#mar answers stuff
markmybirds · 1 year
Tag Game
Got tagged by--oh you know who it's by if you've been around here.
“Insert a photo that you already have in your gallery that best describes you.“
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I tag @xmintykitty !
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holographic-mars · 2 months
Hi! I'm not really sure if you're taking asks like this or stuff, but a few of my friends and I have been talking about TFs and what jewelry they would would wear or what makeup, and since I love your art and the headcanons you've been sharing, I thought I'd ask you too! Do you think Soundwave and Cosmos would wear jewelry or makeup or anything like that? Or if Ravage, Rumble, and Frenzy would? Thank you so much!
HAIII thank you so much for the ask eheee!!!!! I could totally give you my thoughts on mechs with jewelry and makeup !!
So I think Soundwave is a very simplistic mech who doesn’t see the appeal in such things, and also doesn’t really view himself as ‘dainty’ and ‘pretty’ enough to wear anything like that (Cosmos would very much disagree). I think he’d wear very basic makeup, mostly to accentuate the optics, like eyeliner—both above and below the eye. Anything he would wear as jewelry would be a gift from his recordicons or Cosmos.
Cosmos would ADORE jewelry and makeup, though without a standard face the makeup part would be more difficult to achieve. He would like waist beads and necklaces, nothing chunky or tacky, but definitely some pretty colorful beads. For makeup, his favorite thing to wear would be the lipstick Soundwave put on before kissing him, leaving smudged lipstick marks across his faceplate and neck.
Rumble and Frenzy would be pretty predictable—they’d wear punk jewelry and heavy, dark makeup. Leather, spikes, black smudged eyeliner—you name it.
Ravage would detest makeup and jewelry. Maybe something small around her wrist, something the twins made with the help of Soundwave and Cosmos, but only on occasion.
ANYWAYS HEHE!!! That was fun thank you for asking, I’m so sorry it took so long to get to!!!! ❤️❤️🛸🛸💚💚
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itsmarsss · 3 months
IGIHGHG i can't help but want to know the status of reader/blitz and reader/stolas post full moon 😭😭😭 this haunts my everyday life and they might just lock me up for it for real
just even a crumb of one of the dynamics or readers touhgts would sate me PLESPLSPSLSPLSPLSPSLPSLS[PLS
omg lol they’re a messssss
we’re gonna have a lot of different confrontations between them regarding what happens in full moon!!
the full moon and post full moon chapters are called “big decisions” and “…lead to bad decisions” …. so do with that what u will lol there’s gonna be so much self sabotage from blitz and reader
blitz and reader’s reactions to stolas confessing are veeeery different but both hurt stolas in some way. blitz hurts them too so they’re both mad enough at him…. to attend a blitzo sucks party perhaps…
im messing with blitz a lot too… like if he was already insecure abt being left out… then he’s got a big storm coming
also verosika!! reader has quite some conversations with verosika !!
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
So if Mario calls Luigi "Lu," do you think Luigi calls Mario "Mar?"
To be honest, I can't decide.
He might say it occasionally, but not as often as Mario calls him "Lu".
"Mar" does seem the most logical...but it also doesn't sound very natural...If that makes sense.
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
send me some questions Im bored
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blye-flower · 3 months
quite literally the apritello server is the only one i've actually been active on so here's a star for indoctrinating me and creating a place where too many of you are damn charming as hell
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Mar Mar, I'm trying to go tit for tat with you, you're making it difficult with your shady sweetness wtf, how am I supposed to attack you when you're complimenting us, you bastard
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pitgritted · 3 months
what are your thoughts on a high noon sett ... do you have any ideas on how he might fit into that verse ?
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❝ i  do  actually  !!  since  high  noon  is  pretty  much  based  on  an  old  western  time  with  it’s  consistent  cliches  &  what  not  —  it  wouldn’t  be  hard  to  fit  sett  into  the  latter  .  they  did  it  with  darius  somehow  .  anyway  ,  sett  is  already  a  high  class  experienced  gambler  &  knows  when  to  pick  &  choose  his  targets  —  as  well  as  coming  up  with  the  best  possible  strategy  in  his  classic  variant  .  using  this  ,  i’d  imagine  sett  would  be  the  “  king  of  deadwood  “  —  the  name  of  this  actual  card  game  suggests  what  you  might  think  .  he  also  has  a  fair  share  of  experience  with  games  like  three  -  card  monte  &  high  -  low  .
