#mag optimus
sonicasura · 10 months
TFP: Magnified Disaster
I figured why not add some extra info for the MAG Optimus idea in this post. The other two will be planned out further if anyone asks. Before you delve in, here's a fair warning. Expect elements like body horror and some dark stuff as most of canon is getting thrown out the window or twisted. There will be references to Backrooms, SCP and obviously Madness Combat. Let's begin, shall we?
Let's start off OP's form before and after acquiring the Matrix of Leadership. This is gonna be written closely to how Ratchet will write it.
Orion Pax
A living mesh between Cybertronian metal and a strange organic clay like material. Orion Pax's size had doubled to a frightening 35 ft while his frame grown thicker. Exhibits heightened aggression and bouts of feral behavior. Under observation for potential negative or unstable mutations.
-Denta is replaced by long organic razor sharp teeth. These fangs have the purpose of tearing into a victim's frame to reach the fragile protoform underneath. Scrapes are dangerous due to infection from potential hazardous bacteria.
-Right arm enveloped in crimson muscle like hide with three pale spikes jutting from the shoulder. Servos now wield large pale claws, right servo's claws are twice the size of the left. Possible different purposes between both sets?
-Back, upper frame(chest), and sides of legs are covered in similar red hide like material. A long spindly tail ending in a harden bone axe head. Extra bulk for durability and strength combined with a way to maintain offensive balance.
-Retractable bone like spines protruding around the finials and lengthen when mask is on. These act similar to the frills on a Satellizer(Cybertronian equivalent of a frilled lizard). Might be for intimidation or a distraction.
Optimus Prime
Due to the rapid deterioration of his system functions, the only way to save Orion was to install the Matrix inside him. The blasted device had stabilize his CNA but further his mutation. It seems the Matrix of Leadership saw possible usage in my friend's tragedy. Luckily Orion or Optimus kept himself mostly intact. Aggression is exchanged for feral regression under enough negative stimuli. These reversions can last up to a solar cycle maximum. Changes caused by the Matrix of Leadership:
-Size increase by 10 ft and frame compacted to a more firm leaner type. Possibly for increased bursts of speed from the two rows of exhaust pipes now protruding down the spine. Favor for offense and agility?
-Pedes shift to digitigrade and are closer to a Predacon's. Is the data from previous Primes affecting Optimus' biology to fit personal preference? Requires further observation.
-Light blue streaks manifest on the red organic hide. Seems to be measuring his intake as it's dulls if Optimus is low on Energon. Although it glows very bright whenever a build up of energy occurs.
-Claws and fangs now secrete a paralytic substance capable of immobilizing a bot for 15 minutes. Wearable guards implemented to prevent accidental poisoning. It's like the Matrix of Leadership wants a ultimate lifeform than a Prime.
-Optimus remembers his past and retains Orion's personality as his mutation blocked out any emotion or memory alterations. The fact the Matrix attempted to erase his entire identity has garner major concern from me. What madness is the council up to?
*Behavior exhibited during feral reversion:
-Inability to speak and communicates through various animalistic vocalizations like growls, chirps, or chittering. Usage of Morse code and sign language to circumvent these issues.
-Preference for walking on all fours with standing on two pedes usually being an intimidation tactic.
-Exhibits extreme aggression to those who aren't me or been marked by him. I.e scent marking by rubbing his frame against another to scratches and bite marks.
-Calm music, reading, or my presence(I refuse to call myself his 'handler' after discovering those files) helps hasten recovery to sanity. -Ratchet
What I mean by handler is how OP escaped. The programming, 'Handler Protocol', forced onto the MAG states that he must have a handler to control and reign him in. Said bot must have a level of qualification in order to consider a candidate with Orion going in forced stasis until he chooses one. The thing is they weren't specific on who can qualify and the MAG took advantage of this loophole by designating the only person he could trust but also has enough credentials: Ratchet.
It's how our dear medic found Orion after work in a backalley wearing a gruesome impromptu paint job. The heightened aggression took over and he slaughter every one of his tormentors until he got to Ratchet. However Orion's mutation prove to be unstable that the MAG would die without something strong enough to correct those errors. The only way to save him leads to Ratchet stealing the Matrix of Leadership despite the massive risks should he get caught.
