#mary wichester
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marie-swriting · 2 years ago
Partie De La Famille - Dean Winchester
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Résumé : Tu fais ta première chasse avec ton père John et ton demi-frère Dean en espérant que tu pourras prouver à ton père que tu es une vraie Winchester.
Warnings : half-sister!reader, Y/N a 15 ans, John est un père de merde, angst, sentiment de ne pas appartenir à la famille, tuer des vampires, dites-moi si j'en ai loupés d'autres.
Nombre de mots : 3.2k
Version anglaise
Prompt utilisé : PL n°1, n°10 "We could have prevented this" (On aurait pu éviter cette situation)
-Quelles sont les règles ? te demande John d’une voix dure. 
-Toujours être en alerte et prête à attaquer, tuer et poser les questions plus tard, réponds-tu, déterminée. 
-Très bien, n’oublie pas que tu dois leur couper la tête ou alors ils pourront toujours attaquer. Comme c’est ta première fois sur le terrain, tu restes auprès de moi ou Dean, d’accord ?
-Oui, monsieur.
John te tend la machette avant de fermer le coffre de l’Impala. Ton ventre se tord quand il réalise que tu n’es qu’à quelques secondes du moment le plus dangereux de ta vie. Tes mains commençant à trembler, tu ressers ta prise sur ton arme, espérant te donner un peu plus de courage. Rapidement, tu relèves les yeux et vois Dean te regarder. Il pose une main sur ton épaule pour te rassurer. Tu lui fais un rapide sourire, mais la peur est lisible sur ton visage. Quand vous êtes enfin prêts, vous commencez à vous diriger vers l’entrée du nid de vampires. 
Vous êtes sur leurs traces depuis quelques jours et grâce à tes recherches tu as réussi à les localiser. Tu espères maintenant pouvoir tuer les monstres sans commettre d’erreurs, tu veux prouver à John qu’il a bien fait de te sortir de ta famille d’accueil suite au départ de Sam à l’université. En effet, quand le jeune Winchester a décidé de quitter l’entreprise familiale, John n’a pas aimé se retrouver avec un chasseur en moins alors il est venu te récupérer, en sachant très bien qu’il pourrait récupérer ta garde en un instant, car ta mère est décédée à la naissance. Jusqu’à ce qu’il vienne dans ta famille d’accueil, tu ignorais l’identité de ton père, tu savais encore moins que tu avais deux grand frères. En les rencontrant, une joie immense t’avait envahie, tu pensais que tu allais enfin avoir une vraie famille à laquelle appartenir. John avait déclaré à tes parents d’accueil qu’il venait prendre ta garde, car il venait de découvrir ton existence. Il avait fait tout un beau discours sur l’importance d’avoir sa fille dans sa vie. Quand il avait prononcé ces mots, ton cœur avait explosé d’amour, mais la réalité t’a vite rattrapé quand il a tout de suite mis une distance émotionnelle avec toi avant de commencer ton entraînement de chasseuse. Tu savais que ça n’allait pas être simple, mais tu veux lui prouver qu’il peut compter sur toi pendant les chasses alors tu donnes ton maximum chaque jour. Cependant, John est très exigeant, tu as l’impression que tu ne seras jamais à la hauteur et il t’arrive de faire des erreurs à cause de la pression. Heureusement, Dean sait être patient avec toi, il te protège des réprimandes de John. 
Quand vous êtes dans le vieux bâtiment, vous faites face à un silence pesant. Il ne semble y avoir aucune menace à l’horizon pendant que vous vous enfoncez dans le nid. Vous continuez à marcher discrètement en regardant chaque recoin jusqu’à ce que vous trouviez une sorte de cage avec un prisonnier à l’intérieur. En un coup d'œil, tu reconnais Jake, l’adolescent de ton âge qui t’a aidé à trouver les vampires. Il s’était mis à leur recherche avant que vous arriviez car sa sœur était une de leurs victimes. Ensemble, vous avez mis à profit vos compétences ; pour toi, tes connaissances sur le surnaturel, pour lui, ses connaissances sur la ville et ses habitants. En le voyant, tu abaisses ta machette et cours vers la cage.
-Jake ! Mon Dieu, tout va bien ? Ils ne t’ont rien fait ? questionnes-tu en inspectant rapidement son corps du regard.
-Tu le connais, Y/N ? t’interroge John.
-Il m’a aidé à localiser le nid, informes-tu avant de te retourner vers ton ami. Ça va, Jake ?
-Je vais bien.
-On va te sortir de là, ne t’inquiète pas, déclare Dean en commençant à forcer la serrure.
-Gamin, tu sais où sont les vampires ? le questionne John d’un ton sec.
-Non, j’ai à peine repris conscience, en fait. Merci, dit Jake quand Dean le libère enfin.
Jake sort de sa petite prison en titubant. Tu le rattrapes alors qu’il perd l’équilibre. Tu t’apprêtes à lui demander s’il va bien quand tu vois des dents aiguisées sortir de ses gencives. Sous le choc, tu n’as pas le réflexe de relever ta machette. Dean et John s’apprêtent à réagir quand les autres vampires sortent de leur cachette. Tu repousses Jake, apeurée, mais il revient à la charge. Tu tentes de te débattre en utilisant ton arme, mais Jake te brise le bras, te forçant à la lâcher. En entendant ton cri de douleur, Dean tourne la tête vers toi. Il regarde Jake sur le point de planter ses crocs dans ton cou quand il court jusqu’à vous et coupe la tête de Jake sans réfléchir. Sous le choc de l’action, tu restes figée. 
-Tout va bien ? questionne Dean, préoccupé. 
-Oui, ne t’inquiète pas. 
John grogne de colère, faisant tourner vos têtes vers lui. Dean te laisse, allant aider John. Tu récupères ta machette à terre et tu tentes d’au moins blesser quelques vampires. Ne pouvant plus utiliser ta main dominante, tu as encore moins de force pour couper les têtes. Par miracle, sûrement due à l’adrénaline, tu arrives à tuer un buveur de sang. Malgré toi, tu regardes le corps de la personne et sa tête détachée, ne réalisant pas que tu en sois à l’origine. Reprenant tes esprits, tu relèves les yeux et vois qu’une bonne partie des vampires sont morts. John est en train de s’occuper de l’Alpha vampire alors que Dean semble perdre son combat contre un autre des monstres, ayant du mal à éloigner les dents aiguisées de sa nuque. Tu te précipites vers lui et tu coupes la tête du vampire avec toute la force que tu possèdes. Quand Dean comprend qu’il n’est plus en danger, il te regarde, fier de voir que tu as réussi à le sauver. Tu ne peux empêcher de sourire légèrement en réalisant que, pour une première chasse, tu t’en es plutôt bien sortie. De ta main valide, tu l’aides à se relever au moment où John tue enfin l’Alpha vampire. Tu regardes John, espérant le voir content ou au moins rassuré de vous savoir en vie et à peine blessés, malgré ton bras cassé, mais c’est un John en colère qui s’approche de toi.
-C’était quoi ce bordel ? On s’est retrouvés dans une embuscade à cause de tes conneries ! Comment t’a fait pour pas comprendre que Jake était un vampire alors qu’il t’aidait ? Ne me dis pas que tu n’as même pas pensé à vérifier qu’il n’en était pas un avant de tout lui dire !
-Il… Je…, bégayes-tu, agaçant John encore plus.
-Réponds !
-Il m’a dit qu’il était aussi à la recherche des vampires, mais qu’ils ne savaient pas comment les attaquer, expliques-tu, te sentant honteuse. 
-Et tu t’es pas dit que c’était bizarre qu’il en sache autant ?
-Il disait que ça faisait deux mois qu’il faisait des recherches, ça me semblait normal, te défends-tu et John soupire comme pour contenir sa colère.
-Putain, Y/N, c’est pas possible ! On aurait pu éviter cette situation, si tu avais réfléchi un peu !
-Papa, elle est encore en train d’apprendre. C’est pas si grave, intervient Dean d’une voix calme.
-Pas quand elle nous met en danger ! On aurait pu mourir et elle a le bras cassé. Elle aurait dû faire mieux !
En écoutant le nouveau reproche de John, tu baisses la tête. Finalement la chasse a été pire que ce que tu pensais. Tu as mis tes proches en danger et tu as déçu John. Tu vas encore avoir plus de mal à trouver ta place dans votre petite famille et tu te détestes pour ça. John a raison, tu aurais dû faire mieux.
