#made in thialand
halftickets · 1 year
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darkstarswitch · 1 year
When you are a Leader
I stand here, rubbing my temples because he gives me such a fucking headache. He claims to be a dominant, but he is not. I was thinking about it the other day as I was coming home from work. He claims to have my best interests in mind, but what he really has in mind is what he wants. He says to me "baby, what do you want?" I want to move south. I want to be near the beach where I can look for treasure. I want to hear the seagulls. I want to smell the ocean and hear the waves. Ya know what he does? He plans to move out of the COUNTRY! Here I am thinking Florida, North or South Carolina somewhere here. In the US. No! this MF decides that he wants to move to THIALAND! Never in our relationship did I ever say, "I want to move out of country."
As a leader he sucks. As a leader he doesn't hear a thing I say.
I as a leader have been standing here watching his drunk ass try to put the cable back up and failing because he can't stand up. I, as a leader told him to tape the cable back up because the wall is basically made of mush and the tacks that use to hold the cable in have nothing to hold on to. It's like watching someone try to push a door open that is clearly marked "pull." So, his drunk ass loses his balance, crashes to the floor pulling the cables down and he's pissed because now he has to try and find all the tacks, try to hammer them into studs that do not exist. Fifteen minutes of him getting worked up and not listening to me only to turn around and TAPE the cable to the wall. I am a leader that wants to cry. I am a leader that wants very much to scream. I am a leader that wonders has this guy always been this much of an ass or I am just the lucky chick to witness it all?
He asked me if I was hungry. I said, no. I told him that he could order if he was, that I would nosh on the leftovers later. So, he goes ahead and orders a bunch of food, takes on or two bites and leaves it all out, telling me to eat. A leader listens. My submissive friends, am I wrong? My Dominant friends, am I wrong? I wish I could get as drunk as he does. As a leader, I have to stay sober so that he doesn't end up killing himself.
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kimona777 · 5 years
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I was dancing in an ocean in Koh Phangan, Thialand while it was raining. The air was hot, dense, and humid. It felt like the ocean and the sky were both intensley kissing me and making my skin wet all over. My body was made for this climate.
IG: @kimona187
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davidwfloydart · 2 years
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Stray dogs in Thailand find shelter in folding structures made from repurposed billboards. A really brilliant idea! ♥️ #compassioninaction #kindnessrocks #animallovers #thialand #puppylove #repurposingproject #creativityfound (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZspNhrGVO1RINiV1_IRvLmov9ZsP7wj_akoQ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sheaking81 · 7 years
Pre-series one shot @graceandfrankieweek
She sits at the shore line, surrounded by all the things that should be helping to make sense of everything, but right now the fog in her mind is too dense to see through. She can’t find the answer she seeks in herself and she’s prayed to every God and Goddess she can think of, still no answer has come to her. She stares out over the ocean not really seeing it, not really seeing anything other than the pain on her sons face as he begged not to go, as he cursed and screamed for her to not make him go. Coyote had slipped too far down now that rabbit hole for her to help now. She tried when it first started but now, well now it was just too late. She takes a deep breath and usually the salt in the air helps soothe her but it does nothing but wish she had picked someplace eles to go to. She always comes here, to the beach house when the world becomes too much. When life gets a little more complicated than it needs to be. When trouble shows it’s face, she runs here. She’s not sure why, it just feels like this is where she belongs.
From the corner of her eye she seems a slim shadow coming down the beach. It’s not Sol, he’s still at the treatment center or maybe he’s back at the office. She’s not sure about how much time has passed since she arrived here. It’s not Babe, she is off in Thialand right now, cleansing herself and for a moment she wishes she was with her. Bathing in some hot spring and letting her worries melt from her. As the shadow comes closer she can start to make out the image and she’s shocked. Grace is slowly making her way down the beach to her. Her blonde hair floating in the breeze. She can almost make out her blue eyes with each step she takes.
She envies Grace sometimes. Not all the time but sometimes, like right now. The woman found a way to block the world out. To not let the emotions of the outside world affect her. She hides behind her martini glass, somewhere between sobriety and addiction. She’s settled nicely into a groove that no one really worries about her drinking but no one really notices it. Frankie notices and she worries that Grace may slip down that same rabbit hole as Coyote, lost to help until it’s too late. She worries that she may be sitting here again one day trying to find the answers to help the woman now well within sight of her.
