fuzzwolvesart · 9 months
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Wulfgar & Family: Happy Holidays 2023!
Wulfgar, Riko, Baku, Margon, and Spike exchanging gifts and having a wonderful holiday season! They all wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54934939/
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toogoodtogobk · 2 years
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Astorian2015′s Too Good to Go order from Margon in Midtown West: roast chicken and rice & beans. Astorian2015′s Too Good to Go cost: $3.99.
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onekisstotakewithme · 6 months
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put those internationals in relations!
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thatdawgx · 8 months
We need to start talking about human names given for Yugotalia characters
On one side you've got names like Vuk or Šćepan and last name Krleža after historical people then you turn around and see names like Jalal(?) and Idriza which I though at first was spelled Idriža but I was mistaken
But the character that was done the dirtiest gonna be Slovenia,,,
Imagine creating a personification of slovenia and deciding to name it after the nickname that other ex-yugos gave to slovenes and let's not start talking abt the last name 💀
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Can u make halloween margo hanson (from The magicians) icons please?
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Margo Hanson icon pack. All 30 icons can be found here.
textures - mine & pevtonsawyers
texture resource credits - vecteezy
each icon comes in various different colours but feel free to save them and alter the colours if you want
like, comment and/or reblog if you save
thank you so much for requesting these! i had a lot of fun making them and i’m so happy with how they came out 💪
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abelsonarchive · 4 years
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skylarinfinity · 1 year
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[sit beside his dad tony stark at living room]
m/n: [pull margon to sit on his lap who keep giving him puppy eyes] dad, can i ask your a question?
tony: [look at m/n with smile] sure, what is it?
m/n: [bluntly] when did you first realize that you're old and your life is over?
tony: [look baffled] what-
pepper: [try not to laugh] he really are your son.
tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel
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the-wanderer-2022 · 2 years
The Emperor's Lost Love (Yandere Namjoon x Reader)
Word count:2.5k
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"Appa! Appa!"
The storm clouds linger above the turrets of House Margon. Named after a great warrior and all those who descended from his line, they were once the crown and glory of Trodel. Before the man from over the sea. The one who has the name that no one knows. The one who brought death and destruction and misery to Trodel. And now to Lord Margon's own offspring.
The man shudders at the sight of his youngest daughter (Y/N). Of course it would have been her. She is the only one with half a brain in her head, brilliant, clever and entirely too curious. The other siblings rest easy in their beds but (Y/N) is always wandering. This is one night he wishes she had not.
"Don't let them take me Appa!"
"Kaoru . . ."
Across the vast expanse of the courtyard, two figures in black drag away a screaming child. She is hooded and covered but her cries are unmistakable.
"Kaoru! I'm coming!" (Y/N) starts to move but her father grabs her arm stiffly, his wrinkled eyes narrowing.
"You will do no such thing (Y/N)."
"What's going on?!" She wrestles furiously against her father's grip but he is a seasoned man and (Y/N) is no more than a little blossom at the time. "Why are you letting them take my sister?! What about mama?"
"(Y/N)!" Tears fill her eyes at her father's rough bark. "Kaoru did what she had to do for this family."
"She was kidnapped!"
There is a heavy silence filled with her father's panting. "Do not make me strike you child. You know I hate to strike you, but I will not allow your stubborn head to jeopardise the peace of this family. Kaoru knew her place. Your mama knows her place. It is time for you to do the same."
What about your place? The little girl thinks, turning sharply and running back to her room, far away from the night. And the man she thought promised to protect them all.
"Mmmm . . ."
"Hey!" Hanina slaps (Y/N)'s arm lightly. "Child, are you daydreaming again?"
"I am always daydreaming Avila."
Hanina is (Y/N)' s personal servant but (Y/N) always calls her Avila. Hanina means "servant", Avila in the tongue of Trodel, means "one who talks a lot".
"You cannot be daydreaming tonight." Avila lifts the creamy blue garment up to (Y/N)'s skin. "You are so beautiful. The Emperor himself would not be able to resist you."
"Avila, I am not a chocolate cake!" (Y/N) laughs. "And besides, the Emperor is looking for a lady of class I'm sure. He wants a piece of arm candy. That's not me."
"But it could be (Y/N)." Avila lowers the garment, placing it gently to the side as she takes (Y/N)'s arm. "You know your father has been struggling. You coming into a position of power . . ."
"Avila, you know how I feel about that," (Y/N) insists. "I'm not ready for a relationship. You saw what happened just now. I can barely keep my head straight and you want me to become Empress just so my father can have enough money to drink and gamble his life away."
"But all your sisters are married now (Y/N). You have to think of yourself. You have no brothers. As critical as you are of your father's habits shall we say, if anything happens to him, you and your mama would be out on the streets. And so would I."
The uneasy feeling in (Y/N)'s chest returns. Like enough air isn't going into her lungs.
"Avila?" She whispers, but it comes out more like a murmur. "What do they say about the Emperor?"
A slight delay. "Emperor Egan."
"That's not his real name," (Y/N) insists. "It can't be. If you want people to take you seriously, you don't go around calling yourself something that's a couple of letters off from Emperor Egg . . ." She receives a light smack in response.
"No one really knows (Y/N)," Avila sighs. "He came from overseas many years ago. Searching for something."
"What was he searching for?"
"Another thing we do not know. There are rumours that all the people close to him in those days were executed when he took on the name Egan. No one has seen him in many years. This ball will be the first time the Emperor has appeared in public for a long time."
(Y/N) turns her head. "Are you telling me, that you want me to go out and woo this man that no one has seen in gods knows how long? What if I get there and he's like a crusty piece of bread, or one of those shrivelled prunes you get at the bottom . . ."
"Gods give me strength." She's trying not to smile. "(Y/N), I love your sense of humour, but for the sake of us all, do try and talk as little as possible tonight. The Emperor is not a forgiving man."
Something is wrong. Something is very wrong. Never before have (Y/N)'s night terrors made their way into the day. But they are today. Tonight.
Was it the way the marble gates swung shut behind them as House Margon entered the Imperial Palace? Was it the way the walls seemed to close in from every angle, from her right, to her left, all she could see is walls amidst the glowing blood lights.
The night terror about Kaoru. It keeps playing and playing and playing. She had grown used to it. Numerous people have confirmed that there was no such person. Then why does Lady (Y/N) feel so sad?
Entering the courtyard, the servants are quick to take her coat, revealing a glorious shimmering ball gown of turquoise.
Lord Margon takes the arm of his wife. Her sisters take the arms of their husband's. (Y/N) is left standing alone. She reaches down to make sure her boots are in place. It's hardly appropriate footwear for the ball, but if everyone is occupied, she has always wanted to see the Imperial gardens.
When she stands up however, a man is there. She doesn't know how he got there. She did not feel him approach. But when she lingers on the achy sensation in her heart, it only intensifies being near this man. If indeed he is a man. Trodel is a summer country, but he is as pale as death and his scarlet suit and sash only make him look washed out.
"What a charming beauty," he murmurs, his words clipped and polished. "What may I ask is your name my lady?"
He extends an arm for her to take but (Y/N) ignores it and begins to make her way up the stairs.
"I am flattered my lord, to be called charming without having ever opened my mouth," she says, turning back to look at him. "Forgive me, I have been studying the etiquette for these events, and I would not want to give you the wrong impression by accepting your arm. I . . ."
"You misunderstand me my blossom," the man counters. Why can she not move when he trails a gloved hand from her shoulder, down her arm to her hand, scooping it up and squeezing her fingers tightly. "An unaccompanied lady requires an escort of course. It is as you say, proper etiquette. Perhaps I should go first. I am Lord Taehyung. And you are?"
The words are stuck in her throat. One of the Emperor's closest friends and she is already off on the wrong foot!
"(Y/N)." He cuts the name into it's syllables and smiles as he utters them. "A lovely name for a lovely lady." When he draws closer, the Color of his eyes sends shivers down her spine. Red. As red as the colour could be. "Forgive me my lady." He notices her shocked expression and withdraws with a chuckle. "My eyes shock you?"
"I . . . No my lord. They are quite unusual. I have never seen their like before."
"I have never seen your like before," he smiles with all the warmth of a serpent. "I suppose for such a beautiful lady, I could overlook the proper etiquette just this once. Please enjoy the ball. I hope it will not be the last time my eyes are blessed to behold you."
