#mac's doin more prompts
purrgilpawkins · 10 months
Needle + Thread
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Summary: Mac needs his wounds stitched up. Unfortunately for him, he and the team are in the middle of nowhere without painkillers. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver, Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Comfortember 2020 series Prompt: Campfire
Warnings: non detailed wound stitching
Notable tags: H/C, stab wound, field medicine, hurt Mac, caring Jack, caring Riley, Mac whump
The sound of the crackling fire was the only thing heard amongst the chirping crickets, the chattering of Riley’s teeth, and Mac’s ragged breathing. At least, it was all Jack could hear, which was a good thing for the most part.
They had to set up camp in the woods to lay low and wait for exfil. Unfortunately none of them were wearing appropriate attire to be camping during November, which left them all a little on the chilly side. Jack and Riley could handle it but they were both worried about Mac, who was currently bleeding out thanks to a gash on his belly when he decided it’d be a good idea to get into a knife fight with someone.
They’d started on building a small fire immediately and Jack was on a constant lookout in case anyone decided to bother checking out the smoke. Riley was doing her best to make sure Mac was warm and comfortable.
After doing another sweep of their makeshift campsite, Jack walked over to them and sat on the other side of Mac, “How you holdin’ up?”
Mac lifted his bloody hand from his wound and shook it, giving Jack a glare.
“Right. I guess you’re doin’ a little bad.”
Mac replaced his hand and groaned, “Understatement.”
“Well, good news,” Jack rummaged around in his jacket pocket, “I have a needle and thread here, so we could stitch you up real quick, if you want.”
“Why’d you pick up a needle and thread?” Riley piped up.
“You never know what weird shit Mac’s plans may call for. Good thing those terrorists were hiding out in an abandoned crafting supply store, huh?”
Mac groaned as he sat up to inspect the needle, “Yeah, I think I can do without the tetanus. Or the pain that comes with sewing up a wound with cotton.”
“Oh, I know not to use cotton, hoss. That’s why this thread is actually silk.” Jack showed Mac the end of the thread, a sticker that was labeled 99¢ with “SILK” just under the price.
“Whatever. Don’t want to do it.”
Jack frowned and turned to Riley, “What’s the ETA on exfil, Riles?”
Riley grabbed Jack’s wrist to look at his watch, “Two, maybe three hours.”
“Alright so it’s either extinguishing or risking tetanus and I’d rather take a risk than watch you bleed to death, hoss.”
“Okay, first,” Mac grunted, “it’s ‘exsanguination’, second, tetanus could just as easily kill me.”
“Yeah, but by the time you get it we’ll be back home and not in the middle of nowhere.”
“And that’s still if you get it,” Riley added.
Mac let out a long and pitiful groan, “Fine.”
“Besides, you’re more likely to get an infection.”
“Riley,” Jack whispered harshly, “why would say that after he just agreed to gettin’ patched up?”
“Come on, Jack, he already knows the dangers this might bring, right Mac?”
“Yeah, whatever,” Jack started to stick the thread through the needle while Riley helped Mac lay back down. After much trial and error, Riley eventually took the needle from Jack and stuck the thread in the first try.
“Need to bring your reading glasses next time?”
Jack fake laughed and took the needle back from her. He moved to Mac and started to lift up his shirt, “Now, you know this is gonna hurt like hell.”
Mac gave Jack a pleading look, “Let’s just get this over with.”
Jack sighed, having zero desire to hurt his kid, but knowing this’ll help in the long run, “Okay.” He positioned the needle under the gash and Mac squeezed his eyes shut before Jack pulled back, “Wait, hang on a sec. Hold this.” Jack handed the needle to Riley and started to unbuckle his pants.
“Don’t make it weird, dude. It’s just something for you to put in your mouth.” Jack stopped, Riley groaned, and Mac face-palmed.
“Way to make it weird, Jack.”
“Shut up! You know what I’m talkin’ about!” Jack angrily wrangled with his belt then handed it to Mac. He waited for Mac to fit it in his mouth and got the needle back in position when Mac gave him a thumbs up.
The needle pierced Mac’s skin and he inhaled sharply. Were the needle bigger than a sewing needle, the pain likely would’ve been worse. He briefly thought that this was nothing, it was something he could handle, but it pierced again and he couldn’t deny that it hurt.
He flinched at the next poke and Jack brought his free hand up to rest on the blond’s stomach. The delta gently brushed his thumb on Mac’s skin, hoping that his touch offered some kind of comfort when Mac flinched again. Riley took Mac’s hand in hers and didn’t protest when he squeezed it a little roughly. They both do their best to help Mac ride out the pain as Jack finished stitching him up.
The second Jack said “done”, Mac spat out the belt and goes to sit up but the hand still on his stomach prevented him from doing so.
“Whoa, hey, slow down there, hoss. This thread was designed to keep clothes together, not human skin.”
“As opposed to other kinds of skin?” Riley said. Jack gave her a look and she raised her hands in a shrug as Mac let out a quiet laugh.
“What I’m saying is, take it slow cause it’ll probably come apart real easy.” Jack removed his hand but Mac remained flat on his back.
“In that case,” Mac huffed, “I think I’m gonna sit here for a while.”
“Hey, you do what you gotta do, man. We gotcha.”
Riley moved to lay down beside Mac, hand still in his and Jack started to take off his jacket. The oldest agent placed it on the youngest, despite his protests, and laid down on the other side of him. “Don’t want you catchin’ a cold to go along with that possible infection.”
“It’s not even that cold.”
“Then why’re you shaking, Mac?” Riley asked.
Mac sighed and accepted his fate before leaning into Jack’s warmth and squeezing Riley’s hand.
The three basked in the comfort of each other’s presence as the fire continues to snap and pop. The woods are cold and uncomfortable and the youngest of them is suffering through a stinging pain in his side but there was no place he’d rather be than next to his family.
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Hi bestie can I get one Mac drugged out of his gourd from med and doing A Dumb™️? You can decide if it’s serious or silly or whatever 👉🏻👈🏻
Here is my sister’s cat Scritchity Scratch, but her full name is Scratches You because she was a mean baby
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asfldksdfjk Scratches You is an iconic name for a cat
“Whatcha doin’, hoss?”
When Mac looks up, his bangs swoop across his forehead. In a poorly controlled motion, he tries to push them back. “Math,” he empathetically replies.
“Uh huh.” Jack’s not even going to attempt to argue with him here. “Well, uh, do you think you could do your math back up on the bed?”
From his position on the floor, legs tucked underneath him in what’s got to be an uncomfortable move, Mac scowls. “I can think better here.”
“Why’s that?”
“Too hot in the bed,” Mac says, sounding almost sheepish. 
Taking a few steps closer, Jack crouches down. This time he’s the one to move Mac’s hair out of his eyes and away from his forehead. When he presses the back of his hand against Mac’s forehead the kid leans into it. “You’re not feelin’ too warm.”
Mac shrugs back. “I’m not sick. ’M just…”
Although Jack waits for an answer, it never comes. “What if we try to turn down the thermostat in here? Then get you back comfy in bed?”
“They don’t work.”
“What doesn’t?”
“The thermostats,” Mac replies, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “This room shares too many walls with other rooms. And the ceiling. The temperature of those other room have more control over this room than any measly thermostat.”
Jack blinks. The kid is out of his gourd, but can apparently give a quick lecture in between his moments of confusion. “Why don’t we get you back on the bed anyway?”
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lailuhhh · 2 years
Wait so does this mean you’re taking dialogue prompts? Because if so..
— “what can i do for you? please, i want to help.”
Sorry this took a hot second
“Make up yer mind! You want go or stop?”
“It’s a delicate process Jack!”
“I’m just sayin.”
“I know, just— it shouldn’t take much longer.”
Jack would be lying if he said he understood what was happening, at all. Normally Mac would give a scientific speech about his current plan, but that time he just went full on into doing— whatever it was he was doing.
“Okay, okay— when I say now, I need you to pull as hard as you can. I should be able to lodge the pipe just long enough—”
“Bud you know I trust you, and I might not know what yer doin right now, but this thing is kinda heavy, so you can spare the explanation until the end.”
Mac merely nodded. “Get ready— now!”
Jack pulled, Mac set.
Apparently whatever he was doing wasn’t enough, because the machine he was working with quickly clamped shut.
Right around Mac’s arm.
The yell he let out was something that would stay in Jack’s mind for a long time.
He stood stock for a moment, not knowing how or what to do with the situation. Only when Mac’s scream tampered off into a strangled sob did Jack move.
“What can I do for you Hoss?” He stood, hovering inches away, fearing Mac more pain if he touched him at all.
Mac just shook his head, eyes clenched shut, tears pricking the sides.
“Please, I wanna help.”
It took too long for Mac to answer, took too long for his breathing to even out slightly, too long for three words to leave his mouth.
“Pull it back.”
Jack breathed out, resisting the urge the comfort Mac in any way, and went back to the machine.
“I gotcha Hoss.”
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thegcng-arch · 8 months
026, a bar just after closing. (for dennis? :0)
when it was dead as shit  ( which it often was )  at the bar,  i never really was bothered by people lingering after close ... unless they were asshole drunks.  you know the type.  this guy had kept to himself most of the night,  hadn't seemed exactly thrilled for conversation which wasn't a problem for me.  more time to chatter at the opposite end of the bar with charlie and mac,  walking up to the stranger when i noticed that his glass was empty.  shockingly,  the regulars had cleared out the second that mac had shouted across the bar for last call.  this guy,  however,  hadn't budged much.  whatever.  charlie and mac had fucked off and i was left to close alone. 
