#look at Alyssa Cole's Reluctant Royals series
soyouwinagain · 6 months
7, 17, 30?
7. What kind of common romance tropes do you enjoy and what kind do you dislike?
VERY fun question!! I loooooooove a second chance romance. I don't mind if they broke up for a dumb reason in the past! but the agony of reconnecting and re-negotiating your relationship with someone you knew so well before! is so delicious! I also realllllly like friends to lovers!
as for troples I dislike: enough with the enemies to lovers already, it got boring two years ago! just stop! they're never actual enemies anyway! what's the point!!!! the other big one is accidental pregnancy as the plot twist at the end. ugh. just come up with something original please. (an entire book about an accidental pregnancy is completely fine though!!)
17. Favorite finished book series.
I don't knooooooow! I just finished a reread of Shades of Magic which I love a lot. the three main PJO series... so good!!! if you're looking for romance, I liked all the books in Alyssa Cole's Reluctant Royals series—the first one is probably the weakest and I liked the last one the most, surprisingly. I've also started rereading The Queen's Thief and I'm very excited to eventualyl continue that. ALSO. honorable mention to Captive Prince
30. How many books do you have on your 'currently-reading’ list?
an incredibly reasonable 3! Fugitive Pieces (which I haven't touched since January...), Cantoras (borrowed from Fir last September and only now getting to it), and Every Summer After (recently finally read Meet Me at the Lake and it looks like Carley Fortune is for me...)
usually hover between 2 and 5 so this isn't bad. though actually I started an audiobook—The Boyfriend Candidate—this morning, but I'm only 5% in and I only add them to my currently reading when I've hit 10%
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mumblingsage · 2 years
Re: cartoony romance covers
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The heroine of First Comes Like is the sister of the heroine in Wrong to Need You. I know I’m going to love First Comes Like on the basis of how I loved Wrong to Need You. But do these even look like they’re from the same author? 
They are different series, and Wrong to Need You had some angst to it that I think the shadowy cover suits perfectly -- maybe First Comes Like will go easier on that level and be lighter in tone. But cartoony light? The trade review on my library’s website says of FCL, “The personalities of the couple's families are distinctive, but never so over the top that the novel falls into farce, and the story lands as upbeat, witty, and sincere.”
But this cover looks like a farce. Upbeat, yes, but too simplistic to be witty, too shallow to be sincere. It’s utterly at odds with the story told inside.
My library’s website also informs me that readers consider First Comes Like a ‘steamy’ book, and Wrong to Need You has some amazingly hot (and character-developing) sex scenes. But...that yellow cartoon is not the cover of a book about characters who feel erotic passion for each other. Is it?
So I’m definitely not in the “I will never read a book with this kind of cover” camp, because I know there are good (and, probably not incidentally, diverse) books with these kinds of covers. But I will happily take the chance to complain about it. 
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Hi! Do you have any good bi romance books to recommend, preferably with a female lead? A friend’s been asking for recs and I don’t read enough romance to be of much help!
Hello! I have a few! I’ve organized by genre so you can ignore sections you’re not looking for. My favorites are bolded!
Adult contemporary romance:
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston — contemporary f/f romance with one major magical/scifi element; main character is bi
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake — f/f small town romance; double POV, one of them is bi
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole — f/f novella (connected to her Reluctant Royals series but can be read alone), double POV, one of them is bi
Jilted by Lilah Suzanne — m/enby second love kinda fake-married romance, they’re both bi
This was gonna be the “adult historical romance” section but the only ones I’ve read are by Cat Sebastian, so this is Cat Sebastian’s queer regency romance section
A Duke in Disguise — f/m double POV, the woman is bi, and the next book in the same loosely connected series, A Delicate Deception, which is f/m and they’re both bi
A Little Light Mischief — double POV f/f novella (connected to Sebastian’s The Turners series but can be read alone), one of them is bi
YA books that have romance in them:
Epically Earnest by Molly Horan — contemporary retelling of The Importance of Being Earnest; f/f romance, main character is bi
The Raven and the Reindeer by T. Kingfisher — fantasy retelling of The Snow Queen, bi main character with both male and female love interests
Wild by Hannah Moskowitz — contemporary m/f, they’re both bi (book is from the boy’s perspective)
If they’re open to graphic novels, I love Heartstopper by Alice Oseman a lot! Contemporary m/m friendship and romance
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hp-bodiceripper · 3 years
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'To get you in a romantic mood and spark some ideas for potential prompts, here is some inspiration in the form of romance novel covers and plots. With many thanks to @skeptiquewrites
What are your favourite romance novels? Do you know any particularly delicious cover art? Please share!
You can browse current prompts here. Prompting will end 2nd April.
The Soldier's Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian
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A scoundrel who lives in the shadows Jack Turner grew up in the darkness of London's slums, born into a life of crime and willing to do anything to keep his belly full and his siblings safe. Now he uses the tricks and schemes of the underworld to help those who need the kind of assistance only a scoundrel can provide. His distrust of the nobility runs deep and his services do not extend to the gorgeous high-born soldier who personifies everything Jack will never be.  A soldier untarnished by vice After the chaos of war, Oliver Rivington craves the safe predictability of a gentleman's life-one that doesn't include sparring with a ne'er-do-well who flouts the law at every turn. But Jack tempts Oliver like no other man has before. Soon his yearning for the unapologetic criminal is only matched by Jack's pleasure in watching his genteel polish crumble every time they're together.  Two men only meant for each other
The Reluctant Royal series by Alyssa Cole
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While her boss the prince was busy wooing his betrothed, Likotsi had her own love affair after swiping right on a dating app. But her romance had ended in heartbreak, and now, back in NYC again, she's determined to rediscover her joy--so of course she runs into the woman who broke her heart. When Likotsi and Fabiola meet again on a stalled subway train months later, Fab asks for just one cup of tea. Likotsi, hoping to know why she was unceremoniously dumped, agrees. Tea and food soon leads to them exploring the city together, and their past, with Fab slowly revealing why she let Likotsi go, and both of them wondering if they can turn this second chance into a happily ever after.