Yep. OP is essentially a slave designed berserker thanks to his MAG status. Should Ratchet die then someone else has to take the role of handler or else the poor bot will be put into stasis until the Handler Protocol can be undone. Despite this, he finds ways to live with it. Personality wise, OP here is similar to his Skybound iteration with some G1 mixed in. A gentle giant who openly jokes around amongst close friends sometimes yet tends to be quite cautious of his surroundings and a bit awkward around new people.
His alt mode been greatly affected by this new biology. When he transforms, Optimus will always manifest a trailer hitched to his Peterbilt disguise. This 'trailer' is most of his organic matter specifically arm and tail mimicking said attachment. You can't tell from the outside as the interior reflects the true horror.
Compare it to SCP-002 Living Room and the Door Entity from the Backrooms. A fleshy room like mass that molds itself by Optimus' desire. If he doesn't manifest the trailer than the organic side will be fully exposed mostly in the form of 5 tendrils equipped with bony claw like stingers.
Truckers regard him as an eldritch tale since few seen him climb cliffs using those tendrils while in alt mode. Charms had been made but none are exactly right as no one can get close enough for accurate colors and depictions. Whether people believe the story or not is unknown.
Back on track, MAGs display insane pain tolerance to the point being shot in the head is a minor annoyance. They also tend to manifest an unique ability from magnification. In Orion/Optimus' case, rapid regeneration.
Blaster fire is the equivalent of a peashooter to him. This has lead to heavy artillery like armor piercers or explosives being a requirement for Decepticons against Optimus. Worst damage ever done to him was from fighting Trypticon.
Optimus had to completely regenerate his right arm, half his tail, exhaust pipes, and whatever injuries the massive Decepticon had cause before he offline them. A process which took almost two weeks due to an Energon shortage. Optimus doesn't need much of said fuel unlike other bots so he gave up his rations despite the injury.
Many protocols were put in place whenever the MAG comes into battle. No targeting close allies especially those he considers his bitlets like Bumblebee with him present. Proof being the massive gash on Megatron's chest plate which couldn't be fully repaired due to close proximity to his spark chamber. This is after he rendered Bumblebee mute.
Vehicons are too stay away as they'll be completely useless even with the cannon fodder rule. Only 'actual' Decepticons like Starscream, Breakdown, etc can fight him. Not following orders led to fighting Optimus becoming an effective punishment as no one comes out unscathed. Shockwave and the Predacons are brought in earlier than canon to combat the MAG.
Now you are probably thinking that OP is powerful enough to lead the Autobots to victory. Well no. Far from it as the faction is very very different. There is no overarching leader due to Optimus being unable to lead. His MAG status already makes him a bad choice as he could potentially harm everyone who hasn't been marked via a feral reversion.
Another reason is that he's techno organic due to said mutation. Good chunk of Autobots saw him as a freak and will refuse to listen. Thus the faction is more like an organization split into many smaller groups. Wreckers, Science division, Weapons division, Rescue Bots etc.
Finally Optimus doesn't believe he should lead at all. The Matrix of Leadership was stolen, not given to him. It been used for his preservation than lead others who need guidance. Optimus hides his appearance under a cloak while an actual Prime shouldn't hide from their own people.
These changes greatly impacted the war. Megatron started the war due to Orion Pax's disappearance. He doesn't know Orion and Optimus are the same person until the Orion Pax incident. Megatron does know that whoever took the archivist been involved with the Council thanks to Soundwave. Orion/Optimus is still the smoking gun but for a different reason.
Cybertron doesn't go completely dark. Some land is still habitable while others were too hazardous or dead due to things like chemical warfare. However these remaining zones are constantly fought over that it's become a war of attrition than just civil.
Anyone who was friends with Optimus were often ostracized by organic hating Autobots. Said companions to the MAG are more like a tight knit family and absolutely hate how their friend is treated. Fights often broke out because someone was being a dick to the gentle giant. Heatwave and Cliffjumper are tied in that department.
Team Prime were to sent to Earth for the purpose of sheltering refugees. Fowler becomes their liaison as the bots have to earn their keep by handling any Decepticons who come and stay outta sight. Cliffjumper doesn't die since the team never split up for long nor too far.
Optimus technically meets the Jasper Trio first. He tends to be more active at night so Ratchet often sends him out to exercise that extra energy. No one wants to be bowled over by a 45 ft Cybertronian with late night zoomies.
