#love my brain worms so much kissing each one gently on the head
fanaticartisan · 5 months
proudly adds senshi to the list of characters i have rpd as
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Would you still love me, even if I was a worm?
Please note there are 3 Pokémon classified as work pokemon and they are all bug types
Wives edition (only Cynthia, Rika, and Cyllene cause my wrist cannot handle more.) pure fluff
You look up at her as you lay across her lap.
Cynthia looks down, her uncovered grey eyes locking with yours. She can’t help but smile, you look so cute in her lap, gazing at her with such love yet curiosity.
“Yes, dear?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Her brain stops.
She blinks once, twice, before rapidly doing so. You look at her so earnestly, like you want a genuine answer….but-
“What kind of worm would you be? It would I entirely depend as Snoms, Caterpies, and wurmples are all wildly different. And if you want to be technical burmies as well, since they are the bag worm Pokémon-“
“Oh, yes?”
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Dear, that entirely depends on which worm though!”
You watch as she rambles, listing off the logistics, and what each worm needs and how well it would do in certain environments.
She probably would, but you’ll never get an answer as her mind plays all sorts of scenarios.
She loves it when you spent time with her at work, she’s usually alone so no one is around to tell you or her off for this, and she uses every chance she can to love on you. But she notices you have something on your mind.
She hums, moving you from her lap to on top of her desk.
“Got something on your mind, doll?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Oh you’re too cute for her heart to handle! You look so meek, so nervous, so adorable, fuck she loves you.
“Oh sweetie.” Rika places a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“I’d buy you the best fruits for your little work self to feed on, let you ride around on my shoulder just so I can still love on my buggy baby.”
Her smile grows as you giggle, covering your mouth while you do so, but she continues.
“Get you a nice big enclosure covered in pretty flowers, and with a nice branch for you to get cozy on. And of course a lot of the most how quality dirt I can get ya.”
“All for me?”
“All for you, no matter what you’re my sunshine.”
And she will be damned if anything happens to you.
You knew what the answer would be, at least, you thought you did. After getting injured and being sidelined until you’re fully healed, you’ve been bothering your betrothed a lot more now that you can’t leave the village.
And she’s the only one constantly around for you to lovingly bother.
You sat in her office, Abra dozing in your lap from all your comforting pets. The silence being filled with Cyllene’s pen moving across paper.
Your silence has her concerned, usually you’re more chatty or at least much closer to her, you never sit to the side like this.
She glances over to you before looking back at her paperwork.
“Yes, dear?”
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
The office falls still and quiet.
Her pen to the side and she looks deep in conflicted thought.
You thought you’d get an out right ‘no’ but you never thought you’d make her spiral.
You can see her arguing with herself in her head, unsure of what to even say. On one hand she loves you dearly, you mean so much to her, on the other hand….she loathes bugs, she can’t even imagine being in the same room as a wurmple!
But the bug would be you…
“Cyllene, please breathe!”
She’s snapped from her thoughts as you gently shake her, your arm around her back and your free hand on her forearm.
She takes a few deep breathes to calm herself, but you can’t escape her questioning.
“Why ask such a thing? You know I love you, correct?”
“I do, I just…thought it would be a silly thing to ask, maybe joke about it?”
You nervously laugh, feeling her steen gaze staying locked onto you.
“You truly are something else.” She sighs.
But you perk right up “But that’s why you love me!”
You’re right, but damn.
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storms-corner · 3 months
“Sweetheart, are you sure, hm?” Eve asked softly, rubbing Oksana’s belly over the blanket. “You’re more than welcome to sleep in the big bed with mommy.”
Oksana sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, crossing her arms around herself. She nods shyly. “Big girl,” she says. “Please?”
Eve chuckles. “Okay, my love,” she says. If Oksana tells Eve that there is something she wants to try, something she feels brave enough to do, who is Eve to tell her no? Letting her little one sleep alone in her room, which is literally wall-to-wall with Eve’s, is not dangerous by any means.
Besides, Eve already knows that in a few hours, her little girl will sneak right into Eve’s bed and demand cuddles. She only figures it’s good for Oksana’s confidence that she gets to try; she must know that Eve believes in her.
“Do you want a book before bedtime?”
Oksana nods eagerly. “How much I love you!”
“Ah, what a surprise,” Eve teases as she reaches for the book.
She grabs it carefully, and cringes at the crackle the dearly beloved book makes when she gently opens it. The Guess How Much I Love You book is so worn and cherished that the pages are soon to fall out. Eve has read it at least three times a week for two whole years now. Tonight, she reads it once more and watches the little one’s eyes begin to droop. How precious, thinks Eve, to be in your thirties and get to experience this soothing over and over. It’s different to watch Oksana fall asleep while sat at her bedside, compared to feeling it as she nurses down. Eve admires each and every twitch and flutter, and she smiles so warmly when Oksana’s tired, droopy eyes look up at her once the book is over.
“Mkay, sweetheart,” she murmurs as she puts the book away. “Paci?”
Oksana nods. Eve reaches for Oksana’s pacifier, white with a moon on the centre, clipped to the girl’s pyjamas. Oksana takes to suckling in an instant, the pacifier bobbing at a calm, sleepy rhythm. Eve coos and leans in to kiss Oksana’s forehead.
“Goodnight, baby, I love you,” she says softly.
When Eve opens her eyes a few hours later, it’s nearly two in the morning. Because her brain has seemingly built a radar for Oksana, she’d woken just before she heard the first creak in the floorboards. Soft, shuffling little footsteps come closer and closer before Oksana appears in the door, hand clutching Kis-Kis tightly.
“Mommy,” she whispers, padding into the room. “Mommy.”
Eve grunts sleepily, holding her arm out. “C’mere, ‘ksana.”
Oksana runs on her tiptoes and crawls clumsily into bed, wriggling under the blanket as Eve holds it up. She was so very wrong about being a big girl tonight. Sleeping in her own bed is silly — there’s no Eve there! She worms her way into Eve’s embrace, where the older woman greets her with a warm hug.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Eve whispers into her ear. “You okay, hm?”
Oksana nods. Her hand places itself against the soft swell of Eve’s breast almost by instinct; Eve has learned that this particular touch is comfort seeking. “Just wanted mommy.”
“Oh, you’re such a mommy’s girl, aren’t you?” she laughs warmly, sleep clinging to her voice. “You’re mommy’s ittiest, bittiest little girl.”
Oksana giggles bashfully. “Noo,” she protests.
“No?” Eve chuckles.
“Mommy’s baby,” Oksana insists in a determined voice.
Eve goes from laughing to cooing, holding Oksana close, suddenly overwhelmed with love. “Mm, that’s right,” she whispers, kissing her head sweetly. “Mommy’s baby. You’re mommy’s baby.”
Oksana yawns wide, and Eve remembers that it’s two in the morning. She rubs at her own eyes. “Let’s give sleeping another try, mkay?” she whispers.
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hotluncheddie · 9 months
i just KNOW that once steve and eddie reunite at scoops, they have to have a serious conversation about what to do…inside the walk in freezer as not to be seen. it quickly went from a frantic call to wayne about their nondisclosure agreements to eddie being pressed against a shelving unit while steve kissed him so hard they were light headed. after checking in with his handler, eddie is approved WITH DISCRETION to be in touch with robin and steve. he is permitted to write the kids letters, but they can’t be mailed and have to be delivered by fbi. he can see steve and robin, but nobody is permitted to know of his true identity and if they want to go out, they have to have written approval and can only go to pre approved locations. that’s still good enough for them. steve and eddie move pretty fast once they have their approval, and are seeing each almost every night.
there’s just one problem though. eddie had gotten used to his new body, the last time he and steve had been intimate (the day before eddie had to leave, they made out shirtless and eddie may or maybe not have ruined his favorite pair of boxers) he was 40 pounds lighter. every time steve tried to take off his shirt and he pushed his hands away or he jerked his face when steve touch his soft jawline for a kiss, eddie would stress eat. eddie had gained an additional 10 pounds in the first few months of dating.
it really came to a head one night when eddie was over at steve’s helping him clean his closet and they found a box with eddie’s battle vest. steve chuckled and said that he had saved it for all of the long nights alone (a mental image eddie catalogued away for later use), and encouraged eddie to try it on. without thinking, eddie laughed and tried to put it on over his flannel. it was tighter than he remembered and definitely wouldn’t close over his belly, and when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror he practically tried to rip it off because he felt so ridiculous. instead of playing into his insecurities though, steve told him to keep it on and gently kissed him.
as the kiss deepened and the two wound up on the ground with steve straddling eddie, steve snaked a hand under the vest and onto one of eddie’s supple tits. gasping, eddie tried to move steve’s hand away, but instead of moving his hand, steve squeezed. really fucking hard. the protests on eddie’s lips turned into moans, and steve whispered into his ear about how fucking scandalous it was that he looked so good but wouldn’t even let steve see him, nipping at his earlobe and pulling him out of his flannel and vest. eddie tried to cover himself, blushing as steve looked at him with an almost predatory hunger in his eyes, but it all changed when steve pushed his clothed bulge into the squish of eddie’s belly and fucking whined.
it was a flurry of clothes and knocked tooth kisses as the two finally gave into the years of sexual tension, steve rutting his dick against eddie’s belly as he prepped him. steve kissed the stretch marks on his thighs and ass before he covered his dick with lube and sunk into eddie. both were whimpering so loudly that they knew they would probably get noise complaints, but they couldn’t even bring themselves to care. it just felt so good be kissing, to have eddie’s calloused hands pinned down by steve’s soft ones, to feel the friction of eddie’s squishy and hairy belly against the soft muscles and bristly hair of steve’s. when the two finally came, with steve’s cock buried right against eddie’s prostate and eddie’s cock fully unsheathed from its foreskin, they were both weeping.
even though eddie still loved to eat and had his moments of stress eating after that, it was never caused by steve anymore. quite the opposite actually. when things got tricky, steve would be the first to bust out a carton of ice cream from the freezer and two spoons.
🦂 AAAAAAAAA wasn’t it such a juicy amazing prompt?? but omggggg u SPOIL MEEEEEEE!!!!!
obsessed obsessed with them getting back together and steve just instantly wanting to make up for lost time. and like, they can’t make steve and robin move, may as well just work something out, they can and this isn’t a usual situation. normally witness protection is crime related, not multi dimensional monster related.
but ughhhhhhhh eddie being so desperate to be back in steve and robins orbits, to have his friends back. people who he can joke with, laugh with, call in the middle of the night, who really fucking get it.
and eddie desperately wants steve, in every way imaginable. but, he’s scared. steve didn’t get with him when he looked like this. steve got with him when he was skinny and toned and not he’s definitely not. so eddie goes as far as he can, fear holding him back the rest of the way and it’s ages before they progress. untill that night with his vest.
and uhhhh!!!! eddie stress eating over this new thing with steve! how will he react! maybe the shirt he’s wearing under the flannel is one he got 15lbs ago, before the extra 10 he gained this month. so the flannel was more of a safety measure to ensure the chucky swell of his hip and lower pudge of his belly would be better concealed under the too tight shirt. so when steve gets to straddling him, hammering home how still fully, completely, absolutely into eddie he still is, pulling away the shirt and flannel. rutting his clothed cock into eddie’s pudge has the added benefit of it being his first real peak of belly, finally exposed after all this time. fucking whine steve does.
and after that night it helps eddie see, steve’s always been obsessed. looks at him the same as he used too, just maybe a little hungrier now. his eyes lingering more, darkening quicker. and that hand that squeezes his peck, that’s a more than regular occurrence, casual even, and god does it make eddie hot.
maybe that shirt and his vest become little markers, if eddie want to tease steve, get him going, he’ll wear his vest out. too tight but reminding them of that night, their past together, the fact that they’re together again. makes steve’s belly light up with possessiveness. always eventually dragging eddie to bed, nipping at his jaw and whispering filth in his ear. fucking eddie with nothing but that on, burying himself deep.
maybe that t-shirt becomes eddie’s comfort shirt, his go-to, to lounge in, especially after a bad day. when steve’s there with two spoons and a tub of icecream.. and take out. to hold eddie close and feed him bites of frozen sweetness on the couch.
it stays eddie’s comfort shirt even when it’s a good day. even when the shirt sits up at his belly button with no hope of pulling lower. stays his favourite because it never fails to make steve kiss him silly and fist their cocks together in one slick, smooth motion until their both panting and finishing all over eddie’s exposed pudge.
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shookspearewrites · 3 years
Any Day Now, Leonardo x MC
Good evening my ducks! Please have this lil Leonardo ficlet thingy that I wrote bc I had Leo brain worms 🥺
Tagging @alby-rei and @leonardhoee bc I know that Leonardo is their big fave eee~
Warning: Pregnant MC and also brief, non-explicit mentions of sexual activity. Please do not read if you could be uncomfortable with such content!
- JJ x
Leonardo Da Vinci:
One hot June night as the moon rose over le Comte’s mansion, MC slept peacefully on top of the warm duvet which was simply too toasty to snuggle into in the summer heat. The mansion’s resident lady smiled softly as she dreamt, her beautiful hair strewn about the pillows, finally free from the confines of the neat bun which she often wore. MC found sleeping during the Parisian summer near unbearable if she were to wear her nightgowns so, as she did on many nights, she found herself sleeping in just a pair of panties and one of her husband’s shirts.
There came a gentle, quiet knock at her bedroom door and a warm, loving call of her name but, there was no reply. Leonardo Da Vinci walked into his wife’s bedroom, closing the door behind himself as carefully as possible as not to wake her. The vampire strode over to the four poster bed where MC lay and sighed deeply as he kicked off his boots and lay down next to her, his large hand absentmindedly trailing across the expanse of her heavily pregnant belly, the shirt that she wore having ridden up to expose her tummy. Leonardo soon found himself propped up by pillows as he stroked his wife’s baby bump, unable to tear his gaze away from where his hand caressed her smooth skin. MC sighed contently in her sleep as her husband’s hand ran smoothly over her bump, “Ah cara mia,” Leonardo smiled as he traced a heart shape onto her skin, “You work miracles, you know?” He knew she couldn’t hear him, too busy relaxing in delicate slumber but, Leonardo didn’t care - He felt so much adoration for MC that he couldn’t seem to keep the words in his mouth.
The pureblooded vampire shifted to lie on his chest, his head resting in his hand and propped up by his elbow as he now looked directly at his wife’s baby bump, leaning his head down slightly to press two or three little kisses to her belly, making the woman hum approvingly in her sleep. “Our little tesoro is due any day now, huh?” Leonardo grinned when he imagined holding their child in his arms for the first time, his heart skipping a beat at the thought. He chuckled warmly, allowing one of his warm hands to go back to stroking MC’s bump gently, “Now will you be bambino or a bambina, hm?” He asked, his voice a warm whisper, ”You’ve kept us waiting for so long, mia gioia - Are you as excited to meet your Mama and Papa as we are to meet you?”
MC groaned in her sleep, her hand flying to her belly when her baby kicked her which made her husband smirk before his own large hand soothingly rubbed the spot where the baby had kicked. “I guess I’ll take that as a yes, then, little one.” Leonardo pressed a few more kisses to MC’s bump, warm and sweet before his gaze trailed up to see her beginning to blink her pretty eyes open, “Scusa, cara mia, did I wake you?”
“Hm?” MC grumbled softly, slowly sitting herself up against the plush pillows, “No, its fine, Leonardo - Baby just kicked a bit too hard.”
“Oh cara,” the vampire replied as he quickly moved to lie next to his wife properly and wrap his toned arms around her as well as he could without squeezing her bump, “Our little tesoro is just excited to come out, I bet.”
“You think so?” The lady brushed some deep brown hair from Leonardo’s face where it’d stuck to his forehead in the summer heat, her lips curling into the sweetest of smiles as the couple gazed at each other, “Well, with such a handsome father, I don’t blame them.”
“And with such a beautiful mother, too,” Leonardo mused, leaning forward to kiss MC’s lips softly once and then both of her cheeks and the tip of her nose, “ ‘Can’t see why they wouldn’t be excited to meet you, mia dolcezza.” His hand once again found her belly, stroking it tenderly and smiling softly until that smile became a wicked smirk which he shot MC’s way, “We made this baby together.”
“We did,” MC giggled, resting her hand on top of her husband’s and caressing his knuckles with the pad of her thumb, “I had a lot of fun doing that part, you know?”
“Oh I know, MC,” Leonardo chuckled lowly, slipping his hand around to MC’s behind and squeezing it firmly, smirking wider when she squeaked in surprise, “Mhm, you shrieked just like that. I like that, cara mia,” he purred, “Maybe one day we should make another one just so I can hear it again?”
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luffles424 · 3 years
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☼ Pairing: Seokjin x reader
☼ Genre: fluff, smut, post breakup au, actor!seokjin, fashion designer!reader, exes to lovers
☼ Count: 3.1K
☼ Warnings: 18+, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, hair pulling, teasing, unprotected sex, creampie
☼ Summary: Seokjin has been back in your life for 5 years now. It’s a different future than what you had imagined, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. What else does the future hold for you?
☼ Drabble/epilogue to Sunrise
☼ a/n: Surprise! So many people were asking and curious about what happened and I got a little brain worm of an idea of what the future holds for the Sunrise pair! This can probably be read as a stand alone if you didn’t want to read the first part. I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! My ask box is always open ~ 💙💙💙💙
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Excitement bubbles in your belly as you smooth the front of your dress down, hand pausing for just a moment on your belly as you give yourself one final once-over in the mirror. You’re so happy that you finally got to wear the sunset dress again. Although you have no idea what you’re wearing it for.
Seokjin has been tightlipped about his plans for you tonight. He simply told you to dress up, hinted to you to wear this specifically. He’d seen it a while ago one night when he was over, hanging in your closet. You’d told him why when he questioned why you had it hanging up, though he’d shyly told you that he had seen you wear it already. When you said you’d kept it because you wanted to wear it again, he got a gleam in his eye that you never quite understood. At least, until now with his not so subtle hints to wear it. 
You smile thinking about him. It’s been a lot of work to get to this point. But it’s been so worth it. No matter the length of time. You’ve treasured every single moment. 
You had spent about 2 years getting to know each other again. There was a thrill in learning Seokjin all over again. To discover the little things about the man he grew into. Hearing stories about the years you missed. Stories about friends you hadn’t kept in touch with but he had. You shared stories from friends you’d kept close but he had lost contact with. Every time you two were together was a fun adventure in discovery. 
And for all the new things you were learning about him. He could still make you laugh just as easy and it was so easy to still joke with him. The new and old blended to make the Seokjin before you and it was simple to start falling for him all over again.
Then, one day, Seokjin stopped by your place unannounced and asked you out. He was panting, like he’d sprinted the whole way there and his confession was rushed out in one long breath and you only caught half of it. It took everything in you not to laugh at the wild look in his eye as he rambled, but as funny as it was, it was hopelessly endearing. 
You couldn’t deny that it felt right, so you said yes. The easiest decision you had ever said yes to. Now, almost 3 years later, you’re still going strong. Far stronger than you ever were in university. You’ve both learned a lot from the past. For all that you have problems, like any human, you’ve gotten better at communicating through it. You know when you need to take a break, get some space to sit with your feelings and be able to put them into words. And it’s done wonders to make things work smoother.
You rack your brain, trying to figure out if maybe you’re missing some important date. An anniversary? No, that was less than two months ago. Seokjin took you to a private beach. Not that either of you saw much of the beach with how adamant Seokjin seemed to keep you in bed with him. 
 You shudder as another orgasm courses through your body. “Seokjin…” you whine.
You get a hum in response but his face remains firmly buried in your pussy, where he’s been for at least an hour and several orgasms at this point. You’d protested by your third one, whining for his cock. But Seokjin had simply pressed a sloppy kiss to your thigh as he took a moment to explain that tonight was all about you. 
Apparently all about you meant he was going to make you cum until you passed out. Your entire body tingled, some weird mix between being numb and feeling like every nerve was electrified. Deliriously, your fingers tighten in his hair and tug, harder than you intend if his sharp inhale against you is anything to go by. 
“Baby, please…” You give him another tug.
If you weren’t so weak, you would push him until you could climb on his dick yourself. Chuckling, Seokjin finally pulls away, face smeared with your slick and face equal parts pleased and smug. 
“Want my dick that bad?” he teases.
You glare. “I will go find the nearest sex shop and buy a dildo. At least it wouldn’t get mouthy.”
Seokjin’s grin is bright as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before he swoops down to pepper your face with kisses. “You like my mouth.” He presses a firm kiss to your lips, lining his hips with yours and letting his cock settle against your soaked slit. His smile softens and he presses a far gentler kiss to your lips. “I love you.”
You give his hair another tug. “I’d love you more if you put your dick in me.”
He blinks at you before erupting into squeaky laughter. “You ruined it.”
“I ruined nothing. You’re still hard as a rock.” 
To prove your point, your grind against him, making you both gasp at the pressure. Seokjin ignores the comment, choosing instead to finally give you what you’ve been wanting. He pulls his hips back ever so slightly, just enough to position himself at your entrance and then he’s pressing forward, filling you with one languid stroke. 
He keeps his pace just as slowly as he ate you out. Taking his time and ensuring you feel every inch and shift of his cock inside you. He cums what feels like an eternity later, filling you further. He keeps himself buried in you, kissing you slowly and deeply, pouring every ounce of love for you into it.
 So definitely not your anniversary. Neither of your birthday’s are near. Neither of you have had any recent accomplishments that need to be celebrated. You suppose he could just want to take you out, one of his new favorite things is taking you on dates whenever your schedules allow it. 
You’ve told him time and time again that you don’t need elaborate dates. But he seems to know how much you do enjoy being spoiled by him, even as you protest it. Though at some point he did seem to realize that you also love nights spent at home, curled up with him on the couch together. And he’s been all too happy to flex his improved cooking skills. You’ve definitely enjoyed learning that new aspect of him too. University hadn’t been conducive to cooking elaborately. Money was often tight and so what you ate often was prepared or frozen with the occasional nicer meal when finances worked in your favor.  
Tonight feels different though. There’s something about the secrecy and meticulous planning that makes this seem different than just a regular date night. You suppose you’ll just have to wait and see what he has planned for you. If Seokjin didn’t want you to know, there would be no way for you to try and figure out what the secret was.  
You check your phone, seeing that Seokjin should be here soon and so you move out to the living room to wait for him. You’re so thankful that you got to meet Seokjin again. You’re even more thankful that you had the time apart to grow on your own. While the break up was painful and rough when it happened and for a while after. You wouldn’t be the person you are now without it. It makes the relationship now that much more special. 
No matter what news or plans Seokjin has, you have your own to share to make the night happy. Your hand rests on your belly once more, a small smile on your face. 
There’s a brief knock at the door and then it’s opening, Seokjin beaming when he sees you standing in the living room. You let your hand drop from your belly.
“Wow,” he breaths, eyes slowly tracing over your frame. “You look… stunning.”
You grin, giving him a slow look up and down. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
He chuckles, finally coming closer and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I had a lot of help from this pretty amazing designer.”
You feel a pleased rush run through you and you return the kiss eagerly. It’s easy to get lost in the kiss and you almost want to tell him to just forget about whatever he has planned in favor of spending the evening in bed. But Seokjin pulls away, a slightly bewildered smile on his face when you try to follow.
“Come on. We’re gonna be late.”
“For what?”
He just raises an eyebrow at you and you huff. He honestly can’t blame you for trying to get some sort of hint or answer about his plans. Taking your hand, he presses his lips to your knuckles before entwining your fingers. He leads you out to the waiting car, helps you into the back, carefully ensuring that your dress is safely tucked inside the car before he’s moving to the other side and sliding in beside you. 
The drive is almost silent, save for the soft music filtering through the speakers. You lean your head against Seokjin’s shoulder, deciding to just enjoy being with him again. He’s been busy the last few weeks with a new film and this is the first evening he’s been free to be with you that isn’t just takeout and the couch. Or bed depending on how tired either of you are. 
Seokjin gently shakes you awake some time later and you blink blearily at him for a moment. His smile is endearingly fond as he waits for your brain to kick back on after your impromptu nap. You’ve been so tired lately. 
“Are we here?”
He laughs and brushes a kiss to your forehead. “Yes, baby, we are.”
Once he believes that you’ll stay awake, he gets out, circling around to your side and helping you out of the car. You look around with a frown, unfamiliar with where you are. You’re in front of a tall building, windows reflecting the sunset. The building is unmarked and that leaves you even more confused. 
Smiling at your confusion, he takes your hand and leads you forward into the building. The elevator ride has anticipation building in your belly. Seokjin always plans the best surprises. He’s only grown more thoughtful and kind with age. 
Finally the elevator dings open, revealing a restaurant lobby. 
Except the lobby is empty, most of the lights off. Are they closed? You turn toward Seokjin, brows furrowed in confusion. 
He grins, gesturing towards the wall behind the host stand where the restaurant name is lit up, the brightest of the lights in the room currently. Moonlight. 
“So… Me and Seokjung are opening a restaurant. Well, he’s doing all the hard work. I’m just an investor. It opens in a couple of weeks.”
