#literally where did you come from anon- my blog is very tiny you don't have to be shy its ok
tei-to-tei · 1 year
hey i notice you mention posting zelda donnie yesterday and u didn't :( not trying to rush you, just hoping u are okay! stay healthy thank u very much
??? oh wow well- thank you for your concern, i think? ;u; honestly, i really did want to post him yesterday but i ended up sketching dozens of different poses and all of them kept turning out way more.... uhhhh... seductive(?) than i intended and it was just a nightmare so... sigh if you're okay with the messy WIP i have in the meantime while i clean him up? sorry it's not completed yet, but i promise he'll be done at some point this week T_T
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You've given me a lot whenever I do these, so it's only fair that you have a turn.
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4? Well then...Here I go.
1 - There really should be a bit more pressure on referencing the ask / RP meme in question
I know this is like the third or fourth time I've been blabbering on about it-- and I think I have it in the rules, but time and time again I see people who send rp memes to my blogs not reference the RP meme they want to send. I don't just mean the simple icons or the thing the meme asks one to send the mun, but referencing which rp meme it came from.
This will help big times when answering ask from like days/weeks/months ago that are still left unanswered. I have like 140+ asks and no one-- I repeat: NO ONE has sent an ask while referencing the rp meme they're referring to. Now it wouldn't be that much of an issue if I had reblogged like one or two rp memes in total, but I know myself and I have reblogged many rp memes over these years and there's a good amount of those memes that share the same emoji's/icons to the point where I am honestly considering deleting old asks that don't reference the RP that it came from.
Now I will admit, I do that myself unintentionally and I do wish that I did refer the memes in question cause I know that it will help make it easier for the mun who'd want to answer older asks.
Honestly, I should just reblog rp memes and add a clear line of text stating to reference this asks when sending it.
2 - There needs to be a return to fun M!A's and events
Is this like a very old trend of tumblr that died off or are there no longer any M!A(Magic Anons) around? And on top of that, where's the fun tumblr roleplay events?
It may be me who did a lot of M!A back when I had an ask blog for my muses, but I loved these things and it was a random fun thing you could get and of course you get to have the final say if that M!A starts yes or no.
Like-- I can recall a few M!A's I had done-- mostly my muses transforming into other muses, but the shenanigans that happened was silly. I also remembered that one time when there was a M!A where Maroon turned into a literal raccoon, it was hilarious!
And then there's RP events. Although there's one I'm doing right now (thanks @hxroic-wxlls for allowing us to partake in that Mario cruise event, it's fun!), there's a scarily few amount of those nowadays on tumblr and it's kind of sad to see something from old tumblr not be so present anymore if at all.
Honestly, there should be more of those events happening in the future-- like proms, Au events, etc. I bet it'll be a fun time on this hellsite!
3 - Ask blogs and Roleplay blogs are just the same thing
As someone who had worked both kinds I've come to the realization that ask blogs and roleplay blogs are mostly the same, the only difference being that ask blogs are mostly ones with art (or in my case back in the day: models) whereas roleplay blogs are mostly just icons and text. Honestly I should restart my ask blog part once again
4 - there's no need to know every single detail about your own muse
Okay, this part hits a bit closer to home as there's been times in the far past where people called me out on the fact that I don't roleplay a muse properly cause I haven't owned/played/read/watch any media involving them. At that time it was from the Neps years ago and yes while I haven't owned any of the Nep media at the time I have watched some things.
I think it's totally fine to wing a muse, it's a part of the charm of roleplaying: roleplay the muse you want to see fit. And if you don't know some details about the muse in question? Is that bad? Not really, but it does help the portrayal, but it doesn't have to be these tiny details that make or break a muse. Sure, some small details may seem small at first but in reality it's a big impact, but I think it doesn't mean it's the end of roleplaying a muse. It's exactly why canon divergent muses exist!
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tiashe · 3 years
hello i'm so happy i found this blog! i'm really late to the party but i've been reading 07 ghost and i absolotely love it! if you don't mind answering how would you describe teito's personality?
Hello, dearest anon! So sincerely sorry for replying so late, I was really busy. I'm super glad to hear that you're enjoying 07! Hope you're here to stay-- let's try to expand our tiny little community as much as we can!
Man, that's actually a pretty heavy question. I don't even know where to begin! Warning you now, I'm gonna go on a lot of tangents and potentially talk about some dark stuff. you asked for it!
Also, major spoilers ahead. Just in case.
