#lion's den gorge
killerchickadee · 1 year
Hiking pics!
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Butt rock
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loupgawou · 1 year
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Scar paced impatiently by the mouth of the main den. It had been days since he'd seen his queen, Zira. She had gone to have her cub, who she promised Scar would be a worthy heir — not like her first-born, who was a hopelessly foolish excuse for a son, and unfit for the title of 'king'. Just then, a trio of hyenas scrambled up to the den, making Scar's ears prick back. "What do you want?" he snapped. Shenzi, the leader of the pack, nearly fell backwards. "Scar, Zira told us to come get you — fast!She says the new cub's ready to meet you." Without another word, Scar bounded out of the den. Catching his breath, Scar stalked into the depths of the gorge where he had once plotted the demise of a different heir. "Scar," croaked Zira, "come meet your new heir." "Zira," Scar cooed back, his voice low and saccharine, as he padded over to the pair of lions, "it is lovely to see you." The lioness directed his gaze to the little brown cub who was cradled by a crop of large rocks. "I named him in your honor. This," she announced proudly, "is Kovu."
Ko-Fi || Commissions
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therealmadblonde · 11 months
Help save a PhD?
Shared from Chelsea Volpano, FB 10/30/23
Hey Beach Combers, I had a somewhat odd request. I'm doing my PhD on coastal erosion at UW Madison and was collecting some data at Lions Den in Grafton with an RC Boat (pic). Unfortunately my controller stopped working when the boat was quite a ways offshore. Although the lake was flat, the offshore winds were pretty strong. Long story short, my little boat is now adrift. I'm hoping it comes ashore, but not sure where that would be. If you see a little orange catamaran PLEASE let me know! It would save my PhD if I got boat back!
Update 10/31/2023: You all are amazing for sharing my post. It made its way to someone at CBS 58 in Milwaukee and I did an interview today. They said it would air on the 4pm news cast and be available online.
Update 11/01/2023: You're still amazing. The boat is unfortunately still missing, but is most likely headed south (towards Milwaukee or Racine) based on currents and winds.
Update 11/02/2023: STILL amazing. The coast guard did some drift simulations, suggesting it may be south of Lions Den Gorge / Port Washington 5-10 miles.
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josephleonard · 1 year
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Mostly a lazy Sunday, but we got out for a walk at Lions Den Gorge.
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rjalker · 4 months
archived in 2006
Pal-ul-donian glossary
copying and pasting here for further posterity
I don't like whoever wrote this. ERB going around referring to people as "blacks and whites" doesn't mean you should be calling people "blacks" in the modern day.
A. Light.
ab. Boy.
Ab-on. Acting gund of Kor-ul-ja.
Ad. Three.
Adad. Six
Adadad. Nine.
Adaden. Seven.
Aden. Four.
Adenaden. Eight.
Adenen. Five.
A-lur. City of light.
An. Spear.
An-un. Father of Pan-at-lee.
As. The sun.
At. Tail.
Bal. Gold or golden.
Bar. Battle.
Ben. Great.
Bu. Moon.
Bu-lot (moon face).
Son of chief Mo-sar.
Bu-lur (moon city). The city of the Waz-ho-don.
Dak. Fat.
Dak-at (fat tail). Chief of a Ho-don village.
Dak-lot. One of Ko-tan's palace warriors.
Dan. Rock.
Den. Tree.
Don. Man.
Dor. Son.
Dor-ul-Otho (son of god). Tarzan.
E. Where.
Ed. Seventy.
El. Grace or graceful.
En. One.
Enen. Two.
Es. Rough.
Es-sat (rough skin). Chief of Om-at's tribe of hairy blacks.
Et. Eighty.
Fur. Thirty.
Ged. Forty.
Go. Clear.
Gryf. "Triceratops. A genus of huge herbivorous dinosaurs of the group Ceratopsia. The skull had two large horns above the eyes, a median horn on the nose, a horny beak, and a great bony hood or transverse crest over the neck. Their toes, five in front and three behind, were provided with hoofs, and the tail was large and strong." Webster's Dict. The gryf of Pal-ul-don is similar except that it is omnivorous, has strong, powerfully armed jaws and talons instead of hoofs. Coloration: face yellow with blue bands encircling the eyes; hood red on top, yellow underneath; belly yellow; body a dirty slate blue; legs same. Bony protuberances yellow except along the spine--these are red. Tail conforms with body and belly. Horns, ivory.