The Lady's Guide to Celestian Mechanics by Olivia Waite
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As Lucy Muchelney watches her ex-lover’s sham of a wedding, she wishes herself anywhere else. It isn’t until she finds a letter from the Countess of Moth, looking for someone to translate a groundbreaking French astronomy text, that she knows where to go. Showing up at the Countess’ London home, she hoped to find a challenge, not a woman who takes her breath away. Catherine St Day looks forward to a quiet widowhood once her late husband’s scientific legacy is fulfilled. She expected to hand off the translation and wash her hands of the project—instead, she is intrigued by the young woman who turns up at her door, begging to be allowed to do the work, and she agrees to let Lucy stay. But as Catherine finds herself longing for Lucy, everything she believes about herself and her life is tested. While Lucy spends her days interpreting the complicated French text, she spends her nights falling in love with the alluring Catherine. But sabotage and old wounds threaten to sever the threads that bind them. Can Lucy and Catherine find the strength to stay together or are they doomed to be star-crossed lovers?
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender
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Felix Love has never been in love—and, yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many—Black, queer, and transgender—to ever get his own happily-ever-after. When an anonymous student begins sending him transphobic messages—after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned—Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi–love triangle.... But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself.
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall
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Luc O'Donnell is tangentially--and reluctantly--famous. His rock star parents split when he was young, and the father he's never met spent the next twenty years cruising in and out of rehab. Now that his dad's making a comeback, Luc's back in the public eye, and one compromising photo is enough to ruin everything. To clean up his image, Luc has to find a nice, normal relationship...and Oliver Blackwood is as nice and normal as they come. He's a barrister, an ethical vegetarian, and he's never inspired a moment of scandal in his life. In other words: perfect boyfriend material. Unfortunately apart from being gay, single, and really, really in need of a date for a big event, Luc and Oliver have nothing in common. So they strike a deal to be publicity-friendly (fake) boyfriends until the dust has settled. Then they can go their separate ways and pretend it never happened. But the thing about fake-dating is that it can feel a lot like real-dating. And that's when you get used to someone. Start falling for them. Don't ever want to let them go.
Common romance novel tropes @ TVTropes
Romance genre @ Goodreads
Best Historical Romance Covers @ Goodreads
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lazaefair · 4 years
When we talk about the basics of body-based discourses in fandom, we’re talking generally about a few main things:
Black/brown characters written or drawn as significantly larger (height and muscle-wise) than their canon self and/or a white character or a light-skinned character of color
East Asian characters being written or drawn as smaller (sometimes more “feminine”) than Black/brown characters they may be paired with… as well as with white characters
How Black/brown characters are “gifted” with giant genitals. Primarily cis men, but in Omegaverse settings, Black/brown “alpha females” in some universes are similarly and dubiously “blessed”
Nothing we do exists in a vacuum. Not even want.
As Chong-Suk Han and Kyung-Hee Choi point out in “Very Few People Say “No Whites” Gay Men of Color and The Racial Politics of Desire”:
More importantly, imagining erotic worlds as independent social arenas rather than a part of a larger organized social system, leads one to believe that they are self-contained erotic marketplaces where those who possess valued traits are on equal footing, regardless of larger structural factors. Yet as Green (2011) also noted, sexual fields are not isolated arenas, but are embedded within a larger society whose values are reflected in what is considered desirable within a given sexual field. Likewise, Whittier and Simon (2001) argue, sexual desires are often influenced by larger social constructions of race, ethnicity, age and class. Given that sexual fields do not actually exist in a vacuum, these constructions of race, ethnicity, age and class are likely to transverse across different sexual fields.
In fandom and other “for fun” arenas, we’re told that there’s nothing serious about what we’re doing. We’re told that we’re just playing around and so writing a Black character as a big-dicked aggressor or drawing an East Asian character as a stereotype of erotic Orientalism is fine. Because it’s just fandom. It’s not serious. It doesn’t mean anything.
Except –
It does mean more than all of us tend to think.
People think of fandom, and what we create and consume in it, as fully separated from the rest of the real world.
Of course, what you’re into in fandom doesn’t have to mean it’s what you’re into in your real or offline life – and in most cases, fandom is fully a space for people to explore things they literally can’t engage with offline at any level and that’s not a bad thing at all. But we do bring our baggage into fandom with us and that means if we haven’t unlearned – or at least, started dealing with – baggage in the form of internalized bigotry we haven’t cast off… it’s coming right there with us to fandom.
Fandom should be a place where we just… do whatever. Where we’re sexy and can get off scot-free.
But as Han and Choi point out by referencing Green in their study: “sexual fields are not isolated arenas, but are embedded within a larger society whose values are reflected in what is considered desirable within a given sexual field.”
When we’re talking about creators messing up… here’s how that can look:
The main way that creators in fandom mess up, is in the way that we have lots of fanworks where a Black/brown character is somehow significantly larger than the non-Black person that is their partner in said fanworks… even when canon doesn’t match up.
In addition to this: Black/brown characters are often exclusively alphas in Omegaverse fiction (in and out of werewolf universes). They’re written as tops – the more service-y the better – who are rarely given emotional exploration the way other (often whiter) characters are. They don’t really get to have feelings… unless they’re about the non-Black POC or white character they’re about to plow like they’re a field in the Fertile Crescent.
Want to know how we can all do better?
Resources like Writing With Color do exist and while I’m reasonably sure most of their content is oriented around worksafe stuff, I’m sure they have advice for NSFW content! (They also have anon on so you can ask directly for help even if you’re feeling shy!)
Read romance writers by and about people of color. For example: if you’re going to write Black Panther fan fiction without writing anyone Black before… crack open Alyssa Cole’s Reluctant Royals series because that franchise’s influence on her own work is very obvious.
Read erotica by and about people of color. There are so many series worth recommending, but Solace Ames’s books stuck with me for years and she’s a great starting point for writing fully fleshed out characters of color who are queer and messy on main.
