#literally on residential roads with this bullshit like. ITS SO DANGEROUS
oflgtfol · 5 years
hi it’s literally common courtesy to turn your high beams off when there’s another person on the road. if you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no street lights then no one’s stopping you from having your high beams on but as soon as you see someone else approaching, turn that shit off!!!
and honestly, if you’re driving in an area with street lights, i dont see why there’s any need at all to have high beams on. especially in a god damn suburban area where there’s constantly other people around you. there’s streetlights and hundreds of other cars with their own headlights on, you don’t god damn need your high beams on
frankly i’d say it’s even hazardous to keep your fucking high beams on in a suburban area. i honest to god cannot see jack shit when an oncoming car has their high beams on. literally, everything else goes black, and the only 2 things i can see are the two head lights. it’s fucking dangerous when i’m driving in a residential area at night and i cannot fucking see anything
if you have your high beams on around me i don’t respect you you’re rude as fuck and just know that i’m yelling at you inside my car
#LIKE NO ONES SAYING THAT COUNTRY FOLK CANT HAVE THEM ON SHUT UP THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU LMFAO#THE POINT IS THAT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE THEM ON WHEN YOU COULD BLIND SOMEONE ELSE#WHICH IS ESPECIALLY A PROBLEM IN SUBURBAN / URBAN AREAS WHERE THERE ARE /ALWAYS/ OTHER PEOPLE AROUND#literally on residential roads with this bullshit like. ITS SO DANGEROUS#the roads are so narrow and everybody parks in the street so when i CANT SEE ANYTHING BUT THOSE 2 LIGHTS#i could very easily just. fucking crash into a parked car that i couldnt see!#or god forbid some idiot's out walking at 9pm for some fucking reason!#OR ANIMALS IN THE STREET!! especially cause no one keeps their fucking cats inside!!#like ppl in the notes really like 'haha sorry i cant see just blind the other people and laugh B)'#like. you can momentarily switch to normal headlights and still see. i promise you#and you say 'i will purposefully blind the oncoming driver' like thats a good thing and not like its incredibly dangerous#like if you excuse this shit sorry i dont respect you and youre one of the few people on the road that i actively get pissed at#i dont get pissed at people often when driving . i only get mad when people have their stupid fucking high beams on#or when they purposefully and blatantly blow red lights#thats the ONLY shit that gets me mad as hell otherwise i just roll my eyes but im never genuinely worked up#like my mom gets pissed at every little thing when driving and like litchrally chill the fuck out. people will be idiots#if you get batshit angry over every little mistake someone makes then you're gonna die of a heart attack at 50#like its literally not worth it#so i dont get mad or even annoyed at 98% of the things that happen on the road BUT THOSE 2 THINGS PISS ME OFF BEYOND WORDS#brot posts
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