#madeleine bmc
pine-the-mighty · 9 months
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Some squip squad headcanons! Sorry I had to do a lot on paper
Transcribing all my writing under the cut because it may be hard to read. Sorry about that
Jerm has a tooth that got knocked out of place. It sticks out whenever he talks.
He also has smol bean hands.
Rich calls them “girl hands”
Michael thinks they’re good for hand holding
Rich’s SQUIP loved the [internet] exposure from the fire. Rich took this as another red flag.
At the hospital, he secretly threw away the hospital food and ordered delivery instead.
He’s my ✨son✨
Christine always wears an excessive amount of hair accessories.
She collects barrettes and pins. Her pins are all theatre references.
She breaks the fourth wall by having a BMC pin.
She will slap you hard if you say the name of the Scottish Play [even outside the theatre].
She watches OSP [Overly Sarcastic Productions].
Autistic Jerm. ADHD Christine. They hyperfixate together. I love them.
The only reason I’m including Jenna is because, apparently, in the book, the character we know in the musical as Madeleine is Jenna’s alter ego…and we never actually see Madeleine on stage. So I NEED HER to be Jenna pls
Michael has a gaming YouTube channel. A headphone company sponsored him once. Now he has headphones.
Not only does he listen to reggae, he also likes alternative rock.
He hyperfixates over songs and bands for days on end and rants to Jeremy about them.
Hella queerplatonic with Jeremy.
He’s my ✨other son✨
Brooke has social anxiety. Chloe helps her work through it.
Yes Pinkberry.
Outside of meta, Brooke has a great voice.
At one point, Brooke held the title for the longest hair in the school. She then cut her hair, giving the title to Chloe.
They’re mad I didn’t include them :(
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oracleofdiscord · 5 years
Ideas for a puppy love Legally Blonde au
Disclaimer: I’ve never seen the movie, only the musical. So if you’ve seen the movie, I don’t know if all the characters are the same.
Brooke Lohst = Elle Woods
Jeremy Heere = Emmett Forrest
Warner would be Brooke’s ex, the one she says cheated on her during the mall scene.
Chloe Valentine = Vivienne Kensington
Rich Goranski = Paullette Bonfanté
Jake Dillinger = Kyle O’Boyle
Christine Canigula = Brooke Windham (Instead of being a fitness queen, she’s a famous Broadway actress.)
Jenna Rolan = Enid Hoopes
Michael Mell = I imagine he’d sort of replace Serena/Margot/Pilar? He doesn’t specifically fit any single one of them, but I love the idea of him and Brooke being BFFs. Also, I love the idea of him as the Greek Chorus. Just pretend Brooke lives in co-ed housing.
The SQUIP = Professor Callahan
Bonus: Dustin Kropp = Kate (The bookworm who helps Elle get into Harvard), Madeleine = Whitney (Vivienne’s friend). Also, Book!Michael could be Aaron Schultz.
By the way, @i-used-to-wear-the-fedora also has a puppy love Legally Blonde AU, something I hadn’t remembered until I’d fully thought of casting for this one. It’s pretty similar, but there are a few different details in terms of roles and stuff, and they also come up with a lot of cool AUs, so I’d encourage everyone to go check them out!
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thewhaatever · 5 years
My brain was very bad at processing things that day but seeing the show on Saturday was honestly the best experience of my life and here's why:
First of all: Joe Iconis was sitting two rows in front of me.
I was freaking out a little and my friend was laughing at me but I didn't want to annoy him so I tried to chill
But then he was standing behind us in line for merch (he was buying a whole bunch of his own merch which was kinda funny) and some other people talked to him so I did too and I'm not entirely sure what I said to him but he was SO nice and then I got a picture and... yeah I was just really happy.
Now to the show:
The set was incredible. Absolutely amazing.
The screen was used so perfectly and made everything seem like a videogame, honestly.
It was basically the only set. The only furniture they had was a desk for Jeremy's room, chairs for the school and some other minor things (I have to say it did seem a little bit empty at times and I wish that would have used a bed at least - didn't make sense to me that Jeremy falls asleep at his desk - but I'm probably just too used to the Broadway set)
More Than Survive was SO good! Scott puts so much emotion in his portrayal of Jeremy... I can't really describe what exactly he did but something about his Jeremy felt so real and yeah I might have cried a little... (I honestly think he’s my favourite Jeremy so far)
Also: Blake's Michael is very different from George's but in such an interesting way. I loved him the second he entered the stage. He really did capture the "Doesn't care about what anyone thinks, but deep down he does a little" - Energy.
