octavianrising · 11 months
who?: @lulucretias where?: the ground
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The Asphodel had already taken everything he had to offer them, which was probably why Octavian had to remove the seraph blade from his abdomen himself. He wasn't used to injury any longer, doing a poor job at using shreds of clothing to press down on the wound. It kept him alive long enough to see his daughter return however. He supposed her "issues" were his saving grace, if not for them his uselessness would've already spelled out his demise. "I didn't have much capacity to think the last time you gouged me," Octavian strains to say from the ground. Sure she must've just returned from a fight, but did she really have to try that hard to make him feel ignored. "Now, I can properly ponder how amazing you are to simultaneously fill me with so much pride and disappointment, Lucretia."
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yurcna · 2 years
who? @lulucretias​
where? Necromanteion 
when? post plot drop three
note: she is trying to bribe Lulu into a friendship yes
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“You hungry?” Yurena asks as Lucretia opens the door to her private apartments. On one of her hands there is a Wendy’s bag, which she raises to show the other as if it were an entrance ticket to Lucretia’s apartment. On the other, there are two frostys. A further bribe to be allowed entrance. She is rather bored, and as she cannot return to her bookstore, she has decided that a conversation with Lucretia would be interesting. “I braved the mess on the outside for some fries.”
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bleedingwings · 2 years
who? @lulucretias​
where? fate’s
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“I would flirt with you, the bloody shirt and rose in hand and all that, but something tells me you have teeth,” Sariel comments idly as she slides on the open spot next to the stranger without minding the clear ‘stay away’ vibes they had going on. She is bored and there is something about them that makes them interesting. Sariel has never been one to leave interesting alone, not when she could just poke and prod until she got answers. “Instead, I offer a boon or an offering or whatever you want to call it. Three free drinks of your choice if you let me bother you for the next, let’s say, half an hour?”
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dionaeia · 9 months
who? @lulucretias where? the top of the pyramid when? after saturnalia started
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“I am probably the worst speaker of my siblings,” Dionaeia admits with a snort as she sits next to the dragon on top of the pyramid and offers her from the bottle of warm mulled wine she bought from the Holiday Market they can see on the distance, in between the buildings and the alleys. “And I have been told that when it’s not anger, I am unable to deal with my emotions, so I had to take some time to think what I was going to say before I sought you out.”
It’s a soft admission, delivered with a rueful smile as she keeps her gaze before them and takes a deep breath. “Still, I am glad you are here. I am glad you chose this path,” she says slowly, carefully to lay out the words she had thought over and over before she felt ready to talk with the niece she had failed so miserably without realizing it. “And I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. I should have paid more attention to Octavin after Nettelia, but— I guess I wanted to hide from the truth and the memories, and you were left to deal with him alone.”
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archeolcgist · 2 years
who? @lulucretias​
where? maternalia
notes: AU thread
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“You know, it would be much more fun if you actually talk to her, rather than watch her from afar, pining,” Evy comments playfully as she stops by Lulu’s side, eyes trailing to the pretty woman that had caught her fellow druid’s eye. The pretty woman that had been catching her eyes for months at this point. It’s cute, to see her pining for the first time, but sooner or later something has to give and Evy has seen Bebe look back at Lucretia when her friend wasn’t looking. She knows the feelings are mutual, and it’s near painful to watch them dance around each other while they could be happy.
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bebevlnt · 8 months
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Valentine's Day Scrapbook: Lucretia & Bebe
"Marceline, I'm coming to get you, girl We're flying so high, let's catch a ride on lady unicorn" - "Marceline", Willow @lulucretias
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nicolasxbianchi · 10 months
a starter for @lulucretias, where: don't do this to me
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"Do you smoke or do you test your hearts limitations strictly with Wendy's 4 for 4?" Lucretia's anger the last time they spoke had been a palpable, a viper ready to execute him if need be. The Jackal liked to believe he had nine lives, the bias of being stuck as a prisoner within his animal form, and so he didn't hesitate at attempting to find her on the other side of all this bullshit. The Jackal didn't await an inevitable declining of the smoke, merely placed them back within his jean pockets and gnawed tensely at the unlit one between his lips. "I'm really bad at apologies," obviously, Nicolas wasn't really much good at anything except being a nuisance. Where other gifted druids thrived on the positives of their animal traits, Nicolas feasted upon the less savory; a vermin nipping at others heels, a Jackal thieving off others. Still, Lucretia was his friend whether she obstinately denied it or not, "But this shit is really complicated, Lucretia. I never meant to go against you."
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oraculumx · 10 months
where. his house? her house? where do they live now?? who. @lulucretias
The Asphodel coven was no more. The Necronomicon was no more. While his magic remained, his oracle abilities still within his grasp, Bastien hadn't the slightest idea what to actually do. Pythia was still with them, likely within the depths of the shadows, and it was also likely something he should be doing. Blood was on his hands, of those that had remained dead and those that had come back when the timelines had been twisted. Who was to say that revenge was not on the table? That justice should have been served more heavily to many of the Asphodel members. Maybe that's why he was pacing around the living room, an unlit cigarette nearly destroyed between his fingers, "What are we supposed to do? Stand around with our dicks in our hands?" That was the saying, was it not?