Are all gentlemen this creepy?! (Y/N) nods, almost stuttering over herself as she turns and races up the stairs, handfuls of her gown at hand. She hears a sharp gasp behind her but when she turns, he is gone with only a soft trail of the evening mist in his wake.
"Namjoon. My Emperor."
The figure in the corner is barely visible in the dark. The rich bass of his voice penetrates every surface in the room but his eyes remain fixed on the illuminating light of the moon.
"Lord Taehyung. I was not aware it was time for me to show myself yet."
"No my Emperor."
Noticing his friend's pacing, his scarlet eyes snap upwards. "You know my distaste for wasting time Taehyung. Speak. What warrants interrupting my feeding?"
"I have seen her."
The metal glass hits the stone ground with a clink. The liquid pools around the silken rug, yet the Emperor does not turn.
"Impossible. My beloved is gone Taehyung. You tread on dangerous ground if you think to bait me with another look alike. Kaoru was the last one. There will be no more women."
Taehyung draws closer to the balcony. The sounds of the festivities fill the mountain side below. All reds and golds, the Emperor's favorite colours.
"Are you so sure old friend?"
Namjoon growls. "There will be no more women. My Empress is gone."
And then a flurry of blue comes in.
"Do you see the woman in the blue dress?" Taehyung points. It is more like a flurry of blue as the lady in question is currently bounding in great leaps up the stairs with some kind of bundle in her arms. Behind her, Imperial guards are rushing and shouting.
"She . . ." Namjoon starts, peering closer. "Is she holding a dog?"
"It appears that way. Likely one of the strays. She's wearing boots with the gown."
"A questionable fashion choice, if practical."
"Someone else you knew used to do that."
"A pair of boots and a stray dog proves nothing."
"I know. You must meet her to see it."
"Let her go."
Though the voice does not shout, it carries presence. Immediately the guard holding (Y/N)'s arm like a vice, releases his grip.
She does not feel reassured by the horror on her father's face, or the whispering of the crowd. As she turns around, clutching the stray dog in her arms, she sees him.
The Imperial Crown of Trodel sits atop his ebony hair, his skin is as flawless as a piece of glass, his eyes a glint of ice amidst the pupil. Draped in robes of cerise and gold, the crowd parts like clockwork as he makes his way towards her. Her breath catches in her throat.
"I . . ." A cough from her father reminds her of her duty. "Emperor Egan." She bows her head low, hoping that this man will do a u turn and head off to wherever it is that people dressed like that head off to. "My gratitude for your assistance."
"It is no problem," he answers smoothly. "Lady . . ."
He hangs on the word a minute before she realises what he is asking. "(Y/N). Your Majesty."
He makes eye contact with someone familiar. Lord Taehyung. The plot thickens. He is still staring, his expression unreadable when she breaks the silence.
"Emperor Egan . . ." Her egg joke comes back to mind and she finds a little courage within herself. "If I may be so bold, may I have this dog?"
"Have the . . ." He had forgotten. She is . . . Perfection. She is perfection born again in the flesh, and all of a sudden, it as if a thousand years have not passed, and he is still with his angel, in the lands beyond the sea. "Yes of course you must. You must have the dog. I shall have the guards clean him up for you to take home."
The puppy yelps as one of the guards attempts to take him, leading (Y/N) to pull him back to her chest.
"I would rather not my Emperor, if you don't mind. They were on the verge of drowning him when I arrived. I am sure you will say it is with good reason that he does not trust them."
" . . . Yes I suppose that is fair. Music!" She jumps as he claps his hands and the music returns. "Lady (Y/N), perhaps you would care to dance with me."
"I . . . Forgive me my Emperor, my dancing is horrible. And you can see the state of my dress, I would be a laughing stock."
"I would personally deal with anyone who laughed at you," he answers sternly. Unnervingly. "Perhaps a walk in the Imperial Gardens then? Those boots look well suited to walking."
She smiles and her eyes light up. "I love gardens."
It takes everything he has not to kiss her. Not to tell her how long he has waited. How many nights he has suffered. But in good time. All in good time.
The Imperial gardens capture her attention. She is moving swiftly through them and he is watching her, marvelling at how her eyes sparkle, at how she murmurs to the dog, about how she asks questions. At her voice. He answers them all patiently, waiting, waiting, as they venture deeper in, further away from the party.
"I have been waiting a long time for this moment," he says at last.
Drunk on the beauty of the gardens, she fails to notice him until he is right in front of her.
"You are as beautiful as the day I lost you Isuel."
"Isuel? That's not . . ."
"It is your name my love, you've only forgotten. As you spend more time with me, you will remember. Now I have you at last. Don't worry. It won't be like last time. I won't lose you again . . ." His last words lead him to slam his lips forcefully against hers. Try though she does with tears and biting, she cannot make him move until he finally releases her, leaving her to gasp for air.
"My love."
"You're insane!" She reaches to slap him but he catches her hand easily, kissing each finger.
"I wouldn't do that darling. You're not in your pure form yet. Wouldn't want to hurt yourself."
She huffs angrily, feeling tears singe her eyes. "I should have known that was all you cared about. Yourself! I'm going back to the party!"
"Oh I'm afraid not my love. No, you will never be leaving my side again."
"What's going on here . . ."
What happens next is a scene written only in nightmares. Lord Margon appears. The Emperor flicks a finger. There's this snap. This nasty, booming SNAP! He hits the ground like a rag doll.
She tries to scream as she rushes to her father but the sound comes out like a broken wail.
"A-a-Appa . . ."
"Your mother and sisters remain in my palace," the Emperor warns.
"Are you going to murder my entire family you bastard?!"
A smirk tickles his lips. "That is entirely up to you my love."
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gryffneedsabreak · 2 days
For the plot bunny ask game: asoiaf! (The main series books and GoT time period)
thank you! i'm so late but here's a sort of revamp of my old asoiaf oc that's... not really anything like the old oc save for his family😂
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name: tieran lannister
age: born in 282 AC
sexuality: bisexual
job: knight
love interest: margon snow by @thecreategatsby
a brief history:
tieran is the second son of kevan lannister and dorna swyft. he has an older twin brother, lancel, and younger siblings willem, martyn, and janei. growing up, lancel and tieran were close and both admired their cousin ser jaime. after the death of king robert, both brothers are knighted. during the events of the war of the five kings, tieran's loyalty to his house is tested and he must choose whether to do what's expected of him or what he feels is right.