Jack, Miko and Raf are already friends who were out on a camping trip in the woods alongside June. You can say they strayed off a bit far from the campsite for a cryptid hunt. The three did find their cryptid, Optimus, and ran back in terror while the bot just wandered off. Ratchet definitely wasn't happy to learn about this incident once the kids join the team later.
Like with Bumblebee, he treats Raf, Miko, and Jack as his bitlets. Gently carrying them by the scruff so they don't get into trouble or show a lot of affection i.e nuzzling. Cody gets the same treatment later when he visits. For the Rescue Bots, Optimus didn't know they were alive and been greatly worried.
Their mission on Griffin Rock is more familial in reasoning than just duty and Team Prime are aware of the group. Optimus often visits to see how everyone is doing or a break from the stress on the mainland. Cody spends time with him for the latter as his family is usually too busy to be around the young boy.
Morroco is lucky the MAG wasn't there on Griffin Rock during those times. Optimus definitely went berserk when Megatron pulled the Dark Energon stunt with Raf. The Nemesis became a prowling ground of terror for awhile to put it simply. Orion Pax incident is just full on feral Optimus as the Matrix held onto his rational mind. Not smart to have a confused predator on your ship Buckethead.
If MAG!Optimus ever met his canon TFP counterpart or other canon iterations then the whiplash will be immense. That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I will see you later. Transform and Roll Out!
Before I go, enjoy this little song that came to mind when writing: Fight the Fade's Monster.
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Sg Terminus
He is a liar and a speculator in this universe
and part of Omega terminus( yes that crystal in tcc sg )
maybe he's working with Optimus, not Megatron lol
these are all my fantasies
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 5 months
(223) It's pre-war Cybertron. Newly admitted lawyer, Ultra Magnus, has been called upon to offer a legal defence to Orion Pax, a wrongly appointed Prime — which Ultra Magnus didn't even know could happen, as there's no precedent. He has been accused of incitement to violence, sedition and, worst of all, stealing the primacy. This last carries the death sentence.
"It's a formality," the primal guards assure him, when Ultra Magnus is assigned the case. At the time, he believes them. "He's definitely guilty. It'll be an easy first case for you. High profile, too."
"I am," says the former Orion Pax serenely, when Ultra Magnus finally gets to meets him after three denied requests. He seems like a gentle sort, despite his heavy new frame. Ultra Magnus believes him when he pauses and says: "At least I'm guilty of sedition, anyway."
"It is the right of a Prime to guide the state — or to seek to redress the wrongs of government, when it errs," growls Megatronus of Kaon, whose enormous spiky shape emerges from the shadows when Ultra Magnus is driving home too late at night. (He does not seem a gentle sort.) And, unfortunately, Ultra Magnus believes him, too, when he says: "Know this: if you fail, it will be war."
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Oooo, Megan, Maggie, that is actually an excellent defense as it doesn't deny that he did the accused actions but rather that the autobots have been doing some serious judicial no-nos. Smaaart. Because both of these? Both of these statements are true as hell.
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He may be a horrible person, but this is still not a fair trial. They've been legitimately blaming Megatron for everything that went down in the war, while conspicuously staying quiet about their role in it. Optimus bringing in Chromedome is indeed a low fucking blow, rifling through someone's head is absolutely not something that should be happening in matters such as this (as we see time and time again mnemosurgery has pretty dark implications about bodily autonomy and privacy). By giving Optimus such a big and official role here when he and Megatron have a heavily biased past is pretty fucked up. And I'd argue yes, at every turn they've been saying he's automatically guilty and that he deserves to die.
Ever since the beginning of this entire process the autobots have proven this court cannot deliver a fair verdict.
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staryxio · 2 years
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hello tf fandom
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cephalopadre · 1 year
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mechtober day 8/9: idw g1 rodimus and ultra magnus!
i feel like rodimus is the kind of coworker you love to run into on your way to the coffee machine, unless you have a deadline, in which case you've gotta pretend not to see him so you can actually get back to your office in five minutes
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mychlapci · 10 months
Oo idea, Tfp Optimus getting bred up by Ratchet, while he was under Synthetic Energon he managed to Flirt his way into the primes berth, filled him so good Primes all sparked up with a heir
mhmmm synth-en makes one hell of a stud out of ratchet. very few people get to see the prime moaning and squealing as he gets filled with a baby.
of course, later the synth-en wears off and ratchet apologizes but optimus loved getting filled so much he lets him do it again, and again, again... of course, after a while it's clear he got knocked up with a big, strong heir back when ratchet first pinned him down and made him overload on his spike until he was lying in a puddle of his own lubricate...
