#malec daughter
carelessflower · 1 year
malec au like im crying
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Malec Prompt-let: Nameless Nephilim
What if nephilim aren’t given names when they’re born? Shadowhunters are an incredibly communal society- all glory is to your family and your people, not to you, and so the idea of names is considered too individualistic. Instead, children are given a Line Name and a Blessing Name, a title. 
For example, Alexander means ‘Protector of Men,’ a suitable title for the first-born son of an Old line, while Isabelle is ‘Pledged to God,’ typical for a daughter, and Jonathan is ‘Gift of God’.
(It’s also telling that Maryse and Robert’s Blessing Name for Alec is one of the few options that isn’t a thanksgiving or a description of devotion to the Angel - it’s a task. It’s a statement that he was born for and lives for a single purpose - that he is only made worthy in the eyes of his Line through accomplishing his title, not through simply being.)
Young nephilim often play with shortening their names as a way to differentiate themselves and make something approaching a name, but you cannot truly name yourself.
(It’s even considered slightly rebellious that Alec, Izzy, and Jace are fully grown and still go by their short-names, Jace particularly so given that it’s so different from his Blessing Name.)
Izzy and Jace have quietly been given personal names over the years- ones used only by the closest of loved ones. Alec uses their True Names occasionally, but only in the most personal and private of times. (Neither Robert nor Maryse know their children’s True Names.)
Alec, however, has never been given a true name. He never lets on how much it hurts that both his siblings think nothing of commenting on how much Alec’s Blessing Name fits him, how much he lives to uphold his mandate. 
Alec, however, just wants a name that’s his, something that tells him he’s worthy of existing for himself and not just in relation to what he does for others. 
When Alec meets Magnus, it’s the first time he’s ever heard his Blessing Name in full and not loathed the sound of it. When ‘Alexander’ rolls off Magnus’ tongue, it feels like a Blessing and not a a command that has shaped his entire life, for better or for worse.
Magnus has no idea of this custom of the nephilim, however, until one night after a visit from Maryse, when the stress and the pain and everything just get to be too much and Alec breaks, unexpectedly snapping to not call him that when Magnus pulls him against his chest to murmur ‘Alexander ‘ into his hair.
Magnus freezes, hesitant, and Alec can’t bare to let Magnus think he’s done something wrong, but he also can’t bare to see Magnus’ face when he tells him that he doesn’t even have a name, so he keeps his head buried in the cool silk of Magnus’ shirt as he haltingly explains the concept of Blessing Names to his boyfriend.
Later that night, tears dried and emotionally spent, Alec and Magnus are curled up together in Magnus’ sheets when Magnus whispers a name, a true blessing into Alec’s hair.
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khaleesiofalicante · 12 days
*when she finally gives malec a daughter* what do you know annie? 👀
A few little things👀 but hush🤐 don't tell anybody
your secrets are safe with me 😤
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lurafita · 2 months
Mutant/Superhero AU
Okay, so I saw a prompt that went along the lines of: You and a bunch of other kids have been raised, trained, and experimented on in this secret organisation, in the hopes of turning you all into tools for world domination. Some of the kids are the sons and daughters of the people working there, others have been taken from the 'outside'. You and your best friend are the children of the leaders, going through the harshest training, getting the most challenges, etc. One day, while you are away on a 'special excercize', a group of heroes raids the compound, and takes all the other kids and your best friend away. It's been 10 years since then, and after finally getting rid of your 'handlers', you are now ready to get back your friends.
And because I'm me, I immediately cast Magnus in the role of the kid who had been away on special assignment, BUT, because making Alec be the best friend is too obvious, I thought what if Jace or Izzy had been the best friend? And had been taken from the family all those years ago, and then when the heroes rescued the kids, at first they thought these were the enemies, because the kids would have been manipulated by the organisation to think like that. And then it took time to un-brainwash them, and Alec was of course a key part to that as the brother of either Jace or Izzy (though if it was Jace then it's more adoptive brother, but same thing). And once Jace/Izzy realize that these really are the good guys, they tell them about Magnus having been gone that day and he still needs to be rescued. But after years or searching and not finding anything (and maybe coming upon some destroyed hideouts of the evil organisation), most of the heroes think that the kid has likely died. But then 10 years later, Magnus appears to free the others. Followed by lots of reunions, convincing Magnus that these actually are the good guys, and Malec eventually falling in love.
