#make him help them stop supernatural-related crimes.
keiththecat · 1 year
Admissible (Part Two)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You've always hunted alone. That is, until Bobby sends you on a hunt near the Winchester brothers. How will things change when they come to help?
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+, series typical violence and monsters, weapons, cursing, groping/ almost sexual assault, self-doubt/ self-esteem issues, character death, injuries, hurt/comfort
Author's Note: Warning! The groping and almost sexual assault is stopped, but it is at the beginning of this part. I have marked the end of the section to skip with <>. (Be warned, the section to be skipped starts right at the beginning of this part!) I have also put a small summary at the very end of this part to explain what you need to know about the part that is skipped. (So if you're skipping the start, scroll down to the end, read the short summary, and come back up to the <>). Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns about anything. Y/N is your name, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the love so far! <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
Part One
AO3 link here
You’ve been patted down, fingerprinted, photographed, and now you’re sitting handcuffed to the table in an interrogation room in front of Officers Davis and Johnson. Davis is the ray of sunshine that arrested you and processed you, getting a little too handsy when patting you down and taking your weapons and belongings. Johnson is a very tall and gaunt man in his 60s with the worst dark circles you’ve ever seen. He also looks like he hasn’t seen sunlight in probably the last five years. Desk jobs will do that to you, I guess. Davis is the one doing all the talking, leering at you.
“So here’s what we know,” Davis says, counting offenses on his fingers, “You’re not FBI. In fact, the name on your badge is completely fake. You had illegal knives on you and an illegal unregistered pistol. And you were caught around two of the families who have already had members killed recently. Sure does make us wonder who you are and what you were doing.”
Missus Miller must have been the one who called them. You stay silent, knowing that it’s your best bet. They won’t find an ID by searching your prints, but they will likely find them tied to other crime scenes, just due to the nature of your job as a hunter. They won’t find any record of the pistol, the serial numbers have been filed off for years. You send up a prayer to anything listening that they won’t find anything serious enough to keep you for more than a few days. 
“You would be smart to talk to us, explain some of this. Maybe if you gave us some answers, we could help,” Davis says.
You know he’s lying. The last thing you want to do is dig this hole any deeper. You smirk at him, then look at the ceiling and start counting the tiles to kill the time.
The officers sit, watching you for several more minutes. Davis continues trying to get you to talk, you continue ignoring him. This is going to be a very boring few days. I hope the boys can figure everything out and kill whatever it is before it gets anyone else. I hope they’re doing okay.
“I don’t think she’s talking, man. I’m taking a few,” Johnson gets up and walks out, leaving you alone with Davis.
After a moment, Davis gets out of his seat, moving around to lean on your side of the table. He places his hand on your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Just us now, sweetheart.” You glance at the camera in the corner of the room and notice the red recording light is no longer on. He’s leaning closer and you’re trying to decide if you can get away with headbutting him, adding assault to your charges, when there’s a knock at the door. Davis drops his hand as the door opens and Sam walks in. 
“I certainly hope you haven’t been questioning my client without me, Officer,” Sam says, practically spitting out the last word. “I trust she has been informed of her rights and any charges against her?”
Davis moves away from you, “You’re her attorney?”
“I am, and I need a moment with my client. Thank you,” Sam leaves no room for discussion, taking a seat across from you and looking at Davis expectantly. 
Davis looks between the two of you for a moment, then scoffs and goes to leave. 
“And make sure all recording devices to this room are off,” Sam calls after him.
Davis grumbles under his breath, closing the door behind him, leaving you alone with Sam.
“Not that I don’t appreciate you being here, because I do,” you say, “but why aren’t you still out there hunting this thing? I can handle a day or two in jail-”
“Y/N,” Sam cuts you off, “I’m here. I’m getting you out of here. Dean is working on it. He can handle himself for a few hours. Besides, I saw how that creep was with you, I’m definitely not leaving you here. They’d probably have you here for longer than a couple days, impersonating a federal officer is a felony. Anyway, I’ve called in some help. What do they have of yours? Anything we can leave behind?”
You tell him about your weapons, holsters, and phone. He nods, looking up and seeming to think to himself for a moment. He pulls out a small kit from his pocket and picks the lock on your handcuffs, finally freeing your wrists. You reflexively rub at the red skin. “You seem strangely comfortable here,” you comment.
“Yeah, I was on my way to becoming a lawyer before... well, just before.” He stands, coming to your side of the table. “Ready?”
“Um, I guess?” you answer, “Want to fill me in on this plan of yours?”
You hear what sounds like wings fluttering, you register a hand on your shoulder, and the next instant, you’re standing inside your hotel room. Sam is still in front of you, “yeah. That’s my plan. Meet Castiel,” Sam gestures behind you.
You turn around, looking into comforting blue eyes. A man stands in front of you, messy dark brown hair, wearing a suit and tan trench coat. “Hello, Y/N. It’s nice to meet you,” he says. “You’ll find your belongings on the bed. Don’t worry, I disabled their cameras. They were not able to see me retrieving your things or us leaving.”
“Oh, wow, um, thanks,” you stutter out. “I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but who are you? What are you? How did you do that?”
Castiel takes it all in stride, “Not rude at all, Y/N. I would expect you to be curious. I am Castiel, an angel.”
“Oh. Okay.” That’ll take some getting used to. “Thank you, Castiel.”
“Of course, Y/N. Any friend of Sam and Dean is a friend of mine. Pray to me if you should need help again,” he says, then nods at Sam and disappears.
“I can send you his cell number, too,” Sam says, pulling out his phone.
“He’s an angel with a cell phone?” you ask, starting to pick up your things and put your weapons back in their places on your body.
“Yeah,” Sam says, “he’s basically one of us but with perks.”
Sam’s phone rings and he answers, “Hey Dean, you’re on speaker. Y/N is here.”
“You busted out already? That was fast,” Dean says.
“We had some help. I called Cas,” Sam tells him. “What’d you find out?”
“Well, Sam, remember the bank in Milwaukee?”
“A shifter?”
“You betcha. All dealt with. I’m on my way back to the motel now. You guys need a ride?”
Hearing it’s over, you let their voices trail off and sink down onto the edge of the bed. I stupidly got caught, Sam had to save me, and Dean finished the case. Maybe I’m not good enough for this job after all. You realize Sam is no longer on the phone and is looking at you in concern. “You okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you try to convince yourself.
You can tell he doesn’t believe you, but he doesn’t push the issue. He goes to watch out the window for his brother. A few minutes later, the Impala is pulling up outside and Dean is knocking on the door.
“Alright, Princess, I figured out what is wrong with your car. I can get it up and running in the morning, should be able to have you out of town by noon, “ he says, making himself comfortable on the chair across the room.
“Sounds good. Thanks, Dean. What do I owe you?”
“Hmmm,” he taps his chin, thinking, “I’ll consider us even if you buy me some pie at that diner.”
“That’s it?” You ask. He nods. You smirk, “Wow, you’re easier than they say. Deal. Let’s go.”
You end up at the diner, all having a slice of pie, Dean filling you in on the details of the shifter. Apparently Missus Miller was the shifter, or rather the shifter was pretending to be Missus Miller. Dean went back to question her, and she recoiled when he shook her hand. “Silver ring,” Dean explained, holding up his right hand and wiggling his fingers in the air. He was able to draw his silver knife and stab her in the heart before she could attack him. “Reflexes like a cat,” Dean bragged, mouth full of pie. You can’t help but smile at him.
You all finish your pie and pile back into the Impala to go back to your rooms for the night. Once again, you can feel both of them watching you during the drive. You do your best to ignore it, watching the streetlights pass by outside.
Outside your rooms, Dean promises to text you when he’s done with your car tomorrow. You thank him, say goodnight to the brothers, and head into your room for the night.
You strip down, deciding to take a bath to unwind. With the bath full of warm water, you sink in and hear your phone go off.
[Sam 9:52PM: You doing okay?]
[Y/N 9:53PM: Doing fine, sunshine. Why?]
[Sam 9:53PM: You’ve seemed off since Dean’s phone call earlier.]
Yeah, I’ve seemed off. I should be able to do this job by myself. I have been able to, until now. I shouldn’t have to rely on you and your brother and your angel friend to save my ass and finish my case.
[Sam 9:55PM: You know you’re one of the best hunters out there, right?]
You let his message go unanswered again. After a few more minutes, you decide to call it a night. You get out of the bathtub, dry yourself off, and put on your favorite pajamas. You’re crawling into bed when you hear a knock at the door. You get up and look through the peephole, seeing Sam standing there in black sweatpants and a long-sleeved grey henley. You sigh and open the door, “Yes, Sam?”
“You stopped answering, so I figured you could use a pick-me-up,” he holds up the bags in his hands, small smile on his face and dimples peeking out. Damn that smile and those dimples. You step out of the way, letting him inside. He comes in, emptying the bags onto the small table while you close and lock the door. “So, I brought ice cream: Phish Food and Americone Dream. I also got some Kit-Kats and M&Ms. We can talk or watch some TV. I’ve also been told I give good hugs.”
You feel like you’re in shock. He just met you today. Sure, he had apparently heard about you from Bobby, but you’ve only known each other for about ten hours. So far in those ten hours, he has taken your sarcasm in stride, gotten you out of jail, went shopping for snacks for you, and is now standing in your room offering hugs. Either he’s insane, or I’ve stumbled upon the eighth wonder of the world. You’ve spent your entire life building walls around your heart, firmly believing that feelings lead to nothing but hurt or death. Somehow in less than half of a day, this man in front of you has managed to obliterate them, leaving you feeling more vulnerable than you ever thought possible.
He turns around, looking at you, unsure what to make of your silence. “Or I can leave. I mean, if you want to be alone-”
He’s cut off by you rushing forward into his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle and resting your head against his chest. My God, he’s solid like a tree. Once his brain catches up, his arms wrap around you too and he rests his chin on your head. He’s absolutely right, this is the best hug ever. He squeezes you a little and then runs his fingers through your hair. You feel all your muscles relaxing. You stay like this for a while, his hands switching between playing with your hair and rubbing circles on your back.
“I’m strong,” you whisper.
“I know,” he says.
“I can take care of myself.”
“You do,” he agrees. “And you’ll continue to. We’ve just joined in now.”
You pull back a little, tears forming in your eyes. You look at each other, his eyes flicking to your lips for a moment before returning to your eyes. You shy away, pulling out of his arms and clearing your throat. “This all seems very… not your taste, Mister Chicken Wrap,” you joke, gesturing to the sweets and trying to deflect.
He shrugs, “Not really yours either, Miss Salad. But sometimes a little sugar rush can be a good thing.”
You give him a small smile, greatly appreciating that he is willing to change topic, opening the M&Ms and pouring yourself a few before offering the bag to him. He takes the bag, pouring out a couple into his hand and popping one into his mouth.
You sit on the bed, back against the headboard, and pat the space beside you, "So, tell me all about the enigma that is Mister Sam Winchester."
He sits beside you, and you spend the next few hours trading questions and learning all the little things about each other. You learn that his favorite color is blue, he is full of knowledge about true crime and serial killers, and he hates clowns. He listens to The Smiths, Bon Jovi, and Celine Dion. He prefers to eat healthily, and he runs at least once a day to stay in shape. “There are so many unknowns in this world and so many things that can take you out, I refuse to let my cholesterol be what does it,” he reasons. You open up to him as well, telling him your favorite holiday, color, music, and foods. By the time 2AM rolls around, he has resorted to telling you terrible dad jokes.
“You know,” he says, sounding serious, “I’ve realized I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know y.”
You groan and laugh at the same time, “Your jokes are terrible, Sam!”
“Oh, I’m well aware. But hey, they make you laugh,” he says, laughing and nudging your shoulder with his. 
Your laugh dying down, you rest your head against his shoulder and sigh. “I guess we should get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “you’re probably right.” He pats your head before getting up. You follow him to the door and when he turns around to say his goodbye, you wrap your arms around him again. “Thank you, Sam. You’re kind of alright, I guess.”
He laughs a little, “yeah, you too, I suppose.” You think you feel the ghost of his lips on the top of your head before he pulls away from the embrace. With a smile and small wave, he closes the door, leaving you alone but your heart feeling lighter than it ever has. You crawl under the covers, smiling to yourself and sending one more message before turning out the lights.
[Y/N 2:09AM: Goodnight, Sam.]
[Sam 2:09AM: Goodnight, Y/N.]
<> You have been arrested and are being questioned in an interrogation room by two officers, Davis (who arrested you) and Johnson. You stay silent throughout their questioning, despite their threats and their attempts to coerce you into talking. Johnson leaves, and Sam enters shortly after.
Part Three
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skylarmoon71 · 2 months
Winchester - (Supernatural / Smallville Crossover AU) - Chapter 5
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There were times that you forgot this was a normal high school. 
Annual activities and school programs are normal, like dances, festivals and of course, plays.
Your eyes were stuck on the flier of the drama club's monthly show.
This time, Romeo and Juliet.
You weren’t sure how long you’d just stood there gazing at the poster on the wall next to your locker. The idea of being in one of those shows should be ridiculous, you aren’t even sure why you’re entertaining the thought. Yet, staring at the names of the cast members, there’s a part of you that almost pictures it.
You’ve always wanted to play a role like that, especially that. Though the story was tragic, the idea of princesses and princes and love, honor, perseverance and fighting for something that you believe in, you’ve always been drawn to it. You curse yourself for being such a hopeless romantic.
Your head turns. Clark is standing there with Chloe and Pete. You grip your books tighter.
“Hey guys. Ready for class?”
Pete nodded with a grin, already going on about how swim class was his thing. Chloe begins to fill you in on some of the reigning champions this week as you join them and begin to walk down the hall. Clark watches silently, eyes glancing at what had taken your focus before he follows behind.
Swimming goes by faster than you expect. Stepping out of the locker room, you keep a small towel over your shoulder to catch any remaining droplets from your hair. You have an elective now with Clark, you’re hoping you can just catch a nap in the ethics class. Your teacher tended to drone on, so you’re certain she probably wouldn’t even notice.
You meet Clark in the hall, waving when he catches sight of you.
“Let’s sneak to the back of the class and prop our books, I bet you we won’t get caught sleeping.”
Clark laughs as you walk down to the room.
“I’m sure Mrs. Keller isn’t that dense.”
You shrug.
“Meh, you never know.”
He’s still smiling, and you seem to be in a good mood, so he sees no harm in asking.
“Do you like plays?”
You tilt your head, adjusting the towel on your shoulder.
“That’s pretty random, why do you ask?”
“It’s just this morning you were staring at the poster, I thought maybe you’d like to go to one.”
You feel a bit embarrassed that you’ve been caught. You should know by now that Clark’s a lot more observant than you give him credit for. He had been basically crime fighting before you dropped into the school.
You fidget with the strap of the bag. You could probably just make up a lie, but you’ve never really liked lying to him, especially about something so minor. It’s not like Clark will tease you, not the way Dean definitely would.
You finally make it to the room, and Clark is about to step in, but you take his sleeve, stopping him. He turns.
“It's..it’s not that I like watching them, I’ve just always wanted to be in one, especially in school, as a princess. It’s silly right.”
The last part is a bit of a whisper. Your cheeks are red, and you look up at him tentatively, ready for maybe a playful jab, but all he offers is a smile.
“I can relate. I wanted to be a part of the football team, but with my abilities it’s a bit dangerous.”
His understanding makes you feel at ease. Sometimes you forget how similar your circumstances are. You’ve always had to keep a part of you inside, unable to indulge the way teenagers your age can so effortlessly. With you it was your father, your brothers, your responsibility as a hunter. With Clark it’s his abilities, his secret.
“There’s nothing silly about wanting to be normal (Y/N), more than anyone else, I can understand that.”
You can’t help but smile, now you’re happy that you confided in him.
“Thank you Clark.”
You actually feel much better.
Ethics might not suck as much as you thought.
~Luthor Mansion~
“Change the meeting to Thursday, we’ll be there to close the deal.”
Lex was seated in his chair, laptop in front of him. The second he saw Clark he smiled.
“Yes, it sounds good. Goodbye.” He hung up the phone and Clark stood in front of him, awkwardly shifting. Lex could already tell that whatever he had to say would be entertaining.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Clark?”
He still looked a bit flushed and Lex stood, waiting for him to speak.
“I was sort of hoping I could ask you a favor?”
Lex lifted his brows.
“Clark Kent asking me for a favor, has the world stopped spinning.”
He laughed, nodding.
“Let’s hear it.”
From the flushed cheeks, Lex knew he would enjoy this. 
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caelumangeli · 10 months
General OCs
Quick Reference for OCs that are either fandomless, or created for specific scenerios that don't exactly belong under an umbrella.
Thus meaning I can also throw them into like any scenerio or universe
Again, full information can be found on Caard
Name: Jesse
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Age: 27 Gender: Male Race:Human Sexuality:Bisexual Height: 5'7" Occupation: - Convenience store clerk. He often has a hard time finding or keeping jobs due to his history of arrests and thievery, as well as... things from his past occasionally popping up and causing problems. -Amatuer Cryptid/Supernatural Hunter. He doesn't want to and isn't interested in a fight or to kill them. Rather he's a lot more curious, often putting himself in potential, or obvious danger just to either prove to himself they are they he thinks, or because he wants to make friends or something even if they don't. History: Jesse grew up near the coast as an only child, though that wasn't always the plan in his family. When he was in middle school his father was arrested which affected the way him and his mother lived immensely from then on. She worked extremely hard to try to keep their way of life the way it was, and Jesse began to distance himself from his friends during his stuggles in highschool while his father was in prison, unable to visit him due to his mothers request, which he had no want to go against anyway.
