#like they’re just doing their thing and then BOOM ur on their mind
simpjaes · 8 days
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The one where Jay basically lives in the university library and you live in any and every party you can find on campus. Unfortunately, your grades are suffering over it and you need help. You’re quite lucky though because Jay is quite helpful. 
minors do not interact. 
PAIRING― inexperienced loser jay x afab reader
CONTENT―  Jay wears glasses even tho the banner says otherwise lol, he’s also a loser ass dweeb in this, open minded and playful reader, college au, jay just rly wants to get in that but doesn't know how to
NOTE― this is a revamp, surprise surprise, nobody is shocked. was originally written for mark lee over on my other blog @/ncteez but i need jay like i need air so….cackling at the title tho, my brain is malfunctioning pls forgive me
smut tags under cut:: 
smut tags :: MONSTER COCK AGENDA. Jay is a pervert and smells ur towel lmao, mentions of food and detailed popsicle eating,  reader is very vocal and talkative, slight use of the pet name “pretty”, a lot of cum, cream pie, unprotected sex, mention of bc pills, Jay has a huge cock and he didn’t even know it, inexperienced Jay, experienced reader, finger sucking, nipple sucking, grinding, oral (f recieving), Jay gets on his knees, making out, sex on a table
         It wasn’t shocking that you were failing but it was shocking that not a single one of your friends were failing with you. They somehow managed to keep their grades up while partying just as often as you do. You don’t know how the hell they did it and you also don’t know why the hell they refuse to help you study now that they’ve seen your failure.
         Not the greatest friends, you think. They won’t help you study because they only have time to study their own classes and to continue partying without you, apparently. You knew you had to come to terms eventually that these people aren’t your friends. They’re just people to party with, people to have fun with, and apparently, people that will watch you struggle.
         It’s frustrating to walk home from classes by the run-down houses with booming music already playing. Without fail, every time, you wish you could be attending instead of studying. It’s even more annoying when you give up on your studies because you’re just not fucking getting it, and you probably would be fucking getting it if you were at a party talking to potential boyfriends or fuckbuddies. 
         Fairness in the world is so hard to grasp. Someone else always has it, but never you. The worst part about all of this is that you’re very aware of how lucky you actually are, you wasted away in college and allowed yourself to get this low simply because you were lucky enough to be well-liked. You prioritized the pointless things over the important things, and now you’re suffering for it. Complaining that you can’t attend parties, looking like a bore to your friends who pity and are embarrassed by you for not being able to multitask like everyone else.
         That’s right. You can’t party and study like everyone else, so maybe now it’s time to focus on the task you’d pushed aside for so long.
         Studying. Ugh.
         You don’t know Jay past the fact that he is in at least three of your classes, extremely quiet, and constantly in the library when you pass by to leave the campus. You’re a little bit ashamed to admit that the majority of people you are well-liked by are the people who are ignoring you right now. The only choice you have is to find someone that can help you catch up on all of the studies you’ve blatantly abandoned. You could go through the student center and “officially” attend tutoring sessions with someone who would likely scoff at you for not getting it, or you could find someone of your own choice to help you. 
         That’s the only reason Jay comes to mind. Again, he is in three of the four of your classes. Every semester, without fail, you’ll look for your name on the dean’s list knowing that it’ll never show up, but you have seen Jay’s name on that list more times than you care to remember. 
         Jay knows of you as well. The girl who cut in front of him in the cafeteria to grab coffee with her large group of friends, making him ten minutes late to be early for his class. The girl who loudly slammed a book down in the library and nearly gave him a heart attack, the girl who came into class stumbling and giggling with one of the guys, clearly still tipsy from the night before. 
         You are everything that Jay isn’t. You are everything he avoids when accepting friends into his life, and his interest in you doesn’t really go past the point of having a stubborn, pretty girl to look at. He is a man after all. A man who is finally away from home, surrounded by hormonal women and men who can’t see past their brain fog of sexual fantasies in class. Never towards him though, he’s usually just on the outside looking in. 
         Jay has those fantasies too, but it isn’t his focus. He is dead set on being a top student, one that people recognize on the academic end rather than the partying end of it all. So, here he is, sitting with his nose in a book, glasses sliding down every few minutes as he munches on a pack of crackers. He’s been here for three hours already and finds comfort in the silence of the library. It’s such a vast place with so many corners to hide in if someone were to come and disturb his peace. Today is no different from any other Friday, where few students choose to study and instead opt for one of the various frat parties or bar hops. 
         You wish you could be one of those people, truly, but instead, you’re making your way to the library in search of Jay. The one student who you assume may actually take you up on the offer of study sessions. You imagine his shocked face when you sit in front of him, and you try your best not to imagine a look of disgust rather than approval. You need Jay now, for the first time in your life, more than ever. His knowledge of the three out of four classes you have will surely work wonders on your GPA, you will probably have to admit how much you’d be relying on him in order for him to even consider your offer too.  
God, you hate begging.
The library is so deafeningly silent when you walk in. You can’t hear even the slightest of a whisper as you walk around and peek into the many empty study rooms and cubicles. After several minutes of searching, the anxiety bubbles up inside of you. What if he decided to do something else? Of all days? The one day where he is needed to be studying? 
Just as you turn to leave, ignoring the entire second floor of the library, you nearly walk straight into him. And by nearly, you actually do  walk directly into him. 
Books clatter to the floor, Jay sighs as he looks down without making eye contact with you. It’s not the first time he’s been walked into and it probably won’t be the last. He is forever wishing that people could just watch where they’re fucking going.
“Hey, I’m sorry–” You go to say as you lean down to help him pick up the mess, he still doesn’t look at you though. Honestly, he barely even notices you there with those airpods in his ears and eyes on the floor. 
To be fair, most people who walk into him just continue walking, so…
         When he does take note of another person helping him retrieve his things, he looks up. You’re not shocked that all he does is nod at you when he takes the book from your hands and makes his way back towards his study space. 
         In an awkward way, you follow him. You feel dumb and kind of lost in this world of books and good students. Up the stairs, towards the floor you’d not even bothered to check, Jay unintentionally leads you to his little corner that already has papers and books laid out. 
         You swallow hard when he takes his seat and looks up to see that you have followed him. Jay is quick to swipe one of his AirPods from his ears and you can kind of tell that he instantly went from relaxed to nervous.
“Uh–” You look around, feeling awkward standing there. “I was looking for you.” 
“Me?” Jay questions with a soured look on his face. He doesn’t really do it intentionally, it’s just, like, what? 
“Okay, just hear me out.” You start, taking a few steps forward and inviting yourself to sit at his table. There is absolutely no arm space on this side, but that doesn’t entirely matter. You begin your pitch.
“I know it’s kind of weird, but, I’m failing.”
“That’s not weird.” Jay mocks, shaking his head and moving to put his airpod back in his ear.
“Wait! Just, please–hear me out.” You plead now, a little frustrated that he’s already refusing to help you.
         He looks around and then lets out a deep sigh. Rubbing his temples, he nods.
“I know we aren’t the type to like, help each other or whatever– but I’ve asked all of my friends, and they kind of blacklisted me…you are my last resort, I swear.” You say, begging with your eyes. “Can you please just help me study for like, one day a week?”
         His body is stiff and his face is unimpressed by your pitch. 
“An hour a week?” You adjust clapping your hands together to plead even harder. You very nearly start to grovel on the ground before him. “Jay, please. I need to get my grades up.” 
“If you had just given yourself a day a week, you wouldn’t have to be asking someone you’ve never even spoken with to help you study.” He rolls his eyes, still mocking and appearing a bit cocky at the sudden power he’s been given. Of course he only gets approached when someone needs something from him. 
 “How many classes are you failing?”
“I’m failing three classes and have a C in another–” You shamefully admit. “Just an hour a day, please.”
         Jay eyes you over, shifting a bit in his seat before letting out another sigh. 
“Finals are barely a month away.”
“I know! I’ve already got extra credit lined up so I can at least get my grades up by a letter but– I,” You look down, more ashamed than before.
“You don’t know how to actually do the extra credit, do you?” Jay finishes for you and is, for some reason, shocked when you nod. 
         He can see the panic in your eyes, and he noticed for the past week that you’d been looking incredibly tired around campus. Not the hung-over type of tired either. He’s noticed you move your seat closer to the front in one of the classes and even noted that you’re actually taking notes during your time spent there. Maybe he should help you out. If not for the fact that you genuinely seem to need it, but also maybe because he’s like, incredibly aware that he is attracted to you.
 He always has been, but that’s not the fucking point. 
“Okay, you can come study with me whenever you want then. I usually study here because I have a roommate who isn’t exactly the quietest person–” He goes to explain. 
“I have an entire apartment to myself, you can come study at my place. Really, I’ll make food and everything.” You panic, still trying to sell the idea despite him already accepting your offer. 
         Jay is a little shocked and offended that you have your own apartment, and yet you’re failing your classes. No way in hell are you paying for that yourself. This only prompts him to want to help more. Because, like? An entire apartment to study in? Where a pretty girl makes his food? 
“Okay, that can work. What days and times can I be over?” He follows up with a nonchalant nod, noting the three shared classes and the one other you’ll probably need help with. He hopes he’s already taken the outlier class, otherwise he won’t be much help in that regard. 
“You can walk home with me after those classes if you want, and we can study until you’re ready to leave?” You offer. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be every day, but–”
“We can meet up after every class and decide if you want to study or not.” Jay finishes for you yet again, and you nod with a smile. 
“What’s your favorite food?” You ask, wanting to make a mental note of keeping your end of the bargain. 
         Jay thinks hard at that because being put on the spot like this makes answering any question a bit difficult. 
“Here–” You hold out your phone. “Put your number in and you can think about it. I’ll text you so you have mine.”
 You can’t wipe the smile off of your face, the anxiety is practically dissolving from your body at the very idea of someone being willing to help you in the comfort of your own apartment.
         He, on the other hand, is a bit more anxious now. He realizes that now, he’s going to be studying with you. A girl who had never even looked at him twice during the semesters you’ve shared classes. He’s putting his number into your phone, and you’re going to be texting him, and spending time with him instead of going to the parties that he’s never invited to. 
“I’ll see you on Monday?” You ask in his silence, sending a quick text to him so that he can save your number. He nods and looks down at his books. “Don’t forget to text me what you want to eat, okay?”
         He nods again as you stand to walk away. He watches intently at the way you have a little bounce in your step and can’t help but feel his cheeks flushing. God, why is he doing this to himself? 
         Slamming his head on the desk, he, much like you, cannot stop smiling now. All thoughts of studying for the remainder of the night left his head and were replaced with his new study schedule. He thinks he will try and take it easy this weekend, specifically so he is mentally prepared. He’s only talked to you for a total of fourteen minutes and he’s already lost his ability to study and think clearly. 
If he’s lucky, the two of you will pass this semester with flying colors. There’s still that tiny part of him though, that wonders if maybe you’d find interest in him, and maybe he will fail the semester with you because, honestly, you are so distracting.
         On Monday, you sat up straight in class while eyeing the back of Jay’s head most of the time. Mostly to prepare yourself for if and when he makes a break for it. He hasn’t even texted you what he wants to eat today, and part of you wonders if he went back on his promise to you. Not that it was much of a promise in the first place, anyway.
         He was a little shocked that you weren’t the first out of the room once everyone wrapped up though. Like you, he was assuming the same thing. You’d make a fucking break for it and pretend you never approached him in the first place. After all, It was common for you to leave mid-way through class or be the first one out the door. Instead though, he finds himself proud of you. You stood there awkwardly looking at him as the room emptied out, clearly unsure of what to do or say to him.
         Jay nods your way as if to beckon you towards him. 
“You’re still wanting to study today?” He asks with a brow raised in surprise. 
All weekend he had thought about it. Thought about the possibility of it just being a joke to you, or maybe that you’d change your mind and allow yourself to flunk out like you already had been doing. His heart kind of jumps a bit noticing you looking at him like this. 
“Yeah? Wasn’t that the plan?” You ask, nudging him a bit once you get up beside him. “You didn’t text me what you wanted to eat so you’re just gonna have to eat whatever I have in the fridge, by the way.”
         Jay nods, opting to stay silent at this moment. He’s going home with you. He’s going to be seen on campus walking home with you. He’s not the sort to want attention, but this situation feels dangerously attractive to him. Especially when he takes note of how you’re probably going to look all…cozy and at home in your apartment. Like, he gets to be in your space teaching you things that you should have already known. 
         It all shouldn’t be so exciting. After all, his days are filled with the typical boring sessions of reading, writing, noting, and memorizing. It is exciting for him though. Never has he studied with someone like you, or really even gotten to talk to someone that most of the men speak to, the unreachable men no less. The ones with families that own the city, and all the houses in it.
You’re one of the unreachable women on campus, he thinks. The ones with standards based on fun, attractiveness, and chaos rather than charisma, personality, and knowledge. It’s kind of a once-in-a-lifetime thing for Jay to be doing this right now.
“Okay, so...” Jay drones out, avoiding eye contact with you as he packs things into his ratty backpack. “I’m not super hungry right now but–we are going to your place right?”
He needs the confirmation himself if he’s being honest. Nothing would suck more than assuming and being proved wrong.
         You nod with a smile, grabbing his hand as soon as he throws his backpack on. It isn’t intimate to you, but for him, it’s…something. Holding his hand is reserved for intimate relationships with family or girlfriends. He never holds hands.
 He’s never really gotten the chance to anyway, aside from a little cousin when they were crossing the street last summer. He can’t help but buckle in on himself in a shy sort of way as you lead him from the room and out of the building. 
         You’re rambling about all of the things you need to study. All of the snacks you could offer to him. All of the hours you wish you hadn’t wasted partying, yet, all he’s thinking about is how warm your hand feels in his. You seem to be a natural at talking to people. Touching them without a single worry in the world, it’s kind of nice, he thinks. The fact that you aren’t ashamed to be seen together with him, heading towards the place you sleep. Sometimes Jay forgets that this is college. No one actually cares who is hanging out with who unless they are in the middle of a raunchy frat party, seeing their love interest getting touched against a dirty bathroom counter. 
         He smiles to himself as he finally catches up to you and allows you to stop dragging him around. He keeps pace with you now, resting his hand as if to allow you to let go, but you don't. 
“Just around that corner–” You say,  glancing over at him and noting the shade of color his face has become. “You good?” 
         Jay nods, staying quiet and trying to force himself out of his thoughts. He glances down at your hand holding his and then back up at you on instinct. 
“Ah, sorry.” You mumble, releasing his hand and trying hard to understand that maybe you truly are too clingy with most people in your life. You think his reaction was kind of cute though, and now you’re a little determined to help him relax those stiffened shoulders. Jay can’t be as boring as he seems, right?
“I have peanut butter and jelly, eggs, noodles, some leftover pizza and–”
“I’m not hungry, but If I can have some water or something, that would be cool.” Jay cuts you off, slipping off his shoes in an immaculate show of how clumsy he is. You can hear the clatter of your entire coat rack falling to the floor due to his weight leaning on it through that single task. 
“Okay–” You side eye his mess with a slight smile. “Water, got it.”