"you doin' alright down there bud?" i can't help but call out to him as i finish drying off the glass in my hand.  once my hands are free i turn,  grabbing a coors from the fridge and twisting the cap off.  as i take a sip my free hand tosses the cap in the garbage.  "you've been quiet all night.  and don't take this the wrong way,  i'm not kicking you out,  but we're closed."  i take a few steps foward and stop once i'm standing in front of him.  free hand now leans against the bar - top and i take another swig from my bottle.  i set it down on the counter with a soft thud.  "you want another drink?  this one's on me.  just ... don't be annoying and shit while i close up." i pause,  head tilting to the side,  eyes narrowing.  "you're not plannin' on robbing the place are you?"  ( did frank still have that piece stashed away under the bar somewhere? )
set the scene prompts, accepting, @bravevolunteer.
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branjie. “rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“Rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
Vanessa woke up with a smile on her face. 
It should be creepy or weird, but Vanessa couldn’t care less. She was happy. She was the happiest she had ever remembered feeling.
Vanessa looked over at her sleeping lover and the smile only grew. (As well as the nerves.) She pushed those aside for the moment and focused on getting the sleeping woman awake to share in her excitement/nerves.
“Rise and fucking shine, motherfucker!” Vanessa exclaimed jumping on the bed.
Brooke groaned and hid her face with the blankets, but nothing in the world, let alone a paper thin bedsheet, could hide her equally happy smile.
“C’mon baby, get up! We got a wedding to go to.” 
“Someone’s getting married?” Brooke joked, words muffled by the blanket.
Vanessa threw herself back down on the bed and saddled up next to Brooke. “I dunno why you’re still in bed. If I were marrying all of this,” Vanessa gestured to herself, “today, I’d be at the altar by now.”
Brooke took the covers off her face to look at the clock. It was four am. 
Brooke groaned louder this time. “’Nessa, the ceremony isn’t till seven at night. Why are you up? Brooke turned to look at Vanessa, barely concealing her smile. “More importantly, why am I up?”
Vanessa smiled softly all of a sudden, all traces of teasing gone. “I just can’t wait to call you my wife, that’s all.” Vanessa ran her hand gently over the curve of Brooke’s jaw, putting all the love she had into a small caress. 
Brooke looked at her, tears welling up in her eyes. “Now you’re gonna make me cry too? Get me up at four am and make me cry? You’re crazy, you know that?”
Vanessa smiled and kissed her fiancé. “What can I say, love makes you crazy.”
“I don’t think love had anything to do with you being crazy.” 
Vanessa hit Brooke on the arm gently. “I’m being sappy over here and you wanna make fun? Ok, fine. Guess you don’t wanna be my wife after all.” Vanessa turned over in the bed to face away from Brooke, who rolled her eyes.
Brooke pulled Vanessa closer and manhandled her back around so she could place a kiss to her lips. Vanessa softened immediately. 
“You know you can call me your wife without us being married yet.” Brooke added.
“I know, but it isn’t the same.”
“I know.”
Brooke stopped fighting the smile on her face.
“What you smilin bout?”
Brooke laughed at herself. “Nothing, I just can’t wait to be your wife.”
Vanessa’s mimicked her smile. “So you forgive me for wakin you up?”
Brooke fake-thought for a second then shrugged. “Isn’t marriage all about forgiveness.”
Vanessa hit her on the arm again but kissed her senseless a moment later.
Brooke swears she is the luckiest woman awake.
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callivich · 3 years
Gallavich Lyric Prompts - 70s Edition
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In collaboration with the wonderful @southside-forever forever here are some 70s lyric prompts. Feel free to use these for edits, gifsets, fic, art, headcanons, etc!
I would tell you that I loved you // If I thought that you would stay // But I know that it's no use // And you've already gone away // So I try to laugh about it // Cover it all up with lies // I try to laugh about it // Hiding the tears in my eyes // 'Cause boys don't cry // Boys don't cry
“Boys Don’t Cry” by The Cure
I never did believe in miracles // But I've a feeling it's time to try // I never did believe in the ways of magic // But I'm beginning to wonder why
“You Make Loving Fun” by Fleetwood Mac
Ooh, love (There he goes again) // (He's my good old fashioned lover boy) Ooh, lover boy // What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy? // Everything's alright // Just hold on tight // That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy
“Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy” by Queen
Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'? // Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'? // Feelin' all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dyin' // Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'? // I want you to want me // I need you to need me // I'd love you to love me
“I Want You To Want Me” by Cheap Trick
Bite your lip // And take a trip // Though there may be wet road ahead // And you cannot slip // Just move on up // For peace you will find
“Move On Up” by Curtis Mayfield
Yeah, I've done a lot of foolish things // That I really didn't mean // I could be a broken man // But here I am // Watch out with my future babe // Here I am, baby // Here I am, baby, get it // Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours
“Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder
My kind of wonderful, that's what you are // I know there's only, only one like you // There's no way, they could have made two // You're all I'm living for // Your love I'll keep for evermore // You're the first, you're the last, my everything
“My First, My Last, My Everything” by Barry White
Loving you // Isn't the right thing to do // How can I ever change things // That I feel // If I could // Maybe I'd give you my world // How can I // When you won't take it from me // You can go your own way // Go your own way
“Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac
Nobody told us // 'Cause nobody showed us // Now it's up to us, babe // Whoa, I think we can make it // So don't misunderstand me // You put the light in my life // Oh, you put the sparks to the flame // I got your heart in my sights
“Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” by Elton John
Let's, let's stay together // Loving you whether, whether // Times are good or bad, happy or sad
“Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green
Ain't no love in the heart of the city // Ain't no love in the heart of town // Ain't no love, and it's sure 'nuff a pity // Ain't no love, 'cause you ain't around // When you were mine // Oh, I was feeling so good // 'Cause your love lit up this old neighborhood // And now that you're gone // You know the sun don't shine // From the city hall to the county line
“Ain’t No Love In The Heart Of The City” by Bobby Bland
I never can say goodbye // Every time I think I've had enough // And start heading for the door // There's a very strange vibration // Piercing me right to the core // It says, "Turn around, you fool // You know you love him more and more" // Tell me why is it so? // Don't wanna let you go! “Never Can Say Goodbye” by Gloria Gaynor
Quite some time, I been sittin' it out // Didn't take no chances, I was a prisoner of doubt // I knocked down the wailin' wall, ain't no sin // Got the feel of fortune, deal me in // Comin' straight on for you // You made my mind // Now I'm stronger, now I'm comin' through // Straight on, straight on for you
“Straight On” by Heart
Do you feel, like you ever want to try my love and see how well it fits? // Baby, can't you see when you look at me? // I can't kick this feeling when it hits // Oh, all alone, in my bed at night // I grab my pillow and squeeze it tight // I think of you // And I dream of you, all of the time // What am I gonna do? // I want your love, I want your love
“I Want Your Love” by Chic
No money in our jackets and our jeans are torn // Your hands are cold but your lips are warm
“Down To The Waterline” by Dire Straits
How I wish, how I wish you were here // We're just two lost souls // Swimming in a fish bowl // Year after year
“Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floyd
When the day that lies ahead of me // Seems impossible to face // And when someone else instead of me // Always seems to know the way // Then I look at you // And the world's alright with me // Just one look at you // And I know it's gonna be // A lovely day
“Lovely Day” by Bill Withers
If the sun refused to shine // I would still be loving you // When mountains crumble to the sea // There will still be you and me
“Thank You” by Led Zeppelin 
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kyberled · 4 years
A collection of prompts and starters taken from the first episode of Polygon’s Cyberpunk Red campaign series: [x] 
Content warnings for death, strong language, and mentions of violence and drug use. 
Feel free to change names and pronouns as needed!
“We’re recovering from several man-made disasters, and kites are popular again.”
“Oops, that’s too much armpit.” 
“I don’t know who you know.” 
“You will be remembered.” 
“You’re not allowed to say that word on here, my dude!” 
“Boop, banned!” 
“Headshot! ... Sorry.” 
“There is maybe a job down there for us, and I could use a lift.” 
“Do you want me to come up and meet you up there, or  do you wanna come down here?”
“Doc, these guys gonna be okay?” 
“He was sliced and diced and blown apart.” 
“Saw a really sad thing today.” 
“I’m not sure how we’re going to get paid for this, actually.”
“Sometimes, you get paid in other things, like trust or friendship.” 
“Let’s mop up these two dipshits and figure out who did it, then hit their head several times.”
“I just realized I called these dead people dipshits.” 
“I know all of this because he was saying it in Alf roleplay.” 
“They’re very fast, but they’re faster the wealthier you are.” 
“And they’re all like, armed, right?”
“Yeah. They’re super armed.”
“Work up a gentle demeanor, if I can.”
“This one? This one? That one? This one?”
“I’ve got a lot of cool.” 
“I promise you... You will not die.” 
“I mean, everyone dies, [NAME]. You shouldn’t promise that to someone.”
“But what I’m saying is it won’t be my fault.”
“I am so sorry for this situation.” 
“Just gonna pretend that didn’t happen.” 
“I don’t think they were looking for [NAME].”
“I think they were looking for SOMEBODY.” 
“You guys are really fuckin’ bad at this.” 
“I’ll admit, I can be a little bit bad bad at comforting folks who need it. But I’ll tell ya’, I’m really good at pounding peoples’ skulls into concrete over and over again, until they tell me exactly what I would like to know.” 
“Did you mean to threaten this guy?” 
“All I wanna know is what happened here, so we don’t have another mess to mop up. And that mess I’m talking about is potentially... You.” 
