I can't stop think about a cute little chubby Kookie that loved to be pampered and feed by his hyungs ah- ♡
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kookiemuffin · 5 years
Kookie makes cookies!
"Kookie!" Jimin called from across the house, holding a bowl of cookie dough.
Jungkook came prancing from his bedroom, wearing his lamby pajamas. He giggled happily and stopped only centimeters away from Jimin. He looked up at his hyung with his big eyes and stood on his tip toes.
"Do you want to help me make cookies, Kookie?" Jimin asked cheerfully.
"Yes! Yes!" Jungkook beamed bouncing up and down.
"Your stool is at the island, hop up." Jimin said, leading Jungkook to his purple stool. The younger stepped up, slapping his hands on the counter top. Jimin set the glass bowl of cookie dough down in front Jungkook, whistling a tune.
"Take this big spoon and mix it up!" He chirped, holding the bowl steady, as Jungkook slowly mixed the already combined treat.
"Where da choco chips at?" Kookie asked cutely, reaching his mischievous hands into the dough, squishing it between his fingers.
"Yah, don't put your hands in there!" Jimin scolded, taking Jungkooks hands and wiping them down with a wet paper towel. "We don't know where these paws have been. We don't want any earwax, boogers or dirt getting in our cookies." He explained gently.
"Otay...but I like my boogers." Jungkook said casually. Jimin chuckled to himself, tossing the dirty towel into the trash.
"You sure do, but everyone else doesn't." Jimin mused, taking a bag of chocolate chips from the cabinet behind him. "Look, pour these yummy guys in."
"eeeeee!!" Jungkook shrieked, clapping his hands. Jimin gave him the now open bag and pulled out his phone to take video.
As Jungkook tilted the crinkly bag, the contents fell out into a bowl. The little laughed and flipped the bag upside down, emptying all of the chocolate chips into the mixture. The brown pieces piled up on each other into quite he mound that reminded Jungkook of their walk in the woods.
"It's bunny poop!" He laughed, pointing to the chocolate. "Like what TaeTae stepped in!"
"Oh, Kookie. I guess it's similar?" Jimin said to himself, stopping the video. "So much for a cute clip. Start folding those in with your spoon." He instructed, playing kids music from his phone.
Jungkook moved the spoon around the bowl, smushing the chips into the dough and moving them around. He stuck the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. Jimin smiled at the boy and began preparing the metal baking sheet.
Jimin showed Jungkook how to ball the cookie dough and where to place it on the tray. Kookie took a big handful of the cookie dough and started rolling it into a ball shape. He had lots of practice with his playdough and knew this was the moment his life had been waiting for. Jimin finished placing the third ball and glanced at Jungkooks work.
"That's going to be a big cookie, Kookie." He stated, chuckling the enormous amount the boy had picked up. Jungkook stayed silent, rolling the ball in his hands over and over again. Nearly a minuet later, Jimin placed about ten more cookie balls and paused to check on Jungkook.
"How's your cookie ball coming along?" He asked.
"Not perfect." Jungkook pouted, looking down at the bumpy dough ball in his hands.
"It doesn't have to be perfect, baby. When we put them in the oven they will flatten out into circles." Jimin explained and assured.
"Not gonna be a ball cookie?" Jungkook asked, the complexity of how this ball could turn into a circle, genuinely confusing him.
"No, sorry. Maybe we could find a recipe for ball cookies next week, does that sound good?" Jimin asked, praying that Jungkook wouldn't get upset. There had to be some sort of recipe for what Jungkook had in mind.
"Mhm, I wan daddy to have dis one." Jungkook said, handing his dough ball to Jimin.
"Okay, you can give him this one. Can you make some more, but make them a little Yeah smaller?" Jimin asked sweetly while he put Jungkooks cookie on a separate tray.
"Yup!" The little answer, taking a decently sized clump from the bowl and rolling it in his hands.
Ten minutes past, and the boys had a total of 36 cookies on four sheets, plus Jungkook's massive cookie on its own tray. Jimin helped Jungkook wash his hands and gave him a high five. Jungkook watched with curiosity, as Jimin loaded the metal sheets filled with cookies into the oven. Jimin set the timer and turned his attention to Kookie.
"What would you like to do now, baby?" Jimin asked, holding Jungkook on his hip.
"I dunno! Lay wif stuffies!" Jungkook decided.
"Sounds like a plan." Jimin confirmed, planting a kiss on kooks hair.
Jimin carried Jungkook to his regression room and placed him down on the floor. Jungkook scampered off to the big blanket he had laid out in-front of the window covered with all his stuffed animals, and laid down. He curled up with a tan fox stuffie, giggling and kicking his feet. Jimin smiled widely, that boy was just too darn cute.
