#lookit her she sittin!!
azurityarts · 2 years
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doodle of the kibby!
she smiling :D
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elkenbulwark · 9 months
@wildskissed cont.
If she thought him audacious in merely telling her what to expect of their little traveling arrangement now that he knew what sort of selective suitor operation she'd been a part of this whole time, then she was really going to think he shared blood with tanarukk with how hellish of a process he could turn toting her cross the entirety of the damned Sword Coast. The same way he'd be dragging Ren along tossed over his shoulder and roughly jostled at each bump in the road encountered if the two hadn't fallen apart-flung towards different corners of Fae'run with only Baldur's Gate serving as a place they could reasonably find one another again given Birvor's tether to the upper city and Ren's confinement to...well, his own room.
Though the height of her voice surprised him, climbing as if to reach where he towered like she thought he couldn't hear her down there, when really- he just didn't want to now that considering how her mouth sounded around certain words just drove the dagger half stuck in his back in deeper, he had hardly backed down from louder, larger foes before- and he wasn't about to start with a shove that merely earned a grunt for all its effort. Knocked back just a step that he took himself, his upper folded over just slightly as if catching the hit in his chest was just the barricade needed for him to reach up and snag the slender wrist attached to the strike- and it was. Though there was enough power in the firm grip grappled about the thinnest area of bone in her arm to snap it with ease, he held it with the care he'd fostered in forcing Ren about without actually leaving a mark on the other. It was a patient skill, and it came with many an elbow to the jaw and shoves to the lower back to send his balance reeling.
"There uh counterspell fer offense, then? 'Cause I'm bout to be sendin' heaps've it back your way if you even think-" His voice a low growl-ever mindful of who would stir first from inside their tents at the commotion and come to investigate, still struggled with its boiling point, threatened to boil over the longer he struggled to keep it under a lid. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, tusks ground in to his lip as he hoped in vain that she'd understand just what this was doing to him.
Keeping her hand pinned to his chest at the initial blow point, he gave her wrist another squeeze while finding the fury in her gaze with his half hidden beneath the furrow of his brow. "If you think I'm all for learnin' hows to say bye to ya sooner- 'cause I'm not. It's bloody well hard, innit? I can't even...proper lookit ya right now." He didn't want to forget the soft expression she'd affixed to him the night prior because he knew once he committed to ensuring her and Ren's paths crossed, she'd have nothing but the disdain he always thought she should have showed him from the very start of their forced adventure.
The force of her finger jabbing at his collarbone only coaxed a tighter grip upon her arm, and though it was hard, he tipped his head back to regard the agitation roiling behind the amethyst of her eyes and clicked his teeth. "Oh, don't threaten me with a good time, would you? You're sittin' there cross with me while you're one what's got the pret'y little, plotted out, perfect life lined up, and I'm bein' gen'rous enough to get you there." As far as the rituals and practices of elven families went, he couldn't comment or even think to ask why it had been so important to the Cragdews that Ren and another elf were to have relations, but then again, it was not part of his usefulness to care on the matter, though now that he knew her better and the feeling of her lips and the way she held him, he had begun to start- and it was irksome to say the least.
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"...were you ever gonna tell me 'bout this...'arrangement', huh? Or am I just more amusin' to watch stumble round in the dark? Go on, tell me. Since yer 'pinion matters the most here."
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ineedaslurpee · 4 years
What are some of your fav tumblrs that you follow/follow you?
 am i some sorta sleazeball greaser jack givin out bullshit answers’ if i say it’s definitely alla the people i’ve been scrollin by and keepin up with for years? mighta been asked this bout 3x recently so i’m throwin em atcha, now watch me list everybody i’ve ever talked to or followed but just hummina hummina lookit all these cool cats. 
 @hauntedbyillangelsonly n her luvbug were kind enough to lemme tag along for a concert in February! lil did i know it’d be a yodeler teacher and a drunk uncle ha. @snuffbait we shared a roof with the terrible twosome in 2016 and she’s the one reason i’ll never regret it and after the stormy seas her busy bee ass needs to know i’m comin over! 
@waymorecake4me, @windows93p, @entropydemons, @sunflower-vixxen, @street-piss, @rawzzilk, @dairyfairyspittingcherries, @pitygirl, @thebrideofbaal, @angel-bruises, @parishiltonsextape380 are all wonderful folks and i’m sure i’m missin even more. ❤❤❤
apparently some of my actual most liked are @clowntoys, @funfatti, @hhellgirll, @brewdz. 💕
other recommendations're @punchlineofficial, @boringbimbo, @carathebloom, @attractive-decoy, @cupidcore, @kates-bush, @selfishlittlewhore, @trailerparknoir, @tramp--stamp, @cling2something, @batpupp, @drugstoreangel, @wuorno, @lollipopwrapper1, @beelzebub-barbie and i’d be sittin here forever if i listed anymore! 
