#married dabihawks
yugiohz · 1 year
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father and son in law activities
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Hawks (very late for work) : Dabs' have you seen my-
Dabi (half awake sipping coffee, hands Hawks his wallet):
Hawks: thanks, Oh! I don't have time to-
Dabi (hands him a to-go mug filled with coffee):
Hawks: marry me?
Dabi: we've been married for the last seven years.
Hawks: Amazing.
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burntbirdss · 2 years
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using eachother?
why are you a man using another man for a benefit hmm?? Could’ve “used” anybody else but no no no, you chose DABI HMMM???
Dabi is just as bad though, why are you a man whose a VILLAN giving the NO.2 HERO info hmm?? cmon dabs, do you think he’s that pretty?? JUST OWN UP TO IT ALREADY UGH 😑
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Baby Shouto and Baby Fumikage absolutely having beef with each other because the other stole their nii-san away from them. Touya sees Shouto, the brat that was always clinging to him before, toddle after Keigo because oooh pretty hero with pretty wings, must touch. Keigo sees the moment Fumikage accepted Touya into the family, proudly stating "Yes, brother. Excellent choice of mate. He will be a fine wielder of darkness" while Touya beside the small child with a straight face continues with: "Bow peasant, the world will learn to fear Fumi-chan and I."
They don't know if they want toukei to break up because while their favorite person would pay attention to them again, their second favorite person would also disappear and the children can't have that. Tis' the start of years of beef with each other all the way until highschool, where a teenage Shouto can be heard in the Sport Festival - in front of countless cameras - screaming about how his brother got stolen by an emo bird. That's his sad backstory now. Enji who? Shouto lives for spite and revenge towards the teen who took, and is continuing to take, his nii-san's attention.
A very smug Shouto is seen with a shit eating grin when he won a place above Fumikage while Fumi thinks about how he should've just made toukei break up years ago.
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slicesofapple · 8 months
It's a little hard to fit the ring over Keigo's talon, but Touya manages in the end.
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corujalesbica · 1 year
I love you people who write genderbend dabihawks fanfiction.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 1 year
Boosting my first dabihawks fic cause I got back into MHA and fell first into a dabihawks obsession. They have a kid in this one!
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sparkles-and-trash · 8 months
dabihawks silly, birdy fluff!
"Next week we're moving into the PLF mansion," Dabi said drowsily.
"The PLF mansion," Hawks repeated.
At first, Dabi figured Hawks' little habit was just a way to confirm intel. It was quite annoying, but the intel he got in return was good, so Dabi ignored it for the time being.
But then, as they moved into the PLF house and Hawks started being around more, Dabi realized it definitely wasn't an intel thing, and worse so, it seemed like he only did it with Dabi.
Dabi would say something like;
"Move over Pigeon, big ass wings don't give you the right to take up the entire couch."
And Hawks would chuckle and repeat;
"Big ass wings."
Dabi just rolled his eyes. It was just banter, after all, which was sort of their whole thing.
Until it wasn't.
The night had started out normal enough, just Dabi and Hawks being the last two to sit around the in one of the lounge rooms in the LOV part of the mansion, the casual vibe oddly disarming.
They're watching some stupid reality show on Sceptic's account (that he has no idea they have the password to), and Dabi, as usual, could not keep his mouth shut.
"You cannot tell me you think that guy is there to find someone to marry?!" Dabi exclaimed loudly as he gestured to the TV, and Hawks chuckled.
"Why else would he be there?" the hero asked,
and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Fame and attention, obviously," he replied.
"Obviously," Hawks repeated and Dabi huffed.
They're quiet for a few moments again, just watching the show, before Hawks speaks up again.
"Why would people want fame and attention, anyways? It kinda really sucks, no?"
Dabi looks over at the hero for a while, trying to decipher if this is genuine or not.
"Thought you love your fans," Dabi says with a side eye, and Hawks shrugs.
"Most of them are nice, but I'd love to just be..." the hero trails off for a second.
"Just be?" Dabi asks, and Hawks nods.
"Just be."
Dabi cleared his throat to buy him some time before he figured out how to pry a little further.
"Maybe when we're all done here, you can," he finally says, and Hawks lights up at that.
"Maybe when we're done!" he repeats, and Dabi looks at him for an extra beat.
"Okay, what gives dude?" he finally asked.
Hawks just looked at him with those stupid, wide eyes.
"What gives?" he asked, and Dabi threw his hands out in frustration.
"Why the fuck do you always repeat something I say back to me?!"
