#livre rec
narriaa · 1 year
Hm, et donc... j'ai écrit un livre ? :3
L'Ombre et l'Eclat est une novella queer (protagonistes pans & agenres), fantasy, écrite en inclusif et qui traite notamment de la santé mentale au travers de la dépression. Elle devrait être à votre goût si vous appréciez être plongé·e·s dans des ambiances plutôt sombres, mais surtout toutes en nuances et en contrastes. Nécromancie et monstres mystérieux seront au rendez-vous, et pour découvrir les premières pages c'est par ici !
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Que le livre vous intéresse ou non, je vous conseille de jeter un oeil au catalogue de l'éditeur !
YBY Éditions pour but de représenter la diversité dans la fiction. Tous ses ouvrages comportent au minimum un·e protag' LGBTQ+, et mettent en avant les personnes racisées, neurodivergentes, handicapées... De nombreux écrits sont own voice et ceux qui ne le sont pas sont relus et corrigés par des personnes concernées par les sujets évoqués.
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
My final TOG art set for the TOG BB!! ✨️
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Thank you to @oldguardbigbang for organizing and allowing me to work with three wonderful writers, including @sphinx81 whose summary of a historical AU for Booker x Nile made my heart soar and my imagination go wild with the possibilities, way back in spring which feels like a million years ago lol.
It was so fun to exchange some aesthetics and pins and narrow down the looks - I was inspired by the foldable wooden displays of icons and mummy portraits from ancient times - so it's sort of conveying each of them from both the before and after (but I'll let you read the fic so as not to spoil anything), and then the middle being the revealed portion when both "flaps" are opened.
If you'd like to read the fic, you can do so here on AO3, and it's perfectly titled: "If I Cannot Move Heaven, I Will Raise Hell." 😎
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rapha-reads · 9 months
Bonjour la France de Tumblr ! Aimes-tu la science-fiction ? Aimes-tu les space opera ?
Je me permets de faire un peu de promo pour le premier roman que mon frère vient d'auto-publier sur Amazon (oui, oui, boooo Jeff, mais n'empêche, on fait ce qu'on peut).
Ses propres mots :
"Bon, allez, je me permets, petit instant auto-promo. Il y'a deux/trois ans, j'ai écrit un bouquin de science-fiction... première fois depuis mes 20 ans (au moins) que j'arrivais à mener un projet à son terme, à ne pas l'avorter en cours de route pour passer à un autre projet que j'abandonnerai inévitablement. Je l'ai envoyé à des éditeurs et j'ai reçu trois réponses très encourageantes me disant (je paraphrase) : "c'est pas mal, hein, mais il y'a plusieurs petits trucs qu'il faudrait corriger avant qu'on puisse l'accepter. Mais il manque pas grand chose, et voilà des pistes de réflexion sur ce qui pourrait être amélioré." Bon... malheureusement, j'en ai pas trouvé la motivation et je suis passé à autre chose depuis. Mais j'avais envie de lui donner une seconde-vie à ce bouquin... j'ai donc décidé de le publier sur Kindle (merci Jeff de permettre à tout le monde de s'autopublier en deux clics, maintenant va payer tes impôts et essaie de faire quelque chose de bien pour l'humanité avec toute ta fortune bordel de merde). So without further ado, si vous avez envie de lire de la bonne grosse SF à base d'exploration de nouveaux mondes, d'anciennes civilisations ou encore de collisions culturelles, voilà voilà :
Oui la couverture est ultra-cheesy (mais je l'aime bien), oui ça mériterait que je taille dans le gras, oui ce n'est pas encore mon chef d'oeuvre... mais je suis quand même super fier de ce que j'ai fait et j'avais envie de le partager. Et si vous avez un compte Amazon, il est gratuit pendant encore une semaine ! Merci et bonne lecture si jamais y'en a parmi vous qui décident de plonger dedans. :)"
Et en prime la couverture :
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N'hésitez pas à lui lâcher un petit mot sur son Reddit si vous téléchargez le bouquin, ça lui fera plaisir !
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ghostlylivresbooks · 1 month
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💀 Listen, I found this at a secondhand bookstore on vacation. Two words: desert horror!
💀 In a world that has become treacherous and desiccated, Magdala has always had to fight to survive. At nine years old, she and her father, Xavier, are exiled from their home, fleeing through the Sonoran Desert, searching for refuge.