face claim: william moseley
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fuzzwolvesart · 2 years
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Wulfgar & Family: Happy Holidays 2022
Happy Holidays Everyone! Here, Wulfgar and his Family are having a nice holiday dinner on the night of Mid-Winter, the Winter Solstice. They would like to wish everyone a Happy  Mid-Winter Solstice! Today is the shortest day of the year and tonight is the longest night. From now until Mid-Summer, the days will now get longer once again! As the days get longer, life will reemerge from the cold darkness and hope will return!  They would also like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season, however and whichever holiday you wish to celebrate! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50306326/
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casbooks · 3 months
Books of 2023
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Book 51 of 2023
Title: Chasing Chaos: My Decade in and Out of Humanitarian Aid Authors: Jessica Alexander ISBN: 9780770436919 Tags: AU African Union, AU AUMIS African Union Mission in the Sudan, BDI Burundi, COG Congo-Brazzaville, Disaster - Cyclone Nargis (2008), Disaster - Hatian Earthquake (2010), Disaster - Hurricane Mitch (1998), Disaster - Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami (2004), GBR BA British Army, GBR United Kingdom, HND Honduras, HND Teguchigalpa, HTI Delmas 31 Camp, HTI Gaston Margon Camp, HTI Haiti, HTI Jacmel, HTI MINUSTAH United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti, HTI Port-au-Prince, Humanitarian Aid, ICC International Criminal Court - Hague, IDN Banda Aceh, IDN Indonesia, KEN Kenya, KEN Nairobi, LBR Liberia, LBR National Patriotic Front of Liberia, LBR President Charles Taylor, LKA Sri Lanka, LKA Tamil Tigers, MOZ Mozambique, RWA Hutu Tribe, RWA ICTR International Criminal Trial for Rwanda (Rwandan Civil War), RWA KGL Kigali International Airport, RWA Kibuye, RWA Kigali, RWA Kinbungo, RWA Kiziba, RWA President Juvenal Habyarimana, RWA Rwanda, RWA Rwandan Civil War (1990-1994), RWA Rwandan Genocide (1994) (Rwandan Civil War), RWA Tutsi Tribe, SDN Abu Shouk Refugee Camp, SDN Al Salam Refugee camp, SDN Dar Zagawa, SDN Darfur, SDN Darfur - Abu Shouk Refugee Camp, SDN Darfur - Al Salam Refugee Camp, SDN Darfur - Zam Zam Refugee Camp, SDN Hamadyia Refugee Camp, SDN Hassa Hissa Refugee Camp, SDN Janjaweed Militia, SDN Jebel Marra, SDN Jebel Si, SDN JEM Justice and Equality Movement Army, SDN Juba, SDN Kalma Refugee Camp, SDN Khartoum, SDN Korma, SDN Mukjar, SDN North Darfur, SDN North Darfur - El Fasher, SDN Nuba Mountains, SDN Nyala, SDN President Omar Al-Bashir, SDN Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005), SDN SLA Sudanese Liberation Army, SDN South Darfur, SDN Sudan, SDN Tawila, SDN Zalingei, SDN Zam Zam Refugee Camp, SLE Bo, SLE Child Soldiers (Sierra Leone Civil War), SLE Freetown, SLE IMATT International Military Advisory and Training Team, SLE Kailahun, SLE Makeni, SLE RUF Revolutionary United Front, SLE SCSL Special Court (Sierra Leone Civil War), SLE Sierra Leone, SLE Sierra Leone Civil War (1991-2002), TCD Chad, TMP East Timor, TMP Free Aceh Movement, TZA Tanzania, UN UNDP United Nations Development Programme, UN UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund, UN United Nations, US NY JFK International Airport, US NY New York, USAID Rating: ★★★★ (4 stars) Subject: Disasters
Description: An eye-opening and intimate memoir about life as an international humanitarian aid worker in the field in Rwanda, Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Haiti. Jessica Alexander arrived in Rwanda in the aftermath of the genocide as an idealist intern, excited to be a part of the international humanitarian aid community. But the world that she encountered in the field was dramatically different than anything she could have imagined. In this honest and irreverent memoir, she introduces readers to the reality of the life of an aid worker. We watch as she helps to resettle refugees in Rwanda, manages a 24,000-person camp in Darfur, and helps a former child soldier in Sierra Leone get rid of a tattoo that was carved into his skin by a rebel group. But we also see the alcoholic parties and fleeting romances, the burnouts and cyncism, the plans and priorities that constantly shift and change. Tracing her personal journey from idealistic and naïve newcomer to hardened cynic to hopeful but critical realist, Alexander transports readers to some of the most troubled locations and shows us not only the impossible challenges, but also the moments of hope and recovery. Review: It was a pretty decent book that gave the reader some insight into the situations in Darfur, Haiti, and Sierra Leone from the perspective of a humanitarian aid worker. You'll understand why the help offered is rarely helpful at all, and good intentions is really a double edged sword. There's some good, a lot of bad, a lot of stress, confusion, and a system rigged to fail for the most part. But there's also the human element, and the people that are affected at every level make this a story worth reading.
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(040) Die drei ??? und der Automarder
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Absicht oder Täuschung? Zersplitterte Autofenster und eine gestohlene Goldmünze sind die einzigen Spuren eines Vandalen, der in Rocky Beach sein Unwesen treibt. Ratlos tappt die Polizei im Dunkeln, während die drei ???? eine Falle stellen. Sie müssen nur aufpassen, dass sie nicht selbst darin gefangen werden, denn der Gegner ist gefährlich. Es ist, als ob jemand ihre Gedanken lesen kann!?
Buch (Random House): 038, 1984, William Arden, The Mystery of the Smashing Glass Buch (Kosmos): 039, 1987, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 040, 1986
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Titus Jonas
Mr. Jacobs, Vater von Paul
Paul Jacobs, Sohn von Mr. Jacobs
Morton, Chauffeur
Leutnant Samuels
Hauptkommissar Reynolds
Mr. Jarvis Temple
Sarah Temple, Cousine von Willard Temple (😈)
Willard Temple, Neffe von Jarvis Temple
Mr. Margon, Inhaber der Margon Glass Company
William Margon, Sohn von Mr. Margon (😈)
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Vallerio Street 142, Haus von Pauls Freund
Vallerio Street 140, Haus der Temples
Olive Street, Bereich 900
Olive Street, Bereich 700
Olive Street, Bereich 300
Margon Glass Company
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Justus: "Wenn ihr Drei mit dem Blödeln fertig seid, könnten wir uns endlich mit dem Fall befassen. Ich schlage vor, dass uns Paul einen zeitlich geordneten Überblick vorlegt." Peter: "Er meint: Du sollst alles von Anfang an erzählen."
Temple: "Lügner! Dir werd ich es zeigen. Hier … hier mein Stock. Samuels: "Nicht!" Peter: "Nehmen Sie den Stock weg!" Bob: "Nicht doch!" Justus: "Nicht schlagen!" Peter: "Hören Sie auf!"
Peter: "Was? Ja dann weißt du also schon viel mehr als wir? Und du stellst immer noch Fragen?!"
Fat shaming Justus wird beleidigt
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Peter: "Fällt dir eigentlich gar nicht auf, Bob, dass wir beide immer die gefährliche Arbeit übernehmen müssen?" Bob: "Willst du etwa mit den Leuten aus dem Büro reden? Da hat Justus glaub ich das bessere schauspielerische Talent." Peter: "Na ja, dem stimm ich zu."
Peter: "Peter, er hat eine Pistole. Peter, nein, nicht!"
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
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murfpersonalblog · 2 years
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My Ranking of Anne Rice's Books
Full disclosure: My ranking is totally not based on the quality of AR's writing (which I absolutely love); it's just reflecting my own personal preferences for certain characters, plots, and themes. Some of her books I deliberately chose not to read; while some I only read once and didn't care for them, hence their low rank on my list. (I saw the Feast of All Saints movie but never read the book.)
S Tier: The Witching Hour, The Vampire Armand, Taltos, The Wolf Gift, The Wolves of Midwinter, Blood Communion
A Tier: Cry to Heaven, Servant of the Bones, Blackwood Farm, Prince Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Memnoch the Devil
B Tier: Realms of Atlantis, The Vampire Lestat, Lasher
C Tier: Blood & Gold, Interview with the Vampire, The Mummy
D Tier: Blood Canticle, Tale of the Body Thief, Merrick, Angel Time, Of Love and Evil, Pandora, Vittorio, Violin
(I used the tier template here as my base.)
MY THOUGHTS (I tried not to spoil anything):
S Tier: Spectacular!
13/10 The Witching Hour
My favorite Anne Rice book. The plot was utterly insane. The buildup surrounding the mystery of The 13, and the Door, and what exactly Lasher was and what he wanted was SO good. I thought Rowan was a effing idiot, but I LOVED seeing Michael slowly realize what his purpose was, in the face of this loooong tragic history about the "eunuch" Mayfair husbands. Julien Mayfair is really the GOAT! I was on the edge of my seat; it's a legitimately scary ghost story! IMO Lasher is AR's best villain, cuz he's so awful. (I'm waiting for Season 1 of AMC's Mayfair Witches to finish before I watch it--I'm already bummed from the changes I heard about. [EDIT] I watched it, and it's trash. 🤦)
10/10 The Vampire Armand
I am HELLA biased. TVA was one of the very first AR books I read in full, and I was hooked. Marius/Armand are my favorite vampire ship, leave me alone--the Renaissance was a different time; read a book. Armand and Lestat are my fave vamps, cuz they're both fabulous and crazy. But I empathized with Armand more, because he was so YOUNG. I saw the IWTV movie before I read TVA, and was so shocked that he was just a kid! (Antonio Banderas was fiiiiine AF though!) I was fascinated by Marius since TVL, and getting to see him in his natural habitat was such a treat, as he tried to deal with his feelings for his beloved black-winged angel/demon Amadeo. Plus we got to learn A LOT about the Children of Satan/Darkness, and it was SO effed up what happened with M/A & Santino.
10/10 Taltos
This is the payoff I was waiting for after The Witching Hour. I could care less about Lasher--ASHLAR was precisely the type of Taltos I wanted to know more about. I loved getting his perspective on all the Celtic lore about the Picts and Stonehenge, and the dwarves, etc--it was so mythological; I love it. And the whole icky background about the Talamasca, and the lengths they went through to get the Taltos together...dang. SUCH a good story. 10/10.
