#look I was just thinking about how character Thomas probably really could have benefited from someone like remus as a kid
Nothing But Proud
Summary: Remus isn't exactly good with sensitive conversations.  But he's gonna have to figure it out at least a little, because he has a feeling he needs to talk to his nephew about something
So here’s the thing about Remus’ gaydar.
It works about 76% of the time.  Enough that he feels comfortable asking someone out if he’s vaguely sure he can take them on if he has to.  Not enough that he brings it up in casual conversation with most people.  His friends, sure.  They’re as queer as he is.  His family, depends on the person.  His nephew who he’s pretty sure is deep in the self-hatred part of the closet… well.
There’s a 24% chance that goes really, really badly.  And when you’re talking about a kid, you don’t take that chance unless you’re sure.
Thomas’ family is right smack in that gray area of the Catholic homophobia.  Remus is fairly sure they’re good with that shit, but they’ve never said outright, and he’s not going to ask.  Another thing you don’t do when there’s a kid to consider.
Remus talking to Thomas could go bad in so many ways if it’s not as needed as he thinks it is.  If Thomas is straight and homophobic, he’ll get angry, and Remus will have shut down open-mindedness and started him on the path of assholery.  If he’s straight and not homophobic, but his parents are and he talks to them about it, the same thing could happen, along with them banning Remus from seeing the kid.  And Remus rather likes Thomas, if he’s honest with himself.  The kid is bright, and kind, and expressive, and Remus could see him turning out really amazing if things go right for him.  Another reason he doesn’t want this conversation to go bad if it’s not as needed as he thinks it is.
But then there’s the other part of it to consider.  If this conversation is as needed as he thinks it is.  If Thomas is gay and homophobic.
Fuck, if that’s the case and the conversation goes bad…
So Remus has to play this very, very carefully.
It would be easy if he had a boyfriend he could casually introduce, but he doesn’t.  And he doesn’t want to ask any of his friends to get involved and pretend.  Even though he has several who would be very okay with lying about this, Remus doesn’t know if he’s okay with it.  He’s trying to reassure Thomas that it’s okay to be his authentic self, he doesn’t want to lie about his own life while doing that.
So eventually, Remus decides on a very vague affirmation that, if his gaydar isn’t off, will be exactly enough to give Thomas the message.  And if his gaydar is off, Thomas will just give him a weird look, and Remus will know.
So, finally, as Thanksgiving rolls around, Remus heads to the family get-together with the intention of finding some time to talk to Thomas alone.
It ends up coming after the meal is over, when all the adults are gathering for a poker game and all the kids are running downstairs to play and the teenagers are hanging out awkwardly on the side of the room, not really fitting in in either place.
Thomas, thankfully, is standing a little ways off from everyone else, enough that Remus can move over to lean against the wall next to him and talk without anything getting overheard.
“Hey, kid,” he says, and Thomas glances over at him.  “How’s life?”
Thomas gives him a curious look, which is fair.  The two of them aren’t like, on bad terms, but they don’t talk much outside of family gatherings.
“It’s fine,” Thomas says anyway, looking over towards the adults playing poker.  “You don’t want to join the game?”
“Eh,” Remus says with a shrug.  “Don’t want to be around when they all start talking politics.”
Thomas snorts.  “That’s fair,” he mutters.  He goes quiet for a minute, and Remus tries to gauge his mood.  Unsurprisingly, he can’t tell for sure what Thomas’ opinion on sexuality is from a singular moment at a family Thanksgiving party.
So, Remus starts with his prepared affirmation instead.
“You know,” he says, and Thomas looks up at him again.  “I have a lot of weird friends.”
Thomas stares at him in bafflement.  “Good for you?”
“And those friends, you know, I am so proud of them every time they live life as exactly who they are.”
“Right,” Thomas says, still sounding weirded out.
Remus turns and gives Thomas a meaningful look.  “Exactly who they are,” he reiterates.
Thomas looks at him for another second, and then his eyes go wide, and okay, Remus knows now.
Thomas turns away very quickly, going tense, meaning it’s time to wrap this up.
“And you know kid,” Remus says gently.  “I will never be anything but proud of you if you decide to live your life as exactly who you are.”
Thomas says nothing.  He’s started to shake a bit, and Remus should go.  He pats Thomas twice on the shoulder.
“Just wanted to make sure you knew that, kid,” he says, and he walks away to go join the poker game.
He acts as casual as he can for the rest of the night, and never directly approaches Thomas, but he’s barely thinking about much else.  Did he do that right?  He’s never done that before, and he doesn’t think he’s ever been so scared of fucking something up.  If he makes things harder for Thomas while trying to do the exact opposite… the last thing he wants to do is hurt the kid who reminds Remus so much of himself at his age.
He’s expecting to go home without getting a clear answer on anything of the sort, but that ends up not being what happens.  As a round of the poker game is wrapping up, the politics talk is beginning and Remus quietly excuses himself to get a cup of water.
While he’s filling a solo cup up alone at the sink, he feels a set of eyes on him, and he turns to see Thomas standing at the edge of the counter.
He smiles a little.  “Hey kid,” he says.  “How ya doin?”
Thomas opens his mouth, not seeming quite sure what to say.  As a result, they end up standing there in silence for a second.
“Thomas!” a voice calls from the other room.  “Come on, we’ve gotta go!”
Thomas glances over his shoulder but still doesn’t say anything.
Remus reaches out and grabs a napkin from the counter, then pulls a pen out of his pocket and scribbles down his cellphone number.
“Here,” he says, passing it to Thomas.  “If you ever want to talk.  I think we might have some things in common.”
Thomas takes the napkin and looks up at him, wide-eyed.  Remus smiles slightly and winks at him.
Thomas suddenly lurches forward and wraps his arms around Remus in a tight hug.  Remus gives an “oof” of surprise, but hugs the kid back.
“Thomas!” calls the voice from before.  “Where are you?”
Thomas lets go of Remus instantly and runs off without another word.
Remus turns to finish filling his cup of water.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
today i am thinking about... being kept company by favs while in a low spoons/introverted kind of mode..
(Just some general hcs and such, g/n reader, referred to as 'you'! not explicitly shippy)
Characters: Ayato, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone, Pierro, Thoma, Zhongli
Ayato would be more than happy to keep you company - he probably quite likes having someone else nearby that isn't a retainer or something while he's doing his paperwork - I'd imagine he struggles a bit with social burnout on occasion too with how often he has to take charge of conversations, and thus sometimes he will request some 'chill time', especially once he's realised that you both benefit from it. He's often left to his own devices when he's doing his paperwork (apart from Thoma coming up to bring him snacks and drinks) so his study is kind of a safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of the outside world (and even when it's not, Ayato would definitely find you somewhere quiet to sit if you need it <3)
Honestly almost any time with Capitano would be some kind of 'quiet time', I headcanon him to be a very quiet individual, a man who lets his actions do all of the talking. It's actually more of a struggle to get him to engage in a normal conversation (especially if it isn't to do with a subject he's interested in), so hangouts with him often end up with silently watching a movie together or engaging in some form of parallel play (he likes to read -- though I can also see him engaging in some low-key, quiet exercises like tai chi, maybe yoga). I may be projecting here (which I think I'm allowed to because we know next to nothing about him and ive latched onto him like a remora fish), but i imagine that he actually struggles a lot with speaking aloud and socialising and will occasionally go non-verbal when he's had a particularly long or overwhelming day, so sitting quietly doing your own things works great for him.
I'm sorry but Childe can NOT stay still for long enough for either party to benefit from some sit-down quiet time, he's a high-key sensory seeker and is never quiet, he needs to be in the centre of attention or doing at least 3 things at once or he'll explode - he fidgets and wanders and asks annoying/insensitive questions like "hey are you done being quiet now?" he can be really draining to be around but if you tell him you're having a bad day or something he can be super sweet, bringing you treats and gifts and letting you snuggle up to him!
Chill time with Dottore is... unnerving, to say the least. After a mini questionnaire about your day and what led up to you feeling like this, he finally lets up and allows you to sit with him as he goes about whatever business, but eventually you find that he keeps glancing up at you with increasing frequency, his head tilted to the side as he just... observes you.
Pantalone probably chuckles and teases a bit, something along the lines of "oh, you couldn't even go a whole day without me? How sweet." He's another one who doesn't fully understand why someone might want what is essentially 'alone time' in tandem with another person, but he's fine with it as long as you aren't in the way or being distracting, though I feel like he could be kind of strict about it, especially when he's highly stressed, it feels more like being in detention than anything else.
Pierro probably enjoys it (but would never admit it), he probably won't even acknowledge someone walking into the room unless they speak to him directly, so it's really easy just to walk in and sit on a chair near him and just enjoy his presence (though he totally has that old man throat clear/sneeze). Bonus points if you bring him a coffee - he'll tell anyone who walks in looking for you that you're working on something for him and should be left alone.
Thoma is in a similar situation to Childe but he actually knows how to regulate himself well enough to not disturb or bother you - if he has some kind of quiet chore to sit down and do (like folding laundry, sewing or knitting) then he's more than set to keep you company for a while - he'll also offer to make you food and drinks, just like he does when you're sad or upset. I think he struggles to differentiate between upset/just needing some quiet time, but he really does mean well!
I think Zhongli would kind of struggle with the idea at first, it's kind of a non-traditional way of hanging out that he's not used to, he's such a talkative person and will just infodump about the first things that come to his mind because he likes to share things with you, but once he's warmed up to the idea he's more than happy to just sit in the same room while he works on some paperwork for the funeral parlor or reads, only occasionally breaking the silence to tell you something he's deemed to be very interesting or important.
Please don't copy or steal my work! Reblogs are always super appreciated though :D If there's a character not included here (or just someone you want me to elaborate more on), I'm more than happy to put something together, just send me an ask!
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lesbianyosano · 2 years
ok so i dont have them for all the characters but uhhh here's what i got (this got unnecessarily long so im putting this under the cut):
kunikida is a commie for sure, probably an anarchist and the theory reading kind too. he's probably involved with local initiatives and tried to radicalize his coworkers at least once. he got unreasonably exited when kenji joined bc the kid is definitely a commie as well. kenji is still a little young (plus he barely knows how money works) so he's been actively explaining what capitalism is to him
kenji basically lived in a commune all his life and wants everyone to be happy, learning what capitalism is and how it works made him incredibly sad, but he's also really determined and so he's been talking about communism to everyone he meets when running around the city
ranpo is a centrist, thinks people who are legitimately invested in politics are stupid and foolish and always brings up the horseshoe theory, doesn't help that poe is crazy rich and works for capitalism incarnate
dazai, when asked, will claim whatever political ideology he thinks is the funniest in given situation, which in practice means he talks abt being an anarcho capitalist just to piss kunikida off (he's been very succesfull so far, almost convinced atsushi that the whole thing made sense). for real though, he think politics is stupid and doesn't really have that much impact, but he also only thinks of politics as the direct actions of the government, rather than ideas, and he's met enough politicians in his mafia days to consider the whole thing corrupt and not worth his time (also mori used to canonically make his read theory which i think is so so funny)
atsushi was generally cut off from the world for the majority of his life, so he only started getting interested after joining the ada. he likes to talk about it and tries to watch the news and read theory trying to develop an informed outlook. he's very left leaning and partial to communism too (except for that one time dazai almost convinced him anarcho capitalism makes sense. he doesnt like to think about it)
yosano is a marxist feminist, vehemently anti-war, she used to come to feminist reading group at a local uni. her and kunikida talk abt politics a lot in their free time and recommend books and articles to each other. she's been trying to push kyouka and naomi to look into feminism too (succesfully)
chuuya is a libertarian and i refuse to believe otherwise. he really hated rich people when he was still with the sheep but after joining the mafia and spending too much time with mori and kouyou he decided that being rich was fine, actually. also he commits tax evasion bc why not, it's hardly the worst thing he does tbh, free market enthusiast
mori is a classical liberal, also canonically seems to be pretty well versed in economic theory (he mentions henry kissinger, thomas shelling and john forbes nash during the guild arc, funnily enough). his utalitarianism really comes through when he talks about politics, they're very kill or get killed (literally or economically), believes in free market
fukuzawa is kind of weird, he doesn't really subscribe to any ideology specifically. overall he's left leaning socially (all his kids are gay, so is he) but he's never actively questioned how the world works, or looked for an alternative. worth mentioning, he used to be an assasin for the government, and the only reason he stopped was due to personal disguist with how he was starting to enjoy it, he never seemed to wonder who and why is he killing, he just did his job completely uncritically, actively benefiting the state
as ive said before, fukuchi could be a commie if he wanted to, but instead of taking initiative in publicly speaking on the horrors of war and his hatred for national states he decided to become a cop, literally the worst he could have done
ok these are the ones i have like. active thought about, sorry this got so fucking long and i hope it's not unintelligible
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moodindigov · 1 year
celia charity brightwell; my personal view on her words in s&p and her character.
okay tbh idk if this has ever been brought up before and tbf i havent looked into it yet because this thought just came so suddenly to me while i was reading ash and quill for like the eighteen billionth time, but can we talk about celia charity whatever her name is brightwell? like can we talk about her bond with her sons being literally non existent. (read more bcs i won’t make u scroll past this post for 2 seconds when u can scroll past it in like a quarter of that time.)
genuinely think about it, celia brightwell is ‘a dutiful mother but never a loving one’ and suddenly this all changes because she’s lost almost all her kids..like i get that we can’t see her inner thoughts or monologue from her or anything, and i understand that she may have been going through her own share of the struggle of fighting back trauma and getting enough strength to do this, but i personally cannot see jess truly forgiving her for what she’s done—or for that matter, what she hasn’t done that so deeply hurt him that in a&q when asked for his mother’s jewels by thomas, jess promptly responds that he’s ‘lucky to have a thief for a friend.’ and when wolfe overhears his schemes with khalila and dario and shows jess that if we would’ve just asked celia charity whats-her-name for the jewels, she would’ve gladly given them over, he has this reaction of just pure anguish and fury; how can wolfe be so sure? how could wolfe understand what he went through, and even more so, how can he just talk about his mother as if she ever truly loved him, cared for him as a mother should, when throughout his eighteen years of living and struggling to keep himself above water from the storm that callum’s made of his life, she’s simply been an entity in his life. there but not present in his life, a shadow. something not physically attainable to hold and ground himself to a reality - and it’s that real sort of reaction from jess who’s just at this point completely given up on the hope of receiving motherly love from this enigma in his life, knowing he probably should give up hope that she’d treat him with any sort of actual care because he knows he’d just be disappointed with the outcome, and yet still holding onto that fragile piece that maybe she could. i personally feel like the end of sword and pen where jess just automatically declares his love for her is so inaccurate and imo so rushed i feel to get a sort of happy ending for the brightwell family. and like i said earlier, we don’t know at all what celia was going through and i understand it would’ve taken time for her to build up the courage to stand up to callum herself, but its so sporadic in the end, so- abrupt, that it seems not really fleshed out enough to truly be something anyone would consider forgiving in the moment, but we’ll give jess benefit of the doubt. he’s still freshly grieving morgan and his twin (i should probably write something ab that too) so maybe his reaction to just immediately cling onto a semblance of love someone from his blood family could offer was more instinctual, more him trying to grasp that feeling that no one in his family could’ve given him up until that point. but even then, even when charity couldn’t stand up to callum and his cruel ways and couldn’t get herself out from under his boot, it didn’t leave her unable to bond with her sons. it didn’t suddenly stop her from getting the chance to at least try and protect them from what she knew was going on, what they were going through. and at the beginning of the series i just assumed she rarely even cared for them, because remember callum only married her for money and power and probably some other toxic and self-centered desire i can’t think of, but when it’s revealed she does care for them, it makes it even more confusing. did she not talk to them in hopes of them just never bonding so she could, at least maybe for a small time, ignore the mistake she’d made of marrying callum and the consequences that came with it, and suddenly when she’s ready to acknowledge those consequences, she comes to jess’ aid? was it for some desire that maybe she could protect them? i just dont get it.