As violence pursues them, they join a handful of survivors on a pilgrimage to the holy city of Las Vegas, where it is said the vigilante saints reside, bright with neon power. Magdala, born with a clubfoot, is going to be healed. But when faced with the strange horrors of the desert, one by one the pilgrims fall victim to a hideous sickness—leaving Magdala to fend for herself.
After surviving for seven years on her own, Magdala is sick of waiting for her miracle. Recruiting an exiled Vegas priest named Elam at gunpoint to serve as her guide, Magdala turns her gaze to Vegas once more, and this time, nothing will stop her. The pair form a fragile alliance as they navigate the darkest and strangest reaches of the desert on a trip that takes her further from salvation even as she nears the holy city.
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yuliares · 2 years
Last year, @mprosperossprite gifted me a lovely Old Guard AU story full of witches, wolves, and found family goodness. Give yourself a warm hug in fic form and go read it!
Your One Wild and Precious Life (The Old Guard Movie) by Marivan
Nile-centric, AU - Magic, Witches, Wolves, Sheep, Found Family
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
Happy Queer Media Monday!
Today: Nous Sommes la Poussière by Plume D. Serves
I found a book.
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[Nous Sommes la Poussière as seen in the queer bookshop in Paris, with the shop's recommendation still attached]
Nous Sommes la Poussière is a French novel written by LGBT+ and autistic activist Plume D. Serves. It is a magic realism story about people affected by a disabling condition that causes electric dust to gather around them. As a form of “treatment”, they are made to wear special chains with a magnet that absorbs the dust before it can become a visible cloud, which end up doing more harm than good. The main character, Elias, is one of these people. (She is also a lesbian.) The book follows her from the moment that she really started to feel disabled over years of struggle with both her disability and her fight for social acceptance, until the activist group succeeds in repelling the very restrictive law forcing them to wear the chains. While doing so, it touches on many aspects of life with an invisible disability.
I feel like I’ve never seen my exact life experience as a disabled person this well reflected in any story. Plume D. Serves doesn’t shy away from the complexities and the nuances of being disabled and of the disabled community, or the way it intersects with other marginalized identities. I also appreciated how the thing that brings change in this book is relentless, determined community organizing.
Nous Sommes la Poussière is written in French by a French author, and has not yet been translated to any other languages.
I have done a review about it in French, if that is a version you’d prefer. Also, here is Plume D. Serves’ webpage.
Queer Media Monday is an action I started to talk about some important and/or interesting parts of our queer heritage, that people, especially young people who are only just beginning to discover the wealth of stories out there, should be aware of. Please feel free to join in on the fun and make your own posts about things you personally find important!
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frenchlitclub · 6 months
i really want to read toxoplasma by sabrina calvo!
Oooh, I just read what it's about and this sounds awesome to me 👀
This makes me wonder if we should have 2 books a month for the club, 1 in the public domain, and 1 not, so more recent. So that everyone could have access to at least one book but still give room for more recent stories...
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mprosperossprite · 2 years
It’s the Men’s World Cup and the football is fab but Qatar is terrible and all this means that I might just have to re-read @victimhood ‘s amazing Old Guard Professional Football AU The Beautiful Game where everything only hurts just a little before it definitely gets better.
(And THEN I’ll have to reread @nevermindirah ‘s 🥵🥵🥵🥵 fic Mr. Nile Freeman may hate France but he sure does love the Eiffel Tower inspired by it.)
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emiliemaria · 11 months
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allmoshnobrain · 6 months
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i was tagged by @nornsfate (tysm!!) and this seemed like such a fun idea i just had to do it! i tried picking albums that i felt had a big impact in my life and that i love listening to until today. i'm tagging @aplaceforyourhearttorest @hunter-sylvester @therockywhorerpictureshow and anyone who wants to do it (but ofc no pressure!)
rules: share the albums that you can listen to nonstop. those lightning in a bottle-albums that scratch ur brain just right. every single track, an absolute banger. u could not skip one if u tried. no notes. stunning, show-stopping, immaculate. ur no-skip albums.
bonus & optional rules: 1) add a track rec for us to listen to! AND 2) share ur favorite line(s) from that track!
