#little first years >> class 1a/1b
h-haunted · 4 months
magic kisses
my hero academia
neito monoma x reader
gender neutral
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haven’t touched mha in like three years but my best friend shared this with me so obviously i had to do it!
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You were no stranger to the nurse’s office at UA. Being in class 1A was no walk in the park. You were stuck with the best young heroes of your generation- plus that one green-haired kid who won’t stop attracting villains' attention- and it was certainly a challenge.
Cradling your freshly broken arm and dragging your feet, you slowly made your way to Recovery Girl’s office. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips, illustrating your exhaustion. You had been paired up with Katsuki for training. Long story short, he didn’t even pretend to go easy on you. No surprise there, he was far too competitive for that.
You practically stumbled into the room, your legs feeling like jello underneath your weight. You couldn’t even mumble a greeting before you collapsed down into a chair.
“My my, what happened to you?”
You knew that voice.
Despite your fatigue, your eyes snapped open.
Neito Monoma, asshole of class 1B. You two had been at each other’s throats ever since you met.
Sensing your annoyance before you even opened your mouth, Neito laughed and poked your forehead. “Don’t look so happy to see me.”
“Where’s recovery girl?” You manage to ask, raising your eyebrow.
“She had to step out for a while, I’m here to take her place while she’s gone. Just had to copy her quirk,” the blonde shrugs, leaning back against the wall, “Not the most ideal situation, but whatever. I’m the right guy for the job and I figured I’d do something nice for once. C’mon, let me see your arm.”
You immediately turn away from him, pulling your arm back. You wince as you do so, the pain practically shooting up your spine. Neito covers his mouth and tries his hardest not to laugh, earning himself a sharp glare from you. “If you just let me do it, it’ll stop hurting.”
“No thanks, I’d rather die.”
“Hey, if you insist. I won’t complain.”
“What? You said it first, not me. That’ll take forever to heal, and Recovery Girl won’t be very happy that you refused help.”
After a moment of hesitation, you hold out your mangled forearm. “Yikes, you got your ass kicked, huh? Thought you 1A idiots were supposed to be strong.” Neito quips. You shoot him a glare, and he laughs. “Alright, alright. Calm down, feisty.” He gently places his hand on your wrist and leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your skin. The butterflies that flutter through your stomach startle you, your cheeks heating up at the contact. You can feel your bone beginning to fuse back together as he backs away, watching your reaction. After a few seconds, you flex your arm and move it around. Good as new. Huh.
“Hm? You seem a little red. Coming down with a fever, are we?” He teases, savoring the way you avert your gaze and mumble ‘shut up’. He runs the tips of his fingers down your freshly healed forearm and it feels like lightning.
You rip your arm away, shooting him yet another glare. He flicks your forehead, rolling his eyes. “Your face will be stuck like that if you don’t stop.”
“And if you don’t stop rolling your eyes, they might get stuck in the back of your head.” You retort through a small yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. Neito looked at you, his eyebrow raised.
“Hm. Someone’s tired.”
“Shut up.”
“What? I just pointed it out. Side effect of the quirk.” Neito laughed, his voice as smooth as honey. “I can’t send you back to class like that. Just relax, you can take a nap here if you need to.”
“That’s oddly nice of you-”
“No promises I won’t draw on your face while you’re out though.”
“There it is.” You roll your eyes, leaning back against the wall. Neito grabs a pillow and offers it to you. “I’m not going to take a nap.”
“You don’t have to. Just get comfortable.” Neito rolled his eyes in return, sitting down next to you. You hesitantly grabbed the pillow, placing it behind your head. It wasn’t any more comfortable than just leaning against the wall, but you were too exhausted to complain.
“Seriously though. I’ll stay here with you if you want to take a nap.” He hums. You open your mouth to protest, but it’s cut off by yet another yawn. Okay, maybe that nap wasn’t a bad idea.
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is that your head is resting on something- or rather, someone. It’s Neito’s shoulder. You shoot up, startling him.
“Woah, hey, what’s the matter???” He asks in pure confusion, looking at you now. You wince, very quickly realizing that there must’ve been a cut or something on your face because holy fuck it stings after resting on it. He notices your momentary discomfort, and it causes him to frown. It’s a burn, from Katsuki’s quirk.
“I can… heal that too.” Neito mumbles. It’s not anything terrible, it would heal on its own with no scarring. Your breath catches in your throat at the thought, but it doesn’t take you very long to nod. He leans forward and plants his lips on your cheek, letting them linger for a moment. The familiar tingly sensation bubbles up beneath your skin, the subtle ache from the injury fading away.
“What… time is it?” You ask, trying to quickly change the subject.
“Three. You were only out for like an hour.”
“Oh…” You look away. You suddenly remember his earlier threat and pull out your phone, using the selfie camera to examine your skin. He didn’t draw on your face after all.
“Oh come on.” Neito can’t help but laugh at how worried you were about it. “I told you I wasn’t going to do it.”
“Give me one good reason why I should trust you.”
“...Because I wouldn’t ruin such a pretty face with marker.” He winks, and you feel your face heating up again. “What? I just fixed your face.” He reaches out to brush his fingertips across your cheek. “Any other injuries I should take care of?” He jokes with a teasing smirk.
“Oh. Well...I think I… uh… split my lip.” You mumble before you can stop yourself. He looks momentarily flustered and his eyes meet yours for a moment before they flicker down to your soft lips. You open your mouth to speak. Apologize, take back what you said because oh my god that was cringe.
Then his mouth is on yours, kissing you with a gentle passion as his hands find your cheeks.
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ciciyup · 2 months
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Monoma Neito X Stoic And Serious Fem! Reader headcanons.
Summary: In addition to your introvertivity, you are a quite serious and stoic person. How did Monoma act to reach you?
Second part
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Monoma wasn't the biggest supporter when it came to class 1A everyone knew that, the boy was quite arrogant and sarcastic when it came to that class, anyone could be the target in his eyes to attack, however, Monoma has a very complex personality and certainly, although most of the time he spends his time with the 'noisy and annoying boy' button on, it depends a lot on the person he's interacting with to know how to act.
At first, when the first year at U.A. began, Monoma didn't take you very seriously, occasionally throwing some sarcastic glances and words when he was in your class, yes, because you were in class 1A and he was in class 1B so normally the words that were directed at you were complaints about your class.
It was very surprising to Monoma to see how you were with your peculiar personality and to see how you acted with your classmates, since most of them were open, maybe some not as extroverted as the others, but at the end of the day they also socialized in their own way, but you, directly, did not make an effort to talk to anyone there or make friends, you only focused on your own thing.
It was not only that, it was your incredible indifference to everything related to the people around you, the way when one of your classmates approached you with the intention of socializing and you directed short words to them and then went back to your own thing. The way when you spoke there was no trace of expression on your face, no happiness, no surprise, no anger. It was this... Quite curious for Monoma.
He found out that you weren't just like that with your classmates, but with everyone in general, at the sports festival you acted alone, with a team by your side when necessary, but practically alone for everything else, in classes you almost never talked and if you did the conversation lasted less than five minutes, at lunch you sat alone while all the other tables were full. The most surprising thing for Neito wasn't that, it was discovering that you were comfortable that way and enjoyed spending time like that. You liked being in your own closed and narrow bubble and you had a good time.
It wasn't him who approached you, it was actually Kendo who started a chat with you when the two classes 1A and 1B joined together for a school project. You didn't seem very enthusiastic about the conversation, but incredibly you kept a conversation with someone for more than ten minutes and that was a lot.
You started going to class 1B more often sometimes because Kendo invited you and other times you went alone because she was waiting for you there, you seemed more comfortable in her class, although your personality was always there to emphasize that there was still not enough trust.
Monoma, with his typical eccentric attitude, used to complain the first few times when having someone from class 1A in his class, showing himself exaggeratedly annoyed when Kendo encouraged him to talk to me telling him that you were not as dry as you seemed to be... Once he could meet you.
You two were reluctant at first, you because you already knew the boy's attitude and him for exactly the same reason, not to mention that you were from the class he hated. Surprisingly, you get along very well as time goes by, starting with small and short talks that at first ended in disagreements on both sides, but then slightly friendlier talks leaving the indifferences aside and encouraging both of you, then turning into talks. a little more personal about their own lives and goals.
You came to smile with him and Monoma came to do exactly the same, they began to consider each other friends even though they never said it to each other, their actions seemed to speak louder than words. Over the years you had formed a solid friendship and you managed to have your own group of friends, although small, you felt more than satisfied with the people around you and considered your friends. From time to time Monoma and you would join together to train and improve your gifts, from time to time you would also join with the group of friends you had in common from class 1B and go out to some places to have fun and have a good time.
You both supported each other, even if you were from the class that Monoma didn't like, when you won he made sure to let you know that you had done a good job, being a little nicer to you and starting to stop bothering you as much as he did before. You tried hard to open up a little more and show him that you cared, that you weren't indifferent when he told you something personal that he would confide in only a few people. You were important to him and he was important to you and, although you didn't often tell each other this, you both knew it.
Being close to the penultimate year at the academy he started to have feelings for you, he wouldn’t admit it out loud but maybe he was finding it difficult not to look at you for an indefinite amount of time until you noticed and then Monoma would look away in shame, maybe he was finding it difficult not to worry about you when you were on dangerous missions with your classmates, he wanted you to be safe. Knew it, him knew it, he was starting to see you as more than just a good friend. Those feelings he was starting to feel when he thought of you and that racing heart when he saw you wasn’t just emotion. He just wished you felt the same way about him.
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rewrittenmha · 1 month
UA Sports Festival Arc
I've been waiting to get my hands on this arc (this is a long one so be prepared).
Despite the USJ incident, the Sports Festival is still going on. However, Aizawa, Midnight, and Present Mic vehemently protest against broadcasting it nationally. They remind Nezu that the school is very clearly being targeted and that exposing the weaknesses of their students- especially their first years- is not a good idea. Nezu acknowledges their concerns and agrees, but tells them that the HPSC has demanded that the Sports Festival goes on as planned. That the country needs to be reassured that UA- and the hero world- is as strong as ever.
(Me trying to make UA a competent school be like-)
All Might stays quiet during the discussion, but internally realizes that security concerns never even crossed his mind. He wonders why that is and why his younger colleagues seemed to recognize that while he didn't. He's starting to realize that there's a lot that goes on around him that he fails to recognize.
(Deconstructing All Might's toxic ideals around heroism is a very important part of the story as they're usually perpetuated through him. He's the poster boy of toxic hero society even if that isn't his intention and he doesn't realize it. Changing All Might's way of thinking- especially because of the affect is has on Izuku- is very crucial)
In the days preparing for the Sports Festival, Izuku notices how focused Uraraka is. She's been quiet, scribbling in her notebook and not being as talkative. When he asks about it, she admits to him and Iida that she needs to succeed at UA and feels like she's behind compared to the two of them. Her parents have struggled financially all her life and becoming a hero is her only chance to do right by them. She knows that it isn't a selfless, noble goal but it's been important to her all her life.
Iida assures her that wanting to provide for her parents is a noble end goal. Izuku agrees, but begins to think about his own mother. He had always had everything he needed, but Izuku knew they didn't have much money to spare. Inko had wanted to move to get him out of Aldera due to the bullying she knew about, but it just wasn't possible. His father refused to send more money from America and she could only do so much on a seamstress' salary.
He never wanted to be a hero for monetary gain, but he would like to make his mom's life a little easier, if he could.
Lunch with All Might goes about the same (it's so wholesome). The one difference is that All Might asks Izuku about his relationship with Bakugou. Izuku wasn't expecting that question and stumbles over his words, answering that they're childhood friends. But when All Might points out that Bakugou seems to be very aggressive towards him, Izuku replies with, "That's just how Kacchan is."