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prismatic-glow · 9 months
I'm bored, so i'm gonna main a random character || p1
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Hello everyone! A bit of a different post for today but I wanted to switch things up. I really enjoyed making my last series so today i'll be starting a new one where I document my whole process of building + maining a new character for a bit
For those of you that like my more educational content, i'd still love if you stuck around for this one because it will cover a lot of my thought process and you might be able to pick up some tips along the way.
Let's begin!!
╰┈➤ part one : ̗̀➛ goals
Obviously the description of "building and maining" a character is kinda vauge. So, here are the criteria i'm giving myself for this challenge
: ̗̀➛ level 90 the character
: ̗̀➛ crown a talent. This one is a maybe but i'd like to do it. Consider it an "extra credit" assignment for myself lol
: ̗̀➛ all artifacts have the correct stats + correct set
: ̗̀➛ at least a 60/120 or 70/140 crit ratio
: ̗̀➛ a complete team for them (not a team that will carry them though, aka hyperbloom)
: ̗̀➛ a "functional team". A team that isn't just for the showcase, but is somewhat practical for everyday use
: ̗̀➛ kill a boss with the team in a somewhat impressive amount of time. I'm not talking any crazy nukes since my Mona isn't built yet but around 5-10 seconds is the goal. I'm not gonna try to reach 100k or anything crazy with them though since if it's a "bad" character that's probably a waste of my resources
╰┈➤ part two : ̗̀➛ selecting the character
ok, so you have no reason to trust me on this but I 100% promise the character I get is the first one I roll.
I plugged all my unbuilt (all level 60 or below) characters into a wheel and, incase you're curious, here's the list:
Lynette, Mika, Candace, Dori, Yun Jin, Kirara, Gorou, Thoma Chongyun, Dehya, Charlotte, Freminet, Faruzan, Heizou, Mona, Kayea, Ninnguang, Kujou Sara, Amber, Razor, Collei
Gonna spin it now and then immediately write my first thoughts so, here we go!
Ok I got Candace! Honestly not too sure how to feel about this. One one hand her infusion should allow her to function as a DPS but since she's HP scaling, my options are limited when it comes to choosing teammates. Honestly, I think I can do this. ALSO she's super pretty and I love her design which is a plus. The wheel allllmost landed on Charlotte which is a bit of a bummer because I was eventually planning on building her but, oh well
╰┈➤ part three : ̗̀➛ build and team ideas
if you aren't interested in this kinda thing, skip to the end this section for a summary :D
ok, now I actually have to figure out a build for her. Before looking at any guides, the sets that stick out to me for maybe being viable are:
Nymph's Dream for Hydro damage bonus and attack. The attack won't boost her skill or burst damage but could help her normal attacks especially since her scalings are less than impressive. But the fact that a) one of the stats is useless for 2/3 of her kit and b) that the domain is super inefficient to farm + I have no preexisting pieces for it makes me not want to go for this set
The second set that once I immediately was drawn to after thinking of it was Marrechausse Hunter. Not only does it boos her normal and charges attack damage, but the 4pc will help a ton with crit stats. Of course, this does mean running her with Furina but I promise i'll take off her artifacts once it's time for a showcase since her summons will 100% destroy everything. The other benefits of this set are that I already have a few pieces and that I don't mind farming it for Noelle and Furina
Unfortunately the KeqingMains guide for Candace is only up to date with 4.3 but looking at the artifact section, 2pc/2pc is only 3-5% worse than Nymph's Dream. From this I think it's safe to assume that Marechausee Hunter will be at worst, only a bit less damage than ND
note: I asked on the KQM discord and it seemed like people agreed
As for weapons, I unfortunately don't have any 5 star Polearms so my options are kinda limited. Of the polearms I have, the only one that I think could work is White Tassel but with 4pc MH the crit rate might be too much when factoring in CR from substats
Other than that, Missive Windspear could work for Vaporize
I could also use Dragon's Bane for EM but atp I'm just gonna wait till artifacts are done
note from the future that i'm adding later: will probably go with missive windspear
Finally, it's time to decide a team
Because of her set, Furina is needed. I should also slot in Kazuha because it's Kazuha. For the last slot, I have a few choices
Bennet is an obvious choice for the Attack. I could also go Xiangling on 4pc Tenacity for Attack + Attack from passive + Pyro application. Probably a worse choice than Bennett
A strange but not horrible choice would actually be Lisa! Her ascension passive shreds the DEF of enemies. She can run 4pc Noblesse to buff attack and as a catalyst, can use TTDS for even more attack!
I think i'll try both Bennett and Lisa in the final showcase to see which has more damage
As for the practical team, I think a Taser (electrocharged) team with Sayu/Beidou/Furina would be a ton of fun. I chose Sayu for the teamwide heal bc I don't have Jean and she's already built
Honestly this practical team ig getting me kinda excited to play her!
╰┈➤ part four : ̗̀➛ build/team summary
if you skipped this last part, welcome back! Here's a summary of what I talked about above
Artifact Set: 4pc Marechausse Hunter
Artifact Substats: ATK/Hydro DMG/Crit DMG
Weapon (undecided but probably gonna use MW): White Tassel/Missive Windspear/Dragon's Bane
Team 1: Furina (no artifacts so she doesn't destroy the enemies)/Kazuha/Bennet or Lisa
Team 2: Sayu/Furina/Beidou
╰┈➤ part five : ̗̀➛ what i'm gonna do today
Unfortunately neither her talents or the weapon materials are available today and I already condensed my resin so I'm just gonna farm level up mats lol
Okay, that's the end of the post! Remeber to drink some water today (hydro woaaah)
k bye!!
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Edmund Bertram, Love him or Hate Him?
For the life of me I can’t decide!
Edmund starts strong, he is sixteen when Fanny comes to live at Mansfield and his kindness when he finds her crying in the staircase is very empathetic, especially for a teenager. But then he just seems to slide downhill. “Fanny must have a horse” (Ch 4) he declares and then trades one of his own! So heroic! Then Mary Crawford shows up and all of this Fanny needing to ride for her health goes right out the window. Mary likes to ride and she borrows “Fanny’s” horse for a whole week, resulting in Fanny becoming very ill. Edmund admits: “His own forgetfulness of her was worse than anything which they had done.” (Ch 7).
But then again, is that fair? All of the burden for Fanny’s care should not be on Edmund, and yet, I can’t help but be irked by his failures because he knows that he’s the only one who cares. And he seems to think of himself as her protector, “he led her directly, with the kind authority of a privileged guardian, into the house” (Ch 35)
Unlike the rest of his family (or like every other character in the book, except Sir Thomas and of course, Fanny), Edmund is willing to give up immediate pleasure for someone else’s comfort. Knowing that Fanny wants to go to Southerton, Edmund offers to stay with his mother so his cousin can go (Ch 8). Julia is so unwilling to give up this trip that she leaves the room so no one will suggest that she should volunteer as well. Now does Edmund totally forget that Fanny wanted to see the avenue, yes, but at least she got to go!
And yet, Edmund is selfish, though in a less obvious way than the rest of his family. When he tries to talk to Fanny about Henry Crawford, he actually talks about himself and Mary (Ch 35), and Fanny is even bold enough to redirect him. When he writes to Fanny finally in Portsmouth, he doesn’t even ask how she is and then wants her to come back for his own benefit (Ch 44). He wants Fanny to accept Henry so he has a better chance with Mary (not the primary reason, but it is there). When he picks up Fanny from Portsmouth, and she’s literally starving and looks sick, he says, “Fanny, think of me!” (emphasis author’s, Ch 46). And unlike other faulty Austen men, he never gets better, he forces Fanny to listen to him whining about Mary for months! (Ch 48)
But on the positive side, Edmund has all the responsibility of an eldest son but none of the fun. He takes over management of the estate when his father and Tom leave for Antigua (Ch 4). When Tom returns, he almost instantly leaves again and Edmund dutifully remains, caring for something he will probably never inherit. He really wants to go to London to propose to Mary, but chooses to stay with his parents instead “he could not leave his father and mother just when everybody else of most importance to their comfort was leaving them” (Ch 38). Familial duty was far more important in this era and Edmund is the only Bertram sibling who displays any.
In addition, Edmund doesn’t seem to hate or resent Tom, even though he must at least suspect that Tom lost him half his inheritance gambling (Ch 3). They don’t seem to have a great relationship, when Edmund tries to disagree with the play Tom basically shuts him down by saying that he is the heir (Ch 13), but Edmund is the first to see sick Tom and his primary nurse for his illness. Pretty selfless given that Tom’s death would be the best thing ever for Edmund.
However, Edmund is fully aware that Fanny doesn’t have a fire in her bedroom in the winter, but he does nothing about it, he just tells her not to read too long in the cold (Ch 16). When Mary visits the East Room to practice Act III of Lovers Vows (Ch 18), she notices the empty grate and Edmund comes in soon afterwards. He also goes to Fanny’s room to deliver the gold chain. Neither time does he notice or seem to care that Fanny, his sickly cousin, is being left in the freezing cold. This irks me because when Sir Thomas comes in, he notices right away, demands an explanation, and then fixes it (Ch 32). Could Fanny have been warm earlier? Or is Edmund not brave enough to challenge Mrs. Norris directly? He’s basically in charge of the estate for two years!
Edmund does not listen to Fanny or have any respect for her judgement, even though he “formed her mind” (Ch 7) He tries to force Fanny to sanction his participating in the play against her better (and correct) judgement “I am more sorry to see you drawn in to do what you had resolved against, and what you are known to think will be disagreeable to my uncle. It will be such a triumph to the others!” said Fanny, prophetically (Ch 16) but he disregards her (not only is she right about Sir Thomas, Maria and Tom do delight in their triumph over Edmund). Sounds a lot like Mr. Collins ignoring Elizabeth’s sound advice about Mr. Darcy. He also ignores her and thinks up a ridiculous excuse when Fanny tries to warn him about Henry and Maria during the play (Ch 12). In a more distasteful example, when Fanny tells Edmund the truth about how she feels about Crawford he says, “This is not like yourself, your rational self.” (Ch 35) How downright dismissive of her feelings! Can Elizabeth Bennet please appear and yell, “[she is a] rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart!!!” at him a few times? Please?!?
Edmund also sits back and facilitates Henry harassing Fanny by pretending to read a newspaper (Ch 34).
Despite his profession being chosen for him, Edmund actually wants to be a good clergyman. He continues in this conviction even though Mary, the lady he totally has the hots for, doesn’t want him to be “useful in his parish” (Ch 9). Mary hints that she could accept him if he took the money and hired a curate, but he won’t do it. This is despite the fact that Mary (regardless of her amorality) is a CATCH, the kind of girl any second son would only dream of. But then again, he talks of how important it is to live in his parish, but he was supposed to inherit two. So how do you square that circle?
The moment where Edmund and Sir Thomas work together to keep Aunt Norris away from Fanny and William during his first visit is very cute (Ch 24), but is that enough to make me forgive his other faults?
Edmund doesn’t listen to women, he doesn’t change his behaviour over the course of the book, he doesn’t learn from his mistakes, and he doesn’t respect the heroine. He’s not a hero, he’s a villain. Mansfield Park only has a heroine, no hero. (Unless you count the heroic William Price) Edmund Bertram: His only redeemable trait is being less awful than his family, which is why, “she was of course only too good for him” (Ch 48)
Well, I got a little passionate there, I think the real issue is, I want to know that Edmund can finally see Fanny as an equal, not an extension of himself or a weak, dependant, but actually a woman with a mind in her own right. We get that for Emma, for example, despite Knightley lecturing her, he does respect her intelligence. But because Edmund and Fanny’s entire love story is off-screen, we never get that. So it’s really hard for me to love Edmund or the final pairing of him with Fanny.
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yorkmas · 2 years
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Carol was never in love with George: An analysis
Of all the more important characters Carol is for sure the one that I had the hardest time nailing down. Nearly everything she says is couched in lies and sarcasm. And her actual relationship with George is only briefly touched on at the end. But when reading between the lines and following her schedule I think there’s a lot that tells us about how she really feels.
Firstly, yes Thomas says “But me and Carol, we love, not him, but a different person (George).” And I’ll just be honest, I think Thomas was projecting. So much of Carol’s behavior doesn’t make sense if she was in love with George the way Thomas was.
Case in point: those two lines in the screenshots above. These are extremely telling. Carol has lived in Greenvale her entire life, there are only so many cops she has had the chance to interact with, and George is the only one it would make sense for her to be referring to. He’s great at lying and acting nice (just look at the way he pretends to be York’s friend after Diane’s death) and he’s certainly not above threatening force. For her to say this like it’s something she’s experienced firsthand by George... yeah, that’s not the attitude of someone in love with him.
Basically, I think she was resigned to her relationship with him. He’s 22 years older than her, has known her/her family since she was 10 at the absolute oldest, and was probably the only reason she could skirt around the law to own a bar at age 16. Gross as it is, I think in her mind, she saw him as more of a sugar daddy than anything. She might not have particularly liked him, but she didn’t have a whole lot of ways out of the situation, so she might as well play along and benefit from it.
On top of that, I firmly believe she had no idea George was going to actually kill Anna and was extremely upset about it (same goes for Thomas but that’s a different conversation). Anna and Becky were absolutely her friends, there’s no way she would have been cool with recruiting them to die. If you follow her around on a day when it’s not raining she always goes to three notable places. 1.The Milk Barn (where Becky worked) 2. The A&G Diner (where Anna worked) and 3. Anna’s tree, where she cries. When she’s not at work, her entire schedule revolved around her friends. (There is one line from Sallie implying Anna wasn’t friends with Carol and they rarely saw each other but well considering all the stuff Anna hid from Sallie and the fact that she didn’t even know Diane was Becky’s sister I don’t put too much stock in that)
After they died I think Carol was just extremely pessimistic. She can be found crying in her dressing room and freaking out at home. That’s just not how someone acts if you’re on board of with the plan of a person you love. She likely knew she was doomed but didn’t see a way to stop George, especially when her closest ally, Thomas, was so deeply manipulated into being on his side after a decade of grooming.
As for her last act of trying to kill Emily with the seeds, well, I think that was a mix of “I’m going to kill you for saying you killed Thomas (even though Emily absolutely didn’t??? Seriously why did she phrase it like that)” “If I’m gonna die I’m taking you down with me because George has made me resent you” and “I’m high as fuck because of these seeds and also bleeding out so I’m for sure not thinking straight”
Maybe I’m just rambling into void. This might be the common consensus for all I know. Like Thomas, I just think Carol is a very interesting character where there is a lot of interesting (and deeply troubling!) implications if you read into what’s implied.
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bigstripeylie · 3 years
Ghosts theory- “sucked off” edition
Apologies for the title.
I have a theory about how each of the ghosts in Ghosts has a parallel with another Ghost and how this could be the key to them finally being able to move on, or “be sucked off’ as Mary would say.
Putting it behind a cut as this is extremely long and rambly. Spoilers for pretty much every episode of Ghosts
First of all I was listening to Mat and Jim on the Empire Spoilers podcast and Mat said something really interesting about how he intended “you stays how you dies” to refer to the ghost’s mental and emotional state, as well as physical. So Thomas always being obsessed with seeking love is because he died broken-hearted and Fanny always being so grumpy is because she died angry at her husband. 
