gtsdreamer2 · 6 months
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*creeeaack* "EEP!" *click*
"I can't believe we can't get Lulu out of this thing. Szasmara was stuck in one of these three weeks ago, and all it took was Brogan playing on her breeding kink and five minutes of rubbing." Gridley pressed his fingers to his temples and cursed under breath as Szas's face reddened.
"Well Szas is easy." Brogan half joked, adding to her embarrassment. "Even after all our healing...'sessions', I don't think Lu's ever come close to getting off from it. Not even once." As he worked his thick fingers around the opening of the chest, his frustration was a clear indicator that he wasn't getting the results he expected. "Come on Lulu, just let us get you out of there!" A mumbling whine could be heard from inside the incubox and Brogan put his ear up to the keyhole.
"If you're trying to listen to what her lips are saying, that's the wrong pair, but please, keep making a fool of yourself." Szas teased. "She can't speak out of her cunt." She moved him out of the way and got down on her knees, putting her ear up to the side of the box and knocking. "Lu, sweetie, say it again."
"I need my mommy!" Luciet cried out from inside her prison. She clearly sounded very distressed and scared.
"She said she needs her mommy?" The sorceress reported back to her party, standing up and dusting herself off.
"I don't know who her mommy is, so that's not very helpful." Gridley replied. "Maybe she has her 'mommy' registered as a next of kin with the guild. Szas, can you open a channel with them so we can ask?
"Of course."
"Hello, is this Faldha? Can you see and hear us?" Brogan could see the woman through the portal clearly. This was the woman that the guild gave them information for. Luciet's only contact.
"Yes, this is she. Who are you to contact me?" Faldha was the same barbarian class as the tall, thick half-orc who was addressing her, but her size was even larger than his. Clearly she was a mixed breed of some larger race and her equipment put her a good few levels above Lu's current party.
"Well," Gridley stepped in "We're Luciet's party, and, well..."
"Speak up. What?" Faldha had a habit of using her intimidation skill in normal conversation and this sent an immediate fight or flight response though the party on the other end of the connection.
"Right. Szas chimed in, pushing Gridley out of the way. "She's stuck in an incubox and we can't get her out. Nothing we have tried is working and she's been begging... well she's been being for her mommy...?" Szas's face grew red again as she uttered the words to this hulk of a woman that was clearly not biologically related to their party member. Faldha let out a relieved sigh.
"Show me the box. Put my portal as close a you can to where you think her ears are."
"Don't you think that you need to be here to get her out?" Gridley asked skeptically.
"No. I don't think it'll come to that."
"Lu, we've brought her." Szasmara said sweetly. "She said she's going to get you out of there." The sorceress adeptly maneuvered the portal right up to the side of the chest where the winning was loudest.
"Hi bunny." Faldha's low, grizzled tone reverberated through the box and found Lu's ear crystal clear. Immediately her whining stopped and she let out an "eep!" at the sound of her mommy's voice. The chest immediately stirred in response and let out a growl. "Your friends called me and told me you got stuck in here. Were you being careless and trying to loot on your own again? Silly stupid girl. I've told you that it's dangerous to wander off alone." A different kind of whimpering could be heard coming from the box now as Luciet was beginning to feel arousal from her lover's voice. This was only amplified by her situation and the active humiliation that she was being put through. The little trapped cleric pressed her smooth slit against the keyhole as her juices began to flow out from the opening. The cold metal couldn't even begin to fight off the heat that was emanating from her.
"Now I know that you know I'm a very busy woman. And I know that you know that I'm the only person in the whole wide world that could possibly get you out of here. I also know that you don't want me to have to come down here in person to get you out because you know what I would do to you if you made me take any more time out of my busy day to be here. You should feel both ashamed and grateful that you even get to be graced by the sound of my voice right now. Isn't that right, Lulu?" She could hear a small, embarrassed "mhm" come from deep in the box. "What was that?"
"Yes mommy! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to be here and help your silly dumb bunny who's stuck in this box because she was bad and stupid and curious!" Her whole body grew hot whenever her domme made her speak up for herself in a demeaning way. She was so worked up at this point and full of shame and lust that the box was having a hard time containing it all. Her juices now freely flowing were pooling on the floor for her whole party to see.
"Gods, you really are easy for me, aren't you bunny? I bet I could make you gush for me with just one little touch right now."
"Mmmph! yes mommy. I want that." Luciet began to wildly undulate against the keyhole in some fruitless attempt to gain some additional feeling of pleasure. As her wet cunt pressed against the opening over and over, a loud squelching sound echoed throughout the dungeon.