-On est tous en vie et ils sont morts. C’est une victoire, insiste ton grand frère.
-Je m’en fiche qu’on s’en soit sortis ! Elle aurait dû réfléchir comme une chasseuse, rétorque John avant de te prendre l’épaule avec force, t’obligeant à relever la tête vers lui avec une grimace. T’as pas intérêt à refaire ça, la prochaine fois, utilise ta tête.
-Oui, monsieur.
John soupire avant de lâcher ton épaule. Dean te lance un regard pour s’assurer que tu vas bien, tu lui fais un rapide signe de la tête pour le rassurer, mais tes yeux brillants de larmes ne le convainc pas. 
-Allez, viens, commence John, on doit aller à l’hôpital pour ton bras, on peut pas le réparer nous-même. Une autre perte de temps avec tes conneries.
-Je suis désolée, souffles-tu, les larmes prêtes à couler d’une seconde à l’autre.
-“Désolée” ne change rien. Et enlève moi ces larmes de tes yeux, à moitié Winchester ou pas, les Winchester ne pleurent pas.
-Oui, monsieur.
Les épaules baissées, tu suis John alors que Dean te regarde avec compassion. Il sait ce que c’est de se battre pour avoir l’approbation de John, c’est tr��s rare de l’avoir, même pour lui, c’est compliqué alors qu’il fait tout ce que John dit. 
Dans l’Impala, John n’a pas dit un autre mot, trop en colère il ne te regarde même pas et Dean voudrait te rassurer, mais il ne veut pas énerver encore plus John.Tu tiens ton bras pour minimiser la douleur pendant le trajet tout en repensant aux mots de John. Parmi tout ce qu’il a pu te reprocher, sa dernière phrase t’a plus particulièrement touchée. Depuis qu’il est venu te chercher, tu sais que John te traite différemment de Dean, il ne te voit pas comme faisant partie de la famille. Pourtant, ça ne t’empêche de sentir ton cœur explosé de douleur à chaque fois que John te le rappelle quand il précise bien que tu es seulement la demi-sœur de Dean ou encore quand il refuse que tu l’appelles “papa”, ça, c’est qui te fait le plus mal. 
Quand vous arrivez à l’hôpital, il n’y a pas beaucoup de monde, étonnamment, alors tu dois juste attendre une heure et demie avant d’être prise en charge. Quand ton plâtre est mis, vous retournez au motel, toujours en silence. Tu mords ta lèvre, stressée, alors que tu cherches quelque chose que tu pourrais dire pour rattraper tes erreurs, mais tu connais à peine John, tu ignores ce que tu dois dire. Quand vous passez la porte de votre chambre de motel, John t’indique la table de la petite cuisine. Réticente, tu t’éxecutes sans un mot et t’assois. Dean commence à te suivre, mais John lui ordonne d’aller se laver. Sachant que ce n’est pas le moment de défier ses ordres, Dean lui obéit. John reste debout, face à toi, te dominant de sa taille. Instinctivement, tu baisses les yeux sur tes doigts, tu joues avec eux jusqu’à ce que John prenne la parole.
-J’espère que tu réalises à quel point ce que tu as fait était dangereux.
-Oui, je ne le referai plus, promis.
-T’as intérêt ! T’aurais pu mourir et ton demi-frère aussi. Au moins t’as réussi à tuer quelques vampires, mais sinon tu as ruiné toute cette chasse ! Si tu veux pas retourner dans ta famille d’accueil, tu as intérêt à être plus utile les prochaines fois. J’ai pas besoin d’un poids mort, mais d’un chasseur, tonne-t-il.
-Je ferai mieux la prochaine fois, lui assures-tu, déterminée.
-On verra dans plusieurs mois vu que ta connerie t’a causé un bras cassé. Tu vas retourner aux recherches et dès que tu pourras reprendre l'entraînement, on s’y remettra, mais cette fois, je serai plus sévère. Tu dois apprendre comme il faut, je ne peux pas me permettre d’avoir une gamine qui ne sait pas ce qu’elle fait, crache John en appuyant sur le mot “gamine”, te blessant à nouveau. Me fais pas regretter ma décision d’être venu te chercher. Et enlève moi cet air triste de ta figure, j’ai pas le temps pour les faibles, non plus, t’ordonne-t-il et tu te tentes de te reprendre. Je vais au bar, finit-il en s’éloignant de toi.
Sans te lancer un regard, John quitte la chambre. Quand tu entends la porte claquer, tu sursautes. Les larmes remontent en un instant. Tu essayes de les retenir, mais plus tu clignes des yeux, plus larmes semblent être prêtes à tomber. Malgré toi, une larme coule sur ta joue. Tu l’essuies rapidement et espères que Dean ne t’ait pas vu, car il vient tout juste de sortir de la salle de bain. Tu prends de profondes inspirations, tentant de calmer tes émotions. Dean pose délicatement une main sur ton épaule et s'agenouille devant toi. 
-Hey, gamine, ça va ? 
Contrairement à John, le mot “gamine” dans la bouche de Dean semble plus affectueux. Tu vois à ses yeux qu’il est sincère, mais tu refuses de te montrer faible une seconde de plus. Tu t’éclarcis la gorge avant de le regarder dans les yeux.
-Oui, juste fatiguée de la journée. John est parti dans un bar.
-Juste toi et moi, alors ? Ça te dit d’aller au Burger d’en face ? propose-t-il avec un petit sourire.
-J’ai pas trop faim et je voudrais pas que John s’énerve encore plus, car on serait pas là à son retour.
-Il en a pour longtemps dans ce bar, t’inquiète et puis il faut bien reprendre des forces, tu as fait ta première chasse ! déclare-t-il en espérant te remonter le moral.
-Tu parles d’une victoire ! souffles-tu avant de lever les yeux au ciel. 
-Tu t’en es sortie qu’avec un bras cassé alors que c’était un nid de vampires, j’appelle ça une victoire. Allez, viens.
Dean t’aide à te lever de ta chaise. Il remet sa veste et prend son porte-monnaie avant de t’inviter à sortir. 
Au Burger, tu ne manges presque pas. Tu avales quelques frites, mais ne touches pas à ton hamburger alors que Dean dévore tout en une seconde. Dean ne fait pas la conversation, devinant que tu as besoin de silence, après tout ce que John a pu te dire. Dean sait que John n’a pas été tendre dans son deuxième sermon avec le peu qu’il a pu distinguer à travers les murs de la salle de bain. De plus, Dean te connait depuis seulement quelques mois alors il ignore si dans ce genre de situations, tu préfères parler ou rester seule. Dans le doute, il préfère être proche de toi sans être oppressant comme il le fait actuellement. Quand il a totalement fini son repas, il demande à faire emporter ton plat et va payer. 
Sur le chemin du retour, vous ne voyez pas l’Impala, ce qui te rassure, car tu sais que tu as encore le droit à du répit avant le retour de John. En entrant dans la chambre, tu prends rapidement tes affaires et t’enfermes dans la salle de bain. Une fois prête pour aller dormir, tu vas te coucher dans ton lit, te mettant dos à Dean qui est allongé sur le sien, en train de regarder la télé. Tu essayes de t’endormir, mais les mots de John continuent de tourner dans ta tête. Plus tu repenses à cette chasse, plus tu réalises à quel point tu as été crédule avec Jake. Mentalement, tu t’insultes de tous les noms, te disant qu’avec tes erreurs, tu as encore plus baissé dans le peu d’estime qu’il avait pour toi. En ressentant tes larmes monter, tu te forces à respirer doucement. Tu ne peux pas pleurer, surtout alors que Dean est à côté de toi. Il ne peut pas te voir être faible ou alors tu baisserais dans son estime à lui aussi et c’est la dernière chose que tu veux. Malgré tes tentatives pour être discrète, tu renifles, attirant l’attention de Dean. Au début, il se dit que ce n’est sûrement rien, mais quand il entend ta forte respiration et renifler plusieurs fois, il se lève de son lit et vient vers le tien. Il s’assoit à côté de toi et pose une main réconfortante sur ton épaule. En sentant sa présence, tu n’oses pas bouger, attendant une réprimande de sa part.
-Tu veux qu’on en parle ? questionne-t-il doucement.
-Il n’y a rien à dire, déclares-tu.
-Y/N, je sais à quel point ses mots peuvent affecter quelqu’un.