albums and track recs:
tornado of souls: Selective amnesia's the story / Believed foretold, but who'd suspect? / The military intelligence / Two words combined that can't make sense
black metal: Lay down your souls to the gods rock 'n roll / Metal ten fold through the deadly black hole / Riding hell's stallions bareback and free / Taking our chances with raw energy
for whom the bell tolls: Take a look to the sky just before you die / It's the last time you will / Blackened roar, massive roar fills the crumbling sky / Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry
unbound (the wild ride): This ride that takes me through life / Leads me into darkness but emerges into light / No one can ever slow me down / I'll stay unbound
darkness at the heart of my love: Will you spill the wine / To summon the divine? / I'm with you always, always / Now paint a pair of eyes / And let's watch as it dries / Remember always, that love is all you need / Tell me who you wanna be / And I will set you free
cat and mouse: Am I supposed to be happy? / With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price
the scorpion: As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting / I will tell you what you want hear, and not mean anything / Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in / You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion
the march of the varangian guard: Guards of glory and of might / Red as blood and black as night / Flies our banner as we march / In the East, for the king of the Greek
happiness is a butterfly: I said, "Don't be a jerk, don't call me a taxi" / Sitting in your sweatshirt, crying in the backseat / I just wanna dance with you
nobody's daughter: Nobody's daughter, she never was, she never will / Be beholden to anyone she cannot kill / You don't understand how damaged we really are / You don't understand how evil we really are
rebirth: Ride the wind of a brand new day / High where mountains stand / Found my hope and pride again / Rebirth of a man
desmascarar sua bandeira: Foda-se a bandeira do estado de São Paulo / Foda-se a bandeira e o hino nacional / Fascismo enrustido sob as cores do estandarte / Velando o ódio ao livre amar e a diversidade (english translation for my mutuals - guess which state i was born and raised in lol: Fuck the flag of the state of São Paulo / Fuck the flag and the national anthem / Closeted fascism under the colors of the banner / Veiling hate for free love and diversity)
teen idle: Yeah, I wish I'd been, I wish I'd been, a teen, teen idle / Wish I'd been a prom queen, fighting for the title / Instead of being sixteen and burning up a bible / Feeling super, super, super suicidal
famous last words: I am not afraid to keep on living / I am not afraid to walk this world alone / Honey, if you stay, I'll be forgiven / Nothing you can say can stop me going home
your graduation: You weren't the only one / Who thought of us that way / I spend most nights awake / Wide awake / I never thought that I / Oh, I would see the day / Where I'd just let you go / Let you walk away / Where I'd let you walk away
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beatrice-otter · 7 months
Sedoretu Exchange recs
I have finally, over a month after the collection was revealed, had both the time AND the brain space to read through the entire collection. If it weren't sedoretuex, I would probably have given up, but there aren't that many sedoretu fic out there so I wanted to savor what was just written.
First, I received an amazing DS9 fic by violet_pencil that does SUCH interesting worldbuilding.
Bread and Roses (19535 words) by violet_pencil Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kira Nerys/Miles O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien & Miles O'Brien, Bareil Antos & Kira Nerys, Bareil Antos/Keiko O'Brien, Bareil Antos/Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien, Kira Nerys/Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien Additional Tags: Episode: s01e01-02 Emissary, Bajoran Culture (Star Trek), Canon Rewrite, Episode: s01e13 Battle Lines (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), Episode: s01e20 In the Hands of the Prophets, Culture Shock, POV Kira Nerys, Season/Series 01, Kira Nerys has PTSD, Alien Cultural Differences, Worldbuilding, Marriage, Alternate Universe - Sedoretu Marriage Series: Part 2 of violet's star trek fusions & crossovers Summary:
"Marriage is the greatest adventure of them all. It's filled with pitfalls and setbacks and mistakes, but it's a journey worth taking." — Miles O'Brien, "Armageddon Game"
Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses. — James Oppenheim, "Bread and Roses"
Other fics I loved:
Any Four Walls (11952 words) by tielan Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Steve Rogers, Maria Hill/Steve Rogers, Maria Hill/Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Maria Hill & Tony Stark, Maria Hill/Pepper Potts/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Sedoretu, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-ish Summary:
“I thought we should probably have a discussion,” Tony says blithely. “About futures and pasts and all that.” As always, tielan does an amazing job of handling the characters with insight and grace.  
A Kryptonian Marriage (2493 words) by Chromatographic Fandom: DCU (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clark Kent/Selina Kyle/Lois Lane/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane Characters: Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle Additional Tags: Sedoretu, Pre-Relationship, but it's gonna happen, Lois Lane-centric, on screen Clark/Lois, Kryptonian World Building, For funsies, Krypton had moieties, and sedoretus, but Earth does not, Timeline What Timeline Summary:
Lois loves Clark - all of Clark, and she'll show it to him in every way that she can.
Or: Earth doesn't have moieties, and sedoretus - but Krypton did.