Play Rehearsal was.... wow.
Miracle's Christine had no chill. At all. She was so unbelievably weird and quirky. (Also, she seemed much colder / not interested in talking about anything except theatre and when she didn't want to talk about something she was really showing that by acting uninterested... I thought that was an interesting take that definitely worked for the character) Every normal person would have been a little freaked out by her energy during the song probably but Jeremy was just staring at her the whole time with heart eyes it was really cute.
Favourite part was how Jake said: "Rich is doing it cause he's MY BOI!"
Squip Song was great, his VOICE!! WOW. I love James's Rich. Like, you could really see that even though he's the school's bully, there's something underneath that's not right. Everything he did felt very forced and I loved it (also, I told James at the stage door that Rich is my favourite character and that made him really happy apparently)
Now that I am thinking about it, I think they changed that scene a little and Rich didn't pee (so that conversation was missing) but that was probably due to the set bc the toilets were just projections on the screen so it would have been weird if he pretended to pee on the screen 😂
Also really loved the use of the screen during that whole scene, it was flashing and glitching when Rich's Squip was acting up
They brought back the bean bags for Two Player Game!!
The staging for this was so cool because at the end when Jeremy and Michael were dancing the screen made it look like they were the characters in the game (but differently than on Broadway) and I loved it (I'm sorry I'm really bad at explaining this)
Also, Blake's 'Is it really true, I'm your favourite person' was so funny, he did like a model pose or something and was sliding off the bag.
Scott was basically sitting on the floor the whole time because he somehow didn't manage to properly sit on that bag
Also, I think they changed the dialogue about Jeremy's mum a little bc when Michael asks him if he's heard from her Jeremy said "A little" and I'm pretty sure he didn't say that before
I feel Blake's Michael is that kind of person who's really bad at expressing how he feels... like, you could see in his face that he didn't like Jeremy's idea about going to the Payless and that he was genuinely scared about being too uncool for Jeremy afterwards but he really tried to say the "will u be to cool for... videogames" kinda jokey and yeah I'm overanalysing but I loved it
One thing in general: Everyone seemed really young on stage, definitely much younger than the Broadway cast. Especially Jeremy and Michael. I really believed that they were teenagers!! And I really love that.
Scott was fidgeting a LOT with his hands and I feel like that was very in character for Jeremy. I thought so often that he would drop things.... (like the money in the scary stockboy scene.. it took him so long to give it to Michael)
Jakes favourite restaurant is Pizza Hut now
When the Squip was activated Scott was screaming and rolling across the entire stage and it would have been funny if it didn't look like he was actually in pain
Because the stage was different the Squip had to walk on for his entrance and somehow that was incredibly funny to me but I can't explain why
Stewart Clarke. Holy shit. I'd totally swallow a supercomputer if it looked like him! I loovveeed his take on the role. I've seen interviews with him where he was talking about how he has to think of so many weird questions like how does a computer act, does it feel, how does it feel etc. And I really saw that he was thinking about those things. At the beginning his Squip was very robot-ish, simply focused on making Jeremy cool, without any secret plan or anything. But throughout the show, the Squip clearly evolved and became more... human, I guess? Like it was showing more and more human traits/emotion which peaked in The Play (later more on that)
In conclusion: I loved the Squip so so much
Squip: "Everything about you makes me wanna die!"
Jeremy: "Uhhhhhh this is intense!!"
The Brooke/Chloe scene in the mall was so funny and the part where the Squip tells Jeremy what to say (u know, in bmc pt.1) might have been my favourite part of the show. Scott looked so awkward and confused by everything but he did his best to mirror the Squip (they did identical movements the whole time which I don't remember from Broadway but my memory is shit so...)
Millie's Chloe was so over the top I love it.
