#lord help me i'm back on my long incoherent dadposting bullshit
spelviin · 4 years
ok i know i was getting all pumped up for a prison break storyline, but the POTENTIAL of a courtroom drama. 
like, first of all, just the concept of glenn being held to account for his actions for once. one hundo percent here for it on that basis alone lmao. 
second of all, the other dads finding out, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when glenn stole the van back in waterdeep, it genuinely was for his own selfish reasons rather than just wanting to protect his son. like we know they had their suspicions from the word go, and i feel like all the dads have grown so close at this point that it won’t be like. a friendship-ender or anything, but it will defs be interesting to see their reaction to having that shit confirmed, ESPECIALLY right after they all put their own lives on the line and opened themselves up to the very real possibility of PERMADEATH to save his ass. 
but honestly the most appealing thing abt the prospect of a courtroom drama, is the fact that nick will, in all likelihood, be called upon as a key character witness and asked to testify on glenn’s behalf. likely asked to testify under some zone-of-truth-esque deal, this bein a court of law and all that. and fuckin. 
the idea of nicolas close walking up to the stand, intending to keep up with his usual hero-worship, “my-dad-can-do-no-wrong” schtick, but under an honestly enchantment, and ending up just fucking UNLOADING to the court and his grandfather and most importantly, glenn himself, EXACTLY how he really feels about him and his parenting style? i can’t think of a better way to get into the meat of this arc.
like, nick tries so hard to act cool and chill and un-needy for his dad, but it’s just fucking IMPOSSIBLE that there isn’t some level of resentment brewing underneath. it’s impossible that he isn’t angry that his dad is gone all the time, that he’s so uninvolved, that he refuses to even come close to making any real emotional connection with him, even after all these years that it’s been just the two of them. it’s impossible that he doesn’t know, deep down, that he doesn’t need a manchild best friend. he needs a dad, he needs his fucking dad, and his dad has utterly failed him in so many ways, and fucking hell i want that shit to come out. and i want it to be fucking brutal. 
because i feel like that’s the only thing that could actually prompt glenn to make a change. unlike all the other dads, i feel like glenn is the only one who hasn’t even admitted to himself that he has a problem. darryl and ron were clear pretty much from the word go that they were not on top of things in the dad game, henry was also pretty stubborn, but given his constant underlying fear of himself, it’s pretty obvious that on some level, he has always been aware of his shortcomings. (and even then, it still took being utterly emotionally broken down and having his entire sense of self shattered to get him to provoke real change in him). but glenn? dude is still fully, 100% in denial. fuckin neck deep in that shit. which is why i think it’s such a good idea to force him to look dead on at the consequences of his actions and behaviours.  
and like even then, having a room full of people and his own fucking deadbeat dad sit him down and explain to him exactly what a dickhead he’s been would still probably slide off his back like water off a damn duck. but from nick? from nick, it might actually stick. it might actually get through to him, in a way that no other *living* (on earth, at least) person could, that he actually needs to get his shit together and step up his game and be a fucking father for once. honestly, i just want this entire courtroom, but ESPECIALLY. nick, to tear that bitch apart, just break him the fuck down and force him to confront himself so that he can actually rebuild as a decent father and human being. 
(also depending on how quick the trial goes maybe glenn gets sent to shitty dad jail and THEN we get our prison break bc i mean. idk man i’m a simple bitch i just really love a good prison break.) 
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