I believe, therefore, that if the ghosts were able to overcome each of their emotional blocks that would be the thing that would allow them to move on. Furthermore, each of the ghosts has another ghost that seems perfectly suited to be able to assist them in that.
Let’s go through them:
Thomas- Thomas died believing his love never loved him back and now is forced to spend eternity seeking for love as a ghost. If Thomas was able to find someone who could reciprocate his affections, this would the resolve that issue. In the Series 2 episode “About Last Night” when Alison drunkenly tells Thomas “if you were alive and I was 200 years older, then we might have…” we hear a choir start singing and Thomas is pulled, as if compelled, through the wall, similar to how Fanny is pulled forwards towards the window to jump when she “doesn’t even realise [she’s] doing it.” Thomas desperately craves love and affection from another person, but in life was constantly rejected by the people he loved most. You know who else that sounds like? Kitty.
Kitty- Like Thomas, she is from a wealthy family who sheltered her a lot growing up, but is ultimately good and tries to be honourable. Kitty also craves love and affection as well as companionship and she tries to seek it, first in Eleanor and then in Alison (because Alison reminds her of  Eleanor, like how Alison reminds Thomas of Isabelle). However it comes up again and again that Kitty’s relationship with Alison isn’t as fulfilling to her as she would like it be because her being a ghost prevents her from sharing every activity with Alison, and Alison cannot show her physical affection. Kitty is trying to recreate aspects of her relationship with Eleanor using Alison as a substitute but this isn’t very healthy for her, as it simply traps her in the constant state of seeking affection that will not or cannot be returned fully. We don’t know the exact circumstances of Kitty’s death but after Series 3, if seems likely that her sister was in some way involved. Maybe what is keeping Kitty trapped as a ghost is her need for approval and love that she never got in life? But by seeking it in people who remind her of Eleanor exclusively, she is further trapping herself.
If Kitty and Thomas could find love with each other, they could each fulfil the other’s need for reciprocated affection. They are both equally needy so this quality wouldn’t likely annoy the other. Kitty seems to genuinely enjoy high romance in earnest and in finding an outlet for her love in Thomas, she could finally move on from her sister. Thomas would also find someone to love him and could devote himself completely to someone who would actually return his love, instead of fruitlessly pursuing women who remind of Isabelle’s rejection. This could lead to the resolution of both character’s finally moving on from their deaths.
Next up, let’s look at The Captain-
The Captain’s central conflict is obviously his sexuality. I believe that the resolution to this conflict would be him finally accepting and coming to terms with being gay and feeling comfortable with that part of his  identity. Which ghost could best help him in this?
Maybe not the answer you were thinking, but hear me out. The Captain already has a strong positive relationship with Fanny built on mutual respect. He is more likely to value her opinion as an equal that any of the other ghosts and he seems to align himself with her on most issues. Which makes his choice to go against Fanny and defend the same-sex wedding and its guests to her in “Perfect Day” really remarkable.
In “Perfect Day”, Fanny expresses some pretty disapproving remarks about the wedding guest’s attire and some homophobic opinions about the same-sex wedding in general, which prompts the Captain to defend one of the guests to Fanny. “It’s chic, it’s now, and if it makes her feel fabulous…”
Imagine a scene where The Captain has to defend himself towards Fanny in a similar manner after coming out, showing that he is finally accepting of his sexuality as being the right thing for him. 
Anyway, that was a slight digression…
Fanny is still struggling to deal with the circumstances of her own death which was brought about in part because she caught her husband having an affair with other men. Fanny needs to accept and come to terms with the fact that her husband didn’t love her and that while he was obviously wrong for murdering her, she needs to move on so she can stop reenacting it by jumping out the window every morning. Because she died feeling angry and betrayed, she is trapped in that state in death. Discovering that one of her closest friends is gay and realising that it is possible for someone to be both gay and a good person might prompt her to think differently about her own life, as she started do with Humphrey in Perfect Day. 
The Captain, in turn, could be driven by Fanny’s ability to accept his sexuality into thinking ‘if she can accept that part of me, then maybe I can too.’ Personally, out of all the ghosts, I think it could only be Fanny who could prompt him to think that because it would mean the most to him coming from her.
Humphrey- Humphrey died because he was trying to protect Sophie, who rejected any attempt to get to know him and who he believed didn’t even like him. In death he is trapped in a state of being a selfless self-sacrificing people-pleaser and desperately wanting to be included in the other ghost’s activities, even allowing himself be kicked and thrown around if it means he can just be involved. In ‘I Love Lucy’ he even attempts to make a relationship with Fanny work, showing he is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of others.
Julian, by contrast, is the most selfish of all the ghosts at Button House. Deep down he feels guilty that his selfishness negatively affected the relationship with his daughter but seems not to be consciously aware that he feels like this. Julian’s selfishness to not spend time with his family ultimately leads to his death in Button House, as he neglected his family to spend more time at work and was clearly cheating on his wife, showing he is driven by selfish impulses.
If Julian were to perform a completely selfless act to the benefit of Humphrey, then Humphrey would get to feel as though someone was putting him first for once and valuing him the way he seeks to be valued. Julian would also break the pattern of selfish behaviour that caused his downfall.
The rest are little less well-defined:
Pat is the probably the ghost that we know the most about, through seeing his death and actually meeting his family in “Happy Death Day”, to the numerous anecdotes he reveals about his life throughout the show. However, I can’t decide for sure what is the thing that is keeping him a ghost. Pat himself seemed to think it was that he was missing his family, but this was ultimately proved wrong after he saw them again in ‘Happy Death Day’. Even meeting the boy who killed him and forgiving him in ‘Perfect Day’ didn’t cause him to move on. It could be something to do with Carol’s affair with Maurice but I just don’t know for sure. I like the idea of him fitting in with the plague ghosts. I think his personalty and leadership style would get along better with them than say, The Captain, who is too authoritarian. I also think Pat is someone who thrives in a group setting.
Robin and Mary are also tricky to work out what the thing keeping them as ghosts is because we know so little about their lives and deaths compared to the other characters. I think these are the only two ghosts who have not yet received a flashback to their lives. We know that Mary was in some way involved a witch-trail and this has traumatised her. Robin also has experienced a lot of trauma in his life but he seems to be more philosophical about it and accepting of it. He shows great empathy towards others both in trying to comfort Pat about his death in “Happy Death Day’ and Kitty in “About Last Night’, he could use his experience of trauma to help Mary deal with hers. They both seem to be looked down upon and ‘othered’ by the other ghosts due to their perceived lack of intelligence even though they are both very emotionally and socially intelligent.
If anyone has any thoughts about these last two pairings or any of the others, then please reblog and add your take!
I am not in any way saying that I think this is what will happen in the next series or what even I think should happen, but that this is one possibilities for much further down the road when the ghost are all ready to move on.
Also I have spent way too much time thinking about this…
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heyhihellowhatsup0 · 4 years
Hooked On Your Feelings - Prologue (FWB! Tom x Reader)
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Warnings: Some angst, language, eventual smut in future chapters, fluff
Word Count: 2570
Summary: After a bad breakup, making an agreement with your womanizing neighbor, Tom to be friends with added benefits and no strings attached seemed like the perfect idea. Until things become messy, emotions caused your agreement to crumble.
A/N:   So I’m starting a new series! I always wanted to do this trope for Tom and I’m realllllly excited for this series!  I’m not completely sure how long it will be as of right now, most likely between 8-10 chapters. So if you want to be added to the taglist, please DM me! I hope you all enjoy the prologue and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it! (Also credit to @osterfield-holland-andcompany for this amazing ass mood board I made her too..I’m obsessed!) Thank you xx -N
“Get out!” you screamed as you shoved your now ex-boyfriend out the front door of your apartment. You knew the walls were thin but you didn’t care. You were so completely filled with rage and your body was vibrating as you flung his pants at him, “Get the hell out, Justin!” you shouted again.
    Justin flinched as the door swung open and he stumbled out the front door, still in his boxers. The anger in your eyes made your pupils black while he grabbed his pants and rolled his eyes at you, “Will you just let me explain, Y/N?” he tried to speak but you cut him off with a dry and sarcastic laugh.
    “No. The conversation is over,” you snapped at him, taking another deep breath to try and pull yourself together. You felt yourself fighting back the tears because you didn’t want him to see you cry. Not again, anyway.
    Watching as Justin stumbled down the stairs, you stood at the top completely and utterly overcome with your anger you barely recognized your voice. But you knew you had every right to be mad. You couldn’t excuse his behavior and you were done defending him. You knew you deserved better than the shit he was putting you through. It was enough and now you were letting it all pour out as he was practically falling down the stairs.
    You grabbed the shoe he had dropped on his way out the door and aimed it right towards his head, missing and making a loud thud against the wall behind him. You probably just woke up the entire floor but you didn’t care right now. Forming a fist, you refrained from punching the door as you finally lost it, “Don’t call me! Don’t even walk down the same street as me anymore, do you hear me? You conniving son of a bitch!” your voice bounced off the walls with an echo as you watched Justin exit your life through the elevator, still with his pants in his hand.
    You couldn’t help yourself as you flipped off the closing doors while you let out the breath you were holding in. Your chin began to tremble as you tried to stop yourself immediately. He wasn’t worth it, you thought to yourself. You should be proud of getting rid of him. Especially after what he had done to you.
    Just as you were heading back into your apartment before anyone realized you were the cause for the commotion, your neighbor’s door flew open and made you jump when you saw his familiar face meet yours from across the hall. You saw his smile as he noticed you and you knew what that meant, you just weren’t in the mood right now to assist in his little escapade.
    “Y/N! Oh, I thought I heard your voice out here,” your neighbor from 3B made his way over to you with bare feet, brown curls a mess, with his grey sweatpants resting low on his hips as his bare chest was revealed to the entire floor, “Thank god! I need your help with this chick inside who is talking about meeting her family this weekend and I’ve known her for...three hours,” he cringed as he carefully tip-toed his way over towards you.
 You couldn’t help but roll your eyes because this was a regular thing for him, even if it wasn’t your business. But he was a friend of yours, in a neighborly way at least, so at some point you made it your business.
    “No,” you scolded him as you shook your head. You tried to hold in your laugh at the desperate look on his face but you couldn’t help, “Not tonight, Tom. No! C’mon, seriously? No!” you warned as he began to give you puppy dog eyes to try and convince you otherwise.
    Tom pressed his palms together and pressed them to his chest, praying for your assistance, “Please, Y/N! I owe you so much if you help me out and this is the last time, I swear,” he paused for a moment when he realized you were standing by your door this late at night and you looked as if you had gone through hell. His lips tightened as he suddenly grew concerned, “Wait, what are you doing out here right now?” he questioned.
    You sighed as you pinched the bridge of your nose, “Um...I sorta caught Justin sleeping with his co-worker so I was just kicking him out, sorry,” you don’t know why you apologized for it but you knew you didn’t want Tom or anyone for that matter to see you when you were this visibly upset.
    “He did what?! Fuck...Y/N, I’m so sorry,” Tom said as he offered you a hug, pulling you into his bare arms while he tried to make you feel a little bit better, “That guy was a fucking prick and I never really liked him anyway,” he told you, making you laugh through your tears while you pulled away with a small smile showing.
    Running a hand through his curls to smooth them over, Tom squeezed your shoulder playfully, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m probably a bigger mess than you right now,” he told you as he cringed at what was waiting for him back in his apartment.
    “No, you have a bigger mess than me,” you corrected with another eye roll. Quickly wiping your tears away you placed a hand on your hip while taking another breath towards Tom and his stupidity, “If I do this, you owe me big time,” you sighed.
    Tom was a good guy but the decisions he sometimes made were, to say the least, questionable. You didn’t know too much about his personal life but just enough to come to the realization that he couldn’t commit to much of anything. He was always bringing random girls home, roommates came and went, and he had a tendency to flake on tenant meetings at the last minute.
 There was no question that he wasn’t looking to settle down, you never once saw him with the same girl more than once and that was none of your business nor concern. Tom was a good neighbor to you. He watered your plants for you while you were out of town visiting your family, he kept his music down to an appropriate volume, he would even bring you pizza on occasion to eat together while you gossiped about the other tenants on your floor. And sometimes in return, he would ask for favors like bailing him out of sticky situations that you tried not to judge too harshly.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Tom gave you another hug with a kiss against your cheek, “I will owe you for fucking life, Y/N,” he thanked you as he waited for you to head into his apartment to do what he clearly was too afraid to do himself. Letting girls off bluntly was something he was never good at. Then again, that was a whole other issue he didn’t want to think about.
Tom followed you into his place as you glared at him when you saw all of the clothes strewn across the living room floor. Making a face at the boxers on the ground you shuddered at the thought of what the hell went down in this apartment as you watched Tom nod towards his bedroom signaling that she was in there.
Nodding your head you rolled your eyes before you got yourself into your character. Seconds later, you whipped around and channeled your anger towards Tom as you slammed his door shut, “Save it, Tom! I won’t hear it! I come home after taking a double shift for us and this is what I come home to?!”
 Tom gave you a thumbs up that you were doing a good job as you slammed your fist against the nearby counter, “I just spent fourteen hours stripping to pay your way through law school so we could afford a better place to live and this is the thanks that I get? You fucking some random girl?!” you shouted while you shook your head towards Tom with a shrug.
“Woah, nice touch. I love the story line this time,” Tom whispered with an approving smile as he pointed towards the bedroom door, signaling for you to go and get rid of her.
You stormed into the bedroom, already seeing the girl scurrying to find her shoes, “Oh god! Please, I’m so sorry,” she pleaded as her red hair swung back and forth while she adjusted her sequin cocktail dress. Limping through the threshold of the door she couldn’t even look at you or Tom as her face grew red, “I had no idea that he-”
“That he what? Was married? Was cheating on his wife of seven years? You still want this son of a bitch?” you asked the girl who shook her head ‘no’ nervously, “The both of you need to leave! Get out!” you pointed towards the door as you focused on Tom.
Tom apologized to the girl as she practically ran out the door before he turned to you, “Darling, please let me explain! Think of the children!” he begged you as he still noticed the girl was in earshot.
“I want a divorce and I’m taking both the kids! You won’t have two pennies to rub together by the time I’m done, Thomas! Do you hear me? I can’t believe you would-”
“She’s gone,” Tom cheered silently as his door finally closed with a sigh of relief. He rushed to the fridge to grab two beers as he made his way over to you, “Both the kids? Really?” he teased while he clinked his bottle up against yours.
Giving him a shrug, you brought the beer to your lips as you collapsed onto his couch, “Well if you kept your dick in your pants for once maybe you wouldn’t have to ask your neighbor to make up such elaborate lies on the fly to kick girls out of your apartment,” you teased right back as Tom took a seat right next to you with a pout on his face, “Am I wrong?” you questioned him with a giggle.
“Well, technically, no. But then, where’s the fun in that?” he laughed as he took another sip. Trying to figure out why he even did half of the shit he did anymore. He knew there wasn’t any fun in any of it. Not anymore, anyway.  It made no sense, especially if he wasn’t getting anything out of these situations except drama. And he hated the drama of it all.
You made a face at Tom, “I guess no more fun than watching the guy you were in love with make out with his co-worker,” you stare at the bottom of your bottle, letting the alcohol swirl around your brain as you tried to push away those thoughts. You didn’t want to think about Justin again. It was still fresh but you weren’t ready to move on just yet.