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meyerlansky · 4 years
what’s the dust, reggie. explain yourself.
pogo deserves it and the house deserves it, but i don’t think grace necessarily deserves it
i do not understand why luther and allison go up instead of down
the ONLY ONE she doesn’t have nasty memories associated with as she’s walking through the rooms is five. if they don’t let that be significant in s2, if they don’t at least acknowledge that he’s the ONLY ONE she doesn’t have white-violin rage towards, i’m gonna be MAD
even in the portrait scene, his chin’s tipped down and he’s not standing up straight despite reggie JUST telling them all to. it’s not a lot but it’s SOMETHING.
of course he knew, vanya.
vanya looking down and then looking up as the white violin is an amazing shot and i love it
ahhh the moon at the very top of frame as vanya walks out of the mansion
how the FUCK does five know vanya exploded the academy. where has he been. he doesn’t know she was locked up, he doesn’t know she has powers, he just RUNS IN FROM OFF SCREEN TALKING ABOUT NEWSPAPERS, they don’t have CELL PHONES IN THIS UNIVERSE. it’s the biggest instance of lazy writing i can think of in the whole show and it ticks me off SO much, god 9 and 10 are the most frustrating episodes because of it
the handler should’ve had a much gnarlier scar after that explosion than the one she has tbh
white violin vanya is hot as fuck and i’m not sorry for thinking it
DIEGO being the one to say “there’s always options” and FIVE being the one to say “we can’t give her a chance to fight back” is so unbelievably out of character for both of them i cannot even fucking handle it
sknsdknfnkf five scooting to the side and ben squaring up to catch the bowling ball, they’re both cute
hazel is that burnt cinnamon roll meme in this ep tbh
girl on bus: having her gay awakening because ellen page is five feet away in a suit
it’s a serious and emotional scene, but the shot of allison and luther’s bowling shoes shuffling the notepad back and forth is SO funny to watch
five, stop fucking leaving in the middle of family meetings, goddamn boy
luther is honestly not a great leader.
come up with a better plan than “kill vanya,” asshole.
S! A! T-U-R! D-A-Y! NIGHT!
i will say for everything else i cannot stand about her, i appreciate that the handler eats like a human? there’s none of that dainty ladylike eating in front of other people bullshit that no one actually manages to do ever, and  i can respect that
WHEN will hollywood make light-color contacts not look like shit. they never look good.
if luther would just LISTEN to anyone but himself maybe everything wouldn’t keep getting fucked up beyond repair
ben just sittin’ on the table in the entryway
 god poor agnes
“everyone has a past” yeah but not everyone is a temporal assassin, agnes. what are you hiding, girl.
the little trill of notes after the pause in the music when the temps agents start shooting and the orchestra runs is my favorite bit in this whole piece of music
five’s dumb ass walking directly into a firefight with no idea what’s going on. “what’s with all the lollygagging?” idiot. i hate him.
“this is not good” thanks sir states-the-obvious-a-lot
the bentacles!!!
the look on five’s FACE when he sees ben is agonizing
the look on KLAUS’ face when vanya starts glowing is also agonizing but for different reasons
i know this is like the central irony of all stories involving time travel but the fact that the exact thing they were trying to avoid happens because they fuck up so many fucking times and if they just didn’t do the shit they did it wouldn’t have happened that way fucking kills me
the complete and utter panic in five’s face when they notice the moon chunk. augh.
and his little hair-floofing gesture, iirc he only does it one other time, after klaus tells them reginald killed himself
they are remarkably calm for the world ending tbh
“should we be taking her?” ASSHOLE! asshole. complete asshole.
lowkey five better be out of commission for a solid three days at the start of s2 because this is a ridiculous amount of energy to expend
...WHERE did hazel get a briefcase. did the handler have one with her.
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athena-athena · 5 years
Million Dollar Secret (Yondu x Reader)
A/N: I always struggle with naming fics, and I normally turn to song titles to try to find a name for them.  I put iTunes on shuffle to find a name for this one tonight, and Million Dollar Secret by Lucius popped up after a few tries.  It is perfect.  
The lyrics:
I've got a million dollar secret Can't tell you what it is, I'm keeping it to myself, I won't give it away
I've got a million dollar secret Hope I have the courage to keep it in Won't give in and just give it away
If you really wanna know, baby, come a little closer and I'll whisper in your ear Maybe I'll have forgotten what I was gonna say but Come a little closer, let me whisper in your ear anyway
You can ask over and over But I'm not ready to tell ‘Cause I have all your attention This feeling is suspended in air And I can keep it as long as I may need it Have all your attention as long as it's a mystery
I've got this million dollar secret I think it's best for now that I hold strong But maybe I'll share it at the end of this song
Tagged List:  @celticheart72 @misfitgirlwrites @animeaniseed (As always, just let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to/from my tagged list!  💙)
Warnings:  None.  Teensy bit of angst, but mostly fluff.  
Sitting in the mess hall after dinner, you listened to Yondu talking, while you absentmindedly swirled your glass of water around.  
“When me an’ tha boys were at tha bar last night, there was an asshole in there that jus’ would not shut ‘is stupid mouth.  Kept botherin’ tha waitress, an’ it was obvious she weren’t interested in ‘im. An’ I told ‘im ta leave her alone, an’ he got all smart an’ wanted ta start a fight. So I said to ‘im, if ya know what’s good fer ya, ya won’t take another step. An’ then he did, so I sent my arrow through ‘im.  He ain’t gonna be botherin’ nobody again… Are ya even listenin’ ta me?”
“I said, are ya listenin’ ta me?”
“Of course, I am.”
"No, ya ain’t.  Ya ain't payin' a bit of attention ta what I'm tellin' ya."
"That's not true."
"Then what was I sayin'?"
"Um... y’all went to a bar last night.”
"That's all ya got outta all that?"
