#like yeah they would hate each other. yes they are mirror reflections of each other. impeccable.
basilstitt · 6 months
the punisher and moon knight being antithetical sister stories is sooooo interesting(funny). like frank castle story of a child who thinks he is born into violence grows up to be a marine who experiences adult trauma and familial loss that sends him on a mental spiral that leads to violence and punishing the evil motivated by revenge and righteousness wherein he is proud of his actions and he is so good at his job. marc spector story of a child who thinks he is born into violence grows up to be a marine whos experienced childhood trauma and familial loss that results in deep rooted mental illness that leads to violence and punishing the evil brought on by manipulation and subjugation yet he feels so guilty for his actions and also hes not that good at any of his jobs.
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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Tate Langdon, first person shooter. ౨ৎ
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Your fingers lightly brushed against the Nirvana posters as you walked in, your eyes wandering, taking in every detail. Curiosity led you to his closet. Opening the door, you discovered sleek, black metallic objects hung up neatly, each one holstered and gleaming. His voice was hushed, his hands resting gently on your waist, his head tucked into the crook of your neck.
“You like them?” Tate asked, noticing you surveying his guns. “Yes,” you breathed, your eyes widening as you watched his hand move off your waist and reach for one in front of you. He made sure to hold it further away from you, his other hand still on your hip.“This one is small,” he murmured, his tone low and soft.
“It’s a pistol, a D1911,” he said as if you knew what that meant. You didn’t care; you were mesmerized by the way his large hands gripped it, his veins prominent as he flexed his hand around the trigger. “Wanna hold it?” he hummed. You held out your hand. He fiddled with the bottom of it, removing the magazine and emptying the bullets into his palm before stuffing them into his back pocket. He flicked on the safety next, then placed the cold, heavy metal into your hand. It felt so much larger in your small palm. “Oh it’s cold..” you gasped, wrapping your fingers around it tighter. He shifted you in front of his full-length mirror. “Thumbs forward, mhm, push your hips back,” he instructed. You followed his directions, his body pressing against yours. “Hold it up to the mirror, yeah… like that, perfect,” he said, smirking slightly, his eyes never leaving you. A part of him was excited seeing you like this, he fought to stop himself from groaning at the sight. “You look good like this, holding my gun, y'know,” he murmured. Your eyes found his dark ones, and he stared at you intensely, taking in the way you held it up to the mirror. He could feel you shiver under his gaze, and he didn’t care—seeing you like this was thrilling. “I have knives too,” he whispered. It was true; he had plenty of knives and guns, like his own personal military locker. You wanted to question him, but the words wouldn’t come out—not when he looked at you like that.
The desire was palpable; you could feel his hunger in the way his eyes raked over your figure. His hand held onto yours gently, and holding his hand was always an experience you cherished. His hand engulfed yours, making you feel small yet protected. “Pull the trigger. It’s not loaded,” he breathed out. Your fingers pressed down on the trigger, the pistol making a faint click.
click click click
“Does that feel good?” he murmured, his tone gravelly and hushed. “Is it supposed to?” you asked, your voice trembling slightly. He nodded, his finger trailing down your arm. “It feels good to me.” Your lips parted at his confession, and his face flushed as he pressed his front against your back. “You feel good,”he said softly, his hands gently taking the gun from yours. He held it next to your face. “Tate... why would it feel good?” you stammered, warmth creeping onto your cheeks. “The gun or you?” he smiled, looking at the pistol in his hand. “The gun,” you replied, your voice barely a whisper. “What does the gun make you feel, Tate?” you added, looking up at him, your neck craning to bridge the height difference. “Makes me feel excited, makes me feel… strong,” he answered, his eyes dark and intense. You swallowed, looking at his hand gripping the gun almost like it was muscle memory. Maybe it was; maybe he had used it before, but... “You are strong,” you murmured to him. "Stronger like this," he said, gently pointing the gun towards your head. Your eyes widened, but you couldn't look away. “Exciting,” he murmured, the faint click click of the empty pistol echoing in the room. You’d hate to admit it, but something about the cold tip pressing against you sent tingles—no, not just tingles, a deep, shivering thrill—through you. Your breath hitched as you stared at your reflection, entranced by the sight. His hand gripped your hip firmly, grounding you as the gun pressed against the side of your head. “This feels good?” he murmured, his eyes locked onto yours in the mirror. You found yourself nodding, almost mesmerized by the dangerous intimacy of the moment.
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sunburnhurts · 3 months
Blind Date || Cedric Diggory x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n's best friend, Angelina Johnson, wants Y/n to start dating. Angelina decides to set Y/n up with one of Fred Weasley's friends, Cedric Diggory. Angelina and Fred decide to go on a double date with the 2, but its more of a blind date.
Words: 1,470
All My Stories
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"Can't you just tell me who it is!?" Y/n questions her best friend, Angelina Johnson.
"No, it's called a blind date for a reason!" Angelina responds as she hands Y/n an eyelash curler. The 2 friends were getting ready for their double date, Angelina with Fred Weasley, and Y/n with an unknown boy.
"So he goes to our school," Y/n says as looks in the mirror and curls her lashes, "can you tell me what house he's in?"
"No! You already know too much!"
"No! I promise I know nothing!" Y/n wines, trying to get her way. "This is making me too stressed out!"
"Don't worry! Me and Fred wouldn't set you up with a murderer!"
"It better not be someone like- Draco Malfoy! He's too young and too weird!"
"Ew! Of course not! Way too young!" Angelina laughs, watching Y/n through the reflection of the mirror.
"So he's in our year?" Y/n says as she picks up mascara and leans into the mirror to get a good view of her lashes.
Watching Y/n apply the masacra, Angelina says sarcastically, "No, it's some first year Fred is best friends with."
Y/n pauses, looking at her friend in the mirror with a serious face. "Say you're joking. I'm not ready to be arrested."
"Of course I'm kidding! Yes, he's in our year."
"It better not be George, I'm not into red heads."
"I mean I am buttt, no it's not George. I'm not telling you anything else. You just have to trust me, you'll like him."
"But will he like me though?"
"Y/n! Of course he will love you! Stop over thinking this! I wouldn't put you in a bad situation!" Angelina promises, "And how could he not like you, look at you! You look stunning!"
"As always." Y/n playfully rolls her eyes, putting the mascara down.
Cedric and Fred were walking to the Three Broomsticks, talking about the upcoming date. "I hate not knowing who this girl is." Cedric says, feeling the nerves growing.
"Don't worry, I know you'll like her." Fred says, trying to calm his friend down.
"You said she's a Gryffindor?"
"Yeah, one of Angelina's friends." Hearing this made Cedric assume it was Y/n Y/l/n. If you were to have asked anyone in their year who Angelina's best friends was, Y/n would be the first to come to mind. Cedric didn't want to get his hopes up that it was Y/n, but he was looking forward to getting to know the girl more. Cedric has always found Y/n attractive, but he never got the chance to befriend her.
On the first day of first year, Y/n was the first person Cedric talked to. He was nervous, waiting in the line to know what house he was going to be placed in. Y/n was behind him, listening to the boy anxiously mumble to himself. "You'll be fine, trust me." Young Y/n says, putting her hand on the boys shoulder.
Cedric turned around, relaxing when he saw Y/n's face. They both smiled at each other, exchanging names. Once Cedric got sorted into Hufflepuff, he prayed Y/n would be sorted there too. When she was sorted into Gryffindor, they both looked at each other with sad smiles. When the school year started, they would smile at each other when they saw one another in the halls, but as the year went on, they slowly stopped.
As the years went on, they would always make eye contact in the halls, but it always lasted a second. When they both saw each other, it reminded them of the first day of first year. They both wondered what their lives would have been if they continued being friends, wishing they had.
Now, Cedric and Fred were about to enter the Three Broomsticks. Y/n and Angelina were sitting across from each other, Y/n facing the door. Every time Y/n heard the door open, her eyes shot to the door. Noticing her best friends nervous behavior, Angelina put her hand on Y/n's, making Y/n relax.
Hearing the door open once more, Y/n turns her attention to it. She sees Cedric enter the door. It's probably not him, I don't see Fred. Y/n thinks. She watches as Cedric turns around to someone who is also entering into the pub. She sees Cedric and Fred looking around the pub to spot the 2 girls.
"Angelina. You seriously got me a date with Cedric Diggory?!" Y/n whisper shouts, burying her face in her hands laughing.
"Girl, I know you want him! Every time you see him in the halls you get quiet for a few seconds. Now don't mess this up!" Angelina says, pulling at Y/n's arms so she would unbury her face. When Y/n looked up, she saw Fred spot her and point over to her. Cedric turned around to look at what Fred was pointing at, making eye contact with Y/n. He smiled at the girl, making Y/n naturally smile back.
Y/n looked back at her friend, who was smiling at Y/n. "Don't look at me, I'm already nervous enough!" Y/n whispers, keeping a smile on her face so it looked natural. Angelina laughs at the girl, making Y/n laugh back.
When the 2 boys arrived at the table, Fred sat next to his girlfriend, planting a kiss on her lips. Cedric sits next to Y/n, smiling once more at the girl as he greets her. "Hi, Y/n."
"Hey, Cedric." Y/n smiles back.
"You 2 already know each other?" Fred asks.
"Yeah." They both answer.
"We were friends in first year," Y/n explains to the couple.
"You remember that?" Cedric asks, turning his head to the girl.
"Of course I remember, you were the first person I talked to." Cedric nods his head, grinning at Y/n.
"We are such grate matchmakers." Fred says, looking at Angelina.
"Excuse you, this was all my idea, who's 'we'?" Angelina sassily asks, making everyone laugh.
As the date went on, Y/n and Cedric hit it off. They bonded over talking about school and all of their favorite things. When the double date was over, the 2 couples decided to walk apart to give each other alone time. Angelina and Fred walked behind Cedric and Y/n, watching their matchmaking work out.
"So you didn't know who you were going on a date with either?" Y/n asks with her arm wrapped around Cedric's.
"Fred is bad at giving hints. He gave me 2 and I guessed it was you right away." Cedric laughs, making Y/n chuckle.
"Were you disappointed?" Y/n asks in a joking way, but it was a serious question.
"No, not at all." Cedric looks down at Y/n, giving her a genuine smile.
"Good." There was a few moments of silence before Y/n admits, "I thought it was going to be awkward, or something. I mean we haven't talked since we were 11."
"Honestly, I was worried too."
"Good thing we were with Fred, he made a fool of himself before I did." Y/n says, laughing. Cedric laughs, thinking back to the moment that happened during the double date. Y/n made a joke about everyone's least favorite teacher, and Fred snorted his butter beer out of his nose.
"How much do you bet they are watching us?" Y/n says, referring to the couple behind them.
"I don't need to bet, I feel them looking." Cedric chuckles. Y/n and Cedric both turn their head around to look at the pair. No supersize, Fred and Angelina whip their head to look somewhere other then Y/n and Cedric. Y/n and Cedric both look at each other, busting out in laughter.
After more conversations about both of their lives, Cedric and Y/n arrived at the fat lady painting, which indicated their date officially ended here. "I had a lot of fun reconnecting with you again, Y/n. We should do this again." Cedric says, tucking a piece of hair behind Y/n's ear.
"Yeah, definitely." Y/n beams up at the boy. Cedric nods to Y/n, then walks away, past Angelina and Fred. He nods at the couple and walks back to the Hufflepuff common room.