All Might's concerns are not alleviated by this.
The school day ends with 1A being confronted by the other classes. Bakugou is being his usual self, but Uraraka- who has found herself growing more and more annoyed with his attitude- tells him to stop being such a jerk. This stuns Izuku, who has never seen Bakugou being called out directly. But before he can process what's happening, Iida agrees, reprimanding him for his unsportsmanlike and pretentious behavior. Yaoyorozu chimes in that his actions reflect on the rest of the class and calling people "extras" is childish and not befitting a hero.
(Izuku.exe has stopped working)
Bakugou is about to rage at the three of them. Kirishima, however, brings up that while Bakugou's attitude sucks, it's unmanly for the other classes to gawk at and gossip about them. The kid in the front of the crowd- a general department student- scoffs and says that he has the chance to take one of their places in the hero course. He declares war on their class and tells them to watch their backs.
(Oh Shinsou, as pleasant as ever)
A class 1B student is also there, remarking on how unimpressive 1A appears to be. He warns 1A not to embarrass them during the Sports Festival since the audience is mostly going to be looking at them.
(Monoma being a bastard as usual)
The first event of the Sports Festival and everything leading up to it goes relatively the same. Todoroki confronts Izuku in the locker room and Izuku maintains that he'll try his best. Because Bakugou came in first during the Entrance Exam, he confidently and seriously declares that he'll win, which continues to make 1A a target.
Izuku wins with Todoroki and Bakugou coming in second and third. I'm keeping this because it's one of the best moments of the Sports Festival (the only thing I'm changing is Mineta on Yaoyorozu's back). And it sets up the Third Event well. I don't feel the need to change the Cavalry Battle that much either. I thought about having Monoma's team win instead of Shinsou's, but decided against it.
I'm also having Yaoyorozu confirm with Midnight before listening to Kaminari and Mineta about the cheerleading uniforms. She tells them that no, of course that's not a requirement for the female participants. Yaoyorozu, silently furious, scolds Kaminari and Mineta and tells them that she's reproting them to Aizawa.
Battle Tournament: Round 1
Round one basically goes the same. Except, I do have a few minor changes and one big change.
Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinsou: I was going to change this fight, but then I realized that the OFA users snapping Izuku out of Shinsou's control was the first contact he made with the OFA users. And that's preeettty important. So I'm only changing it slightly.
Instead of OFA breaking Izuku's finger, a voice intervened before Izuku can snap at Shinsou. It's a woman's voice, reminding him of what Ojiro said and warning him not to lose his head.
She tells him that his quick thinking and ability to stay calm under pressure is one of his most valuable abilities. She tells him that keeping a level head in every situation is important. So Izuku, despite being upset as Shinsou's taunting of Ojiro, easily knocks him out of the ring.
(Nana gets scolded by the other users for intervening so soon. But she shrugs and defends that he was doing so well and just needed a little nudge in the right direction. Izuku reminds her so much of Toshinori- who she misses immeasurably- that it's hard not to get attached)
Izuku is snapped at by Shinsou, who accuses Izuku of having it easy because of his quirk. He assumes that Izuku had it easy his whole life and doesn't know what it's like to be outcast and labeled.
Izuku, who understands more than Shinsou could ever know, simply smiles. It's both kind and heartbreaking, which shocks Shinsou to his core. Izuku thanks Shinsou for the fight and tells him he can't wait to see him in the hero course one day.
Shinsou doesn't know why, but he gets the feeling that Midoriya does understand. But he doesn't know how that could be possible.
Momo Yaoyorozu vs Fumikage Tokoyami: This fight doesn't change much, but I thought I would get into Yaoyorozu's head a little here. Her entire life, she was the smart one. The one with the plan. She thought that she could face anything as long as she was smart and careful. It had worked all her life. It impressed her teachers, it made her parents proud. How could it not?
But for some reason, it never occurred to her that sometimes, she wouldn't have time for a plan. She was completely thrown off by Tokoyami's relentless assault. He didn't give her time to think or process, just kept dealing blow after blow that she couldn't counter in time.
Yaoyorozu was forced out of the ring. And she had never felt the sting of failure until that moment.
Ochako Uraraka vs Katsuki Bakugou: Uraraka has... a plan.
She distracts Bakugou as best she can. Using the smoke from his explosions, she attempts to attack him from all angles, diverting his attention from her real attack. She knows that it's risky and even a little foolish, but she has to try.
All this time, she's watched her classmates push themselves and give their all. That's something she's never done in her life. She can't be left behind, she has people counting on her. She has to succeed.
But much to her dismay, Bakugou figured out her plan. He blows up every bit of rock she had sent into the air, crushing any hopes of victory with it. Uraraka falls to the ground in dismay, fighting off tears. She's exhausted and hopeless and knows that she's going to lose. So why bother? She can't beat Bakugou.
She's been on the ground for too long. Midnight starts counting down.
5... 4...
Bakugou advances, telling her that she knew she would lose and that she should have quit earlier. He stands right in front of her, ready to deal the final blow and ring her out.
3... 2...
But something about his words make Uraraka angry. She's seen how he talks down to people. She's seen how he treats everyone as below him. She's seen how he targets Izuku who never fights back or defends himself. And she knows he's been looking down on her this whole fight.
And she's sick of it.
In a fit of rage, Uraraka's arm shoots out and she grabs Bakugou's ankle. Making him weightless, she flips him over her shoulder and towards the edge of the ring. Bakugou, completely thrown off since he assumed she was defeated, falls to the ground.
Ochako Uraraka wins.
This was so, so satisfying to write this y'all don't even know. I told you guys that Uraraka's underdog story was coming. Idk what Aizawa's on about, but trying to say that Bakugou didn't look down on her was BULLSHIT. He literally told her she should have given up. So I thought, what better way to have her beat him than to use his own arrogance against him?
Every other round one fight stays the same.
Humiliated and angry, Bakugou confronts Izuku after the fight. He, through tears, accuses Izuku of telling Uraraka to fake him out and is upset that Izuku would use his weakness against him. But Izuku firmly tells him that Uraraka refused any help from him and that she won completely on her own. Bakugou doesn't believe him and tries to attack him, only for Iida to intervene and tell him to back off.
Izuku, who's never had someone stand up for him against Bakugou, is extremely touched, but also guilty when Bakugou runs away. He hadn't wanted to upset him, but he was telling the truth. He'd had nothing to do with Uraraka's victory.
And he wasn't going to stop himself from being happy for her.
Battle Tournament, Round 2:
Izuku Midoriya vs Shoto Todoroki: This fight goes relatively the same. The only thing I would change is that Izuku tells Shoto he's free to be his own hero and that what Endeavor wants doesn't matter. He encourages Shoto to reclaim his fire for himself. That's essentially what he does say in canon, but apparently Izuku haters need everything spelled out for them (eyeroll).
He loses this round, but he's not upset by it. He's just glad he could help Todoroki.
Toshinori is both proud and incredulous. Proud because Izuku helped his classmate. Incredulous because it had cost him his win. Nevertheless, Young Midoriya has impressed him greatly. This calls for a treat after the Sports Festival!
Ochako Uraraka vs Eijiro Kirishima: You know, at first I thought that Kirishima would be the winner of this fight. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Uraraka could easily win. Kirishima can't fight without touching her, which immediately gives her the advantage.
It's hard to touch Kirishima with all give of her fingers due to his quirk and attempts to rush her out of the ring, but Uraraka isn't giving up. She's determined to push herself as much as she can. Grabbing hold of his jagged flesh, she makes him weightless and kicks him square in his chest. This is enough to push him out of the ring.
Because she actually likes Kirishima, Uraraka apologizes profusely. But Kirishima is completely impressed and admires her manliness. Uraraka isn't sure how to take that, but thanks him anyway.
All the other fights stay the same.
Battle Tournament: Round 3
Ochako Uraraka vs Fumikage Tokoyami: Unfortunately, Uraraka is unable to effect Dark Shadow with her quirk. It's solid, but it seems to be able to regulate its own mass with negates her quirk's functionality.
However, she doesn't allow the fight to end quickly. She holds off against Tokoyami, dodging his attacks and targeting his body. She's able to kick his feet out from under him and gain the upper hand for a split second.
(Yaoyorozu watches enviously from the audience. How could Uraraka do that and not her? What was she missing?)
But while she did that, she momentarily forgot about Dark Shadow. It wraps around her and while she struggles futilely, it gently places her outside of the ring. Uraraka was disappointed to lose after coming so far, but she was met with an admiring smile from Izuku as she joins him in the audience. He commends her for getting so far and tells her she did a really good job. Uraraka blushes and compliments his performance back.
They sit back and watch together as Iida loses to Todoroki. He joins them in the stands as they offer apologies, but Iida waves them off with a smile. His phone rings and he goes to answer it.
Izuku and Uraraka don't see him again for the rest of the event.
Battle Tournament: Round 3
Shoto Todoroki vs Fumikage Tokoyami: Even though Todoroki doesn't feel the same disdain towards his left side, he still hesitates to use his fire. It still came from Endeavor, no matter how much he wishes he could reclaim it as his own like Izuku advised him to.
He thinks that maybe someday he could manage to use it without seeing it as what drove him mother away. But for now, he's unable to stand bringing the heat to his palm. It burns, even though it realistically shouldn't.
Tokoyami is thankful that Todoroki doesn't use his fire. If he had, then he might have negated Dark Shadow resulting in his victory. But because Shoto is exhausted from his earlier display of power against Sero, it gives Tokoyami the upper hand. He's able to maneuver Dark Shadow around Todoroki's defenses of ice and slam it into him.
Todoroki gets knocked away and falls outside the ring. He collapses from the emotional and physical toll and passes out.
Fumikage Tokoyami has won the Sports Festival.
1st Place - Fumikage Tokoyami
2nd Place - Shoto Todoroki
3rd Place - Ochako Uraraka & Tenya Iida
All Might hands out the medals to the winners, though Iida is suspiciously absent. Izuku is happy for his friends, though he wishes he could have performed a little better. But he's cheered up by a call to his mom, who's simultaneously worried about and proud of him.
Izuku knows his mom loves him and knows that she would do anything for him. But to hear those words from her in support of his dream... It breaks something in him. He starts crying, thanking her and quickly hanging up.
He's so glad to hear those words from his mother, but he can't help but wish he had gotten those words of encouragement from her sooner.
Of course it's right after I say I was struggling with this arc that it all comes to me. Idk, rewriting Hawks got me motivated
I seriously debated having Uraraka beat Bakugou. I wondered if it was even possible at this point. But the more I thought about it, the more I realize she didn't have to overpower him. Bakugou's biggest weakness is his ego. All she had to do was target that. My original plan was to have Bakugou lose to Todoroki but you know what? Fuck that, this is Uraraka's underdog story
So the thing with Izuku vs Shinsou. I did think that OFA breaking his fingers out of nowhere was... dumb. Like, it just came out of nowhere to get Izuku out of that situation. I think the OFA users gently guiding him throughout the story before revealing themselves makes a lot more sense. Also, I love Nana
I actually do think Tokoyami could have beaten Todoroki at this point. Tokoyami had relatively easy fights before this. He only lost to Bakugou in canon because Bakugou had an inherent advantage. Todoroki not using his fire + him using all his energy against Sero and Izuku means that the fight was in Tokoyami's favor
I intentionally didn't give Iida a lot of focus because all of his major characterization is being saved for Stain
There was no glazing from Aizawa or booing from the heroes in the Uraraka vs Bakugou fight. Both were dumb and plot manipulation in canon
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First Dance
Announcements: I have a requests box open on my profile! (I think... I’m still working on how tumblr works). I write for MHA, Harry Potter, Attack on Titan and Naruto so feel free to send me some requests!! 