You crinkled your nose.  "Sorry."
"I don't understand why yer actin' like this. It ain't like ya ta ignore me. 'S'almost like yer in love or somethin'."
His eyes widened in realization. "That's it, ain't it? Yer in love."
"Don't be ridiculous, Yondu!  Of course I'm not.  I'm just distracted, that's all."
"Now ya know ya can't lie ta me.  I can see right through ya, so ya might as well come clean."
"I'm not lying."
"Yer fiddlin' with yer hair. That's a sure sign ya ain't bein' completely honest. I know all yer tells."
"You do not!"
He grinned. "Yeah, I do. So who's tha lucky man?"
"I am not in love, so you can stop asking about it."
His grin widened, and he said, "Now yer playing with tha zipper on yer jacket.  ‘Nother giveaway that ya ain't bein' honest with me."
You dropped your zipper and placed your hands on the table in front of you to keep you from doing anything else to give you away.  
Yondu laughed.  “Lookit me.”
“No.”  You were determined to look anywhere other than him, and focused your attention on the control panel on the wall.
“Ya can’t, ‘cause ya know I’ll see right through yer lies if ya do.”
“That’s not true, I just don’t want to give you the satisfaction of doing what you say.”
He laughed again.  “C’mon, now.”  He cupped your chin in his hand and turned your head gently so you had no choice but to look at him.
“I ain’t gonna let this go, ya know.”
“Oh, believe me, I know.”
“Then ya might as well give up, an’ go on an’ admit it.”
You moved your chin out of his grasp.  “Why do you even care?”
“Well, first of all, I thought we’s friends, an’ second, I gotta right ta know what’s goin’ on with my crew members when they keep actin’ all distracted.  Tha last thing I need is fer ya ta be out on a mission an’ get distracted.”
“I’m not going to get distracted while I’m on a mission.  I know better than that.”
“But it’s okay ta ignore yer Cap’n, is it?”
“I thought we were just talking as friends, not as crew and Captain?”  You smirked.
“Think yer so clever.  What if I ordered ya ta tell me, as yer Cap’n?”
“You can’t order me to tell you something about my personal life.”
“Guess yer jus’ ashamed of whoever this fella is.”
You gave him a look.  “If I was in love, I wouldn’t be ashamed.  But I’m not in love.”
“Yer messin’ with yer hair again.”
“Oh, come on!”  You slammed your hands down on the table again.  
He chuckled.  
“I know ya almost as well as ya know yerself, an’ I know yer lyin’, an I ain’t givin’ up ‘til I know who yer in love with.  Could save us a lotta time if ya’d jus’ come clean now.  I ain’t gonna give ya a hard time.”
“You already are.”
“I mean I ain’t gonna give ya a hard time ‘bout whoever yer in love with.”
“If you knew me as well as you think you do, you’d already have your answer.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“So yer admittin’ yer in love?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Huh.  Well, it don’t matter if ya say it or not.  We both already know ya are.”
He leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms, and studied your face.
“Will you stop that?”
“I’m jus’ thinkin’.”
“Well, you don’t have to stare at me to think.”
“Ya been on this ship fer three years now, an’ this is tha first I’m noticin’ ya actin’ like this, so it can’t be nobody from Terra.”
“Will you please stop?”
“An’ ya don’t really spend much time by yerself off tha ship.”
“Stop trying to figure this out.”
“An’ ya ain’t never flirted with nobody at a bar or nothin’.”
“So it’s gotta be somebody on tha ship.  One a tha crew...”
“Just drop it, please.”
“Can’t believe ya’d be in love with one a tha crew.”
You rolled your eyes.  “I can’t believe you’re so interested in this.”
“Oh, I’m interested.  Wanna know who ‘xactly ya find attractive.”
“I honestly don’t know why you care, unless it’s just something to hold over my head.”
“Havin’ somethin’ on ya does sound nice.  Might get ya ta follow my orders fer once.”
“Shut up.”
He placed his elbows on the table, and leaned closer to you, still studying your face.
“That’s really getting annoying, you know.”
“Might as well get used ta it, ‘cause I ain’t stoppin’ ‘til I figure it out.”
Standing up, you said, “Well, I’m going to bed.  Good luck figuring it out.”
“Ya goin’ ta bed by yerself, or is yer mystery man gonna join ya?”
“Do not even think about spying outside my quarters, Yondu Udonta.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.  I’s jus’ askin’.”
“You are the worst.”
“’Night, darlin’.”
“Good night, Yondu.”
Later, as you were lying in bed, you thought back over the conversation you’d had with Yondu.  You could not believe he’d actually figured out what was going on with you.  He usually acted as though he was oblivious to things like that, but you knew he saw more than most people realized.  It was why you  should have known better than to let your guard down.  
You were paying attention to him, but you’d gotten distracted by his eyes and mouth as he talked, and you’d lost focus on what he was actually saying. And he was telling the truth – he would not let it go until he figured it out.  
You sighed, and rolled over.  You weren’t sure if he’d ever actually guess that he was the one you were in love with, but he’d eventually run out of Ravagers to consider.  The thought of Yondu trying to play matchmaker between you and one of the crew made you laugh to yourself.  Closing your eyes, you decided you’d worry about it later.
“So I’s thinkin’ ‘bout it after ya went ta bed last night, an’ I think I know who it is.”
“Good morning to you, too, Yondu.”  