10/10 The Wolf Gift & The Wolves of Midwinter
These two are tied--the WoMW sequel flows perfectly from TWG, and I never read one without reading the other immediately after. AR is famous for her vampires, but IMO her werewolves are her very best immortals. They're just really well-adjusted to immortality, and are a big happy wholesome family, the way the rest of her immortal species are NOT. Like, there are very few setbacks to being an AR werewolf, compared to other types of supernatural--especially if you have Margon and the Goldings looking after you (Stuart, you lucky bum!). I want to live at Nideck Point, throwing holiday festivals and carousing with the woodland creatures. I guess kinda like WoMW slightly more, because it continues following the pack as they settle in together, but TWG sets up AR's werewolf universe so perfectly that it gives it that slight edge.
10/10 Blood Communion
I hate that AR was so nasty to fanfic authors and scared a lot of the fandom away, cuz all I want is 500k+ on The Chateau Era, as the vampires live together being fancy and lavish and finally getting their ish together. Blood Communion only gave me a taste of that, cuz it was so dang short (the illustrations were such a cute touch!). But my favorite part was definitely when Armand flipped the eff out over Marius--I was like YES! FINALLY!!!! ^0^ I was so tired of this will they/won't they thing that had stretched out between M/A ever since QoTD, and I just wanted them to come clean about how they REALLY felt. Plus, I was glad/relieved that Louis & Lestat finally ironed everything out; I felt really bad for them, for once! I just wanted more, but I kinda felt Blood Communion was likely where AR was gonna end everything, and TBF it was a really good stopping point.
A Tier: Awesome!
9.5/10 Cry to Heaven
Who knew reading about castrati could be HOT!? This book made me cry--the title was apt! Guido is one of my favorite AR characters; I felt so bad for him!!! Tonio reminds me a lot of Armand, but...I felt worse for Armand? Like, yeah, being castrated sucks, but Tonio got to have this amazing career, and the book ends on a high note--LOL! But Armand was literally psychologically tortured for 300+ years and never really recovers--he gets Trinity Gate & Night Island & his coven, but he's clearly unhinged and maladjusted. I just felt that Tonio was lucky to have a support system in Guido & his patrons, and Armand was decidedly more unlucky, and hence more tragic? Whatever--this was a really good book, even without any supernatural elements.
9.5 Servant of the Bones
I looooooove this book~! I'm a sucker for mythology and world religions and immortality and all of it--this was SO GOOD. If supernatural creatures were real, I legit think AR might be on to something--you can't tell me SOMEONE didn't do human sacrifices like that, trying to make their own "genie" or whatever. VERY Solomon's Ring. And I love how AR threw in all these historical events & characters--making deals with the "devil." It was so creepy; yet thoroughly tragic, as usual with this woman. I just wish we got a bit more clarification on what exactly Azriel was--cuz there's NO WAY he's an angel/djinn/demon, if everything that happened in Memnoch & Angel Time was legit. Is he just an incredibly powerful GHOST, like Lasher??? 🤷 (Azriel would beat the dog snot out of Lasher in a fight, IMO. He's just way more experienced.)
9.5 Blackwood Farm
I LOVE AR's ghost stories. Between Amel, Lasher, Azriel, and Goblin, I pitied Goblin the most. He's VERY similar to Amel, but because of the way he was created, and how he had to exist, I just really felt for him and just wanted to give him a HUG--my poor baby! :( I enjoyed seeing Lestat in a domestic sphere, with the grandma tryna adopt this whole vampire living under her roof, cuz the Blackwoods are like: meh, what's another spook; we're used to weird shenanigans in this family. XD And Mona Mayfair--she won me over here, cuz I did NOT like her around Michael & Rowan; get friends your own age, brat. I'm mad at what AR did with Merrick Mayfair though, like really???
9.5 Prince Lestat
AMEL. O_O I was already fascinated by whatever Amel was when Maharet gave her backstory in QoTD, but once AR started fleshing (LOL!) him out in the Prince Lestat trilogy I was like yaaaaaaaas~! I need DETAILS! As much as I like the other VC books, I really enjoy reading QoTD and PL back to back, cuz it's just a natural continuation of what happened to ALL the vampires afterwards. And it's effed up. Lestat's one bold soul, cuz I would NEVER.
9/10 Queen of the Damned
The hype was real! Maharet's lovely, but Mekare's the GOAT. I was TOTALLY on board with Akasha's plan though, NGL. But you could tell that she was crazy, too. However, getting Amel's perspective in the later books, and seeing what happened with Rhoshamandes, I sympathize with Akasha even more, cuz how much of that was REALLY her???? But yeah, she had to go. (I cannot wait to see who AMC casts--no one can beat Aaliyah's performance, but I want to see them at least try to prove me wrong.) However, the build up to the concert and facing Akasha was a bit too drawn out for my liking (I could care less about Tough Cookie and Killer and all the random AF auxiliary vampires that showed up at Armand's, or the compound. And I DO NOT like Devil's Minion--I love Armand to pieces, but Daniel was INSANE, and vampirism ALMOST turned him into another Nicky, which I was NOT feeling).
8.5/10 Memnoch the Devil
Dante's Inferno meets Dracula. I like this book. But it was confusing, because I was like what was the point? I would've tried WAY harder to keep Lestat in Hell, if I was serious about making THE Devil's Minion. I felt like MtD was an elaborate excuse for AR to bench Lestat, so she could focus on Armand & Marius & Louis for a few books. Like, we know Lestat's trash, but dang--just leaving him on the floor like that? XD And Memnoch's even more mysterious than Azriel in SotB, cuz what is he really? He was able to psychologically torture Lestat in that church from...another dimension?? WHERE was Lestat's eyeball REALLY? Were they LEGIT demons? Like...? Cuz I had the same questions about Louis in Merrick, like, was what he was seeing REAL? We know powerful vampires like Armand can use the Mind Gift to create whole worlds in people's heads. So who knows what actually happened to Lestat.
B Tier: Bravo!
8/10 Realms of Atlantis
I like the alien plot--SUE ME. It's weird AF, and I don't really like what happened to Amel (I'm undecided about trusting that he's redeemable and if he can be excused for being a literal MENACE), but I enjoyed getting those final answers. In TVA Armand said he saw a city of glass when he turned, and I nearly jumped out of my seat when I read RoA, cuz it tracks! And the alien parasites made sense. Look at what happens when regular HUMAN ghosts gained autonomy in AR's books. Look at GOBLIN in BwF. Look at Memnoch even--whatever he is [EDIT: I'm not buying AR's weak AF retcon that he's a ghost Replimoid, cuz then what was Angel Time for?]. Of course a whole extraterrestrial species would have drastic consequences on humans.
8/10 The Vampire Lestat
A must-read for context and mining information, but TVL's never been a book I ever go back to just cuz I want to reread it for funsies. But I enjoyed it WAY more than IWTV, mostly cuz the tone was drastically different.
8/10 Lasher
Anne Boleyn. Really? XD And folks wanna complain about aliens? XD I was not here for Lasher--let the devil speak and tell his story blah blah blah. I was with Michael the whole time, just counting down to when Lasher would stfu already so we could get back to business. There was NOTHING Lasher could say to make me care. Regardless of what he was when he was alive, in death he was thoroughly EVIL. Lasher's a very interesting parallel with Lestat, who was also very religious and wanted to be a priest and was physically & prematurely ripped from his home and from his life. And yes, vampires are mass murderers, and Lestat likely killed way more people than Lasher. And they're both totally selfish; parasites feeding off the living. But it's the METHOD that bothers me with Lasher. Vampires killing just to drink blood is one thing. But Lasher RUINED that family--it was SICK, the things he did to the Mayfairs--both in the past, and present. He DELIBERATELY drove people crazy and abused people for sport and strategically hunted the "eunuch" husbands and turned women into his sex toys, and god knows what he was up to with Julien--and for WHAT??? Lasher was NOTHING like St. Ashlar, and it shows. Bye, Felicia.
