#like. so insane to me that. when we were 14 15 16 many of us were dating 23 24 25 28 year olds
sliipppy · 3 months
Because I am insane and sleep deprived, here is my attempt to make sense of the batfamily ages and what I believe they are currently at, with full explanations. Fair warning, although I have done like, legit research and have reasonings, some of these still fit into headcanons.
Bruce - 45
Dick - 28
Babs - 30
Jason - 23
Tim - 21
Steph - 22
Cass - 23
Damian - 14
Duke - 17
Bruce is the oldest, obviously. However, when he first adopts Dick he is still young himself. Hence why along with their father-son relationship, they sorta have a brotherly relationship. (Specfically in classic comics, Bruce would often refer to him as a brother. ) I like how it complicates their relationship and how it shows he wasn't really ready to nessicarily handle a child. I like to hc that he got adopted at 8, which would make Bruce 25 when he adopted him.
It was difficult to settle on this age because the age in which Dick became Robin has been changed so many times. Originally, he was 7. New Teen Titans says he was 8. Other comics say he was 10, 12, and even 15. I feel like most people say 8, and for the sake of my own agenda, I'm saying 8, and you can not stop me.
I think 28 is a good age for Dick. Babs similarly should be around his age as they grew up together (at least in newer canon since she used to be quite a bit older.), but she's always been portrayed as older even when around her age, and to kinda account for the weirdness surrounding her age I put her as 30. She becomes Batgirl at 18, and likely becomes Oracle when she's in her 20s, probably around 23.
Batman tells Cass multiple times in Batgirl 2000 that she and Jason were the same age, so that makes it easier to rule the two together. Addiontally, Cass, Steph, and Tim are all around the same age range, Cass being the oldest, so that makes things easier too. Cass starts operating as Batgirl at 18 which would make Tim around 16 when she takes the cowl. This works since Tim became Robin at around 13 and he had been Robin for a good amount of time before Cass became Batgirl. I think it's a litttle longer than I'd like. But whatever. I was considering ignoring canon and saying he becomes Robin at 14, because I think 2 years as Robin before Cass rather than 3 is more fitting but whatever. It does fit since Tim was introduced way earlier than Cass, however real time doesn't really affect these ages. Anyways, big sister Cass supremacy I think people forget she's one of the oldest. I think she might have been de-aged to be around Tim's age but FUCK that she was originally Jason's age and this is my headcanon and I like to thing N52 didn't fuck everything up in my happy Tumblr space.
We know Steph is 1 year older than Tim because she's a freshman in college during Batgirl 2009, and he's a high-school dropout in Red Robin 2009 as he searches for Bruce. Stephanie becomes Spoiler at 15, and Robin at 16. She comes back when she's around 17-18. This lands our 2000s trio with ages at 23(Cass), 22(Steph), and 21(Tim).
Jason is a mess. At least I thought he would be, but it actually turned out kinda perfect. We know Jason and Cass are the same age, so he's at 23 with her. He becomes Robin at 12, and dies at 15. He comes back as Red Hood at 18 and was dead for around 3 years. Jason Todd is 18 when he comes back to life because right before War Games, Bruce takes Cass to Jason's grave, on his 18th birthday!!! and of course the event that acts as a sort of aftermath to War Games is Under the Red Hood so Jason is 18 when he first becomes Red Hood. Cass is still a fairly new character when UTRH happens, so i think her being 18-19 when he comes back fits well. Tim being around 16 kinda fits nice too as hes around the same age as Jason when he died. I think Steph being so close in age also helps since so many parallels are drawn between the two.
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Detective Comics #790
Duke is still a teenager, and he is regarded to be one of the youngest bats, but still quite a bit older than Damian. In We are Robin, Duke is 16, as shown in the who are the robins bonus art. He is still a newer character and hasn't been Signal for long. I assume that by the time Batman and the Signal rolls around, he's 17 and is still currently 17.
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We are Robin #4
I'm pretty sure Damian was 14 in Robin (2021) but I could be wrong it's been a while since I've read it and I never finished it so idk if he ever aged since then. He became Robin at 10, so in those 4 years, he's obviously grown and matured a lot, but I mean, who doesn't those are formative years. I was gonna bump him up to 15. However, this doesn't work. He is supposed to be 10 while Tim is 17. (Babs says he's ten during Batgirl 2009, and we established Tim is 17 during this.) To keep it consistent with the others, I'm keeping Damian at 14.
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Batgirl 2009 #17
Feel free to correct anything I said here if it's incorrect. I am not perfect nor all-knowing. Also I'm horrible with math and numbers so I probably fucked something up here so feel free to make fun of me for that. Or you can make fun of the issues I have below.
Issues :
Dick can't be Robin at 8 if I stick with these ages because that would mean at the time Tim is 1 which means he wouldn't even be able to remember the show which means he would never be Robin.
I would've liked Bruce to be a little younger when first taking Dick in, but also I think Bruce is at his best when he's a middle aged man and I didn't want him to be below 45 because I wanted him to be on his late 40's.
It's hard to characterized Duke after We Are Robin because he's supposed to he a teenager, however he was 16 in We Are Robin and it feels like he should have been Signal for a bit longer than that. This isn't as big of a deal, because I still think it's believable for him to have only been signal for about a year, and it's mainly just DC inconsistency, but it still bugs me.
Damian's entire age is sorta messy and there's definitely issues with it lol.
I think Cass' age is around the same as Tim's post 52 to fit with him since their the same generation. But i chose to ignore that, and you can't stop me I choose what canon I want.
Anyways, if you've read all of this, I fear you might be a little crazy. However, thank you!!!!!! Feel free to like leave your own opinion/headcanons. I LOVE hearing them. Thank you! Bye!
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annot8 · 5 months
Top 20 RotE characters!
My final piece of ranking for this series!
There will be some spoilers in this!
20. Nettle
- If there’s one thing I love, it’s difficult women. Nettle is as harsh as her name suggests. I love young Nettle with her dream magic and how completely kind she is to Thick. And I love older Nettle, who doesn’t mind hurting Fitz’s feeling for Bee’s benefit. She is unforgiving and always strives to do what she thinks is best - even if she doesn’t always know what’s best.
19. Thymara
- Definitely my favourite Rain Wild character. She had my favourite POV in those books as well. I liked how her story paralleled Sintara’s, with her dragon features becoming more beautiful, getting her wings, and her determination to be her own woman. I didn’t love that she ended up with Tats and ended up having a kid with him, but again, it mirrored Sintara’s mating with Mercor.
18. Starling Birdsong
- are we seeing a theme? Starling is so great because she simply does not care if people like her personality. She’s beautiful, she’s talented, and she got her song. The way she destroyed Fitz in Golden Fool was a peak moment in this series. And something i love so much is that no matter how much Fitz complains about her or thinks she’s annoying, he can’t help but like her.
17. Chade Fallstar
- I hate him, I love him, he’s the worst, he’s the best. I’ve said this before - I have complicated feelings about Chade but regardless, they are strong feelings. Ngl, I misjudged his age and thought he was about 80 in the first book so when he made it to the last book?? Incredible. His death got me in a way that I really didn’t expect it to.
16. Dutiful Farseer
- My boy! He had some great development from the most fifteen year old boy ever, to a genuinely good king. I loved his dynamic with Fitz in Fool's Errand. It was really on sight with those two and it was entertaining the entire time. 
15. Selden Vestrit
- I saw someone say once that Selden felt like a random npc who managed to get a nat20 on charisma. He's great in Ship of Destiny, and fantastic in the Rain Wild Chronicles. His bond with Chassim was unexpected but so so lovely. 
14. Molly Chandler
- I understand why people don't like her. Her character gets in the way of Fitzloved. Soz guys, but I've seen too many female characters get hate because fans were rooting for a mlm ship. Don't get me wrong, its frustrating but Molly never inserts herself in Fitz's life. It the other way around. I think people don't like her less because of who she is and more because of what she represents. She's a simple life, and is the face of Fitz's delusion. But I love her. She's down to earth, she's rough around the edges, she's a simple gal who wants a simple life.
13. Etta
- Etta!!! From a Divvytown prostitute to Queen of the Pirate Isles??? Insane, incredible, showstopping. One thing that I absolutely love about her that I think is overlooked is that, despite how much Kennit was pushing for it and how much Wintrow was pining for her, it did not even cross her mind to get with this 15 year old boy. Kennit is all like 'teach the boys your… skills.' and she's like, ah yes, I will teach him how to use knives. Queen behaviour. 