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okay malec prompt
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this is the most wretched shit I’ve ever written. I’m never forgiving you for this anh. There will be revenge.
“Sweetheart!! Be careful,” Magnus yells after his daughter as she rushes towards the swing, falling on her way, and then immediately running back again.
Kids are fucking resilient.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”
Magnus turns and smiles at her, squeezing her hand gently.
It’s a nice evening. The kind of evenings when you just have to get out and have a walk.
He rarely goes on walks anymore, usually commutes through the public transport or his chauffeur.
Walks are overrated anyways.
People can die on sidewalks.
He’s not overreacting. He’s just being realistic.
“Bapak!!” The girl came running towards him and crashes onto his legs. Magnus chuckles softly as his raises his daughter in his arms.
“Hi, peanut,” he kisses her cheek. “Did you have fun?”
“Did!!” The girl yells.
“Come on, time to go home.”
He turns around with his family, making their way over to their car when he hears someone yell his name.
Magnus turns on his heels, raising his brows to see who it is when he notices Simon.
“Magnus!!” Simon comes running towards him.
“Give me a moment,” he says to the woman next to him and passes his daughter to her.
Simon envelopes Magnus in a crushing hug, and suddenly he feels sixteen again. Laughing and rolling on the soccer field with his friends around him. A time when nothing but love surrounded him.
A time when Magnus was loved like nothing else mattered in the world.
“Sherman, I cannot believe it’s you. It’s been what—“
“11 years. It’s been eleven years,” Simon says. “11 years and 3 months.”
He blinks at the somber tone.
Eleven fucking years.
Eleven fucking years and a life barely lived.
“Bapak?” The small child peaks from the woman’s shoulder and speaks. Her voice a small whisper.
“Bapak?” Simon raises his head. “You’re a dad?”
A wide smile appears on his face, it always does when he thinks of his daughter, the light of his life, the reason why he wakes up every morning.
Magnus takes the child back in his arms and kisses her cheeks, making her giggle in that soft voice of hers.
“Hi, Simon. This is my daughter,” he says proudly, before turning his gaze to the girl and smiling at her. “Baby, this is my very old friend Simon.”
The pigtailed girl gives Simon a beaming smile, waving her hand. “Hi, Simon.”
Simon smiles back, it’s impossible not to, Magnus’s daughter is the cutest thing in the world.
“What’s your name?”
Magnus stills at the words, body freezing as he realises the disaster that’s about to happen. But before he can stop or do anything about it, the girl speaks.
“Alex,” she says proudly, spelling out her name. “A-L-E-X.”
Magnus winces as he sees Simon’s eyes go wide. And also because Magnus knows Simon, the man does not shut up under the worst of circumstances, which he proves in the next few second.
“Alex as in Alexander??” Simon asks baffled, and well, Magnus can’t really blame him.
“Who’s Alexander?” Abigail, his wife standing next to him questions.
He closes his eyes in pain, at the reminder of the name. Of the person who meant—no, means everything to Magnus.
Magnus turns towards her and gives her a tight lipped smile.
“Uh—just a friend. I liked the name.”
Simon scrunches his face, realising the blunder and he opens his mouth to cover up, “I—I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—“
Magnus raises a hand before Simon can fuck this up even more, not that it really is Simon’s fault. “It’s okay Simon. No issues.” He turns towards Abigail and murmurs, “We should leave. It’s Alex’s nap time and she’ll get cranky.”
“Babe, if you want to catch up with your friend, you can. I’ll take her home.”
“Yes, Magnus. We should—” Simon says at the same time that Magnus murmurs, “No, no. We’ll catch up later.”
He hugs Simon and mutters a small apology, promising to call him.
“Bye, bye, Si-Si,” Alex grins.
