#make sentence of motivation
herowaterlam27 · 2 years
Affordable and Cheap price..so what you waiting for?go buy it Now!!
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wikiangela · 9 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @jamespearce9-1-1 @daffi-990 @disasterbuckdiaz 💖
haven't written much lately bc I got too into oth and it's day 4 of watching and i'm like halfway through s2 lmao so I don't have much more of the married buddie fic (which is currently my priority) I can share without sharing everything haha - so, fuck it, here's a non-buddie snippet 🙈 i'm writing this just for me so like, who cares but also figured i'd share bc fuck it haha it's a ryan/taylor fic from the oc - they had an open ending where they weren't explicitly together, so in this fic they both go to college and keep in touch but aren't officially dating until she visits for christmukkah and they talk 🤣 it's very slowly coming together bc I deleted what I had and started from scratch lol
It’s hard to coordinate phone calls with a nine hour time difference, especially since Taylor is… well, Taylor is Taylor. She takes up any extracurricular activity she can, gets involved in the social life of her university, and always has her schedule fully packed up. Sometimes when she tells Ryan about her day, he needs to ask if she's taking breaks and has time to breathe. But that’s Taylor. He can’t help but smile as he thinks about her restless need to do it all. He wishes he could be there to make sure she rests, too. 
He wishes he knew where they stand, as well. They’re kinda in this weird limbo right now. They talk at least a few times a week, they spent the last hour before she left making out on the train, but he’s still not sure if they’re dating, if they’re exclusive… He doesn’t think so, and it’s annoying to have to wonder. Taylor is usually so blunt and honest, and she’s always been the one needing reassurances on where they stand. But she’s not saying anything, and it’s slowly driving Ryan crazy.
He picks up the phone and throws his book to the side.
“Hey.” he whispers, falling back against his pillow.
“Hi, Ryan!” he hears her bubbly voice that instantly makes him feel all warm inside. When he closes his eyes, he can see her adorable smile and those piercing hazel eyes that always seem to look straight into his soul. 
“Hey.” he repeats, a smile forcing itself onto his face.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @911onabc @housewifebuck @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @exhuastedpigeon @king-buckley @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @hoodie-buck @spotsandsocks @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @weewootruck @hippolotamus @steadfastsaturnsrings @malewifediaz @honestlydarkprincess @buckaroosheart @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @giddyupbuck @jesuisici33
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koka-mi · 2 months
what the FUCK is sentence structure⁉️⁉️🔥🔥💯
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josephslittledeputy · 5 months
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Having been left behind by someone who she thought she could trust, Willa now has to endure the depravities of John Seed
Chapter 3, There Ain't No Sin and There Ain't No Virtue: Part 1, has finally been posted!!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 8 months
Im writing this smut scene and it's from Kim's PoV, but he's so horny on main that it feels like he's taking advantage of Chay even though he ISNT but im kjahdfksdf what did I do???
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weepylucifer · 2 years
Carrot and Vetinari had that “polis/policeman/politician” conversation in Men at Arms, and later on in Feet of Clay Vimes remarks that Carrot is one of the very few people who genuinely like Vetinari as a person. Plus, Carrot in his role as King Destined has some insight into metanarrative, so I don’t doubt that Carrot, in that moment, became perhaps the only person to plainly see Vetinari for what he is, beyond the icy evil mastermind act that Vetinari puts on. Man Of The City. Good gods. And he’s never told anyone this. So I like to believe that, as soon as Vetinari had said that, Carrot very purposefully strode back across the throne room and gave Vetinari a rib-crushing hug. Like, the kind that lifts you off your feet a little bit
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
i think the fell xenologue does a great job at characterizing some of the royals beyond the vanilla game mostly because every single royal has like one or two core principles that really make them who they are and so getting rid of those one or two things completely converts them into a completely different person. like alcryst losing his self doubt, celine loses her empathy, hortensia loses her resilience, etc etc. but i think my favorite version of this has to be fogado, who has in my opinion the most drastic change. i think all of the other royals have very outward presenting traits that you can easily catch onto and see theyve lost. but fogado is just a little different, because what fell fogado lacks isnt really a trait; he loses his sense of love. (rest under the cut bc it turned into an essay. my bad also fell xenologue spoilers obvs)
“our” fogado (?? idk how to differentiate between them. work with me here) is not an easy person to read in universe. he makes it very clear in chapter 13 that he’s pretty good at deception and is very willing to make use of that skill. his supports with timerra and pandreo also tell us he’s gotten used to keeping up a specially crafted persona meant to kind of suppress his feelings (that timerra and pandreo can see through but. like 1. theyre smart 2. sister and bff ok moving on). but he doesn’t do it out of malice or because he just likes being tricky, he lies because he loves. everything in fogado’s life is shaped by what he loves: his country, his friends, and his sister. every single motivation he has is fueled by this: the constant partying, how often he leaves the castle, all his acting. its even in his goddamn class name (cupido) and birthday (feb 14) if you needed the game to spell it out for you
so thats why when we get to the fell xenologue, the fogado we meet is changed in that one specific way: his love is gone. we know this because of a few things, the first of which is that he is honest. aside from the robe (in which he is assassinating someone! but also. lets be so honest with ourselves here. you can see his fucking face) he’s immediately upfront with his intentions: he wants the bracelets, he wants power, and he wants you to die. and thats it. he just kind of hands you that information, and then fucks off when you win. on what earth would our fogado do that? dude wouldnt even tell you if he broke his leg, he just partied a little hard last night. but thats just it isnt it? our fogado lies because he loves people, hes protecting them. fell!fogado is transparent because he’s not protecting anyone, he doesn’t care.