Gund. Chief.
Guru. Terrible.
Het. Fifty.
Ho. White.
Ho-don. The hairless white men of Pal-ul-don.
Id. Silver.
Id-an. One of Pan-at-lee's two brothers.
In. Dark.
In-sad. Kor-ul-ja warrior accompanying Tarzan, Om-at,and Ta-den in search of Pan-at-lee.
In-tan. Kor-ul-lul left to guard Tarzan
Ja. Lion.
Jad. The
Jad-bal-lul. The golden lake.
Jad-ben-lul. The big lake.
Jad-ben-Otho. The Great God.
Jad-guru-don. The terrible man.
Jad-in-lul. The dark lake.
Ja-don (the lion-man). Chief of a Ho-don village and father of Ta-den.
Jad Pele ul Jad-ben-Otho. The valley of the Great God.
Ja-lur (lion city). Ja-don's capital.
Jar. Strange.
Jar-don. Name given Korak by Om-at.
Jato. Saber-tooth hybrid.
Ko. Mighty.
Kor. Gorge.
Kor-ul-gryf. Gorge of the gryf.
Kor-ul-ja. Name of Es-sat's gorge and tribe.
Kor-ul-lul. Name of another Waz-don gorge and tribe.
Ko-tan. King of the Ho-don.
Lav. Run or running.
Lee. Doe.
Lo. Star.
Lot. Face.
Lu. Fierce.
Lu-don (fierce man). High priest of A-lur.
Lul. Water.
Lur. City.
Ma. Child.
Mo. Short.
Mo-sar (short nose). Chief and pretender.
Mu. Strong.
No. Brook.
O. Like or similar.
Od. Ninety.
O-dan. Kor-ul-ja warrior accompanying Tarzan, Om-at, and Ta-den in search of Pan-at-lee.
Og. Sixty.
O-lo-a (like-star-light). Ko-tan's daughter
Om. Long.
Om-at (long tail). A black.
On. Ten.
Otho. God.
Pal. Place; land; country.
Pal-e-don-so (place where men eat). Banquet hall.
Pal-ul-don (land of man). Name of the country.
Pal-ul-ja. Place of lions.
Pan. Soft.
Pan-at-lee. Om-at's sweetheart.
Pan-sat (soft skin). A priest.
Pastar. Father.
Pastar-ul-ved. Father of Mountains.
Pele. Valley.
Ro. Flower.
Sad. Forest.
San. One hundred
Sar. Nose.
Sat. Skin.
So. Eat.
Sod. Eaten.
Sog. Eating.
Son. Ate.
Ta. Tall.
Ta-den (tall tree). A white.
Tan. Warrior.
Tarzan-jad-guru. Tarzan the Terrible.
To. Purple.
Ton. Twenty.
Tor. Beast.
Tor-o-don. Beastlike man.
Tu. Bright.
Tu-lur (bright city). Mo-sar's city.
Ul. Of.
Un. Eye.
Ut. Corn.
Ved. Mountain
Waz. Black.
Waz-don. The hairy black men of Pal-ul-don.
Waz-ho-don (black white men). A mixed race
Xot. One thousand.
Yo. Friend.
Za. Girl.
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dominionproperties · 5 months
Countless Memory-making Things to Do in Milwaukee in Spring
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Patio pleasures
Sip a cold one with your pals and dive into a platter of cheese curds while enjoying the sun and a warm breeze. From riverside views to downtown feels, check out this outdoor dining list to decide where you’ll next eat under the open skies. Plus, there’s plenty of food trucks in MKE, from bagels to tacos to BBQ.
Natural and local decor
Spring blooms aren’t just for the outdoors. Bring that freshness into your living room with a visit to one of our many farmers markets. Snag some blooming beauties or handmade trinkets to spruce up your space. It’s also a great time to chat with local artisans and farmers and get to know the story behind your newfound treasures.
