marryingasaudi · 3 years
Hello, I was wondering if you could share the facebook groups/whatsapp as I am interested in joining. Thank you dear!
Yes, of course! The group is called Past, Present, and Potential Wives of Saudis Support Group on Facebook. They have been active for 7 years and have been a great help to me. The whatsapp group I had already deleted, unfortunately, but you can search Google for whatsapp groups that are available.
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nightowlcreation · 7 years
Hello. I am not dating or looking for a Saudi man, though I previously had and stumbled upon your great blog. Though my circumstances are different (as an American dating a South Indian and not a Saudi), I have found that the fundamentals of your blog has really helped my outlook and helped me to remain positive, aware, and informed about my own situation. The cultures of your blog are as different as mine are with my boyfriend and, though the details and difficulties are different, a lot still rings true. Though not all of it helps, I wanted to thank you for your interesting, informative, and supportive blog for intercultural & long-distance(almost by default) relationships. — iamnoteither
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Last Blog Post
Hello to all of my wonderful followers!
I hope the new year is treating you better than last year. 
This will be my last post on “I’m Marrying a Saudi”. I will leave it up so anyone new can go through and get the answers that they need. Please DM me for other places to get more information. 
I am letting go of this as I am no longer marrying a Saudi. I know I said I would continue it, but I need to end it in order to truly move on with my life. Please forgive me.
I am in a very loving and healthy relationship with an Indian man now. I am finally happy again and looking forward to living life again. 
I wish all of you so much good luck in this journey with your Saudi and hope all of you have the happy endings you deserve.
Thank you for all of your submissions to my blog. Love to you all. 
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Salam , I am a European American 22 year old female looking to marry my Saudi bf 22 as well. He studies in my city in the states. We will not get married until he finishes his studies (25 years old we will be). He will be a pilot and we want to live in Jeddah. Is there any hope of us getting married before 30? ( we’re going to speak to his family I just want to make sure and see if we would have to wait)
Hello! Thank you for writing in. The age restriction is down to 30 years old for the man now. It is really difficult to receive the marriage permission if he is not close to that age. They want to make it very difficult, as if it should be a last resort to marry a non-Saudi. I know people who were a bit older that filed anyway and were able to get it, but they also had wasta (something that is currently looked down upon). Do you plan on living/working in KSA?
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Okay, I made this account just to ask. Is it possible to marry my Saudi bf (22years old) after he finish his scholarship (he will be a pilot and 25). I am American (22 female) and we both are looking for a way to avoid the age requirement. We want to do everything right, and we want to do it as soon as he starts working (25years old). Yes, we are going to ask his family but I want to make sure we have hope after we get permission from his family (inshallah). Anything helps!
Hello and thank you so much for contacting me!
Do you plan on living and/or working in KSA? If so, then you must file for the marriage permission with the MOI before getting married. The age requirement is currently 30 years old (went down from 40!). He isn't there yet in age, but I would have him start filing soon because this process may take a very long time. I know couples that were successful even though they didn't meet the requirements. The time it takes varies from couple to couple.
Patience is really key and you must love each other very much because you might be tested. I loved my Saudi more than anything, but it wasn't meant to be for us. I hope you succeed inshallah.
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Hi! I’m an Asian Muslim girl (34) who’s dating a Saudi guy (32) for the past 2 years. We plan on getting married and are looking into the marriage permission as we plan on residing in KSA after the wedding. However, his parents (who are also in an interracial marriage) do not approve, although my family approves. Will his family’s objection play a role in the process of our application? Seeing as I’m 34, we would like to have children ASAP. An Islamic legal marriage is possible in my country.
Hello! Thank you for your submission.
I am sorry to hear that they don't approve. I wonder why especially since they are an interracial couple! It is also a rare thing, indeed, to find a Saudi man who will go against his parents' wishes, but I know of couples who have married without their permission.
The process takes an unknown amount of time, but better if he can go to the MOI and file for the marriage permission. I have been told countless times that if they see the Saudi there they are more likely to grant it sooner. The process for a marriage approval takes much longer to achieve so if you plan on living in KSA I would try harder for the marriage permission (you have to wait to receive that before the Nikah).
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Hello, I am 37 year old Saudi, and she is 28 year old Russian, both of us never married before. currently abroad and we were contemplating marriage, I just read about all those obstacles. Unfortunately I don't have the time to obtain marriage permit, and was planning to marry her in Russia so she can obtain ability to apply for visa to be with me in country of scholarship. would it be hard to obtain recognition later in Saudi? thank you a lot
Hello and thanks for writing in!
The duration of time it takes to receive either marriage permission or marriage approval is different for everyone. Marriage approval has proven to be more difficult so I hope you have patience as my fiancé did not have it when we filed for the marriage permission.