-Il a raison, j’ai été idiote, j’aurais dû être une meilleure chasseuse. 
-Tu as quinze ans et tu es toujours en train d'apprendre, rétorque Dean. Tu as été naïve, c’est vrai, mais il y encore quelques mois en arrière pour toi les vampires c’était une légende de Transylvanie et pas la réalité. Tu peux pas être parfaite dès le début. Tu allais forcément faire des erreurs lors de ta première chasse, tu ne peux pas t’en vouloir pour ça. Crois-moi, j’ai fait des erreurs bien pires pendant mes premières chasses, tente-t-il de te rassurer, mais tu restes silencieuse. Y/N, tu veux bien me regarder ?
-Non, je ne veux pas que tu penses que je suis faible, refuses-tu, honteuse.
-Pourquoi je penserais ça ?
-Les Winchester ne pleurent pas. Même si je n’en suis pas une vraie, dis-tu en répétant les mots de John.
Dean pousse un soupir, cherchant quoi dire. Il déteste la façon dont les mots de John sont déjà ancrés dans ta tête. Il aimerait pouvoir te rassurer comme un grand frère le devrait, mais tu restes dos à lui, n’osant pas lui faire face. Il sait qu’il ne devrait pas le prendre personnellement, mais savoir que tu penses qu’il pourrait agir comme John lui serre le cœur. 
-Je sais que je ne suis pas la meilleure personne pour dire ça, commence-t-il en hésitant, mais tu as le droit de pleurer. Avant d’être des chasseurs, on est humains.
-Je veux juste pas te décevoir comme j’ai déçu John, murmure-tu en reniflant.
-Tu ne vas pas me décevoir et pour ce qui est de John, il s’en remettra, tu peux me faire confiance. Quand tu te seras bien entraînée, il verra à quel point tu es une excellente chasseuse, une vraie Winchester, affirme Dean. 
-S’il ne m’a pas renvoyé dans ma famille d’accueil d’ici là, ajoutes-tu.
-Je ne le laisserai pas faire, déclare ton grand frère, déterminé. Maintenant que je sais que j’ai une petite soeur, je peux t’assurer que tu es bloquée avec moi jusqu’à ce que t’en décides autrement.
-Demi-sœur, corriges-tu, la voix de John résonnant dans ta tête.
-C’est-à-dire ma sœur. Tu fais partie de la famille, insiste Dean et tu sens une nouvelle larme couler sur ta joue.
-Pourquoi t’es si gentil avec moi ? Tu connaissais pas mon existence il y a encore six mois, tu as tous les droits de m’ignorer, questionnes-tu d’une voix tremblante.
-Je viens de te le dire, on est de la même famille, je tiens à toi. 
Sans répondre, tu te tournes vers lui avant de te jeter dans ses bras. Toutes les larmes que tu retenais depuis ces derniers mois coulent enfin sur tes joues. En sentant tes épaules bouger, Dean te serre un peu plus contre lui. Il te caresse le dos, t’invitant à faire sortir toutes émotions. Son cœur se brise un peu plus en réalisant à quel point tu te retenais de ne pas craquer pour satisfaire un minimum John. Il connait que trop bien la douleur alors ce soir-là, il veut s’assurer que tu saches qu’il sera toujours là pour te soutenir. Ta tête cachée dans le creux de sa nuque, tu restes dans ses bras, acceptant pour la première fois le réconfort de ton grand frère.
{Ceci est mon blog secondaire donc je répondrai aux commentaires sous le pseudo @marie-sworld}
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endyourpartofthestory · 2 years ago
if the Winchesters doesn't get a season 2 I will never forgive the CW
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passiveagressivepoet · 1 year ago
idk how i feel about mary at all yall.literally no clue
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songliili · 9 months ago
writing patterns!!
tagged by @father-salmon, merci mon coeur!
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
i don't even have 10 fics posted, literally. i'm gonna take two from my wips cause one of the posted is a collection of drabbles and i don't think that qualifies.
from oldest to newest, let's go.
you should floss more | T, Castiel/Dean Winchester, 15k
The thing is. Dean Winchester is not a teenager who doesn’t know how to act in front of hot people. He’s 32 and his reputation as a player says otherwise. He’s pretty smooth (most of the time), it comes with knowing his charming points and having no qualms in using them with women and men alike. In his younger years he liked to say he had a big heart and his mission was to give some love to as many people as possible. But once his 30s approached he started thinking it was time to settle down and he slowly stopped picking up people at dive bars, much to Sam’s relief.
You're a witch, Dean-o! | T, Castiel/Dean Winchester, 7k
When Dean is 25, a couple of things happen. The first one is, obviously, his birthday party: a full blown party organized by Mary and Ellen at the Roadhouse. The whole family is there and they have the time of their life. Dean even manages to convince Lisa to go home with him, which he's got nothing to complain about.
the great dean court off | M, Castiel/Dean Winchester, 21.5k
Of all the things Dean Wichester expected to find when he came back from the bathroom break, a folded piece of paper with ‘hey, if you’re not gay, my friend thinks you’re cute. here’s her number 316-557-9608 (and if you’re gay, here’s mine 316-997-2018)’ written on, was not it. Hell, he almost expected to not find his laptop.
I Had Some Time (With You) | E, Castiel/Dean Winchester, 23.9k
It's 2005 when things go to hell. Well. They go to hell for everyone except Dean, ‘cause he was ready for it. You see, Dean Winchester is a grumpy 36 year old paranoid bastard who spent a) the first 27 years of his life keeping up with his doomsday prepper of a father, until the bastard kicked the bucket in ‘96; b) his whole adult life running Chitaqua’s Survival Camp, that his father had started; and c) the last five years building the perfect apocalypse bunker in one of the cabins of said camp.
we all have a hunger | E, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, 22.9k
Alex Claremont-Diaz, for all intents and purposes, is a smart person. He aced high school, he aced college, and he aced law school. He knows he is smart, and if that wasn’t enough, Nora once confirmed it. Sure, she also said that he’s just as dumb when it comes to, y’know, being perceptive, but beggars can’t be choosers; and actually, that doesn’t count because Nora was just getting back at Alex for not realizing she was dating his sister and they weren’t just best friends.
Fill My Stocking | E, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, 22.9k
It’s silly, Henry thinks, that Alex is convinced of not being an open book for him by now. They’ve been together for three years, four if you count the one they spent as long distance friends with benefits, and Henry knows him and his tells pretty extensively. Alex’s media face might be blank and unknowable for other people, but not for Henry, who knows him and all his facets.
we started at the end | E, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, ???
Henry’s alarm rings, as expected, at 8am on December 21st and, as usual, Henry blindly reaches for his phone to turn it off and then roll back to sleep, until his next alarm in ten minutes. Though, this time, there is a difference in his morning routine.
your body is the Sistine Chapel |  T, Castiel/Dean Winchester, 3.7k
The first tattoo Dean Winchester gets is an ugly stick-and-poke with one of his 'friends' from the school he's been at for two months. They're sixteen and Ryan has an uncle with a tattoo shop, so he steals some ink, a couple of needles, and they spend the afternoon hiding behind the school gym giving each other shitty tattoos.
bro, you're fucking hung! | E, Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, 3k
n💖💜💙 @hollerinn514 · Jan 20 oh my fucking god alex and henry are having an argument on who would top if they were a couple i shit you not alex just said “i think my dick is bigger so i'd top” i just know henry's face went fire engine red
can i ask you a question? | ??? (it's probably gonna be E, let's be honest), Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, ???
“Henry!” Henry’s head shoots up as he hears his name in Bea’s melodic voice, and smiles, closing the distance between him and his older sister. 
alright this is all i have. you can clearly see that the first four had a thing going on and it was fully intentional. i think i realised when i was writing You're a witch, Dean-o! then idk, i think i just didn't remember. i would've kept it up if i did, i would've found a way to make things work in the new fics as well. but it is what it is. maybe i'll go back to it one day!
no pressure random tags: @leojfitz @happiness-of-the-pursuit @read-and-write- @gayrootvegetable @littlemisskittentoes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @firenati0n @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @cactusdragon517 @rockyroadkylers @kiwiana-writes @user-anakin @inexplicablymine @anincompletelist and whoever else wants to play this game!!
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years ago
13x01: Lost and Found
Welcome to season 13! Who’s ready to wallow in meta despair with us?