Summary: You’ve known Bakugou since your UA days but at the alumni dance things feel a little different between you two. Flashbacks included. Bakugou pov mostly. 
Warnings: Fluff! Fem reader. Pining. 
Bakugo tried to loosen his tie, it was hot in the dance hall. It was good to see Class 1A back together again, even if he would never admit it. Class 1B on the other hand... damn he wanted to strangle that pompous straw haired copy cat Monoma. He took a deep breath and focused back on the group he was talking to. 
Kirishima was talking animatedly to Shoji, one arm around Mina. They took a while to get together after graduation but Bakugo was glad it happened, he was tired of hearing Kirishima pine after her. Half and Half was busy talking to invisichick Hagakure and Sero. Denki was scheming in a corner with Mineta and slowly Bakugo’s gaze glided around the circle, over Jirou and right onto you. He felt a tightness in his chest and for some reason the room felt warmer. 
Damn it. He thought he was over this stupid crush. It had been three years since graduation and he hadn’t seen you at all since you just came back from doing work overseas. He hadn’t gotten the chance to speak to you since your return. He had kept putting it off. His eyes lingered on you, your smile and that stupid dress you were wearing. 
Although you were deep in conversation with your old friend Jirou, you couldn’t help but feel someone’s gaze on you. Your eyes slide from Jirou’s face, over her shoulder and you make eye contact with Bakugo. In the time you had been gone, you heard that he had been climbing the charts and was now the #2 hero, right behind Midoriya. You had never really gotten over your high school crush on Bakugo and you received notifications on your phone anytime a news story came out with his name on it. You felt your cheeks turn red under his gaze and quickly turned your attention back to Jirou. 
“Something on your mind?” Bakugo had been so focused on you that he hadn’t noticed Kirishima walk right up to him and started looking back and forth between Bakugo and you. 
“FUCK! Shitty hair! You can’t just walk up unannounced. I could have blown you to bits...” 
“C’mon man! Just go talk to her.”
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” 
“Don’t be like that Bakugo... remember the last time we were at something like this?” 
He said no but Bakugo had been beating himself up for three years over it. 
It was the graduation dance. The last night before everyone started going their own separate ways. Bakugo had plans to go to Tokyo and start his own hero agency right away. You on the other hand had plans to work overseas and “pay back” in a sense, the foreign powers that helped Japan during its struggle with All For One. You wouldn’t be gone forever, just three years, however there was a certain someone you were hoping would try to make you stay. If he had asked, you would have stayed. 
The party had lasted forever. You had danced all night until you had to take your shoes off because your feet were so sore. The girls kept you busy all night with the usual scheming, gossip, photos, bathroom trips and of course the group dancing. You were gonna miss these girls. You couldn’t think about it or you would start crying. Bakugo on the other hand was acting strangely tonight. He kept walking close to you, acting like he had something to say but then you would make eye contact and he would frown and walk away. You wondered if you had done something to piss him off... Well whatever it was, you might never know. Your flight left in two hours and your ride to the airport was on its way. You heard a slow song start and instead of awkwardly waiting around for someone to ask you to dance, you decided to slip out of the dance and wait for your ride. You might not be able to handle all of the goodbyes anyways. 
At some point in the night Bakugo couldn’t find you. He had been working up the courage to ask you to slow dance all night. He requested three slow songs already. For the first one he just couldn’t get the words out and ended up telling you that you had something on your face. The second time that stupid bird asked you to dance and Bakugo just had to sit and watch from the side of the dance hall. He finally convinced the DJ to give him one more slow song and now you were nowhere to be found. Bakugo was scanning the room looking for you and just before he could give up, Ochako walked right up to him and asked him to dance. He reluctantly accepted. 
“It’s going to be so weird not seeing everyone together anymore. I don’t think I’m ready.” Ochako was trying to make small talk but Bakugo could barely hear her. He was focused on finding you out in the crowd.
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask Y/N to dance...” Ochako said slyly. 
“Huh??” Bakugo’s attention snapped back down to her. 
“I mean, you like her right? Everyone says you like her.” 
“Tchh.” Bakugo looked away but his ears turned red. He didn’t know how everyone knew but he was gonna kill Shitty Hair if he found out he was the leak. 
“She left you know.” 
“What?” Again his attention was 100% on Ochako. 
“She slipped out when the song started. She’s probably on the way to the airport soon.” 
“Already?” Bakugo felt the blood drain out of his face. He wasn’t ready. He hadn’t asked you to dance yet. He hadn’t told you that you looked pretty in your dress, he hadn’t asked you to walk through the gardens with him, he hadn’t had the opportunity to finally confess to you... to maybe kiss you. 
“Go get her.” Ochako had stopped dancing. 
Bakugo looked down at her a little stunned. 
“Go! Go get your girl Dynamight!” She said it louder and caught the attention of others. Kirishima stopped dancing with Mina and looked over to Bakugo. 
“WELL? Go after her!” Mina shouted. 
“C’mon think like a man!” Kirishima added. 
“Ooh! It would be so romantic!” Momo said enthusiastically. 
“SHUT IT!” Bakugo yelled but he was already running out of the doors. 
The brisk night air hit his face as he catapulted himself out of the dance hall and headed towards the front gates.  
“Damnit! This is taking too long!” 
Bakugo stripped off his jacket and tie and threw them behind him onto the dirt path. He rolled up his sleeves and used his quirk to catapult himself into the air. He blasted his way to the front gates in less than two minutes and just in time. 
You were about to get into the car. You had the passenger door open when Bakugo fell out of the sky and skidded to a stop right at the UA gates. His hair was disheveled and he was wiping his hands on his pants. Your heart skipped a beat. 
Reality caught up to Bakugo in that moment. He didn’t know what to say... “Come back and dance with me.”?? That would be ridiculous. 
“Uhh... I... are you... leaving?” He managed to force out some words, some question, even if that question had a million other questions behind it. 
“Yeah...” You gave him a confused look. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“Oh. Off to the States right away then?” 
“My flight leaves in like two hours.” 
“Right. Well, I just wanted to say...” Bakugo was at war with himself. He had to say he was afraid. He had faced villains on very power level but somehow this was more terrifying then every one of those encounters combined. He wanted to say so many things, 
“I’ve loved you ever since I met you! I wanted to dance with you! Your dress looks amazing! I’ve admired you as a student as a hero but mostly as a person. You’re beautiful inside and out! You were the first to be kind to me and I want to protect your kindness for the rest of my life! AND MOST OF ALL I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!!” 
But Bakugo didn’t say any of those things. 
“You wanted to say...?” You asked. Bakugo had stopped in the middle of his sentence and was giving you a wide eyed look. 
“Yeah I just wanted to say... good luck.” He opened his mouth again as though to add on, but he snapped it shut again. 
“Oh...well...” You can’t say you weren’t disappointed. But it was always a naïve hope that Bakugo might share your feelings. You quickly smiled to cover your disappointment. 
Bakugo watched as you smiled and ran towards him throwing your arms around his neck. He felt the breath leave his body and his arms clamped around your waist and he buried his face in your shoulder. 
“Thank you Bakugo.” and with that you were leaving his arms, getting into the car and slipping away. 
Bakugo had spent the last three years replaying everything that went wrong that night. He had tried to move on, he went on so many dates in the first year that he lost count. But he never could make it to the second date. He tried focusing on his career and he rose pretty quickly after he gave up on dating. But it was hard, playing wingman for Kirishima and Kaminari, being a groomsman at Izuku and Ochako’s wedding and watching you post about your foreign adventures, only wishing he could be there with you. It made his blood boil thinking about all the people you could be meeting who might catch your interest. All because he was too afraid to make a move that night. 
“You do.” Bakugo’s attention snapped back to the present as Kirishima said this. Bakugo merely scoffed. 
“I know you remember Bakugo. You got so wasted afterwards and all you could do was whine about how you let her go. Actually... it’s the only thing you talk about after you get drunk...” 
“Shut up or I’ll shut you up Red.” Bakugo warned. 
“Alright... But I’m gonna ask the DJ for a slow song and if you don’t ask her to dance I’m gonna tell everyone about that time two years ago you fought that laughing gas villain and-” Kirishima couldn’t finish his sentence because he had to dodge Bakugo’s oncoming blow and run to the DJ’s table before Bakugo could catch him.
Damnit. Bakugo watched as Kirishima talked animatedly to the DJ and pointed to his phone. The music started playing moments later. Kirishima was right though. Tonight he wouldn’t mess up and let you slip away again. He turned and found you still talking to Jirou, right where he left you. He strode over to you, blatantly interrupting your conversation and held out his hand. 
“Dance with me.” 
You looked up at him with a look of shock and he realized he still had no sense of tact even after all these years. Your shock faded into a grin and he felt relief flood his body. 
“Alright.” You took his hand and he pulled you in and slid his other arm around your waist. You began to sway to the music and everything else seemed to fade away. 
“How was your time away?” Bakugo asked his head tilting down. 
“It was amazing! Oh you would have loved it! There was so many things to see, so many landmarks and museums! I learned so much! Oh and I met a lot of people too!” Your face lit up as you spoke. 
“Oh really?” Bakugo felt his heart drop at that last part. 
“Yeah! I wished- I mean I wish you were there to see it.” 
“Hah, maybe next time princess...”
“Princess? Are you saying I look like a princess?” 
Bakugo turned red. 
“You wish y/n.” 
“Oh come on, is it so hard to say I look good? I put some effort in you know.” 
You were both silent. You didn’t know what to say next. Maybe you flirted a little too much with him. You were just so excited to see him again, you couldn’t help it! 
“You don’t look good.” 
“You look great.” Bakugo said blushing and avoiding eye contact. You leaned up so your lips were close to his ear. 
“You look pretty great yourself.” 
Bakugo couldn’t help it. A shiver went down his body and he could feel his face turn as red as a tomato. He stopped dancing. He pulled back and looked at you. 
Then he leaned down, his hand cupping your face and he gazed into your eyes as if asking for permission. Permission which you gave. Suddenly his lips were on yours and he was kissing you. He was kissing you like he was drinking up your soul, pulling your face up into his, his lips surprisingly tender. He handled you like you were precious. It was nothing like how you imagined kissing Bakugo would be but it was amazing. You broke off the kiss when you started hearing the cheers. 
“Man we’ve been waiting forever for you guys to do that!” Sero yelled across all the cheering. 
Bakugo didn’t even care. He just grinned down at you. 
“You’re telling me Soy Sauce...” Bakugo said but only loud enough for you to hear. 
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bibibbon · 4 months
MHA chapter 425
Iam not really sure how to feel about this chapter. Well I can definitely say that I still think that the entirety of the second war arc especially the last few chapters weren't my favourite and ruined the series for me but we have the power of rewrites on our side so not to worry
So we finally have a 1A member that left. It's surprising that it took a total of 425 chapters for someone to finally leave the hero course. This low-key makes me question if 1A just all has neglectful parents that don't care about them because I think any sane parent would of took their kids out of UA a long time ago and the first war arc should of been a wake up call. Now that yuuga has left it does make me wonder what he will do. I mean he has to continue his education somewhere 🤷‍♀️
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Shinsou joins class 1A and Iam surprised his parents let him. I get that shinsou was due to join the hero course in their second year but like this series sometimes make me question if any of these characters have sane parents because why would you let your kid join in such a dangerous job?!?! Also I respectfully think that shinsou is heavily underdeveloped and didn't get any moment to shine in the war arc. Also there isn't much of a relationship between 1A and shinsou so it does feel a bit off I guess and maybe this is just me but I always thought that he fit in better with 1b
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Pacing is hella fast! How are they going back to school already and throwing a graduation ceremony. It hasn't been a week and somehow everything is rebuilt like that, we get little to no information from what they plan to do in the future. We do get a tiny speech but we don't get them starting to do such things and personally I would of at least enjoyed a panel seeing some heroes help rebuild and clean the damage caused. Plus I think everyone can tell that the MHA society is flawed so saying that they want to go back to their old ways seems very iffy to me. I also would of liked an acknowledgement in what actually happen in the war arc but considering that not many people died they weren't gonna do any type of memorial thing or anything.
