#like there literally fighting for there life and shit they aren’t having an easy time of it ghGH
pepperpixel · 2 years
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Alright! Here’s the frisk I promised to go w the chara! The set is now complete lol.
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grapejuicebrat · 2 months
PAIRING: neighbour! badboy!harry x innocent!reader
SUMMARY: you are tired of your image of an angel. you want to be a disappointment and your incredibly hot neighbour is happy to help you get spoiled.
SYNOPSIS: you’re a bad idea but i like bad ideas
NOTES: i plan it as a bunch of blurbs. like different times when harry helped reader to get spoiled. if you’ll like this concept i’ll think about writing a whole story or i’ll continue writing blurbs about neighbour! harry. it’s up to you. anyway enjoy!
my masterlist
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“No, angel, i’m just telling you that you’re too sweet for this shit”
“Stop calling me that! I’ll pay you for this, how much do you want?” you start taking money out of your bag, counting the bills. “Or are you like a guy from books? You want a kiss or a good fuck?”
“Actually that’s a good idea, I didn’t think about that” he laughs. “I don’t want to be a boy who will spoil a good girl, you know?”
“I want you to be that boy. I don’t know who can i ask for this except you. Please, help me. I’ll do anything”
“Alright, come in”
How did you end up in this situation? That’s easy to explain. Harry is your incredibly hot neighbour who you think is the perfect bad boy. He is a disappointment and you want to be a disappointment too.
For your whole life you were known as a nerd, as a good girl who never smokes, never drinks alcohol and never goes out with guys. I mean isn’t it boring? Constantly hearing that you will never do anything wrong. Obviously you wanted to prove the opposite, but didn’t know where to start. That’s when you met Harry.
Harry had just moved into the apartment opposite and you noticed him immediately. His appearance literally screamed that he was a bad guy. Then you found out that he makes money from fights without rules. And sells weed. And makes parties every weekend. Definitely a good guy.
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“So what do we have? You want to be bad, to prove that you’re not a good girl, right?” Harry sits down in a chair and looks straight into your eyes. you are standing at the door, not knowing what to do. your heart is beating too hard, your hands are shaking with excitement. “Don’t be shy, come sit here”
“Where? In your lap?” Actually you can’t say you are against this idea. Quite opposite. What can you say? He is straight from the books. Like Hardin Scott from After. Those arms, tattoos, green eyes. God, if you weren’t a virgin you wouldn’t be so shy. Maybe, just maybe you could offer him yourself but you aren’t in a book. You can’t do this because for him it will be just a one night stand and for you it will be something more than a sex.
“Cute. Only if you want though” harry grins. It makes him laugh how sht you stand in place, not knowing what’s going on with you. “Sit on a couch. Gotta make a deal with you”
you nodded your head and sat down on the couch, away from Harry. Lowering your head down, you begin to twitch your fingers, trying to stop the trembling in your hands.
“What do you want in return?”
“A promise” he simply says
“What promise?” you ask in surprise, not knowing where he is leading.
“if you are bad for others, I want you to remain good for me.”
“what do you mean?” You tilt your head down in confusion, eyes widening.
“you’ll understand later”
Harry grins. Oh, he’ll have so much fun with you.
part 2
Don’t forget to reblog and share your thoughts! x
if you want to be tagged in the next blurb, please write in the comments. also try to guess what’ll be next part about:))
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macbooth · 1 year
full of childish whimsy in a hostile fashion tonight so here’s every shakespeare clown i can think of and whether or not i think i’d beat them in a fight
(i do not mean fools i mean clowns. they do not need to be the secret genius of the play. if they are stupid in every way shape or form i am including them here)
Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) No chance. Bro’s got that magic and ALSO has a big strong scary fairy king as his bear, like, do not separate them. If I even tried throwing hands at this cunt I’d get torn to shreds and used as glitter dude, I’d be over. 0/10
Nick Bottom (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) I could but I’d feel bad. I also think he’d put up a really solid fight. Like this is out of donkey form, bro was a physical worker. Like I reckon I could win a fight with some of the tradies I’ve seen but I don’t think it’d be easy. Also he’s just really dumb so I would feel a little bad. Donkey form though, I’m running away. Scary as shit. I am afraid of horses though. 6.5/10
Touchstone (As You Like It) Absolutely I could beat the shit out of this man. I hate him so much. Full of hostility towards this fucker. His clothes aren’t even subtle I could find this bitch in the forest no time and hunt him down and rip him to shreds, fuckin court jester doesn’t even have the roughness of the country on his side. 9/10 (-1 point cause he definitely fights dirty but I just hate him so much I’d win)
Jaques (As You Like It) First off he’s absolutely a clown. Second off I’ve played him before so my word is gospel. Third off bro has no fucking chance against me. He’s a podcast bro who thinks I don’t know that Tame Impala is one dude. I’d ask him why we can’t print more money and he would explode instantly and it would be the funniest thing he did with his life. 10/10
Audrey & Corin (As You Like It) I’m lumping these two together cause in the show I did they were one character (and I also played them). I wouldn’t even want to fight these two. And even if I wanted to Audrey would absolutely be able to beat the shit out of me and I would thank her. Our setting was in semi-modern country Australia, that girl would have a shotgun. 2/10
Autolycus (Winter’s Tale) Just like Jaques to me. He might be a little bit harder because he’d change costume and I’d get confused because I have no object permanence but other than that what has he got. Bitterness? Resentment? Bitch so did I when I was 15 grow up experience love. 8/10
Falstaff (Henry IV parts 1 & 2, Merry Wives of Windsor) I don’t actually know about this one but he is very punchable. I feel like he’d let me punch him and I think one punch would be enough for me. I think that would satisfy my urge to punch him. He may be a knight but let’s be honest he’s shit at it so I stand by this. 4/10 (just cause I don’t really give a shit)
The Dromios (Comedy of Errors) I absolutely could beat them in a fight but I would feel So Bad. You see how they’re literally already treated in the play, I wanna give them a break. That being said they’re both kinda dicks but they’re going through it already so I’d wanna give them a breather. I would win though, even if they both were attacking at once. 7/10
Launcelot Gobbo (Merchant of Venice) He’s such a prick but I would be laughing too hard at his name to fight him. Bro’s name is Gobbo. Bro’s name is basically Gobby. Imagine being named Blowjob. I would lose my mind. I would laugh so so hard I would collapse. My heart would fail. Biggest L name out there bro. Launcelot Gobbo oh my god. 3/10
Launce (Two Gentlemen of Verona)  Nah man he has an attack dog. I don’t care what breed of dog Crab is in a production I fully believe he would kill for Launce, that’s just their dynamic. I understand them better than anyone else (I have a dog). Also he’s already working for Proteus, is that not punishment enough? 4/10
Speed (Two Gentlemen of Verona) I mean I definitely could fight him. I don’t imagine he’s got much fighting experience. But once again, he has to deal with Valentine which does feel like it would be cruel to inflict more onto him. Like Valentine’s not as bad as Proteus but fuck is he stupid. Also if I accidentally flubbed a punch Speed could absolutely tear me a new asshole with his words and I would sob and cry and literally never recover. 4/10
The Porter (Macbeth) Fuck no. Bro definitely has a knife on him at all times. I can’t explain why I think this I just do. He works night shift, he definitely doesn’t get paid enough for his dog shit job, he would absolutely try to stab me just to spice up his evening without me starting a fight. 1/10
Trinculo (Tempest) Yes. Sorry, you’re Russell Brand? L. I could kick your ass. And he’s like drunk for half the show, and almost fucked a fish. I doubt his judgement is good enough to say the alphabet backwards let alone dodge a punch. He couldn’t even get Caliban to kick my ass (who definitely could by the way) cause Caliban fucking hates him. Bro, failwife to Stephano should pay more. But it doesn’t. 8.5/10
Dogberry (Much Ado About Nothing) Without Verges? Yes. With Verges? No way. Those two are a power couple in the dumbest possible way. He would absolutely try to get me arrested though but I simply would not go to prison. What’s he gonna do? Send me to prison? I’m already not going. 7/10
Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet) No chance. Unless Romeo fucked up so bad like he did in the actual play, I would have no chance against this dude. I wouldn’t even want to even if I could. I’m a Benvolio stan first and foremost and a person second you think I’d wanna fight his bestie? Only exception is if it was an actual fight club and not just a pure fight out of hatred. I feel like Mercutio could give Brad Pitt Fight Club Realness, outfits included.  I would still lose though. 2.5/10
Don Adriano De Armado (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I reckon I could wreck this dude’s shit. You know that gif where the fuckin dude is doing all these cool sword moves and then he just gets shot? You know the one. I forgot where it’s from but you know the one. That would be this fight. Armado would bust out his flair, his razzle dazzle, his pizzaz, and I would just deck him I think. That’s the power you need in this world, I think. Power of fist to face. Peace and love. <3 8/10
Costard (Love’s Labour’s Lost) I do not think Costard would realise he was being fought even as he was actively getting hit in the face. I know how to say honorificabilitudinitatibus, he doesn’t even have that against me. Bro couldn’t even confuse me with that, I learnt that, like an adult. Anyway yeah I’d kick his ass. 9/10
Holofernes & Sir Nathaniel (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This is the same man to me. I would destroy them both. Fuckin nerds. Flowery ass language nerds. I support gay rights and gay wrongs but the only reason I couldn’t fight those two gay muppets who heckle is cause they’re too far away (in a theatre booth), these two gay muppets who heckle are right in front of me. I’d kick their tweed cladded asses. 10/10
Jaquenetta (Love’s Labour’s Lost) She is just like Audrey to me. I could never bring myself to hurt her. Also she’s pregnant and I feel like it’s fucked up to hit a pregnant woman just for fun. Also she could absolutely wreck my shit. Please wreck my shit Jaquenetta. 0.5/10
Moth (Love’s Labour’s Lost) This little fucker should be an INSTANT knock out but I just know this fucker bites. He’s a shit talking 8 year old? Oh he plays wolves on the playground, I just know it. He plays wolves and he’s definitely been suspended for it, I just know it in my heart. Sure, I could kick him, but he would grab hold of my foot and try to rip it off. We would shake hands and agree to part ways, having met our match. He, who plays wolves, and me, who played fairies, leave the fight with our heads high and respect in our hearts. I am kidding of course but I do think we would tie. 5/10
Lear’s Fool (King Lear) There’s already so much fighting going on, I don’t even think they’d notice if I just started kicking this dude. Not only could I fight him and win, I think I’d get away with it too. I’d win not only physically but socially too. What’s he gonna do? Tell his boss? Bro he’s preoccupied with his whole kingdom crumbling, grow up. 9/10
Lavatch (All’s Well That Ends Well) This is more meta but my hatred of this play would fuel me here. I would fight literally anyone in this play if given the chance, not a joke. I would get in the ring with literally anyone from this play, but honestly, out of them all I weirdly respect Lavatch the most, maybe because he at least knows that he’s a cunt, unlike literally everyone else who Just Suck. I do think he’s probably scrappy though, so I wouldn’t leave unscathed. I also think if he got the upper hand he would be so so awful about it, so I’d really have to fight. 6/10
Sir Toby Belch & Sir Andrew Aguecheek (Twelfth Night)  Andrew is canonically bad at fighting, and honestly I do not believe Toby would be any better. Love both of these guys but if I had to fight them both at once I think I would be able to just move out of the way and they’d bonk each other on the head like a cartoon. They’re just silly guys. 9/10
Maria (Twelfth Night) Every woman clown could beat my ass. Audrey, Jaquenetta, Maria, they are all so special to me and would all also fucking destroy me. Maria especially cause I just know she is full of hate. You don’t hatch a plan like the Malvolio plan unless there’s something deeply worrying about you. She’s a Scorpio to me. <3 I do love her, she’d demolish me. 0/10
Feste (Twelfth Night) Would actually kill me. -5/10
I know I’ve definitely missed some but uhhh don’t expect me to remember every clown even if I’m neurodivergent about these plays please. <3
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
Civilian Asset 1.
Polyamorous/femme/female reader x multiple
Summary: Your job was supposed to be easy. Just take a flash drive through customs. Now there's blood under your nails and a threat to your life.
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Master List / Next chapter Warnings: Violence, peril, panic attack/anxiety
Inaccurate military because COD MW is inaccurate (it's a fantasy, friends, and we're treating it like one).
A/N: Don't ask. I don't know what I'm doing here either. Hello, new fandom?
There’s glitter stuck to the blood on your hands.
It all twinkles and shines in the sickly yellow glow of the alley’s one unbroken street light, and you wonder how long it will take the blood to dry, to turn flaky and dark in the crevices of your palm. It’s already going tacky. As the bass inside the club jars your heartbeat out of rhythm, you settle back into the skin under the blood, remembering you have your own, and you don’t want it to join the puddle seeping into the cracks of broken concrete at your knees. You wonder how much time you’ve lost.
Run, he said.
It isn’t the kind of order you sit and think over. It’s a do-or-die command, and you’re struggling to do much of anything as pins and needles creep through your legs. How long have you knelt there? How many songs have rolled through the speakers while you drifted? Probably too many.
He admitted he might’ve been followed. You remember that. And you remember the intel whispered in your ear as you pushed down on the bullet wound in his abdomen, fighting to recall every first aid lesson you learned in high school and college. Pressure – actively bleeding wounds needed pressure, so you’d put your weight on your hands as the party music pulsed through the cracked-open door you thought you’d slip back through after the usual handoff. But instead of taking a thumb drive or notebook and getting a little tipsy before calling it a night, you tried pushing his soul back into his body as the blood welled up between your fingers.
You tried. It wasn’t enough.
The body already smells. You didn’t know corpses stank so quickly after death. Now you do. It was a gut wound. Maybe it’s his last meal you smell, turned half to shit in his bowels.
You need to run. You need to get out of the alley. You need to stand up and wipe the blood off your hands so you can slink onto the Tube without getting the cops called on you.