12. Paragon
- Everyone's favourite murderous boat! His dynamic with Amber is great, and his friendship with Brashen is really underrated! He goes from being a grumpy old man to a bratty little boy in seconds (hmmm maybe the similarities between he and Fitz go past the face). He's unpredictable and he will kill again!
11. Althea Vestrit
- I fell in love with her immediately. She's rude to Kyle and then spends the next two weeks sleeping on the floor so she can be closer to Vivacia. She had my heart from the get go. Her ending will always leave a bitter taste in my mouth but none of it is her fault. She starts off a little immature and really grows into a woman worthy of captaining her own ship.
10. Wintrow Haven
- Ship of Magic!Wintrow has my entire heart. He frustrates me to no end with how he treats Vivacia but his arc is insane. He's generally an honourable guy. He frees the slaves and aids in the overthrowing of his father. He becomes a competent sailor and always shows Etta kindness. And despite his corruption by Kennit, he retains his moral compass and grows to be a good guy. I choose to ignore him in Ship of Destiny (just like Robin Hobb oops-) because I don't know who that man is :)
9. Malta Vestrit
- Without a doubt the best Liveships character. She has some of the best development I've ever seen. She's really the Amy March of Bingtown. She's self-centred, annoying, and that girlllllll. I love her so much. She's so clever and achieves so much.
8. Verity Farseer
- MY KING! treated Fitz like a human being which, in this book, is a step up from how most people treat him - especially when he's a boy. He's always a friendly face, even when he's so bogged down by defending the entirety of the Six Duchies with no thanks. He loved very honestly and had great respect for people who deserved it. And in the end, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his people for his folk. 
7. Bee Farseer
- She's just as much my daughter as she is Molly's, Fitz's, Nighteyes', and Beloved's. She won me over so quickly, and just when I thought I couldn't love her more, she started biting. I hope one day we see more of her!
6. LadyPatience
- You should have been mine???????? Such a fun, unapologetic character. She is so herself. I feel so seen by her constant, ever-changing hobbies and messy room. She and Lacey are the duo of the century.
5. Burrich
- When I read a book and I fancy a character, I tend to stay loyal to that character. I can love all of the characters, but I only love one. I took one look at Burrich and knew i'd found my man. His parenting skills were questionable at time, but he was doing what he thought was right. He gave up his life to raise Chivalry's son. He stepped up and took care of Molly with no expectations. He raised Nettle like she was his own. Just a solid, good man.
4. Nighteyes
- The best parent in this whole series. He's sarcastic, he's clever, and he's got such an entertaining dry sense of humour. He's a great influence on Fitz and he isn't afraid to call him out. The Wit is such a fantastic aspect of this series and the wit-bond that Fitz and Nighteyes share is so so beautiful. 
3. Kettricken
My Queen. I haven't felt this strongly about a character in a long time. Always a beacon of honour in a story of political intrigue, secrets, and betrayal. They really lucked out with this arranged marriage. Not a single person in this story deserved her. 
2. Beloved
- Fool, Amber, Lord Golden, Beloved. What a character. every facet of this character is so interesting and deep and beautiful. Amber was THE character in Liveships, the Fool was THE character in Farseer, Beloved with THE character in Tawny Man. THE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.
- You get it.
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radishhqueen · 2 months
ao3 questions!
thanks @plothooksinc for the tag 🥺💕 i am always psyched to talk about writing.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Somehow I've reached 10 whole works... 9 of which are completed.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 193,772. Shit I gotta write something to break 200k.
3. What fandoms do you write for? rottmnt pretty exclusively. I never have been so plagued by a media that I felt the need to write it down before. Insane that the ninja turtles got me.
4. Top five fics by kudos?
how to get very good at juggling - 1,079
vigilantism for fun and profit - 410
it's too early for this - 322
the ol switcheroo - 321
stuck between a rock and a hard place - 207
5. Do you respond to comments? Yeah!! At least if there's something to like, reply to. I get very giddy about doing it, so if you've ever received a rambling five paragraph essay from me uhhh enjoy my stream of consciousness.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't think any of them have angsty endings? Mostly bc i need all my little guys to be happy. the ol switcheroo is the fic that I cried the most writing though, hands down.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, all happy endings, but HMMMM how to get very good at juggling may be the happiest. It's a hard pick tho.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nah.
9. Do you write smut? Not that anyone gets to see.
10. Craziest crossover? I've never written one! I tend not to seek them out, though there are definitely a handful I'm very fond of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yeah! My friend and I have been co-writing a fic on and off since about 2018. It's just for us, really, since it's basically a post-canon fic of an RP that we were in from like 2009-2013ish? Anyway the lore doesn't make sense but the character dynamics compel me so here we are. I've got some snippets and some drawings for it in #rs tag.
14. All time favourite ship? Not a big shipping person!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I intended on writing more for hot girl summer, but considering I haven't updated it in about a year, and I never really had a plan in the first place, and I feel like the last posted chapter ended in a very conclusive place, that ship has probably sailed.
16. What are your writing strengths? The Bit. She's my #1, I never forget. My favorite comments are along the lines of "please stop making me laugh during this very sad section". People have different tastes of course, but I find that consistent, oppressive angst is just not...appealing to me, and if the angst goes on for too long, I'll just drop the fic. I like to add a little levity to the mood, or at least some dark humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Ough. Planning is a bad one for me. I didn't have an outline for any of my fics, besides some rough mental plans. for the ol switcheroo, I didn't even have an ending figured out when I started writing it. Actually coming up with ideas can be difficult, and I usually need to have something actively eating away at my brain in order for it to make it onto paper.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Depends on if the POV character understands it or not. If they don't, I'll usually just write like "Character B said something in Spanish." If they do understand it, I'd write, "Character B started speaking in Spanish. "Do you drink milk?"" Maybe put it in italics if it doesn't seem super clear? The exception would be like, if a character is peppering words from another language, a bit like Leo and Spanish in rottmnt.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Technically I wrote some Pokemon fic back in like 2008. It was OC fic and I could not tell you for the life of me what it was about though.
20. Favourite fic you've written? vigilantism for fun and profit may be the one that I reread the most, though I do reread all the fics in the mean teen fighting machines series. The fic that single-handedly gave me Foot Clan brainrot. Casey Jones isn't even my favorite character in the show as written.
tagging @witchofthemoss @sroloc--elbisivni @crows-murder o/ i would love to see your words
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yenqa · 2 months
10 QUESTIONS FOR U - enhablrinas edition get it bc tumblrina + enhablr
favorite color of themes?
moot with best theme?
you can send a love letter to anyone. fictional/idols/celebs. who?
which moot is most active? which moot do you barely ever run into but LOVE?
most rizzful mutual? do you flirt with ur moots?
favorite petnames/nicknames? giving or recieving?
have you ever had an online crush? (or on a moot GASP)
ever been involved in drama?
do u keep up with tumblr drama?
be honest. how many times have u swapped biases? no judgement here :D
were u here for the insaneness that was lockdown enhablr?
MIA moot u want to comeback?
ur fave fic or smau that gagged u when u read it? seungstarss BET was the end of the fucking world for me I WAS DISTRAUGHT oddeonu too grrrr the ptsd fuckkkk too there was someone m1ngh8o or smtg idk w this jungwon smau and it KILLLED MEEE he was yns roommate and always so fucking rude and his gf was legit cheating on him but he didn't leave her. gf made moves on his bff jake too who liked reader. slowburns where the main lead is an ass rlly annoy me but i also will them the shit up bc i luv angst and toxicity :DDD
are you close w ur moots? do u have any on socials?
what is ur biggest ick to see on tumblr?
words u find urself repeating too much? words u love using?
any enhablr inside jokes ur part of?
ever been featured in a moots fic?
have u ever dreamt of enhypen?
ur favorite enha pc u want rlly badly?
thank you so much for sending an ask!! i love these weirdly specific questions! moots so sorry if youre tagged multiple times
1. i lovee pink or like neutral colored themes because i love when themes are super minimalistic !!
