#makes me feel like I've actually be productive 😂😅
inkovert · 2 years
Editing Update: 10.30.22
So the two goals that I set for myself last time was to:
reverse outline at least 10 more chapters in my WIP
strengthen and figure out the first/second plot points and pinch points
I'm happy to say I've finished reverse outlining all chapters of my WIP (thank god), although the quality of the later parts of the outline drastically declined...but there are words on the page that I can refer back to and that's all that matters!
As for figuring out the first/second plot points and pinch points. I had a little more trouble with this than I expected, but I did successfully complete the outline of my story structure. What made this part difficult for me was the fact that I write lit fic. I was trying to find some huge conflict or disaster to throw into the mix but nothing really came to mind. Then I referred back to my reverse outline and tried to find the elements I was looking for there, and they were there but weren't obvious to find in the moment (which is how it should be honestly). So I figured out the plot points and pinch points which I can't share for spoiler reasons but the "turning point" of my novel is quite subtle so it took me a moment to realize it/be content with it.
My protagonist at the start of the story is very closed off/untrusting and believes that letting people close to you means giving them the power to hurt you. So naturally the turning point - the point where my protagonist shifts from "reaction" to "action" - is when she realizes that she's gained all these people in her life that she wants to keep. And so she takes action to do that by any means necessary. So yeah, not a big omg! or aha! moment that you'd get in a plot-driven novel but it's what makes sense for my novel and my characters.
So now that I've got the story structure figured out, the next thing I'm trying to do, while simultaneously outlining my scenes, is to write down all my subplots and find and fill all the plot holes within them. Essentially this looks like:
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I have a character who was in an abusive relationship in their past and that influences a lot of their behaviors and overall character arc throughout the story. So I start by jotting down the subplot. Then just go ham with questions that I don't - but should - know the answers too. And I start brainstorming and coming up with solutions. I do this for every subplot that wasn't well fleshed out in my first draft, or for subplots that I didn't like the way I fleshed them out in the first draft (bc I didn't give them enough thought since I was still figuring out the backbone of my whole story) and try to rework them with more attention to detail. By doing this before I start writing, I avoid any glaring plotholes. As much as I'd love to take credit for this method, I got it from this resource (that post in particular is part of a series about how to outline for NaNo so may be generally useful for those participating next month).
So I'm going to continue with this. And then find a way to weave my subplots into my overall story structure/scene outline. Overall my goal with this second draft is to give my story more structure, which it was sorely lacking in the first draft. This way I can also trim down the unnecessary parts and exclude things I know don't contribute to the overall story.
I told myself I was going to participate in NaNo this year to help motivate my editing process 😅. I was hoping to be done with all the outlining/brainstorming parts by now. So either I will: somehow manage to finish this all in two days (unlikely) or spend the first week of NaNo finalizing this part. I'm not really trying to reach any word count/goal with NaNo or "win" NaNo per se, I just wanted to use it to fast-track working on my second draft.
Goals for next week:
Finish outlining/brainstorming subplots
Add subplots to scene outline (as of now I have the scenes of Act I outlined)
Until next time!
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feedthefandomfest · 9 months
Hi, I absolutely love this project and all the ideas but may I suggest an addition? I've seen a lot of posts trying to help people to comment, with the dos and don'ts, different ways to comment etc. but I have never seen a post on how to reply to comments as an author. Yet I've seen a lot of authors express that they don't actually really know how to reply or feel insecure about it.
So if we want to foster a fandom space that's more about community and less about content creators and consumers, maybe some resources about replying to comments might also help?
Ooh, yes. There are a few scenarios that come to mind where I commonly struggle in replying to comments:
just as a story that stirred up a tornado of amazing emotions makes a comment difficult to compose, a COMMENT that stirred up a tornado of amazing emotions makes a reply equally difficult!! how to express the jumbled joy and gratitude and excitement and and and
i find myself tone matching the comment? or trying to? only if the comment has a tone or style that i feel awkward utilizing, i'm afraid that awkwardness is coming across, and not in a charming way (ditto for feeling self-conscious if my reply is longer that the original comment. which... makes no sense?? it's like i'm afraid of coming across as desperate or something and i'm trying to play it chill 😂 THIS MIGHT JUST BE ME. I TEND TO OVERTHINK THINGS)
it's a WIP and i feel guilty for not updating in awhile, so my avoidant personality quirks hamstring my ability to reply... it's like i feel undeserving of the kindness? or like i use the comment to bargain with myself--go make progress on the WIP and then you can mention that in your reply!!--and then i fail to make progress and the bargain falls apart 😅
as a writer, i feel bad if my replies to different comments sound too similar. as though similarity = insincerity. OR like when you're drafting and you're like OH NO can't use that particular word/phrase because i just used it in a recent paragraph and surely others will notice the awk repetition and deem me clunky 🙃
very rarely, there are comments that make me feel shitty, often through some thoughtless phrasing (I truly don't think any of them intended to hurt my feelings), and so I'm left in the strange position of wanting to defend myself/my fic while wanting to avoid confrontation because i hate confrontation while wanting the commenter to be aware of how they might word things more sensitively in future while fearing i might alienate a reader when i need readers to LIVE 😭
Looking back on this list, it's very possible these are all manifestations of my very particular quirks and idiosyncrasies and whatnot, but it's also possible others are struggling in similar ways so I'm gonna post it anyway.
Any other aspects of replying to comments that writers struggle with? Any tips or tricks for how to reply to comments in a way that fosters community?
I'll start working on my own list of how I navigate the issues described above. Because I DO reply to comments and think it's so important for nurturing fandom life and inviting goodness into your own life.
Not to be too sappy but one of my best friends started out as a rambling raving commenter. One of those every chapter rambling raving commenters (the GOOD STUFF 🤌🏻), and I replied in kind, and then he found me on tumblr, and fast forward just shy of a year and he's one of my top precious people.