With a clear series of actions in mind, everything switches to autopilot, and you move without really meaning to. His jeans work as a towel for the worst of gore, and a discarded wad of bar napkins near the door are clean enough to sponge away the red from between your fingers. Rust colored stains linger around your fingernails, but your dress has pockets – something you’d thought absurdly wonderful a few hours ago – and hopefully no one will be looking that closely, anyway.
Your numbed legs wobble as you approach the main street, making you look a little drunk without conscious effort, and you slip into the current of university students and tourists heading to the Underground. You board a train back towards your hostel, and pat your pocket as you sit, subconsciously checking for the intel. Of course, it’s empty, and a spike of panic flairs in the split second it takes you to remember there is no physical evidence this time. Your contact broke the rules and poured dangerous secrets into your naked ears. The mole was compromised. The dead drop became a little more literal and a lot more dangerous, and the man barely had enough time to pass his info on by word of mouth to the next link in the chain. That link, the handler, scurried away with a hole in his gut and just enough time to meet you, the courier, passing along word of the threat like a burning coal to scorch you.
You aren’t supposed to know anything, but you can’t keep your eyes closed and your hands clean, because you’re the only one who knows anything at this point.  Every safeguard between you and immediate danger is dead.
It isn’t supposed to work this way. You’re just a courier, a very literal civilian who can add a USB drive to her collection without suspicion on your way through customs. A digital nomad with lots of stamps in her passport and dozens of good reasons to be in any convenient country. Nobody important, but a very useful mule.
Keeping your eyes off the data you carry is supposed to keep you safe.
In theory.
In practice if keeps the people you deliver to secure. You don’t get names. You get meeting times or dead drop coordinates. But tonight…
Tonight it’s all gone to shit.
And somewhere out there, someone wants you dead.
You don’t even flinch when the man across from you heaves into the middle of the carriage. Everyone else cringes and shouts, but the specs of vomit on the tips of your ankle boots aren’t the worst thing to touch them in the past hour.
Those filthy shoes march with you from the train, up the stairs to the surface, down the lane to the cheap hostel where you’ll have space to fall apart and figure out what the fuck you’re supposed to do. You don’t leave bloody footprints as you move; you check over your shoulder to see if you’ve left a path for the killers to follow. Nothing. Like you’re just one of the backpackers cackling over drinks in the lobby common area.
You’ve never been more grateful for having splurged on a private room as you unlock your door and sprint for the toilet. It’s your turn to puke, and you shake as burning tears and snot stream out with the bile.
Fucking dammit.
Each heave wracks your gut, your chest burns, and your throat is on fire. You know your head will hurt the second the adrenaline wears off – if you live that long – after all this crying.
How do you fix this? Is this something people can fix? You couldn’t even keep enough blood in the man’s body. You literally could not run for a solid – what? – fifteen minutes? Thirty?
You’re going to die.
Another heave locks you in place with a strangled scream as your belly tries to eject your panic and fear. There’s nothing left, though, not even water. You’ve wrung yourself out, so maybe it won’t smell as much when bullets, or knives, or fucking plastic shivs aerate your torso. Maybe it won’t be as awful for whoever finds your body. You’d hate to pass on that curse.
And it hits you, as you pant for breath, a string of saliva dangling from your chin: A lot of other people are going to die if you don’t get yourself together.
That’s enough. Just barely. But you shuffle back from the toilet, wiping your face with toilet paper before climbing the sink. The cool porcelain grounds you, and the cold water on your face and in your mouth helps, too.
The water in the basin turns pink, and you remember the blood in your cuticles and under your nails as it fades and spins down the drain. It hasn’t stained. It lingers along the bed of your nails and the ridges that will turn into hangnails eventually, but if you scrub, you’re sure you can get it off. For a minute, you’d forgotten you could wash blood off skin, that it wouldn’t sink in and brand you. It’s a relief. A stupid relief, sure, but it pulls some steam from the whirlwind of angst trying to launch another round of dry heaves, so that’s good.
A few specs of glitter still flicker up at you, twinkling under the bathroom lights like so many little eyes.
You can do this.
Figure out what it is you’re doing first, though.
You can just leave. Check out of the hostel, get a new plane ticket, and get the fuck out of the country. You can also pretend it didn’t happen, just continue as normal. Your original flight back is booked for the day after tomorrow, which seemed like nothing a few hours ago. Now those hours stretch into oblivion.
The problem is this damn city. London. City of a thousand cameras. The Nanny State. It was almost impossible to get around without getting caught by a few dozen electronic eyes, and if the people powerful enough to take out two trained agents wanted to see who the handler met in the alley outside the club, they probably could.
You should assume as much, at least. So, staying was out. But was it safe to just zip off to the airport? Would they be watching?
There was one other option. The option you’d always been told wasn’t really an option until you had no other choice. They had you memorize a phone number, only to be used in the direst emergency, and insinuated that you should think twice even if you had a knife to your neck. You hope that means it reaches someone important. There’s no time to play climb-the-chain-of-command.
Your shaking fingers punch the wrong numbers three times as you struggle with smooth glass and shattered nerves, but eventually you get the right sequence, you lift the phone to your ear, and the call goes through.
A click. A woman’s voice. “Yes?”
“This is, uh.” You stammer your name, your location, but when you get to the situation, your thoughts start falling apart. “They’re dead. And he may have been followed? And I don’t know what – I don’t know what to do.”
A chair squeaks on the other end of the line, and you can hear the focused frown sharpening the stranger’s words as computer keys rattle. “Take a breath. One thing at a time. I need to understand what’s happening. Now, who’s dead?”
You follow her advice, because breathing is always a good idea, and you’d like to keep doing it as long as possible. Her other instructions help more, though. They give you a sense of direction, a clear path forward.
“The handler. I never know the names, but he – he’d been shot when he came to the meet, and he said his contact died, too.”
“Was he able to complete the hand-off?”
Cool lips coughing up secrets against your ear, a shaking hand fisted in the front of your dress to keep you close, fingers going slack and falling from your arm.
You hesitate, only a beat, and try to wipe the blood from your memory. “Sort of.”
“Sort of isn’t good enough. Did he give you the intel or not.”
“He told me the intel.”
“He… told you.” She confirms, with tone alone, that this is bad news.
But now you can tell her, and everything will be okay. That’s how this is supposed to work, right?
“He said –”
“This line isn’t secure.” She cuts you off, and the bright hope curdles in your chest. It isn’t over, then. “You need to debrief somewhere safe. You need to get out of that hostel and wait for the team I send to retrieve you, understood?”
“Understood.” You want to shake, purge the anxiety from your system like sweat. The fear vibrates inside your bones, but the phone stays steady in your grip. You’ve turned into a statue, a marble shell wrapped around an earthquake. “Where do I go?”
She gives you an address to a safehouse, tells you how to get there without drawing attention to yourself. Hopefully.
“Any advice?” The chaos inside needs an outlet or distraction, and maybe the woman at the other end of the line can hear that, because she plays along.
“Move fast. Keep quiet. Stay alive.”
Shrugging as you pull on new clothes that won’t draw as much attention as your little black dress, you nod along. “I’ve heard worse tips.”
“You’re a step ahead of anyone trying to track you,” the stranger says. She speaks low and slow, like you’re a skittish horse ready to bolt, and even if you feel marginally infantilized, you appreciate the fragile illusion she weaves: that everything’s under control, that you know what you’re doing, that everything will be okay.
With the last of your things stuffed in your backpack, you grab your room key and head for the door. The hostel has remote checkout. You just need to drop your key in the box. “Leaving for the safehouse now.”
“Good. I need to brief the team coming to meet you. Keep your phone handy, and call me when you arrive.”
“Or if something goes wrong?”
“Or if something goes wrong. Be careful.”
The line goes dead, and you begin your trek through the dark. Stepping out of the warm, lively hostel and into the night feels like stripping naked and jumping into the water with sharks. Sure, the hostel wasn’t a great place to defend yourself, the doors were thin and the locks fragile, but it had walls. It felt safe. Now you’re exposed, and the vulnerability creeps over your skin like ants.
You take a night bus in the wrong direction, laying a false trail in case anyone is trying to follow you through camera feeds. Then you cut across ten city blocks on foot to find a new line heading the right way, and sit in the illuminated interior like a product in a butcher’s display. Dead meat. You feel obvious. Foolish. You’re following the woman’s directions to the letter, but inexperience gapes under your feet like an open pit, waiting for you to trip and fall so far down you’ll never get back up again.
Every stranger reads as a predator. Every camera holds malicious eyes.
It takes thirty minutes to walk to the safehouse from the last bus stop, and you make the journey with a white-knuckled grip on the strap of your backpack and a pulse so loud you struggle to hear over the drumming in your ears. The light pollution blots out the stars, it’s a new moon, and the streetlights only make the shadows beyond their miniscule pools of light darker.
By the time you find the safehouse and fish the key out of the little box hidden in the bushes, your hands are shaking again. The tension crackles like static through your nerves, blunting your focus even as your senses sharpen to the point of discomfort. Is the rustle behind you just that plastic bag rolling down the street, or is someone stalking you? The breeze feels like breath on the back of your neck, and every hair stands on end as you wrestle the key into the lock and trip through the door.
You slam it closed behind you, past caring about disturbing neighbors or drawing attention. This is like walking the long dark hallway to pee in the middle of the night as a child. You know there’s a monster behind you, but if you look it will eat you. If you run it will pounce. And once you reach safety, you gasp for air the same way you do after diving to the bottom of the pool. All you did was walk, but you feel as if you nearly drowned.
Your ass meets the floor, knees folding with the door at your back. Quivering fingers press over your mouth, trying to silence the wavering pants that may just turn into sobs if you can’t stuff them back down.
Blindly groping over your head, you find and turn the deadbolt. It takes more energy than it should, and you allow yourself a minute to recover before tugging out your phone and making the promised call.
The woman picks up after the first ring.
“I made it.” You take a deep breath. Let it out again. Your head drops back and your eyes slip shut as your heart gradually stutters down to a reasonable pace. “Locked the door and everything.”
 “Good.” She sounds like she’s smiling, and you wonder if she’s actually amused or doing the whole horse-taming schtick again. “Your escort should arrive inside two hours. Just sit tight, okay?”
You haven’t even turned the lights on. You’re afraid to let anyone know you’re there, and it’s nice to be the one waiting in the dark this time. “I can do that.”
“I’ll let you know when they’re approaching.”
She hangs up without pleasantries. And you’re entirely alone again.
In the silence, you listen to distant traffic and a handful of dogs sounding off on the twilight bark. The world waits outside, but you feel like a weed yanked halfway free of the soil. You fit into that steady rhythm yesterday. Maybe you ferried some secrets to try and make the world a slightly better place, but fuck if you weren’t ordinary.
The debriefing is the goal, retrieving the intel you carry. Keeping you alive and relatively safe until that can happen makes sense, and you don’t blame the stranger on for focusing on the immediate issues. But you can’t help wondering what happens after that.
You consider for the first time since the alley that even if everything goes well, you might not make it home.
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
Maki Zenin x Latina fem reader 🫶🏼🌶️👹
¡! ❞ synopsis: maki x latina reader varying headcanons, with slight mentions of nsfw descriptions, and suggestive writing
osita note: yall im making more soon asap, writing is back in the groove more gay shit coming soon! hope y’all love it @kenruu @sanjisblackasswife @yourrfavzxri @chrollohearttags @chocolatetheoristcloud @sanjis-all-blue @euphofic @roronoaswifey @cookiepie111 @sierae @hqkalon
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maki being the girlfriend to write you notes on a sticky note in places you’ll be looking for stuff. “have a good day at work! fuck that bitch (coworkers name).”
Maki who spoils you by buying you food, and even cooking sometimes. She comes to terms with accepting the use of vicks vaporub and newspaper cones.
Maki Zenin being the girlfriend that literally checks you out unintentionally, and her sister calls her out.
“You’re checking her out aren’t you?”
“So she’s not your type.” “but that’s my girlfriend.”
“Hey she’s mine back off!” she gets jealous so fucking easily, and is kinda tóxica but we stan it.
You yelling at Maki and slapping her hand with a wooden spoon with a small hit. Then itadori with a PAM! because they attempted to eat your cooking that’s still raw and needs to be cooked thoroughly.
“Wash y’all’s damn hands!!” You’ll be yelling that in Spanish and putting your hands on your hips.
I mean if you you yell at Maki or anyone in español She’s gonna get her pushy wet, call it Niagara Falls up in this bitch.
“AYO THOSE ARE MY TITTIES!!” she’s gonna cover you up if you have a nip slip or a fashion mishap. Or get nobara to help you. She don’t mess with taken women, nobara goes after married men PURR
here y/n is just being fussy; and crying if she gets hurt, “who did this to you!?…” at first in her head she’ll be like oh shit.
“What happened…?” bitch will fight the whole jujitsu society and even risk her life as a sorcerer for you. BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU SO DEARLY INTO HER HEART.
ms girl loves your cooking and your body with stretch marks and freckles. “And I thought you were my breakfast.”
FaceTimes you when you’re on break, ALWAYS COMES HOME TO YOUR COOKING AND CLEANING. Because she’s never been taken care off because her dads a bitch. she starts showing affection to you slowly.
“i know you’re homesick, so i brought you pan dulce from the panadería.”
“you want me to help you with anything?” she really doesn’t know how to ask you for help, but instead she takes over the whole task on doing it.
“you need to be careful, okay?” overprotective 11/10
cuddles are necessary with her always
she’s always gotta be touching you on your thighs your ass or your titties, even the small of your back
“My girlfriends coming! And she’s gonna kick your ass!” The minute she feels somethings not right! 🏎️ nyooom!! She’s gonna use her cursed objects to find you AND KILL THEM MFS
Maki to the rescue. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” She’s gonna kill these bitches with no mercy. Maki has already lost her mother and she can’t risk the chances of losing you.
She calls you mama, princess, baby, y/n love, love, love bug, sunshine.
