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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
Policija zaplijenila više od pola kilograma marihuane
Policija je u Majdanpeku zaplijenila šest paketa sa 625 grama marihuane i uhapsila muškarca iz tog grada, saopštila je danas lokalna policija. Droga je pronađena u šupi u blizini kuće Z. S. (33) a koja, kako se sumnja, pripada osumnjičenom. Određeno mu je zadržavanje do 48 sati i on će biti priveden tužiocu, saopštila je Policijska uprava Bor. Izvor: Nova rs
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spottylightning · 10 months ago
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Ivan Volkov
Gender: Male Nationality: Russian Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia Model: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23M "Flogger-B" Role: Fighter
Avram Gvozdić
Gender: Male Nationality: Serbian Place of Birth: Majdanpek, Serbia Model: Zastava 750 Role: Scientist, weapon designer
Two key characters in Avelina Sokolova's story. Ivan is Joseph's friend, having known the MiG-25 since they were both quite young. He acted as an "uncle" to Ava and was very close to the family. He was the only person outside of Joseph and Sophie to know of the young girl's existence. Ava saw him as an uncle and saw him as family, which greatly helped in earning her trust after her parents "mysteriously" died while she was young. He is much more of a realist than Gvozdić and far better at dealing with people. He's very cunning, cruel and manipulative, though fantastic at gaining people's trust with his outwardly pleasant and calming demeanour. Avram is a scientist who later developed an interest in designing weapons and is a subordinate to Ivan Volkov. He is quite a skittish individual and usually likes to be left alone. Although his true motivations have never been clear, it's safe to assume he finds great enjoyment in figuring out how things work, including living organisms. He doesn't see Ava as a living being, rather, a science experiment he can pull apart and put back together, over and over again.
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oglasavanje · 2 days ago
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lizseyi · 2 months ago
Kinstellar Advises Strickland Metals In Major Gold Mining Acquisition In Serbia
SOG in cooperation with Kinstellar is proud to announce its role as legal counsel to Strickland Metals Limited, an ASX-listed mineral exploration company from Australia, on its acquisition of Zlatna Reka Resources d.o.o. Beograd-Vracar. This acquisition marks a significant development in Serbia’s burgeoning mining industry, as the project holds an impressive 5.4 million ounce gold resource.
Kinstellar’s team, led by Senior Associates Sara Ostojić and Mario Kijanović, as well as Associate Vuk Vučković, provided comprehensive legal services for this acquisition. Our involvement included a thorough legal due diligence of the mining titles, permits, and accompanying documentation of the target company.
Zlatna Reka Resources, whose sole shareholder is Betoota Holdings Ltd, is ultimately owned by Ibaera Capital Fund, a private equity group with its seat in the Cayman Islands and offices in Australia.
Strickland Metals Limited is an Australian mineral exploration company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. The company is focused on discovering and developing significant mineral resources to create value for its shareholders. This acquisition enhances Strickland Metals' portfolio and positions them strategically within Serbia's mining sector.
The Mining Industry in Serbia
Serbia’s mining industry has been experiencing significant growth and investment in recent years. The country is rich in various mineral resources, including copper, gold, and lithium, making it a key player in the regional mining landscape.
kinstellar serbia is known for its significant reserves of gold and other precious metals. The Timok Mag matic Complex is one of the most notable regions, hosting substantial deposits of gold, copper, and other valuable minerals. The Bor and Majdanpek mining districts are also well-known for their rich mineral resources. Recent exploration activities have identified several promising sites, leading to increased interest from international mining companies
The mining industry is diverse, encompassing the extraction of various minerals, including copper, gold, zinc, and lithium. The sector has seen robust growth, with significant contributions to the national economy. Key players in the industry include both domestic and international companies, such as Zijin Mining Group, Rio Tinto, and now Strickland Metals.
The mining sector in Serbia employs a substantial workforce and contributes significantly to the country’s GDP. The government’s commitment to supporting the industry through favorable policies and infrastructure development has further spurred growth.
The acquisition of Zlatna Reka Resources by Strickland Metals is a testament to the growing attractiveness of Serbia's mining sector to international investors. 
