#load-bearing dumbass
shadesofmauve · 2 years
Your comments and tags on the reblogged post about the givens of sci-fi in writing had me cackling. Not because there's anything wrong with your advice (of having a dumbass character) or anything but because of your tags (that Rhi is that dumbass).
The problem here is that while Rhi is absolutely the 'the engine went bad' one, but because the problem for you as the author is that Rhi has an ultra-competent and patient boyfriend who has no qualms about trying to re-explain exactly what went wrong or how 😅
Okay, Elle, when you're that spot on your point has to be shared with the class.
First, 'cuz it might need to be said: Rhi Shepard is smart. Low intelligence is not a requirement for being a Load-bearing Dumbass!
In fact, being smart probably plays into the solution to the problem, because she's not just ignorant of some things, she's aggressively ignorant of them. Because otherwise I WOULD have exactly the problem you mention, where Joker knows all the math so I can't get out of it -- and this is half the reason Rhi is not just bad at math, but has a math aversion. So if he starts she can say "FUCK, NO MATH" and start teasing him about being a nerdy spacer boy.
She lays the dumbass on thick to:
make people cut to the chase (Maybe she could've understood the long explanation, but why should she have to?)
make people underestimate her
give herself a break from being the Big Decision Maker
annoy people named Liara
save the author from having to write details about pretend physics
Having all of these competent nerds around is absolutely a problem, so it's really, really helpful if the ranking officer is someone who says "Spare me the details, what's the upshot?"
(It's also super handy that her experience of her biotics is very primal. I can write about what she feels, not what she's doing or how she's doing it.)
Joker is less of a problem than you'd think. I don't have to think about how he flies the ship; I know he's so good at it that it's an extension of himself, so if I describe what the ship does, we're golden. That's how he's thinking of it! And I can distract him with… basically anything.
But Kaidan is trouble, and Ness is worse. Nerds.
(Ness is useful in that she's the Newcomer, so she can notice things about living on a military spaceship the others don't think about anymore! But then she's also a grad-student in a field that doesn't exist. So. Yeah).
I'm enough of a language geek to get way into how the translators work, but 'what useful thing does she figure out to break this ancient code' kept me spiraling for a while. I had to actually think it was so tragic. In the long run, I'm worrying too much: it's sci-fi fanfic of a game with extra-galactic robosquid, as long as I don't directly rip off Carl Sagan I'm fine, right? But ARGH.
So I wrote the details of one part to show there's really something going on there, and after that...
“This is wonderful,” Liara said. “How did you figure it out?” Ness moved towards the projection, eager to explain. Rhi set the plate down on her bunk and started to back away.  “Don’t even bother trying to explain to her,” Liara said. “Just point me at the things you want shot,” Rhi agreed amiably, and made her escape.
Thank goodness for my load-bearing Commander dumbass.
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
you mentioned summer storms with Eddie or something one day in a random post and I haven't stopped thinking about it so
can I get a midsummer's night with LOTS of 🍓🍓🍓🍓 about that? Thank you very much Ghost 💞
OH I'VE BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS ONE!!!! it took on a life of it's own, forgive me.
summer storms
warnings: honestly just tooth-rottingly cheesy. tried to add alllll the fluff. not edited.
wc: 1.2k+
come enjoy a sweet summer treat with me <3
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It was your favorite part of the summer. You couldn’t stand the heat half the time, you couldn’t bear all the bugs that would make their arrival known through incessant bites you’d only notice after spending the day out, and you could cry at even the simple memory of every sunburn you’ve ever endured in your lifetime. There was a lot to hate about the summertime – but this? This was one of the good parts.
The moment you’d seen the ominous clouds on the horizon, you’d known where your night was going to end up. One howl of the wind against your living room window, and you knew your plans for the night. 
All roads led to the Forest Hills trailer park when the summer storms started rolling in. 
In your youth, all through high school, there’d been plenty of scoldings about how the trailer park isn’t the safest place during these storms, dear. Endless lectures on how you and your solace in the form of a best friend should just spend those stormy nights at your own house, inside sturdy walls and within an infallible AC. But they didn’t get it; there was something in the way you’d experience a storm at the Munson trailer that couldn’t compare to home. 
“It’s so hot,” Eddie whines from where he stretches out on his bed, all windows thrown wide open to let the dusty and humid winds slip their way in. Petrichor and discount cologne was swirling around you, wrapping its tendrils around your ankles and wrists alike as you were starfished out on the surprisingly cleaned bedroom floor of Eddie Munson. 
He’d spent the day embarking on his weekly cleaning spree – you’d spent the day holed up in Melvard’s for an unbearingly long shift. 
“I wish it’d just rain already,” you murmur, turning your head to catch a glimpse out the open window. The sky was a mirage of deep tones, rusted oranges laced with all the dirt being kicked up by the winds and navy blues painting the clouds that had built up to hold all the moisture adding to the smothering heat, “At least then all this misery would be worth it.”
Eddie sits up only to throw himself onto his stomach, head hanging over the edge of the mattress to smile down at you, “Wanna bet on how long it’ll take?”
“Take to what?”
“Rain, dumbass.” 
“Don’t call me a dumbass, asshat. How was I supposed to know what you-”
You’re cut off by the sound of rolling thunder, coming in waves along with a particularly strong gust of wind that makes all of Eddie’s posters whip against the walls they were pinned to. It’s enough to shut you both up as the echoes of the entire trailer rattling surround you. 
“Jesus,” Eddie whistles lowly, head lifting up to look outside for a few moments. When his eyes return to yours, they're full of mischief. “Fuck the bet, wanna race?” 
“Eddie, start being more specific, or fuck off,” you groan just as he leaps up, hopping off his bed with unexpected speed. 
All he cries out over his shoulder as lightning strikes in the sky waiting outside is, “Loser has to wash a load of Wayne’s jeans!” 
That gets you up. Not because you wouldn’t do it if Wayne asked nicely, and not because you were going to let Eddie make you do so, but simply to further chastise the boy now running away from you. 
The first droplets of rain begin to fall before either of you make it out of the trailer front door. 
Eddie only loses due to him slipping while passing by the kitchen, socked feet gliding out from beneath him until he grabs onto the counter hastily to prevent any injury. You pass him with a wide smile, yanking the door open hard enough that if Wayne had been home, he probably would have had a few choice words to say to you. 
But Wayne isn’t home. It’s just you and Eddie, the boy who makes summertime an endless brew of storms in your chest and mind alike, and the rain. 
You fly down the rickety porch steps of the Munson’s trailer just as you’ve done a hundred times before, Eddie just behind you. Neither of you make a deciding comment on who won; you’d been outside first, but Eddie’s feet hit the dirt properly just as yours did when he decided to jump right over the steps you were trampling down. 
It’s all wild joy and childish wonder as the two of you begin to run about and spin around beneath the droplets that have picked up into a downpour. Eddie’s hands find your wrist, and he’s throwing you about with him, making you dizzy with absolute giddiness as gravity drags you in a wide circle. Your Melvard’s polo soaks through to the bone. Eddie’s curls begin to stick to his cheeks. 
Neither of you care. 
A childlike exuberance, and youthful oblivion, that you only ever feel with Eddie. You don’t think you would have let anyone else drag you out into the middle of a storm with such ease. But it’s hard to say no to him when there’s so much happiness fizzing beneath your skin, and you’re pretty sure all the thundering actually belongs to your chest as you feel his fingertips press deeper into your wrists. 
You’ve loved him for a while now. Always have, always will. 
It happens in slow motion. You swear somewhere between the crackling of the lightning and his crinkling eyes, you can see his lips forming the words, you’re pretty. 
You didn’t hear it, though. Couldn’t have over the water clogging your ears. 
“What?” you call out, leaning forward with all your giggles, trying to ignore the feeling of your bare feet sinking into the mud below. 
Eddie just pulls you forward, and over another gust of wind that makes you both shiver, says it once more with his whole chest, “I said you’re pretty!”
You’re not. You’re really, really not. You’re a mess. Wet hair and slick skin, bleary eyes and aching smiles. Probably closer resembling a drowning rat than anything poetic or worth yelling to the sky about. 
But not to Eddie, not as he looks to the sky, and all he can do is laugh at himself. 
“I’m not pretty-” you start to laugh back, shaking your head at his foolishness. 
“You are,” he interrupts quickly, his hand only leaving your skin long enough to brush back his damp bangs, exposing a forehead you’d certainly thought about kissing on more than one occasion. Running his fingers through curls you’ve tried to find every excuse in the books to play with. Scrunching up his nose that you’d pictured pressed into your neck in the dead of night numerous times as the two of you slept peacefully. “You really fucking are. It’s a damn crime, half the time, too. Always taking my breath away and shit.” 
You don’t know what spurred it all on. The petrichor that had lingered in the air, the feeling of the rain on his skin, the comfort of the storm and its promise of a night spent together. But his confessions are rolling out faster than the drips racing down the windows of his trailer, and he’s looking at you with big brown eyes, and all you really know is that it doesn’t matter what spurred it all on.
All that matters is he’s said it. 
“Do something about it, then,” you gasp out.
You’re almost worried the storm has carried the words away, that he hasn’t heard you, until he does something. 
He kisses you, and it tastes just like the rain. Your favorite part of summer.
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“Okay. . . Background. . . I was a troubled kid, I’ll just get that out of the way, got into fights skipped school made a lot of questionable choices for my age.
I think it goes without saying I didn’t have a lot of friends, not my fault, my parents were shit, abusive dad and a pushover of a mom who just sat back and watched; I used to tell myself it was 'cause she was scared of him too.
Doesn’t matter anymore.
Let’s just say they didn’t take too kindly to finding out that their dearest daughter wanted to be a boy.
I was. . . on my own, I couldn’t stay at home, they didn’t want me to stay and neither did I; since my parents abandoned me I’d forced myself to go back into the closet, I was afraid that if I was myself people would leave.
Typically people aren’t too keen on letting an angry teenager with a shit load of baggage in, so I had nowhere to go.
Naturally, when I turned 18 I joined the army, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you about all the horrors of the military.
I’m let off 7 years later, and if you thought I had problems before, you wouldn’t know the half of it.
I was more lost than ever before.
Turned out I wasn’t the only one because a little while later I ran into a mate from the army in a bar, turned out we both were from the same little shit hole, and coincidentally both ended up in the same town; we drank, talked, and for the first time I felt like I wasn’t alone, I’ve never had it happen where I talked to a stranger and it feel like we’ve known each other our entire lives, it could have also been the alcohol that made it a bit easier, but we got on like a house on fire.
Adrian was the first guy who ever really understood me, who I felt comfortable around, hell I even worked up the confidence to come out to him, I was scared shitless but he obviously accepted me. . . heh . . .it’s funny ‘cause the moment after I came out, he quickly confessed he thought he was gay, it caught me so off guard that I laughed and said “way to kill the moment.” he said he thought it would make me feel better if he also confessed a secret.
I was lost, but now I had a friend.
I became an officer and shortly after he did too, for the first time in my entire life things were beginning to get on track.
We had a good. . . 6 years? without a major incident, which in hindsight it's crazy either of us made it that long without crashing into a tree or something, but well. . . obviously that didn’t last.
One of the guys from work invited us on a hunting trip, it sounded exciting, I’d never been hunting before and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna pass up an opportunity to get drunk in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of idiots! Adrian wasn’t as excited about it as I was and was more reluctant to agree, but I guess when he heard I was going he agreed to come along.
It was us and 3 other guys in Colorado for 3 days, first couple days were great, we hiked around the mountain, went fishing, shot a couple ducks, got temporarily lost, the usual fun you have camping, it was on the night of the second day I think, that one of the guys, Adam, said he saw something moving around the campsite, Clarke, another guy, whipped out his gun and shot it in the air without warning and said some dumb shit like “well it’s gone now!”.
He got yelled at for being a fucking dumbass, but we all kind of agreed it was probably a deer and long gone now.
Adrian woke me up that night, but in a fuckin- kidnap-cover-your-mouth style, I was gonna yell at him but before I could get anything out he whispered to be quiet.
I- I’d never seen him so. . . scared.
I nodded to him and he slowly let go and inched towards the tent door, I- I asked him what was going on but he just whipped around and glared at me, I kind of just shut up and tried to listen. . .?
I’d thought maybe a bear wandered into the campsite and he’d heard it or something?
We were sat there for maybe two or three minutes before I heard a- something growling. . . it- it wasn’t like anything- I- I need you to understand there is no damn animal in Colorado that could make that noise, it was so low but not like- a natural low, like it didn’t sound real?
It sounded like if you took a dog growling and edited it to the lowest possible setting and added a reverb? Something like that- it- it was so loud I thought that it was around our tent but. . . I realized it wasn’t when I heard Adam scream.
The next part was sort of a blur, something ripped into our tent, gunshots, and we both ran out into the woods, I- I wasn't focused on where I was going- I just kept running, like tunnel vision.
It was dark and cold and at some point I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes 'cause my feet were bleeding, I was completely out of breath and exhausted, I had to stop, I barely had a moment to breathe when I heard the growling start again, it wasn't close but it was loud enough that I knew it was near, and then the growl began to change, it slowly morphed into a laugh, and then it started coming from all directions, it was so loud it- that horrible unnatural laugh rang in my skull and I couldn’t move, I knew I was trapped and- that I’d die here, alone.
A gunshot pierced the woods and all at once the laughter stopped, Adrian emerged from the tree line holding a pistol, he was shaken up but began to make his way toward me. . . I should have known better than to let my guard down, but I was so happy to see his stupid face.
A figure jumped out of the trees at a speed that- I. . . I didn’t even have the time to process what was happening, I just turned over to look and it was on Adrian, he dropped his gun and the thing- it- it almost looked human but was so deformed- it was bloated in some places and skinny in others, its face looked charred, pitch black, the only things visible were its glowing white eyes and teeth- it kicked his gun away and I ran to go pick it up, when I turned back I was expecting it to try to stop me. . . That you know- me running would at least catch it's attention? But it didn’t. . . I turned back to see it mauling Adrian, it ripped into his arm and part of his jaw before I shot it.
It didn’t die, the bullet barely seemed to have affected it, but it was enough to drive it back into the woods, he- Adrian was bleeding. Bad.
I- I was so scared he’d die- I lifted him up and wandered the woods looking for the nearby highway, I walked with him for what felt like hours before the forest service found us, they were already on their way because they heard all the gunshots.
From there I guess I must have passed out because next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital bed, I was well enough and practically jumped out of bed looking for someone to ask if Adrian was alright, but turned out he was in the bed next to me all patched up and sleeping, it’s weird, despite everything that had just happened, in that moment all I thought about was how we must have truly been inseparable if not even a freaky monster could break us apart.
I probably jinxed it. . . Adrian recovered alright and got a ton of gnarly new scars he covers up but. . . he wasn’t the same.
He became . . . obsessed with hunting down whatever that thing was. . . Metaphorically speaking, he’d never go back to those or any other woods ever again, but, he wanted answers, at some point he learned about the lambda institute and became unhealthily obsessed.
His hunger for answers was what began to drive a wedge in our friendship, the supernatural has him in a chokehold, and I don’t even think he realizes it.
Since his recovery he’s. . . spiraled. . . he’s obsessive, possessive, paranoid, and he does things without even thinking about the consequences, before all this happened he was the responsible one, one of our friends joked that I’ve basically become his babysitter, it was a joke but it’s sort of true.
I knew he was obsessed with the paranormal, but I didn’t find out about his fixation on the lambda institute 'till after yesterdays incident when he confessed about it after we left.
. . . He’s been put on mental health leave for a couple weeks, and he’s barely spoken to me since.
I’m getting worried- I’ve been worried, for his health, our r- friendship, but- now more than ever, he always comes to me for everything, but he’s been getting withdrawn, hiding things from me isn’t- he never does that; from others, yes, but not me, I’m- this is bad, I’m worried about what other things he could be hiding, he hid his obsession for months I don’t- I- I think he’s going to do something, something stupid, he’s gonna get hurt and I need to stop him but I don’t know how, I just. . . I just want my best friend back.