2. i love @okwonyo @byhees and @soov ‘s themes!! they always eat down and i use them for inspo sometimes ^_^
3. obviously, would send a love letter to my beautiful boyfriend park jongseong
4. okay idrk most active but i see @flwrstqr on my feed a bunch!! and i lovee talking to @boyfhee on the rare occasion we do talk T^T
5. guys this is all about mutuals but i literally have like two i talk to 😭 but most rizzful is @voikiraz my queen mari <3
6. my name “yen” is a nickname that just stuck with me for tumblr so probably that! but i love saying babe but i can only say that online
7. no 😭 i honestly dont think i could ever have an online crush
8. in real life no! on tumblr…
9. i want to but im so out of the loop 😭😭 @yeokii keeps me up to date though!
10. for enhypen,,, like three times… at first it was heeseung, then sunghoon, then jay!!
11. sadly no!! i joined in like summer of 2022 (happy two year anniversary!)
12. i actually am so bad at remembering my moots. like i have to interact with them to remember them so no so sorry 😭
13. OH MY GOD ODDEONUS SMAUS. but theres this one heeseung smau called “reality check!” i forgot the author, ALSO @amakumos go figure! OH MY GODD STUCK WITH ME FOREVER I DONT CARE ITS DISCONTINUED. also one more. “the language of flowers” by @soobnny GOD KILL ME NOW I LOVE THAT SMAU.
14. i am close with a couple of them!! i have @yeokii @wvnkoi and @jennaissantes on insta and a bunch of moots on discord!
15. people who dont reblog about gaza.. no matter the account size..
16. i use “LMFAO” a lot because its the only way i laugh ERMM and recently ive been calling people just “boy” or “girl” LMFAO
17. uh none! its okay though i am #antisocial girl
18. i have!! check out @yeokii ‘s upcoming smau “love glitch” guys (and upcoming maybe @soov smau *cough* tdwp *cough*🤫)
19. thank GOD i havent 🙏
20. JAY PEACH PC ONE DAY I WILL GET MY HANDS ON U. also sunghoon glasses pc in romance untold 😵‍💫😵‍💫
anyways… thank u so much for sending me these questions!!
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askweisswolf · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Thank you for the tag @foibles-fables!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently at 89,257.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh man, uh. I think it would be better to say what fandoms I don’t write for at this stage, it’s still crazy to me to think it’ll be twenty years this year that I started writing fanfic. Currently I’d say Baldur’s Gate 3 has me by the throat, with a little bit of the DCAU (specifically, Justice League/Unlimited) and the occasional dash of Fallen Hero and Dragon Age that I post to Discord servers. I’ve also got a few Mass Effect short pieces floating around. I really need to post to my AO3 more.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m going to mess with this one a bit and go off of my top five finished fics by fandom and stick to the ones I wrote solo, that way it’s a bit of a mix. I apologize in advance since a lot of these are years old at this point, but it definitely goes back to what I said before about writing in multiple fandoms, ha.
Rest for the Weary (Frozen) Flare (SPOP) The Same Big Sky (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Skin Deep (Dragon Age: Origins) At The Door (Baldur's Gate 3) 5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I’m not always the best at it but I genuinely appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on one of my fics, it means the world to me and I always love hearing everyone’s feedback and thoughts, it makes me so excited for my own writing.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we’re going purely by just what’s on AO3… hm. For stuff that’s a bit older, easily The Silence Is Your Answer (Fire Emblem: Three Houses). For something I wrote more recently, Few Finer Torments (Baldur’s Gate 3) because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Shadowheart in Act 2 specifically.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
… Most of them. Oh my God I’m mainly a fluff writer, like I knew this about myself but to actually realize it so starkly is something else. Of my most recent stuff I’d probably say A Little Slice (Justice League Unlimited) has possibly the softest ending I’ve written in awhile.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not often but I do sometimes! All of it so far has been for f/f ships, mostly with a lot more focus on like… the thinking and the feeling aspect of it and not so much the physical aspect, if that makes sense? I just like using sex as a way to explore the characters, when I’m in the mood to write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Oh, man, okay. I have written a few crossovers over the years, but my favorite is still one I co-wrote with a friend of mine for the Beast’s Lair fan forum back in the day that was just a complete off the walls one-shot crack crossover with Fate/Stay Night, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and I think we had a dash of Highschool of the Dead right at the end. It was insane, we wrote it on a Skype call in a matter of hours.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, thankfully.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! When I was more active on FIMFiction.net though I did have a few people who did live readings of my fics, those were always neat.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I’ve co-written with him a lot before, but Pen Pals (Frozen) was co-written with Moczo. Just a heads up that I think he has it set that you can only read it if you’re logged in, if you want to check it out.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
… I don’t think I can only pick one, man. I really don’t. If I have to, my brain always comes back to Shayera/John or Raven/Terra.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I feel like I owe everyone who started reading my The 100 fic or my Black Widow fic an apology at this point.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, emotional payoff, character study (I guess?). I have one friend who told me I write very good Catholic guilt.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sex and fight scenes are the absolute bane of my existence, for as much as I enjoy the character potential of the former in particular. I’m also slow as hell, I’ve been working on this one Shayera/John fic now for like a year trying to finish it before I post it and ugh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it fit the context of the fic I would, yes! I’d double check it with someone else who knows the language first, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Like, ever? Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers to my old Fanfiction.net account when I was 13. I had a bunch of old stuff saved to floppy discs that I never posted, though.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This changes on a nigh daily basis, but currently I’m having an absolute blast with my The Beast Whisperer series focusing on my Tav who romances Shadowheart, so I’ll leave the link for it here.
Going to gently tag @optiwashere, @kittlesandbugs, @antigonick, @miabicicletta if you guys want to participate, no pressure! And of course anyone who sees this is free to respond as well.
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wellbelesbian · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
tysm for tagging me @bazzybelle, it took me a while to get around to this but it was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
113,598, not bad.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly the Simon Snow Trilogy, but I have a couple of Greek Mythology/Epic Cycle fanfics too. i used to write for Percy Jackson and Marve, but not anymore.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
two old Marvel fics are right at the top, then it’s:
i want the love on your wrist (oh give me the heart on your neck), the first explicit work i’ve ever written, maybe a sign i should write more.
The Tale of the Two Merwolves, which I wrote with a bunch of other lovely people in the fandom
Everything I Am Not, my COTTA fic from 2020
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, I always try to!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely crimson, my COTTA fic from 2022, but a close second is Visions, a little Trojan War Helenus fic i still really like.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well a lot of my fics have fairly happy endings, but I’d say All That She Wants, an Agatha-centric fic, and Happier Memories, a proposal fic, have the most hopeful endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, I don’t think I ever have, luckily!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
only twice so far, though I have another stewing in my brain that might get written. I can’t really say i'm limited to a certain “type” though, i’m pretty versatile, pun intended.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no, they’re not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge! i hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back when i used to write on wattpad i got some DMs asking to translate my fics and i always agreed, but i don’t know if they ever followed through.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, i really love doing so! I wrote a stucky fic with one of my friends years ago, but we never ended up posting it anywhere. also, the two aforementioned marvel fics were co-written with another (now ex) friend, and the tale of two merwolves was written as part of a group.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
snowbaz, definitely. it’s been my longest-running OTP (do people still say OTP?) and i’ve written so any fics for it.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm, i’ve only got 3 wips and i think i’ll finish them all eventually, but blow on the tinder and we are slaves to the gods are definitely on the back burner for now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i’ve been told i’m good at writing dialogue, which is good because that’s two thirds of all the words i write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions and anything sappy, which gives me second hand embarrassment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i tend to shy away from it, but if i do i always put it in italics and will put a translation in the notes unless it’s super obvious, and like when other authors do the same.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! I wrote so much solangelo and was actually pretty popular on wattpad, one of my fics broke a million hits which is still insane to me. i still get the occasional message asking me to come back and finish my fics, but i logged out of that account in 2018 and am not going back.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
oh, that’s hard. i’m really enjoying writing Shoulder To Shoulder right now, but i still love All That She Wants and Liar Liar. i also really love I’m On My Way To Believing, which is a greek mythology Pyrrhus/Hermione fic. they’re my blorbos. but i’d have to say my all-time favourite will always have to be the first carry on fic i ever wrote, which got me out of a years long writing slump: Rats.