Go through the books at WOC In Romance because the best way to get used to writing characters of color is to read books about them in general.
Do your own research into things like fetishization – outside of how some people redefine it in fandom. Look up sexual racism and see how it’s portrayed in media and how it plays out in the dating world – so you can understand what to avoid in your own work. Check out The Erotic Life of Racism!
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funnefatale · 4 years
I can't find that one post that was like "when you're done consuming Black work on racism, make sure you consume non-activist Black art too" but I just wanted to say that there are a ton of really fun romance novels written by Black women and, honestly, they're usually the best romance novels.
so in case someone was looking for some romance novels by Black women, here are my top 3 favorites series
Alyssa Cole's Reluctant Royals series (3 novels, 2 novelettes) that starts with A Princess in Theory are what got me into reading romance novels and they're still probably my favorite romance novels. Main couples: 3 interracial couples (one m/f involving a bi man), 2 Black couples (one of which is f/f).
Jasmine Guillory's The Wedding Date series (5 novels) are some of one of the most popular romance novels right now, probably because they're just so fun. Main couples: 3 interracial couples, 2 are Black couples (one of whom is an older (50+) couple)
Alexa Martin's The Playbook series (3 novels out, 4th coming in the fall) that starts with Intercepted. These are based off Martin's time as an NFL wife and she doesn't hold back on what all is wrong with the industry. All 4 novels involve interracial couples.
Bonus: Farrah Rochon's The Boyfriend Project just came out and it should be the first in a series. The couple in the first novel is a Black woman and a Black/Korean man.
Honorable Mention: Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert, which I have not read but will as soon as I can
I got all of these book through the Libby app, which, from my understanding, can help authors more than buying their books because the library has to repurchase the license every 8 or so checkouts. I listened to them all as audiobooks, but ebooks are obviously available as well.
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so-caffeinated · 5 years
Favorite romance authors? Any specific titles you recommend??
Oh man. Uh... yes. Also, I’m writing this on the bus chaperoning a fourth grade field trip. Here’s hoping no nine year olds read over my shoulder!
These are in no particular order.
Courtney Milan - Writes both historical and contemporary romance. Her characters are confident and compelling. Everything I’ve read of hers is good, but the Brothers Sinister series has to be my fav.
Tessa Dare - Engrossing historicals with sharp dialogue and palpable heat. Governess Game and Countess Conspiracy are fantastic.
Casey McQuinston - Has one book out so far - Red, White, and Royal Blue - which is hands down the best contemporary romance I read last year. Funny, timely, incredibly memorable. This is a mlm romance between the son of the first female president and his rival, a prince of England. It’s a goddamned delight. I paid full price for a physical copy after having read the copy I got from the library. No regrets.
Susannah Nix - I mean, this is obvious, yeah? I’m biased. I know her. But I’d love her writing even if I didn’t know her. Smart heroines and swoon-worthy heroes that feel real and keep you clicking to the next page way later into the night than planned. She’s reliably excellent.
Sarina Bowen - Her name is the first one I look for every week at the used bookstore, just in case they have one I haven’t read. I have never been disappointed by her but Brooklynaire is my fav... and not just because it’s got a workaholic nerdy hot hero named Nate (I admit, it helps, though).
Alisha Rai - Probably better known for The Right Swipe (which is in my TBR list), or going viral for bemoaning a date-gone-wrong who ate two cake pops in front of her without offering one (the monster), my favorites of hers so far are the Forbidden Hearts series. Rich, complicated family history is my jam.
Marie Tremayne - Back to historicals, her debut novel Lady in Waiting hit all the right buttons for me. Well crafted with memorable, visual scenes and compelling motivations, I enjoyed this one a lot.
Kennedy Ryan - I’ve read a few of hers but Long Shot is the one that stands out. It’s a challenging read because of the subject matter (please heed the warnings), but a beautiful and important tale.
Alyssa Cole - Both her civil war historicals and her contemporary reluctant royals series are fan-freaking-tasting. All of her characters feel so real and her settings - especially in her historicals - feel immersive and authentic.
Emma Chase - The royally series is just hot, sexy fun. Perfect to enjoy with a glass of wine in a bubble bath on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Cherise Sinclair - While we’re talking dirty... Club Shadowlands is full on erotica with kinks galore. It’s delightful.
Lucy Parker - Back on the sweeter side (with some heat to it still) , I LOVE her London Celebrities series. Tropes done right, guys.
Rebekah Weatherspoon - She has two series I’ve been working my way through. She’s awesome on body positivity and heroines owning their own sexuality.
Mia Sosa - Read and adored Acting on Impulse on vacation. Rich, layered characters with wholly believable progression to their journeys. Delicious, funny, and sexy, I loved this one (and I rarely enjoy first person PoV, much less love stories with them).
Beverly Jenkins - Ms. Bev has a deep backlist I’ve only barely scratched the surface of, but she’s legendary for a good reason. Her writing is sharp and engrossing with well crafted characters and interesting settings. Forbidden is a fav.
Elle Kennedy - Yes. Please. So steamy. So engrossing. She has at least two series I’ve been reading, Killer Instincts and also Outlaws. The former deals with a group of assassins and ummmm yes. She’s another I look for every time I hit the used bookstore.
Kit Rocha - Back to erotica here, I’m a sucker for post-apocalyptic romance and the Beyond series fits the bill nicely. I haven’t finished it but the first two were excellent.
Loretta Chase - Lord of Scoundrels. We’re back to historical here but omg what a historical. It’s the only thing of hers I’ve read (and it’s about 25 years old), but it’s a masterpiece of romantic tension and character depth. Freaking must-read for romance writers, IMO. Her structure and character development are study-worthy.
Nora Roberts - Because she’s Nora Roberts. And because Chronicles of The One very much fed my niche interest of post apocalyptic romance.
I’m sure I’m forgetting plenty but this feels like a solid list! Happy reading!
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habibialkaysani · 4 years
tag meme ii
tagged by @joharvell - thank you!
