#lots of cool stuff going on. trying to be postive. no matter what we have to keep going
fisherfurbearer · 4 years
Keeping busy this week, now that the weather has finally turned around. We're in a pretty good place, physically. Place we rent is actually owned by Jessie's dad, HOA laws are fairly lax, and most importantly the neighbors who matter are super chill. I have big plans for the rest of the year and into the next, and this is the official start of it.
Besides the literal HOURS of research I've already put into Outdoor Plans, most of the existing areas are already weeded, we now have mulch being delivered on friday, which we'll spread over the weekedn. I'm also starting to rake and collect leaves today for composting, which I'm pretty excited about. Going to ask the neighbor for help removing some ugly and weedy shrubs along the property line too. Should give are old hackberry some more growing space, and give us much better sunlight in the backyard. c:
Also have some plans for an outdoor aviary (!!!!) for the two lovebirds (Danny and Papillon, of course!), which I think they'll really enjoy. It'll probably be 4'x8' in footprint, and I'm putting a lot of effort into making sure my design is as predator-proof and safe as possible. Pretty excited about it, they're gonna love it, though it'll be a little longer until I get it started!
I've also done some re-working of the rat enclosure...it's cool and functional, but it was never properly finished after the fire, and there's a few changes I'd like to make to make it easier to clean. After this is done, I'll be moving them from the spare room (which is TOO COLD) into the warmer office room, where they can hang out next to my art desk. Jessie's going to help me go through all my art stuff and get those situated on my supply rack so I can get back into that, which is exciting. I have a lot of big plans, but I still need to take things slowly.
It's...really looking like "normal" jobs aren't an option for me anymore, for so many reasons, and there's no way I'm ever going back to retail. I have Plans that are Sooner than my initial Future Plans, but it's still very tricky and there's a lot to figure out. But I have a lot of support this time and I'm taking it slow. No guarantees, yet, but I'm excited, regardless. No matter what happens, I have to keep going. Even if it's scary.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Beat the Heat
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom hasn’t had to worry about another guy taking Y/N away...but the heat? Well that’s a story worth telling.
A/N: Only 1 more part left after this?! 🥺 Definitely not trying to prolong the wait on this just so QS can live on.
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden? | Birthday Date Night | Orinthophobia
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Summer in London was anything but hot. It was your typical short, comfortable, partly cloudy type of summer with periods of rain here and there. It’s rarely below 60’s and never went over the 100’s. However one stubborn week in July turned out to be the hottest week London had ever seen. Forget high 90’s, the area’s temperature would push to 104 degrees that London itself might as well test postive for Cornavirus. For Tom, Y/N, Harrison, Harry, and Tuwaine, it was going to be a game of survival of the fittest.
“I swear global warming is a thing. This heat, the pandemic...It’s the end of the world!” Tuwaine groans as he desperately fans himself with his hand.
“Relax you drama queen.” Tom replies, as he sets up the air conditioner. “Okay so according to the Nest. If I just tilt the circle to left, it should turn the AC on in about 10 minute.” He states, reading the instructions aloud in hopes that cooling device works as expected.
“Well that was easy. So as long as we all stay inside and hydrated, we should be fine and there wont be any need for hand fanning.” Y/N justifies as she looks at Tuwaine, who was still fanning himself with his own hand.
“What? I sweat a lot when Im hot. Im just doing my part.” Tuwaine defends, as he shrugs his shoulder. “When the ten minutes pass and the air is on, I’ll stop fanning.”
Surprisingly, the air conditioner was working as expected! Tom had never felt so proud of himself, that it was all he talked about for the remainder of the day to everyone in the household. Especially since Y/N’s career was all so focused on technology. Tom wanted to make her proud and show that he too can handle techy stuff on his own. “See Y/N, I programmed the Nest all by myself, and I even downloaded the app so I can change the temperature from my phone no matter where I am.” He gloats proudly. “If you feel hot when Im away in Berlin, you can call me and I’ll lower the temp for you.”
Y/N rolls her eyes while she laughs at her fiance’s nerdiness. Of course she knew just about anyone could figure out how to work a nest, but Tom was so proud of what he’s accomplished, she couldn’t really stop him from celebrating his personal victory. “What about me? If I get hot will you turn down the temp for me when you’re in Berlin?” Harrison mocked, as he batted his eyelashes to his best mate.
“You have a phone. You can do it yourself.” Tom says bluntly as he comes around to Y/N’s side on the couch.
“So does she!” Harrison points, accusingly.
“Yeah...but it’s Y/N.” Tom points out, speaking as if it was the most obvious reason.
Harrison turns his face back to the television shaking his head, mumbling “Whipped.” with a slight smirk.
Tom did not hesitate to throw an extremely large pillow toward his best friend before saying, “Of course I am, you div. That’s why I proposed to her and not you.”