Dean's Emotional Arc
Dean began the show as a dutiful son, motivated by his devotion to his father, and his father's revenge-fueled quest to avenge Mary's death. He would later approach the monster-hunting as fate, legacy, a calling, a hero's task, or a cross to bear. He's flirted with the concept of being a hero. Certainly it was something he saw in his dad for many years and something he sees for himself from time to time. Now, it's “just a job.” It's straightforward, no bullshit. The joy and romance are entirely removed from Dean's hunting experience now that Castiel is dead and his mother is (according to him) dead. Grief has cut out the childlike joy that’s always been such a delightful dimension of Dean.
All About Beginnings
The season opens to Metallica’s “Nothing else matters” - a poignant tune, and significant for more than just its lyrical meaning. Dean started out in season one connected to Metallica - before Supernatural found its musical identity in classic rock. Starting the episode with Metallica really brings the focus in on Dean. Pair this with Dean’s dream/vision while he was knocked out by Jack (of his mother burning on the ceiling) and we get the sense that the narrative is coming full circle with these two references to the first episode. While we thought we had closure over Dean’s mom’s death after Azazel’s death, we may be led to expect some additional closure regarding Lucifer. After all, it was Lucifer’s desire for escape that caused Azazel to create his little army in the first place. Dean’s mission as a hunter, in many ways, began with the loss of his mother. Season 13 is tying back to that original mission, and hopefully will build off of that. The show’s arc “Will be to arrive where we started / And know the place for the first time.”
Jack’s Powers Profile
Glowing eyes
Glowing healing ability
Sonic scream
Ability to highly manipulate his body / rapid aging
Powers manifest instinctively when threatened
Factions in Heaven
Another possible theme we may continue to see is the continued existence of factions in Heaven. The two angels present two views as they look at Castiel’s body. One side implies that Castiel deserved to die and humans are garbage and the other insists that Castiel deserved better and humans are worthy of respect. Heaven may not be a uniform enemy even though Hannah - Castiel’s more recent ally - is dead.
I really liked Jack’s portrayal. He’s shocked, confused, and easily joyful. (See: candy.) His thumbprint is nothing - straight lines, a blank slate. HE’S a blank slate and we’ll be toying with the nature versus nurture arguments as we move through his storyline. He says at one point that his powers don’t feel entirely like him - like that piece of Lucifer in him is almost an outside force that he’ll have to contend with in the future.
Speaking of outside forces, I wonder about this line: “I remember when the bad woman burned. I remember when the universe screamed.” He never gave a straight answer about being able to open the universe rifts. I wonder if there’s more to that puzzle. What if it wasn’t Jack - or wasn’t entirely Jack - that opened those rifts? Why is the universe screaming?
As far as Jack and Castiel goes, I am beside myself with glee for Dad!Castiel. They’re both aliens plopped into Earth before they’re ready. And they both have the capacity for deadpan humor. “I'm on a chair. On the floor. On planet earth.” Yes, give me several hours of Castiel and Jack’s observational humor, please.
Regarding the prophetic vision Castiel was given by Jack...last season I speculated that Castiel lied to Kelly about the vision he’d received. Surely Castiel wouldn’t be so gullible as to be swayed by a vision of a world without pain or suffering. Wouldn’t Cas know that was impossible without curtailing free will? However, at the funeral Jack hears Sam say that he wishes that the people they lost end up in a place without suffering. Jack, at this stage, is drinking in EVERY last detail. He already seems to look up to Sam. I think the seeds of the “pain free” world may have been planted by Sam in this first episode.
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Nothing else matters.
We pick up right where season 12 left off. The son of Satan is imprinting on Sam and our dear, broken Dean springs into action --his best defense-- and pulls his gun and heads inside the house to track and kill the one thing he believes does still matter.
He finds Sam and Jack -and fires his gun at Jack without hesitation. Sam’s able to tip the gun away, but Jack didn’t take to that particular meet and greet. We get to see his powers when he roars and zaps Sam and Dean into a Nephilim Bubble of Don’t Shoot At Me, knocking both brothers out cold.
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The title card! It’s quite eye-grabbing (ha,ha). I love the eagle-eyed bloggers that noticed the inverted cross --it went by way too fast for me to catch.
After the title card, we revisit Mary defending her boys against Lucifer, only this time before she can throw a punch, she is consumed by fire. Dean wakes with a start. Was this a Jack induced vision? In any event, the brothers head out to chase the missing nephilim.
Meanwhile, at Pirate Pete’s Jolly Treats, two teenage boys prep for the day by frying up some delicious spicy butt fries. They get an early customer at the drive-thru: a naked Jack imprinting on the pirate statue. One of the boys suggest the other call his mother --the local sheriff.
Sam and Dean are on the road looking for Jack. Two things I noticed here when I first watched it: the lense flare --which turns out others noticed as well, and the dusty state of Baby. Oh, and Dean breaking when he thinks about Cas being dead.
(Let’s talk about the missing scene here. Before they leave to track down Jack they have to bring Castiel’s body in from the gravel yard. They’ll carry it together, perhaps. Or Dean will insist on doing it himself. Sam will volunteer to go upstairs and find a spare sheet while Dean watches over the body. They’ll cover it and linger for a moment, wanting to do more. But Jack is out in the world and the longer they wait, the higher the chance that he’ll slip away. So they hurry away, leaving that still, sheet wrapped form behind on the quiet table. Anyway. I’m just going to be over here crying and rocking in the corner.)
Back at the lake house, two angels arrive to find Castiel laid out on the table. They exchange unpleasantries about Cas and remark on the fact that Kelly is dead and Jack is gone.
At the sheriff’s department, Jack finally has clothes, and an audience who finds his strangeness fascinating. Sheriff Barker asks Jack questions, trying to piece together his story. He knows nothing more than his own first name, the fact that his mother is in heaven, his father is missing, and that the bad woman burned. “I remember the universe screamed.” The sheriff nods in bafflement understanding. Her son, Clark, sums up his thoughts as well.
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Sheriff Barker takes Jack’s thumbprint, and heads off to run it through the system. Jack and Clark are left alone, allowing Clark to attempt to buddy up to a new hook up. Jack’s not “wasted, lit, chonged, blitzed, blasted, blazed, baked, or stoned.” He’s...hungry.
I’d also like to add my own first impression of Clark, which fits nicely with all the meta on Clark=Dean/Clark is totally into Jack. I noticed his red jacket, very reminiscent of Rebel without a Cause.
The boys arrive at Pirate Pete’s. While Dean calls Jody for help, Sam heads inside to inquire into Jack’s whereabouts. Once inside Sam runs into a drunk woman and gets confirmation that Jack was at the restaurant. He calls Sheriff Barker and gets further confirmation that he’s currently at the sheriff’s station. The sheriff gets confirmation that something isn’t quite right with Jack.
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A jump in time reveals Dean with bloodied knuckles, and the drunk woman hanging all over the Impala. She asks Dean about his hand and then regales him with a story about her college roommate, Becky, a “giant super-bitch.” “She’d take things and break things, and piss people off and just do whatever she wanted, no matter who it hurt.” Sam interrupts her fascinating story, and they head out to the station.
At the police station, the sheriff notices flickering lights and goes to investigate. She finds her son and Jack in the break room eating large amounts of candy. Jack is officially too cute to stay cute. They are so cruel to us. We’re instantly protective of the newest Winchester and that’s just going to make it hurt that much more when things go south later this season. As he’s showing the sheriff how he zaps the candy machine for free food, Jack is suddenly hit with a blast of angel radio. The sheriff reaches out to help him, and he blasts her into unconsciousness. Oops. He then takes off under a shower of sparks, much like our first meeting of Cas all those years ago. I initially thought he couldn’t understand the angels, but I guess he’s just overwhelmed by the voices? Jack makes it to another room only to meet with the dude that tried killing him earlier. Sam tasers him before he can harm Dean. Sheriff Barker quickly follows, but is speechless.
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Sam settles into a cell and Dean gets cuffed with a deep sigh. Just another day in the life of Dean Winchester. The sheriff looks down at the weapons piled on her desk (shockingly few but maybe she didn't find them all) and asks for a little clarification.
