rbl-m1a2tanker · 6 years
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Dye-cember-2018 Challenge 1 - Armored Marie Baker
An armored Starfleet member, Chief Marie Baker, belonging to LordTrekie and drawn up by Gregg Paulsen.  Still love this armored design.  Wish it was in Star Trek Online. That would be sweet.
Original image: Not online anywhere.   
And so begins this years Dye-Cember Art Challenge.  Off we go!
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falloutcascadia · 7 years
replied to your
Sinkhole, from initial sketch to concept art! (Fun...
I think you meant not-fun fact. :P
We must laugh at ourselves.  The alternative is to cry.  Cry, and move into a tent next to the Rainier offramp with my 12 roommates.
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Ask you ?'s About Your OC, 1, 7, 15, 17, 21, 24.
1. Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?Alastor was originally created for a forum RP called Xavier’s Institute of Higher Learning: Path of Heroes. In this he was a soldier of fortune/bounty hunter who was thrown into a conflict between SHIELD and Mutant Kind before this all escalated into the Skrull Invasion. Alastor is currently participating in the sequel to this game Marvel Heroes: Resurgence, where he has revealed to some, that he was actually a Mercenary, and is now actively working within his network to destabilize SHIELD in order to rescue Charles Xavier.
7. What does your OC look for in a friend? Do they value friendship? Alastor’s primary aspect for friendship is trustworthiness, he’s very paranoid, concerned for those he considers family, and his own well being. You don’t have to be a big badass, or super strong, just trustworthiness is enough to earn his respect.
15. Does your OC have any awful fears? In the past Alastor’s greatest fear was that of fire. However over the past few years, with his relationship with, and marriage to Lupin, he’s gotten more used to it. It still has the potential to cause him to lock up, if it’s traumatic enough, but he’s overcome it mostly.
17. They have any guilty pleasures? Alastor is an unashamed sexual hedonist, he doesn’t exactly flaunt it but he’s not ashamed of it. He’s extremely monogamous, save one example, but in this relationship he, and his partner, relish in each others sexual desires, drive, and performance.
21. Name an embarrassing moment that your muse has been in. While he’s not embarrassed of it now, there was that one incident in South America, that if you talk about you get sent on a mission to protect elephants in the Congo. But in a nutshell he and his boss got under the influence of some sort of chemical and went on such an evening they destroyed their hotel room.
24. Have you ever gotten anon hate because of your OC? Yes, still do on occasion. A certain group of people who all gather around each other and give each others egos a good stroking took a sudden disliking to me after one of their members proved to be very immature, I had what equated to a year of RP hell because of it. I am aware that they have talked bad about me to others, and they’ve cost me followers and partners because of their lies, but i won’t descend to their level, they tried to get me to do it, they almost succeeded, but I’m better than that.
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theivorydagger · 9 years
Callista: Prussian, Vincent: Electric =P
Callista: Of course! I’m very comfortable with who and what I am and I have very little shame, at least in regards to this sort of stuff. Now I’m not saying I’d just go at it in the middle of a crowded location like a mall, but somewhere in a public venue where you could get caught? A refresher, changing room, or even a clean alley way? All within the realm of possibilities if the partner I’m with has me excited enough.
Vincent: Lingerie. To an exceeding point. Now yes regular under garments have their place. I wouldn’t have a woman wear Lingerie all the time that would be impractical and just a horrible thing to do. I don’t want to imagine wearing a garter belt inside a flight suit while piloting, but in the realm of privacy? Certainly. I have been known, on more than one occasion, to actually buy a lady or two a few pieces, even if I don’t immediately get to see it in action. Simply because, well, I’m a generous fellow.
Callista: (You get a bonus answer cause the mun is somewhat hung over and mistook Persian for Prussian) Only one? Alright. Let’s go with a simple one, that way you have to earn the others. You know the little window in my outfit? It’s not just for getting attention and distraction. You see they’re very sensitive when I want them to be. So sensitive that a nice cool breeze can be a very invigorating experience if I want it to be. So I do very very much like when someone gives good and proper attention to them. Or when I use them to give good and proper attention to someone else.
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jedimastertank · 10 years
OOC: Additional Switched Mirror AU comments
Some additional thoughts on the Switched Mirror Universe mentioned previously with Jedi Master Tankette. 
The Switched Universe (SU) may seem a difficult concept to wrap ones mind around, but it is actually fairly easy to work with. Key historical events between the Prime Universe (ours) and the Switched Universe are the same. For example, the American Civil War would have happened in both, the first and second battles for DS9 would have happened, the Battle of Yavin and Endor takes place in both universes, and so on. The twist comes in by 'switching' certain subtle parts, such as societal norms and genders, and certain events in a characters past. For example, in the SU Star Wars and Star Trek galaxies, women run things more often than not and take a strong lead in most day-to-day events compared to the Prime universe where it is more familiar of having men being predominately in charge.
Keep in mind, a gender switch of a character actually need not happen, just usually does, but something else may have happened to a SU character that did not happen to a Prime Universe character.
Basically, one need only take a pre-existing character, switch the gender if they wish, and make other tweaks in their personal history to make them unique and different from their Prime Universe counterparts. Perhaps they had a harder childhood, or they made different career choices, that still led them to where they currently are. A Jedi that was male, on the Sentinel track, and didn't have as much combat experience in the Prime universe may be female, on the Guardian track, and participated in several major battles instead in the Switched universe.
This whole concept was something that was worked up a bit between myself, Bidujador of DeviantART, and further elaborated with AlastorZingari and LordTrekie.  But mostly Alastor.  Cause we find that particular universe rather fascinating.  It'd be fun if they actually did something similar in Star Trek. 