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balkanskapravila1371 · 5 months ago
Majdanpek Ziđin vlasništvo zgrade zemljište konverzija
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zanimljivaekonomija · 2 years ago
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Turistička organizacija Srbije (TOS) od 7. do 9. marta učestvuje na jednom od najvećih B2B sajmova u oblasti turizma, ITB u Berlinu. Više od 50 godina ITB sajam prati trendove, postavlja standarde i okuplja više od hiljadu izlagača iz celog sveta koji u tri dana trajanja sajma dobiju priliku da ostvare kontakte, razmene iskustva, postignu dogovore i informišu se o trendovima u turizmu. Radujemo se što ćemo se ponovo okupiti uživo i više nego ikad verujemo u magiju ličnih susreta. Očekuje nas veliki broj sastanaka sa predstavnicima međunarodne turističke privrede, nacionalnih turističkih organizacija i medija, na kojima ćemo razmeniti iskustva i definisati mogućnosti unapređenja saradnje. Sajam u Berlinu biće i prilika da predstavimo novi brend ''Srbija Doživi'' na tržištu Nemačke, brend koji nosi nešto lično, spontano, dinamično, ali i pokazuje stabilnost, pouzdanost i tradiciju Srbije kao destinacije. Na štandu TOS-a predstaviće se lokalne turističke organizacije Beograda, Vojvodine, Novog Sada, Kraljeva, Novog Pazara, Čačka, Zlatibora, Niša, Vrnjačke Banje, predstavnici turističke privrede, hotel Mona, Hyatt, hotel Borovi, A hoteli, Lala Vineyard, turističke agencije Balkan Roads, KonTiki, Serbia Tour Operator, Victor tours, nacionalna avio kompanija Er Srbija i Dunavski centar za kompetenciju, koji će okupiti i predstavnike lokalnih turističkih organizacija Golubac, Majdanpek i Kladovo. Posetioci sajma će moći da se upoznaju sa bogatstvom i raznovrsnošću celokupne turističke ponude Srbije u hali 1.1. na štandu broj 203.Da su nemački turisti prepoznali kvalitet Srbije kao turističke destinacije potvrđuju podaci da na osnovu statistika iz 2022. godine broj noćenja nemačkih turista u Srbiji je dostigao 242.481 (+72%) što je premašilo broj noćenja iz rekordne 2019. godine, što nemačke turiste svrstava na četvrto mesto (posle Rusije, Turske i BiH).  
Saopštenje: Turistička organizacija Srbije
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travelserbia · 6 years ago
Location : Majdanpek, Serbia Tag us on your photo of southern and eastern Serbia for a chance to be featured !   ---- Lokacija : Majdanpek, Srbija Tagujte uskako bi objavili Vašu sliku južne i istočne Srbije. 
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grucomdoo · 3 years ago
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Beloruski damperi Belaz. Zamena ventilatora, kompresora, sušača, kaiševa... www.grucom.rs 0659930900 #servis #24h #izlazaknateren #rudnik #rudarskamehanizacija #rudarskemasine #damper #belaz #dumptruck #dumptrucks #belorussia #srbija #majdanpek #delovizamehanizaciju #delovizagradjevinskemasine #klima #grejanje #grucomdoo (у месту Rudnik bakra i zlata Majdanpek) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUhpxCFskEi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lookerweekly · 4 years ago
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Tragajući za Šumskom Majkom, mitskim bićem duge raspletene kose i velikih noktiju, koja se s lakoćom pretvara u konja, kozu, psa ili ćurku, i za koju na desetine Vlaha tvrdi da ju je srelo, Španac Đoan Alvado stigao je do sela u oblastima Kučeva i Majdanpeka.
| Tijana Janković
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loudlyshralebiser · 7 years ago
Vlaška igranka ludo dobra
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nemanjak · 8 years ago
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cgvijesti · 2 years ago
Treslo u Rumuniji, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji
Republički seizmološki zavod (RSZ) danas je, za manje od jednog sata, registrovao tri zemljotresa u Rumuniji i jedan u Hrvatskoj, a prije toga i dva slabija potresa u istočnoj Srbiji na području Majdanpeka i jedan na teritoriji Bora. Prema listi automatski lociranih zemljotresa RSZ, najjači potres sa magnitudom od 5,2 registrovan je u Rumuniji u 14:58 časova, a zatim u Hrvatskoj u 15:18,…
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mbfgomes · 8 years ago
Leve a palavra de Deus ao seu povo. Só Jesus Cristo salva. Jesus é o filho de Deus. jesus voltará. 
Uzmite riječ Božja svom narodu. Samo Isus Krist spašava. Isus je Sin Božji. Isus će se vratiti.
Uzmi Božju riječ svome narodu. Samo Isus Krist spašava. Isus je Sin Božji. Isus će se vratiti.
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gemhunters · 2 years ago
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Azurite, Malachite
⚒ Location:  Majdanpek, Serbia
📸 More photos: https://minerali.rs/2022/02/02/azurite-malachite/
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love-n-purple · 3 years ago
Just a reminder
We don't want Rio Tinto, but this fight is so much more. We don't want any other company destroying our beautiful nature!
Save the Mlava!
Save the Pek!
Save Bor!
Save Majdanpek!
Save Zaječar!
Save Eastern Serbia!
Save whole Serbia!
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emotivnonedostupnaa · 4 years ago
#winternature #villagephoto #winterphoto #photographie #photographer #negdeusrbiji #srbijauslikama #istocnasrbija #prorodauslikama #sneg #srbijausnegu #zimanaselu #photooftheday #photographylover #slikadana #picoftheday #honor9x #honorphotography #naturephotography #mountainview #river #riverinsnow #mobigraphers_ #mountain #river #majdanpek #pek #homoljske_planine #lepotesela #planinesrbije #prirodnelepotesrbije
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