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paradimeart · 1 year
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can u even tell who this dude is . lol
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pyra-colony-au · 4 months
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idk might fuck around and put old wives glavacyc in the background as part of Ultra Magnus’ nightmare scenario of running a planet (everyone is trying to take it from her. she is not having fun)
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Uh hi, this my first ever resquest, and i'm sorry if things don't make sense, english is not my first language.
Could i get tfp bot buddy who has shadow powers(like can turn into one and use them as portals), has the appearance of nightmares and is close to Ultra Magnus(dunno if is platonic, familial or romantic)?
They kinda been living as Ultra Magnus shadow since forever and help him on missions,tasks or just anything, but in one of their missions, the decepticons maneged to reallyyy hurt buddy and buddy, not wanting to die, retreated to Ultra Magnus shadow and went into stasis to heal but Ultra Magnus didn't knew that and thought that buddy had perished.
Only now on earth did buddy finally wakes up.
Could i get reactions from the team or something like that if not, that's okay :) also love your writing
Magnus was so close to having a spark attack when he saw Buddy pop out of his shadow the first time they used their powers, that's for sure.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with shadow manipulation and being Ultra Magnus's Amica Endura
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Buddy met Magnus through Optimus.
He introduced them to Magnus during the earlier years of the war as his Second in Command.
Magnus just thought he was getting to know another coworker.
A couple missions later, several late-night conversations and some free time later they become Amica Endura.
“You know you never did tell HOW you became Amica with Commander shoulder pads over there. Was it a bet you loss?”--Wheeljack
“No bets were lost Wheeljack. We became Amica out of our own choice and free will. Nothing else to do with it.”--Buddy
Buddy loves to prank Magnus with their shadow powers.
Magnus does not find this funny… but he does find it a bit endearing after a while.
Being an Outlier was rare to find in this world.
Even rarer to find after the war broke out.
So many had been the first ones targeted at the beginning of the war there were barely anymore left.
It was a risk putting Buddy in the Wrecker’s, but so far it brought greater success to the unit than any point in their formation.
“Freeze Autobot scum!”—Random Decepticon
Buddy putting their servo in the air almost mockingly.
“There’s three of you and one of me… what ever shall I do?”--Buddy
Buddy’s servos start glowing a bit.
“Have you met my Amica?”--Buddy
“Why would we—”—Random Con
Magnus takes out the three mechs after appearing from behind thanks to Buddy’s shadow powers.
“That was brutal!”--Buddy
Magnus fixes his blaster a bit.
“I hate when you put yourself in these situations.”--Magnus
“Its in the job description Mags.”--Buddy
“Buddy we’ve been over this.”--Magnus
“And we’ve been over this too.”--Buddy
“First one that takes out five Cons has to buy the other a drink.”--Buddy
“If you insist.”--Magnus
Buddy has defiantly used their powers to get Magnus to sneak up on unsuspecting troops.
Magnus is always there for Buddy when they overexert themselves and need someone to watch over their back.
One trip left Buddy badly injured.
They saw Magnus’s backside as he was trying to find them in the rubble of the exploding base.
They tried to call for him, but they could barely keep their optics open.
His shadow was the closest thing they could reach so they snuck into his shadow.
With a quick nap, their wounds would get healed in no time.
Magnus thought that Buddy had died in the explosion after coming back to the base for regrouping.
He checked all other places they set rendezvous points and in none of the places did he even find a trace of Buddy.
Magnus could see it in the optics of his Wrecker’s that the war was about to turn bloodier than it was now that Buddy was gone.
Hopefully things would get better…
Hope was the last thing they had.
Timeskip to Magnus being on Earth…
Buddy finally feels ready to get out of the shadow.
Yeah, it took a while to finally get healed, but they are sure they are ready now.
By their calculations they missed about a couple weeks in the war. Things couldn’t have changed that much.
Magnus is arguing with Wheeljack when Bulkhead sees something wrong with Magnus’s shadow.
“Hey guys, shadows aren’t supposed to do that right?”--Bulkhead
Miko looks from the perch.