They changed the dialogue a lot here, so that there's no mention of Madeleine at all so Chloe wasn't pissed or anything (I'm not sure if I like that) Jeremy just said something along the lines of "Oh you wouldn't know her because she's French" and that's where Brooke picks up her trying to speak French- thing
I THINK (not 100% sure tho) that Millie said "Jeremy?" Instead of "Jerry" At the beginning of that scene and that Scott was a bit confused for a second but he just continued with "It's Jeremy" and then Millie had to duck away because she was laughing (but maybe she did say it right and was just laughing at Jeremy in character idk)
I loved how Eloise's Brooke was so awkward. From the second that Jeremy noticed her she tried SO hard to impress him and it didn't work very well but it was so cute. Chloe tries to show her the whole time what to do but that doesn't make it better.
During Do you wanna ride, Jermey got so scared of the girls that he climbed onto the table with the t-shirts (actually now that I'm thinking about it he was climbing on things a lot)
Guy That I'd kinda be into was so cute!! I never particularly liked that song but Miracle somehow gave it a very different flair and I loved that. They changed the staging a bit and there weren't other people with hearts (there were hearts on the Screen) but at one point Rich was coming on stage with a helium heart balloon for like a second and then he disappeared again 😂 that was a bit weird but...
now lets get to the Act 1 Finale which was SO GOOD
Okay, so they changed it up quite a lot: After the whole "Eminem is dead?!" The Squip tells Jeremy that Brooke likes him (and Christine doesn't, yet) and Jeremy is so shocked that he turns to Brooke and says "You like me?" And she's like confused but nods and he's like: "Why???" (I loved that, Scott delivered that line really funny) and then Brooke explains the whole thing with Chloe, that she always gets noticed first etc. (That whole scene was really cute Jeremy and Brooke really seemed to actually like each other and I was really able to relate to Brooke - good Job Eloise!)
Then Brooke starts singing the "I'm tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am" Jeremy repeats it and then she starts Upgrade with the tres magnifique bit. It's like on the OBC until Jake's and Christine's part. They do their verse but run off after "Gotta get an upgrade" (Miracle was singing this up the octave which sounded SO cool) so they didn't have their conversation about Jake's parents (I did miss this a little but I get why it was cut) and then Jeremy ran back on stage followed by the Squip (you can see in Stewart's performance that he's already much more persuasive in a human way than before) who starts to sing the aggressive "C-c-c-come on Jeremy can't you see we got a plan, now be the man..." From the original cast album (I loved this SO much). Everyone came on to sing the "Christine" part in that and was surrounding Jeremy. He then shouts "Arghh too many voices in my head" the Squip leaves, Michael comes on, they do their "Jeremy that's amazing" dialogue, the Squip explains optic nerve blocking and says that he has to cut Michael off if he wants to be popular (Squip: "Cut your ties... or you'll both drown" I remember that because it sounded so unbelievably dramatic), Michael asked "Are you coming" and leaves the stage for Jeremy to sing Loser, Geek, Whatever.
I loved all of that so much because Scott puts so much emotion into this song, it nearly made me cry!! He really conveyed Jeremy's inner struggle without making him look like an asshole, more like a stupid kid that's going to make a really stupid decision
The second verse and chorus of LGW were cut (the "Dad taught me follow your instincts..." part) which I really liked (I never enjoyed the chorus of this song tbh).
"THE PROBLEM HAS ALWAYS BEEN.... .... me" the way Scott sang that truly broke my heart.
AND THEN (Loved this SO SO MUCH) after "ever agaaiiiiinnn" He went straight into that part that I guess you could call an Upgrade reprise from the Original Cast album ("And I wasn't sure before but now I wanna go all the way and more so give me that upgrade" etc.) AND it tied in so perfectly with Michael then asking again "Are you coming" and "Optic nerve Blocking on" and as much as I loved the "I'm tired of being the person that everyone thinks that I am" chorus, this was SUCH a great way to end act one, I might even prefer this.
I just love how they mixed in the old parts from this song that I was really missing on the OBC.
When the Squip came out in his first dress (is it a dress?) Costume people were cheering, loved that. (I mean that costume IS gorgeous and Stewart Clarke looks absolutely fabulous in all the costumes)
That was Act 1!! (I am so sorry if you actually read everything up to this point...)