i don't know who has already done this, so i'll just tag @ileadacharmedlife @prettygoododds @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @imagineacoolusername @ic3-que3n @forabeatofadrum @aristocratic-otter @larkral @hushed-chorus @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @artsyunderstudy @alexalexinii @shrekgogurt and @j-nipper-95
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boydepartment · 10 months
i wanted to talk about something rq because i’m worried it gets annoying so i want to explain and actually go in depth a bit. i used to do this when i had way way less followers however i feel like i should now that there are more people. i bounce a lot between personal experience and stuff so just a warning- i wanted to talk about my personal experience and how it effected me directly.
tw- sexualisation
i’ve been really worried about riki’s birthday for a few months now the more it creeps up. it already stresses me out enough that people already sexualize him and have been since he debuted in enhypen which is fucking disgusting.
i think one of the reasons why it bothers me other than me being a human being with morals is there are a lot of parallels between the ages of when i first started being sexualized.
i’ve bounced around the fact that i have a psycho ex boyfriend a few times but i’ve never deep dived into it. and obviously there were times prior to my ex where i was sexualized and harassed, but my ex was the main one that really damaged me.
my ex pretty much scouted me out my freshman year when i was 14, he saw me in his class and even though he was only a grade above me we had 2 years apart age wise. so he was 16 completely enamored by 14 year old me. we ended up dating from when i was 15-17 and i was sexualized to my face for 2 years straight. no matter what i did it was sexualized, i couldn’t eat or drink or even walk in a fucking store without a nasty comment. i couldn’t even cry about a bad day.
and one thing he always kept over my head was me turning 18.
constantly he would bring up my age and how when i turn 18 there were no limits anymore, even if he was already doing everything to me that an evil human could do to another living anything. he was counting down to when i turned 18. thankfully we broke up a few months before my birthday otherwise i would’ve had to deal with god knows what. the fact he was 19/20 counting down to me being “legal” is fucking gross. if you even have that mentality of counting down for someone to be the legal age so it’s pretty much “free rein” then you have the mindset of a groomer. you are WAITING and counting down to SEXUALIZE someone- that is not healthy. i do not make the rules. if you disagree with me and think that its totally normal i hope you’re never around minors and get checked into a fucking mental hospital.
my point here that i’m making is, i had to deal with one person torturing me with the thought of “being legal” after already sexualizing me for years prior. if one person alone fucked me up this badly, i am terrified for riki who has thousands of people counting down and already making horrible comments towards him. i mean i don’t even KNOW riki personally however i had to live with one person torturing me in this way and i would never wish it on anyone else.
another thing.
it makes me so insanely frustrated to hear the excuses, “i’m a minor too.” yeah i was 15 and he was 17 when i was being groped and sexualized but just because my ex was a minor too at the time- doesn’t make it fucking okay. being a minor too doesn’t mean shit. that’s the reality of it. if you sexualize someone and have to make a shitty excuse as to why you are, you’re a grimy person.
a reminder 👇
sexualization can DAMAGE ANYONE on ANY SCALE.
sexual harassment can happen to ANYONE on ANY SCALE.
that’s why i will constantly speak out about this because there are so many excuses people make. i’ve heard so many for riki already it makes me sick. obviously i bias him so i have a soft spot for him, and obviously i have empathy for him so i am worried.
maybe a lot of engenes are overly stressing and maybe nothing will happen that’s too too bad. i don’t know, i can’t tell the future, i am just terrified and i pray that just in case he stays off social media. ESPECIALLY TWITTER.
at the end of the day…
writing smut for already preexisting adults is one thing, but counting down to write smut about someone so it’s “legal” and “no one can get mad at you after they turn 18” is so fucking gross. if this is your mentality i hope you learn how to change before you cause irreversible damage to someone. i’d never wish the baggage i have to live with everyday on anyone and that’s the reality of it.
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neopuppy · 7 months
i do think infantilizing asian men is a big problem in the kpopper community but i think a big reason as to why people still see dream as “cotton candy boys” is because we remember when they were 14-16 years old. i was there when they debuted and i had already been in the kpop community for a few years. im an 00 baby and im asian too and i remember seeing dream like “wow these dudes are so young” because i was a big exo l and army and they were grown ass men. at the time, it was very odd for ALL the members of an idol group to debut at THAT young of age so i wasnt used to seeing these dudes my age that looked so young. plus it doesn’t help we kinda watched them grow up and theres so much content from when they were kids. kinda like how we view disney actors that we grew up with that never really shook the disney persona in our heads. i’m not excusing this mindset because i think it’s flawed but i think that’s why you see people say stuff like that about dream.
ive been an nctzen since the 7th sense and it took me a long time to see the sex appeal in dream because i still saw them as the hoverboarding nerds, even though im the exact same age as half of them (which i realize now that i was the problem)
all this to say, it’s still a big problem that people infantilize these asian men (especially) in their 20s but i think this mindset is why people (esp seasoned kpoppers that have been in the community for years) might say these things about dream more
ok so your timeline is the exact same as mine, except I watched Chewing Gum when it came out and said nahhhhhh, no thanks, bc even back then I was like this is too weird. even now I skip the video if it comes on my shuffle.
(I ended up ranting, sorry)..
BUT I’ve said this before many times, its sad how much more active even the nct dream smut community was on here like before I started posting bc when I first came on here looking for something to read during lockdown I saw so many fics from like 2017-2019 and they had TONS of engagement like…..5000+ notes for everything I was like????? werent some of these dudes like FRESHLY 18?🥴
this is personal but in general im having a bad week and I was listening to Jungkook yesterday and randomly teared up thinking abt everything he’s probably had to go thru chsjxjjsjx. bc when I got into bts I think JK was still 17 going onto 18 and the amount of sexualization I saw online was INSANE. it only got worse with time, but literally it back tracks as far as pre-debut and upsets me so fucking muche xnnejc im very sensitive abt it because I developed very early on in life and had grown men speaking to me inappropriately ever since a 1 digit age which I think really fucked up my head and made me internalize shit but like thats WHY I feel this way abt all of this
bc it took me a long time to become comfortable with my own body and expressing myself sexually bc I was over-sexualized from a very young age which made me regress where as I feel like kpop idols almost do the opposite at times……like they’re repressed to act like children well into their 20’s and end up ripping their clothes off as soon as they can.
JK is the best example of this for me bc I have followed him in bts since he was a minor? where as Dream I didn’t follow much prior to Ridin’ because their sound wasn’t my vibe(I still prefer 127’s music now). like thats why I was getting sad bc I was like mannnn JK’s sooooooo insanely talented and instead of letting him bloom artistically Bang PD let Scooter Braun paint him out to be this overly horny fuck boy. which is fine, whatever, its just music and he said multiple times its not personal for him at all but just cndjxjd ik he had to deal with so much at such a young age even some nasty ass old man telling him how pretty he was on tv when he was 15 saying JK his TYPE😐 I HATE THINKING ABT IT NDJEJXJDJD
its a double ended sword like being overly sexualized too young or infantilized as a whole adult, both are topics that piss me off. from one spectrum there is me who really clings to my childhood bc I feel like I was never treated or seen as a child bc of my rush thru puberty vs my friend who is super petite and has always wanted to be seen as womanly/adult bc she can pass for a kid. we had this discussion one day and I was like holy shit this is internalized trauma…
and the Asian men being infantilized thing is a WHOLE other topic because YES, and not just that but if I had a dollar for every time kpop fans call a male idol gay I’d be a millionaire. this also stems back to fetishization bc you see a hairless man with makeup and nice hair acting cute and you’re like well yes, twink, obviously
crazy when you realize Korea is one of the most misogynistic countries, but yeah gay ass twink, all of them, and stupid! THEY’VE NEVER SEEN A VAGINA IN THEIR LIFE! according to a lot of fans
I feel like I can’t say much on this subject bc you know….I write porn abt kpop idols but I’d rather see them as the adults they are instead of making goo goo ga ga edits of men in their mid-late 20’s who have been able to drink alcohol legally since 18 and most likely have been ran through more times than I can count on 2 hands
as a psa, its likely there are gay idols, and even some who haven’t had sex, but its just as likely that there are heterosexual idols who have sex and even have significant others. they’re human like the rest of us and get horny as often as any average person would I imagine
two sides to every coin right.