You grin. You know Seokjung’s wanted to open a restaurant for the longest time. The Kim brother’s definitely shared a love of cooking and food. You can’t believe he’s hidden this from you. But knowing him, he wanted everything perfectly in place before he revealed it to you. Which seems to be tonight. “Seokjin, that’s amazing!”
He nods. “Seokjung’s ecstatic…”
Tilting your head, you inspect him slowly. “If it’s not open, then why are we here?”
Shyly, Seokjin leads you past the lobby into the dining area. It’s massive, so much bigger than you would have thought it would be, given how the building looks from the outside. The most stunning thing is the floor to ceiling windows that look out over the ocean. You didn’t know you were so close to the shore. 
Without thinking, you move to the window, looking out over the sunset. The view is just as stunning as you thought it would be.
“It took months to find the right place. Seokjung was getting so frustrated that I kept saying no to every place he suggested. But I had this vision for it. This vision. Something I could bring the love of my life to. That felt like home to us... And everyone else,” he adds belatedly.
You look at him over your shoulder. He’s such a sap. You reach a hand out and he takes it, letting you pull him beside you. You’re both silent for a long moment, looking out at the gorgeous view. 
“Seokjin, I’m-”
“We’ve been-”
You both start at the same time, laughing when you both stop. 
You gesture for him to continue. “You go first, baby. You planned all this, you’ve clearly had this for a lot longer.”
Licking his lips, he nods. He pulls you a few feet away towards a table that’s set beside the windows, candles casting twinkling light across the glassware.
“Seokjung is cooking for us tonight.” He pulls your seat out for you, circling around to sit across from you. He looks inexplicably nervous, but a streak of nerves runs through you too with the news you’re holding on to. “I wanted to do something special. I thought being the first person to try the restaurant was pretty special. And I wanted you to be the first person to eat and see this view. I wanted to be with you when you saw it.”
Reaching across the table, you take his fidgeting hand. You love this man so much. Seokjung comes out then, hands laden with plates that he sets out on the table. The spread is truly impressive. Seokjung has to make two trips to bring everything out. 
You laugh incredulously as Seokjung retreats back to the kitchen. “Are you planning to feed an army here?”
Seokjin grins sheepishly. “Seokjung was a little excited to work out the menu and have someone try everything. He’s going to ask later for feedback and you know how he is about that.”
You give a nod. You definitely do know how Seokjung can get. It’s the same way Seokjin sometimes gets when he’s trying out a new recipe. You both eat in companionable silence. There’s no need to fill the silence with a lot of chatter. It’s more than enough to just be here with him. Seokjin occasionally feeds you bites of things he thinks you’ll like and it’s thrilling to have him spoil you like this. When he sees things that you like more, he makes sure that you have most of it, not-so-subtly shifting those bites towards you.  
You try to surreptitiously ignore the full wine glass throughout the meal. Resorting to distracting Seokjin whenever his eyes begin to drift towards it with confusion. He knows it’s your favorite. It doesn’t seem like the right time to explain why you can’t drink it right now. You can tell that there’s something else Seokjin wants to say. That tonight doesn’t seem to be solely about being the first to eat at the restaurant. Seokjin wouldn’t be so nervous if it was as simple as that.  
Once the food is gone, Seokjung brings out dessert and Seokjin seems to grow even more nervous. As you reach out to take a spoon, Seokjin stops you. 
Licking his lips, he seems to be preparing himself for something. You wait, letting him get his words in order. Finally, he meets your gaze and his face is set with determination.
“We’ve been through a lot. Had our ups and downs. Hell, we were apart for over 10 years. But somehow, despite everything, despite it seeming like we’d never see each other again. We found each other. Out of all the people in the world, we found each other again. On a beach where we had so many memories. And… and we’ve worked so hard for what we have now. I’m… God, I’m so grateful to have gotten another chance with you. I never even imagined this much. I would’ve been happy just being friends. Having you in my life again… Being able to love you again. It’s a chance I never thought I could have. A chance to do things right. To treat you the way you deserve…”
You smile when he trails off, threading your fingers with him. “I’m happy I found you again too.”
That seems to give him the confidence to go on. “I’ll spend my every waking moment ensuring you know just how loved you are. If you’ll let me. If you want me too.” He slips out of his seat, dropping to his knee beside you. Your heart skips a beat as you watch him with wide eyes. “Baby, Y/n… I love you so much. If you’ll let me, I’d want nothing more than to keep loving you for the rest of our lives.”
He pulls a small box out of his pocket, nearly fumbling it with nerves, and opens it to reveal a glittering ring. Tears gather in your eyes and you stumble out of your seat to wrap your arms around him. 
“Yes, of course. God, how could I not want to marry you?”
Seokjin lets out a relieved breath, as if there was a possibility you’d say no. He’s absolutely mad if he thought you’d say no. You press a kiss to his lips, joy filling you. Seokjin kisses you for a long moment before pulling away and, with shaking fingers, pulls the ring free from the velvet to slip it onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit. 
You smile at the ring. It’s so gorgeous. For a moment, you forget entirely about your own news. But then Seokjin is pulling the wine glasses from the table, holding yours out to you. Clearly intent on celebrating your engagement. 
You stare at the glass for a long moment before slowly reaching out to take it. You chew your lip before setting the glass back on the table. Seokjin frowns in confusion, mouth opening to question your actions but you quickly shake your head.
“So… I have some news.” You fidget with your fingers and Seokjin is quick to set his own glass aside and take your hands in his, thumbs sweeping comfortingly over the skin of your palms. You take a deep breath and then bring his hands to your belly. They’re warm through the fabric of your dress. “I’m pregnant.”
Seokjin blinks at you, his face startlingly blank. Nerves creep in but after a moment of processing, Seokjin’s face is breaking out in the widest grin you’ve ever seen on him. 
“Pregnant?” You nod. “We’re going to have a baby?”
He whoops with joy, pulling you into a tight embrace with such force that you nearly fall over, babbling about everything that you’ll have to do in the coming months. 
It’s kind of funny. Back in high school and university, when you pictured your life together, it was nothing like what you have now. But somehow, despite the heartache, the distance, everything, it’s so much better than you imagined. 
It’s perfect.
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nanasparadise · 3 years
Hiya! Can i have either (aged up) Narancia or Abbacchio [you choose!] and with prompt [28, 25, 24, 19, and/or16*] Thx so much luv <3 {*if you wanna really impress us all... us them all ;3}
Hiya love! Sorry for the wait, I’m still quite busy with school, but that should be over soon (hopefully). Please enjoy! <3
“Shadow” Yan! Abbacchio x gender-neutral reader
16. I will protect you from everything.
25. You shouldn’t have tested my limits.
28. You have no idea how much I have been holding myself back for you.
Summary: Abbacchio has been following around for a while. After a rather unfortunate incident, he finally gets closer to you.
TW: toxic relationship, homicide, slight gore, stalking, mentions of retching, angst, intoxication, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI
I do not condone any yandere behaviour in real life.
Word count: 4467
Beta-read by the lovely @dear-yandere
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Abbacchio loved watching you from afar. The smile painted across your face gave him purpose, a meaning, in his quite miserable life. Even if it was directed towards your date.
The Italian mobster tried to tell himself he didn’t mind. The intimate chatter as the two of you leaned over the table, the staring into each other’s eyes, his hand brushing over your forearm, his lips dangerously close to yours- Abbacchio suddenly averted his gaze from the window he had been watching you. No, he did care. As much as he wanted to see you happy, he couldn’t help but feel jealousy rising up inside of him, infesting his mind like a parasite. “You have no right to be jealous, Leone,” he reprimanded himself, “they don’t even know your name.” This thought alone put the white-haired man into a state of sulking, making him wish he had a bottle of wine with him to dwell on and drink away the pain.
In the end, Abbacchio could only blame himself. After all, he chose to not approach you, seeing himself unworthy of your presence and affection. Besides, who could truly love him after what he’d done? What he still had been doing? Accepting briberies, being unable to protect his police partner, becoming the very thing he’d sworn he would save the city from, it all took a toll on the young man and his self-esteem. He couldn’t drag you down in his world of crime and bitterness, not wanting to tarnish the very happiness you radiated and he cherished so much.
But seeing you all flustered and bashful because of someone who wasn’t him made Abbacchio reconsider his initial avoidance. The mafioso couldn’t handle the scene unfolding in front of him anymore, resentment boiling inside him. Would it really satisfy him remaining your unknown shadow? On the other hand, could he be so selfish and worm his way into your life, risking your safety and maybe even your happiness? Yes, he loved to observe you from afar, but he would so much more prefer for you to see him, recognise him, touch him. Just like you did with your date. With all these bitter feelings still clinging onto him, Abbacchio turned around to leave this area of the city. But not before stopping by a store to buy a bottle or two of red wine…
Meanwhile, you were blissfully unaware of your shadow’s internal struggle. Instead, you enjoyed the mild evening breeze of Naples hitting gently your face as the sun was slowly setting, giggling like a love-struck teenager with your date while you exited the restaurant. The rendezvous you had spent with the man by your side had passed so fast, his funny stories and dashing charm having made you lose track of the time. The two of you chuckled some more at one of his jokes as you eventually bid farewell. Though before you truly could depart, you took heart and pressed a sweet goodbye kiss onto your date’s mouth. Pleasantly surprised by your action, he leaned into your touch. When you both eventually let go of each other, he offered you a sincere and dazzling smile. “Let’s do this again, alright?”
Despite his better judgment, Abbacchio couldn’t bring himself to walk immediately home after having bought the booze. Instead, he had finished three quarters of the first wine bottle while strolling through Naples. He could feel the slight fuzziness of his intoxication manifesting in his body and mind. Sluggishly, the Italian continued his walk, his steps weighing just as heavy as the thoughts occupying his head. After a while, without noticing, he had stopped in front of your flat. “Are you home by now, Y/N?”, he wondered quietly. He couldn’t see any lights turned on in your apartment (of course he knew where to locate your exact housing after having… observed you for a while), meaning you already slept or you hadn’t returned yet. You couldn’t have possibly gone back to this guy’s place, could you? Bile rose up his oesophagus and his face turned into a dark scowl as Abbacchio dwelled on that thought. His grip around the wine bottle tightened, threatening to break it into pieces. Though before that could happen, the mobster guided the bottle to his lips and let the tart crimson liquid travel down his throat in an attempt to drown his dark musing. How could he let this happen? How could you have already gone this far with that man? Why hadn’t he just reached out to you? If you were to end up with that guy, he wouldn’t be able to look at you again, not without thinking of himself as a failure. Abbacchio harshly squinted his eyes while downing the remaining wine, trying to chase his thoughts away. Maybe, if he was lucky enough, his hangover would be so big the next morning, he would have forgotten about this whole situation.
From a few metres distance, you carefully watched the tall man in front of your apartment complex clinging to his bottle. “Great,” you mumbled exasperatedly, “I definitely needed a drunkard now.” Not only did he seem to be intoxicated, but also potentially dangerous, as you could make out all the muscles under his tight and partially revealing outfit. “Deep breaths, Y/N,” you reminded yourself, attempting to stay calm, “you’re just going to pass him and then rush straight to your flat.” As you tried to make your plan reality, you felt the stare of the stranger glued onto your form. Nervously, you swallowed the gulp of saliva building in your mouth. You nearly reached the front door of the complex as you heard a voice utter your name. No one was around you, except for that man, so it must had been him. But how would he know your name? Deciding that your anxious mind just made that up, you fumbled for your keys. But again, you heard the same voice repeating your name. With a flabbergasted expression, you turned around to meet the stranger’s face. His sharp features were highlighted beautifully under the neon lights of the street you must admit, and his long white hair with a lavender hue almost appeared to glow. Only the bloodshot golden eyes indicated his current pitiful condition.
“Excuse me Sir, do we know each other?”, you eventually asked tentatively. Multiple emotions crossed over his face in a matter of seconds, as if he wasn’t sure he could reply to such a simple question. Little did you know about how hard it actually was for him.
“No,” the stranger managed to spit out an answer, “but we will soon enough.” Incredulous, you tightly knitted your eyebrows together.
“What do you mean?,” you countered, “And how do you- HEY!” Before you managed to say more, the man turned around to leave you on your own. Deciding it was best not following him, you just let him vanish into the darkness of a near alley. “What a creep,” you whispered to yourself, “I just hope he won’t come back.” At last, you entered the complex and made your way to your home, leaving this weird encounter a concern you had to face tomorrow.
Abbacchio couldn’t believe seeing you walk past him as he finally pulled the bottle away from his mouth, previously closed eyes now wide open and fixated on you. Having been so convinced that you were by now in your date’s bed, he didn’t trust his slightly drunk mind to not play tricks on him. But undoubtedly, it was you who tensely rushed to the front door of the building. It pained the gangster to see you stressed out because of his presence, but what else should you think about him? He was just a complete stranger to you and drunk on top of that, a potential threat. A sudden realisation dawned then on Abbacchio. If you weren’t with that guy now, it meant he still had a chance with you, right? He could still become a part of your life and make you forget about that pest’s existence, no? Then, you surely wouldn’t perceive him as a stranger. Maybe as an acquaintance, maybe as a friend, maybe – hopefully – even as a lover. The excitement of a possible future with you made the Italian instinctively whisper out your name, enjoying how it rolled off his tongue. Though he wasn’t the only one who had heard the sound of his voice as you stopped in your tracks for a moment and then proceeded to nervously look for your keys. Offended by your ignorance the man repeated your name, this time louder and with more force. Would you still ignore him? Was he doomed to be your quiet observer, a mere shadow? Not if he could change it. “There’s still a chance.” Finally, you were looking at him, a surprised expression scampering over your face as you truly saw him for the first time. With your lips slightly parted, you stared at his form, interest and wary dancing in your eyes. Did you think he looked attractive? Abbacchio internally smiled at that thought, his heartbeat increasing ever so slightly, hoping it to be true. When you eventually talked to him and asked, if you two knew each other, the Italian felt as if his brain completely stopped working. Of course you knew each other! Well, maybe not you, but he for sure knew you better than anyone else. Though he couldn’t exactly tell you this… “No,” the mobster opted to say instead, “but we will soon enough.” Abbacchio failed to realise that this too sounded creepy... Despite your questions, he promptly made his way into the narrow dark streets of Naples until he disappeared from your view.
And while wandering through these gloomy alleys, Abbacchio noticed the tears gently rolling down his cheeks. Why was he crying? After all, the two of you had finally met. “But under which conditions?”, he lamented. He was so eager to contact you again, to really connect with you. Would you give him that chance? Or would you only remember him as a drunk brute? His tears grew bigger as he continued pondering. “You have no idea how much I have been holding myself back for you, Y/N,” he whispered, voice cracking due to his intense emotions, “I’ve always contended myself with seeing you happy, but I can’t do it anymore. I just want to feel your warmth, want to know that I do deserve you, that I’m not scum…”
Eventually, Abbacchio managed to arrive home, feeling drained out of any energy to continue crying. Instead, he made his way to his bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes, and closed his eyes until sweet darkness surrounded him, welcoming the young man into a numbing sleep.
The next couple days, Abbacchio distanced himself from you. He knew better to pester you after your first encounter, so despite his obsessive need to see you, he left you alone for about two weeks. In the meantime, he made a plan as to how he could approach you again.
You went on with your life. Keeping up with work, entertaining yourself with your hobbies and above all, seeing your date more regularly with whom things worked out more than great. All things considered, you were truly happy, enjoying most moments in your life. The long-haired stranger with the wine bottles had been long forgotten, only an obscure memory in the back of your mind. Call it ignorance or naiveté, but you really wanted to believe he was just some confused drunkard who would leave you alone after having slept off his intoxication.
That was why it hit you double hard when you saw him this Saturday morning in front of your favourite bakery.
Undoubtedly, it was him. He wore the same attire and kept his hair in the same style. Only did he appear to be sober now, his golden eyes radiating in the soft Neapolitan sunlight. No trace of drunkenness was clouding his features this time. “Thank God”, you thought.
Upon noticing your form, Abbacchio slowly approached you. He’d been waiting for half an hour now, hoping you’d get your favourite pastries like you did most weekends, so that he could catch you. An uncharacteristic nervousness spread inside his stomach. He had seen you countless times, but never had he experienced such an intense uneasiness. There you were again, just a couple of steps away from him and yet completely out of his reach, as the wary expression on your face revealed. But the Italian would change your attitude, he was sure of it.
“It seems you remember me from last time”, Abbacchio eventually said, hoping to not come across as shady. He carefully scanned you: the way your eyebrows furrowed together in disbelief, your lips pressed into a thin line, your body slightly leaned away from him. Under different circumstances, he would have deemed your cautious behaviour as adorable, even praised it. But not when it involved him.
“Yes, I remember,” you replied, still wary about the stranger, “and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.” The man was now close to you, too close for your liking. You could see all the details in his face, such as the dark long eyelashes contrasting his light hair and the tint of purple in his irises. Hastily, you moved back a few steps from him.
“I think I owe you an explanation,” the man uttered upon perceiving your reaction, “and an apology as well.”
“I agree”, you answered, trying to not sound too brazen.
Abbacchio sighed deeply, gathering his thoughts. “Quite obviously, I was drunk and landed by your apartment complex by accident.” Well, that wasn’t too much of a lie. “I’ve seen you several times here in this bakery grabbing your pastries, that’s why I know you. During some conversations you had with the baker, I heard your name as well. I’ve never had the courage to approach you. I hope you can forgive my inappropriate behaviour.” The nervousness inside his guts only intensified. Would you believe his explanation? Or would you see right through the lie?
For a couple of moments, you just stood there, eyebrows still knitted together, and pondered on his words. “I don’t remember ever seeing you in the bakery”, you muttered, trying to think of an occasion where you saw the stranger before that incident. Abbacchio slightly gulped at hearing your answer.
“I tend to stick in the shadows,” he replied, wanting to save his cover-up, “I’m not that social, you see.” Oh God, would you really buy that? Did he now ruin his only chance with you?
“Hm,” you hummed absent-mindedly, still mulling over his dubious explanation. Would a guy like him not stick out like a sore thumb in the small bakery? Or had you never properly checked out your surroundings? As strange as his reasoning sounded, it was the only one you had. “To be honest with you, I don’t know if I should completely believe you”, you said. Before he could interject, you continued. “But I’m inclined to give you another chance. Under the conditions that you don’t behave creepily anymore and don’t show up randomly and drunk at my place.”
Abbacchio’s eyes widened at your words. You truly gave him another chance! This was finally his opportunity to be with you, proving his worthiness. “Of course”, he quickly answered, nodding slightly along his words.
“But, I just want to make clear that I’m currently seeing someone, just in case you expected more from me.” Those words coming from you did sour his mood a little and dropped him from his high. Of course you were still dating that guy, why wouldn’t you? But maybe, he could turn the tables, now that you gave him permission, even encouraged him, to enter in your life. So the mafioso swallowed his feelings of bitterness and tried to keep up with the politeness.
“I think I should introduce myself properly to you. My name is Leone Abbacchio and it’s nice to formally meet you.”
“Well, since we’re already here at the bakery, why don’t we have breakfast together?”
To your surprise, you became quite close with Abbacchio. The two of you had met numerous times and by now, you felt at ease around him. Under his harsh appearance and demeanour was actually a very caring and understanding man, who was always there for you. Though he kept some secrets from you, he never failed to let you confide in him, a steady presence during rough times. Your friends and date – who was now your partner – didn’t trust the Italian as much as you did. Every time you mentioned him in a conversation, they never ceased to point out his cryptic attitude and your weird encounter. Some of them even suggested he might be part of the mafia, but you always brushed these accusations off with a laugh. Just because he had one bad night the time you met and was a bit gloomy didn’t imply he was a mafioso! Plus, he had told you he used to be a police officer, surely he wouldn’t have turned into a criminal then, right? You couldn’t imagine him hurting, much less killing, someone when he acted so tender around you. Constantly checking up on you through calls when you couldn’t meet, buying your favourite food when you felt down, making sure you felt comfortable.
So the pain you felt when you had found out your loved ones were right about Abbacchio was intolerable.
It was a normal day, like most times. After work, you met with Abbacchio to catch up with him before going on a dinner date with your significant other. The pair consisting of you currently sat on a terrace of a bistro, sipping on a drink. You stared with interest at the people passing the narrow streets of Naples, a mosaic of faces and feelings. From your peripheral vision, you noticed Abbacchio gaze at you, an unusual soft expression marking his stoic face. Despite having repeated multiple times that you were happy with your current relationship, it seemed that the Italian’s promise to not pursue you didn’t always align with his true feelings. Uncomfortable, you cleared your throat before looking back at the man seated in front of you. Immediately, Abbacchio schooled his expression into one of impassivity again.
“So, you have anything planned this evening?”, Abbacchio inquired seemingly nonchalant.
“Actually yes,” you replied, your lips turning into a smile at the thought of seeing your partner, “we’re gonna go out for dinner. I can’t wait to meet him again, you know how his work kept him busy all week.”
“Oh yeah, must be great to hear him talking shit about me again”, your friend barked back, sarcasm dripping from his voice. You rolled your eyes at his snarky comment.
“I’d really appreciate if you two could behave like adults for once and leave this childish distrust behind. And no, he actually intends on telling me ‘big news’ and not bad-mouthing you.”
Abbacchio perked up his ears at your words? ‘Big news’? What was that bastard planning? “He can shove those news up his ass”, he thought gloomily. The young man had finally gained your full trust, he couldn’t let that guy ruin it. Even though you might not admit to yourself, Abbacchio knew you felt the same affection he harboured for you. He saw it in the way you radiated this warmth he had longed for so long when you two were together. Finally, he knew he had worth and a purpose aside his work at Passione, and it was to be with you. So, why would he let that little boyfriend of yours destroy that with his stupid news? He wasn’t going to propose to you, was he? Not that early in the relationship, right?
“What do you think he plans on telling you?”, the Italian asked you, genuine worry now coating his voice, though you remained oblivious to his concerns. You brooded for a moment over his question.
“Well,” you replied eventually, “I think he’s got a promotion at work and might suggest to me to move in with him soon. But I’m not sure though, that’s only a speculation.”
“And would you do that? Move in with him, I mean,” Abbacchio pressed on, nervousness spreading through his body.
“I think so? I guess it would be nice to live with him”, you answered truthfully. You looked away from your friend’s intense gaze, instead opting to stare at the people surrounding you again.
When you glanced back at Abbacchio, you didn’t expect his face to be adorned with such darkness. He was practically scowling at you, his usually shining golden eyes now oddly sombre. You gasped slightly at his reaction, his trusting atmosphere now completely gone.
But how couldn’t he react like that? Your confession felt like a hard slap in his face, more painful than any attack he had witnessed. You couldn’t move in with that man. He knew it would mean the end of all his plans. Once you’d live with him, you two would see each other less and less (especially since your lovely partner seemed to despise Abbacchio as much as he despised him) and eventually you’d break contact. The mafioso had been your quiet observer before and he couldn’t go back to that role, that was sure. So he needed to craft another plan, one where your significant other wasn’t an obstacle anymore…
“Leone?”, you hesitantly tried to break Abbacchio’s eerie silence. As if awoken from a state of trance, he snapped back into reality. The sight offered in front of him truly broke his heart: your eyes were wide, your lips slightly parted, short breaths escaping them. You were scared and he was the cause of it. Just like during your first encounter. Abruptly, Abbacchio stood up from his chair.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” he murmured softly, “I just need to go now.” Throwing some money on the table and already distancing himself from you, he turned around one more time at your surprised form and managed to say while smiling through gritted teeth: “I hope you’re going to be happy living with him.” Of course he didn’t mean any single word.
You were patiently waiting for your boyfriend to pick you up. Meanwhile, Abbacchio’s behaviour from the afternoon still haunted you. Did you do something to anger him? No, you just told him your honest opinion. But still, he had been so enraged, as if you had done him wrong. Maybe he did feel even more towards you than had initially assumed and unintentionally hurt his feelings. But still, that wouldn’t justify him abandoning you like that since you had never lead him on. Sighing, you took a look at your watch again. Your partner still hadn’t arrived, even though he should have been there thirty minutes ago. Deciding that your patience had been sufficiently tested, you gave him a call. After the sixth ringing, he still hadn’t picked up. Slowly, anxiety made itself visible in your body as your phone began trembling in your hand. Your boyfriend was a punctual person, he wouldn’t show up this late without a good reason. And not notifying you? That also seemed very atypical for him. Suddenly, pictures of him being involved in a horrible motorbike accident flashed in front of your eyes, spurring your fear of an ominous evil taking hold of him. That was it. You were going to his place right now.
After twenty minutes, which had been dragged into painful length for you, you had finally arrived at your partner’s flat. Wanting to be polite, you first rang the bell. “Are you there?”, you called anxiously, “It’s me, Y/N!” When no one opened the door or answered you, you hastily fumbled for the spare key he gave you in case of an emergency. Practically yanking the door open, you rapidly entered the apartment. Though the unexpected sight in front of you made you quickly want to run away.