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Is that shigaraki?!?! Or kurogiri?!?!?!? Who is it!!! Iam totally unsure of who it is but I don't think it would make sense if it was shigaraki because he literally died unless hori is actually going along with the plan of separating Tenko and shigaraki and thats not shigaraki but the innocent and crying Tenko type of bs (I absolutely hate this idea tbh) also what happend for tenko to come back as a child I suppose? Or is this someone completely new who has been effected by society and we're supposed to be like well evil is still brewing as society hasn't changed type thing? Maybe it's kurogiri idk I just want to see kurogiri again.
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Enji is in a wheelchair (don't really care for him). This makes me question if endy is even a hero anymore and if he ain't who is the number one then? ( I still think they're going by that system because they said they wanna go back to the old ways)
Wait are we gonna see Dabi next chapter!!!!. Enji is facing somewhere with a ton of wires and all so maybe it could be where Dabi is being held at? I mean we don't know if Dabi is dead and we didn't get todoroki talking about it at all
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I need Izuku's old hair back!! I miss the fluffy hair and I get that the convo was supposed to be lighthearted and all but I would of enjoyed the pages being used for something else like them actually checking up on eachother. Is tokoyami quirkless? How did they spend their time? Questions like that would of sufficed but I hated Izuku's hair at least he has some people telling him it's cool even if they might be lying
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This chapter didn't give us much clarification on much to be honest. Yeah I was expecting this chapter to have huge focus on other villains and characters yet it didn't. I know I have to be patient blah blah but the last two panels of 424 did give us ochako and Todoroki but we got the least focus on them this chapter. I was hoping the villain situations might start to get addressed but I guess that will be next chapter with maybe Tenko making a comeback?
Also I love how we got Toruu's quirk glitching but no one acknowledges it or helps her with it (sarcasm if you couldn't realise)
I also hate whatever convo that was between Izuku and ochako, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth for some unknown reason
Why the hell is a third year In charge of something a teacher should be!!?!?!! Poor fuwa UA corruption and hypocrisy goes deep.
How are children still joining ua?!?! Like yep society moves on like nothing happend even though Japan was turned upside down in chaos
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In conclusion, it was ok I didn't expect it to be amazing because it was a chapter that was gonna expand on stuff I didn't like 🤷‍♀️.
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NASA’s Webb Peers into the Extreme Outer Galaxy
Astronomers have directed NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy. Scientists call this region the Extreme Outer Galaxy due to its location more than 58,000 light-years away from the Galactic Center. (For comparison, Earth is approximately 26,000 light-years from the center.)
A team of scientists used Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) to image select regions within two molecular clouds known as Digel Clouds 1 and 2. With its high degree of sensitivity and sharp resolution, the Webb data resolved these areas, which are hosts to star clusters
undergoing bursts of star formation
, in unprecedented detail. Details of this data include components of the clusters such as very young (Class 0) protostars, outflows and jets, and distinctive nebular structures.
These Webb observations, which came from telescope time allocated to Mike Ressler of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, are enabling scientists to study star formation in the outer Milky Way in the same depth of detail as observations of star formation in our own solar neighborhood.
“In the past, we knew about these star forming regions but were not able to delve into their properties,” said Natsuko Izumi of Gifu University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, lead author of the study. “The Webb data builds upon what we have incrementally gathered over the years from prior observations with different telescopes and observatories. We can get very powerful and impressive images of these clouds with Webb. In the case of Digel Cloud 2, I did not expect to see such active star formation and spectacular jets.”
Stars in the Making
Although the Digel Clouds are within our galaxy, they are relatively poor in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This composition makes them similar to dwarf galaxies
and our own Milky Way in its early history. Therefore, the team took the opportunity to use Webb to capture the activity occurring in four clusters of young stars within Digel Clouds 1 and 2: 1A, 1B, 2N, and 2S.
For Cloud 2S, Webb captured the main cluster containing young, newly formed stars. This dense area is quite active as several stars are emitting extended jets of material along their poles. Additionally, while scientists previously suspected a sub-cluster might be present within the cloud, Webb’s imaging capabilities confirmed its existence for the first time. 
“We know from studying other nearby star-forming regions that as stars form during their early life phase, they start emitting jets of material at their poles,” said Ressler, second author of the study and principal investigator of the observing program. “What was fascinating and astounding to me from the Webb data is that there are multiple jets shooting out in all different directions from this cluster of stars. It’s a little bit like a firecracker, where you see things shooting this way and that.”
The Saga of Stars
The Webb imagery skims the surface of the Extreme Outer Galaxy and the Digel Clouds, and is just a starting point for the team. They intend to revisit this outpost in the Milky Way to find answers to a variety of current mysteries, including the relative abundance of stars of various masses within Extreme Outer Galaxy star clusters. This measurement can help astronomers understand how a particular environment can influence different types of stars during their formation.
“I’m interested in continuing to study how star formation is occurring in these regions. By combining data from different observatories and telescopes, we can examine each stage in the evolution process,” said Izumi. “We also plan to investigate circumstellar disks
within the Extreme Outer Galaxy. We still don’t know why their lifetimes are shorter than in star-forming regions much closer to us. And of course, I’d like to understand the kinematics of the jets we detected in Cloud 2S.”
Though the story of star formation is complex and some chapters are still shrouded in mystery, Webb is gathering clues and helping astronomers unravel this intricate tale.
These findings have been published in the Astronomical Journal
IMAGE: Scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine select star-forming areas in the Extreme Outer Galaxy in near- and mid-infrared light. Within this star-forming region, known as Digel Cloud 2S, the telescope observed young, newly formed stars and their extended jets of material. This Webb image also shows a dense sea of background galaxies and red nebulous structures within the region. In this image, colors were assigned to different filters from Webb’s MIRI and NIRCam: red (F1280W, F770W, F444W), green (F356W, F200W), and blue (F150W; F115W). Credit NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, M. Ressler (JPL)
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theraspberryone · 5 months
Hiiii! Welcome to "Me discovering that I can talk about my random thoughts on Psychology and MHA cause those two have been hyperfixations for years and Tumblr is the best place to talk like that" !
"Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn" Part 6 : Class 1A 3/4
1st, Shoji. I would say that Shoji is a Fight too, like many people in class 1A. I'd say he is because of the Dark Shadow situation in season 3, that he handled with calm and reactivity. BUT he has a bit of Flight and Freeze. Flight because if he can, he will listen to orders and flee the situation that he is in. Freeze because if he knows that someone has a plan, he will wait for them to say it (Midoriya with Dark Shadow or Momo with Saiko Intelli). What we can see in all the situation though is that he won't fight for no reason.
2nd is Jiro. She is half a Flight, we can see it in season 1 (when she hides with Momo), and even how she throws Denki to the villains instead, we can see that in season 3 (?) when she is against Saiko and let's Momo decide or also when she tries to escape the singing situation at first in season 5 or Mic in another season. But she is also half a Fight because she was ready to deal with Class 1B before Bakugo arrived, she also loves to tease him and Denki and all the times she shocks the pervs.
3rd will be Sero. Sero is pretty much a Fight. We know he never keeps his voice for himself, and says spontaneous stuff without sometimes thinking about it (Momo and how her quirk works in season 3). But he also apologize when he notice he said/did something bad. When faced with Midoriya in season 6, or with Midnight in season 2(?), he's also not scared to go close to them and fight. He also loves to tease Bakugo with a death wish as topping.
For the 4th one we have Tokoyami. He has a bit of a Freeze in him, as we can see with how he calmfully but still unknowingly looks at Hawks when the latter gave him his bird enigma with percentages and all. Or how he tries to avoid everyone going into his dorm. But with Dark Shadow reacting to his feelings, we can see he's a good Fight because of how Mina get attacked (in the second movie), or anyone else, and how he reacts by letting Dark Shadow got wild.
And last for today is Todoroki, but I already explained his situation in the first part.
Thanks to have been there for my little talk, if you have anything, professional or not to say or ask you can gladly interact I'l be very happy! ♡♡♡
Part 5 : Class 1A 2/4
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draychuh · 8 months
UA metgala au ( Shinsou x Reader )
you were getting ready with the rest of the girls in the hotel room you all booked together. momo was helping with doing your hair while you did your makeup. you had an excited grin at the thought of having the night of your life with your girl friends. it's not like you had anyone you were expecting with anyway. though uraraka will be having midoriya as her partner. you also knew a couple of class 1B students who will be going as dates. mina squeals, showing everyone her dress reveal. you couldn't help but smile. just because you didn't have a date, doesn't mean you wouldn't have much as fun!
"oh yeah! isn't shinsou gonna tag along?" froppy looked your way, since she was the few people who knew you had a small crush on the lavender haired boy. as much as you wished he would, you remembered your last conversation with him.
"the metgala? oh yeah, i dont think i'll be going. i got extra training with mr aizawa." he tells you in the most calm demeanor ever, as if all those countless nights of you secretly praying that he would attend didn't matter.
you sighed. "he's not coming. he's working his ass off like usual." "damn, not even the metgala would make him slack off. he's really determined to get into the hero course." uraraka chuckles, admiring his passion.
momo had finished doing your hair. "you look gorgeous!" she was very proud of her work, also letting you borrow her earrings as she thought it would add a nicer touch to your hairdo. "momo~ can you do mine next??" mina begs in excitement as she takes your seat before anyone else could.
You and girls walked into the ballroom, being greeted by the beautiful chandeliers and diamonds decorated all over the hall. you were taking in the deep blue lights as it reflects through the glass tables. whoever was assigned to decorate the hall deserves a fine pay, you though to yourself.
the class 1A all shared the same table, starting their dinner with the many dishes lay out for them. you scanned through the room, yet no sign of lavender. "you okay girlie?" mina startles you. you assured her that you were fine despite the obvious sadness in your eyes. she faces you. "look, one day you're going to look back and regret sulking the whole night just because your high school crush didn't show up to the school ball. you'll get to hang out with him another time. now, you have us. so have fun!" your friends smile at you. you cant help but chuckle, rolling your eyes. "thanks guys. i promise i'll enjoy the night."
yet after all that, you stand alone at the corner of the ballroom, drinking sparkling water as your friend group separates, either conversating with new faces or grooving on the dancefloor. you weren't in the mood to dance or socialize. instead you put your focus on the little decorations that are under looked. you decided to refill your drink, walking over to the food stand. your brows furrowed when you noticed that the ice has melted in the jar. "dang it, the ice is the best part."
"i know right-" you stopped, shocked to see shinsou. he was dressed in a dark purple suit, and for the first time his hair was slicked back tidily. he also froze in his place, taking you all in.