Angelina runs up to Y/n, whisper shrieking in excitement. In response, Y/n does the same, holding Angelina's hands. "I did that!!" Angelina beams.
After that night, Cedric and Y/n would walk in the halls together, hand in hand. They went on many more dates together, growing closer and closer, eventually becoming boyfriend and girlfriend, thanks to Angelina.
A/n: Thank you so much for reading!! Hope yall loved this! PLS REQUEST! I'm pulling stories out of my ass here 😊 I don't really like this story so I hope it wasn't too bad...
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thatwritterbeach · 2 months
So About that Alley .3
Jason Todd x fmc
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
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stop what is this gif lol^^
"Hey, Jay," she asked in a totally calm totally cool manner the next morning, completely numb thanks to the nice little combo she'd whipped up. Not floating or un-present but not in pain, even where the arm of the couch was digging into her side as Jason squished into her, laying fully on top of her.
"Yes, my beloved?"
"Don't make me take away your books you little dork. I was just wondering if your family knows about you...you know, not being dead?"
"Uh, yeah, why?"
"Just if I happened to run into them I wouldn't wanna be like 'oh I'm dating Jason' and they'd be all 'wtf is wrong with this chick, he's dead' you know."
"I guess. Alex," he said grabbing her hand and pulling it to his mouth," I'm gonna introduce you, I'm not ashamed of you or whatever the hell else your mind is trying to say. My family is...overwhelming for most and I didn't want to scare you off."
"I get it dude, and since I just recently placed you as Robin you would have had to hire a family, or spill you deepest secrets to me. Lucky for you, I am the most understanding woman on the planet."
"I'd argue, but you're right. I'll text Alfred, the leader of the gang, and see when we can come for dinner. Be warned though, it could be tonight, they've been trying to get me to come home for a while now."
It was in fact that night. Alex scurried around for a clean pair of jeans, then after a glance in the mirror at her too large reflection she ripped them off and tossed them to the floor. A dress? No, that one has a tear. This skirt? No, it's too short. Jean short, they're clean but who the fuck wear jeans shorts to a mansion. Business slacks, no that says trying too hard. Ah ha, a superman t-shirt, and black leggings, then top it off with one of Jason's zip up hoodies.
"Is that what you're wearing," he asked with a laugh as he came into the room. In fact the laugh became a full blown fit and he doubled over nearly to the ground clutching his stomach and wheezing. With each second she got more and more self-conscious. Of course she couldn't wear what was basically pajamas to a fancy place, what was wrong with her. With a sigh she took off her boots and slid out of the leggings and switched them for her jeans, that she hated but whatever. Searching in vain for something that wasn't a graphic tee, or a business blouse she was half way through her closet when Jason recovered enough to notice what she was doing.
"No, put it back on, it's great, doll, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing with you."
"I wasn't laughing," she said without emotion.
"Hey, come 'er." Much to her wiggling protest he pulled her tight against him and placed several loud kisses along her scalp.
"Everyone else will be in pj's I solemnly swear, in fact I was just about to change into my matching flannel set, someone amazing bought it for me, but I can't remember who," he said tapping his chin with mock thought.
"Cross my heart," he said, though his fingers were crossed behind his back.
"Ok," she conceded trying to get free. He held on for another minute before spinning her out away from himself and winking when she fell back onto the bed. Matching pj's in hand he headed to the bathroom, not for privacy but to send an urgant group chat explicity stating lounge clothes were to be worn.
See masterlist for more
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wandafiction · 7 months
How Much?! - Just Us Chapter 3
Warnings: Suggestive themes
Word Count: 1644
Series List | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
The elevator ride was calm compared to the car ride, Wanda was lent against me with one arm wrapped around mine and the other holding my bicep of the same arm. Her head was leaning against my arm just below my shoulder, now I could take in how tall I was compared to her, a relaxed smile on her face as we both looked at one another through the reflection in the mirrored walls of the elevator. 
I also don't feel like slamming her up against the wall and making her cum once again. I think she feels the same, as she seems more relaxed than when we were in the club and the car. Maybe I should offer her a drink and chat before anything else. No, I will offer her a drink, and we will do this at her pace. She has never been with a woman before...well now she has...but I want to make sure she is comfortable this whole night. So her pace.
"Penthouse suite?" Wanda's gaze moved from looking at me to the sign in the elevator letting us know we had arrived.
"Uh, yeah this is my floor. Well two floors." I shuffled on my feet a little, I always hated showing off my wealth too much. Nothing screams rich fucker like a 2 story penthouse at the top of an already expensive apartment building practically made for the richer people of New York. 
"Do you mind me asking what job you have to be able to have a two floor penthouse?" Wanda's voice wavered a bit trying to gauge what I would do. 
The elevator bell dinged, the doors opening straight into the entrance hall. And before you think 'oh surely anyone can access the penthouse then'. No. The building has an interface system where you have to have a key card, or if you're like me and sometimes forget your key card, a password as well to be able to access past a certain floor. However, even then the cards and passwords are linked to a particular floor number so you can't access anything but yours. The only way someone could possibly get into my pent house without any of that is with a guest password, and each one of those is different so you know who accessed your place and when.
Pretty neat if you ask me. My friend Tony Stark came up with the idea when building this place, making sure I specifically got the top floor and allowed me to design my penthouse myself. He is a good friend.
Anyway, back to Wanda's question.
"No, it's fine. I am a business woman, CEO of a tech company that works in the medical field and also a partner in my friend's tech business." 
"Wow, so earning the big bucks." I stifle a laugh.
"Yes, something like that. Drink?" I pull her to the kitchen area where I have a large wine fridge and then another fridge with beers and other alcoholic beverages in it.
"Red wine please." Wanda makes herself home on one of the stools at the kitchen's island. 
"Any preferences?" I turn with the best two bottles of wine I have holding them up to her. "Château Ausone 2003 or Château Lafite 2010?"
"I don't know. I've never had either before. Whatever you think is best for tonight." She looks like she wants to ask another question as I open the Ausone.
"You can ask me Wanda." I turn around with a wine glass in hand passing it off to her, as she looks slightly confused about how I knew.
"How much does a bottle of Ausone cost? Because you opened it like it wasn't that much. I mean it sounds posh and expensive. Sorry it doesn't matter." She takes a sip of her drink to stop her rambling. 
"It's okay Wanda I promise. You're allowed to ask these questions, you're just curious I get that." 
"Okay well how much does it cost?" She asks with a cheeky grin on her face. 
"That one is the St Emilion Grand Cru. So roughly $1200 a bottle." I hear Wanda choke slightly at my answer, but she quickly covers her mouth recovering from her momentary choke.
"Sorry, but that's more than my monthly rent. Wow. It definitely tastes like a $1200 bottle of liquid courage." She then takes another sip, now obviously savouring the drink.
"Well you can't blame me for that one. It was a gift, it's been sitting there a while. So why not treat you to it." I raise my glass to my mouth watching her reaction. 
"Oh so this is your saving for a rainy day wine?" She jokes.
"Exactly. I had no one to share it with till now, so I thought fuck it, otherwise it will never get drunk otherwise." She hums in response. "Any other questions for me princess?"
"Why the name princess? Also is it rude if I ask how much you earn a year? I mean I'm just curious, you know, expensive wine in a two story penthouse. You have to be bringing home the bacon right?" Wanda places her empty glass on the counter, and I move to top it up again as I think of an answer. 
"I don't really know. It was the first thing to pop into my head when trying to fluster you, which worked by the way." She blushes slightly as I continue. "I mean I don't call anyone princess, never have. It just seemed fitting. And as for how much I earn, are you sure you really want to know?" 
"Hmm, I mean I don't have a name for you. You're just y/n. Why? Is it a lot?" Wanda tilts her head in question. 
"Y/n is just fine. I don't need to go by anything else. Define a lot. What is a lot of money for you Wanda?" 
"Well I have a 2 bedroom apartment that costs me around $1000 a month. I'm not poor in that sense of the word, I always have spare money and savings and my salary is decent. But a lot would be...I don't know...let's set the benchmark at $500'000." I finished off my glass of wine, liking my lips cleaning them of wine not missing Wanda's eyes darting down to watch the movement.
"Then I earn waaaay more than alot. Like I asked before, are you really sure you want to know?" This time I tilt my head in question.
"Can I guess? And then you say higher or lower?" She shuffles on the stool excitedly at the prospect of the small guessing game.
"Of course go ahead."
"Uhmm a lot more than $500'000 so 1.2 mil?" I point my finger upwards to indicate it's higher. "2 million?" Again I point upwards. "5 million?" 
"Much higher." 
"12 million?" 
"Multiply that by five." It takes no longer than a second to do the Maths.
"60 million! A year? Holy shit!" 
"I make anywhere between 60 to 85 million. However, I put a lot of it back into the company and help start up small businesses and of course give to charity." 
"So what do you indulge in? Because every millionaire has something they spend lots of money on. So spend money on houses, cars or even islands? So what is y/ns favourite thing to spend money on?" 
"I am a car person myself, but I tend to buy rust buckets and fix them up myself. Of course I have luxury cars and that but they are more for formal events just for publicity and all that, my PR team seems to think it helps the company and so on and so forth. But in all honesty I like treating my friends most if all. What would you spend the money on if you had that sort of income?"
"I would love to say the same as you. You know, help others in need, give to smaller businesses and friends and family. However, if I jump from my salary to your salary I am spoiling myself first. Car, house, the whole nine yards." We both laugh at her honesty. "Now though I think I'm done with the small talk." Her voice is low, her pupils dilate as she speaks.
"Yeah and what have you got in mind princess?" I lean closer to her whispering in her ear, a shiver going down her spine.
"I think we should take this to the bedroom." Wanda sighs when I start nibbling at her ear.
"Oh yeah? And what do you want to do once we are there princess?" I move my hands to her thighs slowly moving them up and down.
"You tell me?"
"Well princess. I am going to make this the best night of your life. You're going to be screaming my name so loud you forget your own, your legs squeezing around my head as I bring you so much pleasure you won't be able to feel them in the morning. I'm going to find every little spot that sets you off and leave a beautiful purple bruise on them to remind you of how I made you feel." A small fuck leave her mouth, her legs closing slightly to gain some form of friction as I speak. "So princess, are you ready for me to take full control of you tonight?" 
"Fuck. Yes. Please. Just fuck me already." 
"I have your complete consent?" Just got to double check to make sure it is truly what she wants.
"Yes, now please fuck me y/n." 
"What's the safe word?"
"Good girl." A low groan leaves her lips as I pull her off the stool, her legs wrap around my waist as I start to carry her out of the kitchen. 
Tonight is going to be fun.
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
My thoughts on the 3rd PV
First, the CG with each kings..
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Beelzebub lending his coat to a sleep Bael: This is enough prove to tell me that Beelzebub and Bael's Relationship isn't bad or worse after Beelzebub left Avisos.
Like many others, I assume that Bael hates Beelzebub for leaving Avisos or letting Bael stand in for him as "King" of Avisos. Like I would've assume that Bael resent Beelzebub in a way, but after seeing the Chat feature vid and this CG. I think that even what Beelzebub did, their friendship is still strong.
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First appearance of Leviathan in a CG: *HOT, HOT, HOT!!!!!! GODDAMN HE'S SO HOT*
Anyway, yeah. This is the first time we ever see Leviathan in a CG form, because most of the time it's just the Legendary Card artstyle. And judging from the background we are in his castle/palaces. And we can see his coffin in the background.