Clean sweep
Think of spring cleaning as the purge before the splurge—out with the old, in with the new. What items have you stashed in your closet but never used? What clothing pieces are you tired of? Give back to the community by donating those items (and maybe make a little cash!) to a MKE resale shop.
Trail blazers
Go for a green escape to enjoy spring in Milwaukee in its natural environment. Explore everything from wetlands to forests to prairie in the Wehr Nature Center. Grab some binoculars and go birding at the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. Or hike up a bluff to catch sweeping views of Lake Michigan at the Lion’s Den Gorge Nature Preserve.
Festival frolics
Spring in Milwaukee is the unofficial kickoff to festival season, blending culture, food and music into an exhilarating mix. From stepping into a fairy tale at the Lynden Sculpture Garden to celebrating everything Italian at Festa Italiana, gather your crew and dive headfirst into the festivities.
Cycle around
Hit the road on two wheels to see the city from a new perspective. Take an afternoon to cruise through the Historic Third Ward or challenge yourself on the Hank Aaron State Trail. You’ll feel rejuvenated and refreshed!
One for the books
Make this spring more than just another season—make it an experience. Lace up your sneakers, grab your sunglasses and go tackle all kinds of things to do in Milwaukee in spring!
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einereiseblog · 2 years
Wandern auf Mauritius ist heiß, stickig und anstrengend, aber mit einigen der schönsten Aussichtspunkte der Welt auch absolut lohnenswert. Wandern auf Mauritius ist wie die Erkundung von Jurassic World, allerdings ohne Chris Pratt und einen wilden Dinosaurier im Schlepptau. Die Landschaft bietet saphirblaues Wasser und puderweiße Strände, die zerklüftete, mit Dschungel bewachsene Gipfel umgeben, die aus Zuckerrohrfeldern hervorragen. Es sind die spektakulären Kämme mit ungehinderten Aussichtspunkten auf die Insel in ihrer ganzen Pracht, die das schönste Wandern auf Mauritius bieten. Wir werfen einen Blick auf fünf der besten Trails. 1. Macchabée-Weg Distanz: 10km (6.2mi)Dauer: 2-3 StundenSchwierigkeitsgrad: EinfachHöchster Punkt: 652m (2.139ft) Atlas & Boots Der malerische Aussichtspunkt Macchabée Black River Gorges ist der größte und schönste Nationalpark auf Mauritius. Es bedeckt etwa 2 % der Inseloberfläche und ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Ökosysteme des Landes. Der Macchabée Trail bietet eine schnelle und einfache Wanderung durch diese wilde Region mit steilen Hügeln und dichtem Wald. Der Weg verläuft vom Informationszentrum Le Pétrin zum Besucherzentrum Black River über den malerischen Aussichtspunkt Macchabée – der perfekte Ort für ein Picknick. 2. Le Pouce Distanz: 4.3km (2.6mi)Dauer: 2-3 StundenSchwierigkeit: Leicht bis mittelHöchster Punkt: 812m (2.664ft) Atlas & Boots Die Moka Range von Le Pouce aus gesehen Mit 812 m (2.664 ft) ist Le Pouce – oder The Thumb, so genannt wegen seines daumenförmigen Gipfels – der dritthöchste Berg auf Mauritius. Es befindet sich in der Nähe der Inselhauptstadt Port Louis und bietet einen beeindruckenden Blick auf die Moka Range, einschließlich des zweithöchsten Gipfels des Landes, Pieter Both, mit seiner einzigartig geformten Felsformation auf dem Gipfel, die einem menschlichen Kopf ähnelt. Lesen Sie unseren Artikel über das Wandern in Le Pouce für weitere Informationen und eine Routenkarte. 