“Guess we both should be alone for a while, huh?” Tom stated as he slumped further into the couch. Downing his beer as he set it aside on the table. This feeling was beginning to come more often than not with Tom after he dismissed one of his...conquests. He didn’t like it anymore because it was suddenly beginning to make him feel like this but he kept doing it anyway in hopes it would go away. But so far it only got worse as the nights rolled in and you came by to kick out more of them. He was lucky you were here because he didn’t feel like being alone right now.
The room fell still as the two of you remained on the couch in silence for a bit. Trying to blur out the events that had taken place earlier with Justin, you finished your drink and placed it beside Tom’s. You knew you wanted something serious and Justin was not that, even though you knew he was going to be trouble from the get go. You knew perfectly well what you needed but maybe you just needed some time for you right now and not to jump in to things that were going to be messy. You wanted numbness but at the same time you wanted to feel something that you hadn’t yet.
Turning your head to face Tom, your eyes met his in the dimly lit living room. The muted TV gave off the only illumination while you both remained there in your tipsy states, trying to figure out where both of your nights had gone wrong.
“I really don’t want to be alone,” you finally broke the silence as you stared into his eyes before they flickered towards his bare chest, back to his eyes slowly.
Tom swallowed as he shook his head, “Me either,” he agreed in the same tone. He noticed you were looking at him and more importantly the way you were looking, but he found himself not minding at all as his eyebrows raised up a bit when your lips crashed into his.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
If someone were trying to make a new character inspired by pulp heroes, but the new character had to be a teenager, what existing pulps heroes should they look to for inspiration?
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I'm not exactly in touch with the yoof so I could be off the mark here, but let's talk about teenager characters for a bit.
Now, I could just tell you to look for characters that appeal to you and use them as a baseline and that's probably the best advice here, but if you want the essay and history lesson: American pulp fiction didn't used to market much to teenagers. Teenagers as a consuming market haven't always been the all-encompassing force they are considered today, and the pulps were largely marketed either towards young boys, or for working class men, mostly the latter. This is part of why teenagers tend to show up in these stories largely as sidekicks, which was something carried over to comic superheroes, and part of why Spider-Man was such a breakout hit, because he was a teenage superhero who was not a sidekick.
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The biggest pre-1950s traditional pulp hero I can of who was a teenager would be Jack Harkaway, an 1871 penny dreadful adventurer who would go on to be published overseas, one of those characters who was big enough in his day to inspire imitators a plenty but didn't quite make it past a specific time period. Comic strips had plenty of kid or teenage protagonists who are a bit closer to pulp heroes, like Tintin or Terry Lee, one in particular I'm highlighting above is Ledger Syndicate's Connie Kurridge, arguably the first female adventure hero of American comics. Overseas you can find a couple of prominent examples of teenage adventurers published in what we call the pulp era, the biggest and most influential of which being The Famous Five, but as I stated in answering whether Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys were pulp heroes, these were not published in pulp magazines, instead their direct opposites in glossy and reputable paperbacks.
There are other examples of pulp heroes who were teenagers and not sidekicks, but nearly all of them are very obscure and you will probably not find much material for them. And the thing is, these characters were not made for teenagers. They were made, for the most part, by grown-ups, and for grown-ups, and I can't say any of them ever really grabbed a teenage audience. Usually, it's the 60s as an era that really starts to pander to and include teenagers at the forefront of storytelling, so a good start for you might be to look at what was going on in the 60s-onwards worldwide in the realms of pulp and pulp-inspired works, which probably means you're going to have to look outside of the US.
Another word of advice would be to look up characters that are beloved by teenagers. I don't think "teenager" is a great baseline trait to start building a character, but if that's the number one priority to you, then ideally you should look for a good baseline of what appeals to that demographic, what appealed to you at that age and why. You're probably going to wind up with a lot of anime anti-heroes in your research though, because teenagers are deeply miserable creatures and few things appeal more to them than characters who are miserable but they act cool and badass and edgy about it. Teenagers are forced to live with the miserable reality of being teenagers with little to no upsides, so I think teenage characters could benefit more from being based on the kinds of characters teenagers would ideally want to read about.
So, "cool, badass and tortured character super popular with angsty teenagers", "rooted in and subverting older storytelling traditions for a fresh new audience", and "60s pulp hero". I think Elric is probably as good of a place as any for you to start.
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Elric wasn't just popular, he wasn't even just popular with teenagers (boys and girls alike, which is also quite the feat), he was "cool". He was avant-garde, he was the hip new thing on the block. He wasn't Conan or Bond or Batman, and you'd hardly mistake him for a hero. He got the rock albums and fans tattooing him. He was penned by the guy who was openly called the "anti-Tolkien". Elric was Loki before Loki, the edgy anti-hero before them all. The emaciated warrior with white hair and black clothes and a demonic sword who suffered in a cool way, cool in his uncoolness. When I think of pulp heroes who achieved a substantial popularity among teenage audiences, Elric is definitely the first that comes to mind.
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Another good example might be Captain Harlock, easily one of the premier Pulp Heroes among manga and anime due to how heavily Leiji Matsumoto incorporates pulp space opera into everything he does. Not only directly influenced by it, Matsumoto even has actual pulp credentials as an illustrator for C.L Moore's Shambleau, Northwest Smith and Jirel of Joiry. The space pirate, while not created in manga and anime, is one of Japan's premier pulp hero archetypes, and Harlock's as good of a baseline to work with as any.
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The most popular pulp-inspired works nowadays among teenage or younger audiences are definitely the ones derived from pulp horror, several creators have been getting a lot of mileage these past decades out of plundering and remixing stuff from it. The big ones are Lovecraft and related works like The King in Yellow, but because they soak up all the attention, it also means that people are sleeping on authors like John W. Campbell, William Hope Hogdson, Clark Ashton Smith and Karl Edward Wagner, Nictzin Dyalhis and Olaf Stapledon, and many, many more, which gives you a lot of narrative real estate to work with should you take this direction.
Additionally, one thing that you could consider is that, for a very large portion of the history of pulp fiction, a significant amount of the most popular stories and characters were those that were based on celebrities and real life figures. The biggest of dime novel protagonists was Buffalo Bill, and following him was Nick Carter, a literary equivalent to Eugen Sandow (the Schwarzenegger of his day). Thomas Edison inspired an entire subgenre of dime novel fiction, even Jack the Ripper was a pulp protagonist in Dutch magazines, because sometimes the term "pulp hero" doesn't take the "hero" part much into account.
The precedent for celebrity stories is older than pulp fiction itself, but it was in the dime novels and novelettes and pulps that the idea really found it's footing. The Shadow's exploits took a lot from Gibson's own experiences with Houdini (who himself starred in fictional stories, one famously penned by Lovecraft). Doc Savage was visually modeled after Clark Gable and supposedly inspired on Richard Henry Savage. Eddy Polo, Charlie Chaplin and Tom Mix were the protagonists of several pulps and comic strips across the world, as well as Al Capone (who starred in pulp magazines in Germany and Spain), who fought Nick Carter in a Brazilian story guest-starring Fu Manchu (reportedly based on real figures Sax Rohmer claimed to have met) and Fantomas. Today obviously there are much greater restrictions at play concerning celebrity images, but if dime/pulp magazines were around today, we would have quite possibly seen figures like Keanu Reeves, Tilda Swinton and Lil Nas X either star in their own magazines or be used as models for rising protagonists.
So I guess one other way you could go on about creating a pulp hero, who's either a teenager or appeals to teenagers, would be the route of taking a look at some celebrities that either are, or appeal to those demographics, because if pulp magazines had stayed around unchanged past the 60s and 80s and whatnot you definitely would have seen the likes of David Bowie, Will Smith and Dwayne Johnson get their own magazines. I don't know much about what celebrities are popular with teenagers these days and I'm not about to start caring now, but you could take a look at some icons you like, or liked when you were younger, and think about what made them appealing to think about as characters, and how you could apply that to something closer to a pulp story.
A word of advice would also be that, if you want to make a character inspired by pulp heroes, if you want to create a convincing modern pulp hero, you might want to look less at the pulp heroes themselves and instead those that they were inspired by or working to defy and stand out when compared to. You take the building blocks and rearrange them in a different way. If you have a specific character you want to design yours in reference to, you can send me an ask or a DM about them and I'll dig into my files to give you a few pointers, and what kind of history or cultural predecessors they have that you could take a look at to make something more genuine.
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misssakurapetal28 · 3 years
#Sabrina Raincomprix Deserves WAY Better...
You know...
I find it SO FUNNY how this fandom preaches about “peace and tolerance” or “let these bullies learn and grow” or “They are are just misunderstood!” when it comes to characters like Chloe and Lila. It doesn’t matter what they did or always do, people have faith in them no matter what. However, when it comes to Sabrina, ANOTHER mistreated and misunderstood girl (in my opinion), just because she’s no “important” or “one-dimensional” or “not developed enough”, no one bats an eye, no one doesn’t care, no one gives a shit, NO ONE SEES HER mistreatment and potential and completely turns their backs on her. Even when a small handful of people DO care, it’s suddenly “not that serious” because she’s not that important, it’s a kids show, or people will try to make it about Chloe in some way.
It makes me mad because...most of us have been bullied and mistreated in school. Some of us been manipulated, intimidated and belittled by people that we once loved, cared about or saw as our friends and I’m sure of it. Some of us, we were kids once and sometimes we did things that we didn’t want to do, but we DID do in fear that we would get bullied or have something be taken from us. Sometimes, we were misunderstood or wronged for things that could of been or should of been at least understandable. Sometimes, we did wrong things to keep toxic things or friendships.
Now, of course you can say that some of this COULD apply to Chloe and Lila too. It VERY likely and possible, but in my opinion this fits Sabrina’s situation a more than Chloe and Lila’s. Also, I would have been a lot more fine with this applying to Chloe and Lila IF Sabrina gotten the same amount of sympathy, empathy and compassion for that too. You see, I bet A LOT of people dealt MORE with people like Chloe and Lila in school. And I know at least 1 person AT LEAST saw people like Sabrina too. 
My point is...when I see all this passion, controversial opinions, constructive criticism and even hate when it comes to Chloe and Lila, people always say that “their children, let them grow and learn” or sayings like that all them time. They want to defend them, no matter what they do because “they had it hard”, “they’re relatable” or “because they’re children”. However, Sabrina??? It’s always the same kind of answers:
“She’s undeveloped” 
“She contributes nothing to the story”
“She knows what she’s doing but doesn’t care”
“She WANTS to do bad things”
“She’s spineless”
“She one-dimensional”
“Chloe is better than her”
“She’ll be terrible with a miraculous”
“She doesn’t feel sorry for what she does”
“She only uses Chloe’s friendship to benefit from being friends with a rich girl”
“She’s not important”
Like, even if ANY of that was true (which I admit it might be to a CERTAIN DEGREE), not only people don’t look at the subtext of the situation, but where are you guys compassion, sympathy and empathy for HER though??? As teens???? AS ADULTS????? Not Chloe, not Lila, SABRINA? Why does Chloe and Lila deserve 78 chances when you can’t even give Sabrina even 1!?!? It means she’s undeveloped, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have potential! She does bad and questionable things sure, but that’s what happens when you have bad influences in your life and no real responsible adults -___-. 
Is Sabrina competely innocent? Of course not! Sabrina is responsible for her own actions and she owes everyone SHE has personally hurt an apology, but I still believe she has a chance to gain confidence, grow a backbone and change for the good. I don’t think Sabrina is a bad kid, just misguided. Maybe she doesn’t deserve a miraculous at this point of time neither, but neither does Chloe. I’m so sick of the double standards when it comes to Sabrina and other bully characters in the show.
And you know what??? 
Even though I do feel sorry for Chloe to a degree, even though I DO stand of Chloe over Hawkmoth/Gabriel/her creator (Thomas) now, even though I DO think Chloe had potential to be great and developed, I really don’t like Chloe as a character. 
Never did. 
I don’t think she deserves a miraculous and I personally don’t think she deserves more attention or better in general than Sabrina. I’m not afraid to say it anymore. If you want to go after me for that, fine, but I don’t care anymore. I like Sabrina, I relate to her and I think she deserves MUCH better than the show and the fans give her. 
Regardless of you like or dislike Chloe, you can’t deny that she has shown time and time again that Sabrina isn’t truly her friend outside of what Sabrina can do for HER or if it boost her ego in someway. Sure, they might have their nice moments every now and then, but come on??? She basically admits to her mom that not only she’s using Sabrina (Queen Wasp), but she also has said that Sabrina would be NOTHING without her (Evillustrator). 
And OK! I’ll give that to you! She CAN grow, but that does NOT mean that people don’t have the right to say anything about her behavior or be irritated/disappointed/angry when she does something wrong! YES, her actions do have UNDERSTANBLE REASONS, but they aren’t JUSTIFLIEABLE REASONS. It means it’s understandable why she’s this way (mom issues, absent mother, spoiled, her dad is a bad influence, fear of being bullied so she does it first etc), that doesn’t mean she gets to get off scot free and keep doing/acting the way she wants (the show won’t do anything about, so fans do, which is why I sometimes understand the Chloe hate). 
Also, what are the chances of ANYBODY (let alone Chloe) having any development at this point??? 
It really baffles and annoys me how much attention this fandom gives to these girls (Chloe and Lila) because of “redemption/reformation”, “what they’ve went through” or because “it’s much more interesting”, but then gives SO MUCH LESS attention to an very underrated character who can have just as much as a good redemption story as Chloe and Lila can. It’s even you like Chloe over Sabrina or you equality dislike both of them. I NEVER hear more than a handful of people liking Sabrina more than Chloe. 
Also, we barely know anything about Sabrina outside Chloe. How about we try to ask for some development for her? Some development? Some backstory? SOMETHING for Sabrina??? 
So basically the “let the children grow” argument only implies to characters that you like and are interested in apparently and you ignore their “followers/friends”, even though they themselves have potential and understandable reasons to THEIR actions too 🤷‍♀️ People only care about Sabrina when it comes to shipping or if it has anything to do with Chloe’s development, and it’s not fair.
Seriously, you have people still having faith in Chloe and Lila, who HAS arguably done more harm than Sabrina, with or without Hawkmoth’s influence, but then dislike Sabrina MORE for what? Just being someone’s sidekick because they don’t have a spine yet? Because she’s just simply bland or undeveloped? YES, Sabrina has done some messed up stuff too, but she NEVER did that stuff without Chloe specifically telling her to. And if she does seem mean? It’s just to blow smoke up Chloe’s chimney. 
I don’t think she does mean things because she’s a toxic and mean person, she does it for Chloe’s approval. Sabrina just has a twisted mindset on how friendship works. It doesn’t make it anymore right, but can you at least TRY to understand where Sabrina comes from instead of focusing on Chloe and Lila all the time???  God, as much as I do like it when people notice/don’t ignore/callout the bad writting in MLB, this fandom when it comes to Sabrina REALLY pisses me off...
And before you say “why are you so serious about a nothing character from a show for children????”
1). Why are YOU when it comes to Chloe and Lila???
2). If None of you are going to defend Sabrina, who will???
As for Lila, I’ve already said my reasons on why I don’t like her as a character/person neither in the past, but I’ll just make a separate post about her in the future. My point being in this post is that Sabrina really isn’t that bad like people make her out to be. At least not as worse as Chloe. I belive that both girls have the possibly of growing and changing for the better (now Lila is a different story, but I digress), but I just think Sabrina deserves more attention and love. In short:
P.S. I am looking forward to see her with the dog miraculous, but I know it’s probably not going to be good...
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Truth”-related asks:
Anonymous said:
I just watched truth and man, we didn't need any of that... I'm so tired...