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Seeing Satan in action: Yes!!! I love action stills CG.
All I can say is that, Satan is hot in this CG, and also, Mammon at the right side corner.
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Seeing Mammon in action: RIP that Angel
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This makes it clear that Hell has day/sun, and Mammon using his signature weapon which is golden fist summoned... Which (I think) that Tartaros have in common.
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The Pact marks are on their tongue:
So in the 2nd PV, where Satan is licking MC's finger, it turns out that MC was "Breaking" Solomon's contract with Satan. And now with this new PV. It shows that the kings and the 72 nobles' pact mark on their tongue.
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Unknown Character would I aren't sure if their angels or devil:
I chatted with my friends in discord and we assume that she'll either be one of Solomon's wives or failed angelfication.
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Devils turning into angels: *I love TF (Transformation scene/art)*
I got to say, wow... That looks painful as fuck!!
And no, the Avisos devil is a lesser devil and not Naberius.
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Gabriel leading the attack on hell:
RIP my theory that Satan knocked Gabriel out and dragging him into hell with us after their fight.
Seeing Gabriel with six wings is... well 🥵 "Klein, get your man!!"
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Paimon's Sex CG with MC:
If you were like me, you would've think that we are having a threesome with Paimon and another devil, but no it's not.
We are in front of a mirror, and Paimon is behind us, you can tell that the one that is showing Paimon's face is his reflection in the mirror. And the dark shadow in the middle of the CG is MC, cause you can see the purple hair.
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Zagan's sex CG with MC: *Oh shit his hot!!!!!*
Okay, what drew me was his quote, he is clearly referring to Solomon, when he said "Him" which hurts me... But again, it's better for the story that most if not all of the devils don't like us, because it makes developing a bond/relationship with them even more sweeter.
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Bonus simping... Put me into a chokehold with your arms Sitri!!!
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Ppyong can talking!!! and he sound adorable 🥺
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Minhyeok's death: (RIP to our Simp)
So this conforms that Minhyeok die and he is the "Plot device" of MC's story.
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Gabriel just comes out of the PC:
Just... Why XD
And that's it, I'm happy with this summary of the Prolog and story for... the first few chapters.
Don't be shy and share your thoughts on the PV, either by reblog this or sending an ask in my Inbox/
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sthormiiii · 10 months
aaravos headcanons !! (again)
i've put a little more thought into this ones~
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General headcanons:
- hes so strong, or, well. he used to be. ofc he's naturally very strong, but ever since his imprisonment he has been sitting down a lot, he doesn't work out much in there (too busy being sad and plotting revenge) so, when he gets out and notices that he struggles to lift stuff up, that annoys him.
- he tried his best to stay away from humans at first, but it was so hard for him, he promised himself he would just take a look, just to see how they live from closer, nothing more!! we know how that went.
- him before the fall was such a nerd!! he still is ofc, but before all the trauma he used to be just a guy interested in humans! just picture him trying the human rayla thing the first time he went to humans.
- one of his favourite things was observing human couples togheter. yeah this might sound creepy i know, but he genuinely enjoyed watching two people just...being in love, and he always noticed the little gestures they did for each other- he would try to keep track of those, trying to understand what exactly being in love meant.
- that ties to the fact that startouch elves usually don't fall in love? because there isn't really a startouch elf society, they mostly live by themselves- that's another thing he loves about humans, the way they live togheter and create families.
- zones out a lot. he has so much stuff he wants to say, so many things in his head and he gets caught up in in his own thoughts so much
- he reads people very easily. notices the slightest things when talking to someone. especially looks at their hands and body language in general
- after he shattered the mirror in s4 he realized he couldn't look at himself anymore and went "-oh." so, NOW his hair is messier and he has to look at his reflection in vases or stuff like that. he's annoyed
- he sleeps in very specific ways with very specific kind of pillows and stuff. if he ever has to sleep somewhere else, his whole body hurts the next day
- he laughs loud af, can and will laugh like a maniac if he finds something THAT funny
- craves love and validation. wants to be praised and likes being at the center of attention
- he loves physical contact and tried to get it all the time, even small things like knees touching when sitting besides someone, or holding hands made him feel so happy
- his love language is quality time and physical contact
- hates getting sick, it makes him feel vulnerable and weak- it used to happen a lot because that man refuses to wear a shirt even in winter, and humans used to take care of him as much as they could! (he secretly liked it)
- first time he got sick he thought he was dying
- genuinely forgets how tall he is compared to other people, doesn't realize how menacing he can seem
- gets offended easily
- he!! likes!!!! bugs!!!!!!! I can't stress this enough
- he's ticklish. I won't elaborate.
Angsty ones:
- he hates himself,, he hates how he looks after his fall. he feels shame and guilt everytime he looks at himself
(s6 spoilers) him crying while looking at his reflection in the e1s6 made me think of this even more, he literally looks at his hands and see he's not glowing anymore and then. sobs.
- after losing so many people, he no longer grieves as much as he used to. if he stopped and really thought about it, he would cry, but he usually manages to block those thoughts out
- speaking of crying, once he starts he can't stop. he could cry for so many hours straight there's just so much stuff he went through and he needs to let all of that out...when he cries the stars on his cheeks shine more
- other than sadness he also has lots of anger inside. he sometimes snaps and throws punches against the walls of his prison, or he throws stuff around, making a mess. he then feels even worse
- he misses looking at the stars more than anything. yes, it's painful for him and he hates them. but he also just wish he could stargaze again.
- his nightmares manly consist in people he used to know, haunting him. he dreams of people who betrayed him, and he also dreams of being unable to move or do anything, being chained or just forced to stay still as people he used to know are there, watching, but don't help. sometimes they're happy dreams, of freedom and love, but even those leave him crying in the morning
- he is scared to love again
- as soon as he's out of that pearl he will sob. i know he will.
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help its 2am does these make any sense...
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Y.O.U (Years of Us), Chapter 3: Maybe what she thought they had shared wasn’t real.
Jimin x half black/half Korean OC
Genre/Rating: 21+, established relationship, idol!AU, smut, angst, and fluff
Summary: Kamaria does an in depth interview and reflects on how she found out about Jimin’s sudden marriage.
Warnings: Brief mentions of addiction and mental health issues.
WC: 3.4K
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Song Of The Chapter: SZA- I Hate U
“Does this dress make me look like a whore?” Kamaria wondered as she stood in front of the full length mirror that was placed in her dressing room, holding her hands out at her sides as she turned back and forth in a gold colored dress.
“Yes but if it makes you feel better, you look like an expensive whore,” Nari smiled but Kamaria just groaned loudly before storming back into the bathroom where a rack of clothing options had been set aside for her by her stylist, Baram. “You know, I really think you need to calm down. Relax.”
“You know how Korean media can be,” Kamaria shouted from the opposite side of the bathroom door as she peeled the dress off of her body. “They talk enough shit about me as is. I don’t need any bullshit.”
“It’s not as if it would be your fault if you did get any.”
“Yeah but they’d spin it to make it look like it was my fault,” she huffed. “Blue pantsuit or cream sleeveless dress?”
“Go with the cream,” Nari advised. “It’ll look great with your skin tone.” Kamaria grabbed the dress and slipped it on, emerging from the bathroom a few minutes later to a round of applause from her best friend. “Gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” Kamaria smiled as she walked over to the vanity, picking out a few gold rings to slip onto her fingers. “How much time do we have?”
“5 minutes, Minali-ssi,” a sudden knock on the door sounded. 
“Ok!” Nari replied. “5 minutes.”
“Thanks,” Kamaria laughed and after taking one last glance in the mirror, the two of them walked out of the dressing room and down the hall to the set. Since it was Kamaria’s first interview in almost two years, no expense had been spared and Kamaria could tell as much when she saw the set. 
There were two large, cushy chairs right next to each other while the background of the set was designed to look like a comfortable living room setting. If it weren’t for the amount of cameras and lights surrounding it, it could almost pass for the real thing. 
“Hello,” Kamaria greeted the members of the crew in Korean, bowing towards them respectfully. As she did so, the woman that would be interviewing her, Park Ji-yoon, approached her. 
“Minali-ssi!” She exclaimed, grasping onto Kamaria’s hands and squeezing them tightly. “It’s been too long!”
“It has,” Kamaria smiled brightly. “How are you? How’s Dong Seok-ssi and the kids?”
“They’re great, all healthy,” Ji-yoon replied. “Are you ready for this?”
“I am but I’m a little nervous.”
“Ah, no need to be!” Ji-yoon assured her. “Fair warning though, I do have to ask the tough questions because that’s what my superiors want but if something truly makes you uncomfortable, you tell me and I’ll figure out an excuse to make sure that it gets cut out in post production.”
“I should be fine,” Kamaria said. “I have nothing to hide anyways so I’ll just be honest. Probably a little too honest.”
“Just like your mother,” Ji-yoon chuckled. “Well, let’s go on set and get comfortable.”
“Ok,” Kamaria agreed, allowing Ji-yoon to lead her up onto the stage before they both took their seats. After the crew made sure that everything was correct and the make up crew had done their last minute touch ups, the director commenced the count down before filming commenced. 
“Good evening,” Ji-yoon smiled at the camera. “Tonight, I am having a one on one interview with the multi-talented powerhouse idol, Choi Minali! Minali, it’s a pleasure to have you.” 
“It’s a pleasure to be here,” Kamaria smiled, bowing from the waist up before crossing one of her legs over the other. “Thank you for having me.”
“Now, before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s talk about your name,” Ji-yoon began. “You release music under a mononym, Kamaria which is also your given English name but you tend to introduce yourself in Korean as Minali. Would you like to talk about that?”
“As I’m sure most people are aware, my father is American and my mother was Korean so I, as well as my older sister, have both a Korean name and an English name. When I’m here in Seoul, it’s just easier for me to use Minali and that’s the name that my Korean side of the family uses anyways,” Kamaria explained. “As for Kamaria, I use that professionally because I felt it was a way for me to keep in touch with my roots on my Black side.”
“You also lived in the States for a period of time as well too, right?”
“Yeah, for about 10 years,” Kamaria confirmed. “I would come back and visit my mom’s side of the family every summer though.”
“So you’ve really had the best of both worlds and cultures.”
“That’s how I like to think of it,” she nodded with a smile. 
“Well, let’s get into the main reason for your visit today,” Ji-yoon continued on. “You are the lead female star in the upcoming film ‘Taming’, set to premiere in two weeks’ time. Do you want to tell us about it?”
“I’m staring opposite Park Bo-gum and the film is about two individuals in the entertainment industry who want to be together but keep getting conflict from their jobs,” Kamaria expounded. “It’s a love story but I also think it’s a coming of age film as well, since it explores themes such as finding your identity and coming to terms with what one really wants in life.”
“Which is something that I’m sure every twenty something young adult can relate to,” Ji-yoon said. 
“Absolutely,” Kamaria agreed. “I’ll be 29 this year and I still often feel like I’m just trying to figure it all out.”
“I imagine the professional side of your life doesn’t leave much to be desired though,” Ji-yoon smiled. “I mean, you have four highly successful albums, the latest of which is Grammy nominated. All four albums topped the music charts here in South Korea as well as around the world, you have five daesangs, you’re MAMA’s Best Female Artist for the last four years running. I mean, need I say more? You are fantastic.”
“I appreciate it but I can’t take all the credit,” Kamaria rebutted. “It was a gift that I was given and all I’ve ever wanted to do was put it back out into the world.”