Actually is learning Spanish for you. Even though it’s easy to understand by how you’re yelling at someone she’s just encouraging you with her hands up having a smirk on her face. “that’s my girl.”
especially for her voice being low and sounding like honey, when she calls you baby. she’s obsessed at how y’all dance together. Mai approves of you 9/10! only because maki didn’t tell her about you sooner.
if your cousins ask maki why her hair looks like mocos, she’ll just just not care. and whisper something super sinister in your cousins ears that’ll leave them terrified, and go back to eating.
kisses with maki are sweet and slow, even passionate at times, of course when it comes to pda she’ll show you off, but when y’all are alone and in private she’s mostly affectionate, and at her most vulnerable state
when you teach her how to flip a tortilla she instantly burns her finger, because the comal was hot. “fuck!” that leaves you to helping her with it. but you or maki wouldn’t change a thing
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dearjohnegan · 5 months
Curt's Family-MOTA hs au
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Sharon Biddick, she's working back to back shifts between a diner and doing secretary work at a garage. She loves Curt and Sawyer a lot, but just as easy as it is to love her kids, she loves the bottle. She’s been struggling with addiction her whole life. Her parents were immigrants from Ireland with very traditional Irish Catholic beliefs. So, rebelling in the streets of Brooklyn it was for her. How she ended up moving herself and her two boys from Brooklyn to Cheyanne?
About ten years previous her parents moved out there craving something similar to the Ireland countryside and the housing prices were lower. So, she brought the boys out there although she can’t afford much. (And Curt’s working all the time to help keep the lights on and food on the table.) she expected the move to help her sobriety but it wasn’t long before that changed.
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(technically speaking this is aged up Sawyer because he’s nine/ten/11 in the events of the hs au) Sawyer Biddick, he’s devoted to his skateboard and making short films. He’s always been super super super into movies since he was young. It's how Curt conditioned and distracted him from the mess going on in their life. Curt just really wanted him to have the childhood he didn't get to have.
After Curt left for the military, he ends up running around with a bunch of skater rats and finds himself in trouble. He doesn't really apply himself in school, hes mouthy just like curt, gets into fights just like curt.
But in all reality, he really just misses his brother and craves any kind of attention from their mom.
Through Ken’s senior year, Sawyer sometimes still crashed at his place, or he went to John and Hams apartment a lot. As he gets older and Curt comes home on leave every once in awhile. Curt gets on him about the poor grades and seemingly back to back suspensions and daily detentions.
"You're wastin' your time with those, assholes. You can't keep-"
"And what would you know about staying out of trouble and using school to get us out of this shit hole apartment? You just ran off the first chance you got."
Queue a nearly physical fight between the two of them…
After Curt loses his leg and he finally is in the Denver VA. The first thing he says to him is:
“It’s the middle of the day, why aren’t you at school?”
“Got suspended.”
When he hugs him he literally smacks him upside the head and tells him he loves him.
Little fun fact for the end: Sawyers in a very melodramatic high school relationship with Gales little sister, Zoe. (They’ve been life long friends.) more lore to come about that later!! Or just send an ask if you wanna know more 💋<33
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witchsickness · 2 years
do you have a favorite billy moment in canon? least favorite? and what about steve?
hope you’re having a nice day !
ohh man. first of all, billy’s the best thing that ever happened to this show so jot that down. i love all his scenes dearly. too bad st got cancelled after s2 and we only got, like, five scenes of him : /
favorite. absolute top tier billy scene for me is the workout in the living room:
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he’s smoking. benching a small child οn each arm. the tv’s on. while he’s blasting his music? framed by the ugliest curtains in the history of drapery. it’s just. it’s all so. SO. 
and it’s such a layered scene? the definition of when the cat’s away. neil’s not home, so billy feels safe enough to step out of his room. do the things he loves the most. all at once! maybe try to imagine a life where he doesn’t need to contort himself into impossible shapes to fit into the small box neil’s allotted him. a life where open doors aren’t mandatory, but optional. where his house isn’t a minefield, set to detonate at the slightest misstep. it’s one of those scenes that are funny until you remember all the reasons that make it so. why billy needs all those distractions, a hurricane of white noise all around him while he’s in the eye of it, silent. why he looks so wound up, trained to always expect the worst. why he’s lifting with such determination. set on making himself as strong as possible to -- never use that strength when he needs it the most, as proven later in the show. it’s an exercise in futility. a window in another, easier life. and that uhh breaks my heart <3
fave steve scene. unsurprisingly, if you’ve ever read anything i’ve ever written, is from s1. the fight in the alley. screaming crying climbing on walls etc
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look at him. he’s king shit. about to find out ‘no’ exists. first time he’s ever had it directed at him. he’s hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. betrayed, and rejected, and furious about it. being coveted by him is a privilege you simply don’t refuse. it’s inconceivable. and yet. in this moment, everything he’s ever known comes tumbling down. suddenly, the unthinkable happens: he loses at his own game. i just. jesus
i find this scene equally tragic? steve has never known rejection before this moment. he’s the big fish in a small pond, the golden boy everyone wants to shake hands with to see if some of the glitter will rub off on them. a rich kid with an easy life where everything is possible. everything is buyable. a life of never having to fight for anything. never even considering the possibility. but in this second. it’s his record scratch freeze frame moment. his fall from grace. his how-dare-you-do-this-to-ME glare. the slap in the face isn’t just literal. king steve is unvanquished no more. in this moment, he’s starting to realize the true depths of his loneliness. if not for daddy’s allowance, steve has nothing to offer to anyone, and nothing to show for it but mercenary friends. who needs real emotional connections anyway though, right?
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Alright, with the timeline clarification question out of the way, its time to start getting my thoughts on the StarSwap AU.
For starters, Star Swap Phantom Blood undergoes a complete tonal shift. 
Like, regular Phantom Blood is probably the most serious of the JoJo parts. I don’t think it has any sections of it that are intentionally played for laughs. 
And that all changes with Jolyne arrives because she is officially done with this before it even starts.
While the whole “having to adapt to life as a Victorian gentlemen”, sucks, the one things she is fully prepared for is Dio’s Bullshit. She doesn’t even bother tolerating him. 
Dio: (says some thinly veiled insult)
Jolyne: Alright, sure, fuck you too.
Dio: wha- you can’t just say things like that!
Jolyne: Watch me. (Flips Dio off while walking away)
The first fight against Vampire Dio is going to be less about “Oh no! My brother’s become a monster!” and more “Heck yeah! I can finally punch this asshole without without anyone complaining about it anymore!”
Dio: I have rejected my humanity, JoJo!
Jolyne: Alright cool but are you a stand user? (Summons Stone Free)
Dio: A stand what? (Doesn’t notice)
(Stone Free Punches him in the face)
And the whole initial Zeppeli interaction goes differently. Because he still shows up and punches Jolyne in the stomach, activating her latent hamon potential (Yaaay hamon-user Jolyne is the best), but rather that being shocked, Jolyne just punches Zeppili back and sends him flying.
And then the final Fight against Dio is going to be much less dramatic, because Jolyne does not give him the opportunity to be dramatic.
Dio: I can freeze your blood!
Jolyne: Okay but what is my blood was string?
Dio: (irratated WRYYYYYY)
Dio: I can shoot pressurized fluid from my eyes! 
Jolyne: Okay, now I know you’re just trying to show off (deflects space ripper stingy eyes with Stone Free)
Dio: (infuriated WRYYYYYY)
This isn’t to say that the fights aren’t going to be challenging for her, they definitely are. 
But having a stand gives Jolyne a much more level playing field against Dio compared to what Jonathan had to deal with.
Jolyne is 110% D O N E with every single aspect of Dio's Bullshit. Honestly what he's doing is almost nothing compared to Literal Prison and he's not even a Stand User so dealing with him is easy
the time period? honestly sucks ass. At the very least she has a good status, but she really misses her old body. She misses being able to be Jolyne and a she, but this is possibly one of the single worst time periods for those feelings to exist in
so Dio ends up being a good outlet for all these frustrations. She isn't fooled by his Playing Nice attitude, she knows he's plotting some shit. Plus, even him playing nice doesn't make him kind. In the beginning she thinks Jonathan would've been incredibly gullible and stupid to believe it........ but then she learns and experiences exactly Jonathan had to live his life and realises Dio's "change" was probably the kindest thing the guy had ever experienced
but she doesn't have time to deal with All That, so she decides to spend her time getting back at Dio and making a nice life Jonathan could maybe return to :D
and to make things even funnier, what if as the months/years go by, Jolyne slowly perfects the art of subtly telling Dio to Fuck Off in public and various explicit Fuck Offs to tell him when nobody else is around. It throws Dio off completely because not only is Jonathan acting VERY different, but he's also actually pushing back and noticing what he's doing which is a mix of confusing, freaky and frustrating. Plus....... there's all the strange supernatural things happening around his 'brother.' Dio could've sworn he's seen objects float, he trips on apparently nothing almost daily, things seem to move with no one there to move them
If Dio had a new sudden interest in stories of the supernatural...... well that's nobodies business
(and if Jolyne took extra care to specifically fuck around with his super natural stuff, that's nobodies business either :3)
but also YEAH Jolyne is going so happy to finally have an excuse to finally be able to get Dio in trouble for all the shit he's pulled over the years. Sure it's not for everything, and honestly most of the things he did are likely to stay unknown for the rest of their lives, but at least this one would get Dio locked up for a good while, if not for the rest of his life
I think it would be funny for Speedwagon to be a bit surprised by Jolyne's reaction. After all, as far as he's aware this is Jolyne's brother, sure there are some conflicting feelings there.......... but then she quickly explains All The Shit Dio's Pulled Over The Years and his surprise becomes "oh yeah never mind that makes sense fuck that guy"
(it's also entirely possible that while the mansion burns down, George might not die. Jolyne doesn't have the same honour code as Jonathan and wouldn't be lured as easily. And even if she was, she'd at least have the abilities to redirect the knife safely)
I do think Jolyne would be a bit more secretive with her Stand though, just in general. She's absolutely going to use it whenever she can, but Stone Free is one card she aims to keep as close to her chest as possible. She's going to be going all out when the mansion starts burning down. Using SF to make holes around Dio's attacks to avoid getting injured, climbing the walls to get out of reach, anything she can do to take this guy down she pulls out every trick she has because she knows that only one of them is walking away from this fight
as a result, while she's still definitely going to have to spend some time in the hospital, she's going to be way less injured than Jonathan was, which is nice. She's immediately on edge when Zeppeli shows up tho, she's gotten blindsided by too much Bullshit Shenanigans to let herself get caught off guard that easily. Unfortunately with her injuries Zeppeli still manages to punch her, and while it does wind her she immediately decks him right back
also, Stone Free is going to be ridiculously compatible with Hamon. Kinda like with Joseph and Hermit Purple, Stone Free's reach and dexterity is now going to be given an extra punch
and dhrbghvdbhvbd the "what if my blood was string" definitely got a laugh out of me, and given the fact most of the people present know Stone Free exists she probably wouldn't be too secretive about it at the moment. The fight is made a bit difficult in how Dio is ow consciously aware of SF, and how while he can't see the Stand he's still strong enough to rip them with relative ease if Jolyne's not careful
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
AHHHHH, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING!! Okay, so as I said, I don’t have actual appearances for my babies since I don’t have the game, but I will happy give you some info about them.
I have five OCs currently planned:
Raven Waters (they/them), Wyll ship. Human bard, College of Lore subclass, with an urchin past. Grew up on the streets of Baldur’s Gate after being orphaned at a young age and became a decently well-known entertainer when they got older, performing at festivals and every tavern and inn in the area. Very cunning, sarcastic, and good at reading people, and is very unhappy about being snatched off the street only to have a worm stuck in their brain. Cares about people sort of in the way Astarion does - reluctantly and with no small amount of complaining but very deeply - and even though they don’t think much of Wyll at first because they don’t trust nobility or anyone wealthy, it doesn’t take long for them to become endeared by him. Also becomes absolute besties with Astarion because they literally laugh in his face when he tries to seduce them and once he gets over that they have fun judging people together. (There is also definitely an AU where Raven is dating both Wyll and Astarion, but they’re officially a Wyll ship.)
Amalal Quavein (he/they), Astarion ship. Seldarine drow and cleric of the Light Domain for the goddess Eilistrae with a sage past (he’s a huge bookworm when they can get his hands on some), and has been travelling around Faerun since they were just young, trying to find allies to assist in the Seldarine drows’ fight against Lolth and helping everyone he can along the way, before they get snatched up and taken to the nautiloid ship. He’s a total sweetheart who loves caring for people and fighting against tyrants and darker forces, but they’re also a bit socially stunted from being alone on the road for a lot of his life, which can lead people to think he’s naïve even when they aren’t. Astarion definitely thinks this at first, and thinks seducing Amalal will be easy, but really he’s just one of those people who always chooses kindness and doing the right thing because they want to make the world a better place and that’s the best way he knows how to do it. (They’re also asexual, which is very funny given Astarion’s whole seduction thing because not only is Amalal unfamiliar with seduction as a concept but he genuinely Does Not Feel Sexual Things, so they’re painfully oblivious to Astarion’s attempts the whole time.)
Nifara Reedwood (she/her), Gale ship. Strongheart halfling ranger, of the hunter subclass, with an outlander past who was raised in the wilderness and therefore has a very strong connection with nature. Travels all around Faerun hunting and tracking creatures from other realms, making it her personal mission to keep any kinds of invaders from attacking her realm and harming its nature. Also has a very strong bond with animals and is resistant to poison due to all the she’s spent in Faerun’s swamps. A complete and total badass, but is also kind of socially stunted due to all the time she’s spent alone on the road with only animals and the creatures she hunts. Brutally honest and has a quick temper, but also one that’s quick to calm back down if there’s no need for an actual fight, and although she’s slow to trust people would gladly kill and die for those she cares about and absolutely will not let them talk bad about themselves. (Very nearly smacks Gale for not believing he’s worth more than his magic and service to Mystra and calls him an idiot for it more than once, and then somehow that wanting him to think more of himself turns to catching feelings and she’s just like, “Ah, shit”. It’s fine, though, because Gale comes to love her too.)