As someone who's been observing people's thoughts on 07-Ghost for a very long time, I definitely think that Teito is a very misunderstood character. I’ve seen countless people (obviously not everyone!) depict him as just some gloomy, angsty teenager, and I genuinely think that couldn't be further from the truth. I guess people are fixating on the way he was at the beginning of the story, at the academy? I mean, he was a slave with nothing remotely good going on in his life aside from having one (incredible) friend, what did you expect? Sunshine and rainbows?
Personally, when I think about Teito, the first thing that comes to my mind is his sweetness. Teito is a kind, gentle boy who wants nothing but the best for everyone around him-- it's just that he's been through, and is currently going through, a lot. Throughout his life he stumbles and falls countless times. He loses hope and falls into despair, but always finds a way to get back up and look forward. He's a boy who was raised with an incredible amount of love, and although those lovely memories were stolen from him, his family's affection lives on through his actions.
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Despite having been heavily abused literally every day for a decade, he's still able to have the mental strength to choose to be respectful, helpful and nice to everyone he meets (unless he determines that they're not a morally okay person. Or just "annoying" like when he first meets Hakuren I guess). He's hesitant to get close to people, because he feels like he's not worthy, like he'll just drag them to danger. Because of his experiences with bullying and such, he automatically shuts himself away from people in general.
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But once he feels comfortable and safe around someone and opens up, he's pretty sociable! He likes listening to people's stories, seeing their points of view, and is overall a very pleasant person to be around. Needless to say, he’s also very, very good with kids. And when he actually befriends someone, there's nothing he won't do for them. He'll drown in dark magic, let a demonic puppet choke him, punch a soul and set a greenhouse on fire, steal aircrafts, let an evil death god's scythe consume him, sacrifice a wing, literally walk through the doors of hell. His loved ones mean everything to him. He values their well-being even more than his own life. In the original Japanese version of Kapitel 44, when he's just found out about the whole Pandora's Box situation, he doesn't say he's scared of dying or of the world ending-- he says he's scared of "stealing everyone's happiness". Nothing matters more to him.
But I'm not suggesting that putting others before you is always healthy. It isn't. Teito isn't a healthy person. He's spent his entire life wholeheartedly believing that he's trash. With Mikage's help he begins to understand that he does have worth, but he can never truly shake the feeling that he doesn't deserve to be around him. He feels like he can never be his equal.
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In Like the Sky I Saw One Day, when he sacrifices his life for Mikage and sees his worried reaction to it, when he holds all those paper cranes that Mikage made one by one, he slowly starts feeling more comfortable with the idea of being Mikage’s friend. He starts feeling a little less guilty. But, you know, when Mikage eventually dies, the guilt he felt even when he was alive is intensified. As dark as it is, Teito places zero value on his own life at this point. He's straight up suicidal. He slowly gets over this mentality thanks to the help of the bishops, but it never truly leaves him. During the bishop exam, the "darkness of his heart" is literally a manifestation of his suicidal thoughts.
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When he learns how the Land of Seele works, his first instinct is to sacrifice his life just to bring back Mikage's. He eventually understands why this thought process is so wrong and dangerous thanks to the mother Fyuulong, but his process of learning how to love and respect himself actually goes on through the entire duration of the story. Self-acceptance is a tough battle. In the Oak arc, when his memories are wiped and he's assuring Kohaku that Mikage's death wasn't his fault, we see that he is able to logically understand that dying was Mikage's choice and that he wouldn't want any of his loved ones to feel bad for it. He just can't accept it when he thinks he himself is at fault. His own self is one of his worst enemies.
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So a good portion of the "anger" that readers see in Teito stems from his self-hatred. That’s obviously not all though. We all know the things he’s been through. He has every right to be angry at the world for putting him through hell, at his “owners” for treating him like garbage when he was a slave, at Shuri and his friends for being so hostile towards him, at Ayanami for killing his family and best friend, and at Landkarte for... basically ruining everything ever. And believe me, he is furious. Mikage specifically instructs him not to take revenge, yet despite that, Teito still obsessively wants to. He desperately looks for excuses to convince himself that he isn’t actually going against Mikage’s wishes, but he is. His anger is, at times, stronger than his respect for Mikage and his foresight. Throughout the course of the story, other ideas and desires overshadow this “revenge” idea of his, and the bishops gently sway him away from those thoughts, but they never entirely leave his head until the very end.