“I mean, steal from the rich, no harm done!”
“And snort what you get.” 
“It is what you said, it’s what you implied. Are you going back on your word?” 
“If I knew, I’d have blackmail, and I wouldn’t be here.” 
“Reach out if you ever need anything.”
“Reach out if you ever need anything, and I was mostly kidding about the head bouncing stuff. But I will do it! But I was mostly kidding.” 
“Call me if you need to know anyone.” 
“We’re not best friends, but I just thought it would give that parasocial relationship to people.” 
“Guys, don’t say other things.” 
“You’re making it sound like there’s more than one person-- There’s only one person in the bathroom, and it’s me, [NAME]!”
“I just needed a little bit of help in here. It’s nothing to worry about.” 
“And we WILL wash our hands.” 
“Can you wait until we’re out of the bathroom to talk about this?”
“It wasn’t even weird!”
“It was very weird.”
“And wash your hands!”
“This one’s zooted.” 
“Leaving it a little open-ended, there, [NAME].”
“Soft touch.” 
“Your eyes are so gentle.” 
“... That’s a good argument.” 
“I got some papers, don’t worry how I got ‘em.” 
“I’m sorry, that was really defensive. I came at you with all that defensive energy.” 
“I can get one, if ya’ need!” 
“I’d like you to remember that I helped you, and someday, maybe, when I need you...” 
“That’s not what I’m gonna need you for, but, thank you.” 
“What’s up everyone, I just walked into a locked room.” 
“Wow, special treat for you guys today!”
“Wow, special treat for you guys today: It’s two locked doors.”
“I guess it’s a bust for today.” 
“Your... Co-dependent.... Thing, is very strange.” 
“Is this like a riddle?” 
“Do you like to pick your own lock?”
“I sometimes pick my own lock, like, to practice.”
“Your lock’s been picked.” 
“My door’s been picked?!”
“I’m old school, what can I say.”
“If they just wanted to destroy it, why wouldn’t they just destroy it?”
“You’re blowing my mind, here.”
“We can stop it.”
“You don’t need to hate [NAME], you just need to love money.”
“I was already in the van-- I wasn’t in the van, but I got in the van because I wanted to come see you.” 
“I think you got, maybe one of those three is right.” 
“I ain’t never heard of him, no.” 
“Shit. I could’ve done this my fuckin’ self.” 
“I’ll look it up for you, you’ll owe me a favor.” 
“[NAME], this guy’s dead.”
“[NAME]’s dead, he died six years ago.” 
“You’re asking the important questions, [NAME].”
“Privacy is nonexistent.” 
“I don’t wanna meet a ghost.” 
“Forsooth! We’re here.” 
“I don’t see any problems with the plan.” 
“It is striking me as very strange, now that I’m thinking about it.” 
“We both drive. ... I also drive. It’s a-- Two-person... Driving... Car.” 
“I have trouble with the break and the gas at the same time.” 
“He just sits on my lap.” 
“And you shouldn’t! And you don’t.” 
“It was like on the news.”
“It’s really hot out in the van, can I get a CapriSun?”
“I already peed.” 
“Put your smart thoughts in my dumb head.” 
“It’s a very strange slogan.” 
“I’m so glad we’re sitting down for this drink.” 
“This was, like, a decade ago, which is like 100 years ago.” 
“You guys aren’t cops, right?” 
“We’re not cops.” 
“We split a paycheque.” 
“The ol’ waitin’ game.” 
“Let’s use our two braincells.” 
“If honesty if cool, let’s be honest.”
“Fuck yeah, come on! Shoot it into my fuckin’ veins, baby!”
“Thanks a lot, buddy. Thanks a fucking lot.”
“Welcome to this most righteous cafe.” 
“Garcon! First, I would like you to tell me what an egg cream is, and then, I would like an egg cream.” 
“I brought a juice box from the car.” 
“This fuckin’ rules!” 
“Is he super hot?”
“We did it! We heisted! We killed some people! Could we be any cooler?”
“I hope it’s the fucking cast of Friends!” 
“I’m not gonna stop you from doing that.” 
“Who the fuck is this jabroni?” 
“Name’s [NAME]. Just passing through, looking for a bit of information.” 
“I don’t wanna be too forward here, but unless you’re willing to talk with me on this particular topic, your love life ain’t gonna be the only thing that’s D.O.A.”
“That’s really good shit talk.”
“You’re gonna badmouth me and my besties?”
“You gonna come in here and sass us?”
“Well, you can bully [NAME]. He’ll just fuckin’ sit there and take it.”
“I will toss your salad and scramble your eggs.”
“You’re gonna talk right now, or you’re cancelled.” 
“This is our town!” 
“How you doin’?”
“Fuck you! Thank you.” 
“No, not that - why did you shoot people?” 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to escalate.” 
“I don’t live on the streets, I have a perfectly adequate apartment.”
“I’m sorry, that’s on me.” 
“You guys know the person you’re trying to blackmail is dead?”
“I guess it isn’t your day, your month, or your year? ... Or your week?” 
“Hey, okay! I mean, where the fuck did you come from, but yeah, this guy gets us!” 
“I did just say that your blackmail’s useless.” 
“And that’s where you should stop that sentence!” 
“In the shipping business, that’s what we call... I don’t know what we call it.”
“It’s a goof-’em-up.” 
“The problem with trucks, is, uh... Have you ever seen a bird?”
“Have you ever seen a bird that just really scared you?” 
“I’ve seen a video of a bird.” 
“If you have to steal, I don’t give a shit. Steal from somewhere else.” 
“So fuck you, I guess, fuck you.”
“I’m so sweaty, it’s so hot in here.”
“I’ll delete your accounts!” 
“You think you’re a big man.” 
“You mother fucker! I can’t believe you’d do this, to ME!”
“You just killed a man! In cold blood!” 
“I wish somebody had told you it was gonna be this way.” 
“Well, I hate to see people leave the forum.”
“I’m a moderator, this is just physical moderating.” 
“I did do that.” 
“And now we’re fighting back to back!”
“Aw, we’re the real besties.” 
“I’m very proud of all of you.”
“I’m very proud of all of you, and I’m certain that will last this whole time.” 
“I feel like I shouldn’t have a shotgun.” 
“Ba-bum bum ba-da-ba-da--” (gunshot)
“I can’t fucking follow that up!” 
“So I don’t fuckin’ care.” 
“What now?! WHAT NOW?!” 
“You guys need to leave!” 
“Way ahead of ya’, mac!”
“Way ahead of ya’, mac!” (smashes through the window)
“You did a great job of just destroying this woman.” 
“I hope these people never see me again, I don’t want to come back here.” 
“Make sure to like and subscribe!” 
“We haven’t killed anybody, have we?” 
“Let’s wrap this up right now, or I’ve got a feeling there won’t be a reunion show.” 
“Okay, okay, you guys are not cool.”
“We being chill about this?”
“I don’t know what we’re gonna do with this thing, it’s useless.”
“You keep saying that, and I keep not believing you.”
“Find somebody else to rob.”
“Find somebody else to rob. Rob somebody with money.”
“Did any of you see the thing that I did where I put the guy’s head on the counter and I hit him with a stool two or three times?” 
“[NAME], if you can promise to fight that well, I can get a lot more jobs for you.” 
“I’d also love to just hang out, if that’s a thing you would be interested in.” 
“You guys had to be there.”
“[NAME] jumped through a window.” 
“Avast! Above, I see... [NAME]!”
“Let’s just say we had to wine and dine ‘em.”
“I hit a guy in the head with a stool.”
“Let’s just say we had to wine and dine ‘em. ... I hit a guy in the head with a stool.” 
“That sounds about right, yeah.” 
“The only reason you’ve been surviving this long is because of the philanthropy of others.”
“I’m too smart for this.” 
“I think we took care of them.”
“If I were them, I wouldn’t come back around here.”
“But they are still alive.”
“If you decide that you do want them dead, you know who to call.” 
“And thanks again for everything you do. ... Oh, by the way, [NAME] died.” 
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5, 22 and 26! I'd like to do this prompt idea myself for my OC Vin & Mac, if that's okay? Maybe different prompts though.
[Absolutely! I’d love to see your list if you do it! This one is slightly sad, but hey! Dunc’s in here! I changed the title of a specific holotape to match the tone of Em’s previous marriage. It didn’t seem to fit with the original title.]
Em’s eyes met RJ’s when they both heard an almighty crash! at the end of the hallway, followed by the unmistakable sound of plastic skittering across the floor. Both of them were on their feet after a sigh, and eventually both leaned against the hall’s walls as Duncan raced around to pick up the fallen holotapes. RJ wore a smirk.
“What, uh..” he started. “What are you doin’, buddy?”
“Mom said I could play games on her Pip-Boy!” he exclaimed excitedly.
Em smiled. “It’s true.” She held up her bare wrist as proof. “Here, bud, I’ll help you.” She took a couple of steps forward, kneeling down to help the boy pick up the rest of the holotapes, picking out the games from the small stack she had. 
“How’d you get so many, Mom?” Duncan asked.
“Some of these are really old,” she replied. “A few are letters to me from my mom and dad, the other bin is full of music- I’ll play some for you next time- and some are-”
“What’s this one?” he asked, holding one out so she could see. She saw a flash of “Hey, Em.” before it was plucked out of sight by RJ. Em bit the inside of her cheek as RJ hastily came up with something to say.
“Uhh, this is a secret tape,” he covered. He saw Duncan’s panicking face and gave a small smirk. “Don’t worry, bud, it’s nothing bad.”