"you look stunning." shinsou managed to speak. he couldn't take his eyes away from you. he thought you looked beautiful under the dim blue lights. you tried not to be giddy about it, laughing his compliment off as you fiddle with your fingers. "i thought you said you're not coming?' she could see the little smile on his face. "yeah well, mr aizawa kinda forced me into getting a break from training. he said i shouldn't waste away my teen years and enjoy the moment."
you scoffed. "duh. i can't believe that wasn't the first thing you thought of!" she playfully hits him. he laughs at her pensiveness. "i'm sorry. i just.. i don't know. but hey, i'm here now."
you smile, agreeing with him as you took another sip of the drink you held. "yeah. you are."
the music changes to a more slow paced tune. you watched midoriya taking uraraka's hand, bringing her over to the dancefloor. more students followed, holding onto their partners as they danced to the rhythm. shinsou fixes his tie, taking a deep breath before tapping your shoulder gently. he offers you his hand, giving you a warm smile. you knew exactly what he meant, taking his hand as you both joined the dancefloor. you put your hands on his shoulder, while he puts his on your waist.
you both slow danced, moving back and forth in parallel motion. shinsou looks down on you, seeing your eyes glisten like crystals. he could feel people staring at them as they danced. but he didn't care. because he cherished this moment with you. he spun you around, chuckling as you struggled to do so with you heels.
"wow, didn't expect the night to go really well." you said, resting your arm on the balcony handle as you looked at the night sky. "i had a lot of fun tonight. well, you made it a lot more exciting."
shinsou looks at you, feeling a tug in his chest. he turns back to look at the same stars you have your eyes on. "honestly, i wouldn't have gone if it weren't for you."
"what's that?" you were zoning on, not catching his mutter. he shook his head. "nothin."
"c'mon- you can't do that! tell me now."
"it's really nothing." he said sternly. both their hearts beat at the same pace.
you faced him, not taking that as an answer. "shinsou, if you don't tell me what you said i'm gonna have to force it out of you till the night ends."
shinsou sighs in defeat, knowing your overly curious self wouldn't stop until you're satisfied. perhaps your determination in, almost everything in life makes you such an admirable person to him.
"wait. don't move." he walks over to a nearby bush filled with colorful flowers, plucking the purple one that stood out the most. he moves closer to you, putting the flower on your hair. the action took you by surprise. his eyes soften. "you look even prettier under the moonlight." he suddenly say, holding your already red cheek. "i've been wanting to tell you, but i just couldn't get myself to until now i guess. it's just that i've been so busy and focused in my trainings, i haven't gotten the time to even think about anything else. but when i do get to see you, or when you text me. hell, just the mention of your name makes me feel some kind of way i never knew i could feel. you're a wonderful, kind and just what im trying to say is that-" you stopped his yapping by catching his lips, kissing him softly. his face reddens as he looks back at you when you pulled away. just as immediately, he connects his lips with your again. this time it was longer than the last, enjoying each other's warmth from the night breeze. it gradually got intimate as you could feel yourself moving a few steps back. he pulls away, both panting from the kiss. "i.. i love you. please, go out with me. be mine. be my girlfriend." his looks at you with hopeful eyes. "of course. i love you too." you kissed his cheek, letting out a light chuckle when you realized the lipstick stains all over his face. "what's funny?' he asks curiously despite the pounding heart in his chest. she shook her head, giving his hand one last squeeze before she walks towards her group of friends who were waiting for her. "i'll see you tomorrow! bye shinsou!' you waved at him. denki went to him with a huge grin on his face. "yo! dude! i didn't see you the whole night. wait, are those lipstick stains on your face?" he asks weirdly.
shinsou gave him a toothy smile. "heh."
thanks for reading!
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Privileged Princess
Warnings: Bakugou because he's his own wanring, mention of leg injury, Mineta because he's also his own wanring
The One Where: Bakugou falls for the younger sibling of a pro hero who he presumes is incredibly privileged in life but reader proves him wrong
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Afab!Reader
A/n: Readers Quirk Is Eldritch Magic aka Doctor Strange, Pronouns are they/them, #Weebish.Katsuki
"I swear you guys are so annoying" Bakugo said under his breath as he walked towards the classroom with Mina and Kirishima.
"Yet you still choose to hang out with us" Mina teased as Kirishima tossed an arm around his shoulder causing the blonde to growl in annoyance.
When they walked into Class 1A the first thing they noticed was the silence. The three students watched as the entire class looked towards the front of the classroom highly intrigued. The three of them followed everyone's gaze finding that Aizawa now had a desk right next to his podium. He sat in his desk chair quietly talking to Present Mic, Principal Nezu and two new faces. One of them was actually a familiar face, it was pro Hero Black Magix. She was holding hands with Present Mic as they stood around Aizawa's new desk. The other one was a new student. They wore the school uniform and sat on top of Aizawa's desk.
"What's going on?" Mina asked as the three of them went to their seats.
"Who knows?" Kirishima shrugged.
"Who cares" Bakugou scoffed. They all took their seats as they watched the scene upfront.
"Okay so I'm going to go get your pro uniform and we'll meet you outside" Black Magix said. The new student nodded their head as Magix left with Mic.
"Tell your class the news and we'll meet you all outside" Nezu said. Aizawa nodded his head getting up from his seat causing the new student to steal it.
"Hey Aizawa" They said quietly. Aizawa crouched down to their height as they quietly told him something. He nodded his head before standing at his podium.
"Okay class we'll be running things a little bit different today" Aizawa said. "Class meet (Y/n) (L/n), they're a late comer to UA" He said. "Now before you ask, they originally took the recommendation exam and did make it into UA but due to personal problems couldn't join the school year until now" Aizawa said looking down at the (H/c) haired student sitting at his desk. No one in the classroom had noticed yet that they wore a knee brace. "Today they will be testing their quirk against one of you and all of you. If that one person loses they will be bumped down to class 1B and their worst student will be dropped down to the General studies department. The entire class went sent into a state of shock.
"What if they lose" Bakugo asked.
"Then I'll be sent to my second choice of class which is the general studies class" (Y/n) shrugged.
"So you're just a privileged princess" Bakugo taunted with an eye roll.
"I wanna go against him" (Y/n) said without skipping a beat.
"Okay I'll blow your ass and make sure you won't get into this class" Bakugo growled as his palms started to crackle.
"Okay then, (Y/n) go find your sister, everyone else, get dressed, everyone is going to help out" Aizawa said.
"Wait Black Magix is your sister!?" Izuku asked excitedly.
"Yeah, She's the teacher for class 3A, did you not know that?" (Y/n) said.
"(Y/n) You have to realize these kids see the same six teachers every day and the only students they know are each other" Aizawa said. (Y/n) shrugged as they stood up opening a portal in front of themself.
"I'll see you guys later" (Y/n) said to the class their eyes stopping on Bakugou. They sent the ashy blonde a wink before jumping through the portal.
"I knew I recognized them" Momo said.
"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked.
"They took the entrance exam with Todoroki and I, their Quirk is incredibly impressive" She said.
"Eldritch Magic, makes them incredibly powerful. They lucked out with their quirk when they were born" Todoroki said as everyone grabbed their suits.
"Doesn't matter how impressive their quirk I'm still gonna kick their ass" Bakugo growled.
"Try to take it easy on them Bakubro, they're wearing a knee brace so they were probably injured" Kirishima said.
"Hell no, they're the one that wanted to go up against me" Bakugo said.
"Let's go" Aizawa said closing up the classroom.
After everyone made it outside in their suits they found (Y/n) was talking to Mic, Magix, and Nezu.
"Woah guys All Might is here too!" Izuku said excitedly.
"Yes Young Midoriya, I was informed of the new child and had decided to come watch the match between them and Young Bakugou" All Might said. Bakugo ignored the pro hero as he watched (Y/n).
They wore a (F/c) combat dress with a (S/f/c) cape. They had knee high black and (F/c) boots and had a black utility belt. Their right knee had a black brace on it and their hands were adorned with many rings. Their hair was pulled back tightly so it could be out of their eyes but Bakugou noticed the two streaks of (F/c) hair on the sides.
"Are you done gawking at them dude?" Sero teased.
"Shut It" Bakugo barked.
"I don't blame him, just look at those legs and and their butt looks great in that dress and I'm at perfect eye level with- ahhh!" Mineta yelled as a portal had opened under him causing him to fall through.
"If I win can he be kicked out the classroom?" (Y/n) asked.
"Sorry you're going against Bakugou" Aizawa said.
"Okay listen up!" He yelled. The entire class went silent and (Y/n) stood in between their big sister and Mic.
"The way this is going to work is that the test is going to start between (Y/n) and Bakugou and two other students of his choosing to help him" Aizawa said.
"If Bakugou isn't eliminated by the first 15 minutes we're going to call 2 names at a time to help and protect him every 5 minutes" Present Mic said.
"(Y/n) will have the ability to eliminate students by using their portals and making them drop behind us" Black Magix said.
"If all the students are in then Black Magix, Present Mic, All Might, and Eraserhead are going to help" Nezu said.
"The goal is to make sure Bakugou doesn't get eliminated" All Might said.
"The way to eliminate (Y/n) is to knock her down on the ground for at least 15 seconds, immobilize them, or having them give up" Magix said.
"Bakugou choose your first two helpers" Aizawa said. (Y/n) Stepped forward as did Bakugo.
"Kirishima and Dunce Face I guess" Bakugo said. The two boys cheered as they each stood to his side. "
Ready (Y/n)?" Magix asked.
"Yeah" (Y/n) said.
"Begin!" The teachers all yelled.
1 Hour and 10 Minutes Later
"Icy Hot!" Bakugou yelled when he realized the predicament they were in. (Y/n) had managed to eliminate 17 students and four pro heroes in the past 15 minutes. Every possible person was out in the field fighting against them after the 55 minute mark and they had just eliminated 21 people in 15 minutes.
"What do you want to do, it's your position in the classroom on the line" Todoroki asked. Bakugou took notice how (Y/n) was giving special attention to their right knee.
"Freeze their right leg to the ground" Bakugou whispered to him. Todoroki nodded his head the two went to fight them and (Y/n) made a portal to try and target Todoroki. He jumped out of the way in time and froze their right leg to the ground. (Y/n) screamed opening a portal on the ground that Todoroki was about to land on. He couldn't move this time causing him to be eliminated leaving (Y/n) and Bakugou. Bakugou chuckled running towards them.
"Die!" He yelled.
"Get him!" (Y/n) yelled. Their (S/f/c) cape obliged as it flew off their shoulders and towards Bakugou. The cape wrapped himself around his fists first before wrapping itself around the rest of Bakugo's body causing the boy to fall to the ground mid-air allowing (Y/n) to open a portal bellow him and making him join the rest of his classmates.
"(Y/n) wins!" Aizawa yelled. The cape finally released Bakugou flying above him. The explosion boy held a look of shock on his face.
"Everyone get changed and head back to class, we'll discuss more tomorrow" Nezu said looking down at his watch. This took a lot longer than he had anticipated and now their class over lapped with Mic's lesson.
"It's fine, I didn't make any plans for today knowing they were going to take long" Mic said wrapping his arm around Magix's waist.
"So we continue in your class?" Aizawa asked.
"I don't mind" Mic shrugged without a care in the world.
"Okay, everyone head back to class" Aizawa said.
All eyes landed on Bakugo who seemed furious. Todoroki and Momo had gone over to (Y/n) to help them out. Momo helped them stand upright while Todoroki melted the ice off their leg.
"Is Bakugo really going to get bumped down to Class 1B?" Mina asked.
"I just feel bad for the poor 1B students that's going to get kicked out because of him" Sero said.
"Yeah, imagine having to get kicked out of the hero course just because another student joined the school" Kaminari said.
"Unless It's Monoma, Mr. Aizawa did say it was their worst student that was going to get kicked out, hopefully it's Monoma" Kirishima said.
"We can talk to them about kicking out Mineta, you guys do realize he's still wherever (L/n) sent him off to" Tsuyu said.
"I was wondering why everything seemed more peaceful" Hagakure said. No one seemed to notice the look of defeat on Bakugou's face as they all went to get changed.
"Are you okay?" Momo asked after Todoroki melted the ice around (Y/n)'s leg.