“Wow! Wheeljack made Magnus so mad his shadow gained sentience!”--Miko
In a blink there is a bot laying on the floor rubbing their helm.
“Urgh! Never doing that again… hey Mags when did we get better lighting—Mags?”--Buddy
Ultra Magnus stares at Buddy with wide optics.
“By the Allspark! Buddy is that you?!”—Wheeljack
“Who’s that?”--Miko
Buddy moves their helm a bit and spots Wheeljack.
“Wheeljack? I thought you left cycles ago—Hey!”--Buddy
Bulkhead scoops Buddy from behind giving them a crushing hug.
“Bulkhead!? I thought you left to team Prime? Magnus? Magnus what’s going on?”—Buddy
“Seriously who’s that?”--Miko
Magnus remains still just staring at Buddy like a ghost.
Buddy gets out of Bulkhead’s grip stumbling a bit until they reach their Amica with a worried look on their face.
“Mags? Are you okay?”--Buddy
“I…I thought you had perished in the explosion. I looked everywhere…”--Magnus
Buddy scratches their helm a bit.
“Yeah, I got injured pretty badly back there. Your shadow was the closest thing I could reach and… well…”--Buddy
“So, this entire time you’ve been in Ultra Magnus’s shadow?”--Wheeljack
Buddy furies their optics a bit.
“You’re making this sound like I was gone for millennia. I was just gone for a couple of weeks most.”—Buddy
Magnus gives them a sad smile.
“…You never were good at your calculations Buddy.”--Magnus
Magnus puts a servo on his Amica’s shoulder.
Buddy finally looks over at Miko.
“Who’s this?”--Buddy
“I’m Miko! Welcome to Earth!”--Miko
Buddy’s optics widen.
“How long was I in there!?”—Buddy
Optimus walks into the room with some of the reports.
“Ultra Magnus where—Buddy?”--Optimus
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cozzzynook · 2 months
I bring some TFP Rodimags
Ultra Magnus had kept his love for Hot Rod a secret as the blue mech knew if the Decepticon's found out it would put them at risk. So when he had gotten word that the red mech was on his way to earth, Magnus was oddly skittish as he paced the floor near the main console for weeks on end.
The big mech finally stopped pacing when the console began beeping showing activity. No one had seen Magnus move so fast when he suddenly transformed and sped off towards the location of the beeping, When he finally arrived to the location Roddy seemed to beam and rushed forwards almost successfully tackled the larger bot in a tight hug. Magnus spent the rest of the day pampering Hot Rod with kisses and affection before returning to the base so Roddy could meet with the others.
A few weeks later Ratchet notices that Hot Rod's waist and tanks are slowly getting bigger and noticing the speedster consuming a lot more fuel. The medic quietly notes to himself to mark Roddy down for a check-up and bring up the topic of sparklings as well as the use of protection. (Let's hope Optimus doesn't freak out)
Hope you enjoyed
Optimus freaks out.
He very much freaks out.
It doesn’t matter if his youngest bitty Bee has a sparkling and is conjunxed to Predaking.
He has lost his cool and is actively trying to murder Magnus but Roddy stops him.
Poor Magnus.
Optimus is not ready for his oldest sparkling to have a bitty. He’s just not.
Roddy already knew the moment the cravings kicked in and he needed more sleep, he was just waiting until a certain point to bring it up to Ratchet because he wanted more time to himself being the only one who knows.
Poor Mags…
He’s overjoyed and freaking out because he wants his mate safe and hoped they’d have a bitty when Cybertron was restored. Not while on Earth.
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After some thought, I've decided that the only way to introduce this fan continuity to the wider fandom is to start posting it. So here, take around 700 words of Jazz and Prowl's first meeting.
"Get your pedes off the table."
The other cadet isn't looking at him. He's just sitting there, picking at the seam of a claw and humming some annoying pop song. "Nah." "Seriously, get your pedes off the table. Now."
The cadet finally looks up, arching an eyebrow. "You know, it's so funny, but they told me Optimus was going to be my commanding officer, not you." Prowl opens his mouth to respond, but he keeps going. "Prowl, isn't it?" Then, as if it wasn't really a question, "How did your exams go this semester, Prowl of Petrex? Doesn't the PPA usually do exams this time of year?"
Prowl bites the inside of his lip plate and tastes energon. "Be respectful. We're about to meet a Prime."
