madkat-stuff · 10 months
Hell is full of fish
(A Content SMP poem):
They told me that Hell had nine layers
They were wrong.
It has three floors
They told me that Hell was dark and full of jagged rocks
They were wrong.
It's only dark in some parts
And there are no rocks, only pristine and smooth tile
They told me that Hell was full of fire
They were wrong.
Its full of water
Blue, vast amounts of water
Water that reaches far above the toes
Water that can drown you if your not careful enough
They were right about one thing though
Hell goes down.
Down into a great abyss
Down where the only light comes in small green specks
Sometimes blinking
Sometimes moving
In Hell, there is no Satan
There are no devils
There are no sinners
Hell is full of fish
And the only faith that exists down here
is to consume or to become consumed.
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madkat-stuff · 2 months
The Favor
(A short Skyblock Kingdoms fic)
Carrying Viking back to the station was more easier for Avid than he thought. Other than the surprise he got by the guy’s cat ears (he’s had those under his bucket hat the whole time?), and the bit of blood from the unconscious man’s head from where he hit him, the operation was smooth sailing from there.
“Hi Trog! Hi Ruby!” Avid said as he descended by the bodies in their respectable tubes. “Now here we are!” The monkey announced in glee to the man he was carrying with him. “This is where you’ll be staying!”
After Avid put down an unconscious Viking, he went over to the empty tube to set it up. “Before I put you in here, I just got to make sure that everything is good…”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Avid stopped. He was sure that Viking would stay asleep, but it seemed that the guy woke up too soon. For some reason this startled the monkey, not only because he just got caught in the act, but something seemed off, mostly with Viking’s voice, yet he couldn’t seemed to put his finger on it.
“And why’s that?” Avid asked, trying not to show that he was a little scared.
“Because,” said Viking as Avid turned around.
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“I still have that IOU.”
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madkat-stuff · 10 months
falling down
(A Content SMP poem):
Ship of flight
Ship of flight
Ship of flight
I soar on tonight
After journeys
and after hunts
Please let things
be right for once
Ship of flight
Ship of flight
Oh why do you give me
such a fright?
What is that noise?
What is that sound?
Why is there explosions
and chaos around?
Ship of flight
Ship of flight
Consumed in red fire
that burns so bright
Your sorry sight
gives me such a frown
As you plummet to earth
falling down
falling down
falling down
falling down
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madkat-stuff · 2 days
A Small Anathra Fic
(inspired by fanart made by @moxijunk)
Anathra was walking.
He can’t remember how long. He stopped counting the days, along with the footsteps that he left behind in the white powder from under him.
He had no food left, and barely any clothes that suited the condition he was in (but he didn’t really care about that as much as the food). All he had left were the few non-eatable things he was able to take with him and the memory of having to get to somewhere.
He just had to keep walking.
He doesn’t exactly know why he was told to go in this direction, only that he was in a hurry when he left. He has no idea what has happened now to the place where he first came from.
Perhaps it didn’t matter anymore…
Anathra felt tired. So tired that he could feel eye bags engraving themselves on the skin of his face. He had to keep walking though, he needed to get to where he was told to get to, wherever or whatever that place may be.
Despite this, the body gives out eventually, and with one small trip made on the path, Anathra felt his body fall and collapse onto the snow.
Anathra could give himself no energy to get up, much less even move at all, despite the desperate plea in his head that he had to keep moving.
He had to get up, he must.
But again, the body gives out eventually, and Anathra was pulled into a deep sleep.
————— Anathra heard voices, small like whispering, yet still recognizable in the quiet place of… wherever he was.
“Good morning sir, how is everything?” He heard a feminine voice speak to someone.
“I’m doing alright,” this voice was more masculine. “Just came to check up on you, and the patient.”
Despite being able to hear conversation, Anathra felt too weak to open his eyes, and too weak to make any movement or get up. It was as if he was trapped in some sort of haze.