"I already said that you don't want me to have to come down there and physically get you out. It sounds like you're so so close just from my voice. You can be a good bunny and cum for mommy, can't you? Don't you want to show your little friends how good and obedient you are?"
"Yes yes yes mommy. I'm a good girl. I'll show you! I'll...I'll...! Mmm!" As Luciet lost control and gave into orgasm, her sopping pussy began to gush and squirt out the opening of the chest as the room filled with her the pheromones of her succubus half. Immediately, her lust began to spread through her comrades before the chest finally popped open and she tumbled out. She was naked from having her clothing dissolved by the mimic. Her body was slick with her own sweat and the box's saliva. She sat with her warm tush pressed against the cold wet floor of the dungeon in a total haze. She had been edged and denied by her lover for longer than she could remember, but now she was so overstimulated just from words alone and her euphoria was almost palpable in the air.
Basking in her afterglow, her succubus blood began to boil over as her party started to suffocate in the thick miasma of her pheromones. This was different than when she would pleasure them to relive them of their injuries. This was an unholy side of her that only surfaced when she selfishly put her pleasure above that of others. Faldha watched as Luciet began to undergo a change.
"This is why I don't let you cum except on very rare and special, contained occasions, bunny. Just look at you." Luciet's Tiffany blue eyes lit up and scanned her party. She was pleased with how badly they were lusting after her naked form. Her body took in their stares and their hunger for her flesh. Her appearance began to take after her father as her horns and dark blue wings grew in. Her breasts plumped larger and her nipples grew erect to maximize her appeal and womanly charms. Lost in her own arousal, Luciet began to groan and grunt and grasp towards her fellow adventurers, who, entranced by her, began to slowly move towards her.
"That's quite enough!" Faldja bellowed, loud and assertive with her intimidation skill in full effect. Like a sun piercing the clouds, the haze of the succubus's miasma was immediately burned away, and the whole party snapped back to their senses. Luciet's horns and wings retreated back into her while her breats shrank down to their normal petite size. "I won't have my girl throwing herself at her friends for any lascivious reasons. You've made pacts and vows specifically against that."
Lu was finally coming back down from her high. "Yes mommy. S-sorry mommy." She mumbled, her face bright red as she realized she was sitting naked in a pool of her own juices in front of her team. Szasmara reached out a hand to help her up.
"Don't worry." She said, softly and full of warmth. "I've got some extra clothes, and we can ask pretend like this never happened."
"Ya, until she gets stuck again and starts crying for mommy!" Brogan laughed. Lu turned and even brighter shade of red as Faldha quickly stepped through the portal which closed behind her.
Cracking her knuckles loud enough for the whole dungeon to hear, Brogan turned around to find the source of the noise only to catch her fist right in his jaw. He flew across the room and landed hard on his ass. "No one makes fun of my bunny but me." She said sternly, throwing Lu over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. "Let's go home, Lulu."
"Yes mommy."
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cupric-solution · 1 year
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Reporting live from the field: Mom audibly "awww :)"-ed at Lucius and Pete's kiss
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rosiedoestumblr · 1 year
I'm going to say this, because I appreciate not everyone speaks British English, but you cannot call the Lucius/Black Pete ship "Luciete."
You can't.
Because it is pronounced "Loo Seat" and that is one of these.
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brincandodeserfeliz · 2 years
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Goste-se, observe suas formas com olhos de querer, sinta-se bela. O resto.. virá. Sensualidade tem mais a ver com atitude que com beleza...
Luciete Valente✍
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maryflorlovyblog · 3 years
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observe suas formas
com olhos de querer,
sinta-se bela.
O resto... virá.
Sensualidade tem mais a ver
com atitude que com beleza...