“Bye Alex,” Simon waves and leaves.
Things are awkward between Magnus and Abigail after that and he laughs inwardly because she doesn’t even know the full truth yet. It’ll be a disaster of mass proposition if or when she finds out.
Abigail can never find out.
He can’t imagine how much it’s going to hurt her and Magnus doesn’t want that. He loves her. He loves her so much and he doesn’t want to see her in pain of finding out his secret.
But eleven years is a long time to keep something like this inside of him, hidden from the world and one day it’s finally out.
Magnus is on a call with Simon, apologising for being aloof the other day and explaining everything.
“Did you really name your kid after your ex?” Simon says surpised.
“Alexander wasn’t an ex,” he snaps.
Alec isn’t an ex. He’s so much more. He’s everything.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—“
Magnus sighs, running his palm over his face. “I’m sorry, Simon. It’s me. I’m being an ass. To you. To my wife. To everyone.”
“Our daughter is named after your ex?” A chilling voice echoes through the room and Magnus can feel the room temperature drop suddenly.
He closes his eyes.
Magnus turns and finds Abigail standing there, her eyes wide. Her beautiful hair falls on her face but she wipes it from her face.
The fight that ensues is the worst fight of Magnus’s life.
“How fucking dare you?” Abigail yells, tears streaming through her face.
“Abigail, sweetheart, please listen to me.”
“How could you?”
“It doesn’t mean anything-“ he tries but the lie is as fake as the life he’s been living for the last eleven years.
Devoid of anything.
“He’s the reason, isn’t he?”
“The reason for what?”
“Of everything. Of whatever this stupid marriage is,” she yells.
Magnus goes towards her, touches her shoulder.
“I love you.”
Tears escape her eyes, “But you’re not in love with me.”
“I married you! We have a kid. I just named her after Alexander and I know it’s weird but it’s not that big of a deal,” he tries to explain even though it’s the shittiest excuse.
“How the fuck can you think this is normal. You named our child after some stupid ex—“
And that’s it. That does it for him.
Abigail is mad, understandably so but no one gets to call Alec a stupid ex and Magnus is about to destroy his marriage and his entire life for one little thing that Abigail said in a fit of anger.
“He’s not a stupid ex. He’s the love of my life,” he yells back, his eyes growing wide the second he realises but it’s too late to take back the words.
“I didn’t—“
“Then what am I, Magnus?”
“Are you cheating on me? Are you seeing him? Where the fuck is—“
“HE’S DEAD!!” Magnus screams. “He’s fucking dead, okay?”
“He died eleven years ago in an accident while I was driving the fuxking car, okay? I killed him. I killed my Alec, I—
He falls on the ground, crying for the love he lost, the one that means everything to him and the love that he’s going to lose now.
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hawkefaery · 1 year
Characters meetings in Blood and Ash that I'm most exciting for:
Malec and Eloana plus Valyn
I want go see the world burn honestly. I said this already but I want Eloana and Malec to have this resentful attitude where they trow beef at everything the other says. And plus Valyn because I know my man will have eloana's back against everything. Besides, I can see Malec don’t liking Valyn not because he wants Eloana back or something but I believe Malec gives vibes of being that type of man that believes his dick changes a woman’s life forever so the fact that she remarried, moved on, had a life and named someone else king??? I think he would be like “this fucking idiot who he think he is, i am a god i am so much better than he him” bla bla bla and then Valyn, as I said he is always there for eloana plus he said he believed that Malec did not deserve her love so I don’t think Valyn likes Malec either, he probably recents him for what he did to his beloved wife (honestly same valyn)
I hope we get at least a snake peak of Sera and Isbeth
this is an obvios one, I just want to see isbeth literally suffering and sera having fun
Malik and his parents
this one is going to hurt me like a bitch. It already did when Valyn seemed about to cry when he saw Malik again and Malik couldn’t even look at his father. Malik recents his parents for hiding the truth from him so there is so much tension in here. I want the pain that come with this reunion but I hope that at the end everything is happy again
Millicent and Ires
I want ires to see his daughter again and not just poppy
Jadis and Nektas
an obvious one
Ires and Malec
There is a lot to unpack between this two. I highly doubt they will be just ok with one another after everything that happened around them. I think this could be a tensed moment for resentment, blame and idk I just feel that it can’t be all perfect and harmonic between these two after every thing that happened
Malec and his parents
If a remember correctly, Nyktos and Sera knew where Malec was entombed and they actually had guards guarding the entrance yet they did not take him of his entombment do I wonder if Malec knows that or if he will find out at some point, I think this will be tense too, and again I don’t think they can just pretend nothing happened
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lalalilylulu · 6 days
I wish cc will give malec one daughter at least, and I don't care about 3-set sibling lightwood curse lmao just give them a daughter
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cinberella · 11 months
My A/B/O Canon Divergent Malec fics
Disowned by his own people, possibly deruned and exiled, just because he wants to be what he was meant to be, wholly and proudly. But the Clave won't allow Alec Lightwood to decide for himself and his daughter. Fortunately, someone unexpected, a powerful and feared Warlock, will offer him help, protection and a safe haven. Magnus Bane is an Alpha who is not afraid to defy the Clave and bring Alec and his daughter to safety.