Nisa Mournspire (they/she), Halsin ship. Mephistopheles tiefling paladin of the Oath of Devotion subclass, with a folk hero background. Adopted when they were a baby by a human couple, but never felt truly loved by them since she wasn’t their blood child, even if they’d given her their last name. Devoted themself to prayer from an early age as a way to feel some kind of belonging and purpose, and took her Oath and set out from their village to travel around and help people when she was only twenty years old. Gained a bit of a reputation around all of Faerun for their heroics, and eventually came to be known as The Horned Warrior. Taken from Baldur’s Gate by the Mindflayer’s goons when she stopped in for the night, and doesn’t hesitate to recruit Karlach and Lae’zel when they’re all on the beach, seeing defeating the Mindflayer and removing the parasites as yet another mission they’re committing to. Very warm and compassionate, able to make friends almost everywhere she goes, and fears almost nothing if it means helping others. A bit of a hopeless romantic who wants to find true love, but also isn’t against brief flings. Does sleep with Astarion once or twice (but they’re incredibly good about it and makes sure he feels good too, because she can tell he’s not used to that), but definitely takes a liking to Halsin very quickly after meeting him and spends a good amount of time staring at his biceps (which annoys Lae’zel incredibly because that should not be the focus right now).
Ellora Keyvaris (she/her), Karlach ship. High Elf half-elf wizard of the Conjuration School subclass with a noble background. Grew up in a wealthy family that was very devoted to maintaining appearances and always trotted her out to social events, but she was much more interested in magic and the study of it, more than happy to spend her time in her home’s library or at the local magical college learning conjuring spells from the professors she’d paid for private lessons. When she learned her family was planning to betroth her to an elf nobleman, she ran away to Baldur’s Gate, where she intended to live a quiet life and continue studying magic before she was kidnapped and infected with the parasite. Ellora is a very quiet and bookish person, but that doesn’t mean she’s timid; she has a sharp tongue and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others and say what she thinks. She struggles to connect to her companions at first, with the exception of Wyll since they were both raised among nobility, but she eventually makes genuine friends out of all of them, which means a lot to her because she’s never really had friends before. (She’s also a hopeless lesbian who falls in love at first sight with Karlach and thus is very sad when she can’t touch her, because she very much wants this large muscled lady to be able to pick her up.)
Anyways, yeah, those are my BG3 babies!! Thanks so much for asking about them, and if you have any more questions about any of them feel free to ask!!
Again tagging some of my other BG3 moots: @hiddenqveendom, @endless-oc-creations, @astarionbae.
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halfricanloveyou · 1 year
marvel movies are always: here’s a white dude superhero that’s literally just a male power fantasy. he’s super strong and he’s wearing a very boring spandex suit to show off his muscles. it’s all cgi btw. he has a best friend who is funny but also not as hot or strong as he is and said friend is always telling him how cool and strong and amazing he is. because he’s already perfect he will have no character development but he is allowed to get stronger.
okay now here’s his love interest. get this: she’s hot and under 120 lbs and she’s white or light skinned and has long straight hair and she wears make up (but not TOO much make up) and dresses but TRUST US, she’s not like the other girls. her main character trait is that she is easy to kidnap and needs to be rescued a lot. she will not have any back story or character development because she is hot and pretty so she doesn’t need it. all of her scenes will be cgi btw. she won’t be in any fight scenes but we’re gonna cgi everything anyways.
last but not least here’s the bad guy. something traumatic happened to his wife or daughter or whatever and that made him evil somehow. we’ll introduce some random side character to explain that. it’s gonna be a 3 sentence scene and then the bad guy will kill him because he is bad. he wants to kill everyone because he’s soooo evil and he kidnaps the love interest and scares her a lot but ultimately doesn’t actually harm her. his entire body is cgi btw.
okay so get this. the bad guy and the hero fight and a car gets thrown multiple times and explodes. then there’s lots of hand to hand combat scenes. sometimes people go flying. it’s all cgi btw. sometimes we will have stunt doubles for the hand to hand combat scenes but it’s still gonna be completely cgi.
for the plot the hero gets beat up by the bad guy but then he gets stronger and at the end he beats the bad guy up. hot girl is so impressed she falls in love with him instantly and then he says some one liner and she responds with a second one liner and then they kiss (no tongue for 20 seconds). then everyone else claps and the president comes down and is like “wow you’re so powerful and strong and you beat up the bad guy. do you want to be a soldier cop and join this hero club we started so we can make a second movie?” and then the hero says yes and delivers a witty one liner. btw the entire scene is cgi including the president. all of the outfits are also cgi to make them look like they got a little dirty and damaged after the fight.
the credits will roll and then after the end of them we will add in a scene where there is a new bad guy and the old bad guy is actually still alive. and then another strong cool hero guy will be there to set up the sequel. it’s all cgi btw including the second guy. we actually just took a clip from a different movie and put it in but we used cgi so it looked different.
it’s literally the exact same thing every single fucking time. the only thing they change is the actors. even the fucking fight scenes are boring and the exact same for every fucking movie. they aren’t interesting or funny or cool and i’m saying that as someone who LOVES watching fight scenes and action and gratuitous violence. everyone eats that shit up because disney made it so they don’t care if it’s good or not and then they advertise it so obsessively you are literally forced to constantly hear about it whether you want to or not. at a fucking JOB INTERVIEW one of the questions was “what marvel superhero would you like to be and why?” and if you say “idk cause those movies suck shit” you’re seen as not a team player, someone who doesn’t know how to have fun or participate in fun things.
fuck disney and fuck marvel and fuck corporate america. fuck trends and fuck societal expectation to participate in them or face ridicule and judgement that has real life consequences.
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joshuaalbert · 2 years
For the ask meme , what about jadzia ?
favorite thing about them
she’s just. genuinely very enjoyable. like I feel like other characters I have more specific things to say about them but she’s literally just very fun to watch I love her beautiful woman weird guy who is also a worm energy. her swagger her panache her power. all the scenes where she’s doing her professional science job and also just saying some vaguely insane shit are important to me. but then like I also think one of the most interesting things in her character was kind of unintentional as they were trying to sort her out where early jadzia was a lot quieter and more serious and theoretically more like she was before joining and then she just kind of evolves into her final form. like I don’t think that was intentional I think they just kinda went hmm this character isn’t working let’s try something else but I think the idea that sometimes it’s this gradual progression towards a balance (in a different way than it is for ezri later as well) is an interesting one.
least favorite thing about them
it’s too easy to talk about tears of the prophets and the whole like “she’s never mentioned that they want kids before now but since they’re killing her off she is now Woman Who Wants A Baby because i guess her death isn’t tragic enough otherwise, and it feels like cheating to talk about how “if worf hadn’t shown up it would’ve been you” (idr if that’s the exact quote and I refuse to look it up but it’s like that) is a horrendous retcon, but holy shit everything that happened at the end of s6 into s7 was like. it’s just so clearly spiteful?? like I’m not breaking new ground here we all know it but god.
also I do think her willingness to just like throw her life away for some random guy she met two days ago is kind of funny but if I knew her in real life it would drive me insane
benjamin!! literally just. I mean she has great dynamics with so many people and some of them didn’t even get ruined in s7 but they’re so important to each other both across lifetimes and as sisko and Jadzia Specifically that they gotta take the top spot
I do like worfzia a lot when they’re written well (90s trek loved the “a relationship can’t be interesting unless they’re fighting about dumb shit all the time” school of thought, and while some of their arguments made sense bc they had conflicting worldviews and experiences and shit that they should reasonably have to struggle to work out, some of them felt like they were more a feature of this). but also kiradax soooo deeply important to me from like late s1 onward and I simply think. what if they were wifes.
sigh ok I’m gonna talk about it but just like. I really liked what the julian and jadzia friendship settled into!! she wasn’t into him and he eventually got over it enough that they could become rly good friends!! and like I’ve said this before but I get if he still had lingering feelings ik that doesn’t always just go away but like. to treat it like it was ever remotely mutual is so disingenuous and a disservice to both characters imo
random headcanon
this is really specific but I like to think she kind of loosely keeps in contact with arjin (the trill initiate she was the field docent for) even if he doesn’t go on to be joined. I think it would be nice if they had a little like pen pal mentorship thing going on every so often yknow.
unpopular opinion
it’s funny I feel like there aren’t a lot of wildly differing opinions on jadzia. like generally speaking pretty much everyone thinks she’s enjoyable? I feel like I have seen people say she’s not the best written character and I don’t think they’re Wrong (and i do feel like to a degree they do more interesting trill stuff with ezri) but it also doesn’t. bother me that much in this case tbh.
song i associate with them
I can’t remember who it was anymore but someone mentioned recessional by vienna teng as a kira/jadzia song but after ezri shows up and it’s.
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favorite picture of them
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if I don’t talk about rejoined at some point during this I’ll die for real so here it is ⬆️⬆️⬆️ women kiss
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jasebel · 2 months
Wow that’s bad, I have CPTSD after some serious shit that happened to me and I imagined myself as a sort of soldier or police officer who studies criminal behaviour as a coping mechanism. I thought about every man as a potential rapist and every woman as a potential abuse apologist while also having the traits of a female rapist/psychopath in mind, just in case. It helped me to survive homelessnes and avoid human traffickers or other significant dangerous people who would exploit me but ironically I couldn‘t avoid the exploitation itself, I felt like it‘s just a part of being a homeless woman because you are literally on the ground of societal hierarchy, everyone treats you like shit and you look for people who are easy to protect yourself against if needed instead of actual nice people (the nice ones have most likely their own issues and you also don’t wanna be a burden). I also was ready to hurt anyone or at least tried to be ready, made this visualisations you descriped because I already was in the worst case and german prisons aren’t as bad as in the us. So it didn’t scared me, some other things, people could do to me without consequences because I just was this homeless girl scared me more. I was literally one of the groups serial killers target in order to not being caught. I imagined myself how I could outsmart such killer, how most victims propably act whe he kidnaps them and how I could make a killer feel safe and superior enough to make a mistake I could use. When I learned something from this times it’s that no one is more dangerous than an individual who fears for their life and has nothing to lose. No matter how many Psychopaths or narcissistic ppl exist (eben when they can cause a lot of damage), they aren’t as much a thread as someone who is scared for their life while visualising how they would kill you. After I moved into an apartment I read a part of „your body keeps the score“ and it descriped how soldiers get broken by complex trauma in order to turn them into a killing machine and it really creeped me out to see the parallels to my story. I was mentally at the place where soldiers are, who saw their comrades being killed in combat, mourning the people they lost and their own innocence that also got killed, filled with rage about it and ready for the next combat, where they will act the exact same way their enemies did. Right before they are turned into the same kind of monster they hated once by using their fight responses against them. And the first time after my traumas I was happy I was alone with my experiences, without a bigger force behind it, that would trick me in just a brutal way. Until then I secretly wished a war or some kind of Apokalypse would happen in my country so I just could feel more normal, when I’m not the only one in terror anymore. But in this case I would’ve stepped defenitly in this kind of trap. I‘m happy I just survived and have now the opportunity to live a normal life, I have seen things that are bad in my life but I‘m also grateful for all the things I have not seen and will never see or know. I‘m smarter now and I hope everyone who saw this video will also be smart enough to avoid to join the military and police. I also hope there are some police officers who saw this video and take it as an opportunity to reflect on their hypervigilance, so they won‘t be the next officer who shoot a teenager because he COULD have had a weapon. Don’t forget that hypervigilance is a response that evolved 100.000s of years before civilisation and it’s the part of your brain called „lizard brain“ that’s acting here. But you aren’t a lizard you are a human being in a civilised society and you shouldn‘t let a bigger force trick you into things that will haunt you.
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d3n-rf · 8 months
See life has so many ups and downs
Just when things start to pan out
They can seemingly fall apart.
The important part is
Is to know these are tests
These are lesson
Designed to strengthen us
And be who we are destined to be.
There is something greater in us all.
I see it so clear
When you put yourself first
It’s the most amazing gift
You see your future clearler
You focus on yourself
You know, I’ve been through a lot
I experienced the worst type of
Relationship as a young naive girl
Me being who I am, I’m not one to victim shame
I know my heart is big and I know who I am
All that he did and all that he said
Made me lose a lot of people
Yeah that is hurtful but they weren’t real friends
Because If they were real they see the truth
But I’ve always been different
People don’t understand asrtand
Some question my intentions
But my love is just pure
I never needed validation
And I didn’t need to fit in
See my ex, he was taunting, he was mean and he was controlling
He silently abused me, manipulated me
That is something I can’t change
It doesn’t matter what I say because that pain will never go away
But I know who I am
And I don’t like the drama
So I keep my mouth shut and I let the lies arise
It makes me shake to talk about the hurt
I’d rather leave it all
Because I know who I am
I’m a good person and those that see
Are the ones meant to be surrounded by me
I don’t need no sympathy , I don’t need no pity
I have a mind of my own and I can get through it
Had to fully lose myself
So that I could be free
From all of those
That only used me
You see, I’ve always been me
And I’ve always been kind
I was so naive
I didn’t realize people were different
I thought the world was just like me
With loving hearts and real intentions
I didn’t see the evil that was ahead
My mom always told me
I need to stop seeing the good in everyone
But it’s always been what I’ve seen
I didn’t understand how much hate there was
So going though what I did
It hurt and it broke me
But I was to good for all of the hate
People don’t care when you are in pain
I literally thought that they did
I do… I’ve always cared… to much
For the ones I loved
That’s what makes me different and I’m easy to break
That’s why I have my guard up
And I try not to let them see
I realize now I am different for a reason
There’s people like me
I just gotta keep believing
I don’t want the fake
I only want the real
So I keep my circle small because I value who I am
I put myself first because I know my
I don’t like to fight, I like people who see the world how I see it.