Anonymous said:
Me after reading that summary: We coulda had it aaaaaaaaaaallllllll, decent wri-itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg
Anonymous said:
oh. lukanette breakup. how surpri— oh wait, no it wasn't.
bunnybunblitz said:
Me, skimming your summary of truth: life is a nightmare life is a nightmare life is a nightmare abort abort
Anonymous said:
Truth was a living nightmare, and that's the truth!
*defeated sigh*
Anonymous said:
The way all that just make me start disliking Adrien so hard wow I have enough of him so hard can they get ride of him for one damn episode?
Anonymous said:
Wow! Writers got on completely new level. They somehow made people to be annoyed with Adrien, even without putting him in episode.
My meme image of “I’ve had enough of this dude,” about sums it up.
It’s almost impressive???
Anonymous said:
I have the impression that you should slowly gather materials for "Treatment of Marinette S4"
You know, when you’re right, you’re right.
Anonymous said:
Hey there... Got a lil rant, I hope you don't mind in sea of anons you're probably getting. I guess if show didn't treat Marinette as their favorite punching bag and lukanette as a thing to get over with to be back on love square bullshit I wouldn't be this salty. We all knew lukanette isn't a endgame, but we actually care about Luka ans Marinette as characters and as a couple, and we knew there was a break up brewing.
But I mlb writers for setting things up, canonizing them over provocative tweet and leave them to dust right at the beginning of s4. And, oh sweet irony as they kinda accidentally made Lukanette totally better than love square (let's be honest if they knew what they were doing we wouldn't get any breakup from narrative and character development standpoint),,, because their heroine for once is loved and appreciated but that's another discussion and they hate that for her. Also, thomas arstruck can suck my toe.
I don't know what's your opinion on soulmate and destiny thing, but I'm totally in opposite. I remember The Good Place (love the series btw!) quote about how soulmates are made with love and nurture of people and not some cosmic forces. And to see how show is pushing for Destiny ™️ I'm kinda disheartened. But I guess I never really liked love square execution in the first place when it turned out that Marinette is butt of the crush joke for 3 seasons and there's 0 development from that. Like Thomas, that's not funny running gag. Thanks for reading! Hope you're doing well!
Thank you for the rant, and I agree!
It’s so strange how all their attempts to push for the love square just push me more towards Lukanette. How do the writers do that???
Anonymous said:
Yeah that point where she exclaims Luka in shock just angered and confused me. She LITERALLY transformed because Luka was akumatized. And her being shocked is only there to get her under the truth spell.
This episode is held together by knots and strings at this point.
Anonymous said:
Wow, "Ladybug likes Chat Noir humor." Then why every time Chat Noir makes puns, Ladybug looks like she wanted to strangle him on spot.
Ladybug = us
At that point, they should’ve just said, “[The writers] like Chat Noir’s humor.” Like--writers, please don’t use Ladybug as a tool to simp for your sunshine boy, it looks really pathetic.
Anonymous said:
Based on the ellipses you used I'm guessing you're not a fan of Jagged talking about the "Guitar is my only family" song.
Oh, no actually... I mean, I do because it’s there to torment Luka, but the ellipses was because of the intentional pause in the episode. Jagged was looking sympathetic
Anonymous said:
Truth was awful, the only good thing we got out of it was a Lukanette date (yay :'D) and we got to know Luka's father (although we all been knew).
Honestly if we could find a way to edit it so Luka and Marinette properly kissed then we’d just chop it out of the episode and call it the only canon thing.
asexual-individual said:
So, given that "Truth" didn't introduce the protection charms, I'm going to take a wild guess that they're not introduced until after "Gang of Secrets", meaning that Marinette won't get any close friends that it's safe to tell her secret to.
I was legit so sure that it was a guardian benefit and now I’m just left confused/curious about what causes CharmBug. Like, what, do you get CharmBug by purifying your one thousandth akuma???
Anonymous said:
I am absolutely positive no one quality checks these episodes before they’re sent out. Ladybug getting caught off guard on Luka being Truth even though she knows he was akumatised, and the horribly upbeat music playing as Marinette lies in bed absolutely defeated is so bad there’s no way this was double checked before it was sent out to TV stations
At this point, I’m convinced that they don’t care and are jamming through episodes as fast as they possible can.
cobraonthecob said:
I'm willing to bet that the writers go through critical and salt blogs just to see what the fandom's thinking, and then they think we're serious and they sprint with whatever we say.
guys please reconsider and also lower your alcohol levels
Anonymous said:
It was awful in general, but why add the paternity thing in the break-up ep? It detracts from, well, everything else and makes obvious they are copypasting fan theories instead of thinking of plot points.
I really do think they knew that Luka being upset over Marinette’s secret wasn’t enough to akumatize him so he needed something else.
Anonymous said:
Let me get something straight: The episode was explicitly about Marinette going on dates with Luka and that they were together. Yet Juleka is once again part of the shipping squad with obligatory "Marinette is only weird because she's with Adrien"-theories, and she's totally cool with that?
Yup! :3
guys I just adore mob mentality, did you know.
Anonymous said:
Ok, but the fact that everyone considers Marinette’s crush on Adrien to be her big secret is stupidly unrealistic. They KNOW they’re all aware of it - the girl squad even figured it out by themselves before they were told and think it’s totally obvious (as long as you’re a girl cause guys are clueless about feelings right). As far as they’re concerned it’s not actually a secret so they SHOULD be spilling the things they think only they and Marinette know. I mean, I can think of dozens of possibilities for Tom and the rest of the girls already, but Alya?
We had a front row seat to the damning secret Alya knows from back in season 1, but I guess asking this show to acknowledge continuity is too much. Still, the episode could have been so much more interesting if Alya had said, “Marinette’s the one who really gave Adrien the scarf for his birthday, but he looked so happy thinking it was from his father that she couldn’t bear to tell him that Gabriel hadn’t actually gotten him anything.” (I suppose reminding people of that wouldn’t fit into the writers’ poor attempts to make Gabriel sympathetic though 🙄).
Lol, just imagine the entire battle being sidetracked by Luka being brought to tears by how selfless and sweet his girlfriend is while Shadow Moth is too distracted by how this will ruin his reputation to get him back on track.
Anonymous said:
Marinette deserves to tell Luka she's Ladybug and have some support on her side tbh, it's disgusting to see the writers breaking up clearly the only thing that brings her joy and peace currently
And judging from that one trailer, she IS going to tell someone her secret and it’ll probably be freaking Alya; you know, the girl who blabbed about her Adrien crush to Nino and is thus THE LEAST TRUTHWORTHY PERSON. (”bonus” if it’s before the amulets)
I’m having nightmares already about Alya distrusting Lila because Marinette is Ladybug and not because Alya believes in Marinette. DX
Anonymous said:
Now that it’s been confirmed (in the worst way possible) that Jagged Stone is in fact Luka’s (and possibly Juleka’s?) father, how would you handle the whole mixed family aspect considering Jagged and Anarka’s relationship, Jagged and Penny’s, Anarka and Penny’s, Jagged and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?), and Penny and Luka’s (and Juleka’s?)? Topics like mixed families and family relationships are something that needs to be handled sensibly and sensitively given how it hits home for a lot of real-world people. Since we obviously can’t trust the ML writers to handle such topics the way that they deserve to be, how would you go about it knowing what we know up to this point about each character on their own and how they interact with one another?
Luka and Juleka were “accidents,” but Anarka kept it a secret from Jagged since Jagged was already hyped up to go on his next tour and Anarka knew their relationship was crumbling (possibly he already dumped her as his guitarist and she was annoyed about it). Jagged eventually learns that he has kids and is hesitant towards the idea, but because of him doting on Marinette (who’s the same age as his kids), he opens up to the idea.
Anarka and Jagged in present are mixed between tolerating each other for the sake of their kids and being chaotic best friends. The bad blood died out a while ago and there’s occasional tension but because Anarka is a single woman not interested in Jagged and Jagged is single with a possible thing for Penny, they make it work
Anarka and Penny have an awkward relationship. Penny wants to schedule time for Jagged to hang with Luka and Juleka and Anarka is confused at the very concept of a schedule, like just take them whenever okay??? isn’t it easier that way??? and Penny is like, “...oh, I guess so?”
Jagged and Penny, it depends on if they’re in any sort of relationship. If they’re in a relationship, Penny is either open to the idea of him learning to be good with kids if she’ll eventually want kids with him, or mixed because these are another woman’s kids and it’s really awkward. If they’re not in a relationship, then Penny could also be mixed since she’s crushing on him but I could also see her either finding it sweet that Jagged wants to hang out with his kids or finding it a hassle to schedule them in.
Jagged and Luka is rough. Luka has so many conflicting feelings on his idol ending up being his father. Jagged will probably even comment on Luka’s shirt + necklace and all of Luka’s merch in an attempt to bond but that kind of comes off desperate/awkward and Luka’s not about that life. I could also see Luka taking all the stuff down and swapping out his shirt, but being hesitant to remove the necklace because it’s a gift from Marinette. He might try to wash off the signature. He knows it’s not Jagged’s fault exactly but Anarka seemed to have bad blood with him and even if they get along now, Luka’s bitter. Jagged meanwhile wants to connect with Luka because hey musician energy!! but is gonna mess up a lot and say a lot of awkward things. Marinette will probably have to be a middle man between the two because it’s easier for them to talk with her around.
Jagged and Juleka don’t have a significant relationship at first. Juleka never care who her father was and she wasn’t crazy about Jagged Stone like Luka was. Jagged does try to connect with her but they clash majorly due to Jagged being so “loud” and Juleka being so quiet. Jagged will see it as a huge accomplishment the day where Juleka says something coherent (i.e: not a mumble) to him.
Yeah though, keep in mind for all of this that I’m not a family relationship kinda girl, so this isn’t my forte (I’m probably the most sympathetic to Jagged out of the whole fandom; not to say I agree with his actions but I have a history of hating babies and children, so not cool of him if he ditched Anarka but like, I get it, doesn’t make him better but I get it from a non-realistic standpoint of “ew, parenting”).
Anonymous said:
You know what? Imma gonna ignore canon for a bit more than I’ve been doing. The only thing I take away from “Truth” is that Marinette loves Luka and Tikki looks adorable in hats. That’s it have a good Saturday! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Anonymous said:
If there’s one small detail that I thought was genuinely cute this episode, it’s Tikki posing in the mirror with her little hat collection.
Ahaha, those are good takeaways!
And yes, Tikki looked good in hats, but at what cost. (guys, where’s our jealous Tikki episode where Tikki is jealous of the attention Marinette has to give the other kwami wait no they’d just make it Marinette’s fault go back go ba--)
Anonymous asked:
Am I the only on squicked out by how Adrien acts all noble and claims he would never force Ladybug to tell him anything, but when it becomes apparent that he has to ask her a question before the akuma can he goes all ‘what are your three favorite things about me?’ :3c I mean, he had decent amount of time to think up a bunch of innocent questions that couldn’t hurt her in any way like ‘what is your favorite color?’ or ‘do you like cookies?’ or even ‘what’s the capitol of France?’ But instead he basically demands she compliment him. Coming from a guy who spent most of the last two seasons refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer that’s a bit… icky.
He could’ve phrased it in any way and he used it to get compliments from her. :|
At least Ladybug asked a legitimate question about how he felt about her guardian status.
Anonymous said:
I had this idea for an episode: Luka finds out that Marinette is LB because he is in danger. Let's say he gets yeeted off a building by an akuma and Marinette (in her civilian form) jumps after him, transforms while Luka sees it (he's shook, obviously), she grabs him and saves him from falling. I think that would be pretty epic, do you think you could write a one-shot based on that idea if you feel like that? I would forever be thankful. Have a nice day!
I like the idea, though I feel like that’s been done a lot before in identity reveal fanfics.
Anonymous said:
You know, despite them all getting interrupted, I thought the attempts at Lukanette dates was really cute. Luka picking up Marinette from school, the two trying to see who is the biggest jagged fan, getting ice cream at Andre's, it's really cute! I only wish Hawkmoth and the writers weren't such dickheads.
It’s so adorable!
Like--show, you aren’t doing a good job at getting me off the Lukanette train.
Anonymous said:
Are you sure the Lukanette breakup wasn't Marinette's fault? I mean, the episode frames it like she's refusing to tell the truth, even if it's for a good reason.
I’m not sure when I said that the episode didn’t frame it as her fault?
Things are ALWAYS Marinette’s fault, it’s literally a rule of the show.
Anonymous said:
You know the truth episode actually gives more reasons for lukanette in my opinion based of its description you said. Luka is ridiculously understanding and also almost manages to fight off hawk moth as well as taking probably a week at least for him to get to that and yet he, while he’s upset, still tries to be there for marinette. Also makes the relationships she has with her friends and family worse if the secret they think she has is that she likes adrien while dating Luka.
And oh my gosh, I feel the friends and family comment so badly. Just throwing it out there, maybe you guys don’t actually support her???
Anonymous said:
How do you feel about Luka having no negative reaction to this whole "Marinette loves Adrien" thing? I understand that he isn't exactly the jealous type, but still, it seems weird to me that he just accepts it while Marinette is dating him. I love Luka a lot, but in this situation his reaction was just so unrealistic...
Honestly, I find it really interesting. Plus, it’s Truth who’s being told those things, not Luka, and Truth has other priorities.
And--I mean, I’m positive that Luka got into the relationship knowing that Marinette wasn’t completely over Adrien. She wanted to see if they’d work and he wanted to date her. It’s both of them being a little selfish in a way and I like that.
That’s why I think he doesn’t have a big reaction to the Adrien call. He seems amused more than anything, and Luka is empathetic also so he knows not to take Marinette’s stammering/mistakes to heart because she doesn’t mean them. We already had evidence of that in “Desperada.”
writingamongther0ses said:
Even if Lukanette had stayed together, I have a feeling Alya would complain that it's not Adrien...which could lead to a character growth opportunity for her when her complaining leads to Luka getting hurt when he overhears and becomes an akuma. But that's too interesting.
Interesting character relationships??? In THIS show???
Anonymous said:
After watching Truth the only thing I can feel at the moment is bitter. Not angry, not sad, not disappointed. Just bitter.
Bitter’s a good way of putting it, yeah. *sigh*
Anonymous said:
The fact that the second episode released managed to get a bingo really says a lot about how predictable the show's garbage fire writing.
I knew the Lukanette episode would be a big card filler but DAMN.
Anonymous said:
I hated all of Truth, but perhaps the worst part was how hard they tried to remind you that, no matter how much of a good time Marinette and Luka have together, it's Adrien who Marinette will end up with in the end. From Alya rudely insinuating "girl, you're acting stupid, is Adrien at your house?", to Luka receiving a PICTURE of Adrien from a kwami, to Marinette talking on the phone with Luka while her Adrien pictures are in the background, to Marinette CALLING LUKA ADRIEN, to Truth demanding that people tell him Marinette's secret, only for them ALL to say "She's in love with Adrien Agreste.".
It's absolutely anger-inducing because it tries too hard to let the audience know to forget about Luka because Adrien is lurking in the corner and he and Marinette are endgame. The fans are right, Luka IS a second choice, but not in the way they think. Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!
But what bothers me the most is that everyone saying that Marinette loves Adrien is accepted as truth even when Marinette herself says she's over Adrien. Her words are ignored, how she feels is ignored, because everyone else(including the girl squad, when they're supposed to be her "friends") tells her that she's supposed to be in love with Adrien, and so she "has" to go along with it because ENDGAME. It's the show saying "stupid naive Marinette, you're too immature and dumb to know how you really feel, let someone else do the thinking for you!"