C Tier: Can't Love It
7/10 Blood & Gold
I was so hyped for Blood and Gold, cuz Santino was just a PLAGUE upon these poor vampires! I got a lot of answers that I really wanted after TVA, but I understand why some people hate Marius, cuz really my guy?????? It really is his way or the highway. I still love Marius, but my opinion of him definitely dropped quite a few notches--I was PISSED at him just like Armand was, all the way up to Blood Communion.
7/10 Interview with the Vampire
Groundbreaking, iconic, never done before, etc etc. But IWTV is one of my least favorite AR books. I honestly think she just got better as she kept writing. But also the tone of IWTV, and especially Louis as a character just never appealed to me. Louis never had a personality other than bitterness, like…. I just couldn't relate to him at all, like what are you complaining about???? If you hate being a vampire so dang much, END IT. Lestat honestly impressed me (Armand's patience was impressive too!), cuz I'd've been GONE, and left Louis to his own devices; eff how pretty he is. The movie--as fun and awesome as it is--definitely didn't improve my opinion of Louis; he was even more mopey, wtf! (AMC's IWTV handled Louis BRILLIANTLY, and went a LONG way endearing me to Louis, where I absolutely LOVE him now--protect Louis at all costs!)
6/10 The Mummy
This was REALLY good, until it wasn't. I got similar vibes with SotB, as ancient civilizations grappled with magic and immortality and the divine and the dead/undead--my bread and butter. But Ramses just reads as way more naive and clumsy than Azriel. It got tiresome, seeing Ramses scramble to fix all the mistakes he kept making, like omg dude--LEARN. And what was the purpose of that girl? Whatever her name was. Like...yawn. And then Cleopatra.... 🤦 Why is she so evil? Is it just the brain damage? What a walking disaster--and Ramses was AGAIN at fault! I couldn't take anymore, it got frustrating.
D Tier: Didn't Care
4/10 Blood Canticle
This book was DEPRESSING. First of all, I honestly don't understand why Lestat was even there? Just let Quinn & Mona & Rowan & Michael deal with it--a drug/gun cartel? REALLY? Morrigan! Ashlar was one thing, but come on, REALLY?? I was so bummed! Then Rowan had the NERVE--! I was disgusted. I never liked her, but even the scraps of empathy I felt for her EVAPORATED. Poor Michael! :(
4/10 Tale of the Body Thief
I was squicked out. There was nothing appealing about this situation. If he was in his OWN body, like if Dr. Fareed could "cure" vampirism, that would be one thing, but this was just...no. And poor David! I liked Mojo though?
4/10 Merrick
God, spare me. I never liked Louis in the books, so this was just one long psychological torture experience I wasn't feeling. Especially since I couldn't really be sure if the ghost was legit when I first read it. But having read so much more of AR's ghost stories, I'm more convinced now that it was the genuine ghost that had it out for Louis, which is awful, cuz that really puts into perspective what was going on in NOLA vs Europe/Paris. So, I feel bad for him--but the most interesting part was getting Lestat's reaction.
3/10 Angel Time
I barely remember what this book was about. It was a murder mystery in a hotel near a church in Cali somewhere and an angel selects some assassin because....? IIRC he went back in time and infiltrated a pogrom or something disguised as a monk? And.... I...don't remember.
-/10 Of Love and Evil
I own it, but literally don't even remember what this was about.
3/10 Pandora
I could care less about Pandora/Lydia/whatever her name was. I do not like this woman. I get that she's bitter about Marius ditching her, but omg. Stop. You don't see Bianca complaining; get over it already. There was something about bees and the Talamasca and Pandora being worshipped and....something.
-/10 Vittorio
I own it, but I literally don't even remember what this was about.
-/10 Violin
This was an impulse buy. I was so hyped at first, cuz I thought this was gonna be about Nicky and Lestat. Then I actually read the summary, and was immediately like wtf. But I gave it a go cuz there's wibbly wobbly timey wimey ghost stuff going on, but.... Nah.
Thanks for reading!
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lpsotd · 1 year
What's the font used in the LPSOTD post butterfly #1599? 👀 (the test on the bottom left corner of the image)
i can't say i know for sure, i'm not someone who can look at a font and know what name it is (best i can do is comic sans!) i ran the image through a font identifier (i did not know this existed until today !! how neat) and there are plenty fonts that look similar. perhaps it is 'margon 400 regular' or 'egyptia light', at least those are the ones that i think look the most identical. perhaps someone else can determine which it is ...
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Funny you sau "just a character analysis" about not fucking 20 something year olds but then have him assault/etc a reader.
Its just an age thing now but to me youre making folks feel shitty for wanting to find comfort in a fave. And additionally if you flipped this and said "oh in my personal hc he wouldnt fuck a man" itd be a huge fucking issue.
Margonalizing folks and acting high and mighty about it just because of ur following is really telling of you as a person lmao. The whole point of fics and shit is escapism and youre saying people should feel bad for wanting that.
And for the twat who said "write it yourself" thats not the argument. We all could write it ourselves but when youre seeing this biased shit coming from someone you LOOK UP TO, its really disheartening.
Where did I fucking say that people should feel bad for it? You like what you like.
Where did I have him assault a reader?
So I can’t have a fucking opinion about a character because some might not agree with it? Fuck off. Seriously.
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takadasaiko · 2 years
A Flicker of Light Chapter Eight (a Star Wars fic)
Story Summary: A canon divergent AU in which Luke Skywalker is raised within the Empire to be either his father's heir as a Sith Lord… or his replacement.
Chapter Summary: Luke returns to Lothal with his father.
With the wide reach of the Galactic Empire, it was entirely conceivable that whatever planet Mara Jade found herself on for a mission, she would never have need to see again. She certainly hadn't given Lothal a second thought until she had received orders to return and had heard - entirely by accident, of course - that Darth Vader had been tasked with bringing the growing rebel problem under control where his Grand Inquisitor had been unable to do so. And where Vader went, there was a shadow in the form of a teenager that followed, though he might not be a shadow much longer in the way the name Natus had started to spread with every rumour imaginable attached to it. Darth Vader's son, and if Vader were Palpatine's heir apparent, Natus was Vader's with all that that entailed.
Rumours were often embellished in her experience. She hadn't spoken to Luke often in the last year that he'd spent on the Executioner with his father, but she knew him. Mara thought she probably knew him better than anyone else and half the things she heard from officers and stormtroopers that had no real idea who she was weren't even in the realm of possibility. Not that she would tell them that, or anyone for that matter. She knew Luke, but if he had any chance of thriving in the lot life had handed him, the galaxy had to see him as the son of the Empire's most dreaded enforcer.
Though it would be interesting to see how he'd changed. She imagined that this mission to Lothal would give her just that opportunity, even if it was a bit strange that with a Sith Lord and his son on planet that the Emperor's Hand had been ordered there as well.
It wasn't that knowing, sometimes bordering-on-mischievous smile that met her as the ramp unfolded from the Lambda class shuttle she'd landed in, but the face of a man dressed in black, the insignia on his uniform identifying him as a special agent in the ISB. It took her a fraction of a second longer than she would have liked to place him in her surprise to see him rather than Luke. Agent Alexsandr Kallus. He'd been the one to come in after she and Luke had left a year prior. The fact that he hadn't either been shunted off to the Outer Rim or simply Force-choked as soon as Vader had arrived meant he was at least competent at his job. Hard to believe if he hadn't cleared the planet yet.
"Jade," the ginger agent greeted, gaze locked and studying her. "I am -"
"Agent Kallus," she supplied, making her way down the ramp and shoving her surprise - because it certainly wasn't disappointment - firmly to the back of her mind. "I know who you are. I take it you have the details of my assignment?" All the Emperor had sent her with was the understanding that a list of rebel sympathizers had been cultivated on this planet. Most individuals were well connected and it would be difficult at best to bring them in, but there were other ways to make sure they stayed in line. Making an example of one of their cohorts often did the trick to pull the others back in their place without disrupting the delicate balance on an industrially important planet.
"I do. If you don't mind walking during the debrief, I'll get you set up."
They started towards the base itself. "Any reason they're sending ISB agents as errand boys?"
"Were you expecting someone else in particular?"
If he knew the answer to the question or just wanted her to think he did, Mara wasn't sure, but it was clear he wasn't going to give her any more information than she strictly needed. That was fine. If it became important she had her own ways of finding out. Not even the Imperial Security Bureau was beyond the reach of the Emperor's Hand.