“Yeah, yeah, mornin’.  Ain’t ya interested in who I think yer in love with?”
“Oh, yes, very interested.”  You picked up a plate, and started looking at your choices for breakfast.
“It’s Kraglin, ain’t it?”  
You looked at him, and realized he actually thought it was Kraglin.  He looked so proud of himself that you almost hated to tell him.  “No, it’s not Kraglin.”
“Ya sure?”
“Yeah, pretty sure.”  You picked up a muffin, placed it on your plate, and walked over to the tray covered in different pastries.  You were so thankful Cook had learned a few Terran recipes for you.  You’d spent the first few months of your time aboard the Eclector trying to find something you could manage to eat.  
“Not Kraglin, huh?”  He was standing with his hands on his hips, surveying the Ravagers already gathered in the mess hall for breakfast.
“Are you going to eat?”
“Wha’?  Oh, yeah.”  He picked up a plate and started piling things onto it without paying attention.  He was too focused on looking at his crew to even see what he was putting on his plate.
“Hungry this morning, are we?”
You raised a brow and looked at his plate.
He glanced at it, then looked back at you.  “Yeah, reckon I am.”
You laughed, selected your pastry, then set your plate down so you could pour yourself a cup of coffee.
“You do realize you’re ridiculous, right?”
“Whad’dya mean?”
“Trying to figure out who I’m in love with by examining your crew members in the mess hall?”
“I wouldn’t hafta worry ‘bout it if ya’d jus’ tell me.”
“Nope.”  You picked up your plate and headed to an empty table.
He joined you a couple of minutes later.  “Smart.”
“What’s smart?”
“You not sittin’ with nobody.  Might give me a clue.”
You shook your head and took a bite of your muffin.  Swallowing, you replied, “So ridiculous.”
“Gonna be headin’ out on a mission later this week.  Got any preference who I group ya with?”
“A’right.  How ‘bout I put ya with Oblo?”
“That’s fine.”
“An’… Narblik.”
“Also fine.”
“What about…”  He glanced around the room again.  “Gef?”
“Whatever you want to do, Captain.”
“Ya ain’t gonna gimme no clues, are ya?”
“Nope.”  You grinned, then took another bite of your muffin.
“Ain’t a problem.  Yer gonna slip up one a these days, an’ I’m gonna figure out yer secret.”
You smiled sweetly at him.  “I’m sure you will.”
He sighed, and finally turned his attention to his plate.  He looked surprised at the amount of food he’d piled onto it.  “I ain’t gonna be able ta eat all this.”
Laughing, you replied, “I didn’t think so.”  
You finished the last of your coffee, then stood, and said, “Well, I’ve gotta get to work.  See you later, Sherlock.”
“What’s that supposed ta mean?”
You laughed.  “Nothing.  Enjoy your feast.”
You were on your way to your quarters later than evening, looking forward to a hot shower and a nice, relaxing evening with a book, when your wrist communicator beeped.  It was Yondu.  
“Hey, Yondu, what’s up?”
“Where are ya?”
“Heading to my room.  Why?”
“Meet me in tha common room.”
“Jus’ do it.”
“I was planning on taking a shower and then catching up on some reading..”
“Ya can still do that.  Jus’ wanna talk ta ya fer a while.”
“Is this another ploy to try to get me to tell you who I’m in love with?”
“’Course not!  Jus’ wanna see ya.”
“I saw you not that long ago.  What could you possibly have to say that you can’t say right now?”
“Ya sure yer gonna be alone, or -?”
“Don’t go there again, Yondu.  I swear, you’re not going to find me sneaking one of the crew members into my quarters.”
“So does he know yer in love with him?”
“No, he obviously does not.”
“How’re ya so sure?”
Because he’s spending his entire day trying to figure out who I’m in love with, instead of realizing it’s him.
“Because I haven’t told him.”
“I think he’d notice that ya had feelin’s fer him.”
“No, I really don’t think he would.”
“Ain’t too bright, huh?”
You laughed, hard.  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.”
“Why’re ya laughin’?”
“No reason.”
“C’mon, meet me in tha common room.”
“Fine, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Good.  See ya in a few.”
He disconnected before you could respond, and you sighed.  So much for a nice, relaxing evening with your book.
You walked into the common room to see Yondu deep in thought.  “Hey, Yondu.”
He jerked his head in your direction at the sound of your voice. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”
Sitting next to him on the couch, you asked, “You still trying to figure out who I’m in love with?”
“Somethin’ like that.”
“So what did you want to tell me?”
“You made me walk all the way over here from my quarters because you wanted to talk to me, and you couldn’t say it over the communicator.”
“I jus’ wanted ta see ya.”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“Nah, I did.”
“You know I’m not going to accidentally slip up and tell you who I love, right?”
“Yeah, I know.  I ain’t gonna bug ya ‘bout it tonight.”
“Are you sick?”  You looked at him in concern, and placed the back of your hand against his forehead.
“Very funny.  Nah, I ain’t sick.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
“Something is wrong,  This is not normal Yondu Udonta behavior.”
He finally looked at you.  “I don’t like it.”
Your brows constricted in confusion.  “Don’t like what?”
“Tha thought of ya in love with somebody on tha ship.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Ain’t none of ‘em can treat ya right.”
“Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.”
“Yondu… what brought this on?  You were all into figuring it out earlier today, and now you don’t want me in love with anybody?”