People who are kind, real, compassionate.
See— life, it’s very weird, you know.
I had a lot of friends growing up. I mean, I was still bullied by certain people in certain situations
I didn’t always handle it the best way.
I’ve always been really kind. From the time I was young
I always stood up for people.
No seriously,
You can ask my family.
I’m a good person.
I’m not someone who is fake.
No, I’m going to tell you exactly how I feel.
If you ask me a question, I’m gonna be honest.
If that hurts your feelings, I am sorry. But I keep it real.
When I had any friendship, I always talked highly about my friends, and loved them.
I was never one to be like, hey.. this persons a “mean name””
I like to have good friends, who are good people in all aspects.
respectful, mature, honest, loving, genuine.
Real friendships.
A lot of people, I’ve found enjoy getting really wasted with a bunch of friends, who aren’t really friends… I mean, they all talk shit about each other …
When they’re sick, their friend isn’t there to take care of them.
When they need someone to talk to, it’s “fuck that person” let’s get hammered!!!!
And go clubbin and fuck shit up
There is people like that.
No morals,
Always seeking a man,
Needing approval of others,
Feeding into drama,
Associating with bad energy
Drinking practically everyday
Attracting the same time of men
Doing drugs socially
Spending most of the money the make, on partying.
Not thinking about a future, what they want.
I think a lot of what happened here
Is social media.
I think seriously, a lot of these young adults they sit here and they have to be popular, there so into social media, they are not paving a life for themselves
Back before social media was a thing,
People moved on with their life’s.
They settled down
They had families
They focused and envisioned what they want there life’s to look at
Friends become old faces
And you meet your neighbours or your call leagues
You’d grab a beer once and a while
And your get back to life
Now the problem is
Especially girls. But guys too
They crave this social media. They crave friends, romances, drugs,
Realistically that’s for people I’m there 20s
We gotta grow up some time
But these people never will
These are the same people who will
Believe in lies
Instead of asking for the truth, or searching for the truth themselves by analyzing behaviour
But the problem is.
1. these people like drama. They are drama, but they like drama
2.. These people love to party, and shut off emotions.
3. They love to avoid life
3. They Avoid getting help
5.Ignore boundaries
And then like to think that people who don’t paritcape in the behaviours , are drama
This generation forgot to grow up
And that is what’s wrong with a lot of the world today
How do we survive in a world where people are more concerned on how they look, who they are dating, and how their friend see them then making a plan for a future.
That’s where I’m different
So I struggle a lot
You know
Like I said earlier
I’ve always been a really nice person
I remember, coming home from school. In KINDERGARTEN and telling my mom she needed to pack a lunch for a girl at school , because she didn’t have food.
I was that girl.
I was the girl who in grade 4,
Seen a little girl being bullied because she was different.
, I went up to her after that class and asked her if she wanted to hang out with me at recess. I made sure I was always nice to her going forward and made sure she didn’t feel alone.
Yes I’ve always been that girl.
In grade 4,
I told my mom my dog shadow didn’t seem right.
she said that’s weird , why do you say that
I said he just seems different
Well, the very next day
My mom took my dog to the vet because he couldn’t poop or pee.
Turns out my dog had cancer and soon after passed
My mom was amazed at my intuition.
In grade 8, I had a younger friend. His name was tristian. Tristan Walsh.
He was great at taekwondo. We did taekwondo together, he was very talented.
We went to the same school, he eas I believe 3 years younger then me so he would of been in grade 5
When I witnessed an older boy pushing tristian around
I walked over, and I sternly said, stop picking on my friend . Or we’re gonna have a problem. I said , listen buddy, I know you, Your Kristen’s brother
If you ever do what you just did ever again I will kick your fucking ass
And tbh with you tristian should
He’s a beast at taekwondo
He could kick your ass
So if I was you
I would back off and leave him alone
And he did, just that.
So where I’m at in life. Im not necessarily judgemental
But I feel because of my mentality, I’m going to always look like a problem.
Why is she always alone?
Why doesn’t she have a boyfriend?
That’s what makes someone in todays society
Not who they aren
Ur who they are dating, and how many friends they have.
Like no, I have friends . Maybe not many
I went through so hard ass shit, for a long time with someone I have no respect for
That person participates I’m things I was always better than, but couldn’t quite escape
I’m not worried about people’s opinions
I want to find my future, my beautiful future.
That I made for myself
Not some rich man I used to get to where I need to be.
Not by sitting there laughing drunk talking about other people to make myself feel better.
I have goals
I’m gonna make life happen
I’m going to have that beautiful dream house I’ve always wanted.
I’m going to have a nice pool in the back yard
And a pool man to take care of it for me.
I’m gonna find my passion, make my money
Plan my life.
I will love me, and only me until I meet someone worth settling down for, someone with as much passion as I have.
Someone who thinks business, thinks smart.
Has a mind of their own.
Doesn’t need validation
Just what’s to grow and be happy
I need a man that doesn’t feel like he needs the paparazzi.
You can all be watching, but we won’t be watching you
I will find that perfect person.
But until I find what I want
I don’t want anyone else
I have gaols
I want to achieve so much,
I want to become a billionaire
So I can take care of my sister.
So I can give my mom and dad lots and lots of money.
So I can take care of my one true friend.
And so I can make the world a better place
Full of love
And joy
We have a bunch of people walking areound destroying there own life, bar hopping, dick hopping, chick hopping .. etc
All getting stds from the same people
Everyone knows each other
There life is a competition
That shit must be exhausted
For real though.
This is some people’s life’s
Isn’t that crazy??
My life is me
live like not one is watching
No one is judging
I’m not famous
Why do you care?
Why do you stalk me?
Why do you talk about me?
I’m not famous, why do you care
See, I don’t associate with that. That’s waste energy. I’m above that energy, which is why I’m a queen.
I’m real, some hate it
Some love it
It’s me.
Im just a girl
Trying to live her best life
J-D-R-F —“””:,) F@44😘
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Casey & Janis Pt.2
Casey: no I don’t, you care so much it’ll be the death of you, always have done
Janis: yeah I care about them, not myself and keeping my ‘place’ 
Janis: what the fuck is that
Casey: you can’t keep doing it all, what the fuck is that
Casey: have a go at learning from your own bloody mistakes
Janis: by letting them mirror and probably do it 10x worse because they have half the common sense, no, thanks
Casey: I’m not supporting you keeping on running yourself into the ground
Janis: it’s one thing
Casey: it won’t be
Janis: I don’t get what you think the solution is
Janis: pretend we aren’t related anymore? Not exactly an advert for it, have to say
Casey: there isn’t a solution we can chuck her or any of them ‘cause it’s not our job to fucking find it
Janis: I’m not saying I can fix their entire lives but that doesn’t mean I can’t do what I know I can
Casey: I can’t stop you, go for it
Janis: okay
Casey: alright
Janis: go ahead and eat your tea when it’s done, I’m taking him for a longer one
Casey: yeah, I’ll do what I like too, message received that’s what we’re doing 
Janis: There’s nothing more to say on it and he’s still full of energy, that’s it
Casey: [don’t reply sir I simply don’t trust you to thank you]
Janis: [it’s okay just take this dog on the longest walk you possibly can]
Casey: [mhmm, it’s FINE, nothing to see here]
Janis: [not awkward at all lol, lowkey just trying to stay out until you have to leave here]
Casey: [leave early tbh hun we all know you’re not above doing it, soz your good mood has been ruined for your first shift but]
Janis: [that is simply not what any of us wanted but here we are, we will let you work without blowing up your phone about it because that’s also not the mood but when you have been there long enough that you’re into the swing of it]
Janis: we don’t need to fight about it, alright, that’s not going to help anything
Casey: [love that we started this convo with the intention of y’all going to have a nice time so this party could happen and ruin things but y’all did it all on your own lol lol]
Casey: I’m not backing down to give you an easy life when you won’t do sod all to help yourself
Janis: [we can send you away still girl, whether that’s to your mothers or out, depending how this goes lol, it’s FINE]
Janis: easys a stretch, any road
Casey: [it can literally be another shift on another night as well if we need it to be, we’ve done skips before and it’s not like we’ve specified a date anywhere in this convo that it has to be now so]
Casey: when you’re on about stretching yourself that thin all the time it is, yeah
Janis: you have to believe me when I say that’s not what I’m doing
Casey: you believe what you want and I will an’ all, that’s where we are
Janis: if you say so
Casey: it’s all been said
Janis: I know the script, it’s fine
Casey: there you go then
Janis: hope you have a good night
Casey: save your breath
Janis: just stop
Casey: you stop, I don’t need your well wishes
Casey: the night’s fucked and we both know how and why it is
Janis: you don’t need to let it affect that, I’ll just leave you to it
Casey: it already has been
Janis: I’m sorry
Casey: no you ain’t, you said what you said and I said what I did and we both stand by it
Janis: I’m sorry that it fucked with your first shift, not for what I said, there’s a difference
Casey: I don’t care about this shift, every other dickhead’ll still have a good night and I’ll be paid to give them it
Janis: it still matters
Casey: it’s only a job
Janis: doesn’t mean I’m fine to ruin it, it’s meant to be a celebration, a new job
Casey: old life can still piss on it, I don’t need telling we don’t get a new one of them to go with
Janis: they’re not going anywhere, no
Casey: exactly, what’s to celebrate
Janis: you don’t mean that
Casey: things are shit, it don’t matter what little things we do to try and make owt better, we can’t sort none of the big mistakes
Janis: when did you change your mind
Casey: what do I know, can’t even get you to listen to me
Janis: you used to trust me
Casey: I do, your heart’s in the right place, it’s never not been, but that don’t mean how much you care won’t backfire and I’m alright watching it when it does
Casey: I can’t hack seeing you get hurt
Janis: but they already hate me
Casey: nowt’s that simple, I’ve heard you say so yourself loads of times when I’m chatting the same bollocks
Janis: alright, you can have that one
Casey: I weren’t being awkward before, there’s no easy way to sort what’s happening with Libi now it’s been left to get this out of hand, she wouldn’t know what to fucking do with herself if she ain’t running ‘round after him and if she don’t wanna see that as a problem you’re only gonna make it so she don’t come to you with any of her others when you can’t leave this one out
Janis: I get what you’re saying
Janis: I just feel like giving in so she doesn’t do something more stupid than she already is is not the direction we’re meant to be going in
Casey: and I get that, it’s not like I fancy seeing her fuck her life up
Janis: no, I know
Janis: she’d sort her life to spite me but she doesn’t actually know what that would entail at this point
Casey: her life’s going massively different to how she reckoned it would do, ‘course she don’t have no answers
Janis: following him about forevers her bright idea and I can’t hack that
Casey: I’d follow you about forever and kill anyone who tried to tell me it weren’t a bright idea, I’ve not got a leg to stand on, it only happens I picked the right dickhead and she hasn’t
Janis: she doesn’t know what else is out there, neither does he, that’s all
Janis: you do
Casey: I started finding out at her age, she can an’ all
Janis: yeah
Casey: he hasn’t wanted nowt to do with her, that’ll help without you having to
Janis: I suppose so, hopefully
Casey: trust us, take a step back for a bit and if she’s still pissing about, then I’ll let you do your best, or worst, to sort it
Janis: It’s not like I can do anything about it tonight so
Casey: One thing at a time, the dog’ll be properly well trained tonight at least
Janis: he’s crashed
Casey: long as he waited ‘til he was home, you’re carrying her about as is
Janis: he’s better behaved than that, don’t worry
Casey: I’ll let him off then
Janis: [a snoozy selfie of this pup like see]
Casey: and I’ll try not to get him behaving badly again when I get in
Janis: you’re fine, want him to let us know if someones breaking in, like
Casey: you change the locks on us already or what
Janis: obviously
Janis: let the last place go way too easily
Casey: see what the neighbours haven’t claimed of what you’ve chucked from the window
Janis: I’d be having much more fun if I was that dramatic
Casey: obviously, laugh a minute my parents
Janis: have to be to forget to do so much basic shit
Casey: have to be something, dunno if it’s a right laugh
Janis: don’t fancy starting that argument with my own mother tonight, maybe tomorrow I’ll ask
Casey: maybe tomorrow you’ll be here
Janis: are you going to invite me again
Casey: you uninvited yourself from coming and from tea, I never
Janis: 🤏
Janis: didn’t need to be throwing plates at each other
Casey: I wouldn’t
Janis: the reality of an uncomfortable silence is worse and less funny than the shit joke though
Casey: yeah, you can have that one
Janis: what’s the place like
Casey: every other, but don’t let that put you off
Janis: but not the worst you’ve worked at?
Casey: first’s the worst, they’ll get away with it like nowhere else
Janis: nothing takes the piss like your first job 
Casey: you’d know being my first boss
Janis: breaking all child labour laws
Casey: 🤏
Janis: pay wasn’t bad though
Casey: it had loads to recommend it
Janis: might be hiring and put that to the test
Casey: more gutting than if you changed the locks
Janis: custody battle over a dog happened more than you’d reckon back in the dog walking days
Casey: don’t be getting no ideas off remembering what them knobheads done, you’re not leaving us nor having him
Janis: not got the 🤑 to live like that
Casey: shut up, you can’t live without me
Janis: you shut up being mean to me
Casey: let’s be mates again, okay
Janis: that’s what I was saying when I started this but yeah
Janis: one of us needs to know when to give in
Casey: you was saying you don’t wanna fight with us, that’s different to being my best mate
Janis: you gonna make up rules now?