 You trail off to get him the drink, keeping a small mental note of how nervous he appears to be right now. He’s panicked, frantically trying to balance your coat rack back in place as if you hadn’t walked directly into him just the Friday before. 
“Jay, it’s just a coat rack.” You laugh with water in hand, hearing him mutter a sorry as he hangs one of your empty purses back onto it.
“Thanks.” He says now, reaching out for the drink.
         Watching his eyes go from the glass of water to your apartment, you smile at the look on his face. Such a smart guy acting so incredibly stupid the moment he’s alone in an apartment with a girl. Cute.
“Is this good?” You ask as if you’re offering a change of subject so that he doesn’t have to think about the coat rack he had just knocked over. You point over to your dining table that’s placed perfectly in a little nook against a window and look at him as he stands in place. “We can start whenever you’re ready?”
“Can you show me to the bathroom first?” Jay blurts, hyper-aware of his awkward demeanor. He needs to calm himself down before even thinking about sitting down to fucking study. 
   You point to the bathroom quickly, making your way to the table and adjusting everything so there is space for the piles of books soon to be laid on it. You watch only a little bit at how Jay makes his way over to said bathroom in a show of not-so-confident body language. He seemed kind of cocky on Friday, but today he seems to be like jelly. 
         You sit at the dining table without thinking much more of the man in your bathroom, instead, you pull out some textbooks and lay them out.
         Jay stares at himself in the mirror, he can practically see the blood rushing to his cheeks and ears as he comes to terms with the fact that he probably shouldn’t have agreed to come to your apartment to study. You’re attractive. That alone is a reason in his head to avoid it, but he’s here and he’s already made a fool of himself. 
         He slaps his face a bit with some cold water and tries to will himself to stop acting like such an awkward idiot. Surely you’ll pick up on his inability to talk to women if he doesn’t get it together, right? You’re going to think he’s some weirdo, a pervert maybe, before throwing him out and avoiding him forever.
         Staring harder at himself, he waits for the color to run from his face so that way he can get out there and start the study session, but then his eyes start to wander. 
         Your bathroom is immaculately clean save for some makeup stains on the counter and a few stray hairs that must have been yanked out of your head while you attempted to brush out a night of drinking. It smells fresh and your perfectly hung towels look plush hanging against the wall. Without a thought in his head, he leans towards the towel so that he can dry his face and hands, and that’s just what he does. Except, maybe he buries his face into the towel a bit longer than he needed to, and maybe the smell of it was so astronomically sweet that he nuzzled against it even more.
         He could tell the towel had been used at least once though, solely because he could smell a scent that wasn’t the soap on the counter, nor any laundry detergent he’s aware of. Then…his eyes flick to the actual hand towel that he somehow missed, right beside it? A lace bra. The flush comes back to his face, making him feel even warmer than he did when he entered the room. Which feels like a fucking nightmare if he’s being totally honest. 
         It dawns on him again. He’s in your apartment, smelling your towels, and staring at your bra. Coming to the bathroom in an attempt to calm down has done nothing more than make things worse, and the only option he has now is to stumble out of the bathroom hoping you assume he was in here doing number two rather than planting his face into a towel where you dry off your naked body. 
         Mumbling to himself, Jay prepares himself to face you. Sure, you probably see nothing out of the norm if he does well and hides the fact that he’s hyper-sensitive just for being in your space, then again, Jay has never been the best at playing pretend.
You offer him a bright smile once he finally makes his way back into your living space and seats himself at the table. He seems to be avoiding eye contact with you, bashfully pulling his own books out of his bag with shaking fingers. 
“Are you okay? You sure you don’t want a snack or something?” You look at him, head tilting at him in concern. 
Jay finally looks at you and notes how comfortable you seem while he feels like he’s internally falling apart. There shouldn’t be any fucking issue in his head when it comes to this situation, but here he is, panicking because a pretty girl is in front of him. 
He feels so dumb, so obvious, so embarrassed. Yeah, maybe he should eat something, at least so he can buy some time to focus on something else before he starts stuttering through your studies. At this rate, all you’re going to learn about today is how awful Jay is around women. 
“Maybe I should eat, yeah–” He says in a small voice, still staring at the books as he places them on the table.
“Come look in my kitchen, we can eat something together?” You offer, reaching toward his hand. 
He pulls back from your touch and tries to play it off casually like he was just reaching for a pencil, but you didn’t miss the fact that his hands were cold and shaky.
Taking note, it starts to dawn on you. You’ve dealt with men like him before, and it was always an interesting situation. To check your theory, you rise from the chair and lean over the table, being sure to squish whatever cleavage you have visible to make it more visible to him. 
“Salty or sweet?” You ask, watching his eyes intently and the way they struggle to reach your face. Score one for you, Jay is definitely a man above all. Luckily for him, you have lots of experience in that field, while he appears to have very little in the field of women. 
“W-what?” He drones out, pulling his eyes away from you in an attempt to hide the way his face immediately flushed. 
“The snacks? Savory or sweet?” You laugh, propping yourself back from the table and hopping into the kitchen, checking behind you to see if he follows.
He does stand to follow, but by the time you round the corner, he isn’t behind you like you figured he would be. Peeping your head around the corner, you watch as he holds his hands in front of his groin, looks down at himself, and then lets out a deep sigh. You then watch as he adjusts himself in his pants, uncomfortably hiding a semi-hard on so that he could come into the kitchen without suspicion. 
By this point, you’ve already decided that studying will very likely not be part of today’s schedule. He wouldn’t be able to focus on a damn thing like this, right? You should help him, right?
“Took you long enough.” You joke as he appears in the kitchen, turning to look at him and intentionally trailing your eyes down his body just to see if you can see any sort of bulge. He’s safe though because he apparently must have skills in hiding his arousal during the worst times. 
Jay, on the other hand, can already tell that your shift in mood is intensely different compared to before he went to the bathroom. Twice now you’ve been blatant towards him and it is not helping him at all right now. Is he reading it wrong because he’s very obviously horny right now? Were you really trying to dangle your breasts in front of him like that? Are you really checking him out right now? 
“Sorry–” He looks down. “I– uh, I dropped something.” He offers as an excuse, uncomfortably trying to shift from your view and avoid eye contact. 
“Sure.” You say with a roll of your eyes, knowing full well that he was hiding his cock. “I want something sweet. Sounds good?” You change the subject, reaching out and running your fingers down his arm. 
He swallows hard, stiffening his shoulders and nodding to you. Without hesitation, you let your fingers stay against him for a few seconds longer, keeping eye contact with him before turning and opening a cupboard. 
“Peanut butter crackers, cereal, and oatmeal.” You deadpan, slamming the cupboard and stepping to the fridge. “Pudding.” Then you open the freezer. “Popsicles, and ice cream.”
Jay just stands there when you close the doors to the fridge and look at him in question. He could opt for the crackers but his throat is already dry enough. Choking right now would be even more humiliating. Cereal could work but that would be embarrassing too, for some reason. Oatmeal is an option, solely for how disgusting it looks, surely it would tame his boner. 
But, popsicles? Hell no.
“Grab whatever you want, I'm eating a popsicle.” You say, raising a brow and throwing open the freezer door again to take your pick.
Of course, it’s  intentional. It’s fun to see his eyes light up at the very idea of seeing you eat a popsicle, and even more fun to imagine how flustered he’s going to be in mere minutes.
Jay looks to the floor and heads towards your fridge, also opting for a popsicle despite his very recent internal protest. Mostly so you don’t think he’s a pervert when he inevitably sees you eat it. But also, like, just in case you really are trying to flirt with him right now, at least his lips will taste sweet too. 
You had expected Jay to get flustered, and boy did he. What you didn’t expect though, was to become flustered yourself by the image of Jay’s tongue darting over sweet ice, and then over his own lips to suck up the melted and sticky juice. The only image in your head right now is the idea of if he would lick his lips like that if you were to spread your legs for him. Would he lick up your mess on his face, chasing the flavor the same way he’s doing right now?
A dull ache begins to spread throughout your body as you watch him. His eyes still avoid you but you manage to catch him a few times. Each time he makes eye contact with you, your gaze shoots to his lap just to see if he’s gotten hard enough for his cock to leave its tucked position in his waistband. 
Jay is hyper-aware now too, with the way you’re staring and almost leaving your popsicle unattended as he eats his own. He feels confused, like? Are you doing what he was actively avoiding doing to you? Jesus, you really are kind of a whore, god.
By the time the popsicles are finished, your fingers are sticky from allowing it to drip down the stick. You make a point to suck each of your fingers innocently, looking under your lashes at him for split seconds as you begin to shuffle through the papers on the table. 
“So–” You say, popping one finger out of your mouth and inserting another. “Can we start here? I need to have a paper written on at least one topic on this list and have no idea how to find a good source to read from.”
Jay hears and sees you in tunnel vision right now, but he manages to catch the ass end of your sentence and begins to try and focus on the studies at hand. Still watching you suck your fingers into your mouth, he clears his throat and places his own popsicle stick onto the table, pretending he doesn’t wish your tongue would lick him like that.
“I wrote mine based on this topic, and I found a lot of good sources for it. I don’t think our professor would think too hard about us choosing the same subject–” 
“Yeah, especially because it’s me. They’d never guess you’re in my apartment right now.” You laugh, smirking over at him. 
“I would’ve never guessed either–” Jay says without thinking, barely processing how embarrassing he is before you squint at him with a wider smile. 
“Oh yeah?” You ask, raising a brow and leaning forward. “Why’s that?” 
Jay tries to look around but now can’t seem to force his eyes away from you. A much different circumstance compared to before when he couldn’t bring himself to look at you. There’s a connection here, he can feel it. You’re definitely coming onto him and you have been for the past however long he’s been here.
“You’re kind of out of my league, don’t you think?” He laughs more at himself than he does the situation, and to you, he honestly looks pitiful after saying that. It’s incredibly attractive to you in the way he seems to praise you for being a failure simply because he’s attracted to you. At least, that’s the case if you’re reading him right.
“Who said someone like you couldn’t teach me a thing or two?” You have a smile in your voice, and it comforts him, but that comfort is shot down when you stand on your feet and walk over to him. “Who says I’m out of your league?” You ask again, watching him scoot back with his chair as you come closer.
You prop yourself against the table, essentially blocking him from his books and papers. You look down at him now, dipping your head in a playful way. “I don’t think I’m out of your league.” 
Jay notes how you’re between him and the table now. You look comfortable leaning in front of him like this, and when his eyes trail up to your face all his body can do is give in. He looks at you through large eyes, the overhead light is sparkling through them at you. 
In that instant, you can see his embarrassment fill his body because he’s no longer resisting the urge to be himself. He’s staring at you as if you could be a god and saying nothing in response to your words. 
“If anything, Jongie–” You soothe him, grabbing one of his hands and smiling at the way his pen immediately falls out of his grip. “You’re out of my league.” 
He blinks up at you, soaking in the words and not yet understanding in full what you’re doing until he feels warmth enveloping the entirety of his hand and wrist. 
“Do you know how lucky I am that you’re here right now?” You ask him, basking in the way you can see his breath get caught in his throat. “How lucky I am that you’re not only smart but hot too?”
He dips his head at this, a bashful show of your words having an impact on him. He hides his face briefly against his arm and then he realizes–
“Is this okay?” You ask, holding his hand in place as you begin to move your hips against his palm.
Jay watches the way you’ve managed to pull his hand out and plant it between your legs, all so you could grind against it without so much as a warning. He’s not against it though, if anything, his head is shot back to reality and he’s immediately back to glancing around the room and avoiding the scene in front of him.
His palm is against your literal, dampening panties, and all he can think to say right now is, “You could write your thesis on human connection and its effects on the brain.” 
You smile at his attempt to continue to study through this moment.
“I could,” You say with a deeper voice than before, feeling the way his hand stays relaxed in your grasp as you grind against it. “Or we could think about how your brain is being affected right now?”
Jay groans, feeling the warmth of your wet beginning to seep through the fabric, and honestly, it is happening so fast that he’s sure it would be more embarrassing if he walked out now. 
“How are you feeling?” You reword your question towards him, intentionally swiveling your hips so that you can position his fingers into your underwear. 
“You’re warm.” Jay chokes out, eyes now zoning in on your legs slightly spread in front of him. 
You let out a small laugh at this, pulling a bit on his arm to pull him closer, but he doesn’t compute it at all. 
“Do you like it?” You ask again, this time slipping his fingers into you. You let out a deep sigh and roll your eyes back, fucking yourself gently against his fingers before you look at him.
He’s nodding, probably more thankful now that you’d worn a skirt today rather than pants. He didn’t allow himself to take note of your attire, because if he did, he would have made even more of a fool of himself. But he’s nodding now, watching the way you hold his arm in place and slide his fingers in and out of you. 
His silence is louder than his words could be right now, you think. You can feel him straighten his fingers inside of you, you can practically see him salivate at the very idea of how you’re using him right now. You’re not done though, no, no. He’s far too sweet like this, but you want to hear words.
Gently, you pull your hips back effectively slipping his fingers out of you. There, you lift his arm and examine your wetness against his fingers. You smile again, eyes now adjusting to his face rather than his wet fingers. 
Jay watches as you guide his fingers to his lip, and without a second thought, he opens his mouth to taste you against them. He licks circles around each of the two fingers, closing his eyes almost instantly so that he can relish the experience.
He no longer cares how awkward he must seem sitting here like this, letting you do all the work.
“Do you like the taste too?” You ask, releasing his hand and watching how he continues to suck his fingers. 
“Mhm–” Jay groans with his closed mouth around the digits, making damn sure to suck every bit off.
“You’re pretty, you know that?” You compliment him this time, tearing your eyes from him and slipping your panties down your legs. You turn yourself over so that you’re now bent over the table and you ignore the corner of one of the textbooks poking against your ribs, all in favor of what sound Jay will make when he opens his eyes. 
“You can taste more, if you want.” You offer, lifting to look behind you at the way his fingers drop from his mouth and his eyes immediately zone in on your bare pussy displayed for him under your hiked-up skirt. 
He does let out a whimper, one that seemed entirely desperate to do just that for you but–he doesn’t move. He just stares, soaking in the words you’re saying, memorizing each fold and dip in your glistening pussy.
You don’t intend to wait though. Reaching behind you, you grab the back of his head by his hair and guide his face to you. The way you can hear his chair tip over as he falls to his knees makes you quiver a bit before him, and you’re almost surprised to not just feel a face against you. It appears that Jay does know what he’s doing. 
He instantly jumps into action, loving the feeling of your hand in his hair basically telling him to do it. Giving him that green light, letting him.
You can feel his tongue exploring and his other hand reaching to lift your skirt entirely over your ass. His tongue is soft, warm, wet, and so entirely eager to lick and suck every inch of you. It’s not until he starts allowing his moans to vibrate into your flesh that you hike one of your legs up and open your cunt against his working tongue more.
Guiding him by his hair still, you press his face harshly into you with little to no fight for air from him, and you’re loving it. Loving the way he whines for more when his tongue reaches the furthest limit, loving even more when he finally reaches his hands up to your pussy and spreads it out for himself.