but the biggest kicker in fell!fogado’s lack of love is in his interaction with our timerra. our fogado loves his sister more than anything, as he literally plans his entire life around making HER life easier. he sacrifices even just spending time with her just because he needs to make sure hes fully prepared to keep her safe (not that timerra wants that for him but he doesnt really get that. which is another topic i could dive into but this post is long enough lets not make it a novel). fell!fogado though? well you see–
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any love fogado holds for his sister, or any love at all really, is just not present in fell!fogado. and you could say that maybe its just because of the corruption, but then why do we still see love between the fierenese and brodian siblings? even fell!timerra still loves her brother if her conversation with our fogado is anything to go off of. but the writers know that fogado lives and dies on his love for people, its his entire being and so much more so than the rest of the cast. which is why thats what had to change in him for the fell xenologue. it wasnt really just a flip of the switch haha murder thing (though. it could have been handled better. lets be real) but it was the loss of everything that makes fogado him. and i think the fact that this gets to be highlighted in the dlc just makes base game fogado all that much more interesting, because it cements his motivation now that we know what he's like without it. fogado is a guy driven by love and its just fucking great
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thetimelordbatgirl · 7 months
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...So uh, basically bootleg Suicide Squad featuring not even a comic's accurate team but instead, just random characters picked randomly from throughout the MCU, including even character's that make zero fucking sense to be on the team???
#anti mcu#cant even make their own plot#just gonna go for another film plot instead#like looking into the team in comics and where did the government stuff come from#where did goverment sends them on missions come from#in comics history from looks of stuff they just form cause the avengers are...well...dead....like always with heroes dying in comics lol#but like theres no signs of government#but that is what you know the squad in dc are#a government formed team who have villains as members in exchange for time off their sentences#granted marvel aint copying why the villains do it#but they seem to be copying the government element#and yeah if anyone curious which members make no sense mcu wise#honestly only us agent actually makes sense lmao#bucky we know makes zero sense at this point as hes a hero at this point after being freed from hydra and such#ghost literally at the end of ant man 2 was said to be getting the cure she needs aka her motivation for villain stuff#taskmaster and red guardian literally ended black widow leaving with the freed black widows and such not doing evil stuff#hell taskmaster falls into same area as bucky: mindcontrol- so how the hell does she count as evil#yelena they can't seem to make their mind up on but i generally assume hawkeye show intended for her to not be doing evil sutff anymore#since she only sought revenge on hawkeye thats it#but once told the truth suddenly no longer evil stuff#like only US agent actually makes sense and the lady at the end of the line who i guess is attempt at mcu waller#which...good luck because waller is a good character while this one so far...isnt
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emma-d-klutz · 6 months
It's been a while since I've watched The Incredibles. Can anyone tell me what they did with all the active supervillains once the no supers law was passed?
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red-dyed-sarumane · 28 days
"they shortened maximizer in kamicity ensemble for no reason its already a short song" i mean yeah ur right but also what they removed is the interlude where in the video theres text about being "human" and the implications of that. of course being in maximizer that passage is entirely related to the events and circumstances in aru sekai series. and anyone playing ensemble knows theres a big deal about whether the isotopes count as human or not & if that matters, etc. its also a big deal. However the context and circumstances of the two are entirely different so i think its quite possible they removed that to avoid confusion considering the og mv for maximizer is in the game. if someone were to do a deep dive into kamicity lore itd be easy to point to that as a source if it were left in the game. to which u may point out they left in the flashing text at the end of maximizer. well my friend thats a bunch of words in a row and without context it can mean a great deal of things or even nothing at all which is to say its pretty safe to leave it in. its a bunch of specific words dealing with disaster & the like, which of course kamicity being a ruined city, it can fit without much issue. the earlier text was not at all abstract its a very direct conversation between two people as well as descriptions of events & the situation. and clearly theyre making the effort to show the isotopes as theyre own important entities so leaving in a passage about not acting as a human forfeits ur right live is contradictory to the themes they have going on. also the flashing text is happening around the same time as the staple long notes in the song & removing those would be awkward at best so leaving a bunch of words in is forgivable i would think.
