#look at my girl! shes my current light cleric tav and i love her so much
mlady-magnolia · 8 months
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“By the light of the Moonmaiden!”
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feyascorner · 8 months
hey! I know you write strictly x reader works, but I can’t help but wonder what your tav looked like in game. I can only assume they’re a bard, but I’m sooo curious! care to post a screen cap? love your writing!
truth be told I have like 9 separate playthroughs,,, but here are my main three girls <3 buckle in because I love them so much
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The first one (and my current main) is Kio! She’s a seldarine drow durge and she’s a bard! She’s what I think of when I write TFBU even though there aren’t any descriptions haha :) she’s very goody two shoes now that she’s lost her memories of being a Bhaalspawn, and astarion hates her for it during act 1 but they’ll grow on each other eventually 🫶 she’s more afraid of defying bhaal than reveling in blood but I haven’t decided if she actually succeeds in resisting the urge or not lol
The second (pink) is Lilac!! She’s a tiefling cleric of bhaal (it’s a mod) durge and she’s probably the most “evil” out of the three despite how she looks,,, act 1/2 she doesn’t like automatic violence but she uses her words to manipulate basically everything 😧 so at first glance she’s very kind and then two seconds later she’s gaslighting everyone 💀 she actually wipes out last light inn and isobel in act 2 for the slayer form so 😭 she’s going to redeem herself in the second half of act 2-act 3, while romancing gale :)
Last one is Carnage (ik it’s an emo name) who’s a Lolth-sworn drow durge and a paladin of vengeance. She’s a completely redeemed durge (and she didn’t wipe out anyone on the good side 😍) but she’s very snarky and has a sharp tongue,,,she also likes to attack at any chance she gets rather than talking things out so,,,,she’s working on it. Still, she’s the most upfront of the three and says whatever she’s thinking haha
So in conclusion I have never played as Tav and I won’t unless I finish my 900 other playthroughs❤️ THANK YOU SM FOR ASKING I LOVE ANY OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABOUT THEM
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bettsfic · 8 months
bg3 build: beast priest (shadowheart respec)
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i'm playing around with some new builds! after scrounging the internet for good build guides, i didn't find any that i thought were interesting. in my current playthrough, i'm trying to respec all the companions to be the classes they would have chosen without their various traumas.
the beast priest is my respec for shadowheart. if you haven't noticed, shadowheart's basic build isn't great. when you find her, she's already level 1, which means the game chooses her subclass for you: trickery domain. and that doesn't make sense at all, narratively or for the stats she's been assigned. so to make her a good trickery domain cleric, you would want to respec her anyway just to fix level 1.
but i don't want her to be a trickery domain cleric. i don't even want her to be a healer. i want her to be an emo bird girl. the Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way of bg3, emphasis on raven. by endgame, we learn that shadowheart loves animals and nature, and she's a bit of a rebel (my graffiti queen). without having been kidnapped by the mother superior, i can see her either noping off into the woods or staying in the city to be the type of person who accidentally acquires really a lot of cats. so my goal is for her to have lots of animals, do a fuckton of damage, and fight off the darkness with lots and lots of light.
you can find the full build on eip. more detail and a level by level breakdown under the cut.
the beast priest build involves taking 6-7 levels of beast master ranger and 5-6 levels of war priest cleric. you start off as a ranger, because rangers have great early game damage and are also imo the easiest class for beginners. you stand in one spot and you shoot stuff. you can also get Harold (crossbow) pretty early on and it can be your main weapon through most of the game. it does insane damage and casts Bane.
i'm not familiar enough with armor and weapons to include recommendations in this guide (beyond Harold. get Harold). that is too much for me to keep track of, and i swap things out a lot. use whatever you find most helpful and/or looks the coolest. you probably can't use this build for lone wolf tactician or anything, but i do think it's very fun for an explorer or balanced playthrough, and it fixes a lot of the problems in shadowheart's base build.
this build does a few things:
uses war priest weapon buffs to increase ranged damage
minimizes concentration spells to prioritize ensnared strike and hunter's mark
backup heals (unfortunately this means either respeccing another companion to take on main healing duties or building a main heals tav. i'm working on a bardadin build for this very purpose. there is also always halsin, but he takes a while to acquire)
it's very beneficial to astarion that the bird can blind enemies near him so he can gain advantage to sneak attack (i'll share my build for him too eventually; he is also part ranger)
toolkit against undead (guardian spirits is a must)
important team utilities like guidance
what this build can't do:
be the "face" of your team, by which i mean initiate dialogue. we have no charisma or proficiency in anything related to talking to people. we are a gloomy emo girl sequestered to the back of the group and we shoot stuff and hang out with our bird
steal shit, disarm traps, lockpick. i mean, you can, but you'll probably have another character better equipped for it. we'll be wearing medium armor or heavy armor (optional), so we'll have a disadvantage on stealth anyway
here's how i've broken down each level:
initial build
if you're respeccing shadowheart, you won't be able to change her race or background, which means she'll remain an acolyte and have proficiency in insight and religion.
if you're making your tav a beast priest, you should choose whatever background and race makes sense for your character's narrative. the caveat being, as stated above, stealth and sleight of hand are kind of useless here, as well as dialogue proficiencies like persuasion, intimidation, deception, performance, etc.
what *is* helpful is having proficiency in the things you walk up to and go "oh shit, what's that?" so survival and perception are pretty important. folk hero and outlander are therefore both good background choices, but again, what's important to me in a build is that the story makes sense.
note you will not need investigation because we'll be taking bounty hunter as a favored enemy.