He isn’t even thinking at this moment, just tasting and feeling you guide his tongue as if this is what you wanted all along. The thought alone of someone like you wanting to fuck his tongue like this sets his cock on fire in so many ways. He’s so hard right now that it hurts to think about it at all. Jay doesn’t give a single fuck about how pathetic he must sound to you right now, whimpering and panting against you as if this was the only sweet thing in your apartment he wanted to eat anyway. 
You hear a clatter to the floor, knowing for a fact that he’s knocked his glasses off of his face from the angle in which he skewed his neck in order to fuck his tongue into you. You wonder what’s going through his mind right now, because goddamn he’s eating you out like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted. He’s impressively messy and loud with it too, making you feel as if you must taste like the sweetest thing on earth to him. 
For some reason, thinking back to all of the non-sexual situations you’d passively seen Jay in? It turns you on even more. The big-brained student who is constantly making straight As and never going out to parties eats pussy like this? Eats your pussy like this? Better than half of the men you’d already been with? Jay doesn’t miss a single centimeter of it,  and you can tell he’s focusing on you more than he has ever focused on his homework or studies before. 
You feel so deeply needed at this moment by Jay that all you can do is let out a desperate moan for him. One so that he knows he’s not the only one utterly stunned by the turn of events, but also because you’re fucking loving what he’s doing to you.
With each moan, Jay picks up his pace, using those same two fingers and spreading your cunt out impossibly wider just so he can attempt to bury his tongue deeper into the messy, wet heat you offer. He’s spreading you apart so well that it almost pains you to move without the fear of being torn open by his tongue alone. Your clit has barely even been reached but he still managed to make you feel sensitive to the point of wanting to beat your fists on the table out of sheer frustration for not approaching him sooner. 
Not only can he help you pass your classes, but he surely could make you feel like a fucking queen on top of it all, licking you open, up and down, as if he were born and trained for you and you alone? Insane.
“You’re so–” You groan out, releasing his hair from your grip but pressing your ass out more so that you can feel him slip his tongue back to your clit with impossible reach. He continues that, sliding his tongue from your clit to your entrance, dipping in and swirling the muscle before going back to your clit. All while he’s moaning, groaning, and panting against you. 
It’s too much, he’s so incredibly eager that you’re honestly too sensitive to let him keep going. You hate it when you pull your hips forward and lift from the table. Your legs are shaking when you do this, and shaking even more when you turn to face him and lean against the table again. 
“How–?” You look down at him in pleasant surprise, watching him lick his lips much like you hoped he would. “How are you so good at this?” 
Jay is stunned by your question because in all fairness, he’s only ever eaten a girl out once and like, it wasn’t that great because she made him stop within like a minute. He wasn’t really thinking about what to do with you though, or how to do it. He just…did it. That’s all. So obsessed with the taste and smell of you to the point he couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to. He’d still be licking you right now if you didn’t move away. 
“I–don’t know.” He shamefully admits, nonchalantly moving his hands to his pants and unbuttoning them. Not to fuck you or anything, mostly just to release his cock from the chokehold of the denim rubbing against him. 
“You’re lying.” You deadpan, running your hand between your legs and quivering the moment your fingers run over your swollen clit. “There’s no way you haven’t practiced doing this.” You gasp, looking at him as if no other man exists. 
He shakes his head, looking up at you from the floor with innocent eyes. His lips are wet, his eyes are hooded, his hair sticking up from your fingers guiding him– it’s a lot to see him like this when you’ve only ever seen him as that goody-two-shoes student who doesn’t know how to have fun. Clearly, Jay knows how to have fun.
Your gaze on him makes him feel more bashful as he looks down to the floor, feeling embarrassed that you’re praising a complete amateur at this. 
Using your leg, you nudge him.
“You did all of that and didn’t even touch yourself?” You ask in curiosity, noting how he had only just now undone his pants to relieve pressure. “Let me see it.” You say again, almost demanding as you hop up on the table and spread your legs even more.
Frantic at your tone of voice, Jay stumbles to his feet and pushes his pants down to his thighs. His cock springs out and stands erect in front of you. You could stare all day, honestly. Jay, of all people? He’s the one with a cock this big? He’s the one with a size that could make you feel as if you’re being split in half? Well, fuck.
“God.” You comment, mouth falling open at the way it twitches in mid-air. “All of the girls would be fucking swooning, Jay, really.” You get a bit flustered yourself because only now do you understand who you just seduced and what he’s got to offer outside of brains. 
In all of his shyness, Jay hides his face from you again despite his cock out in all of its glory. Your mouth could honestly start watering if he hadn’t just eaten you out to the point of needing him to stop. Meaning, your throat is too dry right now to start drooling. 
Without another thought, you pull your shirt and bra off all in one go. No way in hell is he leaving without fucking you stupid with a cock like that. Absolutely no fucking way  would you let this go to waste.
“When’s the last time you’ve done anything with a girl?” You ask now, reaching for his arm and pulling his gaze back towards you, now almost completely naked save for your skirt hiked up to your waist. 
Jay stares at you again, much like he did when you spread your legs in front of him, this time zoning in on the way your nipples are erect and begging for his mouth to be put to use again. He nearly forgets that you’re talking to him because of the way you’ve presented yourself to him. The reality is right in front of his face, but he still wonders if this must be a dream.
“I–um– right out of high school before she broke up with me,” He says in a lazy voice, slightly raspy. It sounds as if it doesn’t even matter to him because he is so focused on you in front of him. “I’ve only had sex two times.”
“Aw–” You pitifully look at him. “What a waste, you’re such a pretty boy.” You coo, wiggling your hips as if to entice his cock to make its way towards you. “You’ve got the brains and the cock for it. You must feel so neglected.”
All he does is nod, because yes, he does feel fucking neglected, partly because he let it happen and mostly because he knows he doesn’t know how to talk to girls. Right now, Jay could genuinely start crying if you keep talking to him like this though. He can’t tell if you’re mocking him or being genuine, but the only thing he wants to do is bury his cock so deeply inside of you that all you can do is moan out mantras of how pretty he is again. He wants to hear you moan over how much time has been wasted without his cock inside of you, how badly you’d want him again and again after this. 
You can see his facial expressions change every few seconds and to be fair, your body yearns to be filled. With the way he is looking at you, there’s no way he doesn’t want to.
“Wanna fuck me, Jongie?” You ask, realizing that you much prefer calling him this rather than his full name because he seems to lean directly into it. 
“God,” He sighs out, hanging his head to look at the way his cock still stands painfully erect throughout the conversation. “Can I?” He asks now, making eye contact with you through pleading eyes.
You reach out for him, grabbing his waist and pressing his cock directly against your core. You lean your head back a bit to look at him and the way his eyes sear straight through your own. His pupils are dilated, his cheeks are rosy, and his lips are glistening. You lick against them, and the way he immediately starts to kiss you makes you think he’s a liar. He knows exactly what he’s doing with his mouth regardless of where it is. His tongue presses into your mouth so beautifully that you genuinely could argue that this man has only ever had sex twice. 
Maybe he’s a natural? 
Jay knows exactly when to grind his cock between your folds, knows exactly when to pull back to kiss your neck, and knows exactly how to lean you back with his hand protecting the back of your head so that it doesn’t slam against the table. 
He slips his cock so beautifully as he trails his kisses to your tits too, suckling gently against one of your nipples before he nearly can’t stand it anymore. He’s in his own world, barely recognizing that he’s not the only one experiencing this right now.
With an eager hand, Jay grabs his cock and presses it directly into you without waiting any longer. He isn’t slow or gentle with it. You can feel how desperate he is solely because of the way he can’t seem to fathom taking it slow. He doesn’t let you adjust, no. The second the head of that thick cock slips in he’s slamming in. All the way, forcing a yelp from your throat and a tight grip to his back.
He’s lost himself in the moment and you’re loving it. Loving the way his tongue picks up against your nipples, and the way there is no rhythm or rhyme to his thrusts. His size alone is enough for you, and you can admit to loving every single push and pull his body is offering.
The room is silent save for his whimpers, your gasps, and the wet sound of skin slapping against skin. You’re quick to wrap a leg around his waist so that when he presses in again, you can force him to stay in place, if just to let him genuinely feel what it’s like to have a pussy clenching around him.
“You feel it?” You groan out, feeling his teeth pinch against your nipple and sending a sharp pain down your body. 
He nods frantically, pulling your nipple with his lips as he does it. You can tell he’s drooling, wetting your chest in such an embarrassing way, but he’s so–Jay. He’s Jay. This is Jay.
You watch his face and the way he winces with each pulse of your hole quivering around the sheer size of him, and you coo out at him when his cock twitches in response. As if you can handle yourself right now, as if he can too.
Neither of you can comprehend the pleasure.
“Can’t believe I get to be your third.” You sing out. “You’re so good, so–”
“S-stop talking, fuck-” Jay calls out in a broken and choked gasp, feeling too turned on by the way you speak. He can’t help it when he forces his hips to move against the pressure of your leg trying to keep him in place. This time he fucks at a quicker pace. His mouth falls open against your breast and his hands shoot to your waist as he pulls himself up and opens his eyes. 
He watches the way your sticky cunt coats him as he slides in and out of you, fingers pressing so hard into your hips that you feel he could be bruising you. 
You’re so in awe of him losing complete control that you want nothing more than to cum with him inside of you. You quickly reach your hand down to your clit, rubbing harsh circles against the sensitive spot almost to the point that you could start crying out at how painful it truly is at this moment. You’ve never been this sensitive for a man, and yet, you’re coming undone beneath him and nearly losing as much control as he has. 
A mess of moans and groans is filling the room as Jay chases his high, and you are at the point that you want to say the nicest and dirtiest things to him out of sheer arousal. So you do, you talk, and you talk. Whispers of “girls would die to be fucked by you,” turn to screams of, “yeah, fuck Jongie, just like that!” 
It wasn’t until you moaned out, “Cum with me, now, Jongie, I can’t hold it–” when Jay ’s hips stuttered and his eyes closed tightly in a frustrated groan. “Stop–” He grunts, hips pressing impossibly hard against you. To the point that you scoot up on the table. “Stop, I’m–” He groans again, attempting to pull out so that he can release against your pulsing and empty pussy.
But you don’t let him.
Your legs hold him in place as you release your clit and pull yourself up on your arms just to grab against his neck and pull him down with you against the table. 
“Cum in me.” You nearly demand, holding his face so that he can’t look away from you.
You watch the way his pupils dilate more at the words and you feel the way his cock twitches inside of you. Then? His pupils are gone. He’s rolling his eyes back now, looking so fucking beautiful while doing it.
Jay’s eyebrows fall much like his mouth does when he cums. His hips are frantic but his face looks calm, and not a single sound releases from his lips. His breath is caught in his throat with each twitch, shooting ropes into you so deeply that you feel each wave of his pleasure hitting your cervix. 
  You’re very quick to rub your clit again, harsh and rough circles being amplified by the way his abdomen adds pressure to your hand with each push of his cock in you. It sends you over edge so fast, even he feels the clench, choking out each spurt of his remaining orgasm. 
You grab onto him harshly now, without a thought in your head besides kissing him. He kisses you back, realizing that despite having sex before, this may be the first time he’s ever made a girl cum. It’s certainly the first time he’s ever felt his cock being tugged by the walls of a pussy as it works itself through an orgasm, anyway.
Crazy thing is…he’s not done. Like, he can’t stop cumming. Lasting entirely far too long and far past sensitivity. Jay opens his eyes to look at you when you’re reaching the end of your own orgasm, all while he’s still filling you up, and even feeling his load bubble out from around him with each tight thrust. Your voice is beautifully raspy, and the way you hold onto him makes him feel like you should never let go. 
Upon his ears popping and finally emptied, he genuinely feels the mess between the two of you. Quickly, he pulls back and notes that the hem of his shirt is absolutely fucking soaked. In an attempt to take a small step back in order to remove himself from you, he nearly trips over his pants that had fallen to his ankles.
“Oh.” You laugh, wincing as you feel his cock leave you empty. “Probably should have undressed you.” Your eyes sparkle at the large damp spot, nearly making his shirt entirely see-through from just how soaked it really is. 
Jay steps out of his pants silently and just kind of stands there awkwardly, watching the cum spill from you. Then panic spreads across his face. 
“Um,” He croaks out, voice cracking almost immediately. “I– I couldn’t pull out…I’m so sorry.”
“I didn’t want you to.” You soothe him, noting how he’s right back to his awkward and shy persona the moment he’s finished fucking you. “It’s fine, I’m protected” You confirm for him, just to see the relief replace that panic.
“So–” You comment, looking down at the wrinkled papers in front of you. “You really expect me to try and write at least 1200 words tonight?” 
Jay tilts his head at you, sitting with a blanket covering his entire body as his clothes go through the cycles of a wash. “If we hadn’t gotten off track, you could already be almost done with it.” 
“God, you are such a fucking bore.” You laugh, shivering at the cold air hitting your bare skin. “I’m literally naked right now and you’re making me do this right now?” 
“Finish your paper and we can talk about that. Besides, I kind of need to recover for more than thirty minutes from that, you know? I’m sensitive.” He shoots back, not afraid to sound as embarrassing as he truly is now. 
To his surprise, you nod with a cheeky smirk. Promising you any amount of him after what happened was enough to force your focus on your school work for now at least. Just because he did it once doesn’t mean he will always want to fuck stupid girls. If anything, Jay deserves someone who respects his work ethic and need to help others right? The huge cock is just a bonus when you think about it.
You know it’s going to be a hell of a month after tonight, but for the most part, you think that studying with Jay may have been your best college decision to date. You can learn a lot from him, and apparently... he can learn from you too. You just hope he doesn’t run off and use that knowledge on other girls once he realizes he’s definitely got the ability to break hearts. 