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag five people you’d like to get to know better. also gonna add in some fun commentary because I can lol.
i’m over 5’5” PLS my whole personality is “short and angry” // i wear glasses or contacts I am the one (1) person who doesn’t wear glasses in my family // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings I had one at teh top of my ear but that did not work out oops // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces I took them off prematurely tho // i sunburn easily I... don’t think I’ve ever been sunburnt? // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look BITCH PLS IN THIS ECONOMY? // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies & talents
i play a sport // i can play an instrument piano, very badly // i am artistic // i know more than one language also very badly // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim so badly it doesn’t really count? // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing (badly - wow, there is a theme going here I think) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year the reluctant royals series by alyssa cole! so good // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have had a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle hey who misses regularly being on moving vehicles? I sure as hell do // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote it is “these things, they don’t break us. they make us who were are” // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs // i have want a cat  tagging (no obligation of course): @benhargrieves @funnefatale @prettybirdlaurel @canarycry-ing @moonlightandromache @avasharpe @captain-keeli
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longsightmyth · 5 years
2019 Book Recap
Look we’re not going to talk Sarah Janet in this okay. We all know I don’t like her books. I’m not counting them towards this sort of thing, I have plenty of tags about it. This is the breakdown of ratings. Please keep in mind that while I have five stars to work with on goodreads, I have half stars to work with in my heart and my shelving system. 
0.5 Stars
Dragon’s Time, by Todd McCaffrey
1 Star
No one stars this year, go figure
1.5 Stars
The Mists of Avalon (Avalon, #1) by Marion Zimmer Bradley (reread)
2 Stars
A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic, #1) by VE Schwab
Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin, #3) by Robin LaFevers
2.5 Stars
None this year!
3 Stars
I appear to have no three star reads in 2019 either
3.5 Stars
Full of Briars (October Daye, #9.3) by Seanan McGuire
The Winter Long (October Daye, #8)
The Brightest Fell (October Daye, #11)
The Agincourt Bride (Catherine de Valois, #1) by Joanna Hickson
Season of the Witch (The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, #1) by Sarah Rees Brennan
Night and Silence (October Daye #12)
Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars, #1)
4 Stars
Midnight Riot (Peter Grant, #1) by Ben Aaronovitch
Knight's Shadow (Greatcoats, #2) by Sebastien de Castell
An Artificial Night (October Daye, #3)
Tobias Winter - Meckenheim 2012 (Rivers of London #1.6) by Ben Aaronovitch
Hard in Hightown by ‘Varric Tethras’
Once Broken Faith (October Daye, #10)
A Red-Rose Chain (October Daye, #9)
Courting Darkness (Courting Darkness Duology #1) by Robin LaFevers
Late Eclipses (October Daye, #4)
Midnight Riot (Peter Grant, #1) by Ben Aaronovitch
One Salt Sea (October Daye, #5)
The Ruin of a Rake (The Turner Series, #3) by Cat Sebastian
A Local Habitation (October Daye, #2)
4.5 stars
The Hanging Tree (Peter Grant, #6)
Lies Sleeping (Peter Grant, #7)
Foxglove Summer (Peter Grant, #5)
Broken Homes (Peter Grant, #4)
The Fixed Stars (October Daye, #8.5)
Chimes at Midnight (October Daye, #7)
Whispers Under Ground (Peter Grant, #3)
Ashes of Honor (October Daye, #6)
Moon Over Soho (Peter Grant, #2)
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy (Reluctant Royals, #2.5) by Alyssa Cole
Can't Escape Love (Reluctant Royals, #2.6)
A Prince on Paper (Reluctant Royals, #3)
The Home Crowd Advantage (Peter Grant, #1.5)
A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #2) by Cat Sebastian
5 Stars
Nightingale: London 1966 (Peter Grant, #0.5)
The Austen Playbook (London Celebrities, #4) by Lucy Parker
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mautadite · 4 years
april book round up
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20 books this month, which i didn’t see coming. i had more free time than expected, even with working from home and *makes vague hand gestures*. i still have a scribd membership so almost all these books came from there. also i’m putting some thought into reviewing on netgalley, so a couple from there as well.
american fairy tale - adriana herrera ⭐️⭐️⭐️ contemporary m/m romance in herrera’s dreamers series that follows immigrants and children of immigrants. this second book was fun, a kind of fairy tale romance as the title suggests. a rich guy/poor guy situation which isn’t usually my cup of tea, and the domineering, throw-money-at-every-situation personality of the rich guy got on my nerves, and i wasn’t totally sold on the way the conflict was resolved? but i enjoyed it. herrera’s books just have this down to earth vibe that i love.
unfit to print - k.j. charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ historical m/m romance. vikram, a young lawyer doing a lot of pro-bono work in the indian community in london, lost touch with his childhood friend gil years and years ago, is pretty sure he’s dead. so imagine his surprise when he comes across him in an unlikely occupation in an unlikely place. this was a charming, touching novella, really interesting historically, with a lot of cool titbits about porn in the 19th century. very sweet romance-wise.
american love story - adriana herrera ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ another dreamers novel, this one about a black professor and political activist and a white ADA who had a fling a while back and are now living in the same town. and same apartment building. lol. it did get into real world politics, which i know some people don’t like, but i honestly thought it well done? there were some great bits in this, good insight, one really harrowing moment, and just really great chemistry and character moments.
wanted, a gentleman - k.j. charles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ more historical m/m romance from k.j. charles, which i always like, but this one i REALLY liked. which surprised me, because it’s a novella, and with novellas you never spend enough time with characters to really know them and their story and get attached? but that’s exactly what happened here. a well-to-do ex-slave and a poor gazette owner team up to untangle a young love affair. i seriously loved this, the characters are so good together. T__T
far from the world we know - harper bliss ⭐️⭐️ contemporary f/f romance about a young widow with a traumatic past who moves to a tiny new town to take care of her ailing aunt, and slowly falls into a relationship with the owner of the local newspaper. the premise was good, but this honestly felt like every single harper bliss book i’ve ever read, except it had nothing to recommend it. ask me why these characters even like each other. i can’t answer! 