like yes I get why some may see Dreamies as youngins still but like get the fuck over it omg LMAOOO SORRY BUT LIKE????? THOSE ARE MEN, GROWN MEN!!!! if you don’t see it that way, go look at a 4th gen group and then come back, it’ll hit cnennxnsnsz
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whimsymanaged · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the endlessly lovely @hgejfmw-hgejhsf!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35! Don't ask me how many are completed.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Wow. That's, like, one fic for some people but also way more than I thought I’d written so that’s cool.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, only RWRB! I used to be a pretty active Dramione writer (HP fandom).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
How to Break a Curse (Dramione, fuck or die)
Sucker 4 U (Dramione, clit sucker)
Pin-Up (Dramione, sexy calendar photoshoot lol)
Lesson Learnt (Draco/Hermione/Theo/Blaise, sex lessons, no regrets)
Flat(Mates) (Dramione, omegaverse)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to! I love getting comments -- I'm a biiiig words of affirmation girlie so I have screenshots of basically every comment I've ever gotten, lol. But I am also an easily overwhelmed and easily distracted girlie (see: ADHD) so sometimes I don't and I promise it's not because I don't love your comment with every beat of my heart.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
OH, I ACTUALLY HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS! I don't write angst but I did leave this bloody-on-your-doorstep fic on a cliffhanger and then never wrote another word of it so. That was pretty angsty of me.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
a quick study (my latest fic, which is Alex/Henry/Pez) because there were 3 happy endings in a row.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think I have, and I'm very thankful for that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have never written an impure word in my life. I don't even know how to spell clock.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I used to write HP/Twilight crossovers with my best friend when we were 13. It was all crack and made us laugh a lot. Thankfully, I think it was mostly on paper only so there is no internet proof.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I think a few of my Dramiones have been translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-written a few drabbles! It's a lot of fun seeing other writers' processes and how much less insane they are than mine.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I love FirstPrince SO much right now. They're just so perfect for each other!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them. I'm only determined to finish Five-Drink Henry right now. All of them but that one.
16. What are your writing strengths?
People have told me that I'm good at characterization, which is a compliment that always makes my heart grow three sizes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a lot with interiority and anything descriptive of setting or appearance, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's awesome, and I love it when writers do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first piece of writing ever was either Dragon Tales or Franklin fanfic when I was like 4. So I guess one of those.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite Dramione I've written is Good Girls Get to Sit on Santa's Lap because it was a deviation from my norm in a few different ways, and it was just a lot of fun to write.
For FirstPrince, I've just so so so enjoyed writing every single thing. Right now, I'm going to say Five-Drink Henry, because I like getting to show their relationship developing.
I'm tagging @roseharpermaxwell, @holygnocchi, @millennialgrandma, @eveningstruggle, @eggbagelsjr, and @sodamnradd!
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fanfictiongreenirises · 3 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @60sec400 for tagging me!! 🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
169, but it'll be 170 when works are revealed for an exchange i'm in :D
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,162,091. It makes me a little bit insane to think about it
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I tend to hop every once in a while, but I've written the most for DC comics, and now I'm mostly writing for The Untamed/Modao Zushi.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Antonym of Philtre
Modus Tollens
deep roots (are not reached by the frost)
if the stars we used to wish on (disappear into the night)
(ngl, apart from deep roots and stars, it's insane that some of these fics are so high up here. these are like random one shots i spent v little time editing or plotting, and i have no idea what it is about fics like philtre or ringing that made them so much more popular than other fics that i spent much more time on 😂)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try my best to! If it's a fic I've posted recently I really try to reply to every single comment, but i read over every single comment i get
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably Rectilinear Motion. if you click into this, please read the tags before continuing. i've got a fic where i do kill nightwing, and this is far worse
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
lmao i honestly have no idea. probably one of my smut fics
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I think the harshest comment I've received would be bitchy or passive aggressive at most
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I have no idea how to answer the what kind 😂
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not really? The only xover I've written was probably my Johnny Storm/Peter Parker/Dick Grayson fic but it's not something I typically do
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
hiding from @sassydefendorflower. i've done a few round robins that were posted, which were a lot of fun, and aurora and I started a fic together that i was terrible at delivering my end of 😭
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this is so hard to answer 😭 i bounce between ships and characters and am too much of a multishipper to really have one ship i love above all others
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
💀 like all of my DC ones lmao. fossiled is definitely one i haven't ever thought about finishing. and my fic with aurora is probably something i'll never really complete even though i'd really like to, like i'd have to mentally go back to how i saw batfam three years ago and it's not something i can easily do. i keep trying to update deep roots but it's been two years now and past me didn't leave any outline notes for the ending, and the stress of trying to write something satisfying for me, true to the story, and satisfying for readers who've waited this long (the stats on that fic make me v stressed lmao) is one of the biggest hurdles
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i've gotten pretty good at little self-contained one shots. if you give me a prompt i can smash it out even if i have no personal interest in the story. and i like to think that i've gotten somewhat good at casefics, given how much i like writing and reading them
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i'm always down for it! definitely no italisicing, though. i've been reading fic whose source material is chinese for long enough that now it annoys me so much to see italics for words in other languages in published books. i love stuff like mouse-over translations, but it's also fun to keep the reader guessing, and having them either go translate it themselves or just not entirely understand what's being said. there are a handful of published books i've read where you just can't translate some of the stuff, and it makes for a fun reading experience!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
chronicles of narnia! i deleted that fic before it even saw the light of my bedroom though lmao. the first fandom i posted fic for was hamilton
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i've written way too much to choose from, or even remember 😅 i really love please do not stand or wait in this area, one of my hardy boys fic, and i recently reread deep roots and found that it actually is pretty good. i'd also say that Whipped! By Zidian's Master, And Other Erotic Tales is my current favourite
tagging (no pressure <3): @sassydefendorflower @dottie-wan-kenobi @they-reap-what-we-sow @twilightarc-gm
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thephantomchronicles · 3 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @mac-lilly (thank you for the tag🥰)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97! Didn't even realize when they got to be so many😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Julie and the Phantoms and I used to write a lot for Legacies before it got canceled (plus a few others here and there depending on what I'm watching at the moment😅)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’d Like to Be My Old Self Again (But I’m Still Trying to Find It) (Spider-Man: No Way Home)
Life Is a Risk, but We Will Take It (JATP)
I’m Only One Call Away (9-1-1: Lone Star)
Our Best Days Are Yet Unknown (JATP)
Will You Hold Her Tight and Not Let Go? (JATP)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Unless I can't think of anything that makes sense to say, I usually try to reply :D Sometimes I feel like I'm getting repetitive, but I'm really insanely grateful to everyone that comments🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Technically it has to be i'm talking to a memory (haunted by the moments of what we used to be) - although considering how angsty the fic is, I would say the ending is the least angsty part of it😂
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, almost all of my fics have happy endings, I guess I'm going with You’re More to Me (We're Everything) mainly because there's a juke wedding and if that's not happy, I don't know what is😅
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't gotten anything yet, hopefully it stays that way😅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well, my main thing on ao3 is a JATP x Shadowhunter Chronicles crossover, so yes definitely
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really - I sometimes talk some ideas through with friends just to get another perspective, but I usually end up doing the one I want anyway😅
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Impossible to choose just one, I will hyperfixate on a different ship according to what I'm watching/reading at the time, but jatp will always have a special place in my heart so I got to say Juke and Willex
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
There is a juke pregnancy fic I've had in my wips for nearly 3 years that I keep saying I'll finish and then I keep forgetting about it - I think I've got to be honest with myself and accept that it'll stay unfinished...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Probably dialogue... And usually the angsty parts of a story😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes - and the main series I'm writing is full of them😅 and describing places and physical appearances - it's one of the reasons I like fanfiction, characters and places are usually already established!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've written a few lines of dialogue in Spanish because of the Molinas, but I'm always nervous because I know very few words in Spanish and I try to look things up as much as I can because I want it to make sense😅 And I've written a few lines in Greek in a fic too :D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Julie and the Phantoms💜
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I've previously said i'm talking to a memory (haunted by the moments of what we used to be) but I also really like i am pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door - a willex fic from my first responders series
I'm not sure who's already been tagged, but I'll just go ahead with no pressure tagging😅 @onlygenxhere @writerownstory
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nekooru · 2 years
₊ ☾⋆ angst dialogue prompts ⋆⁺₊⋆
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a list of prompts i use to inspire my writing. i hope they're helpful for you !
more prompt lists: x
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1. "you're allowed to fall apart sometimes, you know."