------------------------------Luciete Valente
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petfilho · 3 years
Medicina da floresta: pesquisador usa uxi amarelo, unha de gato, marapuama e outras plantas para tratamentos no AM
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Pesquisador do Inpa realiza pesquisas há quatro décadas sobre o uso de plantas tradicionais em tratamentos contra cistos nos ovários, endometriose e miomas, entre outros. Juan Revilla é pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa/ MCTI) Luciete Pedrosa/Ascom Inpa Foi por meio dos relatos dos avós ainda na infância que o pesquisador e doutor em Botânica Econômica Juan Revilla, de 71 anos, começou a se interessar em estudar as plantas medicinais. O peruano hoje desenvolve seu trabalho na Amazônia Brasileira, onde veio estudar e tratar pacientes há mais de quatro décadas . Juan Revilla é pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa), onde trabalha há 43 anos. Ao G1, o pesquisador explicou que concentra seus estudos nas plantas nativas já usadas popularmente por moradores da Região Amazônica, como uxi amarelo, unha de Gato, marapuama, entre outras. Revilla explica, por exemplo, que pesquisa sobre problemas de cistos nos ovários, miomas, nódulos nos seios e endometriose com tratamentos a partir do uso dessas ervas. Atualmente, o doutor se divide entre duas cidades para realizar pesquisas. Em Manaus, ele atua no Instituto de Medicina Tradicional e, sempre que pode, viaja ao município de Manaquiri, onde também trabalha com plantas medicinais. Revilla explicou que a primeira frente de sua pesquisa é sobre o levantamento das informações das plantas medicinais da Amazônia. A segunda é a orientação no uso de plantas medicinais pela população. “Muita gente pensa que o trabalho com plantas medicinais era apenas feito por curiosos, por amantes da natureza, mas não. Hoje em dia, no Brasil, no Peru e no mundo, há pesquisadores, doutores na área de plantas medicinais e medicamentos fitoterápicos. Existe um rol de conhecimentos e publicações que justificam a eficácia das plantas medicinais”, contou. O pesquisador comentou que a Amazônia brasileira possui inúmeras plantas que curam e que poderiam ser vendidas para o mundo, mas apenas se conhece o uso de poucas. “Para nós, é gratificante saber que as plantas da nossa Amazônia podem ajudar a tratar doenças que a medicina ainda não consegue resolver. Um exemplo: miomas, endometriose, alterações de hormônios em geral. Não existem medicamentos consistentes que possam revolver isso, mas a natureza nos mostra que há um caminho” Pesquisador Juan Revilla em Manaquiri antes da pandemia Ascom/INPA Plantas medicinais da região amazônica Uxi Amarelo: Originada da Amazônia brasileira, possui efeitos anti-inflamatório, antioxidante, diurético e estimulante imunológico. O pesquisador explicou que costuma se vender em forma de casca (retiradas de troncos de árvores). A planta é usada no tratamento de vários problemas de saúde, como no tratamento de miomas; cistos no ovário ou no útero; combate a infecções urinárias; promove a regulação do ciclo menstrual causada pela Síndrome dos Ovário Policísticos, também ajuda no tratamento endometriose. Uxi Amarelo se mostra eficaz no tratamento de vários problemas de saúde Ricardo Oliveira/Fapeam “O Uxi Amarelo corrige os estudos hormonais. Hoje se conhece toda a química dessa planta e sabemos quais os princípios ativos que fazem esse trabalho. Para a indústria farmacêutica, é um fracasso, a dificuldade de fazer sínteses desses compostos. É interessante o extrato seco de Uxi Amarelo. O extrato seco não é a casca moída, é o chá sem água. E que pode se transformar em comprimidos”, explicou Revilla. Unha de Gato: Encontrada principalmente na Floresta Amazônica e em outras regiões da América do Sul, começou a ser usada pelos indígenas de forma medicinal para tratamentos inflamatórios e degenerativos. É uma planta que tem registro na Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa). “A Unha de Gato tem um histórico mundial fantástico. É uma planta que corre na Amazônia Brasileira e nós temos uma quantidade imensa desse produto que precisa ser mapeado e ser estudado no campo para ver a dimensão da produção da unha de gato e poder transformar em medicamento. É também outra planta que estamos trabalhando aqui para transformá-la em comprimidos”, contou o pesquisador. Marapuama: Planta medicinal originada na Amazônia. Serve para melhorar a circulação sanguínea, tratar a anemia e disfunções sexuais. “É outra planta que considero muito importante, assim como o Mirantã, a Marapuama trabalha com o sistema nervoso. Essas plantas, nós estamos trabalhando alguns anos, e hoje nós sabemos de alguns componentes químicos”, explicou o pesquisador. Clínica de campo para o tratamento de doenças crônicas Pesquisador Juan Revilla em campo botânico em Manaquiri, antes da pandemia Ascom Inpa Com a pandemia, Revilla disse que teve a oportunidade de se dedicar muito mais ao campo, em Manaquiri, no interior do Amazonas. Com recursos próprios e colaboração de outras pessoas, ele conseguiu mais recursos para sustentar colaboradores, que