Posting fic, reading someone's fic, commenting, replying to comments -- all of these are weirdly intimate acts, in a way. Hence the awkwardness? Depending on the fic, it's like "hello, this is the product of my brain and my fingers touching the keys, and i may or may not have poured my heart and soul into it." and commenters who may or may not detect such things sometimes have the wherewithal to reply, "it was beautiful. wonderful. i loved it." and then what do you say? "thank you" doesn't feel adequate at all. AT ALL.
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freelancearsonist · 3 months
✨ 20 questions for writers ✨
thank you for the tag @amanitacowboy
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have yet to move anything over there 😩
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
n/a 😂
3. What fandoms do you write for?
pedro pascal boys, stranger things (eddie and steve my beloveds), oscar isaac, marvel... good grief the list just goes on
4. Top five fics by kudos
according to tumblr top:
#5: we need to talk about steven (moon knight system)
#4: even in the quietest moments (poe dameron)
#3: completely yours tonight (leto atreides)
#2: wingman (moon knight system)
#1: make a move on me (joel miller)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to respond to everything!! your comments feed me :)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely the only heaven i'll be sent to it's like the only un-happy ending i've ever written 😭
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i'm a sucker for happy endings so all of them 🥲
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully no! you are all so lovely 🥰
9. Do you write smut?
the question should be do i write anything BESIDES smut 💀
10. Craziest crossover?
probably the supernatural cyoa au thing i wrote for dieter (heart of the cards)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no thankfully! let's keep it that way please :)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of??
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i really want to!! (this is an invitation)
14. All time favorite ship?
this is tough jsdfsdjlsj can i say din x grogu platonic???? i just love a good reluctant father and his carefree son 🥹
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the 1970's organized crime fighting FBI agent javi p au 🥲 the idea is very ambitious and it's probably going to end up novel-length if i ever actually get the energy to finish it
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think my dialogue is my strongest point??? i love to yap 😌
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably atmosphere 😅 i just feel like i'm not very good at settings or environment sjdflksdfj
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i wrote a whole fic with only spanish dialogue so fjskfjsdf yes?
19. First fandom you wrote in?
uhhhh captain america fic on quotes don't look @ me
20. Favorite fic you've written?
this is a cross! between all that we see or seem and in shades of gray and candlelight i just had so much fun writing twisty turny stories and i'm very proud of the finished products :)
np tagging @schnarfer @futuraa-free @sp00kymulderr @chronically-ghosted @kedsandtubesocks (sorry if you've already done this ignore me ilyyyyyy)
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Do you guys know that thing about creative writers with ideas (plot bunnies) and how they always seem to multiply one after the other? That's me with Twisted Wonderland AUs. I can't help it! The series just reminds me of all the stories I loved as a kid, with characters that had depth and / or developed or we got to learn more about--even if it was stupid little things they do in their everyday life! I've grown to appreciate it in ways I never imagined I could any form of media. ;;v;;
To be honest...this game has given me the creativity to consistently create and build upon ideas, and the support you all have given me has meant so much. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me for so long, and for sending me all the ideas or scenarios you all have been daydreaming of. ;;v;;
So I wanted to give a bit of an update on a few things I'm going to do with the blog:
1) Create a rules page. I've gone far too long without updating my original set, and I feel it's long overdue 😂 Plus, it'll help me keep track of certain things!
2) Go back through and update the links on the Masterlists with posts I may have missed. I didn't realize that some things I was referencing in some of my latest posts (aka the grape incident in the monster!AU) were missing, so I'm gonna comb through my posts and make sure I label and organize them easier for you guys to find (and for me to refresh myself on what I write)!
3) Answering asks (of course). Things are a little slow going and my muse has been getting finicky with me, but I will make sure I get to everyone's asks! Some I may answer because they're quick and easy, others...I may end up getting an idea for something more expansive, so that'll take a bit longer. 😅
And finally, 4) Introducing a(nother) AU:
Twisted Wonderland!Mermaid AU!!!
Honestly, this started because I got inspired by the artwork by this artist here where they drew the characters based on Floyd's nicknames for them, and it started as a Marine Biologist AU where Yuu is a marine biologist and taking care of the mermaid bois (all 22 boys + one fire-breathing cat) buuuuuut...at the moment, Yuu getting shipwrecked and living on the island with the mermaid boys wouldn't leave me alone. 😂
As well as an idea where Yuu is a full-blooded Kaiju/born a Kaiju and has Land Before Time like adventures because I got emotional at baby Littlefoot hatching, but who's counting the ideas? Certainly not me!
Anyway, I wanted to share a snippet of the prologue I have written that's currently under construction, so the final product may differ. I'm honestly really excited about this AU too, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do~ ;;v;;
Snippet under a read-more because this post is going to be long anyway 😂 Enjoy!
Oh, and if I need to tag it a certain way for future posts, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
If anyone were to ask Yuu what they were going to be doing over the summer, they likely would have told them: catch up on their reading, or playing video games, or any number of different things they had planned. Even just relaxing at home or on the beach would have been an enticing offer.
A scuba diving trip was not something they expected to get dragged into.
“First time diving?”
“Was it that obvious?” Yuu asked, one hand gripping the bar on the seat next to them until their knuckles were white while the other kept hold of the oxygen tank sitting in front of their flippered feet.
“Yeah…kinda obvious for a first timer,” the instructor said with a chuckle, the man giving them a reassuring pat. “It can be a bit nerve-wracking for new divers, but you’ll be fine. You’re one of the contest winners, right?”
“I put my name in as a joke, I didn’t think I’d actually win!” Peering over the edge of the railings, Yuu couldn’t make out anything in the dark water. “I…thought we were going to dive near the shallows closer to land. What are we doing so far out?” they asked, swearing they saw a big shadow pass by…only to realize it was the ship’s frame reflecting on the water.
“I know we’re a lot further out than we normally would for first time divers, but we had problems with our normal ship and the only one that was available was this ship a couple of marine biologists were using.”
“…why didn’t you just cancel and set it for another day?”
“Try telling that to my bosses,” the man muttered under his breath before the smile was back on his face. “Anyway, I think this will be a fun change to the program! These biologists are actually working to explore the reactions of marine life to musical instruments, and we’ll get to see it firsthand ourselves!”