> Statement ends.
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ineffectualdemon · 4 months
Not monogamy
Not polyamory
But a secret third thing called "They're monogamous but also That Guy is there"
He is not romantically or sexually involved but he is an integral part of their relationship.
He's the load bearing dumbass that keeps their relationship afloat
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serxinns · 6 months
uhhhhh i have an idea!!!
imagine class 1a (platonic or romantic, u can choose) with a darling who acts like a thembo (i mean ABSOLUTELY STUPID) and then it starts to affect their training and stuff, so they suddenly do better and the class finds out that their darling was actually really smart this whole time, they just act dumb because people liked them like that :3
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Your classmates knew you were a nimbo always wondering out the world without a care and it gives them gray hairs but they still love you
Whenever Bakugo is sarcastic with you or someone else says a joke to you, your brain goes into a loading screen and when you FINALLY get it it's already too late 😭 and he either pinch your ears or pinches your stupid adorable face telling you to stop being so stupid and you're just looking at him with either a blank face or just smiling "innocently"
You have this habit of cooking your head to the side like a dog curious about noise and they just head over heels Ochako squealed to herself blushing Kirishima covered his hold head with his arms making small mutters about how cute you are along with Midoriya
Even Iida couldn't stay strong to cute little you he couldn't even finish his lecture without trying to form a smile or covering his face with his mouth cause he wanted you to take him seriously whenever you left your notes he gave you his or offers you to study with the two of you alone together and if anyone of your classmates wanted to join he use excuse like "they need it more" or "I can only tutor one person"
Denki is always teasing and flirting with you he sees you as a flame twin the two of you would always do chaotic stupid stuff that would result in destroy the room or would get the two of you hurt and despise that the two of you would laugh it off, the class FORBIDS the two of you to be lab partners cause denki told you to put in the yellow chemical when it's suppose to be the pink one sero had to rush In and grab the bottle and throw it out the window where it exploded safe to say denki got scolded while you were babied
Momo is like a mama bear whenever she sees you do something stupid she'll quickly rush over there to the rescue and fight off or remove whatever is about to Harm you and hugs and nuzzles you against her to check and see if you are OK, she always packs a med kit whenever it's hero training or anywhere dangerous to patch up mostly you and your classmates up but mostly you buys you the most amazing and expensive gifts and always gushes and cherish over any gift you send her even if it's some crappy glittery macaroni with a glittery heart and an M in the middle she would put that up on her wall like its a trophy
Tsuyu is so sweet and patient with you whenever it's something you don't get she explains it the best way she can for you, she's obsessed with every little thing you do every time she's watching you do something or minding her business (like drawing, making origami, etc) she sighs dreamily observing and studying you like one of their study books whenever your near harm or in hair she wraps her tongue around you and quickly takes you to a safe place
One day in the common room bakugo and his gang were playing video games bakugo and Sero were yelling at each other to shoot at the zombies while Bakugo was on the edge of breaking the controller and killing Denki and Kiri, Sero wanted to tease you a bit "Hey y/n! What's the database that only pro heroes can assess?" Mina smacked his head while he laughed like a hyena "Stop teasing them it's not very nice! y/n bestie you don't have to" "It's the hero network!"
Everyone paused and silently looked at you with a blank stare even Sero shut his mouth while you were casually eating your snack you looked at them confused "Isn't that the right answer...?" "HOW DID YOUR DUMBASS KNOW THIS" "BAKUGO! be nice!" Before they could ask you any more questions you left with your snack in your right hand and your device in the other, ever since then your classmates started bombarding you with questions and you would answer them correctly without even thinking about it while your classmates were impressed they were also worried do you not need them were you smarter than they thought? Were you offended by them babying you?
So one day Ochako came up to your desk playing with her fingers and looking away "y/n how are you so smart all of a sudden?" You turned to her and smiled "I acted like this because everyone liked me being like this! People started bullying me for being smart so I acted a bit dumb then people would like me" The class heard about this and all hugged you (expect Bakugo) telling you that they like you the way you are smart or dumb
And now the class was more obsessed with you than before always asking you questions Denki and Mina begging you to be their study partner or to do their homework and they'll reward you with sweets but Iida would scold them for it the class would still love you even if you were a little dumb or smart it doesn't matter but you'll always be naive to their dark obsession with you
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suntoru · 2 years
𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚢 
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⤷ feat. bakugo katsuki
synopsis: other people know bakugo katsuki as rude, arrogant, and bratty. but only you get the privilege of seeing his softer side during your amusement park date.
back to flufftober masterlist
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⤷ he drives you there and takes you back home.
now, if you were any old friend of his, he wouldn’t have even bothered to take you anywhere, let alone drive you. but there’s something about you that makes him want to wrap you in a thousand blankets, tuck you into a blanket burrito, and protect you forever. he’ll make sure that you’re all buckled up and comfy before turning on the ignition and driving away. he’s very concentrated on driving, so you silently admire his side profile while humming to the song playing on the radio, slightly blushing at the way he puts his hand on your thigh. oh, and you and bakugo have a shared playlist you always listen to together &lt;;3
⤷ he pays for everything.
even if you insist that you pay for some of the things, he’ll just tell you to shut up and let him handle it. he buys you the ticket, cute keychains and snacks, and even matching headbands. but if you’re as stubborn as he is, you’ll soon notice that your wallet has mysteriously disappeared! you frantically look around while he’s just smirking, before you realize it wasn’t actually missing, and he promises it’s safely tucked away somewhere. you demand it back, but your ‘scary’ face looks more like a pout than a scowl, one that makes the tip of his ears turn pink.
⤷ he brings homemade food.
he says the food is ‘too expensive and tastes shitty’ even though he’s loaded, so he always makes two lunchboxes filled with homemade goodies. it’s an honour to be able to taste something made by katsuki himself, but he also tones down the spiciness for your ‘weak-ass taste buds’. but in reality, he normally dumps the entire jar of spice on his food :((( but if you coo and ask him if he made yours special, he’ll deny it and curse at you, even if he spent two hours making the onigiri look like a cute bear.
he’ll also let you indulge in a couple of snacks, just as long as you give him a taste.
⤷ he holds your hand in lines and on rides.
unlike the usual over-the-top pda displaying couple, he’ll keep it to a minimum and just hold your hand. pray for anyone who bumps or tries to bud either of you, because his loud ass voice explosions will get you kicked out of the park. during rides, he pretends like he doesn’t give a fuck, but he’ll try and subtly lead you to the rides he wants to go on. oh, and if you’re terrified of rollercoasters, he’d either go on the more mild ones, like the spinning teacups or the carousel, or he’d be a bitch and take you to one of the highest rollercoasters. don’t worry, he’s there so you can cling onto him.
⤷ he wins you all of the prizes.
near the end of the day, you’re finishing the last of your cotton candy when you suddenly let go of his hand a run over to a stall. you fork over some cash and start playing the game, with him looking at you confusedly. however, after multiple failed events, you sigh dejectedly and decide to give up. “katsu, let’s just-“ you’re interrupted by your boyfriend, who unlike you, is surprisingly good at the games. you watch in amazement as he manages to pop all the balloons with a dart, shoot through all the mini basketball hoops, and toss every ring onto a pin. he even helps you win some of the games! you go home with two large bags of stuffies, much to your delight.
+ bonus!
as the day ends, you intertwine your hands with his as you rest your head on his shoulder. “thanks for the day ‘suki, you’re as sweet as cotton candy.” you whisper sleepily. “tch, you dumbass, it wasn’t that special.” he grumbles, but there’s a very obvious blush on his face. there’s also a… smile?
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pigeonwhumps · 9 months
Finding Home masterlist
Taglist: @littlespacecastle @flowersarefreetherapy @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
Letitia is delivered to Sandy as a Christmas present from xier parents.
CWs: BBU, pet whump, accidental misgendering, threats, gifting a person, dehumanisation, starvation, dehydration, fainting, restraints (zip-ties, ribbon), collar, cutting off of circulation, brief mentions of caning and sexual harassment
025602 sits in her box, wrists and ankles zip-tied, listening to Christmas music that doesn't seem to have stopped since she left the facility.
Only a few minutes after she was loaded onto the delivery van (which she didn't see, but her handler explained the process to her), music started and someone rapped on the top of her box hard enough to make her flinch.
"Hey, pet. You like Christmas music?"
"It can't answer you, dumbass. And be careful back there. Premium wrap, remember? It's not just the box that's wrapped."
That much she does know. Ribbon tied in a bow is wrapped around her collar, and her zip-ties, and artfully (tightly) crossed over her body into another bow, winding over her torso, arms, and legs, trussing her up.
Where does the word 'trussing' come from? She doesn't know. But it means she can't move an inch. Even her fingers... there's a tiny box held there, wrapped in paper and an elaborate bow. She doesn't know what it is. She can't bear to drop it, to disobey before she even gets to her new owner.
All she can move are her toes and head. Her toes hurt and tingle, she thinks the circulation's going, and she's scared to move her head.
She's allowed to be scared, here, between the facility and her new owner. She doesn't know if her new owner will let her.
She doesn't know whether she likes Christmas music, either. She doesn't know whether she's supposed to.
Now, in the present, she's been set down somewhere that still has Christmas music playing. The sticky bow on her forehead itches, and the ribbon itches, and her clothes itch, and she wishes she could soothe herself. But that's not allowed, and not possible.
In the dark and the heat and the endless sound, she allows herself to imagine what her new owner might be like. Short? Tall? Lenient? Kind? Strict? How will they punish her? What will she be used for? Will she be allowed outside? Bedding or not? Maybe she'll sleep in her box.
Despite herself, she hopes not. It's getting so sticky in here.
The music stops. She hears footsteps and her heart beats faster but they're heading away, which she supposes might be better.
No. No it isn't. How could she think that?
Although she's not allowed this either, she hopes that the scary woman who directed the delivery men earlier isn't actually her new owner. She sounded... prone to punishment. She's already threatened her once.
As nothing else comes, she allows herself to drift into an uneasy sleep that never lasts. She hears snatches of music and laughter as a door opens periodically, pushing into a dream of her attendance at the handlers' Christmas party. While they celebrated, she knelt in the corner of the room, face to the wall, and if she didn't keep perfectly still and perfectly perfect she'd be punished.
Sometimes they provoked her just to punish her. She knows it was deliberate provocation, despite what she was told. She also knows, now, that canes don't scar easily.
She has vague snatches of memories of celebrating, sometimes, but they just confuse her. As her handler said, pets don't celebrate. Why would they?
Her mouth is dry and her stomach cramps, and she cannot see a thing. But it's okay. She was prepared for that. What she wasn't prepared for was the sticky heat and how long she'd spend like this. And the uneasiness of the isolated noises that she can't quite pinpoint.
In between disorientating dreams, she wonders what's in the little box.
Eventually, the music starts up again, and she breathes a sigh of relief despite the slamming on her eardrums, grown used to the quiet.
Slow footsteps make their way down the stairs. Two pairs.
"Oh, it looks perfect under the tree. I can't wait to see how it's wrapped inside."
That's the woman from last night (025602 can't allow herself to think of her as scary anymore). A man (she thinks it's a man) hums in agreement.
"Sandy honey!" the woman calls. "It's present time!"
"Coming, coming," says a younger, groggy, less enthusiastic voice. 602 can almost hear the dragging of feet down the stairs, and then a much closer, "Why do we always have to do this so early?"
"You wouldn't think it was so early if you didn't stay up half the night," admonishes the man (her father?).
"I was talking to a friend." There's a thump on carpet. "So, who's first?"
"You are, honey. These two go together. Open the small one first. Your cousin chose it."
There's the sound of ripping paper, and tape and cardboard, and then a silence only interrupted by the jingling of bells.
"What..." says the younger one, sounding baffled. "I don't even have a pet."
There's quiet.
"No. No, you didn't."
602 can't tell if it's dread or excitement or disapproval or what in her voice, and she tries not to worry. The paper directly above her is ripped off, and the box lid removed, and 602 tilts her head back and smiles up at her new owner.
Unfortunately, it's more of a grimace, as the light hits her after probably nearly 24 hours in the dark and the pain shoots through her head.
A woman in her late 20s is looking down at her with an expression of shock or horror. She has shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes, vitiligo dotting her pale face. Her glasses are round and golden and it's all far, far too bright.
"Oh, hun, how long have you been in there? Let's get you out, let me help you. I'm just going to reach in, okay? I'm Sandy."
Without waiting for an answer 602's not sure she's capable of giving, Mistress Sandy hooks her hands under 602's shoulders and lifts her out.
"Christ. Did you order her this trussed up?"
"It's the premium holiday wrapping," replies her mum primly.
"Well, thank you, both of you. I'm unwrapping her." She lowers her voice. "I'm going to take that box off you, okay? And then we can get to your wrists and ankles, and everything else. Bet you're uncomfortable as hell."
That might be a statement 602 should answer, but her mouth is too dry. She can't move her fingers to help as Mistress Sandy prises the box out of them. Mistress Sandy looks at her... worriedly? Maybe? She'd like to believe that over the other expressions it could be.
Mistress Sandy picks up a small pair of scissors and cuts the zip ties on her wrists and ankles. She breathes in sharply as the blood flow begins to painfully return fully. Mistress Sandy snips the ribbon too.
"There you go, honey. Can you move now? Try to stand."
602 tries, but as soon as she attempts to straighten her leg she falls flat on her face, her vision spotting and tunneling and her hearing muting until all she can hear is the rapid beat of her heart.
She's moved, but she's not really conscious of it.
When she can see and hear again, she notices she's lying on the oh so soft carpet, her legs on a cushion.
"Welcome back. I was worried there. How do you feel? Honestly."
Mistress Sandy's voice sounds tighter than earlier, angry, and 602's heartbeat speeds up. She opens her mouth to answer but only a rasp comes out, and she coughs.
"Oh. You need something to drink. How long was she in there for?"
That must be directed at her parents, and out of the corner of her eye 602 sees her mother shrug. "She was delivered last night."
"So that's what? At least twelve hours? And that's not including packing or transport. No wonder she nearly passed out. I'll get you something, hang on."
Mistress Sandy rushes out of the room. As soon as she's gone, her mother fixes 602 with a piercing stare.
"Right. You listen up. I do *not* want you making a scene again. I don't care what happens, you're here to help our daughter, not hinder her and become the centre of attention when you shouldn't be. Is that clear?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"And stop that rasping. Speak properly."
"Yes, ma'am."
Mistress Sandy runs back into the room with a cup of orange squash and one of soup, both with straws. Her eyes flick between her mother and 602, and her jaw hardens.
"Mom, don't scare her. Here you go, honey, sit up against the wall. I'll help you." 602 pushes herself backwards, and Sandy lifts her up and against more cushions. She helps 602 curl her tingly fingers around the cup.
"Orange squash, with extra sugar to get your levels up. It's strong and sweet, but drink as much as you can."
602 obediently drinks the whole cup. It is very sweet, and has a lot of taste to it, far more than anything at the facility ever had.
"That's better, honey. Drink this soup as well. Chicken, no stars until you're better enough to use a spoon. Let's get some nutrients in you. Easy does it, honey."
602 sips at the soup. That's tasty too.
"There you go hun. You sit here while we open the rest of the presents."
602 obeys, watching as Mistress Sandy and her parents open presents, conversation a little stilted. She thinks that might be her fault. It makes her a little sad, a little emptier, to watch this, a sense of aching familiarity, like she had something similar, once. But she doesn't know it.
Mistress Sandy claps her hands together. "Okay. Mom, dad, if we're finished here I'm going to take my new... pet upstairs. Tidy her up a bit."
"Right you are, honey. Make sure you're down in time for lunch."
"We will be."
"Just you. Not the pet."
"Right," says Mistress Sandy through gritted teeth, before turning to 602. "I'll help you upstairs. Can you stand enough to lean against me?"
602 tries, holding determinedly to the wall, and just about makes it upright before collapsing onto Mistress Sandy with wobbly legs.
"It's okay. I've got you. Let's go nice and slow, easy now."