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We see the stories of a lot of characters, but these parts of the manga aren’t only there to give those characters depth-- they’re also huge parts of Teito’s overall development. When he sees how Frau handles the whole Bastien situation, he starts to understand that, at one point, you just have to accept tragedy. When he loses the Eye of Michael but is guided by the bishops to keep going forward anyway, he learns how to move on from his mistakes. By getting to know Hakuren he gains a new friend, his second one ever, and it’s the first time he starts to move on from his grief and to open himself up to new opportunities. When he witnesses the Hausen family’s love and longing for Castor, he sees the value of life, which eventually helps him start to value his own. When he’s furious at Capella’s mother at first, but then understands what truly happened after listening to her, he learns that there are multiple sides to every situation. Thanks to Ouka, he gets to witness a perfect example of someone truly accepting themselves, which is extremely sweet considering she was only able to do it thanks to his help. And he gets a good lesson on forgiveness when he loathes Lem for the way he treated Lab but then sees Lab openly forgive him. When Ouka doesn’t understand why Lab would want them to set the evidence on fire, Teito is the one who explains that he’ll do it in order to ensure this never happens again. In my opinion, exposing Lab’s uncle’s deeds to the world would fit Teito’s previous idea of “revenge” better. In this situation, he sets his obsession on righteousness aside, which I really don’t think he would do back in the first arc. It’s views like this that lead him to eventually save Landkarte and Ayanami. He doesn’t forgive their actions, why should he, but he believes that they deserve to be given a second chance, to start over, to repent and to achieve their potentials as good people. And he’s right, so in the end, more people end up happy thanks to his decisions.
Okay, let’s go back to talking about some lighter stuff! He's confident and calm when he needs to be ("Oh we got kidnapped and we're stuck in a giant refrigerator and my best friend's reincarnation is missing? No worries, I've got this") and he's aware of his capabilities-- he even downplays them sometimes, not because he thinks he isn't talented, but because he feels like he isn't as good as he needs to be. He’s extremely hard-working, let’s not forget that he graduated as the top student!
He’s also, you know, pretty confused? He was extremely sheltered his whole life, so he doesn’t exactly know how most things work. He doesn’t know what balloons are. He doesn’t know what money looks like. He doesn’t know how to properly present a sandwich. He doesn’t know that it’s kinda weird to casually greet someone by coming in through a window and telling them that you scaled the building. When he’s walking with someone he’ll just randomly leave their side and start Naruto-running on a wall nearby. Goofball.
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Thanks to his understandable lack of knowledge about the world, he’s also deeply fascinated by it. He’s very curious and loves learning new things (His main goal is to learn the truth about the war and the world! His first name literally means truth!). He has a lot of belief in people’s kindness, so he assumes that most people generally mean well (Hakuren literally has to specifically tell him not to go off with or take stuff from people he doesn’t know). He treats people the way he would like to be treated, and he generally thinks that most people do the same. Ugh, he’s just so adorable you guys.
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He’s very caring and generous, but he’s also quite judgmental. He has certain ideas of how people should behave, so when someone doesn’t exactly fit that framework, he gets frustrated. When he first meets Frau, he immediately rejects literally everything about him, declaring him “untrustworthy” and “weird” just based on the way he acts and the things he’s interested in. I’m not saying that Frau is "perfect” or even “normal in any sense of the word” (I love my deeply flawed boy <3) but holy heck Teito, calm down a bit! He, of course, does eventually understand and accept Frau, and they become incredibly important for each other.  
Last but not least, as we all know, he’s extremely emotional. His aforementioned anger makes him pretty short-tempered. It’s really easy for him to just explode and start yelling, especially if he’s talking to another impatient, irritable person like Hakuren and Frau. Some readers seem to view him as a crybaby because he cries super easily (He cries/tears up about 63 times in 100 chapters. Yes I counted) but, as a crybaby myself, I think it’s quite healthy that he’s comfortable with letting his sadness and frustration out. He’s so comfortable in fact that he can’t understand why others don’t experience their emotions as openly as he does.
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Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs is kind, strong, polite, humble, confident, sensitive, brave, warm, sincere, devoted, goofy, trustworthy, generous, caring and passionate. He’s also stubborn, self-conscious, childish, pessimistic, distant, judgmental and impatient. So much can be said about him. I could go on and on and on for hours. Anyone can interpret and analyze him in any way they wish, but to me, his most prominent personality trait is that he has a pure, clean heart, and he always holds onto it.