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herowaterlam27 · 2 years
Get Your Daily Inspirational  Sentences Tshirt and Stickers right Now!!
Affordable and Cheap price..so what you waiting for? go buy it Now!!
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msnihilist · 4 months
Toying with the idea of a WIP masterlist for myself instead of having a dozen docs open all the time, oof. Here's how it looks so far! It's color-coded based on fandom.
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tytonnidaie · 6 months
my max academic writing pace is 300 words/hour this is so sad
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elaboration on the Crystal King Lloyd au bc I'm bored as fuck
(I’m sorry this is so long I never learnt how to shut the fuck up)
Everything is the same up until the building collapses under Harumi in s9. She miraculously survives, although is injured, and having just relived her greatest trauma her first reaction is to call for help. When nobody comes, she gets herself together and manages to escape on her own, running away and hiding. She watches the final battle between father and son from afar and starts planning her revenge after Lloyd's victory.
Of course there's the pressing question: how could one even defeat the Green Ninja? After all, he fought off not just Garmadon but the rest of the Oni and then later Aspheera, a powerful sorceress - so if they are no match for him, what could be? Harumi realizes the greatest strength of the ninja are their elemental powers and therefore their biggest weakness is losing them (as evidenced by Kai's reaction to getting his fire power stripped away).
But the only thing that could nullify elemental power is vengestone, something that is hard to come by. She searches night and day until she comes across the Kingdom of Shintaro, where she goes on to negotiate a deal with King Vangelis - she is still technically the Jade Princess, having inherited all of her parents’ wealth, so money isn't exactly an issue. She also contacts the Mechanic, asking him to build a robot army from the vengestone, something he is more than happy to help with.
But of course, first the Mechanic has to run after the events with Prime Empire and then later the ninja come and defeat Vangelis, putting a stop to the operation. The army is not nearly big enough to be a threat to the ninja, the few robots that have already been built are barely functional, and Harumi might be good at planning but she is no technician to finish the job herself.
Harumi retreats for a while, trying to come up with ideas that haven't already failed under other villains' hands. She watches the ninja fight Kalmaar and Wojira and then Nya leave to be one with the ocean, and that’s when it strikes her. Although their powers are their greatest strength, it is also their greatest weakness – and Lloyd is partially Oni, after all, so what if instead of searching for ways to defeat the Green Ninja, she could turn his own heritage against him? What if instead of pushing Lloyd, the hero, down to the ground, she could raise Lloyd, the villain, to the top?
And it’s not like Lloyd doesn’t have the seeds of villainy in him either. He used to want to be just like his father, and although he claims to have grown out of that mindset, he did leave Harumi to die under that collapsed building.
Then comes s15 blah blah Harumi collects the cock Council of the Crystal King blah blah Lloyd comes and gets captured. He keeps telling Harumi that she doesn’t have to do this and it’s not too late to turn back (thinking that Harumi is trying to resurrect the Overlord idk I haven’t thought about this too much) to which Harumi replies well, you don't have to be a good guy either. You don't have to sacrifice every part of your life to the people who don't even have an ounce of respect for the work you do and the effort you put into it. After all, they did throw you into jail even though you were only trying to help your friend, didn't they?
And Lloyd obviously tries to disagree but Harumi doesn’t stop. She brings up all the things Lloyd has lost to being the Green Ninja, his childhood, his innocence, his father, his friends (multiple times, welcome to Ninjago where death is meaningless but just as traumatizing) – the list could go on and on. So when Lloyd finally does manage to escape, he keeps thinking about how much being the Green Ninja is a burden and how deeply he does indeed wish he was never chosen for this job.
They still go get Garmadon (even though the Overlord doesn’t return in this au – as I said I haven’t thought everything through) and Lloyd still gets Oni training to combat the Vengestone Army, but now Garmadon’s words of focusing on his anger mix with Harumi’s insights. So when failed attempt after failed attempt they are still losing and Lloyd can feel the frustration in his friends and all of Ninjago is counting on him – something breaks in him. He never asked for this, he never asked to be the hero and savior of the world! He never asked for his childhood to be taken away (even though it was technically his choice, but he was a kid how could he have known to make the good decision?), he never asked to be in constant battle with villains where every victory only means an opportunity for another evil to rise in their place!
Finally out of ideas, Lloyd gives in to the despair the husk of his father has been advising to weaponize. Maybe all this hero talk and doing the right thing isn’t enough to defeat the enemy. Maybe Garmadon was right when he said that the only way to protect Ninjago from the Oni was to allow him to take over the city.
Maybe the way of defeating the villains isn’t to be the hero, but to be the greater bad. And nothing is worse than an Oni at its full power.