602 doesn't think she could walk fast right now, even if she was ordered to. Mistress Sandy is supporting most of her weight, which she shouldn't be, 602 is a bad pet for making her owner do so much for her. Finally, they reach a room. Mistress Sandy leads her inside and shuts the door behind them, and 602 breathes in relief at the cutting off of the Christmas music. It's quiet, just the sounds of her and Mistress Sandy. That makes her nervous but she has quiet when she can see and that more than makes up for it.
"Let's sit down on the bed, okay? I want to talk to you, and I bet you need to get your bearings."
"Yes, ma'am."
Mistress Sandy winces and sets them both down. This is soft and bouncy and *weird*.
"Firstly, my pronouns are xie/xiem, and I'd like you to refer to me as Sandy, or Mx Sandy if you need a title. Although only in front of my cousin Jason, I'll introduce you to him tomorrow. No-one else knows."
"Yes, mx. Sorry, mx." Her stomach feels like butterflies are taking flight in it. Less than 24 hours and she's already screwed up.
"Hey. Wasn't your fault. It's not like I told you, and no-one's omniscient. Now. Do you want to get clean? That box must've been horrible. I have a shower and a bath, you can use either, and any of the soaps in there. There's also a shower cap, if you want to protect your hair until we can get you to a hairdresser. Would you like that? Private wash. Don't worry about the cost of the hot water, my parents are rich and won't check the bills."
602 nods. A wash that isn't a cold, pounding communal shower with handlers staring and not-so-subtly eyeing her up. They don't even remember that.
"Thank you, mx."
"It's the least I can do. I'll leave some clean clothes outside the door, and start thinking about your name while you're in there, yeah?"
"Yes, mx," replies 602, confused. Isn't Mx Sandy supposed to choose her name? That's what she was taught.
602 is slowly but steadily recovering her strength, and she makes her way unsteadily to the bathroom. There's no time for a bath, she doesn't know what her owner will do if she takes too long, so she warms up the shower water, strips and puts on the shower cap. Then she steps inside.
Even a few seconds in there makes her feel so much better. The warm, pounding water hits her screaming muscles, softening them, helping them. She scrubs the sticky sweat and stink off herself, using soaps that bubble and smell so good.
There's a knock at the door. "I've left some clean clothes outside when you're ready, honey, and I'm going to fetch you some food for later. Take your time."
602 does, but not too much, just in case. Mx Sandy has left her a baggy t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, and a sweatshirt. She still has the plastic collar, and that's never been comfortable, but it's better without so much sweat.
She wishes her owner was here to allow her to wash under it properly. But the clothes are comfortable, at least.
Mx Sandy bursts through the door and 602 jumps, straightening to attention, heart pounding at the dark look on xier face.
"Sorry hun, didn't mean to scare you. My parents just gave me the small present you were holding, and it's a newly-developed tracker implant. There is *no way* I am injecting that shit into you."
"Thank you, mx."
"Again, bare minimum. You can take your collar off when you're in this room if you like." 602 tilts her head back to allow her owner access, and Mx Sandy unbuckles it carefully.
"Oof, that rubbing must be painful. We can buy a better collar and clothes that fit tomorrow morning."
"Thank you, mx."
"It's not a problem. None of it is." Xie hold up a full plastic bag. "My parents have confirmed you won't be allowed to attend our Christmas dinner or even eat any of the leftovers later, which is totally unfair but there's nothing I can do about it. So I've brought you some food, both snacks and proper food, and some bottles of drink. Please try to eat and drink as much as you can, we need to get your sugar levels back up. You can sit on the bed, entertain yourself however you like, etc, just don't come downstairs. Okay?"
"Yes, mx."
"Great. Did you manage to make a start on names?"
602 swallows. Yes, yes she did.
"I want whichever name you want, mx."
Mx Sandy sighs. "That wasn't what I– okay. Okay. How about this. I would like you to choose a name you'd like to be called. That would make me happy. Can you do that?"
"Y- yes, mx." She's confused, but she can do it. Possibly.
"I can read out a list of baby names, if you need suggestions. Unless you can read?"
"No, mx. That would be helpful, mx."
"Right." Xie pull out xier phone and type something in. "Here's a list. I'll read more if you don't like these. Serena, Aria, Elise, Evelyn, Letitia, Mila, Adelaide, Estella. Fancy any of them?"
602 hesitates, rolling the sounds around in her head. She pretends to herself that she's still trying to make a decision, even though she's already found one she's drawn to.
"Letitia, mx. I like Letitia, if– if that would be acceptable."
Mx Sandy smiles. "If you like it, and you're not just trying to please me."
"Yes, mx."
"Excellent. May I call you Tish for short, sometimes? You're allowed to refuse."
Tish. Tish. She likes that. Sounds a bit like fish.
Why is that a good thing, again?
"Yes, mx. I like it, mx."
Letitia. Tish. Letitia, Letitia, Letitia, Tish. She has a name now. She's owned, and she belongs, and Mx Sandy is happy with her.
Now all she has to do is ensure the situation stays that way.
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obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
Oh I didn't know you wrote m*shang! (I'm censoring because considering the premise of the original webnovel it makes if you don't wanna show up in the tags lol) what do you like about it?
thank you for protecting my privacy
[HEAD IN HANDS] [SCREAMS] I LOVE M*SHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE M*SHANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M DERANGED AND COMPLETELY INCOHERENT I LOVE M*SHANG SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay okay okay so first of all.
1) I love one-sided relationships and airplane's one-sided relationship with mbj is nigh unfathomable. his absolute most favorite guy that he made for himself and almost killed to save his own skin. WHAT a dynamic. how do you even begin to unpack that. plus the fact that mbj's his most favorite guy of all time, a guy he made up, and airplane is only ever half right about what's going on in mbj's mind and THAT'S BEING GENEROUS!!!!!!!! the thing is, aus RARELY captured how convoluted the one-sided familiarity is, it's a hard thing to translate, but I've thought about it and I think a keystone of this dynamic that needs to be kept in is that either airplane has to have some responsibility for mbj's success, or has to have a weird degree of familiarity with him that mbj has no context for. if mbj's a random hot guy airplane's obsessed with, that loses a lot of their dynamic!!!!! there's been good aus that I've enjoyed without that keystone element but I still think that connection is like. load-bearing. It's M*shang. and on the other side of things I love how mbj's relationship with airplane is like, it's pretty ambiguous when and how things exactly develop but what's abundantly clear is that mbj has never been right about what he thought was going on with airplane like ever at all.
2) the characters themselves fit an overall dynamic I'm really biased towards, I love self-sabotage disaster dumbass + guy with 0 EQ. they're both extremely emotional in completely opposite ways except when they're the same kind of emotional. very easy for them to be balancing each other out or making each other worse. plus, with all the baggage of their relationship and with the canon timeline it's 20 years MINIMUM before they even BEGIN to get to the place where they can even ENTERTAIN a romantic relationship, and even then they haven't really started by the end of sv. (well, mbj is but airplane isn't). it's such an uphill battle for them and i love that. I think some people tend to... well I can't say it delicately. I think some people put mbj in the standard box of trashy BL top, but it can be so much more interesting than that--mbj (abandonment issues) is terrified of losing airplane (again), which means he won't make a move unless there's something drastic going on. airplane (coward) is a Coward, which means he won't make a move unless there's something drastic going on. and even if (miraculously) one of them does decide to make a move, there's still so many ways both of them can misinterpret each other, or the situation. it's just so easy for things to get messy amd tumultuous between them which I think is really fun. guys who were built to work against themselves and each other <3
3) I tend to be very picky when 'this happens because a character is horny' is an explanation because it can come across as more of an excuse for smut rather than something that's grounded in character/relationship development, but for airplane in particular it works because it's internally consistent and when people characterize him well it gets REALLY funny. because his self-preservation has to trump his horniness like... idk, 99% of the time so it usually takes a backseat to whatever's going on OR it's mixed with a fun combo of resentment/envy/fear/idolization/etc.
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Too Much Hassle (Obey Me!) fanfic
summary; This particular MC hates Valentine's Day. But will put up with the chaos to keep the best boys smiling. However. The end of the day has them seeking isolation. With Leviathan.
characters: Marzena OC/MC, Leviathan.
content: romance overload, frustrated MC, casual fluff
I was going to lose my mind soon. The past two weeks had been nothing but holiday prep and gushing over Valentine's Day. The holiday I absolutely hate. But I didn't have a way to explain why without hurting all those happy and smiling people that wanted to gift me their love. So I had been putting on a neutral mood to go with the flow.
But the day of had been absolute chaos and constant chocolate gifting. I had not even gotten to sleep in. Since Asmodeus had woken me up for a pre-breakfast spa treatment. The fruit scents helped a ton. But by the time we finished with the after dinner party, I was about to rip into someone verbally or physically or both. Lucifer took the hint to tell his brothers to let me go to bed early. Beelzebub giving me a bear hug before I walked away to thank me for the small mountain of various snacks I had been sure to gift him. Which felt good, but didn't help my brain much. So I did the only thing I could do afterwards. I walked up to the second floor and texted Leviathan to unlock his door.
The door was slightly open when I got to Leviathan's room. Which I was so glad for I just walked right in to then close it. The shut in otaku looking up from his computer to ask me, "Did you come by to borrow that new manga?" I shook my head to just drop my ass next to his chair and shudder. Which had Leviathan pause to then turn off his current game. "Marzena? Are you okay?" I shook my head to hug my knees. "Overloaded... Too much everything..." Leviathan went wide eyed at the realization of what I meant. So he grabbed up the fuzzy blanket I had bought him to drop it over me. Which helped so much before he tuned on some soft techno music. His frame soon settling beside me as I heaved a sigh of relief. His tail lacing around my middle as he huffed. "I keep forgetting that you have anti-normie tendencies like me. But you get so popular around these holiday celebrations. I keep assuming you like it."
I gave a snort before I finally told the truth. "Levi. I hate this holiday. Valentine's Day is a load of absolute garbage. Ever since I was a preschool kid. My school always had us make a big deal out of this stupid holiday. Made the kids craft up shoeboxes that we decorated to get little cards. But every year... My box either got trashed or it just went missing. The one card I got the kid said his mom made him give it to me. Then the jerk ripped it in half and threw it away on me."
Leviathan goes so quiet he stops breathing. My eyes watering as I rubbed at them and continued. "I got asked out on dates. Then got stood up or saw my date was with someone else. That one group date turned out to be so everyone might show off they were a couple and I got sidelined. I hate this holiday so damn much, Levi. If people are supposed to show the ones they love how they feel, then they need to do it like it's a day to day important thing. Not make up some dumbass holiday for it." A quiet pause has me think that someone else heard me outside of Leviathan's room. But I don't get the chance to think on that when Leviathan sweeps me into a tight hug. Moving the blanket so he can look me in the face. "Tell me their names... Every one of them... I will hack their socials and ruin their lives... Bank accounts drained and jobs lost... I will ruin them for every tear you've ever cried.... Heartless bastards...!"
The fact that it was Leviathan saying this had me look to him in surprise. Only to see something I never expected from him. Pure and barely held molten hate and fury for me. His demon form out in full as he gave growls every time he breathed to have his muscles tight. Which was honestly the most impactful thing to see. So I blinked a few times to then feel a lot of my stress melt off me. My arms coming around Leviathan's waist as he gave a surprised squeak. "That's the most romantic showing of love I have yet to see. Crazy as that sounds. It was real and completely just for me based on feelings of love. Best Valentine ever."
Leviathan went rigid to yelp and stammer. But he soon realized how happy I was to blush and hug me tighter. His anger popping like a bubble to be replaced with the fluff heart of gold that was his true self. "Crap. Now you got me all flustered and mushy feeling. Natural twenty critical hit, Marzena. Cripes, my heart is gonna pop if you keep this up." I gave a huff of a laugh to nuzzle my nose to his and hum at him. "Silly nerd. You got my heart doing the salsa right back. So it's mutual, Lev. Also. I know you got me that strawberry ice cream mochi that is hidden in the freezer. You win first prize in that bet Mammon has about what my favorite treat is. So you get to rub that in his face."
Leviathan gives a happy snicker before he nudges us over to his tv and the pile of cushions I set up for him to game on top of. The two of laying down on our stomachs with the blanket over us to start up Devil Kart. With Leviathan saying with confidence, "Full tournament race. Then we sneak down to get said snack."
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hippiegoth97 · 11 months
Diary of a Hawkins Hussy: A Stranger Things x Reader Anthology
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Banner by me :)
Master List
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: swearing, smut, smoking, fingering, oral sex, protected sex, heavy kissing/groping, multiple orgasms, light squirting, rough sex, use of handcuffs, praise/degradation, overstimulation, light crying, dirty talk, brief LGBTQ+ references
Word Count: 13.5k
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Diary Entry #4: Eddie Munson
June 5th, 1984
Dear diary,
After over a month of non-stop paperwork and interviews, among other things, I have finally gotten the hang of running Waxed Out 100% on my own. I have hired a couple kids to work below me, and they are exactly what I was looking for. There's Alex, a bright young boy who is obsessed with rock n' roll. He can tell you every band member, the instruments they play, stories behind their songs/albums, etc. He's like a living encyclopedia. I also hired a girl named Julie, who reminds me of a younger version of myself. She's very well-versed in most genres, and she has the most primo picks when it comes to playing music in the store. We're the dream team, us three. They're very respectful and eager to learn, and Icouldn't be happier with them as employees.
Despite figuring my shit out at work, however, a certain old flame of mine has quickly moved on to dating someone else I happen to have previously slept with. I don't want to go into detail about that, though. It's honestly too painful. It's bad enough to see them out together, kissing and giggling the way they used to with me. But it's for the best, and I can surely find someone else to date or fuck quite easily.
Moving on to more amusingthings, I happened to catch a sneaky little shoplifter today. Well, more like I caught him before he could even manage to take anything...
You're sitting on the stool behind the counter, reading another one of your novels as usual on a slow afternoon. Alex has just left for the day, so you're on your own until closing time. You don't mind it, you like the quiet. Alex, despite his great work ethic and extensive musical knowledge, can be quite the chatterbox. It's a bit tedious at times, though you'd never say so. He's only sixteen, and he's a nice kid. You would never hurt his feelings.
The bell above the door tinkles, and you barely look up from your book to see a somewhat familiar face. An older boy, with brown, curly hair that goes just past his chin, full lips, and slightly oversized brown eyes. He's dressed in dark-colored jeans held up with a belt bearing a buckle in the shape of handcuffs, with a Metallica t-shirt and a battle vest loaded with various patches up top. Weathered converse adorn his feet, classic black with that iconic star logo on the outer side. He looks like the typical kid you see in here, browsing around for the latest rebellious sound.
His eyes meet yours for a moment, before quickly darting away. Perhaps he's shy, which is your first thought. But he moves oddly around the store, seemingly trying to find the most obscured view from where you sit. A thief, huh?, you think to yourself. These dumbass kids always think they're so slick. But they're not slick enough for you. You watch him closely, flicking your pupils up from your novel in a subtle way. He keeps looking back at you to see if you're paying attention, so you have to let him think you're none the wiser. He settles on the heavy metal section of cassette tapes. Small, easy to stow away in pants pockets, makes sense he'd try that. But before he can even lift a finger to touch the tape he's got his eye on, you speak up.
"If you even think of stealing from me, I'll have you on the floor in three seconds flat." You say sternly, making him freeze in place. He's unsure what to do. Should he try to take the tape and run? Or stay put until you ream him for attempting to steal? "Come here, kid." You order him over, marking your place and setting your novel down on the counter. The kid turns around, looking absolutely terrified. He shuffles over to you, shame playing about his fearful face. He doesn't look at you, his eyes trained on the floor until he meets the counter. "What's your name?" You ask. At first he doesn't answer, shaking his head. You sigh, rolling your eyes. "I'm not gonna call the cops. I just want to talk to you." You say calmly, which seems to relax him a little. He raises his head, and swallows hard.
"Eddie." He almost mumbles, picking at his fingers anxiously.