“Mom.. was I not supposed to?” Duncan asked.
She shook her head, as if to shake the thoughts out, and gave a small smile to him. 
“Don’t worry, Dunc,” she murmured. She handed the games over to him. “Go play. I promise it’s okay.”
He cautiously took the small stack of games from her and went into his room. He eventually plopped himself onto his bed and started playing on her Pip-Boy. RJ took over where Duncan left as he helped Em gather the rest of the holotapes and put them into the bin where they resided. 
“Some are letters?” he asked. “How did you play them when you got a Pip-Boy on the day the bombs fell? Unless you had one before...”
“Terminals, sweetheart,” she answered plainly. “After they were delivered, we were able to listen to them for a while on an unsecured terminal. Sort of like public access, y’know?”
He nodded. “Sure. Are they the ones with the dates here?” He held out one: 01/16/2076 From Mom and Dad!
She smiled more genuinely as she nodded. “Yep,” she replied. “When I get my Pip-Boy back, you can listen to them if you want. I’ll listen with you.”
“Em.. you don’t-”
“I want to, RJ. Those are good memories, and I’m glad to have them.”
“But.. his isn’t, isn’t it?” RJ turned cautious.
She bit her lip again and her expression fell. “No.. Well, I don’t know, to be honest.”
“You never listened to it?”
“Can I ask why?”
“I just...never had the...opportunity? Courage? I…” she sighed. “I’m not sure which one to say here. I never listened to it after Codsworth gave it to me, and I honestly don’t plan on it.”
“Hey..” he gently guided her face back to his, his expression sympathetic and his eyes surprisingly soft. “I’m not putting you on the spot. No judgements, no nothin’.”
She nodded in his hand. 
“Sorry, Mom,” a small voice interrupted. Both Em and RJ’s heads snapped up to see Duncan standing in his doorway. His green eyes were huge, and his cheeks burned red. Em held out her hand to him, and he ran into her arms, hugging her tight. 
“It’s okay. You didn’t know,” she replied softly, returning his hug with the same energy. “It’s not your fault. Why don’t you go play some more games while Dad and I talk some more, okay?”
Duncan shook his head as he pulled away from her arms. “If it’s okay, I want to listen to one of the letters with you and Dad. I heard you talking and..”
Em smiled, then softly tousled the mess of curls on his head. “Sure, bud. Let’s pick out a couple and head to the living room.”
Duncan picked out a few holotapes, all in chronological order, and walked with Em and RJ back down the hall into the living room. RJ sat on an end cushion, while Em leaned on him as she sat in the middle. Duncan managed to crawl over Em’s lap and plunked himself in RJ’s, earning him a chuckle from both of his parents. She set in the first tape and hit “Play”. Em explained a couple of things on the tape as it played, pointing out the voices of her mother and father, the background noise, and the bark of the family dog. RJ looked down towards her as the second tape played as he tried to gauge her expression. He rubbed her arm a couple of times, and she answered him as she nuzzled in closer to him. He smiled a little.
By the end of the third tape, Duncan had wanted to listen to more of them. Em didn’t really want to anymore, but she let him go through them and listen to the rest if he so chose. 
“I’ll keep them in order!” he exclaimed as he ran down the hall. 
The pair heard his door shut, and RJ pulled Em into his lap. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as he watched her for a moment.
“You okay?” he asked. 
She nodded. Her smile turned sad and she curled into his hold. 
“Can I ask you something?” he asked suddenly.
“Why do you still have it if you plan on never listening to it?”
She picked her head up. She smirked at him as her brow quirked. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?” 
“I guess I’m just confused, Em.”
“I dunno,” she sighed. “I just… hung on to it. More like I stuffed it into my pack and didn’t dig it out until you told me to dump all of my holotapes. I guess it just kind of fell in there.”
“Do you want to do anything with it?”
She thought for a moment, then shook her head. “Not yet.” She hugged him, and he immediately returned it. 
“But one day, I will.”
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crimsonwren-fo4 · 5 years
“You won’t be staying long, will you?” 
His voice cut through whatever trance the redhead had been in, her gray eyes flicking upwards to the merc’s face. There was something like concern hidden behind the solemn stare held on her, and it wasn’t a gaze she could meet for long before she had to avert her attention. They had all been giving her that same stare ever since she returned from the Institute, and she had endured quite enough of it. She was so tired of their looks of pity...
“Nah,” she replied, simply. “In fact, I probably won’t be back for a while.” There was no point in sugar coating it - a lie in this situation would do more harm than good, and besides, it was clear he had already figured it out. “I’m taking Preston with me, an’ Danse will be goin’ t’meet with Haylen. When I’m done at the Castle, I’ll be goin’ straight t’the Glowing Sea t’catch up with them.” She paused for a moment, if only to adjust her position on the couch. “I’ll build another turret or two, so Sanctuary won’t feel their absence.” 
MacCready grunted a little at that. “It’s not their absence I’ll be feeling.” 
Reese closed her tired eyes with an equally as tired laugh, fingers raising to rub at her temples lightly. “Fine. I’ll build four turrets.” 
He exhaled a sigh, before taking steps to join her. She could feel his weight gently set onto the couch beside her, but kept her eyelids shut. 
“What’s the plan here, Wren?” He prompted, after a few seconds of silence. “You’re pulling yourself in three different directions. Literally, in fact.” She could hear the frown in his voice. “Helping out the Brotherhood and the Minutemen, all while running errands for the Institute? I want to believe that you know what you’re doing, but it doesn’t look so good from where I’m standing.” 
“You’re doubtin’ me?” She tilted her head towards him, her eyes opening only halfway to focus on the man beside her. “After everythin’ we’ve done...after everythin’ you’ve seen me accomplish. You don’t think I know what I’m doin’?” She had meant to keep her voice neutral, but it was clear he heard the undertones of her irritation by the way his expression shifted.
“It’s not doubt,” he replied quickly, “it’s confusion.” His hand reached to her, finding the top of her thigh and rested there with a comforting warmth. Tension she hadn’t noticed before made itself known only as it released it’s hold on her, allowing her shoulders to relax slightly. Mac seemed to take note of that, and took care to utter his next words as gently as he could, as if not to re-invoke that stress. “As long as I’ve known you, you’ve always had a plan. I’m just asking for you to help me understand what it is this time.” 
It was Reese’s turn to sigh, though she did so with some degree of embarrassment. Idly, her hand came to rest over top his. “I’m sorry--...” she started, to which he promptly cut her off. 
“Don’t be.”
She narrowed her gaze at him, before repeating herself. “I’m sorry.” She paused, as if challenging him to interrupt again, before continuing. “This has just been so much t’take in. But there’s no excuse t’be keepin’ you out of the loop, and makin’ you worry. You’re my most trusted adviser, and you’re my...” Instead of a word, she inhaled deeply, a small smile turning up the corners of her lips. What word should she use to describe their relationship? Perhaps it was better to just let the silence speak for her. 
“I understand, really,” he replied after a moment of the quiet, something like a smirk tugging at his mouth. “Just don’t let it happen again.” The slightly teasing tone was refreshing, and was perhaps the last thing she needed to help her ease back into her usual demeanor. 
“It’s been...onerous...t’be workin’ a little bit for everyone these past few weeks,” she admitted, using her free hand to sweep a loose wave of hair from her face, “but it’s necessary t’be able t’give everyone a tool for bargainin’ when the time comes.” Mac didn’t have to voice his question - she saw it in the squint of his eyes, and she nodded to acknowledge it. “Things were easy when the Institute was the enemy, but now that I know that Shaun is the Institute, well...I had t’rethink everythin’.” 
“I realized that each group has somethin’ t’offer,” she paused, before pursing her lips and adding, “...besides the Railroad. I’ve had quite ‘nough of them. I’m still sour that they took my courser chip. I worked really hard for that, y’know.” 
MacCready laughed, and Reese couldn’t help the stupid grin that took over her lips for a moment, before clearing her throat to continue. 
“The Brotherhood has military might, and the technical know-how t’keep the Commonwealth protected. The Institute has the technology to help us not only survive, but thrive. And the Minutemen have the well being of the people at the forefront of their mission, and would make sure the other two groups upheld morals for the greater good.” Reese was smiling now, a genuine expression as she turned to face her lover full on, clasping his hand with both of her’s. “Don’t you see, Mac? We have a whole government, just waitin’ t’be formed. A way t’redefine mankind while still holdin’ true t’the values that make the people compliant from choice, not from fear.” 
Her smile faltered a little when she saw his expression. It wasn’t one of awe and excitement, as she had imagined it would be. Rather, he was frowning slightly, that hint of concern returning to his stare. “Reese,” he started, and the way he said her name made her swallow hard, “you really don’t think that they would ever agree to work together...do you?” 
“No,” she began, her smile regaining strength, though the exhaustion in her eyes seemed heavier now, “that’s why I’m givin’ them all their own bargainin’ chip. Y’see, if they can all come t’the table with somethin’ that gives them a little power, then they’ll have a better respect for each other. It won’t be unbalanced, because they each have somethin’ that puts them on the same level.” 
“The Brotherhood will have Liberty Prime...we’re almost done with construction after this last errand. The Minutemen will have the fortress - the Castle - and the armory that comes with that. And the Institute, well...” she shrugged, slightly. “They already have the most power, which is why I’ve been siphonin’ off information. That way they are at a bit of a disadvantage, by not being such an unknown entity. It’ll bring them down to everyone else’s level.” 
MacCready was quiet for several moments too long, allowing the tension to creep back up her spine, her shoulders stiffening. 