Before Yuu could respond, the ship came to a stop and the driver said, “We’re here! You folks ready to go diving while we get set up? There’s a coral reef not far below us, so you’ll have plenty of time to sightsee.”
“Yup! Okay, so let’s go over the basics again, and I’ll make sure your gear is on properly.”
Yuu listened nervously as the instructor walked through each procedure and rule of diving, the wetsuit sticking tightly to their body as the tank weighed heavily on their back. This was not how they imagined their first time scuba diving would be—they could barely even make out the shore from a wave in the distance. Finally—with mask secured and breathing apparatus in—the instructor gave them a reassuring nod…before falling backwards into the water with a  ‘sploosh!’. For a brief moment they froze, but the motion of the ship and the weight on their back knocked them off balance and forced them backwards.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
My dude, as I get notification after notification about your posts every day, I had to wonder... How do you find the time to write SO much? Only because I can't even keep up with READING it all, let alone having the creativity to write that much 😂 And by that I mean, Kudos to you 👏🏻 Truly an inspiration 🙌🏼 Love the dirty, depraved world you've created 😝
Thank you 😅🖤 This might be rhetorical but I'm gonna give it a real answer. Also, I don't read nearly as much as I write. I feel guilty about all the amazing fics I haven't read. But I get caught up in getting my thots out.
I "write" in my head a lot when I'm not actually writing. Like I'm bound to have a mess of thoughts while I drive, so to make that time more productive and relaxing, as I walk to my car I might decide which story I'm going to think about and what I want to figure out. With that focus and some luck, it might come together enough that once I'm in a position to "actually" write, it pours out of my fingers.
I can type really fast. Full speed is well over 100 wpm, brazenly making typos and nonsense. Of course I rarely type that fast, but the fact that I can when I need to get a thought out helps. I had to take typing in school but really honed my skills on AOL AIM lol. I was able to type and edit "night walks morning after" in < 1hr because the thoughts were there.
For me it replaces other habits like scrolling the news or insta or Twitter or watching Netflix. Also I will write anywhere. I once wrote a whole smut scene standing in line at Burlington for 40 minutes. If I'm standing in line or a waiting room more than a couple minutes, better believe I'm opening google docs or my tumblr.
I multitask to get thoughts out. Like I will write on my phone at the gym while I'm on the recumbant bike.
It's my favorite thing to do these days, so I will dedicate time to it. Over recent weekends, I've spent a good bit of time at the library writing.
I maximize efficiency by writing whatever I feel like at any given moment. This helps me be in a natural flow where I'm not thinking too hard. This is why I can't say whether or when I'll do or finish something. And why a request may sit in my inbox so long then suddenly get done when inspiration strikes,.
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forcebookish · 1 year
ok so just some thoughts i need to get off my chest...but does anyone else find the "mew is secretly an evil manipulator" theories kind of cartoonish? 😭 like i just bust out laughing whenever i picture it bc i can't take it seriously. and call me boring but i would much prefer mew to be the "constant" of the friend group (bc let's face it in a show like this you need one) and it's gonna be earth shatteringly heartbreaking when he falls in love with top, has sex with him, and then realizes he just experienced the ultimate betrayal. idk that to me is way more interesting than "haha i was playing you all along." not saying he's not a flawed character (and i hope we see more of his flaws as the series goes on) but i really don't think it's in the way people think. but with that being said i will still be hoping for him to m*rder boston 🙏 (anyway thank you for allowing me to vent in here. i really appreciate all your theories/takes on the series so far!)
(thank u and ur welcome!!🥰 I'M GONNA WRITE A LOT AGAIN)
oh it's totally cartoonish! every time i see it i'm like, "...you guys know that they're, like, good writers, right?"😅😂
the whole point of mew as a character is his not being the stereotypical, wilting flower virgin but someone who is sexy and knows his worth. (and i'm not going to rehash everything else that tells us mew is definitely a virgin.) i agree, that is so much more interesting and smarter than 'actually, everyone's lying except boston, the character we've established is a pathological liar' lmao. the fact that BOSTON "confirms" their suspicion makes it even funnier that they're sticking to their guns.
i mean,
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"or maybe?" he's just making stuff up as he goes along. this isn't just an obvious lie, we see boston earlier tell ray to go after mew because they haven't been sleeping together, to make top jealous:
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and if they insist it's just to "secure" or "play" top for whatever reason, then what the heckadoodle-do is this about?
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side-note: notice how boston rarely speaks in absolutes when he's weaving his web? "maybe," "might," "probably," etc. he preys on everyone's preestablished doubts and insecurities, making his lies even more believable to them. little pokes and prods, like he's just helping them work through a problem - a problem he's creating. he can say, 'hey, i'm just saying it could be true.' fucking diabolical. he also has this smug, devious smile on his face - something that true deceivers who revel in the lie do. (and people have the audacity to say that top is smug? please.)
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why would mew go out of his way to vet top after he was already his boyfriend? and then dump him? (which could have easily backfired. top could have said no; mew knew that.) why would he care if top is his "type" and checks off his checklist? he wants to make sure that top is boyfriend material before he sleeps with him so he doesn't get his heart broken, which is NORMAL. even if he weren't a virgin that's a perfectly normal way to navigate a relationship with someone you don't know very well yet, especially after what boston said. all the "implications" and "foreshadowing" that i've seen the fandom bring up are literally just him... flirting lol
re: mew's flaws, mew's definitely got more going on than we've seen, especially since we know how perceptive and intuitive he is (and that, by his admission, he gets snoopy and obsessive when he's really into someone). of the boys, i think mew's the character we know the least about because most of what we see of him, he's reacting to other characters and he doesn't always say a lot. besides the "interview" shots and maybe one or two other fleeting, superficial moments, i can only think of one scene where he's actually left alone with his thoughts:
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and it's him feeling bad about making top sleep on the couch and deciding to get up to check on him/invite him to bed - not something a "manipulator" would do when no one is looking.
it is really ominous that production has hinted at nick and mew being "helpers." i could see mew going off the deep end and join in nick's, uh, colorful approach to relationships fjdlskjgjm but i just think he's going to snap or something, that won't have been his master plan all along lol (maybe they have to hide the body together) (haha jk... unless?)
yikes, i really did write a lot. thank you for enabling me, anon!💕
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
I saw the post about your mom telling you that you’d been a bright child and the potential people knew you had, how she likely meant it and how you interpreted that. Trust me I get not feeling as though you live up to this “potential” and the life you could be living, but are you relatively happy (or at least somewhat content) with your current life?