"What?" You ask, having not fully heard him.
"My name, is Eddie." He repeats himself, speaking more clearly now.
"Alright, Eddie. How old are you?" You continue to question him, noting how much he's shaking.
"E-Eighteen." Eddie stutters, which you can't help finding a little bit cute. If he hadn't been trying to take something without paying, you'd say he's pretty easy on the eyes altogether.
"Okay. You mind telling me what you were after over there?" You figure there's no need to spend much time berating him for such a petty crime. There must be a reason he wanted...something over there. And you can't bear to quash anyone's passion for music, not even in this instance.
"Um...Defenders of The Faith." Eddie blurts, wondering why you're even asking.
"Judas Priest, huh?" You say with a light laugh, taking a closer look at his patches now. Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Megadeth. Yep, it's just as you suspected. He's a full-blown metalhead.
"You know them?" He asks curiously.
"I know I don't look it, Eddie. But I'm quite familiar with metal music. Well, all music, really. I can't manage this store without the musical knowledge to back it up, you know." You chuckle, watching his eyes widen in awe of you. He appears to find you extremely cool in this moment. How cute.
"Sorry. I swear, I didn't mean anything by that." Eddie apologizes, though you understand perfectly what he meant.
"It's alright. I'm not offended." You giggle, making him laugh gently as well. He's got a nice laugh, you could definitely stand to hear it quite often.
"You do look a little young to be running this shop all by yourself, though." He says, finding it a bit strange that such a young, beautiful woman like yourself would be working in a dusty old store like this.
"You could say that. I'm nineteen, getting close to twenty, if you must know." You reply, and he smiles a little wider at your response. "What?" You ask, wondering why he's so happy about that.
"Nothing. You're just...really pretty." He says bashfully, his cheeks turning red. "A-And it's impressive that you run this place all by yourself." He adds, hoping he's not insulting you by focusing on your looks.
"Well, Eddie, I'm very flattered. And, lucky for you, flattery works with me." You say lowly, giving him a certain look with your eyes that only deepens the crimson on his flesh. "How 'bout this: you bring that tape you want over here, and I'll give it to you on the house? Hm?" You offer.
"Really?" Eddie asks in disbelief. Just a few minutes ago, you were ready to tackle him to the floor for shoplifting. And now, you're going to let him have that coveted album for his collection for free?
"Yeah. You seem nice enough, and you've got good taste." You smile and shrug. He nods his head, and practically skips over to the section to retrieve the tape. He sets it on the counter, and you ring it in and bag it up for him. You write down the price for later, you'll pay it out of your own pocket at the end of the day. "Here you go. And one more thing, Eddie. If you want to shop here, please bring money next time?"
"Yeah, I will. And I'm sorry for trying to steal from you...Y/N." He says apologetically, reading your name from your tag as you hadn't told it to him yourself.
"It's alright. I used to have sticky fingers, too, once upon a time." You grin, reminiscing on your high school days of snatching the occasional pack of gum or tube of lipstick when you were bored. "Well, I dunno about you, but I've got a novel to get back to." You say, interrupting your own nostalgic daydreaming.
"Oh, right. I'd better get goin' anyway." Eddie adds awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "But it was nice to meet you, Y/N. Thanks for the tape, and for not calling the cops." He laughs, picking up the small paper bag in his hands.
"No problem, Eddie. I'm sure I'll see you around. Let me know how that tape suits you when you come in again. I'd love to hear your thoughts." You say cooly, and he nods in response. He backs away from the counter, clumsily bumping into the record shelving. You can't help giggling a little at his misstep, it's quite obvious that he finds you attractive.
"Shit." He mutters under his breath, blushing again at his clumsiness. He gives you a weak laugh and smile, before turning around and running out of the store in embarrassment. You watch him step out onto the street, and laugh a little harder at his palm smacking against his forehead as he scolds himself.
June 8th, 1984
Dear diary,
Eddie stopped by again, and we talked at length about the album I let him walk away with. We discussed our favorite tracks, mine being "Love Bites", and his choice, "Eat Me Alive". The whole thing is extremely solid, not to mention rather sexy, in a very aggressive way. But that's the way I like it. As does Eddie, I would imagine. He kind of danced around that subject as much as he could, though. I don't blame him, it's not exactly comfortable to talk in detail about sex to someone you've just met (and totally have a crush on).But we're definitely sharing a vibe, there's no doubt about that.
Our conversation ventured to other areas, like other bands in the genre. Metallica is a big-time favorite for him. I'm more of a Sabbath girl, myself, but there's not much to dislike within that whole scene. It felt like we talked for hours, while also not being nearly enough time before I got a bit of a rush in the store. I recommended some new stuff for Eddie to try, which he didn'twaste a second in purchasing when I had to get back to work. He hadn't heard of Dokken before, which was a real shame, in my opinion. They're a little more glam than the stuff Eddie seems to like, but I have a feeling he'll enjoy them. If I've read him as well as I think I have, that is. I can't wait to hear what he thinks, he's a highly stimulating conversation partner.
June 11th, 1984
Dear diary,
My little wannabe thief returned again today. He absolutely devoured Tooth and Claw, which I was hoping he would. He said he played it over and over, really listening to the words, while also thinking about me. In what manner that was, I have no idea. He kind of froze up for a second after he said that, like he had never meant to tell me such a thing. It was really cute, though. Ugh, the way his cheeks went all red, and his breath got stuck in his throat... It was a beautiful sight.
He hung around for a while, I'd have a mind to call it loitering if Ididn't like him so much. But it's honestly really nice to have him around, he's far more entertaining than the novels I keep burning through every day. He's smart, and funny, and a total nerd on top of all that. He absolutely will not shut up about Lord of the Rings and Dungeons & Dragons, not that I'd ever want him to. Eddie's so passionate when he speaks, he's mesmerizing to watch. And Ican't help resting my head in my hand as I dreamily observe him going on and on about anything and everything.
I'd very much like to hang out with him outside of work sometime. But hell if I know if that's something he'd be interested in. I mean, Iknow we like each other. But he's sort of shy at times, and I'd hate to drive him into his shell if I push him too far. I think it's probably best to wait for him to make that move, if that's what he wants. I don't want him to stop coming in, and Idon't want to lose the nice talks we have at the shop. Eddie brightens my day every timeI see him, making the ones where he doesn't pop in feel gloomy in comparison.
June 15th, 1984
Dear diary,
It's been a few days since I've seen Eddie. It's not a huge deal, but it's like I've said before, I really enjoy being around him. I can't help my head snapping up to see if he's the one walking in the door every time that damn bell rings. But of course, it hasn't been him yet. In the meantime, I replay the conversations we've had on repeat in my mind, remembering how perfect his plush lips look when he talks. Or the way his eyes almost never leave mine when he's listening to me, those large pools of luscious chocolate that I could get lost in for hours. Or the lines that indent his gorgeous face whenever he smiles or scrunches his nose. I've got it bad, diary. I want this ridiculous, charming, handsome young man, to a point where I'm seriously questioning my sanity.
June 18th, 1984
Dear diary,
Just when I was starting to get worried that I'd never see my new acquaintance again, he showed up at the perfect time. My heart almost exploded when I saw his face, and I had to keep myself from going all giddy when he sidled up to the counter...
"Hey there, long-time no-see, Eddie. What have you been getting up to?" You chirp as Eddie comes right over to you.
"Uh, not much. Just been tryin' to talk my uncle into letting me get my GED instead of repeating senior year." He speaks casually, giving you a warm smile. "How's the store goin'?" He leans over the counter on his forearms, getting very comfortable in your personal space.
"The shop's been alright, nothing unusual. It's been missing you, though, I suppose." You reply, feeling your cheeks heat up at how close he is. He's gotten this close before, but it feels different today. Maybe it's because he's been away so long, and you've been thinking about him almost every second in his absence.
"Aw, you missed me? That's sweet." Eddie teases, making you roll your eyes. "Relax, Y/N. I missed you, too. I kept thinking about the next time I'd be able to come in here and be a pain in your ass." He says playfully, leaning even further towards you. For a brief moment, you're almost within kissing distance. That is, until Eddie loses his balance and almost slips onto the floor. He backs off to reorient himself, giving you a small glare when you giggle at his clumsiness.
"You can come back here if you want. Might keep you from falling on your ass." You offer, you figure there's no harm in it. He's not going to steal from you, and you're stuck in yet another snail-paced day in terms of business.
"Cool, thanks." He grins, practically scurrying around the counter to join you in the employee area. He hops up to sit on the edge, swinging his legs back and forth.
"Cute." You muse, settling back onto your stool across from him. You both sit quietly for a little while, unsure what else to say. The only sounds you can hear are the cars passing by down the street outside, and the Prince album playing at a reasonable volume on the store's sound system.
"So...what now?" Eddie asks, breaking the awkward moment of silence.
"I dunno, Eds. I kinda thought you'd be the one bringing the conversation." You answer, and he nods. You carefully observe him, his shifting gaze, his fingers fidgeting with the massive rings that rest upon them. He's thinking very hard of something to say, trying his best to keep you from becoming bored with him.
"Right." He chuckles nervously, nodding his head. "Well, I was thinking..." He pauses, trying to find the words. You look at him expectantly, and he continues. "...I-I was wondering if you'd, um..." He keeps fumbling over his own train of thought, but you can already gather what he's getting at. A knowing smile grows on your lips, though Eddie isn't sure why. You let him take his time, he'll get the words out eventually. "Would you like to, uh...hang out sometime?" He finally finishes, his tone heightening at the words 'hang out'.
"And what exactly would you have in mind for us to do if we 'hang out', Eddie?" You ask curiously, crossing your arms. Given his nervousness, you can tell he's been thinking about this a lot. Surely he has some kind of plan in place, whether it's just listening to music and talking, or doing intimate things in either of your homes.
"Well, I was thinking you could come over to my place. We could listen to tapes in my room, or watch a movie or somethin'." He shrugs, trying to sound casual. But the light quiver in his voice gives him away. He's been dying to get closer to you, you've been taking over his mind since you gave him that tape. You're so pretty, and sweet, and you listen to him ramble on for hours. No one else has ever done that for him. Not even his uncle Wayne, supportive as he is. Every time he's been around you, he gets this unbearable urge to pull you close and kiss you. It's not exactly a common occurrence for him, and even less so for those feelings to seemingly be reciprocated.
"I'd be alright with that." You say with a smile, hopping down from your stool to slowly walk over to Eddie. "Is there anything else you've been thinking about doing with me, Eds?" You ask innocently, peering up at him from under your lashes once you're standing right in front of him.
"I-I guess." He stutters, swallowing hard at you invading his space this time.
"And what would that be?" You question, stepping between his legs that he's had spread apart this whole time. You're not touching him, you're just occupying the gap he's left wide open.
"I dunno if I should say. I don't want you to think I'm a perv or something." Eddie holds your gaze, wondering what you're going to say or do next. He'd love nothing more than to admit all the dirty things he's thought about you. How he's held himself in his hand at night, quietly murmuring your name while listening to the albums you've shown him, imagining you there with him in his room doing very inappropriate things.
"I wouldn't think that at all, Eddie." You shake your head, giving him a reassuring smile. He doesn't say anything else, he's too busy thinking about the filthy scenarios in his head again. "You don't have to tell me if it'll make you uncomfortable. We can talk about it later, when we're in your room...if you'd like." You speak lowly, gently placing your hands on his thighs. His breath catches at your touch, and his eyes refuse to leave yours. "How's Friday night sound?"
"Sounds great." He smiles, eager to have these plans with you.
"Good. I'm looking forward to it." Your hands travel further up his legs, stopping just before you reach where his hands have been resting between them. Eddie sighs quietly, enjoying the simple ways you've been touching him. He's excited for you to touch him even more on Friday, and he's even more excited to touch you in all the ways he'll hope you'll like. He can't wait to see what turns you on, how easily and frequently he can make you moan for him. He's getting a little hard just thinking about it. Thankfully, his draped hands obscure your view of the subtle erection growing in his jeans.
"Cool." Eddie clears his throat, quickly trying to make his boner go away so he can leave. He doesn't want you to see how easily horny you've made him, it's seriously embarrassing. He quickly thinks about all the things that definitely turn him off, holding back his sigh of relief once he's no longer aroused. He takes hold of your hands, gently grasping them in his own, the backs of his palms resting on his thighs. "I really like you, Y/N." Eddie says sweetly, brushing his thumbs across your skin.
"I really like you too, Eds." You reply with a warm smile. He seems much more relaxed now, comfortable in your presence once again. It is a bit fun to watch someone get flustered when you flirt with them, but it's even better to witness them unfurl like a budding flower. Opening up to you, accepting your advances.
"Can I..." He starts to ask, raising a hand to cup your cheek. He can't help but pause, he's unsure that a move like this is right. At least so early. You can feel calluses on his hands, presumably from playing guitar. He's mentioned it before, his 'shitty little band', as he put it.
"Can you what?" You almost whisper when the rest of his words don't come. You already know what he's going to ask, but you long to hear him actually say it out loud.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks again, much more confident this time. You're just about to respond by bringing your lips toward his, when the bell above the door jingles. You immediately pull away, turning your attention to whoever has annoyingly destroyed your little moment with Eddie. You clear your throat, returning to your usual position at the register.
"Hey kiddos, what brings you in today?" You ask when you look to find Will Byers and his friends coming through the door in a loud bundle. They're bickering over their next D&D campaign, but they quickly stop once you acknowledge them.
"Y/N!" They shout excitedly in unison, running over to the counter. You come around to greet them, letting them each give you a small hug. You almost forget that Eddie is still here. You're a bit preoccupied with the boys talking over each other to ask you about the new albums they've been waiting on.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm gonna get goin'. But I'll see you on Friday, 'kay?" Eddie says, getting out of your area and heading for the door. He's walking backwards, wanting to see your face one last time before he departs. You suppose he's in a bit of a hurry after failing to kiss you.
"Sure thing! Can't wait!" You call after him, giving him the biggest genuine smile you can. He nods, smiling himself. He turns around and walks out of the shop. You watch him make his way down the street, feeling a bit bad that you've missed out on that kiss. Oh well, you'll get another chance in a mere four days. In the meantime, you've got four of your best customers waiting for your assistance.
...Well, it's safe to say the rest of the day was not nearly as eventful as Eddie's visit. I've been compulsively reminding myself of every small detail of our interaction far too often. The scent of Eddie's cigarettes and cheap cologne, the warmth radiating from his thighs inside his jeans when I touched him, those all-too-perfect lips of his calling my name. Shit, diary, I'm totally screwed on Friday. I don't know if I'll even manage to get through the door to his place beforeI pounce on him. Although, I now realize he's never told me where he lives. Hopefully he'll come around again at some point to clear that up for me.
June 20th, 1984
Dear diary,
I had a dream about Eddie last night. It was mostly kissing, but if my alarm hadn't taken me out of it, it definitely would've gone to very interesting places. Either way, it was wonderful. We were on my couch, and I was straddling his lap. Eddie's lips were soft and warm. He was the perfect balance of gentle and rough with me. He tasted like beer as his tongue tangled with mine. He didn't do that annoying thing younger guys do where they essentially try to eat your face. Ugh, I've always hated too much tongue. His hands wandered to all the right places, hungrily grabbing at my ass and chest while we were making out. I'm getting a little hot just thinking about it, and it wasn't even real. Not yet, anyway. Friday can't come soon enough, it's killing me to wait so long. And my sex-crazed brain fueling the fire with steamy dreams certainly isn't helping. I only hope Eddie can keep up, but I have a feeling he'll exceed my expectations.
June 23rd, 1984
Dear diary,
'The morning after'. It's a very interesting phrase. We all know what it means, hell, there's even a pill named after it. It's a rather bittersweet saying as well. On the one hand, you get to relive the pleasant experience you shared with another person (or multiple people, if you're lucky). But on the other, it signals the end of the fun, and you have to go back to your boring life once you eat and hose yourself off.