He was able to make out that he was somewhere warm and soft, and that something was covering him. From the sounds that the people’s speaking voices made, he was able to deduct that he may have been in a small room. As for what the room looked like, along with the people talking, he was unsure.
“Everything is fine,” said the woman. “I guess…”
“What do you mean ‘I guess’?” asked the man concerningly.
“Well…” the woman started. “The patient has obviously suffered from exhaustion, and perhaps some malnutrition. We were able to take the correct and precautionary measures to make sure that was taken care of. It’s just that…”
“Go on…” ushered the man.
There was a pause in the air. “He’s cold.” said the woman. “And I know it sounds weird but he’s just… unnaturally cold. We checked his temperature and it is much lower than that of an average human. We’ve tried everything to warm him up more, but nothing has worked. We’ve been worried that he could be at risk for something, but we checked him over multiple times and have found nothing.”
“hmm…” contemplated the masculine voice. “How low is his temperature, may I ask?”
“The temperature of an average human is 37 degrees Celsius.” Replied the feminine voice. “The patient’s temperature is 20 degrees below that.”
Anathra was able to hear a small sound of shock from the man.
“Does he show any signs of hypothermia? Frostbite?”
“No, as far as we can tell, he’s just… cold.”
There was another pause that punctured the air. “As long as he is breathing,” the man finally said, “and as long as he wakes up, that is all that matters. Now please get back to your work.”
“Yes sir,” said the woman.
The man walked away, and as his footsteps started to vanish, so to did Anathra’s thin consciousness, and he found himself being lured to sleep once again.
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madkat-stuff · 1 month
Spruce - An SBK WIP
There lies a kingdom aglow
covered a bit in snow
As is floats in the sky
oh ever so high
from the deep and dark void below
The people there would exchange
spruce logs for a good deal of range
But one day their clothes
and their looks I suppose
turned colors and started to change
Perhaps it was something out of hand
That no one could quite understand
But someone recalled
A broken crystal once sprawled
Now there must be a curse on their land
As time marched its merry way on
With the falling snow thereupon
The void made its call
To one and to all
Like a large and black feathered swan
Skulk had started to grow
On their beautiful land below
The snow fell more
With more ice than before
And the winds had started to blow
Like a terrible horrible dream
A dark feeling, wanting to scream
Covered in ice
Something not so nice
The snow would continue to teem
It’s starting to take its tight hold
Watching its poor victims fold
If you still cannot tell
It will show you well
That no one escapes from the cold
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madkat-stuff · 24 days
Cherry (a SBK Poem - WIP)
Should I tell you of what I hide?
The secrets that I keep from you?
Would you still be at my side?
If I tell you of all that is true?
Should I tell you of the things?
That keep me awake at night?
Of what my existence and presence brings?
Would that, for you, be alright?
Should I tell you of myself?
Of the things I lock away
And put on the top of my shelf?
Would that be okay?
When I show you what you’re about to see
My darling, my love, please stay with me.
What do you seem to hide from me?
Keep close to the center of your chest?
What do you not want me to see?
You say that it’s all for the best…
Do you think I will be frightened
By whatever you may bring?
My chest feels oh so tightened
Like my body is tied with string.
I just want to be as close as I can…
To you, with no doubt or remorse.
Falling in love, without any plan
despite any unchecked force.
Whatever you may bring me into,
my darling, my love, I trust you.
(I wrote this one before Ruby got tubed lol)
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madkat-stuff · 24 days
Dark Oak (a SBK Poem - WIP)
A million machines and farms and fissures
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million structures and walkways and wood
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million pieces of redstone and iron and pistons
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million bets and trades and conversations
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million books and words and pages
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million contracts and deals and promises
All this power in my hands
All this love within my hands
All this love built with my hands
A million IOUs
Made with power
And love
From my hands
Within my hands
Built from my hands
My hands
My hands
My hands
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madkat-stuff · 25 days
Somewhere Haunted
(A Dominion SMP poem)
What makes a place haunted?
Would it be a ghost living there?
Seems obvious that a ghost
would make it haunted.