When he did begin to make friends again, he'd gotten tied into people that encouraged his more disruptive behaviour, teaching and encouraging him to learn to pick locks, steal things, light things in fire and just be a minor menace. He'd gotten arrested many times in highschool, but was always able to get out of it when he did. Most of the time when he did steal something, it was something nice for his mother, or something he could sell to give her the money for. Surprisingly, he'd graduated but unsurprisingly never went on to go to college, instead continueing with his minor crimes with various different crews until eventually he decided to try to stop and make money properly as to not dissapoint or upset his mother any further.
Name: Asaka Bela Beautiful Death, Devouring Destruction
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Gender: Female Height: 5'5" Race: God (previously human) Dominion: Death- Specifally of the afterlife and the passing over of life into death. Symbols: Marekanite (by association Obsidian),Gladiolus flower About: Asaka came from a time when there were no gods anymore, as they had all died out long ago. Since she was born it seems death followed in one way or another, whether it was due to her own actions or not. Due to that, she never stayed in one location for long for one reason or another, and became known as a destructive Omen, gaining the surname Bela, a devouring destruction.
Eventually as sparks of divinity started to awaken in people, in rumour of gods returning began to sprout, she became labled as a goddess of death before she could even have any say or control.
Visions and dreams brought her to a place where she learnt of prophecies fulfilled by the gods to bring godhood and peace back to the people. She was reluctant at first, but curious of this thing inside of her really was a sign of divinity.
Over time and completion of these, she gained followers and faith, gaining divinity and unintentionally creating new funerary rites to accept the dead into her new afterlife she formed, while helping them transition from life into death, as well as other matters involding life and or death, mourning and such related matters.
0 notes
demonsfate · 2 years
Do you think Jin, Kazuya and Heihachi will ever see eye to eye on things or will they always be bitter enemies to the very end?
All three of them together? No. Really, it’s hard to say if any of them could ever see eye to eye on things. I know for a FACT that there’s no way in hell that Kazuya and Heihachi would ever make peace with each other. As for the others - it’s best just to look at their motivations, who they are, and what they’ve done to each other.
Kazuya and Heihachi absolutely not because of all the HORRIFIC shit they’ve done. Betraying each other, killing each other, Heihachi ABUSING Kazuya throughout his ENTIRE childhood. I feel Heihachi also blames Kazuya for the death of his wife. Really, I think Heihachi looks at Kazuya and Jin and he doesn’t see them as humans at all, but instead monsters. I will say one thing about the anime, when Heihachi says, “I am Mishima... and you are an abomination,” to Jin right before shooting him - I feel that’s quite accurate to Heihachi’s mindset. He doesn’t even consider Jin to be a Mishima - so as I said, he doesn’t view either as human, just monsters that killed his wife. I feel this is also why Heihachi was able to develop a soft spot for Xiaoyu (a young, kind lady who isn’t a supernatural, or possesses the devil gene) all while being so cold toward his own grandson. These points will also be important for the other relationships.
Kazuya and Jin are a bit more... complicated. Unlike Heihachi and Kazuya, they don’t really have that long of history together. In fact, Kazuya and Jin, lore wise, has only known each other for 3 years OR LESS. Jin wanted to kill Kazuya because of his history of Misdeeds, and Jin was also recently traumatized by Heihachi. With all this in mind, Jin became convinced that the Mishimas are all evil and needed to die. I would say pre-TK6, Jin may have even been willing to make peace with Kazuya, as long as Kazuya wasn’t stirring trouble. As in TK4 he just kinda gets away from them, and then in TK5, he was so concerned with getting rid of the devil gene, as well as stopping the evil possessing Jinpachi. He didn’t even have the Mishimas on his mind at all (well, he also thought Heihachi was dead during this time.) But after TK6 and STILL in TK7, Kazuya helped fuel the war, and CONTINUES ON WITH THE WAR - even with the Zaibatsu dipping out of it due to its both leaders being either dead or missing. I think that will make it hardest for Jin to ever make peace with Kazuya, I think Jin believes that Kazuya went too far with that. Hence, also why in the TK8 trailer - Jin says neither of them should exist. Whilst I don’t think the two making peace is as impossible as Heihachi and Kazuya. It’s still... very unlikely. I think Jun is the only one who can get them to Make Up Somewhat. And even then, Kazuya will have to stop his pursue for ultimate power, and Jin will have to be absolved from his suicidal-hatred. Which is funny - because they do have factors they can relate to (both struggling with the Devil, and having been mistreated by Heihachi) - but I think the former two issues I mentioned will definitely be a big obstacle for them. And even then... well, both are probably gonna be set up to be executed for their war crimes if they were to stop fighting. I don’t know what they’d do about that.
Heihachi and Jin, I would say they’re most likely to make peace - but not too sure when thinking further about it. If we’re taking in account that Heihachi hates the devil gene because he blames it for the death of his wife. Then, I think Jin could understand Heihachi. After all, Jin wanted to purge the world from the evil that is the devil - and so does Heihachi - in a fucked up way, they both almost want the same thing. Jin could even understand why Heihachi had shot him. BUT. Heihachi, just like I was saying with Jin and Kazuya above - has done so many bad crimes - kidnaping, murder, abuse, marrying a literal assassin, and then his own search for power. Jin probably blames Heihachi for everything, too. If it wasn’t for Heihachi throwing Kazuya off a cliff, and then continuing to mistreat Kazuya, then maybe the man wouldn’t be who he is today - maybe he had been a better person. While Kazuya may have passed the devil gene on to Jin, Jin really feels like Heihachi is the start of the curse to their family. Especially given that, while he messed up a lot, Jinpachi seemed to have been a good person to an extent.
So reeeeaally? I don’t actually see any of them becoming anything better than bitter enemies. They’ve all just done unforgivable crimes and deeds, or they’ve hurt each other too much, or the reasoning for their hatred is simply too strong. It’s something none of them can come back from, heal, and learn to make peace.
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sk-solar · 3 years
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DISCLAIMER: This bot does NOT represent Kim Yongsun or SOLAR in any way, shape or form. This bot is NOT affiliated with RBW Entertainment. This bot does not represent any other idol that might be mentioned for storyline's sake. While the bot contains characteristics, images, and further information related to the idol, in no way is it true but used for storyline purposes. Bot is run with entertainment purposes only
WARNING: This bot will contain sensitive topics such as violence, mild to strong language, abuse, graphic details, use of satanic and supernatural methods, intrusive thoughts, murder, weapons, drugs, alcohol, physical and mental abuse and more depending the plotline and as the bot progresses. Please remain cautious.
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The officer scrunched his nose as he took his gloves off "Call the forensic team and let them collect the hidden clues" he ordered before turning towards an elegant lady with black pants and an oversized coat, the microphone clasped at her hands as she extended the hand towards the officer
Lady : So what is the progress in the case sir? This is the 67th murder. People of Seoul want answers
Officer : We're trying our best ma'am but for certain reasons, we would not be revealing any information regarding our investigation
Lady : do you think this case will be solved soon? And that finally people can walk freely at night without a psycho killer following them?
Officer : I assure you ma'am that once we catch this suspect named "Solar", this case will more or less be solved. Till then, I hope you all can put your trust in the police department and wait patiently
The woman smiled and nodded towards the cameraman to stop rolling. She turned back towards the officer, biding her goodbye when he suddenly called her
Officer : wait- miss I heard you're the one covering this news for a while. I never caught your name. My name is Officer Kim Jihoon
They shook hands as she answered with a smile
Lady : Kim Yongsun~
ıllıllı 𝐅𝕃A𝓼𝐇𝕓άℂҜ ıllıllı
Loud banging, screaming, dishes clattering was nothing new in her life. Blood, skin, broken teeth weren't new either. Abuse was the only thing Yongsun learned ever since she was a kid. Her dad was crazily in love with her mom, as he admits.. so much that he won't even let her go out of the house, ever. And yet his love makes him want to hurt her, see her cry, see her suffer and struggle. "Then how is that love?" Yongsun often thinks to herself until one day, she got her answer.
It was an usual night, screaming and loud cries filled up the room as her father banged her mother's head on the wall, making Yongsun shake in fear. "Never be like your dad.." her mom used to say and she promised that she would escape and help her mom. That night, however, no one saw it coming..no one knew that her mother didn't need anyone to save her anymore since she finally attained peace and freedom when she lost consciousness and hit the floor, the broken piece of glass hitting the back of her head. Seconds later, the siren of ambulance and the police was heard as Yongsun was rescued but one thing that her father said never left her conscious mind. "I loved her enough to unite us even in heaven" he screamed and grabbing another piece of glass, stabbed it right on his stomach. "It's true love Yongsun..." Her dad replied "Love that gives you courage to even hurt someone is true love...."
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—(••÷ 卩Řєs𝑒𝓷Ŧ ÷••)—
Sub Officer : so this case has been handed over to the crime branch
Officer : The crime branch? Why? Haven't we had any progress in the case?
Sub officer : errr...yes. We did have a progress and that is the fact that there was another victim found dead in her apartment at 4.40am today morning. Resources says that her name is Park Minji, majoring in history in Seoul National University
Officer : this is the most scariest case I've ever seen in the history of Seoul's crime. Let the crime branch handle it and also let the media cover the news but leave out the personal details. And strengthen the security everywhere. Quick! Move!
Sub officer : yes sir!
The officer walked into the chamber of the head of the crime branch to hand him the case
Crime branch head : So this is the suspect you have found?
Officer : yes sir!!
Crime branch head : Solar.......
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𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑒. 𝐼 𝑎𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑚 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑠. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛, 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡
— 𝐴𝑙𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑡 𝐹𝑖𝑠ℎ (𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒)
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cmyknoise · 3 years
dark sbi is also so frustrating to read since they never get punished by the narrative for being weird and creepy to Tommy and they just get away with borderline kidnapping most of the time
yeah! ngl i always block the tag, or i try to anyway.
dark sbi, or any sort of dark! wilbur, dark! phil, etc tags are so…
the ongoing theme of most fics tagged as dark!sbi or any of the related ones, involve tommy, usually between the ages of 10-17, in some way being kidnapped or coerced by the rest of the sbi, which is already weird in of itself.
several that i have read (trust me it was either because i missed the tag and got far in before stopping, or curiosity of ‘what the fuck’) involve some weird event where tommy is either forced to do something or go somewhere despite him being extremely vocal on.
a few that come to mind was one where they forced tommy to eat stuff (i believe the fic had implied it was human remains and the sbi were all murderers), several vampire ones where, in detail, tommy screams about wanting to be let go and not wanting something, and then someone in the sbi forces him into becoming a vampire, or forcing him to do things like kill people or animals or hurt his friends.
another trope in these fics usually involve tommy trusting someone, usually techno or phil, and hoping they’ll help him out of this situation. he’s almost helped, but in the end there’s a twist! and actually they’re just going to bring him right back into the situation he was at, if not worse. there’s even ones where he gets help outside of the sbi, like from tubbo or schlatt or some other character, and he escapes, only to be brought right back to sbi.
and i think this is really weird for lots of reasons! but you know writing is writing and who am i to judge it. the problem then comes in that the reason i even know this much to begin with: these things aren’t tagged properly.
usually they involve the ‘dark‘ tags, but a surprising amount don’t have any other warning tags. nothing about torture, kidnapping, non consent (which IS what that is. non consent isn’t just nsfw in nature, anything where a character says no to any sort of action, and is forced to do it, is without their consent). a lot of these fics are also borderline dead dove do not eat, but they’re not tagged that way either.
their descriptions also usually are much lighter than the content, which is another issue. what may seem like a vampire au fic or a mystery ends up being a torture fest of a bunch of family like figures hurting a child in nearly all the ways they can.
and it’s weird to me that ‘dark’ has become synonymous with this torture and possessiveness, at least in regards to sbi, because that’s not what ’dark’ necessarily means. dark could refer to anything else immoral. it could be sbi doing crimes. it could be them being supernatural beings like fae. it could be so many things, and i’ve seen it used correctly in those senses! but with these fics it’s almost impossible to tell unless you read them.
it sucks cause i like fics where they make characters fae or elderitch creatures. i like horror fics. but they’re usually tagged well. but smaller ones aren’t and they get lost in the mess of all the fics of tommy getting so descriptively tortured that it’s not worth even scrolling that tag.
i want to say in general that trend with dark sbi is super weird champ. there’s something that doesn’t sit right with me about the way some of these fics describe tommy (usually a young child, innocent, niave, etc) and then him being trusting of friends/family, and they proceed to torture him or force him into situations where it is very very written that he doesn’t enjoy being in. where he will blatantly beg and say no to something and then dark!wilbur or dark!phil or whoever force him to do something awful anyway.
im being super vague because i’ve seen some really fucked shit from this tag. and again, not to police writing. because there’s probably reasons like venting or projecting or just exploration of writing or whatever it may be, but it’s seriously not tagged a majority of the time, and also the meaning of ‘dark’ is so misconstrued and vague that it could either mean morally dark character or inhuman character, or it could mean violently physically and mentally abusive.
i think again it’s just an issue of this fandom not tagging anything right, and ao3 also not accepting most tags, and whatever but
yeah. there’s a lot to say about this tag and there’s a lot of weird vibes in most the fics that just… i’d avoid this tag if you can.
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
Hi can you provide the link to read manhuas you prefer?
Hello Anon! OMG Manhua/Manhwa Rec! Here we go! I’ve only been reading for 2-3 months (consistently), so this will be pretty limited. I will link to the legit sites. A google search will direct you to others.
Most of these are WIPs and some, sadly, are discontinued. I won’t add TGCF or MDZS here cause those are already a given. 👇🏼
• Body Electric by Dong Ye ( completed, supernatural, lots of trigger warnings and plotty )
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Ba Song is the hotshot cop who’s been handed an open-and-shut case: the suicide of a young woman. Except… who commits suicide by stabbing their own body and strangling themself? There's only one man who can help him with this mystery — Bo Shan, the renowned forensic pathologist with a severe and cold personality. What's more, his body produces bioelectricity, allowing him to acutely sense bodily injury with his touch. There's an electric current between them, and each touch sizzles with energy
If you like crime dramas and stories where they solve mysterious cases then this is for you. The romance is subtle, and their relationship is not insta-love. strangers to colleagues to friends to lovers trope. This also discusses alot of issues the society has that will make you stop and think. Ba Song is really the honorable MC in here who always wants to help people and do good. While Bo Shan is the reluctant one but deep inside, he wants to make a difference too. I wish they would make a donghua or live action out of this.
• 30 year old by S-Monkey - ( ongoing, age difference, blind dates, slice of life)
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Charlie Wei is a single and handsome executive. He’s also a closeted gay guy who’s been on way too many bad blind dates with women. Charlie’s still hung up on his ex-boyfriend James and is… gasp, 30! Charlie’s family thinks he’s straight and too old to be without a wife! During another bad blind date, Charlie meets the flirty Ethan, who both annoys and intrigues him. Can Charlie finally come out and find true love with Ethan or will he continue on his streak of bad blind dates?
The cover looks melodramatic but it’s really not. This is so funny! I read this because people were saying it reminded them of BoXiao. And yes, there are moments here that remind me of them, but it’s more like an AU of BoXiao. I stayed up late trying to get caught up in the chapters and you won’t realize it cause it’s just that good. I love seeing the older MC loosening up and being more of himself. and the younger one being more responsible in his career. They just become better versions of themselves because of each other. It’s so sweet!
• I ship me and my Rival - by Pepa ( ongoing, comedy, reads like a meta )
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This follows the adventures of Wei Yanzi, a third-rate actor in the Chinese entertainment industry, stumbles onto a shipping fandom for himself and another actor (Gu Yiliang) while trying to escape from the flame wars and negativity. He's so taken with this group of fans who actually see him as a good guy instead of an enemy/rival of Gu Yiliang that he falls head-first into fandom and becomes actively involved in trying to provide shipping fuel and the fans' daily dose of fluff.
IF THERE IS ONE thing you will read here, let it be this. It is hilarious. If you are a CP fan you will relate so much and it’s a good time. It just shows how people who think are rivals can actually be really good friends in real life. What we see is not always what it seems. and people will interpret things based on their bias. The MC here is so dramatic! how his inner feelings/reactions were drawn will make you laugh.
• Path to You - by Sinran (completed, slice of life, age gap fluff and comedy )
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When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them
The story is so soft. If you want something with mild angst/misunderstandings— then pick this. I love the progression of their relationship and how they take care of each other. There are other themes showed here other than the romance.
• Red Candy - by Hanse (completed season one with a cliffhanger, explicit scenes, assassins )
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Shihyeon, aka “Red Candy,” is a secret agent whose code name comes from bathing in the blood of his marks on dangerous missions. Shihyeon’s tasked with seducing and obtaining intel from Hajun, a hot college professor. Shihyeon can disarm enemies, but didn’t expect to be disarmed himself by Hajun’s own tight body. Now Shihyeon’s caught between loyalty to his spy agency and Hajun. Can Red Candy survive the incoming wave of enemies and still indulge in the sweet ecstasy of Hajun’s embrace?
THIS STRESSED ME OUT MAAAN. Wow. I loved this. That season one cliffhanger. It’s definitely up there as my favorite. If you think about it, the tropes are really not original. An assassin is sent to shadow a person and they develop a relationship. That simple. But NOOOOO! There are so many things going on. The Main mystery plot, Their relationship, their shared past plus you have other sketchy secondary characters. And did i mention explicit scenes? Lots of them. I want this two to have a happy ending!!!