“Jus’ been’ doin’ some thinkin’, that’s all.”
“About what?”
“Okay, you’re the one who wanted me to come down here and talk to you, so you’re going to talk.  What happened?”
“I said it’s nothin’.  I jus’ don’t wanna see ya with any a tha clowns on this ship.”
He crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch, a scowl on his face.
“I don’t see why you care who it is...”
He looked at you then, and said, “I care ‘cause I can’t stand tha thought a seein’ ya with another man!”  
“I don’t wanna hafta see ya hangin’ all over somebody, while I hafta jus’ sit back an’ act like I don’t care.”
“I don’t understand...”
“Jus’ ferget I said anythin’ ‘bout it.”  He stood up, and continued, “Sorry fer makin’ ya walk down here.  I’m goin’ ta bed.”
You grabbed his hand before he walked away.  “Oh, no, you’re not. You’re not leaving this room until we talk about this.”  You pulled him down beside you, and he sat with a huff.
“Look at me.”
He turned his ruby eyes on you, and you could see the pain in them. “What’s wrong, Yondu?”
He closed his eyes, and turned away from you again.  “It don’t matter.”
“Yeah, it does.  What happened today?”
He sighed, and sat in silence for a moment, before he said, “I been doin’ a lot a thinkin’ today...”
“Yeah, I know.  Trying to figure out who I’m in love with.”
“Yeah, that.  An’ the more I thought about it, the angrier I got.”
He stood up, suddenly, and strode to the other side of the room, keeping his back to you.  “Dammit, ‘cause I’m in love with ya myself!  An’ I’d jus’ as soon kill any man that laid a hand on ya as ta look at ‘im.  An’ I wouldn’t be able ta do that, ‘cause then I’d be causin’ ya pain, and’ that’s tha last thing I wanna do.”
“No, lemme finish.  I know I’m tha one that was botherin’ ya by tryin’ ta get ya ta tell me, an’ I’s sorry ‘bout that, but I don’t wanna know.  Jus’ don’t tell me, an’ if I ever see ya with someone, I’ll jus’ pretend I didn’t see nothin’, an’ we can jus’ go on bein’ friends.”
“Yondu, please...”
“Unless ya don’t wanna be friends no more.  Then I guess I can jus’ be yer Cap’n.”
“I don’t want that, Yondu.”  You stood and walked to stand behind him, placing a hand on his back.  “I need to tell you something.”
You felt his back stiffen at your words, and he said, “I don’t wanna know who yer in love with now, a’right?”
“I think you need to know.”
He turned around to face you, and the sadness on his face almost made you cry.  “No, I don’t need ta know.  It’s tha last thing I wanna know.”
“You idiot.”
“You are such an idiot.  How can you realize I’m in love, and not realize you’re the one I’m in love with?  You’ve spent the last twenty-four hours trying to figure it out, and you never realized it was you?”
“If it was me, why didn’t ya jus’ say so?”
“Because I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
“I didn’t realize jus’ how much I loved ya ‘til I thought about ya with another man.”  He placed his hand on your hip.  “Ya sure ya ain’t jus’ sayin’ this ta make me feel better?”
“You really are an idiot, Yondu Udonta.”  You leaned up onto your tiptoes and kissed him.
His other arm snaked around your waist and pulled you closer to him, as you wrapped your arms around his neck.  
When you broke the kiss several minutes later, he grinned at you, and said, “I might be an idiot, but I’m yer idiot.”  
“Yes, you are.”  You returned his grin, then kissed him again.  
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years
Love to Hate you - Matt Murdock x powered!Reader
Summary: Jealous Matt is hottest Matt
Word Count:1787
Warnings: Jealousy
Author’s note: I just needed to write some Daredevil, I love this trio so much
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“No no no no no no no...” Matt bounded through the dimly lit apartment building, grateful no one had been wandering the halls. Otherwise they would have been severely confused about how a blind man was able to navigate through the building with such ease.
“You better be in there, dammit...” He growled to himself, unable to focus on her apartment through his own breathing. Usually that was no problem for him, but this particular woman had a habit of throwing off his heightened senses. 
It drove him crazy.
He stopped right in front of her door, struggling to catch his breath and quiet himself enough to be able to hear through the walls. The first thing he noticed was that smell. His smell.
That unmistakable smell of gun power, leather and smoke.
Matt’s jaw clenched when he heard no sign of her heartbeat. He inhaled, searching for the familiar smell of her “uniform.” It was the same material as his, something he could pick up on quickly if it was in its usual spot in her bedroom closet.
“Got anything, girl?”
(Y/n) grunted in response, adjusting the pair of binoculars in her gloved hands before handing them off to the man beside her.
“Kinda hard to concentrate on patrol when you ask every five minutes if I see anything, Frank.”
Frank scoffed at her, looking through the binoculars in the same spot she had, enjoying the feeling of her staring daggers into the side of his head. “Kinda hard to concentrate on patrol when you’re sittin right there, lookin the way you do. So how bout we call it even, sweetheart?”
It was (Y/n)’s turn to scoff, ignoring the compliment and opting to glance around the cluster of buildings around them. 
She and Frank had been following the last of the Russian syndicate in New York for the past week and a half. They were trying to rebuild, and though (Y/n) wasn’t one to kill criminals, she had the most intel on the Russians. 