Rating E - WC 80k
TW implied rape/non con, derogatory language, explicit sexual content, attempted sexual assault
Warlock Therapy
Magnus now expects pretty much anything from the Clave. On the other hand, he has been dealing with Shadowhunters for decades, he knows them. But finding Maryse at his door asking for help to save her son’s life wasn’t something he could have foreseen. The young Alpha who is with her seems to carry on his shoulders a pang of guilt so serious that he would be ready to die, just to atone for his sins. Apparently, the only reason Alec Lightwood wants to fight back and survive is to help his Parabatai. Magnus can’t turn his back on the boy, even if he’s Maryse’s son, when the Clave threatens to kill him just because he’s fallen in love.
Rating E - WC 50k
TW homophobic language, explicit sexual content
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mikibwrites · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
;a;lkdjflaskj Thank you! I absolutely love this idea, and I have to say, it really made me make the effort to put aside my self-loathing and say to myself, yes, you write good, you can indulge in some self-promotion :) I get very bogged down with imposter syndrome, but this helped a lot today :) Thank you again you're so so kind!
Truly Worthy (Captive Prince): A sort of odd take on soulmates and reincarnation, it was super self-indulgent and I wrote it specifically for me after my 2570248th read through of the books, lol. Nicaise Protection Squad assemble.
Something To Do (or 5 Times Carlos Tried to Propose to TK, and the 1 Time He Finally Succeeded) (911 LS/Tarlos): Another super self-indulgent piece. Written between S2 and S3, obviously lol. It was super fun and I liked playing with some humor and good old fashioned thwarting.
Misery Loves Glamour (The Mortal Instruments/Malec): Okay. I feel like those who've known me for the last 15 years in fandom would murder me if I didn't include this. My hayday of fic writing, when I was in college and would write 10k a day instead of studying. Will always be my baby, and it's how I met my husband (he was a reader and we got to talking and one thing led to another oops we're married lol) The linked is to AO3, where I was slowly moving it over (sigh FFn), so it's not complete there. 167k words in the first story alone, about 500k in the whole series. One day I'll get it all up lol
Of Will and Wildflowers (911 LS/Tarlos): If MLG is my baby, this one is my eldest daughter lol. The first big fic I wrote for this fandom, and it brought me so many friends/new acquaintances in this lovely community of people. A big undertaking, writing the whole thing in an Austen style, but it was so rewarding. I will be continuing this one! Maybe I'll share a wip Wednesday for it soon!
I try to keep it silent but you can read my mind (911 LS/Tarlos): Ahh...this one. I wrote a lot of post-Push-arc fics, but this one is my favorite. I tend to gravitate towards E, as I like writing passion. This was filled with as much as I could get into it, and then some.