• Lone Swan - by Chu Man (discontinued, cultivation, star crossed lovers)
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After losing his memory, Yiqiu Shen, a disciple from the decent sect meets a very special man named Luofeng Yan, who is the leader of the evil Divine Wind Cult. When escaping and conflicting with Yan, Shen gradually finds his original self as well as his previous love back. Together they rip off the facade of the martial world and reveal the hidden true
I didn’t want to add a discontinued story here, with no novel as a source material but this one made an impact on me. so. yeah. THE ART. breathtaking. The plot = layered. There are times I don’t even know who is telling the truth. It had so much potential and i hope it will get picked up again at some point. People rec this to those who enjoyed TGCF and MDZS, and they are right. 👍🏼
• Dragon in Distress by Si Wang Wen Hua - ( ongoing, dragons, past life, lost power, fantasy )
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This is a story about a little Eastern green dragon and a little Western black dragon playing together.
The synopsis is pretty simple if you look at it but this one is pretty interesting. and surprisingly funny. tinie AoAo is so cute! 🤍 the other MC has tsundere tendencies tho. Lots of lore and more truths to uncover as the story progresses. I’m not giving it enough justice with how i’m reccing it, but if you like dragons and fantasy — give this a go.
• Breaking through the clouds 2: Swallow the Sea - Huaishang (ongoing, based on a novel, crime, drama, cases)
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Wu Yu, a newcomer of the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about the difficulties posed by Bu ZhongHua, his strict boss, and only wants to stay in the background to be paid on time with enough for food. However, no one knows that this young man’s head is targeted by top drug traffickers for a large bounty or that this courageous young man has once slaughtered the dragon of the abyss. With a chain of interlocking cases, a series of troubles come one after another. Can the two people work together to survive through the difficulties?
Do you see a pattern with me? lol. I like crime themes. This one is the same and by the looks of it, the cases they solve will take longer to unravel. I haven’t read the novel it’s based on yet so i’m just going with how the manhua is progressing. I like it when Wu Yu turns full on action-mode and when ZH takes care of him. Plus it helps that they are both gorgeous. I’ll get back this with a proper link.
• Where the Wind Stays - by Yusa (completed season one, curses, demons, possession, timeskip, explicit scenes)
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To break an ancient curse that plagues the royal bloodline, young Prince Tasara is destined to be sacrificed in death. Nara is enlisted as a palace servant to carry out the prince’s execution when the time comes. But he develops a soft spot for the cursed prince, and after committing an atrocious and unforgivable act against Tasara, Nara is desperate to right his wrongs. Soon, their lascivious relationship that had been kept under wraps tests his resolve. Will Nara be tempted away from his original mission? There’s no telling how far he would go to earn Tasara’s forgiveness.
This story broke my brain, in a good way. I don’t wanna say much cause it will spoil the story. It’s the type that you gave to see and suffer through yourself. I am excited for what happens in season II!!!
Honorable Mentions:
I’m placing these here cause I have only read a few chapters and tho I liked them, I wanna read more before reccing it in full. 👍🏼
• I accidentally saved the Jinghu’s enemy
• Global Examination
• Monster entertainment
• Demon Apartment
And that’s it! Hope enjoy Anon! 😊
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
I have more questions because it's no longer 4am lmao.
Does Skeppy fear any animals? I just wanna know if there's any sweet moments of Skeppy clinging to Bad whilst he tries to calm him down.
I'm guessing Bad still hates things like littering and woodcutters but would he ever act particularly strongly about it or would he have more control?
I like how Rat seems to tolerate Skeppy because Bad likes him but would she ever get jealous if Skeppy started pettting another dog?
I have a horrifying image of Bad just spider climbing up a tree to fetch Skeppy. I don't know why but I feel like dude wouldn't even need branches lmao.
What other supernatural creatures/people do they come across? Were there any that were especially dangerous and did they befriend any?
Is Bad much physically stronger than Skeppy? I keep thinking of Skeppy being a little shaz and Bad just one-arm picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder XD.
Does Bad ever get nightmares of the day he became the forest spirit?
How far would Skeppy take stealing? Would he steal something he knows the owner has genuine attachment to? Would he do everything in his power to steal something for Bad even if it means getting hurt?
Who's more likely to protect the other?
Skeppy just minding his business looking at one of Bad's textbooks, turns his head and Bad's just having a tea party with a freaking bear. Surprised the man hasn't had a heart attack yet XD.
What's your favourite thing to imagine them doing?
Is Bsd an adrenaline junky? Or is he scared of more dangerous things like bungee jumping and mountain climbing.
What would their reactions be to rollercoasters?
Do they have a favourite date-night activity?
Everytime I think of this au it brightens my mood!! Thank you for making something so heartwarming!! <3
Glad to see you again :D And yaay, questions!
My pen pressure broke again, I can't finish any sketches for this ask rn, but here's a couple of old messy designs.
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1) Comforting and nightmares
Skeppy has a normal, I’d even say adequate level of fear towards wild animals, whilst Bad has it in negative numbers. And, yes, this fun juxtaposition leads to a lot of unfortunate moments of Skeppy nearly dying from heart attack when some of Bad’s animal friends show up unexpectedly, or Bad goes all out for his tea-parties with wild bears or smth.
So, yes, sometimes the comforting hugs are necessary! And no, none of them ever play up the dramaticness of the situation just to drag out the nice comforting moment They do n o t. That’d be very silly and unnecessary, and will deserve a lot of teasing. So, it’s all serious. Not only for the first couple minutes. Yes.
But If you’re looking for comfort-after-actual-hurt – Bad does have to hold and comfort Skeppy, when the stress of trying to not fuck up the good stuff around him gets too strong. And after the nightmares where they are hated and chased by people. Those dreams do not come often, but when they do, Bad is there to hold Skeppy, whisper in his hair that he is alright, that they’re both alright, and that they can handle everything that’s going on right now.
And Bad himself, well. After leaving the town, his nightmares about the night of the ritual stopped almost completely. They come rarely, only when the anxiety gets really bad. Before, in the forest, Bad had them pretty often. It’s one of the reasons he mostly slept not as himself, but in the minds of the animals.
2) Littering
Bad will not maim someone for not getting a candy wrapper in a trashcan, especially if there are people around. But if someone leaves a big mess in the nature, or even (*gasp*) does it regularly, Bad can and will try and teach them a lesson. As in: pull a cautionary (and probably slightly terrifying) prank on the misbehaving person.
It doesn’t always work out as Bad intended, and may even scare some people off anything relating to nature for good, but, according to Bad, it’s still “a fun and useful little hobby to have :3”.
3) Rat
Rat takes a looong time to warm up to any other animals that infringe on her territory. And Skeppy might be a little shit (and his own rights for Bad are debatable) but he is Rat’s territory still (by approximation from Bad). So, she can gatekeep Skeppy a little bit. Not as much as she does Bad, but the man gotta know his place – Rat comes before other dogs for him too.
4) Tree climbing and strength
Oh, Bad can an will climb down a tree like a full-on creepy creature he is: head down, using only his claws, with Skeppy tucked under one arm. Maybe not even upside down, if Skeppy is lucky, and wasn’t too annoying about wanting to stay up on the tree for the night :D
5) Meeting other spn creatures
Oh, that’s a big question (: Yes, they do meet other cryptids, befriend some, and get in trouble with some, and deal with a handful of new and old spn troubles :D
I always thought that Bad and Skeppy’s life after the main story can make a series of short stories (or one big episodic one) dealing with exactly that: the guys traveling around, meeting other cryptids, learning more about themselves and the world, trying to build a life between human and supernatural crisis going on. Just like In The Dark it can based on the mix between the real life and the minecraft-verse events.
I wanted to focus more on finishing the main story first, though, so these stories are not as sought through, I didn’t even write down any of them yet :D
But if you have more concrete questions, ideas, or suggestions (about a specific person, or a specific thing happening) – write me, I’ll think about it, and how it can work with the theme and worldbuilding I have in mind.
6) Stealing + Protectiveness
Skeppy can sometimes forget about, ahem, moral principles, or human decency… emphasis oh “human”. He’s nature and different worldview it gives, it seeps through in his life and actions even more with age. Especially after he’s been away from actual people for a long while. So, I guess, he might at times steal something that is very important to someone, or do something that could be considered weird or rude in general.
And if Bad really needs something, or is in danger – all rules are down. If there is no one to reality check Skeppy, he might proceed to walk on heads, and commit risky and reckless crimes just to help or save Bad.
They both are quite bad with that, the protecting each other thing. Bad, tho, can be more fiscally violent in his protectiveness.
7) Adrenaline and rollercoasters
Well, it’s not that Bad likes adrenaline specifically, he’s just very curious, likes to try new things, and is almost unkillable. So he can just- just go for everything that’s interesting for him with reckless abandon, and if it goes wrong – welp. Bones can heal limbs can regrow, and the cool abandoned caves will not explore themselves. He’ll have to learn to ease up with lack of selfcare though. Because Bad can’t always leave Skeppy to fend for himself, while he heals, and Skeppy does NOT like seeing Bad getting hurt so much, and not caring about himself at all.
This probably comes back to Bad dealing with his spn nature and learning to make peace between it and himself. And to his anxiety, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
And hey, it’s the same for Skeppy and his lack of adequate moral compass at times :D
There will be a lot of tension and growing they’d have to do in regards to all this.
Also Skeppy is the one who’s really into chasing the thrills :D Man spent nearly half a year annoying probably-murderous-forest-spirit just for little not-boring fun, jeez :DD
Rollercoasters are a no go, tho. They go up in the air, real high, and, once again, Skeppy and highs do not mix, they do not mingle, they will not have tea parties (with or without bears). Unless, of course, Skeppy really needs to prove something. Then he’ll go on a ride, and die an honorable death, and will never admit he screamed all the way through it.
8) Dates
(*insert an innuendo from Skeppy here*) But, ahm, actually I’d say they love going on picnics: getting food, and hanging around in the nature for a while.
And I honestly donno what I like to think about the most… I just really enjoy the vibe and the atmosphere of the whole story, and how Bad and Skeppy interact in general.
It all is a real delight to write about :D
In The Dark - masterpost
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years
Crazy theory of this week (cause again, I really need to sleep!)! #JSHK
I don't know exactly why and I assume this information because Teru seems a character that know some relevant sh*t in the story. (He also hates Hanako to a point of no return so... Not maybe the most reliable opinion BUT!)
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Anyway, chapter 70 gives two interesting povs. Teru's and Hanako's.
Teru explained to Akane what was going on inside the school under his own conclusions.
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Nº6 did all of this, "kidnap a maiden" thing because he wanted to keep protecting this land (Aka the school, that was built on it.)
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The Supernaturals of the school threaten alive ones so they keep existing and with that, they protect the school. But they... are losing the power to do that. ("The knife has been very subtle" eh Teru.)
Why exactly? Because this motherf*cker was in love with the girl that was planned to be sacrificed in the first place:
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By advising Akane, Teru implies there is going to be a confrontation in the future. "Be careful because Hanako-kun is an evil spirit and in the future I'm going to need you to defeat him." Now we are in chapter 79, we know Teru has a dream. And to make it true he needs Aoi-chan too. In this chapter, he even gave a protection charm to Aoi-chan. Because he knows what's going to happen next and he knows what's going on. He knows this was all planned by Hanako-kun (And he is right. Mostly.) When he reach for Akane-kun in that place, and see Aoi-chan with him, he realizes there is nothing he can do in that moment. And for sure, that he is coming back for her. She is necessary for his own move, and Teru is about to do something pretty soon.... So, we will know sooner or later. We know the Minamoto were part of the village that sacrificed girls just to be safe of the Evil (Which I think is the sh*t that "lives" in the cursed red house. And also in the Fake Tsukasa Yugi we all have seen in the school messing around and not Hanako as Teru believes, the only thing he doesn't know. We can assume that Hanako as a ghost took all responsibility for Fake Tsukasa's crimes...), Teru explained everything in this chapter, he even changed the way he was speaking in order to doesn't sound rough.
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(Akane-kun is so relatable here...) Teru knows about Hanako's setup, but not about Tsukasa at all I think. And we have seen Tsukasa (the fake one) just causing chaos. But Hanako, well he is more elaborated. So I guess he thought the evil spirit was just Hanako by himself, when in realise Hanako just wanted Yashiro to live longer. It's like when Tsuchigomori saw him smiling with Kou and Yashiro and told him: "Didn't expect you to want friends at this point." Because Hanako was always a lonely spirit that God put into the school to "atone" his crimes (which I believe are: none.) Another day I'll write some theory about why Hanako is going to come alive, again, because maybe he is not as dead as we think... wait for it!
There are still a lot of questions. Why was Yashiro to be sacrificed in the first place? Why is she a kannagi? (Cause if she is a kannagi cause again, she is going to die soon as all the characters had said, well that's a f*cking paradox.) And what is Teru planning? This way the school is safe and as an exorcist he doesn't have to worry anymore, so why? Hanako did his job. They will lose their jobs as exorcists? Even if the school is sealed more supernaturals will appear in the city and now without the 7 mysteries they have lost a great ally to beat them... Or he needs Aoi-chan to fight this evil spirit who he thinks... is Hanako(?) We might think for sure the school can be attacked now the 7 mysteries are gone... (I also believe the death of his mother is relevant to his interests now...) We will see.
That was Teru's point of course. But that's not all.
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This is when everything starts to falling apart. Because, before Hanako appeared in front of Yashiro, she was destined anyway to die young. Okay, right? But how? He wanted to protect her, so he messed up with all the school mysteries ("he was the traitor all the time" the one who weakened them) and they lost their powers to protect the school of... other things. (The night Aoi-chan was kidnapped by Nº6, the supernaturals were all over the place.) I mean, he doing all of this is the reason Nº6 came out of his hole to kidnap some random girl and ending all just fine and the 7 mysteries dissapeared for good... But is not that easy.
What have we been learning so far? Yes, Tsukasa, Natsuhiko and Nanamine started everything with Nº2. Tsukasa's wishes make everything dangerous. But it was Hanako the one who, with the idea of ending these dangerous scenarios, also weakened all the 7 mysteries in the future. He was even judged for it in chapter 61, night of the kidnapping. So: it was to get dangerous anyway? If he just had let the mysteries go wild like they were in the past of the story Yashiro might died even sooner because Nº6 was going to appear in any case? He was going to appear the night of the sacrifice and take Yashiro you like it or not? Yes, but... for this scenario to occur we need: chaos. Because without it, there is no need of protecting anything. (Yashiro's remaining life and Tsukasa's decisions are so related that it actually hurts...)
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So my conclusion is... (Hanako needs to take a break.) I think at first Hanako thought that maybe keeping the school without strange incidents was the best way to keep Yashiro alive, Nº6 shouldn't show up to protect the school that night, and everything would be fine... YES, but this is when Tsukasa (the fake one/real evil spirit) comes out on stage. And Hanako/Amane undestands everything is bigger than he believed. Even if he fix a mystery with Yashiro, another will get out of control. There is no stop. He couldn't do anything. If he didn't protect the school, Yashiro dies. And if they keep destroying the yorishiros, the mysteries then lose their powers and can't protect the school either way, so Yashiro dies. (Yashiro dies in every possible line because of that chaos. Because Nanamine's wish and Tsukasa's existence.) There was no escape, he even tried to wish for a fake world (thanks Number 4) where Yashiro could live happily. But that didn't end really well... So the only final way to help Yashiro was... sacrificing another human (which is also... something like what happens when you make a wish in the red house... right).
What Hanako commits is not really different from what Tsukasa does, even if his reasons are compelling... And the same happened in the moment he presumably killed his brother. How much power has the Red house over Hanako? How much of him is himself and how much of his soul is changed cause the evil spirit of the red house? And in the end, Teru said the 7 mysteries threaten but they also protect. That implies Hanako is the one who weakened all of them (having the role of the leader too) and he seems like the bad guy or the traitor, when he just did all of it to protect Yashiro (and the other kids for sure!), so he is just doing what he thinks is correct. He didn't help other mysteries go berserker in the first place but at the same time he let Aoi dies for his own desires. "If she is not Yashiro, then is fine. She wanted to die..."
I also believe Teru and Hanako are destined to fight again, that Nº1 should choose in which side to support. That something bigger is coming, with the supernaturals, the Red house, the Minamotos. And they will have to leave their differences behind to defeat a real evil. (N°6 is an air head btw.)
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It also interesting how Hanako didn't want to destroy Nº1 Yorishiro either because, as Teru said too: It could come in handy. Akane was even in the moment Nº6 took Aoi-chan. He also was there with Yashiro first. He is there to protect even if he will sacrifice his own lifespan. He is important for what's coming next, I don't think the other two mysteries of time chose him because those stupid reasons they said...
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alterofnaught · 4 years
Regarding Miu’s actions in Ch4- I’ve seen her criticized for coming up with a murder plan despite having the inventions Kokichi was working on with her and that it made no sense for her to turn like that but I personally think Ch3 actually was a really important shift that pushed her into that state of desperation. And while we are limited to Shuichi’s perspective and can’t really know for sure, here’s some reasons I think Miu’s actions in CH4 make sense to her character (and don’t make her bad or stupid- just flawed and scared). 