“Hey.” Grace says softly as she comes to the blanket. “I hope you don’t mind..”
“No it’s fine. I was just thinking.” Frankie sighs as she moves over offering Grace a place to sit on the blanket.
“Thanks.” Grace take her place on the blanket. Her legs bent at the knee and she can’t help but watch as Grace pulls her legs close, like she’s shielding herself from the world or the feelings she about to feel. “Robert told me. I’m sorry Frankie. I really thought Coyote was doing better.” Her voice is soft and low. No sharp edges, venom, or ice. She looks over at Grace and she can see the softness around her almost. Like her own sharp edges have been dulled for this conversation.
“I did too but I guess that just goes to show how much I can miss.” She sighs copying Grace’s gesture of drawing her knees up to her chest. She wants to shield the ache in her from coming out. Grace may be nice enough to come here, but the last thing Frankie wants to do is break down in front of her. “I know I’m no role model. Hell I’m far from an angel but this is too much. I don’t get his need for it. I don’t. I’ve asked him time and time again why? Why he’s doing it? Why he needs it? and all I get from him is he doesn’t need it and he can quit anytime. Yet, here we are, another trip to rehab.” Frankie lets her shoulders drop as she rest her head on her arms. She keeps her eyes on the ocean, daring not to look at Grace. She’s heard her remarks about her drug use being linked to Coyote’s problem. She knows how Grace is, she can just imagine the talk she’ll have with her country club friends about this.
She waits for a reply from Grace but then she wonders if Grace even heard her as she looks over to see those blue eyes scanning the water before them. She turns her head back to do the same. She’s ready to say nevermind and just sit in silence, waiting for an answer to come to her. “This is his own fight. The only thing that we can really do is just be there for him when he’s ready to take it on.” For a moment Frankie wonders if maybe she made up the words in her head. Maybe the Goddess has finally answered her and she’s confusing it for Grace speaking. “He’s not going to kick his habit unitl he’s ready to.” Frankie sighs as she feels Grace move a little closer.
“Am I a faliure as a mother?” There it is, that weight she’s felt for years now. Since the day she welcomed her boys into her life. That fear of failing them in everyway finally found it’s voice. She can’t stop the tears from rolling from her eyes now and for a moment she feels Grace tense next to her. If Frankie has to guess, Grace would up and leave at any minute.
“Far from it. You’re an amazing mother. You’re definetly a better mother than me. Your boys worship you and my girls adore you.” Grace’s words are soft as Frankie feels Grace move even closer now and the feel of her arm around her shoulder is a comfort she never expected. “This isn’t about you Frankie. This is the stuff he’s dealing with. Whatever it is that’s making him use, isn’t your fault.” She really wants to find solace in Grace’s words and deep down she knows Grace is right but that fear of failing her boys has a death grip on her.
“I know you’re right but I can’t help but feel like there’s more that I can do or say to help him.” She sighs trying to ease the ache coming from deep within her. She stops and closes her eyes, her mind racing with all the things that could go wrong. “I don’t want to lose him.” Her words come out broken and small, scattering around them as she lets herself hurt. Her tears stream down her face as folds into herself just a little. Grace doesn’t say a word, she just tightens her hold, and pulls her closer.
Seconds or maybe minutes pass until Frankie calms her sobs. Sitting up she brings her hands up to dry her dampened cheeks. Her eyes still blurring but the tears have slowed now. Grace still has a tight hold on her and as Frankie turns slowly she notices the tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what I would do it if were one of my girls but I’ve watched Coyote grow up with them. I’m sorry Frankie. I wish I could make it all better. I really do.” Grace sighs as her free hand comes up to wipe her own tears away. “He’s going to be okay. I know that. He has the best parents in the world, Bud, and even my girls. Not sure how much help Brianna would be but Mallory likes him. Plus there’s Robert and me. He’s going to get through this Frankie. I just know it.”