I know I don’t know you and I’m a) not trying to push any amount of toxic positivity on you b) aware that anything you share online might not be true and also isn’t always the full picture
However, of what I’ve seen you share about your life, you seem like such a talented and cool person! Your belle époque gown was phenomenally crafted! Working in a field that at least marginally suits your interests. What you share about your family, makes them seem great. Maybe not, but you’re probably a great parent and you and your husband seem well-suited together and respectful. Even if it’s not what you expected/wanted/whatever else, are you overwhelmingly disappointed or upset about the majority of factors in your life that you had a choice in?
Again I really know nothing about you, but I have a lot of respect for the person you have shared. If you see this, I hope it doesn’t come across poorly or upset you at all; and if it does, I’m really sorry. Have a good day and hope for still waters ahead!
This is so kind of you! 🥺 You are of course right. I DO have a lot to be thankful for! And I don't hate my life. We have our issues and arguments just like any human beings, but I am genuinely happy and in love with my spouse, and while I don't think I can say whether I'm a "great parent" or not (I'm certainly not perfect, and I know I make mistakes), I certainly do TRY (my kids do tell me I'm a good mom, but they're young, and I feel like I'm bracing myself for when they're older and say, "You ruined my life!" 😅😭)... But I'm unemployed right now (partly to spend more time with my kids, but partly for a variety of mental and physical health problems) and technically a "housewife," and like... I SEE the things people (mostly other women, honestly) say about people like me (I'm a "leech" or a "whore" or a "kept woman" or a "tradwife" or some kind of tragic victim) and sometimes I feel embarrassed and ashamed of it. But I SHOULDN'T! There is nothing ACTUALLY shameful about the life I have! But I live in a society that only values people if they're making money, and I am not.
When I was younger, I always sneered at the jokes about women going to college to "get their M.R.S. degree," (aka find a husband) but the cold, hard facts about my life are that I did meet the love of my life in college, and that I ended up dropping out because my mental health just fell apart. And I'm EMBARRASSED of this. (Should I be? Intellectually: no. But I am.) All my friends from college went on to have thriving careers, and I always feel "less than," and when we catch up, I feel like I have nothing to say about myself that they would respect. (Do they actually feel that way? I don't actually know) I know I talk a big game about "not caring what other people think of me," but I do. I TRULY and PASSIONATELY believe that human beings should not be defined by their "productivity," but I guess I have a hard time believing it about myself.
My life did not go the way I planned it. But what I have is Good. I was going to be a Professional Artist! But... my brain broke. I've been told that I have musical talent and a beautiful singing voice! But I've choked at every single audition I've gone to. 😂. I do have talent (and thank you for reminding me), but it only benefits myself and my immediate family and friends (I include YOU! 🖤). And my life isn't over! I want to go back to work when I can (though it would probably only be for minimum wage) and maybe I'll finish my degree someday, if I can get past my academic trauma... Who knows? Maybe I'll be like Grandma Moses or something. 😂 But... In the meantime, I have a quiet life with people I love, and get to use my creativity to bring joy to my friends. And that is no small thing. That is a Good Life. Thank you for reminding me! 🖤
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lehdenlaulu · 9 months
Game asks: 5, 9, 14, 22 😁✨
Thank you, love!
5. Game(s) coming out that you’re looking forward to
First of all, Dragon's Dogma 2! It coming out in this year's March was such a delightful surprise. The original game from a decade or so ago was really interesting and in many ways innovative, though it has remained pretty obscure to larger audiences. Even I came across it pretty much by chance.
It's not that I mind the recent trend of tactical/isometric RPGs (though I've never been that big a fan of turn-based, as someone who grew up on the OG Infinity Engine games, RWP all the way), but an open-world action-adventure is still a welcome change (Starfield, bless its heart, doesn't count). I've also never been into the JRPG genre, but DD is an interesting case because while it's a Japanese production, it doesn't feel like a JRPG, aesthetically or otherwise.
Anyway, feast your eyes on the latest trailer!
There are others that I'm looking forward to as well, like Awoved, Broken Roads, Star Wars: Outlaws, and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 (though with the developmental weirdness and the complete overhaul of the entire concept of the game that followed, I'm more cautiously curious than excited now). But realistically, I only expect one or two of them to actually come out this year.
Oh, and there are some cool visual novels coming out that I'm looking forward to as well, like Made Marion (currently in Early Access with Robin's route already playable), Call Me Under (which I hope has avoided the issues the studio's last two games, Errant Kingdom in particular, had), Imperial Grace, Tenebrae, and When Stars Collide.
9. A game you played completely blind with no prior knowledge of and enjoyed/loved
Huh. It's pretty rare for me to go in completely blind, though I usually don't go out of my way to look things up either as the joy of discovery is a big thing for me. But... I guess I could say the first Dragon's Dogma? I did not have many expectations, and while it wasn't the most brilliant thing ever and had some frustrating mechanics, it was super enjoyable (until the endgame bits ugh, but that's a me issue I guess).
Oh, and Enderal, of course! It's safe to say I Had No Idea What I Was In For.
14. A song that’s sure to hit your nostalgia buttons
Hah, how nostalgic do we want to get? Though a song specifically narrows things down a little, hmm.
Honestly, the first one to start playing in my head was Malukah's gorgeous Beauty of Dawn for The Elder Scrolls Online, but my brain also protests because a ten-year-old game is apparently not old enough for it to count as nostalgic. 😂
Something really old, then? How's A Pirate I Was Meant To Be? 😎
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you
Well. The thing is, I'm apparently chronically allergic to finishing games. It's not that I lose interest, exactly, I guess I just don't like things to end or something? So I'm basically what you might call the complete antithesis of a speedrunner, I have to do literally everything else first and I often find myself loading an older save if I feel like the main quest is proceeding too fast (depending a little on the type of game, of course). 😅
So this is a bit of a challenge for me. Also, endings are tough in any media from a writing standpoint, truly satisfying and impactful endings are difficult to pull off.