If you go ahead with getting married first then I would make sure to have every document in order to file when you do. Hopefully everything goes well and you receive it with no difficulty inshallah.
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marryingasaudi · 3 years
Hello! I would like to ask is it possible or permissible if me and my boyfriend (we're both 20 right now btw) get married legally in other country, but come back to Saudi Arabia after he turns 30 to apply for marriage permission???
You can always get married in another country legally, however, you will be seeking the marriage approval instead of marriage permission (marriage permission is before getting married and marriage approval is after, also a bit more difficult to attain as you have gone against the MOI). Do you plan on traveling/moving to KSA? Either way, I wouldn't rush the marriage, you're only 20. Get to learn everything about Saudi culture if you haven't already. Make sure his parents are 💯 on board with you getting married. I wish you good luck and that you end up happy inshallah!
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Hi, I'm a 31 year old girl from Romania (Christian) and my Saudi fiance 33. He already received the marriage permission 4 years ago but on the paper sent to the KSA embassy in RO it was written that they only allow us to merry if I convert to Islam, which I don't intend to do. Since then, he tried to remove the condition from the permission but without any success. Did you ever hear of anything like this and what can we do in this case? I'm losing my hopes with every day passing...
Hello Romanian woman! 
I am afraid that is one big stipulation as you have to get Islamically married after receiving the marriage permission. Do you plan on living in KSA? You won’t need to convert if you don’t plan on staying there, but if you do plan on living with him and traveling with him in KSA then everything would need to be in order.  
Please DM me for alternative measures. 
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Update On My Life
Hello, Everyone! 
Thank you so much for following my blog and submitting all of your situations and questions to me. I hope I have helped you in some way as that is my main focus with this blog. I will continue to do so even if my own situation does not have the happy ending I wished for in my life and my heart.
Ziad proposed to me in Honolulu with a beautiful ring from Tiffany’s that he had to buy there since the one he bought prior was not shipped to the hotel room. This was back in 2016. He and I have been together going on 12 years now and we have traveled all over together. I knew this was going to be a LDR for a long time under the circumstances of him still being in the army even though he went to school for dentistry and works in Riyadh as a dentist (we have to wait until he is discharged in order for the marriage permission to be granted). I had hope, though, as I saw him once or twice every year when we would travel together for a week or two. 
Around October of that same year he had planned a trip for us to travel with his parents to Dubai, which was canceled because the army sent him down to Yemen. 
He was very upset and didn’t know how long he would have to be down there, but he maintained contact with me up until 2017 when the communication stopped. Now I have no idea what has happened to him. I have not heard from him since so this January it will have been 3 years. I was used to not hearing from him before when he was sent to various places in the past, but never for this long (usually it was around 6 months to a year). 
I have tried everything to get in contact with him again. I continue to email him in the hopes that he is safe. Even my mother said she has a feeling he will come back again and she has very good intuition. Under the circumstances with COVID-19, my friends in Riyadh haven’t been able to find anything out right now. With things opening back up again, I hope to find out more soon. 
If you are in Riyadh and can help me in any way, I would greatly appreciate it. Please send me a message and I will give you the information that you need. I would just like to find out what happened. I still love him and always will. I have put my life on hold for him for so long, but now I am taking back control and moving forward with it. Thank you again. 
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Dear all, I am Russian (27) and my BF is Saudi (26). At the moment we are both living in KSA and planning to get marry (I have a job here). I read that some government officials can not marry non-Saudis. Kindly tell me, in case we will be able to get permission for marriage, will he be able to apply for these government positions later in the future if he has a foreign wife? Second question, if we have kids before the government approves our marriage, what would be the negative consequences?
Hey! Unfortunately, most (pretty much all) government officials cannot marry foreigners and they cannot hold these positions even after marriage at any time. Here is a link https://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/622126. You can also see the list on the Ministry of Interior website under the Rules and Regulations tab, however the PDFs are all in Arabic. This is just one of the reasons stopping my marriage currently. 
Also, your boyfriend is only 26. Currently, the age requirement states that the man has to be at least 30. Most have had the marriage permission rejected right away who were under 30, but he is close so I would suggest filing anyway. If you do get rejected, though, I was informed that you have to wait around 6 months to reapply. 
If you are going to have children before receiving the marriage permission then I would suggest getting Islamically and legally married first and then filing for marriage approval instead (it’s like a pardon). I wouldn’t have children out of wedlock, though. I hope this helps. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Shukran! 
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Salam. So glad I found this website. Here's my situation. I have started talking to this beautiful Saudi Woman who is 23 years of age as of right now, I am turning 25 in January, 2021. I am an American citizen who has lived in Saudi Arabia as an expatriate student (3 years of age till I was 18), but I was not born in Saudi Arabia. What are the rules and procedures for us to get permission to marry? What are the regulations and such? I hope this message finds you well :).