the hound of justice - claire o'dell ⭐️⭐️ the second book in a series that re-imagines the sherlock holmes universe, except as near-future scifi set during a civil war, and both holmes and watson are black lesbians. i LOVED the first book (with a few caveats) and i’ve been looking forward to this one for so long... but it was disappointing. in terms of the writing, in terms of the direction the characters took, in terms of the plot... i have to wonder if i read the first one with rose-tinted glasses. :/ won’t be continuing this series.
the vintner's luck - elizabeth knox ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ *CLUTCHES MY CHEST WITH BOTH HANDS* in my goodreads review i said i didn’t know how to talk about this novel, and i still don’t. but i ADORED IT. so completely. in early 19th century france, the young son of a winegrower climbs a hill on his father’s property, and there, meets an angel. this is the story of them falling in love, but also about family and friendship, love and death. it’s written SO beautifully, and i’ll be thinking about it for a long time.
the family fang - kevin wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ OOOF. i went into this knowing that several friends loved it so i knew i probably was gonna too and i DID. it’s about two siblings whose parents have been obsessed (since before the birth of their children, and until the present day where they’re both grown) with the idea of creating perfect art, and how the kids survive that. i actually didn’t enjoy reading many parts of this, but only because it was so well written, if that makes sense? like, it took me right in there with some of the shitty emotions and just made me feel. OOOF.
mrs. martin's incomparable adventure - courtney milan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ a VERY sweet and charming historical f/f romance between a wealthy 74-yo widow and the cute young 69 (nice) yo landlady who comes to ask for her help. and then they have an adventure! i read it at a great time, because i was beginning to feel really bummed out about how people are trivialising and discounting the lives of older people in this crisis, and there was a really great message of like... life not being over until you SAY it’s over, living like you have 20 more years left. i loved it a lot.
his convenient husband - robin covington ⭐️⭐️ m/m contemporary fake marriage story, about a russian ballet dancer and the widowed american football player he marries to get citizenship. and then they fall in love for realsies. i love fake marriage as a trope, it can be so cute but this was very meh. if a book is gonna handle racism/homophobia in such a shallow way... i’d honestly prefer if the book just pretended those things don’t exist lol. :/ it’s also very very rushed and not well plotted at all. alas.
once ghosted, twice shy - alyssa cole ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ alyssa cole is like my good luck charm, because starting here, i read a bunch of lesbian romance novels that i really liked. this one is part of a series about reluctant royals, and follows the dapper assistant to a prince as she falls for a girl who seemingly ghosts her, and then meets her again months later. it’s a novella, and sort of relies on the fact that you would have met one of the characters in a previous book (which i did read). but i really really liked it, thought it was super cute, and the mcs had great chemistry. it was almost insta-love, which i really don’t like... but i still like this book so much. also best cover?? BEST COVER. 
who'd have thought - g. benson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ now THIS is fake marriage done right!!! f/f contemporary romance about a struggling nurse who comes across an ad offering a chunk of money in exchange for one year of marriage... and the person on the offering end turns out to be the cold, stuck-up but brilliant doctor at the hospital where she works. this was the perfect slow burn, with great character writing, really good set-up, very believable arc as they slowly fall in love. it got me so emotional at times. definitely gonna make sure i read more from this author.
three reasons to say yes - jaime clevenger ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ f/f contemporary about two women who strike up a romance while on vacation in hawaii; one an overworked professional, one a doctor-mom of twin girls. another winner for me. just an extremely cute, very genuine butch/femme romance. it’s funny because i definitely nitpicked on a lot of things in this book, but i only remember the parts of if that made me so fond.
we set the dark on fire - tehlor kay meija ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ f/f YA fantasy in a world deeply divided by class. in the upper echelons of society, girls are trained either to become one of the two wives of upper class men; the primera and the segunda. the story follows a girl who has faked her social class becoming the primera of a very powerful man, getting involved with revolutionaries, and developing a surprising relationship with her husband’s segunda. really interesting world-building, some lovely writing, a really heart-felt core. i had my nitpicks with the plot but i still super enjoyed it, really want to read the second part.
a tale of two mommies  - vanita oelschlager ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ netgalley book. a cute children’s story about a kid with two moms. <3
crier's war - nina varela ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ more f/f fantasy YA, this one with the added benefit of being about something that i ADORE reading about in fiction: artificial life. in this fantasy world, automae were created, perfected, became aware of their place in society, fought a war for their autonomy... and won. the story opens up 50 years later, in a society ruled by robots, where humans are subjugated. it follows the current robot ruler’s created daughter and a young human rebel whose one goal is to kill said daughter. i loved this SO much, the enemies to lovers trope was peeeerfect. i wish the writing was tighter, and some plot elements could have used cleaning up, but i enjoyed this so much. the ROMANCE especially was... gah! <3 the second book comes out soon, but i want it like, now.
second dad summer - benjamin klas ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ another netgalley book. a fun and charming primary/middle school story about a kid spending the summer with his father, and his father’s new boyfriend, who he doesn’t quite get along with. over the summer he makes new friends, nurtures some plants, learns some lessons. i thought this was well-written, touching, and does a pretty good job of telling kids about queer stuff. 
tempting fate - sloane kennedy ⭐️⭐️ contemporary m/m novella (short story honestly) about two ranch hands realising their feelings for one another. it was fine, i read it because i was in the mood for a quick HEA and i got that, but it was also kinda flat and there were several kinda irksome things about it. i reeeeeally don’t like overly possessive characters, lol.
all the reasons i need - jaime clevenger ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ more contemporary f/f romance, this one about long time friends who have been in love for ages, slowly coming to a place where they can finally admit their feelings and try to embark upon a relationship. again, while on vacation! this was a lot more sombre than the previous clevenger book, as it deals with past abuse and eating disorders. but i also found the writing to be better in general, and the relationship between the two women was just... so great. the writing definitely isn’t pulitzer prize-winning or anything, but there are so few good butch/femme books out there, i ate this up, and will def. be reading more from this author.