3. Löwenberg Distanz: 8,4 km (5,2 mi)Dauer: 3-4 StundenSchwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel (einige ausgesetzte Klettersteige)Höchster Punkt: 490m (1.607ft) Traumzeit Das sphinxartige Profil des Lion Mountain dominiert den Südosten der Insel Das unverwechselbare Sphinx-ähnliche Profil des Löwenbergs dominiert den Südosten der Insel. Die Wanderung ist ein herausfordernder Marsch entlang des „Rückens“ des Löwen, um auf dem „Kopf“ zu enden. Es gibt ein paar brenzlige Klettereien über einige felsige Abschnitte, bevor man das Plateau entlang des Löwenkopfes erreicht. Dort werden Wanderer mit fantastischen Ausblicken über das Innere der Insel sowie Küstenblicken in Richtung Süden und Osten belohnt. 4. Le Morne Brabant Distanz: 7 km (4.3mi)Dauer: 3-4 StundenSchwierigkeitsgrad: Mittel (einige ausgesetzte Kletterpartien)Höchster Punkt: 490m (1.607ft) Atlas & Boots Die gewaltige Le Morne Brabant vom Wasser aus gesehen Mit 556 m (1.825 ft) sollte Le Morne Brabant für den durchschnittlichen Wanderer nicht abschreckend sein, aber was ihm an Höhe fehlt, fügt er durch schiere Masse hinzu. Der Berg erhebt sich über der Halbinsel neben einem "Unterwasserwasserfall", der vom Himmel aus zu sehen ist (eine optische Täuschung, die durch das Abfließen von Sand und Schlick verursacht wird). Einige ausgesetzte Kletterpassagen sorgen für einen berauschenden Aufstieg. Lesen Sie unseren Artikel über das Wandern in Le Morne Brabant für weitere Informationen und eine Routenkarte. 5. Piton de la Petite Riviere Noire Distanz: 7km (4.3mi)Dauer: 3-4 StundenSchwierigkeitsgrad: MittelHöchster Punkt: 828m (2.717ft) Traumzeit Le Morne Brabant vom höchsten Berg der Insel aus gesehen Der höchste Berg der Insel bietet die beste Aussicht auf die südwestliche Halbinsel, insbesondere auf den gewaltigen Le Morne Brabant und die umliegenden Gewässer. Ein gut gepflegter und gut ausgeschilderter Weg dient dem Berg, obwohl der Weg bei Regen (und auf Mauritius oft) sehr matschig werden kann. Der größtenteils
schattige Weg beginnt in der Nähe des Aussichtspunkts und des Parkplatzes der Black River Gorges und wird regelmäßig gelichtet. Der letzte Anstieg vor dem Gipfel ist kurz, aber intensiv. Wandern auf Mauritius: Das Wesentliche Was: Wandern auf Mauritius: fünf Wanderwege mit atemberaubenden Aussichtspunkten. Wo: Wir übernachteten in drei verschiedenen Hotels auf Mauritius sowie bei einem Freund in der Hauptstadt Port Louis. Wir empfehlen die folgenden Hotels, da sie alle etwas anderes in einzigartigen Gegenden der Insel bieten. Port Louis ist einen Tagesausflug wert (und sei es nur, um das „berauschende“ Postmuseum zu besuchen), aber es lohnt sich wahrscheinlich nicht, dort zu bleiben – es ist nicht das Mauritius, für das Sie den ganzen Weg gekommen sind! Das Hotel Riu Le Morne, ein Hotel nur für Erwachsene, liegt auf der Halbinsel Le Morne und ist ideal für Le Morne, den Wanderweg Macchabée und Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire.Das Shandrani Beachcomber Resort & Spa liegt auf einer privaten Halbinsel am Blue Bay Marine Park und ist damit ideal für den Lion Mountain.Trou aux Biches Beachcomber an der Nordwestküste ist eine 40-minütige Fahrt von Le Pouce entfernt. Wann: Die beste Reisezeit für Mauritius ist von Oktober bis April, wenn die Temperaturen heiß, wenn auch feucht und regnerisch sind. Beachten Sie, dass Wirbelstürme von Januar bis Februar möglich sind. Der Winter auf der Insel dauert von Mai bis September. Die Temperaturen sind immer noch warm, aber die vorherrschenden Winde wehen in der Regel aus dem Osten und Südosten über die Insel. Wie: Verwenden Sie die obige Karte, um Ihre Wandertage auf Mauritius zu planen. Wir mieteten ein Auto bei einem Einheimischen in Port Louis namens David (+230 59 5125 65) zu einem Preis von 800 MUR / 25 USD pro Tag. Fragen Sie unbedingt nach einer Klimaanlage! Verwenden Sie alternativ Mietwagen, um die besten Angebote vor Ort zu finden. Transfers zu allen oben genannten Wanderwegen können über Ihr Hotel oder einen lokalen Fahrer organisiert werden. Wir empfehlen Stelio (+230 52 5084 97). Darüber hinaus gibt es Busse, die den größten Teil der Insel bedienen und relativ einfach zu