“You know, you sound like your mother when you say that,” Ji-yoon mentioned. “When i interviewed Choi Sora, many years ago, she said something very similar. Is that where you got this mindset from?”
“I would think so, yes.”
“This year will mark the 20th year since her tragic passing,” she continued. “What are some of your favorite memories of her?”
“Definitely when she would sing me to seep,” Kamaria smiled at the thought. “She had this thing where she’d make up songs on the spot and the lyrics would be the most ridiculous things ever. I’d crack up laughing which would then make her crack up laughing and we’d end up just giggling together. Then she’d brush my curls out of my face and say ‘sleep well, my little love’. Yeah.”
“I haven’t lost a parent but I can imagine that it’s a pain that never goes away,” Ji-yoon murmured, grabbing a box of tissues from next to her and extending it to Kamaria, who smiled thankfully and grabbed a few sheets before gently pressing them to the inner corners of her eyes. 
“It doesn’t, especially since I was only 8 when she passed,” she added. “It never quite hits me until I talk about her though.”
“How do you think your legacy intermingles with hers?”
“Aside from me obviously being her daughter, I like to think that I’m doing all of the things that she didn’t get the chance to,” Kamaria answered. “She was only 33 when she passed so there’s a lot that I know she wanted to do that she didn’t have time to. However, in the 15 year career that she did get to have, her creativity knew no bounds and she was never afraid to take risks. That’s something that I hope to emulate in my own career, as well as being an artist that people can relate to. You know?”
“Perfectly explained,” Ji-yoon approved with a grin. “Last thing on your mother, the fifth annual benefit concert for the Choi Sora Foundation for Mental Health and Addiction is coming up. Would you like to talk about that?”
“Yes,” Kamaria smiled. “The Choi Sora Foundation was founded by my father, Quincy Jacobs, my sister Choi Shin-hye, and myself in tribute to my mother. She suffered from not only addiction but mental health problems as well and what my family and I found was that often times, the two of those go hand in hand. Therefore, the mission of the Foundation is to provide counseling for people struggling with addiction and/or mental health issues as well as counseling for their families, rehab services free of charge, and any other resources that may be needed in order to support people in their sobriety journeys thereafter.”
“Very selfless of you all, to use your pain to help others.”
“Well, my family and I feel very strongly that if mental health were more thoroughly understood and taken seriously, then there’s a good chance my mother would still be here today,” Kamaria revealed. “So if we can prevent that happening from another family, we’ll try.” 
“And the concert?”
“The concert is how we raise the funds for the foundation,” Kamaria elaborated. “Every year, idols and other members of the entertainment industry come out, free of charge, and lend their star power to our cause. Even though it’s still a few months away from now, I’m very excited about our lineup of performers so far which includes BoA, who’s also my god mother and my mother’s best friend, Taeyeon, Key, Taemin, RM, Suga, Jungkook, PSY, and many others.”
“That sounds absolutely amazing and I send you all of my best wishes for it to be successful,” Ji-yoon smiled. “Moving on, I’d like to ask about your personal life now, if that’s ok.”
“Go ahead.”
“Ae you currently dating anyone?” 
“I am not,” Kamaria revealed. “The only relationship I’m in right now is with my career.”
“Would you like to be, at some point?” Ji-yoon wondered. “And maybe start a family?”
“I would and I’d love to have kids eventually,” Kamaria confirmed. “I’m not rushing anything, though.”
“I'm asking this because going back to when you discussed the upcoming lineup for the benefit concert, I noticed that one name in particular was left out,” Ji-yoon pointed out. “Park Jimin.”
“Oh shit,” Kamaria thought to herself.
“For a long time, there were rumors abounding that the two of you were in a committed relationship. However, the two of you have not been seen together in public in six months,” Ji-yoon finished. 
“Well, Jimin and I are just friends,” Kamaria stated firmly. “We’ve never been in a relationship. As for not being seen together, we’re both very lucky in the sense that all of our endeavors have been successful so I’ve been busy working on the film and he’s working on his latest album. We’re still close though.”
“Does your distance have anything to do with Kim Hye-ja?” Ji-yoon questioned directly. 
“Of course not.” Yes.
“Around the time that reports of Jimin and Hye-ja’s surprise marriage broke, there were simultaneous reports of you sobbing and being uncontrollably upset upon hearing the news,” Ji-yoon brought up. 
What the actual fuck?
3 Months Ago
Kamaria was on set of ‘Taming’, sitting on the couch in her trailer as she went over her lines for one of her final scenes. As she did so, a short knock sounded on the door before it was pulled open and Nari stepped inside. 
“Hey,” Kamaria smiled at the sight of her best friend. “Are they almost ready on set?”
“Uh, no, not yet,” Nari replied as she stepped over to the small couch before sitting down next to Kamaria. 
“You know we’re filming the scene where Doyoung leaves Chaewon as the final one?” Kamaria wondered. “I see why they saved it for last though, since it’s the breakup after everything they’ve been through.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Hopefully, I’ll be able to cry and I won’t have to use the fake tears,” she giggled but when Nari didn’t respond, Kamaria looked up and raised her brow at her. “What’s wrong?”
“I, I have to tell you something,” Nari said. “And I want to tell you because I don’t want you to find out how everyone else is finding out.”
“It’s not my Daddy, is it?” Kamaria gasped. “Or my sister?”
“No no, Quincy and Shin-hye are fine,” Nari assured her. “It’s Jimin.”
“Is he hurt?” Kamaria and Jimin had only been broken up for two months and she would’ve felt so guilty if something had happened to him when they weren’t on good terms. 
“He’s fine,” Nari replied, taking a deep breath and then releasing it before continuing on. “He got married yesterday.”
“Be serious, Nari,” Kamaria laughed loudly. 
“That’s the fucked up thing, I am being serious,” Nari insisted and after taking a few seconds to look at her best friend, Kamaria realized that she was telling the truth. Jumping up from her seat, Kamaria rushed over to the vanity table that was against the wall and grabbed her phone, quickly unlocking it and going straight to the Twitter app. As she refreshed her feed, her mouth dropped open in horror as she saw the photos of Jimin and Kim Hye-ja standing together, hand in hand, on the steps of a private plane. It wasn’t until she saw a zoomed in photo of their hands that she noticed the large diamond ring on Hye-ja’s finger and the golden band on Jimin’s finger, and tears began to roll down her face. 
“What the fuck?” Kamaria spat, becoming so upset the longer that she looked at her phone that she suddenly threw it onto the ground as hard as she could, causing it to break into several pieces. The destruction didn’t stop there, Kamaria reaching out and clearing everything off of the top of the vanity table. 
“Kamaria, no!” Nari shouted as she rushed over to her, grabbing her arms and stopping her from knocking anything else over. 
“How could he?!” Kamaria screamed, fat trails of tears rushing down her face. “How could he do this to me?!”
“I know, I know,” Nari whispered and her heart broke as Kamaria slid out of her arms and down onto the ground, covering her face as she sobbed loudly. 
“I wasn’t sobbing or uncontrollably upset,” Kamaria clarified. “However, I was annoyed because Jimin and I have been friends for a long time and I would’ve loved to share that moment of happiness with him, which I’ve told him.”
“That’s completely understandable,” Ji-yoon said. “Have you met Hye-ja-ssi yet?”
“I haven’t had the opportunity because of our busy schedules but I’m hoping to soon,” Kamaria lied easily. 
“Can we expect any more collaborations from you and Jimin?”
“Right now, I think we’re both focused on finishing our respective albums but hey, never say never,” Kamaria chuckled. 
“Speaking of that, when can we expect your next album?” Ji-yoon wondered. “I’m sure your fans, mini’s they’re called, are looking forward to it.”
“I’m planning to get back into the studio next week actually and hopefully, it’ll be out within the next few months,” Kamaria announced. “I’m so looking forward to it because I’ve missed being on stage so much.”
“And I’m sure it’s missed you as well,” Ji-yoon replied. “Well, thank you so much for coming to talk to me today.”
“Thank you for having me,” Kamaria smiled before bowing lightly in respect.
Four days later, the interview went live. The public seemed to respond extremely well to it, at least from what Nari said, and the buzz around the premiere of ‘Taming’ was insane. However, Kamaria couldn’t stop thinking back to how she had found out about Jimin getting married. Initially, she was sad, hurt, and in pain. 
Now, she was pissed the fuck off.
She just couldn’t understand how someone that had loved her so much, who she had loved so much, would just act as though none of that even mattered. Jimin running off and getting married only two months after they broke up made her feel as though the three years they spent together hadn’t meant anything to him. 
And if she was honest with herself, that’s the part that hurt the most because it meant that maybe what she thought they had shared wasn’t real. 
“And if you wonder if I hate you, I do,” Kamaria sung as she sat at the piano in her penthouse. “Shitty of you to make me feel just like this, what I would do to make you feel just like this.” Grabbing the pen and notepad that had been sitting on top of the piano, she quickly scribbled some lyrics down onto the sheet before setting it down again. Just as she went to press down on the keys, the chime at her door sounded, signifying that someone was there. 
Getting up, Kamaria walked over to her front door and cut on the camera, her eyes widening when she realized who it was. Pressing the button to turn on the intercom, she began to speak.
“Jimin, why are you here?”
“Can you let me in?” Jimin questioned in lieu of answering her question. 
“How the fuck did you get my code to even get up here?”
“It’s your debut date plus the date your parents got married,” he chuckled. “It wasn’t hard, especially since I know you.” Rolling her eyes, Kamaria unlocked the door and opened it, allowing Jimin to step inside quickly before she shut the door behind him. 
“What’s up with the dumbass hat?” She asked. 
“Didn’t want anyone to see me,” he explained as he pulled the fedora from his head and pulled the mask on his face down.
“Why are you even here?”
“I saw the interview,” Jimin said. “You were crying when you found out?”
“I clearly said in the interview that I wasn’t,” she huffed. 
“You also said that you were looking forward to meeting Hye-ja and we all know that’s a lie.”
“Well, are you surprised?” Kamaria snapped. “The man who I had been in a relationship with only two months prior had suddenly gotten married to another woman and without telling me.”
“You left me, not the other way around,” he pointed out. “I didn’t think you’d be so upset.”
“That’s the thing: you don’t think about much that doesn’t have anything to do with you,” she told him. “Just like you asking me to be your fucking surrogate, you can’t seriously tell me that you took even a millisecond to consider how I’d feel about that.”
“I did, actually,” Jimin rebutted. “I thought about how us having a family together was something that we always talked about anyways. About how when I think about who I truly wanted to be the mother of my children, your face is the one that popped into my mind. About how when I think about who’s the love of my life, it’s you. It’s always been you.”
“It’s not me. You made that perfectly clear when you married Hye-ja,” Kamaria stated. “So you need to go home to her, to your wife because I don’t feel like talking to you anymore or even seeing your fucking face.”
“Stop throwing her in my face. I made the choice that I thought I was left with.”
“But it’s true!” Kamaria exclaimed. “You’re married to another woman that’s not....that’s not me.”
“Bubs,” Jimin whispered, his heart breaking when he saw tears beginning to fall from her eyes. When he stepped towards her, she stepped backwards and that made him freeze. “Bubs.”
“I want you to leave,” she muttered. “Now.” Jimin moved like he wanted to reach out and touch her again but Kamaria turned around and walked away from him then, pacing back over to the piano and taking a seat. Being able to recognize the seriousness in her voice, Jimin placed his hat and mask back onto his face before letting himself out of the penthouse. 