2. "what's the point in trying when i know i'll never be enough?"
3. "i wish your love wasn't conditional."
4. "when did things fall apart? i never noticed until it was done." / "that's exactly why things fell apart."
5. "you were my best friend. i wish i had been yours, too."
6. "i wasn't enough for you." / "no, you were too much."
7. "i thought i could learn to like it this way. i'm sorry i dragged this out."
8. "it's tiring, missing you when you're right here."
9. "you seemed to like me best when i was lying."
10. "don't pretend you missed me. i'm not as stupid as you clearly think i am."
11. "why are you drinking so much? what did you do?"
12. "please tell me i'm wrong. tell me i'm jumping to conclusions— that i'm misunderstanding. please, just say it..." / "..."
13. "you really love her, and she doesn't love you back...how ironic."
14. "you left the most bitter taste in my mouth. how could you bring it all up again when i'm trying to move on?"
15. "i fucked up. god, i fucked up."
16. "so that's it? we're just— over?"
17. "i wish i'd never met you. i wish this was a lesson i never had to learn."
18. "you're fucking insane."
19. "am i the reason you cry every night? be honest."
20. "well, how did you expect this to turn out? it's not my fault you've been in denial."
21. "i don't understand how you sleep at night, so blissfully uncaring of the pain you wreak."
22. "will you miss me at all?" / "very much so, unfortunately."
23. "are we doing the right thing? is there no other option?"
24. "i know when it's good, it's really good— but i don't think i can handle the lows anymore."
25. "when did you want to hurt me again? today? tomorrow? you know, so i can note it in my schedule."
26. "do you fantasize about a life without me?"
27. "you're not the same person i married." / "well, people change. you didn't get the memo?"
28. "i wish i could forget your phone number. and your face. and everything we ever did together."
29. "let's not get irrational here. we're going to talk sensibly, and take it outside— so i can punch you without breaking anything."
30. "you thought i cared for you? why? i made the opposite excruciatingly obvious."
31. "god, why do you have so much blood? i can put it back— don't cry, i can fix it. just don't leave me, please."
32. "you're so dramatic. is this really necessary?"
33. "i'll be better next time, i promise." / "next time? no. i won't be here to put the pieces of your life back together next time."
34. "i don't know how to ask for help."
35. "when was the last time you told me that you loved me?" / "..." / "hah...you can't remember, can you?"
36. "it's okay if you need time to heal. i'll still be here, waiting, for as long as it takes."
37. "i can't keep going when i'm the only one putting effort in. i'm done begging for what i deserve."
38. "i can't lose you. i won't lose you." / "what? after everything? you've already lost me."
39. "you left without saying goodbye. i finally moved on, and you expect me to let you pop back in just like that? no."
40. "i always said i'd die for you." / "idiot...i didn't believe you until now."
41. "i can't believe i thought you meant what you said."
42. "for what it's worth, i'll never give up on us."
43. "you keep going radio silent on me, and i can't handle that any more. wondering if you're dead in a ditch? or cheating on me? i don't deserve that."
44. "you are not your past, so stop acting like you are. that's not an excuse to keep hurting me and everyone around you."
45. "how many broken promises are we at now? you know, i'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose. is my face that pretty when i cry?"
46. "don't give me that look. no, what did you really expect?"
47. "he/she/they showed me more love than you ever did. isn't that sad? it makes me sad."
48. "oh, i see where it went wrong. you're a little confused, but you're almost there— you're supposed to break up with me, then fuck other people."
49. "don't even try to kiss me. get the fuck off me."
50. "don't worry, it's not my blood."
51. "i was stupid to think you would change for me. to think i was good enough to change for."
52. "quit crying. you're the one who hurt me, why are you making it about yourself?"
53. "no, i'm not just going to leave you here."
54. "i can't bear when you look at me like that. like i'm something from hell."
55. please— please, just...get out."
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☾. please like/reblog if this post was helpful !
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20 Questions for fic writers
Tagged by @room-on-broom (thank you!!)
tagging @barry-j-blupjeans @ceilingfan5 @noodyl-blasstal @anistarrose and anyone else who'd like to!!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
192,336 which feels insane to me!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Basically just the adventure zone and then I have also been writing some stuff for various ttrpg characters of my own!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Say it with Flours, The Only One On Your A.M. Radio, Some of my best friends are liches, Take it like a Man, and is it too late to say it's not what it looks like?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!! I just like interacting with people who like the stuff I make, especially when they're kind enough to comment!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
So all of my bigger fics tend not to have mega angsty endings, but there's that one ficlet I wrote about the twins and hair dye that is just angst city
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending Probably say it with flours!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
One guy once got big mad about starblaster lanes because he thought the setting was stupid and that John hunger (who was a throwaway, nonnamed character in the fic) was ooc and that the twins were too mean. like, buddy I don't think we listened to the same podcast, they can be little shits
9. Do you write smut?
As of RHAPAW, I do! it's not like, my most favorite thing to write (not because I don't like it, I just don't think I'm super good at it)
10. Do you write crossovers?
no, but when I was in junior high I had a grand plan for this like. mega cross over fic that involved characters from Hannibal, welcome to night vale, doctor who, supernatural, h*rry p*tter, and also sherlock. the plot was nonexistent but I remember that Hannibal was going to be like. the new professor at the private school everyone attended together
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes and no? so I have like. a fic in progress with larissa that I don't think either of us have touched in months, and then Hali and I have put Something Bigger Than The Sky on indefinite hiatus. but also so much of my process just involves talking back and forth for hours so they usually feel pretty collaborative by the end
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
like. It’s blupjeans it Has to be blupjeans. I was really into Amy and rory pond when I was younger and that just primed me for blupjeans
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so I dont necessarily like assuming I won't finish a fic ever but the ones that are lowest on my priority are the warlock taakitz thing and then my resurrection roadtrip (simply because I Know that one will be big and it feels daunting)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at getting into a character's head and writing a truthful internal monologue and good dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
actually moving the damn plot along and pacing
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've never done it because I know one (1) language but I think it's neat when other people do it!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the hunger games! I was intent on writing Annie Cresta's games BY HAND during study hall in seventh grade
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It has to be RHAPAW, right? like it was SUCH a big effort but it's my baby :3
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Diamond is Unbreakable Ep. 8-16 Thoughts
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Ep. 8-9
Yukako has so many issues god bless
I've taken a liking to her design. Her color scheme goes together well, her hair has a lot of character and I do like the rose emblem on her outfit.
Her stand, Love Deluxe, plays the prehensile hair trope straight, other than her ability to control her hair even when it is not attached to her scalp. I like the name but I find this type of stand boring to be honest.
I'm not really interested in Yukako as a character, unless she gets something more later on. The funniest thing they can do is pair her and Koichi together. "Me and my girl don't argue, she tells me to shup up and I do" and such.
Josuke and Okuyasu were nice this episode. We learn that Crazy Diamond can't bring back anything The Hand deletes. Just goes to show how opposite their powers are.
Koichi is not really my cup of tea. I appreciate him being part of the group but solo episodes with him don't really interest me. Plus his voice is incredibly grating in both sub and dub. It's interesting that he set up that rock so that Yukako wouldn't die, you gotta be really confident that you'll win if you are worrying about the safety of your opponent.
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Hey, Koichi with the new hair kinda looks like... No I shan't say it.
Let's talk about Echoes. My boy. My lil man. Look at his lil smile :) My favourite stand from part 4 so far. It seems to emote on its own sometimes, like Star Platinum who smiles every time it gets a chance to beat someone up. I like it when stands emote on their own. The fanworks do this a lot but jjba itself rarely does it. Which is a shame.
Ep. 10
This is just 20 minutes of Okuyasu having nice things happen to him and I think that's just great. If I had so say my one gripe (and be a killjoy), it would be that it doesn't tell us much about Okuyasu and Josuke that we don't already know. The best thing about filler is that it gives us characterization and I don't think this episode has enough of that.
Okuyasu and Josuke fighting reminded me of the Death 13 episode except Polnareff was infinitely more stubborn
Also this is a great time to just give the VAs the biggest shout out cuz wow I love them. Especially Okuyasu I love the way he says Josuke. It brings me joy. They are perfect fits for the characters they are playing. I can hear Tonio's accent but I know fuck all about Japanese so It might be horrible, not my problem tho.