"Yeah, you guys were super cool out there" (Y/n) compliments. They looks around the class seeing Bakugou his head hanging low as he trudged behind the rest of the class. "You guys should go get changed, see you in class" They said kindly to the two other recommended students. They opened a portal on the floor jumping in their cape following behind them before the portal closed.
When everyone went back to the classroom they found Bakugo pouting at his desk. No one dared to come up to him and talk to him. Like earlier that morning Aizawa sat at his desk (Y/n) sitting upon it. Mic was leaning against the podium one arm wrapped around Magix's waist. Nezu leaned against the chalk board talking to the group of teachers.
Magix said something that caused (Y/n) to sassily reply saying, "Don't you have a class to teach"
"For your information I called in a sub for today, I wasn't about to miss my little sibling kicking ass out there" Magix chuckled making Bakugou scoff and roll his eyes.
"Before we continue (Y/n) would you mind bringing back Mineta" Aizawa said.
"Who?" (Y/n) asked.
"The purple pervert" The class answers in unison.
"Oh right" (Y/n) said opening a portal above the one open seat. The class pervert fell into his seat his face sickly green and still in his hero uniform.
"Mineta go get changed, and if you throw up do it in the bathroom" Aizawa said. The boy nodded his head slowly leaving the classroom.
"Alright listen up, (Y/n) is going to be Class 1A's newest student" Aizawa said standing up (Y/n) once again stealing his seat.
"As for Bakugou" Nezu said stepping forward. The class fell silent.
"I want you to work with (Y/n) on team assignments from now on, I think you can learn a lot from them" Nezu said.
"So he's not getting kicked out?" Izuku asked.
"No, I just had Aizawa say that so he would give me his best, so all of you would give me your best actually. Sure he seems like an asshole and everything but I know you guys actually wouldn't trade him for the world so everyone gave it their all, even Todoroki back there had the nerve to freeze my injured leg" (Y/n) said.
"What happened to your leg if you don't mind us asking" Uraraka asked. (Y/n) and Magix shared a look. Magix nodded allowing (Y/n) to explain.
"The day that I got my acceptance letter to UA, I was home alone while Mahō was working with Hizashi" (Y/n) said gesturing to her sister and Present Mic. Mahō was the nickname they gave their sister and they were already used to calling Hizashi by his first name. "When I got my letter before I could open it the apartment Aka and I lived in got attacked by a villain, I got into a fight with him and he broke my knee, I managed to tie him up with my Eldritch whips and sent him to jail but my injury was so bad that I couldn't come to school. This morning I had my last physical therapy session. I have to continue wear this knee brace for a few months and after that it's only necessary when my knee starts to hurt" (Y/n) explained.
"After the incident (Y/n) and I moved in with Mic and we refuse to leave them home alone so they always came with us to school. And hung out in Recovery Girl's office" Magix said.
"Before you ask the reason I didn't have RG heal me is because I'm stubborn, I don't want to go to her every time I get injured and I don't want to rely on her for my incidents, I wanted to heal on my own" (Y/n) said causing all eyes to land on Izuku making (Y/n) chuckled. "RG complains about you and All Might a lot green bean" (Y/n) said. "Anyways, in the meantime I continued to practice my magic. I didn't luck out when It came to my quirk, I just trained hard enough to master it and own it" (Y/n) explained as they banged their wrists together and held their hands out to show two shields.
"I hope you can learn from this Bakugou, maybe next time you can defeat them" Magix said chuckling causing the ash blonde to roll his eyes.
"They're just a privileged prince" He said annoyed.
"Your not wrong" (Y/n) laughed.
"Wait is (L/n) is going to be joining us where are they going to sit?" Iida asked.
"First of all I request that you call me (Y/n) the half american part of me likes being called by my first name," (Y/n) said their sister agreeing with them. "Second of all I'm going to be stealing Shouta's desk until I get my own" (Y/n) smirked earning a glare from Aizawa. "Sorry force of habit" (Y/n) said.
"How close are you to Mr. Aizawa?" Sero asked.
"Oh he's basically like another brother to me. Obviously he's best friend's with Hizashi and Hizashi is dating my sister so the two of them along with Nemuri are basically like my brothers and Sister" (Y/n) said leaning forward on the desk.
"I was saying it as a joke at first but sheesh you really are privileged being surrounded by pro hero's all the time" Bakugo said.
"I mean Todoroki back there has a pro hero for a dad, I'm convinced Midoriya is All Might's secret love child and one of the students from class 1C is currently being trained by a pro hero so I'm not the only privileged one here cutie" (Y/n) said sassily.
"See I'm not the only one that thinks so!" Todoroki argues.
"I'm not his secret love child Todoroki" Izuku said.
"I'm going to leave, enjoy class (Y/n)" Nezu said as he left.
"You guys can have free time until Midnight gets here, there's no point teaching at this point" Mic shrugged as he left the classroom taking Magix with him. (Y/n) stood up walking towards Bakugou's desk crouching down in front of it.
"Sorry for scaring you Baku, but I look forward to working with you from now on" (Y/n) said kindly. Bakugou scoffed rolling his eyes.
"I don't want to work with a privileged little princess like you" Bakugou said.
"Well to bad hot shot looks like you're going to have to until you manage that temper" (Y/n) said as they sat on his desk. Bakugou didn't react. He didn't get mad at them, push them of or anything. He just rolled his eyes. "How about after school we go to my sister's agency and train in their gym?" (Y/n) suggested.
"Sure" Bakugo said without skipping a beat causing his classmates to gasp.
"Cool" (Y/n) smiles as they rubbed their bad knee slightly.
"Sorry about having half 'n half shoot your leg, how bad is it?" Bakugo asked. Everyone took notice of how calm he was being. His voice still sounded like he was annoyed but his face seemed curious and worried.
"It's not too bad. It is a little sensitive to temperature so I accept your apology. The only downside is the gnarly scar I have" (Y/n) said undoing the Velcro on the brace showing Bakugou the scar running from the side of their knee cap up to their thigh, the scar was mainly covered by the brace so it was unnoticeable. They put the brace back on leaning back on their hands and for once, Bakugo had a calm civilized conversation with someone.
5 Months Later
"Hizashi Fucking Yamada what did you do to my sister!" (Y/n) yelled.
"There they are" Izuku said. A lot of the students had been wondering where (Y/n) was since they had been missing all morning. They slammed the classroom door opened and dropped their bag at the door walking up to the English teacher.
"I don't care when you do it, how you do it, but you are going to propose to her soon!" (Y/n) yelled. "My older sister is skipping work today because she's crying in her room because she thinks you're going to break up with her!" (Y/n) yelled as they poked Hizashi's chest making him back up. The class fell dead silent.
"You're hot when you're mad" Bakugo chuckled from his seat catching the entire class off guard.
"Thanks I know" (Y/n) smirked that comment calming them down instantly. "What did you even tell her Hiza?" (Y/n) asked their hands on their hips.
"Well she caught me looking at wedding stuff and I panicked and told her that marriage was the last thing on my mind. That I'm a pro hero and a dj/radio host yo, someone like me don't got no time to be tied down to one lady for life and make a future with them" Hizashi said sheepishly.
"How the hell did she not break up with you the minute those words left your mouth?" Sero asked in disbelief.
"I know right, if my future boyfriend ever said that I would've slapped him across the face and left him right then and there" Hagakure said all the girls agreeing with her.
"After I said that I reassured her saying she was the only one I loved and that she made me happy. She just hummed kissed my cheek and walked away" Mic said as he sat on (Y/n)'s desk. The desk was technically for the teachers (mainly Aizawa) but (Y/n) used it the most since they still didn't have their own seat in the class.
"She's really upset Hiza" (Y/n) said sighing heavily. They walked over to Bakugou's desk sitting on top of it. This has become the norm between the two students.
"What should I do?" Hizashi asked.
"Propose to her!" The entire class of 21 students said in unison.
"Okay okay fine sheesh, I'm gonna go find Sho, you're in charge (Y/n)" Hizashi said leaving the classroom.
"Well there goes class for the day" Uraraka said as (Y/n) went back to the teacher desk. They started going through papers that were a mixture of papers Hizashi needed to grade and Aizawa's teaching plans. They organized the area like they usually would taking out Midnight's teaching papers setting them on the podium since Midnight's class was next. "So (Y/n)" Uraraka asked going to the front desk followed by a few of the other girls.
"Are you and Bakugou a thing?" Mina giggles as she sat on the desk. (Y/n) chuckled putting Hizashi and Aizawa's papers away.
"No, we just act like that a lot. We got into a weird habit of flirting with each other" (Y/n) shrugged. All the girls of the class sat with (Y/n) around their desk questioning them about their relationship with Bakugou. (Y/n) just laughed and calmly answering the questions and when they could they would glance at Bakugou finding him already staring at them. They would sent him a wink and a smile that would calm him down enough to continue to be interrogated by his own friends.
"Dude they're so hot and cool, how'd you get so lucky to be with them?" Kaminari asked.
"I didn't 'get lucky' Dunce Face. (N/n) and I aren't dating we're just friends" Bakugo said his face tinted pink from the wink (Y/n) sent him.
"Oh c'mon you call them your friend but you won't call us your friends?" Kaminari said.
"Remember guys, Bakugo isn't here to make friends" Sero taunted. Kirishima snorted along with Kaminari and Izuku.
"That's what Todoroki said" Izuku said.
"Same with Shinso" Kaminari added.
"Look at us now" Kirishima teased causing the group to laugh.
"I hate all of you" Todoroki and Bakugou said in unison.
"C'mon bro do you even like them like that?" Kirishima asked.
"Like what?" Bakugo asked.
"Do you have a feelings for (Y/n)?" Todoroki asked.
"Yeah" Bakugo admitted bluntly. The group of boys fell silent just as the group of girls squealed in excitement. After Momo asked (Y/n) bluntly admitted to having a crush on Bakugo.
"Why don't you ask them out man?" Kirishima asked.
"Why don't you ask him out?" Mina asked.
"Because we both don't have time to be in a relationship," Bakugo shrugged using that as his excuse. He didn't want to admit that he was scared to ask them out.
"Because I don't need to crush his overly inflated ego by asking him out. If he likes me he'll ask me out" (Y/n) shrugged. They just didn't want to admit that they were scared to ask him out.
"You see them all day every day bro, c'mon you're just being a wuss about it" Kaminari teased.
"That's true, Bakugo would be pissy if you asked him out" Jirou said.
"What'd You say you damn Pikachu reject!" Bakugo snapped as he shot up from his seat threatening to explode Kaminari.
"Katsu honey calm down, you blew up Mineta already we don't need you blowing up Kaminari too" (Y/n) said gesturing to the grape boy that had a bandage on his cheek along with a bruise. He earned it the day prior when he grabbed (Y/n)'s butt during training and Bakugo saw and AP shot him across the training grounds.
Bakugo growled as he sat back down.
"They called you honey" Izuku chuckled.
"Shut It you damn nerd!" Bakugo yelled.
"C'mon man I'm sure (Y/n) has a crush on you too" Sero said.
"At least give him a hint that you like him (Y/n). I'm positive he has a crush on you too" Hagakure said.
"Yeah no one can calm him down like you do" Jirou said all the girls agreeing with her.
"Just ask them out already, c'mon man you're the first person they go to when they have an issue, they don't even go to their sister or Present Mic" Kirishima said all the boys agreeing with him.
"You really want me to give him a hint?" (Y/n) asked. The girls all nodded their heads.
"Why the hell do you guys even care?" Bakugou asked.
"Because the sexual tension between the two of you at this point in unbearable" Todoroki shrugged.
"What'd you say you half 'n half bastard?" Bakugou yelled.
"Hey Katsuki!" (Y/n) said catching the explosive boy's attention.