1. the student council’s impact- Angie’s council shifted the dynamic of the students significantly. Not only did it divide the group in half it also highlighted a very important issue that would plague any plan to work together. Everyone did not want the same thing. Angie’s group was completely content to just stay in the school, accept their life being trapped forever. Miu did NOT want that at all. And regardless of how great her inventions are, they have limits and would require a concentrated group effort (there are still 2 exisal’s in operation at the time and Miu more than likely recognized how impressive the technology being used against them was and that it would not be an easy feat to just knock them out). And seeing just how easily a schism formed in the group would definitely shake any confidence in a plan that more than likely RELIED on them all working together and trusting one another. Something that was put into doubt when the student council started imposing rules on the others like not being out at nighttime. Gonta even closed up the “exit”. Miu was a distrustful person and did not really have that great of bonds with the other students to begin with so this would absolutely make her lose faith in any plan working. You could argue that Miu believed in the ability of the group to cooperate far less than Kokichi did and the events of these few days only solidified her belief that it was a lost cause. 
2. tenko+angie’s murder- While Miu is not always the most astute person in trials and tends to jump to conclusions (even if they are hilariously right on), she is still intelligent enough to most likely realize just how CLOSE things got in chapter 3. While Kirumi’s murder was very complicated and Kaede’s relied on Shuichi calling her out, Korekiyo got extremely close to getting away with it. Tenko’s murder relied on Kiibo’s photo function and Kokichi falling through the floorboard to even ensure they would be able to pin it on him (even if that one seemed more obvious). And Angie’s murder... hinged on a tiny clue that they only found based on the 1/3 chance they even picked that room. Seeing a person dead, having another one murdered brazenly in front of 3 other people, and finding out one of the people who was on “your side” of the whole student council debacle... is pretty heavy and it’s no surprise that it would freak Miu out. The first two murders could be rationalized or understood to some extent. These however are much more shocking and cruel and a major escalation of the killing game that of course shook everyone up. Shuichi’s narration says everyone cried with Himiko after so while we can’t know what Miu was feeling because we only see through Shuichi’s eyes- it makes sense that Miu was also very shaken up. Not because she had any real connection to Angie, Tenko, or Kiyo (she didn’t- Miu is actually quite callous about the others deaths) but more because it probably scared her into thinking the only way to beat the game was to play by its rules and get out herself before she was the next victim. 
Chapter 3 is a huge shakeup in the dynamic of the cast and the game that pushes it into the second half. Lots of people write off its significance because of the whole Kiyo reveal and the wasted potential of the second murder rule but CH3 shook up the entire dynamic. Maki started participating in investigating, Himiko begins to take things seriously. Gonta grows more frustrated at his inability to protect people. Kaito is getting sick and unable to even pretend he’s helping likely is starting to feel inferior and not like the hero. And while you can’t know with Kokichi- the fact he is constantly around and not doing his own thing suggests the motive and current environment also had him a bit lost. And same with Miu who relies on her inventions- the whole supernatural vibes of CH3 put her very out of her element. 
3. killing game simulator- Miu is not a strong-willed person. She bends easily when pushed, that’s her whole thing. So when the game pushed back against her resolve, guess what was conveniently there. While you can’t really know for sure how much was carefully orchestrated by Tsumugi and how much came down to chance- there is no denying the motives for murder were planted for specific people. The ritual was set in place for Kiyo and the computer was set there for Miu- the only person who would be able to understand it. So having it right there when the game started to get crazy- of course the idea would come to mind that she could use it for her own benefit. That she could achieve the perfect murder that almost happened in Ch3 and she could escape before things got worse. And just like Kokichi told Kaede, the moment she entertained the idea of murder- she was playing Monokuma’s game. She had already lost. And Kokichi is an obvious target. She had the relationship with him from the inventions that could get them alone together and she was aware how intelligent he was so he would be a real threat in her using the virtual world to cover up her crimes. 
4. the outside world- Kokichi taking the key card at the beginning of CH4 and telling no one whats on it likely pushed her even more. She wants to know whats out there and to make her impact on the world. And him likely being extremely squirrelly about it would only fuel her paranoia and ruin any partnership they had (since Kaito noticed Kokichi was acting weird it only makes sense that Miu would also recognize the shift in the way he acts after seeing the outside world- plus he likely used her inventions to get there so that would only add to her suspicion of him). So the partnership that was likely already full of suspicion only got worse at the opening of the chapter.  And while we can’t know for sure I imagine the idea of the program was planted in CH3 but the plan and determination solidified quickly after the trial and exploration amped up her paranoia (she acts very erratically at the beginning of chapter 4 and seems very panicked). 
And while this isn’t related to why I think her mindset makes sense in CH4 and how CH3 fueled her desperation to get out but I also don’t think she could have just been stopped. While how Kokichi reacted and sacrificed her and Gonta as a countermeasure- I don’t think there was some magical easier solution that would have stopped her. If Kokichi had told, no one would have believed him and it could have ruined any chance of cohesion and cause more murders. If he had refused to go in, she could have likely shifted her target and changed someone else’s avatar settings. And if he had just died or murdered her... the two people with the knowledge of her inventions would have been gone and the game would have likely carried on. And when the outside world reveal eventually did happen... Gonta could have very likely still tried to end it all for everyone to protect them from that awful reality. It’s an extremely messed up situation regardless and really interesting to think about but I do think the impact of CH3 gets overlooked in the motivations of Miu, Gonta, and Kokichi in CH4. And I also think it’s super important to not overlook Miu’s and Gonta’s roles and motivations either 
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arysthaeniru · 4 years
Just came over from spiraling downhill. You’re writing is so lovely, I’ve beeen reading and rereading it for the past week or so. Maybe once I can get my thoughts more organized I’ll try and leave you a more detailed comment on what I love in particular over on ao3 but I struggle to put my thoughts to words on a regular basis as it is so uh. Basically, Kiryu’s inner monologue is very very fun to read and all you’re characters are written out in a way that makes them feel layered and lovely. Like a warm and flakey biscuit.
But anyway, if you’re still taking Drabble requests I’d love to see some more nishiki and haruka interactions. I think about the one we see from nishiki’s POV in his interlude a lot and how uh. Terribly it went. What does haruka think of nishiki exactly anyway? She distrusts him but he’s also clearly someone Yumi and Kiryu love. I just think that could be a fun thing to untangle or just take a glance at.
Thank you so much for this lovely ask <3 <3 I’m so sorry I took so long to reply to it,, but I’m so so happy that you enjoy Kiryu’s inner monologue. I always wonder if he’s a little too thoughtful in my fics, but I prefer leaning into Kiryu’s emotionally competent side. 
And there is more of Haruka’s thoughts on Nishiki in the next chapter actually!!! It was supposed to happen last chapter, but Nishiki and Kiryu dominated that one. So instead, I’ll give you a snippet from a yakuza 3/4 AU in this universe that I’ve been idly daydreaming about! I keep thinking about a three-part structure of Nishiki + Haruka + Mine / Kiryu + Majima + Daigo / Yumi + Reina + Akiyama....anyway. I’ll probably never actually write that, but it haunts me anyway. 
Nishiki looks up from his paperwork with surprise. Kiryu’s kid doesn’t often come to him, even though Nishiki’s on kid-watching duty almost half the week, these days. She usually does homework and watches TV in the main room once she’s back from school. And sure, they exchange pleasantries when Nishiki gets up to get coffee and runs into her in the kitchen. They’ll talk about her classes, what takeout she wants for dinner, whether she needs money for some club-related expense. But it’s all casual stuff, polite things.
Nishiki knows that Haruka doesn’t trust him. Just as her relationship with Yumi’s been slightly wary since the events atop Millennium Tower, her relationship with Nishiki’s been strained ever since she’d first met him. He doesn’t begrudge her that, though. It’s a healthy thing for a kid to have grudges about life-threatening things. He’d held grudges against people for simply wearing similar clothes to him, back in the day. Kiryu’s ultimate peace is more unnerving than this quiet, normal resentment.
Still, they’d fallen into something of a habit of not really talking to each other when Kiryu wasn’t around, so her approaching him in his office with such a strangely determined look is unusual.
“Need something, kiddo?” Nishiki asks, putting away the paperwork.
“...yeah.” she says, after a long pause. There’s almost something shamefaced on her expression, and Nishiki’s curious. Kiryu’s never once really gotten angry with the kid, not in his earshot. He’s always open with her too, talking about his feelings and his reasons for his parenting decisions. Why isn’t she going to him with whatever this is?
“Well, I’m all ears.” Nishiki says, with a nod, gesturing for her to pull up the stool in the corner, so she can sit by his desk. She does so, and meets his gaze, brows furrowed, and lip tightly pressed together.
“I need your advice. There’s—well. There’s a group of kids at school who’re really mean to everybody from Sunflower. And me too, because you know. We don’t have normal families or nice new clothes or anything—and that’s fine! I don’t need that sort of stuff.” Haruka says, stumbling over her words, “But. It’s not fair for everybody to have to endure that sort of hardship. I want to...make them stop.”
Nishiki blinks. Bullying? Why wouldn’t she tell Kiryu?
If Kiryu knew that Haruka was being bullied, he’d puff up with outrage and rage towards the cool on a rampage path for justice by meeting every teacher until he extorted a promise from each of them to protect orphans—which would, of course, ironically guarantee that nothing would change, and that things might actually get worse. Right. Nishiki knows how school administrators think, and an ex-yakuza coming into the school and demanding what looks like “special treatment” won’t do anything but escalate the situation. There was a reason that Kazama had never stepped in with their school situation as children, and for all that the old man had been a shitty father, he’d understood those optical politics well.
Haruka’s come to Nishiki not because she trusts him more than Kiryu, but because she knows Kiryu’s approach isn’t useful. She wants Nishiki’s help.
“That’s difficult.” Nishiki agrees, pressing a hand to his face, briefly, “It’s hard to get bullies to stop. You’ve told the teachers, I presume?”
Haruka nods. “But they won’t do anything! Kanae-chan’s dad’s on the school board. And Erina-chan’s one of the top students. Her group can’t do anything wrong!”
“So, you want something else?” Nishiki asks, and at Haruka’s miserable, fervent nod, Nishiki feels his own righteous fury rise in his chest. Even if he’d briefly entertained the thought of simply telling her to toughen up, he can’t now. “Some things never change. We always used to get bullied at school too. And the one thing I know about bullies is that they don’t stop unless they’re scared to act up. But you can’t just punch them into submission, it doesn’t work like that.”
He remembers all too vividly the pitched battle he and Kiryu had upheld against their bullies in high school. The endless fights, the stealing and hiding of possessions, the name-calling, the taunting, the vandalism of the orphanage—it had never mattered what cruelties rich children with nice, neat families said or did, though. The image of chinpira punks like Nishiki and Kiryu in their second-hand clothes, bruises all over their cheeks, always won out. Nobody had ever believed their claims of protecting themselves, nobody had believed their claims of self-defence. All fighting back had done was paint themselves in the image of evil.  
“...so, what do I do then?” asks Haruka, and even though Nishiki knows that Kiryu’s not her real Father, the stubborn set of her jaw looks <i>so</i> much like him. He shouldn’t do this. These sorts of tactics aren’t the sorts of things to be used against children, in Kiryu’s clear-cut world. But Nishiki knows how cruel children can be, how deep those wounds in your heart can slice.
Haruka is Yumi and Kiryu’s charm, their bright hopes for the future. He can’t let her get hurt like they all had been. He doesn’t want her to be hurt like they had been.
“You ever heard of the ghost of Rukia-san?” asks Nishiki, casually. When Haruka shakes her head, he explains. “Rukia was a bullied student, small, helpless, weak, and everybody laughed at her and called her names and pushed her around. One day, they took things a bit too far. When they shoved her head in the toilet, they drowned her...the bullies managed to pretend it was an accident, but Rukia-san’s ghost knew better. Filled with righteous rage, she wreaked havoc upon the bullies, one by one, until they came clean and thoroughly repented for their crimes. Not satisfied with this, her ghost haunts the hallways of other schools now, looking to torment other vicious bullies...”
Haruka’s eyes narrow. “Is that a real thing?”
“No.” Nishiki says, with an immediate scoff. “But you want the bullies to believe it’s real. If you fight back yourselves, they can tell the teachers. But if what looks like supernatural events occur, with no way to pin it on you or any of the Sunflower Kids, what the fuck are they going to say? They can’t tell on anybody.”
The kid looks interested now, any hint of wariness has vanished from her frame as she leans closer, clearly intrigued. “So....how would I pull that off?”
“First, you’d want to get them nice and paranoid. Is there somewhere that’s both private and public? Your bullies hang out in the bathroom much? You’ve got to tell some of the other kids this ghost story, and then do a summoning ritual, very publicly. To make it look like it worked...I dunno. We can get you something with static electricity, so everybody’s hair stands on end, like she’s in the room. Or you can get a classmate to pour water everywhere. Or you have some fake blood somewhere. Point is—you get the bullies a bit paranoid. They might roll their eyes, call it fake, but a part of them will be thinking about it, no doubt.”  
Nishiki lays it out, carefully, like he is planning a coup. Haruka’s eyes are wide, completely rapturous. “Yeah, they hang out in the bathroom sometimes.” Haruka agrees.
“Then, once you’ve set that up, it’s time to let the chaos ramp up. Stick insects or frogs in their seats, leave them threatening letters, have strange voices and rattling around where they are—pull as many pranks as possible.” Nishiki explains, “But this is the key: you have to pull this off as a group, and you have to have group alibis. The bullies might try to accuse you, but if a different person does every prank, and all you orphanage kids hang out together, it’ll be hard for them to figure who’s doing it. You need a completely united front from all your friends.”
Most of the teachers had always treated most of the kids at Sunflower like a faceless, voiceless horde. If that characterization persists, Haruka using that stereotype to her own advantage will be critical.
Haruka’s brows furrow, thoughtfully. “Not all of them will like this...I don’t know if Sakuno or Shika would be up for it.”
Nishiki looks at Haruka, and shrugs. “That’s difficult. But ultimately, you have to ask your friends whether their own sense of morality is going to prevent them from protecting the younger children. This isn’t kind or righteous or something that will feel good. But the bullies will leave you alone. A fear of consequences is one of the only reasons that bullies stop. And since the school will never impose consequences on rich students, supernatural consequences might be the only way.”
Haruka looks down, and her hands clasp together. “I want to protect everybody.” she says, finally, her voice solidifying with conviction. “Nishikiyama-san. Please help me.”
Nishiki can’t help be grin, as he leans forward to ruffle her hair. “It’ll be my pleasure.”
And her answering, hesitant smile is like being blessed with sunshine after years of rain. Nishiki had never thought much about children, even after Kiryu’s insistence that they look after Haruka, but he thinks he gets it a bit now. Haruka’s smile is a mirror image of Yuko’s and his heart aches, and he cannot help but feel wistfully happy anyway.
He failed Yuko. He can’t fail this girl.  
Uncle Nishikiyama finally enters the small antechamber where he’d deposited Haruka and her DS two hours ago, deep circles under his eyes. He and Uncle Kaz always look so tired these days, busy with things they don’t often tell her about. Still, there’s a slightly kind look to his eyes as he removes his cufflinks and rolls up his sleeves.
“Hey kiddo,” he says, with a yawn, “Want to get some ice-cream?”
“Mmmm.” Haruka agrees, easily, “Can we get one of those big strawberry parfaits? We can split it!”
Uncle Nishikiyama agrees and tilts his head towards the door. Haruka presses the save button, snaps the DS shut, and follows after him. She holds her hand up automatically, before remembering that Uncle Nishikiyama doesn’t really ever hold her hand or touch her. To her surprise, though, he takes her hand. Maybe he’s even more tired than he looks, because there’s an almost surprised expression to his face when her fingers close around his warm hands.
Haruka, who has become something of a master at saying something sweet when things get awkward, smile widely. “Did the meeting go okay?”
Uncle Nishikiyama nods, absently, turning his gaze back towards the evening streets of Kamurocho. “Yeah, just some urgent problems with supply. Had to move some things around and yell at some people. Easily enough solved.”
“Mmm, sounds boring.” Haruka says, wrinkling up her nose, and she delights in the fact that it wrenches a laugh from him.
“You don’t know the half of it.” he says, darkly, “How was your game? Did you do well?”
Haruka shrugs. Even though Uncle Nishikiyama has a gigantic plushie of Bulbasaur in his bedroom, he doesn’t really seem to know anything about Pokémon. She wonders if maybe he’d had a kid who’d liked Pokémon, but the fact that Uncle Nishikiyama doesn’t talk about other children and seems to get tense when Haruka tries to play with the Bulbasaur makes Haruka think that she probably shouldn’t pry any further. Something tragic’s there.
Haruka’s come to realize everybody has something tragic, something in their past that makes them hurt and feel pain, and the kindest thing you can do for people is to simply be there for them when it hurts, and not dig too deep.
“It’s okay,” she answers noncommittally, instead, “I beat Whitney, but I have to wait until tomorrow for the bug-catching contest in this region.”
Uncle Nishikiyama just nods, not especially interested, but not especially bored either. “When you’re close to finishing this game, let me now, and I’ll get you another one, okay?” he asks, pulling them in to the fancy French café just by the Millennium Tower.
“Thanks!” she says, with a wide grin, as they sit down and look at the menu to order.
She doesn’t know what to make of Uncle Nishikiyama, really. He’s a strange man, to whom violence comes far too easily, but he’s quiet these days, in a contemplative way that reminds her more of Uncle Kaz. He likes meat and fancy food and expensive clothes, but he’ll also join her in watching idol shows and reality dramas on TV, if he’s not got paperwork to do. He has a quick temper and gets mad easily, but is also pacified easily, and when he’s in a good mood, he’ll give everybody lavish presents. And he’d helped her too. There’s a clever shrewdness and unyielding determination whenever he helps Haruka and the Sunflower kids plot about how to get the bullies to leave them alone. She appreciates that kindness, that ruthlessness, even as it occasionally scares her.