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Ep 11 - 12
I think Tomoko is one of my favourite female Jojo characters so far. The bar is on the ground, but, you know. Take what you can get.
I don't get why they added that scene with Josuke at the start. It doesn't really add anything.
I think the funniest thing in episode 11 is Koichi and Okuyasu just going through it and the Jojos not giving a shit. I hate the Joestars so much it's unreal. It did struck me as a bit weird. It's not at all weird for Jotaro (Have you seen the stardust crusaders? They told Polnareff they lied about Avdol's death to him and then they had the audacity to go "I didn't think you'd be this hurt"), It does feel a bit off for Josuke though.
Jotaro smiling as he says Jospeh could die is amazing. Of course he would.
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I didn't think about what Red Hor Chili Pepper's stand user would look like but I am definitely not dissapointed in Akira. Personality wise he is insanely boring but I do like his design.
Okuyasu looking at his own hand as he thanks Koichi was a nice touch.
I like how they handled Joseph. Obviously Josuke is not gonna be amazed to see him but It wouldn't go with his personality if he was antagonistic either.
Ep 13
I don't like how different the japanese VA of Joseph sounds when he is yelling. English VA doesn't have this issue but it's also was the weakest of the sdc cast imo. No winning with this one.
Ep 14 - 15
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The first episode is just set up. It does that job pretty well though. Really makes Rohan seem insane. I mean, he *is*.
Rohan relating everything to art and writing isn't even that off from how most artists think tbh. Writers will see a documentary about the most disturbing shit they have ever seen and they will go "That will make my writing about this part more accurate".
And Rohan'a advice is actually pretty good. Like, draw with references. Draw from reality. Base your characters on people who you know, instead of like, just taking from your favourite artisans. Anyways,
Rohan's stand is called the Heaven's Door. Firstly, It's a really cute stand. Secondly, this thing is busted. It'd be one thing if looking at a draft was the only way for it to work but touching you with his stand also works. And he can knock someone unconcious when unfurling them. Add on that the insane speed he has for no reason and honestly we should just be glad this guy isn't a villain. He is just weird and offputting.
I fucking love episode 15. The pay off is amazing. I love that Okuyasu and Josuke notice something small like a cut on his hand and immediately help him. I love that Rohan opens Josuke's eyes by insulting his hair. And then he just. keeps. going.
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Josuke being literary so blinded by rage that he doesn't see the draft? Amazing. He absolutely destroyed that place. And threw a fucking chair at Okuyasu and Koichi. This show is pretty funny when it wants to be.
The story of his hair was really sweet. The guy helping them seems to be a student like the current day Josuke too.
Ep 16
The art style for this episode looks different from normal and I have no idea why. The style is ussually pretty consistent. You can see the gums in their teeth it's strange.
Jotaro gets a slight outfit change. I like the colors and the tilted belts. I'm not sure on the new jacket. I liked that they used the collar of his shirt to give the same vibe as his part 3 outfit insead of just giving him a jacket exactly like his old one. His new jacket is a bit dissapointing. I like dolphins. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with the triangle and the sun. Overall, I like the older one just a bit more. I would love it if he kept changing outfits like this tho.
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It's something that Jotaro can't seem to seperate Star Platinum's time stop ability from Dio. Like, that's Star Platinum's power.
As funny as seeing Jotaro get his ass beat by a Twitch looking ass rat is, It's also shows what I like about stands. I know Jotaro is holding back here, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a bad machup for him. So you don't need to nerf him in ordert to create conflict. Stands are good against combatting power creep, is what I'm saying.
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Love Crazy Diamond popping up out of nowhere just to look sad. Don't look at me with them big ol' eyes.
Ep. 17
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I think one thing part 4 is good at is the character dynamics. Rohan and Koichi was fun to watch. Rohan grinning at Koichi getting flustered was great. Reimi being really friendly with Rohan cuz she knew him when he was a kid is a nice bit of writing.
I made a joke post about where Kak went after death, a few people mentioned how ghosts were real and he could be like Reimi. Now I know what they are talking about.
Reimi has a nice design. Especially the choker with the hands holding on it. Speaking of hands
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I know I shouldn't be laughing at the guy whose only trait so far is that he kills young girls to date their hands to satisfy his stupid fetish or something but
what even is that music. Why did they make it like that.
To close this off, I am currently on vacation with little internet access. It's a rural area so there isn't much to do. I've been spending my time writing these, slowly. Gonna take a hot minute to finish this part.
I've been also wondering if I should watch Stone Ocean before Golden Wind and get the Jotaro story over with. I'll decide that later, I dunno.
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Notes on SP eps
SP eps I forgot to take notes on the first 3 I do it later lmao fell free to use these stamps for edits or anything
S4. ep16 6:11 Cartman s l i d e s s4 ep17 1:55 Ike and Kyle wholesome s4 ep17 8:03 Mr.Hanky and his wife need to s4 ep17 16:07 KYLE EHAT THE HECK???? s5 ep1 17:54 Uncle Jimbo is a homo (WHAT s5 ep4 11:38 DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE YA s5 ep6 14:39 "Sit down Kyle" Can't ">:("
s5 ep7 00:30 "Scream for me btch" "AAAA" s5 ep7 15:12 "We gotta get rid of the gorls"
s5 ep8 21:01 Highly streaches s5 ep9 14:52 "We're speaking English rn does that make sense???" s5 ep9 21:58 "?!??!?!?" (Idk tbh s5 ep10 12:50 *Background shinanigans the boys and res to town laughing lmao) + Sometime later in ep Style moment lol s5 ep12 I just really like Tolkien's voice s5 ep13 21:00 FCK HIM UP KYLE! (Also dude Kenny really is cared for) s5 ep14 (Entire ep) Butters dude. That is messed uuuupp. s6 ep2 17:00 A SIMPLE LIL MOTAGGGE s6 ep3 4:30 "Star trek dude has an axe in bg) STAN KYLE AND CARTMAN I WILL PUNCH YOU STOP GASLIGHTING MY SON + 16:02 I love robbary and fraud I'm a shoplisting
s6 ep4 3:30 THE WAY THEY ROLL 3:58 STAN BE COMMITING CRIMES 4:30 "W h a t??" Bebe has some other ideas 6:32 THEY GOT CAUGHT 10:47 Kyle take off your hat what the hell 15:25 "Don't have a dad Mike not gonna work" 16:00 FIghting in background 16:40 Stanley :((( Has sores Stan is one big pussy
s6 ep5 6:55 STAN's NOSE PINCH LMAO I low-key really like this ep the subplot of Cheif tryna contorl his TV is gold lmao 14:13 They're excited 18:40 "We'll kill butter's later!" 20:05 "WHOOOO YEAHHHHH!!!"
s6 ep6 5:30 REALITY TV (reanimated THIS) 9:19 are they breaking the 4th wall???
s6 ep8 4:20 The boys chillin (Where's Ken?) 5:15 Tweek: "I'M A WHAT?!" 7:08 Craig: Walks away 7:42 Kyle: "Get the **** of here." Pure disgust
s6 ep9 4:20 Kyle is confusion It looks really funky witht the art style 14:35 SP creators :DDD 16:28 TWEEK HAS A MISSUL LAUNCHER
s6 ep10 4:50 WHA ape grunts 5:20 I feel you Wendy 7:17 Girls no :( 10:04 "Bebe you're still cool" 13:15 "HAOHAOHA" 16:00 Jeez fanon bebe is insanely inaccurate 17:25 Cute Parent Marshes moment 19:00 HOW WENDY 21:04 THE BOYS ARE HUGGINH
s6 ep11 6:34 Craig deffo got them tall genes 8:58 "I didn't mean to! (be abducted)" 11:40 "Im nugh dune wiuth mgh pizza…" 19:57 "Oh god our parents are so stupid dude." + cute moments 21:20 HELP STAN-
S6 ep12 1:45 "Mrky" Ok Current realization "KENNY!" 8:11 "Maybe you got brain cancer" "YOU THINK!?" "Cartman don't get brain cancer." 20:11 I'm scared for new Randy
s6 ep13 11:59 "I'm not playing anymore." s6 ep15 7:40 DAMN STAN. 9:25 LET KENNY WATCH FATSO 11:00 Psychic Stan ("No I'm not!") 13:47 Stan pinching his nose 16:30 Stan you're still in the school why are you slaming the door 17:53 Kyle: :o
s6 ep16 4:10 Stan nose pinch again :D 7:10 Stutters duo on an adventure (entire ep) 8:40 "They're lying" 11:40 "how many parents have you enacted revenge on??" 12:21 "18,000$" - "How bout 5 bucks." 13:18 this entire scene is geuninlly interesting to see knowing Eric's character It showcases his COMPLEXITY WHEN DEALING WITH PEOPLE 15:55 POP OFF STAN 16:30 Cartman can speak spanish?? Dude he's dedicated. 17:50 Stan is smart
s6 ep17 (Throughout the ep Jimmy sings <3) 6:16 TWEEK YOU'RE NOT CRAZY 11:50 Kyle and Cartman interaction lmao 14:21 the way Jesus specifies "Eric" Cartman lmao 14:30 JESUS HAS A GUN 15:40 I'm packing 17:40 "Dude this is pretty fcked up." 19:22 Idk who these kids are they're in a different style and its a little odd. 21:10 NVM THIS IS THE SAME 21:20 KENNY! KENNY'S BACK! DUDE WHERE THE HEEL WERE YOU????