She heard the barest snorts of amusement from him before he began speaking, handing her a small tablet. "Margon Visra is a socialite."
"I've spent some time here. She must be one of the few."
"She is. Old money, the Visra family owned a tremendous amount of land in Capital City and they still manage the leases on that land."
"And well compensated for it," Mara mused as she slid her finger along the touchscreen of the tablet. "Where did the intel come from?"
"Originally, an interrogation overseen directly by Lord Vader. You'll find the details available there."
The interrogation had named several people that had been marked as lower priority. Margon Visra was the one of interest to the Empire, if it did turn out that she was a rebel sympathizer. "You think she's funneling her family money to them?"
"That is the running theory," Kallus answered as he came to a stop at a door. "Private offices, for your convenience. You'll have access to the base—" he handed her a code cylinder — "and any support you need. We've limited the number of personnel that have been alerted to your presence, as instructed, but Lieutenant List will be available for anything else you may require."
Mara gave a brief nod of acknowledgment and reached for the control on the door. As the ISB agent turned to leave, her fingers hovered there. "Agent Kallus, there is something before you go. I understand Lord Vader is on planet."
"He is," Kallus answered slowly and she saw faint lines as he furrowed his brow in anticipation of what the request might be.
"I'd like to borrow his son for part of my investigation."
"His son?"
"Natus. Yes." Kallus looked ready to argue that particularly weighty request and Mara offered him a smile. "If Lord Vader protests, just remind him it's the Emperor's Hand making the request."
"Of course," Kallus said tightly and turned on heel, the sense of apprehension following him out.
Mara's smile grew just a little as she let herself into the office to read up on all the details intelligence hadn't dared to send out even over encrypted communications.
It was rare that Luke found himself answering to anyone but his father or the Emperor. It was typically others that had started answering to him. The 501st's loyalty was absolute, the Inquisitors carried out their orders sent down, and any additional military personnel jumped to do his father's bidding and, by extension, his own. The return to Lothal to clean up the Grand Inquisitor's mess should have put him in a place of command. And it did, mostly, with the exception of Grand Moff Tarkin.
The Grand Moff was exhausting. Every order he gave, every decision made, all seemed to be his own personal expression of what he thought was power. It would have been easy enough to ignore like any other officer squabbles if he hadn't thought that he had some sort of control over Luke himself. It was as if the man was personally offended by the fact that Luke had never been through the Imperial Academy and felt he should be reminded of what Tarkin thought was his place. And even though Luke could feel his father's irritation with the man, he'd been instructed not to directly counter him. Why, Luke couldn't fathom, but it was like a breath of fresh air the moment the old, dried up windbag left Lothal to handle business elsewhere.
The roar of the TIE engines shook the mountains as he dipped in the sky, not bothering to hide the smile as he tilted the fighter, barely scraping through a narrow pass. He hadn't flown in weeks and even though he hadn't broken through the planet's atmosphere, it still felt like freedom. No obnoxious Moff, no twitchy governor, and no ever-elusive rebels that he was relatively sure weren't even on the planet anymore. Just him and the controls under his fingertips and —
It was less of a word and more of a feeling conveyed with far more weight than was necessary over the bond that he shared with his father. The order slammed into him hard enough that he physically lurched back against his seat, having to move quickly to correct his fighter's control column and even the craft out.
Yes, Father, he returned, hoping that the disappointment didn't ring too loudly. If it did, it wasn't acknowledged. Whatever had cut his flight time short had his father distracted. Maybe they had found the rebels after all.
A few minutes and a quick flight over the plains later, Luke set his TIE down on the landing pad, his father and the ISB agent they had been working with already waiting for him there. There was something about the mood that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
Luke popped the top of his fighter and used the Force to propel himself up, boot lightly touching the outer shell to give him the additional leverage he needed to clear it and jump to the ground below. He landed, Agent Kallus quirking an eyebrow at him, but his father wasn't so amused at the display.
"Your presence has been requested."
Luke rocked forward to follow as his father abruptly turned, stalking deeper into the hangar. The teen remained silent, waiting for him to continue, but was surprised when Kallus was the one that handed him a tablet. "The Emperor's Hand is on Lothal. She asked for you personally."
A title, not a name. Interesting. Despite not being able to keep the rebels at bay, Kallus had proven himself resourceful and clever, two qualities that had likely saved his life when Darth Vader himself had been sent to clean up the mess. Luke wondered if even he hadn't been able to uncover Mara's name or if he was merely being respectful of the place she held in Palpatine's inner court.
"You are dismissed," Vader said as his son skimmed the details of Mara's mission.
He waited until Kallus had turned, likely off to keep a careful eye on Minister Tua that Father seemed convinced would be the key to luring the rebels in. If the Force had revealed something to him, it hadn't to Luke. Maybe because he was needed somewhere else now. "Looks like Mara's going to be the final —"
"She does not need you for this. If it is sentiment or an attempt to flaunt the meager power she holds-"
"Not so meager," Luke countered and immediately felt his father's temper flare. He raised his hands, palms outward in mock surrender before glancing around to confirm they had space to speak. He lowered his voice anyway. Clearly his father's paranoia was at a height today. "Let's play the game. If you push back and she tells Palpatine—" not that it was very likely. Mara's pride had never been that easily wounded - "we come under more scrutiny. More scrutiny means more time with Tarkin…."
His father gave a soft snort. "Tarkin is nothing."
"They say he holds your leash," Luke answered, the phrase he'd heard tossed around when the troops thought he wasn't listening still making him bristle. "He's here to watch us. Mara's here to do her job, unless we make that difficult for her."
"You've missed her."
The denial danced on his tongue before he swallowed it, opting instead for the truth. "Of course I have. She's my friend."
"Sentiment then."
"A little."
"You'll be needed. Not at this moment, but soon."
"And I'll be here. Promise." He flashed his father a wide grin and he wondered if he rolled his eyes behind the lenses of his mask. It certainly felt like it.
"Go, my son, but return as soon as I call."
"Don't I always?"
Mara was deep in research when Luke arrived, and at first he wasn't sure she'd heard the door slide open. She had three different tablets and a console at her disposal, bent over and jotting down notes. Her hair was longer, the red-gold strands tied loosely back and those sharp green eyes darting from one screen to the next. Her face was a little thinner, cheekbones a little more defined, and she looked older than she had when they'd parted ways. He supposed they both did. Somehow a year had flashed past him at the speed of light, but as he stood in the doorway and watched her, Luke realized just how much he'd missed her.
"How likely is it that you'd be able to get a last second invite to a socialite's gala?" Mara asked without bothering to look up.
Luke blinked in surprise, the abrupt question throwing him for a second. He shook his head a little, intentionally resetting. "Well, no one on planet is going to tell Darth Vader's son no, but it's not like I make a habit of it." Or had ever done it, if he were honest. "Hi, by the way."
The pointed tease finally drew her gaze up and it traveled him up and down. "Hi," she echoed and stood. "I guess it's been a while. Are you taller?"
"A little. You're not."
Red eyebrows darted up. "Rude."
"Accurate," Luke answered, flashing her what he hoped was a charming grin. It was supposed to be at any rate. Under her studying gaze it just felt awkward and clumsy.
"Now you definitely owe me a favour," she answered, and her smile was easy. "If I've got you for a while?"
"Of course you've got me," he answered too quickly to actually think the words through. He cleared his throat. "We're, uh… Our assignment is to handle the rebels on Lothal, so technically, helping you is just an extent of that."
"Good to know." She locked eyes with him and he felt like he was frozen in place. "The socialite is Margon Visra. Seventeen years old, native to Lothal." She reached for one of the tablets she'd been reading on when he'd entered and a projection of a tan woman with short, dark hair and eyes as bright blue as the Great Western Sea on Coruscant. Luke hadn't met her, but he recognized her from the overview Kallus had provided him with.
"She's on a list that has been cultivated here. I don't see anything new. What brought you in?"
"General threat analysis. If she is financing a rebel cell, it has to be handled quickly and quietly. If her whole family is involved it's an even bigger problem."
"And you're thinking walking in with me is the way to handle it quietly? They know whose son I am. And it won't be like before where we just slip in and out. If we go in there with an invitation, everyone at that party will know as soon as we walk in."
"And all eyes will be on you."
"And you."
Mara flashed the same smile that she used to show off just before dragging him out of his bedroom window when they were kids off to have an adventure in the lower levels of Coruscant. "Who says I'm coming in with you?"