Act 2
Halloween had such an amazing energy!!! The dances!! Ahh
At his "I don't have a machete but a loaf of bread will do" line, James threw the bread up in the air but didn't catch it and just hit his head as he went to pick it up as if he was blaming his Squip (not sure if that was supposed to happen but I loved it)
I loved how the Squip joined the dance, it looked so fancy with his costume 😂 I know he did this on Broadway too and I never really understood why (the others can't see him after all) but there it kinda felt like it was hinting at the fact that the Squip was becoming more human-ish??? (I'm definitely overthinking this) Like he was having fun maybe??? Idk
Millie's Do you wanna hang was so hilarious!!!
Like I said they didn't have a bed so she was just dancing around him (which looked good but I missed a bed here tbh) and they added a bit of dialogue (I think, maybe it was in the Broadway version) where Jeremy asked her "Are you jealous of Brooke??" And she was like "I'm not jealous I just don't understand why everyone likes her and no one likes me." (Or something like that) and the way Millie delivered that line really gave Chloe a whole lot of character depth. She sounded so heartbroken, I just wanted to hug her.
When the Squip shuts off (it looked really funny), Stewart just trust-falls backwards off stage and someone has to catch him and I was just thinking what if whoever catches him forgets about it??? 😂😂 (No seriously, dear catch person, don't forget this, ever... we need him as a Squip)
And now, the moment we have all been waiting for. MITB
Ahhh I was having so many feeling during this scene. I already told you that I love Blake's Michael and I really loved how rational and smart (?) He sounds in the scene before the song compared to Jeremy who kept insisting that the Squip isn't bad.
They added a bit of dialogue here too I think, because Jeremy said something along the lines of "You said technology isn't dangerous-" "Yeah unless someone uses it like you do!" (Something like this), really loved that as people somehow keep insisting that this is a show about the dangers of modern technology (It's definitely not).
Blake and Scott both did such an incredible job in this scene (and overall obviously), you just knew something bad was about to happen...
At the "Leave me alone" (not sure if that's what he's saying) line Jeremy steps reaaalllyy close to Michael (like there noses were almost touching close) and he looked so intimidating towards Michael and Blake sounded actually a bit scared when he says "Or you'll what?"
Then they just stand there for some seconds, not moving, before Jeremy says the "Get out of my way, loser" and Scott says this with so much hatred, my heart was actually hurting. Michael then just steps away and he looked sooo sad I almost cried.
MITB was absolutely amazing. Again very different than George's version but with just as much emotion and Blake's voice was sooooo beautiful, I can't!!
He sang the last "Michael in the Bathroom by himself" a bit different (can't really describe it but the note on "bath" was higher than usual? I don't know much about music sorry) and I loved loved loved that
The scene with Christine and Jeremy was so sweet. They were so unbelievably weird, I love them.
When the costumed person between them leaves, Christine pulls Jeremy across the stage by his legs and places them on top of hers (like in the promo pic) and it looked so cute!!
After that when Rich comes on and says the "I'll burn you out" I was soo sure somehow that there used to be a voiceover of his Squip but I can't find it anywhere so idk I'm confused... But it's definitely not there anymore.
Smartphone Hour. Holy shit, that was SO good. Renée Lamb's voice OMG!! Absolutely incredible.
(I just had to notice once again how much I hate the costumes in this scene... like the colours are great but what teenager wears THAT to sleep???)
The screen was so cool here again!! It obviously showed Jenna's selfie with the house (which I want printed to hang on my wall tbh) and then at the end it was full of fire that changed its colour and all of that was so fitting for the colour scheme!! The entire set design is just so incredible.
Also, Brooke is eating a banana when Chloe calls her and when she tells her about the fire Eloise just yeets it across the entire stage
They all looked like they were having so much fun!!
Back to Jeremy: For the scene with Mr Heere, Scott was switching back to total asshole mode... Internally I was like "Uhh that little shit" but yeah, great acting!!
I LOVE the pants song! It's so underappreciated!
The "You're burning incense" line got a lot of laughs
"Say it like you're in the army!"
"NO, SERGEANT, SIR!!!" *salutes*
Loved that
Pitiful Children was actually SO intimidating!! The use of the screen here and in The Play was almost overwhelming but like in a good way, I really felt the seriousness of the situation.