Lucky for me, though, I get to indulge in the sweet side of the morning following a very pleasurable night. I'm still in Eddie's bed as we speak, and he's making us some breakfast. I can smell the bacon sizzling, and the cinnamon from the French toast. I'm sure I'm gonna enjoy it. But not nearly as much as I enjoyed the time we spent together last night...
You pull up to Eddie's trailer around 9:30pm, killing the engine of your little junker before stepping out onto the gravel. Eddie called you about an hour before closing time at the shop, giving you the address. He seemed a bit ashamed of where he lives over the phone, but you didn't give him any reason to think you'd look down on him for it. It's just a home, like any other. And it's not like your apartment is exactly Shangri-la, either. You pull you overnight bag over your shoulder, one you'd packed very early this morning as you couldn't focus on sleeping. You shut the car door, and head up the small steps to the trailer. You knock, and wait for Eddie to come let you in.
You can hear the Judas Priest album you gave him playing over a stereo on one end of the trailer, presumably his bedroom. The stereo suddenly turns off, and quick footsteps make their way over to you. The door swings open to reveal your companion for the evening. "Hey, Y/N. Come in." Eddie smiles, opening the door wider and extending his arm to coax you inside. "You look great." He compliments you, his eyes dragging over your tight jean shorts and Metallica t-shirt.
"Thanks. So do you." You reply kindly, paying respect to his usual getup. "Where's your room? I want to put my bag down." You ask, looking around the humble abode. It's small, but mostly tidy. There's clutter here and there, but it's far from unclean. Mugs and baseball caps line the walls of the living room, definitely a prized collection. You doubt that Eddie would hoard such things, they're probably his uncle's. The various furniture is simple, faded and worn around the edges, but still perfectly functional.
"Oh, sure. Uh, this way." He points awkwardly down the hall, stepping ahead of you to lead the way. You follow him down the somewhat narrow space, entering a door at the very end of it. There's a decent-sized bed in the room, and various posters, banners, and drawings on the walls. There's also a couple guitars and an amp in the room, and other random things a teenage boy would own. It's a little more messy in here, clothes strewn about and overflowing from the dresser drawers, a couple empty beer cans on the night table. But you've seen worse. "Shit. Sorry it's kind of a mess. I'd meant to clean up, but time got away from me." Eddie chuckles awkwardly, hurriedly attempting to clean up.
"It's fine, Eds. As long as there's no roaches or rats, I don't mind." You reply, setting your bag down on the floor in the corner of the room.
"Oh, we are definitely pest-free in the Munson household. Although, there may be a few spiders." Eddie replies, making you giggle.
"So, what do you wanna do?" You ask, plopping down on Eddie's bed, which is dressed with a wrinkled brown comforter and well slept-on pillows. You lean back on your hands, kicking off your shoes while glancing at him casually.
"Well, we could pick up where we left off on Monday." Eddie suggests, giving you a cheeky grin.
"Been thinking about that a lot, have you?" You tease, patting the spot beside you on the bed. He comes over, sitting as close to you as he possibly can.
"Maybe." He shrugs, though the way he says it definitely means 'yes'.
"Well, so have I." You put your hand on his thigh, gazing deep into his eyes. Your mouth is not very far from his, it would take no effort at all to finally get a taste of him. "I had a dream about you, ya know." You blurt out the words, oddly compelled to as you stare at his beautiful mouth.
"Yeah? What did we do in your dream?" He asks, just as mesmerized by your proximity.
"This." You whisper, leaning in closer to bridge the gap that's beginning to feel miles long. Your mouth meets his, and time itself seems to stop. He tastes exactly how you thought he would in your dream, with a hint of tobacco as well. Eddie hums quietly into the kiss, bringing a hand up to cradle the back of your head. Your mouths move in sync, with just the right amount of tenderness and passion. You maneuver yourself to straddle his lap, just like your dream. Your tongues come out to play, teasing one another to turn up the heat. Your head feels light, and Eddie's does too. Flares of excitement course through you, driving you to bury your fingers in his hair, while his hands lower to grip your waist. "Mmm." You moan lightly, grinding yourself onto him.
You can feel Eddie getting hard underneath you, and you're tempted to reach down and palm him through his jeans. "Slow down, baby. We've got all night." Eddie says, pulling his lips away from yours to breathe.
"Sorry." You say breathlessly, letting go of his head. You really want to savor every moment, to truly take your time. You just got a little ahead of yourself.
"Don't be. Just relax, I'm not goin' anywhere." He reassures you, still holding your hips respectfully. You stay sitting on his lap, the both of you taking a minute to admire one another in this new light. "So, did we do anything else in this dream of yours?" He asks curiously.
"Uh, not really. Well, you grabbed my ass and tits, I guess." You explain, feeling a little silly saying all of this out loud.
"Oh, like this?" He questions, moving his hands lower to take rough handfuls of your butt.
"Yeah." You moan lightly at the contact, and his smile grows wider.
"And..." He stops squeezing your behind, traveling upwards now to grab your breasts through your shirt. "...like this?" He asks you again, his cock twitching at the whimper that escapes you.
"Fuck, yes." You respond, loving the way his large palms feel when they touch you.
"God, you're gorgeous." Eddie muses, drawing more little noises from your lips. "I've dreamt about you too, sweetheart." He says lowly, dropping the pet name like it's nothing at all. It's sounds so good coming from his lips, and you can't wait to hear it again.
"And what happened in your dream?" You ask, curious what his own mind holds in terms of fantasies. He's still groping your chest, which is making you very wet inside your shorts.
"Same as yours...except I was doing this." He says, leaning his head down to kiss your neck. His lips returning to your flesh feels absolutely exquisite. He moves his mouth on you slowly, employing his teeth and tongue to mark you with a dark hickey.
"Eddie." You moan involuntarily, lacing your left hand in his hair to keep him close to you.
"Mmm, and you definitely did that, princess." Eddie chuckles darkly, breath fanning hotly across your skin. He switches sides now, and you in turn switch hands. You have to have him as near to you as possible, you strangely feel like he might disappear if you let go for too long. His hands continue to massage your chest, causing more arousal to spread through your panties at the sensation. You grind your hips again, drawing a muted groan from him. "Havin' fun, baby?" He asks, nipping you a little bit harder this time.
"Yes, Eddie. You're really good at this." You pant, your nails digging into his scalp. You roll your hips over and over, slow as you can manage. Eddie keeps quietly moaning and grunting against you. Not because he doesn't want to make any noise. It's more that he doesn't want to disturb the sounds of heavy breathing and clothes brushing against each other.
"Let's take a little break, sweetheart." Eddie says, pulling his mouth away from your throat and taking hold of your hips to still them. You're driving him crazy with all your grinding, and he needs to slow down if he's going to keep up with you.
"Sure. You got anything to drink?" You ask, sliding off of Eddie's lap to sit on the bed again.
"Uh, yeah." He stands up abruptly, getting ready to retrieve what you're asking for. "Is beer alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, that's fine." You reply mindlessly, your gaze fixed on the large bulge inside his jeans. You want so badly to get on your knees, and take his cock in your mouth. Eddie's eyes follow your stare, and he looks down to find what you're practically drooling over. He blushes harshly at the obvious sign of his excitement, you've already had such a strong affect on him.
"I'll be right back then." He says, leaving the room. You're snapped out of your trance once his erection is out of your view, left alone in Eddie's bedroom for a moment. You casually look around, taking in more details of the space. You peruse the contents of the night table, sunglasses, condoms, an ashtray, a couple Heavy Metal magazines. Nothing too exciting. Your eyes wander along the walls instead, admiring the banner for Eddie's band, Corroded Coffin. You imagine he made it himself, perhaps with his other band mates. And then you happen upon something you didn't notice at all until now. A pair of handcuffs hanging on the wall. You wonder where he got them...and if he's ever used them on anybody. "Here ya go." Eddie says as he hands off a bottle of beer to you.
"You ever use those before, Eds?" You ask casually, gesturing at the cuffs before taking a swig of your beer. It's nice and cold from the fridge, cooling down your boiling insides a little.
"Oh, um...no. They're more of a gag than anything." He explains nervously, hoping you aren't put off by them, or thinking he's some kind of deviant.
"Really? That's too bad." You say cheekily.
"Have you ever used handcuffs before?" Eddie asks, his interest piqued.
"A couple of times." You answer honestly.
"Were they used on you, or someone else?" He continues, needing to know everything he can about your prior experience.
"Let's just say I really like having my hands tied." You reply seductively, your hand finding his thigh once again. You give him a hungry look, smirking at his eyes going wide. "What? Too kinky for you?" You tease, taking another gulp of your drink.
"No, not at all. I'm just surprised." Eddie says nervously, downing his own beer to calm himself down. It appears you're much more experienced than him, and he's afraid to let you down. It's not like he's a virgin or anything, he's had sex plenty of times before. But he worries that maybe he won't be as exciting as you'd like him to be.
"Would you like to try it with me, Eddie?" You offer, noticing his unease. He's probably doubting himself now, wondering if he's good enough. The last thing you want is for him to lack confidence.
"Yeah. I'll have to find the keys for them, though." He smiles, relaxing a little at your offer.
"That's alright. We won't need them for a while anyway." You scoot a little closer to him on the bed, your leg resting against his. "I love this room, by the way. It's really cozy." You say kindly, putting the dirty thoughts away for a little while. As much as you want to jump Eddie's bones, it wouldn't hurt to have some nice moments with him that don't revolve around sex.
"Thanks. I'm glad you think so." Eddie replies, looking down at the floor as he speaks.
"You don't?"
"I dunno." He shrugs. "I guess it feels lonely to me more than anything else." He says sadly.
"Oh. I didn't think about it that way." You can't feeling bad for Eddie, you always seem to forget that he's far from a popular person. You don't really understand why, though. He's kind, and funny, and intelligent. What's not to like?
"Sorry, I'm not meaning to kill the mood." He scoffs at himself for being such a downer, finishing his drink. He reaches over to put the empty bottle on the night table, settling back into his spot afterwards.
"It's fine. You're just being honest. And I like that about you." You polish off your beer as well, and crawl over the bed to lie down. "C'mere, handsome." You beckon him to follow your lead, but he stands up instead. You're confused, until you see him going to the stereo on his dresser.
"Just a sec, I wanna put something on." He says, pushing the rewind button to reset the tape he has in mind. It takes a few seconds, but then you hear "Freewheel Burning" kick on through the speakers. He turns down the volume a little, enough so you can hear the song while being able to maintain conversation. He comes back to the bed, smiling excitedly. Eddie lays down beside you, the two of you gazing into each other's eyes again.
"How many times have you listened to this tape anyway?" You ask, bringing your hand up to playfully stroke his chest.
"Shit, I dunno. Like...thirty?" He says with a laugh, realizing how desperate that might sound after the words have already passed his lips.
"Damn, that's some serious dedication." You chuckle.
"Well, I can't really help it that every time I play it, I'm reminded of the beautiful girl who gave it to me." He says sweetly, brushing some loose hairs behind your ear. He cups your cheek afterwards, and presses his lips to yours. You instantly melt into the kiss, letting Eddie take the lead. He rolls you both over to kneel above you, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your hands find the hem of his shirt, gently tugging it upwards for him to take it off. Eddie pulls away, sitting up to remove it. He whips the shirt over his head, exposing his scrawny, yet slightly toned, chest. A black widow spider is tattooed on the upper left side, and it looks relatively new.
"Nice tat, baby. It's very sexy." You reach up to touch it when he lowers himself over you again. His breath hitches at your fingertips on his bare skin. You trace the outline of the spider's legs and body, admiring the mostly-steady line work.
"Thanks. Got it a couple months ago." Eddie grins, watching you take in every little detail of his ink. "Do you have any tattoos, sweetheart?" He asks.
"No. I've always wanted one, though." You reply, meeting his eyes again.
"What kind would you get?" He questions, lowering his head to kiss your neck.
"Fuck." You whimper, your nails digging into his chest. He groans at the sting, still waiting for your answer. "I'm not sure. Maybe a music note, or a flower or something." You say breathily, enjoying the feeling of Eddie's teeth nibbling your skin.
"Ugh, those are so cheesy, Y/N." He moans in disappointment. "You can do better than that." He encourages you to dig deeper, to think of something you'd truly want to have on your body forever.
You mull it over for a moment, laughing lightly when you come up with the perfect thing. "Alright, I'd get a little vinyl record, then. A tribute to my love of music." You say, extremely proud of yourself. He looks up at you with an approving smile.
"That's more like it." He chuckles, giving you a small kiss on the lips. "How far do you wanna go tonight, baby?" He asks, though judging from the size of the bag you brought, you plan to spend the entire night with him.
"As far as you're willing to take me, Eddie." You reply softly, taking off your own t-shirt now. You toss it away to the floor, revealing your baby blue bra. You gently push on Eddie's chest, ushering him to roll over onto his back. He does it without even thinking, his hands finding your bare waist once you're on top. You reach around your back to unclasp your bra, and Eddie's pupils dilate as he takes in the sight of your beautiful tits.
"Damn." He murmurs. You grab hold of his hands, slowly dragging them up your sides and towards your breasts. He watches on wordlessly, the both of you devouring the warm sensation of skin against skin. His fingers feel the outlines of your ribs, your supple flesh, until they finally reach their most-desired destination. His palms close around the rounds of your chest, thumbs brushing over your stiffened nipples.
"Eddie." You moan aloud, your eyes glued to his as he gropes you. You're getting very wet again, anxious to move things further. You roll your hips, pressing yourself down into Eddie's clothed cock harder than before. You can feel how hard he is, his jeans practically bursting at the seams.
"Fuck, sweetheart." Eddie groans at the friction. He can't wait to see how wet you are, to taste your sweetness on his lips, to put his throbbing dick inside you. His mind swirls drunkenly with the possibilities, each one more tantalizing than the last. You lower your torso, bringing yourself closer to him. You take a turn to give him some hickies of his own, quickly latching onto his throat. "Shit." He hisses at the pleasurable sting of your teeth.
"What should we do next, Eds?" You ask lowly in his ear, nibbling on the lobe afterwards.
"I'm not sure, there's so many things to choose from. What do you want?" Eddie turns the question back onto you, far too focused on how your tits feel in his hands to make a choice himself.
You put your head above his again, gazing deep into his doeish brown eyes. "I want..." You pause, lowering your hand between your bodies to palm Eddie's cock through his pants. "...to take you in my mouth, if that's alright with you." He moans breathily at your touch, and nods. "Perfect." You grin, pressing a brief kiss to his lips. You travel downwards, your mouth meeting his neck, and then his chest. Eddie breathes heavily, following you with his eyes. You leave wet kisses on his tattoo, his nipples, down the small trail of hair on his stomach that leads to his cock. You grab hold of his belt to undo it, slipping the leather through the buckle. You unzip his jeans, yanking them and his boxers down his legs. He helps you out, kicking them off once they reach his ankles. His dick smacks his stomach, rock solid and aching for you. You kneel over his body, taking his length in your hand.
"Y/N." He moans, his eyes falling closed. You stroke him nice and slow, watching a bead of precum gradually forming on his tip. You poke your tongue out to lick it off, swirling around his head. "Jesus christ." He mutters, forcing his eyes open to look at you. He locks onto your stare, just as you lower your head to take all of him at once. "Holy shit..." He gasps at your warm, wet mouth encapsulating him. You gag slightly when he hits the back of your throat, causing his hands to tightly clutch the bedding underneath him.
"You like that?" You ask lowly, pulling off of his cock for a moment.
"Fuck, don't stop." Eddie whines, making your pussy throb. "Please, keep going, Y/N." He politely begs, needing more of you.
"Sure thing, baby." You smirk, taking him in your mouth once again. You bob your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his length as you move.
"Feels so good, sweetheart." He praises, resting a hand behind his head to get a better view. You're quite a sight to see. Your hair falling loosely around the sides of your face, your hands gripping his thighs for balance, your plush lips opened wide as can be to take his dick past them again and again. "Shit, you look so pretty with my cock in your mouth." He says boldly between needy moans.