And, the fact of the matter is, he’s at home way more than Uncle Kaz is, these days. Which is an automatic plus in Haruka’s book.
“You look a hundred miles away.” Uncle Nishikiyama says, with an amused smile. “What’s wrong?”
Haruka shakes her head and buries her worries and annoyance and irritation with Uncle Kaz and her Mum and everybody who she loves but never seems to have enough time with her. She’s sensible enough to understand that you treasure the people that are here with you. No use crying over spilt milk—even if she really wants to. “Nothing, really. Just thinking about how much I want to do karaoke.”
Nishikiyama gives her a look. “Isn’t it a schoolnight?”
Haruka returns the look firmly. She wouldn’t have had the courage to do this two months ago, when she’d first tried to properly ask Uncle Nishikiyama for help, but now, she knows him better. He’s a familiar evil. Easily bargained with, if you know the right leverage. “You’re the one who took me to Kamurocho on a schoolnight. Besides, I did all my homework already, while I was waiting for you to finish your boring meeting.”
Nishikiyama’s lips quirk up at the sides and he props up his chin in his hands with a sparkle in his eyes. “What’s in it for me if I take you to karaoke?”  
“You get to sing too!” Haruka says, and then quickly realizing that’s not enough, she smiles angelically, “And you’ll get the best, most enthusiastic backup cheering that you’ll ever hear!”
Nishikiyama nods, firmly. “That’s more like it.” he says, and grins, broad and amused. “Attagirl. You’ll be ready for anything in no time.”
There’s such a fierce fondness to that absent-minded compliment and Haruka can’t help but beam at him. She’ll love whoever will have her, and as long as Uncle Nishikiyama will spend time with her, she’ll take him. Evil or not.
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holyhellpod · 4 years
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Heyoooo, it’s another episode of Holy Hell! This one is dedicated to the manchild himself, Dean Winchester. 
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Transcript below!
CW: discussions of child abuse, child death, suicide, alcoholism, family trauma, mental health
Dean Winchester is, in a word, my soulmate. I started kinning him when the show aired in Australia on Fox8 and I have not been the same since. From his devil-may-care attitude to his undying love for his family that pierces the veil of death to save the day, he really is the most. I have to say at the beginning that this episode of Holy Hell will not include discussions of Dean’s sexuality and gender. I’m saving that for its own episode, so stay tuned my pals.
What we know of Dean as he develops over the course of the first episode is: he’s been hunting, and hunting alone, he’s 26 years old, he drives a sweet ‘67 Impala, he wears an old leather jacket, he listens to 1980s metal, and he has an arsenal of weapons and supernatural fighting talismans in his trunk. He’s also a smartarse, one of his most endearing qualities. He gets defensive about their mother and her death, and he defends their father over and over. He’s a loyal son and brother. The impetus to bring Sam back into the hunting life, after Sam decided for good that he was going to leave, is to bring his fambily back together.
The quality that defines Dean Winchester is how much he loves he loves his fambily. In the first episode, he is so worried about his father that he recruits Sam to help look for him, even though Sam and Dean haven’t spoken in two years, and Sam ran away to college rather than continue to live with their father.  He spends most of the first season defending their father, but when John comes back and starts arguing with Sam, Dean protects his brother from John. It’s one of the most significant examples of character growth Dean undergoes throughout the entire series, and it’s where his loyalty shifts from John to Sam.
In the episode of season 2, “Croatoan,” Dean decides not to shoot Sam when Sam contracts the Croatoan virus which turns people rabid and makes them kill. In the next episode, “Hunted”, Dean reveals that John told him to kill Sam if Dean couldn’t save him. But Dean doesn’t. He says that John begged Dean not to tell Sam, but it’s not John’s words that keep Dean silent. It’s his love for Sam and Sam’s wellbeing. And this brotherly love slash codependency is used by characters throughout the entire series, from the demons in season 1 to the literal character of God in season 15, to manipulate Dean and Sam. As many characters have pointed out, including Dean and Sam themselves, they are each other’s weak points.  
At the end of season two, when Sam dies from a stab wound in his spine, Dean trades his own life for Sam’s. He makes a deal with a crossroads demon—his soul for Sam’s life—and subsequently dies and goes to hell at the end of season 3. Dean literally dies a gruesome death and spends forty years being tortured in hell because he couldn’t live without Sam. At the end of Season 8, Sam is dying from the effects of the trials, which he undergoes in order to close the gates of hell, and Dean convinces him to stop because, again, he can’t live without Sam. Sidenote: this is where I stopped being interested in their brotherly dynamic to the point of losing interest in the show. It became clear to me that the showrunners were more concerned with rehashing the same tired storylines between Sam and Dean than focus on characters who could expand the world and make the show better. In fact, they killed a lot of the interesting side characters in order to keep the show solely focused on the brothers. The exception to this is Castiel, and the reason they kept Cas around is because when he died in season 7 the ratings tanked. If that wasn’t a clear enough sign that the showrunners needed to open up the show to more than just Sam and Dean’s caustic dynamic in which they die and kill for and then betray and lie to each other over and over, then I just don’t know what the fans could have done to convince them. Nothing, apparently, because they ended the show with just Sam and Dean.
Dean’s relationship with John is fraught with insecurity and codependency. Dean has so little sense of self that what he does consider to be his carefully curated list of likes and dislikes were inherited directly from John: his car, his leather jacket, his hunting abilities, and his music taste. He also throws himself into hunts without any regard for his own safety, because he doesn’t believe that he is worth saving, or that his life is worth living. His personality is crafted from both John’s reliance on him as a son, hunter and partner in crime, and the woman he assumes Mary to be. Dean’s sense of self-worth relies on how many people he can save. This is why, in season 2 episode “What is and what should never be,” Dean’s dream reality is one in which he’s a low life loser who disappoints his family—because without John pushing him to be a hunter, Dean doesn’t save people, and because he doesn’t save people, he isn’t worth anything. Bear in mind that this is the best reality Dean’s mind could conjure for him: one in which his father is dead, and he himself is not worth saving.
In one of the most famous exchanges, he asks Cas why an angel would rescue him from hell, and Cas replies, “What’s the matter? You don’t think you deserve to be saved.” Twenty-nine years of bluster, insouciance, and a give-em-hell attitude crumbles in two sentences, wrought by a being Dean refuses to believe exists because, again, he doesn’t think that he deserves to be saved by them. He says, “[Why me? I don’t like getting singled out at birthday parties, let alone by God].” He thinks of himself so lowly that he accepted a one-year deal in exchange for Sam being alive. Dean cares so much about his family he lets it kill him.
But it’s not just Sam, Mary and John. Dean’s family grows to encompass a number of side characters: most notably Bobby their surrogate father, Charlie Bradbury the hacker, Claire Novak, Jack Kline, and Lisa and Ben Braeden. Even Mary makes another appearance in seasons 12 to 14. Unfortunately, because the show is the way it is, Dean puts Sam above all of these side characters, and then these characters are written out of the show. I should specify that Cas is not a side character; in most seasons, Misha Collins is billed as a main cast member, with his name appearing after Jensen Ackles in the credits. But he still dies in the third-last episode in order to have the show stay about the brothers. Even Jack, inarguably Cas and Dean’s son, is written out of the show in the second-last episode after dying multiple times. I say inarguably because I am not gonna argue with anyone about this. Claire and Jack are Dean and Cas’s kids. Dean and Cas are great parents who chaperone Jack’s prom and buy Claire her first hunting bow. They’re all one big happy, queer, neurodivergent family.
Dean loves the people in his life with reckless abandon. The times he’s excused Cas’s behaviour after Cas has done something ridiculous or foolish are too many to count. He grieves Cas’s multiple deaths, often succumbing to his alcoholism and entropy whenever Cas leaves him for more than a day. In a truly beautiful scene, Dean wraps Cas’s corpse in a curtain and watches, utterly and completely devastated, as his body burns. By this point, they have done so much for each other that it’s impossible to even envision the show without Cas, and indeed imagine Dean without his love for Cas. And we don’t have to for very long, as he always comes back a few episodes later. Even knowing this, the episodes where Dean mourns Cas are so heartbreaking and haunting that I cried for days after watching them.
Dean is great with kids, and every time he’s not is completely the fault of whoever is writing him in any given episode. We see him bonding with Lisa’s son Ben in season 3 and 6, Jesse in the season 5 episode “I Believe The Children Are Our Future,” and Lucas in the season one episode “Dead in the water”. With every child he meets, Dean gets on their level, empathising with them in a way most adults can’t. Like Claire and Jack, Dean has a complicated relationship with his father, who dies in the beginning of season 2 after bargaining his soul for Dean’s life to the demon that took their mother. Just like anyone else’s life, right? Must be Tuesday. This means Dean can relate to most children with traumatic backgrounds involving their parents, as a victim of parental abuse and having his mother die at age 4. I can’t find any sources to back this up, but a theory that rolled around in fandom was that Dean became mute after Mary died, which is what happens to Lucas after his father drowns. He says in “Dead In the Water” that he loves kids, and it’s true. As one tumblr user put it, Dean wanted to be baby trapped.
Dean carries the deaths and pain of his loved ones with him like Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders. When Claire is bitten by a werewolf, the characters administer blood of the sire wolf that bit her in order to cure her of her lycanthropy. Dean has to leave the room while she’s in pain, because he can’t bear to watch her die. The same goes for when Jack dies. Thankfully, Claire lives and Jack comes back a few episodes later.
When thinking about Dean being a father, I’m reminded of that scene from Scrubs when Dr Cox says he’s worried about being a father because his own dad was an abusive alcoholic. The difference between Dr Cox and Dean is that Dean doesn’t have his reservations about raising kids. He fits into Lisa and Ben’s life easily, at least for the first year, and we see a montage which includes him teaching Ben how to fix cars. When Claire lets her guard down enough to hug Dean, he hugs back just as hard. When he finally deals with the trauma of Cas dying in season 13, he accepts Jack into his life, and even grieves Jack when he dies. Dean escapes the intergenerational trauma that plagues his family by being a fantastic dad to the random kids who happen into his life by chance. He was born to be a father, and the fact that this show took that away from him and us as the audience makes me want to kick the showrunners into the sun.
Until season 6, Dean’s family only included men. The concept of the nuclear family—two sons, a husband and a wife—was ripped apart in the prologue of the first episode when Mary dies. Dean doesn’t know family for the first 5 seasons of the show outside Sam, John, Cas and Bobby. I do consider Ellen and Jo to be important to the story, but they’re only in a handful of episodes and die in season 5 for a reason that is plainly ridiculous. Did the Winchesters have to lose every single person in their lives to the fight? Clearly Kripke thought they were going to be cancelled after the fifth season, because it shows. And honestly? Maybe they should have. Let’s retroactively cancel the whole show. It can’t hold power over us anymore, because it’s dead and we cremated it.
But when Dean moves in with Lisa and Ben, he discovers a new type of family he didn’t have before, and new family dynamics. Instead of the 28-year-old son that Sam is to him, he takes the opportunity to teach Ben about cars and spend time with him and Lisa without the need to hunt. He gets a job, he makes some friends, and he lives the safe, apple pie life he begrudged Sam for in the pilot episode. It’s only when Sam reappears in his life that Dean’s codependency strikes again and he realises that he can’t live half in the normal world with Lisa and Ben and half in the hunting world with Sam. Sam says this himself in the first episode of Season 6, “Exile On Main Street”. Despite the ways Dean tried to settle down throughout the rest of the 9 seasons, the showrunners ultimately decided a man who was healing from trauma and alcoholism, who had adopted two kids as his own, and was learning how to bake cakes for his son’s birthday, deserved to die at the ripe age of 40, a week or so after he’d learned that his best friend was in love with him. You gotta laugh. Instead of getting the ending both Dean and we deserved—which was Dean settling down, opening a bar, and living the next forty years in relative gay peace while he got fat and watched Cheers reruns—well, we got something else. And I will always be bitter about that.
While it’s clear from the first season that he has reckless and suicidal tendencies, he doesn’t stop fighting to the bitter end. Even when faced with his own impending death in the season 2 premiere, “In my time of dying,” he fights to stay alive for Sam and John, while working the mystery that is overcoming his own death. Devastated as he is by Sam diving into hell at the end of season 5 and seemingly gone for good, Dean still gets up everyday and makes a life for himself in Lisa’s home. While season 6 was overall a bummer of a season, just god-awful in every aspect, saved from my complete vitriol only by “The French Mistake,” it did show us how great a dad Dean can be, and readied us for what was to come—being Claire and Jack’s dad. The lengths he goes to for his family are immense and all-consuming. As Cas says in “Despair”, Dean is a being of love. He loves everyone else, even when he can’t find it in him to love himself. He really thinks that he’s just a killer, not a father or a husband.
I’ve never subscribed to the idea that we have to love ourselves before we can love anyone else, or before anyone else can love us. Sorry Rupaul, you old bitch. We are all deserving of love, because love sustains us and helps us grow. And when we don’t know how to, it’s through loving others that we can learn to love ourselves. If Dean knew what a great father and friend and husband and brother he is, if he could see himself the way others, in the show and out of it, see him, I think he’d burst. You don’t like getting singled out at birthday parties? Well tough shit, Dean Winchester, because I’m gonna devote an entire podcast to you.
I talked about Dean’s carefully curated list of likes and dislikes before but I’ll go into more detail now. Things he likes: guns; rock and roll; nice cars; women; fighting; scamming people at pool; back alley blowjobs, probably; pie; driving across the country; Ozzy concerts; cowboy movies; being in control of every little thing in his life. His dislikes are: flying on planes; hair metal; angels and demons; anyone who harms his brother, his best friend or his kids; boredom; and being jerked around.
Okay I literally cannot talk about the cowboy movies without mentioning that he makes Cas watch them with him, in his Deancave, and the implications of that make my head roll off my body and into the dirt. Like they literally have gay little movie nights and watch their gay little cowboy movies together and Dean says all the gay little lines. I said I wasn’t going to talk about his sexuality, but mentioning cowboy movies leads to Cas wearing a cowboy hat and saying “I’m your Huckleberry.” This makes me insane. Excuse me, I must have my daily scream.
Okay, I’ve collected myself. Have I? Let’s just move on. In the Winchester tradition of inherited family trauma, Dean gets all of John’s interests, and Sam gets all of John’s mistakes. Dean’s personality throughout the show is basically quippy remarks, pop culture references, laughing with food in his mouth, and grouchiness. In case you haven’t realised, he is amazing to me. Every time he fires a rifle or pistol? Couldn’t be better. Eating a burger made of out donuts? Fucking incredible. Even when faced with beings with untold power, he doesn’t lose his cool. One of my favourite exchanges is when Zachariah comes to Chuck’s house in the first episode of season 5, “Sympathy For The Devil,” and starts soliloquising at him, Dean tells him to “cram it with walnuts, ugly.” Cram it with walnuts, ugly. It’s been ten years and that still makes me laugh. Top ten Dean lines for sure. Like all of my main characters throughout the years of writing original fiction are just “Dean Winchester but girl,” and I’m a good writer, but I can never come close to the level of hilarity that he achieves. And every single writer on the show seems to get that. The only times I can think of where Dean’s characterisation has irked me on a writing level are in season 6—basically the entire thing—and the way he treats Jack in the later seasons, specifically late season 15. But it’s really rare for me to watch an episode and not enjoy Dean. Even throughout the Mark Of Cain era, which I loved, when things were very serious, he had such style and panache and held himself so confidently that I was like, wait maybe he made some points? Maybe he should kill everyone?
Dean is a hunter and a killer, but that’s not all he is. He’s very skilled in hand to hand combat, weaponry, and tactical manoeuvres. Even when something doesn’t go exactly to plan, he’s usually able to improvise something to end up with a win. Because he is the main character, his choices and reactions, while sometimes extremely problematic, are never questioned, and that’s to his detriment. In the last episode of season 14, “Moriah,” Dean is unable to kill Jack, but in early season 15, he treats Jack’s betrayal as Cas’s fault, because he can’t take it out on Jack. Cas leaves, but it’s framed as a good thing because Cas is Jack’s father, and has to take responsibility for what Jack has done. In this instance, I don’t blame Cas at all. Okay I rarely blame Cas for anything, including the things he’s done wrong, because no he didn’t and you can’t prove it. But he especially didn’t do anything wrong when Jack killed Mary, and he didn’t do anything wrong by killing Belphagor. But by the middle of the season, in the episode “The Trap,” Dean admits his wrongdoing in taking his anger out on Cas, one of the only people who loves him without conditions. You’d think this would be a defining moment of character progression, but then Dean chooses to act exactly the same way by throwing Jack under the bus. Like, throwing him harder, under a bigger bus. So what was the point.
Anyway, those are choices the writers made, and not Dean.
Going back to what I was saying about being neurodivergent, Dean has adhd. I know this because I have adhd, and I’m Dean-coded. He’s wildly creative, impulsive, has a touch of OCD, and he has a hard time making long-lasting friends, although this is mostly due to how all his friends die. His best friend is an autistic angel and the only reason they’re still friends is because they’re obsessed with each other, in like a really unhealthy way. One of the funny things about his and Cas’s relationship is that every time you see them in the same shot, Cas is standing perfectly still and Dean is constantly moving. They are almost complete opposites, aside from their queerness and neurodivergence. But then, I haven’t met a single queer person in my entire life who isn’t neurodivergent or disabled in some way. That doesn’t mean we can’t live perfectly functional and normal lives, it just means we’re better than everyone else.  