Meanwhile Adrien moving on with Kagami is accepted even when he still flirts with Ladybug(and forces her to build up his ego when he asks her what she admires most about him; I know it was a spur of the moment thing, but meta-wise, it was obvious love square pushing.), because "he's trying to respect her feelings and date someone else!" It's one of the main gripes I have with the show: that teenage girls are too emotional and confused to know what they really want, but teenage boys are mature and rational enough to make up their minds about who they love without holding any animosity towards anyone.
The all-white, all-male writing team pushes the Chinese girl's feelings aside and forces her to hide and erase them if they're not want they want her to feel, while the white boy gets congratulated with a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum and always, ALWAYS, takes the moral high ground(even in superhero form when he's supposedly goofy.). When she's the lead.
"Luka's a second choice, not for Marinette, but for the Miraculous Ladybug world. for the WRITERS!!!“
It’s just tiring. It’s not even me being sick of the love square, but it being forced into everything when it’s not even relevant. The episode strategically throws more and more of Marinette’s Adrien crush (I did the math, I know this) into the mix and it provides nothing but the same tired jokes. Heck, they keep leaning on the lucky charm Marinette let him borrow (not GAVE, let him BORROW) back in Season 1 because they basically have nothing else to go off of.
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 13:
Anchors Away
Clay was bored, wandering around the mall with nothing to do. Thomas was at practice, Noelle was at work at the aquarium. He was alone again and he really didn’t like it. Leo was busy cleaning the apartment for his mom who is showing up later tonight and Reg was hanging out at the rink.
Clay thought about going to the rink but everytime he goes for longer than 20 minutes he gets a head cold. He was walking past a recently closed store and heard faint music coming from inside. He walked in and noticed a small table set up with two men who were jokingly singing along to the song.
Clay took note of all the posters around the small store.
‘Feeling like you need a purpose in life?’ Yeah, he does. Everyone around him is doing actual things with their lives. Reg has started going to art school for errotic photography and portraits. Leo has been selling horses over video calls with rich clients and helping his mother set up times for the clients to go down and visit the horses at the ranch. Obviously, the hockey boys are playing hockey. Noelle is a year away from graduating and was recently promoted, and Clay just kind of existed…
Leo jokingly called him a houseboy when he mentioned how he just stays at home and cleans, now that's all he is ever called by Leo and Reg and it really makes Clay feel worthless. He knows they don’t mean anything by it but…. It still stings.
He moves on to the next poster. “Want financial benefits, healthcare, and more?”
That would be nice, to make his own money for once instead of his parents randomly filling his account with too much money. Something he knows he shouldn’t complain about but he wants to make a name for himself.
‘Join the U.S Navy.’ He paused, he doesn’t know a lot about his birth family, but he does know they were in the military. He has no clue which branch and he knows if he asked his parents they would help him in a heartbeat. But maybe this was a way to find out on his own.
He left the mall feeling lighter, a pep in his step.
He just enlisted in the navy. He was going to make something of himself and maybe even feel like he isn’t just watching his friends and partners pass him by.
Then it hit him, the one thing Leo and him promised each other they would never do is join the military. Because they both know how it fucks people up. Leo lost his uncle, and Clay’s dad lost his own father to PTSD from not having proper care after. Maybe he just screwed up…. But there was no going back now. He wouldn’t.
Walking in the house, Noelle was looking beautiful. She was wearing a pair of sweats rolled up twice at the waist and one of Clay’s old ratty t-shirts. Her curly hair was in her normal ponytail and she was putting on her sneakers. She looked tired from work.
Earlier in the week when Clay and Leo announced Eloise was coming to visit for a few days Noelle started stressing immediately. She has always worried about meeting parents because they always seem to dislike her when they first lay eyes on her, she blames it on her chronic RBF. Clay reassured her that Eloise would love her and actually already loves her from all the stories Clay has told her on her weekly calls.
Eloise was coming tonight, fuck! It was his birthday today and he forgot to mention it! Oops...
Thomas was sitting next to her, freshly showered in his own sweats and t-shirt looking relaxed, he was wearing some socks with little hamsters on them that Clay found for him a while ago. It made his heart jump and he felt his face stretch into a smile. He was scrolling through his phone and Thomas’ whole face opened up in a bright smile as soon as he saw Clay. He made Clay feel so special in a specific way, a way that is so different from how Noelle does and he loves them both.
He needs to tell them that.
“I have something to tell you guys… honestly, I don’t know how you will react but what's done is done.” He puts his hands in his jean pockets and taps the hell of his boots to the toe of his other boot. He was fidgeting and knew the other two noticed. It made him even more nervous.
“That doesn’t sound like good news.” Thomas looks at him a bit worried. His smile was still there but it fell slightly and Clay just wanted to fix it. He noticed Noelle had paused stomping on her shoes, oddly similar to Logan, it made him want to stop what he was going to say but… communication is important!
“Well, I first need you guys to promise me something, then I will make Finn and Logan promise the same thing when we see them because I know I will have to tell them.” He has to tell them, so they are ready for Leo just, not being okay.
And it was all gonna be Clay’s fault.
“What's the promise?” Noelle finishes putting on her shoe and looks up at him. She is trying her best to keep her face neutral but he could tell the wheels were turning in her brain.
“Do not tell Leo, I need to be the one to tell him… and I know he isn’t going to react well. Same goes for Reg but I will probably tell him a lot sooner than Leo.” He keeps on switching his feet that he is tapping and finally looks at them.
It’s now or never.
“I enlisted in the navy today.”
“Okay, Reg and I are going to pick up Ma and then we will be right back!” Leo has been all smiles all day. Finn knew he was close to his mom but this is just adorable.
“Drive safe!” Leo and Reg wave as they leave the apartment and as soon as the door closes Clay is standing in front of Finn and Logan who are snuggled together on the couch. Logan was wrapped up in Leo’s favorite blanket that his grandpa made for him before he passed away. It was a woven blanket with an image of Peanut on it. That blanket has seen Leo and Clay in their worst moments.
He was surprised Logan wasn’t scared of it given his fear of horses.
“Alright you two, I need to tell you something and it needs to be kept secret from Leo and Reg, if you so much as tell them a peep I will never forgive you. That will make family reunions super awkward.” Finn looks up from his phone where he and Logan were reading the comments on their latest tiktok on their joined account.
“Don’t look at me.” Finn raises his hand on surrender and looks at Logan who rolls his eyes annoyed and snatches Finn’s phone away to keep reading the comments.
“I enlisted in the navy-” Clay didn’t even get the full sentence out before Logan had thrown the phone down on the cushion next to him and Finn covered his mouth with his hand looking shocked.
“Mama!” Leo hugs Eloise tightly as she drops her bags to hug him back. “How was the flight?” He squeezes her tightly before noticing her new hearing aid is flashing is three blinks then a pause and three more blinks. “I think your hearing aid is dying. Make sure to charge them when we get home.” She either ignores him or doesn’t hear him even though she can normally hear him this close.
“Rick was a great pilot as always, even let me bring y’all some moonshine he made. It's watermelon and raspberry!.” Eloise pulls away after one last squeeze and sees Reg and her smile widens. “Reg! I’m so happy you’re here!” She waits for him to open his arms as an invitation to hug him so she knows he is comfortable with her touching him and she does as soon as he opens his arms. Tighter than she did Leo. “Have you been eating well? How about sleeping? Did you ever enroll in college?”
“Yes, yes and yes.” Reg can’t help but laugh when she picks him up still hugging him and sways him around. He isn’t used to this much affection from a mother figure but… they love it.
“I’m so proud of you for following your dream.” She pulls away and smiles at him with a sincere smile and brushes his hair back. “Your hair looks nice by the way.”
“Thank you.” Reg and Leo help her with her bags and pack them into the truck and drive the short way back to the apartment. Talking about everything and anything. The door man sends a wink Eloise’s way and she holds up her left hand where her wedding ring is. Letting him know she is taken. Walking up to the apartment they smell an odd smell through the door and everyone shares a look.
“I promise it doesn't normally smell this way unless… oh no.”
“What does that mean!?” She leans over to Reg to whisper as Leo fiddles with his key in the lock.
“It means Finn and Logan tried to cook something.” Reg whispers to Eloise as Leo opens the door, Clay was the first to greet them, smiling his million dollar smile he hugs Elosie so tight it surprises her.
“Hello Bluebell! I was surprised I didn’t see you at the airport. How are you doing sweetheart! Twenty years old today! You’re all growing up so fast.” She kisses his forehead and they pull apart. “You look good. Your mother wants you to call her later tonight so she can sing happy birthday.”
“It's your birthday!” Noelle pipes up and looks at Clay offended. “And you didn’t tell us!” He cringes before turning to her.
“Oh, I guess I forgot.” He walks over to her and kisses her cheek while Eloise puts her hand on her chest from just how cute they are.
“Seems like that should have been the first thing you told us this morning instead of, ‘ I feel like a jellyfish’.” Thomas laughs a little and kisses both Noelle and Clay’s cheeks. “So cute.”
“It slipped my mind!”
“Okay, what is that smell?” Leo leads Eloise towards the kitchen after she is done fawning over how cute those three are. Finn and Logan are suspiciously standing in the way of the countertop right next to the stove. “What are you hiding?”
Finn turns bright red and Logan looks anywhere but Leo. Eloise sets her purse on the counter and walks over to them, giving them both kisses on the cheek.
“What did you make us?”
“Well… we tried to make a cake from your cookbook-”
“It didn’t go very well.” They both move to the side to reveal a lopsided cake with some diluted frosting dripping off and random coconut flakes floating around on it. “Can you at least tell what it is?” Logan casually turned the plate so the ‘good side’ was facing Leo and Eloise.
“Umm… not really. Do you mind just telling us?” Eliose was examining the cake, trying to figure out what cinnamon cake she had in her cookbook. None that she can remember.
“Something called,” Finn walks over to the book and notices Clay and Reg standing to the side with their phones up and probably recording. “Divinity Cake.” The room was suddenly really still and quiet. Eloise looked like she was about to cry and Leo was just staring at the cake in shock.
Then Eloise brokedown in laughter, to the point where she was laughing so hard she was on the ground holding her stomach and crying. Finn and Logan were visibly confused and looked to Leo for an explanation, only to find him trying to conceal his laughter in the crooks of his arm.
“Oh my god! What is so funny?” Logan looks at the cookbook and then back at the cake. It looked terrible but they tried their best! They didn’t burn the house down at least.
“Oh my lovely lovely boys.” Leo wraps an arm around both their shoulders and pulls them in close so they are all cheek to cheek for a moment. “Divinity cake is usually cooked for your in-laws in the south.. To prove you are worthy of being a good wife.” explains through his laughing breaks. “This is amazing.”
Eloise eventually stands up and dabs her eyes so she doesn’t smear her makeup. Pulling the two embarrassed boys into a tight hug. “Y’all are so sweet. Thank you for the cake.” She gives them both sloppy kisses on the cheeks and then pats where she just kissed. “Alright I’m going to put my things in the guest room and then we can cook something up for y’all to eat.” She smiles and takes most of her bags to the guest room but forgets her purse. “Finn, would you be a dear and grab my purse for me?” She calls out and Finn being the sweetheart he is, grabs the bag and tries to take it with him as he walks past.
The bag won’t budge, Leo is watching with a smile on his face and his arms crossed. Finn tugs at the bag again and eventually gets it off the counter, it nearly knocks him over with how heavy it is. He scurried to Eloise’s room and gave it to her. She holds it like it’s nothing.
He makes his way back over to Leo and sinks into his chest, his face buried in his neck. Logan is still poking the cake, showing off just how gelatinous it is. Clay and Reg are comparing videos that they took and laughing at how they zoomed in on different faces. Sending them to each other.
“I’m sorry we messed up the cake.” Finn looks up at Leo and sees the sweetest little smile, showing his dimples off. Finn has noticed Leo’s tan from the summer is fading and it is making the small scar across his nose more prominent. It was cute.
“Honestly, it’s better than anything else y’all have made. Plus, now Mama can teach you how to make it the right way for the next time she visits.” Leo kisses his eyebrow and wraps his arms around him as Finn pouts even more. Logan eventually makes his way over and rests his head on Leo’s shoulder.
“Maybe it still tastes good?” He closes his eyes and rubs his cheek on Leo’s soft shirt and tough shoulder, massaging his jaw muscles. His arms are crossed.
“We can try it afte Mama and I make some food, how about y’all pick out what you want so she can put on her mini cooking show.” Leo feels the boys lean off of him and smiles as he watches them pour over each page of the book looking for a meal they want.
“Alright, I’m ready to cook.” Eloise comes back into the room and gathers everyone so they are sitting on the other side of the counter, unless they are Reg or Leo because they are allowed to help cook. Finn and Noelle have taken the two seats while Clay and Thomas are on either side of them watching and Logan is in between them.
They all watch as Eloise explains what she is doing in hopes it helps them understand and make them want to try and make this on their own. Logan gets in trouble for focusing on Leo instead of what she is teaching and she gives him a smirk.
“You remind me a lot of Wyatt, you know that? Around the same height too.” She smiles as she fiddles with her ring after she washed her hands to get the rest of the flour off her hands. Leo is watching the food in the oven as he leans against the counter and nods in agreement with her.
“I do?” Logan looks at her a little confused, he sadly never got the chance to meet Wyatt but he always pictured him as more of the strong and silent type who was also tall, giving Leo his extra few inches of height.
“He was 5’10 and the sweetest man I have ever met, he was goofy and carefree like Finn and always had this hard look in his eyes like you do. Unless he was looking at Leo or I, or in your case Leo. Please don’t look at me like that.” Leo snorts and smiles.
“That would be kinda weird.” He turns his head over his shoulder and smiles at his boys. “Why don’t we tell them some stories about dad? I never really talk about him because… well, it still hurts.” Eloise smiles a little sad at her son and gives his arm a comforting squeeze. Her love language.
“Well, he was in the air force.” She notices Clay looking away, Noelle suddenly looks uncomfortable and Thomas looks a little sad. Something was off. “He and his twin brother Wess joined at the same time, and flew fighter jets together. His brother was shot down and Wyatt made Leo promise to never join. After he came back he vowed to never leave again. He kept his promise.” She smiles at the image of him coming home still fresh in her mind. “He was in love with music, sometimes I think he loved music more than us. He tried to get Leo to learn how to play instruments but the poor boy is so tone deaf he couldn’t figure anything out.” She laughs a little as Leo smiles. “I remember when Leo was being taught the guitar Wyatt would be thrown into laughing fits when Leo would play the wrong chords and smile up at him like he just did something.”
“I thought I did!” Leo laughs a little and turns around to face everyone else. “Look It took me forever to learn rhythm, and now I can dance like there is no tomorrow… still can’t sing though.”
“Ahmen!” Clay pipes up and ducks as Leo throws a spoon at him.
“Shut up!”
“Wyatt did manage to teach Clay how to play fiddle somehow, do you still play?” Eloise checks the food in the oven and determines it's not done.
“I haven’t played since… yeah I haven’t played in a while.”
“He was so proud of you. Wyatt was also a sportsman. He loved sports, especially baseball. So when Leo came home and told Wyatt he joined the team, they went out back and played catch for, I don’t know, hours.”
“My arm was sore the next day.”
“He came to every single game of Leo’s besides one, and was his biggest fan. He made shirts with Leo’s player picture on them and wore them to every game. No matter how many times Leo begged him not to!” The timer goes off and Reg gets the food out of the oven.
“Is this done?” He asks, Eloise comes over to check and nods.
“Looks good! How about we eat?” She smiles and has everyone line up so she can dish it out for them.
Thomas and Noelle are getting ready to leave when Eloise asks Clay to join her outside. He gives them a worried look but follows her. Outside is cold, and there is a bit of snow on the railing of the balcony.