interpreter of maladies - jhumpa lahiri ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ speaking of pulitzer prize-winning authors... i’ve had this author and this book specifically at the back of my mind since secondary school; one of my literature teachers really loved it and would bring it up all the time. i really enjoyed it! it’s a collection of stories about the indian diaspora in america, as well as life on the subcontinent. i really like her writing (very simple, very precise, but very evocative) and there were a few really striking stories.
and that’s it for april. look at me, actually writing this entry on time, lol. for may i’m just gonna... keep reading whatever catches my eye on scribd i guess. i remember vaguely saying that by this time of the year i would have moved on to reading the books on my physical bookshelf that i haven’t gotten to yet but... i go where the wind takes me etc. currently reading silver moon, about women who turn into werewolves once they hit menopause? absolutely metal.
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writingrissa · 6 years
Rissa Reads: Reluctant Royals
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Let me sing you the song of my love for Alyssa Cole and her Reluctant Royals series. Princess in Theory and Duke by Default were two of my absolute favorite reads last year and I’m highly anticipating reading the rest this year. Alyssa Cole writes funny, authentic, relatable, and (best of all) diverse characters.
Characters who are smart,capable, mixed race, gay, disabled; both mentally and physically, in interracial relationships and dealing with everything from learning to trust, a multitude of familial issues (maybe even some emotional abuse via family) to learning their self worth.
She also incorporates themes relevant to the real world, like staying true to oneself while dealing with the expectations of others, how women, especially black women, have to be extra careful of how they carry themselves in professional environments, that innate desire for your happy ever after, diverse cultures, mental health and even immigration.
Also just look at those GORGEOUS covers! I can’t wait to have them all on my bookshelf.
There are five books total in this series; three main books and two novellas. Here is the publishing order:
1. Princess in Theory
2. Duke by Default
2.5.  Once Ghosted, Twice Shy (novella)
3. A Prince on Paper (available April 30th)
3.5. Can’t Escape Love (novella available March 19th)
You can find the series lists and synopses on goodreads.
I’ll put some of my impressions of the characters and a bit more info about the books below the cut off. I don’t plan to write anything too spoilery, but just in case (plus this is getting a little long).
Princess in Theory is a little bit Cinderella and a lot bit “lost princess” while poking fun at those Africa Prince spam emails we all used to get. Naledi, however, is no damsel in distress. She book and street smart. The long lost princess who is studying to be an epidemiologist. One of my favorite things is how she describes her tough outer shell “She thought of it as her social phospholipid bilayer: flexible, dynamic, and designed to keep the important parts of her self separate from a possibly dangerous outside environment.” Her character is so fleshed out and real.
And while Thabiso is sometimes an arrogant jerk (he is a prince after all) he also cares so much for his people and his country. What I love most is that he’s really a hopeless romantic holding to the ideal of marrying the one who is supposed to be his perfect mate.
In Duke by Default we get to see so much more of Portia. In Princess in theory she came across as a kind of loveable screw up and in her book we get to see just how much hurt and insecurity she hides behind that loveable exterior and how she internalizes the label of screw up. I loved seeing her journey to realizing her self worth.
Tavish is a great hero, he’s handsome, strong, and gruff, but he knows who he is. He knows his worth and, once he’s realized them, isn’t scared to work on his flaws or apologize when he’s in the wrong. I really like seeing the softness in him when dealing with children and when for Portia when he realizes she really doesn’t know how amazing she is.
I haven’t yet read Once Ghosted, Twice Shy, but I already love Likotsi from her role in Princess in Theory. Likotsi is Thabiso’s right hand woman. I kind of think of her like the butler from the movie The Prince and Me, completely unflappable. Also she’s a sharp dresser. I have a thing for women who look amazing in suits and that’s how I imagine Likotsi. I also love that not only is her sexuality accepted in Thesolo, she’s a sought after match. Also I don’t think I’ve ever read a romance series that included a separate story for a gay character. I’m excited to read this novella.
Prince on Paper isn’t available yet, but the synopsis mentions a fake dating situation and I love those! Plus on twitter Alyssa Cole they’re “the modern wallflower and rake” and I like that.
Can’t Escape Love is Reggie’s story (Portia’s twin sister) and I am so excited to read her story. I love that she’s a geeky girl and love the hints Alyssa Cole’s been posting to her twitter.
Okay, I’m done with my love fest. But seriously, read these books! You’ll thank me later 😉
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books-on-a-wire · 6 years
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My TBR is kind of insane this month, so I’m being realistic with this list for #contemporaryathon and doubling up on several challenges. It’s running from Feb 11-17th with hosts - Chelsea at  chelseadollingreads, Natasha at myreadingisodd, Julie from pagesandpens., and Mel from meltotheany. They are doing book photo challenges, giveaways, so go check out their channels for more info. 
THE CHALLENGES: 1. Read your most recently acquired contemporary novel      I’m finishing a duology I started in January and just picked up the second book, Throne of Truth from Pepper Winter’s. It should also apply toward #4??
2. Read a book with plurple (blue or purple) on the cover      Crybaby by K. Webster has both colors. Knowing K. Webster, it will also   apply toward #4. I know nothing about it, so do your research ;)
3. Read a diverse contemporary (keep in mind it’s Black History Month)      I’m continuing The Reluctant Royals series with A Duke by Default by Alyssa  Cole. I’ve been holding onto this series for February and it’s time!!!
4. Read a dark or taboo contemporary     See #1 or #2
5. Read a contemporary you meant to read in 2018 but didn’t get to     2018, ha! I’ve been meaning to read this since 2016 when it came out -      Elastic Hearts - book #3 in the Hearts series by Claire Contreras.       6. Read a contemporary in a non-traditional format.      I want to finish up with The Reluctant Royals series with Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole. This f/f novella is out now on e-book, which is what I’ll be reading but will also be available on February 19th in Mass Market. I have been looking forward to this one so much...can’t wait!