Frankie knows she’s heard Grace but as she looks back at the ocean. She wonders if maybe she’s been to harsh on Grace. If maybe somehow through all the picking and complaining, she’s somehow missed this Grace. The Grace next to her, being the saving grace she needs right now. Grace’s words are right, she knows that this will just take time. That Coyote needs to find his reasons to stop and accept the help he has all around him. Silently she sends a prayer up and out. Praying that her son finds his way in the world and finds the sobriety he needs. “Thank you.” She smiles over at Grace and watches as the corner of her move curves up.
“You’re welcome.” Grace answers but doesn’t turn to look back at her. In that moment she stares at Grace she thinks about their future friendship. Wonders if this moment is just a fleeting one and by the time they get back to the beach house she will be the cold and distant Grace she’s come to know. Then she lets it slip away as she turns to just sit in this moment. She’s a little stonger with Grace here with her. She knows that, she’ll never admit it but she knows it. She knows there may come a day when they just pass each other as strangers on the street once their husbands retire and that they may never really get the chance to be the friends she feels they should be. So she’ll be thankful for this moment now, knowing it may be a forgotten memory between them one day.
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gregalyssa · 6 years
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Day 8 Jan 4, 2019: Dancing in the Rain
Well, to pick up where I left off in yesterday’s post, we made it out of Phuket this morning around 8:30 am. Tropical Storm Pabuk was set to hit around 10 am. My screenshot above is an extreme exaggeration of the situation we were in. Phuket was only expecting 2 meter swells and winds around 21 kph. People were not panicking or fleeing where we were. The islands in the gulf were the real concern. (Again, I want to reiterate for you worriers out there, we were not in harms way, just at risk of having a flight cancelled).
We did end up changing our entire route to Bali, but on the bright side, we get there half a day earlier now. The down side is that we will spend most of today traveling. Our original plan was to fly redeye from Phuket to Bali tonight. Instead we arrive at midnight and probably get some actual sleep. All in all, we are blessed to have made it out when we did and still on track to make it to Bali.
From Chiang Mai, we head to Kuala Lumpur then to Bali where we added a night to our stay at the Meliá Hotel. All in all, it was a good travel day. We always meet the most interesting people while travelling.
Ironically, the storm slowed as it hit the eastern coast of Thialand, so our original flight did end up taking off. Either way, the changes we made were worth the peace of mind to know we were getting away from the storm.
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damajority · 6 years
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DaMajority Fresh Article https://www.damajority.com/quick-chat-w-jamaicas-shantell-shanz-hill-on-women-sports-media/
QUICK CHAT w/ Jamaica's Shantell "Shanz" Hill on Women + Sports + Media!
QUICK CHAT w/ Shantell “Shanz” Hill
Shantell “Shanz” Hill
This week our team had a little Quick Chat with the beautiful Shantell “Shanz” Hill of Jamaica. Shanz holds a Masters of Science Degree in Entertainment business (Full Sail University, FL), as well as a Bachelor’s of Science Degree (Hons.) in Hospitality and Tourism Management (UTECH, Jamaica), majoring in Food Service Management. Shanz is currently the only female marketing manager in Caribbean Premiere League and holds the title as Head of Marketing and Brand Communications for the Jamaica Tallawahs.
 Tell us about where you’re from. I am from the bustling town of Old Harbour, St. Catherine (Jamaica).  Spent my childhood between the  community of Old Harbour Bay then Marlie Mount.
Who or what inspired you to become involved in media? Media happened in three stages for me.
Stage 1 Whilst in university (University of Technology, Kingston Jamaica) a friend who had his own cable had an event – Carnival.. maybe Fashion Week I believe … and his host could make it, at the start he asked if I could host and after a few minute Richard had the mic in my hand and the camera in my face.
Stage 2: My second entry was in 2009, I was 23 years old – I stared a Public Relations and Social Media Marketing Agency, after 6 months in Big Yard Music Label recruited me and parters to manage the  digital and PR affairs of its then roaster ( Christopher Martin, D- Major, Shaggy and Cecile etc).  I stayed in the industry  through the years, expanding in my participation.