atualmente conta com 15. Segundo Revilla, os colaboradores preparam os ambientes físicos e paisagísticos do projeto da construção de uma clínica em Manaquiri que conta com três pontos importantes: “O primeiro é o laboratório para a fabricação dos medicamentos, quase concluída esperando alguns equipamentos”; “O segundo é o jardim botânico de plantas de valor econômico, chamada Botânica Econômica Garden. Esse Jardim Botânico tenta mostrar aqui essas plantas com potencial econômico. Hoje nós estamos com mais 1600 plantas já instalada em nosso jardim”; “O terceiro é o trabalho de atendimento. Nós estamos montando uma clínica de campo para o tratamento de doenças crônicas que pode ser inaugurado no fim do ano. Falta de financiamento O pesquisador reclamou da falta de financiamento para desenvolver seu trabalho. Para ele, atualmente, a contribuição das plantas medicinais para a saúde é de grande valia, mas lamentavelmente, a população não sabe muito sobre o Inpa, o instituto de pesquisa em que trabalha. “Não recebemos recursos para realmente fazer a pesquisa e a transformação. Eu como botânico, eu fiz meu trabalho publicando sobre plantas amazônicas. Mas não adianta deixar esse livro na prateleira e não transformar isso em medicamentos que poderiam servir para nossa população local, para o Brasil e para o mundo”, disse. Veja os vídeos mais assistidos do G1 Amazonas
The post Medicina da floresta: pesquisador usa uxi amarelo, unha de gato, marapuama e outras plantas para tratamentos no AM first appeared on Pet Filho. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3i2eHCd via IFTTT
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julietflorian · 6 years
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to be loved & to being loved | luciet | aesthetic
and all i can do is say that these arms are made for holding you / i want a love like you made me feel / when we were 18
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robert-hadley · 7 years
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Francisco José de Goya y Lucietes
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fernandaferrari30 · 5 years
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Frases Autores Recentes MAIS Luciete Valente: Bolsa de mulher é terreno que ninguém...  Bolsa de mulher é terreno que ninguém conhece. É espaço ímpar. Cabe o que não deve e nunca tem o que se precisa. Bolsa de mulher é primeiro namorado é marido extremoso. Bolsa de mulher é ninho de confidências é motivo de fuxicos. É status É glamour! #afcalçados #você #na #moda #sempre (em Campina Do Barreto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oMW_KnlCy/?igshid=1bt28h9ytlilq
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francescocampanella · 5 years
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Sol luciet omnibus (presso Monte Pellegrino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz6BiT9ijFh/?igshid=1upfczvimvxqc
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ao3feed-leverage · 7 years
You're Always Okay
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pwoSBS
by luciet
gift for thxstral - prompt: asexual Parker and aromantic Eliot, established Parker/Hardison, supportive Hardison
Words: 2795, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Leverage
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Parker (Leverage), Eliot Spencer, Alec Hardison, Sophie Devereaux (Leverage), Nathan Ford
Relationships: Alec Hardison/Parker, Sophie Devereaux/Nathan Ford
Additional Tags: parker is ace, eliot is aro, Established Hardison/Parker, established nate/sophie
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2pwoSBS
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lucietvar · 7 years
tweeting about current job...
the attempt to build a scene in #UnrealEngine led to creating another props :) #lowpoly #handpainted flags. #gamedev #indiedev #brainbox3D pic.twitter.com/S6LUX5Vi9I
— LucieT (@LucyTvar) August 4, 2017
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Sorry, I'm just losing it how canonically, tealoranges has more proof of them being poly than luciete
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Medicina da floresta: pesquisador usa uxi amarelo, unha de gato, marapuama e outras plantas para tratamentos no AM
Medicina da floresta: pesquisador usa uxi amarelo, unha de gato, marapuama e outras plantas para tratamentos no AM
Pesquisador do Inpa realiza pesquisas há quatro décadas sobre o uso de plantas tradicionais em tratamentos contra cistos nos ovários, endometriose e miomas, entre outros. Juan Revilla é pesquisador do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa/ MCTI) Luciete Pedrosa/Ascom Inpa Foi por meio dos relatos dos avós ainda na infância que o pesquisador e doutor em Botânica Econômica Juan Revilla,…
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brincandodeserfeliz · 2 years
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Marco meu caminho com flores. A cada percalço encadeio mais pétalas... Mais pétalas... mais perfume! Mais perfume... mais alegrias!
Luciete Valente✍
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