“Heavy on the missing you, wish it was different than what it was,” Kamaria sung, pouring all of her emotions into the only thing that had always been there for her without fail: her music. 
Tag List: @dunixxd @namaslaylife @shabbamadapot​
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Hips Don’t Lie
Cassie schemes.  Bart wears a skirt.  Jaime has a crisis.
      The skirt is red and falls to his mid-thigh.  It swishes and flares as Bart turns to inspect his reflection in the changing room mirror.  What had Cassie called it?  An “anime girl” skirt?  It’s a pretty apt description from what little anime Bart’s watched with Jaime.  He grins, enjoying the way the pleats flare as he moves.
      Bart was skeptical when Cassie suggested they go shopping together, but he’s glad he took her up on the offer.  This is really fun!
      He calls over his shoulder, “Alright, I’m ready for you to see!”
      “Hit me,” Cassie replies.
      He steps out of the changing room, “What do you think?”
     Cassie grins at him and claps her hands together, “Damn, boy!  You’re rocking that skirt!”  Her eyes light up, and Bart can practically see the lightbulb go off, “Ooh, I’m gonna get one too!  That way we can match.”
      He grins back at her, “Crash!”
      It is a well-known fact that Cassie Sandsmark is a menace.  In fact, she prides herself on it.  So when she’d seen the way Jaime and Bart look at each other, she couldn’t not get involved.  Of course, she also really does enjoy hanging out with Kid Flash Two: Electric Boogaloo.  The kid’s a hoot, and smart as hell.  They are deffo going shopping together again, no question.
      “Wait here,” she tells him, “I’m gonna give you a rock and roll entrance.”
      Bart grins wickedly at her, “Oooh, are you gonna do your radio announcer voice.”
      “Hell yeah I am, homie,” she says returning his grin with equal fire.  She marches into the living room, where the Outsiders are all lounging on various pieces of furniture.
      “Attention!  Can I get a drumroll please?!” she shouts.  Then, in her best approximation of a 1940′s radio dj, she says, “Please welcome the hottest bitch in town, our very own Bart Allen!”
      Bart jumps out of the doorway, starfishing his arms and legs and jazzing his hands, a sunny grin stretched across his face and his skirt fluttering around his legs.  God he’s adorable, like a fucking puppy this one is.  She just wants to pinch his cheeks, and wow she is turning into her grandma.
      The team’s reactions are all positive, as she’d known they would be.  None of them are assholes, and if they were she’d kick their asses into next week.
      Ed wolf-whistles good-naturedly and Gar gives a big thumbs up, while Virgil nods appreciatively.  Tim shakes his head at their dramatics and Vic raises an eyebrow and quirks his lips, but doesn’t say anything.
      Dr. Jace looks up from her computer, “You both look very nice,” she says, her voice warm.  
      Violet beams at them as well, “Yes, and you are both matching!  That is very nice!”
      Jaime’s reaction is the most satisfying.  He takes one look at Bart and his eyes go wide.  If Cassie’s not mistaken, and she rarely is, then his brown skin is flushed at the cheeks.  She mentally pumps her fist.  Score one for Sandsmark!  We have a blush, people!
      Bart bounds over to his best friend, beaming, “Check it out, her-man-oh!  Cassie took me shopping yesterday!”  He does a little spin, making the skirt flare out around him.  “Isn’t it totally crash?”
      Jaime’s stares at Bart and actually bites his lip.  Cassie doesn’t think he even realizes he’s doing it.  “Oh, wow.  Uh, si, yes, very crash,” he stutters, his accent thickening slightly.
      Cassie smirks.  Her plan is working.
      Jaime feels like his brain is melting.  Bart in a skirt.  Bart in a skirt.  He doesn’t know how to handle this.  The skirt is red and pleated and only reaches Bart’s mid-thigh.  And, ay dios mio, the fucking socks!  They squeeze Bart’s thighs slightly, and Jaime feels like he’s going to overheat.
      “Jaime Reyes,” Khaji Da begins.
      “Shut up,” he hisses at the scarab, “I am so not dealing with you right now!”
      Bart beams at him.  He’s gotten taller in the years he’s been here, tall enough that Jaime has to look up at him.  Dios en el cielo, Jaime thinks, he’s fucking cute.  Then his brain short circuits again because fuck, he thinks Bart is cute.  Fuck, fuck, fuckity-fuck.
     And because the universe hates him personally, Khaji Da chooses that moment to report, “Your vitals indicate that you are experiencing sexual attraction, Jaime Reyes.”
      “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” he thinks desperately.  His ears are burning, and he knows his face is probably beet-red.
      Khaji Da continues, “Reccomended course of action: copulate with the Bart Allen.”
      Jaime makes a strangled, high-pitched noise, his brain coming to a screeching to a halt.  “What the fuck?  No!” he splutters at the scarab, “Gah, shut up, just no!”
      “It is the logical course of action,” it insists.
      He can feel his eye start to twitch, “In what world?!”
     “I do not see why you are so opposed to this.”
     “Because it’s literally the worst possible suggestion ever!”
     “Your hormone levels indicate otherwise.”
     Jaime snaps.  “I am not having sex with Bart!” he shouts.
     “Holy shit,” Gar whispers, and Jaime feels all the blood drain from his face.
     Fuck, he said that out loud.  He said that out loud, with Bart in the room.  This is the worst possible timeline.
     Bart is staring at him, wide-eyed and red-faced.  “What,” the speedster squeaks.
     Nope.  Jaime is not dealing with this.  He is going to find a hole to hide in for the next one hundred years.  He turns around and flees the common room.
     Bart is following him, and Jaime absolutely cannot deal with that conversation right now (or ever), so he throws open the nearest door.  It’s a storage closet, and the irony of that is not lost on Jaime, but beggars can’t be choosers.  Unfortunately, Bart just zips up to him and grabs his arm before he can get the door closed.
      Bart’s cheeks are still bright red, and when they lock eyes Jaime freezes.  Bart opens his mouth to speak, but before he can say anything Cassie shoves them backwards into the closet and shuts the door.  As they tumble to the ground in a tangle of limbs, the click of the lock is a funeral knell to Jaime’s ears.
      Jaime lands on his back with Bart on top of him, warm and solid against his legs.  Bart stares at him.  Jaime stares back.
      “Uh,” he says intelligently.  Bart is practically sitting on his lap, and Jaime silently wills his body not to react.  He’s had enough embarrassement for one day.
      “Hi,” Bart says.  Then, “Your hands are on my waist, Blue.”
     Bart is right.  Jaime had grabbed Bart out of pure reflex when Cassie pushed them and his hands are still clutching Bart’s waist.
     He recoils, “Shit, lo siento, Bart.”
     Bart shrugs, “It’s all crash,” he says easily, like any of this is normal.
     They sit in silence for a few seconds.  “So, ese, you gonna move or what?” Jaime asks, forcing lightness into his voice.
     Bart quirks his lips and rolls off of Jaime’s legs.  The skirt bunches up as Bart moves, and Jaime catches a glimpse of pale thigh.  His face burns, heat rushing down his spine.  He leans against the wall, trying to think of anything other than Bart’s weight in his lap.  Bart’s eyes flicker to him, then away.  Neither of them speak.  Jaime stares determinedly at the ceiling.  The silence is oppressive, and the tension is thick enough to cut with a knife.
     Bart coughs, breaking the silence, “So, uh... Y’wanna tell me what’s going on in that big blue noggin of yours?”
     “No,” Jaime replies curtly.
    “Oh,” Bart says.  He drums his fingers on his thigh, fidgeting.  After a minute, “But, Jaime... What happened with you back there?”
    “Hijo de puta,” Jaime curses.  He should’ve known Bart wouldn’t leave well enough alone.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”
    Bart frowns, “Hey, you’re the one that freaked out and ran.”
    “Yeah, because I didn’t want things to be awkward!” he snaps.
    Bart stares at him, “You didn’t want things to be awkward.  You’re the one that said you wanted to, y’know, with me.  I didn’t do anything!”
    “Ugghh, I did not say that,” he groans, burying his face in his hands, “Madre de dios, that stupid bug.”
     Khaji beeps affrontedly, “I simply stated the obvious.”
    “I am NOT talking to you right now,” he snaps.
    Bart’s horrorified yelp is almost funny, “The scarab wants to do it with me?!”
    Khaji hisses, puffing up in Jaime’s mind like an angry cat, “Organic copulation disgusts me.”
    “Again, not talking to you!” he repeats.  Then, “No, Bart,” he says aloud, “that’s not what it said.”  He grits his teeth, “The scarab thinks I’m attracted to you,” he mumbles from behind his hands.
    Silence.  Complete silence.  Jaime risks a look and sees that Bart’s mouth has fallen open in shock and his eyes are roughly the size of dinner plates.
    “Bart?” he says nervously.  His chest feels funny and he’s panicking, because he does not want to lose his best friend over something as stupid as this.
    Bart blinks at him.  His cheeks are flushed again, and he says, “Would that,” he licks his lips, “Would that really be such a bad thing?”  He looks down, not meeting Jaime’s eyes.
     It’s Jaime’s turn to stare.  “What,” he says flatly.
     Bart’s shoulders hunch, “I just mean,” he starts, then presses his lips together.  “Would that really be so awful?  If you liked me?”
     Jaime’s head is spinning.  This entire day has been one mindfuck after another and he doesn’t know how to handle any of it.  He’s so confused and his insides are twisting themselves into knots.
      “Mierda, Bart, I don’t know,” he says, “I don’t know how I feel about any of it.”  It feels like a confession, though he’s not sure what he’s confessing to.
     Bart bites his lip, brow creased.  His fingers are drumming so fast they’re a blur and in this moment he looks very small.  Jaime wants to reach out, but he doesn’t know how and that scares him.
     Finally, Bart meets his gaze.  His expression is strange, several different emotions clashing behind his eyes.  He crawls up to Jaime, so that they’re nearly nose-to-nose.  His hand comes up to cup Jaime’s cheek, and Jaime stills at the contact. 
     Bart’s words blur together, “CanIjusttrysomething?”  He takes a breath, “Can I just try something?”
     Sparks dance along Jaime’s spine.  Bart’s breath is warm on his face and his hazel eyes are wide and vulnerable.  Jaime doesn’t know what he wants, but Bart is so close and he feels fragile all of a sudden.  He nods, swallowing, and Bart leans in.  Jaime inhales, eyelids fluttering.  Bart’s lips are warm against his own, and he instinctively tilts his head to get a better angle.  Bart makes a soft noise in the back of his throat that does funny things to Jaime’s chest.  
      Khaji Da retreats, skittering deep into his mind and hissing with disgust; Jaime huffs a laugh.
      This is good.  This is really fucking good and he doesn’t want to stop.  His hands settle on Bart’s thighs as the hand cradling his cheek slides up to tangle into his hair.  Bart sucks at his bottom lip, sending jolts of electricity through him.  
      Oh, he thinks, Oh wow.  He gasps, and then Bart’s tongue is in his mouth and both his hands are in his hair and Jaime stops thinking at all.  He growls, pulling Bart into his lap, and the speedster hums approvingly as he slides their tongues together.  Bart’s blunt nails rasp over his scalp as he kisses Jaime with all the wild ferocity of a hurricane.  He’s vibrating in Jaime’s lap and his hands have moved to his waist, sliding up Jaime’s shirt as he mouths at his jaw.