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“My name is Dean Winchester,” Dean says with a dead-on stare reminiscent of last season's mirror speech. “We kill monsters. Have you ever seen a horror movie? Like that.” It's delivered quietly, without show, lines spoken but not felt. Sheriff Barker asks if Jack is a human or something...else. “Jack is a nephilim. He's half human and half angel. Angels are real, too,” Dean says, looking away. (Boris: I saw meta on Twitter (but can’t find it now!) that Dean told the truth here, and the sheriff released him. The truth set him free --something he needs to maybe learn for when Cas comes back.)
Jack wakes at Dean's mention of angel and looks around. Sam's sharing his cell and is wearing his Sam Look of Concern™.  Jack immediately spins around, eyes glowing at the threat. It's a damn good thing Sam's the one sharing Jack's cell because he doesn’t attack. Instead, he asks if Jack is alright. “I was scared,” Jack confesses, “and when I'm scared things happen.” Jack confesses that he was scared by loud, angry voices (we assume angel radio). Sam and Jack both relax, staring each other down. Jack asks Sam to tell them that he's sorry.
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Sam wonders how it is that he's talking to Jack, seeing as how Jack's only a day old. Great question! We've all been wondering that. It turns out that Kelly – in her conversations with her fetus – warned him that he'll be in danger as soon as he's born, so he ought to skip the infant and child stages and head right on to young adulthood. Man, kids sure do grow up fast these days. Jack doesn't understand his powers. They feel both like a part of himself and like something else – something “not me”.
Sam skips right past this intriguing fact and asks Jack if he can open up a portal into another world again. That's a big nope from Jack. He remembers doing it but as for whether or not he can do it again...he kind of avoids answering that question. Instead, he'd like to focus on finding his father – Castiel. I SQUEAL YOU SQUEAL WE ALL SQUEAL FOR DAD-STIEL. Jack chose Castiel to be his father because FAMILY DON'T END IN BLOOD. (Incoherent glee from me at this point). Anyway, all squeals get put aside because Sam has to break the news to Jack that Castiel is dead.
Outside the Sheriff's Department, three angels show up – the lead angel is the drunk woman from Pirate Pete's. Well played, fake-drunk angel. Well played.
Dean heads to Sam and Jack's cell. He gave Sheriff Barker The Talk and the Winchesters are now free to go. Dean wants to head someplace quiet where they can gank Jack in peace. Sam tells him that Jack isn't evil and furthermore, they need Jack. Their conversation is cut short by a commotion in the front.
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Drunk angel is holding Clark Barker hostage, an angel blade at his throat. Sheriff Barker sweeps in, ready for guns blazing, but Dean tells her that her gun is useless. Drunk angel agrees to let Clark go as long as Sheriff Barker shoots Dean. Dean, she argues, isn't a hero. “He's Becky. You take things and break things and piss people off and just do whatever you want no matter who it hurts.”
Dean tells her that he's rubber and she's glue and that whatever she says will just bounce off him and stick to her. Meanwhile, back with Jack and Sam, angels bust into the jail. Their eyes glow blue, Jack collapses in pain at the sound of angel radio, and the angel holding Clark makes her move. She knifes Clark in the gut, drops him, and Dean moves in on her. In the jail, the other two angels rip off the cell door and march in to kill Jack. Sam does his damndest to defend Jack, Dean gets his ass kicked by drunk angel, and Jack gets pounded by angel number three.
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Sam gets kicked in the face so hard he spits blood and draws an angel banishing sigil with it because he’s Sam Fucking Winchester. The two angels attacking Jack and Sam disappear. Golden veins of energy shine briefly from Jack's throat as he recovers from the beating. In the front office, Dean gets the upper hand on drunk angel and asks her why they're here. They want the “golden ticket” because Jack can do “almost anything.”
“Anything?” Dean asks and drunk angel INSTANTLY knows what he's getting at. She tells him that he can't bring Castiel back.
Castiel is “All the way dead,” she tells him. “Because of you.” She punches Dean down physically as well as emotionally then and busts back to the jail, where Sam stands guard over Jack. “Another one,” she moans, seeing Sam. She looks at both Winchesters and then holds out her blade, apparently surrendering. When Sam reaches out to take it, she stabs Jack swiftly in the chest. Sam kills her and then Dean and Sam look on as Jack pulls the blade from his chest. It's bloodied.
“I'm fine,” Jack says, as surprised as any of them.
Afterward, Sheriff Barker heads off in an ambulance with her son Clark (who is going to be fine). Dean and Sam perch on the edge of the Impala and survey Jack who's sitting Forrest Gump style on a bench – no doubt processing his extremely bloody and violent first day of life. Sam tells Dean that they should bring Jack back to the bunker and to his surprise, Dean agrees. Sam wants to teach him; Dean wants to keep him close until they figure out how they can kill him.
“At least there the only people he can hurt are you and me,” Dean says.
Now that all those chess pieces are in motion we finally stop for a moment to mourn. They arrive back outside the cabin and while Dean rummages in the trunk, Sam asks him “if he's sure.” He's referring, of course, to burning Cas's body. Dean's sure. Cas is dead. Hope is gone. Life is over. The world's a cold, dark, friendless place. I'M NOT WALLOWING IN SORROW, YOU ARE. Sam wonders if Chuck might help but Dean shuts that down too. He already tried.
At last we flash back to outside Pirate Pete's, just before Dean suddenly shows up with bloody knuckles. He refused to go inside with Sam so he could find a quiet place to scream-pray to Chuck. Dean angrily prays, “I need your help. You left us. You went off. You said the earth would be fine because it had me and it had Sam but it's not. And we're not. We've lost everything. And now you're gonna bring him back. Okay? You're gonna bring back Cas. You're gonna bring back Mom. Even Crowley. Because after everything that you've done you owe us, you son of a bitch.” He pauses. Looks around and then punches the pirate sign off of the back door of the restaurant. “Please,” he begs. “Please help us.” When he gets no response, he heads back to the car.
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We flash back to the present where Dean and Sam stand by the car. “God's not listening,” Dean tells Sam. “He doesn't give a damn.” Dean stalks off with an axe to chop down enough lumber to build a pyre for two. Sam and Jack visit Kelly's body upstairs. Later, downstairs, Dean visits Castiel's body. He slowly pulls back the sheet and looks down on Castiel's still face for a moment before covering it again. He takes the curtain down and tears it, wrapping Castiel's body in the winding cloth.
Later, as evening settles around them, Dean splashes fuel on the laden pyre. Sam asks Jack if he would like to say anything but Jack isn't sure what to say. Sam tells him that you say “Thank you. You say you're sorry. You hope they're somewhere without sadness. Pain. Somewhere better. You say goodbye.”
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“Bye Cas,” Dean says. “Bye Kelly. Bye Crowley. Bye Mom.” Yes, goodbye Mom. :( Dean's convinced that Lucifer killed her instantly upon arriving in the parallel universe. Dean throws the lighter into the pyre and it bursts into flames. Together, they all say goodbye.
At last, we jump to the parallel world. Mary's on the run when Lucifer cuts her off and slaps her down. He chortles at her and teases the possibility of killing her. And then he tells her that he needs her and spares her life. Dun dun DUN.
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No Quotes Matter:
I tried to shoot the monster, Sam. It's kinda what we do.
There's no such thing as weird. Everyone's normal in their own way.
So what are you, some kind of superhero?
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rockhoochie · 5 years ago
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ambular-d · 8 years ago
Oh, man.  Please, nobody ever tell Mary about the Cherubs.
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daughters-and-winsisters · 6 years ago
Meeting Mary and being Sam and Dean's half sister, would include...
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“So John’s your father...” 