"Mmm." You hum gently around him, thoroughly enjoying the lovely noises flowing from him like a steady river. You increase your speed just a little, adding more suction to really drive Eddie wild.
"Oh my god." He gasps, unable to believe the level of skill you possess. Your mouth feels absolutely incredible, and it's not going to take long to make him lose control. You feel his hand come down to rest on the back of your head, adding the slightest amount of pressure to keep you deep on his cock. "This alright, baby?" He asks, hoping you'll allow him some semblance of control here. You're melting his goddamn mind right now, and it's taking everything in him not to thrust upwards and fuck your face until his cum spills down your throat.
"Mmhmm." You hum casually, his fingers tightening around your hair at the vibrations. He doesn't push you down too hard, just enough to maintain that wet warmth he craves. You don't mind at all, you've had your fair share of face-fuckings over the years. They can be fun, if done correctly.
You use every trick you can think of, using Eddie's utterances of your name and various swears to guide you on the path to setting off his climax. He's not exactly a tough one to crack, given his undeniable gratitude to you for doing anything with him in the first place. But it's a thrilling chase all the same, as it always has been for you.
"I'm gettin' close, sweetheart. Fuck, you're too good at this..." Eddie warns, gripping your hair and the bed below him with all his might. His stomach is preparing to tense, his balls growing tighter by the second. You take this as your cue to go even faster, bobbing your head quick as you can, your tongue twisting on his shaft with frenzied intensity. "God, Y/N...You're gonna kill me doin' that." He whimpers, his entire being threatening to burst from the immense pleasure you're providing him. He's never felt anything like this before, and it's this thought sprinting across his mind that shoves him over the edge. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum." He grunts, trying and failing to hold back an obscenely loud moan from escaping him afterwards. His muscles clench, and you can taste his release spilling stickily on your tongue.
You swallow every last drop as it's supplied to you, still sucking harshly on his dick until he's empty. Eddie's eyes fall closed once his high runs its course, his breaths coming out thick and shallow. You pull away from his softening length, sitting back on your knees. "Did you like that, Eds?" You question as you gaze over his spent form. He's slicked over in a thin sheen of sweat, eyes closed peacefully while he catches his breath.
"Yeah, that was amazing." He huffs out the words, sensing your weight shifting on the bed to lie next to him again. He opens his eyes, turning his head to look at you. He finds you smiling giddily, appearing very proud of yourself for giving him such intense pleasure. "You must really like going down on guys if it makes you smile like that." He chuckles, intrigued by you.
"Maybe I just like making people feel good, Eddie." You reply simply.
"How many have there been?" He asks, realizing afterwards that it's a bit of a rude question.
"I don't exactly know. But I've had my fair share of guys...and girls." You answer, his eyes widening.
"Girls?" He asks, even more interested now. It shouldn't exactly be so shocking to him, he's been with a guy here and there himself. A lot of high school athletes are major closet cases. He supposes he just didn't take you for the bisexual type.
"Yeah, a few. Is that a big deal to you?" You turn the questions around on him, curious what his own history is like.
"No, of course not. I've been with a few guys myself. I was just surprised by you, again." He laughs, rolling his eyes at himself.
"Oh, really? Looks like we both get around pretty well then, don't we?" You tease, unable to hold in your own laughter.
"I guess so. Although, most of my hookups are meant to be a secret. No girl, or guy, seems to want to be seen with me." He chuckles dryly, his expression falling slightly.
"Well, I'd gladly be seen with you, Eddie. You're a great guy, and all those people are idiots." You say sweetly, taking his hand in yours.
"Thanks, Y/N. That's really kind of you to say." He brightens up again, your words healing his heart a little.
"Any time, baby." You smile, pressing a small kiss to his lips. He gladly accepts it, the taste of you pulling him further out of his self-inflicted funk.
"Do you want a turn now, Y/N?" Eddie asks, his free hand playing around with the waistband of your shorts.
"I'd like that." You nod, watching his fingers easily press the metal button through its stitched hole. He glides your zipper down its track, carefully slipping his hand inside to brush over your panties. He feels a wet spot in the fabric, gasping quietly at how soaked you are for him already. He deliberately brings his fingers onto your clothed clit, rubbing it in light circles. "Eddie." You moan, keeping your eyes on his hand stuck inside your shorts.
"So wet for me already, sweetheart?" Eddie asks lowly into your ear, watching your reaction to his touch.
"Yes." You reply breathlessly. His hand leaves your sensitive bud for a moment, moving up to the top of your panties. He ventures beneath the fabric, fully feeling your slick folds. "Fuck." You whimper, your hips bucking once at him touching your throbbing entrance.
"What do you want, baby? I'll give you anything you ask for." He offers seductively, spreading your arousal all around while drinking in your sexy noises.
"I want you to go down on me, Eddie. Please." You whine, desperate to feel his mouth on your pussy.
"Mmm, I like it when you beg." He chuckles darkly, pressing a wet kiss to your throat. He slips two fingers inside your cunt, making you gasp. He lays you down on your back, knees tented with him crouching above you. His mouth travels downwards, his digits gently curling to hit your g-spot. He's going very slow, warming you up before he eats you out. Clearly he's done this before, and knows his way around. Shy, my ass, you think to yourself as his lips leave open-mouthed kisses on your chest. He makes a little detour to take one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the pebbled flesh before biting down roughly.
"Fuck, Eds..." You moan, your hands slipping into his thick curls. He moves on to your other breast, nipping every inch of it before going after the stiff center. He doesn't stay in one place for long, venturing further down your body to make a trail along the middle of your stomach. Your hands stay weaved inside his hair the whole way, tugging lightly with every teasing pump of his fingers inside your pussy. He eventually reaches your jeans, regrettably having to stop touching you so he can remove them. You whine at the loss, but you know the pleasure will continue shortly.
Eddie grabs hold of the top of your shorts, pulling them down your legs to discard them. He takes off your panties the same way, spreading your legs open wide so he can see every last bit of you. Your pussy glistens with sweet juices in the dim light of his room, and he can't resist licking his lips at the sight. "You're beautiful, sweetheart." He praises, his arms snaking around your legs. He leans down to kiss the innermost part of your thigh, drawing more helpless sounds from your lips. You anxiously await him touching you where you need him most, watching his every move with pleading eyes. He meets the other side, still neglecting your very center.
"Eddie, please stop teasing." You beg in frustration, bucking your hips up to gain his attention. You need him now. You can't wait any longer.
"You're so needy, Y/N." He teases with a grin, bringing his tongue forward to lick a long stripe from your entrance to your clit.
"Fuck!" You cry out in surprise, your back arching off the bed. Eddie presses you back down with his hand, keeping a firm hold on your stomach so you'll stay still. He slowly flicks his tongue up and down on your clit, making you wetter by the second. He swirls around, dips in and out of the area in varying patterns. He's keeping you guessing, building you up at an agonizing pace. "Shit, you feel so good." You exhale, refusing to let go of his head for fear of him stopping for a single second. You can feel your pleasure growing, balling up inside the very center of you.
"You taste so sweet, baby. And you're fuckin' soaked for me." He says in admiration. He can't get enough of your decadent, musky flavor on his tongue. He's already getting hard again, and he cannot wait to feel you cum on his face, and around his cock when the time is right. He darts his tongue in and out of your soaked hole. Warm trickles of arousal and many, many moans spill from you as he does so. His impeccable technique drives you closer and closer to the edge.
"Just like that, Eds...keep going..." You struggle to piece the words together. Every lick and nip and suck of his mouth working against you steals your train of thought, just when you manage to set it back on the tracks again. You can sense your high building, your insides tensing and squeezing as the need to release the pent up tension grows more dire by the second. Just when you think this can't possibly feel any more amazing, Eddie replaces his tongue with two thick fingers. They worm their way deep inside your dripping pussy, the metal rings they're dressed in shocking your body with their coldness. He fingers you fast and hard, wet sounds mingling with your moans. "Fuck, baby. Don't stop!" You plead, thighs quivering as your end draws near.
"You gonna cum for me, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, lazily dragging the very tip of his tongue around your clit while his hand works overtime.
"Yes, please make me cum." You whimper, gripping his head even harder. It's a wonderfully odd combination, the battling movements of his quick fingers and slow licking. It's driving you positively insane. Any second now, you're going to lose it altogether. "I'm so close, Eddie. Fuck, right there." You persist, relentlessly calling out to him to help you reach your bliss as if your life depends on it. It's like you're caught in the middle of a fever dream. Sweat gathers on every last inch of your flesh, pooling in all the nooks and crevices, and dripping from the back of your knees.
"Cum for me, Y/N." He politely commands, sucking your clit harshly between his lips to seal your fate.
"Eddie! Oh, fuck!" You cry out as the buildup finally pays off, the pressure releasing itself throughout your entire body. Your thighs quake, threatening to clamp around Eddie's head. Your cunt pulses, simultaneously trapping his fingers and releasing a mess of juices onto his face. Eddie slurps against your folds, trying his best to savor every last drop of you. He moans at the taste, his cock twitching as the liquid flows down his throat and into his stomach. Your body relaxes once your orgasm fades away, hands releasing Eddie's hair from your grasp. He sits up to look at you, finding you looking absolutely blissed out. You're glistening in perspiration, eyes fallen closed and chest rising and falling with effort.
"Gorgeous." He observes simply, mostly to himself. He crawls over to lie down beside you once more, reaching over for his pack of Camels on the night table. "Want a smoke?" He offers, your eyes fluttering open to look at him.
"Yes, please." You smile, watching as he takes two cigarettes from the pack and places them between his lips. He lights them both, handing one off to you. He takes the ashtray from the table, setting it between you on the bed. You take a long, deep drag, humming blissfully at the smoke filling your lungs.
"Did you enjoy that, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, blowing a large cloud of smoke from his lips as he speaks.
"Yes, very much. Who taught you to eat pussy like that?" You question curiously.
"No one. Practice makes perfect, Y/N." Eddie replies with a chuckle. He's very glad that you enjoyed yourself, it was certainly fun for him to hear you crying out his name.
"More than perfect, Eds." You add, bringing yourself closer to snuggle up to him. He puts his arm around you, and you lay your head against him.
"You oughtta be careful with all the compliments. I might just get an ego." He says jokingly.
"I don't care." You turn your head to kiss his body, continuing to praise him. "You've earned one after that." You kiss his neck this time, nipping his skin a little. You can't help yourself, Eddie's made you feel so good. You want him to keep doing it, and to do the same for him.
"You just can't get enough of me, can you?" He asks teasingly, egging you on.
"No, I really can't." You reply, biting down harder on his throat.
"Fuck, sweetheart." He moans, taking another drag of his smoke to keep himself relaxed while you make a meal out of him.
"Sorry." You pull away after sucking another dark hickey on Eddie's skin, resuming your smoking. You recognize that you're going a little too fast again, forcing yourself to slow down.
"It's alright. I like it when you do that." He reassures you, gently stroking your arm.
"Yeah. You make me feel—" Eddie cuts himself off, wondering if he'll sound too corny.
"What?" You press him to finish his sentence. You have to know how your words and actions affect him.
"You make me feel wanted." He says, giving you a meaningful look. "Like I said, most people treat me like a secret, or something forbidden. They'll fuck me all they like behind closed doors, but they won't give me the time of day when there's others around. But you make me feel like I deserve more." He adds, his words full of passion and conviction. Eddie's never been one to mince words, he says what he means every time he opens his mouth. "Shit, I sound totally lame right now." He sighs before taking another drag, worried he's ruined the mood again.
"It's not lame at all, Eddie. You do deserve better. You deserve to be with someone who likes you for you, someone who won't hide you away." You speak gently, cupping his cheek in your hand. You wait for him to exhale his smoke, bringing your lips to his to give him a tender kiss once it flows out of his nostrils. He melts into you, humming lightly into the kiss. You both stub out your smokes, finding each other's mouths far more interesting. Eddie bites your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth open to slip his tongue inside.
"You won't hide me away too, will you?" Eddie asks between hungry kisses, needing to know this won't be another secret fling. He can't put himself through that again, no matter how much he likes you.
"No, Eds. I won't. I promise." You answer, hoping your honesty rings true for him. You're unsure how many others there have been that made the same promise and broken it, along with Eddie's heart.
"Okay. Lemme find those keys real quick." He says, satisfied with your words. He gets off the bed, searching around his room to find the keys to the handcuffs. You've given him what he's wanted for so long, the least he can do is appease your every desire. He checks his dresser first, the top of it as well as the unorganized drawers. Nothing. He looks in a few random boxes of junk he keeps stashed around, typically for weed. Nothing here, either. He's growing a bit desperate now, checking the final place he thinks those damned tin keys could be. The night table drawer. He slides it open, shuffling the boxes of matches and random papers around inside. He hears metal tinkling somewhere in there, and he can't imagine it's anything other than the thing he's in search of. He finds them nestled under a crumpled receipt, bringing them out into the light with a satisfied look on his face. "Gotcha." He gets off the floor and retrieves the cuffs from the wall. He brings them over to the bed. "How do you wanna do this?" He asks, unsure how to proceed.
"Well, that depends. What position do you want me in?" You say with total self-assurance. Eddie doesn't say anything else, a rather awkward expression taking over his features. "It's okay, I'll give you some options. I can ride you, you can take me from behind, or we can do it the normal way."
"What would you prefer, Y/N?" He can't help asking for your input. You're the one getting handcuffed, after all. You ought to have some say on the subject.
"I'd really like to ride you, Eddie." You reply, giving him a seductive look. "Here, get behind me to put the cuffs on." You instruct, scooting forward and sitting on your knees to give him some room. He does as you ask, putting himself behind you. You place your hands behind your back, allowing Eddie to put the cuffs on. "Now make sure they're tight, but not too tight." He clicks each cuff in place on your wrists, careful of your reaction to see if he's done this correctly. "Very good. Now, sit up against the headboard and keep your legs together."
"Okay." Eddie says, scooting backwards to get into your desired position. He lays his legs straight forward, keeping them as close together as he can. You sit up on your knees to make room, and carefully inch yourself backwards until you can sit back down in his lap. His cock rests against your ass, warm and stiff, ready to get things moving.
"Wanna help me out a little, baby?" You ask, turning your head back to look at him.
"Sure." He replies, getting more excited by the second. He reaches a hand around your front, slipping between your legs to rub your slit.
"Fuck, Eddie. I want you so bad." You moan, eager to have him fill you up with his thick cock.
"I want you too, Y/N." He says softly, bringing your back to rest on his chest and lowering his head to kiss your neck. He continues to tease you, getting you ready for him. His free hand reaches over to the night table, pulling out a condom from the small box he'd left out. He rips the wrapper open with his teeth, wasting no time in rolling the latex over his length. "Get up for a sec, baby." He says, pulling his fingers away from your pussy. You get up on your knees again, letting him lead. He takes hold of himself, while also guiding you towards his tip. You feel him slip through your folds once, twice, three times. He can't resist teasing you a little more before getting down to business.
"Oh, fuck." You let out little moans for him at the contact, dying to take him inside you.
"Ready, sweetheart?" He asks lowly in your ear.
"Yes." You almost whisper. He keeps his dick steady, and gently presses on your shoulder to guide you downwards. "Eddie, f-uck..." You whine as you feel him slowly stretch you out. He's so big, filling every part of you so completely.
"That's it, baby. Fuck, you're tight." Eddie pants, leading you nice and steady until you're fully seated on him. Your walls contract involuntarily once he's all the way in, squeezing his length. "Shit." He hisses. You both sit still for a moment, allowing you to get comfortable with his size. His hands caress your sides, fingers brushing over your thighs, hips, and stomach. His warmth makes you feel safe, secure. "Doin' alright, Y/N?" He asks, wondering if you're okay to start moving yet.
"Yeah." You breathe, taking the hint to slowly lift yourself up, before sinking back down again.
"Fuck." You both moan at the same time, savoring the friction formed between your interlocked parts.
"You're so big, Eds." You breathe, picking a careful pace to start bouncing on him. His tip slides across your g-spot on its way to kiss your cervix every time you land on him, ripping borderline pornographic noises from your lungs in the process.