This time, the cadet does take his pedes off the table, if only to swing around and face Prowl more fully. They're sitting across from each other at a long, off-white table lined with spinning office chairs more expensive than Prowl's entire dorm room back at the academy. The overhead lights are harsh white, almost blue, and the cadet's perfectly polished plating shines under them when he leans forward on his elbows and says, "Damn, loosen up a bit. He's only been Prime for a few days. And he did choose us. He should be happy we're here."
"And we are," a deep voice booms from the doorway. Prowl's on his feet before any conscious thought registers, and then all higher level processing is shut down by the sight of Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus standing in the doorway. Fortunately, a crisp salute had long since been driven deeper into his programming than panic could reach, and he snaps to attention.
The other cadet takes his time, getting gracefully to his pedes and into a salute of his own. He has some sense, then. "Mags," he greets. "Prime."
"Good morning, Jazz," Ultra Magnus says. He's standing just in front of Optimus, hands clasped neatly in front of himself. "And Cadet Prowl, it is pleasant to meet you face to face." Magnus doesn't look pleased, and Prowl forces his EM field to stay tight to his plating. He hopes his face looks as blank as it feels.
"It's an honor, sir," he says. "And Prime, it is---I---"
"'S good to see you, too, Optimus," the other cadet, Jazz, cuts in. "The upgrades are looking good."
Again, Prowl feels woefully disadvantaged. Clearly, Jazz has already been integrated into this social circle, is familiar with its inhabitants and rules, and Prowl has only just now learned his name. He prides himself on preparedness, but considering the lack of information he was given, he fails to see how he could have avoided this situation. "At ease," Optimus says, and Prowl falls from his salute into a tense ready position. Jazz flops back into his chair with a fluid ease that looks well-practiced. Despite his words, Optimus himself doesn't appear to be at ease. He's standing stiffly, the way Prowl feels himself standing, but without a soldier's practice. He'd heard Orion Pax was an unconventional choice for Primacy, but until now, he'd never considered the possibility that Pax hadn't even been in the military. Begrudgingly, he makes a mental note to consult Jazz on it after the meeting. He seems to know everything around here, after all.
"Mechs," Ultra Magnus says. "You two have been hand-picked from a collection of the best and brightest minds our generation has to offer for these positions."
"And what are these positions?" Jazz interrupts, ignoring Magnus's sharp look of reproach.
"Head of Special Operations and Intelligence," Magnus says to Jazz, "and Head of Tactics," he says to Prowl, "of the new Cybertronian Defense Corps."
Prowl's processor stalls. "We already have a military," he says dumbly. "We won't soon," Jazz says, and this time, Ultra Magnus spares him any censure.
"Jazz is correct," Magnus says. "Mechs, I hate that it's come to this, but we're on the brink of war, and when it breaks out, the Senate wants only those they trust in charge of the safety and stability of Cybertron and its government."
"And you chose us."
"Based on a multitude of factors, from your psychological evaluations to your test scores and beyond, yes, we have chosen you."
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i think heatwave’s favorite member of team prime is ultra magnus. and i know that the way i post might make it seem like he would prefer wheeljack or something but no, he is absolutely sold on ultra magnus and getting his approval. the sole reason for this is because ultra magnus actually has like a real job and has real work experience and parameters. heatwave might be chaotic but he does respect authority figures (to an extent). magnus is strong as hell and has very precise plans, even when it’s sometimes hard to puzzle out his goal, which heatwave respects the hell out of (hes the same). they’re both fiercely loyal, not necessarily to a specific sentiment but to a specific bot (optimus prime for both of them). also ultra magnus is in charge of a small but chaotic highly specialized team of bots and heatwave relates!! they have so much to talk about!! heatwave follows ultra magnus around with stars in his eyes bc look at his goddamn hammer thats so sick.
surprisingly, ultra magnus actually feels the same way. i mean his job description is “make sure these adults dont like light themselves on fire” so meeting a little dude who is just as crazy but actually responsible as well is SUCH a refreshing experience for him. like hes so used to weird guys that heatwave does not bother him at all but heatwave being a trained first responder with credentials and field experience is so soothing. he can hang out with this guy who is so similar to him but also a nice foil, bc heatwave may have a reputation for being impulsive but he still knows how to safely manage himself and others, and ultra magnus has a reputation for being very uptight but still participates in very dangerous activities. he just sort of accidentally becomes another father figure for him before he even realizes it. (optimus is SO jealous but doesnt want to say anything bc both of them are actually happy and comfortable for the first time in primus knows how long).
idk they both have similar personalities, they just express themselves differently. heatwave will do anything to get ultra magnus’ approval and mags will kill and die for heatwave. they deserve to have fun and meet people in different age ranges with similar world views and goals and thought processes!!