There he was, your boyfriend, laying on the floor, all covered in blood that had dripped from the big cut on the throat. The slightly brown discolouration of the liquid indicated that he had been dead for a while. Your hand found its way to your mouth, trying to repress your retching caused by smell of the decomposition process. Tears pricked in your eyes as you realised your partner was truly dead, murdered even. “Who could do such a horrible thing?”, you mumbled in shock.
As if the killer had heard you, he walked from your significant other’s door to the living room. Familiar long white hair and golden eyes appeared close to your form. Your eyes widened impossibly further as you immediately recognised the murderer. The suppressed sobs finally escaped your mouth, not being able to handle this nightmarish scene.
“I wondered how long it would take you to arrive”, Abbacchio said with his usual nonchalance.
“Why?”, you managed to croak in between your hiccups, “Why would you do that to him? To me?”
“You shouldn’t have tested my limits, Y/N”, he replied as he moved closer to you. You retreated more and more, scared of what he would do to you, until your back hit a wall. Trepidation overtook your senses as he now towered in front of you, your breath coming out shallow and your whole body trembling like a leaf. “I’ve tried to hold back, tried to let you see on your own that you should be with me instead. But the minute you told me you would move in with him if given the chance, I didn’t wanna take a risk anymore.” Suddenly, tears rolled from his eyes as well. With a mixture of disgust and despair, you kept staring at him, too scared to actually react. “You’re all I have left. You’re the only reason worth living for. I couldn’t let him take you away from me, I’m sorry.” A pair of arms encircled your middle, pulling you in an inescapable embrace, as Abbacchio continued crying into your shoulder, a train of endless ‘I’m sorry’s' following along. The hug, which you once had considered as reassuring and comforting, petrified you now, your skin seemingly burning from his touch. “I’m really sorry,” the man repeated for the millionth time, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I’ll build a nice life for us, I’ll protect you from everything, just please don’t leave me.”
You continued standing there while looking at the rotting corpse of your partner. “You’ll protect me from everything, huh?”, you whispered so quietly, you doubted Abbacchio actually heard you under his sobs. “But who will protect me from you?”
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dynyamight · 3 years
fluffy prompts! 211 please! :) -sneakers <3
send me a writting ask
211. We’re a team, remember?
If he had the option, Midoriya would prefer to patrol alone.
And, everyone seems to be baffled about it.
“Can you blame us? You don’t look like the lone wolf type, you know.” Shinsou had mentioned before, back in the locker rooms.
Blinking, Midoriya tilted his head over to him, a few lockers away. “I didn’t know lone wolves had a look.”
“They don’t. But, if they did, they wouldn’t look like you.” Shinsou sighed, bringing a towel up to his neck. He dabbed gingerly at the sweat. “Though, I guess with your power, you wouldn’t need another person to weigh you down.”
“It’s not about power. I just don’t want to drag anyone into immense danger.” Midoriya admitted, slipping his arms out of his hero costume.
Immediately, he felt a sharp jolt of pain cease his arms. He winced, looking down at the stitches around his shoulders, now tightened, fresh, and sensitive.
The wound, as well as the others littering his body, are reminders of that danger he worries for others. Each fight is with a different villain, varying in strength and quirk. But, they all have the same intentions when battling Midoriya.
Enemies want him dead. Simple as that.
Sometimes, even everyday people wish him dead.
And, it’s the type of danger he wouldn’t want anyone to face.
Shinsou shrugged, having tossed his wraps in his locker. “You say that, but all heroes are bound to be in danger, at some point. Aren’t they?”
“That’s not—“
Midoriya halts, immobilized. At first, he worries the new frozen sensation is an enemy quirk activating, from their recent shift on the clock. He instantly cursed himself for not being attentive.
But, a split second later, he realized from the tooth eating grin from Shinsou, that it was actually his doing.
He had been in the middle of unbuckling his utility belt. So much for that.
“Life and death. It’s the real game we’re all playing out in the city.” Shinsou stated, buttoning up his civilian clothes. “And, you swear you are its only player, Midoriya.”
The spell finally broke. Finally able to regain his movements, Midoriya gasped a deep, willful breath. “I-I just don’t want anyone to worry about me.”
“Worrying is a part of teamwork.” Shinsou insisted, shaking his head, “If we didn’t worry, then everyone would be reckless, without a care in the world. People wouldn’t care, and then, there would be no sense of compassion, anywhere.”
Pulling off his stirrups, Midoriya weakly laughed, unable to say anything else.
Yeah, that seems to be something he does too often, than not. Reckless. Spontaneous. Relying on gut feeling.
But, Midoriya cares, he does. Just, maybe not the way the rest of the world does.
So willing to give himself, grow tired and weak. When others just want him to rest.
Midoriya left shortly after that. He felt a little guilty, leaving Shinsou earlier than usual. He hoped his friend knew that he appreciated his advice, as well as his honest truth.
However, he had lost the will to continue the rather self-exposing conversation. Besides, the exhaustion always settles into his bones, the moment he stops moving and starts thinking.
Alas, he has a long way back home; clock out of the agency building, take the elevator, walk to the train station, street stop, and up the elevator to his apartment.
Which leads him to now; standing outside his apartment complex, shivering under nothing, but a hoodie and sweats.
His teeth chatter, behind his face mask, as he tries to jiggle the keys inside. The winter night breeze burning his nose cold.
A click resounds his brain, and relief washes over him. The moment he steps inside, the guard he feels, tight in his shoulders, drops finally. Closing the door gently from behind, Midoriya lets out a long needed sigh.
Home. He’s back home.
Quietly, Midoriya offers a pardon of intrusion, as he shuffles his shoes off at the front. He sets down his work duffle bag on the floor, mentally promising to wash his hero costume and the undergarments, early in the morning.
He wishes he could at least put them in the washer. But, the weight of his eyelids feel so heavy; he stumbles into his bedroom simply on instinct, rather than sight.
Slowly, Midoriya pushes the cracked door open. With quiet footsteps, he walks to the bed, towards one open space, ready for his arrival.
The other space was filled, obvious by the big lump of covers right beside it.
Lifting the bedsheets, Midoriya simply worms himself inside. He makes sure to leave a gap between him and the occupied space, as to not alert his presence. He even makes sure to keep his chilled toes curled, towards himself.
It was futile. The body shifts, and suddenly, a tired, glaring pair of red eyes look at him. “..Took you long enough.”
Midoriya’s heart tightens, feeling bad. “Ah, it was supposed to be a double shift, but then, they needed me for an extra team up. Everything changed at the last minute.”
Twelve hours, out roaming the city. And, then, a whole team mission added on top of all of that. More or less, two days out in the city. Draining didn’t even cover the amount of tired he felt.
“Tch. ‘Course you did..” Under the covers, a warm pair of arms outreach towards Midoriya. They wrap around his waist. “Had me fucking waiting.”
Midoriya smiles, bringing his own body closer to the warmth of limbs. Cold and hot legs entangled together. Arms at each other’s waist. Foreheads touching.
“I didn’t mean to make you wait, Kacchan. Sorry.” He whispers, closing his eyes.
He hears Bakugou click his tongue, before there’s a hard pinch at his cheek. Midoriya whines at the pain, but Bakugou pays no mind.
“Send a damn text, next time.” Bakugou hisses.
“Okay, okay! My face s’hurting, Kacchan.”
He doesn’t need to see Bakugou’s intense glare; he can feel it staring right at the space between his brows. However, instead there’s a soothing hand that runs through Midoriya’s curls. “Gross. You’re freezing as hell, and you didn’t even shower, either?”
Midoriya shakes his head. “I will do it later.” He sleepily says.
“And your clothes?”
“..Will do it later.”
Bakugou growls, and Midoriya mentally prepares for the onslaught of curses and complaints at his lazy attitude.
But, it never happens. Instead, Bakugou pulls himself closer to Midoriya, head nestled in the crook of his neck. “S’fine.” He huffs.
“I swear I will do it tomorrow morning.” Midoriya offers weakly.
“Don’t bother.” Bakugou breath tickles around Midoriya’s ears. “Sleep in. I’ll do it.”
“No, please. I will—“
“Did I fucking stutter?” Bakugou mutters, and there’s a small pull at his ear. “I said don’t bother. And, I mean it.”
“Then, I will make breakfast.”
“..How about lunch?”
“I said no.”
“Kacchan, please—“
“Fucking hell, go to sleep!” Bakugou yells into his ear, tightening his grip around Midoriya. “Just— I got all of tomorrow. Sleep.”
Midoriya shrugs against the embrace, heart feeling heavy. “I can do it all, too.”
“M’not saying you can’t. I know you can.” Bakugou whispers, running his fingers through his curls again, “But, you keep forgetting that you don’t have do shit alone all the damn time.”
“I just prefer—“
“To do it all on your own. Yeah. I fucking know.” Bakugou sighs, “But, we’re—“
There’s a moment of hesitation, obvious on Bakugou’s end. However, after a deep breath out, Bakugou wills himself to speak. “..We’re a team, remember?”
Midoriya’s face reddens instantly. A team. That’s another way to put it.
Dating. They’re dating. Almost a year now.
And, Bakugou even remotely mentioning it never fails to make Midoriya feel the fanny flutters all over again.
“Y-Yeah.” Midoriya barely voices, wobbly smiling, “We are.”
“Then, let me do shit.” Bakugou mutters, his face feeling hot against Midoriya’s neck, “Let me be there for you.”
“You don’t have to..” Midoriya insists feebly.
“I ain’t doing it out of force. Even if it’s just for one day, I want to help you.”
Sighing, Midoriya brings his hand to Bakugou’s chin, lifting up his head. Their gazes meet. “You mean that?”
Bakugou rolls his eyes. “God, how much more do I got to fucking spell it out to you? Yes.”
Letting a soft snort, Midoriya inches his face close. “It’s like you love me, or something.” He teases.
“Shut it.” However, there’s a slight upturn in the corners of Bakugou’s lips. “You’re the fucking worst.”
Midoriya smiles back. “Thank you for putting up with me, Kacchan.”
“You put up with my shit, just as much.” Bakugou mumbles.
“Yeah, but I have problems.”
“Don’t we all.”
Midoriya laughs feebly, shaking his head. He closes his eyes, losing the strength to keep them open any longer. “Thank you for worrying about me..” He plants a small kiss onto Bakugou’s lips, before settling his head onto his shoulders.
“Hah? Who said anything about ‘worry’? I ain’t fucking worried.” Bakugou growls, “Never have been. Never will be.”
But, Midoriya knows better. Especially with how close Bakugou holds him, and the way he continues to rub a comforting hand onto his back, making sure to avoid his stitched shoulder.
Warming him up. Lulling him to sleep. Allowing him to let go of all his stresses.
Midoriya smiles himself to sleep.
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ais-for-alex · 3 years
It’s Not Fair
Hi hello, so I wrote most of this little story quite awhile ago and never finished it but today reading over it I just felt the need to give it an ending (it’s not the best ending but it’s an ending) anyway, I hope y’all enjoy a little short story about Leo experiencing anxiety 🥰 as always these characters belong to the lovely @lumosinlove
It’s not fair.
The thought wound its way into Leo's mind, twisting and sliding into every nook and cranny of his brain as easily as a serpent sliding through marshy river reeds.
It’s not fair.
Leo sighed and rolled his shoulders out hoping to relieve the coil of tension that had tightened in his muscles. The day had started so good too. He had woken that morning to the feeling of Logan pressing soft butterfly kisses to his cheeks, his forehead, his neck, Leo’s face pulled into a sleepy smile as he blinked his eyes open taking in the sight of Logan’s bright eyes and atrocious bed head.
“Good morning baby,” he mumbled, voice scratchy from sleep. Logan grinned back and leaned in, catching Leo’s mouth in a slow chaste kiss.
“Bonjour mon amour,” Logan whispered back against his lips. Leo didn’t want to move even an inch, because right there in their bed with Finn snuggled into his chest snoring softly and Logan’s lips warm and plush against his own, that was his favorite place in the world.
Everything had been going smoothly, practice had been hard but good, his day perfectly ordinary in every way. So why?
Why on earth did he feel this way? Why had his heart began beating fast as hummingbird wings? Why were earthworms burrowing and churning through soil in his stomach? Why did invisible ants scurry across his skin raising goosebumps in their wake?
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair that out of the blue Leo’s entire mood could flip, that his happiness could sour and curdle with unfounded anxiety. It wasn’t fair that the good could turn so very bad without so much as a warning.
Oh, boo hoo, who ever said life was fair? Leo shook his head, trying not to listen to the stupid mean thoughts in his head. Get over yourself, your little discomforts don’t matter. Suck it up.
Leo breathed in deep, trying in vain to settle the uncomfortable squirming inside him. After he had gotten home from practice Leo retreated out onto their little balcony, the cool evening air felt nice against his skin. The coarse wicker of his chair bit at his legs, through the thick denim of his jeans; the sharp pricks simultaneously felt very far away but also somewhat comforting, grounding him in the world around him. Leo’s eyes were locked onto the Gryffindor skyline but they had long since glazed over blurring the buildings into one gray streak across his vision, smudged pink clouds just above it.
Distantly he heard the glass door slide open and Finn’s soft voice, “Hey Nutter Butter, Lo was wanting take out tonight. Any strong opinions on Thai?”
Leo opened his mouth to answer, his eyes still staring blankly into the distance, but he couldn’t seem to get enough breath into his lungs to form the words. Each inhale making his chest tighter and tighter until Leo wished he could take a knife and cut himself open just to relieve the pressure.
“Leo?” Finn asked, concerned as he stepped out onto the balcony, coming a bit closer. Finn must have recognized the glassy vacant look on his face because he let out a sympathetic sigh, “Oh, sweetheart.”
Settling down onto his knees so they were at the same eye level, Finn pressed his palms against Leo’s thighs smoothing them up and down the tense muscle soothingly. They had been through this enough times for Finn to know that when he was lost and hurting, Leo craved nothing more than the contact. The warmth of his partner's hands on him more comforting than anything else.
“Come here baby,” Finn whispered, his hand rising to cup the back of Leo’s neck and gently pull him into his shoulder. Leo could feel his fingers thread into his hair as Finn pressed a kiss to his temple, “It’s ok my love, everything’s gonna be ok,” he murmured.
“Guys? You decide what you want for dinner? Cause I am not above ordering without-“Logan said walking out onto the balcony only to cut off his sentence when he saw the tender way Finn was holding Leo.
“What happened?” Logan asked, concern bleeding into his voice as he came to sit on the arm of that wicker chair, his hand settling warm and heavy on Leo’s back.
“I don’t- I-“ Leo tried, somehow his mouth unable to even form the simple phrase I don’t know.
It’s not fair.
It’s not fair that at random everything could be stripped away leaving Leo raw as an exposed nerve.
“Oh, mon amour,” Logan sighed, sad and sympathetic, “shhh, it’s ok you don’t have to answer.”
Leo’s breathing was as shaky as his trembling body, he let himself lean into their touch until his back was pressed to Logan’s thigh, face still buried in Finn's shoulder. The position was awkward, but Leo honestly couldn’t have cared less all he could think about was the warmth of their hands soaking into him. All he could think was how he desperately wished their touch could burn away the feeling inside him.
But sadly no matter how much he wished their love alone was enough, that wasn’t how life worked. But despite the fact that Finn and Logan couldn’t fix him Leo was still so incredibly grateful for their support, their love.
And in the moments when it felt like he was locked in a grave buried alive under cool dry earth. With tangled tree roots trying to twist and burrow through his body, absorb the nutrients of his life, they were the ones that made Leo want to dig himself out. They were the ones that made him want to claw his way back to the surface rather than surrender himself to the worms.
Leo didn’t know how long they sat with him, just letting him draw strength from their stability while the cool evening air washed over them. He didn’t know if his shaking was from the cold or the anxiety but then again he didn’t really care.
Eventually, Finn and Logan guided him back inside their home; they wrapped him in warm blankets and held him close until the trembling subsided.
“How you doing, Love?” Finn finally asked once Leo’s body seemed to have relaxed a bit. They were laid together on the couch Leo wrapped up tight and curled into Finn's chest. He soothingly ran his hands up and down Leo’s body and pressed a kiss to the little fluff of hair that was visible from inside his blanket cocoon.
“M’ok,” Leo whispered, his voice a bit rough from the raging forest fire of emotions that had burned hit inside him.
“Yeah?” he asked softly, worry clear in his voice, Leo just nodded.
“You hungry? You haven’t eaten since this morning, it might help to get something in your system.” Leo shrugged and snuggled in closer, tucking his face into Finn's shoulder.
“You just wanna stay here laying on me?” Leo nodded once more making Finn huff a soft laugh and kiss his head again.
“Alright baby, how about this: Lolo will get food, you can stay here and when he gets back if you don’t want to eat you’ll have some food for tomorrow. That sound ok?”
Leo tightened his hold around Finn and mumbled a quiet, “love you.”
And though the words were muffled by the blankets wrapped around him Finn heard, “I love you too Le, I always will.”
Read on ao3
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Dabi x Shigaraki One-Shot
Warnings: So ooc, bugs, slight gore if you squint really hard, swearing, rOmAnCe, fEeLs, omg cliché
Shigaraki strolled into the League of Villains’ bar, wiping the blood off his hands with a discarded, musty towel. His gaze swept over those present in the room, hidden by the obstructing hand on his face. Toga was sitting at one end of the bar with Spinner, giggling obnoxiously at his dramatic hero imitations. Twice perched on a barstool at the opposite end of the bar, staring sullenly into the distance while puffing leisurely on a cigarette. Meanwhile, Kurogiri stood behind the counter, polishing glasses in a dutiful, restless manner, while Dabi lounged on an old moth eaten couch. Across from him, Compress made a move on the chessboard the two shared.
All of them eyed Shigaraki as he stepped further into the room, clearing his throat to get their attention. The effect was immediate. Toga and Spinner fell silent, Twice came out of his trance, and Dabi’s posture straightened slightly.
“News, Tomura?” Mr. Compress questioned. Shigaraki’s head turned in his general direction and gave an almost imperceptible nod.
“Different factions of the yakuza are still at war, competing for control now that they’ve removed Overhaul. One of the factions was delivering me a shipment of illegal drugs…I was expecting to use it to create more of those quirk destroying bullets, but it was intercepted by Ryukyu, Selkie and a few U.A. brats,” he reported in a bitter tone. He clearly wasn’t happy about how events had transpired.
“And all that blood on your hands, you slip and fall into Kool-Aid, boss?” Dabi snickered. Shigaraki turned to him and flexed his fingers, the unspoken threat apparent.
“How would you like to find out?” Tomura intoned quietly. Dabi scoffed, unfazed by the hostility.
“Well, you know, if you weren’t an insufferable dick and gave us straight answers…” he shrugged maladroitly. An unsteady and tense silence had fallen over the room, and everyone present was waiting to spring into action, should the need arise. Kurogiri inched closer, recalling the volatility present in the two’s previous encounters. Shigaraki and Dabi were continuing to stare at each other, Tomura’s demeanor calm and collected, Dabi’s wary yet relaxed. As they eyed each other quietly, Dabi realized Shigaraki was balancing all his weight on one leg and holding-no, more like nursing- his right arm. His gloves were absent. Tomura detected his examination and shot Dabi a nasty glare as their eyes met, daring him to say something. Kurogiri observed this interaction and decided it was time to step in, before things went any further.
“Tomura, where did all the blood come from?” he inquired, making sure to keep his tone level and to keep from sounding interrogating so as not to anger Tomura further. Shigaraki tore his gaze away from Dabi, muttering a response.
“One of the yakuza factions at war with the one I employed recognized me. Overhaul followers…one had a paralyzing quirk,” he seethed. It had hurt his pride immensely to have been surprised so easily, pinned so effortlessly, paralyzing quirk or no, and having that scarred idiot examining him only pissed him off worse. Kurogiri’s mist blew slightly, a draft from the open door causing him to dissipate and then reform as he spoke again.
“I see,” he soothed, “why don’t you go lie down, I’ll prepare you some food.”
Tomura nodded, looking rather beaten. He began to shuffle off to his room, Spinner and Twice both averting their gaze out of respect to their boss. Dabi sat thoughtfully on the couch, sweeping a hand through his hair as he rendered Compress checkmate.
A few hours later, Dabi was sauntering to his room in the evening, but as he passed Tomura’s room he heard muffled cursing. He turned around and rapped the door. The sounds quieted, and Tomura muttered gruffly for him to enter. Dabi obeyed, leaning against the doorframe.
“You okay in here?” he interrogated, already knowing the answer. Tomura was in bad shape. His food sat untouched, his laptop shut on the desk, no online gaming visible. He was sprawled on his bed, sweatshirt hood up, panting slightly.
“I’m fine,” he snapped, his face obscured by his hair in the dark of the room.
“Cut the bullshit handyman, what’s got you sitting on tacks?” Dabi shot back. Tomura huffed.
“Why the fuck would you care? Get out,” he barked. Dabi scoffed.
“No wonder no one wants to be around you. You’re so kind,” he murmured sarcastically, turning to leave. He was halfway to the door when Tomura spoke again.
“The attack….there were three people. One paralyzed me, another rendering me mute, I’m assuming those were their quirks…”
Dabi raised an eyebrow. “The third?” he questioned.
“The third…didn’t move until the other two started leaving…as they walked away, he threw something at me….I flinched, so I didn’t see what it was but I felt it hit me…like…worms eating into my brain. I didn’t think anything of it, because there were no unusual effects but now I…”
He trailed off, glancing at his food before quickly turning his gaze elsewhere once more. “When I try to eat the food is all…full of maggots, and mold. When I try to patch up my injuries from the encounter, all I see is…blood. So much blood…gushing, squirting, blood. Bugs. Lots of…”
He shuddered. “In the mirror…my nails turn to beetles and crawl away…my eyebrows, spiders…worms for-for lips. My gloves…they’re rats…”
His voice broke slightly, and he stopped speaking. Dabi sighed, observing him quietly. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that Shigaraki was trembling, his knees pulled up to his chest. He was scared. The kind of fear that you know is irrational, but it’s bone-chilling anyway. He knew that fear, he felt it roll through his body, consuming his thoughts every time he heard his father’s footsteps near his bedroom door when he was a small child. Something inside him tugged at his consciousness, telling him to comfort the man in front of him. He gave into it, strolling over to Shigaraki and perching hesitantly next to him on the corner of the bed. He clenched his fist, opening it to reveal a small, flickering blue flame.
“Focus on it,” he suggested quietly, softly nudging Shigaraki with his shoulder. Shigaraki turned his head, hyper fixating on the fire, anxious for his mind to be anywhere but on the events of the day and their effects. After a while, he sighed softly.
“Thank you, Dabi,” he murmured, looking up at the raven-haired male. His shivering had eased, and he felt slightly calmer. Dabi noticed the hand wasn’t on his face, as usual, and was surprised by how red Shigaraki’s eyes were. He’d been crying, for a long while. Dabi nodded.
“Anything for you, boss man,” he replied truthfully. He may act abrasive towards Shigaraki, but there was a fondness for him, somewhere deep inside. Shigaraki had accepted him, however slowly, and had given him a place to stay, a family, somewhere he belonged. Maybe that platonic feeling of respect and devotion had turned into something else…something more serious. Seized by a sudden inexplicable urge, he tucked a small portion of Shigaraki’s hair behind his ear. The smaller male turned to him, a soft vulnerable in his eyes that Dabi had never seen before. It made Shigaraki seem…almost fragile. Dabi slid his thumb over a scar on the man’s cheek, frowning slightly. Two imperfect beings, two scarred, broken creatures, adapted to the circumstances of the cruelty they were subject to…so perfect. Almost poetic, how they were frozen together in anarchy, yet the world kept spinning on its axis around them. And they were safe. Safe from it all, because, all though unspoken, now, they had each other.
He never thought Shigaraki would be so soft, so fragile, so carefully built. He wanted to accept Shigaraki as a part of him, to take him in, take his bones, his flesh, his mind and make the two of them one. To protect him through anything and everything, always. He’d break himself to keep Shigaraki intact, he’d never let the world touch him again. When his thought process broke, he looked up, only to find Shigaraki’s face mere inches from his own. The blue haired male exhaled slightly through his lips and Dabi could feel it on his own. Unconsciously, his tongue darted out to wet them.
“Why are you such an ass to me?” Shigaraki questioned bluntly. The flame in Dabi’s palm flickered once, twice, and blew itself out.
“I’m…afraid of what I feel.” The hand that had been holding the flame came to rest on his upper thigh.
“What do you feel?” Shigaraki asked, a note of gentle yet earnest curiosity in his voice. Dabi licked his lips once more, swallowing heavily. Shigaraki seemed much too close…
“Tell me,” he whispered when Dabi failed to answer. Dabi hesitated, visibly struggling before leaning in to capture Tomura’s lips in a gentle, tender kiss. Shigaraki gasped softly, but didn’t pull away, instead lifting his hand to hold the back of Dabi’s neck, pulling him closer. Finally. Finally, they both thought. Shigaraki’s hand came up to brush the stubble on Dabi’s jaw gently, and they were no longer aware of the passage of time. The stars whirled, the sun rose and set, a million years passed, and it made no difference. Their souls merged, never to be torn apart. They pulled away as one, exhaled as one. Their gazes caught each other, holding each other in a silent embrace, one that said everything…and nothing. They never left that place, that space of eternal bliss, where for once, everything was right.
THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE I’M SO SORRY- If you like this story, drop a request for part two, and if you like my work so far, send a request in for another story!! Remember to name the characters (or if an x reader story, who you wish to be paired with) and a situation I can build on; i.e hanging out at the mall. I love all of you, regardless of whom you are and I hope you all have a wonderful October!!
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yslkook · 4 years
#move the needle (10)
#corporate masterlist summary: you and jungkook go on a date (or two), and work is...work. word count: 10k warnings: cursing, alcohol, smut (fingering, grinding, making out, sex), discussions of mental health a/n: omg lol this chapter really got away from me. enjoy and ty to @cutechim​ for loving this couple 
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Your calendar has quickly become overtaken with periodic lunch dates with Hae-Ri. She feels like a friend now, though you are still cautious with crossing professional and personal boundaries with her. But it feels easy with her- to talk about both the workplace and about personal things.
You’ve dubbed it powersuit hour, because you and Hae-Ri had both showed up in sharp powersuits without telling the other. You had wanted to make a good impression on her and it seems that she just lives in powersuits and heels.
You hate tall heels, but you put them on to match her (sometimes). You decide that the blisters and cuts aren’t worth it and opt for a smaller heel, loafers or oxfords.
Not a single hair of Hae-Ri’s is out of place, not a single smudge of lipstick can be found on her lips (even as she eats) and she oozes charm. She makes you want to straighten your back and sit tall (which you normally do, but now you’re just aware of it). 
She makes you want more. Well, she’s part of the reason why you want more from life, from work, from yourself.
The thought of returning to school gradually worms its way into your brain more often than usual, but you stamp it away as quickly as it comes. Dr. Lee tells you to embrace it, but you don’t think you’re ready yet. But maybe one day you will be. Dr. Lee tells you that you’re ready for more than you think you are, that you’ve almost allowed yourself everything you’ve subconsciously forbidden yourself from.
Maybe someday you’ll gather the courage to unlock those parts of yourself.
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It’s only been several weeks since you had stayed the night at Jungkook’s apartment and had shared your first of many kisses with him. You find yourself daydreaming about his lips, specifically of his kisses and the slip of his tongue in your mouth quite often during the day.
When you had gone to Yuna’s apartment the next day to pick up your small duffel bag, she had only looked at you knowingly. Despite your cheeks burning, you neither confirmed nor denied anything.
And now, because you and Jungkook both can’t seem to keep your hands off of each other, you’ve taken to waking up forty-five minutes earlier than usual to drive into Seoul to pick him up and go to work together.
Grandma looks at you knowingly, teasing you most of the time as you leave the house. You only glare at her half-heartedly.
It’s a time for you both to have a coffee and a small breakfast together in his apartment. Sometimes Taehyung joins you, giving Jungkook sly looks. Looks that Jungkook pointedly avoids.
On the days that you and Jungkook are alone for an extra ten minutes in his kitchen, he finds himself kissing the gloss right off of your lips with you slotted in between his legs and his hands cradled around your hips. He wishes he could have just a little more with you, a little more than quick morning kisses and coffee, a little more than catching glimpses of you at work.
Jungkook wants more of you. He wants you in his life as a permanent fixture, as his girlfriend. As his best friend. Which is why he’s planning on asking you on a real date today. He’s timed it perfectly, he’ll ask you right after you park the car at work.
He’s already made reservations at a restaurant you had briefly mentioned to him over the last week. You had really only told him out of innocent intentions- simply to tell him just because you had found something you wanted to try. You hadn’t intended to say it as a means for him to ask you on a date.
But if it so happened that way, you wouldn’t complain.
The car ride to work is sometimes quiet, with the faint sound of his playlist coming out of the speakers. Sometimes you both idly chatted about what your morning would look like, or you’d both be singing along to whatever song was playing. You were either holding his hand or touching his thigh with your hand, at any instance that you could, whenever you could.
For someone who hadn’t been held or touched very often, you sure couldn’t get enough of it recently.
“Hey,” Jungkook murmurs when you pull into your usual parking space, “Gotta ask you something, baby.”
“Hmm?” You say distractedly, unbuckling your seatbelt and reaching for your bag in the backseat.
“Pay attention,” Jungkook says gently, cupping your neck. You turn your head to look him in the eyes with a raised eyebrow. His palms feel clammy and he wonders if you feel it against your skin. But he doesn’t pull away.
“Will you-,” Jungkook takes a deep breath, “Go on a date with me? I made reservations at that restaurant you mentioned the other week- fuck, was that presumptuous of me? Should I have asked you first and then made reser-umph-”
You cut him off with a firm kiss to ease him. You smile against the kiss, surely a good sign. But still he needs to hear your approval.
“Ask me again, baby,” You encourage softly, thumbing away stray gloss from his lips.
“Will you go on a date with me? I really like you, if you couldn’t tell, and I want to go on a date with you,” Jungkook says, ignoring the way his cheeks must be red by now.
Your face splits into another beaming smile.
“Yes,” You breathe, “Yes, yes, yes. And if you couldn’t tell. I really like you.”
Another minute of his lips on yours, stealing your breath right before work. The worry of someone seeing you both seems to slip away with the slip of his tongue in your mouth.
“You must be a mind reader,” You say hoarsely, “Because I was just about to make reservations at that restaurant for us.”
Neither of you notice the sly eyes of one Kim Seokjin glancing at you both through the windshield as he walks past your car. You and Jungkook are too blissfully wrapped in each other to notice him.
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“So,” Jin says, his voice saccharine sweet. You know that voice, but you’re hardly paying attention to him. He has a secret. A secret about you. 
“What?” You bark, not taking your eyes off of your dual monitor as you reply to an email from Hae-ri.
If you paid attention to Jin’s voice, then maybe you could have stopped his questioning before it started. But your back is turned away from him and when he smugly tells you what he knows, you nearly fall off your chair-
“I saw you k-i-s-s-i-n-g Jung-”
“Shut the fuck! Shut the fuck up,” You whisper-shout and discreetly kick him in the shin. He gasps, his pillowy lips parted in feigned shock.
“Hey! These are my good pants,” Jin protests indignantly, “Besides it’s not like either of you were hiding, I mean you were sucking the poor man’s face off-”
“Seokjin!” You hiss, “Will you shut up-”
“You should be grateful it was just me and not someone more important-”
“At this point, I would rather it have been someone else, considering how obnoxious you are-”
“Really? You would’ve rather your boss have walked by you sucking face with our resident golden boy?”
“Shut up,” You groan and sink into your seat but you can’t help but laugh, “We should’ve been more careful…”
“Oh so now there’s a we?” Jin says in hushed tones with wide eyes, “I knew it. Yuna and I both called it, after that night in the bar. But you wound me, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me-”
“Jin,” You complain, “Later, I promise.”
“Okay,” His face splits into a wide smile and he pauses for a second before saying, “I’m proud of you.”
He squeezes your shoulder reassuringly before leaving your cubicle. 
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Jungkook’s throat is dry when he pulls up in front of your house. He takes a sharp swig of water before texting you with nervous fingers that he’s arrived. 
And when you step out of your house in heels, a burgundy long sleeved top tucked into your tight, black pants, Jungkook groans to himself.
How do you always look so good? 
He immediately hops out of the car to greet you with a quick hello and a side hug. Without saying another word, he approaches your Grandma and swallows his nerves immediately and bows in front of her.
Parents and grandparents love him, he has nothing to worry about.
“You must be Jungkook,” Grandma says swiftly, crossing her arms across her chest and eyeing him carefully.
If he sees the panic in your eyes, he doesn’t acknowledge it. 
Jungkook smiles widely, bunny smile on display and Grandma, to your surprise smiles back. 
“You must be Grandma,” Jungkook says, his voice a little teasing.
“What gave it away,” Grandma says sarcastically.
“Your granddaughter has the same pretty eyes,” Jungkook says genuinely and you hold back a roll of your eyes. But Grandma eats it up, because who wouldn’t?
“Bring my granddaughter back before midnight, huh?” Grandma says, half joking and waving a finger at him.
“Grandma! Don’t embarrass me,” You nearly whine and try to tug Jungkook away but he stays rooted on the spot.
“Wouldn’t dream of anything else, Grandma,” Jungkook says, “I’ll have her back safe and sound.”
“No funny business-”
“Grandma! We’re leaving,” You hiss, glaring at your laughing Grandma as you drag Jungkook away.
“Sorry about her,” You mumble once you're seated in the passenger’s seat and press a kiss to the corner of his lips.
“Grandma’s right there, don’t try any funny business,” Jungkook teases and waves at Grandma. Of course she waves back.
“Alright, princess, you ready for the best first date of your life?” Jungkook says airily, not really expecting a response. But you make a funny noise in between a laugh and a groan.
“I don’t have much to compare this first date to, if I’m being honest,” You confess with a shrug.
“That doesn’t matter,” Jungkook says easily, “Besides, this is the only one that matters.”
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Jungkook is the perfect gentleman the entire night, not that you expected anything less from the man who has a heart of gold. He walks you into the restaurant with a hand over your lower back as he smoothly gives his name for the reservation. The host leads you both to a quiet corner of the restaurant- you wonder if he’d specifically requested that. The lights are dim, miniature chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and illuminating you in a pretty golden wash.
“After you, baby,” He murmurs, giving you a squeeze of your hip and gesturing for you to slide into the mahogany seats of the booth.
Jungkook sits across from you, eyes sparkling in the glow of the restaurant. The host leaves you both with menus, embossed in red and gold.
Dinner with him is easy- it’s easy to be yourself, to let yourself relax. You playfully push your foot to his and let it slide up his calf. To which he does the same and winks at you. Talking to him is easy, and just being in his presence makes your heart burst and speed up in anticipation.
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The backseat of Jungkook’s car even smells like him, but maybe that’s because your head is against the broad expanse of his chest. The warm, spicy scent of his cologne pleasantly fills your nostrils and you hum. His heartbeat is pressed right against your ear, a calming symphony that has you mesmerized. Jungkook’s arm is draped over your shoulder and he rubs your shoulder over your blouse.
You both sit in a comfortable silence together. You don’t really want to let the night end, not just yet. 
Jungkook looks down at you, a small smile on his face as he tugs your hand in his and squeezes. Your heart jumps in your chest at the small action- you can’t resist looking up at him and leaning in closer.
Your gaze dips to his pouty, pink lips back to his doe eyes. “Kiss me, Bambi,” You demand softly, and his lips are on yours in the same breath. He’s playful, squeezing your hips and giggling into your mouth.
But at some point, your tongue slips into his mouth with a satisfied hum and your hands thread through his soft hair, tugging gently. He moans into your mouth and you swallow everything he breathes into you.
Jungkook tastes like everything you want. The city lights around you fade away when you’re in his arms- all you see is the swell of his lips and the way he looks at you as if you contain the universe in your kiss.
You always want him to look at you like this. It’s easy to push away the distant memory of his cold eyes from months ago when he holds you tightly and kisses you as if he’s trying to pour his soul into you. His chest is flush against yours- his warmth enveloping you in every crevice. Jungkook presses his forehead against yours when your hips start rocking into his, a low and broken moan spilling from his throat.
“Jungkook,” You mumble, tightening your grip around his head, “Feels good…”
The heat of your clothed pussy against his clothed cock is enough to tint his cheeks. Jungkook holds you steady with one hand on your hips and the other cradling your neck. You lean into his touch eagerly, speeding your own movements up against him.
“Rock with me, baby,” Jungkook says hoarsely, moving your hips in time with his. You look at him with hooded eyes as you lean forward for a rushed kiss, the sound of your broken moans cut off by the urgency of your kiss.
Your hips roll into his in a practiced symphony and neither of you are patient enough to pull away for a breath. You just want him- you want all of him, anything he’ll give you. You want him to devour you- you want to feel his heartbeat beside yours.
You want him to feel good with you, as good as you feel with him. You want more.
“Can I touch you,” Jungkook asks softly, pulling away to look at you. You’re nodding already before he even finishes the question, impatiently untucking your blouse from the waistband of your pants.
“Take it off, baby,” You nearly whine at him, “Want you to take it off.”
“Are you sure,” Jungkook rasps.
“Yes,” You say impatiently, “Don’t you wanna see me baby? See your dream girl’s tits?”
Jungkook’s throat goes dry, his cock jumping at your words and you smirk at him. Your eyes are swirling with mischief and desire.
For him. You want him.
Jungkook tugs at your top impatiently, pushing it up and off of your shoulders and unclasps your bra in one quick motion.
“Fuck,” Jungkook breathes, eyes glued to your chest. He’s unable to look away from the color and swirls of ink painting your glowing skin, blooming on your shoulder and dipping into your chest. He sees a wash of color nearly hidden in the valley of your breasts.
“Will you tell me about your tattoos someday,” Jungkook asks softly, cradling your cheek.
“Mmm, maybe if you get a second date,” You tease and turn your head slightly to kiss his palm.
“And what does a guy have to do to get a second date?” Jungkook asks, curling his hands around your tits.
“You make me cum twice and you get a second date,” You sigh breathily when he squeezes you delicately. You grind your hips into his to get him to touch you more and he pinches your nipple playfully.
“Oh, that’s all?” Jungkook asks cockily, his voice bursting with confidence.
“You-ohhh, Jungkook,” You gasp when he dots your neck in featherlight kisses, tracing his way over your tattoos with his lips as he learns the curves of your body. 
“Shit,” You groan, throwing your hands out to brace yourself against his broad shoulders, “Fuck, Jungkook…”
He buries his face in your chest, inhaling your woodsy, musky perfume as his big hands trail your sides and heat you up from within. Jungkook’s lips suddenly shift to kiss your tits and you moan, possibly louder Jungkook’s ever heard you moan before.
You’d be a little more embarrassed (maybe, likely not), if you didn’t want him to do that again. And again. And again.
Jungkook thinks your tits look good in his hands and he thinks buried in between them might be one of his favorite places to be. You’re so warm in his lap- you look like an angel, a goddess above him.
His dream girl. His dream girl in his lap, in his arms, moaning his name. Moaning for him. 
His cock hardens more just from your soft sounds. He’s desperate for you, rutting his hips against you as he licks your nipple. He looks up, watching for your reaction- your eyes are hooded, lips parted in desire. You thread your hands through his dark strands and push his head further into your chest. 
Jungkook pulls away from kissing your tits with a soft pop! The haze clouding your mind begins to lift and you frown at him, about to chastise him, but he only maneuvers you so that your back is flat against the car seat and he’s hovering over you.
Your breasts bounce and he can’t look away. He is only a man, after all. You smirk at him and drag your foot over his thigh before wrapping both legs around his narrow waist.
“Do that again. I’ve never felt like that before,” You confess airily, pressing a hand to his chest and scratching lightly.
“Nobody’s sucked on your tits before, princess?” Jungkook asks curiously.
“Well, not like that…” You shrug, “And… it’s been a long time, you know? I didn’t really… Didn’t really want to do much of anything for a long time.”
“I know, baby,” Jungkook coos, settling his weight on top of you and kissing you deeply, “I’m happy you picked me.”
“Me too,” You mumble, “I’m happy you picked me, too.”
It’s a tight fit, but Jungkook finds a way to make it work. You tug at his sweater wanting to feel and see his arms and his chest. He’s your Bambi, your golden boy, and you want to feel golden, too.
Jungkook pulls away for a moment and pulls his sweater off of him, rustling his dark hair in the process. You hum, delighted that his bare skin is only inches away from you.
You trace his tattoos with your fingers curiously, enjoying the way the corded muscle of his arm feels under your skin. “Will you tell me about your tattoos someday,” You repeat his words back to him, rubbing his arm fondly.
“Maybe if you get a second date,” Jungkook teases, giving your words right back to you. He kisses your lips quickly, then licks a stripe down your neck, kissing your collarbones...your chest, your belly. He wants to keep his lips here, along the swell of your tits, just to pull those noises from your throat for even a second longer.
“And what does a girl have to do to get a second date,” You exhale shakily.
“Mmm,” Jungkook says thoughtfully, “I make you cum twice, and you get a second date.”
A choked noise rips from your throat and Jungkook only grins salaciously at you. He brackets your head with his thick forearms- you can see the blooms and swirls of colors of his tattoos in your periphery. But really all you want to do is focus on him.
Jungkook can’t get enough of the smooth push and pull of your lips against his. Somehow, you both move in synchronized harmony- you follow him and he follows you. You swallow his moans and he swallows your sighs. Give and take.
But right now, he just wants to give. 
You roam his forearms, his biceps, squeezing and touching lightly as you make your way to his shoulder blades. A moan of his name sits in between you both when you feel the corded lines of muscle.
You can’t believe this beautiful man is laying on top of you like this. “You’re pretty,” You mumble, “Pretty boy Bambi.”
Jungkook takes your teasing without complaining, so long as you continue to rake your nails along his back like that. 
Besides he has plenty of time to quiet your teasing.
Your back arches off of the seat when he licks your nipple, swirling his tongue around your sensitive skin. 
You didn’t think it could ever feel that good, but the man clearly knows what he’s doing. And that’s a conversation for another time. As he nips and licks your tits, he grinds his hips into yours. You feel the hot glide of his clothed, hardened cock against your already soaked pussy- and how are you supposed to let him leave this car without making him cum as well?
“You could cum like this, couldn't you?” Jungkook says softly, looking up at you from your chest with hooded eyes. 
You nod- words seem to fail you.
“Use your words, baby,” Jungkook encourages, cupping your chin with his index finger and his thumb. 
“Yes, but-“ You cut your train of thought off as he speeds his hips up against you. He’s struggling too, it seems, his brow furrowed and sweat beginning to gather at his forehead. His hair falls into his eyes and you instantly push it away.
You always want to see his eyes.
“But what,” Jungkook murmurs. his grip on you is tight, and he’s right- you could most definitely cum like this. Just from his simple touch and his warm mouth.
“More, I want more,” You breathe, “Will you…”
But Jungkook doesn’t let you finish, only rolling your nipples in his fingers as he kisses your tits. He senses your thighs beginning to quake and your eyes beginning to roll back. You latch your hands onto his upper arms as Jungkook rocks into you, and you feel the coil snap with a loud call of his name you cum in his arms.
He hasn’t even touched you yet. He smirks at you but you return his gaze unabashedly, despite the heat in your cheeks.
If you look that beautiful coming undone just from grinding on him, he wonders how you’ll look when he eats you out. When he fucks you on his cock. Or even his fingers. 
“One down, one to go,” Jungkook teases and you swat his chest. 
“I liked that,” You admit softly and pull him down for a gentle kiss to his neck and then his lips.
“Me too,” Jungkook smiles, eyes sparkling as he nudges your nose with his. He kisses you again, lazily and slowly as you float down from your bliss. Your bliss with him in it.
“You were saying something earlier,” Jungkook murmurs, barely a hair’s breadth from you.
“Oh,” You reply, a little dazed, “Oh yeah.”
“Wanna finish your train of thought?” 
“Absolutely,” You grin, threading your hand through his and pulling his other hand to rest on your chest. You hum contentedly when he squeezes, eyes glossing over your tattoos in curiosity.
For another day.
“I wanna fuck you,” You say bluntly, taking Jungkook by surprise. His lips part in surprise and it makes you giggle. “What, cat got your tongue, Bambi?”
“N-no,” Jungkook stutters, “No. ‘M not fuckin’ you for the first time in my car.”
“And why not,” You complain, raking your nails over his abs impatiently and palming his cock through his pants, “I mean I know, it’s a tight fit, but-”
“No,” Jungkook says firmly, “I’m not making love with you for the first time in my car, baby. Gonna wine, dine, and sixty-nine you-”
“Oh, now you’re making love to me, huh?” You tease with a knowing smile, cradling his face in your hands, “But I just want your cock, and you’ve already wine and dined me…”
“You’ll have my fingers instead,” Jungkook murmurs, his voice low and rough. You gasp at how deep his voice has gone, how smooth it sounds. 
How his words demand respect and you want to listen to him.
“How does that sound, baby? Does my pretty baby want my fingers?” Jungkook asks and you nod, biting your bottom lip harshly.
“You’ll tell me if you want me to stop,” Jungkook says, pulling your bottom lip out of the grip your teeth have on it.
You only nod but Jungkook shakes his head. “Use your words, baby,” Jungkook murmurs, “Use your words with me.”
“Y-yes,” You say, cheeks heating up, “Want your fingers. And I-I’ll tell you if I want you to s-stop.”
“Good girl,” Jungkook says, not missing your soft but sharp inhale, “Gonna unbutton your pants now, alright?”
His hands are gentle and firm as he drags your pants down your legs, but not all the way. After all, it’s too tight of a space to properly do much of anything. The sight of a large group of flowers on your upper thigh distracts him- his kisses up your calf and along your thigh make you feel a little shy.
You’re on a cloud, you must be- a slow moving, cotton candy soft cloud where your head is empty and filled with thoughts only of Jungkook and his touch. His big hands gripping your thighs as if it’s nothing, cramped but close to you as much as he can be.
“Cute panties, baby,” Jungkook teases, snapping the waistband of your plain baby pink underwear.
“Shut up,” You grin, tugging at his hair playfully.
“You know,” Jungkook says throatily, “Wanna take my time with you. Make you cum with my fingers first, then on my tongue… but you’re so fuckin’ impatient, baby. What am I gonna do with you?”
What comes out of your mouth next isn’t your fault, it’s really not. It’s not your fault that his abs flex right in your face, that his arms flex and bulge in front of your very eyes. It’s not your fault your eyes instantly land on his big hands, specifically, the hand lined with tattoos on his knuckles spilling into his forearm and his bicep.
“Choke me,” You blurt out without thinking.
Your stupid, silly mind. Running faster than you can keep up with. And yet, embarrassment eludes you. You grin a little sheepishly when he looks at you with wide, surprised doe eyes.
“Too soon?” You shrug, your smile fading and feeling a little self conscious when he stays silent for longer than a moment, “I’m sorry, ‘m awful at reading the room-”
“No, no,” Jungkook murmurs, stopping your train of thought before it begins, “You just surprise me. That’s all.”
“I hope that’s a good type of surprise,” You laugh nervously, “And not like the type of surprise you get when you turn your work computer on and realized you missed a meeting that was put on the calendar after you logged off-”
“Definitely a good type of surprise,” Jungkook nearly purrs.
“Okay,” You say faintly.
Your mind is spinning, taking off in another direction with Jungkook right by your side. He parts your thighs easily, dotting your inner thighs with needy kisses. 
“You’re so fucking pretty,” Jungkook moans into your skin, “Smell so good. Bet you taste even better, pretty girl.
“But that’s for another day, when my legs aren’t about to give out from being cramped.”
You laugh, pulling a crinkly-eyed smile from him too. He shifts a little to kiss your hips, hands never leaving your heated skin. Vulnerability crawls up your arms uneasily when he pushes your panties to the side. He wants to pull them off of your bare legs but there’s not enough room in the car, so this will do. You don’t recall the last time anyone had seen you like this- you swallow in anticipation, trying to prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him.
But Jungkook only looks at you adoringly, as if he can’t believe you’re opening yourself up to him in this way. He hovers over you, slotting himself in between your legs and presses his lips to yours quickly. 
You gasp into his mouth, a soft cry of his name filling the comfortable quiet when his index finger slips into your pussy. It’s been so long- and you can’t recall a time when it felt like this. Pretty noises spill from your bitten lips as you try to wrap your legs around his narrow waist. His eyes are burning into yours, your cheeks heating up from the intensity of his gaze. 
You don’t know where to put your hands and your brief panic is evident in your face. You feel awkward around him a little- he’s clearly adept with his fingers, his hips rolling in a practiced symphony. And then there’s you.
You can’t even meet his eyes when the soft noises of your wetness fill the space between you both.
“Hey,” Jungkook says a little gruffly, his fingers still stuffed in your pussy, “It’s just me. You can touch me, baby.”
You tentatively press your fingers to his sides, trying not to feel so awkward. But the more he reassures you, the more he drops kisses to your neck and the more he rubs your clit, you relax. 
Jungkook is nothing if not a quick learner, and he’s on a mission to learn what you like. He watches your face carefully with each stroke of his fingers in you and quickly finds a steady rhythm that has you gripping his arms tightly. The slight bite of pain from your freshly done nails is nothing compared to the way his name sounds like flowers blooming on your lips.
He thinks he’s got a pretty good read on you.
“Good girl,” Jungkook tests and smirks when a gush of wetness coats his fingers. You squirm in his arms, from embarrassment and to get more friction, but he’s not having any of it.
“I told you,” Jungkook rasps, “It’s just me, princess. Just wanna take care of you. You gonna let me?”