Dean also exhibits black and white thinking—to him all felons are redeemable and all monsters should be killed. Felons are redeemable because he himself is a felon, and monsters should be killed because they all do monstrous things. When faced with the possibility of angels being real, he refuses to believe it for the first two episodes, because, as he says, “he’s never seen one.” Eventually he learns how to see in shades of grey and not kill every monster he meets, but this is because of his time in purgatory with Benny, his Cajun vampire boyfriend.
Another sign of Dean’s ADHD is physical sensitivity. In the season one episode “Bugs,” he comments on the shower’s water pressure. Like it’s a big deal to him, when he’s only ever used 1-star motel room showers. In the later seasons, he’s also seen to wear a fluffy robe and soft pajamas with hotdogs on them and socks that say “Send Noods” but noods spelt like noodles. And so he should! Dean deserves comfort! He’s a special boy.
ADHDers often have problems with executive function—remembering appointments, cleaning up after ourselves, showering, eating, even going to the toilet when we need to pee. The hunting life excludes Dean from the normal functions of usual life, such as dentist appointments, dropping the kids off at school, meal prepping for the week, or turning up to a job on time. These were only factors in Dean’s life during the gap between seasons 5 and 6 when he lived with Lisa and Ben, and it’s not shown how his executive dysfunction impacted his suburban, settled life, but Lisa does mention that Dean drinks a lot. It’s another thing he inherited from John, much as I did my alcoholism from my father, and my adhd too. But Sam doesn’t drink to excess more than a handful of times over the entire 15 seasons, whereas Dean subsists on alcohol to get through the day. At one point in season 11, I’m pretty sure, don’t fact check me, he is shown to be drinking a beer at about 10 in the morning, because, as he says to Sam, “You drank all the coffee. What do you want me to do? Drink water?” Dean your liver must be quaking.
Excess is a common problem for people with ADHD. We have problems with limiting ourselves—because our dopamine machine broke, anything that gives us a little bit of high—such as sugar, sex, alcohol, stimulants, any kind of food that is bad for us but tastes real good—we usually have it in excess because we can’t help ourselves. In the season 4 episode “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester,” Dean eats the entirety of the candy in the Impala. The only reasons I don’t eat everything in my fridge every day is because, one, I don’t have the money, and two, it’s all ingredients I have to prepare and not ready-made food. Whereas Dean has only known fast food for the first 10 or so seasons until he starts cooking and baking and settling into domesticity. Like anyone who gets UberEats every day instead of cooking for themselves knows how expensive that is. He also engages in meaningless sex, although people have pointed that Sam actually gets more on screen action than Dean. But I know a lot of amab people who engage in casual sex with randos because it satisfies a base need. Dean could be classified as hypersexual in some regards, but I know what hypersexuality feels like and it’s like this overwhelming miasma where you can’t think about anything except how horny you are, and I don’t think Dean has that normally. Maybe when he was a demon in season 10, but generally I think he can control himself.
His settled life in the men of letters Bunker is a far cry from his flashbacks in season 8 to Purgatory. From what we know of purgatory, the land of gods and monsters, it was a year-long monster hunt, but without any of the boring paperwork. Dean got to fight and kill as many vampires, ghouls, leviathan, etc as came his way, which is why it’s absolutely ridiculous that he died by rebar in a vampire fight. He spent an entire year spilling blood and chopping off heads, day and night, and he dies by metal bar to the spine? And he’s not even coughing up blood? Andrew Dabb, I’m coming for you. Of course purgatory is the perfect place for Dean because it’s constant adrenaline, constant excitement, constant stimulation, which is what every day life lacks. Even Dean’s every day life is like, 20% monster killing and the rest is leg work. They go weeks or months between cases, and sometimes don’t find the monster at all. So I’m not surprised he gets bored easily and drinks. Would if I could too, my pal.
Which leads me onto Dwelling. Dean dwells on the horrors of his life in a way I do and my carefree older brothers don’t. In the season 4 episode “Heaven and Hell,” he reveals to Sam that he remembers his entire forty years in hell, and there are flashes of his memory littered throughout the season in creepy, split-second increments. He dwells on the people who die, doing his thousand-yard stare into the funeral pyre of everyone they cremate. In the most egregious display of dwelling, he rewrites history TWICE to deal with his grief — in season 8 he makes himself believe that it was his fault Cas didn’t come back from purgatory with him, and again in season 13 he invents the story of Jack controlling Cas to deal with his grief over Cas’s death. His PTSD twists the truth until it becomes another way to torture himself, because if someone gets hurt it’s on him; everyone who loves him is just one more person to disappoint.
On a lighter note, Hyperfixations, equivalent to Autism special interests, are a common trait of ADHD. Some of Dean’s hyperfixations include: hunting in general; cowboys and cowboy movies; the musical Rent; the movie Braveheart; larping. He loves dressing up and acting, and what is putting on a monkey suit and lying about being a Fed if not larping? Oh god the meta of that coupled with the season 4 episode “The Monster At The End Of This Book” is making my head hurt. And actually, the next episode of Holy Hell is on the subject of meta-textuality so stick around if that’s something you enjoy.
One of the amazing things about ADHD is creativity. Since we’re easily bored and easily amused, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of our curiosity. In season three episode “Bloodlust,” Dean decapitates a vampire with a miter saw, something that even veteran vampire hunter Gordon Walker comments is a thing of beauty. Dean creates a Ma’lak box in season 14 episode “Damaged Goods” as a way to contain Michael if he ever inhabits Dean’s body again. Dean is always making up words like “were-pire” and “Jefferson Starships,” and he has an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of pop culture, which he references in almost every line of dialogue. Like tv and movies raised me, but even I don’t understand a lot of his references. It’s almost like he’s a character in a tv show being written by dozens of people. But that’s not right. He’s a real person and my friend. My friend Dean Winchester, who shouts me burgers and passes out on my couch.
Also, I’m bragging now but as of the day of writing this I got my ADHD diagnosis and it feels so good to have a doctor, a psychiatrist in fact, confirm my belief. After about three or four years of figuring out I have adhd and then trying to make everyone else believe me when I say I do, it feels like a huge weight off. Dean deserved to feel that. He deserves to put a name to his differences and be in charge of his life instead of letting his anger, confusion and impulses control him. If anyone is worried that you might have something and don’t know whether to pursue a diagnosis, my two cents are that it has only improved my life. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Affective Disorder in 2014 and it allowed me to go on medication, which snapped me out of the worst period of anxiety I have ever gone through and also a psychotic episode that featured talking walls and a swarm of Christmas beetles. Trust me, we all need help sometimes, and some people like me need more help than others, but you can take control of the forces in your life that hold you back. As my mother used to say to me when I was a child, the world is your oyster. It really fucking does get better, and since I started on the right anti-depressants for me my life has improved so goddamn much. The world is fucked right now, and it’s impossible to even function on most levels. We all need therapy. I myself have a gp, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist and they keep me relatively sane. I would not be alive if I didn’t have years and years of ongoing therapy and good drugs. Plus I journal everyday and practice gratitude. I’m still crazy but the craziness is contained and doesn’t hurt me anymore.
Despite never going to therapy, Dean grows from being a loner with one friend (his own brother) to someone with a wealth of connections and family. He picks up new people to love like he’s velcro, and when he goes in he goes all in. He would die for the people he loves. He’s constantly putting himself in danger to protect his loved ones. In the Season 6 episode “Let It Bleed,” Dean captures and tortures demons in an effort to find out where Crowley took Lisa and Ben. He then has Cas wipe their memories so that they don’t remember him and can live their lives without him, at his own great distress. In season 5, he goes to Stull Cemetery to impinge on the fight between Lucifer and Michael, just to be there for Sam. As Dean says, he’s “not going to let him die alone.”
That being said, I do have to talk about Dean’s very few, but ultimately life-ruining, flaws. His emotional dysregulation makes his moods unpredictable at best. By virtue of his black and white thinking, he forces the people he loves to choose sides between him and other characters, such as Sam and Ruby, Cas and Crowley, Mary and the british men of letters, and Cas and Jack, and when they don’t choose him, he passively aggressively, and sometimes just aggressively, tortures them until something else usurps their betrayal. His anger issues are par to none, and often get him in a lot of trouble. But since he is the main character, he never really faces consequences for this, and neither does he mature. Even in the final season episode “The Trap,” while Dean admits how angry he is and how wrong he was for taking it out on Cas when Jack died, mere episodes later in “Unity” he turns Jack into a nuclear reactor to take out God, and Jack dies again. His characterisation in the last few seasons, especially in regards to Jack, is all over the place. I would have to start a murderboard to explain how Dean feels about Jack and how he reacts to what Jack does in every episode. Like, pictures and red string and everything. And even then I would not be able to comprehend exactly what the writers did and what they thought they were doing.
But unlike me, Dean always believes the best in people until proven otherwise, and he does always come around to the people who atone for their sins. Even when Sam refuses to get his soul back in season 6, Dean keeps trying until Sam is put right. Between seasons 7 and 8, He spends a year in Purgatory looking for Cas despite how Cas sent Sam insane, ingested billions of monster souls, and became God. When the people he loves choose him, he chooses them back.
But even when they betray him, lie to him, deceive him, and hurt the other people in his life, he can’t stop loving them. He never stops loving Sam or Cas or Jack or Mary or John or Bobby. He loves with everything he has. He is, as Cas says, a being of love.
Oof. That was a lot of words and I feel like I only just scratched the surface. Like realistically I just talked about fambily and ADHD. There is just so much to Dean Winchester that maybe I’ll make another episode sometime. But I am definitely making an episode purely about Dean’s gender presentation and sexuality in the future. You can find the show at holyhellpod on Tumblr where I post transcripts for the episodes and Instagram where I post memes.
I don’t see myself doing an episode about Sam any time soon, Not because I don’t like Sam, but because I can’t stand Jared Padalecki. He’s done some things that I can’t support, and I’m really bad at separating the art from the artist. Especially when it’s something like Supernatural, which is not art. Supernatural is an experiment. It’s not Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry. Like Jared Padalecki didn’t invent rock and roll, you know what I’m saying? However, if you really want me to do an episode about Sam, you can pay me 101 Australian dollars and 50 Australian cents at patreon.com/holyhellpod. I’ll talk to you next time.
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ferarum · 3 years
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                                                          ❝ 𝒾 𝒸𝒶𝓃’𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓂𝑒 𝒶 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 ❞                                                       
                                                 meet ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ʙᴇᴄᴋᴇʀ
faceclaim: danielle rose russell
profession: college student
age: 22
sexuality: bisexual
inspo: the final girl trope, survivor, wolf in sheep’s clothes, looks innocent but could kill you.
plot: girls night gone wrong !! we accidentally summoned a demon !! 
                                                   affiliated with @shcdemon & @wldchvld
background:                     ( content warning :  kidnapping, abuse, guns, demons ? )
the case involving alice becker kidnapping & abuse was famous in the 80′s, but quickly faded away in the overwhelming and ever-growing terrible crimes around the country. alice, however, never forgot.
now she’s an adult, a single mother that made sure that her daughter would never feel as helpless as she once felt.
daughter of an survivor, angel had a happy childhood, but it was far from normal. 
on top of being a single working mom ( alice nowadays work as a private detective ), she taught her daughter every skill she judged necessary if she’d ever find herself in need to protect herself.
angel knows self-deffense, how to fight, how to hold a huge number of guns and to never go out unarmed. the first thing she does every time she enters a room is to check for escape routes and some might say she has some serious trusting issues, albeit she rather say she’s cautious.
she barely remember her father, since he left when she was five. all that angel knows is that he wasn’t a nice person and never came back for her, so she forced herself to ignore his whole existence.
despite her trust issues, she tries to be nice to everyone at first, but that changes the exact moment the person becomes a threat to her or her loved ones.
she didn’t believe in supernatural, despite half of her friends being firmly believers, until lizzie appeared.
she’s a jock TM and plays volleyball. she specialized as libero (bc of her height), but she’s also a great outside hitter. her legs are ridiculously strong from jumping high enough to make up for her lack of height.
she gave each riley, rachel, paige and hana a personalized, portable self-defense kit last christmas. who needs friendship bracelets when you have matching self-defense key rings?
                                                 angel & the rest of the squad:
lizzie: lizzie is the demon terrorizing and hunting angel and her friends, after being summoned in what was supposed to be a fun girls night. the girls made the mistake of playing with a ouija board and forgot to close the link. they never said goodbye and now lizzie is loose on the world.
riley: angel relate to riley more than most people can imagine. they’re both wild kids, but angel is way better at hiding it. they have a lot of common interests and angel often follows enables riley’s bad ideas, going along with every single one of them under the condition that riley brings her along so angel can protect her if needed.
rachel: the ouija board was rachel’s idea, even though she was also the most afraid one when her friends actually accepted it. she’s the official rich friend TM and angel their friendship is one of those that just happens. even with all their differences, they just clicked and quickly became inseparable. 
paige: paige is the reason that angel is in this friend group at all. they dated for a few months and angel slowly saw herself building friendships with paige’s friends. so, when they decided to break up (it was a mutual thing, they decided it was better for them to be just friends), angel stayed around. her love for paige only grew without the pressure of being in a relationship, but now she knows it’s a platonic love. they’re still very close and the only person from whom angel accepts fashion tips is paige, our local punk.
hana: while hana is the mom friend, trying to keep the girls out of trouble and often acting like the voice of reason for the group, angel is the dad friend: the one that doesn’t fight the dumb ideas, but join them to make sure everyone is safe. so, they work greatly together, balancing each other out and taking care of the friend group with a fierceness that’s unique to both of them.
connor: he’s paige’s twin brother and that’s how angel will always see him. which is terrible for connor, since he now has a crush on angel. if that wasn’t enough, connor and riley dated for a while and, while connor has moved on, riley hasn’t. none of this stopped connor from helping when the girls ran to him saying they accidentally summoned a demon. he helped, but not without a proper dose of judgement for the plain dumbness of dealing with forces they didn’t know.
justin: he’s angel’s closest friends outside of the girls. albeit they met through connor (justin and connor are the true definition of bromance), they got closer because they’re both huge jocks. justin is one of the few people that angel can stand on the prep rallies and, albeit they don’t practice the same sports, they can spend hours talking about it. justin is also rachel’s newest fling, and that’s why he got involved in the girls night gone wrong.
johnny: all you have to know is that angel is constantly wanting to punch him in the face and is just waiting for the opportunity ( she hasn’t done it yet because riley supposedly likes him and they’re ‘dating’ )
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adikospodcast · 3 years
hello everyone and welcome back to adikos, a true crime podcast, or welcome in case you're new! my name is arete, i'm your host, and first of all i'd like to thank you all so much for all the support you've been giving me on my first episode: i'm obviously still really new to podcasting, it's something i only do in my spare time, but i'm really, really glad you guys enjoyed it, and i'm definitely gonna keep going with your support!
so, today i wanted to talk to you about a case that is really old and really well known, but that surprisingly few people actually know the ending to: i'm talking about the story of the abduction of europa here, and i feel like most people are tangentially aware of that, since she is the woman who gave the name to europe, but not many people actually know the full story beyond like, the moment she got kidnapped, and they don't know that this case actually has a happy ending, which is lovely to hear about for a change, with all the terrible and grim stories that are so common in true crime!
now, before we go on talking about this case, i wanted to give you a bit of background on europa's actual family history, because there are a lot of players at hand here, and i just wanted to make sure that basically you know who they are, even though i'm going to keep reminding you just in case throughout the video. so we have her father, agenor, who was born in memphis, in egypt, to poseidon, the god obviously, and to libya, but he left egypt to be ruled by his brother and he settled down in what would become phoenicia, and he founded the city of tyre. in tyre he met a naiad whose name is telephassa, though some people report it as argiope, but i'm gonna refer to her as telephassa since it's the most commonly used name, and the two married and together they had four children, who were: phoenix, who would become the heir to the throne, cadmus, cilix, and europa, who was the only girl in the family, basically. now, in this case we have another element, another participant, whose relation to the family is really unclear, and i wanted to try and clear up, basically, his presence in the whole story: he is thasus, and he's said to have basically a different connection to the family in pretty much every source i looked at; he has been said to be the son of agenor, the son of cilix, or even the uncle of europa and her brothers! so the one thing that we actually know about him for sure is that he is somehow, someway related to europa, which will be relevant later on when we get into the actual events of this case, but i just wanted to give you this basic, real brief overview of the family tree, so you can have that in mind basically throughout this story.
so, europa grew up in tyre, surrounded by her family and by plenty of friends: by all accounts, she was an extremely beautiful young woman, and she was really kind and sweet, she really got along with everyone she met. she and her brothers were really close growing up, and all three of them were really protective of their little sister, but she also had lots of female friends, aside, of course, from her handmaidens. so, according to one source i read, the night before everything went down, europa had a dream that really deeply shook her to her bones: she dreamt that she was being contented between two lands, which were personified as women, and one was dressed as basically was the custom in europa's culture, she was clinging to her, saying she belonged to her, but the other woman was dressed in foreign clothes that europa had never seen before, and she was violently tugging on her, and she ripped her away from the other woman, saying it was the will of the "bearer of the aegis" for europa to belong to her. the aegis is, as you may know, the legendary shield of zeus, it's basically his symbol, and in my opinion this may have been a prophetic dream of sorts that the fates may have sent to her, seeing what was going to come in her future.
