italian immigrant who spent nearly half a century in the coal mines. Bartoletti wanted a lot of her writing to focus on historical events, particularly labor history in her native Pennsylvania. In 1996, her work Growing Up in Coal Country was published. This book focused on the working and living conditions of Pennsylvania coal towns and won her numerous awards including the Carolyn Field Award, the Lamplighter Award, and the Parents Gold Choice Award. She remained ambitious, and as she was writing and teaching eighth grade English she became an instructor in children's literature at the University of Scranton. In 1998, Bartoletti decided to stop teaching at the middle school in order to pursue her writing career and earn her PhD in creative writing. She attended Binghamton University with a full fellowship, where she won the Excellence in Research award for her doctoral dissertation.
In 1999, Susan wrote a book concerning child labor laws and the hardships children endured as they were forced to work in big industries. Kids on Strike! discussed the problems of child labor and the actions to strike against them. The pictures within the work reveal children suffering from sleep deprivation and missing fingers and showed the world just how tragic child labor was. She also focused on another historical tragedy in 2001 when she finished writing Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1850. This work tells the story of the Great Potato Famine in which one million Irish died from starvation and disease, and two million had to leave Ireland to escape death. That same year, the Pennsylvania Library Association named Bartoletti the Outstanding Pennsylvania Author of the Year. In the midst of all the attention, Bartoletti wrote yet another book titled The Flag Maker (2004). This was a story about Caroline Pickersgill and her mother, Mary, sewing a large-enough American flag for the British to see it during a major battle in the War of 1812. She was inspired to write about it after she saw the 80-pound masterpiece in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
One of Bartoletti's most compelling books was written in 2005. Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow is a story about young Germans devoting their lives to Hitler and his Nazi regime. The book also incorporated stories about young people resisting the movement, a dangerous and often fatal move. The photographs in the book put the impact of Hitler's campaign in perspective and are difficult to look at. One of the first photos was a 1934 photo taken during German Youth Day in Potsdam where a young boy is shown raising his hand in the Nazi salute. In 2006, Hitler Youth became a Newbery Honor Book selection.
On her website and in interviews, Bartoletti mentions that she is often asked if she writes the works she does, which often delve into difficult and complex topics, "to show kids today how good they have it." The answer is no. She hopes that her works give "readers courage — courage to question and to think critically about history; courage to consider and respond to their social, political, and existential responsibilities; and, most of all, courage to stand up."
In 2009, she won the Washington Post's Children's Book Guild Award for Body of Nonfiction Work. Bartoletti also won the Carolyn W. Field Award in 2009 for her novel The Boy Who Dared. The Boy Who Dared earned Bartoletti many more honors and distinctions, including American Library Association Book of Distinction and Best Book for Young Adults, Booklist Top 10 Historical Fiction for Youth, and International Reading Association Notable Book for an Important Society. In 2010, she published They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group, which was a Junior Library Guild Selection. This children's book also earned recognition and was placed on the Best Children's Book of the Year List for the School Library Journal, Kirkus, and Publisher's Weekly.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti has served as a professor of children's literature for the Pennsylvania State University's World Campus and, at the time of this writing, lives in Moscow, Pennsylvania, where she continues to write and publish.
Selected Works:
Growing Up in Coal Country. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Kids on Strike! Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Black Potatoes: The Story of the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1850. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow. New York: Scholastic Nonfiction, 2005.
They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2010.
(Coedited with Marc Aronson.) 1968. Somerville: Candlewick, 2018.
No Man's Land: A Young Soldier's Story. New York: Blue Sky Press, 1999.
A Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska. New York: Scholastic, 2000.
The Boy Who Dared. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008.
Picture Books
Silver at Night. New York: Crown, 1994.
Dancing with Dziadziu. San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1997.
The Christmas Promise. New York: Blue Sky Press, 2001.
Nobody's Nosier Than a Cat. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 2003.
The Flag Maker: A Story of the Star Spangled Banner. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004.
Nobody's Diggier Than a Dog. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 2005.
Naamah and the Ark at Night. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick, 2011.
"Biography: Susan Campbell Bartoletti." Scholastic. 4 December 2011. <http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/contributor/susan-campbell-bartoletti>.
Heller, Steven. "Hitler Youth." New York Times Book Review 14 Aug. 2005: 16.
Kohlepp, Peg. "History Unfurled; A Kids' Salute to the Illustrious History of the Red, White, and Blue." Times-Picayune 4 July 2004: 4.