      Jaime pulls back, breaking the kiss with a choked-off moan, “Espera, Bart wait, slow down, por favor chiquito.”  Bart stills, his hands burning like a brand against the skin of his chest.  
      He pulls away and blinks up at Jaime, cheeks flushed and mouth red.  “Totally crash,” he breathes, sounding dazed.  
      Jaime laughs, fondness fizzing in his chest like champagne.  He’s drunk on this, on Bart’s hands on his skin and his smile and the high spots of color on his cheeks; he’s drunk on Bart.  
      Bart grins at him, hazel eyes lighting up, and in that moment he’s brighter than the sun.  “If I’d known this is what would happen, I’d’ve asked Cassie to take me shopping a long time ago,” he teases.
      “Madre de dios,” Jaime mutters and buries his face in his hands, flustered.  Then, “Wait,” he says, hit with a sudden realization, “Cassie fucking planned this,” he hisses and untangles himself from Bart, heading for the closet door.
      “You planned this, didn’t you!” he shouts, banging his fist on the closet door.  “Chica, I swear if you don’t open this door right now-!”  The door swings open to reveal a smug Wonder Girl.
       “I can neither confirm nor deny those accusations, my friend,” Cassie says solemnly.  She peers over his shoulder at Bart and then back at him, takes in Jaime’s rumpled appearance, and smirks, “Hey it worked, didn’t it?”
      Jaime tears at his hair, “That’s not the point!  There were a million different ways you could’ve done this, ones that didn’t involve me embarrassing myself in front of the entire goddamn team!”
      It’s only just now sinking in that Bart’s not the only one who heard his outburst.  Fuck, he’s never gonna live this down, is he?
      “Jaime Reyes,” Khaji Da intones, emerging from its self-imposed exile, “Have you finished your copulation?”
      “Aghhhh!” he shouts, “Que se joda esto, que se joda usted y que se joda su madre, I am leaving!”  He turns to Bart, “You coming, hermano?”
      Bart blinks at him again, “Wait, you want me to come with you this time?”  He’s on his feet and in front of Jaime before he can blink, looking hopeful.
      “Definitely.  I’m not leaving you at the mercy of this menace,” he jabs his thumb over his shoulder at Cassie.  Swallowing his sudden nerves, he continues, “And I was thinking we could maybe go back to my place and...continue where we left off?”
      Bart’s eyes light up, “Oh, absolutely!”  His grin is wicked, promising things that make heat flare in Jaime’s gut.  “Let’s go,” he says, grabbing Jaime’s wrist.
      Jaime doesn’t think he’s ever flown so fast in his entire life.
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d-raewrites · 1 year
Kinktober Volume 10: Preview
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Word Count 786
Rated M🔞
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Minors stay out of this portion of the library!
Synopsis: Teasing, Lingerie, Sexy photographs, rewarding for chores, fade to black
The text popped up on my phone, signaling that my boyfriend, who was supposed to be cleaning the apartment, had already gotten bored. I put the dress in my hand back on the rack before pulling the correct size and adding it to the pile on my arm. Shopping for this new event was going to be the death of me. Honestly, there was only one thing I found fun to shop for, and it was not dresses. Another alert rang through my phone. Did he get at least one thing done? 
“I thought we didn’t keep secrets from each other.”
Confused crinkled my face. What the hell was he going on about?
“Wasn’t that the number one rule when we moved in together?”
We’d only been living together for a few months, and we had unpacked everything together. We’d pretty much seen everything each other had, body included. 
“Yes, it was. What are you going on about?”
“I have no secrets from you and nothing to hide….”
I shot back, rolling my eyes and heading to the dressing rooms, was he trying to pick a fight to get out of cleaning? This was his work event anyway. A sweet girl places my items inside my changing area and pulls the door closed, allowing me my privacy. I sit on the stool as I pull off my shoes and begin to unbutton my jeans. Another ping from my phones causes me to roll my eyes. Hopefully he at least got the laundry done, he was going to have nothing to wear under his suit to this event if he didn’t. Then again, maybe that wouldn’t be a bad thing….make it much more interesting, that’s for sure. Pulling the black dress with the side slit out first, I decide to check the phone again. 
“So…..when were you going to tell me about this????” He asks, sending a picture of the new lingerie I just bought. Oh! That was what he was going on about, he wasn’t mad. He was horny. Fair play then. 
“Oh that. Guess I do have one thing to tell you, but honestly, I’m surprised you never put it together. I have a thing for nice undergarments and lingerie. It’s really the only thing I like to shop for.”
“There was a sale at one of my favorite stores, so I picked up a few things.”
“I thought you’d enjoy them. Do you not like it?” I ask coyly, knowing damn well the discomfort that man is feeling in his sweats right now.
“You bought them for me?” Why is he surprised?
“Do you not like it? I can return all of them?” I hit send, looking over at the two bags I already bought.
“NO! NO! NO! I LIKE IT!! I like it a lot! It’s just all the ideas and images in my mind right now are throwing me off balance.”
“Okay. Just making sure. I mean, I’d hate to wear them all if you didn’t.”
“Wait….. 'them all’? As in, you bought more than just this one?”
Pulling the black dress on, I check my reflection in the mirror. This one will be perfect, and now that I know how he feels about the lingerie, my little surprise I’ve already bought will work wonderfully with it. I pull off the dress and replace it on the hanger. Snapping a pic in the mirror of the lingerie set I’m wearing now before I pull on my jeans and tee again and walk out, leaving the other dresses untouched. 
“Yeah. I have I think 10 sets now. The one you’re looking at, the 8 I bought today….”
“8?!? OMG, Please wear nothing but those for the next few weeks…..and I think you should model them when you get home.”
“Wait, that’s only 9…..”
The smirk that plays on my lips is simply sinful. “And the one I have on…..”
“On? Oh, fuck the event. We’ll go in sweats for all I care. Just come home.”
I’m half tempted to make him beg, but a better idea crosses my mind. Pulling a set of heels from the shelves, I lay them against the dress before trying them on. Perfect pairing. I’m all set for the event. 
“Care to keep imagining, or would you like a preview?”
“Preview or tease?”
Sending the picture I just took in the dressing room, I smirk again. “Either one works, I guess.”
“Fuck baby……”
“Please Please Please come home. I beg you!”
Hook, line and sinker. “Walking to the car now. Finish folding the clothes and cleaning the bedroom, or I’ll have to punish you.”
That’s one way to get the house chores done.
Kinktober Complete Collection
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october-writes · 11 months
‘Did you say something to him?’ Ada demanded, her face feeling hot.
Her words sounded hollow as if someone else was speaking them.
Your move.
‘Is there something I can help you with?’ Jon asked, puckering his lips expectantly like she was a student bothering him outside his office hours with inane questions about an assignment.
‘Perez. Did you say something to Lieutenant Perez?’
So we’re playing that game, huh?
She simply stared at Jon, letting him waste her time for dramatic effect. He was trying to goad her into an argument and she felt herself skidding towards one like a car on wet gravel.
‘Oh! You mean the teenager with the greasy hair who thinks he’s here to flirt with the scientists?’ Jon replied and clapped his hands together as if suddenly remembering, ‘Yeah, that’s right! I reminded him that Umbrella doesn’t pay him to distract my science team.’
Ada scoffed at him as the blood rushed to her face, ‘You have a problem with fraternisation all of a sudden? I must have missed that memo. May I have a copy? It’d make an interesting read.’
‘I have a problem with fraternisation if it’s getting in the way of the work,’ he replied slowly as if she was a moron and he wasn’t the world’s most brazen hypocrite, ‘His gossip has already helped you waste a half-hour giving Delta an unnecessary check up.’
She exhaled a humourless laugh. Her hands shook.
‘Fine,’ she replied huskily, ‘And what about my free time? Are you worried about how I spend that?’
‘Not in the slightest.’
‘Good to know,’ she spun on her heel and marched back to the Land Rover, mud splashing the front of her boots, ‘Hello Chase.’
The younger man blinked at her sudden appearance in front of him, ‘Hey! I uh-’
‘Would you like to take me to lunch when we’re back on the rig?’
Chase turned beetroot-red as the two other officers beside him started to chuckle and elbow each other knowingly.
‘Uh... I... Yes? Yeah, that’d be great! I’d love you, ah I mean I’d love to!’ Chase stammered, ‘Thank you?’
Ada shot Chase a tight smile even as she felt her adrenaline levels crash, taking her irresistible lust for rebellion down with it, ‘You’re welcome.’
The other officers laughed and whooped. One of them whistled as she beat a fast exit.
She climbed into one of the empty Land Rovers and fought against the urge to bury her head in her hands.
Damn it.
Jon shouldn’t be able to push her buttons like this anymore. He shouldn’t even be able to reach them, she’d put so much space between herself and their old relationship. Yet, here she was letting him light the blue touch paper and set off the worst side of her like a firework.
She’d thought that leaving him and rebuffing his advances would have been enough. But his effect on her was more insidious than she’d realised. It was like trying to disentangle herself from barbed wire. The harder she pulled away, the deeper it cut.
Ada caught sight of her reflection in the vehicle’s side mirror. Felicia was right about her eyebrows giving her away. She’d have to work on that too.
For the first time, she thought about resigning from her role with Umbrella. She hated even thinking about running away, but she couldn’t work with Jon without wanting to kill the man. He wasn’t willing to leave her be and she’d be damned if she let him tug at her strings like she was still his personal plaything.
But where would she go? Her aunt and uncle had hardly responded to her letters over the past year. She had some savings from her salary, but with no college degree, few references and a spotty work history, she’d get an entry-level job at best with her current resume.
And then there was Delta. She looked over at him where he sat obediently in the back of the other Land Rover. All thoughts of leaving drifted away to haunt the back of her mind.
No, she couldn’t imagine not seeing this project through.
Read the rest on AO3
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gingerwolfsart · 2 years
Sooo, I wrote it some time ago
TW/CW: mentions of trauma bc of child abuse, Remus's trauma (yk, werewolf stuff), scars
words: ~1k
"When the world leaves a scar"
Both of them utterly despised each and every scar on their own bodies. Each one reflecting traumatic experiences that, even though they hated to admit it, made them who they were. Remus couldn’t even look in the mirror for the longest time. Every single time he tried, he would look away in disgust. He hated how horribly scarred his face was, his arms, his whole body. If only injuries caused by werewolves didn't scar as badly... It took years before he dared to try to glance at the mirror and even more time before he realised that those scars didn’t define him. Yes, they were a big part of his past – without them, he didn’t know who he would have been. No matter how hard he tried, he could never imagine his life without that little furry problem, without old wounds marking his face and soul. Yet it wasn’t the only thing he was, he was way more than a scarred werewolf hated by his family. He was his own person, his own story, life, decisions, love. He was Remus. 
And then there was Sirius, who no matter how many scars littered his skin, would spend hours in front of the mirror. Lupin could never understand what took him so long. How could he spend so much time taking care of his hair or whatever? What shocked him even more though, was how casual about it Sirius was. Maybe as a kid, when he was still scared, terrified what people would think if they knew... maybe then he cared. But now he rolled up his sleeves, changed in the locker-room with the rest of the Quidditch team, he just didn’t mind if people saw. That’s what Remus thought – that's what Sirius wanted to think – but that wasn’t true at all. He still had that scared kid inside him, asking “what if mum finds out that someone knows?”. Not only that, the scars he got from her abuse made him feel ashamed, weak... and Remus understood that. He too felt ashamed of his own scars, of who he was. How could he not, when the society depicted him as a mindless beast? It was all for different reasons but they both knew the feeling and sharing it with someone helped a lot. Yeah, Sirius could talk about it with James, Remus could tell Lily, but it was different. Others didn’t understand like they did.