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gigisnetwork · 2 months
NERDIFYING UR DEMIGODS 🗣️🗣️ (things I think they’d enjoy :3)
- Batman - in fact, the whole DC universe (he would collect figures + comics)
- The Maze Runner (he’s read all the books and watched all the movies and has a crush on thomas) (maybe newt too)
- Gravity Falls (insane lore, enough said) (also he’s the one who introduced it to Hazel) (They see themselves as Mabel n Dipper) (also went ballistic over the Book of Bill)
- Song of Achilles (LOVES madeleine miller) (Bonds over her books w annabeth i don’t make the rules 🤷🤷)
- POKÉMON (YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS SIMILAR TO MYTHOMAGIC I KNOW IT) (also had a HUUUGGEE hyperfixation on pokémon go) (collects cards (ofc) and plushies too)
- My Little Pony (hazel got him into it) (thinks it’s super cute) (collects plushies of them)
- Fallout (Thinks it’s sick and loves dystopian stuff) (frank introduced it to him 😇😇) (sometimes like redesigns things so they look like they’re from Fallout) (like MrsFallout on yt)
- AGGTM (you can’t tell me she wouldn’t love pipravi)
- The Hunger Games (shes read all the books and absolutely LOVES katniss) (also she definitely sees her n percy in peeniss)
- Murder Most Unladylike (idk she seems like the kinda girl to be into murder mysteries n stuff) (also i just think it’s fitting for annabeth)
- Circe (again LOVES madeleine miller) (hasn’t read medusa yet, i don’t think she would) (hubris + she isn’t fond of medusa AT ALL) (bonds over her work w nico 😇😇)
- The Sims (SHE THINKS ITS SO FUN) (she absolutely loves character customisation, and interior design n stuff) (has so much custom content it’s insane)
- Minecraft (Again, loves designing things) (makes the most intricate builds EVER) (super skilled like it’s actually insane how she makes her builds) (usually plays on creative but absolutely has a hardcore world she’s been working on for YEARS)
- Bee and Puppycat (she loves how pretty the show is) (also she kinda sees herself in Bee)
- Steven Universe (Again, pretty art) (also, the lore goes crazy and has pretty good music ‼️)
- Gravity Falls (again, pretty art n insane lore) (also she went BALLISTIC over the Book of Bill) (She and Nico see themselves as Mabel n Dipper)
- Dolls (haunted/creepy dolls, cute dolls, ball jointed dolls, figures, you name it) (she’d try and communicate w the haunted dolls w nicos help) (its actually pretty fun to her)
- My Little Pony (it’s cutesy) (also she likes the message it gives ^^) (has a ponysona) (LOVES EQUESTIRA GIRLS YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND) (AND THE NEW GEN TOO)
- Animal Crossing (she likes all the versions but mainly plays new horizons bcus she thinks it’s like the best) (loves the character designs, and being able to basically make her own island)
- Spider-man / The Spider-verse - actually, the entire marvel universe (He thinks it’s sick) (also ABSOLUTELY relates to peter parker and miles morales) (only really got into it bcus of the movies, before starting to collect comics)
- One Direction (no one knows this) (was absolutely HEARTBROKEN when they broke up)
- The Hunger Games (annabeth got him into it) (but he only watched the movies, got half-way into the first book before being like “i can’t do this anymore” and watched the movies) (RELATES TO KATNISS 🗣️🗣️)
- SEGA/Mainly Sonic (he thinks it super silly) (also sonic boom was incredibly funny to him) (CONSTANTLY quotes him too) (has every single game w him in it)
- POKEMOONN 🗣️🗣️ (he introduced it to nico) (they both play in both mythomagic and pokémon tournaments, when they can find some) (they also love playing them together) (he has all the games)
- Unpacking (thinks it’s super relaxing and absolutely loves the visuals) (also loves how it tells a story, ykwim ???) (introduced it to hazel) (really, he’s the one who introduced hazel to all the video games that she likes)
- Resident Evil (people are like incredibly surprised when they find out he’s into that game) (he really likes the lore/story, thinks it’s super sick)
- The Last of Us (again, people were super surprised he was into this game) (he likes shooter games) (also thinks ellie and joel’s dynamic was super sweet) (has a love/hate relationship with the hbo series) (100% thinks dystopian stuff is sick)
- Yu-Gi-Oh (another card game) (idk i feel like he would really be into it) (this definitely came before pokémon to him) (he’s known this before mythomagic) (the OG 🗣️🗣️)
- Fallout (he introduced it to nico) (again, game mechanics are sick and loves the lore 🗣️🗣️) (sure, he’s the one who liked it first but he isn’t as big of a fan of it as nico)
(will update when i think of more 🗣️🗣️)
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
A Poor Plan to Confess
Dieter Bravo x plus size female reader (Moon Pie)
This is fic is for readers 18+ MDNI
Word Count: about 2.1k
Warnings: Dieter being a bit rude, porn use, mention of masturbation, teasing, improper toy use?, very bad communication, some mentions of sexual activities and acts, Nerdie is unsure of what she wrote
Summary: Dieter is doing his best to stay sober. You have a large part in his plans. They aren’t well thought out.
Notes: Written for the Dieter Bravo Brain Rot Server Challenge. @wannab-urs brought me back to Dieter, originally I didn’t have any ideas for this and then boom! 🤯 I had a few. Thanks to @missladym1981 for beta reading for me. 😘
Main Masterlist / Dieter Bravo Masterlist
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A joke between old friends. Dieter was doing well. Three years sober, well from the harder drugs. He still had the occasional joint and alcohol. You weren’t really into the weed, thought it stunk to high heaven. Dieter always managed to find some really fragrant strains though, smelled like incense. Type you would burn laying on a chase couch in a fancy silk robe. Maybe smoke one of those long cigarettes except it had bubbles coming out of it. Dieter bought you one and told you to make bubbles come out of it over FaceTime.
The two of you have many silly jokes over the years. Some about video games, some about animals, some about his job and yours. He never wanted to hear about relationships and didn’t mention any of his to you. You asked why one day because friends normally at least mention if they’re dating someone or not and Dieter flat out told you, “I don’t need to have the image of you fucking somebody in my head.” Had you not been as secure as you were, you’d take offense, but you left it alone, keeping it in the back of your mind.
One thing Bravo hadn’t joked about thankfully was his sobriety, finally taking it seriously. He told you that if he ever called you mentioning coke or pills to lock him up and prevent him from calling anyone for the drugs. This was another joke. He even bought you handcuffs, zip ties and some bondage tape. His assistant dropped it off with a quizzical look on their face. You smiled and put them in your office. You knew why they had that look, you two as just friends and Dieter’s never given you anything like that before. Like an idiot, you googled how to use the zip ties and tape, ending up on Pornhub and unaware that someone was banging on your door.
When the next pop-up blocked your screen again, that was when you heard, “Hey! You alive in there?! Open the hell up! What kind of friend are you?” Running downstairs, you open up the door recognizing the voice, Dieter’s at your door. It’s 11:30 at night. He stares at you and you wonder why. Ah…I’m in my nightgown. My pink satin one to match the handcuff fuzz. I don’t think I washed my hands, and they smell like…fuck.
You now know why.
“Moon Pie, you got someone up in here? Didn’t know you had someone. I need your help your help though, just a room.” He pleads at your doorstep, before you can answer, whatever ad has finished and there’s loud moaning from the video you had been watching. His eyes cut upward to where the noise is coming from. “Or maybe not. I didn’t think you watched porn.”
Putting your hands on your hips, “Anyone can watch porn Dieter. Am I not allowed according to some weird ass rule you have? I have sex sometimes too!” His eyes went wide as you stepped aside letting him in and he raised his hands to signal defeat, though he did laugh when you said the word sex.
“You can’t even say fuck Moon Pie. Listen, let’s not talk about that. I need you to keep me here. I’m feeling like I may need to make a bad call. I did give my assistant my phone, but I don’t want to chance it. You still got that box?” He pays your shoulder, plopping down on the couch.
“Go find your silly box yourself Dieter. I’m going back upstairs.” Waving your hands, you start upstairs, making it up three stairs before some slaps are heard from your laptop in your room. You really need to turn that off.
“To finish your porn instead of helping your friend?” He popped up met you at the bottom of the stairs, “Come on! You still have the tools, right?” His hands ran up your arms. This man. Despite showing up unannounced, late, interrupting some ‘me time’ and requesting he use tools you don’t know how to use save for the handcuffs, you’d still help him out. Even if he could be troublesome and rude at times, he always supported you in work endeavors and listened to you talk way too much about Final Fantasy games. He blames you for knowing about crystals and different jobs like paladin and black mage.
You didn’t answer him and walked upstairs to your room, to turn the porn off but the screen was frozen, playing the same moan ever and over. The image had a man zip tied to a pole while standing as a woman sucked him off. They both were letting out a combined moan. Swallowing hard, Dieter watched you switch your weight between your large hips, he removed his robe and brown t-shirt leaving himself in his brown pajama pants and removing his gray socks. “Moon Pie. Have you ever done that sort of thing? I doubt it.” His voice snapped you after your haze, turning to look at him, confusion dots your face.
“Why did you remove your shirt? I just need to tie you up and prevent you from leaving right? Put your shirt back on Dee.” His chest only has a small splattering of dark hair on his golden skin. He lays across your bed grinning. “Wait how long am I supposed to keep you here? You’re not getting me arrested.”
“I was hot and until I don’t feel like using. Where’s the box?”
“Stay there, it’s in my office.” You’re back momentarily with the fabled box and open it, taking out the handcuffs, zip ties and tape. “Here which do you want me to use? I’m tired.” Dropping the box on the bed, he frowns, you’re not playing along, you see annoyed. Shouldn’t you be happy he’s across your bed? Dieter is, why aren’t you?
You are tired sure, but you’re hornier and more aware that Dieter is not going to want anything to do with relieving any frustration you have. Holding your hands palms out, “Just tell me what you want me tie you up with so I can set up the guest room.”
“Hey, why are you pissed at me? I’m not leaving until you help me, you said you would.” Dieter scoots to the edge of the bed and leans on his elbows. “Are you really that mad I stopped you from finishing your porn? You don’t need it.” He picks up the handcuffs out of the box and studies the pink fuzz. It looks about the same shade as your nightgown. Moon Pie hasn’t used these has she? No, they don’t look used. I think. These are mine, I bought them for her to use with me. She shouldn’t be watching porn. I need to be the toy.
“Damn it Dieter! I’m not just your friend, I’m a woman who has needs no matter if you wanna think about it or not! Fuck you!” Charging at him, you grab his shoulders and knock him back on the bed, pinning him to bed. He slaps the handcuffs on your wrist and his. “What the hell?! They’re only supposed to go on you not me!”
Bravo licks his lips and turns his head to the side to kiss your hand after pulling his wrist to his mouth. “Oh, I’ve always liked the idea of you in handcuffs. You should fuck me Moon Pie.” His curved nose inches closer to your hand and sniffs it. He has your scent now, sticking one of your fingers into his mouth and pulling it back out.
The sensation from his lips went straight to your cunt and you stifled a moan. He will not have his way; you can ensure even if you’re handcuffed to him. “You said you couldn’t picture me fucking Dee? Are you looking for that much of a distraction?” You moved to sit beside him on the bed, but he pulled you back on top, his free hand roaming freely over your love handles. “Dee, I’m not just going to be used for you staying sober.”
Leaning forward, his face connected with your neck, licking it, “I’ve been using you to stay sober since I finish rehab three years ago. I knew if I went back, it would disappoint the hell out of you.” His teeth bit into your neck and a whimper escaped, small but it was enough to encourage him. “I didn’t want to think of someone fucking you other than me. I’m sure you have; they’re flies drawn to honey.” His hand ran from your rolls to your ass squeezing it. “If I’m going to stay sober for you, I should have you, shouldn’t I?” Rolling his hips up into yours, he licks the bite and lets go of your ass slapping it.
Dropping your hips, you press right into his clothed bulge, feeling it throb against your bare cunt. “You’re insane Dieter, how does that make any sense….?” Unfortunately, he’s making it so much worse, your nipples are visible through your nightgown, erect as you leak onto his pants from your core. “This is only because you stopped me earlier with your stupid request.”
“Whatever you want to tell yourself Moon Pie. Only I’m going to see you like this from now on, right?” The pads of his fingers trail up your spine and pull down one of the straps of your nightgown letting a breast become fully exposed. He licks it before blowing on it, eliciting another whimper. “Tell me I’ll be the only one. I’ll take the handcuffs off and make sure you come. Don’t be difficult tonight. Not when I need you.” He doesn’t wait for your answer before taking it in his mouth, and sitting up, pulling you into his lap. Instinctively, both of your hands grab his head, pulling his one hand back. He disconnects from your nipple to yelp from his shoulder suddenly going back.
You grin and try to reach for the key that’s in the box since he’s distracted, but Dieter gets on his knees and pulls on his wrist, having your arm come back toward him and making you fall face first into the bed. “Dieter let me get the key, then I can lock you in another room. Clearly you need to be.” His fingers trace your thighs but don’t go any higher, sighing, he lays down next to you.
“You seriously don’t want to have sex with me? Even after I tell you I want you to be my only one? So cold to me.” He pouts. This man is seriously pouting after he’s teased you? He doesn’t move as you get the key and unlock yourself. You consider handcuffing both of his hands but release him as well. Moving to the edge of the bed, you stand and turn off your laptop then return to sit on the bed.
“You’ve got to do better than trying to guilt me into it. You’re horrible at this.” You laugh as does he. If it had been anyone else, you’d never speak to them again at minimum, Dieter rolls on his side and kisses your thigh.
“We’ve been friends how long? You know I’m shit at this. I feel like I should ask, you’re not going to have me arrested for this are you?” You poke the scruff on his cheek.
“No, though I should. You’re insane Dieter Bravo. We’ll sleep on it.” You lay back and scoot up to the head of the bed, closing your eyes.
“Did you want to finish your porn? Or make our own? It will be Moon Pie’s debut!”” Slinks up the bed and lays his head on your chest, kissing your collar bone.
“You’re a dumbass Dieter. I would tie you up but you’d like it too much. Go to sleep.” Placing your fingers in his hair to scratch his scalp makes him purr, wrapping a leg around one of yours.
“Keep scratching my head like that and we won’t be sleeping at all you cheeky Moon Pie. I’ll be under that gown soon.” His face found its way back to your neck, licking the teeth marks he made earlier. Letting out a soft groan, you pull on Dieter’s hair, so he pulls his head back. “Jokes on you, I enjoy my hair being pulled. Manipulate me more.” His grin is criminal, he should be arrested for that if anything.
It wasn’t even two hours before Dieter had your legs up around his waist. He’s temperamental and a horrible communicator but damn if he didn’t have you call him an Oscar winner while he rutted into you from behind giving you your third orgasm before one in the morning.
Trash Panda Pals 🦝: @katw474 @readingiskeepingmegoing @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @megamindsecretlair @pamasaur @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @sp00kymulderr @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @titlee78 @tinytinymenace @magpiepillsjunior @soft-girl-musings @morallyinept @rhoorl @wannab-urs @survivingandenduring @missladym1981 @yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @heareball
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swifty-fox · 26 days
writing prompt request: buck/bucky or rosielemmons & domesticity - muse a rests chin on muse b’s shoulder to read/see what they’re holding
congrats on ur fic !! 💕 /solittles
this is so old but thak youuu ee
sorry i wrote them slow dancing im in a fluffy mood
if you were the only girl in the world
"sometimes when I feel bad, and things look blue..."
Gale taps his pencil against the paper in front of him and tries to decide if this was a sad song.
"I wish a girl I had… say one like you. Someone within my heart to build a throne"
He's sat on the sofa, feet tucked up underneath him like a child and trying to headache himself through the sort of mathematical problems that left even him feeling stupid. Bucky's supposed to be in the kitchen cooking a roast, but Gale isn't sure how much singing a slab of beef really needs in the cooking process. He's been banned, regardless of the signing, because the mess John left behind every time he cooked left Gale twitchy and irritable. He doesn't think it's hard to clean as one goes, but John thought it was faster to do it all at once.
"And what if you need something that's dirty?"
"Then I'll wash that one."
The singing draws nearer, bringing with it the smell of woodsy cologne and cigarettes.
"If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy," John croons.
Gale looks up to find him leaning in the doorway, shirtsleeves rolled to his elbows and hair flopping out of its careful gel from steam. He looked good, looked healthy and whole and Gale thinks maybe five years out they were getting somewhere close to okay.
He recognizes the song now, an old Great War ditty that he'd heard crooned from open saloons and bars as a child.
"Bucky," He sighs, hunching over his work defensively, "I told you I'm all yours after supper."