Casey: you’ve been told, the rule is you behave for me how I want
Janis: couldn’t be easier, yeah
Casey: say you’ve missed us, that couldn’t be easier, only a few words
Janis: of course I miss you
Janis: not been sat here making new plans
Casey: alright, I give in
Janis: 😏
Janis: I’ll fight for you if you wanna make it harder, ‘cos you are my best mate
Casey: I wanna make it dead easy for you, kind of mate I am
Janis: dead nice, I did say
Casey: feels like ages ago
Janis: fightings long, not how I’m trying to exhaust you
Casey: fighting’s bollocks, I’m trying to love you
Janis: I’ll let you
Casey: tah, that’s big of you
Janis: shut up you know you want to
Casey: yeah, it’s all I want
Janis: me too
Casey: I’m sorry for the rest of the aggro, I’d have it be that simple if I could do
Janis: fair, none of it’s you anymore
Janis: just had to have you to myself to fix that, who knew
Casey: I knew, mate
Janis: alright, smug, you weren’t exactly unbiased 
Casey: who is
Janis: no one, they may as well get jackets at this point
Casey: bulk discount
Janis: we can match, only really cringe when she gets out and I try it
Casey: I’m being that dad, she can’t stop me
Janis: 🤓
Janis: who can, I’ve tried, she’s got no hope
Casey: nor can the dog, I’ll be starting on him now I’m not totally skint
Janis: I can’t believe I fancy you
Casey: you best do or you’re not getting nothing out this pay packet
Janis: awh, and that being the only reason I stayed
Casey: 💔
Janis: baby
Casey: nobody here answers to none of that
Janis: not even sometimes 🤏🤔
Casey: nah, no chance
Janis: hmm, awkward
Casey: awkward craic aside, you’re really fit though, give you that
Janis: you’re definitely meant to be saying that out loud to whoevers in front of you right now, like
Casey: they don’t pay us enough to be calling no lads fit, dunno what sort of place you’ve heard this is
Janis: 💔
Casey: not even a 🤏 they fancy themselves without me needing to have a word
Janis: sounds like exactly the sort of place I heard it was then
Casey: be right at home, you
Janis: are you saying you wouldn’t try and flirt with me if I was right in front of you?
Casey: oi, listen to you saying try like I’d have to
Janis: lazy, what are you busy working or something
Casey: you’re mine, the rest of these dickheads can try, except they’d be making a massive mistake to in front of me
Janis: 😍
Janis: good thing I’ve had loads of practice at disinterested bitch
Casey: much as I’ve had barring people for no reason other than them doing my head in
Janis: can’t run a place that only lets girls in and I couldn’t be caught dead there, babe
Casey: what, you reckon lasses aren’t the worst offenders as far as winding us up
Janis: just a no dickheads policy, got it
Casey: if it was you’d be the only one in the place with me
Janis: doesn’t sound like a threat to me
Casey: I’d threaten you with fuck all but a good time is why
Janis: I love you
Casey: I love you too
Janis: no I love you more, you have to understand
Casey: I ain’t giving in on that, I can’t
Janis: I won’t stop loving you hard ‘til you do
Casey: you won’t ever stop then
Janis: if that’s what it takes, I’m well dedicated
Casey: we’ll see, weren’t that what you said
Janis: that’s the one
Casey: it’ll have to do ‘til I properly see you
Janis: we get to swap roles, be on the other side of it
Casey: yeah
Janis: do you prefer missing me with or without dickheads in your face, like
Casey: there’s no nice way to go about it
Janis: yeah, reckon that might be the answer
Casey: it’s the only one I’ve got, what I prefer is when I don’t have to miss you
Janis: I just wanna sew us together
Casey: do it then
Janis: I’ll look into what’s the best tools for the job, look like I’ve turned into an actual 👵
Casey: the baby’ll let you off knitting for her if that’s what you’re sorting out instead, she wants to be that close to me an’ all
Janis: no one but me has been as close as you, since the start
Casey: it’s what I was trying to tell you before, it can be just us 3 for a bit, Libi’ll be alright
Janis: I won’t be trying to move her in, I know what you were trying to say, I get it
Casey: nobody takes care of you if I don’t, you need looking after sometimes too
Janis: I’ll try to fight you less on it, not making no promises but
Casey: I know it’s hard, I have to fight every day against so much shit in my head
Janis: I trust you, and I care about the shit that comes out your head
Casey: I’m only mardy at you ‘cause there’s shit you can do to help her, all of them, still, and there’s fuck all I can
Casey: but it’s not your fault
Janis: It’s not yours that that’s how it’s been set up by the shit in their heads
Casey: it’s knackering enough, my own shit, I dunno how I’m meant to fight theirs an’ all, even if they’d let me
Janis: I wish I knew
Janis: switching the narrative has got harder, if it’s done anything
Casey: but I can’t shut the door and let them stay behind it, fuck that
Janis: We’ve got nothing but time, you were right about that
Casey: I’ve wasted too much of it for one life, might as well become my dad if I keep on
Janis: and we’re still young, still here
Casey: right, I’m not gonna turn into my mum neither, or let those dickheads do it
Janis: no, it’s not an option 
Casey: you weren’t wrong, I were, drag Libi kicking and screaming out of it if it takes that
Janis: I made it sound dramatic, I will try talking to her first
Janis: but I’m never bothered by having to be the one who pulls the trigger in the end
Casey: it’s who we both are, who we’ve had to be
Janis: I’m glad you’re you and you’re mine
Casey: I just wanted you to know you’ve got options here with me, to be the you who they didn’t create to suit themselves
Janis: maybe it’s just who I am, always have been, I dunno
Casey: I know who you are and I fucking love you, I’m going nowhere, whenever you need a reminder I’ll be about to chuck you one
Janis: the more you love me the more I feel like myself
Casey: I could die buzzing if that’s the one thing I achieve in the next 80 odd years
Janis: it ain’t gonna be and we both know it
Casey: valid point, I’ll not be a top dad if I teach them all nothing, just you
Janis: I can only keep you to myself like that for now, sadly
Casey: have to enjoy it while it lasts, won’t I
Janis: won’t tell if you don’t
Casey: you’ve got yourself a deal there, girl
Janis: 🤝
Casey: you only wanna make me think about how fit you look spitting everywhere, I know what you’re like
Janis: it’s only fair, I have to think about you all day while I work
Casey: it’d be fair of me to piss off home early since I made you
Janis: you’re on best behaviour
Casey: for you, you’re the only boss I respect, like
Janis: you’re so
Casey: tell us who I am, go on
Janis: you’re so kind and adorable and you always want the best for me and you’re always right and so hot
Janis: I don’t know how to word it, you’re everything to me
Casey: You’re everything
Casey: and since I couldn’t find the words before, I’ll let you know now I’d bend you over the bar as soon as look at you
Janis: see, right answer 
Casey: painfully true right now it is
Janis: I wanna make it better 
Casey: you’ve got as many good answers yourself
Janis: and you know I’d let you, however many people were there
Casey: and I’ll let you use your teeth much as you want ‘til you don’t have no doubts I still trust you
Janis: I’d never hurt you unless you begged me to
Casey: I’ll beg you to in front of all of them
Janis: we’re not good at being quiet
Casey: you’re better than me
Janis: not when all I wanna do is make you loud in front of everyone now
Casey: why listen to this music when they could hear the way I say your name
Janis: you make me like my name, even if the music was good, it’s no competition to you
Casey: it’s mutual, I hated mine before
Janis: I’ll sew it onto me like a label, wait and see
Casey: I’ll pay for some dickhead to ink yours onto me, use these tips I’m earning
Janis: I know you’re being so charming right now
Casey: it’s yours, like I am, to do whatever you want with
Janis: I’m proud of you, you know that, yeah
Casey: do you know how turned on it’s making me that you’ve said it
Janis: you’re being extra good, I can tell when you wanna be my boy
Casey: I wanna make you so fucking proud
Janis: I couldn’t be prouder, you’re the best thing I’ve ever had a hand in making
Casey: fuck, I couldn’t be harder
Janis: that’s good, I want you to be hard all night
Janis: think about me everytime you have to move
Casey: move for me
Janis: let me call you baby
Casey: I’m your baby, you own me how I own you
Janis: we’ve always been each other’s, nothing can ever ever change that
Casey: never has and never will, you’re it for me
Janis: I couldn’t be with anyone else, no one does anything like you
Casey: everyone here is dressed how dickheads had to pay you to be, I miss you so fucking much
Janis: I miss you like I can’t breathe, I want to just be naked with you all the time, anything else is stupid
Casey: your body’s changed, I just wanna keep watching it do that all the time
Janis: seeing it through your eyes convinces me that it’s real
Casey: it’s mad she’s really in there, being proud of me too
Janis: that she’ll come out, that bit still doesn’t feel real
Casey: I’ve never had this many people love me before
Janis: we’ll love you no matter what
Casey: and I’ll look after you both, however she comes out, nowt to worry about
Janis: if she comes out like a 👽 or she tries to rip us in half, you mean
Casey: she’ll come out perfect
Janis: you’ll look after me
Casey: I promise
Janis: then I’m not scared
Casey: you can try and rip me in half if you need, I’m not bothered
Janis: might have to take you up on that offer, good we got it in writing
Casey: 🤝
Janis: 🤤💦
Casey: have I gotta beg for you to actually do it or 
Janis: [have an entirely more obscene video really making this a moment because no you don’t and we’re more than willing to oblige] 
Casey: you’re
Casey: fuck’s sake, I can’t react how I want but
Janis: I can do what I want for the both of us
Casey: you can be loud as you need
Janis: I’m impressed you can watch that without getting caught, honestly
Casey: do all sorts without getting caught, me
Janis: yeah?
Casey: what do you feel like watching
Janis: move for me, like you asked me
Janis: I wanna see how hard it is
Casey: [no hesitation in doing and sending her this, excuse him everyone]
Janis: please
Casey: anything
Janis: I was so scared you were gonna ignore me
Casey: when have I ever managed that
Janis: might be easier now but I ain’t gonna make it for you
Casey: it’s got harder
Janis: good
Janis: I’d rather anything
Casey: long as we don’t need to fall out whenever you fancy reminding us how hard you are to ignore
Janis: there’s better ways, not my only move
Casey: nor mine, not for ages now anyway
Janis: 😡🤬 ain’t the review I’d give
Casey: yours is the only one that matters
Janis: as long as we’re happy, everything else will sort itself as and when
Casey: I don’t doubt I can do that, whatever else I might reckon I need to work on
Janis: you’ve always been the best at it
Casey: you
Janis: I should feel like shit right now but instead I’m delirious 
Casey: fuck shoulds unless it’s you should be here
Janis: I miss you
Casey: and I shouldn’t have let you piss off out the door like that, there’s another one
Janis: I should’ve calmed down but hasn’t happened yet so not gonna say it will
Casey: I’m not having that should go through neither, not when I can have delirious instead of
Janis: you like my bullshit
Casey: I told you it makes sense to me, I get why you act how you do
Janis: if you make me say you get me, I’ll be a tiny bit fuming at you
Casey: I like when you’re a bit fuming at us
Janis: so what other cliches are you going to make us claim?
Casey: this club’s full of ‘em for a start
Janis: I can picture
Janis: who’s your least favourite punter, like what type
Casey: the dickheads who don’t drink, obviously
Janis: 😂
Janis: no tips for a really great coke or tap water
Casey: or the music, sod all to do with me, that
Janis: not like anyone dances properly
Casey: you would, everything you do is proper
Janis: with you
Casey: might be the first cliche, feeling like there’s no dickheads but us two on the dancefloor
Janis: definitely
Janis: always forget about the rest when I get to be that close to you
Casey: I’ve forgot all of them and you’re not even here yet
Janis: I may as well be, how you feel
Janis: you could be inside me right now, how it feels
Casey: massive cliche what a first it is for me
Janis: most people are boring when they’re right in front of you, never mind behind screens
Casey: I should tell you you’re not most people, how’s that for the ultimate cliche, like
Janis: when it works so much in my favour
Janis: I’ll take it
Casey: ‘til you take me
Janis: it’s ridiculous how badly I want that right now
Casey: your toothbrush has done us that favour before
Janis: you can say you’ve been wanting it since you had me in the shower
Casey: there’s no need to say it, you know what’s in my head before I have done
Janis: you sound good when you say it though
Casey: you sound better
Janis: [audio he would have to hold up to his ear to have a hope of hearing like okay, I know what you’re asking for]
Casey: you happy now you’ve sent a right shiver through me in front of everyone
Janis: very
Casey: good
Janis: if you want me to bend you over the bar too, you have to be alright with people seeing and hearing a lot more off you
Casey: you won’t if I chuck them out and it’s just for you
Janis: when you get to lock up, we can do everything we want to
Casey: best behaviour that’ll earn us the keys then
Janis: best boy ‘til you own the place
Casey: when I’ve sorted somewhere of my own I’ll name it after you, that’s the real ultimate cliche
Janis: you really would?