Luke frowned at that. "I'm the decoy?"
Her smile didn't fade, but it did soften ever so slightly. "Who else would I trust at my back?"
And just like that, the increasingly infamous Lord Natus found himself agreeing to be the decoy.
Mara risked a glance at him from the back of their behicle as they zipped through Lothal's Capital City. Luke had changed a great deal in the last year. It wasn't just that he'd gotten a little taller, finally growing into the black robes he favoured a bit better, or that his hair had darkened with as much time as he'd spent away from direct sunlight. It wasn't even the confidence in which he held himself now with his chin tilted, back straight, and shoulders squared like he'd just graduated from the Imperial Academy. It was all of that, but even more, it was his presence in the Force. It was… hard to pin down. Heavier wasn't the right word for it. Weightier, maybe. And sharper, like a weapon ready to be wielded with terrifying precision. Not that she should really be surprised. The Emperor had sent Luke off with her to gain some basic skills in the field, but she wasn't the one that would prepare him to be a Sith. Vader would put him through the fires for that one, and it wasn't surprising that some of the innocence that had somehow remained a dominant force in him for so long had been burned out as his father prepared him for that. It wasn't surprising, but it was a little sad, despite Mara not knowing exactly why.
The question startled Mara out of her thoughts and she found a familiar set of blue eyes watching her now. How strange it would be when they finally turned Sith-gold. "Just thinking."
"Staring," he chuckled, tilting his head in amusement. "Have I changed that much?"
A little of his confidence wavered at her bluntness. "But in a good way, right?"
Mara shrugged. "Just different." She felt his disappointment rather than saw it, and she found herself smiling just a little as she nudged his boot with her heeled shoe. "You saying I haven't changed at all?"
"A lot, but in a good way."
"How so?"
If she didn't know better, she would have thought that she saw the faintest hints of red on his cheeks. He recovered quickly and nodded towards the front of their escort vehicle. "We're going to let you out, circle, and then Jom'll let me out down the street. I'd ask if you needed a good way in, but…"
"I can climb in a dress," Mara promised with a smirk. "Just make sure Visra's attention is on you."
"I don't think that'll be a problem."
There was something about the way he said it that brought more questions than answers, but they'd have to be saved for later. "See you on the other side," she promised and stepped out of the vehicle, slipping easily around another to use the lineup to block her path from any curious security that had been hired for the party. She took in the sights between the vehicles, from the security postings - three visible where guests were exiting their vehicles and another two at the door - to the guests dolled up in their finery, many looking as if they had come from off world, and finally to the house itself that towered over any other she'd seen on Lothal. The Visra family has done exceedingly well under Imperial rule, both for themselves and as a mediator between the Empire and the locals. If Margon was, in fact, funneling their family money to rebels and it got out, it could prove a massive disruption on the planet.
Mara rounded the corner to where all of the intel she'd been able to scrape together in such a limited time had indicated would be her best point of entry. And there it was: a nice hole in security that gave her access to a second story balcony that she should have no trouble reaching with a little help from the Force.
She was halfway to the wall when she felt a prickle of warning followed immediately by a voice. "May we help you find something?"
Apparently her intel hadn't been entirely thorough. A security patrol moved towards her, an air of distrust hanging off of him. Mara drew in a steadying breath as he approached her. "I don't need help. You may go."
"This is a restricted area."
Well, so much for that trick. Time for Plan B. "I just got turned around. Could you point me in the direction of the front door?"
"I'll need to see your invite."
"My escort has that."
"Then let's see if we can find him."
The last argument danced on Mara's tongue, but from the look the security guard was giving her, he was well past any excuse she could muster, no matter how good it was. She'd just have to find another way in. She was nothing if not adaptable.
Luke had Jom drop him off at the back of the line so that, perhaps, he wouldn't draw too much attention until he made it to the door. There were some familiar faces littered amongst Lothal's party-goers, including a few high ranking Imperial elites. Interesting. He wondered if that was part of Visra's cover. She wouldn't be the first rebel sympathizer to hide in plain sight and think she was safer for it. They always found them, though. They were always uncovered.
He let his eyes flutter closer for just a moment and reached out through the Force, letting his senses explore the feelings that surrounded him. Arrogance. Pride. Anxiety. Anger. Tampered down frustration.
Blue eyes popped back open just in time to see Mara being escorted by a guard. The last one was definitely her. He let his gaze drift back around to the door where Margon Visra had appeared and had spotted him. Strange. There was more excitement rolling off her than he would have expected, though apprehension was tangled up with it. She flashed a pretty smile and bowed a little. "My Lord Natus, such an honour to have you here."
"I appreciate that last minute accommodation," he answered and she beamed at the praise.
"When I heard that you'd reached out, I immediately—"
Mara approached from behind, cutting her off. "Natus, could you please explain to this imbecile that we were invited."
Luke's gaze turned cold as he fixed it on the security guard. "She is my guest," he said sharply.
"For the Empire's sake, let her alone," Visra half-squeaked. She turned back to Luke and Mara, the groveling reminding Luke of an Imperial officer that knew his moments were numbered. "My deepest apologies, Lord Natus. Mistress…."
"Kavra Cee," Mara provided and looped her arm through Luke's.
"A pleasure and an honour to welcome you both into my home tonight. Please."
The pair moved past her and into the house, and Luke could practically feel Visra's gaze following him. "I take it things didn't go as planned?" he murmured so only Mara could hear.
"There's always a Plan B. What do you think of our hostess?"
"A bit eager to please, but if that's because she loves or hates the Empire, I'm not sure."
"That is what we're here to find out."
Luke risked more than a sideways look at her as she let go of his arm, her gaze sweeping the crowd.
"You weren't wrong about people knowing who you are. I would have thought you'd keep a lower profile than that."
"We've been on Lothal for a few weeks. Word spreads." He glanced out, but instead of instantly turning back to their own conversations as most did when they realized they had Vader's son's attention, eyes remained locked. Just not on him. "You know they're looking at you, right?"
"Only because I walked in with you," she answered casually.
"Not just that."
She turned her full attention on him. "Oh yeah? Do tell, flyboy."
Luke felt what had to be an absurdly goofy grin take hold without permission and on impulse he extended a hand.
She took it, letting him draw her close and never breaking eye contact. "You know we're here to work, right?" she asked very quietly.
"And what better way to inconspicuously move around the room?"
"Do you even know how to dance?"
"I trust you to lead me."
She flashed him a grin of her own and Luke wondered if she'd always been that pretty or if it was a result of the dress and the heels and the atmosphere. No. He'd noticed it while she'd been pouring over her research. It was just Mara.
While she let him lead her to the center of the large room, once they were there she subtly took the lead. No one else would have noticed how she directed his hands and how he followed her trained steps in a dance that let them both have enough leeway to look beyond the other. Even so, she still hadn't broken eye contact.
"Can you keep a secret?" she asked softly.
"You know I can."
She snorted a laugh. "Do I?"
"For you, I'll take it to the grave," he swore.
She seemed to weigh that for a moment before murmuring a confession so quiet he almost missed it. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," Luke answered without hesitation. "I —"
It's time.
The order over the bond slammed into him as hard - perhaps harder - than it had that morning. It caused him to stumble under the weight and Mara reached a hand to steady him, her expression worried. He let his mouth drop open, prepared to explain when the first order was followed by a now that left no room to argue. "I have to go. I'm sorry. I thought —"
An emotion he couldn't quite place flickered across her expression before a careful mask of indifference was set into place. "Lord Vader calls," she answered, her hand dropping from his arm. "As he does."
"I have a duty," he tried, but she wasn't buying the explanation.
"You got me in. That's all I really needed from you."
The words dug deep and he had the strangest feeling they were meant to. "I am sorry."
Something behind him drew her attention away and he risked a glance. Visra stood halfway into the hall, her back to the party, and she didn't look happy with whoever she was speaking to just out of the line of sight. She huffed, and stepped fully into the hall, pulling more of Mara's attention.
Another sharp tug on the bond provided Luke with a strong reminder that his presence had been demanded. "I'll be back as soon as I can," he promised, but Mara was already on her way.
With a huff of frustration he started for the exit. There was no time to waste. For either of them.