“You don’t agree.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement made out of disappointment. 
“I mean, there’s a chance it’ll work.” His lips pulled into a thin line. “But...there’s a bigger chance that they’ll just blow each other to hell with what you’ve given ‘em.” 
“There will be fail-safes in place, in case they decide t’take that route,” she replied, only a ghost of a smile across her lips now. “But, I’ve invested a lot with each of them, Mac. I gotta believe that it all counts for somethin’. I gotta believe that they’ll be willin’ t’hear me out.” 
MacCready had spent a lot of time with the redhead. Even though he knew she usually meant well, he also knew of the seed of selfishness that grew inside of her; he had witnessed firsthand how cold and brutal and heartless she could be when things weren’t going her way. In fact, he had called her a brat more than a few times in the beginning, when things were different...when they were still strangers.
But now, with those tired gray eyes focused on his, and that weak smile barely clinging to the corners of her mouth, he felt the stark realization overcome him. Just as he felt the obligation to be a better man for Duncan’s sake, she too was finding a necessity to fight for something bigger than her own desires because of Shaun. To fight for what her son had dedicated his entire life to, since she hadn’t been able to fight to keep him from being stolen from her. 
And yet, he couldn’t shake the awful feeling that these new good intentions would destroy her.
“I’m with you ‘til the end, boss, no matter where that takes us. Just...” He exhaled slowly, taking his hand back from her grasp, only to wrap his whole arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close to him. “...try to remember, we can’t save everyone.” 
He smiled slightly, watching her silently curl against him without complaint. He  placed a gentle kiss against her forehead, murmuring a few final words before letting her rest.
“But, I won’t mind helping you try.”
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purrgilpawkins · 10 months
Bubbles + Marshmallows
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Summary: Mac takes a bubble bath. (Also available on AO3)
Pairings: Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver
Part of the Comfortember 2020 series Prompt: Hot Cocoa
Warnings: n/a
Notable tags: H/C, fluff, hurt Mac, caring Jack
Mac slowly eased himself into the warm water, the scented soap suds making him feel all the more relaxed. Being covered head to toe in painful bruises that left him feeling more sore than he’d ever had in his life, he’d almost felt a little overwhelmed. But thanks to Jack’s quick thinking, instead of adding sight to the list of Mac’s busy senses, the delta left the lights off and lit multiple unscented candles scattered around the bathroom.
They’d been on three missions in a row, no break in between. Mac had slept through the entire ten hour flight back to the Phoenix. The combination of the uncomfortable jet couch plus the adrenaline crash left Mac beyond sore upon waking up. He’d hoped the limp wasn’t all that obvious but at Jack’s “insistence” (he wasn’t taking no for an answer) that he drove Mac home, he knew he’d been caught.
Mac laid in the tub feeling the water soothe his aching body. Just as he started to doze a little, Jack knocked on the door and walked in with a cup of hot chocolate he’d promised with the bath.
“You feelin’ any better, hoss?”
Mac accepted the mug from Jack and immediately took a sip.
“I am now. Thanks,”
Jack moved to the floor and sat up against the tub, propping his elbow on the edge and resting his head on his fist. “You know,” he started, “that hot cocoa is one of my mama’s recipes.” Mac took another sip of his cocoa and set the mug down on the tub.
“Really? Since when is pouring chocolate powder in hot milk a recipe?”
Jack put his other hand on his chest in mock offense. “Dude, I melted that chocolate myself. Steamed it, not throwing it in the microwave or whatever. The hell you think I was doing for the past fifteen minutes?”
“Oh,” was all Mac said in response. He must’ve dozed off longer than he’d thought. Was he really that exhausted? Despite the realization that he was, in fact, that exhausted, he let Jack continue on with his recipe talk.
“Yeah, man. I sprinkled a little cinnamon in, some extra sugar. Crushed up some peppermint and a few of the chocolate pieces I didn’t melt. Was gonna put those on top of some whipped cream but you didn’t have any so I just threw ‘em in as is and--”
“All this and you didn’t put in any marshmallows?”
“Aw damn. Knew I forgot something. Hang on.” Jack was on his feet in a second and, almost slipping, made his way out the door to the kitchen. Mac relaxed back against the tub and no sooner did Jack rush back in. “Okay, so you had regular, peppermint, and jumbo but I wasn’t sure which one you wanted so I brought all three.” He laid the bags on the side of the tub and Mac reached for the jumbos.
“So,” Mac popped a marshmallow in his mouth as Jack sat down against the tub again, “what’s with all the excess hovering. I mean, you usually hover after I get hurt on a mission but never to the degree where you draw me a bath.”
Jack reached up to scratch at the scruff on his face. “Well I was thinkin’--” he pointed a finger at Mac to shut him up after seeing the smirk on his face, “--was thinkin’ about how you never seem to take care of yourself, and I’m not just talkin’ about treating wounds or sleeping or, god forbid, eating something every once in a while,” Jack gives him a pointed look and Mac looked in another direction. “No, I mean like, enjoying the little things, y’know? When was the last time you had a bubble bath, huh? Don’t act like you ain’t lovin’ the hell out of it.”
Mac’s only response is a one-shouldered shrug as a grin slowly grew on his face.
“Uh huh. Look, man, you’re constantly doin’ things. You just need to relax every once in a while.”
“Not sure I’d be able to shut my brain off long enough to do that.”
“I know something that’ll knock you out real quick, if need be,” Jack raised his hand in a fist and tapped it with his other. Mac laughed.
“Thanks, Jack. I’ll be sure to remember that you beating me up is always an option.”
The two spent the next several minutes conversing until the bath water started to get cold; Mac didn’t want to acknowledge it so he could spend more time in the comforting presence of his partner but Jack decided to call it quits when the younger man started to shiver. Mac reluctantly agreed and made to push himself out of the tub. His body being black and blue coupled with his exhaustion made for a failed attempt.
“Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, man?”
“Can you help me out?” Mac’s face tinged pink. Sure, they’d seen each other naked before (they don’t like to talk about it much, obviously) but that didn’t make it any less awkward.
“Oh, sure.” Jack, a man with no shame whatsoever, seemed oblivious to Mac’s discomfort and put his arms underneath the younger man’s armpits and pulled him up to full height. He then helped him out of the tub and onto the toilet seat, snagging a nearby towel on the way. Mac started drying his hair while Jack was going around the room extinguishing the candles.
Once Mac was dry, Jack helped him to his bed and laid out some clothes. “You need help with these or…?”
“No, no. I can do it.”
Mac got dressed and lowered himself into his bed, fatigue making itself very known. Jack came over a second later to straighten out the bedsheets and ran his fingers through the blond’s hair. Seeing that Mac has been thoroughly relaxed and was on his way to dreamland, Jack made his way to the door with the intent of crashing on the couch before Mac called out quietly, “Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, kid?”
Jack sighed fondly and made his way over to the unoccupied side of Mac’s bed before laying down. “Is this what you wanted?” At Mac snuggling into his side and laying his head on Jack’s shoulder, he had his answer.
Jack smiled, “Anytime, Mac.”
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tomminowrites · 6 years
mac & jack whump - snow
@beks-crooked-glasses said 86 and whump, but still silly? Like forced lightness?
Prompt:  “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
Forced lightness is one of jack’s most endearing qualities hahaha, so your excellent request deserved a double feature of whump of both the boys~
“How ya doin’ back there, champ? Ready to swap places and give me a turn in the sled yet?” Jack readjusts the rope over his shoulder, feet sinking into the snow as his pace slows yet again. Mac mumbles something about slopes, pushing, sledding. Jack’s not sure. He’s just glad the kid is still making noise.
The makeshift toboggan bumps over a rock, and Mac groans. Okay, maybe not that noise.
The motion must have jostled his leg, despite how firmly Jack tried to splint it. They didn’t have a lot of materials out here, and Mac had started fading pretty fast after putting the sled together. No wonder, really. It’s cold, damn cold, and windy past the trees.
“Sorry, Mac. Not exactly the smoothest ride.” Jack trudges forward toward their exfil coordinates, still a few miles away. Probably. “Almost there, brother.”
Jack can’t really feel his toes anymore. Or his fingers. At least he can see that his nose is still attached, right? Jack’s pace wavers, feet stumbling over nothing before he manages to right himself and keep pulling. There’s no time to waste.
Mac hit his head pretty hard in the fall, a slow trickle of blood seeping into the fibers of his winter hat. The kid needs medical attention, fast. They pass another rocky alcove - a tempting location to stop and take a breath. Build a fire. Sleep, his chilled brain suggests traitorously.
Jack keeps moving forward.
“You can still feel your fingers, right Mac? Kinda need those in this business.” The frigid air prickles at Jack’s lungs when he laughs. “Though if anyone could disarm a bomb with their toes and poor decision making skills, my money’s still on you.”
His partner doesn’t respond. Jack can’t say he was expecting much of an answer, to be honest. But he doesn’t trust his wavering balance enough to turn his shoulder and check. Even if he did look back, Jack knows he’d just see the same curled up bundle of blankets he’d wrapped Mac in when they first started The World’s Suckiest Sleigh Ride. Jack’s seen enough already - the rust of Mac’s bloody hair, lips tinged blue at the edges, full-body shivers that must have been agony on the broken leg.
Jack had stopped shivering about a mile back. He focuses on his boots. They sink into the wet, clinging snow with a crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Jack feels it in his knee, not his numb foot, when each step touches solid ground. White puffs of breath match the steady rhythm of his boots.