Some nights, when Remus’ nightmares awakened him in the middle of the night – and he got those a lot, dreams of sharp teeth and claws slicing his skin, painful and burning, until he jolted awake with a scream – he'd crawl into Sirius’ bed and shake him slightly, so that the other would stay up with him for a while. Black did the same on the nights he couldn’t sleep, when the memories of his home and the fear he felt were too much. Those nights were painful, sad, but hopeful in a way. Oh how much they hoped for all the terrible feelings to go away. How much they hoped and begged for the ability to sleep peacefully.
These nights their scars seemed to burn as if they were still fresh. It wasn’t the same pain of werewolf bites, or cigarette burns, or a belt. The pain was much duller, barely a sting in the same places that their scars layed. Yet they could feel it and that made all the memories much more vibrant. Sirius absolutely hated it and he wasn’t the type to keep quiet about things that irritated him. So he talked while Remus layed there in silence, dwelling on his past. Sometimes Padfoot even managed to make him laugh and he treasured those moments. He loved Moony’s smile, especially in those tough moments. If Remus smiled, he often did too. It wasn’t like he didn’t have his own emotions, oh no. But seeing his loved ones in a little bit better mood made him feel better. It made him feel just slightly more worthy of all the attention he always called for, of all the love. 
Sirius would sometimes trace over Remus’ scars, his fingertips slowly trailing markings on his boyfriend’s skin. It seemed to soothe the stinging a little bit. It calmed both of them down. Remus could forget about the burning, his thoughts trailing off somewhere else. Whether it was a book he recently read, or a prank he pulled off with the rest of the Marauders or something else entirely, he could finally think of something other than the scars all over his body, who left them and what it did to him, how much it affected his life. 
For Sirius these moments were calming, but they didn’t turn his thoughts in a different direction. He still thought of his own scars, at that moment likely hidden under his warm clothes. It allowed him to think of it in a much calmer manner though, without tears immidiately pricking at his eyes and screams getting caught in his throat.  He still didn’t see the point of overthinking what his own parents did to him and his little brother, but it felt somewhat good to be able to think about it without involving emotions. Though he still kept asking himself that one question he knew he’d never know the answer to - “why”?
They would wake up in the morning, everything so much more peaceful then than during the night. Their fears and conflicted emotions far, far away until the next time they would catch up to them. Remus would look at Sirius with that tired but relaxed smile, push his long, dark hair out of his face and whisper nothing more than “hello”. That wouldn’t be such a bad start of a day.
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macybeckham7 · 2 years
Grid Kids
Adelaide #11
Jules, Jacob, Elias, Azalea and Gisela were all in a booth watching as Cairo and Adelaide sat opposite each other having a heat discussion.
‘I have feelings for her, and that kills me to admit but I respect you and you should hear it from me and not…’ Cairo says truthfully.
‘She is being the verison she knows you want her to be, Cairo she has been obsessed with you since we were little!’ Adelaide says with a little laugh. ‘So now she has batted her eyelashes at you, gave you more attention than me you are now in love with her?’
He shakes his head. It wasn’t like that.
‘Wow, all you guys aren’t the guys I thought I knew’ she shakes her head . ‘The only good guy is Jacob, who would of thought’
‘Did she just say my name?’ Jacob whispers. ‘Is she going to cry?’ Elias says sipping his sparkling water.
‘Who even are you?’ tears appearing in her eyes. They had grown up together but she realised that she didn’t recognise the guy who was sat opposite her. He had her name tattooed on him, but he was like a stranger.
‘Ade’ he whispers but she slides out of the booth. Lea and G were up and following after their best friend.
Gisela has been staying with Adelaide, been travelling when she goes away for tennis. The media watching her every move, she pretends that she was ok but when she gets into bed with her ex boyfriends sister she cries. Seeing how Cairo was acting so unbothered. Like he didn’t just lose the love of his life, he had a stand in for her with Jolie. They were seen everywhere where him and Cairo used to be. He would kiss her like she was Adelaide, he goes to her when he wins the races and blowing her a kiss from then podium. Fans were sending hate to them, claiming that he was stupid for letting her go.
Adelaide was practicing on the court, she moved around effortlessly, so gracefully like a ballerina. She started to hit the ball harder and harder the more Azalea spoke and told her that Cairo was coming to the match and was bringing Jolie with him.
‘They want to do a dinner after too’ Azalea adds. Her coach stopping the game, as Adelaide took a second to recover.
‘Dinner sounds good’ she nods.
The Hamilton sisters look at each other. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah’ she shrugs.
Ricciardo wins her third round match, and she instead of running over to Cairo which she often did, she runs over to Christian Williams, yes as in Venus Williams son, Christian. Cairo felt his jaw clench as he watches her kiss him, Jolie cosies up into him as he shoots a look at Jacob who just shrugs.
‘When did you two happen?’ Cairo asks, having to keep reminding himself that he was a family friend and he couldn’t beat him up, even though he felt his hand clench just watching them together.
They looked at each other, his tongue going over his bottom lip as he looks down at her mouth.
‘When since you fucked it up, it gave me an in to tell her what I thought about her’ Christian smiles. ‘If you got lucky to have her, how could you fumble the bag?’ he says and then says ‘No offence’ to Jolie, who awkwardly sips her wine.
Adelaide stays quiet and looks at Cairo, she notices that he has got a few more tattoos, his hair was now pink and was more longer and curlier than the last time they saw each other. He had shaved, it was probably a few days old, she always loved his stubbly. Her legs squeezed, and then she spots that he no longer had her name on him. She jumps up abruptly and says she needs to call her dad, Cairo looks down and sees that his sleeve was up. He clears his throat and says he will be back in a minute.
She was stood infront of the mirror, just staring at herself. She looks over at the door and then back at her reflection when she sees Cairo.
‘Christian really?’ was the first thing he says.
‘You can’t be pissed that I am moving on, when we are in this situation because you wanted someone different’
He shakes his head. ‘But Christian?’
‘Like Jolie is any better’ she rolls her eyes. Her eyes goes to his wrist. He lifts it up and she steps forwards.
‘I got it removed’ he says. He then lifts his top up and shows the cling film. ‘Then I got your name again because I regretted it’ he says looking at her in her eyes.
‘I’ll always love you’ he says gently caressing her cheek. ‘But even though this kills me, I think this is the right thing’
‘Right for who?’
‘Both of us, we are young and I don’t want us to do this all together and then when we grow up I lose you completely because we done life together too quickly’ he says barely above a whisper.
He gives her forehead a longing kiss, both staying holding each other as if this was the last time.
Sometimes before she wakes up and feels an arm wrap around her, she thinks she just had a bad dream and was cuddled up to her beloved but then she finds herself in bed with someone who couldn’t ever make as good as Cairo did.
‘Did he actually love me?’ she asks Jacob.
‘You know like everyone else that he worshipped the ground you walk on’
It had been a month or two since they were sat opposite each other at dinner. And he was still going strong with Jolie and she was still with Christian. With her being away, Jolie slipped into her space around the table with the team.
She was watching the GP on her laptop. Her nose scrunching up when they caught Jolie on the grid with Gisela. ‘Who are you two backing?’
Her friends all cautious about having to like her, but with how G had her arms linked with hers that definitely were a fan. Guess everyone has already choose the side they are on, and it wasn’t hers.
She closes her eyes as she tries to control herself as she felt like she was losing everything, that she loved.
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So I have serious self-esteem issues which make me feel bad about my looks and how other people think of me.
And the huge counter problem is - I'm LAZY.
Extremely. Extremely, lazy.
I want to improve myself. And I feel motivated for like ten minutes and get all ready and everything, but then bam. Zero motivation. I dont even care.
I want to like myself, I want to improve how I look because I have this awful sense (and know from time to time) that people just...look at me a bit weird. And kind of awkwardly. I don't look as good as everybody else, I don't have nice or even many clothes, I don't know what to do with my hair but it's so...bad.
My personality doesn't seem to be very much...attractive either. Even in terms of getting friends. I don't even think I've had any that haven't eventually just gravitated away to some other group. And then I feel just a really sad jealousy.
Really often and actually all the time now, I can't help but feel like I'm so ugly. And even better, I don't do anything about it.
I cry so much over this. I'm lazy and I hate it. It's the worst trait. It's ugly, and makes me feel like I'm disgusting for not and a lot of the time, not even wanting to make myself look good.
And yes it's so stupid to ask for reassurance from a totally fictional person but Saeran is my comfort character
And sure he might not be very confident in himself but at least he looks so good. And his personality is sweet and kind. And accepting.
Ugh. But this is so dumb.
(I'm so sorry. This is my rock-bottom self esteem crying out)
I see that you're having a hard time with your sense of self. I think all of us have hit a low point before where it's hard to look in the mirror and like the person that's looking back at us.
It doesn't matter if you've started to put the work in to learn how to like yourself, sometimes it's hard. Sometimes you have a really bad day and you can't help but not like the person you see. It's easier to blame yourself than it is to look at all the factors in a situation.
Why think about blaming others or looking at the bigger picture of your circumstance when it's so much easier to look back at your reflection and say that it's all your fault? 
However, I will tell you something you might not have heard before. The words you say have power and the more you say something, the more you begin to believe it. If you're somebody who started out joking that you were trash and no good, eventually, you'll get to a point where you start to believe those things.
The more you say something, the more you believe it. Words have power. I'm not saying you need to look in a mirror and say that you love the person you're looking at. But you certainly shouldn't be saying that you're disgusting and no good. 
Nobody deserves to feel that way about themselves. It doesn't matter who you are or the things you've gone through, don't say nasty things about yourself. You don't have to say a positive affirmation about yourself, you can even say a neutral one, but it's better to avoid speaking ill of yourself if you want to feel better. It's the first step in many steps that come along with the process of learning how to be kind to oneself. 
You're not stupid nor are you ridiculous for one and comfort from a character that inspires you. I don't think it's silly in the slightest to desire that. Human beings are creatures that need to be around each other. It doesn't matter what you experience in your life, everybody needs at least one person in their corner if they can have it. It's lonely if you don't have that. It takes time before people can find a circle where they feel like they belong, and sometimes it doesn't feel fair that you haven't been able to find it yet. Hold your breath and keep trying because someday you will find people that understand you for you. 
Right now, if Saeran inspires you, let him. You're not pathetic or miserable for wanting to hear words from him that are positive. I don't think I'd be who I am today if it wasn't for having a character like him in my life. Am I silly for finding comfort or inspiration from somebody like that? No, I'm not. So neither are you. Don't beat yourself up for something that you would consider okay for others but not okay for yourself.
It's like if you wanted to have a popsicle but you decided to give everybody else the popsicles. Why don't you deserve the popsicle? 
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wu-kongs · 2 years
Ah I'm sad they don't like macaque. I know the main reason is bc you think he's stinky, but what are their individual reasons?
i was too rash when i jumped to all of them hating macaque. yes, i do notoriously hate macaque. yes, i would kill him. should i treat him fairly anyway? yeah fine whatever...
their main reason is that they're overprotective of wukong, and that they think he doesn't treat wukong with the respect he deserves. mind you, liu'er makes no real effort to be close to any of them. the most important thing is that they don't... kill each other. that's the most wukong can ask for and the most he can expect. wukong doesn't even pay attention to their dynamic, he's silly like that and thinks everything is fine.