Stage 3: On- Air  (FAME 95FM)  and TV (RE TV) personality for  in the RJR GLEANER Group, in 2017 six months after joining the group as the Digital Brand Manager for Radio Services, the general manager of Radio – Dr. Dennis Howard called me in a meeting and advised me that I will be having my own show, he told myself and the program manager to banister a concept- this gave birth to IN Da Mix; it allowed me to talk about food, fashion, technology, moves and events – all the things I loved. Being both on Radio and TV gave me a perfect platform for expand the entertainment awareness for lifestyle conversation as well as to display my passion for soca and entertainment events.
3. How and when did you started in sports media? Sports Media ..Hmm I would say sports Marketing! I have been around sports all my life my family is a Pro- Sports family. Dad, uncles, cousins and brothers all played football and those who can’t play are sports photographers or markets  (haha  me).. I played Basketball in high school – Old Harbour High, that afforded me sporting scholarship to UTECH  where I never suited up for Knights in basketball but did two seasons from then in football ( yes i was the Goal Keeper – No. 6 is still my number) and also for my faculty SHTM. But I actually  started in track and field ( spent  a little over 10 years with athletics in an informal way, supporting brands like Adidas and Puma). However my formal entry came in 2016 (I has migrated back to Jamaica from the USA, post my Masters of Entertainment Business Degree from FullSail), and took a meeting with the former owners ( Ron Parikh and Manish Patel ) of the Tallawahs Franchise. The meeting was to manage the party stand given my background, however I left the meeting with an offer to become the Head of Marketing for the Tallawahs, which I accepted in a heart beat.. why not!
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4. What sport(s) do you enjoy covering most? Wow … I’d be very biased and say Cricket, well more specially CPL T20 . The tournament is amazing, the energy and opportunity to showcase our young and aspiring talents, our county, culture and caribbean makes me truly happy. CPL attracts 11 Million eyes annually and growing through our leadership in the digital space and diversity of teams, so having that power to influence makes it enjoyable.
5. Name 3 of your favorite athletes. Wow that’s like asking a mom to say who is her favourite child … Hmmm
let’s see -Thierry Henry (formally of Arsenal)  Usain Bolt, Oshane Thomas (I am beyond excited about his future as a fast bowler.
6. Do you believe that there is gender equality in Caribbean sports? Gender equity and inclusion has A LOT  more room for growth, I am seeing small steps both on the field and off but I’d say we have about 70% room for added growth. Even in cricket I am looking forward to seeing more women both participating as well as in roles of leadership so as to support the growth of the sport. When I love at CPL our stadium is at 45 % female fans and social media has a higher ratio which means women are fans who will later become administrative support, which can become leading roles sooner than later.
7. Which female media personalities currently inspire you? I would have to – Debbie Harris (both on and off screen), Trsihana McGowan and Karren Madden (Girls Sports Club) … oh wait Alexis Jordan she did a great job with Fan View on CPL  this year.
8. Favorite Recording Artist? Oh My gosh ..asking me to pick my favorite child! Let me break the rules and give you a few whom I am excited to grow beyond the region:
Christopher Martin, Kes, D’Yani (super talented),  Voice, Tosh Alexander, Kim Nain, Khalia, Naomi Cowan ..my list is never ending, oh and  Jada Kingdom. Keep a tab on those names.
9. Favorite Movie? I am a hopeless romantic so I’d say Pretty Woman  and Happily Ever After (50/50..haha)
10. Favorite Country to visit? Oh wow Normally i’d say London because of its rich culture and family but Thialand stole my heart last year.  – Chang Man is now my home away from home if ever it was to be so.
11. Single or Taken? Single legally (…no ring yet) however my heart is currently occupied.
12. If your personality was a smoothie; what would be the ingredients? Easiest question … I’d say make this smoothie yours too!
 1/4 cup FOSKA Oats (yes the brand quality  is important), 1 Banana, Tsp Flax Seed, 1 Slice Mango, Ice Cubes, 1 Scoop of iceCream,  1 Tblspn of Peanut or  Chocolate Chip Cookie, 1/2 Cup Water and or Milk to texture you see fit.
13. What can be done regionally to get more women involved in sports media? Wow so much more lets start with a Sports Marketing – Elective in CAPE  or UWI. Get females into the mindset of moving from fans to FAMS (Female Agent Momigers ..yup I made that up. Women are built in nurturers and women are passionate, why not groom them to express to two essential qualities alongside management skills (which we know is one of the highest in the world). I want to see more women on the slide lines, marketing, presidents, board members on sports not just business and not just because they are “WOMEN” because they are capable and they can influence consumers.