But... even though I haven't technically finished it, I think I have to say Enderal. I mean, there are several possible endings, but they're all emotionally impactful, make sense, and will haunt you for a long time afterwards (as does the entire game, really).
Talk to me about video games?
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farfrompleasant · 2 years
Happy Freyja Friday!!! 💖🎉😘
It's almost your actual one year anniversary with the freyby! What a beautiful journey and union you two have had 💞💞💞 to many more!!!
TWO sheds in two months?! Miss Thing is back to doing the most I see! How are you two faring these days? How's school treating ya?
Philly actually planted a lot of honey locust for beautification/urban green planning, and I've read/seen that you can take the seed pods and boil the sweet um goo (??? I'm not a scientist lol) out of them to make a natural plant-based sweetener! But, obviously all the seed pods I see have been crushed by cars and feet and rained on and peed on etc etc so that's a no go 😢
One day, my foraging dreams will come true lol have you seen Alexis Nikole Nelson's (aka the Black forager) content on social media? She's super awesome.
A feeble attempt was made to revive the book club but it's still pretty dead lol at least we have this 😘
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I made a dog fort out of our bed when it was really cold last month and Nova was hogging it the other day 😂
Happy Freyja Friday!!!
I’m actually on time chdhhdhdhdjskendbjdjf, absolutely insane!💀 it will be an entire year I’m just two days and I can’t cope! It feels like we’ve been with each other for a much longer time, and I’m just baffled at the fact that she grew to love me in just a year😳 it’s giving fall in love at a certain amount of time trope, if you know what I mean then you know! (I hope you do…) but still, thank you friend… you’re the sweetest evers!🥺❤️ and I want you to know that with every union, you’re also apart of it as you were there during the early days of my journey with this scaly girl c;
I still can’t get over the back to back shedding, and apparently neither can Freyja. Her beard has been dark during the process😅 anywho, I am doing okay. Between school, work, and having minor health issues going on I think I’m tackling things rather well. As for our girl, she’s a lot happier these days; we’re expanding her diet, and gathering accessories for her enclosure in hopes of sprucing it up! And she’s always warm despite the bitter winter biting us all in the rear before it’s officially spring. Seriously, thank goodness for ceramic heating!
Honey locus? I have to look that up, friend! I didn’t know that was a tree 🥺 very mesmerizing tree with a cool base and warm, autumn favored leaves… I want to see more of those! Philly has good taste. Got me romanticizing a type of tree 🤭 wait— so you’re saying that with this sweet goo that is extracted from these pods, you can make an organic sweetener?! That’s amazing 🤩 I hate that there’s no real opportunity to do that given that you’re living in a city where plant life/resources aren’t necessarily considered(?) Like, if it was cleaner and plants weren’t looked at as embellishments, then that it would totally be doable imo 🥺
I can’t wait to witness your foraging, I just know that it would bring me so much joy as a) you are doing your hobby and b) you’re sharing it with me and teaching me a few things along the way c; I can’t say that I heard about Alexis Nikole Nelson or any of her work but I’ll check it out whenever I can find some time ☺️
And 😭 rip to our bookclub! It was initially productive, and I loved being apart of it along with just hearing everyone’s perspectives on the material c: not to mention I totally bragged about it to my therapist at one point 🤭 it’s a flex, okay! I feel that there may be a revival period if someone finds a really good read 😂
That is soooo cute friend! A doggie fort sounds so cozy and I know for a fact that some cuddles took place 🥰 and of course Nova is basking in the comfort of it all, I really love that for her❤️ I hope Abbie and Lizzie are getting their turns whenever they can lolol and that Wallace and Heller are experiencing great comforts as well in their own feline way c: I feel like they probably squeeze their way into certain nooks and crannies that would incite a war if bothered or removed 😂😅
And of course, I hope Philly weather is being kind to you my good friend 🥰 hope you are feeling well and will continue to prosper in any way you see fit!
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This is a day after her second shed, she’s obsessed with resting here again for whatever reason c:
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mysticscorpia · 2 years
Hello! For the fanfic emoji asks: 💖🎃🦅
Thanks for the ask!! ☺️
1. 💖
What made you start writing?
Wow! Well, this one is a little long winded, but I'll try to keep it short!
Imagine, a small little enigma, in their English class, and a teacher announces a project : to write the first chapter of a story about a 'freak' (we were doing a topic about - surprise - Freak Shows in the Victorian times) and their life.
To be quite honest, I don't understand why I liked it so much, but I just kept writing and writing. I would get home, and instead of curling up on the sofa, I'd go straight to the desk and write on my dad's computer till late.
When we handed it in, my teacher read my work and said I had a talent, and that because I wrote so much, why don't I keep on writing? (I seriously look back on her saying I had talent and have to blink). I've read my old writing and well... Let's just say I'd politely shove it away with a barge pole. 😂
At the end of the year, the teacher mentioned that they knew someone who did creative writing courses, and it'd be a great opportunity for me! Take a few years and I'd attended several, and well, I was much encouraged by this author (who ran the writing course!) named Beth Webb, that it made me realise I even wanted to do it as a career. When I went through the hell that is education, I leant on it like a crutch. And still do, even now!
I just think it's ironic I started writing about a "freak" from a freak show, and now... Well all I do is write about a certain character who was in that exact situation. Meant to be? It certainly seems so! 😂 (and to be honest, I've never realised that co-incidence until now!).
(I have my other teacher to thank that got me into reading, otherwise this would have never have happened!)
2. 🎃
Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I think this is interesting, because I've ironically avoided the traditional holidays all bar Halloween (which ironically is my like,, least favourite holiday - okay, I love the music, but the UK doesn't make it big like America) 😂. So, the fact I've not done any other holiday would automatically make it a: only write Halloween fics? 😂 I don't know, maybe it's because in fiction, I can love Halloween as much as I like.