"Thanks, sweetheart." He chuckles at your compliment, his hands resting on your hips as you move on him. He's never had anyone ride him like this before, but he really likes it. He has such a pretty view in this position. From the recoil of your ass and thighs as you bounce, to your soaked pussy lubing him up every time he disappears inside you. Fuck, it's gonna be a challenge not to cum too early with this perfect display before his eyes. "You're taking me so well, baby. Such a good little slut, aren't you?" He says darkly, taking you by surprise at his choice of words. You pause for a moment, turning to look back at him with a questioning gaze. "Oh, shit. Was that too much?" Eddie asks, kicking himself for pulling out that word without checking with you first.
"No." You grin, letting him relax. "I really like it." You burn.
"Oh, okay. Good." He chuckles awkwardly. You face forward again, resuming your riding at a slightly faster pace now. He groans, squeezing your hips a little tighter.
"Say it again." You beg, your walls flexing at the sound Eddie's just made.  He's so fucking hot when he does that, like he's not afraid to let you know how good you're making him feel. You speed up a bit more, ramping up your excitement.
"That's it, ride my cock like a good little slut. Do I feel good inside this tight pussy of yours?" He speaks lowly, the same mischievous tone he had when he went down on you.
"Yes! I'm so wet for you, Eddie." You whimper, eating up every last filthy word he says. Eddie reaches down to grip the small linked chain between the handcuffs, yanking on the metal to keep you close, making you work harder to ride him. "Fuck." You hiss at the bite of the cuffs digging into your flesh. But it only adds to the overall pleasure you're experiencing, and you love how forceful Eddie's choosing to be with you.
"Keep goin', baby. Gotta work for it if you wanna cum." Eddie taunts. You do as he commands, keeping up your rapid pace despite the added resistance. Your thighs are getting the workout of a lifetime, your muscles beginning to burn. "God, you're tryin' so hard for me. Such a good girl." He growls in your ear, making you moan even louder. You're getting very close now, quicker than you expected to. But the way Eddie's cock reaches every magic spot inside you, the way his words amplify every ounce of sensation, it's enough to make you catch fire from the inside out.
"I'm getting close, Eds." You warn, continuing to move yourself up and down on his length. He pulls even harder on the cuffs in response, making it more difficult to fully extend your thighs. "Fuck." You mutter, persisting in your pursuit of ecstasy.
"So soon, Y/N? I thought we were just gettin' started." He teases, thrusting his hips up once to meet your landing on him. You cry out at the sensation, his cock somehow hitting even deeper inside you than it was through your own efforts. "You like that? Should I do it again?"
"Yes! Fuck, it feels so good! You're gonna make me cum, baby." You whimper, and he gladly obliges. His lap ruts upwards to meet you in the middle over and over, making you cry out louder every time. You're right on the edge now, the two of you pounding yourselves into a pulp to earn your orgasms.
"Good girl. Ride that dick like you own it, sweetheart." Eddie pants as he continues to thrust himself into you. He can feel your walls fluttering around him, though he's not quite there yet. But that's more than fine by him. He'll make you scream his name, and then keep on going until he's moaning yours.
"Oh, god...fuck. I'm gonna cum—" You whine mindlessly as your bliss finally takes over. "—EDDIE!" You scream his name, trying your best to keep moving as your walls pulsate and thighs tremble. White hot heat roars from your core to your extremities, blinding you with the flames.
"There ya go, baby. Ride it out, I'm not done with you yet." Eddie coos, keeping up his thrusts to help you work through your high. He's getting rather close himself, especially with your insides squeezing him so goddamn tight. But he knows you've got one more in you, and he damn well intends to make sure you have it. He lifts your body up to put you on your knees as the aftershocks roll over you, positioning himself behind you while still gripping the chain behind your back. "Is this okay?" He asks, his dick stilled inside you while he waits for permission.
"God, yes. Just keep going. I wanna make you cum." You beg, allowing him to use you to get himself off.
"You got it, baby." His free arm goes around your stomach, giving him more leverage before he starts thrusting. He slowly pulls out of your sensitive hole, before shoving back in with all his strength. His hips make a loud smacking sound against your ass, and your lungs painfully release a loud cry of pleasure. He pulls back again, snapping his hips to set a punishing pace.
"Fuck!" You gasp, wishing you had something to hang on to. Eddie's doing a great job holding you in place so you don't fall over, but you still feel completely out of control in this situation. He thrusts into you mercilessly, rapidly building you up for another orgasm. He grunts and pants behind you, sounding like a wild animal. His hot breath comes out forcefully enough to brush against your back as he fucks you. Your wrists are getting sore from him gripping the links so hard, but you know you're both almost finished.
"You like the way I pound this pussy, baby?" Eddie grunts, a bead of sweat rolling down his face as he slams himself into your cunt again and again.
"Yes! Don't stop!" You exclaim, tears gathering in your eyes. You're completely overwhelmed with sensation. The sting of the cuffs, the smacking of skin against skin, his cock filling you up just right. It's all so fucking perfect.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm almost there." He pants, his stomach tightening as his high approaches. He can feel your walls fluttering around him again, letting him know you're right there with him. "You gonna cum with me, Y/N? Like a good little slut?" He asks, moaning through his words.
"Yes...fuck me harder, Eddie." You plead, unable to stop moaning, so loud that you're worried the whole trailer park can hear you.
"Anything for you, baby." He chuckles at your neediness, you really are something else. He really puts his back into it, ramming himself as deep and hard into your pussy as he possibly can. He struggles to keep a grip on the cuffs, and his balance holding you both up on your knees. But he carries on regardless, needing to reach the finish line if it's the last thing he does. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum—" He's groans loudly as his high takes hold, his hips bucking into you wildly as he fills the condom.
"Eddie!" You cry out, falling over the edge alongside him. This time is even stronger than the last, more tears rolling down your cheeks from overstimulation. Your insides clamp down on him, and a spurt of your juices spills out onto your thighs as well as his. Eddie keeps thrusting, the two of you moaning and cursing until your orgasms fade away.
"Jesus christ." He slowly comes to a stop, and pulls out of you. He gently guides you to lie down on the bed, noting how much your body is still trembling. "Are you alright, baby?" He asks softly, leaning over to find your exhausted face. Your eyes are closed, as they have been for a good while, squeezed shut from the overpowering ecstasy you were experiencing.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just...wow." You reply somewhat lazily, opening your eyes to return to your body.
"Do you need anything, Y/N?" He asks, growing concerned. He's worried he fucked you too hard, even though you did indeed ask for it.
"Water would be great." You answer, attempting to roll over onto your back. You realize your hands are still bound behind you, however, so you stop. "You mind letting me out of these, Eds?" You request, lifting your wrists upwards. You hiss in pain, knowing you're gonna find bruises once he takes them off.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Eddie goes for the keys, quickly shoving one in the holes of the cuffs to let you out. He sees the dark purple marks left behind on your skin, tutting at the pain you must be feeling. "Did I hurt you, sweetheart? I'm sorry." He says apologetically, helping you sit upright.
"It's alright, Eds. I don't mind a bit of pain." You say casually, playing it off. It's not his fault, you didn't tell him to stop. If it wasn't fun for you, you wouldn't have let him keep doing it.
"Are you sure, Y/N? Those bruises are pretty dark. And they'll only be worse tomorrow." He speaks sadly, guilt lacing his voice. He sits beside you for a moment, cradling your wrists in each of his hands.
"Eddie, it's okay. I promise." You insist, turning his chin with your finger to get him to look at you. "You didn't do anything wrong, baby. There's nothing to feel bad about." You do your best to reassure him. "Okay?"
"Okay." He nods, carefully putting your hands in your lap before standing up. "I'll get you that water." He gives you a small smile, leaving the room to get your drink. You patiently wait for him, hearing various noises coming from the kitchen. A cupboard opening and closing, the faucet turning on and off. But he doesn't come back after that. Instead, you hear the freezer door open, and the unmistakable sound of ice cubes being cracked out of the tray and poured into zip lock bags. His footsteps gradually return to you, the glass of water and bags of ice in hand.
"You're too sweet, Eddie." You giggle at his thoughtfulness, his desire to take care of you.
"Here. Have the water first, then we can ice your hands." He says, giving you the glass. You take hold of it, ignoring the soreness of the tissue connecting your hand to your arm. You down the glass quickly, giving it back with a shaky grip. "Lay down, sweetheart." He kindly instructs, and you do as he asks. He gets in bed with you, giving you some space so your hands can rest at your sides. He gently lays the bags of ice down onto them, shocking your senses. But after the initial pang of cold, you start to feel relief radiating through your sore flesh. "Better?" Eddie asks after you let out a quiet sigh.
"Yes. Thank you, Eddie." You reply sweetly, leaning over to give him a quick peck.
"It's the least I can do." He gently strokes your arm with the back of his hand, gazing at you in the aftermath of what you've done together tonight. "Did you have fun? You know, besides the bruises?"
"I had a great time, Eddie. What about you?" You ask, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Are you kidding? You were amazing, Y/N." Eddie replies, still completely awestruck.
"Thank you, baby. The feeling is mutual." You say blissfully.
...after my wrists had been iced for a while, Eddie and I cuddled up together under the blanket. We exchanged a few more kisses, resisting the undeniable urge to grope each other beneath the covers. I fell asleep with his arms around me, keeping me close to his chest. I haven't slept that well in a very long time. But being in this humble room, and sharing this warm bed with Eddie was exactly what I've been needing. I'd better go for now, he's just brought in breakfast, wearing nothing but some black boxer briefs. I can feel a round two coming on.
June 25th, 1984
Dear diary,
Eddie and I have decided to make our little night of fun into a regular thing. It's just casual, and not exclusive. I don't exactly have time for a full-on relationship right now, and Eddie's uncle is really on his ass to buckle down and pass senior year once fall rolls around. We'll hang out when we have time, take-out dinners, smoke sessions in his van, as well as all the dirty things we enjoy doing together. But there's no expectations, we'll just enjoy each other's company until the summer is over.
It does kind of suck that this arrangement comes with a built-in expiration date. But it's really for the best. I won't hide him away, just like I promised. I'm sure we'll go on plenty of 'dates', and kiss or hold hands in public. I'm definitely looking forward to every opportunity I'll get to see Eddie. He's a really great guy. If he didn't have to repeat senior year, and I wasn't so damn busy with the store, I'd be fully prepared to commit to a real relationship with him. But life isn't exactly working in our favor, it never seems to in regards to my love life. All we can do is make the most of it, and hope neither of us get in too deep in the process.
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moonfurthetemmie · 1 year
hi tell me EVERYTHING about Hunter. actually. also does champion still exist?
Quickest answer first: Champ Yes, However
delusion is not to be trusted with caring for living creatures
Delusion found him outside and tried to take care of him, but he was doing a terrible job. Sparrow stepped in and now Champion is his dog.
As for Hunter
- problem child (loving)
- idiot and fool and dumbass (loving)
- Needs so much therapy and also an exorcist. Exorcist first
- VERY touchy person. He wants to hold your hand or hug you or have some kind of physical contact at all times. He’s just a little touch starved dwbi
- you may not know this (sarcasm) but he can get kinda obsessive over people he likes.
- he’d get along great with one of our other head blorbos whom we accidentally made a Yandere (cursed knowledge, that Yandere bit, that.)
- lots and lots and lots of plushies. Orange sometimes tries to get rid of them, but Hunter’s even more protective of them than people because he knows that the second Orange gets his ghostly hands on them they’re going to be destroyed. If you’re his friend though he’ll share!!!
- those plushies are probably very much emotional support. And by support I mean the load bearing kind of support
- he misses Byte so much :(( why did she leave :((( (it’s because he’s a clingy little bitch that doesn’t understand ‘no touch’, among other things)
- DID YOU KNOW that he is pretty
- He’s a cat person, but don’t give him a cat he’s too irresponsible. Perhaps in the further, if he gets rid of Orange, goes to his therapy, and is good, he can have un gato. As a treat. A little crazy bitch (affectionate) of an orange cat
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dieinct · 2 years
LIZ!!!!! I LOVE U!!! you deserve to emerge victorious from hotel hell with as many facial piercings as you desire. i love your art. i can't wait to make jokes and tell stories with you in ongoing tatterpig but i also can't wait to see you again... next year at camp dumbass, perhaps.
i miss u so much. "see liz twice a month" became load bearing SO quickly - it's now been longer that i didn't do that than that i did - but it sticks in the brain and i want to sleep on your couch. i am sorry we did not get your passport organized but that's what happens when two adhd bitches try to perform a task i guess. i want to cook 4 u.
SAY HI TO [YOUR-BOYFRIEND]! i could say hi myself but i always think it's nicer to know that people you like are talking to each other
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philtstone · 2 years
Sam, 46
#46 -- on the other side of the door i was gonna use this to write more of the agatha christie au but then i had this idea and it was like. supposed to be Better than this but i am writing these with vibes only and not braincells so yeehaw. basically i wrote this w the main goal of zainab reading a Concept i was too tired to explain over texts and i guess now all of you can read it too
Sam watches the angry dent appear in the middle of the cell door, shoulder-shaped enough that he has it in him to wince.
He's not too banged up, just bone-exhausted. He's pretty sure these assholes are just holding him here to say they can; it's almost insulting how little damage he's taken, given how easily he was overpowered, but that's part of the job, he guesses. Part of his non-superpowered, regular-old-dude job, pulling the rug out from under his legs fast enough that his wings don't open in time for him not to hit the floor.
Or something. Poetry and metaphor have never been his strong suit and Sam's been leaning his bruised temple against this cell door for a good seventy-two hours, and it has been seventy-two hours of dull grey monotony and the uncertainty of Bad Guys Over There In That Other Room Probably to keep him company, until like, two seconds ago, when Bucky tried to rhinoceros his way through five inches of titanium. At least the dent gives the place some character.
"Hm," comes Buck's voice, muffled from the other side of the block.
"She ain't budging, huh," says Sam.
"I'm gonna have to get creative."
Bucky's voice, which he had somehow convinced himself he was not going to hear anytime soon. It's flat and sardonic and comin' out like nothing in the world is wrong. Down-to-business, punch-our-way-through-problems, can't-crack-a-smile-at-one-of-Sam's-most-excellent-jokes Bucky Barnes materialized with a sudden whispered Sam? after seventy-two miserable hours where Sam had to reflect on his own mortality, reflect, also, on the fact that he followed this lead without telling anyone like a dumbass because Walters was concerned about press, worry about the definite human trafficking that probably is going on in places exactly like this that he was not successful at thwarting, and have little to no way of contacting his family or his professional work partner to let them know he was alive.
Sam is definitely too exhausted to cry, but he thinks maybe in another version of these events, he would have.
"Creative," says Sam, out loud. His voice sounds reedy 'cause he hasn't used it in like three days. Which is another point against these guys; Sam's got a great voice, thank you very much. Mrs. Landry from his parents' church used to say he should do choir in school.
He didn't, but like, still.
"Not your strong suit," Bucky agrees, which Sam disagrees with on principle. There's some vague grunting, and a muttered swear word. Sam wonders if Bucky's trying to pry his literal fingers under the whateverthefuckton door; it wouldn't be the first time. A gunshot sounds, coming from far away.
"Bucky --" Sam starts.
"If you're having a hard time with your memory, I'll gladly point out how me and AJ kicked your ass in Pictionary last month."
"You need leverage," says Sam.
"I know I need leverage."
"What if you punched the grate out? You can do titanium, right?"
More muffled noises, then Bucky says, "Nope. Had to give them the arm."
"What?" A very tame way of expressing Sam's actual sentiment, which is the mental equivalent of that rhino running right into him, personally.
"It's fine. Firewalled anyway."
"And Yelena's getting it back. With Ayo's help."
Sam pushes himself against the corner of the cell, "What the hell is that supposed to mean!"
There's a small grated window, smooth titanium also, that peaks in and out of the cell; Bucky's face appears in this now. Another two gunshots sound.