“Talk to me Clayton, something is wrong, I noticed it earlier.” She looks at him and taps her foot as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. “Clayton.”
“I joined the navy, and I haven’t told Leo, and I ask that you don’t tell him either because he needs to hear this from me.” He is looking out at the traffic below so he doesn’t have to watch her face. He knows she is upset with him.
“Is that what you really want to do?” She walks up next to him and joins him in looking at the traffic. Clay has always admired how strong Eloise is, she has been through a hell of a lot and still has this calm and stable energy.
“Then you made the right choice.” She turns and looks at him, smiling in a way that he knows is trying to hide her sadness. She ruffles his hair as he finishes his cig and puts it out on the bottom of his boot. “Have you told Noelle and Thomas?”
“Yeah.” He knows his short answers sound hostile but he wants to be away from this conversation.
“They support you?” She always makes sure he has support, it hurts sometimes. Like he can’t just get support himself and he always needs help.
“Yes.” She nods and walks back towards the door.
“Then you better spend as much time with them as you can.” She goes inside, leaving Clay to think about everything by himself.
It was dangerous.
He walks back inside and they leave. Noelle turns around from the passenger seat and smirks at Clay. He was in for a fun night.
“I’m off to bed boys, we have a busy day tomorrow!” Elosie kisses her boy's cheeks and walks to her room.
“I like you mom.” Logan says as he tackles Leo to the ground straddling his back with his scented markets in hand. He tugs at Leo’s shirt, he complies and takes it off. Logan has been dying to do this all day.
“I hope not too much!” Leo crosses his arms under his head until Finn sits down next to him and he pulls his thigh so it's underneath Leo’s head. Leo shivers as the cold marker hits his skin and Logan begins coloring.
“What other stories do you have about Wyatt?” Finn rubs his fingers over Leo’s short hair that has really grown out over the past month, it was starting to curl at the ends making Leo look sweet.
“He used to read to me when I was little, then when I was able to read I would read to him until he fell asleep and started snoring.” Leo smiles and Finn can feel it on his leg. “He was also my coach for little league baseball for a bit and he was great but not everyone liked that he was my dad. Other parents thought I was getting special treatment. Also he would argue with the umpires and get in trouble!” Leo bursts out laughing and Logan gorans.
“Leoooooooooo! Be still!” Leo calms down and lets Logan keep coloring the flowers of his back piece.
“Sorry sorry, I just remembered when he got kicked out of a game because an umpire called Clay out when he was safe. It was hilarious. He called the umpire a muppet.” Smiling Leo yawns and blinks a few times.
“You can fall asleep, we will wake you up and go to bed when Logan finishes.” Finn is scrolling on his phone and is petting Leo’s head as he feels it get heavier with sleep. Finn looks up at Logan after making sure Leo is asleep.
“We need to tell him we love him.”
“Yeah, we do.” They smile at each other and share a peck before going back to what they were doing.
The next morning Finn and Logan wake up with a Leo sized dent in the bed and not Leo. They wander out to the kitchen and get smacked in the face with the smell of blueberry pancakes. They float into the kitchen and smile at the sight. Eloise has her hair in curlers and is in a thick grey robe and Leo’s sweatpants because she doesn’t own a pair. Her face is free of makeup and it shows how well she has taken care of her skin over the years. She is flipping a couple of pancakes while Leo sips on some apple juice. Just chatting away about the plan for today.
“Okay so after family skate is the party at Pascal and Celeste’s.”
“I won’t be at family skate dear, I have some work to do today.” She puts the last pancake on a plate, making sure that each plate has two, she takes two plates over to the table while Leo carries the other two.
“Ma, you promised me you wouldn’t work while you were here.” He sighs and sets the plates down. He sighs and sits down, not noticing the other two people in the room, he starts poking at his pancakes with his cheek on his hand and elbow on the table. Sulking.
“I know sweetheart but these people are someone who your Daddy tried to sell to for years. They plan to get two mares and then I will be at the party. On time. I promise.” She puts the dishes from cooking in the sink and fills the pancake batter bowl with hot water before grabbing her cup of coffee and walking over to sit next to Leo.
Logan and Finn share a look. They shouldn’t be listening to this.
“Okay but, just please be there towards the beginning of the party. I want to introduce you to my-... the team.” Leo furrows his brow not understanding why he about called the lions his team, when he doesn’t even play hockey.
“I will try my best, Merigold.” She pats his hand and Logan and Finn make their entrance, yawning and stretching as they walk over to the table. “Morning boys.”
“Morning!” Finn smacks a kiss on Leo’s temple as he walks past and Logan does the same, taking their seats and chowing down.
Later that day Eloise was putting her hair in a ponytail as she checked to make sure there were no creases in her uniform. Well, it's not a uniform but what she likes her and Leo to wear when they go to sell.
A black tall-neck turtle neck with long sleeves and tight to the body. Some khaki colored riding pants with tall back socks and brown riding boots. Professional yet comfortable. She was selling to the Malfoy family today, the father is buying these mares for his sons wedding coming up. She is still convinced that they only want their mares because Wyatt is gone, making Knut horses more desirable.
They were in contact with Wyatt for years and were not very nice. She knows she needs to make this sale though. Walking out to the living room to grab her purse she sees Leo moping on the couch by himself. She sighs out of her nose, walking over to him and petting the top of his head.
“I promise I will be there tonight, with moonshine.” She smiles as Leo rolls his eyes.
“I trust you.” Then he stood and gave her good luck and a hug before walking back to his bedroom… not the master bedroom. She takes a deep breath and leaves the apartment.
The rink was cold, Leo was bundled up in his new coat, hat and gloves while rocking his normal jeans and boots. His brand new skates were in hand, not broken in so he was wearing two pairs of tall socks just to help against blisters. Clay actually owned a pair of skates and has been skating since he was younger because he has family in Montana that he would visit for the holidays.
Leo was sitting in Finn's stall just trying to stay warm while he watched Noelle tie one of Clay’s skates and Thomas tie the other. Leo had to admit, he was so happy for Clay, seeing him with that sappy smile makes Leo know that he’s okay. He never smiled like that with Ashley.
Logan walks over to him, completely ready to skate and looking good. He was wearing his favorite well worn sweats and Leo’s new thrifted sweater that was dark green, showing off his eyes. He was wearing his normal cap backwards and Leo has always found it funny that Logan will never wear a hat forwards.
“Ready to get laced up?” Leo nods and holds out a skate to Logan. “You’re very quiet right now, are you that cold?” Leo just narrows his eyes and gives a short nod. Logan shows him how to lace up and once his other skate is on he stands up and nearly falls over.
“This is going to be terrible… is there a dentist nearby? I have a tendency to fall teeth first into the ground.” Licking over his chipped tooth absentmindedly he looks around. There were kids running around in skates and jumping into other players arms. He smiles a bit and rests his elbow on Logan’s head who is wear much more worn down skates so Leo is a fucking giant to him. “You’re the perfect height.”
“Yeah yeah, lets watch you try and walk. Then we can find Finn who I’m guessing is talking to Syd.” Logan helps Leo take a few steps knowing Leo has no balance at all. In skates or not. He has witnessed this name trip over nothing.
“Whose Syd?” Leo starts walking on his own and feels like this isn’t so bad.
“My oldest sister. Aubry is here too. They also play professional hockey. So… don’t get on their bad sides.” Leo stops walking.
“You never mentioned your sisters will be here! I thought I was meeting them when we go to visit your parents in a week! Oh boy… Do they know about you and Finn?” Leo continues walking after Logan grabs his hand and leads him out of the tunnel.
“Yes they know about me and Finn, I told my family first because… well my parents love him and my sisters all had a bet so… yeah. But they don’t know about you because I didn’t know if you were ready for that.” Leo stops him before they completely exit the tunnel and presses him up against the wall, kissing him softly.
“Thank you.” Leo smiles when Logan does and they pull apart to see they are the last out of the tunnel. Walking out Leo stops in front of the ice. “Yo, I don’t know if I have enough ego to let me fall face first onto the ice in front of a whole hockey team yet.”
“What, you aren’t up for the challenge?” Clay skates right up to him, not as seamless as everyone else but still pretty well. He has this challenging look in his eyes and Leo knows exactly what is going to happen. “I knew you weren’t good at everything.” Leo launches himself at LCay who skates out of the way just in time for Leo to miss and barely holds himself up as he glides across the ice.
“Clay! When I get my hands on you, I swear!” Then he falls flat on his ass and gorans laying down, staring at the ceiling annoyed. This sucks.
Clay is having an absolute field day, Laughing his ass off as he skates up to Leo and helps him stand. Patting his back for a moment and letting Leo get his balance he then pushes him over and skates away.
“CLAYTON!” Leo falls basically into a middle split and it distracts Finn from his conversation with Logan and his sisters, hitting Logan’s chest until he looks over at Leo who is still being taunted by Clay and now Reg.
“I didn’t know he could do that.” They share a look and both seem to get ideas around the same time because their faces get all reg and they high five.
“Who is that?” Sydney is readjusting her hat as she looks at Leo. “He’s a cutie, I wouldn’t mind getting a piece of that.”
“Agreed. He is really handsome.” Aubry nods in agreement and Logan is suddenly possessive. He glares at them.
“Back off, he’s mine!” He crosses his arms and turns his attention back to Leo who is now talking to Katie who has made herself at home on his leg. Leo looks like he is trying his best not to shake from how cold he is.
“You have Finn, let us have our fun.” Aubrey hits his shoulder and skates over to Leo and Katie. “Need some help?” Katie smiles at her. Leo looks up at her and gives a shy smile because he is embarrassed. Nodding she holds out her hand, Katie grabs his other hand and helps him up. With Katie on one side and Aubry on the other, Leo starts more skating and less falling over.
“Awww they are so cuteeeee.” Sydney smiles at them and hears Logan grumble, looking at them annoyed and Finn is still snorting everytime Leo stumbles. But Finn has this look in his eyes that Sydney has only ever seen him give Logan. She hopes there isn’t anything shady going on between those three.
Eventually, Aubry and Leo stake back over to Finn, Logan and Sydeny who are all still chatting on the ice and sipping their hot chocolate that Celeste brought.
“Can I have a sip?” Logan holds up his cup over his shoulder to Leo’s lips, because Leo is behind him, and holds it as he takes a sip. “Mm, so yummy. I’ve never really had this before. Hot chocolate?” Leo doesn’t really drink warm drinks at all, even the coffee is normally cooled down to where it isn’t hot, sometimes iced.
“You should have Finn make you some, he is really good at it.” Finn kisses Logan's forehead and smiles.
“It’s like the one thing I learned how to make properly. Alex taught me! He is coming to the party later tonight if you want to meet him.”
“I’d love to meet him! Now, I’ve met Aubry. I’m guessing you are Sydney? Logan talks about you guys sometimes but I don’t know a lot.” Leo smiles at her and reaches his hand out to shake hers.
“You have a southern accent…” Aubry and her share a look.
Logan is definitely not keeping him from them.
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not-poignant · 3 years
PART1:Hey Pia! I'm an admirer of your writing and you as a writer and I'm kind of in a little pickle. When I read your stories (longtime lurker but I give every kudo that I can!) your characters feel so real and when you answer questions about them it feels less like a thing you talk about and more like you just k n o w how they would react/feel if x happens. A few years back I had that feeling for a few original charackters of mine too. I didn't need to ponder hours or days to figure out what they will do or how they feel about x, I just knew. I felt like an invisible spectator who just needs to watch and write down what happens.
Now? That feeling is gone. I still have ideas for stories or characters and I want to write, but that inherent feeling to just k n o w is missing which leads to not writing at all or writing like 2k, but everything just reads and feels flat. Like going through the motions.
I miss the i-just-know- connection to my characters.
Do you have any advice how I could get that connection back or how I could foster it for my characters/story ideas?
Tbh, you don't need to have that knowing to actually be able to write characters? It can make it more fun, but I haven't always had it. I didn't always have it - for example - with Thomas and Aodhan while writing The Gentle Wolf. Sometimes the decisions I made were based purely on logic and understanding of human behaviour, and the groundwork I'd done at the beginning of the story to create these characters in the first place.
And honestly, sometimes knowing lets you down, because sometimes it's wrong. Being in that position can lead to being very biased on a character's behalf, which can be fine sometimes - especially in Id fics! But is less great in like, realistic fiction or in general. That kind of immersion has pros and cons, just like not having that immersion has pros and cons.
So the main thing is you don't need that immersion to still write great characters and a solid story. It just might take time to learn essentially a new skill in characterisation that you haven't gotten used to using before (which is probably why it reads as flat, not because the non-immersion style is flawed or wrong, but because you're not used to employing it as a skill and might need more practice with it - it reminds me of Lyra with the alethiometer in His Dark Materials - at first she can just instinctively read the alethiometer to predict the future, and then she loses the ability, and has to learn another way of doing it - and there's a kind of grief there - but she learns the other way also has its own value too).
(I feel like Philip Pullman used that analogy to demonstrate that sometimes we can access a skill that is effortless and easy, and if we lose that, we get discouraged and don't want to learn it a new way - but it's worth learning a new way, even if there's grief there too).
The other thing is to...I guess think of the kind of characters you do experience immersion with these days. What stories are you reading where you feel more connected to the characters than normal? Why don't you write those kinds of characters, or even fanfiction of those characters? Is there a disconnect between the characters you're immersing with most vs. the characters you're trying to write?
If you're not feeling connections like that to any character right now, I don't know if you can 'force' immersion. It's usually a sign of burn out or exhaustion or even depression when it's to the point where you're not even connecting/immersing with fictional characters for the sake of entertainment or leisure.
And then honestly I'd recommend rest or...well, whatever you employ to look after yourself when you're Going Through It.
Also, sometimes pushing through that flatness can get you through to the other side. I don't think you should force yourself or anything... I mean I don't know you or your position exactly, but I know for myself, I can be tired and start writing and then find the thread of it after a few days or weeks. I'm not always sitting there in fun immersion land, basically.
I've written entire stories where I didn't have the benefit of in-character immersion while writing (I think Eversion comes immediately to mind, I didn't have that for huge chunks of the story - and some of The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle comes to mind). Sometimes I gained aspects of that immersion after writing a 10,000 word chapter, which helped me re: comment responses, but that doesn't mean I had that feeling or experience during writing, y'know?
Sometimes you only really get to know your characters after 50k of writing them. Which is infuriating. Sometimes you never once experience immersion with them. Tons of successful writers have never experienced it once and wouldn't trust it even if they did, y'know? I don't always trust it myself, I often stop making hard decisions for characters when I go into that zone, so I've also had to learn the skill of detaching myself from that immersion at times too. That's especially true for Augus. Immersion in his character makes me write him badly. I need to step back for him, and he often gets the most brutal overhauling/editing in chapters afterwards, which is a sign of how that style of character connection can be a con, not a pro.
Basically tl;dr there's lots of ways of writing characters and feeling flat on this new technique doesn't mean it's a bad technique. Think about the characters in stories that make you feel immersed and connected to them - ask yourself if those are the characters you're writing, and if that's a possible direction to head. Good luck, anon!
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Is Rob Thomas Jealous of Taylor Sheridan’s Success?
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Remember when Taylor Sheridan was nominated for an Oscar for ‘Hell Or High Water’? Although Rob Thomas did congratulate him for his nomination, some people detected some sarcastic undertone within his tweet. Don’t know whether they are friends in real life or not, but many suspected that RT was a bit envious that TS was nominated for Best Writing.