The realization hit Hawks' face so suddenly it almost made Dabi feel bad.
Golden eyes widened, freckled cheeks blushed, and his pretty mouth fell open slightly, before he somewhat got himself together and and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.
"You've noticed that,
heh?" the blond awkwardly asked, and Dabi rolled his eyes.
"Kinda hard not to."
Hawks hummed, but didn't elaborate right away.
"It's... it's a bird thing, alright?" the hero finally admitted, and now it was Dabi's turn to be taken by surprise.
"A bird.. thing?" he asked.
Hawks nodded and chuckled awkwardly.
"Mimicking is like, a natural part of my brain?"
Dabi huffed.
"Then why do you only do it with me?" he asked, and Hawks sighed.
"Dude, I don't know, okay? It just happens."
Dabi looked at him suspiciously.
"I'm gonna google it," he finally decided, and Hawks laughed.
"Sure, do that Hot Stuff."
Hawks went back to watching their show, and Dabi googled. It was quiet for a while, before a smirk started growing on Dabi's face.
"Birdie," he said, getting the hero's attention.
"Hm?" the blond said, not looking away from the tv.
"Are you like... courting me?" Dabi asked with a grin, and Hawks whipped his head around to look at him.
"What?!" he squawked, and Dabi laughed.
"Mimicing is a way for birds show their potential mate that they find them interesting and -"
"It does NOT fucking say that!" Hawks gasped as he threw himself towards Dabi to grab his phone, but Dabi was quicker and moved away in time.
"Yes it fucking does!" Dabi laughed, not missing the way Hawks' face was turning very pink again where he was laying half way over Dabi's lap in his failed attempted at grabbing the phone.
"Well I am NOT courting you!" Hawks huffed as he sat up and pouted slightly, face growing redder by the second.
Dabi felt a weird warmth in his chest that he wasn't quite ready to decipher.
"That's a shame then, pretty bird," he said with a slightly softer smirk, and Hawks looked over at him with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity.
"Why?" he asked, still slightly pouting.
Dabi smiled.
"Maybe I'd be a little flattered by a traditional bird courting," he said with a shrug.
Hawks finally looked over at him properly again.
"Are you making fun of me?" he asked with a small smile.
Dabi laughed softly.
"Oh definetly," he said with a grin, and Hawks rolled his eyes.
"But... I also kinda mean it," Dabi added, and Hawks's face lit up slightly again.
"Good to know," he said in a failed attempt to sound chill, and Dabi chuckled as he moved a little close to the hero and brushed his hand up against his wing gently.
"Good to know," Hawks chirped back, and for once Dabi didn't find It annoying at all.
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werewolfnightwalker · 5 months
Dabihawks Lovechild Fluff
Because I haven't posted one in a while. Ft. my lovechild, Tenshi.
Hawks has a rare day off, where he could do anything he liked, where he could relax.
Never one to sit idle, though, Hawks decides to do a Livestream Q&A for his fans in his living room. He's dressed casually, in his PJs, even, and has a mug of coffee when the steam starts.
It's slow in the beginning, and he greets the first handful as he sips his coffee, waiting for a decent crowd before explaining that he's just bored, this is basically a casual Ask Me Anything. After a pause, comments start coming in.
"What's your favorite food?" Come on, Hawksgoldenpubes3, you should know that. It's fried chicken!" He laughs.
"Is it true you have bird feet?" You know how much I wish I had bird feet? I'm- stop spamming "feet reveal," it's not happening."
"What's your favorite color?" Oh, easy. It's cyan, same as my hubby's eyes. ... Husband reveal? Yeah, okay. He'll wander out here eventually, it's not even nine though."
"Favorite hobby?" Hm... Does taking my eyas for ice cream count? We go get ice cream and go to the park at least twice a week, it's what I- eyas? Oh, that's my chick's nickname. He'll wander out here soon, too. He's like his Da, he's a late sleeper."
The questions go on and on, and Hawks just kicks back, sips his coffee, and answers them as his stream amasses thousands of viewers.
Finally, around eleven, a figure shambles into the background, and Hawks turns around.
"Hi, firefly!"
"Mngh. Hi, pigeon. You eat yet?" Touya yawns, shuffling up to the couch and slumping over the back to wrap his arms around him.
"Nope, I've got my coffee."
"Coffee is not breakfast, birdbrain. I'm making french toast."
"Okay." Hawks laughs, "Say hi to my viewers, first!"