europa woke up terrified and shaking, she was understandably really afraid of this dream; she called for handmaidens and told them everything about the dream she'd had, and they suggested going down to the beach together, to* help her clear her mind out, basically. now at this time it was nearly dawn, the palace was still asleep, besides the girls, and europa and her handmaidens just snuck out in silence, headed down to the beach without being escorted by anyone, but without even telling anyone, which is obviously a really unsafe thing to do – please always tell someone where you're going, in case something happens – but europa didn't want to have to wake anyone up, understandably, and besides, they thought, they were not completely alone: they were quite a large group of girls, so in their minds it would be a bit hard for anyone who wanted to harm them or sneak up on them to actually do something, because they were so many.
now, basically, the beach that the girls had gone down to was somewhat close to the palace, and it was at the base of a hill; and at the top of the hill was the enclosure of agenor's cow herd, which really just gives you an idea of just how old this case really is, this was still a time where having a big herd of animals was what made your wealth, what made your affluence. so, because this was right at sunrise, the cows were beginning to stir, obviously the herd was beginning to wake up, and suddenly they started acting up, for no apparent reason: they began pushing against the enclosure they were in, they even broke down the fence that was holding them in, and they set themselves free basically, and then the entire herd began running down the hill and running towards the beach that the girls were on, which is obviously really frightening, i don't know what i would have done if i was one of those girls.
now, at this point the girls were just lying in the sand, playing on the seashore, enjoying themselves, looking at the sunrise in peace, but when they noticed the herd of cows that was barreling towards them, obviously they got really scared, and they tried to move out the way so they wouldn't be trampled; however, once the herd actually got to the shore, it began to calm down, and the girls were able to get close again, and some of them even began to play with the cows, petting them. and when they were interviewed, europa's handmaidens reported that europa herself got really close to this one specific big white bull she said she'd never seen before among her father's animals, and she began petting him, and weaving him a flower crown, and the bull just sat there patiently and tolerated all that she did to him, just everything that she could do, he just to let her do whatever she wanted with him. now, the situation that the girls were in was obviously a bit unusual: obviously it's not every day, and it was not every day at the time, that you would go to the beach and be surrounded by cows, but they weren't really worried, you know, they had no reason to be; as long as they didn't anger any of the cows, any of the bulls, they thought they could enjoy themselves for a bit, then head back to the palace and tell agenor that the herd had escaped; however, they could never have imagined what was about to happen, obviously.
once europa was done leaving her little flower crown for her bull, she showed it proudly to all her handmaidens, she was really happy about it, and she climbed on the bull so she could reach him better and put it on his head. now, according to what the girls said when they were interrogated, in that moment, when europa climbed on him, the bull got on his legs, with no sort of warning whatsoever, he took off running straight into the sea as if he was taken by madness, and europa was obviously powerless to do anything but try to hold on and not fall off into the sea. she called for help, she screamed as if she was being murdered, but obviously the other girls couldn't do anything: they risked getting seriously injured if they got too close to the animal, and they thought they were too far away from the palace to get help there and come back in time before anything had happened.
now, what happened next was even crazier than that, and that is that once the bull actually hit the sea in his run, he wasn't stopped by the water, he kept galloping straight ahead as if he could just easily travel across the water, and europa obviously held on even tighter, she was terrified that she might fall into the open sea, she didn't know how to swim all the way back to the coast! and at that point, the handmaidens lost all sight of both her and the bull, and they realized that something supernatural or divine was probably afoot, so they rushed back to the palace, they called on to agenor, told him what had happened; now, many of the people who originally were reporting on the investigation when it was still ongoing were quite suspicious of the fact that the girls hadn't gone to call for help while europa was being taken away, but only after she had been lost, only after her traces had been lost, and some even insinuated that they may have had something to do with the disappearance!
now, obviously i can understand that you want to follow every possible trail you have and consider every single suspect during the search and the investigation for a missing person, especially when it comes to the last people that saw her, but i don't think that this suspicion really holds, or even held at the time, any water whatsoever: the girls, the handmaidens, were europa's closest friends, and there was no enmity between them that could motivate them to do something terrible to her and invent a lie to cover their tracks, and this is not even to mention the fact that they were a bunch of young girls on a beach, they had no tools or anything to even harm her or hide her body, even if they had wanted to hurt her. and to me this is, at least, the case of someone witnessing something terrible and being traumatized, shell shocked, and unable to do anything until it's over, and if i try to put myself in their shoes, though hopefully i'm never going to be in the same situation, i can completely sympathize with their behavior.
thankfully for the girls, agenor and his family had always known them and their families, and they were ready to believe their terrified account of what had happened, especially when they saw that the herd had been let loose and the fence was torn down in a way that couldn't have been done by them, even if they had tried. everyone in the palace was extremely scared and really upset at europa's disappearance, she was a lovely girl and all those who knew her really could never have hoped for something like that to happen, and everybody both in and outside the royal family offered to help look for her.
agenor, since he was the king of tyre, he was aging, he was getting really old, he made the incredibly hard decision to not go search himself for his daughter, but remain alone to rule the city on his own, as he was afraid he would be more of a hassle than a benefit to the search efforts; but he sent his sons, who were europa's older brothers, to lead the search parties that would look for her, and he made them swear on the gods and on their life that they would never come back home unless they had found her. telephassa, europa's mother. was absolutely distraught at the loss of her daughter, of course, but she vowed that she would find her no matter what, and she left tyre to look after her herself, alongside thasus and a small search party of their own.
all the brothers said their goodbyes to their native land and vowed to find their sister no matter what, and they left with all the volunteers who wanted to help look for the princess; they took different ships and sailed in various directions, so they could try and cover as much ground as possible, and whenever they encountered land, whether it be an island or a coast, they would explore it and usually interrogate the locals, if it was an inhabited place, on whether or not they had seen any girl in the likeness of europa, wearing the usual tyrian attire, possibly with a bull or with another animal, or even with a god; but no matter who they asked, all they received was no after no, and europa just seemed to have completely vanished into non-existence. now, these search efforts went on for years, and they explored practically every island and every coast in the eastern mediterranean, which is obviously a massive area to cover. i cannot begin to imagine what europa's relatives were going through, knowing their sister, their daughter was gone, and desperately looking for any sort of closure about what had happened to her. and the brothers were obviously interviewed many times on this case, later in their lives, and cadmus said that they knew their sister was still there, just barely out of their reach, as if the gods were taunting them or something, and that their failure to find her had deeply traumatized them for the rest of their lives, which to me is terrible to even think about.
eventually, even though they were being eaten up by guilt, by sorrow, the brothers had to settle down somewhere, after years and years of fruitless searching. cadmus ended up settling in boeotia, he founded the city of thebes and married the goddess armonia; cilix found himself in the south of anatolia and he conquered the area, the area we know as cilicia, and he gave origin to the population of the region, which we know as cilician because of him; thasus and telephassa had taken to exploring the northernmost parts of the coast, and they ended up in thracia, which is really far away, and they settled down in the very small island of thasus and they founded a colony there, and this was the farthest away from their homeland of tyre of any of them; as for phoenix, what ended up happening to him is one of the saddest parts of this whole case, in my opinion.
so, you remember how i said that agenor had forbidden his sons from ever coming back to tyre unless they had found their sister? well, the brothers took that really seriously, and for good reason: agenor was one to stick to his promises, no matter how outlandish they were, and none of them wanted to risk what may have happened if they had dared to come back. only phoenix, who was the heir to the throne, dared to come back years after the events, to reclaim his rightful place in the city; and as soon as he and his ships even set foot on the land of tyre, agenor spared his son no mercy whatsoever. at first, he thought that maybe he had actually found europa and brought her back, but once he saw that his sister was not with him he threatened to kill him, kill his own son, if he did not leave immediately, and that he would not be so kind the next time he saw him. and obviously phoenix ran away with his ships, with his people, but he didn't go really that far from home: he settled down in the northern part of the coast, and when his father died and the throne became empty he wasted no time going to tyre, snatching it up and conquering it, and basically conquering all the neighboring territories, and creating the area which we now call phoenicia in his honour.
now, you might be thinking that this story is sad enough on its own, it's one of the sadly many cases of a girl getting kidnapped, disappearing, and her family never knowing what happened to her despite their best efforts, and even falling apart because of her disappearance; but in this case, we actually do know what happened with europa after she was kidnapped away by the divine bull, and i think that once you hear what happened you'll find it a bit ironic, to say the least. so, once the bull took off into the sea with europa on his back, he actually landed in crete, and he brought the girl to the highest point in the island, in the middle of the woods on top of a mountain, so that nobody would notice what was happening and where, which actually means that she was probably not so far away from her brothers when they were first looking for her, since crete must have been one of their first stops, i assume, being so close to the coast.
obviously europa was really terrified, and she had no idea where she was, what was going on, but she had also caught on to the fact that this bull was probably a god, or at least some sort of supernatural creature, and she just froze and let him take her where he wanted, obviously she didn't want to anger him. when they reached the mountaintop, the bull tossed europa to the ground and he revealed himself in his human form; he introduced himself as zeus, the king of the gods, and told her that he had been beguiled by her virginal beauty as soon as he had set his godly eyes on her, and that he had brought her to crete to seduce her and then give her a husband which was fit to marry zeus's lover.
europa was understandably quite shocked: it's one thing to joke around with her friends about seducing zeus, and it was definitely another thing to be actually abducted by him, with the very real possibility of being violated by him. she balked at first, refused to do anything with him, and when zeus saw that forcing himself on her would be of no avail, he went for a different route to get to her heart instead: he gifted her a lavish golden necklace, sculpted by hephaestus himself, and promised her more gifts to come if she were to accept him. and seeing how far he was willing to go to seduce her, to have sex with her, europa thought she had no choice but to accept his advances; she gave up, she let him take her, do whatever he wanted with her, and when she was, later in her life, interviewed about her relationship with zeus and the children she bore by him, she stated that when he would come to seduce her she would just lay down, dissociate herself from what was going on, think of anything else that could get her through the encounters.
every time that zeus came down from the skies to visit her, he would bring a new present, and each one was more miraculous, more enchanted than the last: the first was talos, an animated bronze giant which moved of its own will, and whose entire original purpose was to actually protect europa from being kidnapped or harmed, which i think is quite funny; the second gift was laelaps, a hunting dog which always managed to catch its prey, and the third was a magic golden javelin which never failed to miss its target. and all of those objects have actually gone down in history, and you may have heard of them before, because europa actually kept them, even after the end of her relationship with zeus, as she passed them down to her sons, after all they were still magic items gifted to her by a god and they may turn out to be useful one day.
speaking of europa's sons, her relationship with zeus actually gave her three children, minos, rhadamantos and sarpedon. obviously she couldn't be left to raise them all alone in the woods, but she also couldn't publicly reveal that she had slept with zeus and had his children, which would risk unleashing the wrath of hera on herself, and also the judgment and disbelief of everyone around her; and of course zeus himself knew this, he had done this countless times before, and even to europa's own ancestor io, who you may know as the woman who was turned into a cow to protect her from hera. so, zeus introduced europa to asterion, the king of crete, and through his intermediation the two of them got married, and asterion even adopted arapa's three sons, since he had no male heirs of his own. and all of them, minos, rhadamantos and sarpedon, would go on to become really important figures, especially minos, who would actually ascend to the throne of crete, and europa was able to live a long, happy marriage with asterion and with zeus's blessing, though she never was able to see her brothers, or parents, or friends, or even just her country again, and they in turn never really know what came of her.
so, this was the case of the abduction of europa! i think this is a really peculiar story, like you don't hear many of them nowadays, and this is for a few reasons. obviously this case is extremely wrapped up in its supernatural element, of course, it centers the abduction of a girl by a literal god, and i feel like it just goes to show how far back this case dates to, to the point that the gods were still mingling with humans on a daily basis and engaging with them, both in the positive and, obviously, in the negative ways. and i think that cases which directly center the gods are far more tricky to handle than the ones where everybody is human: like, with the case of procne and philomela, which i talked about in the last episode, all the people involved were humans, they all had the same standard of morality, more or less, so we can more easily empathize with them, say what they did was right or wrong; but the morality of the gods is so deeply different from ours that we can think something is wrong by our standards, but we will never know the actual reasoning behind a god's actual action, we will never know what their morality is, what the moral value judgment of that action is for a god, and i think that's what makes cases like this really tricky to handle, and why i think i'm going to focus more on human-dominated cases in the future, if that makes sense.
another reason why this case really fascinates me is how bittersweet it is: obviously we know, from the reporters who tracked europa down years and even decades after the event, that she ended up being fine, living a long, happy life, but her brothers, her father, her mother never got to know that, and it's not like europa could exactly reach out to them or vice versa, and that is what really makes this whole story stand out to me: it's not every day that you get a case where everybody's fine in the end but they don't know that, and they are still haunted by that uncertainty; it's the way we, as bystanders from centuries and millennia later, are able to get a closure that the family involved was unfortunately never able to get.
i hope you guys enjoyed today's episode, leave a like if you did! let me know what you thought of this case in the comments down below, and if you have any suggestions or any cases you'd like to hear me talk about, and subscribe if you'd like to never miss out on another true crime episode of this podcast. always remember that every tragedy is born of man's hubris, and i will see you guys next time!
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ragingbookdragon · 5 years
Forging Paths PT. 6
Batsis Story!
A/N: Okay, right next to the ending, this was my favorite part to write. Catharsis is what this is y’all. And even if I’m cringing, I’m proud of this. -Thorne <3
In the twenty-seven years that (Y/N) had been alive; she had only seen her father's wrath a handful of times. The first, when she was ten and blindly put herself in harm's way to protect him.
 The second, when she was nineteen and Jason was fourteen, and they took a joyride all the way to Panama City in Bruce's brand-new Maserati GranTurismo.
 The third, when she was twenty-one, and a screaming match occurred between them over who was to blame for the death of a brother and a son. 
The fourth and final, was when she was twenty-three, and she stared down her father's cold fury as she left Gotham City for good. Yes, (Y/N) had seen her father's anger, and she no doubt expected to see it once more when he returned to the cave. Upon arrival, she immediately took in the sight of injured Tim sitting on an examination table, with the other's gathered around. Hurrying over, she saw Alfred stitching up a bullet wound in his right shoulder. "What happened Tim?" He kept his eyes downwards, looking at the mug he'd been holding, a grimace on his face. Jason leaned over and spoke to her.
"We got to the bank after dropping Penguin off at GCPD, and Timbers was in the manager's office, putting antibiotic in his wound. Two-Face got him when he wasn't paying attention. I told Dick to take him back to the cave and I'd go after Two-Face." She glanced over at Dick who'd been assisting Alfred.
"And where is Two-Face now?" Jason finally looked at her.
"Sitting next to Penguin at GCP- Holy shit what happened to you!?" At Jason's outburst, all eyes moved to (Y/N) who leaned over to look in the mirror hanging in the medical room. Dried blood was smeared across the majority of her neck and face. Alfred, who'd been focusing on Tim, began expressing concern.
"Ms. (Y/N), why are you covered in blood?! Master Dick go get a rag and some antiseptic and start helping her." Dick went to go wet a rag, and (Y/N) waved them off.
"Don't worry about me, it's not my blood." At this, everyone stopped and stared at her. Jason's face morphing into a look of concern.
"(Y/N), what did you do?" She took the rag from Dick and began wiping the blood from her face.
"I survived. That's what I did." Jason's face dropped.
"Did you do what I think you did?" She looked at him and gave a small smile.
"Don't worry about me little brother. I can handle him." The four men in front of her all shared a look, before Tim spoke up.
"Yeah, I'm all glad we're concerned about (Y/N), but I'm still in pain. Can somebody do something about that?" Jason reached over in flicked him in the forehead.
"I can step on your foot and you'll forget about your shoulder." Tim reared up and eyed him irritated.
"Jason that makes no sense." Jason rolled his eyes and threw the towel he'd been holding at Tim's head, before grabbing (Y/N)'s arm and pulling her off to the side.
"What happened out there?" (Y/N) looked down, reluctant to explain anything, until Jason placed a hand on her shoulder. "(Y/N). What happened?" His pleading tone cut through her and she sighed.
"There were three warehouses at the complex. Damian took the first, I took the second, and Bruce took the third. When I got in, I took down the guards, but their leader got the better of me and I started getting the shit choked out of me. I did the only thing I could do. I defended myself. Next thing I know, I'm on a roof getting told I had to come back here and that I wasn't a part of the mission anymore." What started off as an explanation, ended in an angered rant. (Y/N) closed her eyes and dipped her head back, inhaling slowly, then exhaling, trying to calm the simmered fury. Jason placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I believe that whatever decision you made, you made it knowing it was the best you could've." She opened her eyes and stared at him; he smiled back at her. "I'm always on your side big sis." He opened his arms, and she leaned in, wrapping hers around his waist.
"What would I do without you kid brother?" He thought for a moment.
"Crash and Burn." She snorted and pulled away, whacking him in the ribs.
"Supernatural reference? Really Jason?" He shrugged.
"What? It's a great show." She turned and went to the refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of water.
"Yeah, cause you think you're like Dean." He placed his hands on his hips and responded.
"I'm not like Dean, Dean's like me. I'm better than Dean." She rolled her eyes and sat down at the table, propping her feet up.
"Just keep telling yourself that wayward son." His eyes crinkled at the name and he went to sit beside her, when the Batmobile pulled into the cave. He glanced at her and watched her sit up, a hard look in her eye. Damian got out first and went to change out of his uniform, eyeing (Y/N) as he walked by. Jason moved to her side and listened as she began to take steady breaths. She looked up at him, eyes clear, and he grinned down at her and quipped,
"Out of the frying pan." She snorted and stood up, smirking at him.