level 1: ranger (1)
proficiencies: survival, nature, animal handling (see above for more explanation; really just take whatever you think will be useful)
favored enemy: bounty hunter
bounty hunter gives disadvantage to enemies hit by ensnaring strike. very helpful for astarion and your companion. however, it's sometimes difficult to choose when to use hunter's mark versus ensnaring strike.
natural explorer: beast tamer
all of these are kind of useless, tbh. but i chose this one because early game, your companion dies very easily and this way you'll be able to bring it back without using a spell slot.
from my understanding, in EA you could either have your summon pet OR your companion out, not both, but in full release you can now have both summons out at once.
level 2: ranger (2)
fighting style: archery
we are going to be very far away from our enemies and Harold is going to be very dear to us.
spells: hunter's mark, ensnaring strike (ranged)
both spells require concentration so you can only pick one. ensnaring strike gives disadvantage to an enemy but hunter's mark does more damage, and your companion does more advantage to it as well. for cc situations, i'd choose ensnaring strike; for taking down one big dude at a time, hunter's mark. hunter's mark can be recast as long as you maintain concentration.
level 3: cleric (1)
deity: any (if you're respeccing shadowheart, your deity will remain shar)
domain: war domain
cantrips: guidance, sacred flame, light
the only one that's important here is guidance. the other two can be whatever your party needs most. the reason we're taking one level of cleric early and the others later is because guidance is a must. if someone else on your team has it, or if you have a bard, you can stay as a ranger until 5.
level 4: ranger (3)
subclass: beast master
spell: cure wounds OR speak with animals
for shadowheart's respec, i would say cure wounds so that she can start subhealing. however, if you don't have anyone in your party who can speak to animals yet, that's pretty important. the strange ox you meet in the grove provides a lot of endgame help, and it's fun talking to the owlbear and scratch.
level 5: ranger (4)
feat: resilient (wisdom)
taking resilience in wisdom gives us a proficiency in wisdom saving throws, which we'll need for both cleric and ranger spells.
level 6: ranger (5)
spells: anything that would be most helpful to your team.
you probably already have somebody who can cast longstrider as a ritual spell. enhance leap is helpful although this is pretty late in the game to be getting that. i try to avoid concentration spells because of hunter's mark and aoe spells because astarion and karlach are always in the thick of it and i don't want to hurt them.
what's important this level is that your companion's AC and damage increases, and it gets an extra attack.
level 7: cleric (2)
you get turn undead and guided strike this level. both are very useful, particularly guided strike. nothing to choose though.
level 8: cleric (3)
new spells! these can be prepared based on what you think you'll need for a given scenario. lesser restoration is a must if you're letting astarion bite you every night. but if that's the case you probably already have it.
level 9: cleric (4)
cantrip: whatever's most helpful at this point
feat: ability improvement (1 in wisdom, 1 in dexterity)
if you have auntie ethel's hair, then you might want 2 in one or the other.
level 10: cleric (5)
here's where you get guardian spirits, which is the single most important mid-game spell you can have (although in this build you get it pretty late). make sure when you cast it, you have as many movement speed spells and potions you can get. you're going to cast it and run around like mad killing everything.
level 11 & 12: ranger OR cleric (6 & 7)
here's where you have a difficult choice to make. your last two levels can be ranger 6 and 7, which will give your companion a huge buff. or you can choose cleric 6 and 7, which will give you war god's blessing, which gives you a +10 attack roll to give to someone else on your team.
you an also do cleric 6 and ranger 6, which will grant you war god's blessing AND allow you to take ranger knight as a favored enemy, which gives you the ability to wear heavy armor (if you want that). you can also gain resistance to cold, fire, or poison, but since you encounter all of those things in pretty equal measure, i never know which to choose.
i think it'll depend on what sounds more fun to you. personally, i think seeing my animal companion destroy everything is very fun. but if you enjoy reactions and buffing your teammates, i can also see wanting to stick with cleric through the end.
unlock to level 20
you might be thinking it's not worth it to only take two half classes instead of one whole one and lose out on late game spells and abilities. and i agree with you completely. my favorite part of beast master is when your companion gets two special abilities at 11. if you're playing completely vanilla, this is the major sacrifice of multiclassing. you're prioritizing creativity and cool combos over fancy spells and abilities.
but if you install a mod that lets you level to 20 (no class can go beyond 12, but you can multiclass to 20), you can take 11 levels of ranger and 9 levels of cleric. level 11 of ranger maxes out your animal; level 8 of cleric gives you divine strike, and level 9 gives you flame strike.
i didn't find anything from 10-12 in cleric very helpful. there's divine intervention which you can only use once in the game, ever, and i used it at a very integral time and it didn't do enough. heroes' feast is helpful but halsin has that too. heal, which should be the best healing spell in the game, is currently bugged and i don't know when they'll fix it.
you could also do level 12 of ranger for the extra feat if you don't have both wisdom and dexterity to 20, and stay at 8 for cleric.
if you do unlock to level 20, i would download the double xp mod (although i haven't gotten mine to work yet) so you can get to 20 at about the same pace you get to 12 in vanilla. this obvs is extremely unbalanced and makes you very very OP but that makes the game more fun for me. and anyway, if it gets too easy you can always play tactician or honor mode.
i hope you found this helpful! i'll probably be tweaking and updating it as i go. i'm working on respecs for astarion, karlach, halsin, jaheira, and wyll right now. gale, lae'zel, and minsc i'll be able to look at once i play around with them more. i haven't used them much yet in my teams.
if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send me an ask!
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