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7. Read a contemporary with a picture on the spine.      Both #3 and #5 have pictures on the spine. 
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cinaed · 5 years
Reading Wednesday
Or Thursday, as the case may be, because I did my usual outreach on Tuesday and it's thrown my whole week off.
Recently Finished
Still chipping away at my pile of library books, and I forgot to do this last week, so this looks like more books than it is. I read The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden, Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole, Tiamat's Wrath by James S. A. Corey, How Long 'til Black Future Month? by N.K. Jemisin, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, and Fearless Girls, Wise Women, & Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales From Around the World by Kathleen Ragan.
It took me a few chapters to get invested in The Bear and the Nightingale, but wow that prose! It definitely felt like a fairytale without being trite, I really found the main character's relationship with her family fascinating, and the ending was unexpected but good. I'll definitely be looking for more in that series.
Once Ghosted, Twice Shy is a f/f novella set in Alyssa Cole's Reluctant Royals series, and was very charming. I loved both characters. I don't have much to say about it, not because it wasn't good, but because it was very short and sweet story.  
Tiamat's Wrath is the latest book in The Expanse series and was a wild ride. I really love how the writers have expanded into so many women's POVs compared to the first few books, and how deftly they've brought in characters from earlier books. I cannot wait for the next one, which I think is the final one? Also, uh, I have a lot of feelings about what happened to certain characters. A lot.
How Long 'til Black Future Month is probably one of the best short story collections I've ever read, hands down. There was so much variety, and so many interesting stories. I haven't never been able to get into her longer works, but I loved 90% of her short fiction in this and hope that she does more. I also really hope a few of the stories get nominated for Yuletide this year.
Speaking of some of the best things I've read, if you like speculative fiction that looks at imperialism, spy intrigue, and awesome worldbuilding, or if you liked the Imperial Radch series, PLEASE READ A MEMORY OF EMPIRE. It's about a diplomat from a free colony that is sent into the heart of the nearby encroaching empire to a) figure out if the previous ambassador was murdered and b) keep the empire from annexing her world. It's seriously one of the best books I've read this year, and is queer and complicated and wonderful. I loved it a lot.
Fearless Girls was also an interesting collection, even if some of the stories got a little repetitive. Still I enjoyed the read and would love to see some of the stories expanded into full length novels!  
Currently Reading
I just finished Tiamat's Wrath last night and haven't picked up a new book yet!
What's Next
At this point I'm still going with books that are due back at the library with holds on them, which means next up is either Bird by bird : some instructions on writing and life by Anne Lamott or A beautiful poison by Lydia Kang.
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lair-of-books · 5 years
How are we already in August?!? 😱 I guess what they say is true, time flies when you’re having fun 🙌🏽 admittedly this means my reading took a hit cause I’ve been really enjoying life & having some amazing experiences I’ll never forget 💓 As we approach the end of Summer, the itch to pick up my books has struck & I’m sOoO ready to give in! 🤗 I was recently blessed by the Book Gods to gain access to some EPIC 2019/2020 ARCS so it’s looking like I have my reading cut out for me. That being said, I’m still going to mood read my little heart away cause it really has made me a much happier bookworm. I have fallen a bit behind with reviews 🙈😂 but I’m working on choosing one day of the week where I focus solely on drafting reviews. In the month of July I found myself reading more than any other month this year thanks to audiobooks. Yes audiobooks count & I will die on that cross! they’ve helped me get into a more steady workout routine (LIVIN MY BEST LIFE🔥), now I tell myself one more lap = one more chapter ✔️ They’re also amazing when I’m in the kitchen learning new dishes to make for my two tiny humans 🤗
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A Princess In Theory (Reluctant Royals #1) by Alyssa Cole ✨5 STARS✨Both Naledi & Prince Thabiso stole my heart. with their hate to love romance set in NYC. This book featured a strong, intelligent, sexy black female in the STEM field who you is very relatable. Ledi has an internship, side jobs, and student loans to manage all the while giving the sexy Thabiso major side eye for his more than obvious interest in her haha! LOVED this so much! RTC
Wicked Fox by Kat Cho ✨5 STARS✨I can see now why bookworms have linked this while K-Dramas, this was ABSOLUTELY ADDICTIVE! Miyoung is a Gumiho who feeds on the souls of evil men in order to continue living a immortal life. This all changes of course when she saves Jihoon from a Goblin (there are other supernatural creatures in this world) & then starts to fall in love. LOVED the Mythology & got deeply invested in these characters lives, HIGHLY anticipating the sequel 🤗 RTC
With The Fire On High by Elizabeth Acevedo ✨5 STARS✨(BOTM) My FAVE read of the month! I listened to this audiobook in one whole day as worked from home, cooked, and then worked out for about an hour. I could NOT stop listening to Elizabeth Acevedo’s raw authentic narration of Emoni’s story as she navigates school as a teenage mom with a natural born talent for cooking. I was sucked into Emoni’s story from the very first page where she remixes ingredients from recipes her aunt emails her.  HIGHLY recommend! 💜 (My Review)
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager ✨3.5 STARS✨(BOTM) although I do own a physical copy from BOTM, after my Twin Soul ChicNerdReads raved about the audiobook performance, I knew that was the way to go. The performance itself was ON POINT! Gothic vibes in NYC, I listened to this one in a day. Very entertaining & it may just be because I don’t read very many thrillers but It did keep me guessing till the very end. However, there were parts that dragged throwing off the pacing and making me lose interest here & there. I’ve heard from others who have read Riley Sager’s other books that this was their least favorite. I will definitely be giving the other books a chance since I do already own copies 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 #noregrets
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo ✨3 STARS✨ I had the privilege of reading this ARC a few weeks ago thanks to an awesome friend. I was 100% aware that this is a adult paranormal book with some hard hitting themes (*Content Warning: Drugs, mention of overdose, statutory rape, graphic violence, kidnapping, physical abuse, death of a loved one, fear of abandonement, use of a magical drug for date rape). It took me about a month to get through this book & it wasn’t because I was triggered, it was very much based on scattered pacing. The first half is very info dumpy & the last 200 pages are where all the action takes place and you finally get hooked in the story. This is the first book in a series & LOL! I’ll be honest & say I wasn’t planning on continuing but I might just give the next book a shot. RTC.