“You’ve been awful quiet back there, kid. You aren’t tryin’ to build a snowmobile or something while my back’s turned, are ya?”
Just sleep, his mind whispers again. Jack stumbles, but stubbornness alone gets his feet back under him in time. Pestering Mac has always kept Jack awake on stakeouts.
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
Jack tightens frozen hands around the rope until he finally feels sparks in his fist. He’ll get them to exfil if it’s the last thing he does.
more MacGyver drabbles
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rabexxpaulson · 7 years
The Close Friend (Foxxay).
This amazing prompt was sent by the sweet and creative @gayassraulson (on wattpad) hihi Hun, I really hope you like it, you always give me the best ideas! Enjoy it guuuys, please give me feedback and if you have any prompts, feel free to send me them!! xoxo <3
Ever since Misty arrived at the Academy, she was always the quieter witch; Cordelia would always realize how left out from the other girls the Cajun was, always living on her personal world. As the weeks passed by the Headmistress started growing closer to the younger witch; They would always meet each other at the Greenhouse and talk about random stuff, eventually becoming closer and closer. The Supreme wasn’t the only person Misty had connected though; Before arriving to the coven, back when she used to live on the Swamps, the Cajun had developed quite a friendship with Zoe, being more than thankful for being found by the girl. At first, the Swamp Witch felt reluctant about the teenager, realizing she’d only come to her when she needed something, but as the weeks passed by Misty could see Zoe was the only girl who actually heard her, who actually cared - Besides from her beautiful Headmistress, of course- But the feeling towards the older woman was deeply different than the one for the teenage girl. Everytime the Cajun spoke with Cordelia she felt all those butterflies and, after restless nights and even some talks with Zoe, who she shared a room with, the Swamp Witch realized she actually liked the Supreme; Not like she liked Zoe, or even Queenie, but like the way her mother said she’d feel for her husband.
It was a warm Saturday afternoon and, as always, the Headmistress found herself on the greenhouse working on some potions while unconsciously humming to “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac.
“I hear some Stevie” Misty spoke softly as she entered the Greenhouse, her usual bright smile stamped on her face.
“Oh” Cordelia let out a giggle, realizing her actions. “I guess you’re really growing on me”.
The Cajun giggled as she stepped closer to the older witch, ocean curious eyes glancing through the multiple vases. “Watcha doin’ Miss Cordelia?”
“Just practicing some new enchantments” The Headmistress let out a smile, never taking her eyes away from the vases in front of her.
“Ya would love ta’ use my Swamp mud” Misty softly passed her fingers trough some of the leafs. “It makes things stronger… I used it on Kyle, for Zoe”
There Misty go again; The Headmistress felt her stomach tightening itself when she heard Zoe’s name. It’s not that she wasn’t glad the Cajun had a friend, it’s just that on their alone time on the Greenhouse Misty would always talk about the teenage girl; About the time she tried to invite her for dinner at her shack, about how thankful for Zoe she was, about how good of a friend Zoe was to her; And, despite being more than happy Misty finally had a home, Cordelia couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous; She wanted the Cajun more than anything and, ever since the first day they met the Headmistress knew the Swamp Witch meant more to her than any other person had ever did. Lost in her own thoughts, Cordelia didn’t realize a potion boiling, eventually exploding and flying all the way to the younger witch’s blouse. “Shit, Mist, I’m sorry” Cordelia spoke as she felt her cheeks blushing. “I didn’t realize it was boiling and oh God, it must be so hot! Take it off!” With quick actions and without thinking twice, Cordelia found herself ripping the blouse of the Cajun off, throwing it on the floor and causing the younger witch to get only on her baby blue bra. Wide brown eyes opened themselves even more as the Supreme came to the reality of what she had done; Both stared at each other for what seemed like ages, until eventually Cordelia broke the silence. “I-I’m so sorry”.
“It’s o-okay Miss Cordelia” Misty let out an embarrassed smile. “It was goin’ to burn me if ya didn’t have done it”.
“Y-yes” Cordelia retributed the grin, her heartbeat incredibly fast as she struggled to keep her eyes on the Cajun’s, not wanting to stare lower than that. “I’m sorry for it”.
“It’s okay, I mean it” The Cajun gently bent down to take her blouse, causing the older woman to have a privileged view of Misty’s breasts. “I’ll go clean it and get dressed”.
As Misty left the room the Headmistress felt her knees going weak; Gosh, what a situation for the Supreme to be on. With shaky breaths Cordelia made her way to a cabinet, taking some cleaning stuff off in order to repair the mess that was now present on the Greenhouse.
At night, Cordelia found herself rolling in bed; Images of her own hands throwing the Cajun’s blouse off passed on her mind like on a looping. After many hours of impantienly staring at the sealing and thinking about the shirtless Swamp Witch, the Headmistress finally fell asleep, resisting her immense urge to touch herself. Next morning the Sun slowly creeped into the big room; Cordelia opened her eyes slowly as she yawned, ready to start another day. Sleepily, the Supreme made her way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower before starting to choose her clothes. The witch glanced trough her wardrobe: Pants, pencil skirts, blouses, some pretty, delicate dresses. As the Headmistress started dressing herself to her usual high waisted pants and blouse, she felt herself with unusual thoughts; Before finishing buttoning her blouse, she left 3 buttons undone as she stared at herself on on the mirror; Her breasts were round and perfect and, with those 3 buttons missing, the piece was showing a good amount of them. Maybe if I use it like this…; The Headmistress giggled to herself, bitting her lip as she kept staring at the her reflection. Perhaps it would do something for me and Misty? With the feelings Cordelia had had the other evening on mind, she decided to give her idea a try; After lunch, she found herself excitedly heading to the Greenhouse, praying for the younger witch to be there.
“Hi there Mist” The Headmistress spoke gently as she entered the room.
“Hey Miss Cordelia” Softly, the Cajun lifted her gaze from the flowers she was growing, ocean eyes and a suddenly dry mouth opening themselves as she did so.
The Supreme noticed the Cajun’s reaction, causing her to smirk to herself as she approached the younger woman. “Growing flowers?”
“Y-yes” Misty blank her eyes as she spoke, her gaze lowering to the plants in front of her. “This little one was almost dyin’” With noticeable sweat hands, the curled witch managed to take a vase, lifting it a bit and showing it to Cordelia. “She’s full of life now”.
“She really is” The Headmistress grinned as she stared at the plants, her heart melting at how cute the other witch was. As the Headmistress stared at the glowing flowers, she felt Misty’s gaze lowering itself and stopping right on Cordelia’s breasts; Calmly, the older witch bent down a little, causing the Swamp Witch to have an even better view of her boobs. Suddenly, the Cajun gulped as she took her eyes away, letting out a heavy sigh as she placed the flowers down at the surface.
The whole week proceeded like this; Cordelia would always make sure her blouse was on the right place, doing her best to catch Misty’s attention. By the end of the week the Cajun was going insane; The Headmistress’ default with her outfit, as Misty thought it was, was turning it completely hard to keep focused, her feelings almost ripping themselves off of her head. It was 2 p.m. when Misty started making her way to the Greenhouse; Letting out a heavy sigh and preparing herself for another afternoon of self control, the Swamp Witch opened the door hesitantly, being greeted with a scene nothing could have prepared her for; She found Cordelia bent on the counter, her normally knee skirt revealing now her gorgeous thighs and the beginning of her butt, covering almost nothing of the Headmistress’ lace panties.
“Um…” The Cajun gulped nervously, her sight shifting from Cordelia’s eyes, to her ass and thighs nonstop. “Miss Cordelia, I-I think your skirt got stuck up somewhere”
“Hm?” Cordelia gazed at her own outfit. “No, it’s just fine” The older witch slowly got up, starting to walk towards the Cajun as she added an extra swing on her hips. “I have noticed…” The Supreme was now only some inches away from the Cajun, both’s heartbeats incredibly fast. “You’ve been paying  a lot of attention to my outfit lately” The Headmistress let her hands fall to the Cajun’s waist, pulling her closer.
Misty’s head was exploding with Cordelia’s attitude; Her breath extremely fast as she tried her best to keep herself calm. “Ya’re gettin’ me crazy with that”. The Swamp Witch felt her body shivering as the older woman’s hands went up from her waist to her cheek, softly passing her fingertips all the way up.
“That’s how I felt the other day when you were shirtless” Cordelia whispered, her brown eyes never leaving blue ones.
“I know” The Cajun whispered back, her hands pulling the Headmistress closer by her waist.
“I really like you, Misty…” Cordelia admitted as she caressed the younger witch’s cheek; For the sexier this moment was, the Headmistress wanted the Swamp Witch to know she really cared about her, and it wasn’t just about sex now; It was love, the most beautiful kind of love. “I love you”.
“Delia…” The Cajun felt her eyes getting teary as she let out a big smile; Was it really happening? Had her secret lover, the woman she was endlessly in love with, just confessed her feelings for her?. “I love ya too, so much” Without losing any other second Misty connected their lips; The pink flesh she oh so wanted to taste finally meeting with her own; The kiss started sweet and gentle, but when the Headmistress bit her new lover’s lower lip she couldn’t help but let out a moan, all the desire from before now present again on the Cajun.
“Mist” Cordelia whispered as she pulled apart hesitantly, her hands never stoping to caress the younger witch’s cheeks. “I know I teased you the whole week but I don’t want you to think you need to do anything you don’t want to… I love you, and I would wait forever if necessary”
The older witch’s words caused the Cajun to let out a sweet smile as she bit her lower lip, softly caressing the Supreme’s waist. “I love ya Dee, and I want it so bad… ya have no idea”. Whispering those last words, the Cajun reconnected their lips, her hands slipping to the older woman’s ass and squeezing it firmly, causing Cordelia to let out a moan on the Cajun’s mouth. “This week was such a torture” Misty whispered as her lips went down to her new lover’s jaw and neck. “I couldn’t stop starin’ at ya”.