Before you can reply, Jungkook draws lazy circles on your clit and your head jerks backwards as you squirm. The back of your head hits the door panel with a thunk and you wince with a laugh.
“Sorry, baby,” Jungkook murmurs with a soft grin and cradles the back of your head, “Next time, I’ll take you home like you deserve.”
“Next time? You still owe me an orgasm,” You tease.
Jungkook’s eyes shift as he strokes you again, your teasing words dying on your tongue. “I know you’re close, baby,” Jungkook groans, “Can feel it.”
He scissors his fingers inside you and speeds his circles on your clit. “O-oh-Jungkook,” You mumble, “Fuck, that feels good- Oh!”
Jungkook catches it before you do, the way your thighs begin to quiver, your grip on him tightening and your eyes squeeze shut. 
“Cum, baby, cum all over my fingers,” Jungkook murmurs, “Good girl, my pretty girl.”
You whine at his words, the sound ripping out of your mouth sounding foreign to you as the pressure building finally blossoms in your belly and snaps. Waves of pleasure push through you, haziness surrounding your eyes. But all you can really make out is Jungkook and his pretty, brown eyes.
He pulls his hands away from your pussy and you blink at him with wide eyes when he shows you his glistening fingers with a crooked grin. Your mouth falls open in surprise when he licks his fingers clean and grins at you salaciously. You swallow nervously.
“Knew it. Knew you’d taste good,” Jungkook says and kisses you harshly. You wish you weren’t in the confines of the car, so you could properly feel him.
You feel as if the air has been punched out of your lungs. The man slotted on top of you, pressing soft kisses to your hair and caressing your cheeks is somehow the same man with a filthy mouth on him.
Ah. The duality of man, you suppose.
“Holy shit,” You mutter.
“How was that?” Jungkook asks, sincerity in his voice, “Too much? Are you okay?”
“Holy shit,” You repeat, “That was...fun. I liked that. A lot. And…”
You look away from him, feeling a little shy but he has a hand on your chin and pulls your gaze back to him. “And?”
“And… I-uh,” You stammer, “I-I’m- it feels really good with you. With you specifically. And I hope… that I can make you feel as good as you make me-umph-”
He cuts you off with a bruising kiss, somehow holding your hips tight in his hands. You can feel the hardness and heaviness of his cock against your hip and it makes you swallow.
“W-what about you,” You mumble against his lips, “I wanna take care of that for you-”
“Next time, baby,” Jungkook promises you and you pout at him. He only laughs, eyes crinkled and he kisses your pout away. “I promised Grandma I’d have you home by midnight-”
“Glad to see you’re a man of your word,” You murmur and Jungkook pulls off of you, somehow ignoring how hard his cock is in the confines of his pants. He helps you button up your pants and cleans up your smudged lip gloss. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the tent in his pants and he clicks his tongue at you.
“My eyes are up here,” He teases, “Second date, baby. Just wanted to make you feel good.”
“There’s a lot riding on that second date, huh?” You muse, “Maybe I will, too. Ride you, I mean. On our second date.”
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Grandma is asleep when you fumble with the keys and try to open the door as quietly as you can without disturbing her. Your face is incredibly heated and your lips are pulled apart in a permanent smile. As they usually seem to be around Jungkook.
He waits for you to go inside and waves at you as he takes off.
You’re giddy as you tiptoe to your bedroom to change, do your nighttime skincare routine and get into bed. You had told Jungkook to text you when he gets home, but really, you might just text him anyways. It should take him about twenty minutes to get home, considering the late hour.
Your phone lights up with his name and you can’t help but smile fondly. 
Jungkook: im home You: me too Jungkook: very funny You: :)  You: I had a great time tonight kook Jungkook: me too :)  You: goodnight  You: baby  You: 💗 Jungkook: goodnight princess 💖
Sleep comes easily to you that night.
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You: i’m really sore You: also good morning
And somehow Jungkook is supposed to respond to your text as if that doesn’t send a pulse of desire down his spine. He knows you say it innocently, probably just to genuinely tell him. But he can’t help where his thoughts go.
Honestly, the minute he got home, he had to take a shower and jerk himself off with how uncomfortably hard he was. He flushes when he thinks about how pretty and pliant you looked in his arms the night before, how the blatant trust and adoration in your eyes was reserved only for him.
It sends another rush of heat to his cock. He can’t believe he fingered you in his car of all places- he genuinely hadn’t planned for it to happen. But it did, and he loves that you feel comfortable with him.
He wonders if it’s going too fast- too much, too soon. He had confessed to Taehyung later the following afternoon over ramen that he was scared of making you uncomfortable-
“She hasn’t been in a serious relationship before, I don’t want to push too hard,” Jungkook says after slurping his ramen.
“I think she would tell you if you’re pushing too hard,” Taehyung says bluntly, “She’s never held back before, has she?”
“No, but-”
“Have you ever known her to be anything other than honest with you? Besides, she’s the one who stopped you both from going further that one morning she came over for coffee before work right?”
“Yeah… said it was making her nervous how quickly we got to this level of closeness.”
“Exactly. Just ask her to be honest with you, ask her if she’s comfortable, and go from there.”
Taehyung punches his shoulder and Jungkook nearly chokes.
It feels so easy with you- easy to talk to you, easy to gauge your feelings, your wants and desires. He can’t recall it being this easy with anyone else. Jungkook chastises himself for comparing you to other women in his past.
He has to remind himself to not think of you with rose-tinted glasses. You’ve chastised him for it once or twice before-
“Jungkook,” You mumble softly, running a hand through his hair.
“You know I love when you call me your dream girl,” You admit, “But you have to promise me something.”
“What’s that?”
“Don’t… don’t put me on this pedestal. Don’t think of me a certain way where you excuse when I hurt your feelings or do something wrong.”
He thinks you’re perfect, imperfections and all.
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The only instruction Jungkook gives you for your second date is to dress up a little, on the dressier side of casual. And he tells you that you’ll be outdoors and that he has a backup plan in case it rains. Though he’s hoping that it doesn’t.
A few weeks have gone by since Jungkook had taken you to dinner and made you cum twice in his car (a memory that you tuck away for when your fingers dip into your panties). You still see Jungkook pretty often- picking him up from his apartment a few times a week, seeing him at work, sneaking glances and kisses.
He asks you if you’d like to stay the weekend with him as part of your second date.. Your first instinct is to wholeheartedly say yes, but you hesitate. Is it too soon?
Does that even matter? You panic, telling Jungkook you would let him know. And immediately talk it out with Jin and Yuna, feeling much better after-
“Do you want to stay at his place?” Yuna asks bluntly.
“Then stay at his place,” Jin chimes in.
“But you don’t think it’s too soon? We’ve only been on one date, I mean what if it’s moving too fast and we just- we just get tired of each other-”
“I think you’re both two consenting adults who are super fuckin’ into each other. Just enjoy yourselves,” Jin shrugs, “We’re too old for games anyway.”
“I know that,” You sigh, “I just- isn’t there supposed to be more of a chase?”
“You can make him chase you while still sleeping with him before the second date,” Yuna says slyly.
“You speaking from experience?” You grin and Seokjin sputters, a dash of red tinting his cheeks.
And then Grandma had convinced you to spend the weekend at Jungkook’s apartment. She knows more than you let on, you think. She must know how you’re both itching to have each other and be in your own bubble for a bit. She manages to persuade you that final inch and give into what your heart wants. She tells you to be happy and embrace it for once.
She tells you she’ll call you everyday and you nod. So you text Jungkook, telling him that you’ll come by on Friday after work.
And Jungkook can’t help the rush of giddiness that follows. Friday can’t come soon enough- the rushes, stolen glances and kisses aren’t cutting it for him. Excitement courses through his veins at the thought of you spending the entire weekend with him. He makes sure the already clean apartment is spotless for when you arrive, groceries are stocked, and he makes sure that your favorite candle of his is stocked up.
You had gone to Jungkook’s apartment complex from home after work on Friday with your night bag and promises from Grandma. You had picked up a bottle of wine, a box of chocolate croissants for Jungkook and Taehyung and some flowers, as it was your first time spending the weekend at his place. 
Excited nerves bounce around in your head.
Jungkook had come down to greet you once you had street parked (an impressive parking job, if you do say so yourself), and he had planted a deep kiss on your lips. As if he hadn’t seen you only a few hours prior. But still, you laugh and it’s loud and giddy.
You’ve never stayed the night with any boyfriend (not that you have one to compare the experience to), but because it’s Jungkook… it makes you giddy.
Jungkook wordlessly takes your bag from you easily and slings an arm around your shoulders, his eyes crinkling with his smile. You staying the weekend makes his heart burst- he hopes you have as much fun with him as he has with you.
He kisses you hello in the elevator, arm still slung around your shoulders. “Hi,” Jungkook breathes.
“Hey,” You say just as softly, “I’m glad I’m here.”
“Me too,” Jungkook says into your hair and takes your hand once you arrive on his floor.
He smiles at you brightly, your favorite bunny smile sending butterflies through your belly. He tells you to get comfortable, so you say hello to Taehyung who pulls you into a hug and shoots Jungkook a sly look over his head.
Jungkook can’t even bring himself to roll his eyes at Taehyung, too caught up with the fact that you were in his apartment for the entire weekend. 
Friday night had been spent watching scary movies, eating soup and meat and drinking wine in the living room. You had fallen asleep cuddled close to Jungkook, tucked into his side in your night clothes.
He carries you to his bed, kissing your forehead and quickly falling asleep next to you. He dreams of you and wakes up with you, a rosy notion that he falls in love with more each time.
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Jungkook feels you peppering him with barely there kisses, your arm lazily sliding around him to cup his cheek. He doesn’t open his eyes, only holding your wrist in place and leaning into your warm touch.
“I know you’re awake,” You murmur, a smile in your voice. He loves your morning voice, the rich honey of it that only he gets to hear.
Jungkook only hums. You huff, sidling up closer to him and throwing your leg over his waist. His grip on you drifts to your waist and a smile ghosts his face.
“Good morning, baby,” You try again, pressing a kiss to his lips. This seems to wake him up and he rolls you on your back, slotting himself between your thighs and murmuring his own ‘good morning’.
“Wanna tell you somethin’ Kook,” You murmur against his lips. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook says, lips pressed against the column of your throat. He pulls away when you whine at him for his attention on what you’re about to say and he blinks the still warm arms of sleep from his eyes.
You wonder if you should splay your heart out to him, or turn your back on your heart and allow your brain to speak for it. But he’s looking at you so endearingly that you embrace your tender heart this time.
“I really like you,” You say softly. It’s not new information for him, but you like repeating it to him whenever you can.
“You don’t like like me? I’ve missed a step somewhere,” Jungkook teases, laughing when you smack his shoulder. But you laugh with him, because that’s how it is between you both. Only smiles and laughter and almost love.
“I really, really like you, sweet girl,” Jungkook murmurs.
You look at him with hearts in your eyes, excitement in your smile and pull him in for another kiss. “I like you so much, Jungkook,” You mumble, determination in your eyes. Before he can reply and tell you the same, your nails scratch at his chest. 
It doesn’t take much for his cock to harden fully- he’d already been more than half hard when you had woken him up with kisses. It only takes a few whispered words, a few strokes of your hand on his bare chest, a few slips of your tongue in his mouth, a few glides of your hips.
Jungkook lazily lets you flip him on his back, his hands nestled over your hips from under your shirt. Your nails are gentle over his skin, eyes wide as if you’re trying to soak in every inch of him and commit him to memory. He pulls you down for a kiss, and then another, and palms your tits playfully. Pulling a soft groan out of you.
The gentle tug of fatigue still dots your limbs, your body moving just as slowly as your mind. All you know is that you want him to feel good, your pretty boy.
The way the dim sunlight filters onto your skin makes you glow golden. Jungkook is mesmerized when you pull your night shorts off, hovering over his hips. You look to him curiously, hands stalling over his boxers.
“Wanna ride you,” You say simply.
“Thought I told you that was for after our second date,” Jungkook teases, “Besides, you’re not wet enough-”
“I can ride you like this,” You mumble, brushing your clothed pussy over his clothed cock, “Wanna make you feel good, too.”
“Is this okay?” You whisper unsurely, eyes wide and searching for his approval.
“More than, baby,” Jungkook says hoarsely, “You’re so pretty. My pretty girl.”
You grind your hips into his, the warmth of his body lighting you up from within. Just being near him, being on top of him like this, makes your pussy clench around nothing. Jungkook can see a wet patch forming on your panties with each drag of your clit over his cock.
You groan softly, bursts of slow honey erupting from behind your eyelids. You reach for his hand on your hip and thread your fingers through his, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. His eyes begin to wander just as yours do- to your thighs and the swirls of ink curling along your skin, your wide, blown out eyes. 
Jungkook lets the pads of his fingers sink into your thighs and he groans with half-lidded eyes. A soft flush creeps up his chest and blooms on his cheeks at the noises coming out of your mouth and spilling into the quiet, morning air.
He doesn’t know where he wants to touch- he just knows he wants to touch you everywhere. He can’t get enough of the feel of you in his arms. You’re a vision above him, hips moving languidly, hands raking over his forearms. It’s quiet between you both, the stillness of the early morning still weighing on his shoulders. 
Jungkook feels it building in his belly, a coil almost ready to snap. It only takes a few more drags of your nails on his skin, a few more of your breathy sighs of his name, a few more lazy swivels of your hips on his aching cock for him to cum in his boxers. His eyes nearly roll to the back of his head, swirls and images of you at the back of his eyelids imploding as he groans your name. 
“Kook,” You mumble, “Wanna cum. Help me, make me cum.”
Jungkook focuses on you, eyes drawn to the intensity with which you grind on his softening cock. He presses his thumb to the wet spot on your panties that has dripped onto his boxers, mixing with his own cum.
“Oh, honey,” Jungkook sighs, “Look at you. Messy girl. My pretty baby can’t cum on her own, huh? Need me?”
“Yeah,” You nod eagerly, “Yeah, I need you, baby…”
It only takes the slip of his fingers into your panties, swiping over your glossy folds and a few lazy rubs of his thumb for you to come undone just by his touch. Your eyelids flutter, a quiet whisper of his name tucked into the planes of his chest.
“You’re messy,” You grin and eye his boxers. He gives you a sheepish grin.
“Stay here,” Jungkook murmurs. He rolls off of the bed, feeling quite gross with his sticky boxers sticking to him like a second skin. He takes a pair of clean underwear and washes himself down carefully.
“It’s still early,” You say once he returns to bed with you, pulling you into his side and rubbing your shoulder adoringly, “Sun’s barely up yet.”
“So let’s go back to sleep for a bit,” Jungkook murmurs, rolling onto his side and pressing his chest to your back. He’s already dozing off, your warmth filtering around him like a cloud.
You wake up with his soft lips on your neck, his hands loose around your waist, and his nose in your hair. “Lemme make you cum again,” Jungkook says groggily into your hair. 
So you do.
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Jungkook hadn’t told you much about where your second date would be taking place. You had been suspicious when he had packed the trunk of his car in a rush, not really allowing you to poke around and ask questions.
It’s about a twenty minute ride to wherever he’s taking you to, and you spend most of it chit-chatting or staring out of the window, enjoying the cool springtime sunshine.
A beautiful park comes into view, lush trees and shades of orange, pink and purples. When he parks and pulls out a large picnic basket for you with a shy smile, you can hear your heart beating in your ears loudly. You can’t help the grin that threatens to take over your face. He has a hand at the small of your back loosely as he leads you further and further into the park. 
It’s a beautiful day, perfect for your blouse, light jacket and your jeans.  Kids are running around with their friends and parents, but really, it just feels like you and Jungkook are alone in a bubble. 
“What’s all this, Jungkook?” You murmur, sitting next to him once you lay out the dark green checkered picnic blanket on the grass.
“Well, we’re at a park. See the Han river is right there,” Jungkook rolls his eyes and you swat his shoulder, “I-uh… Open the basket.”
You gasp, pushing Jungkook’s shoulder in disbelief when you see the assortment of food containers and two bottles of wine in the basket.
“You made this?” You murmur, “You did this for us?”
Your throat begins to close up and tears prick the back of your eyes, despite your watery smile. He’s so incredibly thoughtful and kind- everything you never thought you could have.
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“I like that one the best,” You muse, swirling your glass of red wine (you can’t remember which one it is) in your hand.
“I hope you know which one that is, because I sure don’t,” Jungkook says.
“It’s the red one.”
“You don’t say.”
You laugh and lean against his shoulder. The people around you have begun to thin out as the sun had begun to go down. It’s a nice view of the river, but your favorite view is the one right next to you.
“Thank you,” You murmur, “I...I’m really happy and flattered you did this for me.” You stamp a kiss to his cheek quickly and lean further onto his shoulder. The silver hoops decorating his ears nearly tickle your head. He only wraps an arm around you and squeezes your waist. Jungkook looks at you, only to find you already looking at him. Your gaze flickers to his slightly parted lips and back to his deep eyes. 
You close the gap and kiss him quickly. It’s chaste, only lasting a few seconds- you’re not used to kissing him like that out in public. Heat crawls up your cheeks, but you still grin at him.
“Want to go for a walk?” He murmurs into your hair. You nod and stand, feeling a little wobbly with all of the wine going straight to your head. Jungkook steadies you (because of course he does) with a hand on your back.
“Are you good to drive after?” You implore, folding up the picnic blanket, “Should I call Jin and Yuna to pick us up?”
“I’m good,” Jungkook says with a crooked smile, “I got us, baby. Let’s go put this in the car.”
You’ll always be safe with him, he wants to say. But he doesn’t, only opening the picnic basket for you to slip the boxes of food into. Jungkook gently nudges your shoulder and follows your lead to his car.
The sun is slowly dipping down, illuminating the sky in hues of pinks, purples, and oranges. You and Jungkook walk side by side along the river- you’re unable to keep your eyes off of the way the sky reflects in the water and Jungkook is unable to keep his eyes off of you.
Your hand brushes along his accidentally, the warmth of his fingers sending goosebumps up your arms. Giving yourself a pep talk, you slip your hand into his and he can’t keep the pleasant surprise off of his face. 
Jungkook squeezes your hand every so often as you both quietly talk and walk, enjoying the light spring breeze.
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Jungkook wants to learn every curve and soft sinew of your body- he wants to learn what gets you to sigh his name in that way, that way that causes a seed of possessiveness to plant itself in his belly. He desperately wants to learn what makes you tick, what you like.
For now, he’ll keep it slow. The slow, hot glide of his cock in your wetness is enough for now. The tight grip you have on his forearms, the bounce of your tits brushing against his chest is enough. You beg him for a kiss as your legs lock around his waist, pulling a deeper brush of his cock inside of you, and he’s happy to indulge you. 
Jungkook swallows everything you give him. He had stilled inside you with the first push of his cock into your pussy-
He watches your face, looking for any signs of discomfort. You tell him to wait while your eyes are squeezed shut, holding onto his biceps tightly. 
You’re so wet and warm for him. He wants to stay like this for as long as he can- the feeling of your pussy clenching around him (inadvertently or not) is addicting. 
“Okay,” You mumble, “I’m okay. Be slow with me?”
“Yes,” Jungkook replies instantly, kissing your forehead, “Yes, baby.” He thinks you like slow, but he thinks you might like spicy, too.
You cum rather quickly on his cock with his voice low in your ear and his fingers tracing over your clit and your nipples. He holds back, biting his tongue and instead nips at your neck as your pussy pulses around him. You’re smiling at him, a little dazed and a little dopey, your fingers tugging his hair.
“Gonna cum for me, baby?” You murmur sweetly, your cheeks heating up, “You’re so good, your cock feels so good…”
Jungkook groans into your neck, his grip on your thighs tight as he tries to stop himself from ramming his cock into your pussy.
That’s for another day. Jungkook lifts his head, nudging your cheek with his nose and peers down at you. A thin layer of sweat coats your skin and Jungkook cradles your cheek protectively.
“Kiss me,” You demand softly, needily. He drops his head once more, capturing your lips with his and moaning into your mouth when you slip your tongue into his. 
Jungkook loses himself in you, tracing your tattoos with his fingers as his rhythm sputters. Broken moans of your name spill into your lips as he cums into the condom when he stops his strokes. 
“Holy shit,” Jungkook murmurs into your neck and you hum in agreement. He drops his weight onto you and you smile lazily, enjoying the feel of him all around you. He thinks your pussy is made for him- the velvety grip of your walls around him is dreamy. He needs a minute to regain his bearings, but he can see your eyes starting to flutter.
He’s already made you cum four times- or was it five? You’re deliciously tired. You groan in protest when he pulls out and pushes himself off of you with shaky legs to get up to clean the both of you up. 
“Kook,” You complain softly, “Come back.”
You close your eyes for a minute and he’s in between your legs, cleaning you up and pulling a shirt over your head and sliding your arms through. “Figured you’d get cold,” Jungkook murmurs, his own bottom half covered with fresh boxers.
“Have some water,” He says, tipping the bottle of water towards your lips. 
“Thanks,” You mutter, “Let’s nap. And then eat after.”
You’re already rolling closer to him, face pressed to his chest and hands loose around his waist. 
Before he succumbs to sleep, Jungkook wonders if this is too much, too fast. But he doesn’t allow himself to go down that path- you both have spoken extensively about what you felt okay with and what you wanted from each other. Even if it might be early in this, it feels right and that’s something you both can agree on.
Sleep comes easily for both of you.
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Diversity and inclusion in the workplace makes you scoff out loud and roll your eyes. You’ve only been here for five years, but you’ve seen how this plays out. While the concept itself might have western origins, the company is embracing the idea. But with workshops like this, people have their eyes open for the hour (or however long the workshop is) and don’t do the work outside of the workplace. It’s checking the box, in your opinion. Which is why you’re so reluctant to get involved with things like this.
Maybe you’re a cynic. Maybe it’s because you’ve been stonewalled at this company for so long. Maybe you should and could appreciate it more if the people around you would actually utilize the principles they preached about.
But the fact that your boss is leading today’s workshop makes you curious. What could your boss, the same boss who publicly ridicules you and blocks you from your own personal and professional development, have to say about a topic as pertinent as diversity and inclusion?
Your eyes are narrowed and sharp as you assess the conference room. Your boss is flipping through slides and speaking as if he knows anything and everything about the topic.
“...As a global company, we should be aware of the impact of our actions and words. And something for us to be proud of is the number of female executives at our company, we have some of the highest…”
You scoff out loud, drawing the surprised eyes of everyone in the room. You return their stares and ignore the way your heart speeds up at the unwarranted attention.
“Do you have something you want to say?” Your boss all but sneers at you and you double down on your icy gaze. You choose your next course of action a little recklessly, but you can’t bite your tongue. Not this time.
“You really wanna hear what I have to say?” You say, gripping your mug of coffee tightly, “We can’t talk about this without people acknowledging the way they continue to perpetuate toxic work environments- I mean, are you the best person to discuss this?”
A harsh, ruthless silence falls in the room and nearly chokes you. Anxiety crawls in your veins and suddenly you feel like throwing up. You leave quickly and quietly, but not before throwing another icy stare to everyone in the room.
Holy shit. You’ve definitely just lost your job, there’s no question about it. You can already hear the rumor mill. Your boss would be more than happy to let you go and cut his losses. What had you just done?
You make a beeline for Jin’s office. You don’t even know if he’s in a meeting or has something he’s working on but you don’t know where else to go. He tries to soothe you and calm you down, but you’re full on freaking out by this point-
“I’m gonna lose my job,” You say, your face in your hands, “What the fuck, I don’t know what came over me-”
He calls your name firmly, “Stop. I shouldn’t say this but… he deserved it. And you’re not the only person who has problems with him. You know that.”
“I’m the only one who embarrassed him like that! I’m gonna fucking lose this job, and then what? What am I going to do? I don’t want to go to HR-”
Jin stands in front of you and holds your upper arms steady, telling you to breathe with him. Your heart begins to slow and your vision clears a little. 
“You know if it comes down to that, you have people to vouch for you,” Jin murmurs.
“Okay,” You say, a little lightheaded, “Okay.”
Jin hugs you, but he can’t quite stop the trembling that follows. “If I hear anything, I’ll let you know,” Jin promises, “In the meantime, you should leave early. Or go find Jungkook, and then leave early.”
You crack a small smile, “That’s hardly appropriate. Thanks, Seokjin.”
You leave the building after seeing Jungkook. He walks you to your car, holding your trembling hand discreetly and kisses your hair, telling you to be brave and that everything will be okay. And you want to believe him, you really do. But this pit in your stomach feels too familiar for you to ignore.
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tags: @koo-zy​
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xiao-cafe · 4 years
drabble game — prompt 61
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pairing: kaeya x gn!reader
tags: fluff, delirious confessions
prompt: “i told you not to fall in love with me”
wc: 1.8k
notes: please be patient with the characterization of the reader in this fic! also thank you to @genshin-ficpact​ for requesting this ^^
It was a bad idea to follow a certain cavalry captain to Dragonspine.
Anyone with a brain would’ve declined the captain’s offer to hike up the mountain but you were simply someone eager to prove yourself and also spend more time with your crush.