benutzen sind, insbesondere in der Hauptstadt Port Louis. Verwenden Sie die Website von Mauritius Buses, um eine Reise zu planen. Üben Sie beim Wandern auf Mauritius gesunden Menschenverstand: Gehen Sie früh morgens, um die stärkere Sonne zu meiden, wandern Sie mit einem Partner, tragen Sie viel Sonnencreme auf, vermeiden Sie das Wandern an Regentagen, da die Wege sehr rutschig werden können, und nehmen Sie viel Wasser mit (min. 1,5 Liter pro Person). Mauritius wird von mehreren internationalen Fluggesellschaften angeflogen. Buchen Sie über skyscanner.net zu den besten Preisen. G Adventures bietet eine Reihe von Wander- und Trekkingtouren mit über 650 Abenteuern in kleinen Gruppen zur Auswahl. Sie können ihre Broschüren hier herunterladen. Lonely Planet Mauritius, Réunion & Seychellen ist ein umfassender Reiseführer für Mauritius, ideal für diejenigen, die sowohl die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten erkunden als auch die weniger befahrene Straße nehmen möchten. Leitbild: Dreamstime .
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xoashdurham · 2 years
Elderberry Manor Wedding in West Bend
Sam and Emma's perfect fall Elderberry Manor wedding in West Bend, complete with the most romantic, rustic outdoor ceremony space!
Good morning and happy Monday, friends!! I’m so excited to share all about Sam and Emma’s Elderberry Manor wedding in West Bend today! Their wedding was absolutely a dream come true, from start to finish. Ever since I photographed their engagement session at Lion’s Den Gorge earlier this year, I knew that these two would become dear friends of ours. I’m so excited that once we move up to…
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willowmoon-92 · 5 years
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For Mother's Day my Mom, Sister, Kids & I went to Lion's Den Gorge Nature Preserve in Port Washington, WI for a nature walk and picnic. The marsh was filled with these yellow flowers.
Afterwards myself and kiddos went to Glaze & Paint in Manitowoc, WI and painted some ceramics. Thomas painted a tractor bank, Sophia painted a whale shaped planter and I painted a sunflower shaped plate and matching mug.
Then, as promised, they got Culver's icecream with their free scoop tokens and went home to plant our veggies and watermelon.
Honestly this has been my favorite mother's day out of the 5 I've had. We all had fun. I do wish my husband, Sean, could've spent time with us but he had to work..
First fully fun day for me in a few months.
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wisconsinstatepark · 2 years
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Lion’s Den Gorge Nature Preserve (4/17/22)
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Aviary Adventures
Summary: One of your worst fears comes to pass when your husband is nowhere around...
*Warnings: Fear of Birds, Chip Happy Bianca, Frightened Reader, Andy being a Hero, Fluff, Mentions of Ghosts, Minors DNI
A/N: Once again, I can’t sleep. Lucky me. This Growing Pains drabble is based on a very real fear of mine. It actually happened to a good friend not too long ago, who proceeded to look at the husband that she adores, only to yell “I can’t help you!” As always, I’d love your feedback, so please let me know what you think. Semi-proofread. Not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
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“Oh, Jesus Christ!” You screech as you throw yourself and your baby into the pantry before closing the door. “Are you okay, baby?” You whisper down at Bianca.
“Fine. Mama heavy.” She pushes at your chest. You were crushing your daughter. Oops.
“Sorry baby.” You murmur as you roll off of her. “Mama’s so sorry.” 
“S’okay. Mama save BiBi. Fanks.” She wipes some hair out of her face and fluffs her little tutu.