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dicaculus · 1 year
Title: A Pile of Hot Metal and Dirty Dishes
Artist: Crankyfossil
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Magnus Bane/ Alec Lightwood
Summary: Magnus Bane is the Head Chef at Encanto and doing just fine. Or that’s what he tells Simon the therapist, his boss Raphael, orders him to go to. Magnus is a genius in the kitchen, his food is art, but if he starts a fight with one more disrespectful customer, he’s gone. Simon is useless though, going on about Magnus using work as a means to distance himself from meaningful relationships, and emotional walls that could rival a fortress. What does he know? Magnus is fine. Then everything goes wrong. His best friend, Catarina and her daughter get into an accident. His eight-year-old niece, Madzie, is the only survivor and Magnus finds himself going from cool uncle Magnus to the only parent Madzie has left. To make matters worse, Raphael has replaced him while he’s on leave. Alexander Lightwood is a menace. He’s careless, breezy, and annoyingly good at everything he does. Magnus can’t stand him, but with Madzie refusing to eat his cooking and his hands full, Magnus needs all the help he can get. Along the way, Magnus begins to realize there’s more to life than seared cod and lemon dressing, and maybe, just maybe, it’s a life that he wants Alexander Lightwood in.
This fic was created for the Malec Discord Mini Bang 2023.
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Magnus doesn’t tell Madzie about leaving the restaurant. Madzie loves Encanto, and he knows it would break her heart knowing she’d never be back so he spares her and lies telling her he took time off, but he positive Madzie doesn’t believe him. Instead, he spends the rest of the week seriously looking into starting his own place. For the first time in years Magnus looks into the steps to starting his own restaurant. He meets with an accountant talking about finances and just how much it will cost him and what type of loan would be best for him. He works with a real estate agent looking for the perfect building. But everything is too big or doesn’t fit the laid back bistro he has in mind. Magnus works on his concept, his brand and looks through his piles of recipes to come up with a menu. Creating a menu means recipe testing, so poor Madzie becomes his guinea pig. While she likes some of his creations, her child palate makes things difficult for him. Magnus needs an adult, someone who will try new foods and flavours. He needs Alec.
Despite keeping himself busy with menu planning, Magnus’s thoughts always come back to Alec. Every recipe he wonders what he would think. Would he like it? Would it bring a smile to the beautiful man’s face and would he hear noises of satisfaction as he took a bite? Magnus misses Alec so much he develops a pasta dish with him in mind, an Indonesian twist on one of Alec’s favourite dishes to be exact, Aglio e Olio.
“Spaghetti with garlic and oil,” He’d said “It’s such a simple, yet incredible dish if made correctly”
Monday comes again and Magnus while Magnus doesn’t have to see Simon anymore, now that he’s not working at Encanto, he goes anyway, needing someone to talk to. He lets it all out, telling him about the fight, how much he regretted it and the things he’d said. Magnus talks about leaving Encanto and feeling terrified for future and lost for the first time in a long time.
“I wish there was a cookbook for life, you know? With the recipes telling us exactly what to do,” Magnus sigh. “I know, I know. You’re gonna say, How else can we learn, Magnus?”
“No. Actually, I wasn’t gonna say that”
Magnus sits up on the couch. “Really?”
Simon nods. “What I was gonna say was, you know better than anyone. It’s the recipes you create yourself that are the best.”
Magnus snorts. It’s cheesy, but Simon is right.
When he picks Madzie up from school that afternoon, he decides to break the news about Encanto. To his surprise, she takes it well. He expected crying, tears, hell, even screaming, but instead she nods.
“It’s not the same without Alec”
Magnus nods sadly. “You’re right. It’s not Madzie, I miss him too”
“If you miss him, why don’t you say you’re sorry? Tell him not to go. Make a wish of his come true, like you did with me”
Magnus hums, it’s not a bad idea. “What do think Alec would wish for sweet pea?
“Your cooking, of course!”
So while Madzie does her homework that evening, Magnus cooks for Alec. He cooks him ayam goreng, an Indonesian fried chicken like he promised and his spin on aglio e olio that he knows Alec will either love or hate. Once Madzie is fed a serving of the fried chicken and it gets a thumbs up from her, he wraps up the rest of the food and leaves the apartment. 