❝ taking  swift  action  upon  the  green  cloth  became  part  of  the  gamblers’  code  –  shoot  first  &  ask  questions  later  .  while  it  isn’t  unheard  of  liquored  -  up  miners  &  cowboys  who  would  like  shoot  up  the  saloons  &  sometimes  the  poker  winner  when  they  were  angered  by  their  losses  (  hardly  believe  gragas  would  ever  allow  that  to  begin  with  &  i’m  sure  there’s  an  unspoken  rule  about  angering  the  saloon  bartender  )  —  sett  never  had  to  deal  with  the  like  because  of  his  intimidating  presence  .  he’s  always  one  step  ahead  ,  both  in  gun  -  fights  ,  tavern  brawling  ,  &  even  faro  .
❝ keeping  the  one  thing  that  does  tie  him  with  the  rest  of  his  skinlines  —  his  mother  .  in  this  realm  ,  sett  is  driven  by  the  grief  for  his  ‘ma  for  having  lost  her  over  a  gambling  scandal  .  sett  at  the  time  was  living  with  her  in  mining  camps  ,  doing  meager  work  for  little  gold  &  silver  ore  as  currency  .  father  was  never  around  —  &  sett  ,  being  naive  ,  accepted  a  gamble  challenge  in  hopes  a  pay  ,  promised  so  high  ,  would  be  yielded  to  him  &  his  mother  .  promising  safety  &  better  food  .
❝ sett  ultimately  lost  the  game  ,  &  what  was  the  game  ?  deadwood  .  his  first  one  .  while  it  was  normal  he  would  have  either  been  gunned  down  or  sliced  in  the  stomach  by  a  knife  ,  it  never  happened  due  to  his  competitor  having  a  relatively  okay  morality  against  the  death  of  children  .  however  —  all  that  gets  flushed  down  when  the  winnings  are  owed  to  him  .  as  a  result  ,  was  his  mother  .  prized  because  of  her  beauty  .
❝ sett  ,  since  then  ,  promised  he  would  make  every  spitballing  ,  hat  wearing  ,  gambling  addicted  scum  fall  under  his  boot  spurred  heel  .  hissing  to  where  his  mother  was  &  any  information  he  can  glean  from  it  .  if  his  chosen  victim  wasn’t  already  dead  from  blood  loss  —  be  it  through  his  shooting  or  fists  .
❝ basically  ,  i  like  to  think  high  noon  sett  is  a  vigilante  gambling  cowboy  .  learning  from  a  young  age  by  watching  others  at  his  mining  camp  &  saloons  how  they  worked  ,  strategized  ,  &  even  some  of  his  own  spark  on  it  .  
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theflyingfeeling · 9 months
i just noticed that for some reason i don't remember joonas' middle name and i was trying to recall it by going through the all of blind channel's full names in my head
i don't know what happened when i got to olli because my brain just autofilled it so i said in my head: "olli elias kau- wait he's surname isn't kaunisvesi- i mean olli elias mattson"
i'm way too deep in this ollixallu shit
actually im just sleep deprived and my brain isn't working properly but i'm making it abou ollixallu shit again
no but the way Olli Elias Mattson sounds so cute?? 😭😭😂😂😭😂😭😂😂
I hope they'll take Matsson as their shared surname when they get married 🥰
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buggyfangs · 3 months
hello happy birthday buggy im giving you a 20 pounds of cheese as a present i hope you enjoy
YEAAAHH!!!!!!! that's enough cheese to last me 2 whole days 🥺 THANK YOUUU
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aliciasfantasyxox · 1 year
Where r u from :)
I’m from mars :)
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itsmarsss · 4 months
Tell me why no one is talking about succibus feeling something towards blitz 🤨🤨 the line thats like “you love blitz (love is too strong of a word but you get the point)” thing striked my eyes and imprinted themselves on there. How deep in denial is our girl at this point?
things are complicated w these two!! they’ve been friends for a long while now and it’s obvious they do love each other as friends!! but now they’ve started sleeping together because of the arrangement w stolas and things are getting confusing….
ill tell u the secret i told @sweetadonisbutbetter last night, they don’t see any issue in fucking stolas on their own, but they never ever fuck each other without him there cause like… haha we’re just friends!!! why would we!!!! even tho we like it a lot when we do it when stolas is there!!!!! they’re very scared of what if would mean
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
...so can I post about shifting here or will the LA gangs get me like markiplier
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k66-official · 2 years
How is the platoon enjoying earth so far? What’s everyone’s fave thing about earth?
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In no particular order... I'd like to say we're all having fun, kero! Even if some of us are too grumpy to admit it, yessir~
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ivararara · 1 year
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i do not feel safe in this chili’s suddenly
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snowmaze1969 · 10 months
small one
oc/persona ref if you have one?
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This is the most recent one I could find, I kept meaning to post it but I never did lol. It also has colour tags!
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 years
hello dear followers i just got this thing from ikea
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i know im going to put george costanza into one of them but im taking some more suggestions im kind of stuck who should i put.
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