Quickly you fish your phone out of your pocket and call Andy’s cell. It rings and rings before going to voicemail. Shit. Of all the fucking days. You try again before giving up and calling the office. You’re filled with hope when Grace, the receptionist, answers.
“Hi, Grace.” You babble. “It’s Y/N/L/N. Is Andy in the office?”
“Oh hi, Y/N. How are you?” She chirps. 
“”Better days. I’ve had better days. Is Andy there?”
“He is, but he’s in a meeting. Can I take a message for you?” No, you sweet woman, you needed that man now!
“No - no…I…can you pull him out of it, please? It’s an emergency.” You watch as your baby girl grabs an open bag of barbecue chips and begins going to town. To be fair, you had been in the middle of preparing lunch. She sees you staring and offers you one, whispering: “Mama hungry?”. You thank her and shake your head no. 
“Oh good god, is everything alright?” She exclaims. No, no it was not, Grace. You were pretty sure this was how you died, but okay. Take your fucking time, damn it.
“Please just connect me with Andy.” You whisper. A few moments later you hear a warm, familiar voice on the line. 
“Y/N? Grace just pulled me out of my meeting. Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Andy.” You breathe. Thank god. You were saved. Maybe,
“Daddy? Hi, best Daddy!” Bianca squeals as she munches on another chip. You were going to have to take that bag from her eventually.
“Andy, you have to come home right now.” You’re doing your best to keep from crying. “Right now, okay?”
“What? Why?” You can hear the concern in his voice. Good. This was a dire situation. This was your living, breathing nightmare. And your baby was involved? Crap. If it had been just you, you would’ve said fuck it and just left the house. But with her here, your first inclination had been to throw yourself into the pantry. 
“Because it happened, honey. It finally happened.” You wail softly.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, what the fuck happened?” You can practically hear him raking his hands through his hair. 
“There’s a bird in the house. It’s in the house!” And that’s when you finally start to cry. 
Bianca takes the phone from you. “Big bird, Dadsy. I try to get, but Mama say no. Germs. Come get so Mama no cry. I keep safe. Fanks.” She hands the phone back. “I tell him.” She says before going back to her snack.
“Fuck.” Andy huffs. “How’d it get in?”
“I don’t know! The fireplace, probably! Come home and get the monster!”
“And where are you now?”
“Holed up in the pantry like a couple of prisoners! Your daughter is gorging herself on chips while I am losing my collective mind. I’m sorry, I know you’re busy, but I’d rather deal with an armed intruder. You’re going to have to come home and fix this. Please. I’ll, uh, respond in the form of certain favors for a month.” You let out a scream when you hear the damned thing fly around and crash into something. “Andy, I think it just flew into a cabinet.”
“Good. Maybe it’s stunned. Why don’t you step out and -”
“And walk willingly into the lion’s den? Are you crazy?” You all but shriek. “You know how I feel about birds. You know! You know my greatest fear is having to one day fight an ostrich!”
“Which I maintain is a ridiculous fear, but alright.” He mumbles. You can’t help but remember how hard he laughed when you’d first told him that. Ooh, you’d been so mad. 
“We’ve discussed this. It would be like having to fight a villain in his or her final form.” No thank you.
“Are you coming home or not? Your baby and I are in danger. I am talking about true peril here, Andy. And our little one needs to eat her lunch. And Mama needs to be sedated.”
He heaves out a sigh. “Yes, yes. I’m coming now. Will you be able to help me with the bird?”
“With the creature!? Absolutely not. Go with God, sir.”
“I’ll see you in about twenty minutes. Will you be able to last until then?” The man is clearly more than a little exasperated.
“You had better hope so. I’ll protect our baby at all costs, but if something happens to me you are not allowed to remarry. Do you hear me, Andrew Barber? You take another wife and I will come back and haunt you for the rest of your days. And I will not be a peaceful ghost.”
“Understood, honey. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
True to his word, your husband arrives not even twenty minutes later. You jerk when you hear the knock on the pantry door. Bianca looks up from the fruit cup she’d been enjoying. Somehow you’d found a plastic spoon and had set her to eating some diced pears. It was better than chips, you’d reasoned. 