Jungkook lay peacfully with a puppy pillow pet under his head, looking up at his ceilings glow stars. With a giggle he grabbed a small big eyed bear and pretended it was flying through space and running away from aliens. Jimin, on the other hand, sat down on the cushioned rocking chair and watched Jungkook play.
He watched, as Jungkook's eyes fluttered shut and he lowered his arm to his chest. Nap time. Jimin smiled softly and got up from his seat to give Jungkook a forehead kiss. Then he quietly left the room to start cleaning up the kitchen while the little one slept.
Time passed, and Jungkook slept. Jimin pulled out all the cookies from the oven and left them on wire racks to cool, even Jungkooks once fist sized dough ball that spread out into an uneven circle. Jimin chuckled to himself and started to actually clean up all the dishes they used.
"Jimin-ah, where's Kookie? Isn't he regressed today?" A worn out looking Yoongi questioned, scratching his face.
"Uhm yeah, he's in the playroom napping. Do you want a cookie, hyung?" Jimin offered, picking up one of the warm treats from its place in the cooling rack.
"Sure." Yoongi said, allowing Jimin to shove the cookie in his mouth. "Christ, Jimin! I can eat it myself." He said half annoyed, half amused. Jimin giggled and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, giving his hyung a bear hug.
"Is it good?" Jimin asked, looking up and Yoongi.
"Mhm!" Yoongi mumbled, mid chew.
"It's my moms recipe. She used to make these every other week." The younger said, picking up a cookie for himself to eat.
"I should stay at your moms place from now on." Yoongi joked, examining his cookie.
"But you can't leave meee!" Jimin whined, latching himself to Yoongi's body. "I'll make these cookies everyday!"
"Hey, I was just kidding. Right here, is perfect." He explained, petting the back of Jimins hair. Jimin sighed into Yoongi's shoulder and took a step back.
"Good." He affirmed with a smile. Yoongi nodded, his gaze drifting to the large brown circle that was on a wire sheet.
"What the hell is that?" Yoongi questioned, pointing his finger. Jimin turned around and chuckled to himself.
"Kookie made that. It's a big cookie for Namjoon hyung." He mused. "I don't even know if it's cooked all the way through." Jimin admitted, poking the center of the cookie.
"Namjoon shouldn't notice." Yoongi said, scrunching up his eyebrows.
A small pitter patter came from down the hall, alerting the two boys the Jungkook had woken up. The little appeared promptly, his baby blanket tied around his neck and stuffed giraffe in his hands. Jungkook head butted Yoongi and set to Jimin, climbing into the elders hold.
"Someone's awake, huh?" Yoongi mumbled, rubbing his hip.
"Cookies!" Jungkook cheered, a patch of drool glistening on his cheek. Jimin agreed and wiped the spit away with his hand. He placed Jungkook back in the floor and handed him one of the cookies.
"Here you go, baby!" He chirped, watching Jungkook a take a big bite of the still warm cookie.
"Yummy! I wanna give daddy his!" Jungkook exclaimed, energized from his snooze and generally happy to be eating food.
"What do you want to give me?" A deeper voice asked form around the corner. Namjoon stepped into the room, dressed in all black and holding a pair of headphones.
"Daddy!" Jungkook squealed, running into said persons arms. "I missed you!"
"I missed you too, bunny. All day, the only thing I could think about was my little bunny rabbit, and how much fun he was having while I was gone." Namjoon said, holding Jungkook tightly to his chest. His heart seemed to be refilled after the long tiring day he endured.
"Guess what!" Jungkook said loudly.
"What is it?" Namjoon asked, easing an eyebrow.
"Made you the biggest cookie in da world!!" Jungkook nearly screamed, wiggling around in his daddy's arms wildly.
"Inside voice, baby." Jimin reminded gently. Jungkook nodded, and continued his excitement.
"It's over dare!" The little exclaimed, lowering his tone and pointing at the kitchen island.
"Let's go see." Namjoon said, heading in the direction he was pointed in.
"Holy sh-" Namjoon gasped.
"Cow!" Jungkook interrupted goofily.
"You made that?!" Namjoon asked, genuinely amazed the the cookies size. Jimin and Yoongi laughed together. The leader wasn't exactly knowledgeable when it came to baking. He didn't know how it was an actually pretty easy thing to do.
"Yup! And it's all for you!" Jungkook said, clapping his hands.
"Thank you so much, bunny!" Namjoon chuckled, lightly bumping heads with Jungkook. "I'll enjoy every bite, except, it may take me a few months to finish."
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