mecha-gifs · 4 years
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mechaddiction · 6 years
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Linebarrels #mecha – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/201113939595864096/
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mymangacaps · 7 years
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gunstothemax · 10 years
This was during the time when every anime we watched the only remaining body part was an arm or a head
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noel-kouji · 11 years
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date : '10/12/19(日)17:28
!スパロボL感想(ネタバレ反転)原作知識が乏しいので新鮮に驚いてます。  第十二話 
?バカvv浩一vv  ?カトルもかよvv  ?一鷹ノ��いいな!大暴れするのは体育かよ!!  ?シンジが逞しくなってる?先輩に影響されてる!?  ?こうがい…私も読めない(笑)  ?へー!加藤さんと同じ世界からっていうと、乾燥わかめ知ってるのだろうかって思ってしまった(笑)  ?ジャックさんのアイコンが(笑)  ?ステルス!!山下くんがー!!ドS!!  ?山下…シンジ…だと?何かのネタか!?(笑)  ?ビームが効かない!!  ?わああ!!クリスマスの人出オチ!!  ?山下ぁぁぁ!!!!  ?ダンクーガチームはドライなのか!  ?この冬はおいしくちらし寿司が食べられそうです!!  ?社長かわいいよー!!おっさん萌え!!  ?たとえ過ちを犯しても人はその反省を胸にやり直す事ができるんだぞ!いい言葉だ!!  ?何か意味深だ!!  ?久嵩さんの想像を超えた(爆笑)想像ってフリーダムだよね。
スパロボL感想 >
?山下くんvvv中学生になった途端上下関係厳しくなるのは何でだろう(体験談)  ?お約束ですよねー!!  ?コレ見てヤル気でたのか一鷹!?(ウソ)  ?!!悠兄さん!!に、兄さん!?またカットがハルノvv超焦らされてる? ?兄弟喧嘩です。(一方的)  ?どうでもいいけど口下手だな!!問答無用!!話合えー!!不器用だな悠兄さん!!  ?零号機まで修理装置持ってるのか!活用させてもらう!  ?念願の悠兄さんのカット!!!これはイイ!!  ?浩一に励まされたよ!ありがとう!!  ?何を言っているのかわからないが小介スゴイ!!  ?杏奈ちゃんの喝!!!お料理変換(笑)  ?このツンデレめー!デレるの楽しみ!!!  ?森次さん惚れるじゃないかー!!!  ?浩一(笑)ヒドイ言われようvvいじられキャラだな! 
森次さんとヴァーダントがかっこいい!!(たまにかわいい)  ヴァーダントの後ろのが広がる時と動きと太刀が好きです。 
 date : '10/12/10(金)15:58
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karasawa-lll · 11 years
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Kurogane no Linebarrel v23 ch103[SMG] is now on Anime Wallpaper Site check it out at http://www.ipicstorage.com/39394/kurogane-no-linebarrel-v23-ch103smg
Kurogane no Linebarrel v23 ch103[SMG] is now on Anime Wallpaper Site. You can find it at http://www.ipicstorage.com/39394/kurogane-no-linebarrel-v23-ch103smg
Kurogane no Linebarrel v23 ch103[SMG]
Fourteen-year-old Kouichi Hayase’s life has always been a mediocre one, if not dismal. However, those days of being bullied by classmates and escaping to a fantasy of being a hero are put to an end when a certain “accident” bestows on him a girl and a gigantic humanoid robot called “LINEBARREL”. The extraordinary power that Kouichi obtains puts him and everything around him on a sudden rollercoaster ride of battles, intrigues and friendship! During the course of his adventure, the boy starts to learn what life has to offer; he meets new friends, bids farewell to the old ones, but most of all he now has considerable responsibilities and is forced to confront the world around him. Crazy’s Manga’s: RSS
Manga, #Ch103SMG, #Kurogane, #Linebarrel, ch103SMG, Kurogane, Linebarrel
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mecha-gifs · 4 years
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mechaddiction · 7 years
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塗鴉王國網:第四輯,《Champion RED》附錄Linebarrels Mechanics design,連載武裝機甲漫畫的月刊附送的一本機體設定集,全冊總共36頁。更多作品在這裏http://t.cn/RzSXLYm如果這套機甲設計圖喜歡的同學多,就上傳高清圖包給大家下載哦~........... - 微博精選 - 北美微博精粹 #mecha – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/336714509631302496/
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bluedogdown · 11 years
if my wings are to be injured, i'll turn my heart hard as iron
Linebarrels of Iron OP translation
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noel-kouji · 11 years
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bbobbyrobertss · 12 years
I'm the Ally Of Justice, I will save every single one of you!
Kōichi Hayase - Linebarrel Of Iron
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Kurogane no Linebarrel v22 ch102[SMG] is now on Anime Wallpaper Site check it out at http://www.ipicstorage.com/37130/kurogane-no-linebarrel-v22-ch102smg
Kurogane no Linebarrel v22 ch102[SMG] is now on Anime Wallpaper Site. You can find it at http://www.ipicstorage.com/37130/kurogane-no-linebarrel-v22-ch102smg
Kurogane no Linebarrel v22 ch102[SMG]
Fourteen-year-old Kouichi Hayase’s life has always been a mediocre one, if not dismal. However, those days of being bullied by classmates and escaping to a fantasy of being a hero are put to an end when a certain “accident” bestows on him a girl and a gigantic humanoid robot called “LINEBARREL”. The extraordinary power that Kouichi obtains puts him and everything around him on a sudden rollercoaster ride of battles, intrigues and friendship! During the course of his adventure, the boy starts to learn what life has to offer; he meets new friends, bids farewell to the old ones, but most of all he now has considerable responsibilities and is forced to confront the world around him. Crazy’s Manga’s: RSS
Manga, #Ch102SMG, #Kurogane, #Linebarrel, ch102SMG, Kurogane, Linebarrel
0 notes
mecha-gifs · 4 years
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mechaddiction · 7 years
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塗鴉王國網:第四輯,《Champion RED》附錄Linebarrels Mechanics design,連載武裝機甲漫畫的月刊附送的一本機體設定集,全冊總共36頁。更多作品在這裏http://t.cn/RzSXLYm如果這套機甲設計圖喜歡的同學多,就上傳高清圖包給大家下載哦~........... - 微博精選 - 北美微博精粹 #mecha – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/336714509627115992/
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mymangacaps · 7 years
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