🌿 truthfully, ba doesn't mind liu'er all that much. he minds his business and doesn't do unnecessary things, and ba recognizes that liu'er is just as protective of wukong as the rest of the generals are, which they appreciate. the only thing that puts ba off is the fact that liu'er can hear... everything. most of the time, they can ignore it, but those moments of realization where their life isn't truly private is hard for them to swallow. tho they've drawn the conclusion that liu'er doesn't enjoy having to hear every single damn thing under the sun and seems to tune a lot of it out, so... small comforts.
🏔 wukong took beng in when he was very young and had lost his family, so while they were essentially swapped for an entirely different and more nebulous kind of "family," they adjusted pretty well. tho wukong's attention was vastly divided, he still found time to tend to beng and help him grow well. with liu'er around tho, beng finds that he... monopolizes practically all of wukong's attention. wukong doesn't have time for anything else if all he ever pays attention too is liu'er. 😒 beng is really just convinced that liu'er is selfish.
🌾 ma has... similar... reasons as beng for disliking liu'er, tho it has less to do with the "family" aspect of it and more to do with the fact that ma is just down bad for wukong. ma, however, tries to rationalize it in his mind that he doesn't want their king to be distracted or led astray, and that's true; he doesn't. but it's more that he's envious of liu'er and the ease/familiarity he has with wukong. again, he's well-aware that wukong and liu'er have known each other long before wukong was ever king, but that doesn't mean he likes it. macaque is also wukong's #1 enabler, and not in the fun way either, and it's hard for ma to sit by and let wukong make... terrible choices that are sponsored by the #1 Bastard of Flower Fruit Mountain himself
🌊we've already been over a few liu vs. liu'er discussions, but just to elaborate/reiterate, liu dislikes liu'er because they believe liu'er shows wukong no respect. liu is also... hmm. some of yall have already pointed it out, how similar they and liu'er are. the truth is that they are very alike (that was more of an accident than anything else) but since it played out like that, i decided to run with it. the truth is that liu sees a lot of themself in liu'er, and, well... they don't like it. (it's not only them either, liu'er sees himself in liu. they're mirrors of each other, cut from the same cloth. this is why they don't get along, they're very much two sides of the same coin. they see themselves in each other and it's a repulsive reflection.) (that and liu'er flaunts his relationship with wukong in all their faces. how awful.)
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toristbr · 2 months
Sea Stars & Wishes - Chapter 1
The cleanliness of the lab tables reflect like mirrors before being dirtied by notebooks, laptops, and folders. The color range of students’ clothing brings life to the still whiteness of the room.
Mr Sutton, a fresh out of college graduate student still in his colorful hair and monthly tattoo phase, stands at the front of the room. He leans against the front desk, his full-sleeve tattooed arms propped on the desk, supporting him.
“This is where you will be conducting your experiments for the next week,” Mr. Sutton explains as he walks around the room, handing each student a small plastic white card, “the card I am handing to you now is your access key to this room and the different aquatic rooms in this area. May I make myself clear: at all times you are in a room, a staff member of this facility must be in the room as well.
“You each have your approved topics to begin researching. You have a week to gather the research you need. Do not worry about writing your report; you will have another week to compose it once we return. If you have any questions, you may ask me or other faculty. Better yet, just as the aquarium’s marine biologists and care specialists. They know this place like the back of their hand, and know all their aquatic friends much better than I do.”
Mr. Sutton hands out the last access card and returns to the front of the room, “the aquarium’s regular hours of operation still apply. So once the aquarium closes, it’s closed. However, the research labs are usually open 24/7, but once again if you do not see a specialist or a biologist there or in any of the other rooms do not stay or work. If I am notified that someone broke the rules, you will be sent home and I will fail you in this class. I would hate to have to do that.” He looks around the room once more, “you may all begin your assignments. Good luck.”
Students scramble around as if a shotgun rings out. They quickly grab their belongings and push one another to be first out the door.
“Why is it that all the girls are horny the moment they see a beautiful man?” One of the four male students, Oliver, scoffs. A majority of the class, all female students, had chosen the merman as their topic. Very few decided on different species- the remaining six students in the class of twenty. 
“The same way all guys get a little too excited when they see a bikini model on a magazine cover,” Cassidy, a light-skinned latina with long, fried black hair, retorts as she rolls her eyes, “right, Lyrika?”
A pool of coiled brown hair is flipped back by an arm, revealing Lyrika, a mixed white-black girl with a face of angel kisses and a set of enchanting light green eyes. Her curly hair shuffles around as Lyrika turns to the commotion of the room. The other three boys stand behind Oliver and Cassidy near Lyrika, in a face off.
“Uh, yeah sure,” Lyrika quietly and quickly adds. Oliver scoffs and leads the boys out of the room. Cassidy turns to her.
“Still doing starfish as your project?” Cassidy takes a seat next to Lyrika.
“Sea stars,” Lyrika corrects, “but yes. Which rays are you studying again? Sting or Manta?”
“Sting! The ray pool is right next to your pool, so I figured we’d walk together,” answers Cassidy as she clips her hair up.
“Yeah, just let me grab my things,” Lyrika responds. She quickly gathers her notebook, polaroid camera, and pencil case. 
Lyrika and Cassidy would both agree they weren’t friends outside of the classroom. More-so acquaintances- well, Lyrika is smart and Cassidy needs to pass one more science class in order to graduate, so she has glued herself to the smart girl. A commensalism symbiotic relationship if you will, because in the end Lyrika is left unaffected while Cassidy gains her needed credit.
The two girls exit the classroom, making small talk about their project topics and research goals. They exit the basement of research facilities and make their way up the staircase. It leads them to the lobby, and from there they take the next staircase to the top floor of the aquarium. Their respective sea pools are in the far back corner because of the extra space it takes for the public to pet and feed the sea stars and rays.
Lyrika and Cassidy pass by their other female peers as they surround the merman’s tank. The two glance over at the giggling mess. Cassidy immediately shrugs it off and looks away, but Lyrika watches with pity. She notices the animal care specialist, Junhee, who showed them around earlier helping Song onto a rolling palette.
“Don’t tell me you're mesmerized by his beauty too,” Cassidy playfully elbows Lyrika.
“I’m not,” Lyrika raises her eyebrows, “it’s just sad.”
“Yeah. But there is nothing we can do about it,” Cassidy sighs. The two arrive at the sea star pool, the closer of the two.
“Ray pool is right over there,” Cassidy points to the larger pool about 20 feet away, “I’ll see you at dinner then. Save me a seat!” Cassidy waves as she walks away. Lyrika smiles before turning her attention to the small shallow pool in front of her. She walks around the pool once to take in what she has to work with, which isn’t much. She places her items on a bench nearby and opens her notebook to the first page- her to-do daily lists.
Monday : Observation & Documentation
Take pictures of all sea stars Sketch sea star pool Note types and quantity Water temperature : ___ Placement of exhibit in aquarium Document items and other organisms in exhibit
With her polaroid, Lyrika snaps a picture of every star in the shallow pool. She mentally notes there are only five different species, significantly less than she thought there would be. After each polaroid prints, she walks over to a bench and spaces them out for them to develop- a tedious task, but in the end when her project is complete, it’ll be all worth it. After placing down the last undeveloped polaroid, she trades her camera for her notebook. She flips to a fresh page where she notes down each species and their quantity:
Horned Sea Stars : 3 Red Knob Sea Star : 2 Sand Sifting Sea Star : 5 Honeycomb Sea Star : 2 Cushion Sea Star : 5
Lyrika draws a line under the species list, separating the rest of the page. She slowly walks around the pool once more, noting the other species and their quantity in the pool. She trades for her camera once more and takes a singular picture of the sand dollar, purple sea urchin, red sea urchin, and black sea urchin.
“You’re doing your project on sea stars?” An excited female voice asks. Lyrika turns around to find one of the aquarium's care specialists, easily identifiable in their dark blue collared shirts, looking over her polaroids spaced out on the bench. The girl has deep brown, almost black, skin with a short cut afro with flaming red tips. Gold round wire glasses not only enhance the structure of her face but make her brown eyes almost appear amber-like.
“Oh, yeah,” Lyrika awkwardly laughs.
“Well, if you have questions, I’m the sea star care specialist. My name is Layla,” she cheerfully waves.
“Really?” Lyrika perks up,“when is your next feeding time?”
“Wednesday! It’ll be about 2:30 when we feed them!” she answers, “we have it set up so the public can also feed them, although it’s not as exciting as it sounds. The sea stars are picky and slow when it comes to getting their food.” 
“Could I help feed them?” Lyrika asks.
“Of course! If your friends want to as well, we’d be more than happy to have you guys feed them,” she answers. Suddenly her watch buzzes. “I gotta head out now. But I’ll see you Wednesday for sure, if not before then!” 
Lyrika waves to Layla as she leaves and then quickly turns back to her project. She hunches over and sighs. Lyrika hates the social anxiety of handling extroverts… well, handling them alone. When her friends are around, she has no problem being a little butterfly herself, but usually even then, her friends do all the talking and she enjoys the people-watching.
Lyrika shakes her head to focus once more at her project in front of her. She quickly finishes counting all the urchins in the tank and visible sand dollars- which she writes in the margin to ask later how many are actually in the tank. She flips the page in her notebook and turns it sideways. 
Lyrika walks to the front of the pool and slowly sketches it out in her notebook to use as a reference later on in her presentation for Mr. Sutton. It doesn’t need to be perfect, she could take a picture on her phone later to use as a reference for the final sketch but, getting a head start and practice will help later on.
“Back so soon, Miss Belle?” Mr. Sutton asks, looking up from the book he is reading. He’s leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on the desk.
“Finish with what I needed today,” she answers, “thought I’d explore a little before we all leave for the day.” Lyrika places her belongings back into her bag.
Mr. Sutton nods and looks back to his book, “just remember the rules.”
“Yes sir,” Lyrika quietly responds, grabbing her phone and access keycard and leaving the room once more.
Outside of the classroom, the hallway is bleak, all white with small color-coded signs directing to different types of rooms. Lyrika walks down the hallway, further into the research and care area. Most of the rooms have windows where she can peek in. She spots her peers and other marine biologists working and chatting away. She views lab rooms, computer rooms, conference rooms, and large sea animal care rooms.
Lyrika stops at a window that looks right into a stingray pool, and not too far beyond it looks like a sea star pool based on what the pool on the second story looks like. She walks to the door, pulling out her keycard, and holds it up the door sensor on the wall.
The light turns green and the lock on the door clicks. Lyrika pulls the door open and steps inside the room.
“Hello?” Lyrika calls out.
“Around the corner!” A male’s voice calls.
Lyrika allows the door to close behind her and she slowly walks through the room, admiring the aquatic creatures in each of the small pools. Lyrika approaches a smaller pool, peering in to find sea stars… or what is left of them. A heavy sensation pushes on her shoulders and chest. An almost suffocating feeling.
What’s happening to them? Why are they sick? How are they sick? Where did these sea stars come from? 
Lyrika walks around the corner of the room to ask the worker, but stops when she sees the silver merman in a somewhat large enough pool. His arms leaning on the rim of the pool and his tail flicking in the water. He stares at the wall, clearly bored out of his mind.
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