Before he was famous as a great screenwriter who also wrote the acclaimed ‘Sicario’ franchise, he appeared as a recurring character Danny Boyd in VMars. You may remember Danny Boyd; one of the cousins of the Fitzpatrick and specifically Liam’s right-hand man. He also played the great Sheriff/Deputy Chief Hale from Sons of Anarchy. After many stints as recurring characters in many shows, he started to write a screenplay. Sicario is a film about Cartel hitmen and Narcos. Very well written and made, and it made him a household name.
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This is why fans took notice when Rob started to inserted many Narcos-style storylines about a cartel hitman in Neptune (season 4 VMars). The plot was weak and seemed out of place from the whole VMars vibe. Rob wanted to put every ingredient that made Cartel drama, Noir, Comedy, and Romance into this one miniseries, he forgot about the characters and what made it good in the first place. He wanted to be taken as a “serious” writer so much, he forgot that he was using an existing show with a different vibe and insisted that the show was matured. He wanted the show to be Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Sons of Anarchy, Sicario... but he ended up using all the tropes into this blender and the result is a mess. It’s like making ice cream but then he decided to add some onions just to spice things up.
Rob is well known to ‘borrow’ many plots and storylines from his favorite movies into his shows. He claims that it’s more of a homage. But when every episode of his shows is some kind of homage of something, it bears a question of whether he could write an original story or not.
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Taylor Sheridan’s Sicario was less about the hitmen plot but more about the characters. Many shows like Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and many more are about the characters and how much they are written brilliantly. Fans love the shows not just because of the plots (although they are good), but because of the characters. Fans care about them and want to see more of them. The plots are there to accompany them, not the other way around.
Rob thinks to get taken seriously is to have all those plots into one giant bowl. He forgot about the characters; therefore he forgot what made the show brilliant. He forgot (or ignore) why the show was great; it was all about the characters. And the fact that he is also jealous (based on his tweets back then) about his fellow creators, kinda cemented the idea that he is stuck in an old school writing that he is accustomed to and not liking the idea that other writers from his generation are more successful and more acclaimed than him.
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What he said about Taylor Sheridan made people frown. He said, “Hey remember this guy who played this loser Danny Boyd?” (Paraphrasing, of course) and then he posted an unflattering picture of the character. “I made him!” I think many fans pointed out on Twitter that he was only joking, but could feel the jealousy seeping through the tweet.
When Jessica Chastain was nominated for an Oscar, he also tweeted, “I am assuming Jessica Chastain will thank me profusely in her acceptance speech tonight. Veronica Mars made her career!” Fans of Chastain (who didn’t know who he was and thought that he was the singer of Matchbox 20) immediately roasted him on Twitter, calling him out, and got angry because this man claiming that her success was because of him. He immediately said that he was only joking and that he was proud of her, that an Oscar nominee used to be on his show.
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But this has become a pattern, that when someone he knew suddenly become successful, he would joke that they should thank him. Fans were surprised that he never said anything about Tessa Thompson’s success and soaring career when he was on Twitter, but glad that he didn’t. The only actors that always praising Tessa Thompson are Percy Daggs III, Erica Gimpel, Francis Capra, Jason Dohring, and Kyle Gallner. Fans never heard Rob Thomas said anything about her, but maybe that was a good thing. Tessa Thompson mentioned that she had a bad experience on the set of VMars because of the way they treated her character and the fact that they straightened her curly hair so it wouldn't look “ghetto”, and the fact that Rob wrote her character as a punching bag.
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Back to Taylor Sheridan, the man is now known as a successful writer-director who directed “Wind River”, a movie about the rape and murder of a Native American girl on tribal lands, and is meant to provoke conversation about the exploitation experienced by indigenous women. When the movie was bought by The Weinstein Company, Taylor Sheridan threatened to destroy the movie after Harvey Weinstein's scandals. “I said, if my movie’s going to die, I’ll be the one to kill it,” Sheridan said in an interview. “I will take my name off it, and publicly denounce it. I would have said, don’t go see this movie, don’t rent it, don’t watch it. If he was going to remain publicly attached if he was going to benefit from a film highlighting the atrocity he perpetrated? No.” He also demanded that the proceeds from the movie would be given to charity and women’s organizations.
He was ready to nuke his own movie before letting it live on with Weinstein branding. Some of us always pondered... Whether Rob would even do the same thing (denounce his movie, giving the film money to charity, etc)? Judging by his own scandalous iZombie tv show when Robert Knepper guest-starred in the show it seems he wouldn't nor care. He never publicly comment about Robert Knepper and his rape allegations. The only people who commented were the actors like Rahul Kohli, Malcolm Goodwin, Robert Buckley, and Rose McIver. Maybe the people (Rob and Diane) who write rape in every show as plot devices but not as raising awareness are not really feminists as they claimed to be.
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Taylor Sheridan might not be the next great screenwriter; occasionally his works are problematic. He is this manly Marlboro man writer who writes about men even when he writes about feminist stuff. His female characters sometimes are white and pretty with the tendency of damsel in distress or white saviors. But at least he is trying to hone his skill to be a better writer. We will see more about his future in interest. In conclusion, Taylor Sheridan, the glorified extra from Veronica Mars probably deserves those recognitions. Rob Thomas can steam.
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snowdice · 4 years
Little Kestrel (Part 14)[Birds of Different Feathers Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Patton & Virgil (future Virgil/Patton but not in this story)
Main: Logan, Patton, Virgil
Appear: Thomas
Mentioned: Janus
It was supposed to be a quick job either way. Either Virgil would assassinate King Thomas of Prijaznia or he’d be caught and get executed. Yet, when Virgil gets the wrong bedroom and gets caught by Prince Logan and his future royal advisor, Patton, the job ends up getting way more complicated for the 14-year-old. He also ends up sleeping in a (actually pretty comfortable) closet for a few weeks…
Notes: Implied/referenced child abuse, assassination attempt, knives, torture mentioned, captivity, teenagers being really dumb
This is a prequel to Kill Dear. I wrote it 100 words at a time on my blog, but this is the edited version. If you want to see how it was crafted, look at the tag proofread stories.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
“So then,” Patton was saying. “We ran to the stables.”
“We went to gazebo first,” Logan cut in.
“Right, we tried to go to the gazebo first,” Patton corrected, “but Mr. Deknis was over there tending to the tomatoes, and we knew he’d tell Mama the second he saw us. So, then we turned around and went to the stables.”
Virgil tilted his head, listening to the story Patton was telling. Patton was not the best storyteller. He tended to get lost in the middle and embellish, though Logan always corrected him. It was still very entertaining to watch though because he got incredibly animated. He’d even toppled himself over in excitement a couple of times.
Virgil squeezed the small pillow he had in his lap. He… wasn’t 100% sure what was going on. Logan and Patton had settled him on the blanket covered ground near Logan’s bed and proceeded to feed him snacks and talk about a lot of different things. It had started with them talking about what they’d done that day, and when Patton had made reference to something Virgil hadn’t understood, the two of them ended up talking about things from their childhood.
Virgil found himself entranced by their stories about playing in and running around the castle. It was all so different from what Virgil had experienced.
“…but, right as we were about to get to the ladder to climb up into the hay loft, Logan tripped!” Patton said, arms whipping around him. “He fell into a container of grain for the horses and it spilled all over the place. He tried to get up but grabbed the edge of the water trough and apparently it wasn’t very secure because it fell over and soaked him. So, then he was wet and covered in grain. He looked hilarious.”
“I did not!” Logan protested, but it did not sound like all of the other times he’d corrected Patton’s stories that night.
Patton looked over at him. “You did! You woke up the cute stable hand and he laughed himself silly at you, and by the time we got you even partially cleaned up, your dad had already found us. That’s how we got caught.”
“I have no recollection of these events,” Logan clearly lied, his cheeks a bit flushed.
“Liar,” Patton claimed. “You complained about picking grain out of your sheets for weeks.”
“No,” Logan growled.
“Yes! It’s okay. It was a good laugh.”
Logan’s eyes narrowed on him, and he looked pissed, but a second later, his expression lightened up. “You know what else was a ‘good laugh’?” he asked.
There was a second of silence before…
“Don’t you dare Logan.”
Logan looked Patton directly in the eye. “Patton was thirteen,” Logan started, but was interrupted the next moment when Patton lobbed a pillow at his head. Logan grabbed the pillow and leaned forward to smack Patton back with it. “He was thirteen and had just ‘discovered boys’ as his mother and my father called it when they attempted to explain his behavior to me. The focus of said ‘discovering’ at the time was the son of an ambassador from Lamir” who was staying for the summer, a seventeen-year-old boy by the name Bernardo.”
Virgil flinched back as Patton suddenly threw himself across the semicircle they’d made with their bodies to tackle Logan to the ground. He watched as they ineffectually wrestled on the ground for a few seconds before Logan, voice strained, continued to speak, while battling Patton’s hands away from his mouth.
“Patton’s only knowledge about flirting… ow… at that point was laughing at everything someone said and touching their arms and shoulders.” Logan managed to flip himself onto his stomach which was a horrible move as far as Virgil was concerned. It put him at a disadvantage to get out of the pin. However, Patton just kept reaching for his mouth and didn’t bare down on his neck to try to cut off his oxygen like Virgil expected. So, perhaps it was a rational move. “Our parents were speaking leaving Patton, Bernardo, and I in the garden,” Logan mumbled into the ground. “Bernardo said something ‘funny’ and Patton went to slap his shoulder while laughing but shoved too hard… Patton did you just lick my face?!”
“And I’ll do it again if you don’t shut up!” Patton threatened. That was a… weird fighting strategy.
Logan paused to consider his options. “He shoved Bernardo into the fountain and when Bernardo asked him why he did that, he ran away and wouldn’t talk to him the rest of the summer!” Logan rushed out.
Patton reached over and grabbed the nearest pillow, proceeding to whack him viciously in the back of the head. Logan was lucky the nearest object was a pillow and not something any sturdier. “It’s not funny!” Patton yelled, smacking him even more, which was when Virgil realized Logan was laughing despite the pinning and pillow pummeling. “It’s not!” Patton said. “I really liked him!!”
“He was seventeen!” Logan said. “It was never going to happen!”
Patton groaned and rolled off of Logan to lay on his back and stare at the ceiling. “But he had so many muscles,” Patton said. “He probably could have thrown me 10 yards.”
“And that is… a benefit?” Logan asked, rolling over onto his side to face him.
“You don’t. Get me.” Patton tilted his head to look at Virgil. “Anyway,” he said. “That is the story of how I died at 13.”
Virgil stared at him, and Patton’s forehead crinkled looking at him.
“Is something wrong, honey?” he asked.
 “What was that?” Virgil asked.
“What was what?”
Virgil just blinked at him. Patton seemed to think for a moment.
“Oh, did you think we were fighting?” Patton asked. “Like, really fighting?”
“You weren’t fighting?” Virgil asked.
“No, sweetie,” Patton said. “We were just playing.” He popped up into a sitting position. “Well, play fighting, but emphasis on play!”
Virgil looked over at Logan for confirmation. “No one is harmed nor was there any intention to harm each other,” he assured.
Patton grabbed the pillow he’d been smacking Logan with. “Like this!” he said. “Bap.” Unlike how he’d smacked Logan ruthlessly, he basically just touched Virgil’s shoulder with it.
Virgil squinted at him.
“Bap!” Patton said again, smacking him once more, this time with a little bit more force and on the cheek. Virgil’s nose scrunched up. “Pillow fight!”
“Pillow fight?”
“You try,” he said, pointing to the pillow in Virgil’s lap.
Virgil glanced down at the bands around his wrist. “Um…” he said. “I don’t think I can?”
“Oh, right,” Patton said with a frown. He bit his lip and glanced over at Logan. “Maybe…”
“Ill-advised,” Logan said.
“But…” Patton said. “Pillow fight.”
“We would have to be very cautious and make sure there were no weapons in the area.”
“No weapons but pillows!”
“Fine,” Logan relented to whatever was going on. “Let’s clear the area.” Virgil watched them with mounting confusion as they removed everything within a few meters radius of him except for pillows and blankets.
“There!” Patton said after a minute. “All done!”
“What are you doing?” Virgil said.
“We’re going to have a pillow fight,” Patton said.
“But I…”
“We’ll temporarily allow your restraints to be in the third setting like when you’re in the closet.”
Were they serious? Were they stupid? Virgil could have killed them dozens of times with the second setting and now they were giving him even more range of motion?
“You have to promise not to try to hurt anyone though,” Patton said. Virgil stared at him dumbly, as Patton held out his pinky finger. “Pinky promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
Patton nodded solemnly. “We lock pinky fingers and make a promise. It’s the most binding promise in the universe.”
Virgil looked at his finger, confused. He’d never heard of that type of deal. “What kind of magic is it?”
“No magic,” Patton said. “Just friendship.” Virgil tilted his head but brought his hand up so Patton could twine their fingers together. “Now, promise you won’t hurt anyone.”
“I promise I won’t hurt anyone,” he said.
“It’s a deal!” said Patton, squeezing Virgil’s finger with his own briefly before drawing away. “I trust you.” Virgil felt a rush of something that was no type of magic he’d ever come into contact before but was definitely far more powerful.
Logan came over to them and waved his hand over the restraints on Virgil. They buzzed slightly and Virgil looked between them. “So, I just hit you with pillows?”
“Try not to hit too hard near the face, and Lo and I should probably take off our glasses before we start, but yeah,” Patton said, taking his glasses off as he said it. It was yet another foolish move on his part. “It’s fun, and it doesn’t hurt.”
“Okay…” Virgil said.
“I will demonstrate,” Logan said as he took a pillow and smacked Patton in the stomach.
“Hey! No fair!” Patton giggled. “We haven’t started yet!” This did not deter Logan however, as he continued to smack Patton with a pillow.
“On the contrary,” he said. “It has started, and we’re getting you first.”
“No,” Patton whined, but the way he crumpled to the ground under the onslaught seemed far too staged to make Virgil worry. He didn’t even try to curl up into a ball or protect his head, just taking the hits and giggling.
Logan looked up at Virgil and motioned with his head. Virgil inched over and looked down at Patton. Logan slowed for a few moments. “Go on,” he urged.
Virgil bit his lip and reached forward to smack Patton lightly with his pillow which seemed to do nothing to him but renew his peels of giggles. From there, it was easy to continue. Logan picked up the pace of his strikes and he and Virgil proceeded to ‘fight’ Patton until he couldn’t breathe through his laughter and pushed the pillows away, curling up on his side to recover. Virgil took the cue from Logan to cease their attack.
“Now what?” Virgil asked when Patton sat up.
“Now I get vengeance!” Patton said, popping to his feet and smacking Logan in the face. “Help me Virgil!” So, Virgil turned on Logan and he and Patton gave the prince the same treatment. Then, because it was only fair, it was Virgil’s turn, though they were a lot more careful with him then they’d been with each other, and really Patton spent more of the time checking in on Virgil then actually hitting him with the pillow. It was nice. Fun. And when Virgil pushed them away, they pulled back.
Then, it was Patton’s turn again and they went around teaming up on each other and sometimes just smacking at each other at random.
Eventually, they slowed, and all ended up laying near each other on the floor.
“Well, that made me hungry,” Patton said, sitting up and stretching. “I asked Mama to make us a bunch of mini sandwiches. I’ll go get them.”
He hopped to his feet to walk over to where they’d stored the food earlier in those little glowing magical balls Logan had for food preservation.
Logan and Virgil sat up too, and Virgil offered him his wrists.
“Right,” Logan said with a blink. He made a motion and Virgil could feel the magic weighing down his hands once again. He’d almost forgotten, Virgil thought with an internal sigh. They’d given an assassin free range of motion, had a pillow fight with him, and almost forgotten to restrain him again. What was Virgil going to do with these idiots?
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AO3 Part 15
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