John smiles at him, sweet and broad and eye-crinkling guileless and Gale isn't fooled by the beast underneath for a single second.
"Nothing-" He slides around the sofa and holds a hand out for Gale to take with a challenging smirk, "-else would matter in the world today, we would go on loving in the same old way."
His voice was still awful, but when it was less quiet and booming there was almost a melody to it, something Gale found pleasant if he were pressed to admit. Maybe it was rose-colored affection, maybe John just loved him enough to make the words sound good.
Gale takes John's hand but he makes sure to sigh at him enough to show his reluctance but John presses a bristly kiss to his cheek on the tug up and places his hand at a respectful spot on his waist and gets them swaying.
"A garden of Eden, just made for two," John says, leading him around their small living room, "with nothing to mar our joy."
Sometimes they bicker about it with their hands and their steps, who was leading. Nothing beyond playful, but they were both pilots both left-seaters and giving up the yoke wasn't something they did without good reason. But tonight Gale is content to give it over to John, starving for any moment where the other man's eyes were bright and clear and present. Better every year.
"I would say such wonderful things to you, there would be such wonderful things to do."
John gives over the lead to him, passing it off flawlessly and Gale sways them as John nuzzles his way into his shoulder.
"If you were the only girl in the world, and I were the only boy."
"Think those guys on base know you're such a softie?" Gale asks.
John scoffs, pulling back and freeing Gale back to his seat, "They think I'm somewhere between God and Captain America himself. I don't think it's even crossed their minds."
Gale hums, adjusts himself as John wraps arms around his waist, chin hooking over his shoulder to peer down at the paper.
"It's done wonders to heal your issue with humility"
"mm," John's lips press against his neck, "You're off by two numbers."
Gale pauses and then squints, curving his mouth into a crooked smile.
"So I am."
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mythicalmyles · 1 year
hihi can you do ben w/ a friends to lovers thing? like they’re just playing video games as friends (w/ mutual crushes) and something happens? consensual pls:)
w/ grinding and eating out maybe (w/ regular fucking too) ? and extra points for the nickname pretty boy and praise tyty sorry if that’s too specific!! love ur writing!!
hope u enjoyy im pretty happy w this tbh n u can never b too specific for me it rlly helps<3
drug use(everything's consensual though)/heated/lazy sex/18+/bottom/sub reader
You're eyes slowly flicked over to Bens, his tongue between his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed as the sound of his controller boomed through the room. Your feet were on his lap, absentmindedly watching him play Mario Kart. These days were the best, sitting here with Ben and some bud.
Ben let a frustrated sound as he threw the controller onto the table, falling back onto the sofa with a huff. "Told you you sucked ass when you couldn't cheat." You smirked, Ben glaring at you with no heat. He rolled his eyes and threw his head back and closed his eyes. "Make yourself useful and roll up." You didn't need to be told twice, quick to pick up his box and set it down on your stomach.
Your mind went quiet as you ground up some of the weed, quickly shredding it up and pulling a skin out. You used your usual mark on the roach and threw it into the paper, not noticing Ben hadn't stopped staring at you. His eyes running over your face, focusing on the way you played with your tongue as you concentrated.
When you began licking up the paper he couldn't help but imagine you licking his cock instead, your hot mouth wrapping around him. His thoughts were cut off when something hit his face, his eyes shot down to see the joint in his lap. You smiled at him. "Your weed." He shrugged and quickly lit it, the smell of marijuana quick to take over the room.
Ben enjoyed a few tokes before passing it to you, you sniggered at the sight of his already red eyes. His eyes were always super sensitive to the stuff, you wondered if it had something to do with his lack of life. You passed the joint between you in silence, the sound of the Mario Kart music playing quietly in the background was the only noise heard.
You stubbed out the joint, flicking the ashtray away from the edge. You could feel Ben rattling besides you, you eyes him and his eyes shot away. "You can ask me anything you know. What? Want me to get you something?" You chuckled rolling your eyes, he always got super lazy when high.
Comfort surrounded you as warmth filled your body, content to just sit there until he could spit it out. "Come here." His voice was quiet and you almost didn't catch what he said, until his arms opened. You prayed that the warmth you currently felt shooting across your face wouldn't be seen by him. Ben also got affectionate when high, you told yourself he just wanted something comfortable to cuddle into.
You shuffled over to him, climbing into his lap with your legs spread over his hips. You tried your best to not show he was affecting you, instead of pulling you into his chest like you had expected his hands rested on your biceps, keeping you in place as his eyes ran over you. Suddenly feeling self conscious you couldn't help but squirm in his lap, gasping went you felt his rock hard cock pressing against you.
Your face was bright red as you and Ben gazed into each others eyes, neither of you noticed how close you had gotten, noses touching as your laboured breathing filled the room. Ben lost any restraint he had and pressed his against yours, your heart fluttered as your lips began sliding together. The kiss was hot and sweet, way better then you could have ever imagined. Your hands came up to grab Bens face, pulling yourself closer while his hands ran up your thighs, stopping on your hips to pull you closer together.
Ben worked you up quick, cheeks flushed as his tongue explored your mouth, hands roaming your ass. His fingers dug into your skin, trying to pull you into him. You sat like this for a few minutes, in his lap with his tongue down your throat while his hands explored every part of you they could reach. It felt like he was committing your touch to memory. Your bodies ground together sloppily, sweat quickly beginning to coat both of your bodies.
You pulled away from Ben, gasping for air. A string of saliva that had been connecting you spilt, you looked at Ben with pupils blown wide through your lashes. Ben let out a groan. "I wanna try something." You nodded as he pushed you over the side of the couch, his hands slipped down your jeans and boxers. He bit his lip as his hands spread your ass apart, groaning as he finally saw what was underneath your clothes.
He couldn't help himself as he dove forward, tongue licking a strip up your ass. You let out a squeal as your body tensed, that was the last thing you had expected him to do. Despite your shaking body you kept yourself still, Bens hands on your hips helping keep you up. He didn't waste time sliding his tongue into you, smirking at the moan he tore from your lips. "F-fuck Be-Ben! So goo-ood." You cried out as his tongue slid as deep as he could get it, eating you out like you were his last meal.
You couldn't stop moans pouring from you, loosing your mind when he slid two fingers into you. You felt like you were about to lose your mind, stomach clenching and body twitching. It was almost embarrassing how close you were to cuming already, the feeling on his tongue and fingers inside of you was mind numbing. Tears leaked from your eyes as you ground back into him, sobbing and babbling his name as you lost your mind.
Ben suddenly pulling you away had you whining, he chuckled. "Sorry but, I can't wait anymore." You grinned as he grabbed your hips, pulling you down and wrapping one of his arms around your waist. He gently kissed your shoulder. "You. You want this right?" Ben's voice was unsure, his free hand resting on your hip and drawing shapes. "Ben, fuck me, please." You begged, Ben relaxed and grinned. He lined his cock up with your hole, tip teasing you before he began to slowly slide into you.
You couldn't deny it hurt, but you push through. You wanted Ben more then anything, you could take it. A strangled moan was ripped from you when he suddenly slid himself balls deep, his arms wrapping around you and holding you as he let you breath and adjust.
You lay there together for a few minutes taking deep breaths, his sweaty head pressing against your back and he let you take all the time you needed. "O-okay." You rasped out, shifting your own hips and moaning as you felt Ben's cock move inside of you. It almost felt like you belonged here, Ben thrusting into you, getting you use to his movements. His arms tightened around you, keeping you close as you began moaning loudly, Ben's thrusts picking up.
"G-god Ben, so go-good." You cried out, his cock hitting your prostate with every thrust. "Y-you're such a good fucking boy, taking my cock so well." Ben's words had your body shuddering, moaning as you ground back into his thrusts. "Lo-look so fuckin' prett-pretty taking my cock." Ben choked out, his words going straight to your cock. Ben continued to babble as he fucked you, your mind overwhelmed with every filthy word he spoke.
"Mh- Ben, don't stop. Please. Ple-." You begged as your body seized up, thighs clenching as your orgasm shot through you, a scream ricocheting through Ben's flat as you came hard. "Sh-Shit! Such a f-fuckin' pretty boy. S-so pretty." He babbled as his thrusts grew sloppier, his arms grabbing you extremely tightly as he shot his load into your stomach.
Both of you lay there, unmoving and panting as the Mario music continued to play in the background. "You okay?" Ben's voice was huskier and it sent a shiver up your spine, turning to look at him with a content smile before placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
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peachkkuma · 5 months
📓. DIARY ENTRY 07 ︴MAY 15, 2024
dear loass diary…
I just fully realized that I’ve been doing this like five minutes ago, so I had to write it here to get my thoughts out, make sure I don’t forget my realization, and hopefully have an epiphany.
So, context first. I’m sick rn and I remembered a specific part of one of Neville’s lectures where he said something along the lines of how a sick man wanted to be healthy so all he did was focus on being healthy. (semi-unrelated note to future self: Notice how I put “ALL HE DID” as in, that was the only thing he did? That’s because that’s the only thing he needs to do!! it’s all about having genuine awareness of obtaining your desires, stop over complicating it and trying to make excuses when u know damn well that’s all there is to the law). After remembering that I was like, “yo why don’t I try that” because why would I want to be sick?? So anyways I was like trying (emphasis on the trying) to imagine myself as my healthiest self and only be aware of being healthy. After two minutes of that, I decided to call it quits and thought to myself “hope it works.” GIRL WHATTT?? That’s my problem right there, I’m pretending even in my own imagination. I think I have myself fooled, that I’ve deceived myself into thinking that I believe I have what I want in imagination when I DONT. Right after my so called imagining I literally had the thoughts of a person who was sick, was aware and focused on my illness, and just overall identified as someone who caught a cold. and then, that’s when the common sense hit me and I was like “wait, who do I think I’m fooling?” It’s like I thought just because these circumstances exist in the 3D doesn’t mean they can’t also be in my imagination. It fr is like i see the 3D and 4D as something separate when that’s not at all the case. Because those thoughts of me being sick? That was a state, the was who I was in imagination. Who I am in imagination. Life truly is imagination. And I rlly feel that now. So, future me, let me try to help u out by telling u how to actually get into ur desired state and maintain it:
1. Decide u have it
“I have xyz” BOOM ur done, it’s done, because creation is finished. There is nothing to create in the 3D or the 4D, it already exists exactly the way u want it to, waiting for you. So act like it.
2. State ≠ instant gratification
I’m gonna hold ur hand while I say this, states aren’t here to be a relief or a distraction. They’re not meant to temporarily ease any anxiety u have. So stop treating the sowf as a temporary escape from the 3D, it’s real. and if u keep up this bad habit, if u start seeing the sowf as just a way to shut up ur worries without actually knowing it’ll come to pass, then you’re on a dangerous road that leads to believing the 3D is the real reality. And yk that it’s not.
3. Actually maintaining a state
U r meant to see the world from the perspective of ur desired self, the u that has it all. Why do u think it’s called the law of assumption girly? U gotta assume u already got it. My thing is, I have too much going on in my real life and I think “I don’t have time to be in the sowf I have too much on my mind.” That’s a problem because one, ur allowed to be a part of the 3D. U don’t have to pretend it doesn’t exist. And two, I’m identifying with the 3D and it’s circumstances. News flash, the 3D doesn’t just disappear the moment u say an affirmation or visualize a scene, u still have responsibilities. The trick is knowing that’s not u. U don’t have to be thinking like ur desired self 100% of the time so don’t expect urself too. Deal with ur stuff, but know who u actually are, who YOU chose to be. To maintain ur state, do whatever helps u feel like ur the u want to be. Revise ur day before bed, think the thoughts ur desired self would think, but don’t force anything. Forcing urself just means u feel like u don’t have what u want, and so ur desperate to get it, if u feel like u don’t have it, don’t force a method. Instead remind urself that it’s already done, it’s been done.u already decided that u had it, nothing can erase that decision except for u.
4. Getting used to it
Everytime I think of ur desired self remember that THAT IS U!! Not someone u could be or will be soon, BUT YOU RN. If u don’t feel that way, it’s because u identify with the 3D and ur past assumptions of urself, and we already discussed how that’s a huuuuuuggggeeeee no. Don’t force urself into getting used to it because, again, force means wanting to get something out of the 3D. But that’s not the real reality, so why want something from there when u can have what u want rn? Remember that ur imagination, ur awareness, ur consciousness, whatever u wanna call it won’t lie to u. It’s the most accurate reflection of both u and ur life. What u experience in there is ur real reality, whether that be the one u want or not. So girl, get used to being who u want to be. It’ll feel so weird at first, uncomfortable rlly. Cuz ik myself, the only way I’ll get in the state is if I keep myself in check. (going on a mental diet is okay if ur not doing it for the 3D, future self.)I’ll probably just be asking myself 24/7 “would my desired self think/react/feel like that?” And honestly, that’ll probably be the only way I’ll learn. Once u start correcting urself, for the sake of wanting to be ur desired self, it’ll come naturally. Both the habit of being in the state and ur manifestations
The law wasn’t mean to be tricky, how could it be when it’s literally called the law of assumption? There rlly isn’t much to it except assuming u have what u want by helping urself believe u have what u want, so stop trying to think there’s more to it— that it’s not that simple or easy. Ur wasting ur time with everything else, the overthinking, the wondering about the when and how, the over complicating, and the wondering if u did it right. Just be.
kisses, peachkkuma
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seiwas · 1 year
Sel, hiiiiii 🤍 hope you're having a lovely day!
I was wondering more about col couple and i'm curious what do lovebirds do together in their day to day lives now that both of them can be at peace after everything that has happened? Do you think they'd have mini versions of themselves sometime in the future? (Ignore this if it's something uncomfy for you ^^)
Anyhow, i keep going back to re-read them over and over, it's just so captivating and my favourite thing yet so i love you so so much for creating this, you're also such a lovely individual here !! 🤍😭
tina darling!!! hiiii 🥹 i’m so touched that you’re re-reading omg??? 😭 pls i am sending u cookies and love mails!!! thank u so much for reading!! and u always say i’m a lovely person, but i hope u know that u are too!!! 😭 i hope you’re having the most beautiful day as well ❣️
i’m so touched that u’re thinking abt the col couple, they’re on my mind all the time too 🤧, thank u for asking this!!! 🥹
hmmm what do they do in their day-to-day now that everything’s more settled…
sorcerer work is still there, although a lot less!! and they handle a lot more on the admin side of things now (which i vaguely mention in the collection i think!)
satoru’s trying really hard to be a better partner 🥹 (whatever ‘better’ means, he’s just whipped!!! wants reader to feel all that he feels for em 🥹) & reader doesn’t ask for it, but he does all the cheesy things!! anniversary plans, those date ideas you can find on tiktok or ig reels, and he searches the top 10 romantic places for a picnic but forgets to check the forecast so it rains that day 🥹🤧😭
he tries to vlog some of it too!! for the ~~memories (and lowkey for the clout…) and posts it on his socials!! (yuuji leaves the sweetest comment and megumi gives a thumbs down 🤧) & it booms for a while but reader starts getting hate from like… 13 year olds… (he becomes a social media heartthrob unfortunately 😔) so he takes it down 😭 (and also—he sees comments on how hot reader is, some of them kind of… 😳, and he’s jealous so. nope. for his eyes only from now on!)
reader spends a lot more time w the students, or former students now, really & reader likes picking up new hobbies all the time!! trying out new things!! so there’s a rotation of the people that join in 🥺 (pottery with megumi, cooking with inumaki, yoga with yuuji (gojo joins in…. 👀🤨), dance with nobara 😭 and more!!!)
and!!! they move in together 🥺 officially 🥺 and his office is now theirs, also officially 🥹
would you all be interested in me writing more pieces on stuff like this for ‘conversations on love’? 😳
talks of children, kids, parenting, etc. under the cut
i don’t mind talking abt them having kids at all!! but thank you for being so thoughtful tina 🥺
i do love me a good papa!gojo 🥺 and i think reader would make such a loving parent too 🥺 so i can totally see it happening with them!! but!!! i don’t think it’s a priority, or something they actively think about/plan to happen 🥺
there’s definitely a lot of reluctancy with it (on both ends actually) —given that they’ve had a bit of experience with megumi and tsumiki despite being kinda thrust into it back then— they’d be more careful and conscious about it now, that if they do decide on mini-me’s, they want to be sure they can be present, in a world that’s safe and right to raise their own children 🥺
sorry this got so long!! but i hope i answered all your questions 🥹
@stellamancer tagging u here bc col couple is urs as much as they r mine 💘
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dakotafinely · 2 years
heyyy !! i saw ur reqs were open and im literally about to binge everything youve written- and i hope whatever happened you’re okay now !!
im so sorry if you dont take x readers but may i request the rise turtles (separately ofc) with a reader who says the corniest, cheesiest, mind numbingly stupid pick up lines
like they think they’re safe until the reader starts spewing pick up lines at the most random moments
thank you if u decide to write this !!