The drive to Alec’s place is longer than he thought it would be, it takes him forty-five minutes, most of it spent on the highway in slow traffic. No wonder it took him too long to get to his place when they’d made pizzas. But when Magnus does arrive, he snorts at the industrial style of the apartment course Alec would live in something like this. Magnus parks his car and, with food in hand, marches up to the front, lets himself in through the unlocked door. Magnus takes a terrifying elevator ride to the second floor in what Magnus swears is an elevator older than he is and looks for Alec’s apartment. He hears the familiar sound of opera the second he’s out of the elevator. Smiling to himself, Magnus follows the Italian singing until he’s stood outside a door that says 12. He stands in front it and takes a deep breath before kicking the door a few times rather than knocking because of his full hands. Only moments later, Alec slides the metal door open with a shocked expression, not expecting to see Magnus.
“I think you should know there’s something else I never do.” Magnus says before Alec has a chance to speak.
Alec huffs and with a smirk leans against the door frame, “Oh yeah, what’s that?”
“I never invite myself into a man’s home, blindfold him and feed him ayum goreng and pasta dish he inspired because I couldn’t get his stupid face out of my head while begging him not to go to San Francisco.”
“You never do that?”
Magnus shakes his head, his eyes welling up with tears, afraid Alec will close the door. “Never.”
Alec nods. “That’s too bad.” Then he slides, pushes the door with his fist so it opens further and takes a step towards Magnus, taking the dishes from him and walking into his apartment, leaving the door open for Magnus.
Magnus steps into the apartment and gently shuts the door behind him. The apartment is beautiful, with big windows which must let in the most beautiful sunlight, a large comfortable looking couch against some exposed brick.
“Magnus, I–”
“I left Encanto,” Magnus interrupts. “I dropped a raw tomahawk steak on a customer’s plate and left.” 
Alec blinks in shock. “You, what?”
“Because I was miserable Alexander, you were right. I hate cooking that food! And after I left, all I could think about was the things I said to you in the freezer. I meant none of them.” Magnus takes another breath and steps towards Alec, who stares at him. “Madzie told me maybe if I granted a wish of yours, you’d forgive me and maybe you’ll stay”
“You’re taking relationship advice from an eight-year-old?” 
Magnus groans “It was better than idea I had”
Alec chuckles, then takes a step forward and grabs Magnus’s hand, pulling him close and wrapping an arm around Magnus’s waist. Then he cups Magnus’s jaw with his other hand and Alec strokes Magnus’s cheek with his calloused thumb and kisses him gently before pulling away.
“If that fried chicken tastes as good as it smells, I won’t go to San Fransico”
Magnus hums and kisses Alec again. “I look forward to helping you unpack, Alexander”
Without Magnus and Alec, Encanto closes its doors a few months later. The space goes up for sale only a week later and Magnus buys it immediately from ready to transform the dark walls into a warm, welcoming bistro. It takes nearly a year of work and spending more money than Magnus thought he’d have to, but a little over a year after he bought the place Catarina’s opens. 
Long gone are the black walls and the dim lighting. Now there are big windows letting plenty of light in, outdoor seating and warm colours on the wall, making the restaurant feel welcoming to everyone. Magnus hires some of his previous staff, including Clary and, of course, Alec, with Alec and Magnus working together the restaurant is an immediate hit and soon they there’s a line down the block to get a table. 
Madzie comes to Catarina’s every day after school, she often sits in a booth that’s she’d dubbed her own and finish her homework before helping in the kitchen much like she’d previously done at Encanto but this time she’s in bed before midnight. And just like Magnus always wanted, he gets to share his heritage, his Indonesian flavours, in a modern way and in a more traditional way. 
Working together isn’t always easy for the couple. Sometimes they bickered in the walk in, causing Clary to intervene and split the kitchen in half like they’d done at Encanto the night they first cooked together. 
But despite that, neither would want their life any other way, especially Magnus, who felt the weight of a ring in his pants pocket as he waited for the perfect moment to present it to Alec.