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transingthoseformers · 5 months
SG Arachnus Prime or Karma punches SG TFA Optimus in the face and Megs give him therapy and love that he never received from Ultra Deadbeat- I mean Magnus
Awww yes on both
If we get to have baseline Megatron redemption arcs we can have SG Optimus redemption arcs
But also YES on BA staying / becoming a prime, as she rightfully should!!
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sonicasura · 1 year
Different Paths: Optimus Prime
A series unique to this blog. Similar to my Trollhunters Path of the Familiar poll, it'll have three different mini scenarios per a character, the point of time where the major change occurs, and how it'll affect things in their respective universe.
For this one it shall be Optimus Prime specifically his Transformers Prime iteration. Well his Orion Pax incarnation as this occurs during those days. Either a feral Sparkling out in the wastes or the humble data clerk. After all, the start can cause the greatest ripples. Let's get begin!
Feralus Prime
There was an urban legend on Cybertron. A cryptid born from the wastes who made itself a den hidden amongst the populace of Iacon City. No one knows what the being was but the feat it perform garner an infamy unlike any other. Feralus stole the Matrix of Leadership.
Yup. A Feral Optimus Prime who didn't get integrated into Cybertronian Society. Orion Pax slipped out of Alpha Trion's grip during transport so the young Sparkling became lost in the big city. He stole what he can to survive and slipped away from whoever try to catch him.
Soon the fateful day came where Orion obtain the Matrix of Leadership. Did he steal it? Sorta of as lured would be more accurate. Orion Pax is like a feral dog before he got the Matrix. Skittish, quick to run, nab what garners his attention and most likely to bite if cornered.
Feralus/Optimus Prime is closer to a wolf with the Matrix of Leadership. He studies the situation, gauges the threat and acts with appropriate force. Instincts often guide where goes almost if someone is leading him. Optimus ends up on Earth by stowing away in a smuggler's ship.
He won't be lonely for long as a younger Raf will one day stumble upon the feral Cybertronian. Now Team Prime isn't actually a 'team' and is closer to refugees. Their contact with Agent Fowler can be chalked up to surveillance. Any serious 'Con activity is measure and handled appropriately.
Way more tight knit so events such as Cliffjumper's death is voided. Our three human protagonists become vital in not only getting Optimus socialized but ready for the encroaching danger. A lone wolf can't protect the entire pack after all.
Magnified Disaster
The Planet Cybertron has all manners of darkness lurking amongst the populace. Common thugs to corrupt politicians. There is a silent rule when it involves such folk. Watch your words. Or else you end up a twisted experiment like Orion Pax.
A conversation between Megatronus and Orion was overheard by the wrong person. On his way home, the data clerk is kidnapped for one sole purpose: experimentation. This latest test was the creation of a 'guard dog'. An enhanced Cybertronian bigger, stronger, ferocious and obedient.
*Anyone in the Madness Combat fandom knows what I'm about to do. For those who aren't, poor Orion Pax is going to become an unconventional MAG. A supersoldier created through mutation that's obedient to those they consider their master. Here's an example: normal Hank and Mag Hank.*
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One fateful night, a certain grumpy medic stumbles upon a completely transformed and Energon blood soaked Orion. 35 ft tall mesh between Cybertronian metal and organic material consisting of crimson foreign clay like flesh, white sharp teeth, to pale spikes.
Ratchet becomes the altered archivist's caretaker and looks after him. Orion's personality remained mostly intact but his memories are spotty. As for the Matrix of Leadership, it became a desperate gamble to help stabilize the poor clerk's altered state.
Optimus Prime doesn't lead the Autobots thanks to his MAG status. The entire team are refugees who sought asylum on Earth. Unfortunately Optimus' past followed close behind as Megatron wants answers...and vengeance. Things come to ahead when three particular kids encounter the 45 ft titan that roams the desert at night.