Poiuhgfghjkjhnbghui hello! Thanks, the thing happened months ago I'm just super slow at responding to things oiujhjolkjh but still thanks! I hope you enjoy your reading binge!
I don't really do a lot of X Reader requests (mostly because I don't get that many) but I assure you I'm never opposed to them! Plus how can I resist such an idea, as a corny cheesy dork myself I must represent all the corny cheesy dorks out there!
== == ==
Say what you wish but this man is already a corny cheesy pun master
I mean have you HEARD his puns? He is a man of the corn(y lines)
So he's actually very good at matching your energy most of the time
Heck sometimes he can even guess what you're gonna say before you get to even say it
Tho sometimes, in the moments where he truly doesn't expect it, you can get him red as a tomato
Honestly, why do you think he likes to use cheesy and corny pick up lines? Because he's a romantic little sap who wants someone to match his energy and romance him that's why
He'll cover his face and smile wide when he blushes hard
"Ya can't just catch me off guard like that you know?" He jokes
Bc truly, he adores it that you can keep him on his toes and guessing sometimes
Complete opposite of Leo, but are we surprised by this?
Either it goes over his head by taking whatever you said literally (which you find adorkable let's be real)
Or he rolls his eyes and tells you you're a sap
But if you stop? If you stop bc you believe your annoying him or you've had a bad day and don't wanna deal with his reactions?
"Are you okay? What's wrong, you haven't made a pun and you've been here for at least ten minutes."
Worried, he won't show it, but he will pry and make sure your okay
Bc yeah, he doesn't really care for puns or cheesy pick up lines, as their not his thing in the slightest
He still likes that you do them, their your thing, and it's what makes him love you, even if he doesn't admit it
And trust me, he'd probably rather die then admit it
Mikey either giggles from them or smiles and rolls his eyes depending on the level of cheesiness
He loves you! And he loves that you love him! And he loves that you express it in a adorkable way!
What more can he say? He'll try and reciprocate it but he's not quite the pun master the way Leo is
Still, if he does and you two get the ball rolling back and forth his heart flutters with joy and that's the thing to keep him smiling for months alone
His favorites are your arty based puns, as they often come with a little doodle or are a left behind sticky note he can keep as a little token of you in his room
Plus their the easiest for him to reciprocate too as an art nerd
Just a lil cheesy doodle with a pun based pick up line and boom! You two are giggling like dorks in love
Tho he's most frequent response is often just a string of giggles and hugging you tightly
Raph is a very big pun lover as well as pun despiser
While he may laugh and rolls his eyes at everyone else's puns, if he makes one without thinking he just goes :| (contemplates life choices)
Tho in truth if he does get a laugh or giggle out of you with a pun, he'll smile wide
And he loves your puns and cheesy pick up lines so deeply
He is a blushy boy I refuse criticism
While he may roll his eyes and scoff lightly
It's SO obvious that he truly enjoys it from the blush on his face and smile spreading on his beak
He doesn't really ever return the energy you throw at him but he does always accept it and embrace it
He honestly enjoys clever puzzle based pick up lines
Or any pick up line or pun that makes him think for a minute
== == ==
This was cute! Thanks for the ask, I always enjoy 'em! Hope you have a lovely day, afternoon, and goodnight!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
HOLY SHIT HI KOTO ANON!!! UR ASKS R LIKE… SUPER COOL. Anyways this ask is unrelated w/ koto-anons ask, i just think they’re cool,,,
anyways, more shiobi brainrot and expanding on my last ask abt kakashi because oh my fucking god, these bitches make me so fucking sad. (also the fucking naruto timeline makes my head hurt so fuck the timeline!)
Ever since he was little, Obito would always make up stories about his team in a fairytale-esk way. For example: “the white wolf who's always a stickler for rules!” and “how he saved a princess!” (this is kinda relevant idk– i wanted to include this part into the confrontation but things just don't work out)
Later on, Obito would die during THE mission– with shisui’s genin team dying within the same month. Shisui was well, inconsolable. That doesn’t help with the fact that the Uchiha clan is now looking at him with those eyes and– obito-nii please. I'm scared. please come back… – and how he’s now treated as a weapon.
Then boom Inoichi and Shisui bonding time. (more like therapy sessions but shhh…)
During this time, Shisui has never seen Kakashi ever since Obito’s death. And with the rumors of Kakashi being well… a friend killer. Uhm. yikes.
Later on in his life, he was well recruited into anbu– he saw like kakashi in his hound mode (kakashi’s inner thoughts: oh god oh fuck– OBITO’S LITTLE BROTHER. IS IN FUCKING ANBU. FUCK. (kakashi’s a mess and i love him)) 
He passes yada yada. Skipping to Kakashi’s and Shisui’s confrontation–
“S–Shisui...?” and just like that, the air within Shisui’s lungs [just evaporates.] He knew that voice– no, he knows that voice. [smth smth about being obito’s teammate)
His mind is clouded with denial, grief, and.. and.. 
… and anger. [so so so much anger boils inside Shisui]. He wanted to yell why Obito died instead of him. He wanted to sob into him knowing that his older brother’s death didn’t go to waste and how he knew he cared way too much about his teammates and and– He wanted to attack Kakashi right there and then because how dare he–!
He… … feels a lot of things about Kakashi and it takes [his entire willpower to not contort his face.] “... I hate you so much,” He blurted with [such venom in his voice]. He knows he shouldn’t let his anger get the better of him– he knows it isn’t kakashi’s fault but… feelings are so so irrational, aren’t they?
Hou– Kakashi [took a step back– no, backpedaled.] and and … fuck.
“I’m… For what it’s worth, I’m.. I’m sorry,” Kakashi said, his voice hitching. “Sorries won’t bring Obito back.” He spat, before walking away from him.
Ok so, i cannot believe i actually wrote that WHOOPS. Is Shisui a bit ooc? Maybe but shh! Anyways! After that, they both tip toed towards each other before they decide to actually get to know each other and bond through the trauma they both went through.
Shisui never knew how Obito truly died just that he knew that Kakashi had Obito’s eyes (and for all that he hated Kakashi, he knew he wasn’t a bloodline thief.) and then boom trauma bonding then boom Shisui died presumeably from suicide. (which uh… not the best move Shisui)
Kakashi just went straight to grieving mode because he lost the last connection to Obito and spent his life devoted to protecting Naruto because he isn’t gonna lose another precious person of his.
This is just a rough idea, my daydreams are wayyy more in depth but i need to get this outta my system lol.
It is currently 11 pm. I think I have a problem with asking during ungodly hours <3 ALSO IF ANYONE ELSE WANNA WRITE ABT THIS… PLS DO. I DON’T HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE 😭
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N-anon 🤝 me, star struck for Koto-anon lmao
This ask is a feat! I'm so impressed, let me try to respond systematically
Fuck the Narutoverse timeline? Fuck the Narutoverse timeline! I spent three days in 2021 trying to make it make sense and then i just gave up and built my own timeline (hence some wonky ages, most notably Shisui) 😅 it was waaaaaay too long for my AO3 A/Ns (not because i thought so, c'mon i don't shut up, but because it literally went over word limit) so...idk if people are interested, I could talk about it more on here???
Honestly the fairytale element just makes me desperately want a fantasy, magical, or even an InkHeart AU 🥺
Honestly, I'm not sure it IS OOC because, let's be honest, Shisui probably has a fair bit of repressed anger and he probably (ironically) would have some feelings about eye implants so writing a scene/fic where Shisui flips his tits at Kakashi just sounds cathartic to me! I can't believe you wrote honest to God dialogue in my askbox, I'm very honoured (genuinely, this takes time) ✨
This sounds like a great wip idea! If it ever hits the page (I'm not sure my askbox counts?) then please link me!
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mg-dango · 7 months
Do you want to take a moment to be infodumped about my TF2 OC? (pls say yes)👉👈
YOOOOO Hi I’m not dead (yet)
College’s been eating me alive with homework, which hasn't allowed me to finish a single drawing or play video-games, not even sleep more than 4 hours haha (send help/j)
HOWEVER- However, I recently got an hyperfixation on TF2 and oh lord I love it, I could talk about it all day. I´ve been reading fanfiction, watching gameplays and SFM videos on youtube. I don't how could I've missed this fandom before iT’S CRAZY-
And like everytime I get so engaged on a fandom, I try to self-insert me with art, and then like everytime I try to self-insert me everytime, it fails miserably because the mf fictional interpretations of me start growing their own characteristics, differences and personalities and when I less expect it- BOOM, they´re a totally new OC with little to no hints of me in them. 
Sooo this is exactly how this OC I wanna present you today was born, usually I just wait until I have 2 or 3 drawings of them and then I present them with little to no explanation on social media, but since my current free time is not letting me do anything and I’ve been dying to infodump about them, I said “f-ck it we ball” and just straight up tell you guys what I have made of this new blorbo until now:
NOTE: Some of the things about this oc are a bit stereotypical about Japanese culture, I apologize and if something makes you feel uncomfortable/bothered about it, please let me know!
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Like her name suggests, she is a chef, originary from Japan. The story I currently have for her now is that Miss Pauling temporally wanted to hire a cook to boost the morale on the base, and Chef enthusiastically took the job after being kicked out of cooking school, there was one problem tho
Chef only knows to cook one single thing and It’s sushi, like, if she tries making something else, that thing ends up transforming into some kind of sushi-like thing (Like sushi-getti, sushi-taco, even sushi-sandvich and sushi-cereal).
The team at one point gets sick of always eating sushi, but for some reason (I´m still thinking of the reason) they can't fire her from her new job so they just end up making her a new member of the team
Which is actually bananas because Chef comes from a family of ninjas (I´m still thinking on the lore of that too)
Also here's the thing, everyone on the team thinks that Chef is a man, she was about to correct them but instead she discovered she liked being referred also with masculine pronouns and being perceived as a man so instead she's just internally having an identity crisis figuring out her gender while keeping it a secret.
She's been trying to avoid medic for that same reason, she hasn't gotten her übercharge-thing surgery yet because then Medic would have to see her chest and her secret would spill out
(I actually doubt medic or any other member would mind having a woman on the team but still ohhh the drama)
She can throw smoke bombs that are made of wasabi, uses an Oroshi Hocho (A knife used to cut tuna) as a sword and can make a temporary clone of herself (I’m sorry if this sounds a bit like a Mary Sue I got too excited)
Chef is Aroace (‘Cause I'm aro and I wanted an aro oc to make me feel represented), she values A LOT friendships and platonic relationships.
She likes hanging out with scout bc she thinks he is simply goofy and hilarious and a funny idiot (ur honor they’re homies)
Annnd that's all I have of Chef for now, probably gonna be changing a lot of things the longer I draw her but uh, If you have come to this part and took the bother to read all this infodumping, I wanna hug u virtually and say “thank u” I really appreciate you <3
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fle4floves · 2 years
Thinking about your f/o having a big fat crush on you is so cool actually, no it’s really awesome you should draw it out and everything maybe even write some stuff about it
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pinkpicket · 2 years
What's beautiful about you?
Okay uglies i hope u like this reading 🥰🥰🥰
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And i know my aesthetic is ugly 💀💀💀 but I can't worry about aesthetic when i dont even know how to use this goddamn app 😩 like why is it so fuvking complicated😭😔
Also why tf is everyone in my readings so hot??? Im actually kinda offended rn 😩
1. I see you as someone very open, like you know how there’s people that are open about their opinions and thoughts without being afraid of being judged? Yes that’s what’s so beautiful about you. Like the type to not be silent about the mistreatment of someone only bc everyone else is or bc it’s not in ur advantage, almost like a truth speaker. The defender of the truth. Veryyy fair, i genuinly love this so much bc it reminds me of the type of people that stand up for the underdogs( id like to mention not just underdogs but anyone that’s the victim in the said situation even if the person in general is not a good person). And you absolutely have very good judgement, u dont get fooled easily u can see through liars and deceivers which explains why u stand up for the innocent bc u can detect honesty just as easily as u can detect deceive.
2. Your duality. Someone that can fall to the lowest of lows just to stand up again and try all over till u reach the highest of highs. But the saddest thing about this is other people cannot see this, they dont see the hardships u go through just to get to that (king) position. After all u r the “hot stuff” the successful almost too careless person to them, but baby they never see what u go through deep down, and all of this makes a very big portion of ur beauty. The beauty of a person standing so tall and proud only on inside to find a very vulnerable hardworking person.
3. A person with sooo many good qualities. Honestly idk if u know jungkook from bts, but that’s how u r. Like u have so many good qualities that i dont even what to mention, almost like someone that is just good with whatever they set their mind on ( personally to me this is the hottest thing in the whole world im not even kidding 😫🥵) u know how some just pick up something one day and boom they’re good at it? Lmao that’s u ( tbh very virgo energy). altho lmaoooo u can be just a bit insensitive but tbh that also makes u so hot, like damn mf can anything truly effect u negatively??? Or do u just keep winning no matter what? Lol biggg winner vibes. *** now whoever u r, hit me up bc 😈😈😈😈😫 damn baby***
4. Pfffff we got a playboy\girl 😂😂 ok u mf u kinda manipulative, ok maybe a lot. Like u can woo anyone if u really want to ( tbh u not the most dependable person if we being honest 😶 like u just wanna play after all ). This careless act( yes it’s an act i knowww🫢) of urs really makes u attractive to others. U really are one hot toxic mf? Aren’t u?