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fxllenpythia · 11 months
"To deadbeat fathers," she laughed manically, the toast neither served within wine glass, nor bottle, but the cage that she drew across the room, filled with druids captured upon the battlefield. Broken, contoured, but alive. "Perhaps you should throw Octavian into the river too," a look of distaste crossed her features fleetingly, as if reliving the memory of something truly disgusting, "I'd have liked to have ended that twink much sooner."
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destinedgray · 1 year
Time: Evening Location: The Streets Characters: @lulucretias​ & @destinedgray​
It didn’t take too long to find Lucretia. Several fast food establishments knew of her description, and the Archdruid could fly through the streets with a keen eye, searching each one from an unseen distance. Even at night he could see perfectly well now, taking on the form of nocturnal creatures to sift through the darkness. When he was finally able to catch sight of her familiar form, Aren descended and landed a few feet away from her as a hawk owl. 
Then he emerged in full form, walking closer. “Do you remember how you used to run through the forest as a child? I found you on the ground once; you’d fallen from a tree and scraped your leg. Do you remembered what I told you then?” Aren remembered that life as Amergin. He had smiled at his niece and sat beside her, trying to soothe her. ‘Oh, you always need to be very careful about how high you go, little bird,’ he’d told her. ‘The higher you go the more painful the fall can be.’ 
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netteliax · 1 year
@lulucretias​ location: Knossos, 2000BC notes: mother “I’ll ask you not to do this, what you’re planning. What you’ve come here for.” Nettelia started, she knew that the chimera had designs of her own, had felt the pages take shape in Lucretia’s grimoire as her devotion to the necronomicon grew. Nettelia was the book’s author, which meant she was intimately aware of all the passages within and those that might transpire. Creation and destruction, the necronomicon had no true bounds, save for those who practiced its infernal arts. “I know you hate him and you’ve every right to. But what you plan to do, what you hope to become, there will be no coming back. You and your friends, those who slay a God do not get to live a natural life. It’ll change you, indelibly.” There was a time when Nettelia had set about a course for destiny, to strike out against the Gods that she’d come to despise, but this was not the way. 
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octavianrising · 1 year
where?: still in the dark, still screeching
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Octavian’s interest in the dark temple didn’t begin and end with the snake. In fact, that aspect of his pilgrimage was secondary to his main objective. Now more than ever, he needed to see her, his daughter. The pain of loss weighed heavy on his heart, but pride had already taken root there too. To be born true there must be sacrifice, to have power one must have faith. These lessons were reaffirmed in his madness, taught to him by the voice of his “sister” no less. It pained him to experience the grief of his father’s death all over again, but Octavian found something poetic in him giving his life for Lucretia’s ascent. Perhaps her affinity for striking out against her patriarchal figures should’ve been a indicator of what he could expect from her, but Octavian’s feelings about his daughter remained unchanged. Even now he wanted to help her along her path, even now he wanted her by his side. If he made enough noise, he knew eventually she’d answer. So the phoenix’s ruckus spread as far as his intense flames did, burning and shaking everything within the plundered realm until the daughter he sought chose to come out of hiding. 
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yurcna · 2 years
who? @lulucretias​
where? matronalia
notes: au thread
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“So, option one or option b?” She asks Lulu while sipping from her Senate-provided, non fey-wine guaranteed, belini. Regardless of what her friend would suggest, she needs some liquid courage to speak to the druid that had been dancing around her head lately. Being the younger sister of not one, but two sovereigns usually put her off limits for most non-humans and she had to prepare herself for a rejection. “Should I jump his bones while drunk or should i finally man up and actually have a conversation with him rather than check out his ass and fantasize about running my hand through his hair?”
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trissraval · 2 years
location: behind the horde of zombos person: bird buddy @lulucretias​
“I just wanted a frosty. None of this would have happened if we’d have just gone to Wendy’s.” They’re halfway joking as they perch themselves on one of the many statues in the hallway. The zombies had already been through there, besides he thinks he’s pretty safe with her. Lucretia might have seemed fun and whimsical, but they knew better. “What are you doing after this?” There’s screaming outside, all around them really, but there’s a brief moment of reprieve as they make their way through the castle just after the horde.
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milenabarbcsa · 1 year
           a gift for @lulucretias​,
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          Dion was certain that Lucretia was tired of whatever prophecy the druids had painted for her, this etched in responsibility that was ensnared into her blood. Dion, as a Keeper, had attempted to allow the druid space considering what their kind had once done to Octavian’s daughter and though his ego seemed inflated on the matter, Dion had believed himself to have been their only hope. And now, he was a mere vampire cut out of the picture. He loathed the thought of approaching her, knowing exactly which way such conversation would sway, but Octavian was unstable and Dion could only hope he could convince Lucretia to fight for their kind if she valued all of the connections she had made in this lifetime. “We need to talk, Lucretia.”
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ofphobos · 2 years
where. asphodel place who. @lulucretias​
The mark on his arm signified that Kaan was still very much a member of the Asphodel coven, even when he had his own and even when he would not abandon, nor subject them to giving themselves over to what he had long ago. Each of his members were his to look out for, and only if they expressed their own wants and wishes to join together with the Necronomicon would he take a step back. That didn’t, however, stop him from showing up at the newly acquired palace for the coven, nor from walking in as if he had always been within its walls. “You --,” the word was spoken at the sight of the girl, though he couldn’t quite recall her name in the moment. “You’re --- which one are you again?”
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