She also, as Frank put it, “didn’t have a stick as far up her ass as Red did,” so she was the obvious choice to help with this job. Someone who could give him information, help him in a couple fights, and for the most part keep quiet if he killed anyone.
“Hey, lookit what the cat dragged in.” Frank said, catching (Y/n)’s attention and directing it towards a lone, black van parking behind the warehouse they were scoping out.
“No telling how many there are.” (Y/n) commented, earning a nod and a grunt from Frank, “Could be a trap-”
“There’s 7 of them coming out of the van, more camped out in the warehouse.” (Y/n) jumped at the voice, instantly recognizing it and refusing to turn around.
Frank turned, smirking slightly when he saw Daredevil standing at the opposite edge of the roof, arms crossed and his jaw tight. 
“And yeah,” he paused, slowly walking towards the two, stopping just behind (Y/n), “it’s a trap.”
(Y/n) slowly looked up at him, not bothering to offer an apologetic smile since her mask would cover it anyway.
“Can I have a word with you?” Daredevil asked, hearing her heart rate quicken at his tone.
“Nah, Red, can’t you see we’re on a date? You’re being very rude interrupting like this.” Frank teased, standing up and allowing his trench coat to fall from his shoulders.
“I wasn’t talking to you, Frank-”
“Jesus, Red!” (Y/n) interrupted, stopping the two from butting heads as they had one too many times in the past. She stood up and shrugged off her jacket as well. “You need to cool it, we got a job to do. You can either watch us take care of the Russians or you could help.”
She was met with silence. She brushed past Daredevil, hearing Frank’s heavy boots following behind her, but not Daredevil’s.
“What’s the deal with you two, huh? He know you outside of work?” Frank asked, fully aware their guest could hear them.
“Enough to think he’s gotta babysit me.”
Matt scoffed before sitting at the edge of the roof, allowing his feet to dangle off the ledge. If she wanted to blow him off then he didn’t have to help.
He told himself exactly that over and over again, ignoring the sounds of Frank and (Y/n) struggling with the ambush. His warning gave them a slight upper hand, but they were still in a tight spot. 
He heard Frank go down, taking one too many hits for (Y/n), and finally falling to the ground. The sound (Y/n) made when she saw Frank down made Matt snap out of it. What the hell was he doing? He should have gone in there, even if he thought (Y/n) and Frank could handle themselves.
Now with Frank on the ground and the Russians keeping him down, there was no one to protect (Y/n).
(Y/n) was anything but bullet proof, and that suit could only do so much to protect her. It wasn’t surprising when a familiar blur of red took down one of the goons that was charging her. 
Soon enough, (Y/n) and Daredevil had taken down the rest of the Russians. (Y/n) took hold of Frank’s hand and helped him back onto his feet with ease, catching him as the struggled to stay upright.
The three very awkwardly made their way out of the warehouse; Frank and (Y/n) knew they ran into the fight too eagerly just to prove a point to Daredevil. Daredevil knew he should have helped them regardless of his anger. 
The only issue was no one wanted to admit they were wrong.
Once Frank collected his gear from the rooftop, he left the two alone, mumbling something about “puppy love bullshit makin me sick” just loud enough for the Devil to hear. 
(Y/n) slipped on her jacket, feeling her friend’s face on her before turning to him. “You gonna tell me why you’re mad at me?”
Matt sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose through his helmet. “(Y/n), I’ve been calling your burner phone all day. I didn’t know if something had happened, if someone finally got to you or what... Then I get to your apartment just to smell him all over the place.”
(Y/n) scoffed crossing her arms over her chest. “Oh god! You thought I was with him!”
“You were with him!” Matt said incredulously. 
“Nah nah nah, you thought I was with him!” (Y/n) shouted. “That’s why you’re mad!”
“Oh please! Gimme a break!” He snorted, moving past (Y/n) and getting ready to leave her on that rooftop.
“No, that’s exactly what happened!” (Y/n) continued, following after him. “I was MIA for hours, then when you get to my place you catch a whiff of him and think I’ve been fooling around with him all day, huh?”
“He’s going to get you killed, (Y/n).” Matt groaned, turning back to her. “I don’t know why you can’t see that.”
“I trust him, Red! Maybe you’re just pissed cuz I trust him more than I trust you!”
That caught him off guard, he didn’t have a response to that. So she continued.
“We’ve been doing this for what? A year? Two years? You’ve seen my face, but not once have you bothered to show me yours...”
Matt bit his lip, a sense of dread eating at his core. The two were close sure.... they spent countless nights in the dark together, tending to each other’s wounds. After about 6 months (Y/n) finally trusted him enough to take off her mask. But Matt never had.
“With Frank, there’s no secrets. He’s honest with me...���
When Matt continued to stay silent (Y/n) sighed softly, pushing past him and mumbling for him to forget it. 
“Just cuz he’s honest with you doesn’t make you any safer... with him it’ll just get you killed quicker...” Matt sighed, feeling (Y/n) stop in place and glare at him over her shoulder.
“I hate you...” she hissed.
He quickly looked up at her, the only visible sign of his anger being his tight jaw.
She stepped towards him and pushed against his chest, repeating her previous words. She moved to push him once more, only for Matt to grab her wrists and hold her close as she squirmed against him.
(Y/n) was strong enough to throw him off the building and clear across Hell’s Kitchen, they both knew that, and Matt was even had expecting her to. But she didn’t even try using half her strength to get him off.