14. Identify what lessons you’ve learned so far in the sports industry. I have so many lessons wow I could write a book, but I being hard-working and communicating well is by far the best quality you can have not just in business, or sports but in life. Knowing how to communicate effectively and in timely manner illuminates 90% of issues that can make your careers more difficult. Once you master effective communication both written and oral then honesty, resilience  and reliability are key to making your efforts a success.
15. Name 3 Caribbean islands you’d love to visit? So easy … Cuba, Barbados (still can’t believe I haven’t visited)  and Anguilla,
16. What do you like to do outside of sports? Music & Food (my Bachelors is Food and I Certified in Baking Technology … yup i am an unofficial executive chef ..lol) I am as much passion for each as I do for media and sports.
17. What’s the best career advice you can give to someone looking into getting into the industry? Be Passionate about every task, be honest in everything you do, work harder thank you planned to and most importantly listen more than you’d like to.
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gregalyssa · 6 years
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Day 7 Jan 3, 2019: Island Time
One of the Must Sees of Thialand is the Phi Phi islands and that is exactly where we headed today. We joined a speedboat (a very large probably 30 passenger speedboat) and set sail. If I’m being 100% honest, I think our guide, Merci, was a lady-boy. He/she was very nice and a great guide, but I felt like a real millennial trying to decide what pronoun to use.
Our first stop was supposed to be Bamboo Island, but the conditions did not cooperate so we ended up on Monkey Beach. Although it was crowded, we were able to wade in the crystal clear water, take in the sights and even see a few monkeys!
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Next we headed to Phi Phi Don, the larger of the 2 Phi Phi Islands. Here we jumped overboard and got some snorkeling in. It was a good reef and there were some parrot fish and a few others I did not recognize, but it wasn’t my favorite of all time.
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Next, our captain wiggled our boat in between two others on the beach (I know wiggled is a strange verb for parking a boat, but we literally just had two crew hold the other boats a few feet apart then forced our way between the two boats, making space as we went. I have a great video). On the island, we ate our buffet lunch and then explored. To avoid the crowds again, Alyssa and I waded around the corner to a more natural beach and actually saw some real Monkeys. While we enjoyed the views, we had to admit that this place was probably much more beautiful and healthy before humans found it. It was a good conversation about the conflicting aspirations of adventure and preservation.
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From here, it was off to Phi Phi Ley (the smaller, uninhabited island). We passed an enormous cave (‘Birds Nest Cave’) where Merci explained that locals collect the Syliva of the birds to be sold as an Asian dietary delicacy.
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On the other side of the island we floated in front of Maya Bay. This beach was officially closed to The public a few months ago due to excessive damage done by the hundreds of boats that stopped there every day. I honestly hope it stays closed so it can remain as beautiful as it was today. And let me tell you, it was beautiful.
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The ride to our next stop was fairly rough and our shipmates were stuggling hard with getting bounced around. Alyssa and I actually felt fine the whole time. This last island was Rang Yai. This tiny island was probably my favorite of the day as we walked to both sides and saw 2 incredible beaches. Nothing beats lounging in a comfortable chair on a beautiful beach with the woman you love. Sorry for the cheesy line, but I love moments like that.
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As we were boarding the boat, one of our new friends asked if we had heard from our flight since boarding the boat. We explained that we were living on WiFi not a phone plan.. so no. Apparently the storm headed our way had been upgraded to a typhoon.. and was scheduled to hit tomorrow (when our flight is). Time to get out. Now.
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Fast forward 2 hours and now I am actually writing this post on our way to the airport. We are trying to get on a flight tonight so we don’t have to risk the storm grounding our scheduled flight (tomorrow night). I’ll finish the post when I know if we are making it out tonight or have to weather the storm.
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(Written later) Update: We didn’t make it out that night, but we did get switched to a flight first thing the next morning. Spoiler alert, we made it out and we are back in Chiang Mai. We are safe and sound out of the path of the storm. (Reiterating for you worriers out there: WE ARE SAFE AND OUT OF THE WAY OF THE STORM). Stay tuned for how/when we get to Bali.
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