"What do you want now?" Bakugou asked shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I have a crush on you" (Y/n) shrugged before going back to talking to the girls who were now giggling. Bakugou had frozen in his spot as his face started to turn pink. All the boys actually were in shock at how blunt they had been.
"I'll ask them out after Mic proposes to (S/n), we don't need their sister feeling shitty because (Y/n) got into a relationship while she thinks hers is failing" Bakugou said. But when he said that was the exact moment the class fell silent. (Y/n)'s face was bright at the comment they bite their lip getting up from their seat going to Bakugou's desk as he sat down.
"I like how you care about my sister enough to do that Katsu" (Y/n) said with a small grin.
"Well I'm not an asshole" Bakugo said.
"Debatable" The rest of the class including (Y/n) said in unison causing him to growl. "But still, that's really sweet of you to even care about her relationship as much as I do" (Y/n) said.
"I care about the things you care about, dreadfully" Bakugo said causing (Y/n) to laugh. Their laugh made him smile.
"I'm willing to wait until the proposal if you are" (Y/n) said.
"I can wait" Bakugou chuckled. They both had a blush on their face and softly talked to each other while everyone else did their own thing until it was Midnight's turn to teach.
Two Weeks Later
"I fucking hate this" Bakugo growled as he walked to class with Kirishima.
"It's been two weeks how much longer does he need?" Kirishima asked. When the two of them walked to class they found all the girls surrounding Mic and Aizawa at the front desk squealing and giggling.
"How'd you find it?" Momo asked.
"Sho found it for me. I know she likes flat prong rings so I found one online that was perfect it has our pro colors" Mic chuckled.
"On patrol yesterday I stopped a guy from robbing a jewelry store and found the ring, I called him and told him about it" Aizawa said.
"Aww so you do have a soul" Mina teased.
"Only for his best bud, right Sho?" Mic laughed.
"It's so pretty, Mahō's gonna love it Hiza" (Y/n) said happily.
"He got the ring" Bakugo said when he realized the conversation that was going on.
"He got the ring man" Kirishima said patting Bakugo's shoulder.
"Fuck yeah" Bakugo chuckled to himself.
"So when are you gonna propose Hiza?" (Y/n) asked.
"I want to do it today when you guys are training, her students are going to do their work studies so she's going to have free time when All Might is teaching you guys, I kind of need my kiddos there to make sure I don't wuss out" Mic laughed ruffling (Y/n)'s hair and causing the girls to giggle.
"You'll be fine Mic just speak your heart, how mad is she at you right now?" Hagakure asked.
"I've been sleeping by myself for the past week" Mic said causing everyone to hiss painfully.
"(S/n) left before any of us woke up today, I'd say she's kinda pissed at him now instead of sad" (Y/n) said.
"Do you think she's gonna say yes?" Mic asked.
"Mic!" Bakugo called out causing the class to go silent. "Trust me once you open your heart to her and explain to her why you've been acting like this, there's no way she can reject you" He said. Mic chuckled walking towards the boys desk.
"Thanks kiddo, you'll be a good man for (Y/n)" Mic said ruffling his hair. Bakugo growled slapping his hand away making the teacher laugh. (Y/n) had told Mic about the deal that two students had made.
"Hey!" All Might yelled walking into class causing everyone to quiet down. "Midnight is on her way to get (S/n) are you ready Yamada?" He asked.
"Let's go" Mic laughed in excitement. Aizawa pulled out the suits everyone grabbing their own.
"Ready?" (Y/n) asked Bakugo with a smirk. The explosive boy smirked nodding his head.
"Not gonna lie these past two weeks have been painful" Bakugo said pressing his forehead against (Y/n)'s.
"Both of you stop being gross and let's go" Uraraka called out. The two students left to go get changed into their hero suits.
After getting changed they went onto the training grounds to be met with All Might, Aizawa, Midnight, and Mic.
"Where's Magix?" Izuku asked. Because of All Mights inability to physically fight now Magix is stepping in for him. He's gonna teach the hero stuff but the physical aspect of it is going to be taught by (S/n).
"Getting changed into her hero suit" Todoroki said.
"Woah, look at your futute partner Bakubro" Kirishima said. Before taking the provincial license exam a few students had made adjustments to their super suits but (Y/n) seemed to make more adjustments than anyone else.
They now wore a (F/c) leotard but still had the stupid magical (S/f/c) cape that Bakugou hates. The Black utility belt was replaced by a simple little brown bag that was on a necklace and their boots had holsters In the sides of them for their Eldritch weapons. They kept the collection of rings on their fingers and their hair was slicked back with the two (F/c) strands sticking out more.
"They're still hot" Kaminari said causing Bakugou to scoff.
"Yeah and they're mine" He said walking towards the sibling pair.
"Hey kiddo" (S/n) said. Her eyes trailed over the classroom until they stopped on Mic. Her smile fell and she suddenly looked upset. "Why is Hizashi here?" She asked looking down at the two teenagers.
"He wants to talk to you" Bakugou said grabbing (Y/n)'s hand. This didn't go unnoticed by (S/n).
"Babygirl!" Mic calls out walking towards (S/n). Bakugou and (Y/n) both back up giving the two teachers and pro heroes their personal space.
"Took him long enough" Bakugo said.
"You're one to talk firecracker" (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
"What do you mean privileged prince" Bakugou retaliated. (Y/n) didn't answer they just whistled quietly looking around innocently. Bakugou looked back at Mic and Magix. Mic had gotten down on one knee causing the girls in the classroom to 'awe'.
"Oh that's what you want" Bakugo smirked.
"I'm waiting" (Y/n) chuckled. Bakugo rolled his eyes with a dark chuckle.
"Be my partner" He said.
"That's more like demanding than asking but fuck it I can't wait anymore" (Y/n) said. Bakugo chuckled leaning down to lock lips with them. (Y/n)'s hands went to his ashy blonde hair.
"Awww all of you are gross" Momo said. Bakugo and (Y/n) pulled apart to see Hizashi and (S/n) do the same. The two couples laughed.
"Was that worth the wait?" (Y/n) asked.
"Hell yeah" Bakugo nodded his head kissing his partner again.
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pocketramblr · 10 months
For the 5 hcs, au where fuyumi, manual, gran torino, and hawks all teach at ua. Bonus if nedzu teaches a homeroom or something
Can't help but think about something my coworkers discussed this week: the difference between teachers who had to take some kind of child psych course, and the teachers who didn't.
1- Fuyumi is a first year teacher who got her degree in education and licence to teach the traditional way, paying for those classes with the money she made as a hero part time. She didn't believe in only trying halfway to be a teacher just because it was at a hero school. (Being a teacher was her real dream. A hero teacher was a compromise with her father's expectations.) Manual went through a teaching program and started a couple years ago, so he's got a little more experience than her and almost as much training. Hawks went through a brief, truncated program to teach, and Gran Torino just... Got hired by Nedzu some time ago, no one questions his qualifications but honestly everyone should.
2- as teachers with the most experience, Torino and Manual have hero homerooms. Torino was given 1A this year to watch out for All Might's successor, and 2A is just glad he didn't move up with them. Manual has 1B and is not used to being on the same grade team as Torino- nor to running a rivalry with him but when Torino starts it, you kinda have to get with it or get run over.
3- Fuyumi has a homeroom 1C, and takes a role similar to Midnight's- she teaches a lot about image and how to project what is the best for you, how to pick agencies and the strategy for communicating with them. She's also given announcer duties at the SF as a notable hero, but not too popular on her own to run the third year stage instead. She's honestly glad for her homeroom, it's a bit like the normal teaching gig, and she gets to travel to work and back home with Shoto every morning.
4- Hawks honestly wanted a lot of the job Fuyumi got, but instead teaches Rescue more than anything else. He was sent to UA to be the Commission's eyes. Nedzu is aware, and that's why he's kept a bit away from the main campus most of the time, and why he was picked to announce the third year stage at the SF.
5- All Might's favorite fellow teacher is Manual, because he's terrified of Torino, feels bad relying on young Hawks, and as helpful as Fuyumi is, it's her first year too. Manual can be a great teacher mentor though, reviewing his lesson plans for the first years with a careful eye! (And honestly, a pale face almost passed out from the compliment.)
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ryder-writes · 5 months
Random MHA Headcannons :]
• not proofread I'm srry. TW: sh scars •
In their second year of UA, Tetsutetsu and Kendo decide to start dating. Their relationship is well up until they graduate. They start working at different agencies away from each other, and decide to make long distance work. However, while noting violent or bad happens between them, they just grow apart. They eventually sit down and talk abt how hero work is overwhelming and somewhat taking a toll on their mental health. They decide to end their relationship on good terms. They are sad abt the breakup but still talk to each other once a week or so. During this time, Tetsu goes into a more depressive slump than Kendo. He loved her. He's glad they ended things and still talk. It's for the best- but he misses having someone. During this time he confided in Denki, as they see each other often (cuz their agencies are right next to each other). They grow close and eventually catch feelings for each other. Tetsu falls first but Denki falls harder. They start dating abt a year after his breakup and it's a very communicative, healthy, and loving relationship. They also eventually get married (Tetsu proposes). Kendo comes out as a lesbian and stays friends with the two, as class 1A and 1B meet up and have a party every winter🩷💜💙
Shigaraki is scared of showers because they hurt his scratch marks. There was a point where he didn't take showers and Kurogiri had to gently force him to take a shower. On really bad days, Shiggy would (very quietly, when absolutely no one is around [especially Dabi]) ask Kurogiri to help him. So, being the amazing mother he is, Kurogiri would go tell Shiggy to get his swimsuit on (no nsfw here!) and gently help him wash himself. I also hc that Shiggy has a rubber duck that he keeps hidden away for when he has to take a shower cuz it comforts him (since he never had any bath toys as a kid cuz poor baby had his childhood taken from him).
Bakusquad watches Bluey together- fight me >:(
Gang Orca loves kids. Sadly tho, some kids are scared off by his appearance. While he is sad, he doesn't blame the kid. But if a kid tells him he's their favorite he has to hold back happy tears. He often volunteers at the aquarium and reads stories to kids. He loves to tell them facts abt sea life.
Hawks likes helping lost kids. If they have a bad childhood, if he can at least make one day good/fun, then he's happy. He never wants a child to feel like he did when he was little.
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tangyangie · 2 years
Hey can I have Monoma as a childhood friend of fem!reader who is a year younger so Monoma acts like an older brother to her?
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» as your big brother..
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description: monoma x fem!reader, who's like a little sister to him
OMGOMG thank you for the first request
i'm gonna assume that this is platonic, but if that's not what you meant just tell me and i'll write another!!
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right off the bat, you guys were inseparable.
constant play dates, saving the cat out of the tree, and endless teasing for whoever was shorter at the time.
monoma would always ruffle your hair, and at restaurants, he would make sure your got your extra pickles on your burger (or none at all)
one time, you swore you almost heard your parents refer to monoma as 'your brother'.
once you both got into middle school, he would constantly lead you around, telling you where you would need to go, what you would need to do, where the bathrooms were, and so on.
he would wake you up through your window with those little cup phones so that you can wouldn't be late (i wanted one of those phones so bad when i was little)
you were always comparing your scores on tests, and whoever lost had to do the others' chores for a whole day. yes, that's right, you were over often enough at each others' house that even doing the others' chores was considered normal.
when it was time to apply for high school, you obviously both applied to UA. and, when you both got in, you were ecstatic.
"monoma, look!! we made it!!"
"what class are you in??"
"let me see.. class 1A!"
"oh.. i got class 1B." he had an annoyed look on his face.
almost giggling, you gave him a pat on the back. "don't worry, you're still at my level!" you teased.