“Say that one more time and I swear to God, (Y/n)...” he growled, hearing her heart skip a beat. 
“I. Hate. You.” she spat back.
Without warning, he let go of her wrists and went for his helmet, taking it off and letting it fall to the floor. (Y/n) stared up at him in shock before letting him grab hold of her once again. 
He could feel her body going warm, his pride swelling knowing just his unmasked appearance was enough to have her weak before him. He pushed her mask off her lips, holding her flush against his body.
Matt smashed his lips against hers, hungry for everything she had to offer him. 
She moaned against his lips, the action unexpected but not unwelcome, and began to meet his movements with just as much ferocity. He let go of her wrists and cupped the back of her neck, pulling her as close as humanly possible as she gripped at his back. 
Just as Daredevil’s tongue prodded against (Y/n)’s, a scream erupted from a nearby bodega, causing him to pull back. 
(Y/n) didn’t need superhearing to know something was up, and she immediately began to protest as he retrieved his helmet from the floor.
“Uh-uh, no way. You’re not gonna go and do that then just up and leave me here!” she said, stepping in front of him and shielding him from the edge of the roof. 
One flash of that devilish smile and she felt herself ready to collapse against him again. He teasingly brushed his lips over hers before taking her mask and lifting it back into place, covering the lower half of her face.
“No one said you couldn’t come with me, angel.” he smirked, turning and leaping off the edge of the roof and towards the nearby robbery.
“Besides!” he called back, “I like to watch that ass in action!”
(Y/n) rolled her eyes, following after him once she had composed herself. 
“Damn, I love to hate him...” Matt heard her mumble under her breath. With a smirk, he leapt before the bodega, feeling like he could take on all of New York after that kiss.
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yutikyis · 7 years
Sea, Sky and Stone
It was a beautiful day. The sky was a sparkling clear blue dotted only by white fluffy cloud. From the tree that she was perched in she could see far to the horizon, the infinite expanses of blue ocean broken only by a single island in the distance. She’d come up here with a book she’d purchased with a trader, a basic overview of the aetheric magic of Eorzea. Most of it was too complex to understand without training but she at least enjoyed the concepts. The ability to make water dance and stones move and fire appear from nothing and to heal injuries like they were never there? What an amazing idea. Yet her attention had been drawn to the island, out there in the blue sea. Her Eorzea. When Yuti had been a kit she’d seen that island in the distance and had assumed it was the real one. After all the world couldn’t be that large a place and she knew Eorzea was close enough to travel to so it couldn’t be that far away. As she got older she realized it could be no such thing. Yet in her mind it was still her Eorzea. An embarrassing little secret held over from childhood. She planned to visit it someday but she wasn’t comfortable enough on a fishing boat to go out that far and no trader was going to indulge a young Miqo’te’s fantasy to see what was probably an uninhabited waste of time.  Still. Still. It was fun to sit here and look out at the distance and dream. Eorzea was somewhere in that direction she knew. A land of kings and magic. Of endless wars against dragons and mysterious ancient civilizations. Supposedly there was a desert, like a beach that spread into the distance like the ocean. A forest that was alive. An entire city of pirates. She couldn’t even begin to think about how that must be like. Surely all the parrots would make a huge mess between the feathers and the droppings?  Her thoughts were interrupted by a pebble thwipping lightly against her head. She yelped and almost went tumbling out of the branch she’d been sitting on. Fortunately she wasn’t that high above the ground and even a relatively graceless MIqo’te like her wasn’t about to be quite THAT clumsy. Stlll, it was a near save from embarrassment. Who...? “Hey! Yoohoo!” Oh. Him. Ehmi'a Futho. She could not stand Ehmi’a which was only fair as the boy couldn’t stand her either. Every time they ran into each other he seemed to make it his life’s goal to get a rise out of her. He’d started with teasing and had gradually moved up to hair pulling, pebble-throwing, and in one situation literal mud-slinging. It seemed to amuse him every time she stormed off in a huff. Plus that infuriating nickname. She had no idea why he’d started it but he seemed to take perverse delight in using it.  “It is Y-Y-Yuti,” she said in an attempt at an unbothered voice, feeling the frustrating aggravation of her stammer more now than ever.  It would be so much easier to deal with Ehmi if she could just tell him off instead of having to fight through her own speech. “A-and I’ll a-ask you t-” “Yeah, yeah, you’ll a-a-a-ask m-m-m-e and by the time you get through it we’ll both be old n’ grey,” the boy interrupted a toothy grin. He was of the make of most of the men on the island. Tall and broad compared to the average Miqo’te, with dark skin and muscles born from hard work helping his father, one of the village’s fishermen. He towered over her easily enough that even if she wanted to take her mother’s advice about bullies (”Punch ‘em in the face, ya stupid girl”) seriously it would be like hitting a tree. Not to mention that he was always surrounded by an entorage of other Miqo. Today it was two boys and a girl, all of whom giggled at his teasing. Yuti felt her cheeks grow red as she hopped down from the tree branch, tucking the book beneath her arm and giving the boy an annoyed glare. “What d-do you w-want?” she said tersely. Four words was easy enough to get out without getting interrupted. Ehmi responded by grinning at her, wrapping his arms behind his head, ears twitching in amusement. “Well, we’re bored and we saw ya sittin’ there, so we figured we’d come and bug ya. More interestin’ than starin’ at the fish. Barely,” he finished with another group guffaw. Yuti turned even redder and clasped her book tightly to her chest, which only seemed to make the group laugh more. “J-just go a-away, Ehmi,” she said softly. “I was reading.” Ehmi snorted and stepped forward quickly, and before she could stop him, had plucked the book from between her arms and was studying it curiously. “Why’re ya wastin’ your time with alla this nonsense? It’s a bunch of foreign junk. Ain’t gonna help you becoming a hunter.”  