“Hi, girls. It’s Daddy. Can he please come in?” Your baby begins to bounce up and down at the sound of his voice.
“Depends. Is it really you, or is it that bird pretending to be you?”
“It’s me, Y/N. And before you ask, no, I can’t find it. I’m still looking.” 
“Come in.” You grumble. At the sight of his face, your baby drops her empty cup and rushes into his arms. 
“Hi, my sweet baby.” He coos at her as he lifts her up. “Thanks so much for protecting your Mama. You hear me?”
“Welcome!” She kisses his bearded cheek with her sticky face.
“Close the door, Andy. If that bird gets in here…” He does as you ask with a sigh. Your husband didn’t even have the heart to make fun of your panic. He knew it was genuine. 
“Tell you what…how about I get you girls bundled up and I take you to lunch? In the meantime, I’ll call an exterminator friend of mine who will come take care of things. Sound good?”
“I don’t want it to die!” You screech.
“Birdy gonna get hurt?” You could tell your Bianca was on the verge of tears. “Daddy no!” Now you’re both screeching at a bewildered Andy.  
“He won’t hurt it. It will be totally humane, you two.” He growls as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Now, I’ve laid your jackets out in the hallway. I’ve got my keys in my hand, so this should be smooth sailing, ladies. Let’s go.”
You whimper as you get up off the floor. Bianca is still in his arms, of course. “Protect her with your life.” You tell him. “You can even use me as a human shield if you have to, as long as -”
“As long as I don’t remarry. I heard you the first time. And since I’m pretty sure you’d be a very vindictive ghost, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve decided not to chance it.” He helps your baby put on her jacket while you keep an eye out for that damned bird. 
“Now how about pizza?”
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killerchickadee · 1 year
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Wood thrush ❤️
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I love you Lake Michigan, I love you migrating birds, I LOVE YOU SPRING
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draebdigselv · 7 years
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rehnwriter · 3 years
Fuck Monsters [Part 18] – Sandra’s Conviction
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And so we set out, right into the lion’s den, the looming, otherworldly ziggurat in front of us.
The moment we entered, my head spun. There was something about this entire construction that made no sense. There was some sort of insane beauty to it, a disorienting, hellish beauty. The more I looked at the surrounding constructions, the more things didn’t make sense. It was almost as if some surfaces and edges weren’t possible in a geometrical sense.
The longer I stared at the surrounding walls, the more my head hurt. I couldn’t help but close my eyes and breathe deeply.
“Fucking hell,” I cursed as I rubbed my temples.
Sandra next to me spoke up.
“Don’t look too closely, Dylan. This place has been under this creature’s influence and has been altered. It’s not entirely part of our reality anymore. What this thing’s done here, or rather, what it’s trying to do is overlapping different planes of reality. It’s almost as if a different reality is invading our own.”
“How in the hell’s something like that possible?”
“It’s not truly. Right now we are at a place in-between ours and this creature’s reality. It’s a shifting place that’s been meticulously constructed, nothing but a transitional plane.”
As we continued down the long-winding tunnel, I noticed something ahead of us. A creature pushed itself from a tear in the wall.
Its head jerked into our direction and a scream escaped from a gorging, dark maw. It took a single explosive round to take care of the creature, whatever it had been.
As I stepped forward, I saw the creature hadn’t come from the wall. What I saw in front of me was a sort of opening, no, a portal that was slowly closing. For a moment I saw a place shrouded in deep darkness.
The further we went, the more portals we saw.
At one point I caught Theodor getting closer to one of them. Standing nearby, I saw a blazing white light and a giant, glassy plane. Theodor stood unmoving, staring deeply into it with wide, fascinated eyes.
A moment later, Sandra pushed him aside, away from the portal.
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Priest Seto, in a world where he gets to be with his pharaoh for a little while longer and there is no Zorc. Or alternately, I felt things about Priest Seto and had to actually get something written.
His hands are darkly stained, too dark now for blood for blood is red. He does not deal in blood any longer. He dips into the shadows, dredges the very depths of the shadow worlds for the agonies that lay there. Deep beneath the palace, screams echo without end. They resound in his ears, those shouts and curses that condemn him.