Wa Alaikum Salaam! 
Hmmm, that is a very good question. I have not come across such a conundrum. What nationality are you? If you are not Saudi and are a US citizen then you would still have to go to the MOI to file for the marriage permission before you can marry her/ live with her legally. I am not sure if there is an age requirement for the Saudi woman as there is if a Saudi man wants to marry a non-Saudi (30 years old at minimum). Scroll down to find the list of things you need to do to file. I wish you all the best and you will get it inshallah
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Hello! I have a WhatsApp group for American women who are living or want to live in/visit KSA. If anyone is interested, feel free to send me a message about it! It's a new group and there are 7 of us so far! We all have been talking about travel rules, experience in the KSA, asking questions, etc. Some are married and others are in a relationship with a Saudi and wanting to get info before committing to living in KSA. 🇺🇸❣🇸🇦
Brilliant! I would love to join as well ❤️
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Hi, I am a 26-year-old Malaysian woman who has been together with a 29-year-old Saudi man for almost a year, recently just started to take the relationship to another level by getting married. He told me his gov regulations are very strict, I tried looking up and it’s mentioned that the Saudi man needs to be between the ages 40-64. Is there a way for us to still pursue getting married? Where can I get more info regarding all the criterias? Thanks so much ♥️
Hi! He has to go to the MOI to file for the marriage permission before you get married. The process length and outcome is different for everyone. I would suggest doing it right away and it should be fine since he is so close to the age requirements; I was told recently that it went down to 30 years of age. I tell everyone to give it a shot anyway even if they don’t meet the requirements because I know couples that have succeeded regardless. Scroll down for all the steps you need to for your significant other to file. 
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marryingasaudi · 4 years
Reposting the Marriage Permission Process
To facilitate the marriage permission (tasreeh):
Special notice for Saudi men wanting to marry American women: The Saudi Government has added new regulations for Saudi men wishing to marry foreigners. Saudi men must first sign a binding document granting irrevocable permission for their foreign-born spouses and children born of foreign spouses, to travel freely and unhindered in and out of Saudi Arabia before the Saudi Government will give permission for him to marry. This regulation went into force on February 20, 2008, and is not retroactive. The U.S. Embassy can intercede with the Saudi government to request exit permission for adult American women who are not affected by this new regulation, but will not be able to obtain permission for the departure of minor children without the father’s agreement (See Entry/Exit Requirements section above). Obtaining exit permission for an adult American woman can take many months. Source: US Dept Of State
Documents needed (subject to personal circumstances):
Please note: It is your responsibility as the applicant to inquire personally or by phone with the appropriate MOI (Ministry of Interior) or local emara (governor) as to which documents will be needed for your particular circumstances. That includes distinguishing which documents are needed from the non-Saudi spouse and which are needed for the Saudi applicant.
All documents must be in Arabic or translated into Arabic. Documents must be requested by the relevant Saudi government office in order to be obtained from Civil Affairs. The list is as follows in no certain order:
Copies of Saudi fiance’s birth certificate, passport, iqamah/family card, any death/divorce certificates or that one has never been married before to establish single status, the permission of the fiance’s guardian, medical documents claiming good health for marriage and any other medical documents required, documents from MOI and Civil Affairs 
Proof of income from job or that you are self-employed, approval from the district chief (umdah) emir (governor) of the province Saudi fiance resides in, shahada certificate of non-Saudi showing that he is Muslim, photos, employment letter with current salary from employer or a certified letter from the Umdah (district official) and the local Police stating that the applicant is not self-employed nor by the government and is rather a house-lady (as in basically unemployed) 
Record print out from Civil Affairs office, copy of the national ID card and original, divorce or widower certificate if applicable, attending a mini-interview at the women’s section of the marriage office, university registration record/transcript or high school degree 
Copy of the house rental contract or property, document must be provided, or sanctioned certificate must be provided from the Governor and the Police 
If employed, identification letter from the wife’s employer, copy of the husband’s Civil Affairs ID or family record, recent coloured frontal angle (without glasses) photograph of the husband, (4X6) cm in size
If one of the couples was divorced or widowed, a copy of divorce document or death certificate is required
Valid copy of the wife’s resident permit (Iqama) or passport, approval letter from the wife, medical Report for husband and wife, police certificate, official statement from Civil Affairs Sector, archive documents, marriage request form duly filled in
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marryingasaudi · 5 years
I'm a 19 year old Malaysian student and my boyfriend is a 28 year old Saudi man and we want to get married in Saudi. Is it possible? If it is possible, what are the procedures? I am well aware of the age restriction that says I have to be at least 25 years old and he has to be at least 40 but for the other things, I am thoroughly confused. Please help!
First things first, your boyfriend has to apply for the marriage permission at the MOI in Riyadh. If you are successful in being granted permission, then you can marry. 
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