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The Lion King is tied for 1st place as my favorite Disney movie of all time with Aladdin. However, unlike the AMAZING Aladdin remake we got earlier this summer…I wasn’t over the moon in love with this remake & that breaks my heart. It’s a STUNNING movie, a real feast for the eyes but it did lack the emotion we got in the original. I’ve watched the original dozens of times & still cried each & every time but that just wasn’t the case here. What I loved? The voice actors did a FANTASTIC job & the soundtrack is truly beautiful! 😍
I hope you’re all enjoying your Summer! I’ve been truly maximizing on the great weather to travel more, reconnect with friends both near & far as well as just enjoying life 😍 my Netflix Queue is out of control (shhh! don’t spoil ssn.3 Stranger Things) & my apartment has felt neglected 😂 but I hope to make time  soon for a little time-out where I just snuggle up with books, Netflix, and tea 😍
Instagram: @LairOfBooks
Twitter: @LairOfBooks
Goodreads: LairOfBook
July 2019 Wrap Up How are we already in August?!? 😱 I guess what they say is true, time flies when you're having fun 🙌🏽 admittedly this means my reading took a hit cause I've been really enjoying life & having some amazing experiences I'll never forget 💓 As we approach the end of Summer, the itch to pick up my books has struck & I'm sOoO ready to give in!
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Truly Swoon-Worthy | A Duke by Default by Alyssa Cole
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Started: August 24th, 2020
Finished: August 26th, 2020
A Duke by Default was a fun swoon filled read. I don’t seek out romance often and Alyssa Cole’s stories have been a great entry point into the genre for me. It was an excellent slow burn and its depth and emotional intelligence blew me away.
The story follows Portia Hobb, a socialite and self-proclaimed hot mess. In an attempt to get her life on track she takes on a sword-making apprenticeship with the grouchy Scottish smith and martial artist Tavish McKenzie. While there’s an instant attraction between the two both of their emotional hang-ups leave the two unwilling to take the plunge into a full-blown romance. But after Portia uncovers Tav’s aristocratic lineage they spend more time together than ever and can’t deny their feelings for each other.
While I’m singing its praises now I was very wary of A Duke by Default in the beginning. My biggest hang-up was how much of an asshole Tavish was at the start of the story. Asshole love interests are not for me and every callus remark and offhand dismissal of Portia by Tav had me fuming. But, the development of Tav’s character as the story progressed was so well done and satisfying that Cole brought me completely on board as the story continued. The narrative never excuses Tav’s awful behaviour and his ultimate apology to Portia was so sincere and came from a place of genuine remorse. Cole addresses and picks apart the sexism that was at the heart of a lot of Tav’s behaviour and I really appreciated seeing him bluntly called out and change for the better.
Portia was such a rich and nuanced female lead. Portia sees herself as less than and unworthy of love, this constant self-doubt and desire to prove her worth lead to interesting conflict and ultimately a satisfying character arc. The heart of this story is Portia learning to like herself and see herself as worthy of love. That personal journey was as fulfilling as the romance. I loved seeing Portia learn to value herself and navigate a possible ADHD diagnosis. She was a very flawed but very relatable character and seeing her happy ending was incredibly satisfying because of that.
The romance between Tav and Portia was great. I will say, I wasn’t a fan of the insta-lust between them because I’m very put off by the overemphasis of sexual attraction in books. The constant mention of people’s plump lips and smooth skin doesn’t gel well with me. But Cole balanced that with absolutely delightful emotional chemistry between these two. My heart melted as Tav and Portia realized the depth of their feelings for each other and Cole conveyed their emotional compatibility brilliantly. Tav and Portia truly cared about each other. Seeing Portia go above and beyond to make Tav comfortable in his role as a duke, and the genuine sorrow Tav had when he realized all the ways he made Portia feel small were a gut punch to the feels. I’m ‘take it or leave it’ when it comes to sex in books, but I think those looking for that in their romance won’t be disappointed. This novel is a slow burn and Cole built tension between Portia and Tavish excellently.  
How this book discussed race, class, and its intersection with the aristocracy was stellar. The romance genre is often uncritical and passively supportive of these ancient seats of political power built off of stolen wealth, and believe me I understand that sometimes books are just fun escapist fantasies, but Cole demonstrates that you can still have that fantasy while challenging these unjust hierarchies.  The fact that aristocratic douchebags with an undue amount of influence have sway over public policy is discussed in the narrative and I really appreciated that a book about selling the fantasy of dating a sexy Scottish Duke still managed to have class consciousness.
The only flaw in this book to me was its ending. The story felt unfinished because there wasn’t any sort of resolution after the third act break-up. The moment Tav and Portia reunite the story ends and I could’ve done with an epilogue or final chapter that tied everything together. The climax felt very rushed because of it and plot threads like Portia’s relationship with her parents and the fate of Dudgeon didn’t quite feel complete.
Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟½
A Duke by Default was a fantastic read. Alyssa Cole writes amazing romances that feel fresh, funny, and utterly swoon-worthy. I will be gobbling up the rest of the Reluctant Royals series hopefully in time for the release of How to Catch a Queen in December.
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vivianstravelblog · 5 years
Book Review: A Prince on Paper
Book Review: A Prince on Paper
~ Spoiler Free Book Review: A Prince on Paper (Reluctant Royals #3) by – Alyssa Cole ~
I was super duper looking forward to the newest addition to the ‘Reluctant Royals” series. I have read everything else published in this series including novellas and short stories. ‘Reluctant Royals’ is such a diverse, inclusive, and well-written romance series.
A Prince on Paper couples up characters…
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