5. Ooofff. Strength that’s ur beauty. Have u ever met people that are just so strong but low-key? Yup yup that’s u. Like u know u strong and u dont need to prove it to no one. ur so gentle and patient but so strong, im actually amazed by how someone can maintain such balance 🥰 but im not surprised considering u have reasons to be like this. U went through a lot and people were not the nicest to you about it, there was no one u could’ve relied on so now u have become that person others can rely on. And not only they can be dependent on u when they’re not strong enough but u also do it so selflessly and lovingly. Im actually in love with u 🥹
6. Damn this is the big group huh? Okay probably some from group 5 will read this too bc i exactly got group 5 cards plus two extra( so remember how i group 5 are lowkey? This group is anything but lowkey 😂😂) cards. The only difference between the two groups is this group is not as gentle as the other one. This one is rougher, almost sharper ( i get snake vibes, you know like someone that was forced into so many bad situations that they finally were like fuvk it imma do something about this myself this time, and ever since they haven’t stopped. So snake vibes like a transformation that roughened your edges).
Ohhhh also I'll do a Whats ugly about u later on, so check that too soooo u know follow me so u find it later on 😈
Ok bye that's it yall hot but not as hot as me tho 🥰🥰🥰
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kirascottage · 3 years
dating jj maybank
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jj maybank x gender neutral. reader
word count: 1.8k
cw: headcanons, overall domestic fluff, angst if you squint till ur visions blurry, mentions of poor emotional expression, mentions of sex / sexual innuendos, mentions of fighting / injury, strong pda, kissing, consensual groping, swearing, soft!jj
okay so this is the first time i’ve ever written dating headcanons so i’m gonna try my best
• jj and expressing emotions are a very complicated duo and almost everyone knows it, including you. he knows how he feels for you, and feels it strongly, but the way it comes out of his mouth is like gibberish and completely not understandable. 
“so you know — like — i don’t know, man. i feel heavy for you, like do you feel heavy for me, too?”
“jj, i don’t even know what heavy means in this context and what you’re referring to.”
• but he comes from a good place, and you come to know, learn and love that, because well he loves you, and with jj you just have to infer by his mess of words.
• this boy tries to be as romantic as possible but he’s literally never had a s/o before. the only thing he knows are one nighters so there is a lot that pope and john b advise him on because miscommunication is quite literally the worst. (stated by john b himself)
• for this instance and the sake of the headcanons: you are a member of the pogues, through and through.
• so most of the time you’re together, the pogues are there too. even dates. they love to occupy and jj could shout at the top of his lungs how they are the biggest cock-blockers to ever exist and they would not care. 
• so at that point he doesn’t even try to keep his hands to himself, he will touch you or quite literally make out with you in front of anyone and everyone he can.
• i mean he can get a little protective. (also considering he would never let you around his dad because he wants to protect you and would never let you near anyone that could hurt you) 
• i mean this guy would fight for you till the very end; punches thrown countless of times and harsh words absolutely shouted more times than you could count on your fingers, but no matter how many times you chastise jj, he would never stop to defend your honour because at the end of the night you’re the one playing with his hair and kissing his cuts and bruises.
• especially after everything as well with rafe, topper and the kooks he just wants everyone (including the tourons you see once a millennium) to know that you and him are romantically involved and you are very much taken.
• he even lets the most irrelevant people know the both of you are dating because he loves you that much:
“okay, babe, here me out—”
“jj a whole group of kids just asked me about our relationship! i love you, but the whole population does not need to know that we’re together.”
“obviously we can't tell the whole population! or I would, duh.”
•  even though he could blabber on about everything about you, including what shampoo you use and which perfume of yours is his favourite, affection is more his style: 
• this includes walking around with his hand in your back pocket because wearing anything but jean shorts is really not an option in that heat, (and this does include ass grabbing at every opportunity he can)—
• — his hand gently placed on your thigh while driving / while he’s next to you, interlocking pinkies 98% of the time as you walk together —
• — and peppering kisses is always happening. whether they’re ticking at your checks, suffocating your neck or affectionately placed on your forehead he’s always kissing you.
• other key, and essential, things that come to mind are that his arm is always around you; after everything that’s happened to him he just needs to physically know you’re there and that’s enough to subdue him.
• it’s almost routine for him arm to go around your waist or your shoulder, whether you’re tall or short, tbh he doesn’t really care, his arms and lips are always on you.
• dating jj is dating a teenage boy with absolutely no impulse control and zero control over what he says—
“I mean, dude, if you think about it, why isn’t a banana called a yellow if an orange is called an orange? and why are phones called ‘telephones’ like who the fuck came up with that crap?”
“i mean, hey, we could bang out here and it’s not like anyone would know. like jb could be out in the living room and be like clueless.”
“jj, there’s two windows pointing directly at us. i think he would know.”
• —if you don’t understand then he definitely does not either.
• you also flip each other off a lot and people are like ??? but you both are like — fuck you —(affectionate & full of love with my middle fingers)
• one thing he does know is how to flatter you, whether he’s obnoxiously winking at you or bringing you flowers with his tips from work, or he picked them himself, it’s all in the effort.
• any effort from you is like kids getting their favourite toy they’ve been wanting on christmas, for instance: anytime you bring him food, or offer to stay with him at john b’s is like swelling up his heart to the maximum.
• so when he’s not with you, or the pogues, which is rare he is outside. and jj is like diego the explorer he always finds little places just for himself, or for this instance with you.
• so a lot of dates include going to these secluded spots: sometimes it’s a picnic, or a walk, and stargazing is his absolute favourite as he listens to you drone on about the constellations and even just watching the sky with your presence next to him is so comforting and makes him feel safe. 
• of course when the pogues find out they’re brutal with their teasing.
“awww, look at the cute and happy couple!”
“my wittle babies, growing up so fast.”
“god, kie, you make it sound like we’re five?!”
• speaking of alone time, jj loves to cuddle when you guys are alone and that’s one thing he’s not fond of being teased about.
• his head is firm on your chest, his arms wrapped around your waist and his leg flung over your hips. to him it’s just a perfect way to start and end the day.
• he also loves to watch movies while cuddling and he has a set of movies and their genres completely memorized for the occasion.
• he has such a good memory to the weirdest things. like he can state in the exact order your makeup routine, or talk about all the caves and sinkholes in yukatan but ask him how many states there are in america and he’s completely bummed.
• back to what i was saying, cuddling and movie times together.
• he’s the little spoon i will not argue with anyone about this, especially if something happened that day.
• like if rafe pissed him off, some kooks stepped on his toes, his dad had been particularly agitated that day or he was just frustrated. your embrace is what keeps his together. he just loves the feeling of your arms around him, essentially protecting him.
• and the pogues always get a kick out of it when they see you too snuggled in the morning. they even take pictures, a lot of pictures of everything and anything they can. 
• their fav times to take pictures is when you both are off guard: like when he’s putting his hat on you, he’s sharing his juul with you, you guys are laying together on the boat or maybe your surfing together in the water.
• he’s surprisingly intimate about everything even though they’re such mundane things for him.
• he expresses his love for you by actions rather than words. for example, he has a guitar (an absolutely beat up one with missing strings and chipped wood, but he says it has more character that way as well as your signature on the back of it)—
• —and just strums it for you absolutely whenever and however your mood is because no matter what its always calming. sometimes he even hums a little tune or starts singing a bit.  
• another few ways he depicts his love for you is by shoving his baseball hat on your head (the one that absolutely nobody is allowed to wear) because he doesn’t want you frying in the sun or dying of heatstroke.
• a lot of his tank tops are now yours because they’re so comfortable and you can wear them literally anywhere.
• he shares, only with you but, he shares. his rings are on your fingers, his bandana is around your neck, his boxers are your sleep shorts, and he absolutely eats that shit up.
• he also gets extremely comfortable with you, like even more than john b in a way. example: you could just be chilling, his arm wrapped around your neck and — boom — he’s shoving your face in his armpit and trying to tickle you.
• it gets to the point where the pogues are so used to it and sometimes even they join in because they even like being included in on your affections but would absolutely rather drown than admit it. they love watching their two best friends love grow for each other, and they're happy jj has found sanctuary to love and be with someone freely. 
• speaking of love, jj is also like a puppy: praise, reassurance and kisses are the way to his heart and staying there.
• i’m gonna say it, jj has self confidence and love issues. they are not detectable at all but with his mother gone and the way his father treated him, there’s shit buried in his heart that it takes awhile for him to open up about.
• once he does: he cries, and he cried a lot. but after that it was like never letting go again. he trusts you with his whole heart and soul and he knows you won’t take advantage of that.
• the way you both accept each other into each others lives is so important to him no matter where you live, who you are and what your family is like everything counts for him and that just makes you the person who you are. 
• dating jj can be complicated and messy and wonderful and passionate and relationships aren’t easy but he would def be worth it <3
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Woof | Eddie Munson x Reader
Plot:  You're the calm horse to Eddie "the Freak" Munson's chaotic dog. Or you were. [Eddie Munson x Gender Neutral!Reader]
Word count:  1,797
Warnings:  drug use at the end, the reader is kind of having an existential crisis, but i don't go into it. n*zi mention in the disclaimer below.
Disclaimer: Uh, yeah, fuck netflix, and fuck whoever came up with having a "stranger things experience" in a former n*zi prison where jewish and romani people were exterminated. that's an incredibly fucked up thing to do, and i do not support or endorse it.
A/N: alrighty, well, consider this a concept piece: if you want more, let me know, and i could make this into a series. i could make it extra tragic if eddie dies in volume 2, which i think he will. anyway.
Tags: @blixeon ur getting tagged bc i yelled about this to you at like, 1am and you liked the idea
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Y’know how sometimes teachers will put their more chaotic students next to the calmer ones in a desperate attempt to bring some peace to the classroom? And it’s kinda weird because those are both students, so it’s kinda like getting a horse to watch your dog, but they do it anyway either because they’re underfunded or because they’re just bad at their job or what have you?
Yeah. For a solid chunk of your public school experience, you were the calm horse to Eddie “The Freak” Munson’s chaotic dog.
And quite honestly, that plan fucking backfired.  
In their efforts to get Eddie to calm down and stop causing scenes, they had put you in the perfect position to 1) become his friend, and 2) get corrupted into chaos. No surprise here, you did both of those things.
Though you never truly matched Eddie’s level of audacity, you did manage to get up there by the time you graduated. Your personal havok included, but was not limited to, releasing a horde of hamsters onto your middle school in the seventh grade, causing mild damage to several lockers, and “spilling” milk on Tommy H. because he was just getting on your nerves more than usual that day. 
As you blossomed from a standard calm horse to a chaotic dog-horse hybrid, Eddie remained by your side, just as you remained by his. Your loyalty to each other never wavered at any stage. There was no one else you’d rather have on your team, no one else you’d rather talk to. Even when his hair was buzzed, and when you were on the quiet side, your bond (forged by a shared set of desks and a shared status of “the weird one”) was nigh unbreakable.
Things even got borderline romantic in the end - not to say that a romantic relationship is better than a platonic relationship, by the way. Platonic relationships are valid as fuck, and they’re just as good as romantic relationships. Romance is just the way it went with you and Eddie- at least for a moment. It was full-on friends to lovers, 600k words that I’m not going to bore you with. Long story short, you ended up kissing him by Skull Rock, and he gave you one of his rings. It was cute. It was sweet.
And then you graduated. And he didn’t. And then you left the state for college.
You didn’t speak for two years.
It wasn’t intentional, it just kind of happened. It was harder to keep up long-distance friendships in the days before the internet. Still, you missed him. He was your person, and then he was gone. You made your way through life, but he always stayed in the back of your mind.
And then, bada bing, bada boom, 1986 rolled around. You had taken a sizable bite out of a legal studies diploma, and in doing so, you burnt yourself all the way out. You were lost, and tired, and you really didn’t know what you were doing with your life anymore. So, you did the only rational thing you could think to do- you ran right home. Cursed or not, at least you didn’t have to deal with citing your sources in Hawkins.  
The town was more or less as you’d left it, just a bit more traumatized. Everything and everyone felt on edge as if the town was holding its breath, waiting for the next tragedy to unfurl itself upon them. Your parents were welcoming, happy to have their pride and joy home from school, and also happy to have you safe where they could see you. You couldn’t blame them for that one. The longer you spent in Hawkins, the more you understood the anxiety that came with your loved ones going unaccounted for.  
Overall, you were pretty good at keeping track of the people you cared about- but there was one person who you couldn’t find, no matter how hard you searched. It was almost like Eddie was actively avoiding you. Of course, you couldn’t be sure, but you still weren’t lovin’ it.
That fun bundle of anxious thoughts combined with the existential stress that followed you home from school kept you up at night. You didn’t sleep well at the best of times, but with all of that on your plate? You kind of just stared at the ceiling for eight hours at a time, stressed as hell and bored out of your mind.
So eventually, you just decided to go out and do something. Anything. Anything at all, you just needed the stimulation- you required enrichment in your environment, goddamnit.
Of course, everything was closed, so you ended up driving circles around Hawkins every night, waiting for some kind of plot to happen to you.
And then it did! The plot fucking rear-ended you like a bitch!
You almost didn’t want to blame the plot- it was raining pretty hard that night, and the roads were a little slick. Unfortunately, the plot drives like a fucking madman, and he always does this, and he always has.
Even so, when you climbed out of your car and saw the face of the man that hit you- or rather when you heard the voice of the man who hit you- you couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!”
Eddie looked like a deer in headlights, which, in some ways, he was. The man barely got a word in before you had him by the shoulders.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been, man?”
Your smile was bright enough to light up the storm around you. Eddie tried to ignore that, and in doing so, he ignored your question altogether.
“I- I’m sorry about your car?” The way he says it makes it sound like a question, even though it’s very much a statement.  
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it, I- Huh- oh, fuck, it’s wet out here, come on-” you grabbed his arm, confusing the hell out of him as you all but dragged him with you, “Get in my car, it’s dry.”
He wonders, briefly, why you decided to climb into your newly damaged car instead of his relatively undamaged van, but he doesn’t stop to question it. Instead, he just followed you in and out of the rain.
The two of you fell silent the second you closed the doors behind you. You sat like that for a few minutes, both of you waiting for the other to start the conversation. Eventually, you snapped. 
“Ok, but seriously man, where have you been? I was kind of getting nervous, to be honest-”
“In my defence, I did not know you were back.”
You shrugged, “Fair enough. I mean, I’ve only been back for like, five minutes.”
“And you didn’t come to find me? Tsk, tsk, (Y/N), I’m disappointed.”
“I tried!” Your voice was half a whine and half a laugh, “I genuinely couldn’t find you, it sucked. I mean, shit man, you live here, you have to be aware of what people say, right? Hawkins is cursed, people go missing, monsters lurk in the shadows, blah blah blah,” you wiggle your arms around as you speak to accentuate your point, “Things are weird here, y’know? And when you can’t find the people you care about, it’s possible that something bad happened-”
He scoffed and tried to ignore the fact that you still cared about him, “Yeeeeah, I don’t think you have to worry about me. Depending on who you ask, I’m a very big part of the curse.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Why? Oh, no, wait, is it because of Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s about Dungeons and Dragons.”
“Jesus Christ,” you let your head hit the steering wheel, “Small towns are fucked, I swear to God.”