"Librarians Find Meat in 'Potatoes'" Lancaster Sunday News 17 Nov. 2002: 6.
Myers, Alison Green. Faculty Interview: Susan Campbell Bartoletti. Highlights Foundation. 6 September 2017. 12 July 2018. <https://www.highlightsfoundation.org/9135/faculty-interview-susan-campbell-bartoletti/>.
Susan Campbell Bartoletti. 2010. 4 December 2011 and 12 July 2018. <http://www.scbartoletti.com/>.
"Susan Campbell Bartoletti." The Gale Literary Databases: Contemporary Authors Online. 8 Oct. 2010. 4 Dec. 2011.
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johngreenphoto · 7 years
Scarfaro’s Career Night Leads Wilkes Women’s Volleyball over Marywood 3-1
Scarfaro’s Career Night Leads Wilkes Women’s Volleyball over Marywood 3-1
Scarfaro’s Career Night Leads Wilkes Women’s Volleyball over Marywood 3-1. WILKES-BARRE – A career-high 16 kills from senior Madison Scarfaro led the Wilkes University women’s volleyball team to a 3-1 win over visiting Marywood University in non-conference action at the Marts Center Monday night.
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puresudsco · 8 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYLA!! You girls are absolutely adorable and beyond enjoyed celebrating with you @mecslife 🎉 Presents, pizza, cupcakes AND bath bombs, with your best gals seems like the perfect day to me! Here's to many more 💚 Interested in hosting a birthday party, ladies night, or special occasion workshop with us? We've got openings in March and April open! Current workshops available focus on Bath Bombs, Bath Teas and Salt or Sugar Scrubs. Call our office for a booking today, at 570-586-1992. #puresudsco #soap #bathbomb #bathbombsfordays #bathbombs #bathbombaddict #birthdayparty #bathbombparty #bubblegum #celebration #celebrate #party #handmade #handcrafted #ladiesnight #specialoccasion #scranton #clarkssummit #carbondale #wilkesbarre #universityofscranton #wilkesuniversity #marywood #luzerne #lackawanna #pittston #philadelphia (at Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania)
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maybesomeday27 · 8 years
Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?
I like both 2.Would you prefer to live in the country or the city? Hard question. Somewhere in the country but not too far from the city 
 3.If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? Ski, skateboard, or play the violin 4.Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?
I don't like tea but yes in my coffee 5.What was your favourite book as a child?
Goodnight moon I think it was called also series of unfortunate events 6.Do you prefer baths or showers?
I like taking baths when I'm cold but I usually take showers 7.If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
Hmm idk a unicorn? Lol 8.Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
Paper 9.What is your favourite item of clothing?
My black and white hat 10.Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
I never really did like it but it's special because I'm named after my mom so in a way I cherish it 11.Who is a mentor to you?
I look up to my advisor and teacher Dr. Turner. I think she's an awesome social worker and very smart 12.Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
I suppose, making video and/or for music 13.Are you a restless sleeper?
Sometimes 14.Do you consider yourself a romantic?
Def 15.Which element best represents you?
Fire 16.Who do you want to be closer to?
My brothers and other family members 17.Do you miss someone at the moment?
Family and friends I haven't seen in a while 18.Tell us about an early childhood memory.
Going to blockbuster on Friday nights with my brothers and parents. Getting pizza and enjoying movies together 19.What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
Dirt? Lol 20.What can you see outside your bedroom window?
The street and woods, neighbors houses 21.What are you most thankful for?
My girlfriend Onna and my friends 22.Do you like spicy food?
Yeah 23.Have you ever met someone famous?
Yeah at some point 24.Do you keep a diary or journal?
I have a journal I try to remember to write in it often but always forget 25.Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Probably pen but like pencil sometimes 26.What is your star sign?
Taurus 27.Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
Crunchy 28.What would you want your legacy to be?
Helping others and educating others on social work and why it's important to help other also music 29.Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
Yes and social problems book 30.How do you show someone you love them?
Caring for them, listening to them, helping them, holding and hugging them 31.Do you like ice in your drinks?
yes 32.What are you afraid of?
Loosing people I love and care about 33.What is your favourite scent?
My gf, her perfume, and my Taylor swift perfume 34.Do you address older people by their first or last name?
Usually their last but it depends 35.If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
Comfortably helping those around me as well as others who need it. I would def buy a new car and travel a lot thou lol 36.Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?