“How are you holding up?” Kaeya asked, turning his head to check on you as the both of you slowly made your way to the campsite where the both of you would spend the night.
“I’m… fine.” You managed to get out as you lifted your stiff legs from the snow and took another step forward. Your coat was heavy on your shoulders but you paid no mind and continued on with shaky breaths.
It was extremely cold so high up and you were beginning to feel a little unwell but stubbornness kept you from giving up especially when Kaeya looked as if he was worried about you. The man was frowning despite keeping an easy-going smile on his lips, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you.
The only thing that kept you from hating the cold altogether was its ability to keep your face flushed so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of Kaeya. You let out a groan as Kaeya took another step further, gesturing for you to follow him.
“We’re almost at Albedo’s campsite. Here, hold my hand.” Kaeya held his hand out towards you, a smirk on his face as he watched you struggle to climb up the last few steps to where he was.
You gripped the captain’s hand tightly and allowed him to lead you the rest of the way while you focused on moving forward and how warm it suddenly became to have your hand in his.
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“We’re here,” Kaeya announced, misty exhale floated in the air and you had never felt happier to see a campfire in your entire life.
“Thank god, my legs are about to give out.” You groaned, letting go of Kaeya’s hands before stumbling towards the fire and dropping to your knees before it.
Kaeya’s mirthful laugh echoed throughout Albedo’s campsite which was pretty much a hole-in-the-wall, but it was warm.
“How nice of Albedo to leave the fire going for us,” Kaeya stated as he plopped down next to you, his hand brushing across yours briefly.
You suppressed the urge to yelp just as the contact sent a shiver running down your spine.
“Are you still cold?” Kaeya asked, tilting his head to the side to get a better look at you. His ponytail curled around his neck, revealing only the slightest bit of tan skin under the thick garments which protected him from the cold.
You tried your best to ignore his cool gaze on you and instead focused on warming your hands by the fire. “I’m f-fine,” You told him, “Where’s Albedo anyways?”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him your trembles were because of him rather than the cold.
“Not sure, but he probably won’t be coming back soon.” Kaeya mused, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Why’s that?”
“I suspect he just didn’t want to intrude… on us,” Kaeya stated calmly. Amusement danced in his eye as he observed realization dawn on you and you ducked your head down in embarrassment.
“But don’t worry, I would never do anything of that sort to you.” The man laughed, ruffling your hair as you stared at him with wide eyes.
It stung to hear an indirect rejection from Kaeya but to avoid looking childish you bottled your feelings up and gave Kaeya what you hoped was a convincing smirk.
“And if I fall in love with you?” You probed him with the question, ignoring the warning bells going off in your head that you would regret asking him that.
“You shouldn’t.” Kaeya answered almost immediately, “It won’t end well.”
His cryptic answers left you on edge but you decided it was best to drop the matter before you broke your own heart further.
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Night fell and soon you and Kaeya were preparing to get some rest before the both of you set out again in the morning.
Having had a hearty dinner using the leftover ingredients in Albedo’s camp, both of you were full-bellied and tired from the long day.
The sleeping arrangements as set up by Kaeya was simple, you’d sleep in the warmest corner of the campsite where it was also the safest and he’d sleep a good distance away to protect you.
To say the least, you were disappointed.
You had hoped to be able to snuggle up against him, using the frigid cold of the night as an excuse and to also finally get him to see you as you were. Not a kid that he has to keep an eye on but an adult, who has been in love with him for years.
“Alright, light’s out,” Kaeya announced with a clap, a satisfied expression on his face.
“I’ve always wanted to try saying that.” He chuckled upon seeing your face scrunch up in distaste.
“I’m not a child, Kaeya.” You reminded him as you slipped into your sleeping bag.
“Yet, I still have to protect this youngster who had stupidly- I mean, bravely followed me to Dragonspine.” He said while slipping into his own sleeping bag.
You rolled your eyes at the cavalry captain and began to wriggle about, attempting to find a comfortable position to sleep in.
“You look like a worm.”
You let out an exasperated sigh but a smile still lingered on your lips as you turned to face Kaeya so that you could give him a biting retort.
“And you don’t?”
You clicked your tongue as Kaeya shrugged nonchalantly and rolled onto his back.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said with a yawn.
You hummed a response, sleep weighing heavily on your eyelids.
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You weren’t sure how it came to be but your body felt hot and cold at the same time as you awoke to Kaeya pressing his palm to your forehead.
With bleary eyes, you watched as Kaeya loomed over you with a panicked expression, unaware that you had woken up.
Your voice was weak and soft, you barely had the energy to talk but seeing Kaeya so distraught made you want to comfort him.
“Shh, you’re sick. You need to rest.” He said, gently brushing your hair out of your face.
No wonder you felt so terrible. Your immune system simply couldn’t keep up and now you were sick.
Your lower lip trembled as tears welled up in your eyes, you felt guilty for falling sick and causing trouble for Kaeya.
“Kaeya, I’m sorry.” You murmured.
The man was quick to respond as he wiped away your tears with his thumb.
“Don’t be. And please don’t cry.”
Perhaps it was the sickness that messed with your mind but you felt like hugging Kaeya after seeing a frown marring his beautiful face.
With all the strength you had left in you, you pushed yourself up and almost fell back down but Kaeya was there to support you, his hands holding onto your torso steadily.
“Why are you getting up? Go back to sleep.” The captain hissed.
But you shook your head determinedly and latched yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around him tightly.
“I want to hug you.” You started slowly, each syllable leaving your mouth with great effort. Kaeya smelled nice and he was also warm, so you pressed your face into his chest, basking in the feeling.
“Kaeya… Why is your heart beating so fast?”
Upon hearing your question, the man’s heart began to beat faster and you looked up at him, peering to see what was wrong with him.
“It’s nothing.” He said coolly, his eyes narrowed as your hands began to wander, pushing his shirt up and slipping under the fabric.
“It’s cold, you’re warm.” You murmured as you pressed your hands against the hard planes of his stomach. Despite owning a Cryo Vision, Kaeya was always warm to the touch and you were now appreciating the heat that emanated from his body.
“Jean’s going to kill me,” Kaeya muttered, his hands hovered above your head, reluctant to push you away especially since you were clinging onto him like no tomorrow. The captain blushed heavily as he tried to persuade you to return to your sleeping bag, “Come on, Y/N. I’m sure the sleeping bag will be warmer than me.”
Ignoring Kaeya, you continued to babble about how warm he was, letting the fever take full control over your lips until you accidentally let slip a secret.
“Kaeya, I like you.”
There was an undeniable hitch in Kaeya’s breathing as he stared at you incredulously. The initial shock of being confessed to died down rather quickly and Kaeya was back to being… Well, Kaeya.
The man easily pushed you down onto the ground, his hands wrapping around your wrists to hold you down as he stared down at you, an almost pained expression on his face.
“I told you not to fall in love with me.”
But how could you not?
Your lips moved on their own accord and you parroted your own thoughts, delirious about the situation you were currently in.
“How could I not?” You questioned him, tongue darting out to lick your chapped lips.
Kaeya let out a sigh from above you and dropped his head in defeat.
“I hope you’re prepared for the consequences of loving someone like me.” He warned, “This is your last chance to back out.”
You knew that Kaeya was only trying to scare you away, his face twisted into one that would’ve scared anyone away but you were out of your mind so his threats slid past you like water on a sheet of glass.
“I’m never backing out.” You blurted out, your mind clearing for a brief moment as blood rushed to your cheeks, turning them a shade of rosy red.
“Very well.” His voice was a soft whisper but his words reached your ears.
You grinned widely up at him, unable to contain your joy. Kaeya chuckled softly and let go of your wrists, unpinning you.
“Kaeya can you stay next to me?” You asked him, holding onto his sleeve.
“Of course.”
As joy bloomed in your chest, you were beginning to feel sleepy again. The last thing you remembered was Kaeya tucking you into your sleeping bag and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
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You awoke the next morning, feeling better but warmer than usual. At first, you had thought that you were still feverish but the sound of Kaeya’s morning rasp right in your ear told you otherwise.
“Good morning.” He chirped.
Hazy memories of the night before filled your head and you curled in on yourself in an attempt to hide. You had confessed last night and even harassed him by putting your hands up his shirt.
Your face burned even more as Kaeya laughed. His deep voice sent tingles down your spine and raised goosebumps on your skin.
“Did you forget what happened last night?” Kaeya asked suggestively as he poked you.
Shyly, you uncurled yourself to peek at Kaeya. The man laid beside you, looking not the least bit bothered as he twiddled his fingers at you in greeting.
“Don’t be so shy now, you promised to not back down didn’t you?”
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Sweet Little Mango
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2
“I want you to spend my next heat with me.” Steve didn’t look at Billy at all when he said it, nervously playing with a loose thread on the bottom of his t-shirt, two darkening patches blossoming high on his cheeks. His voice was a good attempt and pained casualty and his shoulders were closing up around his ears.
They were sitting in Steve’s front room, Steve pressed against the opposite armrest of the couch to Billy, looking like he was doing his best to shrink into nothing rather than hear Billy’s response.
“Are, are you sure?” Billy knew Steve had never spent his heat with an alpha. He knew pretty much everything about his Steve now. “It’s intense. Like, really intense. You have no control over yourself.” What he was really asking went unsaid.
Do you trust me enough for this? To take care of you?
Something cringed in Steve’s gut as he thought of another omega spending their heat with Billy.
“Yeah, I know how heats work. I’ve had them.”
Billy huffed at Steve’s defense and bratty tone, reaching out to pinch Steve’s side. Hoping to lighten the tension racking up Steve’s spine.
“I meant with an alpha, numbnuts.”
Steve bit the inside of his cheek, finally looking up to meet Billy’s eyes across the couch, squirming slightly in his seat.
“Bill, if you’re not up to it, that’s fine. I know it’s like, a lot.” He sounded defeated, but his eyes were big and betrayed how much he wanted this. How much he was wrestling with himself not to beg and plead for Billy to take care of him during his most vulnerable time.
Billy reached out, pulling Steve across the couch to bring him onto his lap, not letting Steve shy away from this conversation like he obviously wants to.
“I just wanna make sure you’re ready. That I’m the one you want for this.”
Steve shifted, turning to face Billy better. He pushed Billy’s hair off his forehead, tucking a stray curl behind his ear. He studied Billy’s face for a moment, his eyes drifting along the freckles splashed on Billy’s nose, following the harsh line of his jaw. He was killing time. Trying to read Billy to see if this was all Billy worming his way out of doing this with Steve. Doing this for Steve.
“You’re the only one I want for this. I’m a big boy. I can think for myself, you know.”
“Never said you couldn’t.” Billy wrapped his arms around his waist, absolutely loving the way Steve melted into his chest, his arms coming up to drape over Billy’s shoulders. “Just want you to be sure.”
“I’m so sure. Want you.” Steve leaned forward, pressing his lips to Billy’s neck. “Want your knot.”
Billy groaned.
Steve’s words went straight to his gut, lighting a fire inside him. Steve could feel the rumble of the noise deep in Billy’s chest. It was fucking hot. He was already starting to get a little slick between his legs.
“We should talk first. Set boundaries and get shit established while you still have your functional brain.”
Steve hummed, still planting hot, wet, kisses to his neck.
“Or we could go for a practice round.”
Billy made a desperate noise in the back of his throat, his grip on Steve’s hips tightening just that much.
And before Steve knew what was happening, Billy had swung them around, Steve pinned underneath Billy on the couch.
“You’re such a fucking tease.”
Billy nearly growled when he opened Steve’s front door a few days later.
The house was bursting with Steve’s smell.
Hot, sticky, honey lavender, all issuing from upstairs and making Billy go something close to feral.
It made Billy rock hard in his jeans.
Steve hadn’t been in school that day. Each of his teachers was given a notice from the front office at the beginning of the day.
Steven Harrington is excused for the week due to: heat.
Billy climbed the stairs, taking in lungfuls of the sweet smell. He wanted to bathe himself in it. To bask in the heady scent and never smell anything but this ever again in his life.
Billy dropped his overnight bag just inside Steve’s bedroom near the open door.
His mouth was watering as he looked at Steve.
Steve was completely naked, laying in the center of his big bed, curled up in a nest of soft pillows. He was sweaty, and whining, grinding slowly on the pillow shoved between his legs.
It was like looking at a beautiful painting. The most erotic piece of art he’s ever seen in his life.
The pillow between Steve’s legs was soaking wet as he desperately writhed against it, moaning and panting and begging.
Billy hardly even registered getting undressed. All he knew was that his eyes refused to leave Steve’s perfect body as he kicked off his jeans. He knew Steve’s skin was probably sensitive, and the rough feeling of denim brushing against him might irritate his skin to the point of being painful.
Billy climbed onto the bed, pushing one hand up Steve’s soft hip, rubbing gently up and down his side.
“Alpha?” Steve whined, his voice high and breathy, his hips stuttering in their desperate pace against the pillow.
“Yeah, Sugar. I’m here.”
Steve’s hips snapped, and his back arched, and Billy’s eyes went all kindsa dark as he realized Steve just fucking came from rubbing off against a pillow.
Steve rolled onto his back, looking up at Billy with hazy eyes.
And he chirped.
Billy swung himself on top of Steve, parting his shaking legs to settle between them, picking up the soaked pillow like it was something precious. It was covered in his slick and smelled like the sweetest sugar Billy had ever encountered, stinging his nostrils and making his mouth fucking water. He brought it close enough to his face to get nothing but that scent. Steve’s desperation apparent, even through his slick.
Billy took another deep lungful of the pillow before tossing it over his shoulder.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been this pent up and hard before, and all he wanted was to shove his rigid cock into that sweet smell and never take it out.
Billy leaned over Steve, pressing their bodies close, and began to softly mouth over Steve’s jaw.
And he let himself purr. Let the sound reverberate from deep in his chest, pressing his teeth against Steve’s neck in a tiny hint of what could be.
Steve melted.
He bucked his hips against Billy’s, pawing at his chest.
“Alpha, I, I want you .”
Billy’s never heard Steve sound like this. All needy and small and ready to beg. It all went right to his dick.
“You got me, Baby.”
“Want your knot .”
Billy leaned forward to latch onto Steve’s neck, sucking a dark bruise onto his skin, grinding their hips together, feeling the sticky wetness between Steve’s thick thighs.
He peppered kisses and even more bites onto his body, leading himself down. He focused briefly on Steve’s nipples, lapping over them until Steve was whimpering. Steve had told him his whole chest became extra sensitive during a heat, and Billy didn’t want to waste the opportunity to make a mess out of Steve.
He moved even lower, dragging his tongue all over Steve’s flat stomach, scraping his teeth over his hip bones.
He sucked bruises onto his inner thighs that matched the nasty ones on his neck, marking Steve all over.
Steve was incoherent, mewling and making these breathy little gasps, his fingers shaking slightly as they curled into Billy’s hair, holding on while Billy took him apart.
“Please,” Steve breathed, tugging just once on Billy’s hair.
Billy relented, licking up Steve’s thigh.
He sucked on Steve’s little cock, flicking his tongue against the sensitive tip of it. Steve was breathing heavily, one hand trailing out of Billy’s hair and skimming over his shoulder, searching for Billy’s hand.
It was cute.
Steve wanted to hold his hand.
Billy linked their fingers together, stroking his thumb over the back of Steve’s hand.
He pulled back from sucking Steve’s dick, ignoring his twitching little cock to move lower, licking a wide strip up his cunt.
Steve was fucking soaked. His slick covered Billy’s chin almost immediately, and Billy lapped it up, savoring the taste.
“You’re so wet, Baby. Been thinkin’ of me?”
“Yeah,” Steve was all breathy. “Thinking of you, Alpha.”
Billy grinned, and dived back in.
He licked up and down Steve’s slick opening, pressing his tongue inside of him. Steve was grinding his hips against Billy’s face, pressing into his tongue, spreading his legs as much as he could to allow for Billy to lick as deep as possible into him. Billy fucked him with his tongue, only pulling away to rub his tongue over Steve's stiff little cock, sucking it into his mouth and brushing his lips against it.
Steve’s hand squeezed Billy’s like a vice, his hips jumping, the fingers in Billy’s hair going tense.
“Wait, Billy, I’m gonna, Billy!” And he came for a second time since Billy’s been there. His hips bucking wildly, his slick gushing out, covering Billy’s chin, and adding to the wet spot on the sheets below him. Billy tongue fucked him through it, his own cock hard and heavy between his legs. He was trying his best not to rut into the bed underneath him, waiting to fuck Steve into next week.
“Billy, Alpha, I, I want you .” Steve was babbling, semi-incoherent begs for Billy.
Billy gave one final obscene slurp, pulling back and wiping his face.
Steve started pulling at his hair and clawing at his shoulders, trying with everything he’s got to pull him up. He was making these wild little chirps, actual words getting caught in his throat.
Billy huffed a laugh, and let Steve pull at him until they were back to level. Billy hovered over Steve, planting his elbows on either side of his head, and looked him right in the eye. Their cocks brushed together, and Steve gave a shuddering moan, one hand snaking down to grip Billy’s dick, lining the flushed head of him up with Steve’s dripping entrance.
Steve was stuttering through a string of pleasepleasepleaseplease, trying to push Billy inside of himself, his fingers trembling against Billy’s cock.
Billy kissed his cheek, and sank inside.
“Oh, fuck .”
Steve was even hotter than usual, so fucking tight.
Billy could feel even more slick gushing out, covering his own hips.
It was a mess. It was hot. It was probably the best sex anyone has ever had in the whole history of fucking.
Billy drew out in one smooth motion, adjusting himself slightly before pushing back in, pounding their hips together with a smack.
Steve shuddered, his eyes fluttering closed as he sucked in a sharp breath.
“Like that, Alpha. Just like that.”
Billy kissed his other cheek.
Steve’s skin was burning, slick with sweat, and flushed a beautiful red color.
Steve wrapped his arms and legs around Billy, coaxing Billy to keep slamming into him, keep fucking him.
He lost track of how many times Steve came, how many times his legs shook and he chirped up high in his throat and writhed against the sheets, looking like a mess and a beautiful fucking thing about to melt into the damp sheets.
But Billy could feel heat pooling low in his gut, could feel his knot beginning to swell.
“I’m close, Pretty Boy.”
“Yes, yes. Wanna take your knot. I need it .”
Billy gave two last harsh thrusts, bullying his knot inside Steve.
“Oh, fuck,” Steve whimpered, his eyes wide as he stared at Billy, his chest heaving.
Billy wiggled one hand between them, clumsily brushing his thumb over Steve’s cock a few times, in no way matching the rhythm of his own thrusts, just trying to get Steve there.
And Steve came one final time, squeezing Billy so fucking tight, his body sucking Billy in. Billy could just pull Steve closer, shoving both arms underneath him to hold Steve as close as possible, kissing all over his blotchy face, growls and hums rumbling uncontrollably in his chest.
Steve had one hand tangled in the hair at the base of his neck, the other holding Billy’s hip, his thumb stroking over his skin lightly.
Steve buried his face in Billy’s neck, breathing in his scent and licking all over him, chirping tiredly and brushing his lips over the sensitive gland on Billy’s neck.
And he blew his load, spilling out deep inside of Steve.
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keilemlucent · 4 years
the sex party: ii
shinsou hitoshi x reader
part 1   ||    part 2 (you’re here!)
word count: ~9k
You and Hitoshi definitely have a thing for each other, but who would've thought that a 'sex party' would produce a confession?
COLLEGE AU! characters are explicitly aged up to college students as early 20 year olds!
not really a sex party, mutual pining, friends to lovers, confessions, reader is canonically bi, brief momo x reader, light dom/sub, spanking, references to drug use, smoking (cigarettes, salem trademarked fic thing), drinking, and smut
once again, thank you to @keiqos​ for editing, absolute gem :’^). now read and take this nice fluff and smut!!!
Hitoshi hailed the gang outside just before calling an Uber, vaguely explaining what happened and that you were both headed back towards campus. Denki and Jiro assured the two of you that they’d find the fucker and get him thrown out and spit on.
“What a fucker, I’m sorry that happened, (Y/N),” Jiro frowned, eyebrows creased with anger. She cracked her knuckles. 
You felt your chest tighten as you smiled back reflexively, “It’s alright. I’m just glad it's over.”
Mina grabbed your shoulders, “I’m going to ruin him for ya’, (Y/N). Ruin.”
She was deadpanned about it, waving a quick goodbye before running into the party to presumably go and kick the guy’s ass. The rest of the party peers followed, leaving with a similar sentiment and a lot of anger. 
Denki remained, rubbing the back of his neck, “Are y’all headed back to the house then?”
You nodded, eyeing Shinsou, “Yeah, back to your guys’ place.”
Denki’s eyebrows raised, a wicked grin coming to his face.
Hitoshi gave a half-hearted glare.
Denki continued looking smitten as all hell. He gave Hitoshi a quick hug and crushed one into you. He flitted back in the house with a lightness in his steps that showed distinctly that he was far more drunk than he was letting on. 
Part of you had a feeling that the night was far from over.
The Uber arrived a few minutes later, smelling of cheap air freshener and stale cologne. You climbed into the back seat as far as you could go. You expected Hitoshi to take the passenger’s side, but he slid beside you, buckling himself into the middle seat.
You didn’t say anything, but you mentally thanked him.
Considering the number of weird friend boundaries (when were you going to be honest with yourself, god, just say it) that had been breached already, you let yourself fall just the slightest bit into Hitoshi’s side as the car began to move.
Hitoshi continued tapping around on his phone one-handed, all to wrap an arm around the back of your seat, half around your shoulder. You relished his heat and let the details fade away as you stared out of the car window.
At some point, Hitoshi put his phone away, stuffing into the pocket of his jeans.
“Your jacket—” You spoke up, but Hitoshi quickly and quietly shushed you, squeezing your shoulder.
“I already had Momo grab it, no big deal,” You hadn’t realized how close he was until the heat of his breath rolled over your ear. “It’s much more important to make sure you’re feeling alright.”
Why is he so nice?
You remained silent, hyper-aware of the softness of your bare thigh pressing against Hitoshi’s own. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, the warmth of his breath so close to your face in such a small space.
And you wanted more.
The neon lights of the city reappeared, growing brighter as the two of you neared Hitoshi’s home. Your mind swirled and spun with revelation after revelation. 
How the fuck had you not realized how much you liked Hitoshi sooner?
I mean, it was obvious, but repression really does things to a person.
The Uber finally pulled up to Hitoshi’s home. The two of you swiftly went inside, an odd silence between the two of you. 
As you stepped out of your heels, Hitoshi broke it from the living room. 
“What if I told you I ordered food from that one late-night diner and it’ll be here in ten minutes?” Hitoshi glanced up from his phone with a dashing smile, the kind only you got to see. 
It made you want to fucking explode. 
You cracked your own, standing fully and stretching your toes, “I’d say ‘thank god, and god is Hitoshi Shinso.”
“You flatter me,” He chuckled, waltzing into the living room. You followed, aware of the eerie quiet that the house carried. It was rare that Hitoshi’s home was fully uninhabited and fully soundless. 
It made your thoughts seem even louder. 
“Want anything? Water? I can make us some drinks if you’re still in that mood,” Hitoshi offered, already moving towards the kitchen.
It felt like you were going to burst.
“Water is okay, I’m not really feeling like drinking anymore.” You laughed softly, rubbing the back of your neck. You were desperately trying to relieve your own internal tension, but you just fucking couldn’t. 
Hitoshi returned a moment later with a glass for you and a kind gaze, regarding you were the most sacred thing in the world. The glass trembled in your grip as you refused to maintain eye contact with him.
You really couldn’t handle any more of this. 
“You tired? I can set up the couch for you if you wanna lie down, unless you want me to walk you back to your dorm?” Hitoshi asked, moving towards the linen closet to grab your usual sheets and blankets. Hitoshi obviously sensed your discomfort and the bastard was too nice for his own fucking good, trying to cater to your every fucking need. 
He’s way too nice.
You made your decision in that moment. 
You swallowed, tongue feeling thick in your mouth. Fear wormed its way into your gut, but you spoke through it. 
“Actually, can we talk?” You hated the way how your voice trembled.
Your knees felt weak when you saw Hitoshi’s expression fall, pretty violet orbs drooping. 
Both of you were well aware of what the conversation would be about.
Hitoshi stopped across the room, turning to you. His brow was furrowed with anxiety. His voice came out sticky, pushing, “I think you’ve had a long night.”
Fuck it.
Tell him.
How much longer can you keep this up anyway?
“It’s going to feel a lot longer if I’m sleeping on the couch when I want to be in your bed.”
The silence that stunned the room echoed louder than anything you had ever heard before. You stared down at your feet, ignoring the way overemotional tears began to gather in your eyes. Your vision clouded, but your mouth kept spewing. 
It had to.
“Hitoshi, I like you. A lot more than friends like each other.”
More silence. 
You hold back sniffles.
You’re fucking up your whole friendship.
“And I know, our flirting has always been teasing, but I think it became real for me at some point.” 
More silence. 