Yuti felt a sudden twinge of panic as her book was stolen from her and she tried to reach for it, but the Miqo’te boy just lifted it above his head, out of her grasp. “I’m n-not going to be a hunter,” she huffed. “G-give it back!” Ehmi snorted “S’not what your mama says,” he teased back. “You want it back? Come and get it.” He waggled the book just back in reach and then yanked it back as she grabbed for it, forcing the girl to go after him. Yuti flailed at him, trying to reach up and grab for the book, but he blocked her every time. First by twisting and turning his body and holding it out of reach, and then by playfully holding his hand against her forehead, pushing her away as she tried to get close enough to hop up and snatch the book. Her face was growing redder and redder, tears coming to the corners of her eyes despite her best attempts to fight it off. It was humiliating. She knew what her mother would have done. She’d have hit him right in his smug face. Yuti couldn’t do that though. Not even if she wanted to. She didn’t have the muscle. She couldn’t even make the boy stand still. Ehmi skipped out of reach of her and pulled the book down, opening it and studying it curiously, his eyes dancing over the pages. “Seriously, Yoohoo, this is all a wastea time. Lookit this? Somethin’ about water?” He took the page and tore it out and Yuti let out a horrified squeak. “We got plentya water here, ya don’t need to be thinkin’ about somewhere else.” He crumpled the page into a ball and tossed it out into the sea. “Air? Plentya that too. Maybe ya’d enjoy us more if you paid attention to what was around ya.” There was a slight anger to the boy’s voice. Another page torn, balled up, and tossed away.  It was a nightmare. Those were important pages. She didn’t even know if she’d read them yet. She felt the helplessness and frustration and anger building inside of her. “S-stop it...” she pleaded with him, balling her fists tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks now. The others were laughing, the sound ringing in her ears, seeming to fill her head. She wanted to run away but if she did they’d probably tear every single page out of the book. Only Ehmi wasn’t laughing now. If anything he looked annoyed and angry himself.
“Quit blubberin’ Yoohoo! You ain’t missin’ anything! You got everythin’ in this stupid book right here anyway. You got water, you got air and you got...” he reached the next page and tore it out. “Stone!”
It was too much for her to take. The helplessness and powerlessness. Seeing her precious book torn to pieces while Ehmi mocked her, while his friends laughed at her. None of them understood the wonderous things the books spoke of. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to scream. Nobody was going to help her. They were going to ruin her book. She couldn’t do anything. She... And she felt it. A tingle. A strange tingle that seemed to run through her entire body. Starting somewhere deep in her core and seeming to spread out through her limbs. A warm and comfortable feeling. She felt the energy as it danced through her limbs and into the earth beneath her. She felt the earth too. She’d never been aware of it before but the ground beneath her was alive. There was life in it too. A vast swell of life. The air, the ground, the sea, all of them were living beings. Ehmi was right. She did have stone. She could feel the stone beneath her. Feel its desire to move and shake and reshape itself. The island might seem immutable and unchanging but rather it changed every day. Pieces moved or crumbled or reshaped themselves. The island as it was today was not as it was a moon ago and it wasn’t how it would be in a sun. It *wanted* to change. It could change. With a little help. So she helped it. That was all it took. A little push. Ehmi was reaching for the next page and she wanted to stop him. The ground wanted to move. The two ideas were in unison... and so it happened. The stone beneath Ehmi’a’s feet suddenly shot upwards in a sudden swell, sending the boy flying into the air with a yelp, tumbling head over heels, over the small cliffside and into the ocean with a loud splash. The book slipped from his hand as he flew, falling to the ground with a tiny thump. The laughter stopped as Yuti’s eyes opened. The other three members of Ehmi’s little gang had stopped laughing. They stared at Yuti with wide and frightened eyes, their mouths hanging open, three near-identical expressions of shock. Ehmi was bobbing up and down in the ocean, his hair plastered to his face, utterly bewildered as he looked up. Yuti bent over and picked up her book, feeling her heart racing as she did so. Had she just...?  “Yoohoo... w-what the Hells?!?” Ehmi called up at her as he paddled over to the cliff. One of his friend started to approach the cliff but stopped as Yuti made her own way over. It seemed like he didn’t want to risk being sent over either. The red-haired Miqo’te’s expression was nervous and excited at the same time.She held the book tightly to her chest as she looked down at Ehmi’a. “... The name is Yuti,” she said clearly and firmly and then turned and walked primly away, a happy little smile on her face. It was only once she was out of view of the quartet of confused Miqo’te that she began to run. Feeling the excitement and warmth and happiness flooding her, the sense of hope, of delight. For now that she knew what to look for she could feel it. Feel the aether around her. Feel the magic that permeated the world.  She could feel her future spreading out before her.
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frosnpls · 7 years
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Lookit her..... sittin like shes ppl
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