Again great acting skills from Scott and Stewart. Jeremy was so torn between giving in and knowing that it's wrong and the Squip really felt humanly evil at this point.
Renée Lamb's riff!! Omg! She did it very different than in the press videos but it sounded so cool!!
Also, I felt so bad for Jenna. Her "No one's ever asked me that before" really hit me.
"Michael makes an entrance!!!!!" was perfect, I love Blake!
The fight between Jeremy and Michael looked SO violent 😂 at one point towards the end Jeremy punched him and he was just lying there on the edge of the stage for some minutes and only woke up to join everyone screaming at the end.
I loved how everyone acted when they were squipped!! They were very obviously not themselves.
Especially Christine was acting very very differently. Her voice sounded completely different and you could see that Jeremy made his decision to give her the mountain dew red the second she opened her mouth.
Jake's "God I love me!" Was just really wholesome. He sounded so surprised about that.
They didn't have the "My Squip says I can go all the way to Broadway" :((( but I can live with that...
The part where the Squip “Died” was SO good!!! This was really the moment where the Squip felt very much like a human being. He was screaming and begging and sounded actually terrified. His acting here was absolutely incredible. I almost, almost felt bad for him a little.
Also, the projections were amazing, it looked like the screen shattered when the Squip died. 
Again, one thing that really bothered me: What kind of hospital doesn't have beds??? Jeremy and Rich were just sitting in wheelchairs which was fine but like... Why no bed???
I loved James' acting in this scene!!! He was a COMPLETELY different person and everyone noticed that right away. Even without the l lisp, you would have noticed simply by the way he was talking. James really did a great job with Rich!!
His "I'm totally bi now!!" Sounded so surprised and got a lot of applause.
Voices in my head is my favourite song and made me cry 😂
Christine's Squip is now Greta Thunberg!!!!
I loved how Jeremy was totally his old self again when he was talking to Christine. He was stammering and fidgeting with his hands a lot and only managed to bring out the "Bowling Alley performance art?" Because Christine kept encouraging him which was so cute. If there are somehow still people out there who think that their relationship is underdeveloped they should watch this version.
The kiss was so cute!! Miracle and Scott have amazing chemistry!
I really think that's all I have to say... It's a lot I'm sorry 😂😂😂 just had to write those thoughts down.. I hope it makes a little sense I was a bit sick in the last few days so excuse me if anything's worded in a weird way...
I loved it so so much and I'm so happy they got the well-deserved extension! I'm definitely going again sometime soon 😊😊
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pabotofus · 7 years
💌 *dab*
90% combat boots, 10% memes
Okay okay but actually?? Laughter, glitter pens and macarons, green tea frappuccinos and madeleines, musicals (BMC, The Lightning Thief), spices, and for some reason scarves. Not winter scarves, but like ones you wear in fall for fashion, and the color rose gold.
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boyf-riends · 7 years
be more chill book, a summary: ch. 1
jeremy is at school. the teacher is taking attendance. jeremy is heere. also madeleine is actually named elizabeth in the book i guess and he has humiliation sheets? jeremy buddy idk what those are but get it together also just so u guys know i'll be tagging these as "bmc book liveblog"
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confusedlowblood · 7 years
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🎶~Jakey D! What's uo with you and Madeleine? I shouldn't say, but its a good thing I rock at Pool!~🎶 Inktober Day 29: Jake Dillinger and Rich Goranski From: Be More Chill - - - - #art #art🎨 #artsy #artwork #artist #artistsofinstagram #ink #pen #inktober #inktober2017 #bemorechillmusical #bemorechill #bmc #jakedillinger #richgoranski #richbmc #jakeboyd #gerardcancio #song #songlyrics #lyrics @jaykeboid @gerardcanonico (Thank you for being a part if my favorite musical cause you helped to be at the top for me😁)
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
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Several leading universities have failed to score highly in a new ranking of degree teaching standards.
The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has rated 295 institutions bronze, silver or gold according to their standard of undergraduate teaching.
Gold went to 59 and silver to 116.
The lowest score of bronze was awarded to 56 – including the London School of Economics (LSE), Southampton, Liverpool, Goldsmiths and the School of Oriental and African Studies (Soas).