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carelessflower · 6 months
Trouble was firing down the Lightwood's door, an old submission turned more bitter than the poison the matriarch and her husband had gladly lapped from Morgenstern's palm.
Common folks and nobles alike shook in fear, as the Mad King was back, devilish spawns sprinting with their father's every step. The combined force of Idris's houses had only managed to push him down, not out, never out. With a daughter whose hands draw golden and spirit was more fiery than her hair, and her terrifyingly blond brother, who would wipe the blood of those Morgenstern cheekbones with a smile.
Valentine was still alive. He called for the throne.
Of course, Valentine's insanity had not faded away, but neither had his wits, The Mad Ruler - always three steps prepared. The political landscape of Idris had shifted over the decades he spent in the dark carving ladder from people's flesh. The Clave never gave back their trust in the Lightwood. Valentine could regain fortune for his victory, and punishment for his betrayal.
Maryse the Unmercy tensed when a letter with familiar signs came down her sparrow, commanding words capable of drawing expressions few had seen her displayed. Though burnt, the sentiment stayed.
Maxell Lightwood could stay, for he posed the perfect future pawn in Valentine's army. Lady Isabelle would become Valentine's dear Clarissa's Lady-in-waiting, her hands in marriage awaiting whatever house Valentine deemed suitable to sway over.
And when the gentle spray of she spring came, along her the first bloom of Moon Magnolia, Sir Jonathan Herondale would sweep on his horse, and renounce his love for Valentine's daughter. A family united, at last.
The firstborn, oh how Valentine looked to meet the Lightwood's grace, his son's soon-to-be bed warmer. The most useful hostage in the family. Breaking him would be the perfect jewel on the Morgenstern's crown.
Time spinned. The wheel went on.
Day of tourney returned. Words spread faster than wind, a foreign blade drawn. Prince Magnus Bane was never known to back down from a challenge.
The commoners laughed and cheered, bets in taverns went one thousand, one million. They all heard the tales, and Sir Herondale had run into his tough match. Magic ran through Edom's veins, and as one of The Eldest Curses, Prince Magnus's power rivaled most of his royal peers.
The competition would be unpredictable, many claimed. But some only cared about who would the winner dedicate his history to. Whether the blessed magnolia crown of love and beauty would rest on Morgenstern's flaming curls or the intricate blonde braid of Bane's newest amour.
To say this year's round was the most anticipated in centuries would not be a stretch by any means.
Everyone at the joust recalled the moment of their bated breath, as the Great Destruction knocked their prideful heron off his horse. Sharp as Bane's laughter when he took off his helmet, not letting anyone get in his way- reaching for where noble houses were posing in observance.
His eyes flitted over to the right, where the lady Isabelle abode with her family.
Oh— of course. Others whispered. The one true jewel of Alicante. Lady of the Roses.
What a quaint couple would they make. Most knew Maryse was anticipating her frosty rage.
It didn't matter.
For blue petals bloomed in between Sir Alexander Lightwood's raven locks.
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okay so this malec x GoT inspired idea has been haunting me all night I need to get it out of my system may pick up later when I'm feeling lucky 🤭
tag list: @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria @hoezier-than-thou @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart @raziyekroos @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @cam-ryt @banesapothecary
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tsc-malec · 1 year
Alec had looked the same when Magnus had spoken of his childhood at the party when they had first met. It was something Magnus hardly ever did, but he had felt spiky and defensive about the advent of all these Shadowhunters in his house, at Jocelyn Fray’s daughter, Clary, showing up without her mother and with so many questions she deserved answers to. He had not expected to look into a Shadowhunter’s eyes and see sympathy.
Malec —The Course of True Love
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khaleesiofalicante · 12 days
Hey Dani, when Cassie finally gives Malec a daughter, will you start including her in your fanfics? Do you think you could adapt her to your family dynamic that you're used to? Or would you prefer to ignore her in your fics since it might change the dynamics that you (we) are used to in your stories?
*when she finally gives malec a daughter* what do you know annie? 👀
I mean, I'd love to include any changes we see in the next books - including loss of old characters and additions of new ones! Adapting the dynamics is not very difficult. It's actually fun challenge. So, I would totally do it (if I get the write story for it!)