Autumn is such a vibe, fictionally of course. Me no like le coLd. 🥶🥶
I think making a fic for Christmas is absolutely dauting. I am in no way a fluff writer by heart. (in my mind, I can truly imagine joy). It doesn't always come out in the page though. And well, what person tends to go into it wanting an angsty Christmas fic? 😂
Also, there are some phenomenonal Christmas phic writers out there 😅 :').
Maybe I'll try to do a cute valentine's one? Since there's less pressure to make it all gooey.
3. 🦅
Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Damn. You outed me. 😭
Nahhhh, just kidding. I'm a bit of both?
I think I'm actually like you, Sloane! I have a general idea in the ol' noggin *taps my hollow-sounding head* but on the times of a harder and more lengthy product, that requires confirmation of facts, little pieces of information, ideas, aspects of background for characters, it definitely helps having a scribble somewhere on the computer!
I love the feeling of Erik and Christine conversing and I am merely the humble translator of their tumbling angst. It gives me the feeling of Frankenstien and the 'monster' all at once and I live for it. I am both the monster and creator hahah 😂.
I think also feeling something that lives and is capable of changing, just by the knowledge of what (someone) is telling you to write gives a feeling of potent adaptability
Why tie it down when a little agility and movement can go a long way? ☺️
Anyway!! Thanks for listening to me ramble 😄
*tips hat and clucks the tounge*
A good day to you, m'lady.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 year
Nothing interesting really happened last night but I’m just always glad to get home, strip my clothes and lay in bed 😅 so that always makes it nice
I started my period today so I’m not feeling too well :(( but I’m pushing through 😂 I’m so glad it’s the weekend so I don’t have to work. I wish I could have cuddles and movie marathon right now though. But I have some questions
Thoughts on period sex?
What are your favorite names that you like to be called? (Can be sexual or just sweetly)
What Ice cream flavor did you get?? Very important question 😌
I’m glad you had a good day!!!
Yeah, I agree on that. Laying naked in soft, clean sheets is always so good!
Auch! I'm sorry, little star! I hope you feel better soon! Yeah, movies and cuddles are great for such a moment. What would you like to watch? Do you have a fave movie?
Hmm... OK, that's a complicated subject. I think it's best discussed between partners, but I highly discourage penetrative sex. At least with my partners... But if you feel especially needy and your partner is OK to help you out, a shower and the right female hygiene products will give you some time to have fun.
Hmm... I'm a huge fan of petnames. I actually always call my partner by the first petname I can think of and never by their name. I get so used to it, that their names sound so foreign to me... I like "baby" and "sweetheart" a lot. As for more sexual names, I've really grown to enjoy "miss" for some reason. As for the very obvious "mommy" ... I enjoy it, when said sincerely and with actual feeling behind it. If you try to say it to please me, it doesn't have the same effect...
Oh, the ice-cream... You'll all hate me, but as I've grown, I can't really eat chocolate anymore, it's too sweet... I also can't finish more than a scoop anymore, so I pick milder flavors. I got pistachio this time. It was really good! I have somehow kept my love for bubblegum ice-cream, I absolutely love everything caramel. 💜You can never go wrong with caramel.
I had a good day, thank you! How was your day, little star?
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
just wondering but how soft is everyone's hair?
i saw that ask about blade's hair being so pointy it can act as a sword and it got me curious
Huh, I've never really thought about this before!
Blade: most of it's... decently soft, like an exact medium between soft and not soft? He's quite fastidious about personal grooming and care (despite what first impressions might tell you), so while he doesn't do anything particularly special to it, his hair is nice and healthy and thick, and smooth to run your hands through! The back is the most fun to play with because it's so spiky and bristly where he's chopped it off, though 😅
Trouble: I'm torn with him, I'm not sure whether his hair would be more bristly and coarse since it's quite short and shorn, or if it would be like dandelion soft because he also has that energy... I'm not sure!
Tallys: decently soft, though because it's so short, the softness is not as noticeable as, say, Shery's--I'd describe it as more healthy and thick/textured/layered than fine, soft, or silky! I'd say it's like an exact medium, sort of like Blade's!
Shery: the softest of the bunch, super silky and nice to touch! Running your hands through her hair is like slipping them through a sheet of water, her hair is so smooth!
Riel: I think at its base level, his natural hair is quite fine and soft, but because he always wears so much product (pomade/hair gel) to slick his hair to the side or back, no one would ever know that: petting it would feel quite crunchy/stiff/sculpted and smooth rather than naturally soft, and it would also deeply aggravate him!
Chase: quite soft, probably the softest of the boys after Red, though it's also so full of natural slight waves or loose curls that the first thing people usually notice is its bounciness and texture rather than its softness/smoothness!
Red: extremely soft, he pays too much attention to his hair for it to be otherwise! Though, like Riel, it's often quite stiff from hair product/pomade on a daily basis, so you have to really get to the roots to notice the natural softness! 😂 It's also very thick, and there is a lot of it, more than you would expect from first glance!
Ayla: not that soft--more wiry and thick and coarse than soft or silky, probably the least soft of the girls! Ayla herself jokes that it's like a paintbrush or a horsehair bow, so that should give you an idea on its texture!
Briony: pretty soft, and quite thick and fluffy when she lets it down from her ponytail, but also prone to many flyaways and wild stray curls, so it's not super smooth and is prone to tangles! The actual texture is pretty soft, though!
Lavinet: decently soft and very shiny and healthy, she uses good conditioner and haircare products, but because it's quite wavy/bordering on curly, your hand will usually get snagged if you try to pet it, so softness isn't usually the first thing people notice when touching it! The individual strands are very strong and smooth, though!
Halek: not that soft, it's more thick and wiry and strong than fine and soft, if that makes any sense!
Caine: very soft. baby
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It’s like all these writers want critiques on their work as long as it’s all love and positivity 😚✌️ but the second they get negative comments, they get their whole girlboss squad to hate on you.
If you’re really offended by the implication of racism, then maybe the shoe fits.
