#like yeah they recognise they’re powerful and don’t want Osha to leave but that seems more like
fulcrum-art-fox · 1 month
I do enjoy that even though the coven is fully aware of the twins “miracle” status they don’t really like. show any obvious deference to them (outside of like, ceremonies) they mostly treat the girls like their nieces and I like that the way that they’re all oh yeah they’re absolutely crazy powerful magical miracle children that were created from this concentrated force energy by our very powerful leader but they’re also our dumb kids and we’ve been far too involved in their raising to venerate them as mystical beings or whatever. we’ve all watched them bicker and brawl and dare each other to do stupid things like that one time that they took turns jumping across our scary magical sacred possibly dark side force pit and nearly fell in and we all had heart attacks. we all remember when they stole a whole batch of spice creams and gorged themselves till they were sick. we’ve all been up all night searching the forest because they snuck out and got lost and gave up on ever finding their way home again within thirty feet of the fortress. Just, the way they could quite easily could have had the coven worship the twins but I respect the fact that instead they were like. no the coven raised those kids they will have seen entirely too much of them getting into stupid tomfoolery for that
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