Cordelia let out a soft moan as she felt the younger witch’s lips traveling down, her hands now on the Cajun’s waist pulling her impossibly closer. “That was my point”.
“I know” Misty whispered before bitting softly the older woman’s neck, lust burning on her body as she found the courage to do all those things. “Gosh, ya have no idea how many times I thought about doin’ that” . The Swamp Witch’s lips returned to her new lover’s plump ones, kissing them fiercely.
“Oh really?” The Supreme teased between kisses, her hands slipping to the younger witch’s ass. “Tell me more about it”.
“Damn Dee” Misty let out a moan as Cordelia lowered her lips to the Cajun’s neck. “I had even talked with Zoe… askin’ her advice”.
With the Cajun’s words Cordelia couldn’t help but let out a laugh, as she pecked the other Witch sweetly. “I have something to confess”.
“What is it, Dee?” Misty grinned as she caressed the older witch’s waist.
“I was actually jealous of Zoe” The Headmistress giggled, her cheeks burning.
“For real?” Misty couldn’t help but let out a laugh as she put the Headmistress closer by her waist, their foreheads touching. “How come?”
“I just wanted to be the one close to you… like you’re with Zoe”
“What I feel for ya is way different than for her… silly” Softly, Misty pressed her lips on the Headmistress’; The kiss started gentle and soft, but soon Cordelia felt hands tangling in her hair and deepening the kiss, causing her to let out a soft moan. Without breaking the kiss, Cordelia managed to guide Misty to a counter, her lips working quickly as she did so.
“Those shirts…” The Cajun whispered, flipping both of them and lifting the older woman, causing her to sit on the surface. “Ya’re such a tease, Miss Cordelia” Misty let out a laugh as she started walking towards the door, determined on making the Headmistress feel what she had been feeling the whole week.
“Where are you going, Mist?” Cordelia asked breathless, the wetness between her thighs really clear now.
“Hmm, I don’t know…” The Swamp Witch teased, her hips moving with an extra swing as she reached the door, blue eyes meeting brown ones again. “It’s so hot in here, don’t ya think?” Misty started opening her dress’ belt, letting it fall to her feet as her hands now played with rural curls. “I think I’m goin’ to take a shower, Dee… It’s real’ hot here” Misty bit her lip as her hands fell all the way trough her body, down to the hem of her dress, starting to pull it up slowly.
“Mist…” Cordelia whispered as she started walking towards the Swamp Witch; The ache between her thighs making it hard to stand properly.
“Catch me if ya can” The Cajun giggled as she started running trough the mansion; As she started going upstairs the Cajun could her the Supreme giggling, eventually catching her by the arm and pulling the younger witch close, their lips pressing against each other.
“I’ve got you” Cordelia whispered breathless, their foreheads still touching.
“Ya’ve got all of me, Delia” Misty caressed the Headmistress’ cheeks gently, letting out a sweet smile. “I love ya”
“I love you too… so much”
Gently, Cordelia reconnected their lips; Misty pulled the Headmistress closer by the waist, her hands caressing it softly as she unconsciously rocked her hips on the older witch’s, causing both to let out a small mouth and being reminded of their arousal; Carefully,   Cordelia started guiding them inside her room, managing to lock the door as she pinned the curled blonde towards it. Hesitantly, Misty cupped the older woman’s breasts, the milky flesh popping out of the bra as the Cajun let out a moan, finally feeling the breasts she had been staring for so long.
“Damn, Dee” The Swamp Witch whispered as she felt plump lips going down her jaw; With quick hands Misty managed to take the Headmistress’ blouse out of her skirt, her hands now slipping bellow the fabric to a covered breast.
“Eager, are we?” The Supreme whispered as she bit her new lover’s earlobe, her hands cupping the Cajun’s firm ass bellow her dress, squeezing it softly.
“Ya’re just so hot” Misty managed to guide both to the big bed, giving the Headmistress a light push, causing her to fall into the mattress and craw to the pillows, Misty climbing over her right after. “There’ll be a rule here” The curled blonde whispered as she bit the Supreme’s earlobe, her knee pressing against the older witch core purposely. “Ya can’t touch me”
“What?” Cordelia asked as her mind went blank; The sweet Cajun was acting way different on the sheets.
“Exactly what ya heard…” The Cajun pulled back as she started to take her dress off, throwing it out of bed, being now only on her lavender panties. “Ya’ll feel just like I felt the whole week”. Cordelia gasped as she saw the Cajun’s perky breasts, squeezing her thighs together as she let out a heavy breath, her hands resting on Misty’s waist as she caressed the exposed skin. “I said no touchin’, Miss Cordelia” The Cajun whispered as she slowly took the Headmistress’ hands away, a small smirk on her face as she saw the frustrated expression on her lover’s face. Without wasting any more time, Misty started unbuttoning Cordelia’s blouse, kissing the skin that was revealed each time a button came off.
“Mist…” The older woman let out a moan as she rocked her hips, being  rewarded with a sudden stop of the Swamp Witch’s moves.
“It seems like ya want me to stop…” The younger woman teased, her hands now opening the unbuttoned blouse.
“No Misty, please don’t stop” Cordelia begged as she hold the sheets strongly, fighting her urge to touch the younger witch everywhere. “Please”
“So no touchin’” The Cajun whispered before pressing her lips on the other woman’s neck, leaving soft bites and kisses as her hands were now unhooking the Headmistress’ bra, soon throwing it away as her lips went lower to an already hardened nipple, circling it with her tongue as her hand massaged the other one softly; Cordelia’s mind was totally blank, how could the Cajun be so good at her first time? Without any warnings, Cordelia felt a soft hand traveling down her stomach and lifting her skirt, pressing her core harshly above the lace panties.
“M-Mist” The Headmistress whispered, barely being able to keep her eyes open. “You are s-so good” Cordelia hold the sheets tightly, her chuckles going white.
“For real?” Misty asked after releasing the other breast with a poop, her hand now slowly massaging the older witch’s core.
“Y-yes” Cordelia threw her head back, her arousal being too much to handle. “God, yes”.
“I did some research… and practiced on myself a lot” Misty spoke shyly, now moving her lips back to her lover’s neck. “I told ya I’ve been wantin’ to do this for a long time”. Without giving time for the older witch to reply, the curled blonde pressed her lips against her lover’s, her hand slipping inside the Headmistress’ panties and starting to rub slowly on her clit. “Ya’ve been a good girl, Miss Cordelia…” The Cajun whispered between kisses, causing the older witch to moan. “So I’ll give ya what ya need” Slowly, Misty let her fingers slip trough the Supreme’s folds and enter her, plumping slowly as she felt the Headmistress arch her back.
“G-Gosh” Cordelia cried out, her hands eventually tangling into golden curls and connecting their lips again. Misty didn’t protest this time; She was loving the teasing but it was also good to see her lover couldn’t keep her hands away. As the Cajun kept plumping, she felt the Headmistress’ kisses getting messy as her walls started to tighten around her fingers. “I-I’m close, Mist”
“Let go for me, Dee” Misty whispered as she bit Cordelia’s earlobe, her fingers plumping faster now as she pressed her thumb on the other witch’s clit; Soon, Misty felt the warm juices on her fingers as the Headmistress moaned loudly; The Cajun slowly took her fingers off, licking them clean as her lover rode out of her orgasm.
“I was so nervous” The Cajun giggled shyly as she rested her head on the Headmistress’ chest, pulling her closer by the waist.
“You didn’t seem nervous at all” Cordelia mocked, her fingers now stroking the rural curls. “But now…” The Supreme whispered between flipping both. “It’s my turn”. The Cajun felt her eyes widening as she heard the words; She didn’t even know how she had found the courage to act like that with the Headmistress, and now Cordelia was about to do everything to her. The Cajun’s thoughts were cut by a pair of soft lips kissing her jaw, and a hand carefully caressing her breast. The Headmistress could feel the younger witch’s breath increasing rapidly, which caused her to give one last kiss on the Cajun’s neck and stare at her beloved blue eyes. “Are you nervous, sweetheart?”.
“Yeah… I mean, I don’t know what got into me but I’ve never done this before an’ ya know” Misty let out a giggle, her hands softly caressing the older woman’s waist.
“Well you were amazing Misty, and I love you, I can stop right now if you want…”
“No Dee… I’m just scared” Misty could feel her cheeks burning as she spoke; Gosh, minutes ago she was literally on top of Cordelia, doing things she didn’t even know she could do, and now she was scared, scared of not being enough for her Supreme
“Don’t be scared, you’re amazing darling” Cordelia spoke softly, her lover nodding and bringing her closer to a gentle kiss; All the younger witch’s insecure thoughts were cut when she felt a hand massaging her breast softly; Misty started calming herself eventually, being more and more into the older witch’s touch. Cordelia’s lips started getting lower and lower, until she eventually stopped at the hem of her lavender panties and started toying with it.