Alright its 3am, was just about to go to bed so excuse me if I'm a little tired 😅
Criticism doesn't mean being rude. There are many productive ways you can go about giving critical feedback which by the way is based off of perceived faults and mistakes. You don't have to be rude or insulting or anything. There is such thing as agreeing to disagreeing or informing someone you don't agree without going to the extent of bashing their character.
I've been nothing but nice to those who are respectful and give me criticism and don't make me laugh. I send absolutely no one to hate on anyone 😂 you're out here making me sound like I raise the alarm bells. Come forth my girlboss squad! Come and take down those who dare defy me!
Because I have so much power as a person who writes fanfic! 😐
Nope. I have supportive friends who check in with me and will maybe even try to make light hearted jokes but those who do defend me actually somewhat know me.
Yes I am offended, because I did nothing to ever suggest I was racist. I am offended because random strangers on the Internet think they're doing something and changing the world by 'calling out' those and wasting everyone's time when they could be looking towards the real racism in the world but nah its easier to point fingers at me right? It's easier to feel better about yourself by calling me out for fuck all. You're doing so much good by anonymously getting into people's inboxes and telling them that if an assumption upsets them maybe that's because "because the shoe fits".
Well anon, if you feel this judgement to you is unfair then maybe the shoe fits 🤷‍♀️ maybe you're deflecting like you're trying to say I am.
Heres an idea. You feel so strongly I've done such an injustice or that I'm bullying people into saying only nice things about me. Then actually come off anon and approach me about it. Hell, my DM's are open if you don't want my "girlsboss squad" on your ass. Or point me in the direction of someone who gets criticised by grasping at straws and they bend over saying "oh yes please anon! Do it again!😍" like seriously, there are benefits to being deemed as racist I don't know about!? I should be happy with a label that isn't even true?
I didn't anonymously come on here to complain I was offended. You see my URL, I gave you my reasoning. Also fun fact, the reason why I publicly said that I was offended by the accusation is because someone thought they were in the right to point at me publicly and accuse me of racism over fictional characters. So naturally I figured if someone decided it was so easy to accuse me of that and send it knowing many people would see and fuck the consequences then I figured I can do the same.
I'll wait for you to come off anon.
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
hey :) i just wanted to say i saw your tags about engagement on a discord server and i'm really sorry to hear you've been feeling that way. it sucks so much to feel like you're doing something wrong no matter what you do, but i just wanted to say that i'm sure it's not your fault. for one thing, people will always complain, and if you talk more than someone, you're not taking talking space from them – anyone who implies that is just being critical for no reason, there's enough space for everyone on a server. plus, you're starting conversations, you're actually making room for people to join conversations, so they have absolutely no leg to stand on. it must be so frustrating to encourage activity and not get anything back, but that's not on you. you're doing a good thing, trying to keep a community alive. sometimes they just die down or activity declines and it's nobody's fault, and nothing anyone can do about it. you're doing great <3 i hope the anxiety calms down soon <3
thanks 🥺 i think part of this is a general distress from being a person with more staying power with most. by which i mean, when i pick a fandom, i STICK with it for a really long time, and most of my friends.......don't. so many of my friends have moved on to other fandoms that i have no interest in, and they no longer have an interest in the fandom(s) that i'm interested in. i'm really bad at maintaining friendships when we no longer have that common interest, and i'm also not great at making new friends apparently, so i've just kind of ended up without anyone to really talk to about it. i've got like 1 and a few halves fandom friends now 😅
so for the communities i've relied on for years to also start falling apart and fading away is really distressing. and the idea that, in trying to make it better and keep it going, i'm also somehow driving people away?? that kicked off one of the biggest emotional meltdowns i've ever experienced, not gonna lie. i started crying immediately and didn't stop for over an hour.
and i feel bad cuz i know i can't blame anyone else for losing interest or moving on, and i can't ask or expect them to try and force themselves to stay engaged with a fandom they don't care for anymore just because i'm lonely and can't move on to anything else. compounded by the fact that, frankly, i don't like the overall fandom nearly as much as i used to either, lol. being in it is anxiety-inducing in its own right, but no other fandom has managed to catch my eye (that has content to sustain me), so i have no alternative community or social safety net either.
it's just a catch-22 of an emotional clusterfuck. all this combining with significant irl stressors, the general world-wide Everything Is Going To Shit environment, and burnout from trying to make myself be productive because i MISS being productive and engaged and enthusiastic about things when i just can't anymore. so i'm constantly on edge and super reactive.
sorry to vent all this at you, aldkfhkhgh 😬😂 you're very kind and i appreciate the heck out of you. i am taking some deep breaths and getting a snack. ♥♥♥
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Self recs (origami)
Thank you for tagging me @tackytigerfic ! Love your list. Ahh this art list was harder to do than my fic one (partly because I just nice had 5 fics at the time 🙈) but I narrowed it down to 5, out of those that I'm allowed to reveal atm. I'm super nervous so I'm not tagging anyone 😅 but please join in if you see this and would like to do it, and tag me back too :)
Read under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality 😊
1. This was one of the first ones I did,, an origami crane wreath, one of the things I made for my wireless 2021 collab with Vukovich. I was still learning then, plus I've gotten much better at photography and photo editing now fjdjjd,, but it was a new challenge and I especially had a lot of fun making the wreath from scratch! Also I had so much material from Vuk's amazing fic to draw from to make this. It was the first origami project I did where I was able to go full on with the creativity and it inspired me to keep pushing my imagination for further projects too. On the left is the early stages of when I was trying to tie and dry the grape vines in a wreath after I had cut them from my garden, and on the right is the finished product:
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2. The snowflake that I folded for my cluefest 2022 collab with fantalf ❄️ I had tried it last December just for fun to learn, not for the fest, and I botched up at some point when it was like well into the second half of being completed and I was super annoyed, plus my fingers hurt, so I just left it. Literally a few weeks later Lory asked if I could fold a snowflake for one scene 😂 I told them about my previous attempt, but that I'd still try again. They were so encouraging about my re-try (and so patient with my updates hfhej at one point I literally texted 'this next step is cursed') and I pushed myself to get it done and was satisfied with the result. Here is a close up of it, followed by the version of it on the header that was used for the fest work.