“I don’t want to fuck up our friendship. You’re my best friend, Hitoshi, and I really, really care about you. And, I don’t want to throw away our friendship over a crush, okay? I just needed to get this off my chest. We can just forget I ever said anything if that’s easier.”
Your own arms come to wrap around yourself, thumbs making idle circles in an attempt to unconsciously soothe yourself.
You could hear Hitoshi take a few steps towards you, inhaling like he was going to speak, but quickly cutting himself off.
A few stray tears ran tracks down your face.
Your lip wobbled as you spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, and that I teased you so much while feeling like this, I just didn’t notice—”
“(Y/N).” Hitoshi stood in front of you, low voice shocking you from your thought.
You refused to look up at him.
“H-hey, how about I just go back to my dorm? I’m sorry—” You sputtered, rubbing at your eyes as the carpet grew blurry beneath you.
You felt so fucking pathetic. Maybe it was because it took you this long to figure out your own feelings and say something about them. Maybe, it was because you were fairly certain you were capital l in Love with Hitoshi, yet you didn’t even have the guts to look at you as you confessed.
Maybe, it was all because you were so damn terrified that it was all of these possibilities making you drown in your own insecurities. 
Hitoshi, diligent and mindful as ever, took note, even if you didn’t notice. 
“(Y/N), look at me.” Hitoshi’s damn near commanded, but you somehow ignored him, spiraling deeper.
You couldn’t keep yourself from shaking as your voice cracked, “I’m so fucking sorry, Hitoshi. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll be better, we can—”
And then there were hands, large and soft cupping your jaw, gently forcing your gaze up.
You shook even harder, unable to avoid him any longer.
Your breath felt leached from your lungs when you finally met Hitoshi’s endlessly sweet gaze. 
Hitoshi’s eyes were so fucking soft. There was this melancholic smile on his face that made alarms go off in your skull. 
He’s going to reject you.
You got the wrong idea. 
You sucked down another sob as you tried to lower your head, but Hitoshi’s grip only became firmer. His thumb rubbed away some of your tears as he released a soft sigh.
A moment of quiet passed between the two of you. The teasing, fleeting glances and lustful eye fucking of the earlier night were long gone. All that remained was a tense string of vulnerability that both of you were terrified of.
You were shaking so hard in his grip. 
You didn’t notice, but he was shaking too, desperately trying to keep his breathing even.
You blinked up at him, just waiting for him to reject you.
 (Like Hitoshi would ever do that—)
 “Can I kiss you?” Oh, his voice rolled so low and deep over you, you could’ve died.
Your eyes widened, and all you could do was nod, brain sluggishly following the situation.
He shook his head, lowering his head just a bit closer to your eye level. So ardently did he refuse to look away from you.
“I need you to say it, (Y/N).” He kept himself composed but god, he was struggling.
You gulped, leaning into Hitoshi’s hands for comfort. 
“Yes, please,” Your voice came out soft, breaking and needy and Hitoshi wanted every bit of it.
His face hovered in front of yours for a moment, eyes tracing your features with such reverence. 
And then his lips were on yours and all of your mutually stored tension broke. 
It shattered.
His lips were soft, so different from what you secretly fantasized about. You expected some sort of roughness to him, but now that you were so sinfully close, he radiated calm and sweetness that you could almost taste.
Hitoshi was so gentle with you, one of his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you even closer. 
You moved your lips against his, relishing the fact that he was there and you were there. Maybe it was fleeting, maybe he would pull away and say he just wanted to fuck and you’d have to have that conversation. But, in that moment, you just sank into Hitoshi’s touch, throwing your arms over his shoulders and tangling deft fingers into his unruly hair. 
You could handle whatever future you were given. Just a morsel of Hitoshi’s soft but unbridled affections felt like more than enough.
(Little did you know how much of him you were to receive.)
Hitoshi pulled away, but hardly. He stayed so close to you, pupils blown wide as his breath fanned of your cheekbones. You so, so wanted to surge forward and drown in him, but you held yourself fast.
He surprised you by letting out his own shaking breath, all the way in his chest. Your eyes widened.
“You’re such an idiot—” Hitoshi laughed and you faltered for a moment. It must’ve shown on your face because his hands started rubbing at your sides. 
He kissed you softly again. Something chaste and sweet, like a type of summer fruit that stains your lips. 
He pulled away again, lips parted and scanning you.
“You have to say it.” You told him, trying to keep your voice firm, but failing.
“Say what?” He teased, peppering the side of your face with kisses. 
You made a small, half-annoyed noise, pushing lightly at his choice, “You know what, Hitoshi.”
He paused, dragging you tighter to him. A hand came up to cup your neck, fingers tracing idle patterns on your pulse point.
The look he wore (so well) was one of pure tenderness that made you ache in the best possible way. 
“Of course I like you.” Hitoshi kissed you again. 
You were too stunned for words.
Hitoshi kept going, his own tension apparently having broken as well.
“You have no fucking idea how much I adore you—” He spoke against your lips, hands digging into your sides as you pulled lightly at his hair. You both craved closeness and finally had it.  “How much I’ve wanted this, you—”
You whine into his mouth, pressing into him with everything you had. 
His touch felt heavenly. After so many months, years of pent up romantic and sexual tension, his hands felt like divine fire against you. Every part of you ached for more of him, as now you were finally able to express your desires. 
You pulled away, just enough to lean your foreheads together. Hitoshi’s pupils were blown wide, flickering from your eyes to your lips. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked, voice still small. 
Hitoshi chuckled, popping a quick kiss onto your nose, “Honestly? I didn’t want you to think I was only your friend because I wanted fuck you.”
Your insides twisted.
“Do... you only want to fuck?” You asked, any movement to pull away blocked by Hitoshi’s hold on you. Your heart hammered in your chest.
You definitely wanted more than just a fuck, but you’d take what you could get.
(You wouldn’t have to.)
“Oh, no, not at all,” Hitoshi spoke matter of factly, wearing the smuggest grin. His lips went to just below the shell of your ear, “There’s plenty more that I want from you, (Y/N).”
“Hitoshi,” You nearly moaned his name as his lips brushed against your ear. “You g-gotta be careful, saying shit like that.”
“Why's that?” Hitoshi’s lips met the fragile skin of your neck and sank into him.
“You k-know why,” Your words trembled as he left trails of kisses against your neck. 
All you wanted was more.
“Tell me. I love hearing your voice,” Hitoshi crooned against your neck, pressing at the small of your back so you arched into him.
His words were so damn sweet, it made you melt inside and out as a high moan dribbled from your lips.
Hitoshi nearly growled against your neck, sucking at the skin at your collar. You fisted the back of his sweater, toes curling against the carpet—
And then a soft knock echoed from the door.
You both stopped dead, freezing.
Quickly, Hitoshi straightened out, but not before pressing a loving kiss to the skin he bruised.
“Foods here.” He smiled at you as you breathed, open-mouth and near panting. 
Hitoshi came back from the door with the food, setting it on the coffee table and falling onto the couch. You followed suit as Hitoshi took out a few takeout boxes, handing one to you.
“I got that breakfast combination you always get, I hope that’s okay,” Hitoshi passed you a fork as you nodded. 
“How are you so calm right now?” You asked, turning to him and folding your legs under your body.
Hitoshi turned as well, raising an eyebrow and holding up one of his hands between the two of you.
It was shaking violently. 
“Not calm, at all. Just composed,” Hitoshi broke into his own food, taking a bite. “Eat something, (Y/N).”
You couldn’t fight him on that. Despite the elated, anxious, (horny) twisting of your gut, the smell of comfort food soothed you after such an eventful night. 
The two of you ate in relative silence, both in shared contemplation. It was comfortable, sounds of the city neighborhood and old house filling the space with enough ambient noise to feel natural.
You finally set down your empty box, eyes flickering to Hitoshi as he finished off his food, a bit of egg stuck to his fork.
“I was being serious earlier, you know,” You rubbed at the fabric of your dress, suddenly very aware of the way it rode so high. “About sleeping in your bed rather than the couch.”
“I figured you were,” Hitoshi replied, setting his own food down to face you. “I never said you couldn’t.”
“Let’s clear the air then, if that’s okay,” You asked, a bit uncertain.
It all felt a lot better when Hitoshi grabbed one of your hands, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles. He nodded to you to keep talking.
“So, I like you. You like me.” You began. 
Hitoshi nodded again, a cute smile creeping at the corners of his mouth.
“You... don’t just want to fuck?” Your words sounded unsure, but Hitoshi quickly nodded.
“I’d prefer more, but I’ll take what I can get,” Hitoshi shrugged. 
You definitely felt somewhat settled and a whole lot less insecure.
If anything, you felt bold.
Very bold.
Before Hitoshi could react, you shoved Hitoshi’s shoulder into the back of the couch. Your bare legs went over either side of Hitoshi’s built thighs, squeezing as you straddled him. 
You could feel the way your dress rode up, almost showing off your ass.
(Not like Hitoshi already hadn’t seen it that night—)
You stared him up and down with lowered lips, biting your lip gently. 
His violet tresses were wild, roughed up from the night’s events. His cheeks were stained pink, eyes tearing over your figure.
His hands darted to your waist, rubbing his thumbs over your ribs.
“What do you want?” Hitoshi asked, finally breaking his composure with cute, breathless words.
Your trembling hands cupped his face as you leaned into him. Your ghosted your lips over his, breath mingling as you spoke, well aware of what you were doing.
“I just want you, Hitoshi. All of you. I think I have for a long time.”
That was enough for the two of you.
Hitoshi grabbed at you with a possession that made your insides turn to jelly. His lips pressing to your own, licking in your mouth with a fervor that you craved. One of his hands moved to just below your ass, squeezing the flesh with a grip that was sure to bruise. His other hand tangled into your hair, pulling you to angle your mouth just right against his own. 
His actions had a fever to them, hands and lips moving in a way that pulled and pushed you perfectly. You knew from goddamn kink night, that Hitoshi was a far more dominant person, but now that you were getting a personal taste? You felt intoxicated by his demanding touch.
All you could do was grab onto the front of his sweater, kissing him with everything you had. 
As Hitoshi’s hand slid up to your ass, you experimentally ground down on the growing bulge in his jeans.
He let out a broken moan, roughly grabbing your backside and moving for you to repeat the motion. You arched into the friction, keening in the back of your throat as Hitoshi nipped at your jaw.
“Fuck, Hitoshi,” You moaned, your hands trailing down his chest to tease at the hem of his sweater.
Hitoshi wasn’t one to be beat, licking a line from your collarbone to your ear, biting and kissing to his heart's content. Your hips stuttered against his own, both of you moaning in tandem. His hardened cock pressing against your practically bare sex made your head spin with potential. 
You grabbed at his hips beneath his sweater, dipping just below his waistband—
Suddenly, Hitoshi pulled away from your neck, breathing hard and slow. He swallowed, grabbing your face in both of his hands and peppering slow kisses all over your face.
“You have no fucking idea—” Hitoshi kissed your roughly, squeezing at your jaw. You moaned so prettily for him as he swallowed your sounds with a groan. He pulled away, sighing deeply, “how badly I want to keep going, but—”
You finished his sentence, sighing and touching your forehead to his, “It has been a long night.”
Hitoshi made a noise of agreement, pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead before you pulled back, “Is that alright?”
You shook out your own breath, nodding, “Of course. I want to keep going too, but I don’t want to rush anything. Wanna make sure we’re comfy, you know?”
Hitoshi rumbled out a laugh, pulling you into a solid embrace. His nose pressed into the juncture between your neck and shoulder, nuzzling into you, “You gotta stop being so sweet, (Y/N).”
You raised your eyebrow, threading your hands through his hair, feeling how he instantly relaxed into your touch, “What did I do?”
“I mean, your existence is pretty sweet. Cute too. Sexy. Hot. I could go on,” Hitoshi nipped at your neck, daring to suck gently at the weak skin. “But, I think that would just rile me up more.”
“Good point,” You gently tugged his hair to bring his face back to yours. “Your room?”
He kissed you in reply.
The shattering of tension left a gentle warmth running through you, and you couldn’t wait to see what else was to come. 
The two of you swayed upstairs hand-in-hand. 
It felt weirdly domestic, rubbing off your makeup with the cleansing wipes you had long stored at Hitoshi’s for late nights studying or drinking.
He stood next to you, brushing his teeth in a roomy tee and sweats. You still wore your party dress, rumpled and a bit too dirty for comfort. You found yourself glaring your body down, remembering the very sour event of the evening. Your skin crawled and itched. 
Hitoshi caught it easily. He knew you so well. 
“You wanna ‘showber?” Hitoshi’s words came out garbled through the foam in his mouth.
“That might be best, yeah,” You sighed in some form of defeat, nervously rubbing your arms for a moment. Hitoshi spit and rinsed as you finished removing the mascara from your eyes. 
As you finished, Hitoshi urged you to sit on the toilet seat, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he darted from the room. You straightened up at the freely given affection, loving the way your heart pounded. He returned quickly, carrying a fluffy towel and a pile of folded clothes. 
“Take your time. If you need anything, just shout, okay?” Hitoshi laid them on the counter and squatted down in front of you, taking your hands in his and squeezing. 
You nodded.
It wasn’t the first time you had taken a shower at Hitoshi’s. You could only be thankful that he and Sero had good enough hygiene habits that it was fairly clean for a college house. 
You felt damn near euphoric, getting to wash the sweat, fear, touches and smoke from your skin and hair. You took extra care to cleanse your body the best you could, washing everything properly and thoroughly.
(You know, just in case.)
(For the morning.)
You digress.
Warmed and feeling far more clean both mentally and physically, you toweled off and slipped into the clothes Hitoshi left. The shirt he gave you was way too large, nearly hanging off of one of your shoulders. He must’ve had it mixed in with laundry as it held the scent of his pine-ish cologne that had always made you melt. The sweats he loaned to you also fit poorly, but you didn’t mind too much.
You padded your way into Hitoshi’s room. 
It was a familiar spot. Many nights were spent here drunkenly carousing with your pals, rolling on the worn hardwood. Many hours had been spent splayed out on the floor, both of you pouring over textbooks and academic journals, constructing brutal papers with the aid of unhealthy amounts of lukewarm black coffee. 
Hitoshi’s room, for a long time, strangely, had been incredibly comfortable and safe. On a night like this one, you couldn't be more glad.
His room was dimly lit, yellowish string lights hung on the ceiling. They dimly illuminated the many gig posters, prints, and thrifted picture frames he had amassed over the years. A desk in the corner, an aged dresser, and a (blessedly) queen-sized bed with a comfy black duvet.
You blinked at Hitoshi, noting the lack of his usual clutter around the room, “Did you clean while I was in the shower?”
Hitoshi was standing in the corner, tapping away at his phone with a furrowed brow, but managed to look up and flash you a smile, “Maybe.”
You chuckled, walking up to him and comfortably wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your face in his arm. You felt him jump a bit, but quickly relax.
It was all new to both of you, but very welcome.
“Is everything alright?” You asked, watching the way Hitoshi frowned at his phone.
He ran a hand over his face, sighing, “How surprised would you be if I told you Denki and Hanta blacked out and puked on the way back?”
“Not very surprised, but still, yikes,” You looked up at Hitoshi. “Are they coming back here? I’ll babysit if you have to, too.”
He turned to give you a small, sympathetic smile, “That is very sweet of you, but it sounds like they’re going to crash Momo’s or Katsuki’s.”
You felt... suspicious.
You narrowed your eyes at him, eyes darting to your purse on his nightstand, “I haven’t checked the group chat, but did you put something in the group chat?
Hitoshi took a sharp inhale, a cute blush painting his nose and cheeks, “It may have slipped that we finally... said we liked each other.”
“May have?” You raised an eyebrow.
“There may have been a betting pool that I have just been made aware of—”
“Did... Did they all know?”
“And, they wanted to give us some privacy—”
You covered your face with your hands, leaning into him, “Jesus fucking—”
“Very considerate of them, considering,” Hitoshi sighed, pocketing his phone and wrapping his arms over your shoulders. “I’d much rather be sleeping next to you than dealing with blackout Denki.”
“True, true,” You sighed, uncovering your face to look up at Hitoshi. He was beaming at you with a look of adoration that made your chest ache. You frowned, “Are you gonna be able to sleep?”
You knew of Hitoshi’s insomnia well. Though you could manage to sleep, his inability to fall into slumber was something he wrestled with daily. You knew he was able to sleep some, but it was a great difficulty and was the root cause of his incessant caffeine consumption. 
“I’m gonna try, if not, it’ll be okay, I’ll at least be very comfortable,” He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. “Besides, it’s easier to sleep next to someone.”
“Really?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. “Like, has it always been easier for you to sleep with someone?”
Hitoshi gave a little sigh, nodding.
“Dummy,” You snorted, lightly flicking his nose. “You could’ve asked me.”
“To... Sleep with me?” Hitoshi blinked down at you.
“Yeah. I would’ve said yes,” you shrugged easily. It was hardly a question. Even if you didn’t have incredibly strong feelings for Hitoshi, you would’ve tried to help. “I’ve always cared about you like that.”
Hitoshi closed his eyes and took a big inhale, the hands on your arms speeding up a little, “You have no idea what you do to me, do you, (Y/N)?”
Your gut dropped, “I don’t—”
Hitoshi didn’t give you a chance to fully answer him before leaning down abruptly and scooping you into his arms. Your arms flew to his neck for purchase as he cradled you to his chest, squeezing and walking to the bed.
“You are just so fucking sweet,” Hitoshi set you down on the bed, allowing you to adjust yourself to look up at him. You sat on your legs, kneeling while looking up at him.
He bit his lip, eyes widened and glassy looking down at you. You gulped as you heard his shaking breaths, felt his trembling hand cup your cheek.
“You’re way too good,” Hitoshi breathed, shaking his head. 
The incredibly tense sexual aura of the moment dissipated as Hitoshi sat next to you on the bed, scooting to the inside of the mattress and pulling up the comforter.
Part of you was disappointed, feeling lingering pressure between your thighs, but the more sensical part of you was very tired and wanted nothing more than to finally hold Hitoshi and fall into sleep.
“Hey, get over here,” Hitoshi knocked you from your thoughts as his arms wrapped around your waist. He dragged you up, fitting you in the crook of his arm, pressing his nose into your hair. “If you’re in my bed, you’re gonna be in my bed, fully committed.”
“I’m not complaining,” You purred, more than satisfied with throwing your leg of his own, curling in his chest. 
Part of you wanted to check, to confirm that all of this was okay. The night had been a lot and you were sure both of you were pretty keyed up from everything. Getting together with Hitoshi was hardly the outcome you expected of the ‘sex party,’ but you weren’t going to complain. Fuck, you could hardly do anything as Hitoshi’s cologne, heat, and firm body were already lulling your body to sleep.
“You are sleeping, aren’t ‘ya?” Hitoshi teased, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
You made a small noise, the most you could muster before burying yourself at his collarbone. 
Sleep quickly took you under, Hitoshi beaming you the sweetest smile and lavishing you with quiet, subtle affections as not to wake you.
You woke up to dawn light streaming in through a slit in a familiar set of curtains. You grumbled, half-awake, but really not wanting to move. You were too comfortable. Warmth filled your body, peace floated over your slumber-hazed mind and you couldn’t help letting out a content sigh.
The presence of heat let out a familiar chuckle.
You slowly opened your eyes again, becoming aware of the fact that you were half sprawled over Hitoshi. He was looking down at you, sweetly, eyebrow raised.
You literally gasped.
Hitoshi’s hair was tousled and far more wild with bedhead. The amethyst yolks of his eyes were lit up by the early morning light, and he just beamed down at you. 
“You’re so pretty,” You let slip.
The events of the night prior became fresh in your mind. The good ones far outweighed the bad. It was even easier to ignore any and all sour feelings because fucking finally you and Hitoshi were in bed together.
“Why, thank you. You’re pretty beautiful yourself, you know.” 
You were going to nut.
His. Voice.
It was always deep, a rolling bass, but addled with sleep? It was graveled and coarse and it made you literally wet.
“Fuck.” Was all you could muster as you slowly sat up.
Hitoshi squeezed you around your ribs, a knowing look and smile stretched across his face. 
The hold on your waist reminded you that Hitoshi was, in fact, holding you. His hands, soft for how large they were, massaged slow, deep circles just above your hips and through your borrowed shirt. You had to have slept tucked up into him like that all night.
You hoped there would be many more like it.
“Did you sleep okay?” You asked, your own voice rough.
Hitoshi grinned drowsily, “I did. It’s a hell of a lot easier next to you.”
You couldn’t suppress the way your lips curled into a smile. Leaning forward, you ran your hands up his chest to brace yourself, leaving a soft kiss on his lips, “I’m glad. Very glad. Wanna do it again sometime?”
“Oh, (Y/N),” Hitoshi rumbled, hands moving up to tickle lightly at your ribs. “Now that I’ve gotten a taste of how lovely it is to sleep next you, I don’t know if I’ll ever let you sleep anywhere else.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Let me? Interesting word choice.”
“Intentional word choice,” Hitoshi’s eyes darkened, tracing your form as he wet his lips, “You like a bit of control exerted on you, don’t you, (Y/N)?”
You shuddered as Hitoshi dragged you closer, up his body so your hips straddled his own.
“I mean, yeah,” you breathed, clothes beginning to feel way too hot atop your skin. “You were there for kink night, weren’t you?”
You tried to joke, but Hitoshi didn’t let you.
“I was there,” One of Hitoshi’s hands tangled into your hair, rubbing affectionately, but your gut told you he had other, more particular, plans. “And, I have a good memory.”
Without missing a beat, Hitoshi flipped the two of you.
Your back hit the mattress and knocked the wind out of you. A breathy gasp fell from your lips, unabashed as Hitoshi was suspended on top of you. 
You almost spoke, but then you noticed the way Hitoshi was looking at you, and you couldn’t. Whatever breath that laid in your lungs slowly dripped out.
He was looking at you like a man starved. 
His eyes glittered as he traced each curve of your body, pliant and beginning to tremble under his touchless attention. 
“Y-you’re bold, you know that?” You managed to stutter out.
Hitoshi chuckled to himself, shaking his head, “Just observant. You always say that I’m a good listener.”
You shuddered as Hitoshi leaned down, nose trailing down your jaw to your pulse point. He paused above the fluttering beat of your heart before licking a strip down your neck with the flat of his tongue.
“Jesus, Hitoshi,” You scraped out, swallowing as heat rushed through your tense body.
He pulled away, only to hover just above your face, staring into your eyes with an intensity that would be stifling from anyone else other than him.
“Do you want me to keep going? We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable,” Holy fuck, did Hitoshi’s voice somehow get lower? Is that what fucking happened when he got horny? 
You were going to die.
“No, no, we should keep going, yes,” You really tried not to sound desperate, but it hardly mattered. Hitoshi could more than tell, he knew you so well.
You didn’t give him a chance to tease you, hands clasping behind his head to gently pull him down to your lips. 
God, you were positive you wouldn’t ever tire of Hitoshi in any way. Everything about him seemed so right, good and perfect especially near you. 
Hitoshi nipped at your bottom lip, one of his hands insistently rubbing at the bones of your hip. You shuddered at the onslaught of sensations, slotting your mouth against his to bring him as close as you could manage.
One of your hands flitted down his frame, tugging at the hem of his sleep shirt. You’d seen Hitoshi shirtless plenty of times, eyed him as much as was acceptable for ‘bros’, and then moved on with a reddened face, but you would be damned if you weren’t going to ogle him a bit, now that you had the open opportunity to.
Hitoshi sat back on your hips, pulling his shirt over his head with ease and became what you could only be certain was a manifestation of your dreams. 
It was clear he indeed had very much been working out, all the muscles of his abs and arms were toned and well-used, even holding a bit of the tan from when he started his training last summer. 
You noted, drool puddling in your mouth, that he (and assumedly Denki) did get their nipples pierced for their ten-year friend-iversary last fall. Cute barbels hung from his nipples, surprising, but also very hot. You followed the ‘v’ of his hips to the waistband of the soft grey sweatpants he was wearing, noting with a shocked raise of the eyebrows that Hitoshi was already considerably hard and considerably large. 
“You like what you see?” Hitoshi teased, leaning back over you to worry at your neck with a few well-placed licks.
You swallowed, hands pressing to his chest, running up and down the soft skin before going to pinch one of his nipples, “I really do, fuck.”
Hitoshi’s breath stutters against your neck, “Like ‘em?”
“I thought you two were kidding.”
“Oh, never—!”
Hitoshi’s words were yanked from his chest as you pinched and twisted both of his nipples, albeit lightly. You were doing it partially to get a reaction and gauge how sensitive he was. With the way he whined from the back of his throat, you inferred that he was very sensitive. 
“Aren’t there more important things you could be doing with your hands?” You chided, though not an edge of malice was in your voice.
Hitoshi just seemed spurred on by this, grunting and swiping your wrists into his grip. Your hands were pressed above your head, pinned to the mattress by his body weight.
A low whine spun from the back of your throat.