Much to her frustration, Luke hadn't been wrong about eyes being on her. The moment he was gone there was a man to her left offering her a drink and another to her right asking her name. If she's been irked at the way he'd bailed so instantly at Vader's beck and call before, this only intensified it.
Which did absolutely nothing, Mara reminded herself. Vader might be playing games, but Luke was doing what he did: trying to find a way to please both parties. It wasn't his fault that his father was playing games. Luke had gotten her in and only time would tell if Vader continued to drag him where he wasn't needed just to help ease his own paranoia. For now, it was time she found a way to her answers.
She ducked away and left the two men with their drinks and their dull questions, the fresher her excuse. She slipped back into the hall that Visra had disappeared into and found it empty. A quick glance in either direction showed the house staff in and out of the kitchen at one end and a set of circular stairs at the other. If the layout of the house was accurate, office spaces would be the next floor up and the bedrooms the floor above that. The key was not getting spotted heading up the stairs.
A server left the kitchen, hands full and focus on the party on the other side of the hallway. Mara slipped a finger through the back thong of her heel, sliding it off and repeating the movement on the second so that she could move quickly and quietly as soon as it was time. Her gaze was fixed on the movement beyond the wide door and into the kitchen, and she let the Force guide her. As soon as the feeling struck she rocked forward. Every step was quick, light, and intentional as she darted down the hall in the opposite direction of the kitchen and took the stairs up, not slowing until she reached the first turn and was out of sight of any would-be curious staff.
As she made it to the top of the stairs, she could hear muffled voices from down the hall. She followed the sound, hedging close to the far wall as she drew closer.
"…think that they can come onto our planet and take our factories," a low, rough voice was saying.
"Our people," a woman answered, but it didn't sound like Visra.
Mara reached into the folds of her dress to a hidden pocket, pulling a device out and clicking it on.
"We've let them. Fifteen years we've let them."
A projection of Rough Voice's face appeared from her device, showing off sharp, thin features and a hard line to his mouth. Dark hair was slicked back and he couldn't have been much older than Mara. With his face appeared a name: Tob Gaman.
"I'm not sure let is the right word."
The device recalculated, this time producing a woman who wore a headscarf over dark hair and equally dark, piercing eyes. Seyda Cors.
"It is if we do nothing about it. Then we're no better than those people downstairs. I still can't believe Visra brought us here of all places with that crowd."
Visra. Now she was getting somewhere.
There was a sound from the opposite side of the room like a door had slid open and shuffling followed. "Your sister finally release you or has she turned us over to the authorities?" Gaman demanded.
There was a low chuckle from their newly arrived companion that was decidedly not Margon Visra. "My sister wouldn't want to risk her reputation."
Mara looked down as the device worked through its calculations to fit the voice with a file. A new face popped up: young and smug, with eyes just as blue as Margon's. Doman Visra, her brother. Well that was an interesting turn of events. It looked like the Empire had suspected the wrong Visra sibling.
"If he'd come here tonight…." Cors said, almost too softly for Mara to pick up on.
"But he didn't," Doman Visra answered. "And by the meet next week, we'll have all of our security in place."
So there was someone else involved. Perhaps the rebel they were funding. If so, Doman was no longer the one to make an example of. Mara could be patient if it meant unraveling an entire cell. It was going to be a busy week.
The sharp demand on his attention had quieted, which likely meant his father was distracted. Luke took every shortcut he knew between Visra's house and the shipyard where he was supposed to be at that very moment. By the time he arrived the battle with the rebels was in full swing and his father was crossing lightsabers with two of them. The Master must have been the one that the Grand Inquisitor had failed to keep.
Luke ran along the catwalk, his own lightsaber igniting in his hand as he leapt from it, using the Force to soften the landing in front of the startled Padawan that looked like he was coming to his Master's rescue. The boy - Ezra Bridger, according to Kallus' files - blinked owlishly at him. His jaw dropped as if he were going to ask a question, but Luke didn't give him time. Instead he swung hard, the aggressive move barely giving his new opponent time to bring his own lightsaber up to clumsily parry.
Bridger stumbled back, but found his balance and came at Luke again. He was either brave or foolish. Which one didn't really matter now that Father had found them. It was time for the would-be Jedi to figure that out. Luke sidestepped the blue lightsaber as it cut up to his left, bobbed to avoid another cut, and finally reached his hand out. The humming blade was inches away from his palm and Bridger gawked at him as Luke used the Force to direct the blade to go wide, his free hand flashing outward. Bridger gave a sharp yell as his boots lifted off the ground and he hung there, suspended in the air, and Luke flashed a triumphant grin. He turned back towards his father's battle, wanting to show that albeit a little late, he was pulling his weight in this assignment, but he didn't get the chance.
There was barely a warning of danger before the explosion ripped through the night air, sending Luke heels over head tumbling across the shipyard. He landed hard, the heat from the explosion burning patches of his black robes. His gaze swept outward, finding the Jedi ushering Bridger towards their stolen ship as fast as he could. A cold fear settled deep in the pit of his stomach as Luke's gaze settled on the fallen walkers that were piled exactly where Vader had stood before. "Father!"
Blaster fire pinged off of the permacrete at his feet as he raced towards the debris, the stormtroopers that had been there as backup scattered uselessly as the rebels made their way towards the ship. The walkers shifted and Luke reached out to help give them a pull, his father unfolding from the pocket of protection he had created for himself. The blast bolts shifted and the Sith Lord's lightsaber flashed to life, throwing one bolt back at the Mandelorian girl who had fired.
Luke started to bolt for the escaping shuttle, but his father's black gloved hand clamped down on his shoulder. There were no words, but the command was clear: he wasn't to pursue. Something told Luke that he wouldn't be cleared to leave to help Mara either. Whatever she'd uncovered at the Visra mansion, she was on her own for now. This wasn't the end of his father's plan.
Hera Syndulla felt like she was running on autopilot after their near-fatal escape. They had come to Lothal to risk the rescue of Minister Tua in return for a list of sympathizers to the rebellion. People that were living every day at risk of the Empire deciding they were more trouble alive than dead and eliminating the problem.
Just like they'd eliminated Minister Tua.
"It's not your fault," Ahsoka said softly from the projection as the cockpit doors opened behind Hera, Kanan dropping heavily into the shuttle's copilot chair. "Is everyone on your team okay?"
"A little banged up, but we made it out mostly in one piece."
"Considering we were up against two Sith Lords, we got away easy," Kanan grumbled, rubbing at his shoulder where the masked Sith's blade had caught his shoulder guard.
"Siths?" Ahsoka echoed.
"Yeah, you know the -"
"I know what they are," Ahsoka cut him off, her brow furrowing as she leaned in towards the camera a little, her worry clear in the projection. "But there were two? The Master and the Apprentice?"
"I guess," Kanan answered with a shrug he clearly regretted. He groaned and motioned at a surprisingly quiet Chopper who was there to make sure their communication remained encrypted. "Hey, Chop? You get an image of those two?"
Chopper chirped his affirmative and Hera watched Ashoka's face as Chopper pulled the image of the masked Sith and the blond teen that had come into the fight late.
"We've caught some rumours of him," Ahsoka said and motioned to the masked Sith. "They call him Darth Vader, but he's not the Master. He's the Apprentice. Who's the boy? Do you have a clearer angle?"
"He was fast," Hera murmured, but Chopper had what Ahsoka was looking for. He pulled it up and sharpened the image so they could all see the teen's face.
"He called Vader father," Kanan offered.
When Hera looked back, Ahsoka looked like she'd seen a ghost. "Are you sure?" she managed. "You heard him call Vader father?"
"Yeah. Why?"
The Fulcrum agent blinked hard, resetting herself. "Get to your contact and send coordinates. I'm coming to you."
The transmission cut before they had time to argue.
Notes: Any Rebels fans reading this story? :D
While I love our Ghost crew and the infamous Agent Kallus to death, I've absurdly excited to get to introduce Ahsoka to the storyline. I became a huge fan of hers and Anakin's relationship after watching The Clone Wars within the last year (yes yes, I know... late to the game) and I knew it was going to have a huge impact on this story once I started writing it. Hopefully it'll give me enough of them to push back the determined plot bunnies I've had nipping at my ankles for a ROTS AU in which Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan become the first wave of the rebellion after Order 66... all the stories I don't have time for lol
Next Time: Ahsoka looks for answers while both Vader and Mara's assignments are thrown into chaos when Luke goes missing.
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