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
here's the anon who said "for people who don't like her, you all focus way too much on Gigi. just ignore her." I don't like her. I am a Ziam, that is why I follow you. I try to ignore her but have to read about her constantly on Ziam blogs like yours. Why? If we ignore her she will go away. Don't you people understand that talking about her is exactly what she wants? Also think of this. If a tree in a forest falls over and nobody witnessed it, did it actually exist?
first off, i DO mostly ignore her. when i do talk about her, it’s minimally and pretty much mostly only when it’s something that’s been brought up by SOMEONE ELSE and/or something she’s said or done that affects zayn (whether directly or indirectly). like i’ve said multiple times before, i barely pay attention to anything she does myself, and what little i do know of what she does or says at any given time is mostly only b/c SOMEONE ELSE has told me about it, i rarely ever see it firsthand myself and rarely even bring it up unprompted. i am only responding to ppl’s comments and inquiries about her b/c ppl are curious and i’m not just gonna ignore them, but i’m also someone who likes to look at and consider things from all angles (including sometimes from perspectives involving her or her family). i’m sorry if you don’t like that but i’m not gonna change the way i blog b/c like it or not, she is an important part of the conversation in analyzing what is going with zayn and with ziam. if i’m going to analyze what’s going on with them, i can’t NOT talk about her or just pretend like she doesn’t exist or that what she’s saying and doing isn’t affecting zayn (and by extension, liam). and that’s especially true given the seriousness of the implications of this latest stunt. moreover, not talking about her is not just gonna make her go away or make the stunting stop, and i’m sorry but i don’t even really understand the rationale behind thinking/claiming anything like that. the fact is WE’RE (as in ziams) not the main ones giving her attention. we may talk about her occasionally yes, because again she is unfortunately an important part of the discussion surrounding ziam’s situations. but even if we ALL collectively completely stopped talking about her tomorrow, the fact is z*gi stans, g stans, het z stans, the tabloids, and the wider gp who believe in this shit are STILL gonna be talking about her and giving her attention. that’s not gonna stop just because a small group of ppl in some tiny subsection of internet and of the 1d fandom stopped talking about her. the stunt will go on as long as it still keeps making her money and getting her attention from all those other audiences (and also b/c of the fact that the contract is clearly still on-going), we as ziams are a negligible factor in that (esp the contractual aspect). so to use your example but modified in a way that would be more relevant to this specific situation: if a tree in a forest falls over and a bunch of people witnessed it while only a small select few did not (and that tree already had a contractual agreement with gravity to fall anyway), did it actually exist? the answer would ostensibly be yes.
second off, and more importantly, i feel like a broken record in the amount of times i’ve said this and the fact that i have to KEEP saying it but tumblr is a HIGHLY customizable site. so if you are seeing things you do not want to see, i’m sorry but that is just not my fault or my problem because you literally ALWAYS have the option to either just plain not read it (if you see it’s tagged as about her), or even to block/blacklist certain tags of mine entirely (b/c i tag everything that talks about her accordingly). just like you’re telling me to just ignore g, that is also an option that you have when it comes to me and my posts about her. so if you are still seeing it/reading it (at least on my blog cause i can’t speak to others’ tagging systems) i can only imagine that it’s because on some level you want to…otherwise why keep reading it? especially when you can clearly see it’s tagged as about her. if you don’t like the way i’m blogging about things or how often i’m blogging about things you are of course entitled to those feelings, but it is ALWAYS up to YOU whether you want to continue to see it or not. you don’t HAVE to ‘read about her constantly’ if you don’t want to (at least on my blog anyway) because you always have the option at any time to either block my tag for her or just ignore posts i’ve tagged under her name. you don’t even HAVE to come to my blog or even continue to follow me if you don’t wanna see this kind of content. that is precisely why tumblr is built the way it is, so that you don’t have to see anything you don’t want to or that makes you uncomfortable. i have always said that if the way i blog or the content of my blog is ever making you or anyone uncomfortable that is totally valid and understandable and i won’t feel bad or blame you at all if you or anyone decides that unfollowing and/or blacklisting or blocking me or my tags is something you feel you need to do to make your navigation and experience of this site and this fandom a more enjoyable one. but frankly i’m getting really tired of repeating this. i’m not sure if there’s this just THAT many people that are new to this site and just don’t know that those things are options, but when you come to my blog saying things like this and basically trying to dictate how i blog about things - esp things that are very clearly literally your choice to read or not - it really puts me in an awkward position cause i try very hard to be nice and respectful about these things but i also have my limits. i’m not here to post content expressly tailored to you or to anyone’s needs but my own, i’m here to post content for MYSELF to get my own thoughts out. the fact that others sometimes happen to see it and like it and/or reblog it is great!! but it is not the reason i started this blog, and while a great motivator, it is ultimately not even the reason i continue with this blog. this blog has always been and always will be primarily for ME first and foremost, as a place for me to share my thoughts (and occasionally others’ thoughts) and speak my mind about things that i can’t necessarily talk about elsewhere and a place for me to make observations and analyses in a space and a community where i feel comfortable and supported. you are welcome to tailor your own blog however you want, and to talk or not talk about whatever you choose there but when you’re on someone else’s blog - just like when you’re in someone else’s house or room - it’s important to remember that that’s THEIR space to do with what they choose and they have no obligation to you or to anyone else to change it to fit your needs or wants. it is up to you to do what you have to do to in order to feel comfortable (and/or protect your mental and emotional health), even if that means avoiding certain parts of their room/house, or avoiding the whole room/house altogether (i.e. their blog) and you are totally within your rights to do so.