“You’re really lucky that I like brats and that I love you—”
Both of you paused.
Did he just—
Did he just drop the L bomb?
He dropped the L BOMB . 
 You stared up at Hitoshi, frowning at the absolute terror in his eyes.
“I, I mean, I didn’t mean it like that,” Hitoshi sat back up on you, nervousness in every motion of his body. “I just meant—”
“Hey,” You interrupted, sitting up with him. “I love you too, you know. I’m pretty sure I have.”
Hitoshi doesn’t say anything for a minute and neither do you. You’re both in stunned silence. Enraptured by the other, your forms painted with the precious, vibrant gold that streamed in from the curtained window. The other sounds were that of the ambient city awakening and the unsteady breath that was shared between the two of you.
It was oddly perfect, and neither of you complained. 
“So,” Hitoshi broke the silence, running his hands up your arms. “I love you.”
Oh, did it feel like a drug to hear his morning voice say the new phrase in such a way.
You nodded, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to his navel, “And I love you.”
“Then, it’s settled.”
There was certainly more to discuss involving the nature of your relationship, including the fact that you both had your heads so far up your asses for so long and were definitely in denial for a good portion of time, and that your love was a lot more complicated than either of you were making it out to be. 
But, you both certainly shared the history for it.
All of the late nights where you both eyed the other secretly, turning away at the last moment before being noticed. 
There were plenty small moments of caring, too. 
There was the way how whenever you were over, you made Hitoshi a new pot of coffee, no matter if the old one was out. 
There was Hitoshi’s intentional habit and insistence (that had lasted years) that he walked you back from parties, sharing cigarettes or half-carrying you. He never minded. 
There was the way you had memorized each other's takeout orders months ago. 
There was the small drawer in Hitoshi’s desk that was dedicated to things you left and might need. Several extra pairs of socks, makeup remover, a spare notebook, an extra laptop charger for when you inevitably forgot your own.
There was, of course, the way that you and Hitoshi were currently looking at each other. Fuck whatever fragile, easy-to-tear-away eye contact that had been occurring between the two of you for years, all that there was now between was the collection of lost time.
“Please kiss me.”
The request was obliged.
Hitoshi was quick to pin you back to the mattress, bratty behavior forgotten and stored away. There would be plenty of time to explore that mutual side of your relationship, but now only desire was Hitoshi and your shared pleasure.
Your lips slotted together, pulling a moan from your chest as Hitoshi immediately licked his into your mouth. It was a bit sloppy, rushed in the heat of the moment, but he quickly slowed down. Cupping your jaw, he deepened the kiss as you moved against him, lightly rolling your hips for any sort of friction.
You were the first to pull away, nosing to his jaw and lavishing it with bites and kisses. The rough groans and grunts that Hitoshi spilled were all the motivation you needed to go lower and lower on his neck.
Marking him as you pleased, you sucked at the skin of his neck, leaving bruises and spittle in your wake. You teasingly blew at the wet spots a few times, loving the way he shivered against you.
Hitoshi wasn’t to be outplayed, hands roving over your body. He left quick squeezes and rolled his thumbs anywhere he could reach. It was like he had to touch everything.
Your back arched and you cried into his neck as Hitoshi’s hands squeezed your breasts over your shirt, worrying a nipple with the pads of his fingers in the same way that you did to him earlier.
“Can’t take what you dish out?” Hitoshi chuckled in your ear as you squirmed underneath him.
You shook your head, biting on one of his collar bones, “I want more.”
His lips were back on your own before you could think.
You could feel how wet you were getting, unattended heat that desperately needed contact of any kind. As Hitoshi’s teeth nipped your neck, trailing lower to the wide collar of your shirt, it only got worse.
“Can I take this off?” Hitoshi asked, ever the gentleman. 
You didn’t answer, but rather whipped your shirt off as quickly as possible. 
And then your upper half was bared to him.
Your breasts spilled with gravity and rose and fell with your own light panting, glistening with sweaty dew.
You swallowed as Hitoshi’s hand went to your navel, flat-palmed. Slowly, he dragged it upwards, stopped to palm your tits only for a moment. You took note of how thick his fingers were and how you wanted nothing more than for them to fuck you into oblivion.
His fingers trailed to your sternum, then to your throat, tracing up the column before roughly grabbing your jaw.
“You,” Hitoshi voice sounded thick as he pressed his knee into your sex. “Have no idea what you to do me.”
“Then fucking show me.” You spit back out at him, one of your hands teasing at the top of his waistband, 
Fuck Hitoshi’s knee, apparently, because he immediately slid down the bed to hover in between your legs.
You snapped your knees closed out of surprise, all the same dripping against your panties 
“You want me to show you?” Hitoshi seemed to be speaking more to himself than you. “Then I will.”
Hitoshi slipped his thumbs under the waistband of the borrowed sweats, pulling them down and off of you with ease. He situated himself back between your legs, parting you by your inner thighs with a bruising grip.
You heard his sharp intake of breath as he hovered so close to your sex.
“Already so wet for me? I’m flattered.” Hitoshi didn’t give you any chance to quip back as he licked your slit through your thin panties. 
You squirmed for him, all for him.
“Please, more, ‘Toshi,” Your voice was warped with pleading, but you could hardly care. The burning look that Hitoshi flashed you was more than enough to nonverbally explain his intentions.
He set to marking up your thighs, murmuring sweet nothings to and about the flesh and how you cried out for him so well. He dotted you with lovely bruises, kissing closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
With one final, pleading look, Hitoshi all but tore off the thin panties you wore and ravished you. 
He licked from your opening to your clit with a flat tongue, making your thighs stiffen and toes curl. You felt him hum against you as he shifted your legs over his shoulder. One of his arms wrapped under your thigh, pressing at the bottom of your tummy and locking you in place. 
He sucked hard on your clit, just once, almost as some sexual litmus test to assess your ability to move freely.
It was very low as all you could do was arch for him, whines filling the air.
It seemed like it was more than enough for him. 
Hitoshi tongue fucked you sloppy, refusing to give you any more stimulation on your clit, no matter how you tried to buck at his face. All Hitoshi’s hold would allow you to do was gently grind against his face as slick and spit soaked the bed below. It was more than enough to make your brain gummy, craving nothing more and more of his touch. 
You squeezed your thighs around Hitoshi’s cheeks as he carefully pressed one of his aforementioned thick fingers into your cunt. Hot pleasure permeated every corner of you as you panted for Hitoshi, all for him.
He curled his finger just right and you screamed.
Hitoshi was quick to take the hint, pushing around another inside to repeat the motion, lips, and tongue working your clit as the pressure built beautifully.
“You close, kitten?” Hitoshi’s words were muffled by your cunt, but holy fuck, you knew exactly what he said. 
You whined at the use of the word, nodding and panting out a muddled affirmative.
Hitoshi sucked lewdly at the mess between your legs, pulling your body to the apex of its hot pressure, before breaking.
Your back curled off the bed, Hitoshi’s hold released to all you to fully fuck his face as he slurped at the juices between your thighs. Your mind went fuzzy as pleasure crackled through your frame, fingers curling into the rumpled fabric below and your head bowing back into the pillows. 
You slowly came down, twitching as Hitoshi continued to kiss around your sex. You could half-tell he was grinding against the bed; he was that turned on. 
You sat up, swaying a bit, drunk on bliss, and already semi-fucked out. 
Yet, you still wanted more.
“‘Toshi, please,” You looked at him helplessly. 
He sat up on his knees, hands going to play with your tits as he raised a smug eyebrow, face wet with you, “Want my cock, kitten? Is that it?”
“Holy fuck, ‘Toshi, please,” Your voice came out as mixture between a whine and growl as Hitoshi chuckled, reaching to the side for the nightstand and condoms, you assumed.
“I thought I’d have to do more to get you begging, with that little bratty shit you pulled earlier,” He mused, stepping off the bed for only a moment to finally pull off his sweats.
If your mouth had been any more open, drool would have fallen into your lap.
Hitoshi was, once again, sculpted. The guy put in work and it showed. That was less important and less relevant as you were currently lewdly, literally, drooling over his cock. It wasn’t only cervix-shatteringly long, but it was thick and curved just right. It was flushed, fully hard against his abs and leaking beads of preek, all from the friction of the bed and giving you head. 
“Can I do it?” You asked as Hitoshi unwrapped the condom. 
He nodded, cheekily, handing you the package.
You crawled to the edge of the bed, stopping to sit on your knees as he stood above you. Carefully, you rolled the rubber on, clenching your thighs together as your oversensitive cunt throbbed. 
You stared at its girth, biting your lip nervously and looked up at Hitoshi.
Immediately, his gaze softened and he caught your face in his hand, thumbing over your cheek, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, just, uh,” You stumbled over your words, gaze flipping from his very pretty cock and his very pretty face. “Do you have lube? It’s been a while and I don’t want to tear.”
“I do,” Hitoshi’s worry dissolved, pulling a bottle from the same drawer and tossing it on to the bed. “And, I will try my best not to tear you. We can go as slow or as fast as you like, hm?”
You nodded, biting your lip and crawling back onto the bed.
Hitoshi cooed sweet words to you as the two of you adjusted. Perhaps it was to his own natural nervousness, or maybe yours. All the same, the loving comments about your body and how good you were for him turned you to putty underneath him.
Your legs were thrown up over his shoulders, feet prepared to lock behind his head. Hitoshi knelt between your legs, holding your thighs spread as his lubed cock ran over your folds.
“Tell me if you need me to go slower, okay?” Hitoshi reminded you, ever attentive.
You gulped as Hitoshi breached your cunt with the head of his cock and holy fuck. You stretched, and it burned, but it was nothing that you couldn’t handle. Hitoshi kept praising you, running his lips wherever they could reach as he leaned over your pillow-propped form. Inch by inch, he pushed into you, stopping when your breathing got too harsh.
And then, Hitoshi’s cock was fully sheathed into you and you felt so fucking full, you could die.
“Hey, ‘Toshi?” You spoke breathlessly, wiping sweaty strands of violet hair from his cheeks. “I love you, okay? For a lot more than your dick, but this is a huge perk and I’d feel bad not saying so.”
He was still and silent for a moment, head bent out of your view. 
“You’re gonna tell me, while I’m buried this deep in this cute, little cunt of yours, such sweet shit? That you love me?” Hitoshi growled, darkened eyes lust-hazed. 
You nodded.
Hitoshi swiftly pulled almost entirely out of cunt, only to slam back into you, angling your hips perfectly to hit your g-spot. 
Your nails dug into his shoulders, head thrown back and you gave a breaking wail, body shaking with the sudden cracking of pleasure.
And, Hitoshi didn’t relent. 
He continued his hard, deep, and long thrusts, increasing his speed as he felt you loosen for him. With each thrust, wet squelching sounds spurred the two of you on. 
Hitoshi’s face buried itself in your neck, sucking harsh marks that sparked pain across your heated skin. You couldn’t get enough of it. You couldn’t get enough of him.
Hitoshi accented each thrust with a more desperate, broken sounding ‘I love you,’ quickly unraveling at the seams as his thrusts and kisses became more erratic. 
He reached between the two of you, blessedly circling your clit as your own orgasm was close to cresting. 
You came before Hitoshi, just by a second, the clenching of your cunt and the way you moaned his name being more than enough for him to blow his load, fucking you through both of your orgasms.
You both stilled, panting. 
Hitoshi fell next to you on the bed, instantly pulling you to his chest and smothering you with kisses. You returned them, shuddering and coming down from the earth-shattering peak you had just been at.
“Fuck, Hitoshi,” You squeezed around your arms around his waist. “You fuck like a god.”
He shook his head, pressing a kiss to your sweaty temple, “You say shit like that and it’s gonna inflate my ego.”
“Guess I gotta keep saying it, then.”
You smiled up at him, moving to straddle his waist, ignoring your bodily complaints.
“I love you, you know,” Hitoshi beams from below you, looking at you with a reverence that you craved for so long, but were too afraid to voice.
You let out a shaking breath, smiling right back, “I love you, too.”
Hitoshi pulled you in for a sweet kiss you returned easily, smiling against his lips, melting into him—
His cock hardened against your thigh.
“Round two?” Considering the smiles you beamed each other, that was a definite ‘yes, please’.
 But, you were rudely interrupted by the slammed of the front door. You both stiffened, Hitoshi immediately going to grab your waist and drag you onto the bed. He threw a blanket over you, but it was hardly necessary.
Denki’s voice rang over the house, “HEY! Did y’all fuck yet? If you did, please tell me. I’m against Mina in the betting pool and I’m in deep.”
All you and Hitoshi could spare was a laugh and a sweet kiss, before you shouted back, “What do you think?!” 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 years
Mission of Mercy: Forty-One
Bucky glared at the guard outside your room. “Son,” he said, “Either you let me in or I break your neck and go in anyway.”
“Captain Rogers gave orders,” he stammered.
“I’ll deal with Steve… But I don’t think you’re ready to deal with me.”
The kid swallowed hard. Bucky might have been holding a puppy. And he might have been in plain clothes. But the quiet menace of being face to face with a world-renowned assassin AND being the only thing standing between him and his girl? 
He’d take his chances with Steve.
“Good man,” Bucky said, opening the door. 
You looked up, when he entered, and Faster than Bucky would have thought possible, you were as far from the door as you could get. As far from them. “You shouldn’t be here.” Your voice hurts your own ears. You feel raw. It’s too much. Like someone peeled off your skin.
And it’s like Bucky is Screaming. He’s not saying a word but the whirl of thoughts in his head is too much. It’s too loud. It’s a megaphone next to your ear. It’s fire alarms and police sirens. Air horns. It’s too much. Too big. And as you shrink into the corner, curling in on yourself like that’s going to protect you, all you can register is hot puppy breath in your face. 
A warm furry body worming her way into your arms. And all you can do is pull her close. You pull her against your chest and bury your face in the silky fur. And all you can do is cry. 
Bucky stands frozen. He can’t go forward or back. He doesn’t want to leave but… The pain in this room. It all hurts. It is all raw. And Bucky doesn’t know what to do. Or how to help you. But he’d glad that Lucy can do… something. As she licks the tears off your cheeks, attacking with all her vicious, rambunctious puppy love he exhales slowly. 
When you look up at him, still crying. Still terrified, he can’t take it. He crosses the room slowly, softening his steps when you cringe every time his boots hit the tile. And all he can do is gather you into his arms, rocking you gently. 
They’re told him. 
Warned him. That they’d dialed up your abilities to 11. Told him you could now read minds. And change thoughts. That that was how you’d torn the base apart. That you’d forced those people to kill each other. And themselves. 
But right now, all he could think was that he loved you. 
He’d promised that he’d be here when you came home. That he’d love you out of the dark. And now it was time to make good. And as you sobbed against his chest, all he could do was hold you. Hold you and remind you that he was there. That no matter what they did to you, you were his.
“She’s not a criminal!” Bucky protested. 
“She’s not,” Steve agreed, “And that’s why she’s in medical. Not a cell.”
“Fury interrogated her in fucking shackles!” he growled. 
“That she asked for,” Natasha said gently. 
Bucky froze. “She what?”
“She asked for them,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We assumed that her episode in the base was a psychotic break… It wasn’t.”
Bucky said nothing. He knew that. You’d told him that. That you saw their faces when you tried to sleep. That you could still hear the spatter of brains on the wall. He understood that. He knew what that felt like. 
Steve sighed, “She planned that. She played along.”
“I know,” Bucky said softly. He didn’t want the recap. He’d heard enough from you. Directly from you. When he asked what they did. And what you remembered. And you told him. Because you knew he understood it. 
Natasha squeezed his hand, “She’s not in trouble. We just- we need to know what she knows. And she ASKED to be kept away from everyone.”
Bucky nodded, “It’s loud.”
“It’s loud,” Natasha said nodding, “That’s- According to the read outs we have, loud is an understatement.”
“You don’t have to do this,” Bucky said softly, kissing your hands. 
“Yes I do,” you murmur. “Mom isn’t going to stop… And Joe, he- he should probably know that I’m really alive.”
“How are the ear pieces working?” he asked. He knows that you’re probably fine. That they’re working. But- he can’t tell if you’re uncomfortable with those or just because you’re anxious. 
“It’s better,” you answer, tightening your grip on Lucy’s leash. “I still hear everything but… It sounds like it’s in the next room instead of being screamed directly into my ear.”
“Good,” Bucky murmured, tilting your chin up to kiss you softly. 
And after that, there is no more quiet. You’re awash in people talking too loud and your mother speaking very loudly and very slowly. It hurts. It reverberates in your head. 
“Carlie,” Bucky said, trying not to growl. “The problem isn’t that she Can’t hear you.”
“But the hearing aids-”
“They’re there to dampen the sound. Not enhance her hearing. She hears everything. Even what we’re thinking.”
“Yeah, mom. I even heard THAT,” you sigh. “I’m sorry you’re jealous of my ass. Start doing squats, I guess.”
Carlie made a soft mortified noise and Joe kissed your head, chuckling. And he set a soda on the table for you. “Is it going to go away?”
“They don’t think so,” you say, coughing a little. Your voice still isn’t right. It still rasps horribly and you hate it. 
“Your voice,” Carlie said tearing up. And you shoot her a look. The kind of look that could freeze water. And Bucky pulls you closer. 
“Easy,” he muttered, hardly moving his lips. He knew you could hear him. And he really, really didn’t want you to snap. Sometimes, the control was hard. And he really didn’t want you to have to live with making your mom jump in front of a bus.
Carlie froze and Bucky tightened his grip on you, “Y/N,” he said, a little louder, “Breathe.” And when he pinched your side, hard enough to bruise, Carlie took a gasping breath and Bucky knew that you’d let go of your strangle hold. And this time, possibly for the first time you could remember, when Carlie burst into loud, hysterical sobbing, it was warranted.
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phoebenavarro · 4 years
the fading sun
I haven’t posted any of my writing here in a very long time but I’m rather proud of this piece so, why not. part of my “Jon decides Tim is the only person he can trust in s2″ AU, but can be read on it’s own
the magnus archives, jontim, 1,456 words 
on ao3 here
Jon is the most tactile person Tim has ever met. It came as a bit of a surprise to him, because of the general vibe Jon has projected the entire time they’ve known each other, but as they’ve gotten closer, Tim has learned that Jon only allows himself to be like this with people he trusts, and Jon has never trusted many people. Tim feels all warm and fuzzy, knowing he’s one of the few people Jon trusts. So Tim holds Jon, and Jon clings to him like a lifeline. Jon is wrapped around him, with his head resting on Tim’s chest, and Tim is stroking Jon’s hair when a thought strikes him, and he snorts. Jon hums an inquisitive tone.
“Nothing really,” Tim says, “I just realized that this…..” he gestures between them, “Whatever this is. Us. Is the most stable relationship I’ve had in years.” Jon huffs out a half laugh, a little bitter.
“Yeah. Yeah, me too.”
Tim lets that sit in the air for a few minutes, enjoying the calm between them.
“What are we?” he asks, “Are we a couple? Romantically, I mean.”
Jon considers it. “I don’t know, are we?” he replies, lifting his head to look at Tim with a raised eyebrow. Tim pulls Jon up to face him more comfortably.
“Oh no, you’re not turning the question back on me,” Tim says, a little indignant, then, softer, “I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t interested.”
Jon has definitely thought about it. He’s thought about how his relationship with Tim really isn’t that different from any other romantic relationship he’s had in his life. The main difference is the lack of kissing (or well, snogging, but Jon hates that word), and going out on dates. Tim is handsome, and kind, and funny, and he’s the only person who makes Jon feel safe, the only person who understands exactly what Jon is going through.
So yes, it’s safe to say Jon is interested.
“I’d like that,” Jon says, shyly, “If you would.”
“Oh, I absolutely would.” Tim waggles his eyebrows at him, a large grin spreading across his face. Jon smiles back at him for a second, before his brain decides to ruin the moment for him.
“I’m asexual,” Jon blurts out. He winces, embarrassed at his own self. He’s never been good at this part. Tim sits up a bit, leaning on his elbow. He looks a little surprised, but not shocked at the sudden change in topic.
“I mean, I figured?” he says. Jon’s brain short circuits.
“You… What?”
Tim gestures to the black ring on Jon’s middle finger. “The ring. That’s an ace thing, right?”
“Oh!” Jon looks down at his hand. “Yes, uh.” Georgie gave it to him, shortly after he figured out he was ace. She was the first person to accept that he didn’t really want sex, and she was integral in helping him discover that there was a word for the way he felt. “I— Sometimes I forget I’m wearing it, and that other people know what it means.” Tim nods.
Jon plows on, unable to stop talking. He hasn’t dated in a long time, since before he got the head archivist position, so he hasn’t had to do the ‘coming out to a potential romantic partner’ spiel in a while. He’s always anxious about it, but with Tim, he’s terrified. Not that he thinks Tim will react badly, but… Every person he’s dated since Georgie lost interest after he came out to them. He knows that, statistically, his asexuality couldn’t have been the reason for all of them, especially when he considered his difficult personality, but the last thing Jon wants is to ruin what he and Tim have now.
“I don’t experience sexual attraction, I never have, and I just want you to know that sex isn’t something I’m interested in, except on very rare occasions. An— and it’s nothing you’ve done, it’s just me. It’s how I am.” He wishes he could blame it on a low libido, but it’s a lot more complicated than that.
Tim is looking at him with such gentleness that he thinks he might cry.
“Jon,” he says, “That is okay. More than okay, really. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable.”
“I mean— I don’t—“ Jon sighs, “I know that sex is something that you enjoy.”
Tim laughs a little, because now it’s his turn to explain a complicated subject.
“Yeah, sure, I have been known to enjoy casual sex,” an understatement, “But it’s not something I’ve been doing lately.” He sighs, unsure of how to explain it. “After Danny I was just… Numb, for so long, and hooking up with people was an easy way to feel something. It was a coping mechanism, I guess, but it really wasn’t healthy, so I stopped. Not that I stopped hooking up with people completely, but y’know, going on dates with people first and making more genuine connections instead of just… using them. And then Prentiss happened, and well, I haven’t exactly been sleeping with anybody.
“I know what my reputation was in Research. and I first liked you because you were never all judgmental about that. So if you never want to have sex with me, I’m fine with that.”
“Well, I didn’t say never,” Jon mutters. He knows he gives off a ‘never’ kind of vibe, (and he was, for a long time, until he figured out what he likes and how he likes it), but he genuinely enjoys sex, on occasion. Usually the issue is that he’s too much in his own head, thinking too much about the logistics, the vulnerability required, that it’s too much trouble, but it can be different with someone he trusts.
“That didn’t come out right,” Tim says, “I don’t want you to think that you’re a burden, or something. Because you’re not, and I want to give this a go, with you, because you’re you, and I love you.”
Jon stares at Tim, dumbstruck for a moment, because it is such a painfully Tim way to say it, and Jon once again feels like he could cry.
“Thank you,” he says, “I appreciate you saying that. Other people have not taken it well, in the past.”
“Fuck that,” Tim responds, “I’m sorry people were shitty.”
“Guess we’ve got that in common,” Jon says.
“Yeah,” Tim sighs, “Bi ace solidarity?”
Jon nods and leans in closer to Tim. “Kiss me?”
Tim doesn’t need to be asked twice. He’s been thinking about it fairly often for the past few weeks. He presses his lips against Jon’s, gentle and chaste.Jon melts against him. Tim doesn’t want to push things too far, since they haven’t had a real conversation about boundaries, so they just trade soft, sweet kisses for a while. It feels simultaneously novel and intimate, and Tim finds himself thinking that he would be content to stay in this moment forever.
After some time, Jon pulls away, a small grin across his face.
“Alright?” Tim asks gently.
“Very much so,” Jon replies.
“Hey, if we’re dating, is it weird if I still call you boss?” Tim asks, humor back in his voice.
“Only if you’re into that,” Jon deadpans, and Tim laughs that delighted laugh he reserves for when Jon surprises him with a joke.
“Oh Christ,” Jon says, as he thinks about the implications of dating someone who is technically his employee, “HR is gonna be a nightmare about this.”
“I mean… Who says we have to tell them?” Tim says, and Jon stares at him, affronted. “Yes, alright, I’m sure the employee handbook has lots to say on the subject, but this stopped being a normal job the moment we got attacked by a worm lady, so forgive me if I don’t see the point in doing the proper HR paperwork.”
“I suppose you have a point.”
“I genuinely don’t think there’s much we can do at this point that would make Elias fire us. And if he did fire us for dating I would leave a hell of a bad review on GlassDoor.”
Jon smiles. “I don’t think academics really use GlassDoor.”
“Whatever,” Tim shrugs, “I think HR would also have a thing or two to say about me sharing a bed with my boss every night for the past few months.”
Jon’s face goes red at that. “Yes, alright. We won’t tell anyone.”
“I’ll make it up to you. We could go on a real, proper date? Go out to dinner, maybe see a movie?”
“I haven’t been to the cinema in ages,” Jon says, “ ‘Would be nice.”
Tim snickers. “Cinema. Alright, Grandad.”
Jon kisses him again to silence his teasing.
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