He knows that when his heart is weighed, it will be too heavy for the scales to bear. Ammit will gorge herself on the pitch darkness of his heart, and he will wander the earth forever. He will achieve a restless, chaotic immortality, forever yearning for completion.
But it is worth it for these halcyon days.
It is worth this pain, these curses, to know that his king can smile, and can look out upon his people with pride.
Within his heart twin demons writhe. He can keep them in check, like so many of his fellow priests, because of what he has seen. He can keep them in check because of his pharaoh.
How many souls has he already condemned in pursuit of this perfect peace? How many bodies now lay twisted and contorted, scarred beyond recognition by the torturer’s brand or the soldier’s spear? 
He does not do this because it brings him pleasure. No, if he were concerned with pleasure, he would spend all his days beside his beloved pharaoh, worshipping at the very feet of divinity, proscribing the rule of law and order as his predecessors have done for generations.
But there is no law without punishment.
There is no peace without pain.
Just as Ma’at will one day find him wanting, sluicing his meager remnants into the turbulence of chaos, he too finds others wanting. There are so many who envy the pristine beauty of the kingdom. So many hungry jackals baying at the den of the lion.
He works so that those desperate teeth and claws might not rend his pharaoh’s flesh.
If he can keep them from his pharaoh’s heels for one day longer, it will be enough.
He will keep his pharaoh’s hands clean, prevent his king from having to bear these screams and curses, and he will carry that burden willingly until the gods remove him from this earth.
Seto removes his head from the cool stone, inhaling the deep scent of sand and earth and water close by. His pharaoh will need him again soon. Another day dawns. 
And he has his part to play.
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rjalker · 4 months
WIP, not in alphabetical order yet. I'll do that when I get to the end of the book. Breaking all the names down into their components.
by the way this is all public domain, it's from Tarzan book 8: Tarzan the Terrible.
Bu: The Moon
Pastar: Father
Ul: Of
Ved: Mountain
O: Like (similar to)
La: Star
A: Light
Jad: The
Pele: Valley
Ben: Great
Otho: God
Don: Man (probably generic for people, because misogyny)
Pal: Land
Waz: Black? Shaggy? Furry?
Ho: White? Naked? Furless?
Ta: Tall
Den: Tree
Kor: Gorge
Ja: Lion
To: Tiger?
Lul: Water
Gryf: ? (some kind of monster. probably not an actual griffon)
Guru: Terrible
Gund: Chief
Bar: Battle
Proper nouns for place names seem to have the main word be in all caps to indicate a proper noun, ie: Kor-ul-JA (Gorge of Lions), vs Kor ul ja (Gorge of lions)
Shared names:
Jad-ben-Otho: (The great God) [Waz-don believe he has a long tail, Ho-don believe he is tailless]
Pal-ul-Don (Land of Man)
Ja-to: Lion tiger?
Pastar-ul-ved: Father of Mountains, a large mountain that young and extremely brave Kor-ul-ja warriors prove their agility upon.
Kor-ul-JA: Gorge of Lions, a location, and the name of the tribe who lives there.
A-lur: Light City [a Ho-don city where the king lives]
Kor-ul-lul: Gorge of water
Kor-ul-GRYF: Gorge of (some as yet unrevealed monster.)
Jad-guru-don: the terrible man [a title given to Tarzan after he committed manslaughter in front of the entire village]
Waz-don names for people:
Pan-at-lee, [Hopeful mate of Om-at]
Om-at, [Hopeful mate of Pan-at-lee, from Kor-ul-JA]
Es-sat [the current chief of Kor-ul-JA]
Ho-don names for people:
O-lo-a (Like-star-light) [daughter of Ko-tan, the king, betrothed against her wishes to Bu-lot, is in love with Ta-den],
Ta-den (Tall-tree) [son of Ja-don],
Ko-tan [the king, father of O-lo-a],
Dak-at, [a strong warrior and the leader of a village whose name we don't know yet]
Ja-don (Lion-man)[father of Ta-den],
Bu-lot, (Moon-?) [son of Mo-sar, betrothed to O-lo-a]
Mo-sar [father of Bu-lot, the great grandson of the last king]
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