"And into the fire." Moving to the center of the room, she stood waiting for him to arrive.
He walked slowly to meet her and she could see the anger in his eyes as he removed his cowl. He stopped a few yards away from her and stood up straight. Jason might be tall, but Bruce was taller. He stared down at her, jaw set firmly. From a distance, one would've thought they were just staring at the other, but in reality, this was a silent battle of who was going to give first. He did; he always did. "Mind explaining why you decided to deliberately disobey my orders tonight?" The way he spoke to her, that condescending, holier-than-thou attitude, made her blood boil, but she wasn't ready to give in yet, instead choosing a tone of almost humorous apathy.
"No, not really." Wrong answer. She thought, as he took a menacing step towards her, face hardening.
"Excuse me? What did you just say to me?" She took a step forward too and crossed her arms.
"I don't particularly believe I owe you an explanation for what happened tonight, and frankly, I don't even think you deserve one." She watched the fire rage in his eyes, and felt a deep satisfaction at being the person who was pouring gasoline into it.
"It doesn't matter what you believe or what you think, the fact of the matter is, you murdered someone tonight." She rolled her eyes but stood her ground.
"No, I defended myself tonight." He reared back, almost disgusted.
"By killing someone!? That's not defense (Y/N)!" She would've flinched at him, but she had long ago grown out of being afraid of him.
"When someone has his hands wrapped around my throat, you better fucking believe that's a damn sure way to defend yourself!" By now, everyone had all but gathered around the two of the screaming family members, watching a long-anticipated eruption occur. "I made a choice tonight to kill someone who was hell-bent on killing me! I don't believe I'm in the fault here! But just because I'm your fucking kid and I killed someone, it's just eating you up inside isn't it?! But it's not even that! It's because I am the only person you can't indoctrinate with your twisted sense of moral justice and it drives you up the fucking wall!" He was seething now, his words twisting a knife deeper into her.
"Yes! Because that's not how I raised you!" (Y/N) watched red color everything thing she saw.
"News Flash Dad, you didn't raise me! I raised myself! I pulled myself out of the goddamned gutter and rose to where I stand right now! I did that! Not you!" She was almost hysterical at this point, fury burning brighter than the sun.
"You're saying that I didn't raise you?! That I didn't take care of you?! Me?! Your father?!" (Y/N) didn't know what happened, but something inside her snapped, and the next thing she knew she was launching herself at him, punches and kicks flying.
"My father?! You've never been a fucking father to me! You've always acted like a strict teacher, but never a father! You're a damn disgrace to good men who call themselves fathers! How dare you claim that you cared about me?!" The pain in her hands and feet let her know she landed some blows, until a well-placed kick to her torso sent her flying back, rolling a few feet on the ground. She rose and began to run at him again when Jason wrapped his arms around her middle, locking her arms to her chest. (Y/N) resisted, but the sound of Jason shushing her silently broke the dam inside and hot, angry tears rolled down her cheeks. The strength left her body and she let Jason lower her down until they were sitting on the floor, her sitting curled up between his legs. She stared beyond the tears at Bruce, voice thick with despondence and pain. "You never cared about me. You've never cared about any of us. You never have, and you never will. We're just pawns to you in this stupid war on crime." She was sobbing now, barely able to get the words out. "I have always tried to be good enough for you. To be a good daughter. But it is never enough. Nothing ever pleases you." She sucked in a deep breath, and calmed herself enough to speak, and looked at him, voice dripping with loathing. "I hate you." Bruce's eyes went wide as he stared at her. "I hate you so much. I hate your name, I hate your house, I hate everything you stand for, and sure as hell I hate the fact that I am related to you. You are a poor excuse for a man and a father." Everyone's faces morphed into shock at the contemptible confession. (Y/N) let the rest of her pent-up emotions flow free and she rested her head back on Jason's shoulder and allowed her broken sobs to echo in the cave.
When (Y/N) came to, she was laying in an unfamiliar bed. Sitting up quickly, she glanced around the room, until her eyes rested on a snoring Jason. She didn't remember what happened after her meltdown, all she remembered was someone carrying her. Jason must've brought me to his apartment in the narrows. She looked over and saw her gear resting on the dresser. Careful, not to wake him up, she got out of bed and started slipping it on. Once she was dressed, she pulled the sheet off the bed and draped it over his sleeping form, taking note of the half empty bottle of vodka next to him. She huffed a laugh. Guess little brother needed a break from his feelings too. She thought. Rummaging around, she found a piece of paper and a pen, jotting down a few lines on the paper before folding it and placing it where he'd see it when he woke up. Walking into the kitchen she pulled a glass from his cabinets and filled it with water, picking up the bottle of aspirin on the way back. Placing them beside the note she leaned over and pressed a kiss to his temple, freezing when he moved, but only to groan and roll onto his stomach, burying his face in his pillow. See you around sometime kid-brother. She thought as she smiled at him. Standing up, she took in one last view of the apartment before heading to the window. Cracking it open, she leaned out and shut it behind her. (Y/N) climbed up to the roof and sat on the ledge, looking out at the city as it began to wake up. Golden rays appeared over the outlines of buildings as the sun rose. She felt empty, but it was a good kind of empty. Like everything she'd been holding onto was finally gone. She may have burned a bridge to the ground, but she felt relieved by it. And as she watched the sunrise, she looked down at the city and for the first time since she was sixteen, she thought,
You know, in this light? Gotham doesn't look so bad after all.
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liya4kar · 3 years
Liyada’s Fics Masterpost
It was time I wrote a Fic Masterpost.
So for everyone who is interested by my fics, firstly I invit you on my AO3 where you can litteraly find everythng, especially since I don’t post the fics directly on Tumblr. 
And if you want the details, here we go!
Also here the plan, because the post is really long lmao-
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-chap fics
a) Three Years
b) The Magical Dexholders
2. AUs
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
b) Legendary Dexholders
c) Blonde Family
d) Yokai AU
3. Stand-alone OS and Drabbles
a) OS
b) Drabbles
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champion (Marvel)
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-Chap Fics
a) Three Years
This one is my baby, the one I had been working on for 2 years and a half, the one I progressed the more in, and also the one I haven’t updated in a year even if I have 6 chapters ready to post, cause I’m lazy af. Also the ones where you can very easily see how much my writing progressed since I started writing for Pokéspe.
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death (though this one is complicate and don’t fully apply)
Genre: Angst, Adventure.
Words Count: 69,567
Statut: In Progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM.
Relationship: Background Frantic, Entourage, Agency and Laverree, a lot of other friendships.
Summary: Some secrets should never be revealed. Or should they?
After a strange explosion, X and Y fear the apparition if a new threat for Kalos, and decide to get themselves implicate. But things are not as simple as they look, and nothing will go the way they want. And as those attacks take bigger scales and start to involve a large number of people, they would have no choice but to find the motive behind them to stop them; even if it means getting back on some bitter memories from three years ago they all would have preferred to forget...
List of chapters: Part I: Kalos
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1. The Explosion
2. The Lumiose Badlands
3. Shalour City
4. The Attack
5. Next Action
6. Lumiose City
7. Blackout
8. Chase in Lumiose City
9. The Next Day
10. Couriway Town
11. Sunrise
12. Tic Tac
13. Terminus
Part II: Unova
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14. A Day in Driftveil City I
14.5. A Day in Driftveil City II
15. Welcome to Unova I
15.5. Welcome to Unova II
16. The Twist Mountain I
16.5. The Twist Mountain II
b) The Magical Dexholders
This one is purely self-indulgent fic, where I basically write the dumbest thing that get in my mind. Aka some Dexholders become Magical Girls or Boys, but they’re dumb, but it’s okay because the bad guys, their friends and their world in general is dumb.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Words Count; 27,944
Statut: In progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM, and some OCs
Relationship: Diamond & Silver, Blue & Yellow & Gold & Platinum, Green & Crystal & Pearl
It’s an emergency! The Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil has invading the Pokespe world and take over the region of Kanto! Some magical fluffy creatures needs help in order to stop the Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil!
The day Dia met a strange professor fan of Magical Boy and a strange pink creature, he knew his life would never be the same...
In the meantime, Blue and Yellow have to face a terrible threat to get back their home, but get new abilities in exchange.
List of chapters:
1.  A story is not interesting if nothing go wrong in it
2.  If you are a Magical Boy, don't forget to take an insurance for building destruction!
3.  If the authorities say that a radioactive cloud did magically stop at the border, you can totally trust them!
4.  You can’t be a protagonist if you don’t have an ultimate move, a dark past or a secret identity!
5.  No matter how good it looks on TV, sh*t stay sh*t!
6.  An homage to a work becomes a fanfiction when it becomes an important part of the plot, you moron!
7. If you update on the 1st April everyone's gonna believe it's a joke, even if it isn't, so update on the 31st March!
2. AUs
Those fics are not multi-chap fics, but more like OS and drabbles that are related between each others.
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
Heavily inspired by Gintama, AU where Lack did not get back in Interpol and started doing odd jobs instead. Serie of Drabbles.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Characters: Lack-Two, Whi-Two, X, Sun
Relationship: Lack-Two & Whi-Two, Lack-Two & X, Lack-Two & Sun
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters:
Dogwalker Lack-Two in action!
The Blazing Begining of Odd Jobs Yorozuya no Lack-Chan! 
b) Legendary Dexholders
In a world where being a legendary Pokémons can be boring, the legendary Pokémons decides to have a little bit of funs. Shenanigans ensue.
Aka the legendary Pokémons decides to become humans, and of course they happen to be our favorite DHs.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Friendship, Family, Supposed to be comic at first but also goes on the character study sometimes
Characters: Silver, Giratina, others for next OS.
Relationship: Implied Preciousmetal, Blue & Silver
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters: Giratina
c) Blonde Family
In which Yellow, Pearl, Bianca and Y are all cousins. Shenanigans enssue.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Family, Comedy, Crime
Characters: Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, Y
Relationship: Yellow & Pearl & Bianca & Y
Family reunions are rarely all peace and calm. But when, out of four cousins, you have three Dexholders and a clumsy professor assistant, things are bond to be messy.
List of chapters: To be a cousin, Don't listen others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them
d) Yokai AU
What if yokai existed in the Spe universe? 
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Supernatural, Friendship, Adventures
Characters: Pearl, Schilly
Relationship: Pearl & Schilly
Pearl had first seen them when he was four years old. And he had learned to live with this world only he could see, to maintain his balance of a normal life.
He had just not expected one of his junior to also see them.
List of chapters: Chilling Party
3. Stand alone OS and drabbles
a) OS
Here you can find the 1K+ words stand-alone OS. Links are in the tittles!
A Good Christmas Movie is Made of Hot Chocolate and a Fire-Breathing Cat
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Horror, Parody, Christmas, Hallmark Movie, Specord Winter Writing Event 2020
Words count: 4093
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Y, Sun
Relationship: Implied Laverree and Delivery shipping, Y & Sun
Everything is perfect in Y's life. Too perfect, like in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Now, with a fire-breathing cat name Sun, it's up to her to find a way out of this Christmas hell.
One-shot wrote for the Winter Writing Event on the Specord, with the prompt X & Sun, Horror and Parody, My Life is a Hallmark Movie and PMD, and Chuck E Cheese's Ball Pit.
Celebi-rities in Distress
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Friendship, TV Show
Words Count: 5017
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sapphire, Lisia, Ruby, Emerald.
Relation Ship: Background Franticshipping, Sapphire & Lisia, Ruby & Emerald
Sometimes, it only takes a silly TV show, weird games and arrogant prissy boys to make a new friends.
Or how Sapphire became friend with Lisia to teach Ruby and Emerald a good lesson.
Bonding on the Grand Line
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: One Piece AU, Pirate
Words Count: 2948
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Pearl & Cheren, Mentionned Commoner Shipping, Past Pearl & Diamond & Platinum, Mentionned Cheren & Black
In a world where Gold Roger is still an unknow name, Pearl and his crew left North Blue for the Grand Line. But are they ready for everything waiting them?
Of Swords & Of a Gun
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: AU, Angst, 
Words count: 4209
Statut: Two-Shot, in progress
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Soudo & Bede, Bede & Rose, Soudo & Schilly, Schilly/Hop, Bede & Schilly & Hop
In a world where everyone has a Sword, Bede is an abnormality who has a Gun.
In a world where the Tsurugi family is the best blacksmith clan of Galar, Soudo fails to meet people's expectations.
In a world where they have to fight and find their places, will the two of them discover why they exist? Maybe the answer had been in front of their eyes since the beginning.
Pallet Association
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kanto Week, Angst, Dystopia, May be a bit OOC for certain characters
Words count: 3637
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Prof. Chen
Relation Ship: Green & Blue, Green & Blue & Red & Yellow, Green & Prof. Chen
In Pallet City, one of the biggest megalopolis in the world, the Pallet Association controls everything. Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green decide that it needs to change.
But Green may have forgotten to mention a few details to them.
(This OS have two alternative endings because I couldn’t picke one)
Warning: No Warning Applies 
Genre: Fluff, Domestic, Comedy,  Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Johto Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Relation Ship: Silver & Crstal & Gold
Silver has apparently never heard a fairytale of his whole life, so Gold and Crystal decide to give him an express fairytale class. Turned out that it was a really bad idea.
Festival War
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Hoenn Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Emerald, Latias, Ruby, Sapphire
Relation Ship: Franticshipping, Emerald & Latias, Emerald & Ruby & Sapphire
It's the summer, it's time for festivals, but with the Hoenntrio and their love for bets and contests, it could only go wrong.
Family Business
Warning: Craphic Description of Violence, Minor Character Deaths <3
Genre: Angst, Villain AU, tw: Drugs, Weapons, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Sinnoh Week
Words count: 3596
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Platinum, Diamond, Pearl
Relation Ship: Implied Entourage
Because she was the heir of the Berlitz family, she will continue to develop their wealth and their power, no matter what it takes. No matter if the path she’ll take was full of blood and corpses and crimes.
Parent-Teacher Reunion
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, School life (but it’s still in the canon universe), Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 1
Words count: 2638
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Cheren, Black, White, Bianca, Iris
Relation Ship: Agency Shipping, Cheren & Black & White & Bianca & Iris
Did you ever wonder how was Black's school life? Well, welcome in this parent-teacher reunion where Cheren have some things to say about his childhood friend... 
Crimes Movies are Sad Except When Everyone is Dumb
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Crime, Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 2
Words count: 5565
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Whi-Two, Lack-Two, Hugh
Relation Ship: Whi-Two & Lack-Two & Whi-Two
It was a normal day for Whi-Two. A casting, a murder, two former classmates coming from nowhere... ... Wait, what?
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character Study, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kalos Week
Words count: 2198
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: (Malva’s) Delphox, Trevor, Furfrou, Floette
Relation Ship: Delphox & Trevor, Delphox & Furfrou & Floette
Delphox was strong. Malva was strong, too, but Malva's had lost, so Malva was weak.
Delphox had lost too, but she could not admit she was weak too.
No, she was strong.
It was the boy who was weak.
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Negative Spe AU, Adventure, Friendship, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Alola Week
Words count: 1649
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sun, Moon
Relation Ship: Sun & Moon
Sun always liked helping at the soup kitchen, seeing the smile and laughs of everybody around him, but the lunch breaks were always the best moment.
Too bad that this girl decided to ruin this one.
The Child of the Outdoor
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character study, pre-canon, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Galar Week
Words count: 1317
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Schilly, her Pokémons
Relation Ship: Schilly & her Pokémons
Schilly always loved outdoors. It was joy, fun and great memories. It was her Pokémons, too.
Professor Santa
Collab with @coppertrapinch for the Specord Secret Santa Event! (Check her work she’s amazing!)
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021
Words count: 3623
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Prof. Oak, Prof. Birch, Prof. Samson Oak, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Juniper, Crystal, Gold, Sapphire, Trevor, Soudo, Schilly, Prof. Magnolia
Relation Ship: Prof. Oak & his need for a break
Something was bound to go wrong with Gold organizing a party... but a Secret Santa on top of that? Poor Crystal was just too stressed at work... it was time for Professor Oak to step up to the plate. Can the renowned Professor save Christmas in time without gaining another wrinkle?
...No. No he cannot.
The Christmasly Idiotic Adventures of Pearl and Lack-Two, or the time when two idiots stopped an evil organization while being on a gift hunt
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021, Crime (??), Adventure
Words count: 5326
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Lack-Two
Relation Ship: Pearl & Lack-Two
Pearl liked Christmas. Really. Well, except when some (false) "Gift Fashion Specialist Journalist" disturbs all his plans and ruins his gift hunt. Why do he has to get a present for such a brat anyway? 
Screw up Secret Santa! This year, we're gonna kick some ass for Christmas!
b) Drabbles
Ok no big presentation here cause it’s only very short drabbles (>1K words)
Valentine Day 2020: Laveree Shipping
Valentine Day 2020: Entourage Shipping
X teachs incorrect French words to Gold
Crystal is scary and very powerful
Soudo and Chilly don’t like they English localized name, and Marvin is too young for this
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champions (comics)
Heat-Haze Days
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Angst, inspired by the Kagepro song “Kagerou Days”, Time loop
Words count: 4213
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Miles Morales/Spiderman, Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel, Sam Alexander/Nova
It was a normal summer day, everything was fine... But the heat of haze had decided otherwise, and it was up to Miles to try to find a way out. 
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