In the case of Tank and Tankette, they are definitely distinctly different, outside of the obvious gender switch.  If anyone is interested, I can link to the bio that's floating around on a wiki somewhere.
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 7 years
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Another flats preview of a work in progress.  Three new characters take the stage: Laura Baker (belonging to https://alastorzingari.deviantart.com/ ), Lana Charwood (belonging to me), and Emma Baker (belonging to https://lordtrekie.deviantart.com/ ).  And they're hanging out on the beach, cause why not?
Highlights will come along, eventually.  Lineart was by jorgefranco, commissioned by me.
Original lines here: https://jorgefranco.deviantart.com/art/Ready-for-Summer-727197977
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 7 years
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Marie Baker by HarpyQueen - Colored by RBL-M1A2Tanker
This was a commission I acquired from the ever talented HarpyQueen (also known as Amberly Berendson) some time ago of LordTrekie's character, Chief Marie Baker, with the intentions of coloring it up.  Well, I finally finished it.
I don't have much to say about this, other than that the hair is still my bane, but it doesn't look bad here.  I'll run with it for the moment.
Also, don't think @lordtrekie had seen it before, soo...surprise!  And if he had, he likely forgot, so surprise! :D
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 5 years
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Dye-cember-2019 Challenge 12 - Admiral Marie Baker
A sketch of Lord Trekie’s character Marie Baker as an Admiral in an alternate "Switched Mirror" universe, as drawn by Aerianr.  I had said I'd color her up, and so I have.  Promise maintained! :D
Original image: Not shown online
Links https://www.deviantart.com/rbl-m1a2tanker https://www.deviantart.com/lordtrekie https://www.deviantart.com/aerianr
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 7 years
Tagged by: @agentjjkelly
1. what does your muse smell like? Probably a mixture of lubricant, sweat, dust, and maybe blood, depending on the moment.
2. how often does your muse bath/shower? any habits? Generally daily if he is able.
Habits: Not particularly, he gets in, washes off, and that's it.  
3. does your muse have any tattoos or piercing? No.  Different versions have scars, but no tattoos or piercings.
4. any body movement quirks ( ex.knee shakes )? Sometimes a random eyebrow raise
5. what do they sleep in? A bed.  Oh, closthing wise? Shorts, maybe shorts and a shirt.
6. what’s their favorite piece of clothing? That which covers him.  He's not particular, he keeps it pretty simple and practical.
7. what do they do when they wake up? Gets dressed, starts work, be it a workout or a mission.  
8. how do they sleep? position? Back or side
9. what do their hands feel like? Rough and callused.  You don't act as a pilot, an engineer and a Jedi without getting some roughed up hands.
10. if you kissed them, what would they usually taste like? Confusion, and maybe the taste of his last drink?  
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it, but we’ll throw @admiraltade @lordtrekie and @alastor-the-executioner under the buss, cause that’s how I roll.
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 7 years
I was tagged by @agentjjkelly to play the 11 Questions Game.
Rules: Answer the questions asked by the tagger, then list 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions.
My questions:    1. If you could spend a day in any time period in history what would it be? Hmm...as a historian, that's a tough question to answer. There's so many places I'd like to check out.  I honestly can't pick one.    2. And why? There's just too many time periods I'd like to see, but I would also be concerned about messing something up and affecting the timeline.  It doesn't have to be a major ripple (saying the Japanese will attack Pearl Harbor, for example).  You could accidentally do something that is minor, like saving a child from getting hit by a car, and they grow up to change the entire course of history somehow.  Back to the Future and Star Trek have certainly made me wary of such things. :P    3. What’s your favorite drink? Tea is generally my favorite these days, now that I've pretty much cut all soda out of my diet (otherwise it was Pepsi).       4. If you could learn one skill at the snap of a finger what would it be? How to draw characters and scenes really well. I can color already and write, but drawing is something I just haven't had the time to devote to.     5. What is your favorite book from when you were young? Hmm...I certainly read the Little House On The Prairie a lot back in the day.  I suppose that would be it.     6. What color socks do you you have on right now? None. Unless you count sweatpants being pulled over the feet?     7. What is your favorite season? It's a tie between mid Spring and mid Fall, cause it's the right comfortable temperature, everything is still green, and it's just generally comfortable, overall.     8. Have you ever traveled out of the US? No, but I would love to do so. Need the passport and the funds to do both (get the passport and travel).     9. What is your least favorite thing to do on a daily basis? Make use of the facilities to 'drop the kids off at the pool.'  *shrugs* It is what it is.     10. What was your favorite toy when you were little? A favorite toy...LEGO.  Still is, truth be told.  Not that I've had as much opportunity to mess with'em.     11. If you could eat one thing right now what would it be? Probably would be a pizza.  Cause they're tasty.
My questions: 1. If you were made to transform into something, be it a werewolf, Hulk type character or something completely random, what would you transform into? 2. And why? 3. Guns or Bows? 4. What's the craziest thing you have ever done? 5. What's the worst medical issue you have had? 6. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the winnings? 7. Favorite vehicle? 8. Preference: Boobs/Pecs or butt? 9. What is the premise to a story you would like to see written, but haven't seen anyone do yet? 10. If you could be part of any fictional world for a day, what fictional world would you most like to enter? 11. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
Tagging: (actually tagging for a change) @alastor-the-executioner @agentjjkelly @agentsterling @theshay-shay @admiraltade @adamihle @thatsthat24 @lordtrekie @asecretagentleman @strikelikeahawk @therapardalis
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 9 years
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It’s the flying putty tats!
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