Mary being very hesitant to you at first, but only because the idea of John being with someone else was a lot to take in
To start, she’s angry at you and you become very quiet and hide in your room a lot
You saving her on a hunt is the moment she realises it’s pointless not liking you
She finds you in your room and sits down with you for a while
You’re the one to notice how hard she’s finding it to settle in to modern life
Having “woman to woman” conversations
When you have sibling moments with your brothers, she loves seeing how happy you all look
You ask about what your Dad was like when she knew him
Going on hunts together without Sam and Dean
Requested by anon
Request: Can I request a would include? "Meeting Mary and being Sam and Dean's half sister, would include..." The reader being Dean and Sam's younger half sister(Dean being 13 years older and Sam being 9. She was raised by John since her mom was also a hunter and died when she was little.) I thought it would be interesting for Mary to find out that John had another kid(s), and how she would interact with her. (SORRY IF ITS TOO MUCH!!) Sorry I couldn’t get the age differences in there I wasn’t really sure what to do with them. Other than that, hope you like it! x
I do not own these gifs
(Tags after cut)
@nnoxygen @summerbee53 @lil-sister-winchester @itsrainbowunicornstuff @graceless-dragon @iamflanneltrash @clairedelalune @winchester-2301 @lavender-winchester @anarahma @mariahoedt @shewhoscreamssilently @livelikeawinchester @metaphysicalmisha @storyofawinchester @fandomsstolemylife00 @griff1ndor @mollykmccarthy @27bmm @archangelsandwarlocks @bea789 @imprettycool-i-guess @lovelife-tothefullest @jayankles @seninjakitey @stressedoutkitten @juneinthered @thyotakukimkim @susan-is-in-the-house @fountain-pen-of-youth
217 notes · View notes
my-bread · 6 years ago
Dean: implies that he’s too far gone and doesn’t deserve saving
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winchester-grl-blog · 6 years ago
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That‘s me 😂🙏🏻
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Forgotten Winchester Sister
Paring:WinchesterxSister!reader  Maybe JackxReader
Warining: violence 
AO: This is going to be a series so enjoy!
I grew up with a family in Ohio. My Mother’s Name was Kathrin and my Father’s Name Chris. I lived a Pretty normal live. School, Teenager Problems etc. The only normal thing was that my family tortured me.  I turned 18 last week and it was then when I discovered that my life has been a lie. Kathrin and Chris weren’t my Parents. And Andrews wasn’t my last name. The only thing that was true was my name. Y/N. But everything else has been a lie. I Remember Piece’s Words and faces. But the first thing I remembered was my last name. Winchester.
I asked my “Parents” about this. But they started screaming at me and said that I would be insane.  That I am theirs. So I Started searching on the Internet, After I hacked the Police department I found a file with the name Winchester on it. Sam and Dean. When I read these names a memory came back. Words. “Y/N  everything is going to be ok” I Looked at the photos. I had tears in the eyes when I read below the names DEAD. This can’t be true. I spent all day reading the file. It was pretty big And confusing. They say that they killed Dean like 3 Times. I wrote down important facts about them until my Mother came in my room and started screaming at me.  She took my Computer and Locked my door from outside. No way I would stay longer here in hell. I looked at the little book with Notes on them and started Packing my stuff. I found an address where they had been seen.  Somewhere in Lebanon, Kansas. I took my Money from the mini job I had, it wasn’t much but enough. I opened my window and looked back one more time. I wrote a letter to my Parents and explained everything. I saw a few Photos On the wall and decided to bring them along then I started climbing out the window.  I was on the rooftop and looked if anybody would see me. When I saw no one I jump in the Neighbor’s garden and ran off.
I found a Bus station and bought me a Ticket. The bus drive was long but I heard music with my MP3 Player. When  I arrived in Kansas  I immediately bought me a Map. I couldn’t use Google maps because I knew my Parents would track me down with the GPS. So when I had the Map I took another bus And then I was standing where the Brothers had been seen last. It was a fast food restaurant called Cole’s.  The street down was a Motel so I decided to first rent a Room and then to go to Cole’s. I got a Little room with a bed. It was good enough. I searched for a Jacked and then I went outside. The sunset was Beautiful. When I arrived at Cole’s again it was almost full. I found a free Spot and after a while a women came to me. “What can I do for you?” I looked at the Card “Ehm, can I Have number 5 Please?” She nodded “Something to drink?” “Water please” With that she went in the Kitchen. I Looked around but I saw nor Dean or Sam. I took out the Book with the Notes and read it. “Here is your order” I smiled at her “Thank you”. My stomach growls and I started to eat. What when I would find them? What would I do. What should I do when they didn’t want to see me?. While I was eating so many Questions went through my head. I started writing down the memory’s I had. And when I looked at the clock it was almost midnight. I decided to come back tomorrow morning. When I was walking down the street to my Hotel I started asking myself what would happened when I wouldn’t find them?  I entered my room and let myself fall on the Bed. It wasn’t soft it felt like stone but I have to get used to this. I quickly got in the shower that I had and went then to bed. I was exhausted. Sleep came quickly as the next morning to. I looked at my Phone 5 am. Ok I want to be at Cole’s at 6 am.  
When I was there Listening to music and looking up whenever somebody walked in I got pretty Bored. I Decided to stop listening to music but starting to draw. So I would hear when somebody walked through the door. The waiter came often to me and I ordered always something to drink so they wouldn’t toss me out. It was 11am when a man with a Trench coat came in. I looked down again and continued drawing when I overheard something “Yes number 5 with extra cheese for dean and number 9 for sam. Oh and number 7 for Jack. That’s all thanks.” I had no idea who this Jack was but he Knew Sam and Dean. I started packing my stuff and went outside Cole’s so I could follow this man. I put my Headphones in and played the Music low and I took my book out and started faking drawing. When he came out I follow him. I started making notes where he went so I would find the way back to my motel afterwards. He didn’t even look back once. When he was Walking a lonely street I began to panic a little. What if he knew I was following him and this was a trap. But then I said again I have to know. What if he really knows sam and dean. I want to know them to. To ask them so many questions.
I stood behind a tree when the man entered what seemed to be an old fabric or something like that. When he opened the door he said “Sam Dean I’m back” And closed the door behind Him. My heart stared beating fast. I wanted to go after him but I stayed behind the tree for a few minutes breathing heavily. I came out and looked around. Here was nothing expect This old Building. I walked through the Door. It was Locked. I knew how to open Locks but I was afraid that they would hear me. I decided that I would deal with that later. I took the picklock and opened the Lock. I tried to open the door slowly so it wouldn’t make any sounds. I entered and tried to close it as slowly and silent. When I turned around I saw stairs so I went them down. There was a freaking big table with some kind of a map in it. And then there was like a Hallway with tables in them and Bookshelf’s everywhere. I heard voices in another room. My heart felt like it would jump out off my chest. I walked towards The big table and looked over it. It had a map in it the whole world. I walked in the hallway with the many tables. I looked around there were some glass display cases with old stuff in it. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned Around Quickly.  There was a boy standing, he seemed to be in my age, he had brown hair and eyes. He Looked confused at me. I tried to make up an excuse for being in somebody’s home. But I couldn’t thing of any. “how did you come in?” I looked at him “Ehm through the door” He looked more confused. But then I heard more Footsteps “Hey Jack what Takes so long?” A Tall Man with long Brown hair and Green eyes came in the Hallway and Looked alarmed when he saw me. I looked at him. Sam. He Really is Freaking tall. He seemed like he wanted to say something but didn’t. Then two other people came in the Hallway “What are you idiots doing?” One was the dark haired man with the Trench coat and another had brown hair green eyes and freckles all over his Face.  He looked alarmed too first but then he looked like he panicked. He looked to Sam and then back to me. “W-Who are you?” His voice almost sounded scary like he didn’t wanted to hear the Answer. “’ Y/N. And I’m sorry for breaking in your home it’s just that I-” The dark Haired man took a step Forwards and put a hand on my forehead. “What are you doing?” He looked at me and said nothing. All this started to make me angry. I pushed his arm aside and took a step back. “Listen I’m sorry for breaking in but I just want Answers ok? And I Know I can find them here” I looked at Sam and Dean “Sam Dean Please I Need your help” When I said their names it seemed that they had lost all blood in their face’s.  “You know her?” Asked the boy and Dean whispered “Yes” I felt so happy to hear this. They could help me finding out who I am.  Sam looked at me sadness only in his eyes “Why did you come here?” I looked at him confused and with anger “Should I have stayed with my “Family”?” He nodded “You were save there Y/N!” I looked to dean who was looking down. “Save? I wasn’t save there Sam. I’M not here to talk about this. I want to Know where do I know you and why did you left me?” Dean Looked up Tears in his eyes “What?” I Looked to him “You promised me that you wouldn’t left me. This is one of the few things I remember” Dean looked hearth broken so does Sam. Sam Signed “Ok Let’s talk”.