But I have no idea when the next book is gonna come out and who knows if I'll be alive by then 😭
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lurafita · 7 months
Small Town Diner Malec AU
Okay, absurdedly random thought about mundane small town au Malec, where Alec has a diner and Magnus moves there to raise his daughter Madzie.
random diner scene:
Magnus: "Alexander! Did you spruce up your menu? Is that glitter I see?"
Alec: "Your daugther thought it needed to look "cheerier"."
Magnus: "Ah. Should have realized she had a hand in this by that little unicorn drawing in the bottom corner."
Alec: "So that's what that is. I couldn't really make it out and just told her it was beautiful. Though to be honest, my money was on rhinoceros."
(will have more parts that I will try to remember adding the links to here.) Some Background Info: https://www.tumblr.com/lurafita/744484050513887232/small-town-diner-malec-au-background-info?source=share First Meeting?: https://www.tumblr.com/lurafita/744484744055635968/small-town-diner-malec-au-first-meeting?source=share
Add Ons: https://www.tumblr.com/lurafita/744485335085596672/small-town-diner-malec-au-add-ons?source=share
More Add Ons: https://www.tumblr.com/lurafita/744486576471638016/small-town-diner-malec-au-more-add-ons?source=share
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“She looks annoying,” Roohi points out.
Rafael looks at the girl in question and snorts.
“You don’t even know her,” he replies.
“I can still tell if someone is annoying or not,” the girl adds.
Rafael barely knows her but Roohi is an enigma.
“I didn’t know that Professor Lightwood is a single dad. And on top of that, his daughter is evil.”
“Evil might be pushing it.”
“She’s evil, Rafael,” Roohi insists.
“Okay. Whatever you say,” he relents. “Didn’t you need help with your assignment? Or you’re back to snooping on professor Lightwood and professor Bane?”
“Mission Malec,” Roohi says cheerfully.
“I’m calling it mission Malec.”
Rafael peers at her like she’s crazy—and thinks for a second that maybe she is.
He has enough crazy in his life as it is.
“And what does this mission entail?”
“I am going to find the best partners for Professor Lightwood and Professor Bane so that they can get that stick out of their asses and stop acting like assholes.”
Rafael hums before his eyes widen, “Wait, what?”
“Hmm. Enough of this nemesis bullshit. They need to have some good sex with some hot people.”
“Please let me out,” he mouths.
“You’re my new bestfriend Rafael. You’re in this plan now.”
-introducing you to my babygirl Roohi Shah. She’s an enigma and a sweetheart. Get ready to meet her in the Professor Malec Au🥺
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hawkefaery · 2 years
Alastir's actual worse crime.
To me, the saddest part of what Alastir did is the way he so easily betrayed the Da'neer family. Alastir have been around for centuries, he told Eloana the truth about Malec and Isbeth, he hide her secrets and was there with and for her during her ruling. The trust was up to a point that Valyn and Eloana relied on him to take care of their sons. Casteel describes Alastir as a second father to him and Malik, besides it is know that they grew up alongside his daughter and niece so they were really close. All of the Da'neer trusted and loved Alastir, they trusted they loved ones with him, themselves, the kingdom they loved (he was the advisor) etc and yet he didn’t even flinch while talking about killing them.
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He was so ready to end them that it is just sad. All he cared about at the end was power “and Atlantia” (yeah sure hon). He wanted one of his blood (niece or daughter) to sat on the throne at all cost, he lied and manipulated all of the Da'neers and because they trusted they never suspected. They are not a family who trusts easily, they are all murderous psychos but they did trusted him and he betrayed them.
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Also the fact that he knew that Malik was alive is just so frustrating. He saw the desperation in Casteel, the way he suffered for his brother, for what he was being done; He knew that both Eloana and Valyn were mourning their son, and he knows the pain of that and yet he let them believe that their son was dead and gone forever to them.
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I fucking hate Alastir, he betrayed my little family of psycho murders and that is wrong. I hope he is burning in the Abyss. <3
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