S7 ep1 0:50 IKE IS NOT A WEPON KYLE Cartman??? Dude you good?????? I HATE HOW CALLED OUT I FEEL BY THE SCIENCTIST IN THIS EP HE THINKS EXACTLY LIKE ME There is a scene somewhere where Kenny pulls his Parka "Oh shit did we do that??" 20:00 KENNY NO
s7 ep2 1:30 "Oh I'm a dork huh :(" 2:45 Stan and Kyle dealing with Cartman's bs 7:45 Epic scene with Jimmy and Timmy 12:10 An attempt was made to sit 14:40 "Holy guacomole!" 23:30 "Me too-"
s7 ep3 3:50 "Lets go Kyle!" 11:27 "We're not Killing kyle" "Mrph!"[Yeah!] 14:40 "Whoa-o-ok thank you." 16:15 "A present from jesus himself!" Looks up 16:18 TButters? 18:59 Roblox coil sound
s7 ep4 3:34 "SHUT UP AND STUDY." 6:30 Why is he puttign so mcuh effort into the walk 7:47 Uhhh pop off Gerald?? 7:57 STAN NOSE PINCH 8:25 Kenny fucking leaves 13:55 Randy has talent 21:22 Kyle nose pich + "I- I don't know"
s7 ep5 (didn'r take anything ig"
s7 ep6 2:12 "Why won't she let me eat the piee." 3:40 Kenny is an artist (for twitter.) 4:13 WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS CONCLUSION 4:26 TUCKER??? CRAIG'S LONG LOST SIBLING? 5:05 Cartman has no right to be this detailed for a fatass 5:15 Kenny :((( 7:17 Sign languages Kyle: "What?????" 8:34 "hehehe thats gay" "hehehe we're gay" 9:16 "GRRRRR!" 10:27 The girl is so cute though 17:48 WDYM THE MCCORMICKS??? 18:20 "Kenny it doesn't go pekwwww it goes BANG BANG BANG"
s7 ep7 2:44 "26,000 DOLLARS?!?!" 5:30 CHEF!! 5:45 "We've had such great times here" CHAOS WHEN??? 6:51 Kennys cute here 9:17 Sharon and Randy moment 12:57 THOMAS TUCKER'S HEIGHT HELP
s7 ep8 00:55 KENNNYYY'S DESIGN 1:20 We're you guys waiting for the bus how tf are your switching to machovers 1:45 3:55 "OH MY GOD WHERE IS MY HOMEWORK I AM FREAKING OUU~U~UT!!" 4:45 YES CHEF 5:15 Well. Uh. I guess dreams come true. 11:12 KYLE WHERE TF DID YOU KEEP THAT 12:22 why is Liane there she's a whor-
s7 ep9 1:00 The kid's music tastes 2:10 Cartman being an ENTJ 2:54 Tolkien looked really epic 4:40 KYLE WHAT DID YOU DO? "I DON'T KNOW D:'" 8:45 "Why would I be looking way over there??" 10:30 Cartman tugging at Kyle's hat 16:56 Uh- 21:00 HELL YEAH TOLKIEN BEAT HIS ASS 21:25 YES BUTTERS YESSSS
s7 ep10 6:54 "GARALD WHERE ARE THE BOYS??" 8:00 SWEEP THE KIDS 9:26 HELP THE LINE MOVING LIKE A WORM 11:04 "I love youh guys, except for you kyel" 11:15 KENNY HOODIE PULL 13:00 Idk i just love this scene with all the kids :DD 18:17 Stan's Gang devising a plan
s7 ep11 CASA BONITA 1:30 "I have never been a dck to you!" 10:32 CARTAMAN? 11:20 I swear to- 12:00 cartman's little dancin 12:30 Butters singin 14:00 this entire scene with Eric. 17:00 why is Kenny wearing a tuxido over his parka. 19:31 ERIC SPEEDRUN GO
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dogstarblues · 11 months
20 Questions
got tagged by @artemis-devotee. seemed like fun! ty botan!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 11 works and i can tell you four of those are poetry.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on ao3? used to write for the ch**tiverse, still write for Victoria Goddard's Nine Worlds. well, okay im on hiatus from participating in fan stuff bc i got too much going on and i have complicated feelings abt fandom. but. on ffnet? naruto, inuyasha, bleach, fairy tail, danny phantom. i think.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
we have time (love this one - much needed natural hair content in that fandom, much needed)
you can't even see how much you're mine (i'm really proud of this one)
before we have time
just for now
gazing at the sun
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i respond to everyone's comments if i can remember LOL
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you can't even see how much you're mine. really exorcised my polyamory baggage with that one LMAO
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mmmmm none of them end poorly but they end heavily, if that makes sense? but also they don't. like most of my fanfiction as an adult in my 30s is discussion of wants and needs in a relationship and hashing out things that need to be talked abt
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have on ffnet when i was a teen and giving every naruto character in my biopunk fanfic like 4 codenames SDKVDFLVMS
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yuh. "just for now" is smut (old man yaoi). and there's another i think. i wanted to really confront my sex repulsion and explore my own boundaries around what i write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
naur i never understood crossovers v well. i love an AU tho
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
probably not. on ffnet it was SO goth edgelord and now it's extremely poetic prose. (and when i say POETIC prose i mean it tend to be concise and abstract, not that its purple) who wants that LOL
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
yes! my first fanfiction was with my childhood friend Sunshine and we posted a double-self-insert absolute MANIC fanfic set in the world of Inuyasha posted to ffnet. one of my fondest memories. i dictated, she wrote.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i don't have one these days but i shant say what it used to be only that it made me insane from the time i was 14 to the age of 25.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i had an old man yaoi urban fantasy au wherein a character who used to be the chosen one had been imprisoned and was surviving the trauma of that as a music teacher and i read a ton of prison literature for it and watched documentaries and watched interviews and spent WEEKS researching trauma from incarceration and what it means to be incarcerated (part of this was because my birth father was about to be incarcerated and i was trying to write through my understanding of what he'd be going through) and researching what town councils do. and then a (now former) friend had torn apart the fic paragraph by paragraph during beta and wrote how boring parts were and no one wanted to hear abt me talking abt poetry in the fanfic and it was my FIRST fanfic since i was in my early twenties and i basically deleted the whole thing out of embarrassment and hurt. iykyk who it was. idk if i can ever go back to that. i just don't. i want to but. even strangers in workshops aren't that cruel LOL
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'm a pretty/poetic writer good at relationship shit i think. i'm good at grounding the reader in a sense of place and my writing is very tactile. it's embodied.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am a pretty/poetic writer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i know some spanish and a little french and even less russian (i'm like learning that one through osmosis) but it's not v applicable. hmmmm i wouldn't try unless i was fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
either the naruto biopunk fanfiction on ffnet (i turned that one into a fanfic from a biopunk short story i had written in high school it's v close to my heart even if edgy) or "you can't even see how much you're mine" bc i put a lot into that or "we have time" because your partner doing your natural hair IS a love language.
if yall wanna hop in i'm tagging @toopunkrockforshul @cadencekismet @markeyverse
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