It was Almost Day again when Sam and Dean finished their Story. When I was little dean found a nice witch and asked her to erase my memory so I would forget about the supernatural. And then they told me about Sam having demon blood in him and Dean going to Hell. Dean coming back Thanks Castiel. They told me about Michael And Lucifer the Cage and Soulless Sam And the Mark of Cain. Demon dean The Few Apocalypse, Dean told me Pround Of the One time he Killed Hitler, The angels crisis and the leviathan things  about the British man of Letters, about mum. everthing. I have to say it was Pretty hard to believe.  After the Story nobody said anything for a few minutes. I needed to progress all this. Sam Looked at me with a small smile. “How was your life Y/N?” I Looked at him “Not as Adventurous as yours.” He laugh and dean had a small smile on his face.  “My life wasn’t like you guys wanted it to be. I mean I didn’t hunt Monsters but I wasn’t save.” They looked at me with confusion and Dean said “What do you mean not save?” I Smiled sadly and Castiel who sat next to jack said “Your Back” I looked over him and then back to Sam and Dean who looked confused. “ I wanted it to be a Secret only I Know but I’m sure when I’m not going to say it castiel will. The family I stayed with was very” I searched for a word “Strict.” Castiel made a strange noise and said “They were Bad Y/N.” I looked over him “Let me finish. Well In the morning I went to school did homework there and when I came home. When I was lucky my “Parents” Weren’t there and I had some spare time. But as soon as I was home they would start to Torture me. Only on the back so when I have to go somewhere nobody would see anything.  Well it went on forever till i decided a few days ago to run away “ dean Looked Furious “They did What?!” I Looked at him with a smile “It’s Ok dean” Sam stood up “no it’s Not Y/N! Nothing about this is Ok! Why did you stayed there?!” I Laughed “Were was is supposed to go Sam? I was a child. And there were Adult they threaten my friends. I couldn’t have gone anywhere!” Castiel was About to Put his Hand on my Shoulder But I took it “Castiel I swear if you try this again I will hurt you” He looked at me “How do you know what I was about to do?” I let go off his arm and Looked at the Clock. I took my jacket and Went to the stairs. “Where are you going?”  I Looked at Dean tired “In my Motel I’m Tired” Sam shook his head “Y/N you Can live here. God this is Your home” I looked at him and put my jacket on “Thanks sam but all my stuff is there and I need time alone” I walked up the stairs until someone grabed my arm I looked sam in the eyes “Y/N let us drive you if you really want to go back” I shook my head “Sam I will walk. And if you are scared that something could happen to me. Remember I survived worse.” I opend the Door and looked back “Good night”
When I was in My room I didn’t want to think about anything I just went to the bed and slept. Sounds wake me up. I opened one eye and heard that somebody was trying to open my door. I had a Knife under my Pillow I took it and hid it under my blanket. The door opened and Sam and Dean Came in. I looked at them and put the Blanket over my head. Sam Laughed and Dean said “Wake up Sunshine” I Looked at them “Why?” They just laughed and I sighed. I got up and saw that they brought breakfast. I sat down at the little table I had in the room and Dean gave me a fruit salad. I looked down at the salad and Sam said “We weren’t sure if you still liked this but you used to love this” I had tears in the eyes and smiled at them “Yes I still love this Thank you” sam smiled and started eating. I opened the salad and was about to eat “How did you guys know I am here?” Dean looked at Sam “Well you said it Yesterday” I ate a strawberry “No I didn’t” Sam Took out his computer and showed me how he tracked me down. I nodded and continued eating. Sam was confused “You’re ok with this?” I nodded “I would have track you guys down too if I had my laptop with me but I left it in Ohio” Sam smiled “You couldn’t have find us” I Looked at him and took his Computer. I hacked the Police Again and showed Sam and dean their Files “This Is How I came here and If I had my laptop here I would have done this-“ I opened Street cameras around here and showed them sam and dean “I would have looked if I saw you and tracked you down” I Ate a banana. Sam and dean exchange a look. Sam looked at me Smiling “You really are a Winchester” I smiled still eating.  I Looked to Dean “So what’s the Plan?” Dean Looked at me “What do you want?”  I finished my Salad and took  fries from Dean’s burger and same looked at Me like I had gone Crazy. “I want to Be with my Family if that’s ok for you guys” Sam smiled “Yes!” Dean Looked at me “But you’re going to stay out of Trouble!” I Looked at him “If it Possible ok. But I want to Help with the Hunting Stuff!” Dean gave sam a look “see I knew this would happen” Sam smiled “You can’t keep a Winchester from Hunting” Dean Signed “Ok I knew this Would happened. And I know that if I forbid you to go Hunt you would still do it without us so.” He gave me a Newspaper and showed me an Article “Married Pair died in their Home. No one broke in and the Police didn’t found any Clues.” I read Loud. Dean Had a Stupid Smirk on his face and nodded. “Ghosts?” I asked and he Looked Proud. Sam Laughed “Normally We would give you and FBI Card or something like this But you are 18 So we did this. He gave ma A Card “FBI Trainee?”  Dean Smirked “It was My idea” Sam gave him an annoying look “Really Dean?” Dean Just Smiled. “Ok Y/N Let’s go Hunt some Ghosts”  
Dean was Driving And Sam Sat next to him Searching something with his Phone he gave me the Laptop and Let me Do researches. I Looked up when Dean put an cassette “Dean no” Sam Looked to his Brother “Sam Driver Picks the Music Shotgun shuts his Cakehole” I Giggled.  Then Highway to Hell Started Playing and I sang along. Sam Turned around and looked at me like I Betrayed him. Dean laughed “See Sammy A True Winchester” I Continued researching and Singing.
“Hello Miss I’m agent Ferro and this is my partner Wellock, and our Trainee vione. Can we ask you a few Questions” The Sister from the Victim nodded . “I said everything I know the Police” Sam Nodded “We know miss but we Have to do it again” I Listened to what Dean and Sam said. Sam Gave me a look and I asked the Women “I’m Sorry can I use The Bathroom?” The women nodded “Yes sure, Down the Floor last door right” I nodded and went to the Floor and took the EMF out. I went down the Floor and The EMF Played like crazy. “Go Away!” I turned around but no one was here. I turned back to Dean and Sam. Sam Stood up “Thank you Miss”
 “What did you find?” I Looked to Dean who sat in the Driver seat “There is Definitely a Ghost in the house. I even heard someone saying ‘Go Away’ I Found an Article in the Internet That a Girl Named Ehm Claudia Housten. Her Mum ,Sarah,  is still Alive and Lives not far away” Sam smiled Proudly “Good Job Y/N” I Smiled “Thank you I Had The Best Teachers”.
“Why does the FBI want to know about Claudia?”  Sam was about to say something but I interrupted him. “ The FBI goes over some old cases this is one of them”  Dean smiled “Yes what she said”. Sarah Gave us a cup of tee and sat down “I still can’t get Over her Death,  I Knew that Claudia’s Boyfriend Mark was Not good for her but she Loved him. One Night I worked till late in the day and when I came back” She had tears in her eyes. I took her hand “It’s alright” She nodded “I found her Cut in Pieces. We had to burn her body. The Police never found The Killer.” Sam and Dean asked a few other questions and then we went back to the car. “So what now. They burned her body” Sam nodded “Maybe there’s Something in the House” I Looked at my Phone “I think we have to Find Her Ex-Boyfriend maybe he Knows more. But Can we get something to eat first?”