anyway, sorry this got so long, i just have a lot of feelings about this and i hope none of this came off in too negative a way, as again i tried my utmost to be nice and respectful about it (despite my on-going frustration at having to repeat it) but i just really hope this get the point across to the people that keep sending asks like this
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shittyelfwriter · 8 years
It started like that to me too. I had a supernatural blog, Cas centric one and I became irritated by these things. Than by the actors and directors. Like, really? Only time there are girls on this show they are sex interests? And when they aren't they get killed? Don't even get me on representation. Poc on this show?? Alive? No. Lgbtq+ on this show? No, only charlie, and they killed her off. This show became quickly about three white men, that's all
(2/5) I’m not being mean I’m just saying that I’ve been there, too. I still have their merch in my closet, ffs. But it’s very unhealthy for me, a queer brown girl, to go on anymore. It’s not progressive at all and all it does is kill people like me, you know? Women, lesbians. For the plot. Women are only sex interests or literally about dean and Sam. Mary Winchester? How much about her do we really now?? She’s just their mother and it’s not. ok.
(3/5)The cast is being repulsive about the only good thing in their show- destiel and Cas. Destiel is their only chance for representation right now and the only good thing a lot of people see abt this show. Now Jensen is saying shit about it, refuses to talk about it, like it’s something dark? Being gay, being bi? Like it’s disgusting? Man that made me feel like shit and I grabbed my stuff and I left. Changed my blog, my theme, my lifestyle, my everything, man. And I’m better now
(4/5) Oo and now I’m happy and having a supergirl blog instead! A show that focuses on daily anti-Semitic problems, racism, has LGBT main characters and pocs, and WOMEN thank God and so does legends of tomorrow, if you wanted to know! If you want a tiny break from supernatural I recommend them and sense8, to have a sip of something new and different, and maybe you’ll like it :)
(5/5) I also gained a shit load of followers since I did that. from 900 to 3k in one month?? It’s a lot for me at least lol. And the fandom is so nice and gay and adorable and still big af it’s very nice and healthy
I’m assuming this in in conjunction with my rant about Supernatural as a fandom being kind of annoying af lately? It’s been a few days and this has been sitting in my inbox (I’ve been away from my desktop but didn’t want to let it sit any longer, sorry for the wait.)
To be completely honest I’ve had problems with the spn fandom for months now. I’ve found the actors to be increasingly unbearable and their attitude towards important matters flippant and even dismissive. I will also admit that what actually made me start venting about this and other topics (including the behavior of the fandom itself) has to do with what happened to the Sherlock fandom earlier this month. I wasn’t even keeping up with that fandom but seeing how the group mentality of that fandom just fell apart after Moffatiss pulled a Supernatural/Destiel and baited the audience for seven years straight, I started feeling a bit sore about both fandoms in a major way.
Granted, I don’t actually ship Destiel OR Johnlock, but it only takes basic common sense and decency to see how devastated both groups become whenever the ship doesn’t pan out. It’s negligent and misleading on the part of the writers – and I AM a writer. I know when something is made to look like subtext and when it isn’t. They purposely make things look like subtext to get people’s hopes up and then dash them against the rocks and berate them for shipping these characters in the first place. It’s intolerable.
I love Supernatural, but I think we’re all aware by now of how shitty a show it is. We love it but it’s trash. And I’m at a point where the way they treat the LGBQT+ community and the representing characters (AND women alone) has gotten to be too much for me nowadays as a bisexual person. I can’t even find ways to be positive about it. So you’re very right. I’m probably going to need a change, and soon. At the moment I’m considering changing to a Star Wars URL, especially with the new movie coming it later this year. I’ve got some Rey x reader/ Poe x reader stuff up my sleeve that I’d love to explore. I have no idea how many followers I’d gain or lose by changing, if I’m interested to see what might happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m not into the DC fandom at all yet! I have no experience with it as I’ve been a mostly Marvel person thus far. But those sound very promising and I’d be super interested in talking with you about them if you happen to see this, anon!
Don’t get me wrong. Supernatural has had its place in my life and I’ve met and gotten to know a lot of amazing people because of it. But I don’t know how much longer I can put up with how toxic it has become.
And thank you, anon, for letting me know that I’m not alone! :D
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