Lloyd, finally having had enough with the world constantly throwing shit at his face, lets go of all the morals that have been holding him back. In his place emerges the Crystal King, embodiment of hatred and loss, an undefeatable foe of both Oni and Dragon powers – with Harumi, a friend who he once trusted and cared for, as his right hand and closest advisor. She did make him realize the truth of his situation, after all.
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kriscommitscrimes · 2 years
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merry krismas
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lenteur · 11 months
random thoughts about castaway diva, episode five (pt. 1)
(read more because i always get carried away lol and this post might contain spoilers)
Now i'm sure of it kang bo geol is jung ki ho. No one can change my mind. The way he's expressing anger because mok ha came to seoul station just because of a note. The way he's told her and ran joo time and time again not to share personal information on national television. The fact that he literally ran to seoul station without woo hak telling him what was written on the card. All details leading to him being ki ho. He was scared of his father finding out about mok ha, and subsequently about him. He's releasing all of his pent up fear and anger because he knows that his father is after him. All his efforts of hiding his identity have gone down the drain. It's understandable to see him so stressed and angry.
Mok ha's reaction is also natural. She's been alone for such a long time. She's having a hard time adjusting to the world. Her main goal is to reunite with the only person who was there for her during high school. She has no idea if he's safe or not and it's driving her crazy. Because, as much as ki ho saved and protected her, she wants to do the same now for him. She never got the chance to because he hid the ab*se pretty well. It's only on the ferry/boat that she knew ki ho was also a victim of parental ab*se. It tore her heart to know someone else was going through the same things as her. Mok ha had time to dwell on that when on the deserted island. Now that she's finally "back with the civilization" (if i can call it that), she wants to thank him and know how he's doing. She wants to help him in return. So it's only natural for her to be so adamant on finding ki ho.
I just find it weird that woo hak keeps having flashbacks that seem to involve ki ho's father. It doesn't make any sense because ki ho doesn't have a brother. Not that I know of? Did they mention any siblings in the first episode? I'm certain they talked about ki ho's mother, but I don't think the show mentioned any sibling. Anyway, I am very confused about the flashbacks.
Mok ha feeling relieved that ki ho's father hasn't found him.
It's interesting how both woo hak and bo geol keep questioning mok ha about ki ho but mok ha never stops believing in him. After all, he's the only person she could fully trust. He (ki ho) is the only one who helped her when she was on the brink of giving up completely. It goes to show how powerful kindness and empathy are. Ki ho pushed her towards her dream. He was the glimmer of hope mok ha needed in these dark times. Mok ha will never forget him. I don't know if there will be a love story in this drama but the only thing mok ha wants is to find ki ho alive and safe. She doesn't want anything else. She just needs to know he's doing okay. It's a beautiful thing to see their bond never broke (at least on mok ha's side) even after all these years. Mok ha and ki ho are each other's emotional support.
On a side note, I can't help but wonder why bo geol (who i think is ki ho) is so distant towards mok ha. I mean with all the longing gazes he throws her way and the little details that show he is ki ho (if i'm wrong i'm not it's the show being hashtag hateful towards me), I expect a bit more enthusiasm from him. I have a theory but I'm not sure about it. I believe he is distant because he's spent a really long time building his new identity. He has finally succeeded in escaping from his father so when he found mok ha, he was torn between being happy that she's alive and fearing for his own safety. Being the smart kid that he is, he knew that when his father found out mok ha was alive, he (the father) wouldn't stopped until he found his son. This could explain his cold behavior. I still wonder why he didn't reveal his identity to mok ha.
You can NOT tell me bo geol isn't ki ho. Did you see how fast he was to oppose to reporting his father to the police? The fear in his eyes reminds me of young ki ho hiding from his father and not wanting to cause a scene. The one time he tried to report his own father to the police, things turned sour. Plus add the fact he knows his father is after him. He doesn't want to face him ever again.
The emergency contact scene was wholesome 🥺
I've never wanted to swear at someone so bad. I'm talking about lee seo jun. After taking advantage of ran joo, he slowly distanced himself and the company away from her just so he could be the only ceo. He's so scared of ran joo's success because he knows she'll focus more on the talent aspect, and not so much on the marketing strategy. After becoming a household name, lee seo jun got hungry for more money and fame and it's absolutely disgusting to see. I really hope ran joo can find a loophole and reach the 20 million album sales 🤞
i like that both ran joo and mok ha are trying to find a solution to solve the album sale problem.
It's interesting to note how mok ha seems to be way more accepting towards people she loves and admires. Ran joo took out her frustration on mok ha and blamed her situation on her (mok ha) and mok ha was already apologizing when she did nothing wrong. She's had this fantasy of ran joo for a while and now she's afraid of damaging their friendship. I'm thankful bo geol is there to open her eyes, or else mok ha would still be apologizing.
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