#little lxc and lwj are very excited to be older cousins
stiltonbasket · 2 years
Stilton, please tells us more about time travel!Qiren / Sisi! also about this new baby???? How do lan xichen, Meng Yao, and Lan Zhan respond?? are they exited for baby????
Sisi, a few years after being saved from a gang of thugs and spirited away to Gusu by the incumbent Lan-er-gongzi: You...are in love with me?
Lan Qiren, very sincerely: Yes.
Sisi: You are aware that I'm about eight years older than you, and a former prostitute?
Lan Qiren: Yes. u_u
Sisi: And does knowing that change your mind?? At all??
Lan Qiren: Not at all.
Re: the LQR/Sisi baby, she's Lan Qiaohui! Qiaohui showed up very briefly in the early months of the art thief AU, so I'm copy + pasting her into this verse. <3
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
zhuilingyizhen coffee shop au
I remember I saw someone say that wn always owns a coffee shop in these AUs, and to that I say, yeah pretty much. (ft. wangningxian and jyl x jzx x wq)
Wen Ning owns a cute little coffee shop! He supports his baby cousin, Wen Yuan, for the first couple years.
Wen Qing runs her own practice, for children though, across the street, and three very frequent customers happen to be two Jins & a Jiang, if you get who I’m talking about. 0-0
jl and wy (turned lsz later, long story) probably played a little together as kids but it’s not super important
Anyways, wn’s coffee shop probably burns down or something in a series of arson attaccs against the Wen family. Wq’s practice doesn’t get destroyed though, and she gets some help from a certain extremely rich couple who used to go to her.
But wn is super worried bc his wittle bb cousin is gone 0-0
And then a Yuan runs off and falls into a river and dies.
Jk jk, he almost dies! And loses his memory. He’s about 6 at the time, btw. Some stranger (COUGH WWX COUGH) finds this little baby dRowNinG and saves him, bc ofc only wwx would be suspiciously near a river in the middle of nowhere.
Wwx takes keeps him for a couple days, but realizes that he has no clue how to parent, so he takes him to the Lan orphanage.
(Yes, the Lans run an orphanage and you can take this hc from my dead, cold hands.)
(Seriously, I have so many ideas for this. Ask me.)
(Dw this is still a coffee shop AU!)
Anyways, wwx takes him to his just-a-friend, lwj. Lwj looks at this child and looks at wwx.
He also has no clue who this child is.
But he really goes and named him “to long for”, staring right into wwx’s eyes.
Wwx skips away to annoy his brother or something. Idk.
So lqr, running this orphanage, takes lsz in. He also gives lwj a look when he finds out what this child was named, but... shush.
Since he’s in an orphanage, he takes the Lan name. He also meets Lan Jingyi, who is maybe 7 if this happens after August?
Ljy’s mom was not very good.
Meanwhile wn is crying his eyes out bc his bb cousin probably died in the fire and now he’s sad and it’s all his fault & :(((((
Ofc, being the amazing, bamf older sister she is, wq refuses this response.
She makes wn come work for her now, so yay! They have one less person to support, so it don’t as bad but,, but,, WEN YUAN IS DEADDD :((((((((((((((((((
So sad.
Anyways, jl probably asks once why that kid he used to play with is gone. They attend the funeral, but wn is always on da lookout for anyways who fits the description of lsz.
jl doesn’t remember him that well anyways, so oof. His parents lowkey like wq but jzx is a shy bastard and wq is uselessly gay for jyl so this won’t end up well.
But since this is a lsz-centric coffee shop AU...
Lsz grows up under the amazing teaching of lqr, probably learns an instrument or two from lxc, gets parented w/bunnies by lwj, and uselessly crushes on ljy. Like he does.
And then time skip to him in college, and he wants to start a coffee shop bc it reminds him of his childhood, that he doesn’t remember.
But yeah. Coffee shop AU.
Oyzz, who is jl’s friend goddamnit let jl have friends both his parents are alive, drags him to every coffee/tea shop in the area bc he has an obsession with good drinks. Which eventually leads them to lsz’s cozy little tea shop.
It’s moderately popular, sometimes ljy will sing for entertainment (bc yesss 🥺) and it’s pretty good! Lsz is out of college (so 22, bc he didn’t take a masters) and started the shop, ljy’s doing god knows what (maybe signed a record deal w/ someone who went to the cafe and heard him singing? a dumb luck sorta thing. Or perhaps lxc has a production company :eyes:)
but ljy sometimes helps out or just hangs around the shop.
Anyways, oyzz likes his voice a big lot, befriends ljy, and now jl has to go there every weekend bc he’s whipped for oyzz.
He also gets to watch oyzz and ljy be big gay for each other, so yeah. Huh. jl sorta befriends lsz, bc ofc he does. They’re both a lil sad, but fun!
Also, jl and wn are pretty close now bc jl has wayyyyy too many uncles.
Lsz doesn’t remember wwx, but lwj sure as hell does.
Surprisingly, wwx and wn, going out on a not-date, as just-friends, end up going to the tea shop & wn is surprised at how similar it looks to his coffee shop from all those years ago.
wOw whAt a cOinCidEncE!
jl probably recommended it to wn and wwx, bc ofc he did.
Matchmaker extraordinaire, I say. Jyl and jzx are just 🥺 so proud of their child
But they’re also uselessly crushing on wq, who isn’t usually oblivious but thinks it’s just a doctor-patient transaction.
side plot: wq and jyl go out one night and end up sleeping together and the next morning jzx makes them tea & breakfast and then casually asks how it was and jyl says “it was great” while wq chokes on her tea & is very confused:tm:
Yeah, they get together bc I love background ships.
But wn is kinda sus at how similar it looks. He thinks maybe they went to his coffee shop before, and orders tea. But then he sees the one barista and thinks “wait a second...”
Bc the barista (lsz) looks scarily familiar, he just doesn’t know why. Oyzz is just over in a corner sipping his bubble tea.
One day, after the tea shop closes and the junior quartet are the only ones left, and lsz asks to speak to jl. Alone.
Ljy and oyzz are looking at them like 👀 👀 but they leave together to go to some bookstore or something, idk.
So now lsz and jl are alone. They’re sorta friend-acquaintances, but now jl’s a little confused as to why tf lsz wants to talk to him.
Lsz explains that jl seems familiar (coughiwonderwhycough) and says that he lost his memory at a young age and that wwx found him. jl is starting to put the puzzle together.
Lsz basically asks him out on a date, but neither of them know or think it’s a date, so jl agrees.
They both go there seperate ways, and when oyzz and ljy find out the next day, they realize that they’re going on a date.
Ljy is very excited for lsz!! But what is that pain he feels—
Ofc, they stalk jl and lsz on their date, bc they are stupid and don’t realize they might have feelings for them. At least they realize their feelings for each other. Ljy & oyzz get together!! :))
They’re also oblivious though so they don’t notice a Ling & Sizhui’s :/
Wn ends up taking over the tea shop so lsz can go off and get his masters
Eventually the junior quartet stumble into a relationship ! Hopefully ! it’s really quite a mess until sizhui gets a dna test taken at wn’s request. found family turned actual family is an old trope, but one we will accept <3
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