He nodded in agreement, and the car returned to silence. The only sounds were the rain hitting the roof and the sounds of your breathing.  
“Hey, y’know what?” You sat back up, “You should come with me. Like, when or if I go back to school, you should come with me.”
“Yeahhh, that’s not gonna happen. I still haven’t graduated, so… yeah, it’s not- it’s not gonna happen.”
“Huh. Well, shit, do you wanna swap places?”
He didn’t answer that question, he just kind of looked at you like, “???”
“Yeah, I mean, I think I’d kill to just go back to high school? I didn’t have to worry about tuition, or where my life is going, or citing my fucking sources,” you leaned back, your hands running over your face, “And yeah, the food was shit, and the people were generally awful with you being the exception, but I- I just feel so lost now. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life anymore, man.”
For a moment, you’re lost in your own mind. Then, you feel a hand on the side of your face. And another hand on your face. Eddie Munson held your face in his hands. His grip was gentle, much softer than anyone else would expect it to be. His fingers were rough against your skin, but you really didn’t mind it- if anything, it was a feeling you’d missed.
“(Y/N), babe, I am still in high school. I also have no idea what I’m doing with my life!”
You shut your eyes and leaned into his hold, letting yourself relax for the first time in ages. One of your hands wrapped around one of his wrists, just to feel a little closer to him. Eddie tried to fight off the butterflies in his stomach. He failed miserably.
“We should form a union,” you whispered, “A union of people who just… don’t know what they’re fucking doing.”
He nodded along with you before taking his hands from your face and slapping his thighs and pushing the door open, “I don’t know what we’re gonna do with our lives, but I know what we should be doing right now. Come with me!”
It was your turn to follow in confusion- which you did. You let him pull you out into the rain and into his van, where he promptly threw a bag of weed at your face. He didn’t mean to throw it in your face, but it hit you there anyway. The two of you proceeded to hotbox the shit out of Eddie’s van.
You weren’t entirely sure if it was the drugs or the fact that you finally knew your dear friend was safe, but you were finally able to sleep that night, safe and sound.
And then a teenager got murdered in his living room like a week later, but let’s not worry about that.
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rishi-eel · 3 years
thinking (yet again!) about the differences between the bad batch story reels and the season seven arc and like... some changes just blow my mind because all it did, really, was make the bad batch less likable.  
lets star with the whole “reg” thing. if i remember correctly, in the originals “regs” is said twice. the first instance is by crosshair when taunting jesse in the LAAT. the second is said by hunter: he tells tech (who’s hacking into the cyber center) that he and wrecker are going to “go get the regs” (i.e. rex and jesse). that is, hunter only used it among his squad when the others were not present (much like how cody informs that the bad batch are defective clones out of earshot. these words are descriptors, but there’s also an offense associated to being referred to by them). the idea that hunter has restraint referring to regular clones this way in their faces connects, i think, to how hunter was a tad more apologetic to jesse in the original script. “he means regular clones. don’t take it personal. it’s just that we don’t always follow protocol” carried an actual sense of hunter trying to convince jesse that it’s nothing to do with him.   
it’s interesting, i think, that in a context where you have clones and defective clones, that the bad batch (as defective clones) would find a way to talk about other clones in reference to themselves in a way that normalizes their own existence. it also introduces the idea that the bad batch experience a level of disconnect, and even animosity, in regards to other clones. all that can be conveyed by only using the word twice. the season seven episodes added three more instances, and in all of them the bad batch members comfortably throw the word around the clones who “are regs.” the sense of separateness (which, again, was already established/achieved by using it just two times) is only made stronger (thus more needs to be done to portray a sense of reconciliation or coming together. the reels succeed this to an extent because that barrier wasn’t built up as high). 
so yeah in the original... wrecker didn’t say “we always get shot down when we travel with regs,” he kept quiet as he helped people out of the wrecked gunship (in fact, wrecker lost a lot of subtlety going from the reels to the final eps, which i’ll get back to). hunter didn’t fake-compliment rex with a “not bad, for a reg”! and oh boy crosshair’s comment implying that echo is worthless and expendable because he’s a “reg”... yeah that was not in the reels either. in fact, not only does crosshair not call echo a reg, the meaning of his original dialogue was completely different.
in the original, after hunter voices his suspicions echo might be dead, crosshair suggests that if alive echo could be cooperating with the enemy, making him a traitor. rex takes this as an attack on echo’s character and crosshair explains that no, he’s not intending to insult echo, by saying: “oh i don’t blame him, if i were left for dead, i wouldn’t be so loyal.” and like!!!!! that’s such a radically different line of dialogue because crosshair seems to blame rex for having left echo behind, actually. if you betrayed the republic to survive, or even out of spite, i don’t blame you even if you now present a threat to myself and my family, is such an interesting, empathetic sentiment. and that contrasts with the lack of regard given to rex, making it read like he’s condemning rex for leaving someone behind. crosshair doesn’t seem to understand, as an experimental commando clone, the pressures rex as a legion captain is under, because he’s seen a less expandable (they’re a specially trained four man team, if one dies that’s 25% of the unit gone. is there a replacement for that member? you get the idea). so you’ve got a clash between different povs, but also crosshair being shown as having a set of morals, chief among them being that you do not leave anyone behind. so remember when rex says to move out and crosshair goes “commander cody is in no position to move” yeah i’d say that’s crosshair making sure cody isn’t being left behind. when crosshair saves anakin? that’s because he saw anakin go off on his own and followed him. because you don’t leave people behind. and like... the idea that yeah crosshair is an asshole. he’s unpleasant and that’s deliberate. he doesn’t care if people like him and he’s not trying to be liked. but that he values the lives of other people and looks out for them? that makes an interesting, flawed and multifaceted character. that got lost in the dialogue change because its no longer suggested that crosshair holds these values.
as for what i said earlier about wrecker: he lost subtle, nonverbal moments through the addition of lines that are either anticlimactic or only serve to make him seem loud or ditzy in an exaggerated fashion. he didn’t laugh when the LAAT came down. he was quiet as he helped people out of the downed gunship (no comment about regs!). he didn’t say “boom” when the ship exploded in the background after he flipped it over (the difference? a character moment that’s actually cool and impressive vs something that’s corny). when wrecker comes to crosshair’s aid by picking rex off of him, there was no quippy one liner. there was no need for anything to be said for it to be understood that wrecker is acting as a barrier and it trying to intimidate rex. when he’s afraid to get onto the elevator? that’s conveyed visually through camera angles and through hunter picking up on the fact that he’s scared. he doesn’t scream (if you can call a comical “aah what is that thing oh no its going to get me” a scream) when the organic decimator almost gets him. when they walk across the pipe? wrecker doesn’t whimper or talk to himself for comfort. he is scared of heights, that’s already been established, but he’s also a grown man and a soldier like he’s keeping that to himself? like we see wrecker hesitating to walk on the ledge but doing it anyway because he has to. in a piece of dialogue that was cut, tech said “does anyone want to know the odds of us making it across alive?” to which wrecker (who’s you know already having a bad time) interrupts with “don’t even think about it, tech” (if ur curious, this exchange was replaced with: wrecker: “keep walking tech!” tech: “that’s fine, but if you fall don’t take me with you” which???? uuh weird exchange). also, the fact that wrecker was mostly dealing with his fear silently means that when hunter tells wrecker to hold on because they’re almost there... that’s because hunter knows he’s scared and is checking up on him. basically... any kind of serious moment was cheapened by having wrecker talk in them. now i don’t want to say that DBB is a bad voice actor, but his expertise is making animal noises. he’s not able to do a realistic, deep voice, meaning that whenever wrecker talks he kind of sounds like a joke. it’s fine when wrecker is actual being lighthearted and jokey, but otherwise? the emotion just does not come across as genuine, which breaks the stakes or weakens credibility.  
and god the whole plot point about the bad batch being suspicious of echo was nonexistent in the reels. the “don’t worry, echo says he’s got a plan”/”that makes me feel so much better” exchange between rex and tech is in the original, but tech’s sarcasm isn’t from doubting echo’s allegiance, it’s because they’re planning to land on admiral trench’s ship and echo having a plan (that he himself doesn’t know) doesn’t exactly soothe his anxieties. rex acts like tech’s being a big joker and playfully shoves him, telling him to get on board. which is an interesting interaction because these characters are kind of starting to bond?? as for tech and echo, they kinda become nerdy friends really quick. like when tech warns echo not to send the signal right away because he first needs to make it look like it’s coming from skako minor, echo’s like “oh yeah good thinking tech.” and when echo figures out a way to shut down all the droids at once tech is impressed and lightly shoves his shoulder. again there is none of that “oooh maybe echo’s a traitor maybe he’s with the techno union” shit. like i understand that the writers wanted to up the stakes but it falls flat because the idea of echo being a traitor isn’t credible. it does not seem like an actual risk or possibility. so all it did was make the bad batch seem like assholes, cutting away at some very nice character moments.   
ok this is a long post and you might ask yourself “but tumblr user rishi-eel, why do you care so much about the story reels, this stuff isn’t canon now” and there are a couple reasons, first, i think it managed to tell a better story overall. so the question is: why is that? because you would expect that writers reworking the plot would add improvements and not downgrades. and to be fair, the s7 episodes had a bunch of upgrades, but not when it came to the characterization of the bad batch. another thing to consider is that changes were made in the context of setting the bad batch up as future protagonists of their own spinoff series (something the original arc was not intended to do because there were no plans for a bad batch series). were the characters made flatter and more archetypal to add to marketability? was the reg/defective clone rivalry (and dichotomy, even) amplified because this separateness serves a narrative in which the bad batch are heroes and the other clones villains?  
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cherryobx · 4 years
He got what he deserved//John B x reader
request: “Can you do a John B fic where he is jealous of the reader talking to another guy?? But she’s only doing it bc she thinks JB looks at her like a sister but everyone knows they like each other but they are both oblivious?? Love ur writing sooo much!”
summary: John B sees you talking to another guy at a kegger and he’s not very happy about it
warnings: mentions of alcohol, violence, swearing
WC: 1089
(not my gif! creds to the owner!)
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Another day, another kegger at the boneyard. That’s how you and your friends spent most of the summer. Partying and having fun until the sun rose.
“You here alone?” a voice asked from behind you, startling you a bit because you were so deep in your own thoughts, staring at John B from across the beach.
Everyone knew you were utterly in love with the messy-haired boy who drove around OBX in his beat-up van. Everyone except him. Typical.
“I’m actually here with my friends but they’re off somewhere doing their own thing,” you responded, giving the boy a light smile.
“Mind if I join you?”
“No, not at all. Come sit down.” You patted the spot next to you, gesturing for him to sit down beside you.
“I’m William by the way. But you can call me Will.”
“Yeah, I know who you are. I’ve seen you around a couple of times.” That sounded creepier than you thought.
“Not that I’m stalking you or anything,” you quickly added, making him chuckle.
“Didn’t think so. Mind sharing your name with me?”
“My resources say that you’ve lived here your whole life, so how come you don’t know me? Ouch! That one hurt me right here.” You pointed at your heart and pouting your lips
He laughed again. “Sorry. I guess you’re not as popular as you think.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He winked.
Shit. He was flirting with you. What were you going to do now? He was handsome, of course, but your heart already belonged to someone else. John B to be specific.
But John B treated you like his sister. Because even if he liked you even a little bit, he was very good at hiding it. But that theory was unlikely. Because he was currently on the other side of the beach, flirting with the Sarah Cameron herself. It was obvious that there was something going on between them. You were certain.
Maybe this is my sign that I need to move on and not drool over my best friend, you thought.
“What can I say. I’m beautiful in every way.”
“Can’t argue with that. I’m going to go get myself a drink. You want anything?” he asked, standing up.
“Just a beer, please.”
“Sure thing, doll.” He raised his hand, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. Then he gave you one last smile and went to get the drinks.
John B, on the other side of the beach, was getting more jealous by the second. He wanted to beat up the guy when he saw him touching you. Even though he barely touched you, John B was still not happy about it.
“Just go talk to her. She feels the same. Just saying,” Sarah said, but John B didn’t believe her even a bit. But he still had to do something about it.
He left Sarah standing there and walked over to where the drinks were served and tapped Will on the shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey, man!”
“Hey, John B, right?” he asked politely, but clearly not interested in a conversation with him. He wanted to get back to you already.
“Yeah. Give me Y/N’s drink. I’ll take it to her so you can leave.”
“I’m not leaving yet and I’m completely capable of giving the drink to her myself. You got a problem?”
“Yeah, I do. And you are the problem.” John B’s fists were clenched. He was getting angry.
“Me? Are you okay, dude? Drank a little bit of too much?” William bitterly laughed.
“I’m asking for the last time. Give me her drink and leave.”
You were getting tired of waiting for Will, thinking that he had ditched you. So you started making your way to the drink table through the crowd.
You got there just in time to see John B punch William straight in the face, making him stumble back. William’s nose was now bleeding and his eyes were getting glossy from the punch.
You audibly gasped. You had never seen him act like this.
“John B!” You tried to get in the middle of the fight to stop it, but a pair of hands grabbed you and held you in place.
“You know better than to get in the middle of this,” JJ warned, giving you a knowing look.
“No buts. He’s a big boy. He can handle himself.”
“Say that one more time and see what fucking happens!” John B growled.
So it was about something that Will had said to him. You wondered what.
“Maybe I will. Y/N-” Will was cut off by John B punching him again, but this time even harder. Will fell to the ground, holding his cheek in pain.
“Wanna try saying that again?” John B squatted in front of him and then pulled Will up by the collar of his button-up shirt. 
“If I ever see you even near her again, I’ll kill you myself. Understood?”
Will only nodded, struggling to get free from John B’s grip. 
John B then let go of him. Will fell to the ground, where he quickly got up from and left, pushing people out of his way while doing so.
“The party’s over! Get out!” he yelled. People were looking at each other, questioning if he was for real or not.
“Now!” That’s when people started leaving quickly, understanding that he was not playing around right now.
Then John B’s eyes met yours.
“What the fuck was that about?” you asked, crossing your arms on your chest.
“Don’t play dumb with me right now.”
“I’m not.”
“Then tell me what happened.”
“It’s whatever.”
“No, it’s not, JB. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to believe that you beat him up without a reason.”
“Just forget about it.” To avoid talking to you, he started picking up the trash.
“Fine.” You turned your back to him and started to walk away when he grabbed your hand and pulled you back against him, lips crashing into yours.
You were shocked and surprised at first but then started kissing him back, your hands sliding behind his neck, fingers playing with the hair on the back of his head.
“Ooohhh yeahhh, get intoooo it!” JJ yelled from the distance making you smile into the kiss.
When John B pulled away, his eyes met yours again.
“I‘m not going to tell you what he said. But as far as you’re concerned, he got what he deserved.”
taglist: @www-imbored-com​ @delightfullynlove​ @tomhardybby​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @ilovejjmaybank​​ @allycat449-blog​​ @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom​​ @canibeoneofthepogues​​ @ifilwtmfc​​ @bedazzledbanks​​ @jeyramarie​​ @themaddies-obx​​ @pink-meringues @freddymaybank​​​​ @moniamaybank​​ @outerbankspreferences​​
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