Usually pools but I love love love the beach 37.What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
See if anyone around me lost it and if there was no one probably keep it 38.Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
Yes and yes 39.What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
Always be kind to others you never know what their going through. Always be thankful for what you have. 40.If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
I have one of a music note I want another but idk of what yet 41.What can you hear right now?
Nothing 42.Where do you feel the safest?
When I play music or with my gf 43.What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
My anxiety 44.If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
The 60s or 70s 45.What is your most used emoji?
Heart 46.What is your favourite season? Why?
Fall I love the weather and colors and Halloween 47.How would you spend your ideal day?
Exploring new places going on a road trip playing music or just hanging with my Gf or friends 48.Describe yourself using one word.
Compassionate 49.What do you regret the most?
Dropping out of Marywood the first time 50.Favorite weather? 60 degree kinda sunny but not too sunny
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marywoodartdept · 1 month
Golden Hour vs Night Photography
Julie explores the magic of light at Wildwood and Cape May NJ 🌅📸 and share her artistry with golden hour and night photography. In addition to capturing stunning images she shares expert tips and techniques. #MarywoodArt #Photography #Nightphotography
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marywoodartdept · 3 months
Withered Animatronics Fan Art
Santo our illustration blogger has been busy creating digital fan art character portraits from The Withered Collection of Five Nights at Freddy's 2, where he captures the essence of each spooky animatronic. #MarywoodArt #FanArt #animatronics #FNAF #FNAF2
Hello, in today’s blog post I wanted to showcase and discuss a collection of digital illustrations I recently created! Five Nights at Freddy’s: Five Nights at Freddy’s [FNAF] is a famous horror, indie video game franchise created by Scott Cawthon in 2014. It is about a pizzeria from the 80’s. The animatronics from the pizzeria (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy) are possessed by the souls of…
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marywoodartdept · 8 months
Night Photography
Julie, our Photography blogger, shares some photographs she took while visit Philadelphia. Her dark and moody tones truly tell different stories. From photos of people, to photos of buildings through the dense fog, you don’t want to miss these photos!
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marywoodartdept · 9 months
Photography Final
Our Graphic Design blogger, Grace, showcases some of her studio photography that was taken for her final. She took these photos based off of different songs and tells a different story through all of them. She also includes some graphics. #MarywoodArt
Hello! Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is having a great holiday break and enjoying time and relaxing. Once again, I’m writing about a photography project – if you couldn’t guess by now, I really enjoy photography! For our final, we had to create a photo story. We had to have at least 10 photos, and be able to explain a story through the photos. For mine, I chose ten different songs, and took…
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marywoodartdept · 11 months
The Five Children
This week, our Art Therapy blogger, Victoria, talks about a movie she saw, creates fan art, and discusses art therapy techniques she saw during the movie. Check out her post to see the art she created and what she was able to take away from the movie.
I had the opportunity to watch the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie the weekend it was released, which proved to be a therapeutic moment, though not in the way you expect it to be. After all, the film is based off the horror game series of the same name, so you’re probably wondering as to why this movie meant a lot to me. Back when the game first came out, me and my younger brother were…
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marywoodartdept · 2 years
133 Years Strong
Sarah Childs, our art history blogger, highlights Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' painting. She goes on to explain how and why Van Gogh is still an inspiration to modern artists long after his time. #VanGogh #art #MarywoodArt #arthistory
The most exciting part of this past school year is getting to hone in, focus and research on what I actually want to do. Though my architecture and art history projects are different, ultimately I’ve been trying to blend them both. But to an outside eye, both the art and architecture worlds can be intimidating. As I try to blend one with the other, the people on either side tend to look at me…
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marywoodartdept · 3 years
Student Spotlight: Jillian Carroll
This week, our Student Spotlight blogger Mallory introduces us to her friend and classmate, art therapy major Jillian Carroll https://wherecreativityworks.com/student-spotlight-jillian-carroll/ #MarywoodArt #ArtTherapy #BA2MA
MEET JILL! Jillian Carroll is a Sophomore Art Therapy student here at Marywood University! [EDITOR’S NOTE: She’s also one of the blog’s current bloggers!] I have known Jill for almost my whole time here at Marywood, I love her artistic style. I decided to interview her because I love her art! Let’s get to know Jill! Name: Jillian Carroll Year of Graduation: Class of 2024 Major: Art…
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