Touya raises his head and spots the camera. "Oh- uh, hi." He stands up, embarrassed, and quickly walks into the background, towards the kitchen.
Hawks looks back at the chat and laughs. "Yup, that's husband. His name is Touya- yes I know he's pretty, that's why I married him. Well, that, and the fact that I love him. ... Yes, that's very gay. Anyway, more questions!"
"How big is his-" I'm not answering that. Big."
"What does he do?" He's a stay-at-home dad." Hawks smiles, "He does the cooking, the cleaning, he makes sure Tenshi gets to school on time- he helps me keep my life together, which is another reason I married him."
Close to eleven thirty, a much smaller figure, dressed in a penguin onesie, shuffles into the room. "I smell french toast." Tenshi exclaims.
"Da's cooking, eyas." Hawks calls, his wings flaring and flapping happily as he reaches for his kid, "Come here, come say hi to my fans." He urges.
Tenshi wanders over and looks at the chat, his eyes widening. "Hi!" He chirps, golden wings fluffing.
Hawks grins as the chat fills with "hello!"s and "Hi, Tenshi!"s and "he's so cute!!!!"s.
"You wanna answer some questions, baby bird?"
"Sure!" Tenshi beams, so Hawks pulls him into his lap and squints at the screen.
"Okay, someone asked, "what's your favorite subject in school?"" Hawks reads for him.
"I like music class!" Tenshi says proudly.
"Yeah? Why's that?" Hawks prompts.
Tenshi hesitates, before he giggles shyly and wraps his wings around himself, trying to hide. "Because that's the class I have with Kutsuki! He's my best friend." He says, tan cheeks turning pink.
Hawks chuckles and looks at the camera knowingly, before he looks at the chat again. "Let's see... "Tenshi, who's your favorite dad?"" He looks down at his son, an eyebrow raised.
"Da!" Tenshi announces without hesitation, before he reaches up and wraps his arms around Hawks' neck, "But you're my favorite papa!" He adds.
"Nice save." Hawks teases, kissing his crimson hair.
"Hey, birdies, breakfast!" Touya calls from the kitchen.
"Okay, one more question and then I'm going to pause the stream while we go eat." Hawks announces, "One last Q for Ten, lessee... "Tenshi, what do you want to be when you grow-?""
"A hero!" Tenshi yells before Hawks can finish, "I'm gonna be a hero, just like my papa, and I'm gonna be the next number one, too!" He puffs his wings and chest up, beaming.
"Number one? But I thought you wanted to be my sidekick." Hawks frowns, his wings drooping, too.
Tenshi pouts, turning to tuck his face into his papa's neck. "I'll always be your sidekick, Papa, but I'm gonna be number one, too! Then you can have more days off for us to go to the park!" He explains earnestly.
The chat is live to see Hawks' heart melt in real time, tears shimmering in his eyes for a moment as he scoops up his chick and peppers his face with kisses.
"You're! So! Freaking! Cute!" He exclaims between kisses, until Tenshi is shrieking with laughter. Hawks laughs, too, but it sounds more like a teary hiccup.
Finally, he puts Tenshi down and wipes his eyes. "Ah, okay. Go get your breakfast, eyas, I'll be right there." He says, clearing his throat.
"Okie dokie. Bye, people." Tenshi flashes the camera a peace sign and wanders off.
Hawks watches him go, before he looks at the chat. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go eat, too. Might turn this back on later, but-" He pauses as he reads some of the responses. "No, you cannot have him, that's my baby bird." He pouts, "And you can't have my husband, either!" He laughs, "Okay, bye, baby birds!"
The stream cuts out, and Keigo gets up, heading towards the kitchen to join his partner and son for breakfast.
Later, he'll forget to turn the stream back on, and take Tenshi to the park to play with Kutsuki instead. They'll get lunch, before doing some shopping and getting ice cream. Finally, they'll come home in time for Keigo to help Touya make dinner, make sure Tenshi has a bath, and then settle on the couch with Touya for one-on-one time and a movie.
He's never one to sit idle on his days off. Not when they're what he looks forward to the most.
//End. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, consider leaving me a tip!
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bunnnypop · 1 year
Ok! I’ve come to tumblr for your most ANGSTY FANFICTIONS EVER I want to cry and bawl and wail!
My favorite trope is one of the love interests hurting the other either on purpose or unintentionally and then finding out and living with the guilt
Or where one thinks the other doesn’t love them and is consumed as they watch their true love date or marry someone else
Obviously good endings PLEASE!!