Later that night, Y/N and Tom had already cuddled into bed, falling into a deep slumber...Well one more than the other. It got extremely hot for Y/N as she noticed the change in atmosphere. The air felt much warmer, her body feeling slick and sticky from her sweat. The heavy comforter, Tom’s arm wrapped around her body, and his warm breath behind her neck were making her extremely uncomfortable. It wasn’t odd for Y/N to move a little in her sleep. Tom was very much aware of that the moment they spent their first night together, but it was rare that she’d push him off and face the other side with no blankets covering her.
Tom felt an emptiness in his arms, and no extra weight on his legs and waist. Something was definitely off for him, and he lazily put his hand out to feel for Y/N with his eyes still closed. “Y/N?” He grumbled in his sleep, trying to cuddle back to her. “Why...you move?”
“Too hot.” Y/N mumbled back as she pushed him away again. “AC broken.”
“Fuck.” Tom groans, as both tried to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible for Tom to go back to sleep. Not only was it extremely hot, but he didnt have Y/N on top of him. A position he’s so used to sleeping in his own bed. He certainly wasn’t going to let a good 8 hours of sleep do him dirty like this. He rolled off the bed, as he padded his barefeet on the hardwood floor. Tom went downstairs finding exactly what he needed, carrying the bulk slowly as to minimize the noise and avoid dropping them.
He makes it back to his room, where Y/N rolled on her side snoring peacefully. Tom shook his head smiling at how adorable she looked even though it was probably way too early and dark to even make that assumption, but there was no need. He knew Y/N always looked beautiful to him even on her worst days. Tom plugged the two fans in, turning it to the highest setting. Air was blasting through the fans as it turned rapidly. The room that was once hot and sticky, was now cool and refreshing. In fact it started to get so much cooler, Y/N could feel the goosebumps on her arms. Her eyes were still closed but she instinctively turned on her other side, facing Tom. “Mm. It’s cold.” She mumbles in her sleep.
Tom smiles at her, slowly lifting her leg onto his and pulling her close. “I know darling. Come ‘ere. I’ll keep you warm.” His arm was now wrapped her waist, and he smiled even brighter in victory. As if a broken AC was ever going to prevent Tom’s cuddling sleep with Y/N. Broken house appliances should know about Tom is that when it comes to Y/N...if there’s a will, there’s a way.
The next morning, Y/N and the boys had already made their way to the kitchen, installing mini fans around the house. Tom was the last to come down after his victorious slumber, where he was greeted by a sacastic applause from his best mates. “Well done, Tom. Absolutely smashed it with the AC.” Harry cheers, sweat already drippin from his forehead.
“Yeah and nice going stealing the fans last night.” Harrison laughed, chiming in.
“Oh piss off.” Tom scowls at his younger brother, making his way to the Nest. “I don’t understand. I followed the directions.” He groans trying to check what went wrong.
YN popped up from the back, phone in hand. “Well sorry boys, looks like we wont have a working AC until the end of this week.”
“What?!” The three boys shot up in unison.
“Yeah, the AC’s parts are really old, but the electric company said that they can order new ones today and have it installed on Friday..so no worries guys. We’ll all just sleep downstairs in the meantime, till then.”
They all groaned loudly, like the drama queens they were, making their own way. Tom comes up behind Y/N. “Uhh that totally defeats the whole purpose of why I put those mini fans in our room last night.” He objected with a cheeky smile his face.
“Thomas Stanely Holland. You do not steal fans for yourself just so you have an excuse to cuddle me in your sleep.” She teasingly chastises, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Steal?! I’ll have you know I don’t steal fans..I gain them.” He wiggles his eyebrows ar Y/N, making her laugh. “Plus don’t act liek you didn’t love cuddling with me last night to protect you from the cold.”
“Stop. That’s too cheesy.” She snorts, trying to walk away from him.
“Make me, darling.” He dares, holding her in place as he continues to wiggle his eyebrows.
Y/N smiles at him, her hands slowly making their face to both sides of his face. His eyes closes, as she gently strokes on side of his cheekbone down to his jawline. She leans ever so slowly into him, just barely touching his lips. Toms arms around her loosen, ready to lift her chin up just so their lips could close the painful tiny distance of air. It was then Y/N took her shot, and ran away from Tom, yelling at Harrison that Tom was going to steal the fans for himself.
“Hey! That’s cheating!” Tom yells out, chasing after Y/N.
“No that’s called being clever.” Y/N cackles, poorly mocking her fiance’s British accent.
“God I cant wait for this AC to start working again.” Tom groans as he makes his way after Y/N.
@hollanddolanfangirl @parkerspillow @joyleenl @kihyunwifes @holland-bowen @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @marvelobsessedteenager @viwihere
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