The new teaching rankings aim to help students make informed choices about degree courses, but many universities rated as bronze have criticised the system as unfair and unreliable.
Drop-out rates
The TEF, which was introduced by the previous government, is being administered by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce).
Degree providers – a mixture of universities, colleges offering degree courses and alternative providers – could choose whether or not to take part.
However, those awarded a bronze or higher – all institutions that took part, besides 64 who were given a provisional rating – are now set to be able to raise tuition fees, which currently stand at about 9,000, in line with inflation in 2018-19.
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Higher education providers are assessed on a range of measures, including facilities, student satisfaction, drop-out rates and whether students go on to employment or further study after graduating.
It is based on data and not actual inspections of lectures or other teaching.
Ten further education colleges that offer degrees received the top ranking of gold, alongside some elite universities.
University grading system explained
Differences between institutions, such as entry qualifications and subjects studied, were taken into account by an independent panel – made up of 27 academics, students, employers and experts in widening participation – which made the final awards.
A gold award means a university is of the highest quality found in the UK, providing “consistently outstanding teaching, learning and outcomes for its students”, while the silver award was given for consistently exceeding “rigorous national quality requirements for UK higher education” and bronze was awarded to those that met these national requirements.
The ranking of provisional is given to those institutions that do not yet have sufficient data to be fully assessed.
Hefce said the rankings measured the issues that students cared about:
high-quality, engaged teaching
a supportive, stimulating learning environment
having the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their potential
the opportunity to progress to a good job or further study
Madeleine Atkins, chief executive of Hefce, said students invested significant amounts of time and money in their higher education and “rightly expected a high-quality learning experience and outcomes”.
Prof Chris Husbands, who chairs the TEF assessment panel, said he hoped the TEF “provided clear and easily understandable ratings to be used alongside other information”.
He stressed that within individual awards, universities may have elements of others – for example a university awarded bronze could have elements of gold or silver.
Nick Hillman, director of the Higher Education Policy Institute, said the fact that some of the results “seemed surprising” suggested the TEF was working.
“The TEF would have comprehensively failed if it had simply replicated existing hierarchies,” he said.
“It was always designed to do something different to other league tables and rankings – namely, to show where there are pockets of excellence that have been ignored and to encourage improvements elsewhere.”
But he added that students should remember the TEF did not “accurately reflects precisely what goes on in lecture halls”.
“I hope university applicants will use the results in their decision-making – but they should do so with caution, not least because the ratings are for whole universities rather than individual courses,” he said.
Sir Christopher Snowden, president and vice-chancellor of the University of Southampton, which received a bronze award, said it was “hard to have confidence in a TEF which appears devoid of any meaningful assessment of teaching”.
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“I know I am not alone in having deep concerns about its subjective assessment, its lack of transparency, and with different benchmarks for each institution removing any sense of equity and equality of assessment,” he said.
“Our own student satisfaction metrics, including satisfaction with teaching, are better than some of those universities who have been awarded silver and gold today.”
Southampton intends to appeal against its rating.
Dr Deborah Johnston, pro-director of Soas, said she was concerned that the TEF did not “accurately reflect what we do”.
“There is clearly also a London effect, with one in three London institutions achieving bronze, compared to just one in eight outside London.
“The metrics were not benchmarked for London, when we believe there was a significant difference for London institutions, for example in relation to retention rates due to costs of living.”
In a statement, the University of Liverpool said it was disappointing to receive a bronze rating, but added that the TEF was “not an absolute measure of quality”.
“By other widely recognised rankings, the University of Liverpool is consistently named in the top 200 universities globally,” it said.
“Nonetheless, we’re committed to improving against the measures used in the TEF.”
Patrick Loughrey, warden of Goldsmiths said the TEF rating showed “we must improve in a number of areas to ensure our students have the best possible experience during their time here”.
“We are already working hard to do this, and look forward to meeting these challenges together over the coming months and years” he said.
Interim director of the LSE, Prof Julia Black, said there were limits to the measures the TEF used, but added: “We recognise that we have work to do, but we are confident that the education initiatives that we have under way will lead to improvements for our students.”
HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION & TEF RANKING University of Abertay Dundee Silver ABI College Limited Provisional Abingdon and Witney College Silver The Academy of Contemporary Music Limited Provisional Access to Music Limited Provisional Accrington and Rossendale College Bronze Activate Learning Silver ALRA Provisional Amersham & Wycombe College Bronze Anglia Ruskin University Silver Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Silver Architectural Association (Incorporated) Provisional The Arts University Bournemouth Gold University of the Arts, London Silver Askham Bryan College Bronze Assemblies of God Incorporated Provisional Aston University Gold Aylesbury College Bronze Bangor University Gold The University of Bath Gold Bath Spa University Silver University of Bedfordshire Silver BIMM Limited Provisional Birkbeck College Silver The University of Birmingham Gold University College Birmingham Silver Birmingham City University Silver Bishop Burton College Bronze Bishop Grosseteste University Gold Blackburn College Bronze Blackpool and the Fylde College Gold BMC (Brooksby Melton College) Bronze The University of Bolton Silver Bournemouth University Silver Bournville College Provisional BPP University Limited Bronze The University of Bradford Silver Bradford College Bronze University of Brighton Silver University of Bristol Silver Bristol Baptist College Provisional Brit College Limited Provisional The British School of Osteopathy Bronze Brunel University London Silver The University of Buckingham Gold Buckinghamshire New University Bronze Calderdale College Silver University of Cambridge Gold Cambridge Regional College Bronze Canterbury Christ Church University Silver Canterbury College Silver Cardiff Metropolitan University Silver Cardiff University Silver Cardinal Newman College Provisional University of Central Lancashire Silver University of Chester Silver The University of Chichester Silver Chichester College Silver The Chicken Shed Theatre Trust Silver Cirencester College Provisional City and Guilds of London Art School Limited Provisional City College Plymouth Gold City of Bristol College Silver The City of Liverpool College Gold City, University of London Silver Cleveland College of Art and Design Gold Colchester Institute Silver The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama Gold Cornwall College Silver Courtauld Institute of Art Silver Coventry University Gold University for the Creative Arts Silver Croydon College Provisional The University of Cumbria Bronze CWR Provisional Darlington College Silver De Montfort University Gold University of Derby Gold Doncaster College Bronze University of Dundee Gold University of Durham Silver Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College Provisional The University of East Anglia Silver East Durham College Silver East End Computing & Business College Limited Provisional East Kent College Provisional University of East London Bronze East Riding College Bronze Edge Hill University Gold The Edward James Foundation Limited Provisional The University of Essex Gold University College of Estate Management Provisional University of Exeter Gold Exeter College Gold Fairfield School of Business Ltd Provisional Falmouth University Gold Fareham College Provisional Farnborough College of Technology Bronze Furness College Silver Futureworks Training Limited Provisional Gateshead College Silver University of Gloucestershire Silver Goldsmiths College Bronze Grafton College Limited Provisional Greater Brighton Metropolitan College Silver University of Greenwich Silver Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education Bronze Guildhall School of Music & Drama Silver Hadlow College Bronze Halesowen College Silver Harper Adams University Gold Hartlepool College of Further Education Silver Hartpury College Gold Heart of Worcestershire College Silver Hereford College of Arts Silver Heriot-Watt University Silver Hertford Regional College Silver University of Hertfordshire Silver Highbury College Portsmouth Bronze Holy Cross College Provisional Hopwood Hall College Bronze The University of Huddersfield Gold Hugh Baird College Gold The University of Hull Silver Hull College Bronze Hy Education Limited Provisional ICMP Management Limited Provisional Imperial College London Gold Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited Silver University of Keele Gold Kensington Education Foundation Limited Provisional The University of Kent Gold The Kingham Hill Trust Provisional King’s College London Silver Kingston College Silver Kingston Maurward College Bronze Kingston University Bronze Kirklees College Silver KLC Limited Provisional The University of Lancaster Gold The University of Law Limited Gold The University of Leeds Gold Leeds Beckett University Silver Leeds City College Bronze Leeds College of Art Silver Leeds Trinity University Silver The University of Leicester Silver Leicester College Gold University of Lincoln Gold Lincoln College Silver The University of Liverpool Bronze Liverpool Hope University Gold The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts Gold Liverpool John Moores University