Casey: give us a top excuse to flash my tattoo at each punter who walks in if nowt else
Janis: you love me so much it kills me
Casey: I love you so much I’ll have you written over my heart and you can’t say you dunno how alive I am for you
Janis: invite me back
Casey: come here
Janis: yeah, okay
Casey: stay for as long as they’ll have me
Janis: [when this shift is meant to end like because you’ll be behaving, of course lol]
Janis: and you already picked me an outfit
Casey: I’ve had to stop myself making you so many fucking drinks, it’s just what I wanna do any sec my hands aren’t pissing about with other bollocks
Janis: I’ll tell you when I’m close enough for you to make my first
Casey: okay
Janis: I just need to get out of your old t-shirt but that’s tougher than it sounds
Casey: you don’t baby, you’d get in wearing it
Janis: works better on short girls, I’d at least need to put something on bottom
Casey: everything works better on you
Janis: says you, make any uniform look good
Casey: weren’t why I chose the place, that’s ‘cause I can look out and see you on the side of a building near here
Janis: don’t make me cry
Casey: [a pic of him with this advert of her in view in the distance even though he’d have to take a break for a sec to do it cos he’s just that absolute nerd]
Janis: look at you
Casey: *me and you
Janis: always
Janis: when I’m not on the side of buildings no more
Casey: it’s alright, my head’s like the side of that building
Casey: and the rest of us, get everywhere, you
Casey: you’re gonna be my girl wherever you are, no escaping it
Janis: I never want to leave
Janis: you’re my favourite place to be
Janis: like home, if you want a cliche
Casey: I ain’t fuming about it, the home I had before you was a worse cliche
Janis: you make more sense
Casey: you’ve been my family longer 
Janis: I forget how young you were, when you came here
Casey: and younger still when she left me to it
Janis: yeah, you were all just babies really
Casey: ours’ll have a life so fucking far from how mine was, I don’t care if that’s a cliche an’ all
Janis: I’m not fucking up like that no more, won’t make it any of their problem anyway
Casey: I’d rather die and you heard already I don’t really fancy doing that
Janis: they reckon I will, have, with this
Casey: they don’t know what they’re on about, never have done
Janis: by the time they’re old enough to get anything, it’ll be better, won’t it
Casey: ‘course, it’ll be better by the time she’s here, I promised, didn’t I
Janis: yeah but it’s not just you who has to try
Casey: it won’t be
Janis: I will
Janis: Libs thinks Liam and Edie were perfect so, there’s hope
Casey: you’re not allowed to die, you’ve got them beat for the work that’ll let you put in
Janis: have to take separate cars everywhere
Casey: I’ll drive, no risk
Janis: shut up, you
Casey: make me, if that’s what you reckon you’re after
Janis: I showed you how good I was at driving
Janis: one time it went wrong, and that was as much your fault
Casey: might just be I need reminding, you can take us home
Janis: I will
Janis: you gonna hate me ‘cos I’m a designated driver then
Casey: it’s her fault
Janis: I mean, you said it
Janis: could be getting me wasted otherwise
Casey: [dropping a mem of when he last saw her wasted, cos god knows when that would have been knowing jj aren’t going out partying on the regs at 24 but it’s another potential for the past jc list]
Janis: God 😬
Casey: weren’t the face I made, nor you
Janis: I can handle myself
Janis: it feels like longer ago than it was
Casey: loads has happened since, I’m basically a different dickhead than who I were
Janis: you don’t reckon I’m 90 no more
Casey: you’re not no more, unless I had a fucked idea of 90 year olds, could visit a oldies home and they’re behaving exactly like you do, having orgies with each other and that
Janis: excuse you, not once have I had or attended an orgy
Casey: you would though if I asked you nice
Janis: you just wanna get thrown out for taking it too far
Casey: I’d have to get us both gone, not sharing you with nobody
Janis: no ones as good as me
Janis: at best I could use some lad to fuck you with but they’d just be spare parts for what I want
Casey: you don’t need a hand, or fuck all else, there, you know what you’re doing
Janis: no old people, no orgies
Casey: ship’s sailed with your nan, like
Janis: 🙄
Janis: I can stop getting ready, like
Casey: oi, how are you not well flattered, it comes back to you and the way you look, even in my most pisstaking fantasies
Janis: how flattered would you be, mate
Casey: alright, I’ll leave it out
Janis: you only all look the same
Casey: we don’t, I’ve only got the same brown eyes and hair as loads of people
Janis: we’ll leave it out
Casey: yeah, be rude if you uninvited yourself a second time in the one night
Janis: you’re not allowed to get that moody when you made the shit joke first
Casey: I’m allowed to make it ‘cause I’ve never been married to your nan, more like
Janis: right because that’s never going to come up
Casey: weren’t planning on getting on one knee for her, nah
Janis: I wouldn’t bother, unsure how grandad has been able to stick around so long
Casey: you heard me say I weren’t about to bother
Janis: I just said you look like you’re related, ‘cos you are
Casey: you don’t need to be saying nowt that compares me to him ever
Janis: I didn’t say his name, could be talking about the kid for all you know
Casey: except I do know ‘cause I ain’t as thick as us lot all look
Janis: it was a nothing comment, you know that
Casey: just forget about it
Janis: are you going to
Casey: I want to
Janis: alright
Casey: alright
Janis: sorry I said the wrong thing
Casey: like you said, it’ll happen
Casey: he don’t say my name and where does that get him
Janis: I wasn’t comparing you, I’m not going to do that
Casey: I know you’re not, it’s me
Janis: it was a dumb joke, it’s fine
Casey: my dad started it and his are way less funny so
Janis: I know
Casey: we’re related, I’m stuck with that
Janis: we all are
Janis: arguably, he has it the worst
Janis: you get to be paranoid about my motives and your ability to measure up
Janis: I’m just the bitch who did it, like
Casey: he loves having it the worst, did him a favour there
Janis: sure that’s how it feels
Casey: be dead confident putting this tip jar on it, like
Janis: fuck sake
Casey: yeah, that’s how it feels
Janis: he ain’t ever gonna be alright with this, why would he be
Casey: I ain’t asking for his blessing, you’re alright
Janis: how is it going to work
Casey: I don’t speak for him and what the fuck he is or isn’t gonna do, I can only make the shit work that’s down to us
Janis: I’m not asking you to, just
Janis: I don’t know, I don’t think it will and I don’t know what I’m meant to do about that
Casey: all you can do is try, my love
Casey: another bastard cliche but
Janis: Jesus I wish I could get drunk right now
Casey: maybe you could get away with the once, I turned out alright and it were confirmed semi regs Debbie was on it
Janis: I’ll pretend I don’t know, like
Casey: works for the lasses who wanna get on telly after having their kid in the toilet
Janis: most people don’t know ‘til they’re a period or two missing
Casey: don’t have to talk me into it, mate, it’s your sesh
Janis: obviously not
Casey: never be drunk here any road, you heard what the barman are doing to the state of the drinks
Janis: I can’t come now
Casey: you don’t fancy coming no more, you mean
Janis: it’s the same thing in the end so sure
Casey: I get it, I'll see you tomorrow for more of the same thing
Janis: wow, okay
Casey: what, it’s only alright when it’s you saying it
Janis: I missed the part where I said day in day out with you is monotonous 
Casey: you’d have a job to keep a straight face and say owt of the sort when it’s the opposite, you can’t miss all we’ve done today is turn each other on or piss each other off
Janis: I’m not pissed off, I feel like shit
Casey: you know what I’m on about, it’s a bloody extreme state of affairs to keep on going back and forth between
Janis: so make a joke about hormones and move on
Casey: ‘cause my last joke went down so well
Janis: you get three strikes, it’s cool
Janis: there’s just no point pretending we’ll have a good time, when I’m in my head now
Casey: you and me both, mate
Janis: you finish your shift and do what you gotta do, I’ll be here
Casey: comforting, tah very much
Janis: you said it first, fucking see you tomorrow
Casey: yeah, I’ve seen this all coming, ‘cause it’s a pattern, what I do, might be a good fuck but what’s that matter when I always fuck the rest up, and here we are
Janis: you’re talking utter bullshit
Casey: how, have a look
Janis: you haven’t done anything wrong, I’m upset about Jimmy and the kid, neither of which I’d have forgot about without your reminder so it doesn’t even matter
Janis: don’t take it as a diss but it wasn’t about you, sorry
Casey: it matters I’ve made it worse, to me if not you
Janis: you wanna make it so what I’ve done isn’t fucking stupid and cruel
Janis: but it just is, if you’re chasing making me feel better about getting pregnant whilst breaking up/cheating whatever the fuck happened and is happening… like, you’re going to feel like shit because it just is dumb, I am for that
Casey: Bollocks, you’re stupid for trying to carry this about like it’s something you did deliberate when it weren’t
Janis: I came off the pill
Casey: it wasn’t one mistake and it wasn’t just fucking yours, we all made loads that lead up to this
Janis: yeah, he shouldn’t have let me, maybe I shouldn’t have let the wedding go ahead
Janis: I don’t know where his head was or is, I can’t tell how much guilt I’m meant to feel because he’s not speaking
Casey: have another go, dickhead, keep on having them
Janis: I’m fucking tired
Casey: you might be, but you ain’t finding out where his head is from me, are you
Casey: talk to the twat
Janis: okay
Casey: decent time to write whatever you want, he’ll not see it ‘til the morning
Janis: yeah, looking like that crazy ex will do me wonders in the future custody battle
Casey: he’s the one who’s most fucked in the head, you’d not have any worries
Janis: you sure about that
Casey: yeah I am
Janis: have to tell the judge I was mostly joking about wanting to sew us together, hope he goes for it
Casey: not like you’re getting the needle out now, he’ll never know
Janis: ‘cos you’re mad at me, just assault if you’re not up for it, mate
Casey: it’s not you I’m fuming at
Janis: I know but now we’re both being sad twats and I could’ve just come and had a drink and pretended
Casey: you said it, just assault if you’re not up for it
Janis: I know I have to talk to him, not keep relying on you for everything when you can’t give that
Janis: but it’s like smashing my head into a brick wall, you know that as much as me, more
Casey: too right I do, so don’t you dare reckon you can sit here and pretend shit with us like I don’t
Janis: I can’t
Janis: so if I had come, we’d only be doing this in person and that’s really taking the piss for distracting you from your job
Janis: I didn’t mean to do this tonight, fucking hell
Casey: give a fuck, it’s just a job, I told you
Janis: but I care, you’ll think I don’t if I steamroll it with this shit
Janis: I wanted you to be buzzing
Casey: I’m not a kid, I know this fixes nothing
Janis: but it’s not nothing, me and you could be so happy already and we are
Janis: but none of them are going away, unless they are but we need to know and hear it from them, right
Casey: it is, what kind of dickhead would be buzzing when you’re miserable and we’ve got this hanging over us both, ‘cause yeah, it is about me an’ all whatever the fuck you say, if it hurts you it hurts me
Janis: I’m not miserable, he just has to give me some answers, that’s all
Janis: I was miserable before, you see the difference, that’s you, us being together
Casey: if you’re not at the minute you will be, he’s not gonna just give you no answers, you said it
Janis: if that’s really how he leaves it, then that’ll be answer enough
Janis: I need you more
Casey: me and him are as useless as each other, there’s your comparison, I can’t make you feel no better with the answers I’ve got, you had it right when you said it
Janis: you had your heads fucked up in the same way so you believe shit like that
Janis: you’ve helped me more than anyone, that’s the truth
Casey: they don’t help you at all, it’s not hard to come off looking like less of a knobhead
Janis: you don’t get to piss off and leave me ‘cos you’re not doing good enough by your standards
Janis: it’s not happening
Casey: I’ll never leave you, I don’t care if that makes me a bastard ‘cause I probably should if I wasn’t
Janis: me wanting to spend the rest of my life with you isn’t foreplay
Janis: and I’m not stupid, I want you because you’re right for me
Casey: it’s a 🤏 of foreplay, just not right now
Casey: you’re not cruel either, fuck going along with that bollocks
Janis: alright, not a roleplay because you’re such a good fuck and I get carried away
Janis: I didn’t mean to be, like I know he didn’t when he stopped giving a shit about me but didn’t let me know
Janis: he can’t help it, I can’t help that I’m in love with you
Casey: I could help it when I decided I were moving the fuck on, it’s us who’s thick and cruel, it’s my fault you’re having this kid and that’s why I want you to not feel like shit about it
Janis: She’s happening now, whatever we all did, got us all here
Janis: you shouldn’t have ever felt like you had a chance but you did, and we know why that is, I should’ve said I didn’t want you to move on there and then
Janis: I’ll forgive you if you forgive me
Casey: there’s nowt for me to forgive you for, you’ve given us everything I want
Janis: So have you, shit I shouldn’t have asked for or you weren’t the one who was supposed to give it
Janis: but I don’t regret any of it
Casey: what he won’t give you is exactly what you should be asking me for
Janis: now I can
Janis: I trust you with my life, dramatic and cliche as that fucking sounds, I mean it literally
Casey: you’ve gone without for too long, making sure you don’t keep on doing and she never does has everything to do with me
Janis: yes, it does
Janis: I’m not going to treat you like it’s not your place when it is, I didn’t mean to but I hear it and I’ll try really fucking hard to knock that on the head
Casey: my place is with you, they don’t need to like it, none of them
Janis: how it happened is irrelevant, we’re together now, that’s not changing except one day I’ll get to marry you 
Casey: I’ll try really fucking hard to knock this pattern on the head before you agree to chaining yourself to us like that
Janis: I’ve got my own, never just let you help us when it means admitting I don’t know best all the time
Janis: but you know why I’ve got mine and I know why you’ve got yours, half the battle
Casey: and in fairness, you know best most of the time
Janis: obviously
Janis: it’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone who wanted equal say, fucking any, that’s the truth
Casey: you heard, you deserve more, and if you can’t get it off us, who the fuck
Janis: it’s you, I fucking love you
Casey: I love you
Casey: and if I have to keep on putting myself in the wrong so we can work out what’s right for you and give you it, I will however many fucking times needed
Janis: I’ll try not to be that much of a nightmare but
Janis: I’ll never stop giving you everything you want and need
Casey: I’ve had nightmares, you’re nowt of the sort
Janis: I just wanna show you how happy you deserve to be
Casey: I dunno how to do none of this and there’s a steep learning curve when I care this much about how it turns out, that’s all
Janis: hardly got a wealth of experience myself but
Janis: when you promise to love me no matter what, mean it
Janis: we can’t go too far wrong if that stays true
Casey: I’ve meant it since I met you, before I could promise it to anybody but myself
Janis: you’ve loved me the longest, you don’t even understand what that means to me
Casey: it’s why we can’t start on shoulds, I’d go so far back it’d fuck with everything
Janis: no more shoulds
Janis: here and now is ours and we’re doing it right
Casey: I should say sorry though, I’ve not
Janis: is asking what for gonna turn into a spiral, there’s loads I could
Casey: leaving it purely at what I’ve said since you did you wasn’t coming
Janis: fair
Janis: I’ll say I can’t wait to see you now because I can’t
Casey: if you can’t wait up I’ve got it in writing it ain’t ‘cause you’re still feeling done in by us
Janis: I sleep better when you’re next to me, but wake us if I manage
Casey: have you got him next to you, he’ll wake you before I get chance
Janis: ‘course, putting him through it with the whiplash moodswings 
Janis: [picture of Chubby attempting to be comforting, bless him]
Casey: [a voice note telling Chubby he’s a good boy etc to play for him because he is and we love and miss him and appreciate his endeavours at trying to keep this gal off the ledge during this emotional rollercoaster of a convo]
Janis: [a video vibe of Chubby being like hello?! At his voice how animals sometimes do]
Janis: same 😍
Casey: I can’t wait ‘til she can react to me too, won’t have a clue what to do with all of you missing us but
Janis: be a good problem to have, I reckon
Casey: let’s pretend I feel good about how much I wanna come home right now, yeah
Janis: we’ll pretend I didn’t come home early
Casey: no, I ain’t pretending none of that happened, it was too hot
Janis: yeah, the replay in my head is really helping
Casey: it’s helping me with reckoning chucking 🥺 at you ‘til you say I can come home early an’ all is what I need to be doing
Janis: it could be an emergency
Casey: please 🥺
Janis: fuck it, come home to us
Casey: write us a note to keep me out of trouble with anybody else, mummy
Janis: you’re mine, I know what’s best for you and when you need to be with me
Janis: whatever twat hired you probably ain’t even there tonight
Casey: we’re right short staffed actually, but an emergency is an emergency
Janis: how wet you just made me can’t be called anything else
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Day four of Jeannes Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke
Didn't really have a lot of time over last two week because my father died last Tuesday and i didn't really feel like playing even when i had the time but today we actually continue the Nuzlocke
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ok, I'm pretty sure legends Arceus already had idle animations like this but i think it's cool that the characters actually reacts to the weather by shielding themselves from the rain while running. I mean it's stupid and doesn't do shit but people do this in real life too so...