“I love you Misty… just tell me if anything hurts” The Supreme whispered before receiving a nod from the Cajun and slowly slipping down her panties, kissing all the way up until her inner thighs, where she left love bites and licks. Carefully, the Headmistress started sucking her lover’s clit, causing her to let out a loud moan and her hips to buck against Cordelia’s face; The Headmistress started sucking and licking all the way down to her lover’s entrance, eventually inserting a finger inside of her and being greeted with even louder moans. The Cajun’s cries were like music to the Supreme’s ears; She had been wanting this moment for so long and now it was finally happening. Without having a chance to insert another finger in, she felt Misty’s walls tightening against her digits, which caused the older witch to let out a grin as she worked faster, eventually feeling the Cajun’s release. Carefully, Cordelia crawled up, licking her fingers as she did so, softly resting her lover’s head on her chest.
“It was amazing, Dee” The Cajun spoke breathless, her fingertips caressing the Headmistress’ milky skin gently. “I love ya… I just can’t believe ya’re crazy enough to love me back” Misty let out a giggle, pulling herself closer to her lover.
“I am the luckiest woman alive for having you, Misty Day” Softly, Cordelia pressed a kiss on her lover’s forehead, feeling the sweet apple smell she hoped to feel forever; Her heart warm with the feeling of finally being complete.
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“this isn’t what i wanted.” Biadore! Also I loved your ninex
I am...not great at writing Biadore, so cut me a bit of slack...
Also, thank you! You are too sweet! I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
“This isn’t what I wanted.”
“This isn’t what I wanted.”
“You should have specified then.” Danny shot back smugly.
“Danny, I figured you would understand that by ‘surprise me’ I didn’t mean by buying a house for us. I can’t let you do this.” Roy is...surprised to say the least. Shocked? Yes. Confused? For sure. Happy? Probably.
“Why not? I have the money. You wanted to move in together, it works out.”
Roy sighs, and fights back the urge to kiss Danny senseless, his practical side winning out. “It isn’t that simple, Danny. You know that. You bought a house! A real house with a backyard and room for a family!”
“Yeah.” Danny admits, a bit sheepishly this time.
“You didn’t ask me about it beforehand.” Roy is trying to wrap his mind around this. Danny wants a future. He wants a white picket fence and homemade dinner and kids. He wants it all.
“You said to surprise you for our anniversary. This is my surprise.”
Roy rolls his eyes but pulls the younger man into his chest, no longer fighting the goofy smile that threatens to overtake his face.
“You bought us a house. To live in. Together.” Roy is testing the words out. Their house. Their home. It feels too good to be true.
“Only if you want to.” Danny says hesitantly this time.
“Of course I want to! God, Danny, you are perfect. Of course I want to.”
Danny smiles into Roy’s chest. “Happy sixth anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.” Roy echoes.
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“for once… i was wrong.” (branjie)
I got 2 requests for Branjie and this prompt, so I’m doin em both in this one.
“For once...I was wrong.”
They were laying in a too-small bunk on the tour bus.
Brock had his arm wrapped tightly around Jose’s shoulders, shielding him from the outside world, so it seemed.
They had been talking for the past few hours.
Talking about ‘us’ and how they used to be.
How they never got closure.
“I thought I knew best.” Brock spoke into Jose’s hair. “I thought I was doing the right thing by letting you go.”
“I know.”
“No, J, you don’t understand.”
Jose sat up, making their eyes meet. “Brock, baby, believe me, I do.”
Brock persisted with his word vomit, unable to keep his mouth and brain in synch. “I thought we were better off apart. I thought I was right.” Brock looked at his feet and spoke softer this time. “I wanted to be right.” He looked back up to Jose. “For once...I was wrong. I didn’t want to be wrong. I tried to tough it out. Tried to move on...I couldn’t. I can’t.”
“You don’t have to try no more. I’m here.”
“You are.” It was a statement and a question and a declaration of love all at once. 
Two words. 
They held little meaning in context, but Jose understood. He spoke Brock fluently by this point.
Brock pulled Jose to his chest, fought back the tears that threatened to spill, and let himself breathe. 
In and out. 
Filling his lungs with the feeling of home. 
Filling his heart with the feeling of safe. 
Filling his eyes with tears that he finally let fall.
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Hi there! Loving the prompts you're putting out ;) I'd like to put in my own request if you don't mind: "just… come back alive, okay?”, for branjie or ninex, or both! (or one of each :P)!
Thank you so much, darling! I did kind of a combination of both Ninex and Branjie...idk...if it isn’t what you wanted, feel free to send another!
“Just… come back alive, okay?”
Nina stood in front of the giant fish tank that took up the majority of their wall. 
She was nearly in tears at the sight of a light blue fish floating upside down.
“C’mon, buddy. Just...come back alive, okay? Please? Can you do that for me?”
Nina cursed under her breath. Vanessa was going to kill her.
When the two couples (her and Monet, and Brooke and Vanessa) had moved in together, Vanessa had been adamant about getting a pet to keep up morale. She had read some book about co-habitating that all of a sudden made her an expert on human relations.
After going back and forth for days about what pet to get, and finding out that Monet was in fact allergic to both cats and dogs, they settled on getting fish.
Nina and Monet were content with a little fish tank and a few little beta fish, but this was Vanessa they were dealing with, and Vanessa didn’t do anything by the half. 
It had taken all four of them to lift that tank up three flights of stairs into the already cramped apartment. But Vanessa had beamed at all of them until they couldn’t complain. That girl’s smile should be illegal. 
They had also gotten a lot of fish. Like a lot of fish. Vanessa had named every last one of them. The names got more and more ridiculous as the four of them passed around a bottle of wine, but they had stuck.
That brings them to now, with Nina standing in front of the fish tank, nearly in tears at the prospect of killing Mr. Wiggles on accident.
God, Vanessa was going to kill her.
The sound of heavy footsteps up the three flights of stairs only further cemented in Nina’s mind that these were her last moments.
After fiddling with the door for a moment, Vanessa’s curly hair appeared.
“Hey, Nina-what’s wrong?” Vanessa caught sight of Nina’s frazzled appearance almost immediately.
“Look, V, I don’t know how to say this...just come look.”
Vanessa made her way slowly over to the fish tank.
Nina looked at her expectantly, waiting for the pin to drop.
“What am I lookin’ at?”
Nina was gobsmacked. “You really don’t see him?”
Vanessa looked at Nina quizzically before the older girl pointed solemnly to the floating Mr. Wiggles.
“Oh, he does that sometimes. Usually when Snuffles comes by. Those two fight all the time, nowadays.”
Nina looked at her, jaw open.
“You thought he was dead? Oh no, he plays dead sometimes to ward off predators. He’s fine. Look!” 
Sure enough, Mr. Wiggles had perked up and was swimming around without a care in the world.
Nina breathed a sigh of relief.
Vanessa suddenly turned to her, face stone cold. “But if you do ever kill any of my fish, you’re a dead woman. You know that right?”
Nina nodded seriously.
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“you know who to call” Ninex! Please!! Love you babyyyy 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
I LOVE YOU MORE, you bitch! I would move heaven and earth for you, my love. So, if this is what you want, I will happily oblige. 
“You know who to call.”
Nina didn’t think twice about tweeting it.
“I’m lonely. Where’s a good strong man...who also has a sensitive side and loves musical theatre and can not be grossed out by my random sobbing and mental breakdowns as well as has a stable job with a fixed income...when you need him”
Her mentions are quickly filled with gifs of cats sending her hugs and the occasional attractive stranger offering her their bed for the night. Nina smiles at the gifs and rolls her eyes at the propositions.
One reply catches her eye though.
“You know who to call...”
Nina giggles to herself. Yes. Giggles.
She feels silly for the sudden flush on her cheeks and fluttering in her heart, but can anyone really blame her?
Monet was everything Nina had wanted to be when she was young. Confident and unapologetically herself. 
Monet was everything she had wanted in a partner now. Capable and kind. Lighthearted and free. Strong but emotional.
“You know the address” She fires back.
Nina lets herself sink back into her bed, content at the warm feeling lingering in her chest. It was a harmless crush. Nothing would come out of it. And there was nothing wrong with letting herself bask in it for as long as she could...before the loneliness set in.
Nina jumps at her phone chiming with a text message.
K: Hey, I know you were joking on twitter and everything but
K: I really don’t want to be alone tonight.
A: Come over.
Nina feels her heart lurch. Is she doing this? Is this happening? She pinches herself and - shit, ow - yes this is not a dream.
The fact that Monet shows up at her door a few minutes - or was it many minutes  - later, further hammers home the point that no, this is not a dream.
They stand looking at each other awkwardly for a few moments.
“You gonna let me in?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry!” Nina stammers out.
Monet looks around her apartment, taking in the posters and the furniture and - fuck Nina should have vacuumed or something.
“Sorry it’s so messy...”
“Oh girl, this place is a million times cleaner than mine, let me tell you.”
Nina lets herself relax a bit, but not too much.
“Anyway, sorry to show up like this I just...needed to be with someone. You ever feel that way?”
Nina nods. 
She felt that way all the time.
“All the time.”
Monet gives a nervous smile and shakes her head to clear it. “Yeah, anyway, this is weird, I should go. I didn’t mean to disturb you-”
“Stay.” Nina surprises even herself with the statement. “I mean...if you want to. I’m not gonna hold you at gun point.” She gives a nervous chuckle and immediately wants to sink into the floor. God why was she so awkward.
Monet’s face breaks out in a teasing smile. “Now that’s some kinky shit. You were that girl, I knew you were.”
Nina laughs and the tension flies out the nearest window.
The awkwardness lingers well into the night, but it dissipates slowly as the sun comes up and the conversation continues.
They trade stories back and forth well after their coffee goes cold.
Nina doesn't remember laughing this hard in literal months.
It is easy and light.
It is everything Nina had hoped it would be.
And maybe even a little bit more...
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