"Hi," he says,
"Bucky --"
"It's fine. Just Yelena. Is it load bearing?"
Sam gapes. "The wall?"
"The door, yes," Bucky says, a bit impatiently. Sam can't really see much of him; just a pair of thick frowny eyebrows hovering in blank space. "Yelena can bench more than most, but the expression is usually --"
"Are you seriously asking this after you tried to knock it down?"
Bucky ignores this, "Follow up question --"
"Gimme your belt, I wanna try something."
The urgency of the situation is not lost on Sam; he takes his suit's utility belt off, very strategically devoid of all its weaponry and with the vibranium glittering in its mesh weave, and shoves it through the crack between those grated bars. He watches it appear again, looped around one of the bars -- then, to the continued echoes of skirmish above them, hears a low, built-up creaking noise.
It's satisfying in the way things you've come to expect are. Life just doesn't quite feel right when Bucky can't shoulder his way through situations involving dungeon-tier bad guys and guns . Sam feels the relief well up inside his gut, and almost forgets to lift his arms up over his head at the last second.
The door warps, caves, rips away with a metal scream.
He has a self-deprecating quip on the tip of his tongue, more vinegar than he's got any right to be but also Sam is tired, worn out, pissed off with himself. It tangles up and doesn't get nowhere. Bucky is, very suddenly, in front of him. He is wide-eyed and bruised on the jaw, bloodied at the collar of his shirt like he's just got out of a scrap fight, missing his fucking arm in a way his tone didn't give for a second, and before Sam can open his mouth he is being pulled into a very rough, very sudden, bone crushing hug. 
Seventy-two hours, Sam's brain supplies belatedly. And there's been some weird shit going on recently.
Three mississippis pass in the dark of the dungeon. Sam works through his exhaustion to process, and with very minutely trembling arms hugs Bucky back. 
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queenofbaws · 2 years
stay with me on this one, but if we’re saying until dawn and the quarry take place in the same universe AND we’re saying jacks related to the hacketts and is now staying with them at the motel to help with the werewolves AND we’re saying the ud kids decide to become councillors to try and get over their collective fear of nature can you IMAGINE the record scratch horrified pause when jack sees them and they see him and they just dont know what to do with themselves
((ash. ash i gotta be real with you. i have no idea if you intended for this to be a legit prompt or not, but the moment i saw it in my inbox i astral projected into another plane of existence and when i woke up i was sitting in front of a word doc with all this, so. i figured i might as well share it.))
definitely more than six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
If the redhead hadn’t gone and dropped her cup like that, he might’ve thought it was all just a hallucination. The stress-induced dealies that snuck up on you sometimes when you least expected, creeping in slow and sinister-like from the edges until you let your guard down long enough for them to take hold. She might’ve been a floater in his eye, a nervous mistake, an old memory rising up to the top like a body bloating in a lake. But she dropped her cup when she saw him and her face went grey, and she grabbed hold of the one sitting next to her, and when he turned, well...then Jack just knew.
“You have got to be fuckin’ with me,” he said, watching as, one by one, the Blackwood babies drank in the sight of him in like cyanide, choking and coughing and sputtering as they tried to get it down.
“Hey, whoa, hey! Language!” Chris said from beside him – khaki Chris, not-exactly-cousin-nephew Chris. He wished he could’ve said dumbass Chris, but all of a sudden, there were two of those in Hackett’s Quarry, wouldn’t you know.
It was right about that time the rest of the picnic table realized something was amiss, the kiddies sitting opposite the Washingtons’ friends turning round to try and figure out what the fuss was about. He watched the math happening in real-time, the cogs in their cute little heads whirring at breakneck speeds: He’s a mean-looking SOB, sure, said the looks on their faces, But I wouldn’t mess my pants at the sight of him.
Then, surprising perhaps everyone except for Jack, Mr. Action Movie stood up and waved him a tepid salute. “Holy shit,” he called over, “Creepy Grandpa’s back! ‘Sup, Creepy Grandpa?”
Beside him, Chris reeled back like he’d been slapped across the face, whirling to look their way. “Creepy—”
Only Jack beat him to it. “Well, if it ain’t the dumbass who stuck his hand in a loaded bear trap,” he replied, approaching the table and taking careful note of which kiddies did and didn’t flinch the nearer he got. “How’s it going, dumbass?”
“Bear trap?” the girl from the mines spat, the tough cookie with the fancy clothes. She whirled on him like a rattlesnake, her eyes narrowing. “You said you lost your fingers from frost bite, trying to get to Jess.”
“I…” Caught dead to rights, Mr. Action Movie spluttered, “Whose word you gonna take, Em? Huh? Mine or his?!”
From across the table, another girl spoke up. “You…put your hand in a bear trap. For bears.”
“And you willingly make out with Jacob sometimes! We all do things we’re not proud of…”
“A bear trap,” she repeated, and now that he was closer Jack could see her expression was all but identical to the girl from the mines’s, maybe just lacking some of the venom. “The thing used to trap bears.”
He turned away from their little snit and instead turned to the other three he’d had the most cause to deal with that night back in the Pines, the redhead and the blonde and dumbass Chris, all three of them doing their level best not to meet his eye. They seemed to understand what none of the rest of their ragtag little group had grasped yet; that if he was there, something was very, very wrong with Hackett’s Quarry indeed.
Beside them, the Washington boy was all agitated knee-jiggling and prolonged glaring; unlike his buddies, he seemed to want to keep a good bead on him at all times, lest he disappear into the wind…or start whacking at him. “Not big into background checks in these parts, huh Mr. H?” he called, his eyes still on Jack. “I’m gonna go ahead and guess you don’t have the most, like, comfortable relationship with the local police force?”
“Uh,” is what Chris managed to get out. It was probably for the best that that’s how it happened.
“Is this place cursed?” The redhead got it out all in one big breath, a nervous wide-eyed rush that had him, just for a moment, standing back in the great room of a very different lodge, the wind screaming outside the windows as something worse stalked them from the treeline. “If it’s cursed, you have to tell us. You…I remember…they can’t be in the light, right? They can’t be in the light because it hurts their eyes, but you said it only happens after someone eats someone else, and, and…” Her head whipped around, her frantic gaze moving past him and towards Chris, who was by all accounts still just standing there dumb as a deer in headlights. “Do you have a history of cannibalism here?!”
“I…wait, hold on…” Another one of the kids from the other side of the table, the – ugh, he hated even thinking the dumbshit word – Hacketteer side, turned around and looked about the room. “Okay, I gotta hand it to you guys, this is…the weirdest episode of Punk’d I could imagine, but like…props for creativity, I guess.”
“Wait, cannibalism?!” asked another redhead, somehow even tinier than the first. “Like…like people eating other people?”
“That’s usually the definition of cannibalism, yeah.”
“Ryan, c’mon. She’s freaked, man.”
“Okay, know what? No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not today. Sorry, I know we said we were gonna do this, but just…nope. Nope!” Dumbass Chris stood from his side of the table, taking the Washington boy by one arm and the terrified redhead by the other, the blonde following close behind. “I knew something was weird about this place. I knew it! I told you guys...we told you guys, but nooo, no one believed—”
“Oh my God,” drawled one of the two he’d dragged from the cave-in, the girl who’d been all but naked under a miner’s coat and high school jacket. So far as he could see, she’d recovered from the frostbite better than he would’ve thought. “You just don’t like the outdoors, Chris. And Ashley’s scared of everything. And Josh is…” She rolled her eyes. “Josh.”
The table, both sides of it, seemed to rumble in agreement at that last part.
She gave him a slow, apprehensive finger-wave, the little frostbite queen, her lips turning up in a confused smile. “I really don’t remember you,” she admitted, searching the face of the young man beside her for answers before both of them shrugged. “But I’m pretty sure I can figure out where we all know you from.”
“Creepy. Grandpa,” Action Movie repeated, having resorted to sitting on the hand what was missing fingers, if only so the others couldn’t get a good look at it. “Remember? He pulled a gun on m…oh, right, you guys weren’t there.”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” muttered the one beside frostbite queen.
“Man, screw you! I tried!”
“Yeah Matt, Mike tried!”
“I…I’m sorry.” From the Hacketteer side of the table, some shaggy-haired kid turned around, giving Jack an uncertain look of his own. “Who are you? And how do you guys…?”
Jack jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m that one’s uncle.”
Doing nothing to help the goddamn situation, Chris finally found his tongue. “No you’re not.”
“I’m sort of his uncle.”
“That’s still not totally right either.”
The Blackwood kids all exchanged a look at that little revelation…the ones that remained, anyway. The Washington boy and his three nervous nellies were already high tailing it out of the lodge and towards…well, Jack couldn’t rightly say. The cabins, maybe. He could imagine they’d want to get out of Dodge as quick as humanly possible.
“You’re a Hackett?” the girl from the mine asked, her eyes zipping between him and Chris, no doubt plumbing for a resemblance that just wasn’t there.
“I’m a Fiddler,” he corrected, and her entire face seemed to curdle.
“Yeah, think I’m gonna stick with Creepy Grandpa,” Action Movie said, trying to keep his tough-guy act going with a smirk and a snicker, but coming across more twitchy than anything else. “Uncle Fiddler just is not good.”
“No one’s arguing you on that, Mike,” said one of the Hacketteers, a girl with a dark bob and inquisitive eyes. “Still doesn’t answer how you guys…know each other…though…”
The girl from the mines set her chin in her hands, fixing Jack with a stare the likes of which almost had him missing the Wendigo. “What is it?” she asked plainly, leaving no room for hemming or hawing. “What’s wrong with this place?”
“There’s…there’s nothing wrong with the camp!” Chris laughed as though it were the most ridiculous idea in the world, standing there beside Jack with one arm slung (unwelcomely) across his shoulders. “Tell ‘em, Uncle Jack. All we got here is sunshine and fresh air and—”
“Werewolves,” Jack said matter-of-factly, watching how very differently the two sides of the table reacted.
The Hacketteers paused, looked at one another…and then began to giggle.
The Blackwood kids, however, well. They paused too, looked at each other too…and then stood from the table as the others had before, not a one of them so much as glancing Chris’s way as they passed by in single file, silent as specters and tired as martyrs.
“Well!” Chris said, dropping the arm from Jack’s shoulders to clap his hands instead. “Who wants lunch?”
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FUCK YEAH! The Monokubs are back with a vengeance! Hold your applause!
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Um...I don’t think they’re applauding...
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...Ok...Everyone’s going to need to take two steps back for a second.
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*Monotaro literally takes two steps backwards.
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It’s a figure o’ speech, moron! She doesn’t mean actually do it! And why’re you listenin’ to ‘er anyways!?
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...Just trying to be polite...Yeesh.
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Demands aside...ain’t she kinda cute? That long silvery hair’s givin’ me a ROCK HARD RAAGEEERR!
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...Lovely...Care to introduce me, Shuichi?
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Why me...?
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Because you clearly know these creatures.
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“Know” is puttin’ it lightly! Last time we saw this bastard, he got us all blown up by pops!
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Don’t make me out to be the problem! You made me watch all my friends die, then had the AUDACITY to beg for your life when it was put into question!
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There’s no Killing Game rules to protect you, so if I wasn’t tied up, I’d rip you all apart myself!
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Yikers! Where’d this savage come from!? This is way ouuta character!
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They’re from your world then?
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They’re the Monokubs. I think I told you about them before. They were umpires of the V3 Killing Game and Monokuma’s children/assistants during it’s duration.
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They all got destroyed after Tsumugi was exposed as the Mastermind. She must have rebuilt them somehow.
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Heck yeah she did! We’re back, and we’re better than ever!
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Shirogane’s gonna make the world BURN! And we’re gonna be there to see it! Count on that!
*Monokid strikes a riff on his guitar excitedly.
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Yes, yes. Now, with introductions out of the way...here, may I ask what the 5 of you are doing here? I was under the impression I had assigned you all your own tasks.
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Oh yeah! Well, I WOULD tell you why we’re here...but I actually kinda forgot.
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Ugh! Montaro never changes...Monodam, YOU do it.
*Monodam approaches Dr Ando, carrying a weird ball-shaped object.
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Excellent work, all of you.
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Bombs...!? What for?
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For the parasites of course! Organization Zetsubou plan to contain the parasites in special test tubes, then insert them into a large amount of bombs.
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Once all the bombs are loaded, they’ll drop them on multiple countries around the world, and then-
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They’ll mind control thousands...!?
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MONOPHANIE! They ain’t supposed to know that, you fucking dumbass!
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No, don’t worry. It’s quite alright. No doubt they would have come to that conclusion sooner or later.
*Ando does basically what Monophanie just describes. He takes the parasite from before, places it into the test tube, and slots it into the bomb. He then hands the bomb back to Monodam.
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Take this away, and make sure it gets back with the others. And tell the clones of your father to come down here for security reasons.
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Okie-dokie doc! No promises I’ll remember, but promise that the others will!
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All: So long, bear well!
*The Monokubs begin to leave.
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You won’t get away with this! Mark my words, you’ll never get to take away people’s free will like that! We’ll do whatever it takes to stop you.
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*Monodam, carrying the bomb, turns around to stare at Shuichi.
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*Monodam says nothing more and leaves with the bomb.
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writerman · 2 years
Can we get Athenodora’s POV of when Garrett returns to Volterra in Thrall.
Something more than “get a load of this dumbass over here” preferably. :)
no excuses writing meme, askbox version
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
(I scream with joy at this)
"What did you say?" She is scrambling off the bed before she can stop herself, her nonchalance a memory and she could feel frustrated tears threatening.
Caius stares at her for a moment, the phone still in his hand but the call had already disconnected. His usual frown is missing from his brow, her behaviour had startled him.
"Caius, so help me- what did you just say?! He's back? Like... in the compound?" Athenodra is on her feet now, one hand balled into a fist that lightly rested against Caius' arm.
It hadn't occurred to her that Aro would be successful in hunting Garrett down, she had just assumed the theatrics were a way to vent his frustration in losing his favourite thrall.
How wrong she had been.
But of course, Aro was relentless. He didn't share his toys but he wasn't a fan of getting rid of them either.
"Yes, it appears Garrett has been returned to the compound," Caius sniffed with disinterest as he turned away from her to set down the phone on his desk. "I- if you should wish to see him I would accompany you." Hesitant, it wasn't in his nature to second guess himself in any way but Athenodora wondered if there was more he hadn't told her.
"Of course, I want to see him, is he ok? Is he in one piece, at least?" She wondered where he would be housed if he was wandering around with no memories?
What had Aro told him that had convinced him he was safe? They had released him back into the world with part of his memories missing and the one man he had tried to escape had tracked him down in a matter of months.
"Caius, is he ok?" She was aware he hadn't answered her, and while he certainly had no issue with revealing the unsavoury when she asked, it was apparent he now took her feelings into account.
This wasn't a faceless nobody.
Garrett was her friend- she desperately wanted him to be ok. Not just alive but thriving and in the compound that just wasn't possible.
"His memories will be reinstated today, he is not to see anyone under my brother's order but... should you ask it of me, I will take you to see him regardless.
Do not take this as our unity as brothers a waning power that might fracture. I am not under his thumb, nor do I wish to rise above him, I simply understand that for the first time since you arrived here you have found a friend. He gives you what I cannot and I do not envy him nor your wish to ensure your friendship continues..."
Athenodora listened without interruption, a small smile playing upon her lips. He knew what Aro might do if they were found to be disregarding his rules and he still wanted to help her?
"Thank you," This was all she said her fist unfurled and her fingers curled around his arm gently as she tugged him in a bid to have him face her. "I have worried about him since he left, I'm scared to see what he will become, what state he might be in." She could not bear the thought that Garrett might be less than who he was, he had been lively in his own way, spirited Caius would have said.
But he was stupid, too. He might have loved Aro at some point but it had mutated into something strange and codependent, a man looking for a fix and finding it the quiet violence of Aro's oppressive obsession with him.
"What if he isn't the same?" She asks Caius quietly, the fear of what might come to pass made her voice quiver, and the frustrated tears threatened again.
"You can only hope that which he may become is not worse."
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