"what makes you say that i'm not past your level?!" he retorts, with a smile on his face.
he tackled you easily, but you both ended up laughing as you struggled to tickle each other to death.
once you'd arrive in UA, he'd make sure people would respect you.. although nobody seemed to take him seriously.
when he'd go on and on about how class 1A sucks, he always leaves you out of his insults, and makes sure to give you a pat on the head and say, "everyone but y/n sucks!!" then he'd go on another spiral about 1A and why bakugo sucks and doesn't ever seem to stop until you give him a smack on the head and he collapses.
otherwise, you two enjoyed your time in UA together!!
you and him would eat lunch together and talk about grades, or classes, or whatever else came up.
you were both quite competitive when it came to battles between class 1A and class 1B.
sticking your tongue out constantly at one another, goofing off, and being told to sit down and shut up by bakugo, which only led to you both bothering him even more. much to monoma's amusement, you never seemed to refuse annoying bakugo.
in your off time together, you'd hang out with each other until your parents called you back home.
the girls in 1A noticed this, and asked why you were so close with him.
"he's my brother!" you'd reply simply.
"you guys look nothing alike!" mina groaned.
"well, that's how it feels to me. and everyone else in my family."
and yes, one time monoma did in fact stroll into the dorms looking for his sister. everyone would be clueless, and then you'd jump out and ruffle his hair as he gives you a light punch in the arm.
one additional thing-- he'd totally drive you around everywhere once he gets a car.
you have a quirk that you can get around easily with already? he doesn't care.
you want boba? get in.
wanna go to the mall? in you go.
he'd drive by any class 1A kids, honk at them, and laugh at them for needing to walk.
obviously not you!! except sometimes he would laugh and stick his tongue out at you before telling you to hop in the car.
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notes: i'm so sorry this took so long!! i woke up at lunch and was busy all day :(( but i hope you enjoyed it cause it was really fun to make!! i don't have an older brother but i do have a sister and i gave him some similar traits, so hopefully that makes him kinda-sorta realistic.
also sorry i haven't posted anything in like two weeks i've been working on something but it's taking so much longer than i thought 😭😭
anyways thank you so much anon for requesting!!
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prince-honeypaw · 2 years
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♡ Hey hey! It's two days late, but here's the first set of Halloween Costumes I've been working on! :3 ♡ There's going to be roughly two or three more of these sets that'll be posted this month since I hopped on the wagon a bit too late! >w>;;; ♡ Bonus headcanons below the cut!
♡ All of Class 1A dressed up as different colored cats for Halloween this year! The idea was that since Halloween fell on a school day this year, they would be entering class in their costumes and see if their teacher noticed.
♡ Aizawa did not appreciate this meow meow mind game.
♡ All of 1A had blue glow sticks so they wouldn't lose each other or get mixed up with 1B (who had green glow sticks).
♡ Hanta is the kid that will ALWAYS manage to end up sticky before the night is done, so he has to be sent off with wet wipes and hand sanitizer to combat this.
♡ Hitoshi is a little spoiled. Hizashi let him pick out a whole bag of candy for himself and he carried it through the store with the roundest eyes...
♡ He's also the kid that's prepared for costume malfunctions! He sewed Kyoka's tail back on a few times before the night was up.
♡ Kyoka is the dark chocolate girl. She will take anything dark chocolate off her classmates' hands. The hot Cheetos are from home.
♡ Only like five or six people in their class didn't end up regressing on Halloween.
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CHAPTER 3 is up!
I also made some little character bios for the main cast and supporting OCs. The ages listed are accurate to the beginning of the story which is also the start of the school year.
Chinen Miya is 15, Class 1A: an excellent student, competes as a member of the National Skateboarding team, went to a private middle school and has no close friends.
Kyan Koyomi is 15, Class 1B: a good student, member of the Drama club, loves fashion and hanging out with her friends.
Kyan Reki is 16, Class 2C: an OK student but he's failing English. He's more popular with his classmates than he thinks but doesn't have any close friends. No clubs and he doesn't skateboard anymore.
Higa Hiromi is 17, Class 2B: An OK student but he is repeating year two due to fighting and truancy. Soccer club and unofficial member of the gardening club.
Sakurayashiki Kaoru is 17, Class 3A: former top student, former captain of the Kendo club. Current treasurer of the student council. Not currently in any school clubs but attending a programming and robotics course.
Hasegawa Langa is 17, Class 3A: pretty good student and star player on the soccer team. Visits Canada at least once a year, his dad travels a lot.
Shindo Ainosuke is 17, Class 3A: top student, President of the Student Council and the Drama Club. His family is notoriously wealthy and influential.
Nanjo Kojiro is 17, Class 3B: good student, popular and flirty ace of the Baseball team. He and Kaoru are childhood friends, but they aren't in the same class this year.
Kikuchi Tadashi is 18: first year college student, former secretary of the Student Council. Lives and works at the Shindo estate.
Oka Shokichi is 20: newly promoted manager at Dope Sketch.
Kamata Kiriko is 25: Homeroom teacher for class 2C. She coaches baseball and is very sick of high schoolers flirting with her.
Sonozaki Yosuke is 16, Reki’s childhood best friend (yes I gave him the same name in ‘there is no if’). He introduced Reki to skateboarding and they were inseparable as children. He was injured skating in their final year of middle school and Reki has not been in touch since he moved to the mainland before high school.
Kobayashi Rie is 15, Class 1A: an excellent student, junior member of the student council. She has been best friends with Koyomi since they were babies because their moms are good friends.
Fujiwara Kiyu is 15, Class 2C: a good student and junior member of the baseball team. He likes video games, singing and is learning to play guitar. One of the youngest in his class and a relative of Chinen Miya.
Uehara Takashi is 16, Class 2C: top student, member of the literary club and plays piano. He is serious and sincere. He and his twin have been chosen as class representatives, ignoring the one boy, one girl rule, since they were ten years old.
Uehara Ritsu is 16, Class 2C: an ok student and junior member of the baseball team. He dreams of forming a band with Tadashi and Kiyu but he hasn't found an instrument he's any good at.
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edwardslostalchemy · 9 months
I am finally watching season 5 lmfao. I didn't want to because the first half is boring to me. I really don't care about class B. I only care about a handful of the class A kids and Shinsou is cool, he's part of 1A to me since i started watching the series. Anyway, reading the class 1A vs class 1B battles is a different experience from watching them animated. It should be more exciting because it's in motion, but I think because I read the chapters wayyy back in like ??? 2019, after season 5 hit 2 years later, I was like okay. My best friend had to SIT ME DOWN to watch the first 7 episodes because I couldn't commit to the series. So now I have committed myself to watch an episode a day and I'm finally on season 5. So I'm watching each episode slowly and I'm enjoying them because they're 24 minutes long and then it's over. The thing I love about this season is the OP, we get Izuku and Shouto having a full conversation while everyone else is just stretching or whatever. Nobody else matters except these 2 angels. No little glances from other characters compare to the full conversation they are having LMFAO. Best thing in that part of the season. I am watching for black whip and Izuku and Shouto talking after the battles. And both their battles. But that's really it. One of the things that bothers me is that none of the recommendation students won their battles. They either lost or ended with a draw (?) I think, which is so stupid because they're supposed to be better than the others yet they don't win. Bullshit. Horikoshi just hates women and doesn't want Shouto to win. Momo and Setsuna should have won. I can handle Mud man losing, he's not my favorite. Like you can't have Shouto hype up Momo and have her LOSE. Horikoshi what's that even about??? What was the POINT? Hype her up to WIN. Prove Shouto's point that she's excellent. And then he has Shouto reaching these insane temperatures ....for his battle to be a draw. WOW. AMAZING. That's so anticlimactic. He could have 3 class 1A groups win in a row, and then have Bakugou lose, that would have been interesting. Humble him more. And then have Izuku win, that was good. No complaints about him. He even got black whip. I'm ignoring everything else that happened in that fight, but black whip was cool (I love that quirk, leave me ALONE). Idc if his favoritism for class 1A would have shown, I wanted my kids to win. They got hyped and did not get rewarded. Don't hype them up then! Or put them in the same team so they can ALL win at the same time IDK. He could have taken so many directions with this arc. I just think it sucks. It's salvaged, in my opinion, by the individual characters and what they bring to the table, Shinsou does a great job, the OP giving me crumbs, Momo, Shouto, and Izuku looking really cool, black whip, and the talk between my favorite boys. I'm not hate watching, I'm honestly watching because I want to know what's going on, since it's been YEARS after I read the manga and also years since I watched the 7 episodes I watched with my bestie before I went to do my master's. I really am interested. I just think the arc, to me, is boring.
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ofdetonation · 2 years
wishlist of things i’d love to do someday:
katsuki and endeavor just. talking. about endeavor’s younger years, about his training during the agency arc, etc. he doesn’t exactly like endeavor but he respects him and any advice he gives as a mentor.
katsuki and ALL MIGHT. they talk about izuku in canon and all might often watches them spar between one another, but i just want more interactions focusing on the two of them specifically. build on that lowkey regret that katsuki never took the chance to ask all might for his signature on his card.
ok honestly any interactions with the teachers / pro heroes.
any of class 1a finding out about katsuki’s recurrent nightmares that only get worse post-war, but they find out indirectly because katsuki refuses to talk about them + show weakness. by extension, i think anyone from 1b learning about this would be plausible too!
to extend on the previous point, katsuki learning how his classmates are dealing with the knowledge he died and came back. hard to forget when he has a scar to show for it + some of them saw it, and it’s likely the business course caught the moment on camera while documenting. i wonder just how many people find out about how he died… and how many more found out how he came back.
actually i have to mention this one too: katsuki and aizawa. my main thought is aizawa helping katsuki through his survivor’s guilt (working on the assumption that aizawa has a similar experience with shirakumo, and katsuki is dealing with all might’s retirement + edgeshot later on)… but anything with aizawa being a decent role model will make me happy.
bakusquad shenanigans. i don’t care what they are because katsuki probably got dragged into them anyway, but i think it’d be fun.
big three interactions inside and outside of ua. i feel like post-war, katsuki has unending respect for the big three considering they were all there at the floating ua and did everything to help. i just wanna see them talk more.
generalisation, could apply to anything: katsuki getting ANGRY. he’s in a perpetual state of annoyance for the most part (when i write him at least), and sometimes it escalates to different degrees of frustration depending on the interaction, but i would like to write when he gets genuinely pissed off more… he tends to dig his heels and bare his teeth, and refuses to budge even when he knows the other person might actually be right.
give him more reasons to smile and laugh. i love his stupid dorky laugh from the mr smiley ova, come on.
i’m usually nervous about tackling anything pre-ua, but i also wanna write more young bkg shenanigans. as in, baby. (not too sure about middle school yet.) i also know he hasn’t met anyone from ua besides izuku when they were super young, but shh. i don’t care. gimme.
ON THAT THOUGHT: any of katsuki’s friends (they’re his friends whether he likes it or not lbr) meeting mitsuki and masaru for the first time. they kind of float around as guest appearances on here sometimes, and i have a very specific dynamic in mind when it comes to the bakugou household, n while i don’t think katsuki often brings people home… when he does, i’m inclined to believe mitsuki and masaru really like his friends. (bring them around more often, katsuki!)
pro hero moments with team-ups. angsty, goofy, i don’t care, gimme. have fun (and good luck) with great explosion murder god dynamight.
i’m also terrible and know very little about a lot of anime (the only ones i could accurately delve into are fairy tail and of course bnha, why tf would i be here otherwise), and i haven’t even seen pretty much any of the big names bc i’m a sham, but !! even if i don’t know the depths of where your muse is from, i’d love to have a chance to have crossover interactions. katsuki is a little bastard. he will likely throw hands though (and for so many cases he will lose so hilariously bad, rip his confidence).
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