Interesting worldbuilding, and I love Lois' care for Clark and his culture
Four, for Four Decades (9624 words) by blueyeti Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies), The Old Guard (Movie 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James Bond/M | Olivia Mansfield, Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Andy | Andromache of Scythia/James Bond/Booker | Sebastien le Livre/M | Olivia Mansfield Characters: M | Olivia Mansfield, James Bond, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Booker | Sebastien le Livre Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Sedoretu, Sedoretu politics, Historical, Immortality, Immortal James Bond, Worldbuilding Series: Part 1 of Bond & The Old Guard Sedoretu Summary:
In November, 1950, James Bond died on M's orders. He came back.
Great explanation for why James Bond has kept going on for so long ...
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maddiesbookshelves · 9 months
Recipe for a perfect wife, by Karma Brown
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When Alice Hale leaves a career in publicity to become a writer and follows her husband to the New York suburbs, she is unaccustomed to filling her days alone in a big, empty house. But when she finds a vintage cookbook buried in a box in the old home’s basement, she becomes captivated by the cookbook’s previous owner–1950s housewife Nellie Murdoch. As Alice cooks her way through the past, she realizes that within the cookbook’s pages Nellie left clues about her life–including a mysterious series of unsent letters penned to her mother. Soon Alice learns that while baked Alaska and meatloaf five ways may seem harmless, Nellie’s secrets may have been anything but. When Alice uncovers a more sinister–even dangerous–side to Nellie’s marriage, and has become increasingly dissatisfied with the mounting pressures in her own relationship, she begins to take control of her life and protect herself with a few secrets of her own.
I thought this book was going take the "the house is haunted by the spirit of the 50's housewife" or even the "the house is alive" route because of some elements at the beginning but uh, they end up not mattering at all? So that was weird
It was an interesting read, but I didn't like Alice's character/story nearly as much as Nellie's. I didn't understand some of her actions and decisions, thought some were stupid. The parts I liked best about Alice's chapters were when Nellie was mentioned. I kinda wish it was more like The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, in the way that Monique wasn't a big part of the story as a whole but she still had her stakes in it. I did like that, when Alice read Nellie's letters, you can tell there was more to what she was writing
Also, Nellie's chapters had my brain playing Paris Paloma's Labour on loop, it really fits the vibes. It also reminded me of the show Why Women Kill (at least the first season), which I loved. So if anyone has recs for similar book, please please please tell me, I'm desperate
French version under the cut
Lorsque Alice Hales quitte sa carrière dans la publicité pour devenir autrice et suivre son mari dans une banlieue pavillonnaire de New York, elle n'est pas habituée à remplir ses journées seule dans une grande maison vide. Mais lorsqu'elle trouve un livre de cuisine vintage enterré dans la cave de la vieille maison, elle est fascinée par la précédente propriétaire du livre, Nellie Murdoch, femme au foyer des années 1950. Tandis qu'Alice explore le passé au fil des recettes, elle réalise que Nellie a laissé entre les pages du livre de cuisine des indices concernant sa vie, dont une série de lettres adressées à sa mère jamais postées. Bientôt, Alice constate que, même si l'omelette norvégienne et le pain de viande peuvent sembler inoffensifs, ce n'était peut-être pas le cas des secrets de Nellie. Alors qu'Alice découvre un aspect plus sombre, voire dangereux, du mariage de Nellie, et qu'elle devient de plus en plus mécontente de la pression croissante dans son propre couple, elle décide de prendre le contrôle de sa vie et à se protéger avec ses propres secrets.
J'ai cru que ce livre allait faire le coup du "la maison est hantée par le fantôme de la femme des années 50" ou encore "la maison est en vie" à cause de certains éléments au début mais euh, au final ils ont aucune importance ? Donc c'était bizarre
C'était une lecture intéressante mais j'ai pas aimé le personnage/l'histoire d'Alice autant que celle de Nellie. J'ai pas compris certaines de ses actions et de ses décisions, j'en ai même trouvé certaines stupides. Les moments que j'ai le plus apprécié dans les chapitres d'Alice étaient ceux où Nellie était mentionnée. J'aurais limité préféré que le livre soit plus comme The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, dans le sens où Monique n'était pas super importante dans l'histoire mais il y avait quand même des enjeux pour elle. J'ai beaucoup aimé quand Alice lisait les lettres de Nellie, on pouvait sentir qu'elle écrivait pas tout
Aussi, les chapitres de Nellie faisaient tourner la chanson Labour de Paris Paloma en boucle dans mon cerveau, elle collait vraiment bien à l'histoire. Ils me rappelaient aussi la série Why Women Kill (du moins la première saison), que j'ai adorée. Donc si quelqu'un a des recos de livres similaires, siouplait dites moi, je suis désespérée
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butterfliesareamyth · 10 months
Could you please recommend some French speaking YouTubers (I’m trying to learn French)
I'm sorry but I don't really watch french YouTubers (I got YouTube when I was already good at English so I searched for English content first). I only have one YouTubers that I could recommend, because it's the only one I follow, she mostly talks about books and I really like her videos.