My ships areeee
Ineffable husbands
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years
Bad news is: due to canon Dabi not really having a self-image or fully realized identity and only regarding himself as a tool for his eventual murder-suicide with his dad, I... kinda can't see him pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship for his own good. He's not really interested in his own happiness. I feel like he'd only fuck someone if he could use it to make his father's life worse.
Good news is: you can, in fact, validate most dabi ships by him wanting to fuck them to make his dad's life worse.
Dabihawks: seduce your father's trusted collegue and dedicated fanboy to villainy and smear it in his face. You shatter hero society and get off. No downsides to this.
Shigadabi: you're fucking the most wanted villain in the world. Also related to all might's mentor, basically all might's honorary villain godson at this point. Double "smack dad in the face" points. Post redemption you can obnoxiously call All Might your father in law and he'll actually appreciate it despite him and your boyfriend not being legally related and you and your boyfriend not being legally married.
Dabitwice: not the most wanted man in the world BUT he's still an S-rank villain. Will make clones of you so you don't have to interact with your family if you don't want to AND the clone can dramatically die at the end of the evening and turn into goo to retraumatize your father. Also, unlike the previous two pricks he's actually nice enough that your mom and sister will like him and invite him over for family dinners. He will, somehow, manage to bring Toga. She bites. It'll be great.
These are my main ones but you can keep going with this for rarepairs. Dabispinner, getdabi, dabirumi, whatever you're into. There is no way this ends with endeavor having decent in-laws.
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yugiohz · 2 months
kishimoto deadass would have had hawks and dabi wax poetics about each other and their ‘profound bound’ as co-workers throughout the entire manga series only for at the last minute have hawks marry fuyumi and have kids that look a dabihawks love child…NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US
fuyuhawks is gonna be endgame markmy WORDS!!!!! hawks WILL marry into endeavor's messy ass familiy one way or another!!!!!!
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Nobody talk to me. All I'm gonna be thinking about for the next 300years is the last dabihawks Bachelorette AU update.
((Please understand I threw my phone and screamed. My roommates are concerned. I'm standing on the couch screeching like a pterodactyl and I can't be stopped))
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beybuniki · 4 months
how is yuri dabihawks doing i miss them, have dabi already proposed with a candy ring???
Whydehell woild two crazy 23yo women marry… they should be free and at the club and such
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Hear me out: Yandere Fairytale DabiHawks.
Hawks is your stereotypical, dashing and charming prince and Dabi is the asshole sorcerer who wants to fuck up Hawks. Then we have the lovely princess Reader Chan. Hawks wants to marry you and have lots of little ones running around. (His breeding kink will probably never be satisfied.)
Dabi’s cold black heart melted at you tending to animal’s wounds and you just being pure. (Corruption kink anyone?)
Dabi then kidnaps you and takes you to his dark and gloomy castle in the dark forests. Unlike Enji who said fuck Rizz, Dabi tries to be charming and alluring.
Reader Chan was at first, rather terrified of her circumstances but slowly became more comfortable around him.
Think Beauty and the Beast meets the aesthetic of the movie Legend. (Watch that movie, it’s gorgeous and is very 80s fantasy.)
Hawks is now on a mission to bring his future wife and mother of his children back home. Since Dabi is a sorcerer, he can shapeshift into various things.
One of which, is a dragon.
Hawks: Give me back my princess you fiendish asshole!
Dabi: *Dragon time bitch.*
Dabi finds Hawks’s intentions boorish and honestly kinda stupid. Although he also wants to knock up Reader. (No non con takes place tho.)
Feel free to send me asks about these guys
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
Dabihawks' daughter who dreams of being a villain, but is upset that her parents doesn't support her very questionable life goal. She didn't know that Dabi was a villain before, but still had front row seats to how fractured hero society is with her Papa being a famous hero.
Imagine her trying to stroll into one of Japan's most known villain groups, the League of Villains, hoping to join their cause but is instead face-to-face with the people that is undeniably her aunts and uncles - the people who basically changed her diapers as a baby. Uncle Compress? Why is he wearing such a weird mask, doesn't he know that is so out of fashion already. Auntie Himiko? Wasn't she married to pro hero Uravity? What is she doing here?? Uncle Shiggy? Suddenly his claims of being an accountant is now very sus. What does he do? Count the number of heroes he kills?
Basically it becomes the spiderman meme but the League and dbhwks' daughter edition lmao. Dabi has a lot of explaining to do when his daughter comes home asking why Uncle Spinner is suddenly in a Stain cosplay.
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