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i decided to actually do some of the classes the game keeps telling me about because Lisa told me they would be important later and honestly... with the exception of history they all seem pretty useless right now...
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time for the next titan fight
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okay the idea of an evil stork pokemon throwing boulders from its... bag? Bib? Pouch?... is pretty creative but this thing does look really stupid when it opens its beak
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also i once again OHKO'd it with thunder fang
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looks... tasty?
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Yeah arven... your dog just barked... I'll call the fucking news
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SWIMMING! Finally a useful new ability
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New Team member Amphitrite the Finizen
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uhm... either the director forgot he's supposed to be undercover or students actually can expel other students. Which seems weird
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Next new team member Metis the Tatsugiri... this is also the point where i realized i was walking around the wrong area for my level...
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Gaia evolved... not sure if i like the design but i also don't hate it
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so this titan just wanders around the desert... guess I'll fight it then
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Hey look... I'm finally not overleveled for once
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still OHKO'd
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Arven brings up a fantastic point... why can't healthy things actually taste good
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is it just me or does my mouth look unnaturally big in this picture?
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i know i shouldn't... I know this is a terrible Idea... I could loose the Nuzlocke here... but i really want to have the last movement option for Koraidon...
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No Arven we didn't get a On-Screen message that we defeated the Titan... there's clearly another phase to this fight
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had to sacrifice both Themis and Persephone but i managed to defeat the titan
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why are we scared of a sandwich?
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And climbing... now i should be able to go literally everywhere...
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and the dog is healthy again... yay, i guess...
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Oh boo hoo! Arven you're a grown ass man and your mom has a job stop whining like a baby just because she isn't home 24/7
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OH MY GOD!!!! i found a shiny Nymble! I actually get to take advantage of the Shiny-Clause!!!!
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Hermes the SHINY Nymble
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and now that the Titans are done it's time for the next team star base
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probably should have done this one sooner
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yeah that was way too easy
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hey, my cat/dog/native American lizardman likes you penny
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Oh shit are they going to make me feel bad for beating up the evil team now?
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Demeter and Hermes evolved
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also it seems i forgot to take a screenshot of it but i caught Hecate the Girafarig and she also evolved
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don't worry kid... most four year olds aren't
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Okay I'm beginning to question team stars judgment because if someone walked around looking like that... i would NOT let them design ANY outfit
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well... I'm actually not sure why i send Athena in but it was definitely a bad idea
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still won... Hecate really carried my team here (i need better coverage)
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Ah yes, he's getting bullied because he geeks out over old-fashioned stuff... not at all because of the way he looks, talks or dresses...
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I... Uhm... how... Why does this guy have TWO monobrows?!? (is it still a monobrow if he has two of them?)
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oh right the wallet... i think i got that when i was going from great tust to the false dragon titan... also it always confuses me how people forget things like their wallet, keys or phones... like i forget a lot of things, names, birthdays, my lunch... one time when i was 17 i forgot to put on a shirt and went to school in a sports bra... but never in my life have i forgotten to bring my wallet that thing is always in the back-pocket of my jeans so all i have to do before leaving the house is give a slap to my left asscheek and i know if i have it.
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This seems like a weird gym test... but then again everything about this gym is weird
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hey, i made 10k on this
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okay at this point I'm pretty sure this game is doing this on purpose to confuse straight people...
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well. This should be relatively a relatively easy sweep with Gaia
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yup... also this photo is ridiculous
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Nemona you need to chill
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sooo... Larry is... just a dude? I mean it makes sense for the normal type gym leader but it also automatically makes him the least memorable gym leader I've seen in this game yet
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really wish i still had Athena with me...
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and there goes Amphitrite... Shit
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still did it but man i REALLY need more coverage on my team
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well that would be useful if i had a pokemon with a terra type different than its own original type
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outside of the fairy squad base and look I'm not overleveled...
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New team member Hephaestus the Bronzong
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HOLY FUCK!!!! i was actually trying to catch the Salazzle and just randomly find a SECOND shiny!?! i never found a single shiny in any of my previous Nuzlockes and now i get two in a single run
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New (and as far as i can tell probably last because the only areas left are the north, east and south sea and all I seem to find there are Finizen and Wattrel) team members Hydra the Deino and Aphrodite the Salazzle
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well that was a productive day... i think i will take on the Fairy squad base next...and i know that is a bad idea but look... i specifically got Hephaestus and Aphrodite for that base and the only other things left to do are
The psychic gym, but i kinda wanna wait with that until Gaia has a better dark move than bite
The ghost gym, which i could do but... see my above comment about the psychic gym...
The fighting squad, but the only team members that would be effective there are Sana and Hecate and both of them are only around level 35
and The ice gym, for which i only have Hestia and she isn't even evolved yet (well i also have Aphrodite but if i somehow loose her I'm gonna be screwed in against the fairy squad because i don't think Hephaestus can solo that)
soo... anyway see you (hopefully) tomorrow for the Fairy squad...
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Themis the Oinkologne (lvl 2-36)
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Persephone the Bramblin (lvl 26-39)
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Athena the Primeape (lvl 15-41)
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Amphitrite the Finizen (lvl 39-49)
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stuckonvenus · 2 years
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Love In the Time of Calderas, Vol. III
No one ever said marriage was easy; and Madisen certainly hadn’t gotten that impression from his own folks, but if he knew there would be nights like this — where all they could think to do was argue about nothing until they were coughing up blood, maybe he wouldn’t have been so quick to the draw proposing only but three years ago. He loved Posey. More than anything he loved her. But goddamn, did she know him too well. She knew when to pick a fight, where to hit first, and most importantly: where to land the final blow. And yet she was uniquely considerate about it. She never compared him to his father, even if it might’ve been justified, and she didn’t bring up the perfect marriage between his older brother and his wife, because everyone knew that was more of a farse than two teenagers who were stupidly in love with a couple hundred to splurge on a tacky wedding. 
“Holy fuck, you aren’t even listening,” Madisen combed his fingers through his hair before resting his hands on his hips. Posey was going on about how much overtime he was undertaking at work, accusing him of wanting to avoid her after their last altercation where she suggested he give up the ghost and try to get a real job that could support them both. Something practical. “I don’t wanna work at your dad’s shitty fucking law firm. Everyone knows all they do is defend murderers and rapists and — and fucking people who still listen to Nickelback—”
“Oh my God, all you do is shit on my dad, it’s so fucking exhausting,” Posey laughed humorlessly as she placed a palm on her forehead in disbelief. “Just because you have problems with yours doesn’t mean you get to drag mine down. He’s a good man who chose to defend people—”
Madisen didn’t let her finish before interjecting. “—who are literal scum of the earth, yeah,” he nodded along. “Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t asked him to defend me whenever we fight, considering what a villain I am every time.”
“You’re so dramatic,” she scoffed. “This is serious. I know you like what you do, but you have to start acting like an adult now, Madi. We can’t survive off of the two cases you get a month and my salary at a fucking coffee shop. I wanna get a house with you, I wanna have a real life that isn’t just hopping from apartment to apartment.”
“So we can only have a life if it’s happening behind a white picket fence?” he asked with raised brows. “I don’t know what you expect me to do. I’m going to school for this, I’m almost done with my degree, and two cases is a lot for someone my age. I’m doing more than half my class has in the last year, I’m certainly making more. Sorry that a fucking two bedroom apartment isn’t a Barbie Dreamhouse, but we’ve got time to make a life, Posey. There only time that’s being kept is by you.”
Posey began pacing the room out of frustration, unable to speak properly without forming the counter in her head first — which always gave her husband more time to ramble on. “You won’t even try,” she insisted. “We’re married, Madi, and everyone is expecting us to grow up and act like it because that was a choice we made. I want us comfortable. You know we both hate it here, we’re not even that close to campus or our friends, and if we moved uptown we’d be that much closer to our families.”
“I want us alive,” Madisen said, almost sounding pleading as he took a step toward her. “I don’t want to play house, Posey. I can’t do that. And I do like it here, actually, it’s not a bad place and I don’t have any fucking reason to want to be closer to my family.”
Her blue eyes blazed at him suddenly, and he could feel his heart do a somersault in his chest from the ice cold fear piercing his chest just then. “And my family doesn’t matter? Because I don’t have a reason to not like them?” she asked.
“That’s not what I said,” Madisen immediately denied. 
“It’s how you said it,” she said in return. “You want me to stay cowered here forever with you when there’s a whole world we’re missing out on because you just — you just want it to be the two of us!”
Madisen’s brows knitted together as he thought on her words, eventually shaking his head. “What’s so bad about that?” he asked genuinely, which made Posey’s eyes softened; out of pity, surely, because she wasn’t the kind of person to feel regret. She always meant everything she said. He rolled his shoulders before dropping them and giving a deep-seated sigh. Fuck. How did he still say stupid shit to girls, even when he was married to one? 
“... It can’t just be us, Madi,” she told him quietly. “We’ll drive each other even more crazy. You know that.”
He did. It was unreasonable for him to expect her to only want the two of them forever. Look how it’d gotten them so far. He might’ve put distance between himself and all the people he thought brought out the worst in him, but he’d never considered the idea that he did that on his very own. God, how could she stand him sometimes? When he couldn’t even stand himself? Maybe that’s what soulmates were for; loving someone even when you don’t know how, or for what. 
“So... What’s your plan, Pose? I get a job back in Washington and settle down like my douchebag brother and act like life is perfect?” he asked.
Posey stared up at him. “I don’t have a plan. I haven’t had a plan since the day we got married, Madi. And all I wanted was a life with you, not... An existence. Because that’s all we do. We eat and sleep and breathe but we don’t do anything else. You’re gone or I am, or both of us, and we miss each other but not enough to change what’s obviously broken. So — maybe my plan is to have one... One without you.”
Madisen could feel the world collapse inside his chest at her words. Before he could open his mouth to respond, he stumbled where he stood, a blast from six hundred miles away quaking their tiny studio apartment and threatening the foundation underneath them. He leaned against the wall with one hand whenever the tremors stopped from below, and before he could reach forward Posey already had her hand on the remote.
“You know what they’ve been saying, haven’t you?” she asked, panic masking the defeat that was evident in her voice moments earlier. “About that caldera at Yellowstone. You don’t think—?”
As the television buzzed to life, they both watched, side by side, as an anchorman nervously delivered breaking news of an eruption at Yellowstone National Park. He could feel it. The moment where his whole life was changing. He thought it was intense enough when he was getting married, but this was an entirely new kind of fear. Camera footage displayed on screen showed the decimated caldera and everything that was being destroyed in its path. His eyes flickered instinctively to the bottom of the screen, where he could read a reel of the potentially most vulnerable areas would be. He knew that they weren’t close enough for an immediate order of evacuation, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to wait for some government official to tell them when they could leave.
“Come on,” Madisen as he took ahold of Posey’s hand and led her to their bedroom. “We’ll go out to the coast. Malibu or something. Make another honeymoon out of it.” As if that were the cure-all to calling it quits and the end of the world.
Posey followed along, still partially in shock. “Madi, we — we can’t leave them behind,” she spoke up eventually. “My parents, yours... We have to call them, make sure they’re okay. Oh, God, my mom’s in Cheyenne for a conference... Madi, oh my God.” 
Madisen froze where he stood and swallowed thickly. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He still felt the intense urge to flee, but heavier was the instinct to comfort his wife. He enveloped her in his arms and pressed her in close to his chest, to where maybe their heartbeats would synchronize and she would find peace like she always seemed to whenever she would let him hold her like this. 
“... Posey. Posey,” he said softly, stroking her ginger locks tenderly. “I know. It’ll — it’ll be okay. We don’t have to do anything right now. Just take a deep breath, okay?” he said and pulled away so he could cradle her head in his hands. “We’re going to be okay.”
She began shaking her head, unable to deny him even if she didn’t want to believe. “What am I going to do, Madi?” she asked him weakly. “I — I don’t know anything but you. What am I supposed to do?”
He chewed on his lower lip as he looked down at her, stroking away the tears that fell from her waterline with the pad of his thumb. “Let’s just make it through today, and we’ll worry about the rest tomorrow,” he said. This was as calm as he’d ever be again, but he didn’t know that yet. All he knew was that he had to keep her for as long as he could, until she finally let go. And that day would come, but in that moment, they were together, at the end of the world, and that’s all he ever envisioned for them anyway.
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