I put the link here ⬇️
(you can always ask me to recommend French things, but for everything that is social media and internet i don't really know anything. But I have music, books and series of someone needs recs !)
Thanks for the ask ! I hope this helped a bit !
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ladyniniane · 1 year
71 et 133, pour les recs de livre ? :D
Salut et merci pour les questions :)
71) Your favorite LGBTQ+ fiction?
Je mettrai en première place Le prieuré de l'Oranger de Samantha Shannon. L'intrigue est distrayante, les héroïnes sont attachantes et ce livre m'a permis de m'évader à un moment où j'en avais besoin.
Je pense aussi à The Ascendant Series de K. Arsenautl Rivera. J'avais été divertie par l'aspect épique, le monde de fantasy égalitaire porté par des femmes puissantes et les influences japonaises et mongoles. Les couvertures sont superbes en plus.
Un petit mot aussi pour La dame à la louve de Rénée Vivien. Même si toutes les nouvelles du recueil ne correspondent pas à cette catégorie, l'écriture est juste superbe.
Récemment j'ai aimé Valiant Ladies de Melissa Grey et The Valkyrie de Kate Heartfield.
133) A book you came across randomly and fell in love with.
Dans le pavillon rouge de Pauline Chen. J'ai trouvé ce livre par hasard à la bibliothèque quand je vivais à Paris. Je ne connaissais pas du tout le classique de la littérature chinoise dont il s'inspire, mais j'ai été emportée et transportée dans l'histoire.
Book recs ask game
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oceannacaldin · 1 year
Le jardin, Paris (Pride rec)
Yo ! J'ai un peu d'énergie et on est en juin donc j'ai envie de faire des mini présentations de livres queer qui existent en français et qui méritent d'être un peu plus connus ou genre, d'être inscrits sur la liste de quelqu'un pour être offert en cadeaux (et qui ne sont pas d'auteurs anglophones).
Donc... Le Jardin, Paris, BD de Gaëlle Geniller
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L'histoire se résume très rapidement : nous sommes à Paris en 1924. Rose, 19 ans, enfant d'une tenancière de cabaret veut danser, comme toutes les filles qui vivent autour d'eux, et se lance sur scène.
Plus largement, c'est de la tranche de vie et du coming of age, donc c'est difficile d'en dire plus sans spoiler ! Et puis c'est vraiment une BD à découvrir sans trop d'attentes, donc je n'ai pas envie d'en dire beaucoup plus, à part que c'est adorable. Avec certes assez de cynisme pour que je n'ai pas l'impression d'avoir la version papier-glacé et glamour de l'époque.
Le dessin est très beau, les scènes de danse sont dynamiques, l'intrigue est très organique. C'est une des rares BD où j'ai vraiment eu l'impression que la question de la représentation est traité en évitant la dissonance lié au "ceci est un concept anachronique mais qui existait à l'époque" que je reproche à beaucoup de trucs publiés ces derniers temps (je comprends pourquoi ! Mais ça m'irrite parce que c'est souvent maladroit).
Donc voilà... Si vous voulez une BD sans prétention mais qui fait du bien, ça vaut la peine de l'ouvrir !
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mprosperossprite · 2 years
When Booker was seven, Sundays meant playing pretend with Nile in the synagogue basement while their moms worked. Twenty years later, Booker receives a letter from a country he’s never heard of claiming that the ketubah he wrote in magic marker that one time he played pretend wedding with Nile requires his presence forthwith, so he can begin courting the heir to the throne. Booker insists it’s all an elaborate prank right up until his arrival on the lush Caribbean Isle of Nok. Instead of mischief afoot, it is an ancient fey magic, and Booker now faces the very real possibility of being married to a gorgeous soon-to-be queen. Regardless of what anybody else thinks, Nile and Booker must figure out how to reconnect and decide if they think they have a future together on Nok. Or, rom-com fantasy tropes crash landed into an exploration of intergenerational trauma, oppression, and liberation.
in collaboration with the amazing artist @linaxart
made possible by the incomparable @nevermindirah
for @oldguardbigbang
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