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3. This diamond twist top box I made for shealwaysreads. I couldn't believe I finally made that twist top rose-looking fold,, I'd tried it twice on an origami hourglass I folded and that turned out okay-ish, but I think the attempt on this box was much better. I'd wanted to fold that for shealwaysreads the moment I read her fic and linked it to one of the origami models I hoard in my ideas folder 🙈 and I'm glad I managed to do it.
4. An origami mug collection that I'm working on~ I just fold stuff when I'm inspired by something, or fold mugs for others! (I'm still taking requests for that btw, feel free to hmu) I like this positive encouragement mug that I made because I aimed to be able to lift the spirits of anyone who happened to see it as they were scrolling, and I was happy to see that I was able to do that. I also really like this Cheers Queers mug because I just had so much fun making it
5. Origami lanterns~ I loved the idea of being able to fold them and actually placing a light in the middle to make it lit up and all. It was so fun,, I spent too much time on them hfhjfjd but it was so worth it. Here's an orange one with warm lighting I folded, and another blue one with bright lighting for samyiswriting's fic in reference to a scene in his fic (I'm keeping this spoiler-free here dw!):
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actualbird · 3 years
AFAHSJSSK ITS OK!! I just wanted to make sure it didn't get lost in transit or smth b/c ik tumblr is an abyss sometimes and likes to devour things AFAGAJS. 😂
I actually totally forgot that I asked about nxx polycule meeting mc's parents, so whenever u have the time, I'd love to hear more about that from u...and whatever my original question was for it 😅
IVE READ THE WHOLE SHIP TAG FOR DARIUS/ARTEM TOO! it is *sob* so small, but very very good! There was also a single marius/artem/darius fic in there that I Think about A Lot. It's a very delicious sandwich of age and height difference and a lot of other things haha
YES YES YES! I love how in darius/artem, darius is the older one b/c with the other nxx members, artem is the oldest, so it's an interesting dynamic. Their dynamic in general is SO GOOD I love the few moments we see them interact in the game. (also also insert horny thought here about darius' stubble and artems thighs 🙈)
Oooo looking forward to outsider pov darius fic on the nxx team whenever u get to it 👀 we just need more darius content in this fandom in general in whatever capacity that may be. (Also I hate that my 1st thought when u said that darius looks tired was "yeah I'm sure he definitely has a reason he looks tired all the time *winky face*" AFAHSJSJ- (darius has a secret lover, mayhaps?))
For my marluke question: yes, they're so funny!! I love the way u write them, their banter is always my favorite part of ur fics. Oooo I really like ur point about them being two stubborn people that push each other. It's always interesting to have a dynamic where the characters push each other in productive ways and where they are able to inspire each other to new heights, but they do so in very supportive ways where there's this equal give and take between them, and you see how they grow both together and individually. I love it!
I've been doing well too! just really busy, but I enjoy reading ur blog posts and catching up on ur tot thoughts and analyses whenever I get a break!
- 🐍
eyyo, snake!!! ( ゚▽゚)/
irt asks MIA: oh man, felt. ive been using this website for a Very Long Time and am well aware of it's voracious hunger for certain asks kjgksg.
irt nxx polycule meets mc's parents: YEEEE, I'LL DEFFO get back on the topic. eventually. someday. who knows? certainly not me. i want to but i have a veritable PILE of ideas and topics im working on omg.
irt that sandwich: oh my ggOOOSSH I READ THAT MARIUS/ARTEM/DARIUS FIC. it was very good i loved it because 1) hoo boy, artem as the so called hinge in that poly relationship is incredibly fascinating and 2) ARTEM GOT DP'D?? TWO DICKS??? IN HIM??? AT THE SAME TIME???? everyday we are blessed.
(sidenote: another reason why i havent written darius yet is because his name rhymes with marius KJBKJKGSD. if ever i write him, i think i'll ONLY call him by his last name, morgan. tot eng localization team, why did u do this? ur making shipping harder...)
irt darius and artem dynamic: their canon interactions are GREAAAT. one i remember very clearly is main story 5.1 (or .2 or .3, not sure) where darius was like "hear that, wing? he wants to sue you. who would you get as your defense attorney, if that happened? that partner of yours---" and then artem is like "Stop." which is SO FUNNY and indicative of the fact that darius is comfy enough to playfully jab at artem like this and that artem seems to be used to it HAHA.
irt horny: ah. your horny thoughts and my horny thoughts shake hands. obsessed, im OBSESSED with artem shivering at the feeling of darius languidly dragging his stubble face across places where artem is most sensitive.
thighs is very good, yes. but im also thinking that if darius wants to be a rascal, he could just give artem a nuzzle on the neck at the station and artem is like "ALRIGHT. WE'RE LEAVING." because he gets so worked up just from that. i mean, how could he not? every time he feels that sensation, it's always followed by....much more intimate sensations. darius morgan has pavlovian conditioned artem wing to get horny at stubble feel. BLESS UP!!!!
irt why darius looks like he isnt getting any sleep at all: JSBGDJKSGKSD!!! HES TIRED BECAUSE HES FUCKIN ALL NIGHT!!!! i second the motion because it's hot and also hilarious
irt my wonderful baby boys: hhhh im glad u like how i write marluke!!! im on a mission to just flood the marluke ao3 tag, i live here now (but will occasionally make grocery trips to write for other ship or no ship tags) but i do get worried like oH NO AM I WRITING A FLAVOR OF MARLUKE THAT LIKE....SUCKS??? so ur words mean a lot :'). and YEA. characters who push other characters and also the story are just so much fun to work with.
oftentimes when im writing marluke, all i have to do is put them in the premise. and like....the characterization i have for them, they make all the choices from there on out. i, as a person, dont have to make the decisions, if that makes sense? theyre doing it for me.
truly, writing for me just feels like me running around and filming a documentary of little guys in my brain.
glad youre doing okay!! and i hope you have a nice day :DDD
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