Two Souls, One Body
Ever since the beginning, Orion Pax shared a body with 'Optimus'. A shapeless voice that serve as a guide and older brother figure to the young Cybertronian. It is only when the archivist came across the Matrix of Leadership did 'Optimus' become so much more.
Or Optimus Prime and Orion Pax are two separate entities. Anyone here watch Yu-Gi-Oh or know about the original protagonist Yugi Muto? In the show, an entity known as Yami Yugi lives inside a ancient Egyptian artifact called the Millennium Puzzle.
Through the puzzle, the two souls can switch control of the body. Or in this case Orion Pax can allow Optimus Prime to take over using the Matrix of Leadership. Just like Yugi, there are subtle differences that point out whose in control.
Orion's blue optics are a bit rounder and narrow if Optimus is in control. His voice is lighter when the shy data clerk manages their body. Finally Orion's battle mask has blue stripes that vanish when Optimus takes the lead.
This ability is mistaken for multiple personality disorder by almost everyone except for Ratchet, Megatron and Bumblebee. Only more observant or younger Cybertronians can notice the different air between both individual souls. A warm sunny day to a cool summer night.
The mystery of Orion Pax only begins to open when a certain red painted Cybertronian takes a different detour towards home base. Who knew three human kids are so good at hiding stuff? Ratchet needs a drink for the shenanigans to come.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later! Transform and Roll Out!
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I need to know how everyone feels about the photo.
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Optimus: get that cat some wet food.
Elita: *on a chair with an electric fly swatter and a spray bottle* BAD KITTY, BAD KITTY-
Megatron: Jesus Christ, what did you do to piss him off so you could get such a picture?
Bumblebee: dear god that is nightmare fuel-
Breakdown: aha, just a spicy kitty. *also thinks it’s nightmare fuel*
Wheeljack: 1. how is it in my lab? 2. bad kitty? >:(
Tarantulas: no. thank you for the offer. but no.
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Hashtag: Mmmnnnn… yeeeaaahhhh, nooooo, I’m gonna pass here.
Jawbreaker: those teeth are really sharp… I think I’ll stay here for now.
Twitch: <:(
Twitch: The kitty we met before when we saw the cassettes is angry now, so we can’t pet it?
Nightshade: clearly very agitated. What could’ve possibly provoked this kind of reaction? And when it calms down can I pet it?
Twitch: Cute kitty!
Nightshade: if not friend, why friend-shaped?
Thrash: I-
Thrash: *facepalm + sigh*
Thrash: why do I even try.
Bonus from it spreading around from the main cast:
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Springer: That’s what we in the business call a ‘nope’, in it’s natural habitat known as ‘wherever the hell that is, I certainly ain’t goin’ nowhere near there.’, thanks for the offer though.
Magnus: I do believe I’ll keep the demon creature away from me. The only cat I want anywhere near me is Roller’s.
-from the background- “Same! Soundwave’s cat is freaky as fuck.”
Magnus: Thank you, Sixshot. (/s)
“No problem baby! ;)”
Mags: *optic roll*
Ratchet: keep it away from me, and out of my medbay, unless it’s dying.
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Jetwave: [Oh, Ravage. He’s normally so calm, I wonder what got him so riled up and angry. Or why sire decided to sic him on someone.]
Silver: Ooh! Ravage! Heee~rre kitty kitty!~
Rhythmwing: Pspspspsps~
JW: […You two really have no sense of self preservation regarding sire’s cassettes, do you?]
RW: no lol
Motormaster: it’s one of Soundwave’s creatures.
Dead End: angry, don’t you think?
Wildrider: KITTY!
MM: *optic roll*
Maybe control him a little better. Or is that actually Ravage?
[It is.]
Oh, Rav! He get a little worked up?
Can I pet Ravage?
[If he’s alright with it, then yes.]
Ravage is a big cat.
[He’s based on our version of what humans would call a ‘mainecoon’.]
Hehe, beeg kitty. With beeg beans.
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Rodimus: oh. Ravage. He seems a little worked up.
Drift: that jaw of his can fit so much spaghetti.
Rodimus: really letting those impulsive thoughts win today, huh?
Drift: yep.
. . .
Rodimus: …can pet? give scritches?
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Drift: damn Roddy you really did look at him and decide he was friend shaped.
Rodimus: Ravage doesn’t scare me. Fort Max doesn’t scare me, and you think a cat can?
Drift: oh the benefits of being raised the way you were.
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