I Ordered a Burger With Dean and Sam a Salad. Sam was looking where This Mark lives. I looked at Dean “Hey you said that Jack is a Nephilim right?” Dean nodded Sam looked up “Why?” I shrug “Just curious” I looked at my Phone 4 Missing Calls from Steve. I choose to Ignore it, I started a new Life. After that we went to Mark his apartment. He told us about Claudia that he loved her even when everybody said that he wouldn’t.  He didn’t went out with somebody else in all this time because he loved her so much. “I Just Miss her so much” he said while tears were running down his cheeks. He couldn’t help us, He said the same things as Claudia’s mother. So after that I laid in the back seats of the Impala and tried to think about Claudia. I was pretty sure that Claudia wasn’t the one saying that I should go away. The Voice sounded like I little boys Voice. “Watcha thinking Sunshine?”  I looked out of the window “she wasn’t the only one Dean.” Opened the door to have a better look at me “You mean the Voice you  heard?” I nodded “He sounded Like he was scared for me. Like if I stayed at this house any Longer something would happen to me” I frowned “I Know what happened!” I sat up and Sam Opened the Other door. “What?” I opened The laptop and showed them a foto from Claudia’s Family. “It’s Not the House! Well yes But wait a second. Claudia’s family Fought to get to life in this house another Family wanted the House but Claudia got it. The family’s name was Metthew I Think, Well they went to the House with their young son end he Died there. I think the family got revenge with killing Claudia.” Sam took the computer and Looked for something “If that’s true why is Claudia and tis boy still in the House?” Dean Closed the door and went to sit on the Drivers seat “Let’s Go back to the House and find out why she’s still there”
Claudias sister wasn’t home so Sam opened the door. Sam gave me a gun but I shook my head “Im better with Knives” Dean looked to me “Normal Knives can’t Hurt Them!” I Nodded “my Knives Aren’t Normal”.  Sam went upstairs and dean and I stayed downstairs looking for something. “Why are You her! Go Away!” I turned around and saw a Little boy whose Left arm was missing. “I’m Here to help you please” He Started to cry “Go away” I took one Step closer “You don’t want to Hurt anybody. So let me help you” Dean Came in the room and Looked at me and the Boy. The Boy still looked at me “Please…. Help us” fell down on his Knees and Cried. I Looked to Dean “We will Help you. Say What Happened to you?” He looked up “She won’t let us leave she-“ We heard sam Screaming Dean Looked at me and I nodded he went upstairs. “She’s here” I looked to the Boy “Who is She?” He shook his Head and disappeared. “Fuck” I said while running up the stairs. I saw dean and Sam Laying on The Ground and A women With Blond Hair and Brown eyes. She looked at me and Laughed. She Lifted her Arm and I Couldn’t move anymore “Y/N” Sam said. The women came Walking to Me Till her hand was around my throat. “I Think someone Like you Would be nice to have” I looked behind her were I saw So many children. They all looked scared and sad. “You gonna let her control you Forever?” I asked and the Children Looked at me Confused “you are stronger than her, She isn’t going to stop” The women Laughed “They aren’t strong” I Looked at her “We all are” With this I Stabbed her with my Knife. She looked at me Confused and let me down. I saw Sam pointing his gun at her and shooting all his bullets. The women saw to the Children “Kill them!” The boy looked at me And walked towards the women only To hurt her. The other Children Followed soon and The women screamed in pain until everything disappeared. I looked down. Dean put his hand on my shoulder “Good job” I Looked up and nodded.
After The Hunt we went eating Something Sam looked at me Scared to ask his question “Are you Coming Home?” The Two of them Looked at me scared of what I will say. “Tomorrow I will come home ok?” They had the Biggest smiles on their faces. After that they Drove me to my Motel. “Im gonna call you tomorrow so you two can help me with my stuff”.
I Heard sounds and I wake up again. It was in the middle of the Night. Someone was Trying to open my door. I went to the door “Sam If you want to come in you-“ My body froze when I saw Steve. “Who’s this Sam Guy Hm?” He pushed me In the room and Closed the door behind him. I still couldn’t move. “What’s up Babygirl? Did you thought I wouldn’t find you?” I walked slowly to the Bed where my knife was.  He Came to me and touched my Wrist “Ahh How I’ve missed This” I Had only A long sized T-Shirt on. I Punched him in the face and Took the Knife and my Phone. “Fuck you Bitch!” When he saw I was calling someone He took out a gun and and pointed it at me. “Put the Phone down!” I tried to think of a way out but there was none. “Hmm Y/N What’s up Why did you call At 2:30 in the Morning” I heard Deans sleepy voice over the Phone. “Y/N?” Steve Looked at me “Put the Fucking Phone Down!”  I looked at him and he shot next to me in the Wall. I dropped the Phone and he smiled “Good Girl now kick it over here” I could hear how dean screamed at the Phone but I Kicked it over to him “Good Girl see this is how I like it” He looked at the phone and hung up. He came Closer “Now Drop the Knife. We don’t want to hurt Anybody”------
To be Continued 
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angelblack3274 · 4 years ago
One of the main reasons I love writing is all the things random things I learn along and knowing where that information ends up. Just last night I was writing Catching Up on the Croatoan episode and gave myself a crash course on the history of Roanoke settlement and the Elizabethan court. All so that I could posit that Elizabeth Throckmorton made a demon deal to ruin the settlement so that she could steal Walter Raleigh away from Elizabeth I
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leigh-ld · 7 years ago
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Quick thing of Cas I did after the end of season 12~
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arkvark2 · 7 years ago
Is Castiel/Misha getting a bigger role? I hope not. S13 sounds crap.
Going by Dabb’s track record I doubt it.  Remember when he promised the return of season 4 badass Cas in season 12?  That lasted 5 minutes in one episode, the rest of the reason he was useless and got his ass kicked when he’s not betraying the Winchesters.
I’m actually kind of intrigued and excited by the idea of AU world(s) in season 13  because it might serve the same purpose as monster-of-the week episodes - to explore unresolved issues of Sam and Dean and anything between them.  Maybe by seeing the different AUs they could see how their choices positively affected our earth and will force them to confront unresolved stuff. 
In the EW article, Michael is in charge of the AU world where Lucifer and Mary is trapped in.  Does that mean had Dean said “yes” to Michael would our earth have looked like that?  It’s much worse than the world/illusion Zach showed Dean where Sam said “yes” to Lucifer.  Cas specifically looked at Sam when he said the AU was the world where Sam wasn’t born in to save it.  Maybe the stupid Sam-started-the-apocalypse blame game can finally be put to rest by evidence of the AU worlds.
I think it’s why Mary was brought back to the series, it forced Dean to confront the perfect-mother image he had of her and as long as he held on to the image, his subconsious/demon will always blame Sam.  Once Dean let go of the perfect-mother image, he also lets go of his demon and the blame.  With Mary stuck in the AU world, she will continue to serve the purpose of Sam and Dean visiting and confronting unresolved issues via AU worlds.
Or I’m a foolish optimist and Dabb is a hack.
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cursed-byesexual · 4 years ago
I really want to write a destiel fic set after the finale we should have gotten. So everybody is alive and Dean and Cas are finally figuring out their relationship but in true supernatural fashion Chuck pulled a last trick on them before he died and like made his worst creations rise again or smth.
And Jack, needing time to recharge after the epic final battle, can't do much other than giving heaven permission to let the best hunters of all time come to life again to fight.
So basically long story short, everybody would be crammed in the bunker and working together, even people they hadn't seen in years and if they succeed Jack can just allow them to live the lifes they should have had.
Also, Dean and Cas are being confronted with people assuming they are together every step they take. Sam has Eileen back. Can you imagine the pure comedic gold of explaining everything that led to that situation to John Winchester? And since I don't like John, I'd love for him to see how well the boys did without him.
(This kinda assumes that the resurrected can't remember heaven very well since Mary probably would have told him everything)
Can you imagine the big reunion scene with John watching in cold shock when he sees Mary hugging Cas and calling him one of her boys? When he sees his own sons greeting Bobby more warmly than him? When he sees how wrong he was about Sam and how Dean does by far no longer obey every word he says? Also, Adam would probably be there! Basically I'm all for John Wichesters bad parenting to be called tf out.
Feel free to add onto this if you have ideas for that scenario and reunions you'd like to see. Comment if you want to be tagged should I actually write this. (Sorry about how long and rambly this is)
Edit: I finally got around to writing the first chapter!
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tinkdw · 8 years ago
I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate how much bringing Mary back helped with the character development of Sam and Dean. My roommate keeps rolling her eyes at this plot point (she doesn't even watch spn) because she thinks it's a cheap way to keep the story going, and bringing Mary back is just further proof that there's no consequences on the show. But I think that couldn't be further from the truth. Mary dying, and then coming back, was so smart! Esp for performing Dean
Yeah exactly this was her whole purpose : to help Dean with his self acceptance arc and to help Sam with his self forgiveness arc. I guess they could have done it another way but this way makes sense and is the most clear cut in terms of circular narrative and making it a clean story after so much subtext and backwards and forwards over the years I actually really like that now we are entering endgame they are making things a bit clearer and more obvious!
I wrote about it here about halfway through the season: Mary is the best mother figure they could wish for.
Dean ‘sublimation’ Winchester has now achieved his self acceptance arc climax thanks to Mary (I mean, it was the climax but there’s still the fallout to go, us seeing him address it textually moving forwards and the endgame reward with Cas).
Now it is Sam’s turn in season 13, already started thanks to Mary through Ramiel but I think it will culminate with Lucifer and Mary, their arcs will be tied up, I don't know if it will be as blatant as Mary sacrificing herself to deal with Lucifer for good and going to Heaven, but something like that anyway.
So yeah, I liked it a lot too :)
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