Silver University College London Silver London Bridge Business Academy Limited Provisional London College of Creative Media Limited Provisional The London Institute of Banking & Finance Provisional London Metropolitan University Bronze London School of Business and Management Limited Provisional The London School of Economics and Political Science Bronze London School of Management Education Limited Provisional London School of Science & Technology Limited Provisional London School of Theology Provisional London South Bank University Silver London Studio Centre Limited Silver Loughborough College Silver Loughborough University Gold Luther King House Educational Trust Provisional Macclesfield College Provisional The University of Manchester Silver LTE Group Silver Manchester Metropolitan University Silver Met Film School Limited Provisional Middlesbrough College Gold Middlesex University Silver Milton Keynes College Bronze Moorlands College Provisional Myerscough College Silver Nazarene Theological College Provisional NCG Silver Neath Port Talbot College Silver Nelson College London Limited Provisional New College Durham Bronze New College Stamford Silver Newbury College Provisional University of Newcastle upon Tyne Gold Newham College of Further Education Provisional Newman University Silver Norland College Limited Provisional North East Surrey College of Technology Bronze North Hertfordshire College Silver North Lindsey College Silver North West Regional College Provisional The University of Northampton Gold Northampton College Silver Northern College of Acupuncture Provisional Northumberland College Bronze University of Northumbria at Newcastle Silver Norwich University of the Arts Gold The University of Nottingham Gold Nottingham Trent University Gold Oaklands College Silver The School of Oriental and African Studies Bronze University of Oxford Gold Oxford Brookes University Silver Oxford Business College UK Limited Provisional Pearson College Limited Provisional Petroc Silver Plumpton College Bronze University of Plymouth Bronze Plymouth College of Art Bronze Point Blank Limited Provisional University of Portsmouth Gold Preston College Bronze Queen Mary University of London Silver The Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education Provisional Ravensbourne Silver The University of Reading Silver Reaseheath College Bronze Redcar & Cleveland College Silver RNN Group Silver The Robert Gordon University Gold Roehampton University Bronze Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance Gold The Royal Academy of Music Gold The Royal Agricultural University Silver The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama Gold Royal College of Music Gold Royal Holloway, University of London Silver Royal Northern College of Music Gold The Royal Veterinary College Gold RTC Education Ltd Provisional SAE Education Limited Provisional The University of Salford Bronze Salford City College Bronze The Salvation Army Provisional Selby College Silver The University of Sheffield Silver Sheffield Hallam University Silver Solihull College and University Centre Gold South & City College Birmingham Silver South Devon College Gold South Tyneside College Silver South West College Provisional University of Southampton Bronze Southampton Solent University Bronze Southport College Bronze Sparsholt College Silver Spurgeon’s College Provisional University of St Andrews Gold University of St Mark & St John Silver St Mary’s University, Twickenham Silver St. George’s, University of London Bronze Staffordshire University Silver Stockton Riverside College Silver Stratford College London Limited Provisional Strode College Silver University of Suffolk Bronze University of Sunderland Silver Sunderland College Silver The University of Surrey Gold University of Sussex Silver Sussex Coast College Hastings Provisional Sussex Downs College Silver Swansea University Silver Teesside University Silver Tertiary Education Services Limited Provisional Tresham College of Further and Higher Education Provisional Trinity College (Bristol) Limited Provisional Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance Bronze Truro and Penwith College Gold Tyne Metropolitan College Bronze UCK Limited Provisional UK College of Business and Computing Ltd Provisional Wakefield College Silver University of Wales Trinity Saint David Bronze The University of Warwick Silver Warwickshire College Bronze West Herts College Gold West Kent and Ashford College Silver The University of West London Silver University of the West of England, Bristol Silver The University of Westminster Bronze Weston College of Further and Higher Education Gold Wigan and Leigh College Silver Wiltshire College Bronze University of Winchester Silver University of Wolverhampton Bronze University of Worcester Silver Wrexham Glyndwr University Silver Writtle University College Bronze University of York Silver York College Silver York St John University Bronze
Read more: http://ift.tt/2sWaHdY
The post Leading universities rated ‘bronze’ under new ranking system – BBC News appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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