Or would it be the way
that the room feels cold,
even when the walls
are covered in lava?
Or the way that the more
you spend in this place,
the more insane you start to feel?
The way you swear
you hear someone else,
even when you know
you’re the only one in the room?
Or maybe it’s haunted
because you’re not the one
that’s supposed to be here
dear reader…
You’re still alive…
And this place…
Is called the Ghost’s Vault for a reason.
(anyways please vote for the Ghost’s Vault!)
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madkat-stuff · 2 months
Mangrove (an SBK poem - WIP)
It calls to me
I can’t ignore it
I hear it screaming
I hear it’s voice
The void is calling to me
The void is calling to me
I hear it’s voice
I hear it screaming
I can’t ignore it
It calls to me
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madkat-stuff · 9 months
Let’s light a floating lantern
(A DSMP poem for Doomsday):
Let’s light a floating lantern
to all we lost on this day
Let’s light a floating lantern
to those whose lives were taken and shattered
torn from them
blown to smithereens
Let’s light a floating lantern
to the hole that is left from the aftermath
a place now overgrown
flowing with life where life was once taken
Let’s light a floating lantern
to the president
to the founder before him
and to the vice president
by the side of his friend
and by the side of his friend once again
Let’s light a floating lantern
to terrorists only partly forgiven
and to traitors forgiven long ago
Let’s light a floating lantern
to the baker girl
who found comfort in the act of arson
Let’s light a floating lantern
to the ghost that first made these floating lights
Let’s light a floating lantern
to those that fought
to those that are still here despite it all
to those that are no longer with us
and to those that still sing our song
and keep the legacy alive
Let’s light a floating lantern
for me
for you
for all of us
for our home
for all the things that were taken away
and for all the things
that can never be taken from us
Let’s light a floating lantern
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madkat-stuff · 9 months
We’re still here
(A DSMP poem):
You say that this place is haunted,
and I’d tell you you’re right
it sure is.
I still feel the ghosts in places long past.
Sometimes this entire place
feels like one giant graveyard.
But if you told me that this place was empty,
I’d say you’re gladly mistaken,
for this place is still very much alive and full.
We’re still here in the hole,
making farms in a destroyed country
we were too stubborn to leave.
We’re still here in the city,
putting graffiti on the walls
and wasting our savings in the casino.
We’re still here in the Kingdom,
sharing our joints
and getting high off of shrooms.
We’re still in that snowy town,
making nuclear warheads
and drinking hot cocoa.
We’re still in the arctic,
playing with many dogs
and discussing anarchy at book clubs.
We’re still in the bunker,
admiring the floating lanterns
as we hold each other close in comfort.
We’re still underground,
worshipping an egg
that only ever calls for violence.
We’re still at the hotel,
a popular hangout spot
for a place long abandoned.
We’re still near the prison,
making fun of how we thought such
a building would ever protect us.
We’re still in the ravine
daring each other to press the many
randomly placed buttons.
We’re still near that place of exile
too cautious and too afraid
to go any closer.
We’re still on the path,
walking from home
or walking to it.
We’re still in the church,
praying to a god
that probably never care about us.
We’re still in the desert,
admiring the great structures,
so big and so grand.
And we’re still in the museum,
talking about all those haunted places,
still full and still lived in.
Yes this place is haunted,
but we’re still here.
We’ll always still be here.
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madkat-stuff · 10 months
Intro Post
Hello! I'm madkat! I'm a multifandom artist that usually draws art. Sometimes though I like to make poetry and take pictures!
Down below you can find the tags that I use on this blog
Main Tags:
#madkat.art (for when I post art lol)
#madkat.asks (for when I answer asks)
#madkat.says (for when I just post random stuff about my day or other things)
#madkat.reblogs (the rarest of the tags for when I reblog posts from other people)
Sub Tags:
#madkat.photography (for when I take photos)
#madkat.writes (for when I write things which are usually poetry)
#madkat.sketches (for when I show off sketches or concept ideas)
#madkat.additions (for when I continue a previous post)
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